
  1. 1. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
  2. 4. The plan that documents the expenses and income.
  3. 5. Type of meeting involving the discussion of a topic between teachers and students.
  4. 9. The quality that empowers and encourages others.
  5. 11. The skill of making decisions effectively.
  6. 13. The head of the team.
  7. 14. The chart describing the estimated times of the project.
  1. 2. Important to manage this limitation.
  2. 3. The person who advises or trains others.
  3. 4. Meeting that addresses new policies and new information.
  4. 6. Important to identify then solve these.
  5. 7. The teaching of a skill.
  6. 8. Common occurrence in the workplace.
  7. 10. The process of inducting somebody to their new job.
  8. 12. Important to manage this feeling in the workplace.
  9. 15. A cohesive, collaborative group that shares a common goal.