Matura-Voc Part 1

  1. 3. having or showing knowledge or understnding or realization
  2. 5. contrived by art rather than nature
  3. 7. in a clumsy manner
  4. 9. take to be the case or to be true
  5. 10. take in a liquid
  6. 11. clearly revealed to the mind
  7. 13. a positive feeling of liking
  8. 15. weapons
  9. 16. cruel or inhumne treatment
  10. 17. have an influence upon
  11. 18. an unpleasant emotion in anticipation of a misfortune
  12. 19. make different
  1. 1. the state of being very annoyed
  2. 2. the formal act of giving agreement or permission
  3. 3. not quite exact
  4. 4. a feeling of delighted approval and liking
  5. 6. in a terrible manner
  6. 7. take into one's family
  7. 8. a vguely specified socil event
  8. 9. every year
  9. 12. blame for
  10. 14. forsake
  11. 15. in a sufficient mnner
  12. 17. come into the possession of something