Our Four Years

  1. 1. The road where we first kissed
  2. 4. A title of mine
  3. 8. Eaten many a time in the streets of Genoa
  4. 10. Me, tired
  5. 11. Me:You :: Early Bird:_______
  6. 12. Under the blankets in your room at Chuck Hollow
  7. 13. An uncle of mine
  8. 16. Your confirmation name, how you prefer it to be spelled
  9. 18. My three-year anniversary gift to you
  10. 19. One of your many nicknames
  11. 20. One of our first dates
  12. 21. My favorite holiday
  13. 22. World Cup winner 2018
  14. 24. Sometimes you think you’re a bad one
  15. 27. Your mom's third daughter, a permanent baby
  16. 28. Something we compete on
  17. 30. A language I know *slightly* better than you, maybe
  18. 33. One of the four attributes of a true babimer
  19. 34. One of the first nicknames
  20. 35. One of the four attributes of a true babimer
  21. 36. A less than great UVM professor
  22. 37. Chicken _____
  23. 40. "I miss you _____"
  24. 42. One of your many nicknames
  25. 44. An ideal work experience
  26. 47. He 'lives' at the Berkshire & Hathaway office near the gas station in Huntington that no one ever goes to
  27. 49. You sang this to me once or twice
  28. 50. Where a favorite city is, en español
  29. 52. Hunter is rumored to have killed her
  30. 53. The Dartmouth 'mascot'
  31. 57. A favorite podcast host
  32. 59. My grandpa that passed away
  33. 62. The secret weapon of the Bourgeoisie
  34. 63. Suffix with bab
  35. 64. A previously common nickname for the Avalon
  36. 65. Gaga and _____
  37. 67. Like your GPA
  38. 68. "__-__, listen what I say-oh"
  39. 69. A friend of Uncle Matt
  40. 72. A favored beverage
  41. 74. There are only two in the world
  42. 76. Dylan's middle name
  43. 77. An illness we both had in 2016
  44. 81. My street name
  45. 82. Where we met
  46. 85. One of the four attributes of a true babimer
  47. 86. You
  48. 87. The first podcaster you introduced me to
  49. 89. Take me here one day
  50. 90. The movie we watched together before we started dating
  51. 91. The number of miles between our colleges
  52. 92. Over the summer I missed your _____
  1. 2. Better chicken
  2. 3. No, in Russian
  3. 5. A less favorite (but still good) podcast host
  4. 6. A favorite spot in Paris
  5. 7. Good chicken
  6. 9. "_____," said Jillian on Oct. 31, 2016
  7. 14. My confirmation name
  8. 15. Your favorite holiday
  9. 17. Attending UVM makes you one
  10. 23. We met her at Matt's screening event
  11. 25. _____ Marcus Aurelius III
  12. 26. "I want to spend the rest of my _____ with you"
  13. 29. My first dog
  14. 31. Where we may be in 2022
  15. 32. Yes, in Russian
  16. 38. A favorite spot in Petersburg
  17. 39. The OG zevia flavor
  18. 40. A potential third true babimer
  19. 41. My two-year anniversary gift to you
  20. 43. Some soft things
  21. 44. The most beautiful beach evening happened here
  22. 45. Brooke's middle name
  23. 46. A great UVM professor
  24. 48. One of the four attributes of a true babimer
  25. 51. He has become nicer after a teethy encounter
  26. 54. "_____," said Timothy on Oct. 31, 2015
  27. 55. You are two degrees of separation from him
  28. 56. One of the many languages you know better than I
  29. 58. A great U2 track
  30. 60. It hurts your elbow sometimes
  31. 61. Something I love about UVM
  32. 62. Kind veggies, or a capital city
  33. 66. What we read everyday, in my lingo
  34. 70. A class I took, sillily
  35. 71. Makes me _____
  36. 73. What we read everyday, in your lingo
  37. 75. The eye color I hope Luka has, if he ever exists
  38. 78. My middle name
  39. 79. Something played in Ajaccio
  40. 80. Something we'll grow old playing together
  41. 83. We saw it at Robert Moses with Cassie
  42. 84. A really kind thing
  43. 85. Where the name Luka comes from
  44. 88. Something we'll play together until we grow old