Phrasal Verbs - Unit 01

  1. 2. I don't want to [?] you down.(decepcionar, desapontar)
  2. 3. My first relationship didn't [?] out. (funcionou, deu certo)dog Man's best friend
  3. 6. He was so weak that he couldn't [?] up. (levantar, ficar de pé)
  4. 7. My brother [?] up an excuse because he didn’t want to go. (inventou, criou)
  5. 8. We can’t [?] on living like this. (continuar)
  6. 9. You need to [?] up early. (levantar, ficar de pé)
  7. 11. [?] on a minute while I get ready. (espere, aguarde, aguenta aí)
  8. 14. If you go on like this you'll [?] up in prison. (vai acabar/parar)
  9. 15. How did you [?] out about the party? (descobriu)
  10. 16. She wasn't willing to [?] up the subject. (mencionar)
  11. 17. I [?] forward to hearing from you. (espero ansiosamente, não vejo a hora)
  12. 19. She [?] the TV on. (ligou)
  1. 1. The match was [?] off because of bad weather. (cancelado, suspendido)
  2. 4. He was walking so fast I couldn’t [?] up with him. (acompanhar)
  3. 5. He [?] up smoking two years ago. (desistiu)
  4. 7. She has just [?] in with her boyfriend. (mudar-se, instalar-se)
  5. 10. I am [?] of you. (pensando em)
  6. 12. Your parents need to [?] with these problems. (lidar com)
  7. 13. Can you [?] me up from the airport? (buscar, pegar)
  8. 18. She was [?] over by a car. (atropelada)