Redeemer - Week 2 - Neuma Kids

  1. 2. “Remember how it was in the days of ____. It will be the same when the Son of Man comes." - Luke 17:26 (NIRV)
  2. 3. "She is going to have a son. You must give him the name ____. That’s because he will save his people from their sins.” - Matt 1:21 (NIRV)
  3. 5. "Pairs of all living creatures that breathe came to Noah and entered the ___." - Genesis 7:15 (NIRV)
  4. 6. "Noah did everything just as God ____ him." - Genesis 6:22 (NIRV)
  1. 1. "God has ____ us." - 2 Timothy 1:9a
  2. 4. "But Noah preached about the right way to live. God kept him ____. He also saved seven others." - 2 Peter 2:5b (NIRV)