
  1. 1. : thing u put pasta in to eat
  2. 2. sauce : dark white sauce
  3. 6. : to evaporate some of the liquid or thickness.
  4. 7. : opposite of thin
  5. 9. the mommy one
  6. 10. (chemistry term + butter)
  7. 12. : Stuff you put into food to make it flavorful.
  8. 14. white mother sauce
  9. 15. : sauce for breakfast food mostly butter
  10. 17. : stuff that gets left in the pan
  1. 1. : Base of other sauces
  2. 3. : combination of flour and fat
  3. 4. : Sauce with tomato
  4. 5. : under a boil
  5. 6. : directions on how to cook
  6. 8. : to mix something
  7. 11. : opposite of thick.
  8. 12. child of mother sauces
  9. 13. : browning or carmelizing the outside of something
  10. 16. : good with chips