
  1. 3. A large outdoor fire, often associated with gatherings in cooler seasons.
  2. 4. The process of frozen things becoming liquid as temperatures rise.
  3. 8. A heavy, warm coat often worn during cold winter months.
  4. 10. The point in the year when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky.
  5. 12. The season that comes after winter, often associated with blooming flowers and warmer weather.
  6. 13. Clothing designed for swimming and water activities, often worn in summer.
  7. 14. The time when day and night are of equal length, occurring twice a year.
  8. 15. The coldest season of the year, often with snow and shorter daylight hours.
  1. 1. The seasonal movement of animals from one region to another.
  2. 2. The process of flowers opening and blooming.
  3. 5. The gathering of crops and fruits at the end of the growing season.
  4. 6. A lotion or cream applied to the skin to protect it from the sun's rays.
  5. 7. A thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces when temperatures drop.
  6. 9. The warmest season of the year, characterized by longer daylight hours.
  7. 11. The season that follows summer, known for falling leaves and cooler temperatures.