SLS Faculty

  1. 1. Soli Deo Gloria...
  2. 2. 50 years and counting...
  3. 6. Has taken surfing trips to Costa Rica and Puerto Rico...
  4. 7. "Old man river..."...
  5. 10. Hangs pictures of Richard Feynman...
  6. 11. "Make good choices"...
  7. 12. Adopt or die...
  8. 13. I have an ADORABLE puppy named Pippa!...
  9. 15. Simon says, "Name this person who becomes really mean when he becomes Simon."
  10. 16. Swimming...
  11. 17. Has been in 3 earthquakes in 3 different countries (and survived)...
  12. 18. Enjoys hiking out of a big ditch...
  13. 19. Rooting for the saints y'all...
  1. 1. Salve Regina...
  2. 3. Reportedly sleeps at SLS...
  3. 4. My name rhymes with fraction...
  4. 5. Graduated from SLS in 2011...
  5. 8. Neither single nor married...
  6. 9. Moonlights as a wedding singer...
  7. 12. Swim coach...
  8. 14. "You have my permission to study over the weekend for a test on Tuesday. You don't have to wait until Monday night!"...
  9. 16. I was Vice President of Student Council when I attended SLS...
  10. 19. nothing goes airborne...