Spelling Words - Words with VV Pattern - 9.1

  1. 2. We read the long ______ in class.
  2. 3. She learned how to play the ______.
  3. 7. A ______ wears red, white, and blue.
  4. 9. We kept ______ while the baby was sleeping.
  5. 10. Dad took a ______ at my ball game.
  6. 13. I went to school today, as ______.
  7. 14. ______ only has 28 days.
  8. 17. A ______ shower happened in space last night.
  9. 18. How many people are born in ______?
  10. 19. We got to see a ______ at the zoo.
  11. 20. Did you end the sentence with a ______?
  12. 22. What are you learning in ______ class?
  1. 1. What is your favorite breakfast ______?
  2. 4. She got to visit ______ last year.
  3. 5. We got to ______ a painting in art class.
  4. 6. I will wear cowboy boots to the ______.
  5. 8. I see black and white keys on a ______.
  6. 10. Driving a racecar requires good ______ skills.
  7. 11. I bought a new ______ at the store.
  8. 12. The ______ signed my book.
  9. 15. Mom turned on the ______ in the car.
  10. 16. Johnny found a ______ dinosaur bone outside.
  11. 19. My brother is a ______ at home.
  12. 21. I have a great ______!