
  1. 3. one of the school houses
  2. 5. in athletics
  3. 9. One of the year 6 sports
  4. 10. in athletics
  5. 11. One of the year 6 sports
  6. 13. school event
  7. 14. in athletics
  8. 16. school event
  9. 17. in athletics
  10. 18. One of the year 6 sports
  1. 1. one of the school houses
  2. 2. in athletics
  3. 3. school event
  4. 4. one of the school houses
  5. 6. one of the school houses
  6. 7. in athletics
  7. 8. one of the year 6 sports
  8. 12. One of the year 6 sports
  9. 15. one of the school houses
  10. 16. one of the school houses