
  1. 1. This state is most known for Mardi Gras
  2. 4. This state's capital is Phoenix
  3. 6. The first umbrella factory in the U.S.,was made in Baltimore,
  4. 7. Las Vegas is the biggest city in
  5. 10. The sunshine state
  6. 11. Nashville is located in
  7. 13. Honolulu is the capital of
  8. 14. Philadelphia is located in
  9. 16. Helium was discovered at the University of Kansas in
  10. 18. The first parking meter,was installed in Oklahoma City
  11. 19. The first electric traffic lights, were invented and installed in Cleveland
  1. 2. Jamestown is located in
  2. 3. The empire state
  3. 5. Salt Lake City
  4. 8. The Lone Star State
  5. 9. Hollywood is located in this state
  6. 12. Mount Rushmore is located in
  7. 15. The largest U.S. state is
  8. 17. The tallest building in the U.S. is in Chicago
  9. 18. State where the Kentucky Derby takes place
  10. 20. The peach State