TB7 Unit 1 - Vocab Review

  1. 5. It's much colder that summer.
  2. 6. It's by far the prettiest season.
  3. 8. A recreational activity that involves moving over snow by the use of a pair of long, flat runners.
  4. 10. It's a little less colder than winter.
  1. 1. It's far hotter than winter.
  2. 2. A sport in which riders stand on a long board and ride down a mountain through snow
  3. 3. A ball game usually played by two people. You have to hit a ball over a net using a racket.
  4. 4. the activity of traveling or sliding downhill over snow on a sled.
  5. 7. racing in a small four-wheel vehicle.
  6. 9. The sport or activity of paddling a light, narrow boat.