- 3. Was promised he would stand up for his lot at the end of the days. (Daniel Ch12)
- 4. He got Esther to intercede in behalf of the Jews. (Esther Ch4)
- 6. Jesus' blood speaks in a better way than his. (Hebrews Ch12)
- 8. His refusal to speak became like a burning fire shut up in his bones. (Jeremiah Ch20)
- 9. Jehovah plagued Pharaoh because of her. (Genesis Ch17)
- 11. By faith she did not perish with those who acted disobediently. (Hebrews Ch11)
- 13. He told 30 men a riddle. (Judges Ch14)
- 14. She and Leah "built the house of Israel." (Ruth Ch4)
- 17. He went on walking with the true God three hundred years. (Genesis Ch5)
- 18. Paul called him "my beloved and faithful child." (1 Corinthians Ch4)
- 19. He was told to read in an undertone the book of the law. (Joshua Ch1)
- 1. He said the "vision is for the time of the end." (Daniel Ch8)
- 2. He watered but God kept making it grow. (1 Corinthians Ch3)
- 5. He courageously spied out the land of Canaan. (Numbers Ch13)
- 7. Solomon's mother. (1 Kings Ch11)
- 10. A Cypriot native whose name means Son of Comfort. (Acts Ch4)
- 12. She made a sleeveless coat for her son every year. (1 Samuel Ch2)
- 15. He said: " my vital energy." (Habakkuk Ch3)
- 16. He chose for himself the whole District of the Jordan. (Genesis Ch13)