The Castle in the Attic Vocabulary Chapters 9-17

  1. 1. incapable of being avoided
  2. 3. to speak out in anger
  3. 5. a braced frame serving as a support
  4. 6. not appealing to the taste
  5. 10. an unusual or unexpected sight like a ghost
  6. 11. A withered old woman
  7. 12. being under or as under a curse
  8. 14. any of various machines for hoisting or hauling
  9. 16. marked by caution when trying to escape danger
  1. 2. a sharp and harsh or unpleasant in taste
  2. 4. having many parts or elements
  3. 7. marked by a lack of civility or graciousness
  4. 8. made of steel
  5. 9. a surrounding area or district
  6. 12. to agree to something after thoughtful consideration
  7. 13. to decrease in size, extent, or degree
  8. 15. disagreeably harsh or strident