The four seasons, the weather and clothes.

  1. 1. I wear this on my neck.
  2. 3. It´s cold and snowy.
  3. 5. in the summer its very_____.
  4. 6. I wear this to go swimming.
  5. 7. It´s warm and rainy.
  6. 10. hat/ I wear this on my head when its cold.
  7. 11. It´s cool and the leaves are brown.
  8. 13. I wear these on my feet when its hot.
  9. 15. Blue trousers.
  1. 2. I wear this when its rainy.
  2. 4. It´s hot and sunny.
  3. 6. its sunny I wear these on my eyes.
  4. 8. In the winter it´s very _____.
  5. 9. I wear these on my hands when it´s cold.
  6. 12. I fly my kite when it´s like this.
  7. 14. I wear these on my feet when it´s rainy.