The Spill 08/27/20

  1. 5. The ___________ machine was used to make German codes.
  2. 6. The Republican ___________ Convention is on this week.
  3. 7. The National ___________ has been called in to stop violence in some states.
  4. 9. An antique coding machine was mistaken for a ___________.
  5. 10. Donald Trump is expected to talk about law and ___________ leading up to the next election.
  1. 1. Melania Trump is an ___________ to America.
  2. 2. The Wehrmacht were branches of the ___________ army.
  3. 3. The state of ___________ is facing protests and violence.
  4. 4. President Trump was nominated to run for a ___________ term.
  5. 8. Alan Turing worked on a machine to ___________ secret messages.