things fall apart vocabulary chap 1-6

  1. 1. clearly
  2. 4. another way of doing it
  3. 6. looking unwell
  4. 11. nervously
  5. 13. un ecerned
  6. 19. fever
  7. 20. stream
  8. 24. not quiet
  9. 25. unsure; nervous
  10. 27. spoiled; poisoned
  11. 29. to show repentance
  12. 30. smooth gun
  13. 31. to make amends
  14. 32. the man was a in high status
  15. 33. saying farewell
  16. 35. strictly; force
  17. 37. in initial stage
  18. 39. thick underground part
  19. 40. town speaker
  20. 41. being correct
  21. 42. lack of good sense
  22. 44. excited and uncontrolled
  23. 47. a thing you fly
  24. 49. involving contradiction
  25. 51. the man was wise he was a
  26. 52. grim persistence
  27. 54. can be justified
  28. 55. change of behavior
  29. 59. upward movement
  30. 60. gross death
  1. 2. way things work
  2. 3. assuming power or authority
  3. 5. wish to do evil things
  4. 7. uncertain
  5. 8. luxury
  6. 9. north wind
  7. 10. kindly
  8. 12. spiral plant
  9. 14. to be in conflict
  10. 15. clothes, style
  11. 16. off hand speach or manner
  12. 17. work place force
  13. 18. climb
  14. 21. separated from body
  15. 22. about to happen
  16. 23. amusement
  17. 26. person sent on special mission
  18. 28. not canny
  19. 34. high or drunk
  20. 36. liquid left in container
  21. 38. convince someone to act a way
  22. 40. deserving contempt
  23. 43. field
  24. 45. un provident
  25. 46. great excretion
  26. 48. excitement
  27. 50. worst thing to happen
  28. 53. gaining advantages
  29. 56. not quite right
  30. 57. deep respect
  31. 58. lacking quantities