UI3 - Chemistry

  1. 4. : it doesn't catches fire on its own.
  2. 5. :These are formed from the dead remains of living organisms.
  3. 7. :Substances which have very low ignition temperature and can catch fire pretty easily.
  4. 8. : used for making ointments, candles, etc.
  5. 9. : the amount of energy produced on complete combustion of 1kg of a fuel.
  6. 10. : a dark oily liquid with unpleasant odour.
  1. 1. :full form of (kJ/kg)
  2. 2. :It is readily available, cheap and burns easily.
  3. 3. :substances which vapourise during burning, gives what?
  4. 6. :Resources which are present in unlimited quantity.
  5. 9. : least polluting fuel for vehicle.