Unit 10 Vocabulary Review

  1. 1. to act in a crazy or irresponsible way (2,2,3)
  2. 2. Don't forget to _____ Eduardo in when you send the email.
  3. 5. supposed to be
  4. 7. You can _____ a bike for only 10 euro a day.
  5. 10. to ________ a get-together/do
  6. 11. to have a shower/shave/change clothes/put on make-up
  7. 13. I'm always putting my _____ foot in it.
  8. 16. to ___________ a party
  9. 17. phrasal verb to socialise informally
  10. 18. I hadn't _______ that you knew my sister.
  1. 1. What time did Peggy ______ for the party?(4,2)
  2. 3. cause upset or anger in a large group of people
  3. 4. Don't be so serious! You should try to ___ the funny side.
  4. 6. phrasal verb to ask someone to come to your house (6,4)
  5. 8. I would love to _____ you out for dinner on Saturday.
  6. 9. When you have no idea about something, you don't have a _____
  7. 12. an angry/embarrassed silence
  8. 14. Suddenly she just _______ out laughing.
  9. 15. When is her baby ______?
  10. 17. We ______ a crazy night last night you wouldn't believe it.