  1. 4. verb that means To create, building or producing something
  2. 5. Preposition
  3. 6. Personal Pronoum
  4. 7. Comparative form for an Irregular adjective
  5. 10. Object Pronoum
  6. 11. Verb TO GO in past
  7. 12. Ask about people
  8. 14. Ask about reasons
  9. 15. superlative phrase that goes with long adjectives
  10. 20. modal verb to express a logical deduction
  11. 21. Irregular adjective
  12. 22. Personal Pronoum
  13. 23. Ask about places
  14. 24. Ask about things
  15. 27. Object Pronoum
  16. 31. Modal Verb to Express that something is totally impossible
  17. 32. Object Pronoum
  18. 33. verb that means to perform an action, activity or task.
  19. 34. Auxiliar Verb
  20. 35. It is when the HEAD hurts
  21. 38. Verb TO BE in present
  22. 39. Object Pronoum
  23. 40. Verb used to ask for opinion
  24. 42. Irregular adjective
  25. 44. Auxiliar Verb
  26. 45. Personal Pronoum
  1. 1. comparative form for tall
  2. 2. Personal Pronoum
  3. 3. Modal Verb to Express possibilities
  4. 6. Superlative form for an Irregular adjective -2 words-
  5. 8. Pronoum -in plural-
  6. 9. Ask about manner
  7. 12. Verb TO BE in past
  8. 13. Object Pronoum
  9. 16. Verb TO HAVE in past
  10. 17. Modal Verb to Express possibilities
  11. 18. Superlative form for an Irregular adjective -2 words-
  12. 19. Verb TO HAVE in present
  13. 20. comparative phrase that goes with long adjectives
  14. 25. Object Pronoum
  15. 26. superlative form for old (2 words)
  16. 28. Modal Verb to ask for permission
  17. 29. Comparative form for an Irregular adjective
  18. 30. prefer Modal expression to talk about preferences
  19. 34. Ask about time
  20. 35. Verb TO HAVE in present
  21. 36. Verb TO BE in present
  22. 37. Modal Verb to Express possibilities
  23. 38. Ending letters for Gerund Verbs
  24. 41. Preposition
  25. 43. Auxiliar Verb