WCBA Beekeeping Week 7

  1. 2. A service that beekeepers can offer to farmers (e.g. for almonds).
  2. 3. Four established frames of a hive sold to beekeepers.
  3. 4. ___ build up during Jan/Feb to increase colony numbers.
  4. 6. Boards and bricks, to feed during the early season build up.
  5. 9. Nectar dearth begins when ___ ends.
  6. 10. Apitherapy utilizes what bee product?
  7. 11. In winter, reduce entrance to ___ of an inch.
  8. 13. From September 15th until November 15th, sugar syrup ratio.
  9. 16. It’s a good time to raise queens in this month.
  10. 17. An alcoholic drink utilizing honey.
  11. 22. ___ season; can occur as early as February, but typically Mar/Apr.
  12. 23. Also called “bee glue”.
  13. 24. Bees create heat by doing this in the winter. We do this too.
  1. 1. Overwinter with your best ___; plural.
  2. 2. Less expensive option than nucs, but more work involved.
  3. 5. Fed to all larva, for a while at least.
  4. 7. Bee saliva and honey ferment to become this.
  5. 8. Collected from plants and packed into their corbicula.
  6. 12. Condition where brood next have honey/nectar, no room for eggs.
  7. 14. Produced by glands on the bee’s underside.
  8. 15. From August 1st until September 15th, sugar syrup ratio.
  9. 18. Month where the first inspection tends to occur, between 60-70F.
  10. 19. The Major Honey Flow occurs sometime in this month.
  11. 20. Hives need 60-80 lb of this during the winter.
  12. 21. Apivar, Apiguard, Formic Pro, and Oxalic Acid are all forms of ___.
  13. 22. Any topside hive box over a brood chamber for storing honey.