
  1. 1. The #1 hard red winter wheat producing state.
  2. 3. Country from which the Mennonites lef to come to Kansas.
  3. 4. when flour and water are mixed toether they form this...
  4. 6. Gives off carbon dioxide to make bread rise
  5. 7. A snack made from soft red winter wheat.
  6. 9. another name for germ
  7. 11. The pasta wheat.
  8. 12. Food source for the germinating seed
  9. 13. The living portion of the seed.
  10. 15. The Dakota where most Durum is grown.
  11. 16. The seed coat.
  1. 2. Used to lubricate the gluten strands in bread making.
  2. 5. Bread that hasn't risen.
  3. 8. Item neeeded for germination.
  4. 10. An ingredient in bread making that is the food source for yeast.
  5. 13. The protein in wheat that makes dough stretchy
  6. 14. Ground-up endosperm