
  1. 3. there is one boss and many of these
  2. 6. not close
  3. 8. something to clean your mouth
  4. 11. feel like there is no one with you
  5. 13. soap for your clothes
  6. 17. the sound of a person
  7. 19. nice to everyone
  8. 20. nobody but you
  1. 1. something for your skin
  2. 2. something to clean between your teeth
  3. 4. soap to wash your hair
  4. 5. always say please and thank you
  5. 7. Cocacola comes in cans and this
  6. 9. something not good
  7. 10. place to run and jump at school
  8. 12. place outside of a house
  9. 14. more
  10. 15. something not to put on your head or you'll die
  11. 16. to see something for the first time
  12. 18. game over