
4. structures with the same function, but are structurally different
6. individuals that can interbreed and reproduce viable offspring
8. variety of species
10. study of embryos that can be used as evidence of common ancestry
12. physical appearance of a trait
14. random event causes a change in allele frequency
15. type of reproduction that results in genetically identical offspring
16. how often an allele appears in a population
17. differences in genes
18. formation of new species
1. random change in DNA sequence
2. type of reproduction that results in genetically unique offspring
3. structures that show common ancestry
5. mechanism of evolution where species that have traits most fit for their environment reproduce
7. members of the same species that live in the same geographic area
9. heritable changes in a species or population over generations
11. structures that have are remnants of an ancestor, but no longer have a necessary function
13. trait that helps an organism survive in its environment