Robbie Mahoney

3. A negatively charged ion
5. A substance composed of more than 1 element
7. Outer shell electron type. Forms bonds with other atoms
9. Diagrams/Structures showing the bond/valence electrons of an element.
11. Equation that shows the products and the reactants
13. A single complex compound breaks down into simpler atoms
15. Neutral Sub-Atomic particle
19. One element replaces another element in a compound
20. Act of having the reactant and products equate each other numerically
21. the production of chemical compounds by reaction from simpler materials.
1. Bond between a non-metal and metal atom
2. Equation type that show the products and reactants completely balanced.
4. Two compounds react and the cation and the anion of the two reactants switch places
6. Positive Sub-Atomic particle
8. Bond between two atoms that are non-metallic
10. A positively charged ion
12. + H2O Product of Combustion (The Equation) (Has a + in it)
14. Measures how much energy an atom has
16. A method to help find the chemical formula of Ionic compounds
17. Equation type that simply shows the products and reactants. Unbalanced
18. Negative Sub-Atomic particle