Unit 2 Simcox

1. soldier prophets
7. God's chosen people
8. type of suffering that Christ went through the most
10. Jacob's son
11. one of he prophets who predicted Christ as the Good Shepherd
15. the physical sign of the covenant with Abraham
18. cleansed the Earth and brought about a new creation
19. Israel's 1st king
20. conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel
22. means "anointed one"
23. washes away Original Sin
24. symbol of a period of trial, testing, penance and preparation in the Bible
1. prophesied Herod's massacre of the children
2. king appointed after Saul
3. spared the firstborn of the Israelite's by substituting a sacrificial lamb
4. "first gospel"
5. priestly tribe in Israel
6. anoints the first king of Israel
9. immediate reason for Christ's supreme Sacrifice
12. prophesied Jesus' birth
13. in ancient Israel, the ransom sent by the 1st son
14. led the Israelite's into the promise land through bloody conquest
16. symbol of Noah's covenant
17. Old Testament figure, serving as a prefigurement of Christ
21. I am who I am