cartoon Crossword Puzzles

What Do You Like? 2019-03-18

What Do You Like? crossword puzzle
  1. soup
  2. cartoon
  3. movie
  4. salad
  1. cap
  2. yogurt
  3. soymilk
  4. visor

8 Clues: capsoupvisormoviesaladyogurtsoymilkcartoon

181-200 po niemiecku 2013-07-26

181-200 po niemiecku crossword puzzle
  1. kaseta
  2. staranny, dokładny
  3. film animowany
  4. parking
  5. komiks
  6. uważny
  7. zboże
  8. telefon komórkowy
  9. gród, warownia
  1. sufit
  2. jaskinia, jama
  3. magnetofon kasetowy
  4. marchewka
  5. marchew
  6. karta
  7. kot
  8. auto
  9. dywan
  10. zamek
  11. cent

20 Clues: kotautocentsufitkartadywanzamekzbożekasetakomiksuważnymarchewparkingmarchewkajaskinia, jamafilm animowanygród, warowniatelefon komórkowystaranny, dokładnymagnetofon kasetowy

Unidad 2 Leccion 2 2016-03-15

Unidad 2 Leccion 2 crossword puzzle
  1. newsbroadcast
  2. feature
  3. classifiedad
  4. deadline
  5. closedcaptioningforthehearingimpared
  6. editorial
  7. editor
  8. tvviewer
  9. interview
  10. shortdocumentary
  11. access
  1. column
  2. personalad
  3. telethon
  4. review
  5. mailing
  6. quote
  7. graphic
  8. cartoon
  9. taperecorder
  10. audience
  11. issue
  12. headline

23 Clues: quoteissuecolumnrevieweditoraccessfeaturemailinggraphiccartoontelethondeadlineaudiencetvviewerheadlineeditorialinterviewpersonaladclassifiedadtaperecordernewsbroadcastshortdocumentaryclosedcaptioningforthehearingimpared

Synonyms for Steve Jobs 2014-09-29

Synonyms for Steve Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. Retailer
  2. Infant
  3. Resign
  4. Surgery
  5. Purchased
  6. Revolutionary
  7. Youth
  8. Started
  9. Skip
  1. Disclose
  2. Intelligent
  3. Comparable
  4. Reconstructing
  5. Tumour
  6. Innovative
  7. Passed-away
  8. Removed
  9. Animation-Film

18 Clues: SkipYouthInfantResignTumourSurgeryRemovedStartedDiscloseRetailerPurchasedComparableInnovativeIntelligentPassed-awayRevolutionaryReconstructingAnimation-Film

Synonyms from Steve Jobs Biography 2014-09-29

Synonyms from Steve Jobs Biography crossword puzzle
  1. Comparable
  2. Intelligent
  3. Started
  4. Purchased
  5. Innovative
  6. Tumour
  7. Disclose
  8. Reconstructing
  1. Retailer
  2. Animation-Film
  3. Resign
  4. Youth
  5. Removed
  6. Surgery
  7. Revolutionary
  8. Passed-Away
  9. Infant
  10. Skip

18 Clues: SkipYouthResignInfantTumourRemovedSurgeryStartedRetailerDisclosePurchasedComparableInnovativeIntelligentPassed-AwayRevolutionaryAnimation-FilmReconstructing

Bridgett Tejada 2018-09-27

Bridgett Tejada crossword puzzle
  1. ananimator
  2. tvviewer
  3. the news
  4. madefortvmovie
  5. aremotecontrol
  6. amusicshow
  7. apresenter
  8. tv show
  9. musicprogram
  10. aweatherreporter
  11. oncable
  1. cartoon
  2. bysatellite
  3. arealityshow
  4. anadvertisement
  5. ananimator
  6. reporterofsport
  7. apresenter
  8. asoapopera
  9. agameshow

20 Clues: cartoontv showoncabletvviewerthe newsagameshowananimatorananimatorapresenteramusicshowasoapoperaapresenterbysatellitearealityshowmusicprogrammadefortvmoviearemotecontrolanadvertisementreporterofsportaweatherreporter

Hitched! 2024-05-08

Hitched! crossword puzzle
  1. Something the you'll definitely see Aisha do later
  2. What can the bride NOT do without?
  3. Where will couple eventually move to?
  4. Thing Sekani is passionate about
  5. Where did Aisha & Sekani meet?
  6. Whose birthday is today?
  7. Groom's favorite cartoon / cartoon character
  8. Where did Sekani propose to Aisha?
  9. Who is more competitive?
  10. Bride's favorite genre of music
  1. Groom's favorite snack
  2. One of Sekani's favorite things about Aisha
  3. 2025 NBA Champions!
  4. Aisha's favorite dessert
  5. Profession Aisha considered before becoming a nurse
  6. Groom's favorite type of music
  7. Jasmine's favorite store
  8. Aisha's nickname for Jasmine
  9. Bride's middle name
  10. 1st country couple visited together
  11. What is Sekani allergic to?
  12. Number of years the couple have been together

22 Clues: 2025 NBA Champions!Bride's middle nameGroom's favorite snackAisha's favorite dessertJasmine's favorite storeWhose birthday is today?Who is more competitive?What is Sekani allergic to?Aisha's nickname for JasmineGroom's favorite type of musicWhere did Aisha & Sekani meet?Bride's favorite genre of musicThing Sekani is passionate about...

Let's Go 6 lesson 14 2016-05-23

Let's Go 6 lesson 14 crossword puzzle
  1. komedia
  2. kauhu-
  3. elokuva
  4. ohjelma
  5. dokumentti
  6. animaatio
  7. uutiset
  8. seikkailu
  1. sarjakuva, piirretty
  2. murha
  3. ennuste
  4. tieteis-
  5. mysteeri
  6. toiminta
  7. romantiikka
  8. tv-kanava
  9. näytelmä

17 Clues: murhakauhu-komediaennusteelokuvaohjelmauutisettieteis-mysteeritoimintanäytelmäanimaatiotv-kanavaseikkailudokumenttiromantiikkasarjakuva, piirretty

Lesson 21A 2016-12-05

Lesson 21A crossword puzzle
  1. child
  2. animated character
  3. contain
  4. trinket
  5. sail
  6. cook
  7. spot on skin
  8. not tight
  9. street
  10. ruby
  11. blame
  12. adhere
  1. decide
  2. discombobulate
  3. sight
  4. carry out
  5. path
  6. suppose
  7. wind instrument
  8. not win

20 Clues: sailpathcookrubychildsightblamedecidestreetadherecontaintrinketsupposenot wincarry outnot tightspot on skindiscombobulatewind instrumentanimated character

NAME:............................................................ 2022-03-31

NAME:............................................................ crossword puzzle
  1. kreskówka
  2. postać
  3. muzeum
  4. galeria sztuki
  5. fotografia
  6. kompozytor
  7. projektować, projekt
  8. dreszczowiec
  9. rozdział
  1. film dokumentalny
  2. fabuła
  3. opowiadanie
  4. powieść
  5. bajka
  6. tom
  7. słowa piosenki
  8. pracownia malarska
  9. komedia romantyczna
  10. poezja
  11. artysta

20 Clues: tombajkafabułapostaćmuzeumpoezjapowieśćartystarozdziałkreskówkafotografiakompozytoropowiadaniedreszczowiecgaleria sztukisłowa piosenkifilm dokumentalnypracownia malarskakomedia romantycznaprojektować, projekt

unit 4 vocabulary 2022-01-09

unit 4 vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. film akcji
  2. ekran
  3. film dokumentalny
  4. rozrywka
  5. romans
  6. odcinek
  7. widownia
  8. grać w filmie/teatrze
  9. recenzja
  1. efekty specjalne
  2. występ
  3. science fiction
  4. przedstawienie
  5. dziwny
  6. baśń
  7. kraskówka
  8. serial
  9. przebój
  10. postać
  11. straszny

20 Clues: baśńekranwystępdziwnyserialpostaćromansprzebójodcinekrozrywkastrasznywidowniarecenzjakraskówkafilm akcjiprzedstawieniescience fictionefekty specjalnefilm dokumentalnygrać w filmie/teatrze

list 4.1 --el entretenimiento 2023-01-12

list 4.1 --el entretenimiento crossword puzzle
  1. genres
  2. cowboy
  3. movie
  4. tragedy
  5. scene
  6. science fiction
  7. series
  8. horror
  9. channel
  10. actress
  11. cartoon
  1. TV show
  2. comedy
  3. audience
  4. place
  5. movie theater
  6. ticket to get in
  7. movie star
  8. ticket
  9. adventure

20 Clues: moviesceneplacecomedygenrescowboyserieshorrorticketTV showtragedychannelactresscartoonaudienceadventuremovie starmovie theaterscience fictionticket to get in

Unit 2 Words 2020-10-28

Unit 2 Words crossword puzzle
  1. telekapult
  2. televaataja
  3. dokumentaalfilm
  4. teler
  5. digitaalne
  6. saade
  7. saatejuht
  1. telekava
  2. muusikakeskus
  3. ekraan
  4. võimas
  5. raadio
  6. kodukino
  7. tõsielusaade
  8. multifilm
  9. telekanal

16 Clues: telersaadeekraanvõimasraadiotelekavakodukinomultifilmtelekanalsaatejuhttelekapultdigitaalnetelevaatajatõsielusaademuusikakeskusdokumentaalfilm

Unit9_Arnas 2024-03-20

Unit9_Arnas crossword puzzle
  1. neįdomus
  2. antraštė
  3. scenarijus
  4. siužetas
  5. tirti
  6. nuspėjamas
  7. įtikinantis
  8. apžvalga
  1. muziklas
  2. pranešti
  3. įsimintinas
  4. redaktorius
  5. trileris
  6. komanda
  7. animacija
  8. straipsnis

16 Clues: tirtikomandamuziklasneįdomuspraneštiantraštėtrilerissiužetasapžvalgaanimacijascenarijusstraipsnisnuspėjamasįsimintinasredaktoriusįtikinantis

VOCA 기본 Day 3 2021-06-29

VOCA 기본 Day 3 crossword puzzle
  1. 건충
  2. 지도자
  3. 건강한
  4. 별명
  5. 섞다, 섞이다
  6. 총, 전체의
  7. 장면
  1. 상품
  2. 뿌리
  3. 마지막의
  4. 간단한
  5. 졸리는
  6. 만화
  7. (구몽 등을) 파다
  8. 경치
  9. 활동적인
  10. 코치

18 Clues: 상품뿌리건충만화경치별명코치장면간단한졸리는지도자건강한마지막의활동적인총, 전체의섞다, 섞이다(구몽 등을) 파다

Unit 2 2017-11-19

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. тщательный, осторожный
  2. награда
  3. быстрый
  4. достижение
  5. невозможный
  6. необходимо
  7. как следует
  8. аккуратно
  1. упорно
  2. медленный
  3. способность
  4. достигать
  5. чемпионат
  6. стремление, цель
  7. тренироваться
  8. лучший,высший
  9. мультфильм
  10. медаль

18 Clues: упорномедальнаградабыстрыймедленныйдостигатьчемпионатаккуратнодостижениемультфильмнеобходимоспособностьневозможныйкак следуеттренироватьсялучший,высшийстремление, цельтщательный, осторожный

Unit 2 2017-11-19

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. достигать
  2. чемпионат
  3. упорно
  4. награда
  5. необходимо
  6. невозможный
  7. тренироваться
  8. мультфильм
  9. лучший,высший
  10. быстрый
  1. достижение
  2. медаль
  3. стремление, цель
  4. как следует
  5. аккуратно
  6. способность
  7. тщательный, осторожный
  8. медленный

18 Clues: медальупорнонаградабыстрыйдостигатьчемпионатаккуратномедленныйдостижениенеобходимомультфильмкак следуетспособностьневозможныйтренироватьсялучший,высшийстремление, цельтщательный, осторожный

Unit17 2014-12-24

Unit17 crossword puzzle
  1. folgen
  2. Telefon
  3. halten
  4. schrecklich
  5. Sturm
  6. antworten
  7. niemand
  8. innen, hinein
  9. Verbrechen
  1. glauben
  2. Zeichentrickfilm
  3. über, hinüber
  4. sterben
  5. Western
  6. aufregend, faszinierend
  7. bei
  8. Geld
  9. Sofa, Couch

18 Clues: beiGeldSturmfolgenhaltenglaubenTelefonsterbenWesternniemandantwortenVerbrechenschrecklichSofa, Couchüber, hinüberinnen, hineinZeichentrickfilmaufregend, faszinierend

Tom And Jerry 2021-04-12

Tom And Jerry crossword puzzle
  1. Cat
  2. Mouse
  3. Plot
  4. Enemies
  1. Cartoon
  2. Tom
  3. Jerry
  4. Saves

8 Clues: CatTomPlotJerryMouseSavesCartoonEnemies

Bear's Pie 3 2013-11-05

Bear's Pie 3 crossword puzzle
  1. lick
  2. concert
  3. continue
  4. pity
  1. delicious
  2. plate
  3. cartoon
  4. moment

8 Clues: lickpityplatemomentcartoonconcertcontinuedelicious

Unit 1 This is my teacher 2023-08-07

Unit 1 This is my teacher crossword puzzle
  1. cartoon
  2. bathroom
  3. breakfast
  4. boy
  1. book
  2. and
  3. car
  4. bedroom

8 Clues: andcarboybookcartoonbedroombathroombreakfast

Andrea's Housewarming!! 2013-11-17

Andrea's Housewarming!! crossword puzzle
  1. See every week or biweekly
  2. skincare
  3. famous funny family
  4. He loves me
  5. Christmas movie
  6. cartoon
  7. All of Me
  8. Pretty Wings
  9. I feel for you
  10. cartoon character
  11. my savior
  12. keeps the doc away
  13. Sunday Best judge/female gospel artist
  14. Friday male comedian
  15. soul food side dish
  16. known for bakery, sandwiches, salads
  1. TV drama
  2. green veggie
  3. coffee brand
  4. chocolate brand
  5. Martial Arts king
  6. Nette is
  7. color of a rose
  8. Water sport
  9. color of the sky
  10. singing talent show
  11. lotion brand
  12. The sky is the limit adventure
  13. float like a butterfly boxer
  14. good action flick
  15. Science Fiction movie with blue people
  16. famous reindeer

32 Clues: cartoonTV dramaskincareNette isAll of Memy saviorHe loves meWater sportgreen veggiecoffee brandPretty Wingslotion brandI feel for youchocolate brandChristmas moviecolor of a rosefamous reindeercolor of the skyMartial Arts kingcartoon charactergood action flickkeeps the doc awayfamous funny familysinging talent showsoul food side dish...

Erika and Dakota 2024-03-02

Erika and Dakota crossword puzzle
  1. Dakota's favorite type of alcohol
  2. Erika's favorite cartoon
  3. The month Dakota proposed
  4. Where did their engagement happen?
  5. Their favorite activity together
  6. Dakota's favorite cartoon
  7. The city where the couple lives
  8. The sport the couple played in HS
  9. Their favorite classical artist
  10. Total number of pets
  11. The treat Erika can't go without
  12. Their favorite Disney movie
  13. Their boy dog's name
  14. Their daughter's name
  1. What is Erika's favorite color of wine?
  2. Dakota's favorite food
  3. Erika's go to ice cream flavor
  4. Erika's eye color
  5. The Maiden of Honor
  6. The couples favorite color
  7. Dakota's middle name
  8. Mother of the bride
  9. The Best Man
  10. Their girl dog's name
  11. Dakota's best friend

25 Clues: The Best ManErika's eye colorThe Maiden of HonorMother of the brideDakota's middle nameTotal number of petsDakota's best friendTheir boy dog's nameTheir girl dog's nameTheir daughter's nameDakota's favorite foodErika's favorite cartoonThe month Dakota proposedDakota's favorite cartoonThe couples favorite colorTheir favorite Disney movie...

Let's Go 6 lesson 14 2023-05-09

Let's Go 6 lesson 14 crossword puzzle
  1. uutiset
  2. elokuva
  3. murha
  4. dokumentti
  5. tv-kanava
  6. animaatio
  7. ohjelma
  8. tieteis-
  1. kauhu-
  2. komedia
  3. sarjakuva, piirretty
  4. näytelmä
  5. romantiikka
  6. toiminta
  7. seikkailu
  8. ennuste
  9. mysteeri

17 Clues: murhakauhu-uutisetkomediaelokuvaennusteohjelmanäytelmätoimintamysteeritieteis-tv-kanavaseikkailuanimaatiodokumenttiromantiikkasarjakuva, piirretty

Dad at the sports centre. Unit 6. 40-46 2015-03-02

Dad at the sports centre. Unit 6. 40-46 crossword puzzle
  1. pátek
  2. čtvrtek
  3. připraven
  4. středa
  5. pozornost
  6. kreslený pořad
  7. sobota
  8. vynikající
  9. neděle
  10. planeta
  11. pondělí
  12. provaz
  1. úterý
  2. pořad
  3. Země
  4. hrozný
  5. kosmická loď
  6. ale
  7. oblíbený
  8. zničit
  9. vesmír
  10. chytat

22 Clues: aleZeměúterýpořadpátekhroznýstředasobotazničitnedělevesmírchytatprovazčtvrtekplanetapondělíoblíbenýpřipravenpozornostvynikajícíkosmická loďkreslený pořad

6kl.10skyrius Neda 2018-05-08

6kl.10skyrius Neda crossword puzzle
  1. bangos
  2. kanalas
  3. animacinis filmas
  4. intervių
  5. žinių laida
  6. pro,per
  7. signalai
  8. viktorina
  9. ploti
  10. (pa)siųsti
  1. džiazas
  2. ragas
  3. solinis numeris
  4. kratyti
  5. laida apie nusikaltimus
  6. klarnetas
  7. violončelė
  8. skambinti
  9. garsas
  10. kvailas

20 Clues: ragasplotibangosgarsasdžiazaskratytikanalaspro,perkvailasinterviųsignalaiklarnetasskambintiviktorinaviolončelė(pa)siųstižinių laidasolinis numerisanimacinis filmaslaida apie nusikaltimus

Unit 12 words 2022-04-05

Unit 12 words crossword puzzle
  1. vannituba
  2. tädi
  3. arbuus
  4. arvuti
  5. õppima
  6. köök
  7. Saksa keel
  8. magamistuba
  9. pannkook
  10. korras
  1. dušš
  2. lõikama
  3. harjutus
  4. ümber
  5. uinak
  6. multifilm
  7. parandama
  8. toitu valmistama
  9. tualett
  10. hommikusöök
  11. diivan
  12. aed

22 Clues: aeddušštädiköökümberuinakarbuusarvutiõppimadiivankorraslõikamatualettharjutuspannkookvannitubamultifilmparandamaSaksa keelhommikusöökmagamistubatoitu valmistama

Maryam unit 4 2023-07-10

Maryam unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. деликатесы
  2. an animation
  3. гриб
  4. разница
  5. искусственный
  6. носорог
  7. необычный
  8. правительство
  9. ученый
  1. инвалидная коляска
  2. инфекционное заболевание
  3. варежка
  4. кормить
  5. cook
  6. хурма
  7. повод, случай
  8. the natural world
  9. заказ, заказывать
  10. отвратительный
  11. защищать

20 Clues: грибcookхурмаученыйварежкакормитьразницаносорогзащищатьнеобычныйделикатесыan animationповод, случайискусственныйправительствоотвратительныйthe natural worldзаказ, заказыватьинвалидная коляскаинфекционное заболевание

vocabulary 4 2019-02-05

vocabulary 4 crossword puzzle
  1. könnyek
  2. emelkedik
  3. rejtély
  4. érzelmes
  5. cselekmény
  6. jutalom, díj
  7. rajzfilm
  8. szórakoztató
  9. sír, kiált
  1. túlél
  2. fejlődik
  3. bombasiker
  4. helyszin
  5. nem sikerül, megbukik
  6. rajongó
  7. katasztfófa
  8. nyilvános
  9. fél valamitől

18 Clues: túlélkönnyekrejtélyrajongófejlődikhelyszinérzelmesrajzfilmemelkediknyilvánosbombasikercselekménysír, kiáltkatasztfófajutalom, díjszórakoztatófél valamitőlnem sikerül, megbukik

alex's bday crossword 2024-08-16

alex's bday crossword crossword puzzle
  1. '80s' baby
  2. Mode that's not light or dark
  3. Winning streak*
  4. Yung Gravy height
  5. "Prodigious limb!"
  6. NYT's competition, after this
  7. French cat
  8. They're despicable
  9. Office state
  10. They can be made of titanium*
  11. Cartoon character first appearing in 1930*
  12. Pocket pet
  1. LOTR author
  2. Vladimir Nabakov novel, or Lana del Rey song
  3. TV show, or thing there are four of
  4. "Ah, squirmy thing"
  5. What a red stick in a cartoon might represent*
  6. Where one might work late one night?
  7. Exploding boar head, for one
  8. Third biggest city in Japan
  9. Not a Leo, not yet a Virgo
  10. Place where the starred answers hang out
  11. Black-haired Powerpuff Girl
  12. Clothing brand, or Sporcle specialty

24 Clues: '80s' babyFrench catPocket petLOTR authorOffice stateWinning streak*Yung Gravy height"Prodigious limb!"They're despicable"Ah, squirmy thing"Not a Leo, not yet a VirgoThird biggest city in JapanBlack-haired Powerpuff GirlExploding boar head, for oneMode that's not light or darkNYT's competition, after thisThey can be made of titanium*...

Prepare 3 unit 12 2023-01-10

Prepare 3 unit 12 crossword puzzle
  1. unfort
  2. character
  3. include
  4. aud
  5. advertise
  6. horror
  7. sci fi
  1. suc
  2. award
  3. thriller
  4. have
  5. adv
  6. drama
  7. movie
  8. review
  9. cart

16 Clues: sucadvaudhavecartawarddramamovieunforthorrorreviewsci fiincludethrillercharacteradvertise

cartoon vocab 2022-03-17

cartoon vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a tranquil; secluded place
  2. a person making a claim
  3. a person's face; expression
  4. an expert
  1. spacious roomy capacious
  2. a circle of close associates of friends
  3. general agreement
  4. t consist to include to contain to be made up of
  5. pleasant to be around
  6. a victorious accomplishment

10 Clues: an expertgeneral agreementpleasant to be arounda person making a claimspacious roomy capaciousa tranquil; secluded placea person's face; expressiona victorious accomplishmenta circle of close associates of friendst consist to include to contain to be made up of

cartoon characters 2013-06-05

cartoon characters crossword puzzle
  1. he was adopted by lilo
  2. Squirell!
  3. hes a yellow bear that loves honey
  4. loves eating donuts
  5. yabba dabba doo
  6. he has an assistant called smithers
  1. he lives in a pineapple under the sea
  2. she has long blue hair
  3. she has purple hair and one eye
  4. they're blue

10 Clues: Squirell!they're blueyabba dabba dooloves eating donutshe was adopted by liloshe has long blue hairshe has purple hair and one eyehes a yellow bear that loves honeyhe has an assistant called smithershe lives in a pineapple under the sea

Cartoon Characters 2023-10-20

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Mike & Sulley
  2. Best Friend is Shaggy
  3. Andy's Cowboy Toy
  4. Yellow Bird
  5. Pika Pika
  1. Sled Dog
  2. The Sailor Man
  3. Orange Cat
  4. Peanuts
  5. ...and Jane

10 Clues: PeanutsSled DogPika PikaOrange CatYellow Bird...and JaneMike & SulleyThe Sailor ManAndy's Cowboy ToyBest Friend is Shaggy

Cartoon Sidekicks 2024-03-20

Cartoon Sidekicks crossword puzzle
  1. Ash Ketchem
  2. He-Man
  3. Yogi Bear
  4. Mr. Burns
  5. Snoopy
  1. The Brain
  2. Mac - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
  3. Kim Possible
  4. Spongebob Squarepants
  5. Eliza Thornberry

10 Clues: He-ManSnoopyThe BrainYogi BearMr. BurnsAsh KetchemKim PossibleEliza ThornberrySpongebob SquarepantsMac - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

Cartoon Vocab 2022-04-27

Cartoon Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. fearless
  2. ca-lapse of failure
  3. lack
  4. to lower in quality
  5. to come to a conclusion by reasoning
  1. one who works devilishly
  2. a leader that obtains power by appealing to the emotions
  3. skillful
  4. take away a good name
  5. an order to having the force law

10 Clues: lackfearlessskillfulca-lapse of failureto lower in qualitytake away a good nameone who works devilishlyan order to having the force lawto come to a conclusion by reasoninga leader that obtains power by appealing to the emotions

Cartoon Network 2023-08-10

Cartoon Network crossword puzzle
  1. Ed, ___ n Eddy
  2. Dog in Wacky Races
  3. Dog in Adventure Time
  4. Hometown of the Powerpuff Girls
  5. Leader of Teen Titans
  1. Where does Yogi hang out
  2. ___: Kids Next Door
  3. Has a laboratory
  4. Shaggy’s best friend
  5. Ben's last name (Ben 10)

10 Clues: Ed, ___ n EddyHas a laboratoryDog in Wacky Races___: Kids Next DoorShaggy’s best friendDog in Adventure TimeLeader of Teen TitansWhere does Yogi hang outBen's last name (Ben 10)Hometown of the Powerpuff Girls

cartoon cats 2024-12-04

cartoon cats crossword puzzle
  1. Connected to a dog
  2. uses a sword in shrek
  3. fat orange cat that likes lasagna
  4. Chases a mouse in show
  5. master of camouflage
  6. villain of the movie
  1. mascot for cereal
  2. hunts Tweety bird
  3. movie has a glass shoes, cat from movie
  4. from oldest still running animated show

10 Clues: mascot for cerealhunts Tweety birdConnected to a dogmaster of camouflagevillain of the movieuses a sword in shrekChases a mouse in showfat orange cat that likes lasagnamovie has a glass shoes, cat from moviefrom oldest still running animated show

Guess Your Big's? 2024-03-20

Guess Your Big's? crossword puzzle
  1. Island Current reality TV show?
  2. My favorite movie?
  3. Favorite sport to watch?
  4. Does this crossword contain a hint to our reveal theme?
  5. My favorite Disney princess?
  6. Mousse My favorite dessert?
  1. My favorite little?
  2. Van Gogh My favorite painter
  3. Guy My favorite adult cartoon?
  4. Are the answers to all of these true?
  5. My favorite children's cartoon?
  6. My favorite season?
  7. What state am I from?

13 Clues: My favorite movie?My favorite little?My favorite season?What state am I from?Favorite sport to watch?Mousse My favorite dessert?Van Gogh My favorite painterMy favorite Disney princess?Guy My favorite adult cartoon?Island Current reality TV show?My favorite children's cartoon?Are the answers to all of these true?...

Unit 17 2016-05-22

Unit 17 crossword puzzle
  1. antworten
  2. schrecklich
  3. folgen
  4. glauben
  5. halten
  6. sterben
  7. Geld
  8. Verbrechen
  1. aufregend; faszinierend
  2. Zeichentrickfilm
  3. Sturm
  4. innen; drinnen
  5. Telefon
  6. niemand
  7. bei
  8. Gedicht
  9. über; hinüber

17 Clues: beiGeldSturmfolgenhaltenTelefonniemandglaubenGedichtsterbenantwortenVerbrechenschrecklichüber; hinüberinnen; drinnenZeichentrickfilmaufregend; faszinierend

Słownictwo rozdział 8 2020-05-29

Słownictwo rozdział 8 crossword puzzle
  1. They .................... a picture last weekend.
  2. Talk ...........
  3. Tom and Jerry is a .................
  4. I watched an .................. about LEGO.
  5. We .................. a tree yesterday.
  1. ............... programme
  2. She watched a film .............. week.
  3. Bob .................. play cards yesterday afternoon.
  4. ................. a friend
  5. She watched a ................. programme yesterday. It was funny.
  6. I .................. a cartoon yesterday evening.

11 Clues: Talk .......................... programme................. a friendTom and Jerry is a .................She watched a film .............. week.We .................. a tree yesterday.I watched an .................. about LEGO.They .................... a picture last weekend.I .................. a cartoon yesterday evening....

cartoon characters 2016-12-05

cartoon characters crossword puzzle
  1. Que es la madre de cosmo
  2. El padre de Timmy Turner
  3. Quien es hijo de Wanda y Cosmo
  4. Crocker Quien es timmy turner professora
  5. Que son los amigos de timmy turner
  1. Quien es el perro de timmy turner
  2. Quirn es el esposo de wanda
  3. es el padre de poof
  4. Quien es la madre de timmy turner
  5. Quien es el enemigo de poof

10 Clues: es el padre de poofQue es la madre de cosmoEl padre de Timmy TurnerQuirn es el esposo de wandaQuien es el enemigo de poofQuien es hijo de Wanda y CosmoQuien es el perro de timmy turnerQuien es la madre de timmy turnerQue son los amigos de timmy turnerCrocker Quien es timmy turner professora

Cartoon Vocab 2021-09-13

Cartoon Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. to hate very much, to detest utterly.
  2. something connected or added to another in a subordinate position, an assistant.
  3. to dislike strongly, to regrade with intenes aversion.
  4. a sworn written statement
  5. hard to understand.
  1. a natural attard,raction; kinship; similarily.
  2. to shorten; to condense to diminish; to curlail.
  3. an award, an honor; approval, praise.
  4. to border upon; to adjion.
  5. bottomless pit; a yawning gulf, a profound depth or viod.

10 Clues: hard to understand.a sworn written statementto border upon; to hate very much, to detest award, an honor; approval, praise.a natural attard,raction; kinship; shorten; to condense to diminish; to dislike strongly, to regrade with intenes aversion.bottomless pit; a yawning gulf, a profound depth or viod....

cartoon vocab 2022-02-28

cartoon vocab crossword puzzle
  1. continuing for a long time
  2. or relating to a brain or the intelligence
  3. deep opening in the earth
  4. an item of personal,movable property: slave
  1. at,in of approximately;
  2. to scold
  3. a meeting of the members of a political party to make decisions
  4. fortress overlooking a city
  5. confirm formally;verify
  6. emotional or psychological cleansing that brings relief or renewal

10 Clues: to scoldconfirm formally;verifydeep opening in the earthcontinuing for a long timefortress overlooking a cityat,in of approximately;or relating to a brain or the intelligencean item of personal,movable property: slavea meeting of the members of a political party to make decisions...

Cartoon Characters 2022-03-01

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. a bunny who says "whats up doc"
  2. a kid who wheres a yellow shirt with a black zig zag on it
  3. a guy who gets strong by eating spinach
  4. a yellow bird
  5. A mystery dog
  1. the father of the flinstones
  2. little girls who have a blue, green and red outfitts
  3. a dog who is friends with charlie brown
  4. A cat that LOVES lasagna
  5. a yellow sponge who lives in bikini bottom

10 Clues: a yellow birdA mystery dogA cat that LOVES lasagnathe father of the flinstonesa bunny who says "whats up doc"a dog who is friends with charlie browna guy who gets strong by eating spinacha yellow sponge who lives in bikini bottomlittle girls who have a blue, green and red outfittsa kid who wheres a yellow shirt with a black zig zag on it

Cartoon Characters 2020-02-07

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. an American fictional character (rabbit) who starred in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of animated films
  2. a tall, anthropomorphic dog who is a close friend of Mickey Mouse. He was originally known as Dippy Dawg
  3. a cartoon character and the mascot of The Walt Disney Company
  4. an anthropomorphic Tuxedo cat in the Looney Tunes who often chases Tweety
  5. a cartoon sailor who possesses superhuman strength after ingesting an always-handy can of spinach
  1. an anthropomorphic white duck who is a friend of Mickey mouse
  2. the pet beagle of Charlie Brown in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz
  3. an anthropomorphic funny, walking, talking bear in a necktie. He who has appeared in numerous comic books
  4. a male Great Dane and lifelong companion of amateur detective Shaggy Rogers, this dog is a protagonist of the animated television franchise with the same name
  5. a yellow canary in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes

10 Clues: a yellow canary in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunesan anthropomorphic white duck who is a friend of Mickey mousea cartoon character and the mascot of The Walt Disney Companyan anthropomorphic Tuxedo cat in the Looney Tunes who often chases Tweetythe pet beagle of Charlie Brown in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz...

Cartoon Characters 2023-10-10

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Mike & Sulley
  2. Peanuts
  3. ...and Jane
  4. Yellow Bird
  1. Andy's Cowboy Toy
  2. The Sailor Man
  3. Orange Cat
  4. Doo Best friend is Shaggy
  5. Pika Pika
  6. Sled Dog

10 Clues: PeanutsSled DogPika PikaOrange Cat...and JaneYellow BirdMike & SulleyThe Sailor ManAndy's Cowboy ToyDoo Best friend is Shaggy

Cartoon Sidekicks 2024-03-20

Cartoon Sidekicks crossword puzzle
  1. Ash Ketchem
  2. He-Man
  3. Yogi Bear
  4. Mr. Burns
  5. Snoopy
  1. The Brain
  2. Mac - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
  3. Kim Possible
  4. Spongebob Squarepants
  5. Eliza Thornberry

10 Clues: He-ManSnoopyThe BrainYogi BearMr. BurnsAsh KetchemKim PossibleEliza ThornberrySpongebob SquarepantsMac - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

Unit 2 2017-11-19

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. мультфильм
  2. стремление, цель
  3. медаль
  4. награда
  5. тренироваться
  6. невозможный
  7. достижение
  8. упорно
  9. тщательный, осторожный
  1. достигать
  2. лучший,высший
  3. чемпионат
  4. быстрый
  5. аккуратно
  6. способность
  7. как следует
  8. необходимо
  9. медленный

18 Clues: медальупорнобыстрыйнаградадостигатьчемпионатаккуратномедленныймультфильмнеобходимодостижениеспособностькак следуетневозможныйлучший,высшийтренироватьсястремление, цельтщательный, осторожный

Cartoon Crossword 2022-01-07

Cartoon Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Most simple and common transition-change of scene
  2. Camera movement involving camera moving on a stationary axis
  3. Shot, usually from a distance, to show us where we are
  4. Dissolve to a color, usually BLACK
  1. Common Transition. One Scene Fades out while the other fades in
  2. The final draft used by the actors, directors, and technicians when filming a scene/movie
  3. Events that take place in entirely one location or time
  4. Scene takes place outdoors
  5. scene takes place indoors
  6. A Stationary Image from the Movie

10 Clues: scene takes place indoorsScene takes place outdoorsA Stationary Image from the MovieDissolve to a color, usually BLACKMost simple and common transition-change of sceneShot, usually from a distance, to show us where we areEvents that take place in entirely one location or timeCamera movement involving camera moving on a stationary axis...

Cartoon 6 2013-03-07

Cartoon 6 crossword puzzle
  1. series of turns
  2. victorious
  3. bird
  4. help
  5. turn away
  1. to run
  2. unpredictable
  3. intense feeling
  4. a small mass
  5. undersized

10 Clues: birdhelpto runturn awayvictoriousundersizeda small massunpredictableseries of turnsintense feeling

Cartoon Dogs 2023-03-03

Cartoon Dogs crossword puzzle
  1. Often wore a WW2 fighter pilot jacket
  2. Blue Falcon's sidekick
  3. Enjoyed time-travelling adventures with his adopted son
  4. Was he "cowardly" or just misunderstood
  5. Blue's best friend who helps her find "clues"
  1. Solved mysteries with his gang
  2. Family pet of the Jetsons.
  3. Was in love with Polly Purebred
  4. Loyal companion of Jonny Quest
  5. She had 101 puppies

10 Clues: She had 101 puppiesBlue Falcon's sidekickFamily pet of the Jetsons.Solved mysteries with his gangLoyal companion of Jonny QuestWas in love with Polly PurebredOften wore a WW2 fighter pilot jacketWas he "cowardly" or just misunderstoodBlue's best friend who helps her find "clues"Enjoyed time-travelling adventures with his adopted son

Cartoon Vocabulary 2023-03-22

Cartoon Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a quarrel
  2. distant
  3. another option
  4. make hostile
  1. increase
  2. to ease
  3. tempt
  4. event following
  5. one who is defeated
  6. slightly open

10 Clues: temptto easedistantincreasea quarrelmake hostileslightly openanother optionevent followingone who is defeated

Cartoon vocabularies 2021-09-13

Cartoon vocabularies crossword puzzle
  1. to really hate
  2. a sworn written statement
  3. an award
  4. something added to something else
  1. to loathe
  2. to join
  3. a natural liking
  4. shrink/shorten
  5. confusing to comprehend
  6. bottomless pit; a void

10 Clues: to joinan awardto loatheto really hateshrink/shortena natural likingbottomless pit; a voidconfusing to comprehenda sworn written statementsomething added to something else

cartoon characters 2022-10-13

cartoon characters crossword puzzle
  1. pokemon trainer
  2. brain blast
  3. woodpecker
  4. simposn
  5. pink pony
  6. grey cat
  1. family guy
  2. south park
  3. square pants
  4. explorer

10 Clues: simposnexplorergrey catpink ponyfamily guysouth parkwoodpeckerbrain blastsquare pantspokemon trainer

Cartoon Network 2023-07-08

Cartoon Network crossword puzzle
  1. A group of girls with superpowers fight against villains in Townsville (9 letters)
  2. A lazy, cat-like alien from the planet Melmac (3 letters)
  3. A stone-age family with their pet dinosaur, Dino (11 letters)
  4. A fun-loving bear and his friends who have adventures in Jellystone Park (4 letters)
  5. The boy who defends Earth from alien invasions with an Omnitrix (3 letters)
  6. A boy genius with his robot battles evil alongside his sister (6 letters)
  1. A futuristic family that travels through time in their flying car (7 letters)
  2. A fast-running bird who tries to outsmart a wily coyote (10 letters)
  3. The boy and his shape-shifting dog go on adventures in the Land of Ooo (4 letters)
  4. A crime-solving team with a talking Great Dane and a mystery van (9 letters)

10 Clues: A lazy, cat-like alien from the planet Melmac (3 letters)A stone-age family with their pet dinosaur, Dino (11 letters)A fast-running bird who tries to outsmart a wily coyote (10 letters)A boy genius with his robot battles evil alongside his sister (6 letters)The boy who defends Earth from alien invasions with an Omnitrix (3 letters)...

Cartoon Characters 2023-10-10

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Andy's Cowboy Toy
  2. The Sailor Man
  3. Mike & Sulley
  4. Orange Cat
  5. Sled Dog
  1. Peanuts
  2. Best Friend is Shaggy
  3. ...and Jane
  4. Pika Pika
  5. Yellow Bird

10 Clues: PeanutsSled DogPika PikaOrange Cat...and JaneYellow BirdMike & SulleyThe Sailor ManAndy's Cowboy ToyBest Friend is Shaggy

Cartoon Characters 2024-01-03

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. A bear who loves eating honey
  2. A girl that loves adventures
  3. A friendly ghost
  4. One of the characters in a cartoon called Family Guy
  5. A famous sanrio character
  1. A character from Powerpuff Girl's
  2. A famous cartoon character that is a pig
  3. Dora's adventure buddy
  4. He lives in a rock under the sea and is Spongebobs bestfriend
  5. A mouse that is always being chased by Tom

10 Clues: A friendly ghostDora's adventure buddyA famous sanrio characterA girl that loves adventuresA bear who loves eating honeyA character from Powerpuff Girl'sA famous cartoon character that is a pigA mouse that is always being chased by TomOne of the characters in a cartoon called Family GuyHe lives in a rock under the sea and is Spongebobs bestfriend

Cartoon Characters 2024-07-16

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Snow queen in Frozen
  2. Chases Jerry
  3. Yellow Pokémon.
  4. Lives in a pineapple
  5. Says "What's up, doc?"
  6. Explores with a monkey
  7. Loves honey
  1. Disney's famous mouse
  2. Talks and solves mysteries
  3. British pig with family

10 Clues: Loves honeyChases JerryYellow Pokémon.Snow queen in FrozenLives in a pineappleDisney's famous mouseSays "What's up, doc?"Explores with a monkeyBritish pig with familyTalks and solves mysteries

More animals 2015-10-16

More animals crossword puzzle
  1. bugsy in the cartoon
  2. flow going backwards
  3. it has two big tusks
  4. pooh is one of these
  5. sylvester in the cartoon
  6. kenmoy all mixed up
  1. furry animal that eats gum leaves
  2. it's got such a long neck
  3. jerry is one of these
  4. a baby horse is mixed up loaf
  5. it hops everywhere
  6. you put a saddle on this animal
  7. it's got the hump

13 Clues: it's got the humpit hops everywherekenmoy all mixed upbugsy in the cartoonflow going backwardsit has two big tuskspooh is one of thesejerry is one of thesesylvester in the cartoonit's got such a long necka baby horse is mixed up loafyou put a saddle on this animalfurry animal that eats gum leaves

Children's Day 2023-10-13

Children's Day crossword puzzle
  1. Parquinho
  2. Brinquedo
  3. Infância
  4. Desenho animado
  5. Amigo(a)
  6. Irmã
  7. Doce
  8. Mãe
  9. Menino
  10. Menina
  1. Brincar/Jogar
  2. Alunos
  3. Pai
  4. Jogo
  5. Irmão
  6. Desenhar
  7. Escola

17 Clues: PaiMãeJogoIrmãDoceIrmãoAlunosEscolaMeninoMeninaInfânciaAmigo(a)DesenharParquinhoBrinquedoBrincar/JogarDesenho animado

Christmas Crossword 2024-12-24

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. байпак
  2. Кыш
  3. балаты
  4. пря́ник
  5. печенье
  6. мультфи́льм
  7. шам
  8. Кар
  1. Де́д Моро́з
  2. Жылтырактар
  3. Белек
  4. Шыңгырактар
  5. кар киши
  6. чана тебүү
  7. көмүр
  8. жасалга
  9. це́рковь

17 Clues: КышшамКарБелеккөмүрбайпакбалатыпря́никпеченьежасалгакар кишице́рковьчана тебүүДе́д Моро́зЖылтырактарШыңгырактармультфи́льм

Geo's crossword 2014-11-14

Geo's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to kill
  2. fresh
  3. tricked
  4. rewrite
  5. appropriate
  6. funny drawing
  7. finish
  8. understand
  9. channel
  10. moist
  11. done
  1. slope
  2. new believer
  3. propel something through the air
  4. pick
  5. kind
  6. annoying
  7. services
  8. calculating

19 Clues: pickkinddoneslopefreshmoistfinishtrickedrewritechannelto killannoyingservicesunderstandappropriatecalculatingnew believerfunny drawingpropel something through the air

Culture media Eng-Slo translations 2024-10-12

Culture media Eng-Slo translations crossword puzzle
  1. documentarec
  2. režiser
  3. grozljivka
  4. kino
  5. igralec
  6. aktualne zadeve
  7. horoskop
  8. revija
  9. nadaljevanka limonada
  1. balet
  2. akcijski film
  3. glasbenik
  4. radijska postaja
  5. fotoaparat
  6. pogovorna oddaja
  7. anketa
  8. resničnosti šov
  9. komedija
  10. risanka

19 Clues: kinobaletanketarevijarežiserigralecrisankakomedijahoroskopglasbenikgrozljivkafotoaparatdocumentarecakcijski filmaktualne zadeveresničnosti šovradijska postajapogovorna oddajanadaljevanka limonada

NAME:......................................................................... 2019-02-03

NAME:......................................................................... crossword puzzle
  1. skrzypce
  2. fortepian
  3. efekty specjalne
  4. kompozytor
  5. kreskówka
  6. reżyser
  7. zespół muzyczny
  8. główna rola
  9. saksofon
  10. muzyk
  1. tekst piosenki
  2. perkusja
  3. film dokumentalny
  4. muzyka klasyczna
  5. film akcji
  6. grać, występować
  7. gitara
  8. komedia
  9. film sensacyjny
  10. horror

20 Clues: muzykgitarahorrorkomediareżyserskrzypceperkusjasaksofonfortepiankreskówkafilm akcjikompozytorgłówna rolatekst piosenkifilm sensacyjnyzespół muzycznymuzyka klasycznaefekty specjalnegrać, występowaćfilm dokumentalny

Unit 6 - Dad at the sports centre - revision (ponavljanje) 2018-03-14

Unit 6 - Dad at the sports centre - revision (ponavljanje) crossword puzzle
  1. gledati
  2. nedjelja
  3. košarka
  4. domaća zadaća
  5. računalne igre
  6. utorak
  7. televizija
  8. kviz
  9. subota
  10. plivanje
  11. trčanje
  12. petak
  1. kanal (TV)
  2. srijeda
  3. nogomet
  4. crtić
  5. daskanje
  6. igrati
  7. četvrtak
  8. tenis
  9. kupovanje
  10. plesanje
  11. ponedjeljak

23 Clues: kvizcrtićtenispetakutorakigratisubotasrijedanogometgledatikošarkatrčanjenedjeljadaskanječetvrtakplesanjeplivanjekupovanjekanal (TV)televizijaponedjeljakdomaća zadaćaračunalne igre

Form 6 2020-08-23

Form 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Doğramaq
  2. Sirk
  3. Karton
  4. Kulinariya
  5. Ehtiyatlı
  6. Xeyriyyeçilik
  7. Kürü
  8. Qefes
  9. Müsabiqe
  10. Mürekkeb
  11. Tac
  12. Ibaret olmaq
  1. Her şeyle maraqlanan
  2. Deyişken
  3. Rahat
  4. Qala
  5. Medeniyyet
  6. Qeddar
  7. Yaratıq
  8. Mağara
  9. Cizgi
  10. Zencir
  11. Oymaq

23 Clues: TacSirkQalaKürüRahatQefesCizgiOymaqKartonQeddarMağaraZencirYaratıqDoğramaqDeyişkenMüsabiqeMürekkebEhtiyatlıKulinariyaMedeniyyetIbaret olmaqXeyriyyeçilikHer şeyle maraqlanan

vocabulary 2022-09-21

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. oeuvre d'art
  2. gauche
  3. cynique
  4. couverture
  5. haut
  6. maison au enchere
  7. peinture
  8. controversé
  9. croire
  1. supposer
  2. droite
  3. machine à coudre
  4. truc
  5. paysage
  6. dessin
  7. dessin animé
  8. ironique
  9. derrière
  10. affiche
  11. art
  12. toile

21 Clues: arttruchauttoiledroitegauchedessincroirepaysagecyniqueaffichesupposerironiquederrièrepeinturecouverturecontroverséoeuvre d'artdessin animémachine à coudremaison au enchere

Lesson 3 2024-05-31

Lesson 3 crossword puzzle
  1. 즐기다
  2. 돕다
  3. 끝내다
  4. v. 친절한 n. 종류
  5. 잡지
  6. 이어폰
  7. 문제
  8. 사전
  9. 휴대폰
  1. 헬멧
  2. 이사하다, 움직이다
  3. 바구니
  4. 찾다
  5. 문제
  6. 풀다
  7. 무거운
  8. n. 어둠 a. 어두운
  9. 작동하다, 일하다
  10. 교과서
  11. 옮기다
  12. 만화

21 Clues: 헬멧찾다돕다문제풀다잡지문제사전만화즐기다바구니끝내다무거운이어폰교과서옮기다휴대폰작동하다, 일하다이사하다, 움직이다v. 친절한 n. 종류n. 어둠 a. 어두운

3, 2, 1... Action 2024-06-19

3, 2, 1... Action crossword puzzle
  1. acción.
  2. comedia.
  3. actor
  4. de dibujos animados
  5. del oeste
  6. guionista
  7. actriz
  8. encantar
  9. superficie
  10. disfrutar
  1. romántica.
  2. tamaño
  3. de terror
  4. tragar
  5. aburrido
  6. papel
  7. musical.
  8. director
  9. una película de crimen
  10. regresar
  11. alimentar

21 Clues: actorpapeltamañotragaractrizacción.aburridocomedia.musical.directorregresarencantarde terrordel oesteguionistaalimentardisfrutarromántica.superficiede dibujos animadosuna película de crimen

smash 2- unit 4 2019-12-04

smash 2- unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. обирджия
  2. крадец(обща дума)
  3. притеснен;worried
  4. публика
  5. забавление
  6. крада
  7. претеглям
  8. изобретение
  9. страшен филм,ужас
  10. водещ
  1. забележителности
  2. анимация
  3. кралство
  4. прогноза за времето
  5. опит
  6. учен
  7. плашещ,ужасяващ
  8. въображаем
  9. крадец,джебчия
  10. полицаи

20 Clues: опитученкрадаводещпубликаполицаианимациякралствообирджияпретеглямвъображаемзабавлениеизобретениекрадец,джебчияплашещ,ужасяващзабележителностикрадец(обща дума)притеснен;worriedстрашен филм,ужаспрогноза за времето

Кирилл февраль 19 2020-03-12

Кирилл февраль 19 crossword puzzle
  1. рыбалка
  2. ленивый
  3. каникулы
  4. выигрывать
  5. часть
  6. путешествовать
  7. мультфильм
  8. удивленный
  9. информация
  10. поздний
  11. деньги
  12. час
  1. побережье
  2. победитель
  3. идти в поход
  4. тренировка
  5. море
  6. завтра
  7. проигрывать
  8. убирать
  9. рисовать
  10. делать
  11. герой

23 Clues: часморечастьгеройзавтраделатьденьгирыбалкаленивыйубиратьпозднийканикулырисоватьпобережьепобедительтренировкавыигрыватьмультфильмудивленныйинформацияпроигрыватьидти в походпутешествовать

Hobbies 2017-03-02

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. также
  2. создавать
  3. роман,повесть
  4. скучный
  5. успех
  6. библиотека
  7. рождённый
  8. где-либо
  9. документальный
  10. что-либо
  1. земля, страна
  2. экран
  3. to ...for (увлекаться)
  4. кроме того
  5. художественный
  6. мультфильм
  7. любитель кинотеатров
  8. mean-...
  9. наполненный
  10. правдивый

20 Clues: такжеэкрануспехскучныйmean-...где-либочто-либосоздаватьрождённыйправдивыйкроме тогомультфильмбиблиотеканаполненныйземля, странароман,повестьхудожественныйдокументальныйлюбитель кинотеатровto ...for (увлекаться)

Unit 6 - Dad at the sports centre - revision (ponavljanje) 2018-03-14

Unit 6 - Dad at the sports centre - revision (ponavljanje) crossword puzzle
  1. domaća zadaća
  2. ponedjeljak
  3. petak
  4. daskanje
  5. subota
  6. utorak
  7. televizija
  8. kanal (TV)
  9. igrati
  10. kviz
  11. četvrtak
  12. tenis
  1. plivanje
  2. računalne igre
  3. nedjelja
  4. nogomet
  5. košarka
  6. plesanje
  7. kupovanje
  8. srijeda
  9. crtić
  10. gledati
  11. trčanje

23 Clues: kvizpetakcrtićtenissubotautorakigratinogometkošarkasrijedagledatitrčanjeplivanjenedjeljadaskanjeplesanječetvrtakkupovanjetelevizijakanal (TV)ponedjeljakdomaća zadaćaračunalne igre


  1. EPS
  8. FILM
  9. JOUER
  10. COURIR
  12. DANSER
  6. BD
  7. NAGER
  8. SVT
  10. LIRE


Unit 9_Patricija 2024-03-20

Unit 9_Patricija crossword puzzle
  1. sėkmingas filmas
  2. straipsnis
  3. schena
  4. tyrinėti
  5. animacija
  6. filmas apie kaubojus
  7. reklama
  8. įsimintinas
  9. įtikinantis
  10. surinkti
  11. apžvalga
  1. šalies naujienos
  2. įspūdingas
  3. transliuoti
  4. pramoginis
  5. komanda
  6. naujienų puslapis
  7. filmas apie karą
  8. antraštė
  9. geltonoji spauda

20 Clues: schenakomandareklamatyrinėtiantraštėsurinktiapžvalgaanimacijaįspūdingaspramoginisstraipsnistransliuotiįsimintinasįtikinantisšalies naujienossėkmingas filmasfilmas apie karągeltonoji spaudanaujienų puslapisfilmas apie kaubojus

vocabulary 2022-09-21

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ironique
  2. affiche
  3. dessin animé
  4. art
  5. machine à coudre
  6. gauche
  7. dessin
  8. maison au enchere
  9. croire
  10. cynique
  11. peinture
  1. oeuvre d'art
  2. droite
  3. supposer
  4. couverture
  5. haut
  6. controversé
  7. truc
  8. toile
  9. paysage
  10. derrière

21 Clues: arthauttructoiledroitegauchedessincroireaffichepaysagecyniqueironiquesupposerderrièrepeinturecouverturecontroverséoeuvre d'artdessin animémachine à coudremaison au enchere

Film and television 2024-12-02

Film and television crossword puzzle
  1. komöödiaseriaal
  2. uudistelugeja
  3. subtiitrid
  4. seebiooper
  5. ulme
  6. dokumentaalfilm
  7. tegelaskuju
  8. ilmateade
  9. hooaeg
  10. saatejuht
  1. publik
  2. jutusaade
  3. osa (seriaalis)
  4. eriefektid
  5. näitleja
  6. näitlejaskond
  7. seriaal
  8. pult
  9. õudusfilm
  10. uudised
  11. multifilm
  12. kanal
  13. näitlejanna
  14. kokasaade

24 Clues: pultulmekanalpublikhooaegseriaaluudisednäitlejajutusaadeõudusfilmmultifilmkokasaadeilmateadesaatejuhtsubtiitridseebioopereriefektidnäitlejannategelaskujuuudistelugejanäitlejaskondkomöödiaseriaalosa (seriaalis)dokumentaalfilm

Movie vocabulary 2024-12-10

Movie vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. science-fiction
  2. short
  3. plot
  4. creative
  5. role
  6. image
  7. trophy
  1. person
  2. feeling
  3. clothes
  4. funny
  5. music
  6. cartoon
  7. cinema
  8. read
  9. name

16 Clues: plotrolereadnamefunnymusicshortimagepersoncinematrophyfeelingclothescartooncreativescience-fiction

Films 2017-04-26

Films crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 14
  3. 3
  4. 6
  5. 10
  6. 7
  7. 12
  1. 5
  2. 8
  3. 15
  4. 2
  5. 1
  6. 13
  7. 4
  8. 9

15 Clues: 582143967151114131012

Cinema and theatre (p. 110-111) 2021-03-11

Cinema and theatre (p. 110-111) crossword puzzle
  1. yksinpuhelu
  2. komedia
  3. ohjaaja
  4. harjoitus
  5. animaatio
  6. arvostelu
  7. ohjelmisto
  8. tuottaja
  1. taputtaa
  2. teksitys
  3. elokuvakäsikirjoitus
  4. kohtaus
  5. näyttämö
  6. leikkaaja
  7. kriitikko

15 Clues: komediaohjaajakohtaustaputtaateksitysnäyttämötuottajaharjoitusanimaatioarvosteluleikkaajakriitikkoohjelmistoyksinpuheluelokuvakäsikirjoitus

English 2023-08-29

English crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 15
  3. 5
  4. 12
  5. 13
  6. 14
  7. 8
  8. 10
  1. 2
  2. 7
  3. 4
  4. 3
  5. 1
  6. 11
  7. 6

15 Clues: 279543186151213141110

Tv programmes 2024-01-15

Tv programmes crossword puzzle
  1. nature
  2. sitcom
  3. conversation
  4. opera
  5. animals
  6. movie
  7. climate
  8. makeover
  1. cook
  2. crime
  3. reality
  4. game
  5. sports
  6. draw
  7. talent

15 Clues: cookgamedrawcrimeoperamoviesportsnaturesitcomtalentrealityanimalsclimatemakeoverconversation

Vocab Unit 2 Synonyms 2023-11-02

Vocab Unit 2 Synonyms crossword puzzle
  1. break
  2. criminal
  3. tax
  4. bother
  5. cover
  6. combination
  7. outdated
  8. devour
  1. rebirth
  2. perfect
  3. writing
  4. cartoon
  5. unhinged
  6. sedative
  7. delay

15 Clues: taxbreakcoverdelaybotherdevourrebirthperfectwritingcartooncriminalunhingedsedativeoutdatedcombination

Movies 2023-06-10

Movies crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 9
  3. 14
  4. 7
  5. 2
  6. 8
  7. 15
  1. 13
  2. 12
  3. 3
  4. 6
  5. 5
  6. 4
  7. 10
  8. 11

15 Clues: 193654728131214101115

Gwylio Teledu 2023-06-16

Gwylio Teledu crossword puzzle
  1. sports
  2. weather
  3. documentary
  4. actress
  5. comedy
  6. programme
  7. channel
  8. watch
  1. actor
  2. news
  3. quiz
  4. soap
  5. character
  6. cartoon
  7. Reality

15 Clues: newsquizsoapactorwatchsportscomedyweatheractresscartoonchannelRealitycharacterprogrammedocumentary

Form 6 "C" 2020-08-23

Form 6 "C" crossword puzzle
  1. Ibaret olmaq
  2. Karton
  3. Tac
  4. Cizgi
  5. Qeddar
  6. Her şeyle maraqlanan
  7. Ehtiyatlı
  8. Deyişken
  9. Müsabiqe
  10. Qala
  11. Yaratıq
  12. Mürekkeb
  13. Xeyriyyeçilik
  1. Zencir
  2. Rahat
  3. Qefes
  4. Kulinariya
  5. Sirk
  6. Medeniyyet
  7. Oymaq
  8. Mağara
  9. Kürü
  10. Doğramaq

23 Clues: TacSirkQalaKürüRahatCizgiQefesOymaqZencirKartonQeddarMağaraYaratıqDeyişkenMüsabiqeMürekkebDoğramaqEhtiyatlıKulinariyaMedeniyyetIbaret olmaqXeyriyyeçilikHer şeyle maraqlanan

Form 6 "C" 2020-08-23

Form 6 "C" crossword puzzle
  1. Mağara
  2. Kürü
  3. Medeniyyet
  4. Tac
  5. Zencir
  6. Rahat
  7. Karton
  8. Sirk
  9. Ehtiyatlı
  10. Qala
  11. Qeddar
  12. Qefes
  1. Her şeyle maraqlanan
  2. Yaratıq
  3. Cizgi
  4. Ibaret olmaq
  5. Deyişken
  6. Doğramaq
  7. Müsabiqe
  8. Oymaq
  9. Kulinariya
  10. Xeyriyyeçilik
  11. Mürekkeb

23 Clues: TacKürüSirkQalaCizgiRahatOymaqQefesMağaraZencirKartonQeddarYaratıqDeyişkenDoğramaqMüsabiqeMürekkebEhtiyatlıMedeniyyetKulinariyaIbaret olmaqXeyriyyeçilikHer şeyle maraqlanan

Movie 2024-08-24

Movie crossword puzzle
  1. aktor
  2. tiket
  3. animasi
  4. film fiksi ilmiah
  5. bioskop
  6. sutradara
  7. aktris
  8. film perang
  9. bioskop
  10. penonton
  1. bioskop
  2. film percintaan
  3. film hantu
  4. film koboy
  5. drama
  6. layar
  7. kartun
  8. komedi
  9. hiburan
  10. kursi
  11. film
  12. film non fiksi
  13. film

23 Clues: filmfilmaktordramalayartiketkursikartunkomediaktrisbioskopanimasibioskophiburanbioskoppenontonsutradarafilm hantufilm koboyfilm perangfilm non fiksifilm percintaanfilm fiksi ilmiah

Bendy and the ink machine: Dreams come to life 2020-12-08

Bendy and the ink machine: Dreams come to life crossword puzzle
  1. the cartoon product of bendy studios
  2. what was Buddys previous job
  3. what did buddys grandpa say to warn buddy about the ink
  4. where is the main characters nationality from
  5. what job did buddys mom work
  6. what is Boris based after
  7. what did bendy fall through that made him end his 1st life
  8. how much did buddy get paid
  9. what did sammy do with the ink that caused him to go insane
  10. what was buddys grandpas tattoo
  11. what does the machine make
  12. what vacation spot did Joey Drew try to make
  13. female character of the cartoon
  14. main character and poor teenager
  15. what is bendy based after
  1. the side character of the cartoon.
  2. who reveals everything that the machine does
  3. investigator of the workplace
  4. the main thing used for art
  5. what look did joey drew give to people in his neighborhood
  6. what was on buddys back when he ran from the medical room
  7. creator of Bendy studios and CEO
  8. what did the main characters grandpa draw
  9. what is right next to the studio
  10. who helped co-create bendy studios
  11. what does buddy steal from the studio
  12. the music composer and insane man

27 Clues: what is Boris based afterwhat is bendy based afterwhat does the machine makethe main thing used for arthow much did buddy get paidwhat was Buddys previous jobwhat job did buddys mom workinvestigator of the workplacewhat was buddys grandpas tattoofemale character of the cartooncreator of Bendy studios and CEOwhat is right next to the studio...

vocab 16 2024-01-11

vocab 16 crossword puzzle
  1. humorous
  2. idle
  3. cartoon
  4. poem
  5. indifference
  6. expression
  7. extremist
  8. complain
  9. reserved
  1. political
  2. disguise
  3. anxiety
  4. implicit
  5. saying
  6. reprimand

15 Clues: idlepoemsayinganxietycartoonhumorousdisguiseimplicitcomplainreservedpoliticalextremistreprimandexpressionindifference

Camping Queens Fun 2024-04-03

Camping Queens Fun crossword puzzle
  1. The month of Amaya's birth
  2. Where Barbie lives
  3. She's fun, curly hair, adorable. Runs fast. Makes a circle before pooping.
  4. What you feed a dog that doesn't feel good
  5. Said Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious
  6. Cuter as a pink cartoon than in real life
  7. Evelyn's favorite sport
  1. What is this park famous for?
  2. Puffball Queen
  3. Like Catcher in the Rye, but more Catcher in the Avocado
  4. All-Star Pela
  5. Cartoon Girl with a Backpack
  6. One thing we all (adults included) have in common
  7. A lover who's feelin' 22
  8. What Cam & Alice Play
  9. Fun Outdoor activity

16 Clues: All-Star PelaPuffball QueenWhere Barbie livesFun Outdoor activityWhat Cam & Alice PlayEvelyn's favorite sportA lover who's feelin' 22The month of Amaya's birthCartoon Girl with a BackpackWhat is this park famous for?Said SupercalifragilisticexpealidociousCuter as a pink cartoon than in real lifeWhat you feed a dog that doesn't feel good...

romeo and Juliet 2018-05-01

romeo and Juliet crossword puzzle
  1. kills tybalt
  2. who purchased the deadly lawn mower in the cartoon show
  3. were did Juliet and romeo first meet
  4. romeo purchased a item in mantua
  5. was the one who made this play
  6. Where do Romeo and Juliet get married
  7. romeo was in love with her before Juliet
  8. romeo's love
  1. romeo goes there after he was banished
  2. Juliet doesn't want to marry who
  3. romeo's family is named
  4. in the cartoon, instead of fighting they do what
  5. Romeo's love for Juliet is
  6. tybalt killed
  7. Juliet's family is named

15 Clues: kills tybaltromeo's lovetybalt killedromeo's family is namedJuliet's family is namedRomeo's love for Juliet iswas the one who made this playJuliet doesn't want to marry whoromeo purchased a item in mantuawere did Juliet and romeo first meetWhere do Romeo and Juliet get marriedromeo goes there after he was banished...

Unit 6 - Dad at the sports centre - revision (ponavljanje) 2018-03-14

Unit 6 - Dad at the sports centre - revision (ponavljanje) crossword puzzle
  1. subota
  2. plesanje
  3. gledati
  4. kupovanje
  5. televizija
  6. tenis
  7. računalne igre
  8. petak
  9. kanal (TV)
  10. srijeda
  11. igrati
  1. nogomet
  2. plivanje
  3. crtić
  4. domaća zadaća
  5. košarka
  6. nedjelja
  7. daskanje
  8. ponedjeljak
  9. utorak
  10. četvrtak
  11. kviz
  12. trčanje

23 Clues: kvizcrtićtenispetaksubotautorakigratinogometgledatikošarkatrčanjesrijedaplivanjeplesanjenedjeljadaskanječetvrtakkupovanjetelevizijakanal (TV)ponedjeljakdomaća zadaćaračunalne igre

An Teilifís 2021-03-08

An Teilifís crossword puzzle
  1. Sci-Fi
  2. interesting
  3. musicial
  4. funny
  5. magicial
  6. clever
  7. movie
  8. old
  9. based
  10. special
  11. actors
  12. powers
  13. tryung to
  1. superhero
  2. costume
  3. scary
  4. villian
  5. cartoon
  6. comic
  7. sight
  8. book
  9. brave
  10. action

23 Clues: oldbookscaryfunnycomicmoviebasedsightbraveSci-Ficleveractorspowersactioncostumevilliancartoonspecialmusicialmagicialsuperherotryung tointeresting

Form 6 "C" 2020-08-23

Form 6 "C" crossword puzzle
  1. Cizgi
  2. Müsabiqe
  3. Mağara
  4. Kulinariya
  5. Mürekkeb
  6. Xeyriyyeçilik
  7. Ibaret olmaq
  8. Medeniyyet
  9. Karton
  10. Qefes
  11. Deyişken
  1. Rahat
  2. Tac
  3. Qala
  4. Her şeyle maraqlanan
  5. Ehtiyatlı
  6. Doğramaq
  7. Sirk
  8. Zencir
  9. Kürü
  10. Oymaq
  11. Yaratıq
  12. Qeddar

23 Clues: TacQalaSirkKürüRahatCizgiOymaqQefesMağaraZencirKartonQeddarYaratıqMüsabiqeDoğramaqMürekkebDeyişkenEhtiyatlıKulinariyaMedeniyyetIbaret olmaqXeyriyyeçilikHer şeyle maraqlanan

CROSSWORD 2019-05-02

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Haberler.
  2. Tartışma.
  3. Siyasi.
  4. Korku.
  5. Eğitici.
  6. Kanal.
  7. Yetenek şovu.
  8. Tarihi.
  9. Sıkıcı.
  10. Durum komedisi.
  1. Belgesel.
  2. Heyecan verici.
  3. Reklam.
  4. Pembe diziler.
  5. Sohbet programı.
  6. Bağımlısı olmak.
  7. İlginç.
  8. Komik.
  9. Bilgi yarışması.
  10. Çizgi film.

20 Clues: Korku.Komik.Kanal.Reklam.Siyasi.İlginç.Tarihi.Sıkıcı.Eğitici.Belgesel.Haberler.Tartışma.Çizgi film.Yetenek şovu.Pembe diziler.Heyecan verici.Durum komedisi.Sohbet programı.Bağımlısı olmak.Bilgi yarışması.

Crossword 2020-11-01

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. мультик
  2. спортивная викторина
  3. наука
  4. четверть
  5. язык
  6. погода
  7. любимый
  8. программа
  9. викторина
  10. телепрограмма
  11. ура!
  1. математика
  2. идти домой
  3. программа для животных
  4. научная программа
  5. ИЗО
  6. перо
  7. вверх тормашками
  8. крыло
  9. половина
  10. сегодня

21 Clues: ИЗОязыкпероура!наукакрылопогодамультиклюбимыйсегоднячетвертьполовинапрограммавикторинаматематикаидти домойтелепрограммавверх тормашкаминаучная программаспортивная викторинапрограмма для животных

Vocabulary revision 2018-02-08

Vocabulary revision crossword puzzle
  1. żołnierz
  2. słynny
  3. tablica ogłoszeń
  4. pamiętać
  5. członkowie
  6. naukowiec
  7. pielęgniarka
  1. warsztat
  2. przestraszony
  3. różny, inny
  4. perkusja
  5. nastolatki
  6. drogi
  7. odpowiadać
  8. kreskówka
  9. malować

16 Clues: drogisłynnymalowaćwarsztatżołnierzperkusjapamiętaćkreskówkanaukowiecnastolatkiodpowiadaćczłonkowieróżny, innypielęgniarkaprzestraszonytablica ogłoszeń

labyrinth 2013-02-15

labyrinth crossword puzzle
  1. feature
  2. phone
  3. cartoon
  4. kungfu
  5. acted
  6. md
  7. president
  8. character
  1. female
  2. oscar
  3. character2
  4. actor
  5. first
  6. extra
  7. dude

15 Clues: mddudeoscarphoneactedactorfirstextrafemalekungfufeaturecartoonpresidentcharactercharacter2