environmental economics Crossword Puzzles

1-120 2023-01-08

1-120 crossword puzzle
  1. 물리학
  2. 금속
  3. 지식
  4. 어린 시절
  5. 후회
  6. 기쁨
  7. 졸업
  8. 스위치
  9. 발명품
  10. 대기
  11. 예측
  12. 신입생
  1. 증오심
  2. 위성
  3. 비율
  4. 성격
  5. 유치원
  6. 화학
  7. 흥분
  8. 중퇴자
  9. 경제학
  10. 화학
  11. 윤리학

23 Clues: 위성금속비율성격지식화학흥분후회기쁨졸업화학대기예측증오심물리학유치원중퇴자경제학스위치발명품윤리학신입생어린 시절

Vocabulary test 2023-09-25

Vocabulary test crossword puzzle
  1. francia
  2. felöltözni
  3. liba
  4. ofő
  5. tesi
  6. közgazdaságtan
  7. fizika
  8. tantárgy
  9. órarend
  10. kétnyelvű
  11. megy(I/3)
  1. ovi
  2. földrajz
  3. műkorcsolya
  4. kémia
  5. japán
  6. fogak
  7. érkezni
  8. kipakol( mosogató gépet)
  9. házas

20 Clues: oviofőlibatesikémiajapánfogakházasfizikafranciaérkezniórarendföldrajztantárgykétnyelvűmegy(I/3)felöltözniműkorcsolyaközgazdaságtankipakol( mosogató gépet)

Environmental 2024-02-12

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. Formed in the air through reactions; sunlight turning car emissions into ground-level ozone.
  2. Toxins concentrating in predators; mercury, carry more disease in fish up the food chain
  3. source: Pollution from multiple diffuse origins; water from rain carrying pollutants from different streets.
  4. Emitted from combustion; car engines producing nitrogen oxides, contributing to urban air pollution.
  1. air pollution that reduces visibility; vehicle emissions and industrial pollutants.
  2. : Evaporating chemicals; paints emitting fumes, contributing to indoor air pollution.
  3. Directly emitted harmful substances; cars releasing carbon monoxide.
  4. source: Pollution from a specific spot, like a factory chimney releasing smoke.
  5. : Protective in the stratosphere; harmful at ground level, affecting respiratory health.
  6. species: Species revealing ecosystem health, frogs and toads, which may indicate pollution.

10 Clues: Directly emitted harmful substances; cars releasing carbon monoxide.source: Pollution from a specific spot, like a factory chimney releasing smoke.air pollution that reduces visibility; vehicle emissions and industrial pollutants.: Evaporating chemicals; paints emitting fumes, contributing to indoor air pollution....

Economics helps, Food : A bridge between cultures 2014-11-06

Economics helps,  Food : A bridge between cultures crossword puzzle
  1. 원주민의
  2. 수요
  3. 자원
  4. 기회
  5. 조사하다
  6. 부족
  7. 나타나다
  8. 쓰레기
  1. 기원
  2. ~인지아닌지
  3. 물건
  4. 경제학
  5. 혁명
  6. 따라서
  7. 고객
  8. 고추
  9. 독성이있는
  10. 금속의

18 Clues: 기원물건수요자원혁명고객고추기회부족경제학따라서금속의쓰레기원주민의조사하다나타나다독성이있는~인지아닌지

Solutions elementary unit 2 Eduards G 2022-04-13

Solutions elementary unit 2 Eduards G crossword puzzle
  1. ēst brokastis
  2. patīkami satraukts
  3. sports
  4. noguris
  5. plašs
  6. skoas ekskursija
  7. vienmēr
  8. vēsture
  9. sauss
  1. ekonomija
  2. ķīmija
  3. vācu valoda
  4. apkaunots
  5. ģērbties
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. taka
  8. slapšs
  9. uztraukts
  10. maziņs
  11. piektdiena

20 Clues: takaplašssaussķīmijasportsslapšsmaziņsnogurisvienmērvēstureģērbtiesekonomijaapkaunotsuztrauktsģeogrāfijapiektdienavācu valodaēst brokastisskoas ekskursijapatīkami satraukts

Arnold and the American Dream 2014-01-21

Arnold and the American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. mål
  2. kontroll
  3. kurs
  4. tilfreds
  5. forfølge
  6. streve
  7. konkurranse
  8. østerrisk
  1. himmelen
  2. lagre
  3. muskuløs
  4. oppnå
  5. regnskap
  6. følelse
  7. trekke seg tilbake
  8. gjenkjenne
  9. fysisk
  10. økonomi
  11. fattigdom
  12. mislykkes
  13. solbrun hud

21 Clues: målkurslagreoppnåfysiskstrevefølelseøkonomihimmelenkontrollmuskuløstilfredsregnskapforfølgefattigdommislykkesøsterriskgjenkjennekonkurransesolbrun hudtrekke seg tilbake

Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. test;quiz
  2. stadium
  3. school
  4. geography
  5. paper
  6. physics
  7. house;home
  8. course
  9. economics
  10. bookstore
  1. biology
  2. schedule
  3. art
  4. university;college
  5. trimester;quarter
  6. test;exam
  7. class
  8. homework
  9. sciences
  10. music

20 Clues: artclasspapermusicschoolcoursebiologystadiumphysicsschedulehomeworksciencestest;quizgeographytest;exameconomicsbookstorehouse;hometrimester;quarteruniversity;college

Spanish 2020-10-06

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. homework
  2. spanish
  3. science
  4. biology
  5. course
  6. semester
  7. schedule
  8. economics
  9. music
  10. art
  11. accounting
  1. physics
  2. trimester;quarter
  3. stadium
  4. geography
  5. test;quiz
  6. test;exam
  7. house;home
  8. class
  9. computerscience

20 Clues: artmusicclasscoursephysicsspanishstadiumsciencebiologyhomeworksemesterschedulegeographytest;quiztest;exameconomicshouse;homeaccountingcomputersciencetrimester;quarter

school 2023-10-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. Spaans
  2. fysica
  3. derdejaarsstudent
  4. laatstejaarsstudent
  5. Nederlands
  6. eerstejaarsstudent
  7. directeur
  8. techniek
  9. cheerleader
  10. aardrijkskunde
  11. Engels
  12. geschiedenis
  13. Latijn
  1. wiskunde
  2. tweedejaarsstudent
  3. wetenschappen
  4. Duits
  5. chemie
  6. biologie
  7. kleuters
  8. economie
  9. Grieks

22 Clues: DuitsSpaansfysicachemieGrieksEngelsLatijnwiskundebiologiekleuterstechniekeconomiedirecteurNederlandscheerleadergeschiedeniswetenschappenaardrijkskundederdejaarsstudenttweedejaarsstudenteerstejaarsstudentlaatstejaarsstudent

word formation 2023-10-26

word formation crossword puzzle
  1. Enter
  2. Act
  3. Photograph
  4. Act
  5. Beauty
  6. Success
  7. Nation
  8. Elect
  9. Conclude
  10. Achieve
  1. Create
  2. Develop
  3. Nation
  4. Industry
  5. Organize
  6. Create
  7. Converse
  8. Politic
  9. Friend
  10. Economy

20 Clues: ActActEnterElectCreateNationCreateBeautyFriendNationDevelopPoliticSuccessEconomyAchieveIndustryOrganizeConverseConcludePhotograph

Chapter 2 Spanish Crossword 2020-10-06

Chapter 2 Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. humanities
  2. art
  3. course
  4. schedule
  5. biology
  6. sciences
  7. English
  8. semester
  9. music
  10. computer science
  11. homework
  1. geography
  2. quiz
  3. library
  4. psychology
  5. accounting
  6. history
  7. Spanish
  8. class
  9. physics
  10. journalism
  11. economics

22 Clues: artquizclassmusiccourselibrarybiologyhistorySpanishEnglishphysicsschedulesciencessemesterhomeworkgeographyeconomicshumanitiespsychologyaccountingjournalismcomputer science

Violet Curry - Vocab Words 2020-10-07

Violet Curry - Vocab Words crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. economics
  3. library
  4. quiz
  5. chemistry
  6. art
  7. school
  8. trimester
  9. psychology
  10. clock
  11. Spanish
  12. window
  13. eraser
  14. sociology
  1. house
  2. semester
  3. homework
  4. music
  5. course
  6. exam
  7. laboratory
  8. schedule

22 Clues: artquizexamhousemusicclockschoolcoursewindoweraserhistorylibrarySpanishsemesterhomeworkscheduleeconomicschemistrytrimestersociologypsychologylaboratory

Solutions elementary Unit 2 Andris 2022-04-13

Solutions elementary Unit 2 Andris crossword puzzle
  1. bioloģija
  2. džungļi
  3. virve
  4. vivuālā māksla
  5. ieleja
  6. angļu valoda
  7. upe
  8. ķīmija
  9. vienmēr
  10. piektdiena
  1. mazs
  2. bīstams
  3. svēdiena
  4. ekonoomika
  5. ģeogrāfija
  6. franču valoda
  7. vācu valoda
  8. mūzika
  9. vēsture
  10. plasts

20 Clues: upemazsvirveielejamūzikaķīmijaplastsbīstamsdžungļivēsturevienmērsvēdienabioloģijaekonoomikaģeogrāfijapiektdienavācu valodaangļu valodafranču valodavivuālā māksla

School stuff (German edition!) 2024-03-29

School stuff (German edition!) crossword puzzle
  1. ruler
  2. economics
  3. physics
  4. colored-pencil
  5. biology
  6. pencil-case
  7. schedule
  8. ethics
  9. break
  10. geography
  1. politics
  2. history
  3. binder
  4. computer-science
  5. notebook
  6. social-studies
  7. school-supplies
  8. math
  9. chemistry
  10. art

20 Clues: artmathrulerbreakbinderethicshistoryphysicsbiologypoliticsnotebookscheduleeconomicschemistrygeographypencil-casecolored-pencilsocial-studiesschool-suppliescomputer-science

The Chemical Engineering Puzzle 2020-09-01

The Chemical Engineering Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Capable of igniting spontaneously in air
  2. Characteristic of water that prevents lather formation
  3. Dimensionless number representing the ratio of buoyant to viscous forces
  4. A thermodynamic term for a substance's propensity to escape from one enviornmental compartent to another
  5. The pressure on an object as a result of an impacting shock wave
  6. A line tangent to direction of fluid flow
  7. Fluids for which viscosity decreases as stress as applied
  8. Device mounted in a process line that provides continuous reading of flow rate in line
  1. The world's best source of critically evaluated thermo-physical and environmental property data
  2. Red area on NFPA diamond
  3. Process of dissociation of water
  4. Capacity to carry out a work
  5. A catalyzed chemical reaction in which one of the product is catalyst for the reaction
  6. Intersection of the raffinate-phase and extract-phase boundary curves
  7. branch of engineering that uses principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, and economics to efficiently use, produce, design, transport and transform energy and materials
  8. Device that raises pressure of gas
  9. Degree to which species tend to transfer from liquid to vapor state
  10. Alpha iron with BCC structure
  11. Valve used to control the pressure in a system which can build up due to process upset, equipment failure

19 Clues: Red area on NFPA diamondCapacity to carry out a workAlpha iron with BCC structureProcess of dissociation of waterDevice that raises pressure of gasCapable of igniting spontaneously in airA line tangent to direction of fluid flowCharacteristic of water that prevents lather formationFluids for which viscosity decreases as stress as applied...

AGS Environmental Cross Word Puzzle 2021-12-21

AGS Environmental Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a pillar of sustainability
  2. how would you dispose of paper and plastic/metal/glass
  3. meeting our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet there needs
  4. an abrupt increase in the Earth's temperature
  5. who would you contact for more information on environmental
  6. one key element of ISO14001
  7. environmental policy
  1. elements of an organization's activities, products or services that can interact with the environment
  2. who would you contact in the event of a spill?
  3. any change to the natural environmental, resulting from an organization's activities, products or services
  4. a pillar of sustainability
  5. an environmental objective that helps us to reduce our environmental impact

12 Clues: environmental policya pillar of sustainabilitya pillar of sustainabilityone key element of ISO14001an abrupt increase in the Earth's temperaturewho would you contact in the event of a spill?how would you dispose of paper and plastic/metal/glasswho would you contact for more information on environmental...

Specialized Areas in Agriculture 2021-10-04

Specialized Areas in Agriculture crossword puzzle
  1. (also phytopathology) this is the scientific study of diseases in plants caused by pathogens (infectious organisms) and environmental conditions (physiological factors.
  2. this is the branch of science concerned with the formation, nature, ecology, and classification of soil.
  3. this is the branch of economics dealing with the distribution, management and production of land.
  4. this is the art or practice of garden cultivation and management. Horticulture is the branch of agriculture that deals with the art, science, technology, and business of growing plants. It includes the cultivation of medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, flowers, seaweeds and non-food crops such as grass and ornamental trees and plants.
  5. this can be defined as the science and practise of plant managing, and caring for forest. It involves using conserving and repairing forest for human and environmental benefits
  6. is a branch of food science that deals with the production processes that make foods.
  7. this is the area of engineering concerned with the design, construction and improvement of farming equipment and machinery.
  1. this is the application of scientific research and knowledge of agricultural practices through farmer education.
  2. this is the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fibre,and land reclamation.
  3. this is the scientific study of insects, a branch of zoology.

10 Clues: this is the scientific study of insects, a branch of zoology.is a branch of food science that deals with the production processes that make foods.this is the branch of economics dealing with the distribution, management and production of land.this is the branch of science concerned with the formation, nature, ecology, and classification of soil....

Environmental problems 2022-04-05

Environmental problems crossword puzzle
  1. A situation in which resources are not easy to find or get
  2. Say no to waste
  3. Changes in the world’s weather
  4. A gradual increase in the world temperatures caused by gases.
  5. When species diminish because of environmental forces
  6. Decrease amounts
  7. damage caused to air, water, … by harmful substances or waste.
  1. losing different types of plants and animals that exist in a particular area or in the world generally
  2. Process by which a natural habitat becomes incapable of supporting its native species.
  3. The cutting down of trees in a large area or the destruction of forests
  4. Convert waste into new products
  5. Waste A situation in which no waste material is produced
  6. The situation in which too much attention is given to buying and owning things
  7. Think again about a plan, idea or system in order to change or improve it
  8. economy an economic system based on using renewable resources, eliminating waste, and reusing and recycling material goods
  9. Use again or more than once
  10. causing the deterioration or loss of one or more of the soil functions

17 Clues: Say no to wasteDecrease amountsUse again or more than onceChanges in the world’s weatherConvert waste into new productsWhen species diminish because of environmental forcesWaste A situation in which no waste material is producedA situation in which resources are not easy to find or getA gradual increase in the world temperatures caused by gases....

Environmental Management 2020-03-23

Environmental Management crossword puzzle
  1. the largest environmental unit
  2. element with 8 protons
  3. many of the one
  4. element with 6 protons
  5. when there are many of the 'lots of groups'
  6. the one
  7. a group of the many
  8. consume what the producers produce
  9. relating to dihydrogen monoxide
  10. living organisms and non-living components within an environment
  1. converting solar energy into sugars
  2. things done by the natural environment that aid us
  3. lots of groups
  4. our link to the environment
  5. non-living component
  6. natural products converted by humans for use
  7. alternative term for regulating services
  8. process in which producers make food via solar energy

18 Clues: the onelots of groupsmany of the onea group of the manynon-living componentelement with 8 protonselement with 6 protonsour link to the environmentthe largest environmental unitrelating to dihydrogen monoxideconsume what the producers produceconverting solar energy into sugarsalternative term for regulating services...

environmental issues 2018-10-03

environmental issues crossword puzzle
  1. metsä
  2. kivihiili
  3. luomu
  4. jätteet
  5. öljy
  6. eläimistö
  7. suojelualueet
  8. ilmakehä
  9. kierrättäminen
  1. hakkuu
  2. kasvisto
  3. maaperä
  4. salametsästäjät
  5. saasteet
  6. raitiovaunut
  7. uusiutuva
  8. viljelykasvit

17 Clues: öljymetsäluomuhakkuumaaperäjätteetkasvistosaasteetilmakehäkivihiilieläimistöuusiutuvaraitiovaunutsuojelualueetviljelykasvitkierrättäminensalametsästäjät

Environmental Conditions 2023-10-10

Environmental Conditions crossword puzzle
  1. a rise in body temperature
  2. taking time to get your body adapted to a new environment
  3. dangerously high body temperature because the hypothalamus shut down
  4. involuntary muscle contractions caused by dehydration
  5. things you can see or measure that may be wrong
  6. less than normal
  1. things the athlete tells you they're feeling
  2. low blood sodium
  3. more than normal
  4. caused by prolonged exercise in a hot environment (severe hydration)
  5. releasing water on the skin to cool the body off
  6. body temp drops below 95 degrees
  7. transferring heat through direct contact
  8. fainting and dizziness from exposure to high temps
  9. transferring heat through a medium like water or air
  10. freezing of the body tissue from exposure to the cold
  11. superficial skin tissue freezes but deeper tissue is fine

17 Clues: low blood sodiummore than normalless than normala rise in body temperaturebody temp drops below 95 degreestransferring heat through direct contactthings the athlete tells you they're feelingthings you can see or measure that may be wrongreleasing water on the skin to cool the body offfainting and dizziness from exposure to high temps...

BPSM Activity 2014-09-02

BPSM Activity crossword puzzle
  1. Inherent capacity of the organization and can be used to gain advantage in business field.
  2. Approach The Organization undertakes special studies or surveys to assess environmental issues.
  3. Environment Controllable and Constant Factors
  4. Systematic knowledge of industrial arts
  5. Unfavourable condition in the organization's environment which may create risk.
  6. Presentation of environmental analysis in a structured way.
  1. General Tendencies or course of actions along with which events take place.
  2. Changes Periodical anticipated political changes
  3. Environment All the external forces acting on the business shaping its activities
  4. Diagnosis Identifying opportunities threats based on environmental monitoring
  5. Environmental analysis is a exploratory process. Exploratory process is also known as __________________
  6. Environment When the business environment is influenced by market forces like demand, supply, or competition

12 Clues: Systematic knowledge of industrial artsEnvironment Controllable and Constant FactorsChanges Periodical anticipated political changesPresentation of environmental analysis in a structured way.General Tendencies or course of actions along with which events take place.Diagnosis Identifying opportunities threats based on environmental monitoring...

Global economics crossword A 2020-10-21

Global economics crossword A crossword puzzle
  1. Demand curve influence
  2. Caused by price- and wage increases
  3. The sum (line) of what is being produced
  4. Author economics book
  5. Nobel prize economics winner 2008
  6. Demand curve influence
  7. Part of income not saved/consumed
  8. Law related to GDP growth and unemployment
  9. Goods and services shipped overseas
  1. People leaving a country
  2. Short term seasonal unemployment
  3. Part of income not invested/consumed
  4. Long term unemployments
  5. Goods and services brought into a country
  6. Is lowering the populations and labour force
  7. The sum (line) of our purchases
  8. Part of income paid to governments
  9. Popular website with historical graphs

18 Clues: Author economics bookDemand curve influenceDemand curve influenceLong term unemploymentsPeople leaving a countryThe sum (line) of our purchasesShort term seasonal unemploymentNobel prize economics winner 2008Part of income not saved/consumedPart of income paid to governmentsCaused by price- and wage increasesGoods and services shipped overseas...

Environmental 2021-02-12

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. Worlds third largest landfill item
  2. What we do to to limit the amount of waste
  3. The state we live in
  4. What people, plants and waterways are part of
  5. Used to reduce noise impact
  1. What we do with leftover pieces
  2. What we do with cans, batteries and tyres
  3. Responsible for protecting the environment
  4. Used to contain and dispose of oil on the ground
  5. Surrounds oil and fuel tanks to stop spills

10 Clues: The state we live inUsed to reduce noise impactWhat we do with leftover piecesWorlds third largest landfill itemWhat we do with cans, batteries and tyresWhat we do to to limit the amount of wasteResponsible for protecting the environmentSurrounds oil and fuel tanks to stop spillsWhat people, plants and waterways are part of...


ENVIRONMENTAL crossword puzzle
  1. A way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
  2. A large area of land where subbish is taken and left
  3. Animals that live in nature and are not kept by human
  4. To cause harm or injury to something or someone
  5. The large round object that is very hot and bright, that provides light and heat for the Earth
  1. The natural world in which people, animals and plants live
  2. The natural world that includes all living things and non-living things
  3. The large round object that moves around a star (such as the Sun)
  4. To throw rubbish on the ground or in places where it should not be
  5. To make something tidy or free of dirt or mess

10 Clues: To make something tidy or free of dirt or messTo cause harm or injury to something or someoneA large area of land where subbish is taken and leftAnimals that live in nature and are not kept by humanThe natural world in which people, animals and plants liveA way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation...


  1. The gas responsible for damaging the environment.
  2. Refers to the scale of the environmental crisis in the story.
  3. Generated from resources like wind or solar power in the story.
  4. The natural world that Abigail and her students aim to protect.
  5. – A severe lack of water caused by environmental changes.
  6. A type of energy resource that does not deplete.
  7. These were replaced by barren wastelands.
  8. These became extinct due to habitat destruction.
  1. The natural home for species that were destroyed.
  2. The layer that was shattered, allowing ultraviolet rays to enter.
  3. What corporations did with waste in the rivers.
  4. Earthquakes, floods, and droughts are examples.
  5. Harmful gases released into the air.
  6. The group of people who managed to live through the environmental chaos.
  7. These nonrenewable resources contributed to environmental destruction.

15 Clues: Harmful gases released into the air.These were replaced by barren wastelands.What corporations did with waste in the rivers.Earthquakes, floods, and droughts are examples.A type of energy resource that does not deplete.These became extinct due to habitat destruction.The natural home for species that were destroyed....

Mini-Unit 3 Review (Capitalism) 2022-09-07

Mini-Unit 3 Review (Capitalism) crossword puzzle
  1. The movement of a Demand curve can be an increase or a decrease.
  2. This is a tax on a foreign import.
  3. the book shared the beliefs of a free market economy.
  4. In an economy, this is the amount of a good or service provided by producers.
  5. the amount of a product society wants to have.
  6. Term for when supply of a good meets the demand of a good.
  7. a law in economics that states when a price of a good increases so does the production. (Positive correlation)
  8. This is the study of economics concerned with the single factors and decisions of individuals.
  9. This is the concept that profit-driven individuals will provide for society’s needs.
  10. a requirement that a society has to have to survive.
  11. The drive that motivates one to do something.
  1. This is an economic theory and system predicated upon a country's trade and industry being controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
  2. This is a circumstance when the supply of a good or service falls short of the amount demanded by consumers.
  3. This is the practice of eliminating tariffs in order to maximize regional and interregional commercial trade.
  4. French term meaning 'hands off', referring to the lack of government interference in the economy.
  5. This principle of free market economics ensures that a variety of suppliers will result in an equilibrium price and higher production quality.
  6. This is a circumstance when the supply of a good or service exceeds the amount demanded by consumers.
  7. Having a short supply.
  8. a law in economics that states when a price of a good increases the consumption decreases. (Negative correlation)
  9. the country where Adam Smith was from.

20 Clues: Having a short supply.This is a tax on a foreign import.the country where Adam Smith was from.The drive that motivates one to do something.the amount of a product society wants to have.a requirement that a society has to have to survive.the book shared the beliefs of a free market economy.Term for when supply of a good meets the demand of a good....


HEALTH ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. that various inputs are substitutable for one another in the production of nursing care
  2. when there is not enough of it to satisfy human wants
  3. is the study of theproper allocation
  4. Originated in France and were most popular during the second half of the 18th century
  5. It is the crucial determinant of how the overall economy performs.
  6. is a systematic study of the state and government
  7. group of people
  8. a single purchaser in a market that has few or many sellers
  9. are provided in numerous ways and are an intangible activity
  10. is considered the father of macroeconomics.
  11. is the general category of the human effort that is used for the production of goods and services
  12. comes from ground such as oil, gold, wheat
  13. is the scientific study of the human behavior.
  14. markets dominated by few firms
  15. economics It is an economic analysis that explains what happens in the economy
  16. portrayed as exploitative and alienating.
  17. the study of human societies and cultures and their development.
  1. is the process of reasoning from general to particular
  2. was considered the father of modern economics for his treatise An Inquiry into the Nature an Causes of the Wealth of Nations
  3. is a social science that focuses on the study of past events.
  4. examined wealth accumulation
  5. Ground used to build structures
  6. deals with the behavior of individual components
  7. It deals with the behavior of the economy as a whole
  8. is the study of the society or groups
  9. economics is concerned with what should be.
  10. have a desire to possess or do; wish for.
  11. which literally means "management of a household
  12. is whatever people make to help them make other things
  13. study or science

30 Clues: group of peoplestudy or scienceexamined wealth accumulationmarkets dominated by few firmsGround used to build structuresis the study of theproper allocationis the study of the society or groupshave a desire to possess or do; wish for.portrayed as exploitative and alienating.comes from ground such as oil, gold, wheat...

Las materias 2019-04-12

Las materias crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. History
  3. Music
  4. Science
  5. Literature
  6. Foreign Languages
  7. Spanish
  8. Biology
  9. Computer science
  10. Sociology
  11. Psychology
  12. Art
  13. Physics
  1. Geography
  2. Humanities
  3. Chemistry
  4. Mathematics
  5. Journalism
  6. Accounting
  7. Archaeology
  8. Economics

21 Clues: ArtMusicEnglishHistoryScienceSpanishBiologyPhysicsGeographyChemistrySociologyEconomicsHumanitiesLiteratureJournalismAccountingPsychologyMathematicsArchaeologyComputer scienceForeign Languages

1-120 2023-01-08

1-120 crossword puzzle
  1. 예측
  2. 경제학
  3. 졸업
  4. 어린 시절
  5. 스위치
  6. 물리학
  7. 발명품
  8. 비율
  9. 지식
  10. 유치원
  11. 대기
  12. 윤리학
  1. 성격
  2. 중퇴자
  3. 흥분
  4. 신입생
  5. 화학
  6. 기쁨
  7. 위성
  8. 화학
  9. 후회
  10. 금속
  11. 증오심

23 Clues: 성격예측흥분졸업화학기쁨위성비율화학지식후회금속대기중퇴자경제학신입생스위치물리학발명품유치원윤리학증오심어린 시절

I love english so much 2019-12-03

I love english so much crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. artanddesign
  3. designandtechnology
  4. religiouseducation
  5. matemaatika
  6. geography
  7. French
  8. Russian
  9. biology
  1. informationandcommunicationtechnology
  2. chemistry
  3. physicaleducation
  4. German
  5. history
  6. music
  7. economics
  8. füüsika

17 Clues: musicGermanFrenchEnglishhistoryRussianfüüsikabiologychemistryeconomicsgeographymatemaatikaartanddesignphysicaleducationreligiouseducationdesignandtechnologyinformationandcommunicationtechnology

I love english so much 2019-12-03

I love english so much crossword puzzle
  1. saksakeel
  2. bioloogia
  3. füüsika
  4. venekeel
  5. kehalinekasvatus
  6. informatsioonijakommunikatsioonitehnoloogia
  7. keemia
  8. inglisekeel
  1. usuõpetus
  2. majandus
  3. kunstjadisain
  4. kunstjatehnoloogia
  5. geograafia
  6. ajalugu
  7. muusika
  8. matemaatika
  9. prantsusekeel

17 Clues: keemiafüüsikaajalugumuusikamajandusvenekeelusuõpetussaksakeelbioloogiageograafiamatemaatikainglisekeelkunstjadisainprantsusekeelkehalinekasvatuskunstjatehnoloogiainformatsioonijakommunikatsioonitehnoloogia

Eco-words 2020-05-25

Eco-words crossword puzzle
  1. an indirect tax used in India on the supply of goods and services. It is a comprehensive, multistage, destination-based tax: comprehensive because it has subsumed almost all the indirect taxes except a few state taxes /The common TAX/implementation in 2017
  2. Indian Origin person to get the recent Nobel prize in the field of Economics
  3. The monetary value of all finished goods and services made within a country during a specific period.
  4. A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced
  5. He founded the Indian Statistical Institute, and is considered the father of modern statistics in India.
  6. Current Finance Minister of India
  7. The first Asian woman to get a PhD in Economics from Harvard back in 1960.
  8. Current RBI governor
  1. Name the person who tabled India s first Union budget and was also India s Delegate to World Monetary conference at Bretton Woods , 1944
  2. An increase in the cost of living as the price of goods and services rise.
  3. Father of Indian Economics/Starts with P
  4. A long and severe recession in an economy or market.
  5. India happens to be a rich country inhabited by very poor people, who quoted it?
  6. India s first five year plan was based on which model ?
  7. Father of modern Economics

15 Clues: Current RBI governorFather of modern EconomicsCurrent Finance Minister of IndiaFather of Indian Economics/Starts with PA long and severe recession in an economy or market.India s first five year plan was based on which model ?An increase in the cost of living as the price of goods and services rise....


  1. ...is not a haux
  2. the sum of greenhouse gas emissions produced by you
  3. are likely to become extinct
  4. supporting long-term ecological balance
  5. ...are currently the world's primary energy source.
  6. all plants, anmials, living beings
  7. convert waste into reusable material
  8. CO2
  1. one of the greatest threats to biodiversity is
  2. person who works to protect the natural world
  3. rising temperatures
  4. cut down trees
  5. variety of life
  6. describes the warming of the Earth's surface
  7. solar panels
  8. air,water
  9. ...are a green sustainable alternative to fossils

17 Clues: CO2air,watersolar panelscut down treesvariety of life...is not a hauxrising temperaturesare likely to become extinctall plants, anmials, living beingsconvert waste into reusable materialsupporting long-term ecological balancedescribes the warming of the Earth's surfaceperson who works to protect the natural world...

Environmental Services 2017-08-18

Environmental Services crossword puzzle
  1. What tupe of rags do we use to clean? (blue and yellow)
  2. What company takes care of pest control?
  3. Evening discharge cleaners are called?
  4. What company takes care of RED trash and sharps for the hospital?
  5. Who is the head of safety and security?
  6. What is the brand of electronic paper towels we use?
  7. What is the name of the security company?
  8. What program is used to look up chemicals?
  1. These are used to keep your hands clean.
  2. What is the name of the fragrance spray we use?
  3. What floor is ICU on?
  4. Used to collect trash from multiple areas.
  5. What is the Color of ES Scrubs?
  6. How far out should you schedule PTO?
  7. What brand of bleach do we use to clean with?
  8. Who is the manager of ES?
  9. This is used to swipe you into the building or certain areas.

17 Clues: What floor is ICU on?Who is the manager of ES?What is the Color of ES Scrubs?How far out should you schedule PTO?Evening discharge cleaners are called?Who is the head of safety and security?These are used to keep your hands clean.What company takes care of pest control?What is the name of the security company?...

Environmental Studies 2022-09-06

Environmental Studies crossword puzzle
  1. all non-living things that are found in an ecosystem.
  2. the gas released during photosynthesis.
  3. the part of the Earth where all living things are found or exist.
  4. the area of Earth that fish inhabits.
  5. the layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth.
  6. an area where living and non-living things are found and co-inhabit.
  7. the study and practice of determining the interactions between humans and their environment.
  8. the atmosphere protects us from harmful waves emitted from the sun, called...
  1. the area of the Earth that is made up of land and rocky components.
  2. biotic organism that make their own food.
  3. an abiotic factor that determines how cool/warmly you will dress
  4. the place an organism resides in.
  5. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  6. the gas released during respiration.
  7. all living organisms fall part of this factor.
  8. the gas that makes up about 78% of the atmosphere.
  9. the abiotic factor that is needed in the process of photosynthesis

17 Clues: the place an organism resides in.the gas released during respiration.the area of Earth that fish inhabits.the gas released during photosynthesis.biotic organism that make their own food.the layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth.all living organisms fall part of this factor.the gas that makes up about 78% of the atmosphere....

environmental issues 2023-04-17

environmental issues crossword puzzle
  1. all over the world (e.g. global ...)
  2. the weather which is typical for an area
  3. people in huge cities suffer from air ... because of factories
  4. everything that is around us (nature etc.)
  5. mountains which consist of ice and snow all year long
  6. when species 'die out' they become...
  7. the fact that sizes (food) are becoming smaller but the price stays the same or is rising
  8. global warming may lead to this, it is very dry
  1. the fact that we live a way to conserve our planet for future generations
  2. we can calculate our carbon ...
  3. a gas released when oil is burned
  4. another word for e.g. to reduce food waste
  5. fuel which cannot be produced again, e.g. coal
  6. what we through away (e.g. food)
  7. food which can still be eaten
  8. energy which is not gone when used (e.g. wind
  9. an area with a lot of sand; there are also food...where people do not have access to healthy food

17 Clues: food which can still be eatenwe can calculate our carbon ...what we through away (e.g. food)a gas released when oil is burnedall over the world (e.g. global ...)when species 'die out' they become...the weather which is typical for an areaanother word for e.g. to reduce food wasteeverything that is around us (nature etc.)...

Environmental Problems! 2023-07-12

Environmental Problems! crossword puzzle
  1. monoxide, Emitted toxic gas
  2. Tiny particles released into the air
  3. Harmful substance
  4. A catastrophic event
  5. rain, Rain with acidic properties
  6. monoxide, Result of harmful gases from vehicles
  7. Loss of life
  8. of goods, Excessive production of goods
  9. Pain and distress
  10. fuels exploitation, Exploitation of non-renewable energy sources
  1. Excessive and unnecessary purchasing
  2. warming, Rising temperatures and extreme weather events
  3. Release of toxic substances
  4. Destruction of trees and ecosystems
  5. layer depletion, Depletion of a protective atmospheric layer
  6. cities, Cities with too many people
  7. chemicals, Substances with detrimental effects
  8. Unchecked pursuit of wealth

18 Clues: Loss of lifeHarmful substancePain and distressA catastrophic eventmonoxide, Emitted toxic gasRelease of toxic substancesUnchecked pursuit of wealthrain, Rain with acidic propertiesDestruction of trees and ecosystemscities, Cities with too many peopleExcessive and unnecessary purchasingTiny particles released into the air...

Environmental Science 2023-03-21

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. A plant or animal
  2. Made up of all living things
  3. Living organisms and their interaction with each other
  4. Meat eaters are called
  5. A model that shows the relationships in an ecosystem
  6. List of organisms
  7. The study of how livings interact with each other
  8. Plant eaters are called
  9. Organisms that make their food using the sun
  1. Smaller places within a biome
  2. Non-living components
  3. Organisms that obtain their food by feeding on other organisms
  4. The natural home of a living thing
  5. A system made up of all living things
  6. Organisms of one species in an ecosystem
  7. An organisms function in its habitat
  8. Areas in the world with similar climates
  9. Meat and plant eaters are called

18 Clues: A plant or animalList of organismsNon-living componentsMeat eaters are calledPlant eaters are calledMade up of all living thingsSmaller places within a biomeMeat and plant eaters are calledThe natural home of a living thingAn organisms function in its habitatA system made up of all living thingsOrganisms of one species in an ecosystem...

Environmental Conditions 2023-03-20

Environmental Conditions crossword puzzle
  1. When a person is unresponsive.
  2. This happens when your muscles seize up.
  3. A skin appearance.
  4. When a person has a high temperature.
  5. caused by a pain in the head.
  6. A condition caused by heat and causes heavy sweating..
  7. A mood changing symptom of an environmental condition.
  8. Feeling sick with an inclination to vomit.
  9. Water droplets on skin caused by heat or exertion.
  10. Something your body does when very cold.
  1. Call one when needed.
  2. A condition triggered by heat loss.
  3. Given when dehydrated.
  4. A condition caused by heat without sweating.
  5. Blue lips and surrounding area.
  6. Given when thirsty.
  7. Responsive.

17 Clues: Responsive.A skin appearance.Given when thirsty.Call one when needed.Given when dehydrated.caused by a pain in the head.When a person is unresponsive.Blue lips and surrounding area.A condition triggered by heat loss.When a person has a high temperature.This happens when your muscles seize up.Something your body does when very cold....

Engineer Careers Crossword 2021-09-21

Engineer Careers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. engineer solutions to environmental problem
  2. engineer maintain infrastructures like gas mains
  3. engineer bridges
  4. engineer design waste systems
  5. engineer laser surgery
  6. engineer spacecraft
  7. engineer develop automobiles
  8. engineer power plants
  9. architect design walkways
  1. engineer water turbine
  2. engineer innovate ideas
  3. cell engineer Design a network of hydrogen fueling stations
  4. engineer design lasers
  5. engineer spoon
  6. engineer designing airport runway
  7. engineer prostheses
  8. information systems technician mapping database
  9. engineer making art
  10. traffic lights
  11. engineer robotic toys

20 Clues: engineer spoontraffic lightsengineer bridgesengineer prosthesesengineer spacecraftengineer making artengineer power plantsengineer robotic toysengineer water turbineengineer design lasersengineer laser surgeryengineer innovate ideasarchitect design walkwaysengineer develop automobilesengineer design waste systemsengineer designing airport runway...

S1 3.4 Las materias 2022-03-08

S1 3.4 Las materias crossword puzzle
  1. choir
  2. chemistry
  3. math
  4. geometry
  5. civics
  6. algebra
  7. art
  8. English
  9. health
  1. biology
  2. physical education
  3. economics
  4. history
  5. Spanish
  6. lunch
  7. science
  8. band

17 Clues: artmathbandchoirlunchcivicshealthbiologyhistorySpanishsciencealgebraEnglishgeometrychemistryeconomicsphysical education


ENVIRONMENTAL crossword puzzle
  1. Plant, animals and other organisms including weather and landscape –
  2. Your surrounding
  3. Synonym and colour theme for ‘environment’ –
  4. An artificial substance that is malleable into many different forms to fit various use –
  5. To sort and collect trash and with the purpose of producing useful materials that can be reused
  1. Harmful substances especially in the atmosphere and water –
  2. To degrade into smaller parts
  3. All the different kinds of life you will find in one area –
  4. Able to withstand repeat usage –
  5. warming Long term heat of earth –

10 Clues: Your surroundingTo degrade into smaller partsAble to withstand repeat usage –warming Long term heat of earth –Synonym and colour theme for ‘environment’ –Harmful substances especially in the atmosphere and water –All the different kinds of life you will find in one area –Plant, animals and other organisms including weather and landscape –...

Justin's crossword 2015-03-19

Justin's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Craft
  2. giver
  3. need
  4. for people
  5. package bargaining
  6. makers
  7. rival
  8. capitalism
  9. alone
  10. done for free
  11. hit
  1. no work
  2. School
  3. tax
  4. royal
  5. wealth
  6. buyer
  7. lack
  8. business

19 Clues: taxhitneedlackCraftgiverroyalrivalbuyeraloneSchoolmakerswealthno workbusinessfor peoplecapitalismdone for freepackage bargaining

Previous Learned Words 2024-01-30

Previous Learned Words crossword puzzle
  1. event
  2. Tourism
  3. coral reef
  4. activity
  5. Sea
  6. flag
  7. improve, develop
  8. diver
  9. to sunbath
  1. People
  2. ceremony
  3. location
  4. to swim
  5. water
  6. Economics
  7. ecosystem
  8. Music
  9. island
  10. record

19 Clues: SeaflageventwaterMusicdiverPeopleislandrecordto swimTourismceremonylocationactivityEconomicsecosystemcoral reefto sunbathimprove, develop

FCCLA 2023-03-06

FCCLA crossword puzzle
  1. The color white represents this characteristic.
  2. when clubs are recognized from paying their dues
  3. Club associated with FCS classes
  4. Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety
  5. FCCLA club flower
  6. Students Taking Action with Recognition
  7. The year that home economics and FHA changed.
  8. FCCLA main focus
  1. year FCCLA was founded.
  2. Number of members nationwide.
  3. Club associated with home economics
  4. Career Technical Student Organization
  5. Price of current FCCLA dues
  6. The color red represents this characteristic.
  7. catchy phrase for a club or organization

15 Clues: FCCLA main focusFCCLA club floweryear FCCLA was founded.Price of current FCCLA duesNumber of members nationwide.Club associated with FCS classesClub associated with home economicsCareer Technical Student OrganizationStudents Taking Action with Recognitioncatchy phrase for a club or organizationFamilies Acting for Community Traffic Safety...

Climate Change Crossword 2022-05-19

Climate Change Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An effect of global warming, caused by rising water levels and climate induced tropical storms.
  2. The transition from fossil fuel energy sources that emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses to renewable and clean energy (Fors pg 1).
  3. The abbreviation for an act of Congress setting national air quality standards and enforcing emission outputs from different states (Environmental Protection Agency, v. EME Homer City Generation pg 5).
  4. Abbreviation for the national air pollution standards set by the Clean Air Act (Miller pg 1).
  5. The national government.
  6. President whose administration ushered in the “environmental decade” of the 1970s (Rinde para 3).
  7. Toxic emissions in the forms of litter or air and water contamination
  8. The abbreviation for the agency of Congress in charge of environmental concerns, such as pollution regulation and protecting natural resources.
  9. The ___________ New Deal - An American broad reaching plan for decarbonization, justice, and jobs intended to combat the climate crisis and reduce its negative impacts on humanity. Introduced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey in 2019 (Congress HRES 109 pg 1).
  1. ______________ Racism - When communities of color disproportionately experience the negative effects of climate change, including living in proximity to sources of pollution.
  2. _________ - The effects of human induced climate change. Causes rising temperatures, rising sea levels, droughts, wildfires, climate induced storms, etc.
  3. The American political party that supports most environmental legislation
  4. ___________ gas - Gasses such as carbon dioxide that are emitted from the burning of fossil fuels and cause climate change and global warming (the “greenhouse effect.”)
  5. __________ Communities- An adjective describing communities located near sources of pollution/ communities disproportionately affected by climate change.
  6. _______ Deal - FDR’s federal program to combat the effects of the Great Depression. Inspired the name and scale of the GND.
  7. The nickname/abbreviation given to the United States House Representative from New York who co-introduced the Green New Deal.
  8. The first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA pg 1).
  9. The abbreviation for an act of Congress created during the environmental decade of the 1970s which requires federal projects to submit reports about the effects their construction will have on the environment (Miller para 9).
  10. The United States Senator who co-introduced the Green New Deal.

19 Clues: The national government.The United States Senator who co-introduced the Green New Deal.Toxic emissions in the forms of litter or air and water contaminationThe American political party that supports most environmental legislationThe first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA pg 1)....

Climate Change Crossword 2022-05-19

Climate Change Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An effect of global warming, caused by rising water levels and climate induced tropical storms.
  2. The transition from fossil fuel energy sources that emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses to renewable and clean energy (Fors pg 1).
  3. The abbreviation for an act of Congress setting national air quality standards and enforcing emission outputs from different states (Environmental Protection Agency, v. EME Homer City Generation pg 5).
  4. Abbreviation for the national air pollution standards set by the Clean Air Act (Miller pg 1).
  5. The national government.
  6. President whose administration ushered in the “environmental decade” of the 1970s (Rinde para 3).
  7. Toxic emissions in the forms of litter or air and water contamination
  8. The abbreviation for the agency of Congress in charge of environmental concerns, such as pollution regulation and protecting natural resources.
  9. The ___________ New Deal - An American broad reaching plan for decarbonization, justice, and jobs intended to combat the climate crisis and reduce its negative impacts on humanity. Introduced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey in 2019 (Congress HRES 109 pg 1).
  1. ______________ Racism - When communities of color disproportionately experience the negative effects of climate change, including living in proximity to sources of pollution.
  2. _________ - The effects of human induced climate change. Causes rising temperatures, rising sea levels, droughts, wildfires, climate induced storms, etc.
  3. The American political party that supports most environmental legislation
  4. ___________ gas - Gasses such as carbon dioxide that are emitted from the burning of fossil fuels and cause climate change and global warming (the “greenhouse effect.”)
  5. __________ Communities- An adjective describing communities located near sources of pollution/ communities disproportionately affected by climate change.
  6. _______ Deal - FDR’s federal program to combat the effects of the Great Depression. Inspired the name and scale of the GND.
  7. The nickname/abbreviation given to the United States House Representative from New York who co-introduced the Green New Deal.
  8. The first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA pg 1).
  9. The abbreviation for an act of Congress created during the environmental decade of the 1970s which requires federal projects to submit reports about the effects their construction will have on the environment (Miller para 9).
  10. The United States Senator who co-introduced the Green New Deal.

19 Clues: The national government.The United States Senator who co-introduced the Green New Deal.Toxic emissions in the forms of litter or air and water contaminationThe American political party that supports most environmental legislationThe first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA pg 1)....

Environmental 2020-10-21

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. land
  2. surfaceWater
  3. atmosphere
  4. landscape
  5. forest
  1. fisheries
  2. plantation
  3. groundwater
  4. identification
  5. quantifying

10 Clues: landforestfisherieslandscapeplantationatmospheregroundwaterquantifyingsurfaceWateridentification

Environmental 2022-04-27

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. plastic container color
  2. what do they produce plants
  3. which is on the ocean when the ship sinks
  4. paper container color
  5. rain smoke plus rain do
  6. which increases the ozone layer
  1. Humans must do so to save the planet from trash
  2. glass container color
  3. what do motor cars make
  4. waste separation is the so-called
  5. screp container color

11 Clues: glass container colorpaper container colorscrep container colorplastic container colorwhat do motor cars makerain smoke plus rain dowhat do they produce plantswhich increases the ozone layerwaste separation is the so-calledwhich is on the ocean when the ship sinksHumans must do so to save the planet from trash

Environmental 2023-02-01

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. Tropospheric ozone is an example of the product of a chemical reaction with a primary pollutant
  2. a shark is found with unprecedented amounts of toxins in their body coming from their diet
  3. Chloride, a compound we live with daily, is an example of this
  4. source of pollution you can clearly see
  1. The exhaustion pipes in trucks are a great example
  2. seeing many flies surrounding an animal tells you its dead because of what flies are
  3. source of pollution that cannot be cleary pointed out as the culprit
  4. One of the 7 major air pollutants that contains 2 different atoms
  5. A gas composed by 3 oxygen atoms
  6. the layer of greyish air found above major cities

10 Clues: A gas composed by 3 oxygen atomssource of pollution you can clearly seethe layer of greyish air found above major citiesThe exhaustion pipes in trucks are a great exampleChloride, a compound we live with daily, is an example of thisOne of the 7 major air pollutants that contains 2 different atoms...

Environmental 2024-05-30

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. Term used for hazardous chemical that can burn eyes or skin
  2. Shows the appropriate hazard warning
  3. One of affects caused from chemical spill
  4. Acronym for Spill Prevention Control Countermeasure
  5. Acronym for Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  6. Dust accumulation cannot exceed
  7. A document with chemical information
  8. Color of sign or labels with minor hazard
  1. Equipment for flammable items
  2. Needed for in use chemical drums

10 Clues: Equipment for flammable itemsDust accumulation cannot exceedNeeded for in use chemical drumsShows the appropriate hazard warningA document with chemical informationOne of affects caused from chemical spillColor of sign or labels with minor hazardAcronym for Spill Prevention Control Countermeasure...

China`s environmental issues 2022-05-26

China`s environmental issues crossword puzzle
  1. environmental science and ........................
  2. environmental ............................ prevention and control
  3. utilization of ................. resources are of importance to the country's interests and development
  4. from the governments of all countries and continents represented at the conference.
  5. Along with the growth of China's ...............................
  6. Showing ......................... by carrying out environmental
  1. issue of importance to the survival of the Chinese people as well as their posterity and ...............
  2. China's role in global environmental ....................
  3. ......................................... and non-democratic countries and international organizations
  4. Establishing and improving environmental protection ....................... under governments

10 Clues: environmental science and ........................China's role in global environmental ....................Showing ......................... by carrying out environmentalAlong with the growth of China's ...............................environmental ............................ prevention and control...

fundamental econmic concepts 2023-02-03

fundamental econmic concepts crossword puzzle
  1. physicalobjectsthatsomeoneproduce
  2. desirabledemoresultdescision
  3. producemoremilitarygoods
  4. useoffewerresource
  5. taskpeopledoforpay
  6. actionoractivitythat1personperformsforanother
  7. situtationinwhichconsumerswontmoreofgood
  8. somethingpeopledesirebutnotnessecary
  9. anyhumanmadersources
  10. humanmadeobjectusedtocreategoods
  11. descisionamakingprocess
  12. extracostofporducingoraddingoneunit
  13. useofresourcestomaimizetheoutput
  1. toshowmaxpossibleoutput
  2. extracostofproducingoneunit
  3. maxcurveeconmycanproduce
  4. personwhodecideshowtocombineresourcestocreategood
  5. skillsworkersgain
  6. somethingessentialforsurvival
  7. studyofhowpeopleseektosatifythereneeds
  8. decidingwehtertouseadditionalcost
  9. allnaturalresources

22 Clues: skillsworkersgainuseoffewerresourcetaskpeopledoforpayallnaturalresourcesanyhumanmadersourcestoshowmaxpossibleoutputdescisionamakingprocessmaxcurveeconmycanproduceproducemoremilitarygoodsextracostofproducingoneunitdesirabledemoresultdescisionsomethingessentialforsurvivalhumanmadeobjectusedtocreategoodsuseofresourcestomaimizetheoutput...

Important Economics Terms (Easy) 2016-06-23

Important Economics Terms (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. The process or means by which buyers and sellers are brought together
  2. A social science revolving around goods and services
  3. A person who organizes resources and takes risks to produce products and profit.
  4. Tangible products made by combining resources in some way, like a car
  5. Human effort used to make or serve a product
  6. Plural; things that are not necessary, but are beneficial
  7. The system of economics in which economic questions are answered by government
  8. Intangible products, an action performed by one person for another
  1. Capital earned - capital spent in order to earn
  2. A business organization
  3. When demand for a product is greater than supply for said product
  4. The system of economics America uses; Economic questions answered in market
  5. Plural; things that are necessary, such as food and water
  6. Plural; ____ of production; used to create what people want to pay for
  7. Buys goods and services for their own benefit

15 Clues: A business organizationHuman effort used to make or serve a productBuys goods and services for their own benefitCapital earned - capital spent in order to earnA social science revolving around goods and servicesPlural; things that are necessary, such as food and waterPlural; things that are not necessary, but are beneficial...

I love english so much 2019-12-03

I love english so much crossword puzzle
  1. informationandcommunicationtechnology
  2. physicaleducation
  3. chemistry
  4. geography
  5. religiouseducation
  6. economics
  1. English
  2. designandtechnology
  3. biology
  4. history
  5. physics
  6. French
  7. Russian
  8. maths
  9. artanddesign
  10. German
  11. music

17 Clues: mathsmusicFrenchGermanEnglishbiologyhistoryphysicsRussianchemistrygeographyeconomicsartanddesignphysicaleducationreligiouseducationdesignandtechnologyinformationandcommunicationtechnology

Environmental Chemistry 2013-12-05

Environmental Chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. Storage of unused chemical energy
  2. Helps regulate water balance, component of hydrochloric acid in the stomach
  3. where chemicals accumulate in the tissues of organisms along the food chain
  4. A chemical that changes colour to indicate whether a substance is an acid or a base
  5. A chemical used to control moulds and fungi
  6. Crucial in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, blood clotting; forms bones and teeth
  7. short for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
  8. Component of some enzymes, involved in bone formation and protein metabolism
  9. DDT is widely recognized as being potentially _________
  1. A way of comparing the relative acidity or alkalinity of a substance
  2. A chemical used to control weeds
  3. A chemical used to control insects
  4. Has a pH value of more than 7
  5. precipitation Rain or snow containing acid compounds from the air
  6. Energy source for metabolism
  7. A process whereby metals or stone are chemically degraded
  8. Structural molecule for body and helps chemical reactions

17 Clues: Energy source for metabolismHas a pH value of more than 7A chemical used to control weedsStorage of unused chemical energyA chemical used to control insectsshort for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethaneA chemical used to control moulds and fungiDDT is widely recognized as being potentially _________...

Environmental Services 2017-08-18

Environmental Services crossword puzzle
  1. What company takes care of pest control?
  2. What tupe of rags do we use to clean? (blue and yellow)
  3. Used to collect trash from multiple areas.
  4. Evening discharge cleaners are called?
  5. What company takes care of RED trash and sharps for the hospital?
  6. Who is the head of safety and security?
  7. What is the brand of electronic paper towels we use?
  8. What is the Color of ES Scrubs?
  9. What program is used to look up chemicals?
  1. This is used to swipe you into the building or certain areas.
  2. What is the name of the security company?
  3. Who is the manager of ES?
  4. What brand of bleach do we use to clean with?
  5. What is the name of the fragrance spray we use?
  6. Weeks How far out should you schedule PTO?
  7. What floor is ICU on?
  8. These are used to keep your hands clean.

17 Clues: What floor is ICU on?Who is the manager of ES?What is the Color of ES Scrubs?Evening discharge cleaners are called?Who is the head of safety and security?What company takes care of pest control?These are used to keep your hands clean.What is the name of the security company?Used to collect trash from multiple areas....

Environmental pollution 2021-04-03

Environmental pollution crossword puzzle
  1. вести к
  2. мусор
  3. окружающая среда
  4. сливать
  5. почва
  6. выпускать
  7. сжигать
  8. свалка (официальная)
  1. уменьшать
  2. перерабатывать
  3. вредный
  4. свалка (неофициальная)
  5. промышленный
  6. использовать многоразово
  7. задерживать
  8. добыча полезных ископаемых
  9. отходы

17 Clues: мусорпочваотходывести квредныйсливатьсжигатьуменьшатьвыпускатьзадерживатьпромышленныйперерабатыватьокружающая средасвалка (официальная)свалка (неофициальная)использовать многоразоводобыча полезных ископаемых

Environmental Studies 2022-09-06

Environmental Studies crossword puzzle
  1. the gas that makes up about 78% of the atmosphere.
  2. the layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth.
  3. the study and practice of determining the interactions between humans and their environment.
  4. the part of the Earth where all living things are found or exist.
  5. the gas released during respiration.
  6. an abiotic factor that determines how cool/warmly you will dress
  7. the gas released during photosynthesis.
  8. all living organisms fall part of this factor.
  9. the abiotic factor that is needed in the process of photosynthesis
  1. an area where living and non-living things are found and co-inhabit.
  2. the area of the Earth that is made up of land and rocky components.
  3. the atmosphere protects us from harmful waves emitted from the sun, called...
  4. the area of Earth that fish inhabits.
  5. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  6. the place an organism resides in.
  7. all non-living things that are found in an ecosystem.
  8. biotic organism that make their own food.

17 Clues: the place an organism resides in.the gas released during respiration.the area of Earth that fish inhabits.the gas released during photosynthesis.biotic organism that make their own food.the layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth.all living organisms fall part of this factor.the gas that makes up about 78% of the atmosphere....

The 21 (hard mode) 2024-09-23

The 21 (hard mode) crossword puzzle
  1. Atmospheric condition related to climate change
  2. Document initiating legal action
  3. International agreement for climate action
  4. Environmental advocacy group involved in the case
  5. Catastrophic event cited as evidence in the lawsuit
  6. Primary atmospheric gas linked to warming
  7. Theme connecting youth and environmental rights
  1. Term for youth-led climate initiatives
  2. Legal principle allowing government accountability
  3. Youth leader known for climate activism
  4. Legal strategy for challenging government policy
  5. Critical environmental change affecting biodiversity
  6. Type of action sought by the plaintiffs against inaction
  7. U.S. constitutional clause addressing personal rights
  8. Concept focusing on equitable climate solutions
  9. Legal status for future generations' rights

16 Clues: Document initiating legal actionTerm for youth-led climate initiativesYouth leader known for climate activismPrimary atmospheric gas linked to warmingInternational agreement for climate actionLegal status for future generations' rightsAtmospheric condition related to climate changeConcept focusing on equitable climate solutions...

Vocab a 2013-03-08

Vocab a crossword puzzle
  1. broodje
  2. techniek
  3. tonijn
  4. hongerig zijn
  5. economie
  6. kunst,ckv
  7. frans
  8. meestal
  9. kaas
  10. salade
  1. biologie
  2. geschiedenis
  3. wiskunde
  4. vegetarische
  5. maaltijd
  6. sinaasappel
  7. natuur/scheikunde
  8. aardrijkskunde
  9. patat,friet
  10. boterham
  11. duits

21 Clues: kaasfransduitstonijnsaladebroodjemeestalbiologiewiskundetechniekmaaltijdeconomieboterhamkunst,ckvsinaasappelpatat,frietgeschiedenisvegetarischehongerig zijnaardrijkskundenatuur/scheikunde

2-A Tú día en la escuela 2013-03-19

2-A Tú día en la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. geology
  2. home economics
  3. english
  4. biology
  5. physics
  6. mathematics
  7. band
  8. chemistry
  9. calculus
  10. music
  11. health
  12. languages
  13. algebra
  1. spanish
  2. history
  3. geometry
  4. science
  5. physical education
  6. social studies
  7. computer science
  8. french

21 Clues: bandmusicfrenchhealthspanishhistorygeologyscienceenglishbiologyphysicsalgebrageometrycalculuschemistrylanguagesmathematicshome economicssocial studiescomputer sciencephysical education

Idenity 2018-09-27

Idenity crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 23
  4. 21
  5. 4
  6. 12
  7. 20
  8. 3
  9. 1
  10. 11
  1. 9
  2. 22
  3. 17
  4. 5
  5. 13
  6. 16
  7. 6
  8. 7
  9. 8
  10. 2
  11. 18
  12. 19
  13. 14

23 Clues: 9564782311022151713162321122018191411

Na hÁbhair Scoile 2021-01-18

Na hÁbhair Scoile crossword puzzle
  1. History
  2. Science
  3. SPHE
  4. Gnó Business Studies
  5. French
  6. Religion
  7. Music
  8. Art
  9. German
  10. Bhaile Home Economics
  11. Metalwork
  1. Geography
  2. Theicniúil Technical Drawing
  3. P.E
  4. Maths
  5. Irish
  6. Woodwork
  7. Spanish
  8. English
  9. CSPE

20 Clues: P.EArtSPHECSPEMathsIrishMusicFrenchGermanHistoryScienceSpanishEnglishWoodworkReligionGeographyMetalworkGnó Business StudiesBhaile Home EconomicsTheicniúil Technical Drawing

U18 - Las asignaturas 2024-05-28

U18 - Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. RE
  2. business
  3. geography
  4. science
  5. drama
  6. art
  7. biology
  8. home economics
  9. Spanish
  10. French
  11. history
  1. technology
  2. careers
  3. English
  4. Irish
  5. subject
  6. PE
  7. maths
  8. music
  9. chemistry
  10. physics
  11. IT
  12. German
  13. art

24 Clues: REPEITartartIrishmathsmusicdramaGermanFrenchcareersEnglishsubjectsciencephysicsbiologySpanishhistorybusinessgeographychemistrytechnologyhome economics

environmental things 2022-05-06

environmental things crossword puzzle
  1. beings
  2. stop
  3. move
  4. hold
  5. growth
  6. large
  7. drop
  8. slip
  1. away
  2. endless
  3. air
  4. hard
  5. down
  6. nature
  7. solid
  8. breeze
  9. fall

17 Clues: airawaystopmoveharddownholddropslipfalllargesolidbeingsgrowthnaturebreezeendless

Environmental problems 2022-04-06

Environmental problems crossword puzzle
  1. an economic system based on using renewable resources, eliminating waste, and reusing and recycling material goods
  2. Convert waste into new products
  3. Process by which a natural habitat becomes incapable of supporting its native species.
  4. losing different types of plants and animals that exist in a particular area or in the world generally
  5. A gradual increase in the world temperatures caused by gases.
  6. Say no to waste
  7. A situation in which resources are not easy to find or get
  1. Damage caused to air, water, … by harmful substances or waste.
  2. A situation in which no waste material is produced
  3. When species diminish because of environmental forces
  4. Decrease amounts
  5. The cutting down of trees in a large area or the destruction of forests
  6. causing the deterioration or loss of one or more of the soil functions
  7. Use again or more than once
  8. Think again about a plan, idea or system in order to change or improve it
  9. Changes in the world’s weather
  10. The situation in which too much attention is given to buying and owning things

17 Clues: Say no to wasteDecrease amountsUse again or more than onceChanges in the world’s weatherConvert waste into new productsA situation in which no waste material is producedWhen species diminish because of environmental forcesA situation in which resources are not easy to find or getA gradual increase in the world temperatures caused by gases....

Environmental Studies 2022-09-06

Environmental Studies crossword puzzle
  1. the gas that makes up about 78% of the atmosphere.
  2. the layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth.
  3. the study and practice of determining the interactions between humans and their environment.
  4. the part of the Earth where all living things are found or exist.
  5. the gas released during respiration.
  6. an abiotic factor that determines how cool/warmly you will dress
  7. the gas released during photosynthesis.
  8. all living organisms fall part of this factor.
  9. the abiotic factor that is needed in the process of photosynthesis
  1. an area where living and non-living things are found and co-inhabit.
  2. the area of the Earth that is made up of land and rocky components.
  3. the atmospgere protects us from harmful waves emitted from the sun, called...
  4. the area of Earth that fish inhabits.
  5. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  6. the place an organism resides in.
  7. all non-living things that are found in an ecosystem.
  8. biotic organism that make their own food.

17 Clues: the place an organism resides in.the gas released during respiration.the area of Earth that fish inhabits.the gas released during photosynthesis.biotic organism that make their own food.the layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth.all living organisms fall part of this factor.the gas that makes up about 78% of the atmosphere....

Environmental Studies 2022-09-06

Environmental Studies crossword puzzle
  1. all non-living things that are found in an ecosystem.
  2. the gas released during photosynthesis.
  3. the part of the Earth where all living things are found or exist.
  4. the area of Earth that fish inhabits.
  5. the layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth.
  6. an area where living and non-living things are found and co-inhabit.
  7. the study and practice of determining the interactions between humans and their environment.
  8. the atmosphere protects us from harmful waves emitted from the sun, called...
  1. the area of the Earth that is made up of land and rocky components.
  2. biotic organism that make their own food.
  3. an abiotic factor that determines how cool/warmly you will dress
  4. the place an organism resides in.
  5. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  6. the gas released during respiration.
  7. all living organisms fall part of this factor.
  8. the gas that makes up about 78% of the atmosphere.
  9. the abiotic factor that is needed in the process of photosynthesis

17 Clues: the place an organism resides in.the gas released during respiration.the area of Earth that fish inhabits.the gas released during photosynthesis.biotic organism that make their own food.the layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth.all living organisms fall part of this factor.the gas that makes up about 78% of the atmosphere....

Environmental Chemistry 2023-05-22

Environmental Chemistry crossword puzzle
  1. A greenhouse gas
  2. It binds to haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin.
  3. Photochemical smog leads to ------ of rubber.
  4. Another greenhouse gas
  5. Photochemical smog is also called as --------- smog.
  6. Sulphur dioxide can cause this respiratory disease.
  7. Excess nitrate in drinking water can cause disease such as -------------.
  8. A better alternative to tetrachloroethene used for dry cleaning.
  1. The F– ions make the enamel on teeth much harder by converting hydroxyapatite into ----------------.
  2. The irritant red haze in the traffic and congested places is due to oxides of ----------------.
  3. Classical smog is also called as --------- smog.
  4. The amount of oxygen required by bacteria to break down the organic matter present in a certain volume of a sample of water, is called Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).
  5. This process in which nutrient enriched water bodies support a dense plant population, which kills animal life by depriving it of oxygen and results in subsequent loss of biodiversity is known as -------
  6. Layer of atmosphere with ozone layer
  7. Polar ----- clouds increase the level of chlorine during winters over Antarctica.
  8. Maximum Prescribed Concentration of ------- in Drinking Water is 0.005 ppm.
  9. When the pH of the rain water drops below 5.6, it is called ------.

17 Clues: A greenhouse gasAnother greenhouse gasLayer of atmosphere with ozone layerPhotochemical smog leads to ------ of rubber.Classical smog is also called as --------- smog.It binds to haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin.Sulphur dioxide can cause this respiratory disease.Photochemical smog is also called as --------- smog....


  1. What comes in must go out comes under which measurement technique in environmental accounting.
  2. Who conceived the theory of theory of constraints
  3. This type of accounting allows companies to prepare financial reports for investors, lenders and other interested parties.
  4. Second step for theory of contraints
  1. it is defined as all the money that businesses invest to buy the things that it intends to sell and all the money tied up in in assests so that the business can make throughput
  2. Type of accounting that deals in areas including energetics, ecology and economics at a worldwide level.
  3. According to this theory an entity can produce as fast as its slowest department will allow it to be.
  4. Alternative to throughput accounting

8 Clues: Alternative to throughput accountingSecond step for theory of contraintsWho conceived the theory of theory of constraintsWhat comes in must go out comes under which measurement technique in environmental accounting.According to this theory an entity can produce as fast as its slowest department will allow it to be....

Macroeconomics 1 2022-06-14

Macroeconomics 1 crossword puzzle
  1. you always have these
  2. the study of economics
  3. if this is less than 1
  4. well that's your opinion
  5. classic PPF
  6. has positive relationship between P and Q
  7. well it's beneficial for both
  8. taxes/subsidies
  9. it's needed with the other 2 factors
  10. in fundamentals we are all ________
  11. anywhere on the curve
  12. outside the PPF
  1. making the most
  2. the important advantage
  3. every choice you make has this cost
  4. responsiveness to price
  5. it's where equilibrium meets
  6. only produce one thing
  7. give up one to produce another
  8. a determinant is # of buyers
  9. the Y-axis
  10. these matter in economics
  11. change in price is a movement ________the curve
  12. not micro but

24 Clues: the Y-axisclassic PPFnot micro butmaking the mosttaxes/subsidiesoutside the PPFyou always have theseanywhere on the curvethe study of economicsif this is less than 1only produce one thingthe important advantageresponsiveness to pricewell that's your opinionthese matter in economicsit's where equilibrium meetsa determinant is # of buyers...

Cognates 2019-04-11

Cognates crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. music
  3. student
  4. calculator
  5. trimester
  6. sociology
  7. professor
  8. class
  9. literature
  1. history
  2. map
  3. mathematics
  4. semester
  5. humanities
  6. economics
  7. paper

16 Clues: mapartmusicpaperclasshistorystudentsemestertrimestereconomicssociologyprofessorhumanitiescalculatorliteraturemathematics

Puzzle 2022-03-23

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the is a government document that outlines the impact of a proposed project on its surrounding environment. In the United States, these statements are mandated by federal law for certain projects.
  2. allows retail and high-density residential development to coexist in the same area. subsidized mortgages. low interest rates offered to people to purchase a home that would otherwise not be able to do so.
  3. it's an overall approach to development that encourages a mix of building types and uses, diverse housing and transportation options, development within existing neighborhoods, and robust community engagement.
  4. is defined as "the spreading of urban developments on undeveloped land near a city". Urban sprawl has been described as the unrestricted growth in many urban areas of housing, commercial development, and roads over large expanses of land, with little concern for urban planning.
  5. is a situation in which individual users, who have open access to a resource unhampered by shared social structures or formal rules that govern access.
  6. is a designation for certain protected areas of the United States managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
  7. is an area outside of a principal city of a metropolitan area, which may include commercial and mixed-use, but is primarily a residential area. A suburb can exist either as part of a larger city/urban area or as a separate political entity.
  8. groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist", as defined in the first usage of the word in a 1963 internal memorandum at the Stanford Research Institute.
  9. also known as selection system, is the silvicultural practice of harvesting trees in a way that moves a forest stand towards an uneven-aged or all-aged condition, or 'structure'.
  10. is an ethic of resource use, allocation, exploitation, and protection. Its primary focus is upon maintaining the health of the natural world: its forests, fisheries, habitats, and biological diversity.
  1. means the plan, in form and substance satisfactory to the Association adopted by the Recipient on November 19, 2004, describing measures for the mitigation, reduction and or offset of the environmental and social impacts of activities under the Project, including environmental.
  2. is the largest average catch that can be captured from a stock under existing environmental conditions.
  3. is a kind of urban development, urban design, urban planning and/or a zoning type that blends multiple uses, such as residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment.
  4. In economics, an externality is an indirect cost or benefit to an uninvolved third party that arises as an effect of another party's activity. Externalities can be considered as unpriced goods involved in either consumer or producer market transactions. Air pollution from motor vehicles is one example.
  5. is a United States environmental law that promotes the enhancement of the environment and established the President's Council on Environmental Quality.
  6. refers to the idea that increasing roadway capacity encourages more people to drive, thus failing to improve congestion.
  7. refers to the use of land for more than one purpose, for example, grazing of livestock, recreation and timber production. The term may also apply to the use of associated bodies of water for recreational purposes, fishing and water supply.
  8. is the practice of managing forests to meet the current needs and desires of society for forest resources, ie, products, services, and values, without compromising the availability of these for future generations sensu Bruntdland et al.
  9. is a planning and design strategy that consists in promoting urban development that is compact, mixed-use, pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly, and closely integrated with mass transit by clustering jobs, housing, services, and amenities around public transport stations.
  10. is an area outside the typically denser inner suburban area of a metropolitan area, which has an economic and commuting connection to the metro area, low housing density, and growth.

20 Clues: is the largest average catch that can be captured from a stock under existing environmental conditions.refers to the idea that increasing roadway capacity encourages more people to drive, thus failing to improve congestion.is a designation for certain protected areas of the United States managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service....

Violet Curry - Vocab Words 2020-10-07

Violet Curry - Vocab Words crossword puzzle
  1. quiz
  2. semester
  3. course
  4. laboratory
  5. school
  6. Spanish
  7. economics
  8. psychology
  9. trimester
  1. sociology
  2. sciences
  3. chemistry
  4. history
  5. exam
  6. music
  7. house
  8. art
  9. library
  10. schedule
  11. homework
  12. eraser
  13. clock
  14. window

23 Clues: artquizexammusichouseclockcourseschooleraserwindowhistorylibrarySpanishsciencessemesterschedulehomeworksociologychemistryeconomicstrimesterlaboratorypsychology

Economics 2021-12-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A relationship between people or groups with the same interest
  2. The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment based on the trust that payment will be made in the future
  3. Money received especially on a regular basis for work or through investments
  4. Money spent over a period of time
  5. A thing that is borrowed especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest
  6. Income when of a company or organization
  7. The goods or merchandise kept on-premises available for sale or distribution
  8. Payout money in buying or hiring goods and or services
  1. The amount of money of interest due per period
  2. An economy of or reduction in money, time, or another resource.
  3. The amount of money a lender receives for lending money
  4. A system of money in general used in a particular country
  5. Spend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial plans by using it to develop commercial venture

13 Clues: Money spent over a period of timeIncome when of a company or organizationThe amount of money of interest due per periodPayout money in buying or hiring goods and or servicesThe amount of money a lender receives for lending moneyA system of money in general used in a particular countryA relationship between people or groups with the same interest...

Economics 2022-01-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The square of the standard deviations
  2. This indicates lack of uniformity in the size of items
  3. It divides the distribution into hundred equal parts
  4. When only two variables are studied, then such a correlation is called
  5. In order to save time in calculating mean from a data set containing a large number of observations, this is used
  6. It concentrates on the centre of a distribution
  1. Coefficient of Variation was introduced by
  2. It is the most frequently observed data value
  3. When two variables move in the same direction, then such a correlation is called
  4. The relationship between two variables of a series so that changes in the values of o9ne variable are associated with changes in the values of the other variable
  5. It is the central value which represents the entire distribution
  6. The numerical value of a standard deviation can never be
  7. This cannot be determined graphically

13 Clues: The square of the standard deviationsThis cannot be determined graphicallyCoefficient of Variation was introduced byIt is the most frequently observed data valueIt concentrates on the centre of a distributionIt divides the distribution into hundred equal partsThis indicates lack of uniformity in the size of items...

Economics 2021-11-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. to make something and to grow something
  2. someone who buys goods or services
  3. a work that someone does for someone else
  4. to get in return for paying money $$
  5. goods & services sold to other countries
  6. to give something in exchange for money
  1. how much consumers want something
  2. things to buy and sell
  3. things from nature people can use
  4. to give
  5. someone who makes or grows goods/offers service
  6. the amount of something available to consumers
  7. goods & services bought from other countries

13 Clues: to givethings to buy and sellhow much consumers want somethingthings from nature people can usesomeone who buys goods or servicesto get in return for paying money $$to make something and to grow somethingto give something in exchange for moneygoods & services sold to other countriesa work that someone does for someone else...

Economics 2013-12-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a stock or supply of materials
  2. occurs through unlimited wants when specific resources are low
  3. devote time and resources to one task so we produce goods and services more efficiently
  4. a token with an agreed value, that people exchange for goods and services
  5. items that you can see and touch
  1. giving something to someone for something in return
  2. ways to improve things that we already have
  3. tools that we have created and that we use to complete a task
  4. people we need that specialize in performing tasks using the resources
  5. something done for you by others that specialize in doing it
  6. someone who purchases goods and services to satisfy their needs
  7. resources we gather from nature
  8. groups of people that wander from place to place in search of food, water and shelter to satisfy their needs

13 Clues: a stock or supply of materialsresources we gather from natureitems that you can see and touchways to improve things that we already havegiving something to someone for something in returnsomething done for you by others that specialize in doing ittools that we have created and that we use to complete a task...

Economics 2013-12-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. someone who buys goods and services to satisfy needs and wants
  2. Services all of his want through his own effort
  3. in puts used in production including natural resources,labor,capital and enterprise
  4. Communities who wonder from place to place in search of food and shelter to satisfy their want
  5. Any token, with an agreed value, that people accept as payment in exchange for a good or service
  6. Any form of supply to benefit
  1. Activities that blend economic resources to create goods and services
  2. devote time and resources to one task, more efficient, increase productivity of goods and services
  3. exchange things for goods
  4. to forgo the production of something else
  5. Scarce resources, unlimited wants, limited needs
  6. Mostly provided by governments
  7. Limited Resources

13 Clues: Limited Resourcesexchange things for goodsAny form of supply to benefitMostly provided by governmentsto forgo the production of something elseServices all of his want through his own effortScarce resources, unlimited wants, limited needssomeone who buys goods and services to satisfy needs and wants...

Economics 2023-03-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Where the supply and demand are equal
  2. What is the main economic problem?
  3. What is unlimited and endless in economics?
  4. Where the supply and demand curve crosses
  5. When you use different goods in place of another?
  6. What is demand based on?
  1. Who receives dividends?
  2. When more than one business owners are responsible for their company's?
  3. What is limited in economics?
  4. A legal protection for shareholders?
  5. Because of the scarcity, what do we have to make?
  6. What is supply based on?
  7. Where are industries classified and differentiated?

13 Clues: Who receives dividends?What is supply based on?What is demand based on?What is limited in economics?What is the main economic problem?A legal protection for shareholders?Where the supply and demand are equalWhere the supply and demand curve crossesWhat is unlimited and endless in economics?Because of the scarcity, what do we have to make?...

Economics 2022-08-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. cost getting one thing but not the other
  2. job
  3. Creative money generator
  4. user
  5. taxes
  1. spending limit
  2. make stuff
  3. what you give for aGood
  4. How much someone else
  5. Less than 38 hours of work
  6. amount you earn
  7. a consumable
  8. supply and demand

13 Clues: jobusertaxesmake stuffa consumablespending limitamount you earnsupply and demandHow much someone elsewhat you give for aGoodCreative money generatorLess than 38 hours of workcost getting one thing but not the other

Economics 2022-12-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the quantity of a good or service that you are willing and able to buy
  2. Non-essential goods and services
  3. the responsiveness of supply to a change in price
  4. shows the possible outcomes of production
  5. natural resources
  6. taking ideas to market
  7. The next best alternative forgone
  1. the responsiveness of income to a change in demand
  2. the responsiveness of demand to a change in price
  3. manmade resources
  4. essential goods and services
  5. workforce
  6. the quantity of a good or service that you are able to produce

13 Clues: workforcenatural resourcesmanmade resourcestaking ideas to marketessential goods and servicesNon-essential goods and servicesThe next best alternative forgoneshows the possible outcomes of productionthe responsiveness of demand to a change in pricethe responsiveness of supply to a change in pricethe responsiveness of income to a change in demand...

Economics 2023-04-30

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the money received in payment for goods or services (rent, wages, interest)
  2. the founder of a business. Someone who assumes the risk of organizing resources to produce goods and services. Someone who sees an opportunity to make money and takes it.
  3. the way people earn and spend money
  4. an activity that someone is paid to perform
  5. a person who buys goods and services
  6. a person who buys goods and services
  7. the thing that people sell
  8. what consumers are willing to buy at a given price
  1. the name of Adam Smith’s idea of a free market economy
  2. people or businesses offering goods for sale
  3. when different businesses compete for consumers’ money such as Walmart v. Target or Microsoft v. Apple
  4. the money left over after all expenses are paid
  5. the amount the seller has to sell at a particular price
  6. the person who makes the goods

14 Clues: the thing that people sellthe person who makes the goodsthe way people earn and spend moneya person who buys goods and servicesa person who buys goods and servicesan activity that someone is paid to performpeople or businesses offering goods for salethe money left over after all expenses are paidwhat consumers are willing to buy at a given price...

Economics 2017-06-01

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class or imports or exports
  2. restraint on the flow of international goods or services
  3. is a proposed free trade agreement linking the United States and 11 other economies
  4. a government-imposed trade restriction that limits the number of goods
  5. is a major motive force for economic-growth.
  1. is typically given to remove some type of burden
  2. a price of regulation implemented January 1, 14994
  3. usually created as a result of unfavorable political or economic circumstances between nations.
  4. is a consequence of specialization or the division of labor
  5. is a method of production where a business, area or economy focuses on the production of a limited scope of products
  6. is the economic policy of restraining trade between states(countries) though methods such as tariffs on imported goods
  7. a commercial and financial penalties applied by one or more countries against a targeted group
  8. a kind of predatory pricing

13 Clues: a kind of predatory pricingis a major motive force for economic-growth.is typically given to remove some type of burdena price of regulation implemented January 1, 14994restraint on the flow of international goods or servicesis a consequence of specialization or the division of labor...

Economics 2017-05-31

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A policy restricting international trade
  2. Restraining trade between countries (hint: not a trade-barrier)
  3. When manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in their home market
  4. Dividing a job into specialized parts (important to mass production)
  5. Focusing on the production of a limited scope of products or services
  1. A consequence of specialization or the division of labour
  2. North american free trade agreement
  3. Commercial and financial penalties applied by one or more countries against a targeted country, group, or individual
  4. Trans-pacific partnership
  5. Limiting the number of goods that can be imported or exported
  6. A government not allowing the movement of merchant ships in or out of its ports
  7. A benefit given by the government to groups or individuals
  8. A tax or duty

13 Clues: A tax or dutyTrans-pacific partnershipNorth american free trade agreementA policy restricting international tradeA consequence of specialization or the division of labourA benefit given by the government to groups or individualsLimiting the number of goods that can be imported or exported...

Economics 2017-05-31

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Commercial and financial penalties applied by one or more countries against a targeted country, group, or individual
  2. A tax or duty
  3. Focusing on the production of a limited scope of products or services
  4. When manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in their home market
  5. A consequence of specialization or the division of labour
  6. A benefit given by the government to groups or individuals
  7. North american free trade agreement
  8. A policy restricting international trade
  1. Restraining trade between countries (hint: not a trade-barrier)
  2. Dividing a job into specialized parts (important to mass production)
  3. A government not allowing the movement of merchant ships in or out of its ports
  4. Limiting the number of goods that can be imported or exported
  5. Trans-pacific partnership

13 Clues: A tax or dutyTrans-pacific partnershipNorth american free trade agreementA policy restricting international tradeA consequence of specialization or the division of labourA benefit given by the government to groups or individualsLimiting the number of goods that can be imported or exported...

Economics 2021-02-23

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. This refers to no government involvement in business.
  2. When a market is dominated by a single seller
  3. Economies would be steered by this self regulating force that you "dont see"
  4. This was the radical new program introduced in the 1930s to get American back on its feet.
  5. This is a slowing down of the economy. People are not buying like they used to.
  6. This man is often associated with the principles behind the market economy
  1. The end result is that both consumers and producers can expect to get a fair deal.
  2. The law of this suggests producers would be will to produce large amounts of products it they could guarantee high prices for said products.
  3. Consumers are said to be kings or queens in the economy
  4. This American President changed the way future governments would view government participation in the economy.
  5. "You cant always get what you want" sums up the gist of this concept
  6. The ongoing fluctuations or phases economies go through over time
  7. These agencies provided work for millions of Americans during the depression

13 Clues: When a market is dominated by a single sellerThis refers to no government involvement in business.Consumers are said to be kings or queens in the economyThe ongoing fluctuations or phases economies go through over time"You cant always get what you want" sums up the gist of this concept...

Economics 2021-02-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work
  2. an economic practice by which governments used their economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries
  3. a social science that analyzes and describes the consequences of choices
  4. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  5. where a nation utilizes its economic resources fully instead of building a trade surplus
  6. a nation's imports exceed its exports
  7. a nation's exports exceed its imports
  8. the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time
  9. the unlawful use or threat of violence particularly against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion
  1. an organization not connected to national government; independent and 'stateless'
  2. the study of what is likely to happen when individuals make choices due to other factors
  3. government policies that restrict international trade to help domestic industries
  4. a larger economic unit

13 Clues: a larger economic unita nation's imports exceed its exportsa nation's exports exceed its importsthe decline of purchasing power of a given currency over timea social science that analyzes and describes the consequences of choiceswhen a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work...

Economics 2021-10-06

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an economic system combining private and public enterprise
  2. something that motivates
  3. income that does not increase over time
  4. federal program of disability and retirement benefits that covers most working people
  5. liberty
  1. driving force that encourages people and organizations to improve their material well-being
  2. the lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement
  3. role of consumer as ruler of the market in determining the types of goods and services produced
  4. economic equality
  5. sustained rise in the general level of prices of goods and services
  6. the struggle among sellers to attract consumers
  7. act of buyers and sellers engaging in market transactions willingly
  8. gross domestic product

13 Clues: libertyeconomic equalitygross domestic productsomething that motivatesincome that does not increase over timethe struggle among sellers to attract consumersthe lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreementan economic system combining private and public enterprisesustained rise in the general level of prices of goods and services...

Economics 2022-08-23

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Cost The loss of potential gain from an alternative.
  2. A consumers desire to purchase a certain good.
  3. Someone who purchases goods and services for personal use.
  4. Somebody who operates or manages a business.
  5. Supplying of money, assets and materials.
  6. Something you have a desire to possess.
  1. Something you require for daily life.
  2. The regard something deserves.
  3. The cost of something.
  4. Anything concerned with money and the production of wealth.
  5. To make something available.
  6. Having a very small amount of something.
  7. To exchange something of value.

13 Clues: The cost of something.To make something available.The regard something deserves.To exchange something of value.Something you require for daily life.Something you have a desire to possess.Having a very small amount of something.Supplying of money, assets and materials.Somebody who operates or manages a business....

Economics 2023-11-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A group of people deciding how a certain place operates
  2. study of scarcity/money
  3. Opinions
  4. Not needed for survival
  5. A decision based on ones opinions
  6. Limited amount of something
  7. An increase in something
  1. Materials
  2. Alternative
  3. Communication between different places in the world
  4. Needed for our survival
  5. Meeting peoples needs in the present without ruining anything for the future generations
  6. A difference in something

13 Clues: OpinionsMaterialsAlternativeNeeded for our survivalstudy of scarcity/moneyNot needed for survivalAn increase in somethingA difference in somethingLimited amount of somethingA decision based on ones opinionsCommunication between different places in the worldA group of people deciding how a certain place operates...

Economics 2023-11-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A group of people deciding how a certain place operates
  2. Study of scarcity/money
  3. Opinions
  4. Things not needed for survival
  5. A decision based on ones opinions
  6. Limited amount of something
  7. An increase in something
  1. Physical materials available in an environment for humans
  2. Alternative
  3. Communication between different places in the world
  4. Something that is wanted for survival
  5. Meeting peoples needs in the present without ruining anything for the future generations
  6. A difference in something

13 Clues: OpinionsAlternativeStudy of scarcity/moneyAn increase in somethingA difference in somethingLimited amount of somethingThings not needed for survivalA decision based on ones opinionsSomething that is wanted for survivalCommunication between different places in the worldA group of people deciding how a certain place operates...

economics 2023-11-22

economics crossword puzzle
  1. the limited nature of society’s resources
  2. something that induces a person to act
  3. the quantity of goods and services produced from each unit of labor input
  4. a small incremental adjustment to a plan of action
  5. the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market prices
  1. the property of distributing economic prosperity uniformly among the members of society
  2. people who systematically and purposefully do the best they can to achieve their objectives
  3. the property of society getting the most from scarcity
  4. an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy
  5. the impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander
  6. whatever must be given up to obtain some item
  7. the ability of an individual to own and exercise control over scarce resources
  8. the study of how society manages its scarce resource

13 Clues: something that induces a person to actthe limited nature of society’s resourceswhatever must be given up to obtain some itema small incremental adjustment to a plan of actionthe study of how society manages its scarce resourcethe property of society getting the most from scarcityan increase in the overall level of prices in the economy...

Economics 2024-03-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a subsection of the trucking industry that specializes in the transportation of goods across state lines
  2. refined oil products
  3. a company that specializes in the transportation of goods or people
  4. the act of transporting goods on public roads
  5. cargo that is temporarily stored inside a trailer in commerce
  6. a minimum amount of imports that do not affect domestic products
  1. freight transported by truck from commercial ports
  2. a series of high speed roads that are utilized for faster transit of goods and people
  3. the blockading of a good or service from another country
  4. a tax on imported goods
  5. a precious metal used as value indicators
  6. a series of bill of ladings issued to motor carriers in commerce
  7. a specialty made truck or trailer with a unit for temperature control

13 Clues: refined oil productsa tax on imported goodsa precious metal used as value indicatorsthe act of transporting goods on public roadsfreight transported by truck from commercial portsthe blockading of a good or service from another countrycargo that is temporarily stored inside a trailer in commerce...

economics 2024-02-19

economics crossword puzzle
  1. Assets like buildings, machinery...
  2. Total amount of goods that a store has for sale
  3. A company that acquires goods or services
  4. A place where buyers and sellers meet
  5. A bank that lends money
  6. A person who owns goods
  1. something that can be sold
  2. To take and keep something
  3. A part of a larger amount
  4. The advancement of an employee position
  5. To use something that belongs to someone else
  6. A person that supplies goods and services
  7. A movement of the market

13 Clues: A bank that lends moneyA person who owns goodsA movement of the marketA part of a larger amountsomething that can be soldTo take and keep somethingAssets like buildings, machinery...A place where buyers and sellers meetThe advancement of an employee positionA company that acquires goods or servicesA person that supplies goods and services...

Economics 2013-11-24

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a strong effect on the economy
  2. passed by congress
  3. used to make cloth
  4. wealth and resources of a country
  5. not a government decision
  1. invented by a leader
  2. created steamboat
  3. worked 12 hour shifts
  4. discovered in 1848
  5. helped with connections
  6. gold rush
  7. played a role in delievering fast
  8. found in 1836

13 Clues: gold rushfound in 1836created steamboatdiscovered in 1848passed by congressused to make clothinvented by a leaderworked 12 hour shiftshelped with connectionsnot a government decisiona strong effect on the economywealth and resources of a countryplayed a role in delievering fast

Economics 2015-04-07

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The resources that are used to make goods and services.
  2. The most desirable alternative given up as the result of the decision.
  3. a decision making process in which you compare what you will sacrifice and gain by a specific action.
  4. The study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making decisions.
  5. Any human made resource that is used to produce any goods or services.
  6. The physical objects that someone produces.
  7. The principle that limited amounts of goods and services are available to meet unlimited wants.
  8. The alternatives that we give up when we chose one course over another.
  1. Something that people Desiree but are not necessary to obtain.
  2. the divisions of people within a society based on monetary wealth and income.
  3. The actions or activities that one person performs to another.
  4. A situation in which consumers want more good or service than producers are willing to make available.
  5. Something essential for survival.

13 Clues: Something essential for survival.The physical objects that someone produces.The resources that are used to make goods and services.Something that people Desiree but are not necessary to obtain.The actions or activities that one person performs to another.The most desirable alternative given up as the result of the decision....

economics 2017-11-28

economics crossword puzzle
  1. a situation in which the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded at a given price
  2. model: a set of assumptions that can be listed in a table, illustrated with a graph, or even stated algebraically- to help analyze behavior and predict outcomes
  3. price which is essentially a price floor for farm products
  4. a partial refund of the original price of the product
  5. a system under which an agency such as government decides everone's "fair" share
  6. price the price that "clears the market" by leaving neither a surplus nor a shortage at the end of a trading period
  1. loan a loan that carries neither a penalty nor further obligation to repay if not paid back
  2. equilibrium: a situation in which prices are relatively stable, and the quantity of goods or services supplied is equal to the quantity demanded
  3. a situation in which the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied at a given price
  4. floor lowest legal price that can be paid for a good or service
  5. payment a check sent to producers that makes up the difference between the actual market price and the target price
  6. coupon a ticket or a receipt that entitles the holder to obtain a certain amount of a product
  7. wage the lowest legal wage that can be paid to most workers

13 Clues: a partial refund of the original price of the productprice which is essentially a price floor for farm productswage the lowest legal wage that can be paid to most workersfloor lowest legal price that can be paid for a good or servicea system under which an agency such as government decides everone's "fair" share...