greys anatomy Crossword Puzzles
Anatomy 2013-10-25
- Spans from one Z-disc to the next Z-disc
- Waves of contractions in response to stretch
- Plasma membrane of the axon
- Protein strands that block the active actin sites
- Degeneration of the axon due to its severance from the cell body
- Enhancement of nerve signal, neuron will be more excited
- Primary fuel source for active muscles
- a cord that is a cylinder of nervous tissue
- Fusiform "tear drop" shaped cells
- Hormones,chemical messenging,slow responding
- One single neurite
- Movement of ions from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration
- Controls vital functions
- Crossing of a tract to the opposite side of the body
- Barriar that regulates substances that pass through blood stream into brain tissues
- Fibrous membranes that surround, protect, and separate the brain and spinal cord from the osseous tissues
- Smooth ER of the muscle cell
- Connective tissue covering around each muscle
- How many cranial nerves humans have
- Memory that includes mostly events and facts
20 Clues: One single neurite • Controls vital functions • Plasma membrane of the axon • Smooth ER of the muscle cell • Fusiform "tear drop" shaped cells • How many cranial nerves humans have • Primary fuel source for active muscles • Spans from one Z-disc to the next Z-disc • a cord that is a cylinder of nervous tissue • Waves of contractions in response to stretch • ...
Anatomy 2015-10-06
- forearm bone found when doing thumbs up or taking pulse
- movement similar to abduction
- major arm bone of upper body
- system that uses neurons to send messages
- calf muscle found deep
- toward the attached end of the limb
- decreasing the angle between two bones
- medial and superfical hamstring muscle
- to lengthen the muscle
- exercise that works the latissimus dorsi and biceps
- pump blood away from the heart
- away from the attached limb
- middle region of the back from neck to lumbar
- hands or foot
- weight bearing bone of the shin
- has anterior, lateral, and posterior muscles
- superior shoulder bone
- jaw bone
- system is made up of 206 bones
- system responsible for exchange of gases co2 and oxygen
- increasing the angle between two bones
- toward the head
- superficial calf muscle with two heads
- oblique muscle that cannot be seen
- when palms face up like holding soup
- system that turns food into energy
- full body exercise that involves pushup and jumping
- plane that divides the body into left and right sections
- toward the midline of the body
- vertebrae in neck region
- longest bone in the body
- Your teachers last name
- name of the 3 muscles located posterior and inferior of the thoracic region
- pump blood towards the heart
- the deepest abdominal muscle
- system that helps recycle blood in body
- rectus abdominis is an example of this anatomical term
- toward the front
- protects lungs and heart
- wing like bone found posterior
- plane that divides body into anterior and posterior sections
- System of glands that release hormones that regulate the body.
- deep hamstring muscle
- smaller assisting pushing muscle
- name of the suspension trainer
- deep muscles near the midline of you back
- abdominal exercise that works entire core
- toward the back
- the group of the biggest pushing muscles
- to contract the muscle
- deep muscle of the chest
51 Clues: jaw bone • hands or foot • toward the back • toward the head • toward the front • deep hamstring muscle • calf muscle found deep • to lengthen the muscle • superior shoulder bone • to contract the muscle • Your teachers last name • longest bone in the body • protects lungs and heart • deep muscle of the chest • vertebrae in neck region • away from the attached limb • pump blood towards the heart • ...
Anatomy 2015-11-12
- polymerase Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of transferring nucleotide residues.
- A thing that causes the rough ER to be rough
- A nucleic acid that consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted together into a double helix and joined by hydrogen bonds
- A triplet of nucleotides in transfer RNA that is complementary to the codon.
- Activation This process is crucial in growth and development.
- Spaghetti-like structures located within the nucleus
- Controlling element in the expression of that gene.
- The material in the nucleus that stains with basic dyes.
- A portion of DNA that lies between two exons.
- Provides the genetic information to code for a specific amino acid.
- A portion of DNA that codes for a section of the mature messenger RNA obtained from that DNA.
- Sythesis The manufacturing of proteins from amino acids. Within cells this process is guided by the specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA.
- Code The arrangement of nucleotides in the polynucleotide chain of a chromosome.
- A simple protein, soluble in water and insoluble in dilute ammonia.
- strand The strand of duplex DNA that has the same sequence as the mRNA.
- The clear constricted portion of the chromosome at which the chromatids are joined.
- The transfer of information.
- A permanent transmissible change in the genetic material.
- strand Sequence of DNA that is copied during the synthesis of mRNA.
- Transfers RNA
- Messanger of RNA.
21 Clues: Transfers RNA • Messanger of RNA. • The transfer of information. • A thing that causes the rough ER to be rough • A portion of DNA that lies between two exons. • Controlling element in the expression of that gene. • Spaghetti-like structures located within the nucleus • The material in the nucleus that stains with basic dyes. • ...
anatomy 2017-04-02
- what are the muscles in the stomach
- what is your thigh bone called
- what is the movements in the hinge joint called
- what is the shoulder bone at the back called?
- what is the muscle located between your armpits and back
- what is the muscle in your arm called
- toes down
- what is your finger bones called
- what is the bone in your back called
- what is the bone on the thumb side of the forearm
- what are the back quad muscle called
- what is the jaw bone called
- what is the shoulder joint called
- what is the muscle in the forearm called
- what is the other movement in the ball and socket joint
- toes up
- what is the joint in your elbow called
- what is your calf muscle called
- what is the muscle in your upper back called
- what movement in the ball and socket joint
20 Clues: toes up • toes down • what is the jaw bone called • what is your thigh bone called • what is your calf muscle called • what is your finger bones called • what is the shoulder joint called • what are the muscles in the stomach • what is the bone in your back called • what are the back quad muscle called • what is the muscle in your arm called • ...
Anatomy 2022-03-03
- region containing the entire spine
- farther from the point where the limb attaches to the body
- towards the midline of the body
- towards the back of the body
- upper region of the leg
- region of the forearm
- towards the lower part; below
- upper portion of the spine (neck)
- away from the midline of the body
- region of the upper arm
- area where the hands are
- towards the surface of the body
- towards the upper part; above
- closer to the point where the limb attaches to the body
- region of the head and skull
- region of the lower back
- cavity containing the eyeballs
- towards the front of the body
- away from the surface of the body
- region of the chest
20 Clues: region of the chest • region of the forearm • region of the upper arm • upper region of the leg • area where the hands are • region of the lower back • region of the head and skull • towards the back of the body • towards the upper part; above • towards the front of the body • towards the lower part; below • cavity containing the eyeballs • towards the surface of the body • ...
anatomy 2022-05-11
- Virüslere karşı etkili, virüslerin zararlı etkilerini önleyen.
- Toksin giderici.
- Hafızanın kısmen veya tamamen kaybolması.
- Beynin üzerinin örten ince zar.
- Emilme, örn.sindirim, gıdaların bağırsaklarda absorbsiyonu denilebilir.
- ASİT: Yaygın olarak kullanılan ve bilinen aspirinin kimyasal adı.
- İltihabi reaksiyonu önleyen madde, ilaç.
- Kör bağırsak (apendiks) iltihabı.
- Kan değerleri düşük olan, yani kan sayımında eritrosit sayıları ve hemoglobin miktarı düşük olan kişi.
- Uyluk kemiğinin başının, kalça kemiği ile eklem yaptığı çukurluk.
- Kısaca, halk arasında kansızlık olarak bilinen anemi, alyuvarların sayı olarak az olması ve alyuvarların içerisinde bulunan hemoglobin adı verilen maddenin miktarının azlığıdır.
- PEKTORİS: Kalbin oksijensiz kalmasıdır. Miyokardın kas lifleri arasında duyu ve ağrıyla ilişkili çok sayıda afferent lif bulunur. Koroner arterlerin kısmi olarak tıkanması miyokarda gelen oksijen miktarını azaltır ve ağrıya neden olur. Koroner arterlerdeki ateroskleroz sonucu miyokard iskemisine bağlı olarak nöbetler halinde görülen, göğüste ağrı ile belirgin durum.
- Gözün optik sisteminin çeşitli uzaklıklara uyum yaparak net görmenin sağlanması.
- Ses kaybı. Kısmi veya tam olabilir. Afoni sebepleri, genellikle konuşma kaslarını kontrol eden sinirlerin hastalığı veya zedelenmesi, boğaz, gırtlak hastalıkları veya nörozdur. Histerik afoninin nedeni, şuuraltı, hiç konuşamamak veya özel bir durumda konuşmamak arzusudur.
- KAPAĞI: Sol ventrikülden tek yönlü kan akımına imkan sağlayan, aort ile sol ventrikülü birbirinden ayıran oluşumdur. Aort kapağı darlıkları çocukluk yaşlarda doğumsal, genç ve erişkin çağda romatizmal, ileri yaşlarda da kalsifik-dejeneratif tip daha sık görülür.
- Geniş, açık bir sahada yalnız kalınca hissedilen, kontrol edilemeyen bir korkudur.
- Makat, sindirim kanalının bitiş kısmı.
- Tedavisi olmayan, sebebi bilinmeyen kalıtsal bir cücelik tipidir. Gövde normal büyüklükte olup, kol ve bacaklar anormal derecede kısa ve baş normalden büyüktür.
- Kişinin etrafa saldırganlığı, aşırı aktivitesi ile karakterize durum.
- Kalpten çıkan, vücudun en büyük damarı, kalpten çıktıktan sonraki kavisli bölümüne arcus aorta, göğüs kafesi içersinde seyreden kısmına torasik aorta ve karın içersinde seyreden bölümüne de abdominal aorta denir.
- TENDONU: Baldır arka kısmındaki kas grubunun, topuk kemiğine birleşmesini ve ayağın aşağı yukarı hareketini sağlayan yapı(kiriş).
- Kısa süreli şuur kaybı.
- Sıvı bir süspansiyonda, ufak cisimciklerin bir araya gelip birbirlerine yapışmasıdır.
- SİNİR: İşitme siniri.
- Anorexia Nervosa, özellikle genç kadınlarda görülebilen, yemek yememek, çok az uyumak, buna rağmen çok aktif olmakla beliren psikolojik bir bozukluktur. Bu durum genellikle kişinin çok şişmanladığı kanısı ile mübalağalı bir şekilde rejim uygulaması ile başlar, önceleri kontrol edilebilen iştah bir süre sonra hakikaten yok olur ve zayıflama normal ölçüleri aşar.
- Rahatsız, huzursuz, taşkınlık yapan.
- Mikropları, yani insan, hayvan ve bitkilerin dokularına yerleşerek hastalığa yol açan bakteri, virüs, mantar gibi tek hücreli asalak canlıları yok etmek sağlıklı yaşamın temel koşullarından biridir. Antiseptik, antibiyotik ve dezenfektan gibi değişik adlarla anılan birçok madde bu amaçla geliştirilmiştir. Ama genel olarak "mikrop" öldürücüler denen bütün bu maddelerin bazı özellikleri ve kullanımları farklıdır.
- "Antistreptolizin O" için kullanılan kısaltma. Streptolizin, "Hemolitik Streptokok" adı verilen bakterilerin salgıladığı toksinin adıdır. Bu toksinin varlığını tespit için yapılan tetkike de kısaca ASO adı verilir. ASO, romatizma gibi bazı Hemolitik Streptokok enfeksiyonlarında yükselir bu açıdan teşhis te ASO değerleri önem taşır.
- Koku alamama, nezle grip gibi enfeksiyonlarda olabildiği gibi koku siniri ile ilgili beyin bölgesindeki patolojilerde de görülebilir.
- İç sıkıntısı, iç daralması.
- Spazm çözücü, daha çok iç organlardaki düz kasların kasılmalarını çözen ilaç grubuna verilen isim.
- ANEVRİZMA: Aort damarının her hangi bir bölümünde görülen genişleme.
- Statik elektrik birikimini önleyen madde.
- Çevre dokulardan kese tarzında doku ile sınırlı içerisi cerahat ile dolu oluşum.
- Çevre ile anormal derecede ilgisizlik, duygusuzluk, kayıtsızlık.
- Ağrı kesici.
- Gözde, lensin olmaması.
- Beyin tabanında bulunan hipofiz bezinin ön bölümünün aşırı çalışmasına bağlı bir durumdur. Büyüme tamamlanmadan, kemiklerin uzaması sona ermeden erken çağlarda baş gösterirse jigantism adı verilen dev görünüm oluşur. Bozukluk büyüme çağının bitiminden sonra baş gösterirse, el ve ayakların genişlemesi, çene ve burnun büyümesi ve sesin kalınlaştığı görülür.
- Astım.
- Böbreküstü bezlerinin iç kısımları tarafından salgılanan bir hormondur. Tabiatta bu hormonun görevi, organizmayı acil harekete hazırlamaktır ve etkisini, nabzın atışı, kanın iç organlar ve deriden kaslara sevk edilmesi, karaciğerdeki glikojenin glikoza değişmesi ve böylelikle acil bir enerji kaynağı sağlanması şeklinde gösterir.
- Karın,batın.
- Organizmanın asit baz dengesinde asit istikametinde bozulma sonucu ortaya çıkan entoksikasyon tablosu.
- Cinsi arzuyu artırıcı maddeler, ilaçlara verilen isim.
- Beyindeki ilgili alanların tahribi sonucu, konuşma veya konuşulanı anlama yeteneğinin kaybı. Disfazi, aynı durumun daha hafif bir formudur.
- Çocuk düşürme, düşük.
- Yüz, omuzlar, sırt ve göğüsteki yağ bezleriyle ilgili kronik bir deri hastalığıdır. En çok 14-20 yaşlar arasında görülür ve bu hastalığın tipik belirtileri olan siyah noktalar, sivilceler, gençlerin bu en hassas devirlerinde genellikle psikolojik rahatsızlıklara yol açar. Yağ bezlerinin kanalında bir tıkaç oluşur ve bu tıkacın başı sertleşip siyahlaşır. Bazen, kanal tıkalı olduğu halde, bez yağ salgılamaya devam eder ve böylece içi yağ dolu bir kist oluşur. Siyah noktalara tıpta komedon adı verilir.
- Felç, inme.
- Öksürük giderici.
- Özel bir antijene cevap verilmemesi hali. Organizmanın savunma yeteneğinin kaybolması.
- Gözde belirli bir bozukluk olmaksızın oluşan görme tembelliği.
- Belladonna (Güzel Avrat Otu) adlı bitkiden elde edilen bir alkaloittir. Tıpta çok değişik kullanım alanları vardır. Örneğin, göz dibinin muayenesinde, göz bebeğinin genişletilmesi için, ayrıca anesteziden önce üst solunum yollarında salgıların azaltılması için kullanılır.
- Doktorlar, ameliyat sırasında ağrı duymaması için, ameliyattan önce hastaya bir iğne yapar ya da solunum yoluyla bir gaz verirler. Hastanın bilincini yitirerek uykuya geçmesine narkoz, böylece vücudundaki ağrıları duyamayacak duruma gelmesine anestezi, bu duyu yitimine yol açan maddelere de anestezik denir.
- Solunumun geçici bir zaman içinde durması.
- Ateş yükselmesine neden olan herhangi bir madde taşımayan.
- İdrar çıkaramama.
55 Clues: Astım. • Felç, inme. • Ağrı kesici. • Karın,batın. • Toksin giderici. • Öksürük giderici. • İdrar çıkaramama. • Çocuk düşürme, düşük. • SİNİR: İşitme siniri. • Gözde, lensin olmaması. • Kısa süreli şuur kaybı. • İç sıkıntısı, iç daralması. • Beynin üzerinin örten ince zar. • Kör bağırsak (apendiks) iltihabı. • Rahatsız, huzursuz, taşkınlık yapan. • Makat, sindirim kanalının bitiş kısmı. • ...
Anatomy 2023-07-18
24 Clues: Jaw • Cage • Funny • Chest • Skull • Calve • Thigh • Relaxes • Tailbone • Six pack • Contracts • Back bones • Collarbone • Chest wall • Lower trunk • Head movement • 1 of 2 forearm • Straightens arm • Fingers and toes • Hip to below knee • Lateral (thumb) side • Strongest and Longest • Posterior pelvic wall • Maximus Largest muscle
Anatomy 2023-11-13
- where bones connect
- front side
- on top
- middle of body
- outwards movement of ankle
- six pack
- upper arm
- back of body
- nearest to midline
- shin bone
- upwards ankle movement
- inwards movement of ankle
- back side
- downwards movement of ankle
- below
- long forearm bone
- palm bones
- small forearm bone
- calf bone
- away from midline
- air conditioner
21 Clues: below • on top • six pack • back side • calf bone • upper arm • shin bone • front side • palm bones • back of body • middle of body • air conditioner • long forearm bone • away from midline • small forearm bone • nearest to midline • where bones connect • upwards ankle movement • inwards movement of ankle • outwards movement of ankle • downwards movement of ankle
anatomy 2023-11-06
- - A slightly moveable joint.
- - Every such crack or break in bone constitutes
- Skeleton - Bones, limbs, and pectoral and pelvic girdles, which attach the limbs to the trunk.
- - A basic functional unit compact bone.
- - Surrounds central marrow cavity, loose connective tissue.
- Bone - (Cancellous) bone, resembles a network of bony rods or struts separated by spaces.
- - An Immovable joint.
- - Tendon or ligaments rub against other tissue. Small packets of connective tissue containing synovial fluid, reduction of friction.
- - Exists wherever two bones meet.
- - The process of replacing other tissues with bone.
- - Joining bone to bone, may be found outside or inside the joint capsule.
- Fluid - Within the joint, the cavity provides lubrication that reduces friction between the moving surfaces in the joint.
- - Freely moveable joint or synovial joint.
- - Mature bone cells. They maintain normal bone structure by recycling the calcium salts.
- - A long bone has a central shaft, surrounding a central marrow cavity, containing bone marrow.
- - Expanded portions at each end, covered by articular cartilage.
- - Cartilage that acts as a cushion between the shinbone and thighbone.
- Skeleton - Creates a framework that supports and protects organ systems in the brain, spinal cavities, and ventral body cavities. Also provides an extensive surface area for attachment of muscles.
- - Outer surface of a bone is covered by..
- - Cells responsible for production of new bone, a process called osteogenesis. Osteoblasts produce new bone matrix and promote the deposition of calcium salts in organic matrix.
- - Giant cells with 50 or more nuclei. Acids and enzymes secreted by osteoclasts dissolve the bony matrix..
- Bone - (Dense bone) Relatively solid.
22 Clues: - An Immovable joint. • - A slightly moveable joint. • - Exists wherever two bones meet. • Bone - (Dense bone) Relatively solid. • - A basic functional unit compact bone. • - Outer surface of a bone is covered by.. • - Freely moveable joint or synovial joint. • - Every such crack or break in bone constitutes • - The process of replacing other tissues with bone. • ...
Anatomy 2023-09-19
- the movement of a limb or other part towards the midline of the body
- a straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts
- scientific name for jaw
- scientific name for collar bone
- chest muscle
- when all body parts act simultaneously In practice, the strongest body parts move first, followed by the smaller
- muscle on the back of thigh
- this can be movement toward the midline of the body and away from the midline of the body
- a bending movement around a joint in a limb that decreases the angle between body parts
- muscle on backside of arm
- the movement of the foot in a downward motion away from the body
- scientific name for skull
- occurs in your ankle when you draw your toes back toward your shins
- muscles on top of your stomach
- the movement of a limb or other part away the midline of the body
- funny bone
- scientific name for shoulder
- is the motion of something thrown into the air
- shoulder muscle
- muscle on top side of arm
- scientific name for knee bone
- the movement of a body region in a circular manner
- longest bone in the body
- muscle on front of thigh
24 Clues: funny bone • chest muscle • shoulder muscle • scientific name for jaw • longest bone in the body • muscle on front of thigh • scientific name for skull • muscle on top side of arm • muscle on backside of arm • muscle on the back of thigh • scientific name for shoulder • scientific name for knee bone • muscles on top of your stomach • scientific name for collar bone • ...
Anatomy 2024-01-28
- Prevent alveoli collapse
- What is Adam’s apple
- Oblongata Respiration center
- B and T cells
- CO2 transported in blood as
- “Salt-retaining” hormone
- Enzymes Lipases, proteases&Amylases
- Liver
- Formed in tissue fluid
- Colon
- Artery Supplies the kidneys
- Chief extracellular cation
- Nerve of digestive tract
- Severe hypersensitivity reaction
- IgE,IgA,IgM, and IgG
- This anion is part of buffer pair in acid-base imbalance
- Body water is in which space
- Gas exchange occurs
- unit Urine making structure
- Stimulates antibody production
- Fever producing
- Houses the villi,microvilli & brush border cells
22 Clues: Liver • Colon • B and T cells • Fever producing • Gas exchange occurs • What is Adam’s apple • IgE,IgA,IgM, and IgG • Formed in tissue fluid • Prevent alveoli collapse • “Salt-retaining” hormone • Nerve of digestive tract • Chief extracellular cation • CO2 transported in blood as • unit Urine making structure • Oblongata Respiration center • Body water is in which space • ...
Anatomy 2024-07-20
- The hard, white, shiny substance that forms the covering of a tooth.
- The part of the eye behind the pupil that helps you see clearly by focusing light onto the retina.
- One of the two teeth immediately in front of the molars on both sides of the upper and lower jaws of humans.
- Either of the two areas of firm pink flesh inside the mouth that cover the bones into which the teeth are fixed.
- Either of the two openings in the nose through which air moves when you breathe.
- one of the two bones just below your eye and towards your ear.
- The front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which food and air can go.
- The part of a person's face below their mouth.
- Any of the short hairs that grow along the edges of the eye.
- The flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the hair.
- The lower part of your face that moves when you open your mouth.
- Either of the two pieces of skin that can close over each eye.
- The line of bones down the centre of the back that provides support for the body.
- The coloured circular part of an eye that surrounds the pupil.
- The soft piece of flesh that hangs down at the back of the mouth.
- The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings and activity.
- The soft part at the top of the throat that connects the mouth and nose to the oesophagus.
- Either of the two pointed teeth that are found one on each side of the top of the mouth.
- The back of the neck.
- One of the two soft parts that form the upper and lower edges of the mouth.
20 Clues: The back of the neck. • The part of a person's face below their mouth. • Any of the short hairs that grow along the edges of the eye. • The flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the hair. • Either of the two pieces of skin that can close over each eye. • The coloured circular part of an eye that surrounds the pupil. • ...
Anatomy 2024-07-30
44 Clues: рот • таз • лоб • щека • язык • губы • шрам • глаз • мозг • болб • кожа • кость • спина • бровь • череп • бедро • живот • пупок • живот • палец • кулак • плечо • талия • почки • зрачок • ноздря • локоть • колено • лёгкие • ладонь • сердце • мизинец • челюсть • затылок • ресница • родинка • подмышка • мочка уха • подбородок • большой палец • средний палец • палец на ногах • безымянный палец • указательный палец
anatomy 2024-12-09
- transfer: The process of moving energy from one system or molecule to another, such as transferring energy from food to ATP.
- Processes that require oxygen, like aerobic respiration, which generates a large amount of ATP.
- Organelles in cells that generate most of the cell's ATP through cellular respiration.
- energy: The energy of motion, such as muscle movement or the flow of ions in nerves.
- energy: Energy stored in the bonds of molecules, which can be released during chemical reactions like digestion.
- Processes that do not require oxygen, such as anaerobic respiration, which generates less ATP and produces lactic acid.
- The breakdown of glucose into pyruvate in the cytoplasm, producing a small amount of ATP and NADH.
- The study of energy flow and transformations in biological systems, particularly in cells.
- synthesis: The process by which cells create proteins, using energy (from ATP) to link amino acids together into polypeptides.
- production: The generation of heat in the body as a byproduct of metabolic processes, helping to maintain body temperature.
- The set of chemical reactions in the body that convert food into energy and build necessary molecules.
- A chemical reaction where molecules lose electrons, often releasing energy in the process (e.g., in cellular respiration).
- energy: Stored energy that has the potential to do work, like energy in the form of a chemical bond or a stretched muscle.
- (Adenosine Triphosphate): The primary energy carrier in cells, used to fuel various cellular processes.
- contraction: The process where muscles generate force by using chemical energy (from ATP) to create movement.
- respiration: The process by which cells break down glucose and other molecules to produce ATP, releasing energy.
- impulses: Signals transmitted along nerve cells that use electrical energy to communicate information.
- gradients: Differences in ion concentrations across cell membranes, which store potential energy used in nerve impulses and muscle contractions.
- The addition of a phosphate group to a molecule, often to activate or deactivate enzymes, or to form ATP.
- Proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body, including those that produce or use energy.
20 Clues: energy: The energy of motion, such as muscle movement or the flow of ions in nerves. • Organelles in cells that generate most of the cell's ATP through cellular respiration. • The study of energy flow and transformations in biological systems, particularly in cells. • ...
Anatomy 2024-12-18
- Tissue type that contracts to produce movement.
- The collarbone.
- The muscle of the upper arm.
- The basic unit of life.
- The plane dividing the body into left and right halves.
- The muscle of the chest.
- The lower jawbone.
- Tissue type that covers body
- The muscle of the shoulder.
- The bone of the forehead.
- The bone forming the lower part of the nasal septum.
- The bones of the fingers and toes
- The muscle of the buttocks.
- The bone that forms the back of the skull.
- Cells found in cartilage.
- The muscle group of the front thigh.
- The bone forming the upper jaw.
- The calf muscle
- The system responsible for transporting blood.
- The wrist bones.
- The body's ability to maintain stable internal conditions.
- Connective tissue with a liquid matrix.
- The tissue type that forms glands.
- The bone of the lower leg.
- The body's framework of bones.
- The central part of the skeleton.
- The study of tissues.
- The bone of the upper arm.
- The bone of the thigh.
- The study of body structure
30 Clues: The calf muscle • The collarbone. • The wrist bones. • The lower jawbone. • The study of tissues. • The bone of the thigh. • The basic unit of life. • The muscle of the chest. • Cells found in cartilage. • The bone of the forehead. • The bone of the lower leg. • The bone of the upper arm. • The muscle of the shoulder. • The study of body structure • The muscle of the buttocks. • ...
Sophia's 19th Birthday 2020-12-06
- The greatest supermarket
- First film watched together as a flat
- Recipe you changed Beth's life with
- What Beth likes to do on the counter.
- Amelia's party trick
- Official 8th member of the flat
- First flat outing
- What is the official flat show?
- Where did we go for your birthday brunch?
- Show you watch with Amelia
- Favourite part of Xav
- Amelia and Beth's favourite-never-met person
- Official 7th member of the flat
- Who slams your windows at night?
- Haunted entity that lives in Ben's room
15 Clues: First flat outing • Amelia's party trick • Favourite part of Xav • The greatest supermarket • Show you watch with Amelia • What is the official flat show? • Official 7th member of the flat • Official 8th member of the flat • Who slams your windows at night? • Recipe you changed Beth's life with • First film watched together as a flat • What Beth likes to do on the counter. • ...
A little bit about me! 2021-11-12
Neuroanatomy Ch.1 Terminology 2022-12-13
- someone with specialized training in nervous system anatomy, physiology, and pathology
- A ________ disorder of the nervous system that impairs a person's health, resulting in some level of disability
- study of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system
- the total number of current cases in a given population at a point in time
- the adaptive capacity of the human brain, meaning that the brain is always changing, rewiring itself in response to internal and external influencers
- barriers Problems in body function or alterations in body structure, such as paralysis and blindness
- __________ barriers involve issues in any area of life, such as participating in education and employment
- include products, technology, buildings, support, relationships, attitudes, services, systems, and policies
- study of the nervous system’s structure
- discussing how a neuron functions
- ____________ factors describe the world in which people with neurological disorders live and interact
- study of the structure
- the number of new cases per year in a given population
- study of nervous system diseases
- system series of organs that make communication between the brain and body possible in order for us to interact with the environment
- study of disease processes that affect both anatomy and physiology
- study of function or structures in motion
- barriers Difficulties in executing activities, especially skills of daily living like walking or eating
18 Clues: study of the structure • study of nervous system diseases • discussing how a neuron functions • study of the nervous system’s structure • study of function or structures in motion • the number of new cases per year in a given population • study of disease processes that affect both anatomy and physiology • ...
Il regalo scoprirai, se il cruciverba completerai 2023-06-09
- a forza di compleanni rimarrai povera
- tommy non vede l’ora di poterci giocare con lo zio
- chissà se si inginocchierà
- da settembre ci andrà tommy
- data importante per i tuoi genitori
- ci sei andata truccata da vamp dopo uno spettacolo
- se ha la coda è nata a novembre
- Ake non riesce proprio a guardarlo
- Ake ha smesso con il suo più grande
- una delle maestre di Ommy
- ultimamente ci chiediamo spesso se tommy sarà
- la pianta che vorresti comprare
- prima vacanza con Ake
- fino alla stagione 19
- il tuo compleanno
- sono un bimbo..
16 Clues: sono un bimbo.. • il tuo compleanno • prima vacanza con Ake • fino alla stagione 19 • una delle maestre di Ommy • chissà se si inginocchierà • da settembre ci andrà tommy • la pianta che vorresti comprare • se ha la coda è nata a novembre • Ake non riesce proprio a guardarlo • Ake ha smesso con il suo più grande • data importante per i tuoi genitori • ...
Ch 1 A First Look at Anatomy: History & Definition 2017-10-13
- this type of study examines both superficial anatomic markings and internal body structure as they relate to the skin covering them (pg 5)
- the word anatomy means "to cut apart", derived from ? (pg 3)
- this Greek scientist was the first to publicly dissect and compare human and animal bodies (pg 2)
- microscopic anatomy examines structures that cannot be observed by the unaided ? (pg 3)
- who performed dissection to improve his drawing and painting techniques (pg 2)
- this study examines all anatomic changes resulting from disease ( pg 5)
- this type of anatomy study investigates the structure and relationships of large body parts that are visible to the unaided eyes such as intestines, stomach, etc (pg 4)
- this is the study of tissues (pg 4)
- this Englishman established the basis for modern embryology (pg 2)
- this study investigates anatomic landmarks used before and after surgery like prior to back surgery, one would need to identify and draw imaginary lines between the hip bones (pg 5)
- this is the study of function (pg 3)
- this studies the relationships among internal structres that may be visualized by specific scanning procedures such as ultrasound, MRI or xray (pg 5)
- who mummified their deceased leaders (pg 2)
- this is the study of structure (pg 3)
- this type of study examines all the structures in a particular region like the skin, connective tussue and fat, etc (pg 5)
- this is the study of single body cells and their internal structures ( pg 4)
- this type studies the gross anatomy of each system in the body like studying the urinary system would involve examining the kidneys, etc (pg 5)
17 Clues: this is the study of tissues (pg 4) • this is the study of function (pg 3) • this is the study of structure (pg 3) • who mummified their deceased leaders (pg 2) • the word anatomy means "to cut apart", derived from ? (pg 3) • this Englishman established the basis for modern embryology (pg 2) • this study examines all anatomic changes resulting from disease ( pg 5) • ...
Happy Mother's Day 2021-05-08
- A nearby tribe
- Our favorite CO destination
- Your favorite dessert
- Graffiti, or a monthly G-town outing
- A nearby tribe
- A brother and a dad
- A sister, for short
- A brother, for short
- Pumpkins, to mom
- Your ... favorite... Gallup restaurant
- The puzzle maker, for short
- A mom, for short
- Our dog
- The Santuccis, to grandma
- A delicious marinara swimmer
- What you wish for every summer
- The family's most photographed member
- Squash, to dad
- A guilty pleasure, for short
- Kick out of a bar, or a daughter's birth year
- A favorite relaxation destination
- The name of a childhood lake
- Our cat
- Maria still doesn't like them
24 Clues: Our dog • Our cat • A nearby tribe • A nearby tribe • Squash, to dad • Pumpkins, to mom • A mom, for short • A brother and a dad • A sister, for short • A brother, for short • Your favorite dessert • The Santuccis, to grandma • Our favorite CO destination • The puzzle maker, for short • A delicious marinara swimmer • A guilty pleasure, for short • The name of a childhood lake • ...
Cubism 2023-10-17
- The distance between the foreground and the background in a piece of art. .
- Was the first form of cubism.
- Analytical cubism lacked _________.
- Analytical cubist used ________ tones and greys.
- Pablo ________ was one of the inventors of cubism.
- Development over time / influence to cubism.
- Cubist works often appeared _______ not 3D.
- Cubist wanted to show _________ figures.
- Analytical cubism focused on ___________.
- The use of multiple ____________.
- George ____________ was the other inventor.
- _________ mask influenced cubism.
- Was the second wave of cubism.
- Synthetic Cubist used ________ colors.
14 Clues: Was the first form of cubism. • Was the second wave of cubism. • The use of multiple ____________. • _________ mask influenced cubism. • Analytical cubism lacked _________. • Synthetic Cubist used ________ colors. • Cubist wanted to show _________ figures. • Analytical cubism focused on ___________. • George ____________ was the other inventor. • ...
Abby! 2024-07-23
- The girls I'm excited to finish this year.
- An older but spunky fella.
- The large and small version are fun.
- People who are nice to you.
- <3
- A good investment.
- A drink that I like but is sad.
- A pretty girl with a nice nose.
- Something you're bad at.
- Infusion.
- Where is it?
- What I'm gonna buy after 2027.
- What I get any time the twins score 2 runs in an inning.
- Someone who resides near the UofM.
- A cool mascot tbh.
- A controversial date idea.
- What I'm gonna buy before 2027.
- Twins pitcher who signed my glove in middle school.
- Your second favorite basketball player.
19 Clues: <3 • Infusion. • Where is it? • A cool mascot tbh. • A good investment. • Something you're bad at. • An older but spunky fella. • A controversial date idea. • People who are nice to you. • What I'm gonna buy after 2027. • What I'm gonna buy before 2027. • A drink that I like but is sad. • A pretty girl with a nice nose. • Someone who resides near the UofM. • ...
How Well Do You Know Me/Us? 2020-12-10
- Who said "I Love You" first?
- My three favorite words to remind you
- My favorite color
- The girl who loves you
- My childhood nickname
- My favorite tv show
- My shoe size
- Where did we eat at on our first date?
- Where did we go on our first date?
- My favorite flavor of icecream
- What color are my eyes?
- What is my favorite physical appearance about
- What kind of dog is Luna?
- What was the first city we went to together?
- Where do we eat at most?
- When month did we start dating?
- What is my favorite season?
- My middle name
18 Clues: My shoe size • My middle name • My favorite color • My favorite tv show • My childhood nickname • The girl who loves you • What color are my eyes? • Where do we eat at most? • What kind of dog is Luna? • What is my favorite season? • Who said "I Love You" first? • My favorite flavor of icecream • When month did we start dating? • Where did we go on our first date? • ...
"Slay değil Bre" Crossword Puzzle'ı 2024-04-04
- içinden fransız lady çıkınca dediğin kelime
- favori greys karakterin
- Ma mère préparait des .... pour le petit-déjeuner
- dünyadaki en büyük görevin
- ceylinin en sevdiği köpeğin
- en sevdiğimiz (!) ders
- benim zehirlendiğim ve birdaha yememeye yemin ettiğim yemek
- okulda zamanı en çok yapmayı sevdiğin şey
- kabuğu yunanistandan sana getirdiğim hediyelik
- zero bağımlısı olduğun toksik aqueous solution
- eski coquette sitenizin adı
- gereksiz vurgular ve intonation hatanı yaptığın ilk kelime
12 Clues: en sevdiğimiz (!) ders • favori greys karakterin • dünyadaki en büyük görevin • eski coquette sitenizin adı • ceylinin en sevdiği köpeğin • okulda zamanı en çok yapmayı sevdiğin şey • içinden fransız lady çıkınca dediğin kelime • kabuğu yunanistandan sana getirdiğim hediyelik • zero bağımlısı olduğun toksik aqueous solution • ...
anatomy 2023-12-11
Anatomy 2024-05-15
- cavity where heart and lungs are
- tissue that is part of the skeletal system
- gas exchange takes place
- that produces hormones
- language
- cell
- or flight hormone
- connective tissue
- of this make up tissues
- transmit and send a electrical signal
- vocal chords are
- that has a lot of extracellular matrix
- we go to the gym we work on this
- and spinal cord
- pipe
- muscle is made of this tissue
- other nerves
- tubes are made of this tissue
- of gas exchange
19 Clues: pipe • cell • language • other nerves • and spinal cord • of gas exchange • vocal chords are • or flight hormone • connective tissue • that produces hormones • of this make up tissues • gas exchange takes place • muscle is made of this tissue • tubes are made of this tissue • cavity where heart and lungs are • we go to the gym we work on this • that has a lot of extracellular matrix • ...
Anatomy 2024-12-10
- Connective tissue attaching muscle to bone
- Movable muscles attachment point
- Muscle changes length while maintaining tension
- Sustained Muscle contraction without relaxation
- Membrane channels conducting signals into muscle fibers
- Stores and releases calcium in muscle cells
- Connections between actin and myosin filaments during muscle contraction
- the site where motor neuron communicates with muscle fiber
- Breakdown of glucose for energy, producing ATP and pyruvate
- Muscle tension without length change
- Muscle primarily responsible for movement
- Actin and myosin fibers enabling muscle contraction
- Muscle aiding the prime mover
- Oxygen binding protein in muscles
- Fixed muscle attachment point
- Byproduct of anaerobic glycolysis, causes muscle fatigue
- Basic contract unit of muscle fibers
- A motor neuron and all its connected muscle fibers
- Energy production without oxygen, often during intense activity
19 Clues: Muscle aiding the prime mover • Fixed muscle attachment point • Movable muscles attachment point • Oxygen binding protein in muscles • Muscle tension without length change • Basic contract unit of muscle fibers • Muscle primarily responsible for movement • Connective tissue attaching muscle to bone • Stores and releases calcium in muscle cells • ...
Anatomy 2022-10-17
- system includes the ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus
- structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions
- the connection between 2 or more bones
- whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers in which impulses are transmitted
- the scientific study of the structure, function, and pathology of the nervous system
- a collection of similar cells that perform a certain function
- system coordinates all other body systems allowing them to all work
- thick-walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from heart
- the study of the human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye
- system forms the physical foundation of the body and is composed of 206 bones
- system composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that controls all other body systems
- basic unit of all living things
- also referred to as the body's pump
- systems groups of body organs acting together to perform functions
- system a group of specialized glands that affect the growth, development, sexual functions, and health of the entire body
- system consists of the skin and accessory organs
- system also called the cardiovascular system
- system made up of lymph, lymph nodes, thymus glands the spleen, and lymph vessels
- a nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system
- the study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures
20 Clues: basic unit of all living things • also referred to as the body's pump • the connection between 2 or more bones • system also called the cardiovascular system • system consists of the skin and accessory organs • system includes the ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus • a nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system • ...
Anatomy 2023-10-02
- Front part of your Cranium.
- Top of your Vertebrate.
- A bone connected to your shoulder.
- top of the head.
- Rack of bones.
- Small bone in your leg.
- Bottom part of your foot.
- Middle part of your knee.
- Thumb side of your arm.
- Bottom part of your mouth.
- Top part of your mouth.
- Back part of your head.
- The very bottom of your Vertebrate.
- Where your hips are located.
- Funny bone in your body.
- Middle part of the Chest.
- Top part of your foot.
- Sphenoid Side part of the cranium.
- Biggest bone in your body.
19 Clues: Rack of bones. • top of the head. • Top part of your foot. • Top part of your mouth. • Back part of your head. • Top of your Vertebrate. • Small bone in your leg. • Thumb side of your arm. • Funny bone in your body. • Middle part of the Chest. • Bottom part of your foot. • Middle part of your knee. • Biggest bone in your body. • Bottom part of your mouth. • Front part of your Cranium. • ...
Local Knowledge 2018-12-02
- Built on a former airfield
- This might spice up your music
- Statue outside St James Park
- Item on Sunderland's Club Badge
- First World War Soldier at Seaham
- Monument in center of Newcastle
- Structure featured in episodes of auf wiedersehen pet
- Local landmark opened in 1928
- New landmark costing £117m
- Former flour mill
- Blink and you might miss this bridge
- Museum in north shields
- Antony Gormley's local statue
- Where you might have found waggle dance
- Place of the sanctuary knocker
- The lady of the North
- Local landmark featured in Get Carter film
- Famous red and white coastal structure
- 1.7km long construction
- North east shopping centre
20 Clues: Former flour mill • The lady of the North • Museum in north shields • 1.7km long construction • Built on a former airfield • North east shopping centre • New landmark costing £117m • Statue outside St James Park • Antony Gormley's local statue • Local landmark opened in 1928 • Place of the sanctuary knocker • This might spice up your music • Item on Sunderland's Club Badge • ...
Twilight 2023-06-21
- you eat your food with this
- likes boys with scene hair
- edward can play me like he plays this
- Lightning… thunder… strike!
- where bella wore converse
- depressed and always wanting more
- pig serving daddy vibes
- demon child
- scary cult
- what bone did renesme break when she kicked
- the 8 course meal the Cullen made bella
- kind of obsessed with my baby… but ok?
- def a racist but is trying not to be
- twinkle twinkle little star
- that’s so raven
- made an appearance in a Greys episode
- valedictorian
- why is he always naked
- what Edward jumps through to get to Bella’s room
20 Clues: HIMBO • scary cult • demon child • valedictorian • that’s so raven • why is he always naked • pig serving daddy vibes • where bella wore converse • likes boys with scene hair • you eat your food with this • twinkle twinkle little star • Lightning… thunder… strike! • depressed and always wanting more • def a racist but is trying not to be • edward can play me like he plays this • ...
Dani's Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-29
- What are you number one at eating?
- What burned your eyes in my car?
- What did we see with a fin?
- D
- Open the window of opportunity.
- What was something your body was lacking and we drove around to find?
- What ball did we never use but lived in my car?
- What do you call me?
- What did we eat in between anatomy lecture midterms and anatomy lab?
- Where could we have met for the first time?
- What was the first class we ever had together?
- What class almost caused us to go to jail?
- What imaginary thing scared you in a pet store?
13 Clues: D • What do you call me? • What did we see with a fin? • Open the window of opportunity. • What burned your eyes in my car? • What are you number one at eating? • What class almost caused us to go to jail? • Where could we have met for the first time? • What was the first class we ever had together? • What imaginary thing scared you in a pet store? • ...
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
Intro to Anatomy and Physiology 2022-08-14
- Groups of similar cells that perform a common function
- The smallest units of all living things (cells and their subunits)
- The study of anatomy system by system
- A branch of anatomy that deals with the minute structure of animal and plant tissues as discernible with the microscope
- a group of organs that work together to accomplish a common purpose
- The study of the structure of the human body
- The study of body function
- The result of all simpler levels working together (highest level of structural organization)
- The study of those body structures large enough to be examined without the help of magnifying devices
- The study of anatomy by region
- The simplest level of the structural ladder (atoms form molecules)
- A discrete structure made up of two or more tissue types and performs a specific function for the body
12 Clues: The study of body function • The study of anatomy by region • The study of anatomy system by system • The study of the structure of the human body • Groups of similar cells that perform a common function • The smallest units of all living things (cells and their subunits) • The simplest level of the structural ladder (atoms form molecules) • ...
Anatomy 2013-11-19
- adducts thigh; flexes and medially rotates leg
- extends thigh; flexes knee
- extends knee
- extends and stabilizes knee
- powerful thigh extensor
- pronate forearm
- flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh
- abducts and medially rotates thigh
- prime mover of finger extension
- pronates forearm
- flexion (powerful) of elbow
- acts with biceps brachii to suppinate forearm
- synergist in forearm flexion
- plantar flexes and everts foot
- a major flexion of forearm
- adducts, flexes and medially rotates high
- tenses skin and fascia of palm
- abducts ulna during forearm pronation
- extends knee and flexes thigh at hip
19 Clues: extends knee • pronate forearm • pronates forearm • powerful thigh extensor • extends thigh; flexes knee • a major flexion of forearm • flexion (powerful) of elbow • extends and stabilizes knee • synergist in forearm flexion • plantar flexes and everts foot • tenses skin and fascia of palm • prime mover of finger extension • abducts and medially rotates thigh • ...
Anatomy 2024-07-03
- hair like structures
- C-shaped structure that unites cerebral hemispheres (2 words)
- Striated voluntary contractile tissue
- See also spongy or trabeculae
- Bone ossification that occurs primarily in long bones
- Vertebrae are an example of this type of bone
- Found throughout the skeleton of an infant (2 words)
- Column shaped cells
- Found only in thick hairless skin (2 words)
- Holes (plural)
- Redundant brain blood supply (3 words)
- Reflex center for either visual or auditory stimuli
- Deep touch and or vibration (2 words)
- Groove that separates frontal and parietal lobes (2 words)
- In the subarachnoid space of healthy individuals (2 words)
- Tissue type that anchors all epithelium cells
- The space or the outside world
- membrane covering the surface of bones
- Egg shaped part of diencephalon
19 Clues: Holes (plural) • Column shaped cells • hair like structures • See also spongy or trabeculae • The space or the outside world • Egg shaped part of diencephalon • Deep touch and or vibration (2 words) • Striated voluntary contractile tissue • Redundant brain blood supply (3 words) • membrane covering the surface of bones • Found only in thick hairless skin (2 words) • ...
Anatomy 2024-06-01
- This vein has no valves
- Triangle-shaped muscle
- Two-headed
- This muscle is fishy
- Fascia ____
- Named for fish bait
- Deep, to Caesar
- Mostly sensory muscle with a tendon much longer than the belly
- Round muscle innervated by axillary nerve
- Big toe
- Cheek muscle
- Round muscle not innervated by axillary nerve
- The "key to the knee"?
- Cheek muscle
- Type of ossification involving cartilage
- Extensor _____, need it to point
- Thumb
- Cord of brachial plexus from which ulnar nerve branches
- "of the arm"
- Chest muscle innervated by lateral pec. nerve
20 Clues: Thumb • Big toe • Two-headed • Fascia ____ • Cheek muscle • "of the arm" • Cheek muscle • Deep, to Caesar • Named for fish bait • This muscle is fishy • The "key to the knee"? • Triangle-shaped muscle • This vein has no valves • Extensor _____, need it to point • Type of ossification involving cartilage • Round muscle innervated by axillary nerve • Chest muscle innervated by lateral pec. nerve • ...
Anatomy 2024-12-10
- Connective tissue attaching muscle to bone
- Movable muscles attachment point
- Muscle changes length while maintaining tension
- Sustained Muscle contraction without relaxation
- Membrane channels conducting signals into muscle fibers
- Stores and releases calcium in muscle cells
- Connections between actin and myosin filaments during muscle contraction
- the site where motor neuron communicates with muscle fiber
- Breakdown of glucose for energy, producing ATP and pyruvate
- Muscle tension without length change
- Muscle primarily responsible for movement
- Actin and myosin fibers enabling muscle contraction
- Muscle aiding the prime mover
- Oxygen binding protein in muscles
- Fixed muscle attachment point
- Byproduct of anaerobic glycolysis, causes muscle fatigue
- Basic contract unit of muscle fibers
- A motor neuron and all its connected muscle fibers
- Energy production without oxygen, often during intense activity
19 Clues: Muscle aiding the prime mover • Fixed muscle attachment point • Movable muscles attachment point • Oxygen binding protein in muscles • Muscle tension without length change • Basic contract unit of muscle fibers • Muscle primarily responsible for movement • Connective tissue attaching muscle to bone • Stores and releases calcium in muscle cells • ...
Anatomy 2020-06-15
- Keeps your head up
- Where would you find a patella
- You use them everyday to hold things
- Where does your waste product go
- What organs are below your back
- What keeps the body intact
- Has a pupil in them
- what organ is used to taste things
- Makes you think
- Without them you cannot breath
- Without them you cant stand up
- what makes your body react
- Name a body Organ
- What bone is in front of the leg
- You use for hearing
- there are 2 on each side of your forehead
- What are the front muscles of your chess
- What are your muscles between your arm and neck
- What are your buttock muscles name
19 Clues: Makes you think • Name a body Organ • Keeps your head up • You use for hearing • Has a pupil in them • what makes your body react • What keeps the body intact • Without them you cant stand up • Where would you find a patella • Without them you cannot breath • What organs are below your back • What bone is in front of the leg • Where does your waste product go • ...
ANATOMY 2017-04-02
- There are a lot of these in the human body.
- The scientific name for calf muscle.
- The bone in your knee.
- The muscle behind your knee.
- These are the bones in your fingers.
- The muscle posterior to the humerus.
- What is the biggest bone in your body.
- The muscles in your thigh.
- Where is the biggest bone in your body located.
- The scientific name of your skull.
- The muscle on top of the humerus.
- Where is the smallest bone located.
- The bone that connects one to the other.
- What shapes the human body.
- The joint that connects your humerus and clavicle.
- The joint that connects your spine to your cranium.
- The joint that connects to your humerus and ulna.
- The joint that is located in your cranium.
- You need this to say upright.
19 Clues: The bone in your knee. • The muscles in your thigh. • What shapes the human body. • The muscle behind your knee. • You need this to say upright. • The muscle on top of the humerus. • The scientific name of your skull. • Where is the smallest bone located. • The scientific name for calf muscle. • These are the bones in your fingers. • The muscle posterior to the humerus. • ...
The Listening Test! 2023-10-07
9 Clues: Where is Divya from • What does Divya not eat • Divya wants to <_____> rn • What is Divya allergic to • What word stresses Divya out • Who is Divya crushing on harrrddd • What is Divya's favourite cuisine? • What show is Divya currently addicted to • What did Divya study in college (abbrev.)
spelling 2021-01-22
10 Clues: shakespeare • utopia clue • anatomy clue • a perspective • real plus ism • human plus ism • vernacular clue • da vinci, painter • architecture clue • someone who apprentices you
Science 2012-12-03
Color Theory Crossword 2024-09-03
- light all colors of light combined
- A design done in one family of color (all reds etc.)
- Lightness and darkness
- Intensity of color
- Primary colors are commonly used for _____
- Most common tint
- Black added to a color
- Complimentary colors with their neighbors
- Colors like (red orange & Blue green)
- Hues mixed with Greys
- Most common shade
- Complimentary color of orange
- Secondary colors are commonly used for ____
- 2 colors across from each other
- Colors that are next to each other on color wheel
- Complimentary color of red
- A triangle shape on a color wheel
- Printing colors
- Primary colors of light
- The K in CMYK stand for _____
- White added to a hue
21 Clues: Printing colors • Most common tint • Most common shade • Intensity of color • White added to a hue • Hues mixed with Greys • Lightness and darkness • Black added to a color • Primary colors of light • Complimentary color of red • Complimentary color of orange • The K in CMYK stand for _____ • 2 colors across from each other • A triangle shape on a color wheel • ...
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
Medical terms 2021-10-06
- study of the body's structure
- of the skin
- of the stomach and intestine
- or injection
- of the heart
- of the skin extreneties
- who studies the disease of skin
- of the skin
- who studies the heart
- or display of a person's heartbeat produced by electrocardiography
- operation to remove the appendix
- in the bone
- of the brain
- or labored breathing
- of the hip joint
- of the appendis
- or anatomy of the spleech
- enclosing the heart
- condition of the skin
- of the blood
20 Clues: in the bone • of the skin • of the skin • of the brain • or injection • of the heart • of the blood • of the appendis • of the hip joint • enclosing the heart • or labored breathing • who studies the heart • condition of the skin • of the skin extreneties • or anatomy of the spleech • of the stomach and intestine • study of the body's structure • who studies the disease of skin • ...
I put my heart and soul into this -JB 2022-02-20
- deez
- the activity youve convolutedly decided to start if you get into 12 across
- car too low to the ground
- favorite animal
- the service im currently stealing from you
- favorite place to hang
- skinnier than derek
- the hottest guy you know
- favorite tv show
- the only thing i know about your dad
- whats the deal with...
- they all had to go to it in greys
- someone who always loses to jackson
- the thing im running out of while making this
- the show im watching on the service im stealing from you
15 Clues: deez • favorite animal • favorite tv show • skinnier than derek • whats the deal with... • favorite place to hang • the hottest guy you know • car too low to the ground • they all had to go to it in greys • someone who always loses to jackson • the only thing i know about your dad • the service im currently stealing from you • the thing im running out of while making this • ...
test 2023-10-28
- a boyfriend,a god,a relaxing thought
- the ______ track on Taylor's album is usually the most emotional
- character in folklore that cheats on betty
- viper or brim, for example
- best podcast in the world
- person vicki tried killing by poison
- Mr._____ I don't feel so good
- epitome of German battle efficiency with gadgets
- "I have an army, we have a ____"
- Taylor swifts cat's name whose name is based on a greys character
- the most annoying babyfaced dipshit of a character
- stripes
- an smg that costs 1100
- darkness
- your about to get _____ up (suits quote)
15 Clues: stripes • darkness • an smg that costs 1100 • best podcast in the world • viper or brim, for example • Mr._____ I don't feel so good • "I have an army, we have a ____" • a boyfriend,a god,a relaxing thought • person vicki tried killing by poison • your about to get _____ up (suits quote) • character in folklore that cheats on betty • ...
Dasturlash va kompyuterlar tarixi 2023-03-24
- Nazariy informatika va sunʼiy intellektning otasi
- Microsoftning Windows 95 dan oldingi operatsion sistemalari qanday nomlangan
- Microsoft kompaniyasini Bill Geyts kim bilan birgalikda ochgan
- Birinchi tijorat kompyuteri qanday nomlangan
- Birinchi dasturlash tili
- Birinchi yaratilgan veb-brauzerning nomi
- Birinchi marta ommaviy foydalanishga chiqarilgan shaxsiy kompyuter
- www yaratunchisi kim
- C dasturlash tilini kim ixtiro qilgan
- 1991-yil 20-fevral kuni yaratilgan dasturlash tili
- Linus Torvalds qaysi operatsion tizmni yaratgan
- Birinchi dasturchi
- Greys Xopper qaysi dasturlash tilini ixtiro qilgan
- Birinchi dasturlash tilini kim ixtiro qilgan
- Tarixdagi ilk EXM
- IOS ilovalarini yaratish uchun qaysi dasturlash tilidan foydalaniladi?
16 Clues: Tarixdagi ilk EXM • Birinchi dasturchi • www yaratunchisi kim • Birinchi dasturlash tili • C dasturlash tilini kim ixtiro qilgan • Birinchi yaratilgan veb-brauzerning nomi • Birinchi tijorat kompyuteri qanday nomlangan • Birinchi dasturlash tilini kim ixtiro qilgan • Linus Torvalds qaysi operatsion tizmni yaratgan • Nazariy informatika va sunʼiy intellektning otasi • ...
Cells 2023-07-11
- chemical process
- small, Organ
- study of body by naked human eye
- release energy stored by special molecules
- body functions
- contains food, material for cell growth and reproduction
- mother cell equals two daughter cells
- larger molecules into smaller ones
- odorless, colorless
- membrane, encloses the Proto plasm
- basic unit of all living things
- found in the center of cell
- contains proteins and DNA
- microscopic anatomy
14 Clues: small, Organ • body functions • chemical process • odorless, colorless • microscopic anatomy • contains proteins and DNA • found in the center of cell • basic unit of all living things • study of body by naked human eye • larger molecules into smaller ones • membrane, encloses the Proto plasm • mother cell equals two daughter cells • release energy stored by special molecules • ...
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
Rodeo 2023-05-19
- Whats Smokey registered name
- How long do you have to ride a bull/bronc
- What color is smokey
- Who is Smokey's dad
- What color are dapple greys when first born
- What was Smokey's position in team roping
- What type of sport is rodeo
- When did I start rodeo
- What is the category where you want the most points
- Who created rodeo
10 Clues: Who created rodeo • Who is Smokey's dad • What color is smokey • When did I start rodeo • What type of sport is rodeo • Whats Smokey registered name • What was Smokey's position in team roping • How long do you have to ride a bull/bronc • What color are dapple greys when first born • What is the category where you want the most points
Fun Ways of Medical Terms 2020-04-20
- pertaining to male, masculine
- lack of muscle tone
- pertaining to heart
- study of mental disorders
- mark or scar
- bone of the spine
- pertaining to circulation
- pertaining to anatomy
- ending of main word
- study function of living organisms
- High, above normal
- care and treatment of children
- like or resembling mucus
- practitioner of medicine
- words that modify the nouns
- studies and treats the foot.
- a adjective will modify or describe
- pertaining to voice
- thin fluid
- pertaining to lymphatic system
- loss of intellectual function
- blood clot in vessel
- beginning of word (description)
- who specializes in anatomy
- medical specialty of pregnancy and birth
25 Clues: thin fluid • mark or scar • bone of the spine • High, above normal • pertaining to voice • lack of muscle tone • pertaining to heart • ending of main word • blood clot in vessel • pertaining to anatomy • like or resembling mucus • practitioner of medicine • study of mental disorders • pertaining to circulation • who specializes in anatomy • words that modify the nouns • ...
Valentine's Day Mini 2024-02-14
- my favorite fast food place
- go to drunk food
- first job I had
- my favorite sweet treat
- first date
- what I dressed up for halloween in 8th grade
- month we met
- my dream car
- my favorite animal
- PPs
- coolest country ive been to
- essential road trip stop
- instrument I played in highschool
- my middle name
- number of days between our birthdays
- my zodiac sign
- your go to sweet treat
- our go to date place
- my dads favorite color
- show we binged super fast
- sport I only played for 1 year
- my highschool mascot
- what you call me a lot
- how many points I got off on my drivers test
24 Clues: PPs • first date • month we met • my dream car • my middle name • my zodiac sign • first job I had • go to drunk food • my favorite animal • our go to date place • my highschool mascot • your go to sweet treat • my dads favorite color • what you call me a lot • my favorite sweet treat • essential road trip stop • show we binged super fast • coolest country ive been to • my favorite fast food place • ...
ANATOMY 2021-08-30
- To the side or away from the midline of the body.
- On the body surface.
- Towards the top.
- Towards the back.
- Near/next to the point of attachment.
- Further in closer to the axis or away from the surface.
- Towards the midline.
- Same side.
- Opposite side.
- Towards the back:
- Vertical plane that separates the front from the back.
- Towards the head.
- Towards the bottom.
- Towards the front:
- Towards the belly.
- Tail.
- Away from midline or the point of attachment.
- Horizontal cut that separates the top from the bottom.
18 Clues: Tail. • Same side. • Opposite side. • Towards the top. • Towards the back: • Towards the head. • Towards the back. • Towards the front: • Towards the belly. • Towards the bottom. • On the body surface. • Towards the midline. • Near/next to the point of attachment. • Away from midline or the point of attachment. • To the side or away from the midline of the body. • ...
Anatomy 2022-07-07
- Sensation to upper shoulder region
- sensation to plantar foot, lateral side
- sensation to posterior forearm
- sensory supply to web space on 1st and 2nd digits of foot.
- Sensation of lateral leg, lateral calcaneus, lateral dorsal foot.
- sensation of lateral aspect of thumb and majority of dorsal hand.
- Sensory supply to majority of palmar hand.
- sensation of medial thigh, distal to posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.
- Sensation to posterior calcaneus and plantar calcaneus region.
- sensation to plantar, great toe and digits 2-3.
- Sensory innervation to distal lateral leg, majority of dorsal foot.
- cutaneous sensory supply to anterolateral thigh
- sensory innervation of medial leg and foot
- Sensory supply to posterior middle thigh, posterior leg.
- Sensation to lateral arm, region distal to acromion
- sensation to posterior arm
- sensation to dorsal fingertips of 2nd and 3rd and half of 4th digit.
- sensory innervation of lateral arm
- medial hand sensory supply
19 Clues: sensation to posterior arm • medial hand sensory supply • sensation to posterior forearm • Sensation to upper shoulder region • sensory innervation of lateral arm • sensation to plantar foot, lateral side • sensory innervation of medial leg and foot • Sensory supply to majority of palmar hand. • sensation to plantar, great toe and digits 2-3. • ...
Anatomy 2023-09-29
- Life juice
- At the tip of the tongue - at the other end
- Shaylee does not have one anymore - what a bust
- Liver helper (2 words)
- Largest organ
- Can't control these (2 words)
- Sugar buster
- Strike this?
- Top of the skull
- Largest human bone
- Helps with puberty
- The colorful part of the pupil
- Former umbilical cord
- Kneecap
- Muscle for breathing
- Digestive juice
- Our exposed bones
- Swallow or breathe
18 Clues: Kneecap • Life juice • Sugar buster • Strike this? • Largest organ • Digestive juice • Top of the skull • Our exposed bones • Helps with puberty • Swallow or breathe • Largest human bone • Muscle for breathing • Former umbilical cord • Liver helper (2 words) • Can't control these (2 words) • The colorful part of the pupil • At the tip of the tongue - at the other end • ...
Abby! 2024-07-23
- The girls I'm excited to finish this year.
- An older but spunky fella.
- The large and small version are fun.
- People who are nice to you.
- <3
- A good investment.
- A drink that I like but is sad.
- A pretty girl with a nice nose.
- Something you're bad at.
- Infusion.
- Where is it?
- What I'm gonna buy after 2027.
- What I get any time the twins score 2 runs in an inning.
- Someone who resides near the UofM.
- A cool mascot tbh.
- A controversial date idea.
- What I'm gonna buy before 2027.
- Twins pitcher who signed my glove in middle school.
- Your second favorite basketball player.
19 Clues: <3 • Infusion. • Where is it? • A cool mascot tbh. • A good investment. • Something you're bad at. • An older but spunky fella. • A controversial date idea. • People who are nice to you. • What I'm gonna buy after 2027. • What I'm gonna buy before 2027. • A drink that I like but is sad. • A pretty girl with a nice nose. • Someone who resides near the UofM. • ...
EFDA 2024 Quiz #3 2024-07-23
- Enamel breakdown
- forward/backward movement
- Overdry
- Silver Diamine Flouride
- Who invented classifications of decay?
- Silver Modified Atraumatic Restorative Technique
- Does not like moisture
- Calcium Hydroxide
- Pressing hard with an instrument against a sur
- Spillway
- Benefit of glass ionomer
- Practicing proper posture
- How we place anatomy with composite
- Matrix
- Of or relating to structure in body
- Helps form triangular fossa
- Pulpal exposure
- Sharper on the mesial, rounded distal?
- Finger rest
- Likes moisture
- side to side movement
- How we place anatomy with amalgam
- Present in dentin
- Overlapping or stepping strokes
- Viscous filling material
- Resin modified glass ionomer
26 Clues: Matrix • Overdry • Spillway • Finger rest • Likes moisture • Pulpal exposure • Enamel breakdown • Present in dentin • Calcium Hydroxide • side to side movement • Does not like moisture • Silver Diamine Flouride • Viscous filling material • Benefit of glass ionomer • forward/backward movement • Practicing proper posture • Helps form triangular fossa • Resin modified glass ionomer • ...
Emma Sayles unit 1 2020-10-02
- what the abdominal region is split up into
- system that provides support and protection; bones ligaments and joints
- bottom or caudal
- cavity that encloses the brain and spinal cord
- system that secretes hormones
- away from body surface
- divison that makes 4 diffrent daughter cells
- system that fights infection
- study of anatomy during first 8 weeks after conception
- standard position for anatomy
- towards middle of body facing front
- top or cranial
- towards body surface
- away from the middle facing front
- system that protects body and prevents water loss
- system that produces cells in sexual reproduction
- powerhouse of the cell
- system that provides movement
- known as ventral
- division that makes 2 identical daughter cells
- system that removes waste from blood
- system that exchanges CO2
- know as dorsal
- cavity that protects the visceral organs
- system that detects impulses
- study of how organisms body functions
- contains genetic info
- basic unit of all living matter
- system that breaks down and absorbs food
- system that transports nutrients and gasses
- study of the structure of an organism
31 Clues: know as dorsal • top or cranial • known as ventral • bottom or caudal • towards body surface • contains genetic info • powerhouse of the cell • away from body surface • system that exchanges CO2 • system that detects impulses • system that fights infection • system that provides movement • system that secretes hormones • standard position for anatomy • basic unit of all living matter • ...
Chapter 1 2024-08-15
- A plane that divides the body into right and left parts along the midline
- Contains the heart surrounded by the pericardial cavity
- Serous cavity associated with the lungs
- A discrete structure made up of more than one tissue
- Serous cavity associated with the heart
- The system that secretes hormones
- The system that provides a framework for muscles
- (Two words) Outer wall of a serous cavity
- The system including skin, hair, and nails
- The result of all simpler organizations working in unison
- (Two words) Covers the visceral organs, inner wall of a serous cavity
- (Two words) A common visual reference point
- The smallest level of structural organization
- A plane that runs horizontally and divides the body into superior and inferior parts
- The system that eliminates nitrogenous wastes
- (Two words) Short length waves especially good at visualizing bones
- The subdiscipline of anatomy that uses a microscope to study tissue slides
- The study of the structure of the human body
- Serous cavity associated with the abdominal viscera (organs)
- The subdiscipline of anatomy that is studied with the naked eye and dissections; another word for yucky
20 Clues: The system that secretes hormones • Serous cavity associated with the lungs • Serous cavity associated with the heart • (Two words) Outer wall of a serous cavity • The system including skin, hair, and nails • (Two words) A common visual reference point • The study of the structure of the human body • The smallest level of structural organization • ...
Aliens 2024-10-25
- From Mars
- Attaches itself to a hosts face to lay eggs
- Teddie bear aliens from Star Wars
- Goku can turn Super ________
- Superman is one of these
- Aliens that burst out of the hosts chests
- Warrior race from Star Trek
- Known for their large heads and grey complexion
- A collective of zombie-esque cyborg aliens
9 Clues: From Mars • Superman is one of these • Warrior race from Star Trek • Goku can turn Super ________ • Teddie bear aliens from Star Wars • Aliens that burst out of the hosts chests • A collective of zombie-esque cyborg aliens • Attaches itself to a hosts face to lay eggs • Known for their large heads and grey complexion
Biology Body Systems Review 2018-04-24
Anatomy 2020-05-05
- The nerve that transmits impulses to the brain from the nose.
- The clear, outermost layer of the eye that light passes through.
- Chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands that are released into the blood.
- The part of the brain that "thinks".
- A neuron that transmits impulses from one neuron to another.
- The fatty covering of axons that allows the signals to transmit speedily.
- neurons that make one move or contract muscles
- The sensory and motor neurons in the body (arms, legs, and trunk)
- A neuron that causes one to feel, taste, see, smell, and hear.
- The fluid-filled series of tubes in the inner ear that help with hearing (as opposed to balance).
- The nerve that carries visual signals from the retina to the occipital lobe in the brain.
- These carry electrical impulses and information toward or into the neuron.
- a part of the eye that changes shape to focus near and far objects
- The extension of the neuron that carries information away from the neuron.
- The neurons in the brain and spinal cord.
- The muscle that controls the size (or the opening and closing) of the pupil.
- A thin membrane (that is actually a muscle) between the auditory canal and the middle ear bones.
- Light cells responsible for processing color.
18 Clues: The part of the brain that "thinks". • The neurons in the brain and spinal cord. • Light cells responsible for processing color. • neurons that make one move or contract muscles • A neuron that transmits impulses from one neuron to another. • The nerve that transmits impulses to the brain from the nose. • ...
Anatomy 2022-02-27
- Imaginary vertical line dividing the body equally.
- Divides the body vertically into unequal right and left sides.
- sides.
- Divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions.
- Divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions.
- Nearer to the origination of a structure.
- Farther from midline.
- Divides the body vertically into right and left sides.
- Toward the head, upper part of a structure.
- Passes through the body at an angle.
- Away from the head, lower part of a structure.
- Nearer to midline.
- Divides the body vertically into equal right and
- Farther from the origination of a structure.
- Away from the surface of the body.
- Close to the surface of the body.
- At or near the front of the body
- At or near the back of the body.
18 Clues: sides. • Nearer to midline. • Farther from midline. • At or near the front of the body • At or near the back of the body. • Close to the surface of the body. • Away from the surface of the body. • Passes through the body at an angle. • Nearer to the origination of a structure. • Toward the head, upper part of a structure. • Farther from the origination of a structure. • ...
Anatomy 2022-11-02
- Opening through a bone that usually is a passageway for blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments
- Interlocking line of union between bones
- Relatively deep pit or depression
- Projection situated above the condyle
- Prominent projection on a bone
- Enlargement on the end of a bone
- Narrow ridgelike projections
- Cavity within a bone
- Knoblike process usually larger than a tubercle
- Tubelike passageway within a bone
- Soft spot in the skull where membranes cover the space between bones
- Tiny pit or depression
- Small, knoblike process
- Furrow or groove
- Rounded process that usually articulates with another bone
- Relatively large process
- Small, nearly flat surface
- Thornlike projection
18 Clues: Furrow or groove • Cavity within a bone • Thornlike projection • Tiny pit or depression • Small, knoblike process • Relatively large process • Small, nearly flat surface • Narrow ridgelike projections • Prominent projection on a bone • Enlargement on the end of a bone • Tubelike passageway within a bone • Relatively deep pit or depression • Projection situated above the condyle • ...
anatomy 2023-11-19
- what vertebra of cow has peripendicular transverse process
- shape of dog spinous process of T vertebra
- animal with separated articular p. and spinous p. of C2
- animals without foramens in T vertebra
- extra foramen in C1 of pigs and horses
- what animal has a foramen in its L vertebra
- name of extra strucutre in dog tail
- animals with biforcated spinous process of C2
- what foramen do dogs C1 lack
- animal with 2 formanes in C3-C5
- what structure replaces formaens in T vertebra
- strucutre on horse sternum
- how many vertebra does horse and cow sacrum have
- how many formaens does cow T vertebra has and which one
- how many veretbra does pig sacrum have
- how many vertebra does dog sacrum have
- shape of cow L veretbra spinous process
- what does C3-C5 of horse lack
- common foramen in C1
- animal with additonal process in L vertebra
- animal with peripendicular transverse process
21 Clues: common foramen in C1 • strucutre on horse sternum • what foramen do dogs C1 lack • what does C3-C5 of horse lack • animal with 2 formanes in C3-C5 • name of extra strucutre in dog tail • how many veretbra does pig sacrum have • how many vertebra does dog sacrum have • animals without foramens in T vertebra • extra foramen in C1 of pigs and horses • ...
Anatomy 2024-12-13
- The body's largest organ
- the midsection of the muscle
- small bone on the thumb side of the lower arm or forearm
- a follicle that produces tightly curled hair
- term that means "in front of"
- the technical name for the study of skin, including its structure, functions, diseases and treatment
- The long, narrow, flat plate that forms the center of the front of the chest
- The study of normal organ function and systems of the body
- prevents backflow of blood during circulation
- also known as the fifth cranial nerve
- Body system that controls the sweat and oil glands
- to bend forward or make the angle smaller
- System that provides framework for the body
- Also known as stratum germinativum
- largest artery in the body
- The muscle that aids in drawing the head back and elevating the shoulder blades
- located at the nape of the neck and draws the head back
- epidermal layer that makes fingerprints
18 Clues: The body's largest organ • largest artery in the body • the midsection of the muscle • term that means "in front of" • Also known as stratum germinativum • also known as the fifth cranial nerve • epidermal layer that makes fingerprints • to bend forward or make the angle smaller • System that provides framework for the body • a follicle that produces tightly curled hair • ...
Mothers Day 2023-04-01
- funny, joyous
- a gift from last year
- the best place to have breakfast
- our sanctuary
- the name given to meetings under the sitting room blanket
- a special hug only given by you
- what we skipped so high in
- an addicting, spicy takeaway
- something created by and personified by you
- a recent holiday
- the destination of the first book club meeting
- the venue of many fancy lunches on shopping trips
- something I always steal from you
- the boy name given to derval
- something royal found in London by chance
- an enchanted forest
- a show to be binged since I was 8
- something you teach tricks and spray
18 Clues: funny, joyous • our sanctuary • a recent holiday • an enchanted forest • a gift from last year • what we skipped so high in • the boy name given to derval • an addicting, spicy takeaway • a special hug only given by you • the best place to have breakfast • something I always steal from you • a show to be binged since I was 8 • something you teach tricks and spray • ...
Anatomy 2022-01-25
- Subatomic particles that travel in the electron shell
- Near or relatively close to the body surface
- Anatomical term for ankle
- Responds to the command of the control center
- Separates the pleural cavities
- Sensor that is sensitive to a particular stimulus or environmental change
- A double-layered membrane
- Small stable units of matter
- Corrective mechanism that opposes or negates a variation from normal limits
- Separates the thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity
- Towards the midline
- Inner layer of the serous membrane
- Potential space within the abdominopelvic cavity lined by the peritoneum membrane
- The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment
- Emits soundwaves and detects echoes
- Outer superficial layer of the serous membrane
- Towards the point of attachment
- Positive electrical charge
18 Clues: Towards the midline • Anatomical term for ankle • A double-layered membrane • Positive electrical charge • Small stable units of matter • Separates the pleural cavities • Towards the point of attachment • Inner layer of the serous membrane • Emits soundwaves and detects echoes • Near or relatively close to the body surface • Responds to the command of the control center • ...
Anatomy 2021-03-09
- One of the five functions of the bones
- The main organ our skull protects
- Freely movable joint
- One of the two functions of a joint
- Immovable joint
- Largest bone in the body
- Correct term for jaw bone
- closer to the origin or point of attachment of a limb
- Correct term for knee cap
- Bones that protect the heart and lungs
- away from the body surface
- divides the body into top and bottom
- Towards the head, upper part of the body
- synovial joint that allows back and forth motion
- Example of a ball and socket joint
- Divides the body into front and back
- toward the midline of the body
- Site where two or more bones meet
18 Clues: Immovable joint • Freely movable joint • Largest bone in the body • Correct term for jaw bone • Correct term for knee cap • away from the body surface • toward the midline of the body • The main organ our skull protects • Site where two or more bones meet • Example of a ball and socket joint • One of the two functions of a joint • divides the body into top and bottom • ...
Anatomy 2022-11-02
- Opening through a bone that usually is a passageway for blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments
- Interlocking line of union between bones
- Relatively deep pit or depression
- Projection situated above the condyle
- Prominent projection on a bone
- Enlargement on the end of a bone
- Narrow ridgelike projections
- Cavity within a bone
- Knoblike process usually larger than a tubercle
- Tubelike passageway within a bone
- Soft spot in the skull where membranes cover the space between bones
- Tiny pit or depression
- Small, knoblike process
- Furrow or groove
- Rounded process that usually articulates with another bone
- Relatively large process
- Small, nearly flat surface
- Thornlike projection
18 Clues: Furrow or groove • Cavity within a bone • Thornlike projection • Tiny pit or depression • Small, knoblike process • Relatively large process • Small, nearly flat surface • Narrow ridgelike projections • Prominent projection on a bone • Enlargement on the end of a bone • Tubelike passageway within a bone • Relatively deep pit or depression • Projection situated above the condyle • ...
Anatomy 2023-11-06
- Divides the body into left and right
- The body is...when laying face downward
- The term...means closer to the body surface
- The term...means farther from the body surface
- The body is...when laying face upward
- A basic dye that stains cell components pink
- Closer to the feet
- Farther from the heart
- Closer to the head
- Divides the body into cross-sections
- The basic function of this tissue is motion
- Closer to the heart
- Divides the body into front and back sections
- The view from the front
- A basic dye that stains cell components purple
- The view from the back
- Largest body organ
- The smallest independent unit of a living tissue
18 Clues: Closer to the head • Largest body organ • Closer to the feet • Closer to the heart • The view from the back • Farther from the heart • The view from the front • Divides the body into left and right • Divides the body into cross-sections • The body is...when laying face upward • The body is...when laying face downward • The basic function of this tissue is motion • ...
Sandras korsord 2024-01-11
- Där Micki brukade hosta fest
- Japans huvudstad
- Hettans High School i USA
- "Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as xx"
- xx & bror
- Här partajades det
- Micki ville ha sällskap att köpa
- Hur kom Tova in på festen när hon blev nekad?
- Gör Maggio
- Vem företräder den tilltalade i rätten?
- Gör nöjd katt
- Vad betyder "Cimex" i Anticimex?
- Bästa vinbaren
- Tova jobbade förut med
- Simgren som kombinerar fyra olika stilar
- Sandra till Livia
- Nykvarns catch phrase
- Sandra lookalike
- Hettans födelseort
- Simteknik som även kallas för "fri stil"
- "I never miss a beat, I'm lightnin' on my feet"
- Meredith Greys mamma
- Där Hettan o Sandy var sambos
24 Clues: xx & bror • Gör Maggio • Gör nöjd katt • Bästa vinbaren • Japans huvudstad • Sandra lookalike • Sandra till Livia • Är BLACKPINK från • Hettans födelseort • Här partajades det • Meredith Greys mamma • Nykvarns catch phrase • Tova jobbade förut med • Hettans High School i USA • Där Micki brukade hosta fest • Där Hettan o Sandy var sambos • Vad betyder "Cimex" i Anticimex? • ...
ANATOMY 2022-06-29
Emma Sayles unit 1 2020-10-02
- system that removes waste from blood
- system that provides movement
- what the abdominal region is split up into
- system that protects body and prevents water loss
- study of the structure of an organism
- system that provides support and protection; bones ligaments and joints
- towards body surface
- away from the middle facing front
- system that transports nutrients and gasses
- away from body surface
- cavity that encloses the brain and spinal cord
- towards middle of body facing front
- system that produces cells in sexual reproduction
- divison that makes 4 diffrent daughter cells
- system that secretes hormones
- study of how organisms body functions
- system that fights infection
- bottom or caudal
- system that exchanges CO2
- system that breaks down and absorbs food
- division that makes 2 identical daughter cells
- cavity that protects the visceral organs
- powerhouse of the cell
- know as dorsal
- standard position for anatomy
- contains genetic info
- basic unit of all living matter
- known as ventral
- top or cranial
- study of anatomy during first 8 weeks after conception
- system that detects impulses
31 Clues: know as dorsal • top or cranial • bottom or caudal • known as ventral • towards body surface • contains genetic info • powerhouse of the cell • away from body surface • system that exchanges CO2 • system that fights infection • system that detects impulses • system that provides movement • standard position for anatomy • system that secretes hormones • basic unit of all living matter • ...
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
type of shoes 2023-03-02
invitation to science 2023-08-14
21 Clues: one • life • home • more • dark • bird • light • crops • small • energy • stable • living • species • chemical • together • hibernate • environment • zone middle • anatomy body • classification • respiration ATP