greys anatomy Crossword Puzzles

Intro biology 2019-05-23

Intro biology crossword puzzle
  1. การทำงานของระบบร่างกาย
  2. บรรพบุรุษของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  3. แมลง
  4. แบคทีเรีย
  1. พืช
  2. สรีรวิทยา
  3. ปักษีวิทยา
  4. DNA
  5. สัตว์
  6. นิเวศวิทยา

10 Clues: พืชDNAแมลงสัตว์สรีรวิทยาแบคทีเรียปักษีวิทยานิเวศวิทยาการทำงานของระบบร่างกายบรรพบุรุษของสิ่งมีชีวิต

Massage Therapy Terms 2024-05-22

Massage Therapy Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Long, gliding strokes used in Swedish massage.
  2. term relates to massage therapy techniques and anatomy.
  3. Deep tissue technique used to release tension in muscles.
  4. Therapeutic use of essential oils.
  5. Pairs:
  6. The study of the structure of the body.
  1. the provided word/clue pairs to fill in the crossword puzzle.
  2. A therapy involving pressure points on the feet and hands.
  3. Release A technique aimed at relieving tightness in the fascia.
  4. A massage technique involving rhythmic tapping.
  5. A massage technique involving deep, circular movements.
  6. The state achieved through effective massage therapy.
  7. Anterior Muscle located at the front of the lower leg.

13 Clues: Pairs:Therapeutic use of essential oils.The study of the structure of the body.Long, gliding strokes used in Swedish massage.A massage technique involving rhythmic tapping.The state achieved through effective massage therapy.Anterior Muscle located at the front of the lower leg.A massage technique involving deep, circular movements....

aa 2024-04-10

aa crossword puzzle
  1. - Skincare routine
  2. - Cold, treeless area
  3. - Goddess of the harvest
  4. - Energy center
  5. - Nighttime glow
  6. - Body structure
  7. - Flight level
  8. - Cultural fusion
  9. - Fragrant spring flower
  10. - Meteorological condition
  11. - Table Tennis
  12. - Lexicon
  1. - Weather instrument
  2. - Vibrant room decoration
  3. - Run, swim, and cycle
  4. - Marine mammal
  5. - Abnormal heart rhythm
  6. - Advocacy activity
  7. - Japanese sword
  8. - Long-distance running nation

20 Clues: - Lexicon- Flight level- Table Tennis- Energy center- Marine mammal- Nighttime glow- Body structure- Japanese sword- Cultural fusion- Skincare routine- Advocacy activity- Weather instrument- Cold, treeless area- Run, swim, and cycle- Abnormal heart rhythm- Goddess of the harvest- Fragrant spring flower- Vibrant room decoration...

Biology Crossword 2018-05-27

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. เป็นวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเซลล์
  2. การศึกษาพฤติกรรมของสัตว์
  3. เป็นวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับจุลินทรีย์
  4. เป็นสาขาวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการทำงานของระบบต่างๆในสิ่งมีชีวิต
  5. ที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืชและการเจริญเติบโต
  1. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างของอวัยวะ
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับหนอนพยาธิชนิดต่างๆ
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเห็ดรา
  4. การศึกษาดีเอ็นเอ
  5. เกี่ยวข้องกับสมาชิกในอาณาจักรสัตว์และชีวิตสัตว์โดยทั่วไปโดยเป็นการศึกษาเรื่องสัตว์

10 Clues: การศึกษาดีเอ็นเอศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเห็ดราการศึกษาพฤติกรรมของสัตว์เป็นวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเซลล์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างของอวัยวะศึกษาเกี่ยวกับหนอนพยาธิชนิดต่างๆเป็นวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับจุลินทรีย์ที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืชและการเจริญเติบโตเป็นสาขาวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการทำงานของระบบต่างๆในสิ่งมีชีวิต...

Intro biology 2019-05-23

Intro biology crossword puzzle
  1. DNA
  2. พืช
  3. การทำงานของระบบร่างกาย
  4. สัตว์
  5. ปักษีวิทยา
  6. แมลง
  1. นิเวศวิทยา
  2. แบคทีเรีย
  3. บรรพบุรุษของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  4. สรีรวิทยา

10 Clues: DNAพืชแมลงสัตว์แบคทีเรียสรีรวิทยานิเวศวิทยาปักษีวิทยาการทำงานของระบบร่างกายบรรพบุรุษของสิ่งมีชีวิต

Card Catalog Mystery 2020-06-02

Card Catalog Mystery crossword puzzle
  1. shipwrecks
  2. dinosaurs
  3. human anatomy
  4. presidential elections
  5. circuses
  6. stamp collecting
  1. internet
  2. superheroes (irl)
  3. Milwaukee history
  4. mythology
  5. horses

11 Clues: horsesinternetcircusesdinosaursmythologyshipwreckshuman anatomystamp collectingsuperheroes (irl)Milwaukee historypresidential elections

Card Catalog Mystery 2020-06-02

Card Catalog Mystery crossword puzzle
  1. horses
  2. superheroes (irl)
  3. mythology
  4. circuses
  5. internet
  1. shipwrecks
  2. dinosaurs
  3. presidential elections
  4. stamp collecting
  5. human anatomy
  6. Milwaukee history

11 Clues: horsescircusesinternetdinosaursmythologyshipwreckshuman anatomystamp collectingsuperheroes (irl)Milwaukee historypresidential elections

Intro to Health and MED. Test review 2023-10-03

Intro to Health and MED. Test review crossword puzzle
  1. penicilin=anitibiotic
  2. germ theory,(PASTEUR) pasteurization, (PASTER) milk, rabies vacine
  3. rebirth of the science of medicine
  4. 4 body fluids,huaman anatomy based off pigs, centeriues
  5. compund lens microscope,cells
  6. father of moderen sugury,stopped bleeding
  7. (LISTER) dissinfectants during sugury, medical asepsis
  8. second episode, 1/3 european population died, challange the belief of religioun to cure disease, cause unknown,causes by bacteria from fleas on rats
  9. female, membrane in ear
  10. (C) red cross
  11. industrial revolution,nurses,anesthetics to put patients to sleep during surgry 1800's,40-60 years
  12. blood, heart
  13. chemistry and physics,tools and medthods,connection between structure and functions,40-50 years
  14. CSection
  15. arab hippocrates, blood causes infectious disease, first form of stitches from animals guts
  16. psychology and psychiatry (S= still used)
  17. xray
  18. reason and intellect replaced religioun and superstition in the medical field, cause was a mystery, 30-40 years
  19. sanatary (N) nursing units during crimean war, (NIGHT) lady with the lamp, (N) nuring
  20. medical organizations, performed surgery, increased knowledge in medications, sewer systems helped slow disease spread
  1. 1000 medical herbs, pharmacopeia drug dictionary, 20-30 years
  2. medical school in italy, barber common people, wealthy medical doctors
  3. known as the "father of medicine", note taking, trace disease by listening to someones chest, taught that disease was cause by natural causes, oath is the code of behavior
  4. times evil spirts as punishment,diseas cause not discovered, illness proved to be fatal
  5. feeding tube
  6. anatomy by dissecting pigs, medicine, biology, and anatomy
  7. hippocrates, aristotle, caduces and asciepus are symbols
  8. cause and spreading no longer mystery, insulin antibiotics and vaccines were developed, health insureance(1920), hospitials organizied into specilized units
  9. (3 words)single lens microscope, red blood cells
  10. first pandimic,study of medicine is forebidden
  11. female physician
  12. first vaccine(smallpox)
  13. conqured greece, romans did not accept ther medical practice, established better drainage systems, public hospitals
  14. (F) thermommeter
  15. anatomy book, human corpes, theories proved wrong
  16. stethoscope
  17. witch docotrs, herbs and plants, morphine, 20 years
  18. maintain accurate health records, written on stone, priests acted as doctors,not read
  19. (B)blood transfusion
  20. cause was still unknow, died from infections,apothecaries made and prescribed medicines, 35-45 years
  21. Polio vaccine, prevern AIDS

41 Clues: xrayCSectionstethoscopefeeding tubeblood, heart(C) red crossfemale physician(F) thermommeter(B)blood transfusionpenicilin=anitibioticfirst vaccine(smallpox)female, membrane in earPolio vaccine, prevern AIDScompund lens microscope,cellsrebirth of the science of medicinefather of moderen sugury,stopped bleeding...

Polski na dobry początek 2020-11-11

Polski na dobry początek crossword puzzle
  1. no
  2. chocolate
  3. university
  4. Thank you
  5. Good morning, good afternoon
  6. we are
  7. yes
  8. french fries
  9. hello, hi
  10. can I get...; I'd like...(in a bar or restaurant)
  11. Excuse me; I'm sorry
  12. I am
  1. Good bye
  2. help
  3. anatomy
  4. rozumiem I don't understand
  5. taxi
  6. Good evening
  7. is
  8. Poland
  9. you are (plural)
  10. you are (singular)

22 Clues: noisyeshelptaxiI amwe arePolandanatomyGood byechocolateThank youhello, hiuniversityGood eveningfrench friesyou are (plural)you are (singular)Excuse me; I'm sorryrozumiem I don't understandGood morning, good afternooncan I get...; I'd like...(in a bar or restaurant)

Italy: The Birthplace of the Renaissance 2022-01-11

Italy: The Birthplace of the Renaissance crossword puzzle
  1. Family of wealthy bankers that sponsored artists
  2. The new focus of society
  3. Place where the renaissance started
  4. Study of things athourized by the church
  1. First painter to break away from the standard
  2. The utmost most power being dethroned
  3. Renowned authour of the renaissance
  4. Period of time after the middle ages
  5. People are the most important thing
  6. One of the many concepts concieved during the renaissance, concerning human anatomy

10 Clues: The new focus of societyRenowned authour of the renaissancePlace where the renaissance startedPeople are the most important thingPeriod of time after the middle agesThe utmost most power being dethronedStudy of things athourized by the churchFirst painter to break away from the standardFamily of wealthy bankers that sponsored artists...

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Part 2 2013-11-25

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. maze
  2. hypnotist
  3. to destroy
  4. shocked
  5. successful
  6. sorry, regret
  7. incompetible
  8. praise
  9. dark and gloomy
  10. unrestrained indulgence, a frenzied celebration
  11. gushing; excessively demonstrative
  1. wanderer, vagabond, hobo
  2. tiresome
  3. acceptable
  4. reward
  5. decorations
  6. quaint, small colorful
  7. body structure
  8. a half portion
  9. indifference
  10. changing, undecided
  11. consider carefully
  12. playing
  13. deep
  14. shy

25 Clues: shymazedeeprewardpraiseshockedplayingtiresomehypnotistacceptableto destroysuccessfuldecorationsindifferenceincompetiblesorry, regretbody structurea half portiondark and gloomyconsider carefullychanging, undecidedquaint, small colorfulwanderer, vagabond, hobogushing; excessively demonstrativeunrestrained indulgence, a frenzied celebration

WED Advanced August 2022 - PEGAS PREP 2022-07-13

WED Advanced August 2022 - PEGAS PREP crossword puzzle
  1. เพิ่ม/ขยาย
  2. อย่างก้าวหน้า
  3. เลี่ยง
  4. ซับซ้อน
  1. แยกออก
  2. ยึดติด
  3. สัตว์มีกระดูกสันหลัง
  4. บอกเป็นนัย
  5. ทางร่างกาย
  6. เขตร้อน

10 Clues: แยกออกยึดติดเลี่ยงเขตร้อนซับซ้อนเพิ่ม/ขยายบอกเป็นนัยทางร่างกายอย่างก้าวหน้าสัตว์มีกระดูกสันหลัง

อักษรไขว้...Biology Section 2021-09-10

อักษรไขว้...Biology Section crossword puzzle
  1. ศึกษาเห็ด/รา
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างต่างๆของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  4. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืช
  5. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรีย
  1. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกลไกและหน้าที่การทำงานของอวัยวะในร่างกาย
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อนของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับไวรัส
  4. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างและรูปร่างทั่วไปของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  5. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิต

10 Clues: ศึกษาเห็ด/ราศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืชศึกษาเกี่ยวกับไวรัสศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรียศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อนของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างต่างๆของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างและรูปร่างทั่วไปของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกลไกและหน้าที่การทำงานของอวัยวะในร่างกาย


  1. 3 dimensional with high length and with
  2. designates the angle of view of an image
  3. black white and all greys in between
  4. is the area used or unused in a composition
  5. the total amount of light captured by a camera
  6. allows you to link 2 layers together
  7. is a technique used to compose an image to fill the area
  8. the surface quality
  9. an advanced image editor
  10. artistic turm is hue
  11. determines the amount of time a sensor is active to capture a photo
  1. the 7 basics of art
  2. 2 dimensional and flat
  3. if lower blurrier higher less blurrier
  4. one or more layer effects and blending options
  5. is used to isolate a subject by blurring the foreground or background
  6. also thought of as the "what"
  7. a mechanism that allows you to adjust how long the image sensor is exposed to light
  8. a mark made by a moving point
  9. a menu at the top of the main photopea bar

20 Clues: the 7 basics of artthe surface qualityartistic turm is hue2 dimensional and flatan advanced image editoralso thought of as the "what"a mark made by a moving pointblack white and all greys in betweenallows you to link 2 layers togetherif lower blurrier higher less blurrier3 dimensional with high length and with...

Lucia Juarez 2014-10-01

Lucia Juarez crossword puzzle
  1. 50 ____
  2. "I volunteer as..."
  3. ...Hero
  4. Braces/Teeth
  5. A kind of truck
  6. __, 2nd, 3rd
  7. Spanish word for crazy
  8. Anatomy
  9. College Room
  1. Show about celebrities
  2. Thirsty
  3. 2 _ 2 = 4
  4. Sickness
  5. Math
  6. Scared
  7. Uno
  8. Spanish word for bad
  9. if you eat a lot of McDonalds you gain....?
  10. lighter/matches
  11. Beginning, _____, End

20 Clues: UnoMathScared50 ____Thirsty...HeroAnatomySickness2 _ 2 = 4Braces/Teeth__, 2nd, 3rdCollege RoomA kind of trucklighter/matches"I volunteer as..."Spanish word for badBeginning, _____, EndShow about celebritiesSpanish word for crazyif you eat a lot of McDonalds you gain....?

Songs 2024-05-08

Songs crossword puzzle
  1. karma
  2. butter
  3. Behind these hazel eyes
  4. Umbrella
  5. Starships
  6. kings and queens
  7. Ctr alt del
  8. feather
  9. sober
  10. greedy
  11. Trader
  12. Jealousy
  13. 34+35
  1. Bad romance
  2. Savage Love
  3. Texas holdem'
  4. Fortnite
  5. Anatomy
  6. Scar to your beautiful
  7. When the party's over
  8. Call me maybe
  9. Bohemian Rhapsody
  10. Lets get loud
  11. Cheep thrills

24 Clues: karmasober34+35buttergreedyTraderAnatomyfeatherFortniteUmbrellaJealousyStarshipsBad romanceSavage LoveCtr alt delTexas holdem'Call me maybeLets get loudCheep thrillskings and queensBohemian RhapsodyWhen the party's overScar to your beautifulBehind these hazel eyes

Art Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-23

Art Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. has three properties: Hue, Value, and Intensity
  2. type of colours: green, violet, and orange
  3. adding grey to a colour
  4. type of continuous line that describes the outside edge of an object
  5. flat, 2-D
  6. Movement, Rhythm, Proportion/Scale, Variety, Emphasis, Balance,Contrast
  7. gradual change from light to dark, showing all the greys in between
  8. addition of white to a colour
  1. how elements and principles of design are organized in a work
  2. creates a shape, can be thick or thin, and creates texture
  3. has volume: cube, sphere, cone, cylinder; use them to draw more complicated objects
  4. rough or smooth, implied or real
  5. type of colour: yellow, red, blue
  6. Line, Value, Texture, Shape, Form, Colour, Space
  7. size difference
  8. type of colours: yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, red-violet, yellow-orange, red-orange

16 Clues: flat, 2-Dsize differenceadding grey to a colouraddition of white to a colourrough or smooth, implied or realtype of colour: yellow, red, bluetype of colours: green, violet, and orangehas three properties: Hue, Value, and IntensityLine, Value, Texture, Shape, Form, Colour, Spacecreates a shape, can be thick or thin, and creates texture...

อักษรไขว้...Biology Section 2021-09-10

อักษรไขว้...Biology Section crossword puzzle
  1. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อนของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับไวรัส
  4. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรีย
  5. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกลไกและหน้าที่การทำงานของอวัยวะในร่างกาย
  1. ศึกษาเห็ด/รา
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างและรูปร่างทั่วไปของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างต่างๆของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  4. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืช
  5. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิต

10 Clues: ศึกษาเห็ด/ราศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืชศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับไวรัสศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรียศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อนของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างต่างๆของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างและรูปร่างทั่วไปของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกลไกและหน้าที่การทำงานของอวัยวะในร่างกาย

WED Advanced August 2022 - PEGAS PREP 2022-07-13

WED Advanced August 2022 - PEGAS PREP crossword puzzle
  1. เขตร้อน
  2. สัตว์มีกระดูกสันหลัง
  3. บอกเป็นนัย
  4. ซับซ้อน
  1. เพิ่ม/ขยาย
  2. ทางร่างกาย
  3. อย่างก้าวหน้า
  4. ยึดติด
  5. เลี่ยง
  6. แยกออก

10 Clues: ยึดติดเลี่ยงแยกออกเขตร้อนซับซ้อนเพิ่ม/ขยายทางร่างกายบอกเป็นนัยอย่างก้าวหน้าสัตว์มีกระดูกสันหลัง

WED Advanced August 2022 - PEGAS PREP 2022-07-13

WED Advanced August 2022 - PEGAS PREP crossword puzzle
  1. เพิ่ม/ขยาย
  2. อย่างก้าวหน้า
  3. เลี่ยง
  4. ซับซ้อน
  1. แยกออก
  2. ยึดติด
  3. สัตว์มีกระดูกสันหลัง
  4. บอกเป็นนัย
  5. ทางร่างกาย
  6. เขตร้อน

10 Clues: แยกออกยึดติดเลี่ยงเขตร้อนซับซ้อนเพิ่ม/ขยายบอกเป็นนัยทางร่างกายอย่างก้าวหน้าสัตว์มีกระดูกสันหลัง

Image Receptors 2021-08-24

Image Receptors crossword puzzle
  1. the level of an image (how white or black is the image overall)
  2. a common imaging modality that uses sharpening filters
  3. the second solution used when processing a dental film
  4. the fundamental chemical compound for dental film
  5. the second P in PSP
  6. a metric describing which greys are displayed
  7. the biggest concern about e-transferring DICOM images is that they are NOT _______
  1. a wired x-ray detector
  2. a term used to describe how “fine” an image appears
  3. a term used to describe how well an imaging system can distinguish similar materials
  4. an irreversible imaging compression that results in lost data

11 Clues: the second P in PSPa wired x-ray detectora metric describing which greys are displayedthe fundamental chemical compound for dental filma term used to describe how “fine” an image appearsa common imaging modality that uses sharpening filtersthe second solution used when processing a dental film...

scientific revolution 2021-10-27

scientific revolution crossword puzzle
  1. a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries,
  2. a person qualified to practice medicine.
  3. the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms
  4. a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something
  5. theory is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Universe.
  6. Greek physician and surgeon who made early contributions to the understanding of anatomy, physiology, and nuerology.
  7. an optical instrument using lenses, curved mirrors, or a combination of both to observe distant objects
  8. the study of general and fundamental questions
  9. The one that gave us the heliocentric theory
  10. Formulation of the 3 laws of motion
  11. a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities; a distinguished academic.
  12. have a commanding influence on; exercise control over
  1. practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease
  2. the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
  3. the branch of medicine or biology that deals with the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system.
  4. a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
  5. The Starry Messenger
  6. "the orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of the two foci"
  7. law laws of motion are three laws of classical mechanics that describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it
  8. the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience

20 Clues: The Starry MessengerFormulation of the 3 laws of motiona person qualified to practice medicine.The one that gave us the heliocentric theorythe study of general and fundamental questionshave a commanding influence on; exercise control overpractice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease...

BIO 201 Exam I Key Terms 2017-04-13

BIO 201 Exam I Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. ventral cavity, superior cavity separated by diaphragm
  2. furthest from head in anatomic position
  3. gross subdiscipline, study of internal structures as their locations relate to regions of skin or other surface markings
  4. an actual cut or slice through a structure, or piece removed by slicing a structure
  5. scale of anatomy, structures too small to be seen with unaided eye
  6. divide the body into unequal left and right parts
  7. above
  8. back
  9. divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) parts
  10. closest to head in anatomic position
  11. ventral cavity, inferior cavity separated by diaphragm
  12. posterior cavity, formed by skull bones
  13. towards midline
  14. number of organ systems in the human body
  15. away from midline
  16. study of structure, "to cut up" or "cut open"
  1. general term for everything between the plasma membrane and the nucleus including cytosol, inclusions, and organelles
  2. imaginary flat surface passing through the body or an organ
  3. below
  4. gross subdisciplines, study of structures involved with a specific activity
  5. front
  6. anatomically important component of cytoplasm providing structure and actions as framework for movement of cell and cellular components
  7. Canal posterior cavity, formed by vertebral column bones
  8. scale of anatomy, structures that can be seen with unaided eye
  9. region comprising upper and lower limbs (appendages)
  10. gross subdiscipline, study of structures within a single region
  11. divides the body into equal left and right halves
  12. divides body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) parts
  13. Position standardized reference point for the relative position of body parts
  14. "control center" for cellular activity, containing genetic information in form of DNA
  15. study of function of biological parts
  16. number of region divisions of abdominopelvic
  17. region comprising head, neck, and trunk (vertical axis of body)

33 Clues: backbelowfrontabovetowards midlineaway from midlineclosest to head in anatomic positionstudy of function of biological partsfurthest from head in anatomic positionposterior cavity, formed by skull bonesnumber of organ systems in the human bodynumber of region divisions of abdominopelvicstudy of structure, "to cut up" or "cut open"...

The Human Organism 2016-09-09

The Human Organism crossword puzzle
  1. cavity that is a small space and contains the urinary bladder.
  2. system that produces muscular movements, maintains posture and produces body heat.
  3. plane that cuts vertically through the body and separates it into right and left parts.diaphragm a muscle that separates thoracic cavity from t
  4. one of the basic approaches in anatomy, the study of the organization of the body by areas.
  5. system that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and air and regulates blood pH.differentiation change in cell structure and function from generalized to specialized.
  6. most systems are regulated by this, it maintains homeostasis.
  7. system that removes waste products from the blood, and regulates blood pH, ion balance, and water balance.
  8. toward an internal organ.
  9. one of the basic approaches in anatomy, the study of the body systems.
  10. region that is the central in the division of abdominopelvic regions.
  11. scientific discipline that deals with the processes or functions of living things.
  12. the existence and maintenance of a relatively constant environment in the body despite the changes externally and internally.
  13. section and a cut though the long axis of the organ.he abdominal cavity.
  1. towards the tail.
  2. means to dissect, or cut apart and separate.
  3. means toward the back of the body. means toward the belly.
  4. divides the thoracic cavity into right and left parts.
  5. cavity that surrounds the heart.
  6. anatomical name for leg.
  7. composed of two or more tissue types.
  8. section and a cut at a right angle to the long axis.
  9. formation of new cells or new organisms.
  10. means away or far from the point of attachment.
  11. anatomical name for arm.
  12. it's a group of similar cells and the materials surrounding them.

25 Clues: towards the tail.anatomical name for leg.anatomical name for arm.toward an internal organ.cavity that surrounds the heart.composed of two or more tissue types.formation of new cells or new organisms.means to dissect, or cut apart and separate.means away or far from the point of attachment.section and a cut at a right angle to the long axis....

Encyclopaedia Britannica Volume the First p. 223-224 and 309-311 2014-06-12

Encyclopaedia Britannica Volume the First p. 223-224 and 309-311 crossword puzzle
  1. the change in a muscle by which it becomes thickened and shortened
  2. anatomy situated in a slanting position
  3. the outermost point
  4. to become aware of through any of the senses
  5. the quality of being old
  6. heavy object attached to a vessel
  1. a band of tough, fibrous tissue connecting bones at the joint
  2. opposed with an equal force
  3. the bodily structure of a plant or an animal
  4. tests under controlled conditions

10 Clues: the outermost pointthe quality of being oldopposed with an equal forcetests under controlled conditionsheavy object attached to a vesselanatomy situated in a slanting positionthe bodily structure of a plant or an animalto become aware of through any of the sensesa band of tough, fibrous tissue connecting bones at the joint...

Branches of Biology 2023-08-28

Branches of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. the scientific study of the functions of living organisms and their parts
  2. the study of birds
  3. the scientific study of relationships between plants, animals, and their environment
  4. the study of how poisons can effect living organisms
  5. deals with the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system
  6. deals with microorganisms and their effects on other living organisms
  7. the study of the animal forms, such as the human body
  8. the study of fish
  1. a study of the structure and function of the immune system
  2. the study of insects
  3. the study of fungi
  4. the study of primates
  5. the study of plants
  6. the study of the nature, causes, processes, development, and consequences of diseases
  7. the study of animals and animal life
  8. the science and practice of producing crops and livestock from the natural resources of the earth
  9. the study of the preparation and use of drugs and synthetic medicines
  10. the study of viruses
  11. the science of the inheritance of genes

19 Clues: the study of fishthe study of fungithe study of birdsthe study of plantsthe study of insectsthe study of virusesthe study of primatesthe study of animals and animal lifethe science of the inheritance of genesthe study of how poisons can effect living organismsthe study of the animal forms, such as the human body...

Squirrels, of Course!! 2015-06-16

Squirrels, of Course!! crossword puzzle
  1. True or false, a peanut is not a nut?
  2. A peanut is not a nut, it is a ____.
  3. One of the squirrel's natural enemies is the ____.
  4. This is one of the squirrel's favorite types of nuts.
  5. Paula's favorite small animals are___?
  6. This lettuce has no nutritive value.
  7. Fox squirrels are ___than Eastern Grey Squirrels.
  1. True or false, a mother squirrel will fight for her baby?
  2. Eastern Greys make noises that sound like a cat's ___.
  3. People feed these to squirrels but they are not in their natural diet.
  4. Squirrels eat fruits and vegetables that ___ from vines or trees.
  5. Captive squirrels should always receive extra ____.
  6. The abbreviation for the Florida Wildlife Commission is ___.
  7. This lettuce is nutrient rich.
  8. The Eastern Grey Squirrel is often called a ___squirrel.

15 Clues: This lettuce is nutrient rich.A peanut is not a nut, it is a ____.This lettuce has no nutritive value.True or false, a peanut is not a nut?Paula's favorite small animals are___?Fox squirrels are ___than Eastern Grey Squirrels.One of the squirrel's natural enemies is the ____.Captive squirrels should always receive extra ____....

BIO 201 Exam I Key Terms - Tissues 2017-04-13

BIO 201 Exam I Key Terms - Tissues crossword puzzle
  1. scale of anatomy, structures too small to be seen with unaided eye
  2. towards midline
  3. divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) parts
  4. number of region divisions of abdominopelvic
  5. imaginary flat surface passing through the body or an organ
  6. away from midline
  7. ventral cavity, inferior cavity separated by diaphragm
  8. divide the body into unequal left and right parts
  9. study of structure, "to cut up" or "cut open"
  10. gross subdiscipline, study of internal structures as their locations relate to regions of skin or other surface markings
  11. region comprising head, neck, and trunk (vertical axis of body)
  12. anatomically important component of cytoplasm providing structure and actions as framework for movement of cell and cellular components
  13. ventral cavity, superior cavity separated by diaphragm
  14. gross subdiscipline, study of structures within a single region
  15. study of function of biological parts
  16. above
  17. "control center" for cellular activity, containing genetic information in form of DNA
  18. closest to head in anatomic position
  19. below
  20. divides body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) parts
  1. region comprising upper and lower limbs (appendages)
  2. posterior cavity, formed by skull bones
  3. general term for everything between the plasma membrane and the nucleus including cytosol, inclusions, and organelles
  4. number of organ systems in the human body
  5. Canal posterior cavity, formed by vertebral column bones
  6. standardized reference point for the relative position of body parts
  7. divides the body into equal left and right halves
  8. gross subdisciplines, study of structures involved with a specific activity
  9. furthest from head in anatomic position
  10. scale of anatomy, structures that can be seen with unaided eye
  11. front
  12. back
  13. an actual cut or slice through a structure, or piece removed by slicing a structure

33 Clues: backfrontabovebelowtowards midlineaway from midlineclosest to head in anatomic positionstudy of function of biological partsposterior cavity, formed by skull bonesfurthest from head in anatomic positionnumber of organ systems in the human bodynumber of region divisions of abdominopelvicstudy of structure, "to cut up" or "cut open"...

Musicals! 2023-01-30

Musicals! crossword puzzle
  1. Jawbreaker
  2. Fired Up
  3. Seventeen
  4. Flesh and Bone
  5. Can't Stop Singing
  6. Take Me Or Leave Me
  7. Little Girls
  8. Sync Up
  9. Prince Ali
  1. From Now On
  2. Zydrate Anatomy
  3. Let It Go
  4. Dead Mom
  5. It Roars
  6. Into The Woods
  7. heart of stone

16 Clues: Sync UpFired UpDead MomIt RoarsLet It GoSeventeenJawbreakerPrince AliFrom Now OnLittle GirlsFlesh and BoneInto The Woodsheart of stoneZydrate AnatomyCan't Stop SingingTake Me Or Leave Me

ปริศนาอักษรไขว้ เรื่อง ชีววิทยาคืออะไร 2020-12-05

ปริศนาอักษรไขว้ เรื่อง ชีววิทยาคืออะไร crossword puzzle
  1. เกี่ยวข้องกับสมาชิกในอาณาจักรสัตว์
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับจุลินทรีย์
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างภายในของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  4. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ในกลุ่มของแมลง
  5. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืช
  1. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับปรสิตชนิดต่าง ๆ ในสิ่งมีชีวิต
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับวิวัฒนาการของสิ่งมีชีวิตตั้งแต่อดีตจนถึงปัจจุบัน
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  4. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกลไกการทำงานและหน้าที่ของอวัยวะต่างๆ
  5. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างสิ่งมีชีวิตกับสิ่งแวดล้อม

10 Clues: ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืชศึกษาเกี่ยวกับจุลินทรีย์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ในกลุ่มของแมลงเกี่ยวข้องกับสมาชิกในอาณาจักรสัตว์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างภายในของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับปรสิตชนิดต่าง ๆ ในสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกลไกการทำงานและหน้าที่ของอวัยวะต่างๆศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิต...

ปริศนาอักษรไขว้ เรื่อง ชีววิทยาคืออะไร 2020-12-05

ปริศนาอักษรไขว้ เรื่อง ชีววิทยาคืออะไร crossword puzzle
  1. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างภายในของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ในกลุ่มของแมลง
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับวิวัฒนาการของสิ่งมีชีวิตตั้งแต่อดีตจนถึงปัจจุบัน
  4. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกลไกการทำงานและหน้าที่ของอวัยวะต่างๆ
  5. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืช
  1. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับปรสิตชนิดต่าง ๆ ในสิ่งมีชีวิต
  2. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับจุลินทรีย์
  3. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  4. เกี่ยวข้องกับสมาชิกในอาณาจักรสัตว์
  5. ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างสิ่งมีชีวิตกับสิ่งแวดล้อม

10 Clues: ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืชศึกษาเกี่ยวกับจุลินทรีย์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ในกลุ่มของแมลงเกี่ยวข้องกับสมาชิกในอาณาจักรสัตว์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างภายในของสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับปรสิตชนิดต่าง ๆ ในสิ่งมีชีวิตศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกลไกการทำงานและหน้าที่ของอวัยวะต่างๆศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมของสิ่งมีชีวิต...

Renaissance 2023-05-07

Renaissance crossword puzzle
  1. The location where the Renaissance began
  2. A person of wide knowledge or learning
  3. Re-birth
  4. A period of time
  5. A person who designs buildings and other structures
  6. The action of inventing something, typically a process or device
  7. A person who is learning a trade from skilled employer
  1. The material used for tying or binding something tightly.
  2. Considered to be the father of anatomy
  3. Da Vinci's favourite area of study (Aviation)
  4. A branch of science concerned with human structure, animal and organisms
  5. A man who is significant to the Renaissance Era, he had around 20,000 pages of ideas.
  6. A mural painting representing the last meal with Christ
  7. A way of thinking which encourages the people to do good and make a difference in the world
  8. The man who rediscovered the use of ligatures
  9. A famous painting, created in 1503
  10. A person who travels to a new country

17 Clues: Re-birthA period of timeA famous painting, created in 1503A person who travels to a new countryConsidered to be the father of anatomyA person of wide knowledge or learningThe location where the Renaissance beganDa Vinci's favourite area of study (Aviation)The man who rediscovered the use of ligatures...

สาขาต่างๆของชีววิทยา 2018-05-30

สาขาต่างๆของชีววิทยา crossword puzzle
  1. กายวิภาคศาสตร์:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างส่วนต่างๆของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  2. เห็ดราวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเห็ดรา
  3. คัพภะวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อนของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  4. ปักษีวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับนก
  5. นิเวศวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างสิ่งมีชีวิตด้วยกันและสิ่งมีชีวิตกับสิ่งแวดล้อม
  6. มีนวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับปลา
  1. พฤกษศาสตร์:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืช
  2. กีฏวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแมลง
  3. แบคทีเรียวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรีย
  4. ชื่อ
  5. ชีววิทยา:การศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสิ่งมีชีวิตอย่างมีเหตุผลทางวิทยาศาสตร์
  6. เซลล์วิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเซลล์

12 Clues: ชื่อมีนวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับปลากีฏวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแมลงปักษีวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับนกพฤกษศาสตร์:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืชเซลล์วิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเซลล์เห็ดราวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเห็ดราแบคทีเรียวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรียคัพภะวิทยา:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อนของสิ่งมีชีวิตกายวิภาคศาสตร์:ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างส่วนต่างๆของสิ่งมีชีวิต...

January 11th 2016-12-30

January 11th crossword puzzle
  4. LAMB &
  5. MLB HOF
  7. FLUID
  1. FAGE`
  4. 4 2
  7. & PICKLE


stellan 2024-09-06

stellan crossword puzzle
  1. part of bird neck
  2. the third compartment of the stomach ruminants
  3. smoother muscle
  4. guts
  5. acid
  6. strength
  7. single cellular
  8. female body part that makes babys
  1. food track
  2. body diagram
  3. spit
  4. muscle
  5. under skin
  6. breaks down food
  7. food
  8. micro body parts

16 Clues: spitgutsacidfoodmusclestrengthfood trackunder skinbody diagramsmoother musclesingle cellularbreaks down foodmicro body partspart of bird neckfemale body part that makes babysthe third compartment of the stomach ruminants

History of Health Care 2022-10-05

History of Health Care crossword puzzle
  1. beginning of public health and first to organize hospitals
  2. times when there were terrible epidemics like the bubonic plague
  3. earliest to keep accurate health records
  4. dissected animals to learn about anatomy
  5. created the smallpox vacciene
  6. era when dissection led to a greater understanding of anatomy
  1. process of turning a dead human into a mummy
  2. first to observe the human body
  3. little slugs used as medical treatment
  4. first person to correctly describe blood circulation

10 Clues: created the smallpox vaccienefirst to observe the human bodylittle slugs used as medical treatmentearliest to keep accurate health recordsdissected animals to learn about anatomyprocess of turning a dead human into a mummyfirst person to correctly describe blood circulationbeginning of public health and first to organize hospitals...

The Enemy 2020-12-22

The Enemy crossword puzzle
  1. dirty and untidy
  2. Japanese garment worn over kimono
  3. a syringe for injection
  4. refusal
  5. pale and unhealthy appearance
  6. blamed
  7. act of killing
  8. lessen
  1. serious
  2. roughly
  3. covered with mats
  4. long traditional Japanese robe with wide
  5. an alcove in Japanese home
  6. light coloured
  7. cuts
  8. vomiting
  9. removing
  10. study of human body

18 Clues: cutsblamedlessenseriousroughlyrefusalvomitingremovinglight colouredact of killingdirty and untidycovered with matsstudy of human bodya syringe for injectionan alcove in Japanese homepale and unhealthy appearanceJapanese garment worn over kimonolong traditional Japanese robe with wide

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. incredible, amazing
  2. wealth that makes more wealth
  3. reading
  4. comes from
  5. Christian, not Catholic
  6. ideas, proposals
  7. expert on body parts
  8. study of the body
  9. pride, self respect
  1. person
  2. city
  3. against
  4. art that does not look flat
  5. life focused on the individual
  6. rebirth
  7. person with ideas
  8. dead bodies
  9. love, admiration

18 Clues: citypersonagainstrebirthreadingcomes fromdead bodiesideas, proposalslove, admirationperson with ideasstudy of the bodyincredible, amazingpride, self respectexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. life focused on the individual
  2. love, admiration
  3. art that does not look flat
  4. person with ideas
  5. expert on body parts
  6. comes from
  7. wealth that makes more wealth
  8. dead bodies
  1. reading
  2. city
  3. study of the body
  4. Christian, not Catholic
  5. ideas, proposals
  6. against
  7. rebirth
  8. incredible, amazing
  9. person
  10. pride, self respect

18 Clues: citypersonreadingagainstrebirthcomes fromdead bodiesideas, proposalslove, admirationstudy of the bodyperson with ideasincredible, amazingpride, self respectexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. life focused on the individual
  2. art that does not look flat
  3. person with ideas
  4. ideas, proposals
  5. rebirth
  6. study of the body
  7. reading
  8. Christian, not Catholic
  9. city
  10. dead bodies
  1. against
  2. expert on body parts
  3. wealth that makes more wealth
  4. person
  5. incredible, amazing
  6. pride, self respect
  7. love, admiration
  8. comes from

18 Clues: citypersonagainstrebirthreadingcomes fromdead bodiesideas, proposalslove, admirationperson with ideasstudy of the bodyincredible, amazingpride, self respectexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. person with ideas
  2. ideas, proposals
  3. love, admiration
  4. comes from
  5. Christian, not Catholic
  6. rebirth
  7. reading
  8. expert on body parts
  9. city
  10. dead bodies
  11. person
  1. pride, self respect
  2. art that does not look flat
  3. incredible, amazing
  4. wealth that makes more wealth
  5. life focused on the individual
  6. against
  7. study of the body

18 Clues: citypersonrebirthreadingagainstcomes fromdead bodiesideas, proposalslove, admirationperson with ideasstudy of the bodypride, self respectincredible, amazingexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

What is Arlette's... 2023-07-16

What is Arlette's... crossword puzzle
  1. second name
  2. favorite subject
  3. last name
  4. birth month
  5. favorite disney movie
  6. favorite drink
  7. favorite color
  8. college state
  9. previous elementary/middle school
  1. ethnicity
  2. previous high school
  3. place of birth
  4. favorite tv show
  5. star sign
  6. favorite place to travel to
  7. favorite emoji
  8. dream place to travel to

17 Clues: ethnicitystar signlast namesecond namebirth monthcollege stateplace of birthfavorite emojifavorite drinkfavorite colorfavorite tv showfavorite subjectprevious high schoolfavorite disney moviedream place to travel tofavorite place to travel toprevious elementary/middle school

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. study of the body
  2. love, admiration
  3. against
  4. life focused on the individual
  5. comes from
  6. Christian, not Catholic
  7. incredible, amazing
  8. pride, self respect
  9. city
  10. ideas, proposals
  11. dead bodies
  1. person
  2. expert on body parts
  3. person with ideas
  4. reading
  5. art that does not look flat
  6. rebirth
  7. wealth that makes more wealth

18 Clues: citypersonagainstreadingrebirthcomes fromdead bodieslove, admirationideas, proposalsstudy of the bodyperson with ideasincredible, amazingpride, self respectexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. life focused on the individual
  2. person
  3. study of the body
  4. incredible, amazing
  5. reading
  6. rebirth
  7. art that does not look flat
  8. Christian, not Catholic
  9. ideas, proposals
  1. pride, self respect
  2. city
  3. love, admiration
  4. against
  5. person with ideas
  6. wealth that makes more wealth
  7. dead bodies
  8. expert on body parts
  9. comes from

18 Clues: citypersonagainstreadingrebirthcomes fromdead bodieslove, admirationideas, proposalsstudy of the bodyperson with ideaspride, self respectincredible, amazingexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. dead bodies
  2. ideas, proposals
  3. love, admiration
  4. person with ideas
  5. expert on body parts
  6. rebirth
  7. art that does not look flat
  8. study of the body
  9. life focused on the individual
  10. pride, self respect
  1. Christian, not Catholic
  2. comes from
  3. incredible, amazing
  4. person
  5. reading
  6. wealth that makes more wealth
  7. against
  8. city

18 Clues: citypersonreadingrebirthagainstcomes fromdead bodiesideas, proposalslove, admirationperson with ideasstudy of the bodyincredible, amazingpride, self respectexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual


  1. 3 dimensional with high length and with
  2. designates the angle of view of an image
  3. black white and all greys in between
  4. is the area used or unused in a composition
  5. the total amount of light captured by a camera
  6. allows you to link 2 layers together
  7. is a technique used to compose an image to fill the area
  8. the surface quality
  9. an advanced image editor
  10. artistic turm is hue
  11. determines the amount of time a sensor is active to capture a photo
  1. the 7 basics of art
  2. 2 dimensional and flat
  3. if lower blurrier higher less blurrier
  4. one or more layer effects and blending options
  5. is used to isolate a subject by blurring the foreground or background
  6. also thought of as the "what"
  7. a mechanism that allows you to adjust how long the image sensor is exposed to light
  8. a mark made by a moving point
  9. a menu at the top of the main photopea bar

20 Clues: the 7 basics of artthe surface qualityartistic turm is hue2 dimensional and flatan advanced image editoralso thought of as the "what"a mark made by a moving pointblack white and all greys in betweenallows you to link 2 layers togetherif lower blurrier higher less blurrier3 dimensional with high length and with...

Madison & Dakota’s Sip and Solve 2024-06-04

Madison & Dakota’s Sip and Solve crossword puzzle
  1. what did Dakota buy Madison for her 27th birthday?
  2. how did we meet?
  3. what tv series did Dakota introduce Madison to?
  4. who said I love you first?
  5. who only sleeps with two pillows while the other sleeps with ten?
  6. Dakota's favourite dinner
  7. what tv series did Madison introduce Dakota to?
  8. what did we do on our first date?
  9. the name of the first pet Madison and Dakota got together
  1. our mutual passion
  2. what pet name does Madison call Dakota most often?
  3. where did Dakota propose?
  4. Madison’s favourite dinner
  5. a sport we love to compete against eachother in
  6. where in the world do Madison and Dakota wish to go together?
  7. what pet name does Dakota call Madison most often?
  8. how many years have Madison and Dakota been together?
  9. after how many days of knowing eachother did Dakota tell Madison he wanted to marry her?
  10. what is our favourite card game?
  11. what did Dakota call Madison in his pickup line when they met?

20 Clues: how did we meet?our mutual passionwhere did Dakota propose?Dakota's favourite dinnerMadison’s favourite dinnerwho said I love you first?what is our favourite card game?what did we do on our first date?what tv series did Dakota introduce Madison to?a sport we love to compete against eachother inwhat tv series did Madison introduce Dakota to?...

Anatomy 2020-09-17

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. gas exchange taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide
  2. allows animals to reproduce
  3. gas exchange and nutrient transport to and from cells throughout the body
  4. break down of food and absorption of nutrients for the body
  5. key structure part of skeletal system
  6. acts as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world
  1. support protection for internal organs aid in movement
  2. movement and stabilization
  3. maintains water balance gets rid of waste
  4. collect,process and control sensory information
  5. production and secretion of hormones for regulation of body
  6. defend deflect and destroy infectious agents that make their way into body

12 Clues: movement and stabilizationallows animals to reproducekey structure part of skeletal systemmaintains water balance gets rid of wastecollect,process and control sensory informationsupport protection for internal organs aid in movementproduction and secretion of hormones for regulation of bodybreak down of food and absorption of nutrients for the body...

Anatomy 2022-07-20

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. tip of the sternum
  2. flap that covers trachea
  3. top chambers of the heart
  4. take blood to the body
  5. organ of the left upper quadrant
  1. pulse in the neck
  2. take blood to the heart
  3. bottom chambers of the heart
  4. clot
  5. pulse in the wrist
  6. bone of the upper leg
  7. organ of the right upper quadrant

12 Clues: clotpulse in the necktip of the sternumpulse in the wristbone of the upper legtake blood to the bodytake blood to the heartflap that covers tracheatop chambers of the heartbottom chambers of the heartorgan of the left upper quadrantorgan of the right upper quadrant

Anatomy 2022-12-18

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. ягодица
  2. пятка
  3. лоб
  4. палец ноги
  5. спина
  6. живот
  7. подбородок
  1. икра
  2. бровь
  3. скула
  4. талия
  5. грудь

12 Clues: лобикрапяткабровьспинаскулаталияживотгрудьягодицапалец ногиподбородок

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. comes from
  2. against
  3. ideas, proposals
  4. person with ideas
  5. city
  6. rebirth
  7. expert on body parts
  1. love, admiration
  2. study of the body
  3. art that does not look flat
  4. pride, self respect
  5. wealth that makes more wealth
  6. Christian, not Catholic
  7. incredible, amazing
  8. life focused on the individual
  9. person
  10. dead bodies
  11. reading

18 Clues: citypersonagainstrebirthreadingcomes fromdead bodieslove, admirationideas, proposalsstudy of the bodyperson with ideaspride, self respectincredible, amazingexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. city
  2. expert on body parts
  3. against
  4. person with ideas
  5. pride, self respect
  6. comes from
  7. art that does not look flat
  8. life focused on the individual
  9. love, admiration
  10. ideas, proposals
  1. Christian, not Catholic
  2. reading
  3. wealth that makes more wealth
  4. person
  5. incredible, amazing
  6. rebirth
  7. dead bodies
  8. study of the body

18 Clues: citypersonreadingagainstrebirthcomes fromdead bodieslove, admirationideas, proposalsperson with ideasstudy of the bodyincredible, amazingpride, self respectexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. comes from
  2. ideas, proposals
  3. dead bodies
  4. incredible, amazing
  5. art that does not look flat
  6. study of the body
  7. against
  8. life focused on the individual
  9. city
  1. person
  2. rebirth
  3. wealth that makes more wealth
  4. reading
  5. pride, self respect
  6. love, admiration
  7. person with ideas
  8. expert on body parts
  9. Christian, not Catholic

18 Clues: citypersonrebirthreadingagainstcomes fromdead bodiesideas, proposalslove, admirationperson with ideasstudy of the bodypride, self respectincredible, amazingexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. city
  2. art that does not look flat
  3. wealth that makes more wealth
  4. rebirth
  5. love, admiration
  6. person with ideas
  1. life focused on the individual
  2. ideas, proposals
  3. Christian, not Catholic
  4. comes from
  5. incredible, amazing
  6. against
  7. expert on body parts
  8. person
  9. study of the body
  10. reading
  11. pride, self respect
  12. dead bodies

18 Clues: citypersonagainstrebirthreadingcomes fromdead bodiesideas, proposalslove, admirationstudy of the bodyperson with ideasincredible, amazingpride, self respectexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. dead bodies
  2. against
  3. pride, self respect
  4. rebirth
  5. person
  6. person with ideas
  7. city
  8. study of the body
  1. Christian, not Catholic
  2. comes from
  3. incredible, amazing
  4. love, admiration
  5. art that does not look flat
  6. wealth that makes more wealth
  7. expert on body parts
  8. life focused on the individual
  9. ideas, proposals
  10. reading

18 Clues: citypersonagainstrebirthreadingcomes fromdead bodieslove, admirationideas, proposalsperson with ideasstudy of the bodypride, self respectincredible, amazingexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Medicine Keywords Crossword 2013-10-13

Medicine Keywords Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. He discovered how the heart worked
  2. the study of how the Human body works
  3. The period of time when Greek and Roman ideas became fashionable
  4. Not allowed to be professional doctors
  5. The study of what the human body looks like
  6. Produced a book on anatomy
  1. The original name for germs when they were first seen under a microscope
  2. The technical term for the Black Death of 1348
  3. A treatment for the plague that lasted 28 days
  4. The inventor of the four humours
  5. His ideas began to be challenged during the Renaissance

11 Clues: Produced a book on anatomyThe inventor of the four humoursHe discovered how the heart workedthe study of how the Human body worksNot allowed to be professional doctorsThe study of what the human body looks likeThe technical term for the Black Death of 1348A treatment for the plague that lasted 28 days...

Agriculture Hannah 2020-05-05

Agriculture Hannah crossword puzzle
  1. Beef cattle farming is predominantly around the ___
  2. There are been an increase of Australian pork and ___ consumption over the last 50 years.
  3. A winter feed for cows that is dried grass
  4. A cow with Asian origin is called a Bos ___
  5. Intensive/Extensive product is traditionally either to monitor.
  6. the meat from calves
  7. Murray Greys are a crosbreed of Angus and ____
  8. white flecks and streaks of fat within lean sections of meat
  9. A boss taurus breed that originated in Scotland
  1. French origin that came to Australia in 1969
  2. no horns
  3. Soil quality that is dry and infertile
  4. land covered in grasses and plants suitable for grazing
  5. in 2017, majority of Australia's cattle (42%) were raised in this state
  6. the weatheral, temperature, humidity etc factors of a certain area
  7. Famous Bos Indicus cattle that came to Australia in the 1930s from the US
  8. opposite of native

17 Clues: no hornsopposite of nativethe meat from calvesSoil quality that is dry and infertileA winter feed for cows that is dried grassA cow with Asian origin is called a Bos ___French origin that came to Australia in 1969Murray Greys are a crosbreed of Angus and ____A boss taurus breed that originated in Scotland...

The Enemy 2020-12-22

The Enemy crossword puzzle
  1. a syringe for injection
  2. covered with mats
  3. dirty and untidy
  4. removing
  5. refusal
  6. neglect
  7. act of killing
  8. pale and unhealthy appearance
  1. roughly
  2. cuts
  3. light coloured
  4. Japanese garment worn over kimono
  5. serious
  6. arrangement
  7. lessen
  8. long traditional Japanese robe with wide
  9. an alcove in Japanese home for displaying
  10. vomiting
  11. study of human body

19 Clues: cutslessenroughlyseriousrefusalneglectremovingvomitingarrangementlight colouredact of killingdirty and untidycovered with matsstudy of human bodya syringe for injectionpale and unhealthy appearanceJapanese garment worn over kimonolong traditional Japanese robe with widean alcove in Japanese home for displaying

Intro to Anatomy Review chapter 1-3 2024-04-15

Intro to Anatomy Review chapter 1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. The longest bone in the body
  2. Type of muscle that functions without thought
  3. Any self-regulating process by which and organism tends to maintain stability
  4. Type of muscle found in the heart
  5. The strongest muscle in your body
  6. Tissues that hold bone together
  1. Type of muscle that require the human to think about before controlling them
  2. Tough membrane on outside of bones
  3. Greek philosopher who believed in 4 fluids within the body to main health
  4. Type of muscle found in the intestines
  5. system Helps regulate temperature in humans
  6. The study of the human body and all of its parts
  7. Doctor for Roman gladiators who furthered the science of anatomy
  8. system Provides supports or humans

14 Clues: The longest bone in the bodyTissues that hold bone togetherType of muscle found in the heartThe strongest muscle in your bodyTough membrane on outside of bonessystem Provides supports or humansType of muscle found in the intestinessystem Helps regulate temperature in humansType of muscle that functions without thought...

ANATOMY! :) 2013-01-17

ANATOMY! :) crossword puzzle
  1. What is found on the outer layer of the skin and inside the mouth?
  2. A single layer of scale shaped cells
  3. What are the 3 pigments in the skin?
  4. How many vertebrae does the human body?
  5. This forms the ducts of sweat glands
  1. What are the 3 types of muscle?
  2. A single layer of column shaped calls
  3. Which system provides support for the muscular system?
  4. What are the 4 types of bones?
  5. This fiber makes up a muscle cell
  6. These are the three parts of a nail
  7. This bone makes up the jaw bone

12 Clues: What are the 4 types of bones?What are the 3 types of muscle?This bone makes up the jaw boneThis fiber makes up a muscle cellThese are the three parts of a nailA single layer of scale shaped cellsWhat are the 3 pigments in the skin?This forms the ducts of sweat glandsA single layer of column shaped callsHow many vertebrae does the human body?...

ANATOMY 2020-09-17

ANATOMY crossword puzzle
  1. body
  2. cardiovascular
  3. skeletal
  4. nervous system
  5. digestive
  6. muscular
  1. reproductive system
  2. endocrine
  3. respiratory
  4. urinary system
  5. integumentary
  6. immune and lymphatic

12 Clues: bodyskeletalmuscularendocrinedigestiverespiratoryintegumentarycardiovascularurinary systemnervous systemreproductive systemimmune and lymphatic

Anatomy 2020-10-12

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. Anatomical name for the “big toe”
  2. Name of the joint where the tibia and fibula articulate with the talus of the foot.
  3. Significant swelling and redness in the posterior ankle as well as weakness in plantar flexion is indicative of an acute rupture to which tendon?
  4. Which movement occurs at the ankle when you stand on your tiptoes?
  5. Which articulation of the ankle is responsible for inversion/eversion?
  6. Which bone along with the tibia and fibula create the ankle?
  7. Peroneus longus and brevis as well as extensor digitorum longus are the muscles that are involved with what motion?
  8. What arch of the foot supports a significant portion of weight during weight bearing?
  1. The vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris muscles make up this group.
  2. Which ligament of the knee is the primary restraint for anterior movement of the tibia relative to the femur?
  3. What part of the foot is made up of 5 metatarsals and 14 phalanges?
  4. What joint in the pelvic girdle is a common place for lower back pain?

12 Clues: Anatomical name for the “big toe”Which bone along with the tibia and fibula create the ankle?Which movement occurs at the ankle when you stand on your tiptoes?What part of the foot is made up of 5 metatarsals and 14 phalanges?Which articulation of the ankle is responsible for inversion/eversion?...

Anatomy 2023-05-21

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. Agonist in elbow flexion
  2. Pointing of the toes
  3. The four muscles in the thigh
  4. On your hands and feet
  5. The muscle on the shin Tibialis...
  6. Name of the jaw bone
  7. Agonist muscle in shoulder abduction
  1. The shoulder blade
  2. Trianglular muscle on back
  3. Decreasing the angle between to bones
  4. The calf muscle
  5. Moving towards the midline

12 Clues: The calf muscleThe shoulder bladePointing of the toesName of the jaw boneOn your hands and feetAgonist in elbow flexionTrianglular muscle on backMoving towards the midlineThe four muscles in the thighThe muscle on the shin Tibialis...Agonist muscle in shoulder abductionDecreasing the angle between to bones

Anatomy 2023-11-16

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. the rounded back part of the foot
  2. the part of the body above and slightly narrower than the hips
  3. the line of short hairs above each eye in humans
  4. the area below the waist and above the legs at either side of the body, or the joint that connects the leg to the upper part of the body
  5. the hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body
  1. one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck that join the arms to the rest of the body
  2. the part in the middle of the arm where it bends, or the part of a piece of clothing that covers this area
  3. the line of bones down the centre of the back that provides support for the body and protects the spinal cord
  4. the part of a person's face below their mouth
  5. the part of the body between the hand and the arm
  6. the lower part of your face that moves when you open your mouth
  7. the inside part of your hand from your wrist to the base of your fingers

12 Clues: the rounded back part of the footthe part of a person's face below their mouththe line of short hairs above each eye in humansthe part of the body between the hand and the armthe part of the body above and slightly narrower than the hipsthe hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body...

Andrew Vesalius Crossword 2013-01-06

Andrew Vesalius Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What Vesalius studied.
  2. A surgical procedure
  3. Where Andrew Vesalius moved to.
  4. Founder of modern human anatomy.
  1. Opened hostilities with France.
  2. The month he was born
  3. Where he was born

7 Clues: Where he was bornA surgical procedureThe month he was bornWhat Vesalius studied.Opened hostilities with France.Where Andrew Vesalius moved to.Founder of modern human anatomy.


MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. outbreak of disease
  2. lower part of body
  3. study of
  4. intestine attached to abdominal wall
  5. midline
  6. something constant
  7. egg or sperm cell
  8. within
  9. out of
  10. no
  11. elbow
  1. genetic information
  2. absence of opening
  3. something growing out of place
  4. opposite of distal
  5. opposite of posterior
  6. opposite of anterior
  7. body structures
  8. opposite of proximal
  9. cell

20 Clues: nocellelbowwithinout ofmidlinestudy ofbody structuresegg or sperm cellabsence of openinglower part of bodyopposite of distalsomething constantgenetic informationoutbreak of diseaseopposite of anterioropposite of proximalopposite of posteriorsomething growing out of placeintestine attached to abdominal wall

Terminology 2019-10-08

Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. stigma
  2. cyan
  3. first
  4. for epigastric epi
  5. occular
  6. Electrocardiogram
  7. two
  8. frostbite
  9. complaining of
  10. clinical lab scientists
  11. study of body structure
  12. tetra
  13. form into one part
  1. thin fluid
  2. kneecap
  3. study of
  4. pertaining to muscle
  5. per
  6. candy
  7. away from
  8. lung
  9. medical speciality
  10. years old
  11. heart
  12. not

25 Clues: pertwonotcyanlungfirstcandyhearttetrastigmakneecapoccularstudy ofaway fromfrostbiteyears oldthin fluidcomplaining ofElectrocardiogramfor epigastric epimedical specialityform into one partpertaining to muscleclinical lab scientistsstudy of body structure

Vocabulary Choice Board 2013-12-03

Vocabulary Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. Beautiful Decoration
  2. Interesting, Attractive, Colorful
  3. Playing
  4. Regret, Remorse, Sorry
  5. Ponder
  6. Shocked
  7. Successful, Propitious
  8. Hesitant, Undecided
  9. Deep
  10. Dark, dim, gloomy
  11. A Frenzied Celebration
  12. A Maze
  13. Shy, Timid
  1. Gratitude, Gushing
  2. Reward
  3. Incompatible
  4. Acceptable, Likely
  5. Lack of Interest; Indifference
  6. Praise
  7. Body Structure
  8. Hypnotist
  9. Wanderer
  10. Boring, Tiresome, Dullness
  11. To Destroy
  12. A Half Portion

25 Clues: DeepRewardPonderPraiseA MazePlayingShockedWandererHypnotistTo DestroyShy, TimidIncompatibleBody StructureA Half PortionDark, dim, gloomyGratitude, GushingAcceptable, LikelyHesitant, UndecidedBeautiful DecorationRegret, Remorse, SorrySuccessful, PropitiousA Frenzied CelebrationBoring, Tiresome, DullnessLack of Interest; Indifference...

Vocabulary Choice Board 2013-12-03

Vocabulary Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. Shocked
  2. To Destroy
  3. Acceptable, Likely
  4. Incompatible
  5. Praise
  6. Hypnotist
  7. Dark, dim, gloomy
  8. Wanderer
  9. Boring, Tiresome, Dullness
  1. Successful, Propitious
  2. Deep
  3. Regret, Remorse, Sorry
  4. A Maze
  5. Beautiful Decoration
  6. Lack of Interest; Indifference
  7. Interesting, Attractive, Colorful
  8. Ponder
  9. Playing
  10. Hesitant, Undecided
  11. Body Structure
  12. Shy, Timid
  13. Gratitude, Gushing
  14. Reward
  15. A Frenzied Celebration
  16. A Half Portion

25 Clues: DeepA MazePonderPraiseRewardShockedPlayingWandererHypnotistTo DestroyShy, TimidIncompatibleBody StructureA Half PortionDark, dim, gloomyAcceptable, LikelyGratitude, GushingHesitant, UndecidedBeautiful DecorationSuccessful, PropitiousRegret, Remorse, SorryA Frenzied CelebrationBoring, Tiresome, DullnessLack of Interest; Indifference...

Vocabulary Choice Board 2013-12-03

Vocabulary Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. Acceptable, Likely
  2. Deep
  3. Hesitant, Undecided
  4. Wanderer
  5. Reward
  6. Ponder
  7. Incompatible
  8. To Destroy
  9. Hypnotist
  10. Interesting, Attractive, Colorful
  11. Boring, Tiresome, Dullness
  12. Shocked
  1. Successful, Propitious
  2. Body Structure
  3. A Half Portion
  4. Shy, Timid
  5. Regret, Remorse, Sorry
  6. Gratitude, Gushing
  7. A Frenzied Celebration
  8. Beautiful Decoration
  9. Praise
  10. A Maze
  11. Lack of Interest; Indifference
  12. Dark, dim, gloomy
  13. Playing

25 Clues: DeepPraiseA MazeRewardPonderPlayingShockedWandererHypnotistShy, TimidTo DestroyIncompatibleBody StructureA Half PortionDark, dim, gloomyAcceptable, LikelyGratitude, GushingHesitant, UndecidedBeautiful DecorationSuccessful, PropitiousRegret, Remorse, SorryA Frenzied CelebrationBoring, Tiresome, DullnessLack of Interest; Indifference...

ชีววิทยาคืออะไร 2021-05-01

ชีววิทยาคืออะไร crossword puzzle
  1. การศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ไม่มีกระดูกสันหลัง
  2. วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับวิวัฒนาการของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  3. การศึกษาธรรมชาติและกระบวนการต่าง ๆ ที่เกี่ยวกับสิ่งมีชีวิตอย่างมีเหตุผลมาจากภาษากรีก 2 คำ คือ Bios และ Logos
  4. วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพวกหอยชนิดต่าง ๆ
  5. วิชาพันธุศาสตร์ที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับลักษณะต่าง ๆ ทางพันธุกรรมและการถ่ายทอดลักษณะไปสู่ลูกหลาน
  6. การประยุกต์ใช้ความรู้เกี่ยวกับสิ่งมีชีวิต กระบวนการต่าง ๆ ของสิ่งมีชีวิตและผลิตผลจากสิ่งมีชีวิตมาใช้ให้เกิดประโยชน์ต่อมนุษย์
  7. วิชาที่ศึกษาทางด้านหน้าที่และกลไกการทำงานของระบบต่าง ๆ ในร่างกายของสิ่งมีชีวิต
  8. วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเรื่องราวต่าง ๆ ของเซลล์
  1. วิชาที่ศึกษาเรื่องราวต่าง ๆ ของพืช
  2. วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพวกเห็ด รา
  3. วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างของสิ่งมีชีวิตโดยวิธีการชำแหละหรือผ่าตัด
  4. อนุกรมวิธานวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการจัดรวมและแบ่งอันดับชั้นต่าง ๆ ของพืชและสัตว์โดยอาศัยความคล้ายคลึงกันเป็นเกณฑ์
  5. กีฏวิทยา วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแมลงต่าง ๆ
  6. คัพภะวิทยาเป็นวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการเจริญเติบโตของตัวอ่อนของสิ่งมีชีวิตและขั้นตอนต่าง ๆ ของการเจริญเติบโต
  7. วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพวกหญ้า
  8. วิชาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างการจัดระเบียบของเนื้อเยื่อและหน้าที่การทำงานของเนื้อเยื่อในร่างกาย
  9. วิชาที่ศึกษาความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างสิ่งมีชีวิตกับสิ่งมีชีวิต และสิ่งมีชีวิตกับสิ่งแวดล้อม

17 Clues: วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพวกหญ้าวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพวกเห็ด ราวิชาที่ศึกษาเรื่องราวต่าง ๆ ของพืชวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพวกหอยชนิดต่าง ๆการศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ไม่มีกระดูกสันหลังกีฏวิทยา วิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแมลงต่าง ๆวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับวิวัฒนาการของสิ่งมีชีวิตวิชาที่ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเรื่องราวต่าง ๆ ของเซลล์...

MFED team 2023-09-05

MFED team crossword puzzle
  1. Rhymes with zoo
  2. Orange
  3. Quiz queen
  4. Likes to dress up
  5. Witty
  6. ...killed the radio star
  7. Hamilton
  8. Tall, taller, tallest
  9. Palmy
  10. Created TF's new PPT
  1. Has a drawer full of chocolate
  2. Intern
  3. Anatomy
  4. Moved recently
  5. Where does the accent come from?
  6. Run forest
  7. Likes adobe

17 Clues: WittyPalmyInternOrangeAnatomyHamiltonQuiz queenRun forestLikes adobeMoved recentlyRhymes with zooLikes to dress upCreated TF's new PPTTall, taller, tallest...killed the radio starHas a drawer full of chocolateWhere does the accent come from?

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. study of the body
  2. pride, self respect
  3. person
  4. art that does not look flat
  5. city
  6. expert on body parts
  7. love, admiration
  8. ideas, proposals
  9. life focused on the individual
  10. reading
  11. person with ideas
  12. Christian, not Catholic
  1. against
  2. rebirth
  3. incredible, amazing
  4. wealth that makes more wealth
  5. comes from
  6. dead bodies

18 Clues: citypersonagainstrebirthreadingcomes fromdead bodieslove, admirationideas, proposalsstudy of the bodyperson with ideaspride, self respectincredible, amazingexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. study of the body
  2. love, admiration
  3. against
  4. person
  5. art that does not look flat
  6. person with ideas
  7. rebirth
  8. pride, self respect
  9. ideas, proposals
  1. expert on body parts
  2. wealth that makes more wealth
  3. Christian, not Catholic
  4. incredible, amazing
  5. reading
  6. comes from
  7. life focused on the individual
  8. dead bodies
  9. city

18 Clues: citypersonagainstreadingrebirthcomes fromdead bodieslove, admirationideas, proposalsstudy of the bodyperson with ideasincredible, amazingpride, self respectexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. city
  2. wealth that makes more wealth
  3. comes from
  4. rebirth
  5. incredible, amazing
  6. Christian, not Catholic
  7. dead bodies
  8. expert on body parts
  1. against
  2. person with ideas
  3. love, admiration
  4. pride, self respect
  5. person
  6. art that does not look flat
  7. reading
  8. ideas, proposals
  9. study of the body
  10. life focused on the individual

18 Clues: citypersonagainstrebirthreadingcomes fromdead bodieslove, admirationideas, proposalsperson with ideasstudy of the bodypride, self respectincredible, amazingexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Renaissance Name___________ 2015-04-22

Renaissance     Name___________ crossword puzzle
  1. pride, self respect
  2. reading
  3. wealth that makes more wealth
  4. city
  5. ideas, proposals
  6. incredible, amazing
  7. expert on body parts
  8. against
  9. life focused on the individual
  10. dead bodies
  1. comes from
  2. Christian, not Catholic
  3. person with ideas
  4. person
  5. rebirth
  6. art that does not look flat
  7. love, admiration
  8. study of the body

18 Clues: citypersonreadingrebirthagainstcomes fromdead bodiesideas, proposalslove, admirationperson with ideasstudy of the bodypride, self respectincredible, amazingexpert on body partsChristian, not Catholicart that does not look flatwealth that makes more wealthlife focused on the individual

Science crossword puzzle 2020-03-15

Science crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. anatomy, the difference and similarities of anatomy
  2. the regions of the surface
  3. group, experiment or observation to minimize the effects of variables other than independent variable
  4. variable, a variable that stays the same
  5. give a brief statement
  6. examine or study something very closely
  1. variable, manipulating
  2. structure, it is an organ or body part that appears different animals but has the same structure
  3. Dependent variable, responding variable
  4. form an idea of the amount of numbers

10 Clues: variable, manipulatinggive a brief statementthe regions of the surfaceform an idea of the amount of numbersDependent variable, responding variableexamine or study something very closelyvariable, a variable that stays the sameanatomy, the difference and similarities of anatomy...

Anatomy 2020-09-17

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. vital organ located inside the chest
  2. study of bodily structures
  3. the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal state that persists despite changes in the outside world
  4. large molecules composed of one or more chains of amino acids
  5. respiratory organs located inside the chest
  1. a group of tissues working together to perform an activity
  2. the highest level of organization
  3. biological catalyst that is usually a protein
  4. study of bodily functions
  5. a group of cells that perform the same basic activity
  6. organ located inside the skull
  7. smallest functional unit of an organism

12 Clues: study of bodily functionsstudy of bodily structuresorgan located inside the skullthe highest level of organizationvital organ located inside the chestsmallest functional unit of an organismrespiratory organs located inside the chestbiological catalyst that is usually a proteina group of cells that perform the same basic activity...

Anatomy 2021-11-30

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. a structural unit of a myofibril in striated muscle, consisting of a dark band and the nearer half of each adjacent pale band.
  2. tightening
  3. the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting.
  4. circular movement of a limb at the far end
  5. decrease angle
  6. circular movement around an axis
  7. palms turned up
  1. toward the midline
  2. A normal state of balanced muscle tension
  3. movement study of
  4. connect and support other tissues and surround the organs in the body.
  5. stimulation by motor

12 Clues: tighteningdecrease anglepalms turned upmovement study oftoward the midlinestimulation by motorcircular movement around an axisA normal state of balanced muscle tensioncircular movement of a limb at the far endconnect and support other tissues and surround the organs in the body....

Anatomy 2024-07-15

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. The cartilaginous flap that covers the larynx during swallowing
  2. The small bone at the base of the tongue
  3. The small, tube-like structure that drains fluid from the middle ear
  4. The main artery supplying blood to the head and neck
  5. The spiral-shaped cavity forming the hearing part of the inner ear
  6. The membranous structure that covers the cochlea's opening.
  1. The bony labyrinth of the inner ear
  2. The largest salivary gland
  3. The part of the throat behind the mouth
  4. The central cavity of the cochlea
  5. The superior part of the pharynx
  6. The bony structure surrounding the nasal cavity

12 Clues: The largest salivary glandThe superior part of the pharynxThe central cavity of the cochleaThe bony labyrinth of the inner earThe part of the throat behind the mouthThe small bone at the base of the tongueThe bony structure surrounding the nasal cavityThe main artery supplying blood to the head and neck...

Anatomy 2020-09-15

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. Contained in sacs in axon terminals released to cause stimulus in the next cell
  2. Relays messages, processes information, and analyzes information.
  3. Connects brain to the spinal cord; Controls involuntary actions.
  4. Largest part of the brain; Responsible for voluntary and educated actions; Located in 2 different lobes.
  5. Long fiber that carries impulses away from cell body
  6. The junction between the axon and dendrite
  1. Second largest part of the brain; Located at the back of the skull; Coordinates balance and movement.
  2. Controls reflexes, Carries signals from brain to the body
  3. a bundle of fibers running to organs and tissues in the body.
  4. Cells that transmit impulses
  5. Fatty insulated sheath that surrounds all but the smallest nerve fibers.
  6. Short branch extensions that carry impulses towards the cell body

12 Clues: Cells that transmit impulsesThe junction between the axon and dendriteLong fiber that carries impulses away from cell bodyControls reflexes, Carries signals from brain to the bodya bundle of fibers running to organs and tissues in the body.Connects brain to the spinal cord; Controls involuntary actions....

Anatomy 2012-11-21

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. This bone is situated behind the Tibia
  2. First you have your Carpels then what?
  3. No more steak if you break this
  4. These bones protect your lungs
  5. This protects your brain
  6. The largest bones in the body?
  1. What bone do you kneel on
  2. Also referred to as the collarbone
  3. What is the bottom of your vertebrae called?
  4. Commonly known as your shoulder blade
  5. Sitting down is painful when this is injured
  6. This bone is next to the Radius

12 Clues: This protects your brainWhat bone do you kneel onThese bones protect your lungsThe largest bones in the body?No more steak if you break thisThis bone is next to the RadiusAlso referred to as the collarboneCommonly known as your shoulder bladeThis bone is situated behind the TibiaFirst you have your Carpels then what?...

anatomy 2023-08-07

anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. structure in a chromosome that holds together the two chromatids (the daughter strands of a replicated chromosome).
  2. makes up the thick middle layer of the heart
  3. a group of cells that have similar structure and that function together as a unit
  4. a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
  5. organelles that convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use.
  6. a spherical structure found in the cell's nucleus whose primary function is to produce and assemble the cell's ribosomes.
  7. a subcellular structure that has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell
  1. a term given to several body tissues that connect, support, and help bind other tissues
  2. the cellular machinery responsible for making proteins
  3. the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cell
  4. a tissue primarily composed of specialized cells/fibers which are capable of contracting in order to effect movement.
  5. layers of cells that line hollow organs and glands

12 Clues: makes up the thick middle layer of the heartlayers of cells that line hollow organs and glandsthe gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cellthe cellular machinery responsible for making proteinsa membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.a group of cells that have similar structure and that function together as a unit...

anatomy 2023-08-07

anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cell
  2. structure in a chromosome that holds together the two chromatids (the daughter strands of a replicated chromosome).
  3. organelles that convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use.
  4. a spherical structure found in the cell's nucleus whose primary function is to produce and assemble the cell's ribosomes.
  5. a tissue primarily composed of specialized cells/fibers which are capable of contracting in order to effect movement.
  1. a term given to several body tissues that connect, support, and help bind other tissues
  2. a subcellular structure that has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell
  3. makes up the thick middle layer of the heart
  4. a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
  5. a group of cells that have similar structure and that function together as a unit
  6. the cellular machinery responsible for making proteins
  7. layers of cells that line hollow organs and glands

12 Clues: makes up the thick middle layer of the heartlayers of cells that line hollow organs and glandsthe gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cellthe cellular machinery responsible for making proteinsa membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.a subcellular structure that has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell...

greys charaters 2021-01-09

greys charaters crossword puzzle
  1. "So pick me. choose me. love me."
  2. "this chip smells like owen"
  3. "Please, dont chase me anymore. Unless ur ready to catch me"
  1. "your my person"
  2. "I have 5 rules memorize them"
  3. "Its a Beautiful day to save lives"

6 Clues: "your my person""this chip smells like owen""I have 5 rules memorize them""So pick me. choose me. love me.""Its a Beautiful day to save lives""Please, dont chase me anymore. Unless ur ready to catch me"

Anatomy and Physiology Period 6. 2020-09-15

Anatomy and Physiology Period 6. crossword puzzle
  1. gas exchange(transport)
  2. protect
  3. Defend(deflect)
  4. Breakdown food
  5. Control
  6. bodily functions
  1. gas exchange(oxygen)
  2. movement
  3. Support(protection)
  4. hormones for regulation
  5. Waste (filters)
  6. Bodily structures

12 Clues: protectControlmovementBreakdown foodDefend(deflect)Waste (filters)bodily functionsBodily structuresSupport(protection)gas exchange(oxygen)gas exchange(transport)hormones for regulation

Andrew Vesalius Crossword 2013-01-06

Andrew Vesalius Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where he was born
  2. Opened hostilities with France.
  3. What Vesalius studied.
  4. Where Andrew Vesalius moved to.
  1. Founder of modern human anatomy.
  2. The month he was born
  3. A surgical procedure

7 Clues: Where he was bornA surgical procedureThe month he was bornWhat Vesalius studied.Opened hostilities with France.Where Andrew Vesalius moved to.Founder of modern human anatomy.

Stems List 8 2015-04-08

Stems List 8 crossword puzzle
  1. to move
  2. really cold
  3. a type of visual entertainment
  4. a feeling
  5. what people think of you
  6. to protect
  7. there are 5
  8. stealth mode
  9. clues
  1. study of the human body
  2. a change
  3. a different way
  4. an electronic that stores information
  5. newbie
  6. to take care of
  7. to scare
  8. fragile
  9. familiar or to remember
  10. argument
  11. friend

20 Clues: cluesnewbiefriendto movefragilea changeto scareargumenta feelingto protectreally coldthere are 5stealth modea different wayto take care ofstudy of the human bodyfamiliar or to rememberwhat people think of youa type of visual entertainmentan electronic that stores information

76-80 2017-03-20

76-80 crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 21
  4. 19
  5. 22
  6. 32
  7. 36
  8. 31
  9. 2
  10. 33
  11. 26
  12. 34
  13. 28
  14. 1
  15. 10
  16. 24
  17. 13
  18. 11
  1. 16
  2. 3
  3. 30
  4. 7
  5. 18
  6. 20
  7. 17
  8. 4
  9. 23
  10. 35
  11. 9
  12. 27
  13. 29
  14. 12
  15. 25
  16. 8
  17. 14
  18. 15

36 Clues: 536749218163021182017192223353236312733263429281225141024131511

Jose M. Mier Y Teran 5/4/2016 2016-05-04

Jose M. Mier Y Teran     5/4/2016 crossword puzzle
  1. Supply
  2. Friend
  3. Selfless for others
  4. Represent
  5. Quick to respond to slight changes
  6. The bodily structure of living organisms
  7. A public argument
  8. Desktop
  9. A person who engages in a pursuit
  10. Remove contaminants from
  1. Proof
  2. Liar
  3. Modification
  4. Ensure
  5. A person who moves to a different country permanently
  6. Moving
  7. Unpleasant
  8. A physical feeling
  9. Strengthen
  10. You watch it

20 Clues: LiarProofEnsureSupplyFriendMovingDesktopRepresentUnpleasantStrengthenModificationYou watch itA public argumentA physical feelingSelfless for othersRemove contaminants fromA person who engages in a pursuitQuick to respond to slight changesThe bodily structure of living organismsA person who moves to a different country permanently

TV SHOWS - CSHS 2022-05-20

TV SHOWS - CSHS crossword puzzle
  1. How I Met Your _______
  2. Sons of __________
  3. Young _________
  4. _______Abbey
  5. _________ Family
  6. Grey's ________
  7. _____ is us
  8. The ___________ Dead
  9. A Million _______ Things
  10. Gilmore ______
  11. Chicago ______
  12. ________ Bloods
  13. Two and a _______ Men
  1. _________ Is the New Black
  2. Law & __________
  3. The Good ________
  4. American _________ Story
  5. __________ Bad
  6. _________ Minds
  7. The ________ Attendant
  8. Schitt's ___________
  9. Stranger __________
  10. The _________ Diaries
  11. The Big Bang __________
  12. __________ Guy
  13. Games of _________

26 Clues: _____ is us_______Abbey__________ BadGilmore ______Chicago ________________ GuyYoung __________________ MindsGrey's ________________ BloodsLaw & ___________________ FamilyThe Good ________Sons of __________Games of _________Stranger __________Schitt's ___________The ___________ DeadThe _________ DiariesTwo and a _______ MenHow I Met Your _______...

TV SHOWS - CSHS 2022-05-20

TV SHOWS - CSHS crossword puzzle
  1. __________ 19
  2. The Big Bang __________
  3. __________ Bad
  4. _________ Is the New Black
  5. Chicago ______
  6. Young _________
  7. A Million _______ Things
  8. Sons of __________
  9. The _________ Diaries
  10. _________ Minds
  11. _________ Family
  12. _______Abbey
  13. _____ is us
  1. The Good ________
  2. How I Met Your _______
  3. Schitt's ___________
  4. Gilmore ______
  5. __________ Guy
  6. American _________ Story
  7. The ________ Attendant
  8. Law & __________
  9. ________ Bloods
  10. Games of _________
  11. The ___________ Dead
  12. Grey's ________
  13. Two and a _______ Men
  14. Stranger __________

27 Clues: _____ is us_______Abbey__________ 19__________ BadGilmore ________________ GuyChicago ______Young _________________ BloodsGrey's _________________ MindsLaw & ___________________ FamilyThe Good ________Games of _________Sons of __________Stranger __________Schitt's ___________The ___________ DeadTwo and a _______ MenThe _________ Diaries...

Act 3, Scene 2 2022-11-21

Act 3, Scene 2 crossword puzzle
  1. - rebuke, scold
  2. - fit of laughter
  3. - distinguished
  4. - captured
  5. - to greet,
  6. - sleeping, timid
  1. - passion
  2. - duped, tricked person
  3. - schoolmaster
  4. - skeleton, body
  5. - sworn testimony

11 Clues: - passion- captured- to greet,- schoolmaster- rebuke, scold- distinguished- skeleton, body- fit of laughter- sworn testimony- sleeping, timid- duped, tricked person

Anatomy 2024-03-19

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. Movement decreasing the angle at a join Bending
  2. The term that means further from the trunk
  3. The superior bones of the hand
  4. what bone is superior to the Patella
  5. the imaginary line that runs vertically in the center of your body
  1. Point your Toes
  2. The bones in the Foot
  3. The posterior muscle on the Humerus
  4. The bone where the ribs attach on the Anterior surface
  5. Names of fingers and Toes
  6. Movement away from the Midline
  7. the muscles on the posterior surface of the pelvis

12 Clues: Point your ToesThe bones in the FootNames of fingers and ToesThe superior bones of the handMovement away from the MidlineThe posterior muscle on the Humeruswhat bone is superior to the PatellaThe term that means further from the trunkMovement decreasing the angle at a join Bendingthe muscles on the posterior surface of the pelvis...

Anatomy 2023-10-25

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. Nucleic Acid not found in humans?
  2. Particle with a neutral charge?
  3. Aka stable internal environment
  4. Common example of a molecule also known as H20?
  5. Fats are also known as?
  1. 11 of these in an organism
  2. Aka "tiny organs"
  3. Type of tissue
  4. Very common atom in living organisms?
  5. Must be able to metabolize and _____ energy
  6. 5 ___ types of organs: heart, brain, liver, lungs, kidneys
  7. Smallest biological unit capable of characteristics of life?

12 Clues: Type of tissueAka "tiny organs"Fats are also known as?11 of these in an organismParticle with a neutral charge?Aka stable internal environmentNucleic Acid not found in humans?Very common atom in living organisms?Must be able to metabolize and _____ energyCommon example of a molecule also known as H20?...

The Scientific Revolution 2023-09-07

The Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. used to confirm findings and to prove or disprove a hypothesis(2 words)
  2. Proved the universe was heliocentric mathematically (2 words)
  3. First believed the world was heliocentric (2 words)
  4. Sun is the center of the universe
  5. Earth is the center of the universe
  6. founder of human anatomy (2 words)
  1. Built his own telescope (2 words)
  2. regarded as a pure science
  3. a belief that went against what was allowed by the church
  4. the internal arrangement of organs

10 Clues: regarded as a pure scienceBuilt his own telescope (2 words)Sun is the center of the universefounder of human anatomy (2 words)the internal arrangement of organsEarth is the center of the universeFirst believed the world was heliocentric (2 words)a belief that went against what was allowed by the church...

Madison & Dakota’s Sip and Solve 2024-06-04

Madison & Dakota’s Sip and Solve crossword puzzle
  1. what did Dakota buy Madison for her 27th birthday?
  2. Dakota's favourite dinner
  3. how did we meet?
  4. what tv series did Madison introduce Dakota to?
  5. Madison’s favourite dinner
  6. where in the world do Madison and Dakota wish to go together?
  7. where did Dakota propose?
  8. after how many days of knowing eachother did Dakota tell Madison he wanted to marry her?
  9. a sport we love to compete against eachother in
  1. who only sleeps with two pillows while the other sleeps with ten?
  2. what pet name does Madison call Dakota most often?
  3. what pet name does Dakota call Madison most often?
  4. what tv series did Dakota introduce Madison to?
  5. our mutual passion
  6. how many years have Madison and Dakota been together?
  7. who said I love you first?
  8. the name of the first pet Madison and Dakota got together
  9. what did Dakota call Madison in his pickup line when they met?
  10. what did we do on our first date?
  11. what is our favourite card game?

20 Clues: how did we meet?our mutual passionDakota's favourite dinnerwhere did Dakota propose?who said I love you first?Madison’s favourite dinnerwhat is our favourite card game?what did we do on our first date?what tv series did Dakota introduce Madison to?what tv series did Madison introduce Dakota to?a sport we love to compete against eachother in...

Do You Know Team Marcoux 2023-12-13

Do You Know Team Marcoux crossword puzzle
  1. Josh’s meal of choice. Corn, flour, crunchy, soft, doesn’t matter.
  2. Love it or Hate it, this team is split on this flavor
  3. Kaitlin’s four-legged friend
  4. Steve's Birthday Month
  5. Somchay’s High School Graduation Gift
  6. Morgan’s Celebrity Queen
  7. Kaitlin's favorite movie, You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
  8. Colleen’s hobby, passion, and purpose in life
  9. Colleen’s Team Nickname
  10. Colleen’s Vacation Point, ____ Island
  11. Brian’s gift to Sarah for their 1 year
  12. Liz’s vacation spot, a house on water even a…
  13. Liz’s Favorite Candy
  14. Morgan’s comfort show, also based in a hospital
  1. The Tribe has spoken, this is Tami’s favorite TV Show
  2. Favorite Celebrity for Lily, Superbad, La La Land, Easy A
  3. Liz’s Staple Meal
  4. Steve’s favorite TV Show.
  5. Somchay loves this KPOP Group
  6. Lily loves this meal
  7. Tami’s household has this many animals in it at any given time.
  8. Sarah’s Astrological Sign, witty and indecisive
  9. Theesa's Favorite singer
  10. Josh’s comfort show, based in a hospital

24 Clues: Liz’s Staple MealLily loves this mealLiz’s Favorite CandySteve's Birthday MonthColleen’s Team NicknameMorgan’s Celebrity QueenTheesa's Favorite singerSteve’s favorite TV Show.Kaitlin’s four-legged friendSomchay loves this KPOP GroupSomchay’s High School Graduation GiftColleen’s Vacation Point, ____ IslandBrian’s gift to Sarah for their 1 year...

Act 3, Scene 2 2022-11-21

Act 3, Scene 2 crossword puzzle
  1. - rebuke, scold
  2. - fit of laughter
  3. - distinguished
  4. - captured
  5. - to greet,
  6. - sleeping, timid
  1. - passion
  2. - duped, tricked person
  3. - schoolmaster
  4. - skeleton, body
  5. - sworn testimony

11 Clues: - passion- captured- to greet,- schoolmaster- rebuke, scold- distinguished- skeleton, body- fit of laughter- sworn testimony- sleeping, timid- duped, tricked person

Comparative anatomy 2024-09-16

Comparative anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. – The molecule that carries genetic instructions in all living things
  2. – The study of the structure of organisms
  3. – A structure that has lost its original function over evolutionary time
  4. – Type of anatomy that compares structures across species
  5. – The process by which species change over time
  6. – A characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment
  7. – An organism from which others have descended
  8. – The bones or internal structure of an organism
  9. – Groups of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring
  1. – A primate species closely related to humans
  2. – A class of warm-blooded animals with hair or fur
  3. – A type of limb structure with five digits
  4. – Structures that perform similar functions but evolved independently
  5. – Structures in different species with a common ancestor but different functions
  6. – The vertebral column
  7. – A sequence of species each descended from the last
  8. – An arm, leg, or wing—used for movement in various species
  9. – A marine mammal that evolved from land-dwelling ancestors

18 Clues: – The vertebral column– The study of the structure of organisms– A type of limb structure with five digits– A primate species closely related to humans– An organism from which others have descended– The process by which species change over time– The bones or internal structure of an organism– A class of warm-blooded animals with hair or fur...