hobbies Crossword Puzzles

Hobbies 2023-09-01

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Creating pictures using pencils, pens, or colors.
  2. Using brushes and paints to create artwork.
  3. Preparing and making food in the kitchen.
  4. Creating handmade items using various materials.
  5. Games Engaging in board games, video games, etc.
  6. Sports Participating in games and physical activities.
  7. Solving Putting together pieces to solve a puzzle.
  8. Expressing thoughts and ideas through writing.
  9. Walking in nature, often on trails or in mountains.
  1. Music Making melodies using instruments or singing.
  2. Moving rhythmically to music for enjoyment.
  3. Taking pictures to capture moments and scenes.
  4. Gathering and preserving items of interest.
  5. Taking care of plants and flowers in a garden.
  6. Enjoying books and stories to learn or for fun.

15 Clues: Preparing and making food in the kitchen.Moving rhythmically to music for enjoyment.Using brushes and paints to create artwork.Gathering and preserving items of interest.Taking pictures to capture moments and scenes.Taking care of plants and flowers in a garden.Expressing thoughts and ideas through writing....

Hobbies 2024-04-08

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Childhood collection
  2. Helps people stay in shape
  3. "hold that pose"
  4. A grandma's activity
  5. Batter batter up
  6. A cali boy's favorite
  7. You get a high after this
  1. Popular book genre
  2. My favorite past time
  3. Tiny version of a big thing
  4. Fall time activity
  5. A sweet tooth's obsession
  6. These hold great historical value

13 Clues: "hold that pose"Batter batter upPopular book genreFall time activityChildhood collectionA grandma's activityMy favorite past timeA cali boy's favoriteA sweet tooth's obsessionYou get a high after thisHelps people stay in shapeTiny version of a big thingThese hold great historical value

Hobbies 2024-11-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Talking with friends.
  2. We like listing to _____.
  3. _____ games: Monopoly, checkers, Chess, etc.
  4. Weekly 'books' with lots of pictures.
  5. Goldilocks, Jack and the Beanstalk, Harry Potter, etc.
  6. Mr Max likes doing jigsaw _______.
  1. Do this at a mall.
  2. Doraemon, Pokemon, Hello Kitty, Kuromi, etc.
  3. Riding a bike.
  4. You can go ice-_______ in a rink.
  5. Little people you can play with.
  6. Making small crafts.
  7. Television.

13 Clues: Television.Riding a bike.Do this at a mall.Making small crafts.Talking with friends.We like listing to _____.Little people you can play with.You can go ice-_______ in a rink.Mr Max likes doing jigsaw _______.Weekly 'books' with lots of pictures.Doraemon, Pokemon, Hello Kitty, Kuromi, etc._____ games: Monopoly, checkers, Chess, etc....

nolans Crossword 2023-09-09

nolans Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. candy
  2. Weather
  3. Fastfood
  4. College
  5. hobbies
  6. Holiday
  1. NFLTeam
  2. sport
  3. travel
  4. Brand
  5. color
  6. dog
  7. food

13 Clues: dogfoodcandysportBrandcolortravelNFLTeamWeatherCollegehobbiesHolidayFastfood

Heather and Ted (Difficult) 2013-05-26

Heather and Ted (Difficult) crossword puzzle
  1. __hundred miles between Portland and Wenatchee
  2. one of Ted's hobbies
  3. Ted's character quality that kept him pursuing Heather
  4. the age Ted first asked Heather out
  5. a plant that grows well in the desert and can reproduce as fast as chickens
  6. one of Heather's hobbies
  7. a plant with green and burgandy leaves
  8. an interest of Ted's
  9. Heather's bridesmaid that lives in Vancouver, WA
  1. a friend of Heather's that she met at an internship
  2. the wedding theme 2
  3. a defining character quality of Ted's
  4. the wedding theme 1
  5. an interest of Heather's
  6. Heather's bridesmaid she met in grad school
  7. one of Heather's favorite things about Ted
  8. the state where Heather's brother lives
  9. a childhood friend of Ted's

18 Clues: the wedding theme 2the wedding theme 1one of Ted's hobbiesan interest of Ted'san interest of Heather'sone of Heather's hobbiesa childhood friend of Ted'sthe age Ted first asked Heather outa defining character quality of Ted'sa plant with green and burgandy leavesthe state where Heather's brother livesone of Heather's favorite things about Ted...

Joseph Karis 2021-03-09

Joseph Karis crossword puzzle
  1. Might take over the world one day
  2. Heatherton Christian College(my school)
  3. Who I trust in
  4. I have 5 of these
  5. Something that kids love and parents limit(one of my favorite hobbies)
  6. My favorite color
  7. The country I live in
  1. my nickname
  2. This invented painting(one of my favorite hobbies
  3. They made the song Hey Jude(my favorite band)
  4. The French made this food(my favorite food)
  5. The color of my eyes
  6. Rolls in mud(my favorite animal)
  7. The month I was born in

14 Clues: my nicknameWho I trust inI have 5 of theseMy favorite colorThe color of my eyesThe country I live inThe month I was born inRolls in mud(my favorite animal)Might take over the world one dayHeatherton Christian College(my school)The French made this food(my favorite food)They made the song Hey Jude(my favorite band)...

Si-Yan & Vivek 2023-12-26

Si-Yan & Vivek crossword puzzle
  1. One of our hobbies (under the sea)
  2. A concert we are attending very soon
  3. Our new house is on ______ Avenue
  4. Place where Vivek proposed
  5. We climbed this volcano on our first trip together
  6. Which one of us needs more sleep
  7. Our favourite dessert
  1. Both of us attended this university
  2. Siyan's favourite colour
  3. The football team that Vivek supports
  4. Which one of us eats more chocolate
  5. Book series that we both love
  6. Vivek's company name
  7. Another of our hobbies (up in the mountains)

14 Clues: Vivek's company nameOur favourite dessertSiyan's favourite colourPlace where Vivek proposedBook series that we both loveWhich one of us needs more sleepOur new house is on ______ AvenueOne of our hobbies (under the sea)Both of us attended this universityWhich one of us eats more chocolateA concert we are attending very soon...

Lesson 26 2022-03-31

Lesson 26 crossword puzzle
  1. interests
  2. duplicates
  3. songs
  4. hurts
  5. responsibilities
  6. food supplies
  7. houses of books
  8. special days
  9. insects
  10. roads
  1. small red fruits
  2. celebrations
  3. groups of people
  4. between mountains
  5. days of birth
  6. power supplies
  7. asks questions
  8. divisions of states
  9. women
  10. tales

20 Clues: songshurtswomentalesroadsinsectsinterestsduplicatescelebrationsspecial daysdays of birthfood suppliespower suppliesasks questionshouses of bookssmall red fruitsgroups of peopleresponsibilitiesbetween mountainsdivisions of states


  2. SALUD
  6. VIDA
  4. HOGAR


fundamentals of computing 2023-09-01

fundamentals of computing crossword puzzle
  1. next to
  2. opposite
  3. age, gender, race, religion
  4. commonly used audience
  5. audience customers
  6. budget, values,attitudes
  7. simple
  8. pictures
  9. hobbies
  10. black hue
  1. fonts
  2. one hue
  3. white hue
  4. values
  5. grey hue
  6. looks
  7. colors
  8. area
  9. intensity
  10. content

20 Clues: areafontslooksvaluescolorssimpleone huenext tocontenthobbiesoppositegrey huepictureswhite hueintensityblack hueaudience customerscommonly used audiencebudget, values,attitudesage, gender, race, religion

fundamentals of computing 2023-09-01

fundamentals of computing crossword puzzle
  1. next to
  2. opposite
  3. age, gender, race, religion
  4. commonly used audience
  5. audience customers
  6. budget, values,attitudes
  7. simple
  8. pictures
  9. hobbies
  10. black hue
  1. fonts
  2. one hue
  3. white hue
  4. values
  5. grey hue
  6. looks
  7. colors
  8. area
  9. intensity
  10. content

20 Clues: areafontslooksvaluescolorssimpleone huenext tocontenthobbiesoppositegrey huepictureswhite hueintensityblack hueaudience customerscommonly used audiencebudget, values,attitudesage, gender, race, religion

fundamentals of computing 2023-09-01

fundamentals of computing crossword puzzle
  1. next to
  2. opposite
  3. age, gender, race, religion
  4. commonly used audience
  5. audience customers
  6. budget, values,attitudes
  7. simple
  8. pictures
  9. hobbies
  10. black hue
  1. fonts
  2. one hue
  3. white hue
  4. values
  5. grey hue
  6. looks
  7. colors
  8. area
  9. intensity
  10. content

20 Clues: areafontslooksvaluescolorssimpleone huenext tocontenthobbiesoppositegrey huepictureswhite hueintensityblack hueaudience customerscommonly used audiencebudget, values,attitudesage, gender, race, religion

Unit 1: Working Life 2024-11-13

Unit 1: Working Life crossword puzzle
  1. planning
  2. hidden
  3. sometimes
  4. paper
  5. pay
  6. occupation
  7. yourself
  8. remote
  9. capable
  10. certification
  11. night
  12. place
  13. student
  14. interests
  1. worker
  2. total
  3. meeting
  4. negative
  5. unemployed
  6. half
  7. transportation
  8. boss
  9. hours
  10. positive
  11. CV

25 Clues: CVpayhalfbosstotalpaperhoursnightplaceworkerhiddenremotemeetingcapablestudentplanningnegativeyourselfpositivesometimesinterestsunemployedoccupationcertificationtransportation

Vocabulary Unit 1 2017-01-14

Vocabulary Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. estampas
  2. ver
  3. compras
  4. pelicula
  5. pintar
  6. cantar
  7. hacerse miembro
  8. ajedrez
  9. brillante
  10. cocinar
  11. pijamada
  12. guitarra
  13. jugar
  1. conocer a alguien
  2. asombroso
  3. pescar / pez
  4. pasatiempos
  5. tarjetas postales
  6. escuchar
  7. bailar
  8. ir
  9. coleccionar
  10. disfrutar
  11. dibujar
  12. leer

25 Clues: irverleerjugarbailarpintarcantarcomprasajedrezdibujarcocinarestampaspeliculaescucharpijamadaguitarraasombrosodisfrutarbrillantepasatiemposcoleccionarpescar / pezhacerse miembroconocer a alguientarjetas postales

Practise your vocabulary! 2022-02-25

Practise your vocabulary! crossword puzzle
  1. Marokko
  2. stout
  3. echt
  4. gerecht
  5. wat dan ook
  6. Chinees
  7. diversiteit
  8. vak
  9. hobby's
  10. Spaans
  11. reputatie
  12. uitvoering
  13. thee
  14. noteren
  1. boven
  2. wiskunde
  3. enige
  4. gang
  5. hopen
  6. speeltuin
  7. tekenen
  8. Schots
  9. dan
  10. wetenschap
  11. concentreren
  12. al

26 Clues: alvakdangangechttheebovenenigestouthopenSchotsSpaansMarokkogerechttekenenChineeshobby'snoterenwiskundespeeltuinreputatiewetenschapuitvoeringwat dan ookdiversiteitconcentreren

crucigrama 2020-10-29

crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. divertido
  2. der Nachname
  3. die Hobbies
  4. sportlich
  5. der Sport
  6. vor allem
  7. unser
  8. der Austausch
  9. Fotos machen
  10. ich glaube, dass
  1. wie ist deine Telefonnummer?
  2. singen
  3. schwierig
  4. offen
  5. offen
  6. beide
  7. euer
  8. nett
  9. Viele Grüße
  10. witzig
  11. ziemlich
  12. wann

22 Clues: euernettwannoffenoffenbeideunsersingenwitzigziemlichdivertidoschwierigsportlichder Sportvor allemdie HobbiesViele Grüßeder NachnameFotos machender Austauschich glaube, dasswie ist deine Telefonnummer?

Lesson 15- Final y --> i 2024-04-29

Lesson 15- Final y --> i crossword puzzle
  1. kind
  2. fit
  3. where people live
  4. smallest
  5. least amount of work
  6. repeated
  7. a group of 2 or more people
  8. running around
  9. observed
  10. attractive
  1. cheery
  2. prepared
  3. laughter
  4. windy
  5. simple
  6. women
  7. favorite
  8. type of insect
  9. empathy
  10. loud

20 Clues: fitkindloudwindywomencheerysimpleempathypreparedlaughterfavoritesmallestrepeatedobservedattractivetype of insectrunning aroundwhere people liveleast amount of worka group of 2 or more people

Hobi 2023-08-29

Hobi crossword puzzle
  1. melukis
  2. memasak
  3. berenang
  4. berbelanja
  5. membaca
  6. menulis
  1. jalan-jalan
  2. memancing
  3. menari
  4. Hobi
  5. berkebun
  6. menyanyi
  7. menggambar

13 Clues: Hobimenarimelukismemasakmembacamenulisberkebunberenangmenyanyimemancingberbelanjamenggambarjalan-jalan

Duolingo Stories - 94 : Choosing a Gift 2022-10-15

Duolingo Stories - 94   : Choosing a Gift crossword puzzle
  1. I'm afraid
  2. I forgot
  3. smells
  4. to travel
  5. tonight
  6. candle
  7. boss
  8. actually
  9. gift
  1. office
  2. neighbor
  3. next day
  4. hobbies
  5. party
  6. boring

15 Clues: bossgiftpartyofficesmellsboringcandlehobbiestonightneighborI forgotnext dayactuallyto travelI'm afraid

Mom's Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-07

Mom's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. How old mom was when she met dad
  2. First bank mom worked at
  3. Mom's favorite flower
  4. Mom's favorite perfume
  5. Mom thought this of Randy
  6. Mom and Dad's song
  7. Jerry's nickname for mom
  8. What mom said when its hot outside
  9. Mom and Ron's favorite thing to do
  10. Mom's favorite music
  11. Number of grandgchildren only
  12. Mom's natural hair color
  13. Place where mom got her things
  1. Mom's favorite thing to eat
  2. Mom's nickname for Jerry
  3. Book with mom's favorite verse
  4. Mom's favorite thing to do
  5. Dependable granddaughter
  6. Another of mom's favorite hobbies
  7. Debbie's nickname for mom
  8. Who Dionne compared mom to
  9. Another one of mom's favorite hobbies
  10. Dionne was the first
  11. Mom's nickname for little Gary
  12. Mom's favorite color
  13. Color of mom's eyes

26 Clues: Mom and Dad's songColor of mom's eyesDionne was the firstMom's favorite colorMom's favorite musicMom's favorite flowerMom's favorite perfumeMom's nickname for JerryDependable granddaughterFirst bank mom worked atJerry's nickname for momMom's natural hair colorDebbie's nickname for momMom thought this of RandyMom's favorite thing to do...

Get to know Miss McDevitt 2021-01-10

Get to know Miss McDevitt crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite winter sport is on top of a mountain with poles.
  2. One of my favorite hobbies requires a mat and lots of stretching and breathing.
  3. The number of dogs I have is 2x2.
  4. My favorite vegetable comes in four colors- green, yellow, orange, and red.
  5. One of my favorite hobbies requires a book.
  1. My favorite food is best eaten with sauce and meatballs.
  2. The number of siblings I have is 3x2.
  3. My favorite drink helps wake me up in the morning
  4. My favorite color is a mix of blue and yellow.
  5. The sport I played in high school had a net.
  6. One of my favorite hobbies has a trail and lots of trees.
  7. A country I have traveled to is shaped like a boot and has amazing pasta.

12 Clues: The number of dogs I have is 2x2.The number of siblings I have is 3x2.One of my favorite hobbies requires a book.The sport I played in high school had a net.My favorite color is a mix of blue and yellow.My favorite drink helps wake me up in the morningMy favorite food is best eaten with sauce and meatballs....

Media And Media Types 2013-06-30

Media And Media Types crossword puzzle
  1. news about money and companies
  2. news and information printed on paper
  3. news from around the world
  4. moving images that you watch
  5. a place online for information
  6. printed information about hobbies and interests
  1. interactive communication on phones, websites and tablets
  2. different physical activities and hobbies
  3. about clothes and accessories
  4. learning new things and skills
  5. information about hot and cold

11 Clues: news from around the worldmoving images that you watchabout clothes and accessoriesnews about money and companieslearning new things and skillsa place online for informationinformation about hot and coldnews and information printed on paperdifferent physical activities and hobbiesprinted information about hobbies and interests...

Vocab Unit 3AB 2021-02-15

Vocab Unit 3AB crossword puzzle
  1. Strand
  2. anbauen
  3. brauchen
  4. Hobbys
  5. <-> inside
  6. anrufen
  7. heute
  8. Turnen
  9. sammeln
  10. you need it when it rains
  11. besuchen
  12. nichts
  1. weil
  2. beenden
  3. Mitternacht
  4. nass
  5. raten
  6. wenn
  7. einem Verein beitreten
  8. <-> everybody
  9. versuchen
  10. aussuchen
  11. ruhig
  12. geschehen
  13. zuhören
  14. Brief

26 Clues: weilnasswennratenheuteruhigBriefStrandHobbysTurnennichtsbeendenanbauenanrufensammelnzuhörenbrauchenbesuchenversuchenaussuchengeschehen<-> insideMitternacht<-> everybodyeinem Verein beitretenyou need it when it rains

Unit 1 2017-01-14

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. cantar
  2. Pasatiempos
  3. Pescar / pez
  4. coleccionar
  5. dibujar
  6. tarjetas postales
  7. ajedez
  8. disfrutar
  9. asombroso
  10. jugar
  11. escuchar
  1. bailar
  2. pintar
  3. cocinar
  4. leer
  5. compras
  6. conocer a alguien
  7. ver
  8. brillante
  9. pijamada
  10. estampas
  11. guitarra
  12. ir
  13. hacerse socio
  14. filmar / pelicula

25 Clues: irverleerjugarbailarcantarpintarajedezcocinarcomprasdibujarpijamadaestampasguitarraescucharbrillantedisfrutarasombrosoPasatiemposcoleccionarPescar / pezhacerse socioconocer a alguientarjetas postalesfilmar / pelicula

June birthday 2022-06-03

June birthday crossword puzzle
  1. Vashon’s favorite book
  2. one of Vashon’s other hobbies
  3. Vashon’s favorite Disney character
  4. Vashon’s favorite song
  1. Vashon’s useless talent
  2. celebrity Vashon would like to meet
  3. Vashon’s bucket list travel destination
  4. Vashon’s favorite holiday
  5. one of Vashon’s hobbies

9 Clues: Vashon’s favorite bookVashon’s favorite songVashon’s useless talentone of Vashon’s hobbiesVashon’s favorite holidayone of Vashon’s other hobbiesVashon’s favorite Disney charactercelebrity Vashon would like to meetVashon’s bucket list travel destination

Plural nouns 2023-10-13

Plural nouns crossword puzzle
  1. hobby
  2. apple
  3. child
  4. tomato
  5. sandwich
  6. lorry
  1. bicycle
  2. tooth
  3. jacket
  4. box
  5. friend
  6. city
  7. mouse

13 Clues: boxcitytoothhobbyapplechildmouselorryjacketfriendtomatobicyclesandwich

Crucigrama U2A 2020-10-27

Crucigrama U2A crossword puzzle
  1. euer
  2. die Hobbies
  3. ziemlich
  4. singen
  5. offen
  6. Viele Grüße
  7. nett
  8. witzig
  9. der Sport
  10. der Austausch
  11. der Nachname
  12. offen
  1. wie ist deine Telefonnummer?
  2. vor allem
  3. wann
  4. ich glaube, dass
  5. sportlich
  6. Fotos machen
  7. beide
  8. schwierig
  9. unser
  10. lustig

22 Clues: euerwannnettoffenbeideunseroffensingenwitziglustigziemlichvor allemsportlichder Sportschwierigdie HobbiesViele GrüßeFotos machender Nachnameder Austauschich glaube, dasswie ist deine Telefonnummer?

Vocab Unit 3AB 2021-02-15

Vocab Unit 3AB crossword puzzle
  1. raten
  2. <-> everybody
  3. Hobbys
  4. einem Verein beitreten
  5. versuchen
  6. ruhig
  7. you need it when it rains
  8. beenden
  9. heute
  10. nass
  11. Mitternacht
  12. aussuchen
  13. brauchen
  1. besuchen
  2. anbauen
  3. sammeln
  4. anrufen
  5. zuhören
  6. weil
  7. Turnen
  8. <-> inside
  9. Brief
  10. geschehen
  11. nichts
  12. wenn
  13. Strand

26 Clues: weilnasswennratenruhigBriefheuteHobbysTurnennichtsStrandanbauensammelnanrufenzuhörenbeendenbesuchenbrauchenversuchengeschehenaussuchen<-> insideMitternacht<-> everybodyeinem Verein beitretenyou need it when it rains

Spanish vocab choice 2022-12-07

Spanish vocab choice crossword puzzle
  1. Use
  2. Activities/hobbies
  3. Read
  4. We feel
  5. To feel
  6. Write
  7. Watch
  8. Thirsty
  9. You feel
  10. I feel
  1. Take care
  2. One has to, one must
  3. Hot
  4. They feel
  5. He/she feels
  6. Listen
  7. Hungry
  8. Talk
  9. To have to do something
  10. Cold
  11. Scared

21 Clues: UseHotTalkReadColdWriteWatchListenHungryScaredI feelWe feelTo feelThirstyYou feelTake careThey feelHe/she feelsActivities/hobbiesOne has to, one mustTo have to do something

Successful small talk_good and not so good tips 2021-11-09

Successful small talk_good and not so good tips crossword puzzle
  1. Cooking
  2. Do not interrupt
  3. Hobbies
  4. Listen actively
  5. Profession
  6. Food
  7. Art
  8. Health
  9. Films
  10. No unsolicited advice
  11. Sports
  12. Political views
  13. money
  14. Concerts
  1. Ask open questions
  2. use your smartphone
  3. Cinema
  4. Showing interest
  5. Be relaxed
  6. eye contact
  7. TV series
  8. Religion

22 Clues: ArtFoodFilmsmoneyCinemaHealthSportsCookingHobbiesReligionConcertsTV seriesBe relaxedProfessioneye contactListen activelyPolitical viewsShowing interestDo not interruptAsk open questionsuse your smartphoneNo unsolicited advice

❤️ Tom + Charlotte ❤️ 2024-07-23

❤️ Tom + Charlotte ❤️ crossword puzzle
  1. Where did they celebrate their 40th anniversary?
  2. In what month were they married?
  3. What presidential scandal was being investigated in July 1974?
  4. An activity they enjoy together…
  5. How many grandchildren do they have?
  6. What is one thing Tom and Charlotte do each morning?
  7. One of Tom’s favorite hobbies…
  8. They are longtime members of this church…
  1. In what town were they married?
  2. How many years have they been together?
  3. One of Charlotte’s favorite hobbies…
  4. Where did they meet?
  5. What was John Denver’s top hit in July 1974?
  6. The name of their dog…
  7. In what town were all three kids born?

15 Clues: Where did they meet?The name of their dog…One of Tom’s favorite hobbies…In what town were they married?In what month were they married?An activity they enjoy together…One of Charlotte’s favorite hobbies…How many grandchildren do they have?In what town were all three kids born?How many years have they been together?...

Amser Sbar 2017-03-06

Amser Sbar crossword puzzle
  1. favourite
  2. singing
  3. cadets
  4. cooking
  5. reading
  6. hobbies
  7. shopping
  1. playing
  2. drawing
  3. socialising
  4. dancing
  5. swimming

12 Clues: cadetsplayingsingingdrawingcookingdancingreadinghobbiesswimmingshoppingfavouritesocialising

Singular to Plural 2021-01-07

Singular to Plural crossword puzzle
  1. tomato
  2. hobby
  3. shirt
  4. sock
  5. volcano
  6. witch
  1. dress
  2. domino
  3. army
  4. match
  5. present
  6. country

12 Clues: armysockdressmatchhobbyshirtwitchdominotomatopresentcountryvolcano

Hobbies 2021-11-16

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. playing the ___
  2. reading
  3. exercising
  4. taking ____
  5. fishing
  6. listening to ______
  1. cooking
  2. watching ______
  3. drawing
  4. playing ______
  5. playing _____
  6. dancing

12 Clues: cookingreadingdrawingfishingdancingexercisingtaking ____playing _____playing ______playing the ___watching ______listening to ______

Hobbies 2023-07-04

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Capturing moments with a camera, exploring different angles and perspectives, and creating memories through pictures.
  2. Moving your body to music, learning different dance styles, and having fun expressing yourself through dance.
  3. Planting seeds, taking care of plants, and watching them grow, while enjoying the beauty of nature and fresh air.
  4. Riding a bicycle, exploring the outdoors, and staying active while enjoying the freedom of movement on two wheels.
  5. Exploring stories, characters, and new worlds through books, expanding your knowledge and sparking your imagination.
  6. Gathering and organizing items of interest, such as stamps, coins, or cards, and building a unique collection over time.
  1. Soccer Kicking a ball, running on the field, and working as a team to score goals and have fun playing the beautiful game.
  2. Preparing delicious meals and treats using recipes, learning new cooking techniques, and exploring different flavors.
  3. Creating art with pencils, crayons, or markers to express your creativity and imagination.
  4. Music Learning to play a musical instrument, creating melodies, and expressing emotions through the power of music.
  5. Using brushes and paints to create colorful artworks on canvas, paper, or other surfaces, expressing your creativity.
  6. Enjoying the water, learning different swimming strokes, and splashing around while keeping fit and cool.
  7. Learning to write computer programs, creating animations, games, and interactive projects using coding languages.

13 Clues: Creating art with pencils, crayons, or markers to express your creativity and imagination.Enjoying the water, learning different swimming strokes, and splashing around while keeping fit and cool.Moving your body to music, learning different dance styles, and having fun expressing yourself through dance....

Hobbies 2012-10-23

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. TV
  2. hobby
  3. music
  4. reading
  5. sing
  6. games
  1. listen
  2. dance
  3. movie
  4. watch,look at
  5. computer
  6. drawing

12 Clues: TVsingdancemoviehobbymusicgameslistenreadingdrawingcomputerwatch,look at

HOBBIES 2018-10-05

HOBBIES crossword puzzle


Hobbies 2023-08-07

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Moving rhythmically to music or expressing various dance forms and styles.
  2. Participating in various physical activities and games to promote fitness and teamwork.
  3. Engaging with written materials and understanding information and stories.
  4. Engaging in recreational activities or sports, often involving rules and competition.
  5. Producing musical sounds using the voice, often accompanied by instruments or karaoke.
  6. Expressing thoughts, ideas, and stories through written forms such as journals or narratives.
  7. Capturing images and moments using a camera, focusing on composition, lighting, and subjects.
  1. Creating artwork, designs, or pictures using pencils, pens, or other artistic tools.
  2. Using paint or colors to create artistic works on canvas or other surfaces.
  3. Making sounds and melodies using instruments like guitar, piano, or drums.
  4. Creating handmade crafts or objects using materials like paper, fabric, or wood.
  5. Cultivating and tending to plants, flowers, or vegetables in a garden or outdoor space.

12 Clues: Moving rhythmically to music or expressing various dance forms and styles.Making sounds and melodies using instruments like guitar, piano, or drums.Engaging with written materials and understanding information and stories.Using paint or colors to create artistic works on canvas or other surfaces....

HOBBIES 2023-11-08

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 8
  3. 4
  4. 3
  5. 10
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 7
  4. 6
  5. 5
  6. 11
  7. 9

12 Clues: 128765943121110

Hobbies 2024-11-08

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. The action of watching shows on a special device
  2. a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a large ball backwards and forwards over a high net without allowing the ball to touch the ground
  3. the activity of staying in a tent on holiday
  4. a sport in which two competitors fight by hitting each other with their hands
  5. a game played between two teams of eleven people, where each team tries to win by kicking a ball into the other team's goal
  6. to move through water by moving the body or parts of the body
  7. the activity of going for long walks in the countryside
  1. a game played between two or four people on a special playing area that involves hitting a small ball across a central net using a racket
  2. the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping it attractive
  3. the activity of moving the body and feet to music
  4. the activity of riding a bicycle
  5. the activity or winter sport of moving on skis

12 Clues: the activity of riding a bicyclethe activity of staying in a tent on holidaythe activity or winter sport of moving on skisThe action of watching shows on a special devicethe activity of moving the body and feet to musicthe activity of going for long walks in the countrysideto move through water by moving the body or parts of the body...

How well do you know your coworkers? 2024-02-02

How well do you know your coworkers? crossword puzzle
  1. What is the first thing Riley would buy if he won the lottery?
  2. What is the one snack we could always find in Cindy's kitchen?
  3. What card game does Donna like to play?
  4. How many grandchildren does Debbie H have?
  5. What city was Cassidy born in?
  6. What is Jackie's full first name?
  7. What is Kayla's favorite TV show?
  8. What is one of James' hobbies?
  9. What is Michael G's dog's name?
  1. What is John D's favorite movie?
  2. What high school did Austin attend?
  3. What college did Allison attend?
  4. What is Neil's hobby?
  5. What is Carrie's favorite movie?
  6. What month did John K start working at CEL&P?
  7. What is one of Thad's hobbies?
  8. Where is Andrea's dream vacation?

17 Clues: What is Neil's hobby?What is one of Thad's hobbies?What city was Cassidy born in?What is one of James' hobbies?What is Michael G's dog's name?What is John D's favorite movie?What college did Allison attend?What is Carrie's favorite movie?Where is Andrea's dream vacation?What is Jackie's full first name?What is Kayla's favorite TV show?...

"House Taken Over" 2022-09-27

"House Taken Over" crossword puzzle
  1. Beverage made from the dried leaves of a South American evergreen tree
  2. Which character's pov in the story
  3. The hour the house was taken over
  4. Activities one does to take up their freetime
  5. The place where the story is set
  6. What Irene knitted
  1. Author of "House Taken Over"
  2. Not well-known
  3. Entrance room
  4. Aside from hobbies, the siblings did this all day
  5. Large, roomy
  6. Irene and the narrator had trouble sleeping because they were...
  7. Difficult to hear because something or someone is covering the sound
  8. They didn't have to earn their living because they were...
  9. Irene does it all the time

15 Clues: Large, roomyEntrance roomNot well-knownWhat Irene knittedIrene does it all the timeAuthor of "House Taken Over"The place where the story is setThe hour the house was taken overWhich character's pov in the storyActivities one does to take up their freetimeAside from hobbies, the siblings did this all day...

das Haus 2013-05-15

das Haus crossword puzzle
  1. chimenea interior
  2. habitación de invitados
  3. escalera
  4. hueco de la escalera
  5. cocina
  6. planta baja
  7. sala
  8. ático, desván
  9. habitación de los niños
  10. servicio, aseo
  1. trastero
  2. habitación para hobbies
  3. dormitorio
  4. planta, piso
  5. garaje
  6. planta, piso
  7. despacho
  8. chimenea exterior
  9. tejado
  10. sótano

20 Clues: salagarajecocinatejadosótanotrasteroescaleradespachodormitorioplanta bajaplanta, pisoplanta, pisoático, desvánservicio, aseochimenea interiorchimenea exteriorhueco de la escalerahabitación para hobbieshabitación de invitadoshabitación de los niños

Singular to Plural 2021-01-07

Singular to Plural crossword puzzle
  1. witch
  2. sock
  3. match
  4. domino
  5. country
  6. present
  1. tomato
  2. volcanoes
  3. army
  4. hobby
  5. shirt
  6. dress

12 Clues: sockarmywitchmatchhobbyshirtdresstomatodominocountrypresentvolcanoes

Singular to Plural 2021-01-07

Singular to Plural crossword puzzle
  1. tomato
  2. country
  3. dress
  4. sock
  5. witch
  1. army
  2. volcano
  3. hobby
  4. shirt
  5. match
  6. present
  7. domino

12 Clues: armysockhobbyshirtmatchdresswitchtomatodominovolcanocountrypresent

Singular to Plural 2021-01-07

Singular to Plural crossword puzzle
  1. hobby
  2. army
  3. volcano
  4. tomato
  5. shirt
  6. dish
  7. dress
  1. bush
  2. domino
  3. country
  4. present
  5. sock

12 Clues: busharmysockdishhobbyshirtdressdominotomatocountrypresentvolcano

Ein Kreuzworträtsel 2024-04-18

Ein Kreuzworträtsel crossword puzzle
  1. choklad
  2. hobbies
  3. schema
  4. väder
  5. kläder
  1. musik
  2. familj
  3. kalender
  4. färger
  5. vänner
  6. mat
  7. djur

12 Clues: matdjurmusikväderfamiljfärgervännerschemakläderchokladhobbieskalender

Wedding Crossword 2023-04-07

Wedding Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One of Anisa's Hobbies
  2. Anisa's College Major
  3. The Month Trent Proposed
  4. Trent & Anisa's Favorite Fast Food Spot
  5. One of Trent's Hobbies
  6. A Vegetable Anisa Loves & Trent Hates
  7. Anisa's Middle Name
  8. Trent's Childhood Dog
  9. Bridesmaid - Met in Middle School
  10. The Couple's Favorite Cocktail (2 words)
  11. Trent's Cat
  12. Trent's Birth Month
  1. The Amount of Cousins Trent Has
  2. Anisa's High School Mascot
  3. Trent & Anisa's Favorite Late Night Snack
  4. Best Man
  5. Anisa's Cat
  6. The City Where Trent & Anisa Met
  7. Anisa's Birth Month
  8. The Street Anisa Grew Up On
  9. Trent & Anisa's Favorite Drink Place (2 Words)
  10. Trent's Favorite Movie Series (2 Words)
  11. Trent's First Truck's Name (2 Words)
  12. The Wedding Month
  13. The Street Trent Grew Up On
  14. The City Where Trent & Anisa Work
  15. Age Gap in Years
  16. Where Trent Proposed (2 words)
  17. Honeymoon Location

29 Clues: Best ManAnisa's CatTrent's CatAge Gap in YearsThe Wedding MonthHoneymoon LocationAnisa's Birth MonthAnisa's Middle NameTrent's Birth MonthAnisa's College MajorTrent's Childhood DogOne of Anisa's HobbiesOne of Trent's HobbiesThe Month Trent ProposedAnisa's High School MascotThe Street Anisa Grew Up OnThe Street Trent Grew Up On...

wedding m & i 2023-05-22

wedding m & i crossword puzzle
  1. Couple's favorite baseball team
  2. Love is ______, love is kind
  3. The bride's birth month
  4. The groom's profession
  5. The bride's favorite time of day
  6. What sport did the bride play in college?
  7. Mascot of the bride & groom's alma mater
  8. Sport that the groom is teaching the bride
  9. Place where the proposal happened
  10. Groom's hometown
  11. Honeymoon location
  12. The groom's birth month
  13. What instrument did the groom play for 9 years?
  14. The bride's favorite flower
  1. Somewhere they've always wanted to travel
  2. The groom's favorite ice cream flavor
  3. Their cat's name
  4. One of the groom's favorite hobbies
  5. Where they met
  6. Bride and groom both majored in this
  7. Month the groom proposed
  8. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something _____
  9. Shape of the stone in the engagement ring
  10. Best man
  11. One of the bride's favorite hobbies
  12. Number of years the couple has been together
  13. Maid of honor

27 Clues: Best manMaid of honorWhere they metTheir cat's nameGroom's hometownHoneymoon locationThe groom's professionThe bride's birth monthThe groom's birth monthMonth the groom proposedThe bride's favorite flowerLove is ______, love is kindCouple's favorite baseball teamThe bride's favorite time of dayPlace where the proposal happened...

Hobbies 2016-05-31

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 1
  3. 10
  4. 12
  5. 2
  6. 4
  1. 11
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7
  5. 9
  6. 3

12 Clues: 568179234111012

HOBBIES 2018-10-05

HOBBIES crossword puzzle


Hobbies 2013-04-07

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. jääkiekko
  2. pelien pelaaminen
  3. jalkapallo
  4. uiminen
  1. musiikin kuunteleminen
  2. lukeminen
  3. hiihtäminen
  4. pyöräileminen
  5. sähly
  6. tanssiminen
  7. piirtäminen
  8. laulaminen

12 Clues: sählyuiminenlukeminenjääkiekkolaulaminenjalkapallohiihtäminentanssiminenpiirtäminenpyöräileminenpelien pelaaminenmusiikin kuunteleminen

Hobbies 2013-12-01

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. muusikaline
  2. kaitsepolster
  3. pahasti
  4. teater
  5. rulapark
  6. ratsutama
  7. kiiver
  1. meid endid
  2. kirjand
  3. liiklusõnnetus
  4. teema
  5. hoolitsema

12 Clues: teemateaterkiiverkirjandpahastirulaparkratsutamameid endidhoolitsemamuusikalinekaitsepolsterliiklusõnnetus

Hobbies 2021-10-06

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. trekking
  2. videosharing
  3. skating
  4. languageclasses
  5. skydiving
  6. soccer
  1. calligraphyclasses
  2. takingselfies
  3. archery
  4. rugby
  5. history
  6. snowboarding

12 Clues: rugbysoccerarcheryhistoryskatingtrekkingskydivingvideosharingsnowboardingtakingselfieslanguageclassescalligraphyclasses

Hobbies 2022-02-22

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. dive
  2. watch TV
  3. sing
  4. play PC
  5. visit zoo
  1. pic
  2. biken
  3. meet friends
  4. gymnastic
  5. dance
  6. paint
  7. listen to

12 Clues: picdivesingbikendancepaintplay PCwatch TVgymnasticlisten tovisit zoomeet friends

Hobbies 2022-08-24

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. verb which means we do something faster, more time for later things
  2. a place you can get hot drinks, snacks, and relax or work
  3. verb which means we did not use our time well
  4. riding bicycles
  5. a hobby in which you fly on a steel cable between trees our high points above the ground
  6. sleeping during the day for a short time
  1. an informal verb, to visit with friends
  2. you should have a green thumb for this activity
  3. saving things and putting them in an album
  4. something we do often for fun
  5. a sport which involves music and movement
  6. verb which means we 'use' our time like money

12 Clues: riding bicyclessomething we do often for funan informal verb, to visit with friendssleeping during the day for a short timea sport which involves music and movementsaving things and putting them in an albumverb which means we did not use our time wellverb which means we 'use' our time like moneyyou should have a green thumb for this activity...

Hobbies 2022-11-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. nyrkkeily
  2. ratsastus: ____ riding
  3. lenkkeily
  4. lukeminen
  5. käsityö
  1. salibandy
  2. voimistelu
  3. piirtäminen
  4. valokuvaus
  5. pyöräily
  6. lautapelit: ____ games
  7. sulkapallo

12 Clues: käsityöpyöräilysalibandynyrkkeilylenkkeilylukeminenvoimisteluvalokuvaussulkapallopiirtäminenratsastus: ____ ridinglautapelit: ____ games

hobbies 2022-10-17

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. the act or process of writing the music and words
  2. to get and keep things of one type such as stamps
  3. creating essays
  4. the sport of fighting with long, thin swords
  5. a sport in which two competitors fight by hitting each other with their hands
  6. a picture made using paint
  1. the activity of knitting something
  2. the sport or activity of moving on ice
  3. a game played by two people on a square board
  4. the activity or sport of riding a skateboard
  5. the skill of making or repairing clothes
  6. a game played between two teams of eleven people

12 Clues: creating essaysa picture made using paintthe activity of knitting somethingthe sport or activity of moving on icethe skill of making or repairing clothesthe activity or sport of riding a skateboardthe sport of fighting with long, thin swordsa game played by two people on a square boarda game played between two teams of eleven people...

Hobbies 2019-05-09

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. reading
  2. playing tennis
  3. singing
  4. swimming
  5. skiing
  6. cooking
  1. drawing
  2. riding a bike
  3. playing music
  4. playing minigolf
  5. riding a horse
  6. dancing

12 Clues: skiingdrawingreadingsingingdancingcookingswimmingriding a bikeplaying musicriding a horseplaying tennisplaying minigolf

Hobbies 2020-03-24

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. ruuanlaitto
  2. patikointi
  3. kalastus
  4. neulominen
  5. puutarhanhoito
  1. matkustaminen
  2. maalaaminen
  3. jooga
  4. laulaminen
  5. hölkkääminen, lenkkeileminen
  6. uiminen
  7. lukeminen

12 Clues: joogauiminenkalastuslukeminenpatikointilaulaminenneulominenmaalaaminenruuanlaittomatkustaminenpuutarhanhoitohölkkääminen, lenkkeileminen

Hobbies 2024-01-19

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. повседневная жизнь
  2. чувство значимости
  3. to improve улучшать
  4. get closer because of sth
  5. принять участие
  6. снятие стресса
  1. заниматься чем-то
  2. повысить терпение
  3. развитие
  4. really important
  5. advantages
  6. difficult

12 Clues: развитиеdifficultadvantagesснятие стрессапринять участиеreally importantзаниматься чем-топовысить терпениеповседневная жизньчувство значимостиto improve улучшатьget closer because of sth

Hobbies 2024-04-13

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. better than most people think
  2. going to the gym
  3. smn who is very skilled at smth
  4. to take smth in (water / knowledge)
  5. to make smth become larger
  6. making you feel happy and satisfied
  1. Cheng Long is good at
  2. to introduce changes and new ideas
  3. to produce light/ look good cause you're happy
  4. a usual way of doing things
  5. when you can reach your goal it's...
  6. especially valuable (life/love/friends)

12 Clues: going to the gymCheng Long is good atto make smth become largera usual way of doing thingsbetter than most people thinksmn who is very skilled at smthto introduce changes and new ideasto take smth in (water / knowledge)making you feel happy and satisfiedwhen you can reach your goal it's...especially valuable (life/love/friends)...

Hobbies 2024-07-31

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. hobi
  2. menyanyi
  3. menari
  4. menggambar
  5. memancing
  6. sepak bola
  7. melukis
  1. memasak
  2. berenang
  3. bermain
  4. makan
  5. biola

12 Clues: hobimakanbiolamenarimemasakbermainmelukisberenangmenyanyimemancingmenggambarsepak bola

Hobbies 2024-09-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. berenang
  2. memancing
  3. makan
  4. bermain
  5. berwisata
  6. menari
  1. menonton
  2. membaca
  3. berjalan
  4. menyanyi
  5. menulis
  6. berbicara

12 Clues: makanmenarimembacamenulisbermainberenangmenontonberjalanmenyanyimemancingberbicaraberwisata

Hobbies 2024-09-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Grab your controller/device and level up
  2. The art of folding paper
  3. Similar to knitting, but with only one needle
  4. Strips of paper turn into masterpieces in this hobby
  5. Think of thick and thin lines of ink and fountain pens
  6. Shovel + seeds + watering can =
  7. Twist your limbs into pretzel-like positions
  1. All you need is a camera and your own unique lens
  2. Inhale, exhale, sit back, and let your mind turn tranquil
  3. Penning your thoughts down or creating your own universe
  4. Put on your favourite music and get grooving
  5. You need dry and wet ingredients for this hobby

12 Clues: The art of folding paperShovel + seeds + watering can =Grab your controller/device and level upPut on your favourite music and get groovingTwist your limbs into pretzel-like positionsSimilar to knitting, but with only one needleYou need dry and wet ingredients for this hobbyAll you need is a camera and your own unique lens...

Hobbies 2021-05-03

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. kleepse koguma
  2. täna
  3. spordikaarte koguma
  4. malet mängima
  5. trummi mängima
  1. klaverit mängima
  2. marke koguma
  3. homme
  4. jalgpalli mängima
  5. viiulit mängima
  6. kitarri mängima
  7. jäähokit mängima

12 Clues: tänahommemarke kogumamalet mängimakleepse kogumatrummi mängimaviiulit mängimakitarri mängimaklaverit mängimajäähokit mängimajalgpalli mängimaspordikaarte koguma

Hobbies 2022-01-22

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. You do this activity on a windy day at the beach.
  2. You go to a shopping centre to do this activity.
  3. On a hot day you do this activity to feel cooler.
  4. You do this activity outside in summer where you cook food over fire.
  5. To do this activity you need comfortable shoes because you will walk a lot.
  1. This is like tennis but you play it on a table.
  2. To do this activity you have to throw heavy balls at pins.
  3. To do this activity you need a horse and special clothes.
  4. You ride this in the mountains.
  5. You need a boat to do this activity.
  6. You go to the park to eat food on a blanket.
  7. You need a lot of sugar and an oven to do this activity.

12 Clues: You ride this in the mountains.You need a boat to do this activity.You go to the park to eat food on a blanket.This is like tennis but you play it on a table.You go to a shopping centre to do this activity.You do this activity on a windy day at the beach.On a hot day you do this activity to feel cooler....

Hobbies 2022-04-25

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. please have a good voice
  2. you kick the ball
  3. you go to the beach and collect things
  4. a basket is 2 points
  5. girls like barbie dolls
  6. you like games and computers
  1. you like board games
  2. its fun to play with little cars
  3. good handwriting please
  4. you collecting money
  5. you colors and can draw
  6. you like to move to music

12 Clues: you kick the ballyou like board gamesyou collecting moneya basket is 2 pointsgood handwriting pleaseyou colors and can drawgirls like barbie dollsplease have a good voiceyou like to move to musicyou like games and computersits fun to play with little carsyou go to the beach and collect things

HOBBIES 2017-11-15

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  6. LEER
  1. NADAR


HOBBIES 2017-11-15

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  4. LEER
  5. NADAR


Hobbies 2018-10-10

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. salibandy
  2. paini
  3. kirjoittaminen
  4. aerobic
  5. lenkkeily
  6. lukeminen
  7. vaellus
  1. keräily
  2. piirtäminen
  3. maalaaminen
  4. tennis
  5. purjehdus

12 Clues: painitenniskeräilyaerobicvaellussalibandypurjehduslenkkeilylukeminenpiirtäminenmaalaaminenkirjoittaminen

Hobbies 2013-10-14

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. mountain
  2. art
  3. computer or console
  4. football
  5. pictures
  1. jumping! get jumping! everybody!
  2. book
  3. listening to
  4. violin, piano, guitar, etc.
  5. watching
  6. noraebang
  7. food

12 Clues: artbookfoodmountainwatchingfootballpicturesnoraebanglistening tocomputer or consoleviolin, piano, guitar, etc.jumping! get jumping! everybody!

Hobbies 2015-09-15

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. A game played with your feet using a black and white ball
  2. A game played only in Australia
  3. Something you watch shows on
  4. Something you do with a pen and paper
  5. Something you listen to on the radio
  6. When you visit a lot of places
  7. A type of exercise that is slower than running
  1. You do this in the kitchen
  2. A hobby that involves cutting and gluing
  3. I have a ........... of stamps
  4. A place you go to exercise
  5. Something you do outside in the dirt

12 Clues: You do this in the kitchenA place you go to exerciseSomething you watch shows onI have a ........... of stampsWhen you visit a lot of placesA game played only in AustraliaSomething you listen to on the radioSomething you do outside in the dirtSomething you do with a pen and paperA hobby that involves cutting and gluing...

Hobbies 2023-02-12

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. paint
  2. bed covers
  3. flowers
  4. philatelist
  5. stills
  6. exercise
  1. charcoal
  2. recipes
  3. books
  4. yarn project
  5. memories
  6. swingers

12 Clues: paintbooksstillsrecipesflowerscharcoalmemoriesexerciseswingersbed coversphilatelistyarn project

Hobbies 2024-09-06

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. you do this with a ball
  2. these are people you spend time with
  3. you do this with music
  4. you do this with a bicycle
  5. this is a martial art
  6. you do this with books
  7. you watch this at the cinema or at home
  1. you do this with a pencil and paper
  2. you do this in the kitchen
  3. you play this in your pc or in a console
  4. you do this in a pool or the beach
  5. it is the language you are practicing here

12 Clues: this is a martial artyou do this with musicyou do this with booksyou do this with a ballyou do this in the kitchenyou do this with a bicycleyou do this in a pool or the beachyou do this with a pencil and paperthese are people you spend time withyou watch this at the cinema or at homeyou play this in your pc or in a console...

Hobbies 2023-02-03

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. stretch your body
  2. the general name for Kendo, Karate, Taekwondo Taekyon, Boxing, etc.
  3. make BBQ and sleep in a tent
  4. use your little army to defeat another's army by checking the king (on the table)
  5. pick the strings to make music
  6. making tiny Avengers
  7. catch the animals living in the water
  1. exercise using a 2-wheels vehicle
  2. try to throw a ball into a basket
  3. 22 people chasing one ball
  4. the general name for Monopoly, Bang, Splendor, Rummikub
  5. hit a small ball with a stick

12 Clues: stretch your bodymaking tiny Avengers22 people chasing one ballmake BBQ and sleep in a tenthit a small ball with a stickpick the strings to make musicexercise using a 2-wheels vehicletry to throw a ball into a basketcatch the animals living in the waterthe general name for Monopoly, Bang, Splendor, Rummikub...

High five 4 text 2 2021-09-06

High five 4 text 2 crossword puzzle
  1. ruokala
  2. a school
  3. a teaching assistant
  4. a classmate
  5. a cat monikossa
  6. an elf monikossa
  7. koirat englanniksi
  8. a child monikossa
  9. principal
  10. hampaat
  11. kirjasto
  1. a headteacher
  2. a school nurce
  3. miehet
  4. opettaja
  5. oppilas
  6. a corridor
  7. luokkahuone
  8. jalat
  9. a hoppy monikossa
  10. piha

21 Clues: pihajalatmiehetruokalaoppilashampaata schoolopettajakirjastoprincipala corridora classmateluokkahuonea headteachera school nurcea cat monikossaan elf monikossaa child monikossaa hoppy monikossakoirat englanniksia teaching assistant

Happy birthday <3 2022-08-29

Happy birthday <3 crossword puzzle
  1. my name 😋
  2. the best person in the world
  3. cats or dogs?
  4. the most handsome person in the world <3
  5. one of your hobbies
  1. today is your
  2. my other name
  3. another one of your hobbies
  4. your birthday is in

9 Clues: my name 😋today is yourmy other namecats or dogs?your birthday is inone of your hobbiesanother one of your hobbiesthe best person in the worldthe most handsome person in the world <3

Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing - Chapters 1 & 2 2024-05-13

Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing - Chapters 1 & 2 crossword puzzle
  1. assistance
  2. yummy
  3. talking about
  4. informing
  5. yelled
  6. express annoyance
  7. notified
  8. lizards
  1. union
  2. spoken quietly
  3. hobbies
  4. where your food goes
  5. did again
  6. drink from a straw
  7. publication
  8. speak with disrespect

16 Clues: unionyummyyelledhobbieslizardsnotifieddid againinformingassistancepublicationtalking aboutspoken quietlyexpress annoyancedrink from a strawwhere your food goesspeak with disrespect

Triplets’ Graduation Party Crossword 2022-06-08

Triplets’ Graduation Party Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Oldest triplet
  2. Strongsville High School’s mascot
  3. The triplets’ mom’s name
  4. One of Noor’s favorite hobbies
  5. The Buckeye State
  6. Adam’s favorite place to be (hint: you workout here)
  7. The triplets’ elementary and middle school, familiarly
  8. Not twins but…
  9. ___ temple, the drink of the summer
  1. Ohio State University’s mascot
  2. Noor performed with one of these during the halftime show at every football game
  3. One of Adam’s favorite hobbies
  4. Hala played one of these in our school’s musical (hint: it starred Ariel)
  5. The city where the triplets grew up
  6. The organization hala was president of during senior year (abbr)
  7. Hala competed in this activity for nine years
  8. Middle triplet
  9. The city where the triplets will start living in the fall
  10. “The Windy City” where the triplets were born
  11. The triplets’ future school (abbr)
  12. Youngest triplet
  13. ___ Styles, popular music artist who Hala and Noor saw in concert

22 Clues: Oldest tripletMiddle tripletNot twins but…Youngest tripletThe Buckeye StateThe triplets’ mom’s nameOhio State University’s mascotOne of Adam’s favorite hobbiesOne of Noor’s favorite hobbiesStrongsville High School’s mascotThe triplets’ future school (abbr)The city where the triplets grew up___ temple, the drink of the summer...

my hobbies 2022-01-14

my hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. nudný
  2. známka
  3. vzrušující, napínavý
  4. snadný
  5. Spojené státy americké
  1. koníčky, záliby
  2. karty
  3. hrnek
  4. basketbal
  5. tenis
  6. plakát
  7. komiks
  8. zábava

13 Clues: kartyhrneknudnýtenisznámkaplakátkomikszábavasnadnýbasketbalkoníčky, zálibyvzrušující, napínavýSpojené státy americké

Hobbies 2022-01-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Camera
  2. Illustrations
  3. Uno
  4. Mountain/Forest
  5. Books
  6. English
  1. RealMadrid
  2. Karate
  3. Merengue
  4. Sweaters
  5. Mechanic
  6. Mindgame

12 Clues: UnoBooksKarateCameraEnglishMerengueSweatersMechanicMindgameRealMadridIllustrationsMountain/Forest

Hobbies 2022-10-02

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. discovering new information on topics one is curious about
  2. looking at words and interpreting meaning to create a story
  3. Involves sweet food
  4. games can include a PlayStation, Wii, Nintendo
  5. using a pen or pencil to create a story
  6. buying new things
  1. Moving your body to music
  2. another word for planting plants outside
  3. tv involves looking at a screen in your own or in a theater
  4. working out your body to win a game (ex: football is a ____).
  5. creating a meal
  6. creating a masterpiece from a variety of materials such as paint

12 Clues: creating a mealbuying new thingsInvolves sweet foodMoving your body to musicusing a pen or pencil to create a storyanother word for planting plants outsidegames can include a PlayStation, Wii, Nintendodiscovering new information on topics one is curious aboutlooking at words and interpreting meaning to create a story...

Hobbies 2023-01-16

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Action of finding and keeping things of value
  2. You use your voice for this.
  3. You use a pencil to make a picture of an object
  4. You move your body with music
  5. Grandmas usually do this.
  6. A board game you play with white and black pieces.
  1. A website where you can write your thoughts
  2. You use a camera for this
  3. When clothes have holes you.....
  4. You can play this on a console or PC
  5. You use colors for this
  6. You ....... bread and cakes

12 Clues: You use colors for thisYou use a camera for thisGrandmas usually do this.You ....... bread and cakesYou use your voice for this.You move your body with musicWhen clothes have holes you.....You can play this on a console or PCA website where you can write your thoughtsAction of finding and keeping things of value...

Hobbies 2021-04-28

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Taking pictures.
  2. Going up a mountain by unconventional path. (two words)
  3. Preparing sustenance in order not to starve.
  4. TV in your head, if done corectly.
  5. Lifting water organisms from a pond.
  6. Trying to get drunk while imagining beeing somelier. (two words)
  7. The physical act of, basically, moving your feet in a fast rythmic motion to propel yourself forward at a greater speed.
  1. Shaping a little Japaneese tree. (two words)
  2. Folding paper.
  3. The art of writing.
  4. Taking care of plants.
  5. Making miniature things.

12 Clues: Folding paper.Taking pictures.The art of writing.Taking care of plants.Making miniature things.TV in your head, if done corectly.Lifting water organisms from a pond.Shaping a little Japaneese tree. (two words)Preparing sustenance in order not to starve.Going up a mountain by unconventional path. (two words)...

Hobbies 2022-05-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Faster than walking
  2. A public performance of music
  3. ...to music
  4. You need a ball to play it
  5. Physical expression to music
  6. You can read them
  7. You need a boat for this
  1. You can do this in the lake, sea or river
  2. Planting flowers, vegetables, etc.
  3. The area outside, away from buildings
  4. A picture that someone makes with paint
  5. This is where you go to watch films

12 Clues: ...to musicYou can read themFaster than walkingYou need a boat for thisYou need a ball to play itPhysical expression to musicA public performance of musicPlanting flowers, vegetables, etc.This is where you go to watch filmsThe area outside, away from buildingsA picture that someone makes with paintYou can do this in the lake, sea or river

Hobbies 2022-11-08

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Uses a bow and arrow
  2. In the pool
  3. You need a ball to play it
  4. You prefer listen to this using earphone
  5. You write your thoughts and feelings
  6. Faster than walk
  1. You ..... TV
  2. This is where you go to watch films
  3. Jumping from a high place with an elastic band attached to your feet
  4. You can read them
  5. Activity to catch this animals in lake, river and sea
  6. Keep a record of your memories

12 Clues: In the poolYou ..... TVFaster than walkYou can read themUses a bow and arrowYou need a ball to play itKeep a record of your memoriesThis is where you go to watch filmsYou write your thoughts and feelingsYou prefer listen to this using earphoneActivity to catch this animals in lake, river and sea...

Hobbies 2019-06-13

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. : faire de la natation
  2. faire de la plongée
  3. faire du footing
  4. faire de la voile
  5. faire de la randonnée
  6. faire du trek
  7. faire du vélo
  1. faire du camping
  2. faire du jardinage
  3. voyager
  4. faire de la pêche
  5. chasser

12 Clues: voyagerchasserfaire du trekfaire du vélofaire du campingfaire du footingfaire de la pêchefaire de la voilefaire du jardinagefaire de la plongéefaire de la randonnée: faire de la natation

HOBBIES 2018-10-05

HOBBIES crossword puzzle


Hobbies 2023-12-12

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. cocinar
  2. aprender idiomas
  3. hacer senderismo
  4. escribir
  1. viajar
  2. leer
  3. pescar
  4. patinar
  5. dibujar
  6. Hornear
  7. movie theater
  8. actuar

12 Clues: leerviajarpescaractuarpatinardibujarHornearcocinarescribirmovie theateraprender idiomashacer senderismo

Hobbies 2023-12-13

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. - Taking pictures with a camera to capture moments.
  2. - Going to different places for exploration or enjoyment.
  3. - Expressing thoughts and ideas using words and sentences.
  4. - Walking outdoors, often on trails or in nature.
  5. - Catching fish, often as a recreational activity.
  6. - Creating art with colors on a surface using brushes or other tools.
  1. - Preparing food by mixing ingredients and using heat.
  2. - Art of paper folding to create objects and shapes.
  3. - Joining fabrics or materials together using a needle and thread.
  4. - Growing plants, flowers, or vegetables in a garden.
  5. - Making items by hand using various materials.
  6. - Making objects from clay by shaping and firing them.

12 Clues: - Making items by hand using various materials.- Walking outdoors, often on trails or in nature.- Catching fish, often as a recreational activity.- Taking pictures with a camera to capture moments.- Art of paper folding to create objects and shapes.- Growing plants, flowers, or vegetables in a garden....

Hobbies 2020-11-10

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. on the internet
  2. movies/series
  3. games a game on tv, computer
  4. the hobbie with a camera
  5. a song
  1. in a theatre play
  2. with music
  3. you play it with a ball
  4. an instrument
  5. with a book
  6. when you walk in the park
  7. creating a text

12 Clues: a songwith musicwith a bookmovies/seriesan instrumenton the internetcreating a textin a theatre playyou play it with a ballthe hobbie with a camerawhen you walk in the parkgames a game on tv, computer

Hobbies 2021-11-30

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. 7
  2. 4
  3. 12
  4. 9
  5. 3
  6. 11
  1. 5
  2. 1
  3. 8
  4. 10
  5. 6
  6. 2

12 Clues: 517864293101211

Hobbies 2021-04-28

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. gather something
  2. playing a pc
  3. taking pictures
  4. to go up a rock wall
  5. preparing food
  1. preparing sweet cakes
  2. riding a bike
  3. walking on a mountain
  4. going from one place to the other
  5. learning how to speak in different dialect
  6. catching fish
  7. physical and mental exercise

12 Clues: playing a pcriding a bikecatching fishpreparing foodtaking picturesgather somethingto go up a rock wallpreparing sweet cakeswalking on a mountainphysical and mental exercisegoing from one place to the otherlearning how to speak in different dialect

hobbies 2023-07-06

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. The hobby of gathering and acquiring specific items, such as stamps, coins, cards, or figurines.
  2. The act of creating pictures or images using pens, pencils, or other drawing tools on paper or other surfaces.
  3. The activity of planting and tending to plants and flowers, often in a garden or outdoor space.
  4. The act of expressing thoughts, ideas, or stories through written words using pen, pencil, or keyboard.
  5. Engaging in activities or games for enjoyment, entertainment, or skill development, such as playing sports, instruments, or board games.
  1. The art or practice of capturing and creating images using a camera and various techniques.
  2. The activity of moving rhythmically to music, often as a form of self-expression, exercise, or performance.
  3. The act of creating pictures or designs using paints and brushes on canvas, paper, or other surfaces.
  4. Creating or making decorative or useful objects using various materials and techniques, such as paper, fabric, or clay.
  5. The activity of looking at and understanding written words to gain knowledge, information, or entertainment.
  6. The art or practice of preparing food by combining ingredients and following recipes or personal creativity.
  7. The act of producing musical sounds with the voice, often accompanied by lyrics or melodies.

12 Clues: The art or practice of capturing and creating images using a camera and various techniques.The act of producing musical sounds with the voice, often accompanied by lyrics or melodies.The activity of planting and tending to plants and flowers, often in a garden or outdoor space....

Hobbies 2023-02-03

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. 22 people chasing one ball
  2. pick the strings to make music
  3. catch the animals living in the water
  4. the general name for Kendo, Karate, Taekwondo, Taekyon, Boxing, etc.
  5. use your little army to defeat another's army by checking the king (on the table)
  6. exercise using a 2-wheels vehicle
  1. making tiny Avengers
  2. make BBQ and sleep in a tent
  3. stretch your body
  4. hit a small ball with a stick
  5. try to throw a ball into a basket
  6. the general name for Monopoly, Bang, Splendor, Rummikub

12 Clues: stretch your bodymaking tiny Avengers22 people chasing one ballmake BBQ and sleep in a tenthit a small ball with a stickpick the strings to make musictry to throw a ball into a basketexercise using a 2-wheels vehiclecatch the animals living in the waterthe general name for Monopoly, Bang, Splendor, Rummikub...

HOBBIES 2023-10-09

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose
  2. extremely small
  3. a quiet song that is sung to children to help them go to sleep
  4. the quality of not being willing to work or use any effort
  5. making very little noise
  6. to join two pieces of cloth together by putting thread through them with a needle
  1. a method for production of textile fabrics by interlacing yarn loops with loops of the same or other yarns
  2. a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the times or dates when they are intended to happen or be done
  3. to repair something
  4. the time when you are not working or doing other duties
  5. never finishing, or seeming never to finish
  6. an informal photograph that is not very skilful or artistic

12 Clues: extremely smallto repair somethingmaking very little noisenever finishing, or seeming never to finishthe time when you are not working or doing other dutiesthe quality of not being willing to work or use any effortan informal photograph that is not very skilful or artistica quiet song that is sung to children to help them go to sleep...

Hobbies 2024-04-08

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. - Preparing and making delicious food.
  2. - Using colors to create artwork on paper or canvas.
  3. - Making pictures with pencils, pens, or markers.
  4. - Taking care of plants and flowers.
  5. - Creating stories, poems, or journals.
  1. - Riding bicycles for fun and exercise.
  2. - Catching fish as a hobby.
  3. - Moving the body to music.
  4. - Enjoying books and stories.
  5. - Playing games like soccer, basketball, or swimming.
  6. - Walking outdoors on trails and paths.
  7. - Creating drawings, paintings, and crafts.

12 Clues: - Catching fish as a hobby.- Moving the body to music.- Enjoying books and stories.- Taking care of plants and flowers.- Preparing and making delicious food.- Riding bicycles for fun and exercise.- Walking outdoors on trails and paths.- Creating stories, poems, or journals.- Creating drawings, paintings, and crafts....

Hobbies 2024-09-26

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Amy loves reading _______ because there are funny stories with colorful pictures.
  2. During the weekend, the kids like playing _______ with their friends on the beach.
  3. Sam likes _______, and buys the clothes he like.
  4. Diego's best friend enjoys playing sports but also loves ________ the piano beautiful music on the piano."
  5. Nina loves music and enjoys playing the _______ to play beautiful songs.
  6. Max didn’t like _______, but after catching a big fish, he enjoyed it.
  1. Dad and Max likes playing _______, a strategy game in the evenings.
  2. One of Sandra's favorite weekend hobbies is _______ delicious meals for her family.
  3. Max enjoys _______ in the park, it is very exciting.
  4. My sisters love _______ colorful pictures of landscapes and animals.
  5. Leo is very flexible and enjoys doing _______ after school.
  6. Amy always brings her camera along to take _______ of their adventures."

12 Clues: Sam likes _______, and buys the clothes he like.Max enjoys _______ in the park, it is very exciting.Leo is very flexible and enjoys doing _______ after school.Dad and Max likes playing _______, a strategy game in the evenings.My sisters love _______ colorful pictures of landscapes and animals....

HOBBIES 2024-11-05

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. go to the mountains
  2. Lady_Gaga,Queen,Eminem
  3. a_long_story_in_many_pages
  4. e.g.uno_or_poker or rummy
  5. Picasso,Da_Vinci did this
  6. move rythmically to music
  1. grandmothers do this
  2. e.g. chess_and_monopoly
  3. growing flowers,fruits,vegetables
  4. rich women do this in the store
  5. chefs and mothers do this
  6. fathers do this in the garage

12 Clues: go to the mountainsgrandmothers do thisLady_Gaga,Queen,Emineme.g. chess_and_monopolychefs and mothers do thise.g.uno_or_poker or rummyPicasso,Da_Vinci did thismove rythmically to musica_long_story_in_many_pagesfathers do this in the garagerich women do this in the storegrowing flowers,fruits,vegetables