library Crossword Puzzles

Places in town 2022-11-29

Places in town crossword puzzle
  1. libreria
  2. scuola
  3. palestra
  4. pescivendolo
  5. stazione
  6. macellaio
  7. mercato
  8. fermata autobus
  9. caffetteria
  10. orefice
  1. negozio giocattoli
  2. museo
  3. edicolante
  4. farmacista
  5. biblioteca
  6. fruttivendolo
  7. piscina
  8. panettiere
  9. municipio
  10. banca
  11. piazza

21 Clues: museobancascuolapiazzapiscinamercatooreficelibreriapalestrastazionemacellaiomunicipioedicolantefarmacistabibliotecapanettierecaffetteriapescivendolofruttivendolofermata autobusnegozio giocattoli

unit 23 2022-11-15

unit 23 crossword puzzle
  1. 접시
  2. 담요
  3. 달콤한
  4. 나누다
  5. 과일
  6. 여성
  7. 고르다, 선택하다
  8. 앨범
  9. 떠나다, 남기다
  10. 착륙하다, 땅
  1. 도서관
  2. 쓰레기
  3. 씨, 씨앗
  4. 펭귄
  5. 단어
  6. 박물관
  7. 싫어하다
  8. 끓이다
  9. 뒤에

20 Clues: 접시펭귄담요단어과일여성앨범뒤에도서관쓰레기달콤한나누다박물관끓이다싫어하다씨, 씨앗착륙하다, 땅떠나다, 남기다고르다, 선택하다

Los lugares 2021-04-22

Los lugares crossword puzzle
  1. church
  2. park
  3. mar
  4. gym
  5. restaurant
  6. amusement park
  7. monument
  8. country
  9. library
  10. countryside
  11. work
  1. beach
  2. pool
  3. mall
  4. city
  5. store
  6. Movies
  7. stadium
  8. museum
  9. zoo
  10. theater
  11. Lake

22 Clues: margymzooparkpoolmallcityLakeworkbeachstorechurchMoviesmuseumstadiumcountrytheaterlibrarymonumentrestaurantcountrysideamusement park

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. math
  3. biology
  4. male teacher
  5. history
  6. backpack
  7. stadium
  8. science
  9. musica music
  10. spanish
  1. window
  2. library
  3. computer science
  4. desk
  5. english
  6. book
  7. test
  8. female teacher
  9. art
  10. male student

20 Clues: artmathdeskbooktestwindowphysicslibrarybiologyenglishhistorystadiumsciencespanishbackpackmale teachermale studentmusica musicfemale teachercomputer science

Crossword Unit 2 Lesson 2 2018-12-12

Crossword Unit 2 Lesson 2 crossword puzzle
  1. pencils
  2. door
  3. hall
  4. chair
  5. paper
  6. calculator
  7. chalk
  8. notebook
  9. eraser
  10. office
  11. library
  12. board, chalkboard
  1. cafetería
  2. pen
  3. window
  4. desk
  5. clock; watch
  6. backpack
  7. map
  8. pencil
  9. gymnasium

21 Clues: penmapdoorhalldeskchairpaperchalkwindowpencileraserofficepencilslibrarybackpacknotebookcafeteríagymnasiumcalculatorclock; watchboard, chalkboard

Education 2019-05-23

Education crossword puzzle
  1. biblioteka
  2. plastyka
  3. dobrowolny
  4. historia
  5. linijka
  6. leniwy
  7. plan lekcji
  8. ławka
  9. słownik
  10. uniwersytet
  1. przedmiot szkolny
  2. dziwny/dziwna
  3. korytarz
  4. kredki
  5. stołówka
  6. klasa
  7. semestr
  8. aula
  9. klej
  10. tablica
  11. bibliotekarz

21 Clues: aulaklejklasaławkakredkileniwysemestrlinijkatablicasłownikkorytarzstołówkaplastykahistoriabibliotekadobrowolnyplan lekcjiuniwersytetbibliotekarzdziwny/dziwnaprzedmiot szkolny

Unit 2 Vocab Crossword Puzzle 2020-10-05

Unit 2 Vocab Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. semester
  2. homework
  3. Spanish
  4. laboratory
  5. quiz
  6. door
  7. course
  8. science
  9. computer science
  1. window
  2. map
  3. university;college
  4. stadium
  5. accounting
  6. test;exam
  7. art
  8. library
  9. schedule
  10. school
  11. house;home

20 Clues: mapartquizdoorwindowschoolcoursestadiumSpanishlibrarysciencesemesterhomeworkscheduletest;examaccountinglaboratoryhouse;homecomputer scienceuniversity;college

Spanish Crossword Puzzle 2020-10-05

Spanish Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. window
  2. board
  3. art
  4. homework
  5. door
  6. library
  7. test;exam
  8. eraser
  9. house;home
  1. cafeteria
  2. science
  3. class
  4. seat;chair
  5. student
  6. stadium
  7. paper
  8. pen
  9. chalk
  10. geography
  11. clock;watch

20 Clues: penartdoorclassboardpaperchalkwindowerasersciencestudentstadiumlibraryhomeworkcafeteriageographytest;examseat;chairhouse;homeclock;watch

Spanish Ch. 2 2020-10-05

Spanish Ch. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. chalk board
  2. computer science
  3. journalism
  4. chemistry
  5. window
  6. wastebasket
  7. quiz
  8. library
  9. bookstore
  10. female classmate
  1. humantities
  2. door
  3. accounting
  4. foreign languages
  5. backpack
  6. desk
  7. schedule
  8. seat
  9. clock/watch
  10. course

20 Clues: doordeskquizseatwindowcourselibrarybackpackschedulechemistrybookstoreaccountingjournalismhumantitieschalk boardwastebasketclock/watchcomputer sciencefemale classmateforeign languages

¿Qué hay en tu ciudad? 2023-05-15

¿Qué hay en tu ciudad? crossword puzzle
  1. mosque
  2. park
  3. supermarket
  4. bull ring
  5. clothes shop
  6. cathedral
  7. bank
  8. school
  9. café
  10. hotel
  1. disco/club
  2. church
  3. stadium
  4. library
  5. hospital
  6. museum
  7. street
  8. train station
  9. cinema
  10. restaurant

20 Clues: parkbankcaféhotelchurchmosquemuseumstreetcinemaschoolstadiumlibraryhospitalbull ringcathedraldisco/clubrestaurantsupermarketclothes shoptrain station

Places in a Town 2022-12-05

Places in a Town crossword puzzle
  1. Bank
  2. Mall
  3. Police Station
  4. Theater
  5. Park
  6. Bridge
  7. House
  8. School
  9. Rink
  10. Road
  11. Beach
  1. Airport
  2. Store
  3. Hotel
  4. Library
  5. Fire Department
  6. City Hall
  7. Hospital
  8. Church
  9. Restaurant

20 Clues: BankMallParkRinkRoadStoreHotelHouseBeachBridgeChurchSchoolAirportTheaterLibraryHospitalCity HallRestaurantPolice StationFire Department

school bianka,alan 2023-10-05

school bianka,alan crossword puzzle
  1. biblioteka
  2. sala_gimnastyczna
  3. korytarz
  4. wf
  5. ekran
  6. kreda
  7. plac_zabaw
  8. autobus
  9. muzyka
  10. matematyka
  11. plecak
  12. naklejki
  1. gumka
  2. geografia
  3. klasa
  4. piornik
  5. francuski
  6. biala_tablica
  7. linijka
  8. kredka
  9. zeszyt
  10. plastyka

22 Clues: wfgumkaklasaekrankredamuzykakredkazeszytplecakpiorniklinijkaautobuskorytarzplastykanaklejkigeografiafrancuskibibliotekaplac_zabawmatematykabiala_tablicasala_gimnastyczna

spn 1 2024-05-06

spn 1 crossword puzzle
  1. church
  2. beach
  3. gym
  4. leccióndepiano pianolesson
  5. home
  6. park
  7. istayathome.
  8. library
  9. mosque
  1. templechurch
  2. countryside
  3. synagogue
  4. athome
  5. togoshopping
  6. mountains
  7. restaurant
  8. toseeamovie
  9. movietheater
  10. swimmingpool
  11. café
  12. work
  13. comercialmall

22 Clues: gymhomeparkcaféworkbeachathomechurchmosquelibrarysynagoguemountainsrestaurantcountrysidetoseeamovietemplechurchtogoshoppingmovietheaterswimmingpoolistayathome.comercialmallleccióndepiano pianolesson

place 2024-08-22

place crossword puzzle
  1. ห้องสมุด
  2. สวนสัตว์
  3. ภัตตาคาร
  4. มหาวิทยาลัย
  5. โรงหนัง
  6. ซุปเปอร์มาเก็ต
  7. ร้านหนังสือ
  8. สนามบิน
  9. ร้านขายเสื้อผ้า
  10. โรงเรียน
  11. ไปรษณีย์
  1. ร้านสัตว์เลี้ยง
  2. โรงพยาบาล
  3. ร้านตัดผม
  4. ร้านดอกไม้
  5. ธนาคาร
  6. ห้าง
  7. สถานีรถโดยสาร
  8. พิพิธภัณฑ์
  9. ตลาด
  10. สถานีตำรวจ
  11. ร้านเสริมสวย

22 Clues: ห้างตลาดธนาคารโรงหนังสนามบินห้องสมุดสวนสัตว์ภัตตาคารโรงเรียนไปรษณีย์โรงพยาบาลร้านตัดผมร้านดอกไม้พิพิธภัณฑ์สถานีตำรวจมหาวิทยาลัยร้านหนังสือร้านเสริมสวยสถานีรถโดยสารซุปเปอร์มาเก็ตร้านสัตว์เลี้ยงร้านขายเสื้อผ้า

school 2016-04-26

school crossword puzzle
  1. 음악실
  2. 출입문
  3. 과학실
  4. 강당
  5. 미술실
  6. 교실
  7. 운동장
  8. 도서실
  1. 행정실
  2. 학교버스
  3. 교직원실
  4. 보건실
  5. 매점
  6. 탈의실
  7. 주차장
  8. 수영장
  9. 체육관

17 Clues: 매점강당교실행정실음악실보건실출입문탈의실주차장과학실수영장체육관미술실운동장도서실학교버스교직원실

Acronym 2022-03-12

Acronym crossword puzzle
  1. cioccolato
  2. organizzazione
  3. irregolare
  4. montagna
  5. ambizioso
  6. curioso
  7. ostacolo
  1. leone
  2. dottore
  3. creativo
  4. opera
  5. elezioni
  6. libreria
  7. frutta
  8. concerto
  9. rispetto
  10. opinione

17 Clues: leoneoperafruttadottorecuriosocreativoelezionilibreriaconcertomontagnarispettoopinioneostacoloambiziosocioccolatoirregolareorganizzazione

Classroom Crossword 2023-11-16

Classroom Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. schedule
  2. pencil
  3. library
  4. desk
  5. calculator
  6. stadium
  7. paper
  8. eraser
  1. backpack
  2. test
  3. university
  4. bookstore
  5. homework
  6. pen
  7. board
  8. chair
  9. notebook

17 Clues: pentestdeskboardchairpaperpencileraserlibrarystadiumbackpackschedulehomeworknotebookbookstoreuniversitycalculator

school Pola, Marcel 2023-10-05

school Pola, Marcel crossword puzzle
  1. kredka
  2. szkolny_autobus
  3. linijka
  4. naklejka
  5. kreda
  6. temperówka
  7. zeszyt
  8. sala_gimnastyczna
  1. klasa
  2. gumka
  3. korytarz
  4. piórnik
  5. biała_tablica
  6. plac_zabaw
  7. biblioteka
  8. ekran
  9. szkolny_plecak

17 Clues: klasagumkaekrankredakredkazeszytpiórniklinijkakorytarznaklejkaplac_zabawbibliotekatemperówkabiała_tablicaszkolny_plecakszkolny_autobussala_gimnastyczna

school martyna, maja 2023-10-05

school martyna, maja crossword puzzle
  1. naklejka
  2. kreda
  3. sala_gimnastyczna
  4. autobus_szkolny
  5. ekran
  6. biblioteka
  7. plecak_szkolny
  8. linijka
  9. korytarz
  1. klasa
  2. piórnik
  3. plac_zabaw
  4. biała_tablica
  5. kredka
  6. zeszyt
  7. gumka
  8. temperówka

17 Clues: klasakredaekrangumkakredkazeszytpiórniklinijkanaklejkakorytarzplac_zabawbibliotekatemperówkabiała_tablicaplecak_szkolnyautobus_szkolnysala_gimnastyczna

Test 2023-10-24

Test crossword puzzle
  1. 16
  2. 5
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 11
  6. 4
  7. 7
  8. 13
  1. 8
  2. 6
  3. 12
  4. 1
  5. 14
  6. 15
  7. 17
  8. 10
  9. 9

17 Clues: 8615239471216141517101113

Module 2 2024-01-31

Module 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Lámpara
  2. Baño
  3. Adivinanza
  4. Alfombra
  5. Jardín
  6. Librería
  7. Iglesia
  8. Banco
  9. Cortina
  10. Biblioteca
  1. Sillón
  2. Garaje
  3. Habitación
  4. Cama
  5. Panadería
  6. Puerto
  7. Silla

17 Clues: BañoCamaSillaBancoSillónGarajeJardínPuertoLámparaIglesiaCortinaAlfombraLibreríaPanaderíaHabitaciónAdivinanzaBiblioteca

ayam goyeng 2024-02-21

ayam goyeng crossword puzzle
  1. n
  2. b
  3. k
  4. m
  5. f
  6. a
  7. r
  8. e
  1. l
  2. b
  3. i
  4. c
  5. o
  6. g
  7. z
  8. d
  9. p
  10. h
  11. q
  12. j

20 Clues: lbiconbgkzmdfparhqej


  1. "Circular data visualization"
  2. "Matplotlib module"
  3. "Marks on a scale or axis"
  4. "Measurement system or device"
  5. "Function to display a plot in Matplotlib"
  6. "Chart type with rectangular bars"
  7. "Graph type with lines connecting points"
  1. "Python library for numerical operations"
  2. "Heading or name of a work"
  3. "Python library for visualizations"
  4. "Segments of a pie chart"
  5. "Tags or names on a chart"
  6. "Type of plot showing points"
  7. "Visual representation of data"
  8. "Explanation of symbols on a map or chart"

15 Clues: "Matplotlib module""Segments of a pie chart""Tags or names on a chart""Marks on a scale or axis""Heading or name of a work""Circular data visualization""Type of plot showing points""Measurement system or device""Visual representation of data""Chart type with rectangular bars""Python library for visualizations"...

Toilet Tierlist 2020-08-24

Toilet Tierlist crossword puzzle
  1. Main library of Berkeley campus
  2. There's a tool online to navigate this maze
  3. Site of 2 Unabomber attacks
  4. Hall of music
  5. Entrance via Moffit or Doe library
  6. Building where you get huge
  7. The chem labs are here
  8. Reputation for ugliest building
  1. Won't let you in without a cal ID
  2. College of environmental design
  3. Holds department of physics
  4. Has the largest lecture hall
  5. Full of snakes
  6. Only classroom building with showers
  7. Has a nanofabrication lab
  8. There's a t-rex skeleton here

16 Clues: Hall of musicFull of snakesThe chem labs are hereHas a nanofabrication labHolds department of physicsSite of 2 Unabomber attacksBuilding where you get hugeHas the largest lecture hallThere's a t-rex skeleton hereMain library of Berkeley campusCollege of environmental designReputation for ugliest buildingWon't let you in without a cal ID...

Places 2021-02-24

Places crossword puzzle
  1. σχολείο
  2. μουσείο
  3. καφετέρια
  4. σπίτι
  5. υπεραγορά
  6. νοσοκομείο
  7. αερολιμένας
  8. εστιατόριο
  9. τράπεζα
  10. αθλητικό κέντρο
  11. εκκλησία
  1. στάση λεωφορείου
  2. πολυκατοικία
  3. κινηματογράφος
  4. πάρκο
  5. σταθμός πυροσβεστικής
  6. θέατρο
  7. εμπορικό κέντρο
  8. βιβλιοθήκη
  9. ταχυδρομείο

20 Clues: πάρκοσπίτιθέατροσχολείομουσείοτράπεζαεκκλησίακαφετέριαυπεραγοράνοσοκομείοεστιατόριοβιβλιοθήκηαερολιμέναςταχυδρομείοπολυκατοικίακινηματογράφοςεμπορικό κέντροαθλητικό κέντροστάση λεωφορείουσταθμός πυροσβεστικής

4cd Vocabulary 2021-03-23

4cd Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. selten
  2. Bücherei
  3. Zeremonie
  4. religiös
  5. verwirrt
  6. sammeln
  7. Sieg
  8. Buchladen
  9. Mönch
  10. Nadel
  11. hastig
  1. kichern
  2. Faszination
  3. modisch
  4. Sucht
  5. verhaften
  6. beleidigen
  7. dauerhaft
  8. kitschig
  9. Daumen
  10. Begräbnis
  11. Grenze

22 Clues: SiegSuchtMönchNadelseltenDaumenGrenzehastigkichernmodischsammelnBüchereireligiösverwirrtkitschigverhaftenZeremoniedauerhaftBegräbnisBuchladenbeleidigenFaszination

Los Lugares 2020-12-02

Los Lugares crossword puzzle
  1. Restaurant
  2. Concert
  3. Beach
  4. Supermarket
  5. Library
  6. Dentist
  7. Zoo
  8. Movie Theatre
  9. House
  10. Pharmacy
  1. School
  2. Hotel
  3. Store
  4. Mass
  5. Hospital
  6. Game
  7. Park
  8. Doctor
  9. Pool
  10. City
  11. Countryside
  12. Museum

22 Clues: ZooMassGameParkPoolCityHotelStoreBeachHouseSchoolDoctorMuseumConcertLibraryDentistHospitalPharmacyRestaurantSupermarketCountrysideMovie Theatre

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. male teacher
  3. female teacher
  4. desk
  5. art
  6. history
  7. music
  8. book
  9. backpack
  10. computer science
  11. science
  1. library
  2. male/female student
  3. biology
  4. schedule
  5. math
  6. English
  7. physics
  8. window
  9. stadium

20 Clues: arttestdeskmathbookmusicwindowlibrarybiologyEnglishhistoryphysicsstadiumscienceschedulebackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. stadium
  2. Spanish
  3. male student
  4. backpack
  5. biology
  6. math
  7. desk
  8. window
  1. male teacher
  2. library
  3. physics
  4. book
  5. music
  6. history
  7. English
  8. female teacher
  9. computer science
  10. science
  11. female student
  12. art

20 Clues: artbookmathdeskmusicwindowlibraryphysicsstadiumSpanishhistoryEnglishbiologysciencebackpackmale teachermale studentfemale teacherfemale studentcomputer science

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. music
  3. male teacher
  4. window
  5. english
  6. backpack
  7. library
  8. male student
  9. book
  10. art
  1. computer science
  2. female teacher
  3. history
  4. desk
  5. physics
  6. biology
  7. stadium
  8. science
  9. spanish
  10. math

20 Clues: arttestdeskbookmathmusicwindowhistoryphysicsbiologyenglishstadiumlibrarysciencespanishbackpackmale teachermale studentfemale teachercomputer science

Spanish 1 Unit 2 Crossword 2020-10-05

Spanish 1 Unit 2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. library
  3. test; exam
  4. schedule
  5. clock; watch
  6. map
  7. course
  8. house; home
  9. paper
  10. eraser
  11. homework
  12. history
  1. backpack
  2. art
  3. trimester; quarter
  4. school
  5. chalk
  6. stadium
  7. chair
  8. class

20 Clues: penartmapchalkchairpaperclassschoolcourseeraserlibrarystadiumhistorybackpackschedulehomeworktest; examhouse; homeclock; watchtrimester; quarter

Spanish Crossword 2020-10-07

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. stadium
  2. trimester,quarter
  3. course
  4. art
  5. chalk
  6. test,quiz
  7. semester
  8. homework
  9. backpack
  1. laboratory
  2. university,college
  3. library
  4. table
  5. class
  6. door
  7. test,exam
  8. school
  9. schedule
  10. house,home
  11. sciences

20 Clues: artdoortableclasschalkcourseschoolstadiumlibrarysemesterschedulehomeworksciencesbackpacktest,quiztest,examlaboratoryhouse,hometrimester,quarteruniversity,college

Sentences 2021-04-12

Sentences crossword puzzle
  1. while
  2. hungry
  3. therefore
  4. Mother
  5. late
  6. Road
  7. to
  8. look
  9. yet
  10. love
  1. Today
  2. playing
  3. sister
  4. yesterday
  5. Time
  6. car
  7. Man
  8. sarah
  9. he
  10. apologize
  11. are
  12. when

22 Clues: hetocarManareyetTimelateRoadwhenlookloveTodaywhilesarahsisterhungryMotherplayingyesterdaythereforeapologize

Murder in the library 2021-04-09

Murder in the library crossword puzzle
  1. nyitott, nyitva
  2. gyilkos
  3. megmagyaráz
  4. darált hús
  5. fegyver
  6. üres
  7. sofőr
  8. lövés
  9. gyilkosság
  10. könyvtár
  1. kesztyű
  2. ujjlenyomatok
  3. tiszta
  4. mostohalány
  5. kilincs
  6. inas
  7. ki más
  8. törött
  9. szakács
  10. feltár, leleplez

20 Clues: inasüressofőrlövéstisztaki mástöröttkesztyűgyilkoskilincsfegyverszakácskönyvtárdarált húsgyilkosságmegmagyarázmostohalányujjlenyomatoknyitott, nyitvafeltár, leleplez

classes and school suplies 2021-04-14

classes and school suplies crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. math
  3. test
  4. test;quiz
  5. backpack
  6. book
  7. biology
  8. english
  9. desk
  10. computer science
  11. music
  12. history
  1. homework
  2. window
  3. art
  4. library
  5. stadium
  6. schedule
  7. spanish
  8. science
  9. female teacher

21 Clues: artmathtestbookdeskmusicwindowphysicslibrarystadiumspanishbiologyenglishsciencehistoryhomeworkbackpackscheduletest;quizfemale teachercomputer science

vocabulary words 2021-10-20

vocabulary words crossword puzzle
  1. Do you want?
  2. apartment
  3. foot
  4. go
  5. library
  6. school
  7. house
  8. hotel
  9. bus
  10. bank
  11. subway
  1. cinema
  2. restaurant
  3. park
  4. dentist
  5. office
  6. horseback
  7. doctor
  8. car
  9. place
  10. train

21 Clues: gocarbusparkfootbankhouseplacehoteltraincinemaofficedoctorschoolsubwaydentistlibraryapartmenthorsebackrestaurantDo you want?

Substantiv - Regelbunden plural 2021-08-26

Substantiv - Regelbunden plural crossword puzzle
  1. Torpedo
  2. Animal
  3. Key
  4. Monkey
  5. Potato
  6. Monster
  7. Fly
  8. Knife
  9. Berry
  10. Shelf
  1. Puppy
  2. Kiss
  3. Leaf
  4. Mystery
  5. Fox
  6. Thief
  7. Lorry
  8. Fork
  9. Sandwich
  10. Bush
  11. Library
  12. Life

22 Clues: FoxKeyFlyKissLeafForkBushLifePuppyThiefLorryKnifeBerryShelfAnimalMonkeyPotatoMysteryTorpedoLibraryMonsterSandwich

Spanish Vocab 2021-11-18

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Library
  2. Pants
  3. Chess
  4. Young people
  5. Monday
  6. To win, to earn
  7. Today
  8. College
  9. Head
  10. Swimming
  1. Shoe store
  2. Foot
  3. Interest
  4. Singer
  5. Tomorrow
  6. Winter
  7. Gym
  8. Hand
  9. Restaurant
  10. Band

20 Clues: GymFootHandBandHeadPantsChessTodaySingerWinterMondayLibraryCollegeInterestTomorrowSwimmingShoe storeRestaurantYoung peopleTo win, to earn

last 2022-01-05

last crossword puzzle
  1. restaurant
  2. church
  3. togoshopping
  4. café
  5. templeProtestantchurch
  6. athome
  7. toseeamovie
  8. pianolesson
  9. synagogue
  10. mountains
  11. beach
  1. library
  2. workjob
  3. park
  4. Istayathome.
  5. swimmingpool
  6. countryside
  7. mall
  8. gym
  9. movietheater
  10. mosque
  11. homehouse

22 Clues: gymparkcafémallbeachchurchathomemosquelibraryworkjobsynagoguemountainshomehouserestaurantcountrysidetoseeamoviepianolessontogoshoppingIstayathome.swimmingpoolmovietheatertempleProtestantchurch

Escuela 2022-04-08

Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. school band
  2. clock
  3. gym
  4. hole punch
  5. library
  6. paper clip
  7. stapler
  8. locker
  9. schedule
  1. orchestra
  2. door
  3. window
  4. pen
  5. teacher (f)
  6. folder
  7. ruler
  8. tape
  9. pencil sharpener
  10. whiteboard
  11. hallway

20 Clues: pengymdoortapeclockrulerwindowfolderlockerlibrarystaplerhallwayscheduleorchestrahole punchpaper clipwhiteboardschool bandteacher (f)pencil sharpener

words 2023-05-18

words crossword puzzle
  1. игровая площадка
  2. коридор
  3. столовая
  4. библиотека
  5. словарь
  6. всегда
  7. часто
  8. скучный
  9. иногда
  1. обычно
  2. ноутбук
  3. опаздывать
  4. кроссовки
  5. кабинет
  6. говорить по буквам
  7. завтракать
  8. описать
  9. скучать
  10. спортзал
  11. родители
  12. математика

21 Clues: частообычновсегдаиногдакоридорноутбуккабинетсловарьописатьскучатьскучныйстоловаяспортзалродителикроссовкиопаздыватьбиблиотеказавтракатьматематикаигровая площадкаговорить по буквам

I hate my life. 2023-03-24

I hate my life. crossword puzzle
  1. beach
  2. mall
  3. when
  4. aynagogue
  5. mosque
  6. temple
  7. gym
  8. church
  9. where
  10. afterwards
  1. park
  2. home
  3. countryside
  4. work
  5. library
  6. movie theater
  7. cafe
  8. alone
  9. generally
  10. swimming pool
  11. mountains
  12. after

22 Clues: gymparkhomeworkmallwhencafebeachalonewhereaftermosquetemplechurchlibraryaynagoguegenerallymountainsafterwardscountrysidemovie theaterswimming pool

Unit 2 hospital-prison 2023-10-19

Unit 2 hospital-prison crossword puzzle
  1. praeitis
  2. į
  3. ežeras
  4. biblioteka
  5. nosis
  6. populiarus
  7. gražus
  8. energingas
  9. kalnas
  10. geras
  11. senas
  1. parduotuvė
  2. mandagu
  3. siauras
  4. virš
  5. ligoninė
  6. išmokti
  7. kaleimas
  8. ramu
  9. karšta
  10. ilgas

22 Clues: įviršramunosisilgasgerassenasežerasgražuskarštakalnasmandagusiaurasišmoktipraeitisligoninėkaleimasparduotuvėbibliotekapopuliarusenergingas

Espanol 2023-12-12

Espanol crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. calculator
  3. autunm
  4. temporary
  5. abuela
  6. pencil
  7. old
  8. summer
  9. madre
  10. permanent
  11. backpack
  1. books
  2. brother
  3. grandfather
  4. spring
  5. eyes
  6. movie theater
  7. er el bano-restroom
  8. winter
  9. sister

20 Clues: oldeyesbooksmadrespringautunmabuelapencilwintersummersisterbrotherlibrarybackpacktemporarypermanentcalculatorgrandfathermovie theaterer el bano-restroom

słówka 2024-04-09

słówka crossword puzzle
  1. klasa
  2. martwić się
  3. informatyka
  4. biblioteka
  5. stołówka
  6. geografia
  7. musisz
  8. szatnia
  1. pracownia biologiczna/chemiczna
  2. sala gimnastyczna
  3. ostrzeżenie
  4. korytarz
  5. boisko
  6. zmienić
  7. wf
  8. sklep
  9. matematyka
  10. muzyka
  11. plac zabaw
  12. plastyka

20 Clues: wfklasasklepboiskomusiszmuzykazmienićszatniakorytarzstołówkaplastykageografiabibliotekamatematykaplac zabawostrzeżeniemartwić sięinformatykasala gimnastycznapracownia biologiczna/chemiczna

Spanish 2024-05-09

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. church
  2. Istayathome.
  3. athome
  4. library
  5. movie theater
  6. mountains
  7. mosque
  8. countryside
  9. restaurant
  10. mall
  11. temple
  12. swimming pool
  1. beach
  2. synagogue
  3. toseeamovie
  4. homehouse
  5. park
  6. café
  7. pianolesson(class)
  8. gym
  9. togoshopping

21 Clues: gymparkcafémallbeachchurchathomemosquetemplelibrarysynagoguehomehousemountainsrestauranttoseeamoviecountrysideIstayathome.togoshoppingmovie theaterswimming poolpianolesson(class)

EJAAN 2024-06-24

EJAAN crossword puzzle
  1. WATER
  2. PAPER
  3. SMILE
  6. HOT
  11. butterfly
  1. STAR
  3. FOOD
  4. FLOOR
  5. SATAY
  7. TRAIN
  8. LAB
  9. HAPPY


Kordamine 2024-10-01

Kordamine crossword puzzle
  1. väike
  2. pikk,kõrge
  3. medõde
  4. lühike
  5. suur
  6. lugemisnurk
  7. jõusaal
  8. töömees
  9. all
  10. direktor
  11. söökla
  1. piimakokteil
  2. pinal
  3. rula
  4. taga
  5. koristaja
  6. raamatukogu
  7. hästi, hea
  8. suurepärane
  9. naljakas
  10. tore,meeldiv

21 Clues: allrulatagasuurväikepinalmedõdelühikesööklajõusaaltöömeesnaljakasdirektorkoristajapikk,kõrgehästi, hearaamatukogulugemisnurksuurepäranepiimakokteiltore,meeldiv

False Friends crossword 2020-11-04

False Friends crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Almoço
  2. Réu
  3. Conservante
  4. Inscrição
  5. Verdadeiro
  6. Discussão
  7. Diretor
  8. lenda
  9. Pais
  1. Confiante
  2. Conteúdo
  3. Fantasia
  4. Preconceito
  5. Sacada
  6. Sensato
  7. Biblioteca
  8. Aposentado

17 Clues: RéuPaislendaAlmoçoSacadaSensatoDiretorConteúdoFantasiaConfianteInscriçãoDiscussãoVerdadeiroBibliotecaAposentadoConservantePreconceito

Russword Puzzle The City 2020-07-22

Russword Puzzle The City crossword puzzle
  1. перехо́д
  2. больни́ца
  3. у́лица
  4. ква́ртал
  5. перекрёсток
  6. тротуа́р
  7. фонта́н
  8. па́мятник
  1. музе́й
  2. магазин
  3. библиоте́ка
  4. поли́ция
  5. парк
  6. город
  7. площадь
  8. апте́ка
  9. гостиница

17 Clues: паркгородмузе́йу́лицамагазинплощадьапте́кафонта́нполи́цияперехо́дква́рталтротуа́рбольни́цагостиницапа́мятникбиблиоте́каперекрёсток

school hania nadia 2023-10-05

school hania nadia crossword puzzle
  1. pastel
  2. gumka
  3. naklejka
  4. linijka
  5. plac_zabaw
  6. ekran
  7. sala_gimnastyczna
  1. autobus_szkolny
  2. temperówka
  3. biała_tablica
  4. zeszyt
  5. plecak
  6. korytarz
  7. klasa
  8. kreda
  9. biblioteka
  10. piórnik

17 Clues: klasagumkakredaekranpastelzeszytplecaklinijkapiórnikkorytarznaklejkatemperówkabibliotekaplac_zabawbiała_tablicaautobus_szkolnysala_gimnastyczna

Ma ville 2023-02-28

Ma ville crossword puzzle
  1. uneecole
  2. uncafe
  3. unrestaurant
  4. unsupermarche
  5. unmagasin
  6. uncentrecommercial
  7. uncinema
  1. uneglise
  2. unhotel
  3. unhopital
  4. untheatre
  5. unebibliotheque
  6. unmusee
  7. unstade
  8. unparc
  9. unepiscine
  10. uneplage

17 Clues: uncafeunparcunhotelunmuseeunstadeunegliseuneecoleuneplageuncinemaunhopitaluntheatreunmagasinunepiscineunrestaurantunsupermarcheunebibliothequeuncentrecommercial

Ma ville 2023-02-28

Ma ville crossword puzzle
  1. uneecole
  2. uncafe
  3. unrestaurant
  4. unsupermarche
  5. unmagasin
  6. uncentrecommercial
  7. uncinema
  1. uneglise
  2. unhotel
  3. unhopital
  4. untheatre
  5. unebibliotheque
  6. unmusee
  7. unstade
  8. unparc
  9. unepiscine
  10. uneplage

17 Clues: uncafeunparcunhotelunmuseeunstadeunegliseuneecoleuneplageuncinemaunhopitaluntheatreunmagasinunepiscineunrestaurantunsupermarcheunebibliothequeuncentrecommercial

word 2024-05-17

word crossword puzzle
  1. 공격
  2. 유성
  3. 담요
  4. 융합
  5. 모험
  6. 디자이너
  7. 꽃밥
  8. 고글
  9. 박물관
  1. 한통
  2. 고향
  3. 다리
  4. 단추
  5. 도서관
  6. 반구
  7. 문법
  8. 전기

17 Clues: 공격한통고향유성담요다리단추융합반구모험꽃밥고글문법전기도서관박물관디자이너

Do you know OPL? 2024-04-11

Do you know OPL? crossword puzzle
  1. the color of the old carpet
  2. new home of the orange
  3. newest staff member
  4. what desk makes closing announcements on Thursdays
  5. Lives closest to Main
  6. loves to decorate parts of the library
  7. JoAnne's favorite baseball team
  8. what's in front of children's ref desk
  1. knows how to salsa dance
  2. from Canada
  3. who loves Snoopy
  4. free library card replacement month
  5. first eric(k)a to start at OPL
  6. where does the ghost live
  7. staff member who's been here the longest
  8. who used to work at city hall?
  9. newest parent

17 Clues: from Canadanewest parentwho loves Snoopynewest staff memberLives closest to Mainnew home of the orangeknows how to salsa dancewhere does the ghost livethe color of the old carpetfirst eric(k)a to start at OPLwho used to work at city hall?JoAnne's favorite baseball teamfree library card replacement monthloves to decorate parts of the library...

Places 2013-01-10

Places crossword puzzle
  1. - MOST
  2. - PAŁAC
  3. - KOŚCIÓŁ
  4. - LAS
  6. - DWORZEC
  8. - MUZEUM
  9. - GÓRY
  10. - WIEŚ
  11. - MORZE
  3. - POCZTA
  4. - PLAŻA
  5. - KINO
  7. - RZEKA


A preposition riddle 2013-03-23

A preposition riddle crossword puzzle
  1. office
  2. library
  3. park
  4. hospital
  5. country(side)
  6. pool
  7. bank
  8. downtown
  9. city
  1. garden
  2. mountains
  3. dance club
  4. station
  5. gym
  6. kitchen
  7. hotel
  8. church
  9. class

18 Clues: gymparkpoolbankcityhotelclassgardenofficechurchstationlibrarykitchenhospitaldowntownmountainsdance clubcountry(side)

FF3 Unit 7 lessons 1-4 2021-05-21

FF3 Unit 7 lessons 1-4 crossword puzzle
  1. торговый центр
  2. лапа
  3. кафе
  4. хотеть
  5. зевать
  6. обычно
  7. одинаковый
  8. билет
  9. спортивный центр
  1. масло
  2. иногда
  3. часто
  4. кинотеатр
  5. всегда
  6. никогда
  7. библиотека
  8. почва
  9. устрица

18 Clues: лапакафемаслочастопочвабилетиногдавсегдахотетьзеватьобычноникогдаустрицакинотеатрбиблиотекаодинаковыйторговый центрспортивный центр

I am Happy 2023-08-08

I am Happy crossword puzzle
  1. Kamus
  2. Horse
  3. kurang
  4. Segitiga
  5. musim dingin
  6. sell
  7. belok kiri
  1. Lingkaran
  2. Uang
  3. Meminjam
  4. Selatan
  5. berangin
  6. matahari
  7. Eat
  8. Drink
  9. Always
  10. Mereka
  11. Perpustakaan

18 Clues: EatUangsellKamusHorseDrinkkurangAlwaysMerekaSelatanMeminjamberanginmatahariSegitigaLingkaranbelok kirimusim dinginPerpustakaan

Chez Moi 2023-11-12

Chez Moi crossword puzzle
  1. Farm
  2. Living room
  3. Garden
  4. Library
  5. Caravan
  6. Balcony
  7. Kitchen
  8. Basement
  9. Shelf
  1. Window
  2. House
  3. Garage
  4. Bed
  5. Chair
  6. Desk/office
  7. Apartment
  8. Bedroom
  9. Castle

18 Clues: BedFarmHouseChairShelfWindowGarageGardenCastleLibraryCaravanBalconyBedroomKitchenBasementApartmentLiving roomDesk/office

Escape room vocab 2024-01-31

Escape room vocab crossword puzzle
  1. eltűnni
  2. könyvtár
  3. éjfél
  4. csendes
  5. elrabolni (embert)
  6. tehén
  7. 14
  8. mennyi? hány?
  9. hozni
  1. tükör
  2. kulcs
  3. mondani
  4. személy
  5. visszaszámlálás
  6. betű
  7. fontos
  8. idő
  9. első

18 Clues: 14időbetűelsőtükörkulcséjféltehénhoznifontoseltűnnimondaniszemélycsendeskönyvtármennyi? hány?visszaszámláláselrabolni (embert)

Los lugares - Places 2024-03-26

Los lugares - Places crossword puzzle
  1. movie theatre
  2. park
  3. museum
  4. church
  5. work
  6. biblioteca
  7. concert
  8. pharmacy
  9. city
  1. mall
  2. gym
  3. school
  4. store
  5. beach
  6. grocery store
  7. bank
  8. home
  9. party

18 Clues: gymmallparkworkbankhomecitystorebeachpartyschoolmuseumchurchconcertpharmacybibliotecamovie theatregrocery store

Library Week Crossword Puzzle 2015-04-09

Library Week Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Justice Samuel
  2. Option for an unfavorable court ruling
  3. Don't do this on the morning of an exam
  4. Structure for briefing a case
  5. Source for archive of U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments
  6. Order often follows it
  7. Statistically, SCOTUS will probably do this to your writ
  8. Opposed
  9. Bit of legislation
  10. A librarian's word for "book"
  11. A legal case in Latin
  12. Look here for PDFs of law review articles
  13. Session laws reenacted as codes become this
  14. Opposite of TAMU Law
  15. Justices' have them for life
  16. Take to court
  1. Texans might read "Green Eggs and Ham" or wear sneakers during this
  2. Name of library's bust
  3. Libraries use this to borrow books from each other
  4. Search for a book here
  5. An Aggie greeting
  6. Bar, legally
  7. Legal blog that sometimes hits "below the belt"
  8. A cover story about your innocence
  9. Agreement given freely and voluntarily
  10. Its code is Napoleonic
  11. French for "wake up" and cuddly for Aggies
  12. Name associated with Texas statutes and codes
  13. Cruel and ___
  14. Justice Sonia
  15. Number of Federal Circuit Courts
  16. Make law

32 Clues: OpposedMake lawBar, legallyCruel and ___Justice SoniaTake to courtJustice SamuelAn Aggie greetingBit of legislationOpposite of TAMU LawA legal case in LatinName of library's bustSearch for a book hereOrder often follows itIts code is NapoleonicJustices' have them for lifeStructure for briefing a caseA librarian's word for "book"...

Where is the library? 2016-01-26

Where is the library? crossword puzzle
  1. qui a faim
  2. en face de
  3. bibliothèque
  4. surpris
  5. arbre
  6. la rue
  7. devant
  8. poubelle
  9. nounou
  10. à côté de
  11. où?
  12. derrière
  13. sous
  14. la route
  15. homme
  1. fille
  2. qui a soif
  3. dans
  4. maison de la presse
  5. les enfants
  6. gare
  7. entre
  8. fatigué
  9. excité
  10. sur
  11. en colère
  12. poussette
  13. vieux

28 Clues: suroù?dansgaresousfillearbreentrevieuxhommela ruedevantnounouexcitésurprisfatiguépoubellederrièrela routeà côté deen colèrepoussettequi a soifqui a faimen face deles enfantsbibliothèquemaison de la presse

Hanover Parish Library Competition 2018-06-12

Hanover Parish Library Competition crossword puzzle
  1. What breed was Joey’s pet dog?
  2. What is the name of Mrs. Dowdel’s grandson?
  3. Where does Joey’s dad live?
  4. Who had introduced Josh’s father to Gladys?
  5. What was Roscoe’s profession at the end of the story?
  6. The preacher's family’s last name is?
  7. Which one of the Barnhart's children had a curious personality?
  8. What is Joey’s dad’s name?
  9. What was the name of Jerry’s elderly neighbor friend?
  10. What was the name of Joey’s dog?
  1. Which singer did Josh’s father impersonate?
  2. What was the name of the mall where Jerry won the Elvis competition?
  3. On what street did Jerry Denny live in Chicago?
  4. What the name given to a storage place for military equipment?
  5. What was the kids’ nickname for their school?
  6. What was Josh’s best friend’s name back in Boston?
  7. What was the nickname of Ivory’s friend Paul Diggs?
  8. How old was Josh when he was sent to live with his dad?
  9. What kind of sports did Joey’s dad want him to become involved in?
  10. Joey’s room was beside which family member's room?

20 Clues: What is Joey’s dad’s name?Where does Joey’s dad live?What breed was Joey’s pet dog?What was the name of Joey’s dog?The preacher's family’s last name is?Which singer did Josh’s father impersonate?What is the name of Mrs. Dowdel’s grandson?Who had introduced Josh’s father to Gladys?What was the kids’ nickname for their school?...

Carnegie Library Reopening Crossword 2020-11-17

Carnegie Library Reopening Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a daily favourite
  2. colorful walls
  3. Oppenheimer's former alias
  4. A renowned local ball team
  5. beloved former bookworm
  6. yearly fest
  7. Oppenheimer's cherry blossom garderners
  8. DTES Residents Association and current Vancouver City Councilor
  9. feeding the community
  10. sing your heart out
  1. a once a week treat
  2. yearly subscription to the centre
  3. entertaining discs
  4. DTES activists
  5. floppy reads
  6. writing about the "Killing Fields"
  7. Our alien overlord
  8. Historical tenant of Carnegie's top floor
  9. neighboring neighbourhood
  10. Prelude to annual healing circle
  11. a key intersection
  12. First name of Carnegie's funder
  13. a self-important street
  14. a morning jolt
  15. a community with heart

25 Clues: yearly festfloppy readsDTES activistscolorful wallsa morning jolta daily favouriteentertaining discsOur alien overlorda key intersectiona once a week treatsing your heart outfeeding the communitya community with heartbeloved former bookworma self-important streetneighboring neighbourhoodOppenheimer's former aliasA renowned local ball team...

"Library" In Other Languages 2022-07-16

"Library" In Other Languages crossword puzzle
  1. Yoruba
  2. Polish
  3. Latin
  4. French
  5. Irish
  6. Swedish
  7. Uzbek
  8. Hausa
  9. Albanian
  10. Hausa
  11. Cebuano
  12. Sesotho
  13. Azerbaijani
  14. Dutch
  15. Indonesian
  16. Zulu
  17. Afrikaans
  18. Finnish
  19. Turkish
  20. Filipino
  21. Hungarian
  22. Samoan
  1. Esperanto
  2. Somali
  3. Croatian
  4. Luxembourgish
  5. Spanish
  6. Shona
  7. Icelandic
  8. Maltese
  9. Malagasy
  10. Chichewa
  11. Turkmen
  12. Basque
  13. Swahili
  14. Welsh
  15. Kinyarwanda
  16. German
  17. Estonian
  18. Czech
  19. Kurdish
  20. Haitian Creole

42 Clues: ZuluLatinShonaIrishUzbekHausaHausaWelshDutchCzechSomaliYorubaPolishFrenchBasqueGermanSamoanSpanishMalteseSwedishTurkmenCebuanoSwahiliSesothoFinnishTurkishKurdishCroatianMalagasyChichewaAlbanianEstonianFilipinoEsperantoIcelandicAfrikaansHungarianIndonesianKinyarwandaAzerbaijaniLuxembourgishHaitian Creole

Library Branches Through History 2023-09-22

Library Branches Through History crossword puzzle
  1. This branch opened in 1969 and was renamed Franklin Road when it opened in its new location in 2000.
  2. This branch is the most recent addition to the Library, officially opening its doors in August of 2023.
  3. This branch, whose building was originally a church, opened in a 1907. It was the first branch to leave the system when it closed in 1930.
  4. Opened in the only Black high school in city in 1927, Lillian Childress Hall its first librarian. This branch was turned into a school library and no longer open to the public in 1959.
  5. The 2nd branch of the Library and opening in 1896, this is the oldest remaining branch in the system.
  6. This branch opened in 1911 and caused quite an uproar in its community when it closed in 1955. Patrons of this branch boycotted using other nearby branches for several years following its closing.
  7. Opening in 1897, this branch originally was located “in the valley”, a spot endangered by flooding. Ironically when it got its own Carnegie building on higher ground in 1912 books had to be removed during the Flood of 1913 which caused water to come within half an inch of its shelves.
  8. This branch opened in the Safeway Shopping center, now known as Eagledale, in 1960.
  9. This branch, originally located in the Marwood Shopping center, was the first county branch added to the system when the Library began extending services to parts of Marion County outside of the IPS district lines.
  10. Originally the Illinois Street Branch that opened in 1909 this branch was housed on what is now a part of The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.
  11. This branch opened in 1918 and was renamed in 2011 to reflect its location in the city’s first public park.
  12. This regional branch which was recently updated, opened in 1969 and proudly serves Ben Davis High School and its surrounding community.
  13. As the oldest remaining Carnegie branch, this branch opened in 1911. One of their most recognized features is the Book Gnomes that are part of the original exterior.
  14. This branch was later named the College Avenue Branch in 2000 when it relocated in and is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2025.
  15. This branch opened in 1974 and played a significant role in the closing of the Northeast Branch.
  16. The only branch to start with a name, have a name change, and go back to its original name. This branch was also housed in the Bona Thompson Library until 1914.
  17. Broad Ripple Branch, established in 1930, became this branch in 2000 which is also currently in the process of relocating.
  18. This souththeast side regional branch also opened in 1967 and is located in one of the remaining independent parts of the city that escaped annexation during UNIGOV.
  19. Originally named the Westlane Branch, this branch opened in 1967 as a part of the Library’s effort to extend services further out into the county. The branch got its current moniker in 2000 when the current building opened.
  20. This branch opened in 1912 and is housed in the fourth and only other remaining Carnegie building left in the system.
  1. This northeast side regional branch opened in 1967 and is located in one of the remaining independent parts of the city that escaped annexation during UNIGOV.
  2. The 3rd branch of the Library that also became the Fountain Square Branch in 1994. This branch had served its community for more than 100 years when it closed in 2020.
  3. Started by McFadden in 1952 and managed by Gertrude Rhoades this traveling branch has often been used as a gage for where library services are needed throughout the city.
  4. This branch opened in 1964 and was the only branch named after a direction. The branch closed in 1982, due to declines in use after the opening of the Warren Branch only 1.5 miles away in 1974.
  5. This branch was the first new branch opened since 2000 and is one of three that opened as a result of the service gaps defined in the 2015-2020 IndyPL Strategic Plan.
  6. The third and last Black branch named after a famous Black scientist and inventor, this branch opened in 1937 in School #87 and closed in 1950.
  7. This branch was named after a grove of sugar maple trees and was located near a current golf course similarly named. The branch opened in 1922 and closed in 1955.
  8. This branch which opened in 2021 was the recipient of the 2023 Green Building of the Year Award in the LEED for Building Design and Construction category.
  9. This branch opened in 2000 and is the Library’s only location open in a Museum.
  10. Now East 38th Street Branch, this branch opened in 1957 and was the first branch where Bookmobile service patterns were used to determine library service gaps and recommend the establishment of a branch.
  11. The 1st branch of the Library, this branch opened in 1896 above a drugstore. It moved into a building designed by architect, Robert Daggett, in 1906 and closed in 1971.
  12. This memorial branch was donated to the library in 1949 specifically for the use of young people. The branch closed in 1958 and the branch librarian, Dorothy Lawson, heads the newly created Young Adult Department at Central Library.
  13. This branch was the first Black branch and opened in School #26 in 1922. The branch remained open to the public until 1967 when it reverted back to the school as a part of the separation between the Library and IPS.
  14. This branch was housed in a long standing social services nonprofit organization off of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street from 1979 until it closed in 2018.
  15. This branch has served its non-annexed community from 1951 when it opened in a storefront, until it joined IndyPL in 2016.
  16. The original name of the branch that had a name change when it received its own building that opened in 2020. This branch has been serving its community since 1901.
  17. The 4th branch of the library that was housed in the 5th Carnegie building and merged with the Prospect Branch in 1968.
  18. This branch celebrated it’s 50th anniversary in 2021 and was made possible by a donation of land from Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Eiteljorg in 1968.

38 Clues: This branch opened in 2000 and is the Library’s only location open in a Museum.This branch opened in the Safeway Shopping center, now known as Eagledale, in 1960.This branch opened in 1974 and played a significant role in the closing of the Northeast Branch....

Elmo Willard Library Crossword 2024-05-16

Elmo Willard Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. gathering facts about a particular topic
  2. system used to arrange non-fiction books created by Melvil Dewey
  3. information on the back of a book giving an idea of what is inside
  4. a way to enjoy a book using your ears
  5. stories that have come from the author's mind
  6. things that happened long ago
  7. writer of a book
  8. person creating artwork/pictures for a book
  9. type of story filled with magic and wonder
  10. section of a non-fiction book used to locate information inside it
  11. type of book that lets you find clues and solve the case
  1. world wide web
  2. different styles of story writing
  3. names of people or animals featured in a story
  4. a book of maps
  5. a place to get books, magazines, music, games, and movies
  6. section of a non-fiction book containing meanings for words in that book
  7. type of story that's filled with action
  8. books about real places and things
  9. astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics and geology

20 Clues: world wide weba book of mapswriter of a bookthings that happened long agodifferent styles of story writingbooks about real places and thingsa way to enjoy a book using your earstype of story that's filled with actiongathering facts about a particular topictype of story filled with magic and wonderperson creating artwork/pictures for a book...

The Midnight Library Ulti 2024-04-18

The Midnight Library Ulti crossword puzzle
  1. Symbolizes Nora as a whole being and a revelation she found within herself
  2. A philosopher's name who was Nora's favorite
  3. How the Midnight Library disappears
  4. Nora's student that she taught piano too
  5. The place Nora and Ash resided with her daughter
  6. Location of Nora's research as a glaciologist
  7. Dylan's nickname of Nora during her time at the animal shelter
  8. The name of the protagnist in the novel
  9. Nora's major that never came of usage
  10. Where Izzy, Nora's best friend, resides
  11. The main reason for Nora's entry to the Midnight Library
  12. The color of Nora's book in the Midnight Library
  1. One of Nora's most famous songs in The Labyrinths band
  2. Mrs. Elm's name which she asks Nora to call her by
  3. The primary location in Nora's root life
  4. The name of someone who experiences the same situation as Nora
  5. The name of Nora Seed's cat who passed away
  6. The job Nora had when she was almost killed by a bear
  7. A sport Nora excelled in as a kid
  8. Nora's workplace where she eventually loses her job
  9. The Labyrinth band's location when Nora arrive
  10. The name of Nora's neighbor
  11. The final word Nora scribbled on the non-flammable book
  12. Mrs. Elm's boardgame that taught small thing can make a big difference
  13. Nora's daughter during her lifetime with Ash

25 Clues: The name of Nora's neighborA sport Nora excelled in as a kidHow the Midnight Library disappearsNora's major that never came of usageThe name of the protagnist in the novelWhere Izzy, Nora's best friend, residesThe primary location in Nora's root lifeNora's student that she taught piano tooThe name of Nora Seed's cat who passed away...

Library Year in Review 2024-05-07

Library Year in Review crossword puzzle
  1. The E on the picture book call tag refers to (blank)
  2. The Battle of the Books books are pulled from this list
  3. A book on pets would be found in this Dewey classification section
  4. This program was used to cite sources during your ancient civilizations project
  5. This section of books sits beneath the circulation desk
  6. This critter won March Mammal Madness
  7. The color of the return cart
  8. Dewey's first name is (blank)
  9. The author the Funjungle and Spy School novels
  10. Mystery books use this color on their call number tags
  11. The author of historical fiction such as Allies
  12. This competition requires both physical and mental activity
  13. This section is the 500 classification in Dewey Decimal
  14. Ms. Haas and Ms. Brostoff hosted this winter club
  15. The 800 classification for Dewey Decimal
  16. This homeroom teacher is one of the emcees for Battle of the Books
  17. Woof! Woof! This is the name for one of the Battle of the Books teams
  1. This animal is what Ron Naveen focuses his research on
  2. This type of book is published every year but cannot be checked out
  3. This piece of furniture often causes drama in the library
  4. The last name affiliated with the non-fiction classification system
  5. This specials teacher is one of the emcees for Battle of the Books
  6. January (blank) is our post-winter break reading competition
  7. This genre can be found on the wall behind the long tables and DTEN
  8. This is the angelic name for one of the Battle of the Books teams
  9. You use this device to read on Sora
  10. This piece of technology in the library is often fought over by multiple students
  11. An A Form student who helps out in the library
  12. A novel that resembles a comic book is called a (blank) novel
  13. This series was featured in our visiting author assembly
  14. The (blank) Library is where you are right now!
  15. A summer reading book that is not free choice is called (blank)
  16. The fiction section is organized by (blank)
  17. This author spoke at assembly about his amazing graphic novels
  18. This genre uses blue call number tags
  19. A novel-in-verse can be found under this genre
  20. This type of penguin is thriving despite climate change
  21. The 200 classification in Dewey Decimal
  22. A Form students earn this by helping out around the library

39 Clues: The color of the return cartDewey's first name is (blank)You use this device to read on SoraThis critter won March Mammal MadnessThis genre uses blue call number tagsThe 200 classification in Dewey DecimalThe 800 classification for Dewey DecimalThe fiction section is organized by (blank)An A Form student who helps out in the library...

La Ciudad 2023-05-07

La Ciudad crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. station
  3. restaurant
  4. gym
  5. store
  6. plane
  7. mail office
  1. hospital
  2. school
  3. movie theater
  4. cafe
  5. car
  6. train
  7. supermarket
  8. park
  9. bus
  10. airport
  11. bank

18 Clues: carbusgymcafeparkbanktrainstoreplaneschoollibrarystationairporthospitalrestaurantsupermarketmail officemovie theater

Things you can't say 2021-06-14

Things you can't say crossword puzzle
  1. motorcycle guy
  2. scared of kids
  3. Xanders nickname
  4. main character
  5. audreys pet
  6. what drew does at the library
  1. drews best friend
  2. drews real name
  3. where Drew spend his summers
  4. filipes grandma nickname

10 Clues: audreys petmotorcycle guyscared of kidsmain characterdrews real nameXanders nicknamedrews best friendfilipes grandma nicknamewhere Drew spend his summerswhat drew does at the library




La ciudad 2023-04-26

La ciudad crossword puzzle
  1. zoo
  2. beach
  3. hospital
  4. church
  5. bank
  6. pharmacy
  7. library
  8. restaurant
  9. city
  10. park
  1. museum
  2. hotel
  3. house
  4. swimming pool
  5. mountains
  6. bakery
  7. school
  8. movie theater

18 Clues: zoobankcityparkhotelhousebeachmuseumbakerychurchschoollibraryhospitalpharmacymountainsrestaurantswimming poolmovie theater

School objects 2023-05-16

School objects crossword puzzle
  1. окно
  2. стул
  3. пенал
  4. дверь
  5. библиотека
  6. книга
  7. линейка
  8. ластик
  9. парта
  10. доска
  1. маркер
  2. клей
  3. записная книжка
  4. окно
  5. скрепка
  6. словарь
  7. детская площадка
  8. сумка
  9. ножницы

19 Clues: клейокноокностулпеналдверьсумкакнигапартадоскамаркерластикскрепкасловарьлинейканожницыбиблиотеказаписная книжкадетская площадка

Lesson 4 2022-06-14

Lesson 4 crossword puzzle
  1. a person who works in a library
  2. a market where old and used goods are sold
  3. 쓰레기
  4. having serious meaning or worth, 중요한
  5. someone who is between 13 and 19 years old
  6. 반기다, 환영하다, 인사하다
  1. to come together with (something)
  2. natural world
  3. a place we can borrow books
  4. to spend time resting
  5. 소풍
  6. 판매자
  7. a rope for holding a dog

13 Clues: 소풍쓰레기판매자natural world반기다, 환영하다, 인사하다to spend time restinga rope for holding a doga place we can borrow booksa person who works in a libraryto come together with (something)having serious meaning or worth, 중요한a market where old and used goods are soldsomeone who is between 13 and 19 years old

The Fox in the Library 2014-11-23

The Fox in the Library crossword puzzle
  1. Haustier
  2. Maus Plural
  3. Keller
  4. Zahn
  5. riechen
  6. Zauberer
  7. ausborgen
  8. Abendteuer
  9. Fenster
  10. Glück
  1. Regal
  2. Zähne
  3. Fuchs
  4. Huhn
  5. Bauer
  6. Bilderbuch
  7. Maus Singular
  8. Bibliothek

18 Clues: HuhnZahnRegalZähneFuchsBauerGlückKellerriechenFensterHaustierZaubererausborgenBilderbuchBibliothekAbendteuerMaus PluralMaus Singular

Revision De Vocabulaire 2021-05-11

Revision De Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. cat
  2. boat dock
  3. restaurant
  4. river
  5. night
  6. house
  7. day
  8. appartement
  9. car
  1. airport
  2. lamp
  3. park
  4. dog
  5. parking
  6. bus terminal
  7. library
  8. city
  9. door

18 Clues: catdogdaycarlampparkcitydoorrivernighthouseairportparkinglibraryboat dockrestaurantappartementbus terminal

Iron in 19th C Architecture Revision 2015-11-11

Iron in 19th C Architecture Revision crossword puzzle
  1. Criss-cross pattern formed by interlocking iron bars making building stronger
  2. Wall that does not have a structural or load-bearing function
  3. Architect who designed Sainte Genevieve Library
  4. Iron shaped via heating to high temperatures and being poured into a mould
  5. Usually solid wall that has a structural function
  6. Pressure that can be withstood before material snaps or breaks
  7. Features used to describe ceiling of Sainte Genevieve Library
  1. Supporting structure for a roof, for example
  2. Very important French art school that tried to set official standards of taste and excellence in art and architecture
  3. Exposed rods or bars forming a support framework for vaulting
  4. Architect who designed Paris Opera House
  5. Iron that can be worked and welded together to form intricate structures
  6. Stone/marble of different colours often used decoratively
  7. The style some described the Paris Opera House as displaying
  8. Medieval style of architecture referenced in the Sainte Genevieve Library

15 Clues: Architect who designed Paris Opera HouseSupporting structure for a roof, for exampleArchitect who designed Sainte Genevieve LibraryUsually solid wall that has a structural functionStone/marble of different colours often used decorativelyThe style some described the Paris Opera House as displaying...

Questions and answers 2023-12-19

Questions and answers crossword puzzle
  1. How _____ does this shirt cost?
  2. The library is closed ______ it is Christmas day.
  3. ______ is President of the United States?
  4. ______ is the train station?
  5. What _________ do you speak?
  6. _____ is the library closed?
  1. What is your ______ number?
  2. I am 16 _____ old.
  3. ______ many fingers?
  4. Do you _______ Chinese?
  5. The train station is on Main _______.
  6. _______ is your birthday?
  7. I am _______ because it is my birthday today.

13 Clues: I am 16 _____ old.______ many fingers?Do you _______ Chinese?_______ is your birthday?What is your ______ number?______ is the train station?What _________ do you speak?_____ is the library closed?How _____ does this shirt cost?The train station is on Main _______.______ is President of the United States?...

Places in the City 2020-04-19

Places in the City crossword puzzle
  1. Agência bancária
  2. Supermercado
  3. Restaurante
  4. Escola
  5. Aeroporto
  6. Academia
  7. Biblioteca
  8. Lanchonete
  9. Hospital
  1. Padaria
  2. Museu
  3. Fruteira
  4. Hotel
  5. Cinema
  6. Zoológico
  7. igreja
  8. Shopping
  9. Parque(pracinha)

18 Clues: MuseuHotelCinemaEscolaigrejaPadariaFruteiraAcademiaShoppingHospitalZoológicoAeroportoBibliotecaLanchoneteRestauranteSupermercadoAgência bancáriaParque(pracinha)

places 2021-08-19

places crossword puzzle
  1. countryside
  2. pianolessons
  3. temple
  4. athome
  5. café
  6. church
  7. alone
  8. shopping
  9. beach
  1. gym
  2. movietheater
  3. park
  4. home/house
  5. seemovie
  6. stayhome
  7. library
  8. work/job
  9. where?

18 Clues: gymparkcaféalonebeachtempleathomewhere?churchlibraryseemoviestayhomework/jobshoppinghome/housecountrysidepianolessonsmovietheater

School Places and Objects 2022-10-26

School Places and Objects crossword puzzle
  1. quiz
  2. desk
  3. nurse's office
  4. hallway
  5. office
  6. cafeteria
  7. locker
  8. homework
  9. door
  10. bathroom
  1. parking lot
  2. gym
  3. field
  4. library
  5. whiteboard
  6. classroom
  7. school
  8. exam

18 Clues: gymquizdeskexamdoorfieldofficelockerschoollibraryhallwayhomeworkbathroomcafeteriaclassroomwhiteboardparking lotnurse's office

Crucigrama de Sustantivos Nuevos 2024-05-27

Crucigrama de Sustantivos Nuevos crossword puzzle
  1. chair
  2. garden
  3. mirror
  4. suitcase
  5. luck
  6. train
  7. library
  8. corner store
  9. lamp
  1. taxi driver
  2. planet
  3. friendship
  4. door
  5. language
  6. table
  7. window
  8. bag
  9. lesson

18 Clues: bagdoorlucklampchairtabletrainplanetgardenmirrorwindowlessonlibrarylanguagesuitcasefriendshiptaxi drivercorner store

Our town - test 2024-05-22

Our town - test crossword puzzle
  1. kostel
  2. kino
  3. zastávka
  4. metro
  5. restaurace
  6. škola
  7. běhat
  8. loď
  9. park
  10. shop hračkářství
  1. sportovní hala
  2. silnice
  3. chodit
  4. žít
  5. obchod
  6. byt
  7. vidět
  8. knihovna

18 Clues: žítbytloďkinoparkmetroškolavidětběhatkostelchoditobchodsilnicezastávkaknihovnarestauracesportovní halashop hračkářství

Места (Часть 1) 2013-11-24

Места (Часть 1) crossword puzzle
  1. cafeteria
  2. city
  3. region
  4. dining room
  5. theater
  6. laboratory
  7. kitchen
  8. exhibit
  1. museum
  2. stadium
  3. university
  4. America
  5. bar
  6. library
  7. USA
  8. state
  9. club

17 Clues: barUSAcityclubstatemuseumregionstadiumAmericalibrarytheaterkitchenexhibitcafeteriauniversitylaboratorydining room

Lugares en el pueblo 2020-12-02

Lugares en el pueblo crossword puzzle
  1. gas station
  2. hotel
  3. salon
  4. movies
  5. bank
  6. zoo
  7. library
  8. pharmacy
  9. highway
  1. building
  2. bakery
  3. theater
  4. bookstore
  5. vecindario
  6. church
  7. mosque
  8. gym

17 Clues: zoogymbankhotelsalonbakerymovieschurchmosquetheaterlibraryhighwaybuildingpharmacybookstorevecindariogas station

At school 2022-03-28

At school crossword puzzle
  1. laskin
  2. käytävä
  3. kouluterveydenhoitaja
  4. ruokala
  5. viivotin
  6. liikuntasali
  7. läppäri
  8. pyyhekumi
  9. oppilaanohjaaja
  10. reppu
  1. kirjasto
  2. rehtori
  3. koulun piha
  4. luokkalaiset
  5. vihko
  6. vahtimestari
  7. luokanvalvoja
  8. pyyhekumi

18 Clues: vihkoreppulaskinrehtorikäytäväruokalaläppärikirjastoviivotinpyyhekumipyyhekumikoulun pihaluokkalaisetvahtimestariliikuntasaliluokanvalvojaoppilaanohjaajakouluterveydenhoitaja

At school 2022-04-26

At school crossword puzzle
  1. luokkakaverit
  2. luokanvalvoja
  3. koulun piha
  4. liikuntasali
  5. viivotin
  6. vihko
  7. talonmies
  8. koulupuku
  1. luokkahuone
  2. kynä
  3. kirjasto
  4. reppu
  5. laskin
  6. ruokala
  7. pyyhekumi
  8. läppäri
  9. siivooja

17 Clues: kynäreppuvihkolaskinruokalaläppärikirjastosiivoojaviivotinpyyhekumitalonmieskoulupukuluokkahuonekoulun pihaliikuntasaliluokkakaveritluokanvalvoja

Where is the Post Office? 2022-05-30

Where is the Post Office? crossword puzzle
  1. 버스 정류장
  2. 경찰서
  3. 왼쪽
  4. 박물관
  5. 도서관
  6. 앞에
  7. 오른쪽
  8. 뒤에
  9. 옆에
  1. 병원
  2. 모퉁이
  3. 우체국
  4. 연못
  5. 돌다
  6. 곧장
  7. 사이에
  8. 블록

17 Clues: 병원연못돌다왼쪽곧장앞에뒤에블록옆에모퉁이우체국경찰서박물관도서관사이에오른쪽버스 정류장

Spanish 2021-12-21

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. field
  2. togoshopping
  3. mountains
  4. library
  5. swimmingpool
  6. church
  7. gym
  8. work/job
  1. coffee
  2. shoppingmall
  3. mosque
  4. synagogue
  5. temple
  6. home
  7. movietheater
  8. beach
  9. restarant

17 Clues: gymhomefieldbeachcoffeemosquetemplechurchlibrarywork/jobsynagoguemountainsrestarantshoppingmalltogoshoppingmovietheaterswimmingpool

Week 2 Town 2023-08-28

Week 2 Town crossword puzzle
  1. restaurant
  2. city
  3. school
  4. pool
  5. library
  6. hospital
  7. store
  8. post office
  2. town
  5. bank
  6. park
  7. town.square
  8. theater
  9. church

17 Clues: citytownbankpoolparkstoreschoolchurchlibrarytheaterpoint.tohospitaldrug.storerestauranttown.squarepost

david and logans killing crossword 2017-02-15

david and logans killing crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tells you where the books are
  2. it is real
  3. something that is soft and comfy to lay on
  4. books that get held on
  5. an electronic device
  6. something you sit on
  7. something that blows outstrong wind
  8. a book that has pictures in it
  9. you check all the books in the library
  10. it is very bright
  1. books that get held on and spined around
  2. something you read
  3. it is not real
  4. very long books
  5. you bring all the books you want and get them scaned
  6. the main person in the library
  7. you do not make a noise
  8. you print stuff out

18 Clues: it is realit is not realvery long booksit is very brightsomething you readyou print stuff outan electronic devicesomething you sit onbooks that get held onyou do not make a noisetells you where the books arethe main person in the librarya book that has pictures in itsomething that blows outstrong windyou check all the books in the library...

Year 4, Unit 13 2014-02-19

Year 4, Unit 13 crossword puzzle
  1. raamatukogu
  2. eile
  3. treeninglaager
  4. viga
  5. iiveldav
  6. murdvaras
  7. ülemisel korrusel
  8. (kella)tund
  9. kuu
  1. laisk
  2. peegel
  3. eesuks
  4. sahtel
  5. alumisel korrusel
  6. eile õhtul
  7. täna
  8. (ajas) tagasi
  9. naaber
  10. torm

19 Clues: kuueiletänavigatormlaiskpeegeleesukssahtelnaaberiiveldavmurdvaraseile õhtulraamatukogu(kella)tund(ajas) tagasitreeninglaageralumisel korruselülemisel korrusel

Les Endroits 2021-01-19

Les Endroits crossword puzzle
  1. park
  2. movie theatre
  3. church
  4. hospital
  5. lake
  6. mosque
  7. cafe
  8. school
  9. restaurant
  1. supermarket
  2. beach
  3. pool
  4. library
  5. bank
  6. synagogue
  7. airport
  8. station (train)
  9. museum
  10. d'achat shopping mall

19 Clues: parkpoollakebankcafebeachchurchmosquemuseumschoollibraryairporthospitalsynagoguerestaurantsupermarketmovie theatrestation (train)d'achat shopping mall

Unit 5 2018-03-05

Unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. vlevo
  2. vpravo
  3. kostel
  4. kino
  5. sportovní středisko
  6. cestovat
  7. vlak metra
  8. restaurace
  9. nádraží
  10. přejít
  1. hračkářství
  2. knihovna
  3. hasičský vůz
  4. supermarket
  5. přímo přes
  6. dodávka
  7. trajekt
  8. jízdenka
  9. zahni

19 Clues: kinovlevozahnivpravokostelpřejítdodávkatrajektnádražíknihovnacestovatjízdenkapřímo přesvlak metrarestauracehračkářstvísupermarkethasičský vůzsportovní středisko

Places 2023-03-17

Places crossword puzzle
  1. музей
  2. зоопарк
  3. парк
  4. бассейн
  5. супермаркет
  6. кафе
  7. больница
  8. пиццерия
  9. школа
  10. ярмарка
  1. торговый центр
  2. театр
  3. магазин игрушек
  4. библиотека
  5. автовокзал
  6. остановка автобуса
  7. кинотеатр
  8. игровая площадка
  9. зоомагазин

19 Clues: парккафемузейтеатршколазоопаркбассейнярмаркабольницапиццериякинотеатрбиблиотекаавтовокзалзоомагазинсупермаркетторговый центрмагазин игрушекигровая площадкаостановка автобуса

Vocabulary Julia 2024-01-14

Vocabulary Julia crossword puzzle
  1. z
  2. meble
  3. dołączyć
  4. wywiad
  5. przeprowadzić się
  6. pamiętać
  7. przyszłość
  8. rada, porada
  9. bezpieczeństwo
  1. organizacja dobroczynna, organizacja charytatywna
  2. pożyczyć
  3. odwiedzić
  4. nieść
  5. polecać
  6. spędzić
  7. koszmar
  8. powtórzyć
  9. nastolatkowie
  10. biblioteka

19 Clues: znieśćmeblewywiadpolecaćspędzićkoszmarpożyczyćdołączyćpamiętaćodwiedzićpowtórzyćbibliotekaprzyszłośćrada, poradanastolatkowiebezpieczeństwoprzeprowadzić sięorganizacja dobroczynna, organizacja charytatywna

La ville 2 2024-01-31

La ville 2 crossword puzzle
  1. park
  2. garden
  3. bench
  4. muzeum
  5. library
  6. art gallery
  7. lawn
  8. brewery/café-restaurant
  9. kino
  10. tree
  11. lake
  1. tennis court
  2. gym
  3. teatr
  4. beach
  5. bar
  6. river
  7. opera
  8. kawiarnia

19 Clues: gymbarparklawnkinotreelakebenchteatrbeachriveroperagardenmuzeumlibrarykawiarniaart gallerytennis courtbrewery/café-restaurant