math Crossword Puzzles

math 2014-01-14

math crossword puzzle
  1. the x-intercepts of a quadratic relation
  2. the time it takes for a quantity to decay or be reduced to half its initial amout
  3. the relationship between the lengths of three sides of a triangle
  4. average
  5. one round of a probability experiment
  6. the side in a right-angled triangle that is opposite the right angle
  7. the difference between the greatest and least values in a set data
  8. the relationship between the length of the sides and their opposite angles in any triangle
  1. most frequent number
  2. a set of outcomes with same result
  3. right beside
  4. side angle math formula
  5. middle value
  6. a possible result of an experiment
  7. one sided answer

15 Clues: averageright besidemiddle valueone sided answermost frequent numberside angle math formulaa set of outcomes with same resulta possible result of an experimentone round of a probability experimentthe x-intercepts of a quadratic relationthe relationship between the lengths of three sides of a triangle...

Math 2014-02-04

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Angle Angle dont ma mesure est inférieure à 90°
  2. Point d'intersection des hauteurs
  3. Angle dont ma mesure est supérieure à 90°
  4. Triangle dont les 3 cotés ont même mesure
  5. Paire d'angles ayant sommet et un coté commun et situés de part et d'autre
  6. Paire d'angles dont la somme des mesures vaut 90°
  7. Nombre au dessus du trait de fraction
  8. Triangle ayant un angle droit
  9. Demi droite coupant un angle en 2 angles de même mesure
  1. Droite qui passe perpendiculairement par le milieu d'un segment.
  2. Fraction que l'on ne peut simplifier
  3. Nombre sous le trait de fraction
  4. Paire d'angles
  5. Paire d'angles dont la somme des mesures vaut 180°
  6. Angle de 180°

15 Clues: Angle de 180°Paire d'anglesTriangle ayant un angle droitNombre sous le trait de fractionPoint d'intersection des hauteursFraction que l'on ne peut simplifierNombre au dessus du trait de fractionAngle dont ma mesure est supérieure à 90°Triangle dont les 3 cotés ont même mesureAngle Angle dont ma mesure est inférieure à 90°...

MAth 2012-06-17

MAth crossword puzzle
  1. the graph of a quadratic relation.
  2. the horizontal number line on a coordinate grid
  3. the middle value
  4. a non-symmetrical distribution of data
  5. Trigonnometry saying
  6. A relation between two variables that appears as a straight line when graphed
  7. the horizontal distance between two points on a line
  8. the vertical distance between two points on a line
  9. the vertical number line on a coordinate grid
  10. the sum of values
  1. A relation between two variables that appear as a parabola when graphed.
  2. the values that occurs most often
  3. a table used to record the coordinates of points in a relation
  4. A relation that can be represented by the form y=ax, where a is a positive constant and a=1.
  5. a 90 degree angle

15 Clues: the middle valuea 90 degree anglethe sum of valuesTrigonnometry sayingthe values that occurs most oftenthe graph of a quadratic relation.a non-symmetrical distribution of datathe vertical number line on a coordinate gridthe horizontal number line on a coordinate gridthe vertical distance between two points on a line...

Math 2013-02-13

Math crossword puzzle
  1. variation a direct variation is the constant (unchanged) ratio of two variable quantities
  2. expression It is just like a fraction, but with polynomials.
  3. fraction A complex fraction is a fraction where the numerator, denominator, or both contain a fraction.
  4. asymptote When a Linear Asymptote is not parallel to either x-axis or y-axis
  5. A plane curve having two separate parts or branches, formed when two cones that point toward one another are intersected by a plane that is parallel to the axes of the cones
  6. a relation that holds between two values when they are different
  1. a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output.
  2. an expression or a proposition, often algebraic, asserting the equality of two quantities.
  3. Variation direct variation with two or more quantities.
  4. average An average in which each quantity to be averaged is assigned a weight.
  5. of or relating to a number or quantity divided into one
  6. variation A relationship between two variables in which one is a constant multiple of the other.
  7. asymptote a y-value which a function approaches but does not actually reach.
  8. asymptote vertical lines which correspond to the zeroes of the denominator of a rational function.
  9. variation the values of the two variables change in an opposite manner

15 Clues: Variation direct variation with two or more quantities.of or relating to a number or quantity divided into oneexpression It is just like a fraction, but with polynomials.a relation that holds between two values when they are differentvariation the values of the two variables change in an opposite manner...

math 2015-01-19

math crossword puzzle
  1. personal opinions to influence your judgement
  2. a selection taken from a larger group
  3. value the value in the present of a sum of money
  4. interest where interest is calculated on the amount borrowed and previous interest
  5. sides and angles of a triangle
  6. the middle number in a sorted list of numbers
  1. interest calculating the interest charge on a loan
  2. Where a function equals the value zero
  3. The difference between the lowest and highest values
  4. having a common vertex and a common side
  5. the whole group from which a sample is taken
  6. a possible result
  7. of symmetry A line through a shape so that each side is a mirror image
  8. the average of numbers
  9. number which appears most

15 Clues: a possible resultthe average of numbersnumber which appears mostsides and angles of a trianglea selection taken from a larger groupWhere a function equals the value zerohaving a common vertex and a common sidethe whole group from which a sample is takenpersonal opinions to influence your judgementthe middle number in a sorted list of numbers...

Math 2015-01-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. what number happens the most often?
  2. something that you try.
  3. marks that you get on incomplete projects.
  4. how many numbers are in-between the lowest number and the highest number?
  5. how many people live in Canada?
  6. what unit has side a, side b, and side c in a right angle triangle?
  7. what is the higher/lowest number in a graph?
  8. something small that is given to you to try.
  1. in a right angle triangle what is beside the unknown angle?
  2. what do you have to add all together then divide by the number of numbers in the equation?
  3. what is the middle number?
  4. what is across a right angle triangle from the 90 degrease angle?
  5. an opinion that comes from one person's opinion.
  6. what is an other word for answer?
  7. something that has happened.

15 Clues: something that you try.what is the middle number?something that has many people live in Canada?what is an other word for answer?what number happens the most often?marks that you get on incomplete projects.what is the higher/lowest number in a graph?something small that is given to you to try....

Math 2015-06-15

Math crossword puzzle
  1. difference between the highest and lowest value
  2. study of lengths and angles of triangles
  3. the middle coordinate
  4. the curve of a graph
  5. beside the angle
  6. where the line meets at the x line
  1. the amount of people
  2. the middle number
  3. the amount of money borrowed
  4. longest side of right angled triangle
  5. the number that shows up the most
  6. the result
  7. add all numbers divided by the number of numbers
  8. The number that is way off in a group of numbers
  9. data collected

15 Clues: the resultdata collectedbeside the anglethe middle numberthe amount of peoplethe curve of a graphthe middle coordinatethe amount of money borrowedthe number that shows up the mostwhere the line meets at the x linelongest side of right angled trianglestudy of lengths and angles of trianglesdifference between the highest and lowest value...

Math 2015-06-15

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the amount of money borrowed
  2. longest side of right angled triangle
  3. data collected
  4. beside the angle
  5. the result
  6. the middle number
  7. where the line meets at the x line
  1. study of lengths and angles of triangles
  2. the curve of a graph
  3. The number that is way off in a group of numbers
  4. the amount of people
  5. add all numbers divided by the number of numbers
  6. difference between the highest and lowest value
  7. the middle coordinate
  8. the number that shows up the most

15 Clues: the resultdata collectedbeside the anglethe middle numberthe curve of a graphthe amount of peoplethe middle coordinatethe amount of money borrowedthe number that shows up the mostwhere the line meets at the x linelongest side of right angled trianglestudy of lengths and angles of trianglesdifference between the highest and lowest value...

Math 2023-01-24

Math crossword puzzle
  1. doesnt eat grass
  2. come back
  3. plants are amazing
  4. even bees
  5. samahtha
  6. all set
  7. missed the grab
  8. piece of grass
  9. all are herbavors
  1. drat
  2. zebra elephant
  3. terms that is why you were in a hurry
  4. fast path
  5. elephant foot
  6. plant eaters

15 Clues: dratall setsamahthacome backfast patheven beesplant eaterselephant footzebra elephantpiece of grassmissed the grabdoesnt eat grassall are herbavorsplants are amazingterms that is why you were in a hurry

Math 2020-03-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a statement that the values of two mathematical
  2. contain the same variables raised to the same power
  3. Answer
  4. Up and too the right
  5. a relationship or expression involving one or more variables
  6. goes down and to the left
  7. 0.333333
  1. a person or thing acting or serving in place of another
  2. 0.498
  3. Form in the beginning
  4. Line touches it here
  5. Number
  6. between sets of values
  7. a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than
  8. pair a group of elements

15 Clues: 0.498AnswerNumber0.333333Up and too the rightLine touches it hereForm in the beginningbetween sets of valuespair a group of elementsgoes down and to the lefta statement that the values of two mathematicalcontain the same variables raised to the same powera person or thing acting or serving in place of another...

Math 2021-05-28

Math crossword puzzle
  1. lines that never touch each other
  2. how many cups in one gallon
  3. when cut a figure they have the same size
  4. less than 90 degrees
  5. equation for the perimeter
  6. how many pints in one gallon
  7. something that repeats and repeats
  8. how many quarts in one gallon
  9. make life easier
  10. 360 degrees
  11. 5x6=R
  1. a figure with four lines
  2. 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80
  3. straight edge
  4. measure degrees of an angle

15 Clues: 5x6=R360 degreesstraight edgemake life easierless than 90 degreesa figure with four linesequation for the perimeterhow many cups in one gallonmeasure degrees of an anglehow many pints in one gallonhow many quarts in one gallonlines that never touch each othersomething that repeats and repeats8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80...

Math 2021-06-05

Math crossword puzzle
  1. finding the area of the region
  2. Which is the rightful one?
  3. finding the area under a curve.
  4. given point is the straight line
  5. function being integrated
  6. finding antiderivatives
  1. defined as the root
  2. Integrating the height
  3. Derived from the laws for exponents
  4. longest side of a right-angled triangle
  5. kind of approximation of an integral
  6. compute the derivative
  7. the decadic logarithm
  8. the limit and summation
  9. The process of finding integrals

15 Clues: defined as the rootthe decadic logarithmIntegrating the heightcompute the derivativethe limit and summationfinding antiderivativesfunction being integratedWhich is the rightful one?finding the area of the regionfinding the area under a curve.given point is the straight lineThe process of finding integralsDerived from the laws for exponents...

Math 2022-10-18

Math crossword puzzle
  1. difference between the highest and lowest numbers
  2. numbers you get when multiplying certain #'s
  3. Result from adding numbers
  4. how many parts make up the whole
  5. the distance between two numbers(subtraction)
  6. data point that does not fit with the data
  7. a shape that has 4 sides
  1. place holder/symbol for a mathematical object
  2. how many parts are in the whole
  3. describes both the direction and steepness of a line
  4. number that occurs most often
  5. number that divides a number, no remainder
  6. the inverse of a number, fraction is flipped
  7. result obtained by dividing one number by another
  8. a straight line

15 Clues: a straight linea shape that has 4 sidesResult from adding numbersnumber that occurs most oftenhow many parts are in the wholehow many parts make up the wholenumber that divides a number, no remainderdata point that does not fit with the datanumbers you get when multiplying certain #'sthe inverse of a number, fraction is flipped...

Math 2018-02-09

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The length from the center of the circle to the edge of a circle.
  2. line A line segment that goes left and right
  3. The sum of all the side lengths outside of a shape.
  4. The_____of 60 divided by 4 is 15
  5. The smallest denominator possible for two or more denominators.
  6. To arrange into types.
  7. To find out exactly by making calculation or by collecting information.
  1. For 10*3=30, 10 is the_____
  2. A fraction with the smallest possible numbers for both its numerator and denominator
  3. For 10*3=30, 3 is the_____
  4. When two lines or line segments intersect and form right angles they are called ____________ lines.
  5. The length from one end of the circle through the center to the other end.
  6. The longest side length of a right triangle.
  7. To make certain that something is correct or true.
  8. A simple, rough drawing.

15 Clues: To arrange into types.A simple, rough drawing.For 10*3=30, 3 is the_____For 10*3=30, 10 is the_____The_____of 60 divided by 4 is 15The longest side length of a right triangle.line A line segment that goes left and rightTo make certain that something is correct or true.The sum of all the side lengths outside of a shape....

Math 2024-01-05

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of central tendency often used for a skewed distribution.
  2. To find the mean, we must add up __________ values in a data set.
  3. TENDENCY In statistics, the mean is a commonly used measure of __________.
  4. mean is also known as the __________ value.
  5. The mean is the __________ value when data is ordered.
  6. The mean can be calculated for both __________ and qualitative data.
  7. The mean is sensitive to __________ values in a data set
  8. To find the mean, add up all the values and divide by the __________.
  9. If the data set has an odd number of values, the median is the __________ value when the data is ordered
  1. DEVIATION A measure of the variability of values around the mean.
  2. The mean is a type of __________ tendency.
  3. The mean is equal to the sum of all values divided by the __________ of values.
  4. The sum of all values in a data set divided by the number of values.
  5. The numerical average of a set of values.
  6. term for the mean.
  7. A measure of central tendency that represents the most frequently occurring value.
  8. The mean is influenced by __________ values.
  9. TENDENCY The mean is a type of __________.

18 Clues: term for the mean.The numerical average of a set of values.The mean is a type of __________ tendency.TENDENCY The mean is a type of __________.mean is also known as the __________ value.The mean is influenced by __________ values.The mean is the __________ value when data is ordered.The mean is sensitive to __________ values in a data set...

Math 2023-10-04

Math crossword puzzle
  1. .
  2. repeated plus
  3. Is hard to write
  4. x
  5. is all but none
  6. plus
  7. is easy to learn
  1. below 0
  2. power
  3. e=mc2
  4. opposite of below 0
  5. minus
  6. 30_6=5
  7. 3.1…
  8. 3/4

15 Clues: .x3/43.1…pluspowere=mc2minus30_6=5below 0repeated plusis all but noneIs hard to writeis easy to learnopposite of below 0

Math 2023-12-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A shape formed by three or more line segment, called sides.
  2. A polygon that has all of its sides equal and all of its angles equal.
  3. A three-dimensional shape with a top and bottom (base) that are congruent polygons and lateral faces that are parrallelograms
  4. The measure of the amount of surface enclosed by the boundary of a figure
  5. The measure of the distance around a figure.
  6. the area required to cover a 3d shape
  7. An Angle that measures 90 degrees
  8. A triangle with no sides equal
  1. An ordered pair of numbers used to locate a point on a coordinate grid
  2. A corner of a polygon
  3. The amount of space occupied by or the capacity of a 3d shape
  4. Lines that meet at right angles
  5. A three dimensional shape with one polygonal base and lateral sides that are triangles that meet at a vertex opposite the base
  6. Triangle A triangle with two sides the same length
  7. A two-dimensional pattern that can be folded into a three dimensional figure

15 Clues: A corner of a polygonA triangle with no sides equalLines that meet at right anglesAn Angle that measures 90 degreesthe area required to cover a 3d shapeThe measure of the distance around a figure.Triangle A triangle with two sides the same lengthA shape formed by three or more line segment, called sides....

MATH 2023-09-09

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. GAMMA
  2. DELTA
  3. LOTA
  4. NU
  5. ETA
  6. KAPPA
  7. PHI
  1. TAU
  3. OMEGA
  4. BETA
  5. THETA
  7. ALPHA


Math 2024-05-09

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The sum of the areas of the faces, or surfaces, of a 3-dimensional figure
  2. A matching side of 2 or more ploygons
  3. The amount of money charged for borrowing or using money
  4. A transformation in which a figure is turned around a point
  5. The number of cubic units needed to fill a given space
  6. In a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs
  1. A measurement of steepness of a line on a graph; rise over run
  2. Having the same size and shape ;=
  3. A transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure
  4. The distance around a ploygon
  5. A slide of a figure along a straight line
  6. A triangle containing a right angle
  7. Shows the relationship between equations that are not equivalent
  8. A input-output relationship with 1 input per output
  9. A graph with points plotted to show a possible relationship between 2 sets of data

15 Clues: The distance around a ploygonHaving the same size and shape ;=A triangle containing a right angleA matching side of 2 or more ploygonsA slide of a figure along a straight lineA transformation that enlarges or reduces a figureA input-output relationship with 1 input per outputThe number of cubic units needed to fill a given space...

math 2024-05-13

math crossword puzzle
  1. the nonnegative root of a number
  2. where the graph of a function lies above the x-axis
  3. an equation that expresses a relationship between certain quantities
  4. where the graph of a function lies below the x-axis
  5. points that are the locations of relatively high or low function values
  6. an equation that includes a quadratic expression
  7. where the graph of a function foes up when viewed from left to right.
  8. a number, a variable, or a product of a number and one or more variables.
  9. an exponent that is a negative number.
  1. a function with an equation of the form y=ax^2+bx+c, where a doesn't equal 0
  2. lowest point on the graph of a function
  3. The √ symbol that is used to denote square root
  4. the numerical factor of a term
  5. tallest point on the graph of a function
  6. one of three equal factors of a number

15 Clues: the numerical factor of a termthe nonnegative root of a numberone of three equal factors of a numberan exponent that is a negative number.lowest point on the graph of a functiontallest point on the graph of a functionThe √ symbol that is used to denote square rootan equation that includes a quadratic expression...

Math 2024-05-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the length between two things
  2. the measurement of a 2D surface or shape
  3. a line enclosing a plane area
  4. the length of a straight line through the center of a circle
  5. the length of the closed curve of a circle
  6. a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel and equal
  7. a polygon with four equal sides and four right angles
  1. a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
  2. a four-sided polygon
  3. a plane curve with every point equidistant from the center
  4. a three-sided polygon
  5. a parallelogram with four equal sides
  6. a parallelogram with four right angles
  7. lines that do not intercept
  8. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle

15 Clues: a four-sided polygona three-sided polygonlines that do not interceptthe length between two thingsa line enclosing a plane areaa parallelogram with four equal sidesa parallelogram with four right anglesthe measurement of a 2D surface or shapethe length of the closed curve of a circlea quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides...

Math 2024-05-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a parallelogram with four equal sides
  2. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle
  3. a four-sided polygon
  4. a line enclosing a plane area
  5. a three-sided polygon
  6. the length of a straight line through the center of a circle
  1. the length of the closed curve of a circle
  2. the measurement of a 2D surface or shape
  3. the length between two things
  4. a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
  5. a plane curve with every point equidistant from the center
  6. a polygon with four equal sides and four right angles
  7. a parallelogram with four right angles
  8. lines that do not intercept
  9. a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel and equal

15 Clues: a four-sided polygona three-sided polygonlines that do not interceptthe length between two thingsa line enclosing a plane areaa parallelogram with four equal sidesa parallelogram with four right anglesthe measurement of a 2D surface or shapethe length of the closed curve of a circlea quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides...

Math 2023-10-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A rigorous and logical demonstration that a statement or theorem is true, typically using axioms and previously proven results as a basis.
  2. The inverse operation of exponentiation; it tells you what exponent is needed to produce a certain number.
  3. A mathematical function in the form of f(x) = a^x, where ‘a’ is a positive constant and ‘x’ is a variable.
  4. A statement in mathematics that has been proven to be true using a mathematical proof.
  5. An equation that contains exponential expressions, such as “a^x = b,” where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are constants.
  6. The set of all possible input values for a mathematical function.
  7. The set of all possible output values for a mathematical function.
  8. The logarithm with base ‘e,’ denoted as “ln,” often used in mathematical and scientific contexts.
  9. The logarithm with base 10, often denoted as “log” without a base, frequently used in various calculations.
  1. A statement or claim in mathematics that may or may not be true, often used as a starting point for mathematical reasoning.
  2. An exponential function in which the base is greater than 1, leading to exponential growth as ‘x’ increases.
  3. An equation that contains logarithmic expressions, such as “log_a(b) = x,” where ‘a’ is the base, ‘b’ is the argument, and ‘x’ is the solution.
  4. An exponential function in which the base is between 0 and 1, resulting in exponential decay as ‘x’ increases.
  5. The number that represents the power to which a base is raised in an exponentiation, as in “a^x,” where ‘x’ is the exponent.
  6. The number raised to a certain power in an exponentiation, as in “a^x,” where ‘a’ is the base.

15 Clues: The set of all possible input values for a mathematical function.The set of all possible output values for a mathematical function.A statement in mathematics that has been proven to be true using a mathematical proof.The number raised to a certain power in an exponentiation, as in “a^x,” where ‘a’ is the base....

Math 2023-10-17

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Two angles that are exterior to the parallel lines and on the same side of the transversal line.
  2. a three sided shape
  3. when the measurement of two angles adds up to 180 degrees
  4. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  5. the action of measuring something
  6. where an end of two lines meet at a common point
  7. the relation between two expressions that are not equal
  1. Two angles that are on the interior of the transversal lines and one is on the other side of the other.
  2. two angles that are on the same side of the transversal and between the two lines.
  3. the exact same in form.
  4. a vertical plane, perpendicular to the vehicle longitudinal centreline.
  5. the angles which are formed in matching corners or corresponding corners
  6. Two angles that are on the exterior of the transversal line and one is on the other side of the other.
  7. a four sided shape
  8. two angles that add up to 90 degrees

15 Clues: a four sided shapea three sided shapethe exact same in form.the action of measuring somethingtwo angles that add up to 90 degreeswhere an end of two lines meet at a common pointthe relation between two expressions that are not equalwhen the measurement of two angles adds up to 180 degrees...

Math 2024-05-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a mathematical statement that equates two polynomial expressions
  2. have the same index and the same radicand
  3. a function whose rule is a polynomial
  4. a number or expression inside a radical symbol
  5. if a polynomial function is symmetric about the y-axis
  6. in the form of a fraction and has one or more fractions in the numerator and/or the denominator
  7. any function defined by a rational expression
  8. it makes the value of a denominator in the original equation to 0
  1. a method used to divide a polynomial by a linear expression in the form x-a
  2. a function of the form f(x)
  3. describes what happens to the function values as approaches positive and negative infinity
  4. if a polynomial function is symmetric about the origin
  5. an expression that can be expressed the ratio of two integers
  6. an equation that contains a rational expression
  7. a line that a graph approaches

15 Clues: a function of the form f(x)a line that a graph approachesa function whose rule is a polynomialhave the same index and the same radicandany function defined by a rational expressiona number or expression inside a radical symbolan equation that contains a rational expressionif a polynomial function is symmetric about the origin...

Math 2024-05-05

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The horizontal axis on a coordinate plane
  2. A figure resulting from a transformation
  3. A set of closely group data
  4. A point at the end of a line segment or ray
  5. A rectangle with four congruent sides
  6. A half of a sphere
  7. The graph of a quadratic function
  8. A seven-sided polygon
  1. The vertical axis on a coordinate plane
  2. To divide into two congruent parts
  3. An unbroken part of a circle
  4. The largest common factor of two or more given numbers
  5. A six-sided polygon
  6. A flat surface of a polyhedron
  7. A polygon with ten sides

15 Clues: A half of a sphereA six-sided polygonA seven-sided polygonA polygon with ten sidesA set of closely group dataAn unbroken part of a circleA flat surface of a polyhedronThe graph of a quadratic functionTo divide into two congruent partsA rectangle with four congruent sidesThe vertical axis on a coordinate planeA figure resulting from a transformation...

Math 2024-05-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. is a set of data that is made up of 2 paired variables
  2. is a relationship between two quantities
  3. is y-coordinate of a point where the graph intersects that y-axis
  4. Individual in a matrix
  5. assigns exactly one output to each input
  6. the ratio of the change
  7. having the same value
  8. consists of the set of rational numbers
  1. is a relationship that can be written as y=kx
  2. is a ratio of the amount of change in the output
  3. is a rate in which that second quantity
  4. is any number that can be written as a ratio
  5. is an equation whose solutions are ordered
  6. is a lane that intersects two line in the same place at two
  7. are numbers that are not rational

15 Clues: having the same valueIndividual in a matrixthe ratio of the changeare numbers that are not rationalis a rate in which that second quantityconsists of the set of rational numbersis a relationship between two quantitiesassigns exactly one output to each inputis an equation whose solutions are orderedis any number that can be written as a ratio...

Math 2024-05-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The number of square units needed to cover a given surface
  2. A five sided polygon
  3. A figure resulting from a transformation
  4. Half of a sphere
  5. A rule showing relationships among quantities
  6. A number in the form of a/b where b≠0
  7. A transformation that enlarges reduces a figure
  1. A square of a whole number
  2. A polygon with ten sides
  3. A part of the population
  4. A six sided polygon
  5. A function whose graph is not a straight line
  6. a flat surface of a polyhedron
  7. A three dimensional figure with one vertex and one circular base
  8. An unbroken part of a circle

15 Clues: Half of a sphereA six sided polygonA five sided polygonA polygon with ten sidesA part of the populationA square of a whole numberAn unbroken part of a circlea flat surface of a polyhedronA number in the form of a/b where b≠0A figure resulting from a transformationA function whose graph is not a straight line...

Math 2013-02-26

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Times aka *
  2. the ____ blank of a number is when you add numbers
  3. / symbol
  4. Minus
  5. (6+2)+7=6+(2+7)
  6. 5 is a ____ of 10
  7. 9*0
  8. %symbol
  9. 9*1
  1. 9+2=2+9
  2. -9 is a _________ number
  3. 3*(6+4)=(3*6)+(3*4)
  4. + add
  5. what you in right now
  6. a _____ is when you multiply numbers

15 Clues: 9*09*1+ addMinus9+2=2+9%symbol/ symbolTimes aka *(6+2)+7=6+(2+7)5 is a ____ of 103*(6+4)=(3*6)+(3*4)what you in right now-9 is a _________ numbera _____ is when you multiply numbersthe ____ blank of a number is when you add numbers

Math 2014-02-04

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Fraction que l'on ne peut simplifier
  2. Paire d'angles dont la somme des mesures vaut 90°
  3. Demi droite coupant un angle en 2 angles de même mesure
  4. Nombre au dessus du trait de fraction
  5. Nombre sous le trait de fraction
  6. Paire d'angles ayant sommet et un coté commun et situés de part et d'autre
  1. Paire d'angles dont la somme des mesures vaut 180°
  2. Paire d'angles
  3. Point d'intersection des hauteurs
  4. Angle de 180°
  5. Angle Angle dont ma mesure est inférieure à 90°
  6. Angle dont ma mesure est supérieure à 90°
  7. Triangle dont les 3 cotés ont même mesure
  8. Droite qui passe perpendiculairement par le milieu d'un segment.
  9. Triangle ayant un angle droit

15 Clues: Angle de 180°Paire d'anglesTriangle ayant un angle droitNombre sous le trait de fractionPoint d'intersection des hauteursFraction que l'on ne peut simplifierNombre au dessus du trait de fractionAngle dont ma mesure est supérieure à 90°Triangle dont les 3 cotés ont même mesureAngle Angle dont ma mesure est inférieure à 90°...

math 2014-01-14

math crossword puzzle
  1. the x-intercepts of a quadratic relation
  2. the time it takes for a quantity to decay or be reduced to half its initial amout
  3. a set of outcomes with same result
  4. side angle math formula
  5. the difference between the greatest and least values in a set data
  6. one sided answer
  7. most frequent number
  1. one round of a probability experiment
  2. middle value
  3. right beside
  4. the side in a right-angled triangle that is opposite the right angle
  5. the relationship between the length of the sides and their opposite angles in any triangle
  6. the relationship between the lengths of three sides of a triangle
  7. a possible result of an experiment
  8. average

15 Clues: averagemiddle valueright besideone sided answermost frequent numberside angle math formulaa set of outcomes with same resulta possible result of an experimentone round of a probability experimentthe x-intercepts of a quadratic relationthe relationship between the lengths of three sides of a triangle...

math 2014-11-03

math crossword puzzle
  1. of symmetry a lie that divides the parabola into two parts so that one part is the reflection of the other part
  2. steepness of a line
  3. a polynomial with three terms
  4. an abreviated process that can be performed in dividing a polynomial in x by a divisor of the form x-c, where c is a nonzero rational number
  5. a mathematical expression which may form a seperable part of an equation, a series or another expression
  6. highest exponent of a variable
  1. Nonreal number that is denoted by i
  2. polynomial with one term
  3. graph of linear function that has the equation y=mx+b
  4. lowest or highest point of a parabola
  5. a linear function f(x) is the real number a such that f(a)=0
  6. polynomial with two terms
  7. Function in the form f(x)=mx+b
  8. any term that doesn't have variable
  9. a form of the quadratic function with the equation f(x)=ax(squared)+bx+c

15 Clues: steepness of a linepolynomial with one termpolynomial with two termsa polynomial with three termsFunction in the form f(x)=mx+bhighest exponent of a variableNonreal number that is denoted by iany term that doesn't have variablelowest or highest point of a parabolagraph of linear function that has the equation y=mx+b...

math 2015-01-22

math crossword puzzle
  1. The middle number when in order
  2. The number of time per year an investment is compounded
  3. The x-intercepts
  4. In between the smallest number and the biggest number
  5. The highest or lowest point
  6. The average of the data
  7. The amount of time needed to cut a number in half
  1. Measurements of triangles
  2. Longest side of a right angle triangle
  3. The value of an amount of money plus any interest earned
  4. Data with no decimals
  5. Data with decimals
  6. The amount of time needed for a number to double
  7. Most common number in data set
  8. A one sided answer

15 Clues: The x-interceptsData with decimalsA one sided answerData with no decimalsThe average of the dataMeasurements of trianglesThe highest or lowest pointMost common number in data setThe middle number when in orderLongest side of a right angle triangleThe amount of time needed for a number to doubleThe amount of time needed to cut a number in half...

math 2015-01-20

math crossword puzzle
  1. a parabola split in half
  2. the principal that has to be invested today in order to have an amout in the future
  3. the length of time interest is calculated before its accumulated
  4. the greatest number subtract the smallest number
  5. the middle number in a set of data aranged in least ti greatest
  6. the most popular number out of a set of data
  7. x-intercepts on a parabola
  1. the time it takes for a quantity to decay
  2. all the data added up and divided by the amount of numbers
  3. interest that is calulated only on the original principal
  4. max/min of a parabola
  5. the value of the initial investment or loan
  6. interest calculated at regular compounding periods
  7. multiplied by the growth factor
  8. multiplied by the decay factor

15 Clues: max/min of a parabolaa parabola split in halfx-intercepts on a parabolamultiplied by the decay factormultiplied by the growth factorthe time it takes for a quantity to decaythe value of the initial investment or loanthe most popular number out of a set of datathe greatest number subtract the smallest number...

Math 2018-11-07

Math crossword puzzle
  1. an angle greater than 90 degrees
  2. the amount of space inside a solid
  3. lines that never intersect
  4. the number being used as a factor
  5. an 8 sided polygon
  6. an angle that equals 90 degrees
  7. top part of a fraction
  8. has one endpoint and goes indefinitely in one direction
  9. a triangle with 2 congruent sides
  1. a number with an exponent of 2
  2. a triangle with no congruent sides
  3. used to measure angles
  4. the bottom part to a fraction
  5. order of operations
  6. a number with an exponent of 3

15 Clues: an 8 sided polygonorder of operationsused to measure anglestop part of a fractionlines that never intersectthe bottom part to a fractiona number with an exponent of 2a number with an exponent of 3an angle that equals 90 degreesan angle greater than 90 degreesthe number being used as a factora triangle with 2 congruent sides...

Math 2018-11-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a number with the exponent of 2
  2. used to measure angles
  3. a number with the exponent of 3
  4. an angle that equals 90 degrees
  5. lines that never intersect
  6. the rate of change
  1. a 7 sided polygon
  2. a triangle with equal sides
  3. the number being used as a factor
  4. order of operations
  5. 3.14
  6. the top part of a fraction
  7. an angle greater than 90 degrees
  8. has one endpoint and goes indefinitely in one direction
  9. a triangle with no congruent sides

15 Clues: 3.14a 7 sided polygonthe rate of changeorder of operationsused to measure anglesthe top part of a fractionlines that never intersecta triangle with equal sidesa number with the exponent of 2a number with the exponent of 3an angle that equals 90 degreesan angle greater than 90 degreesthe number being used as a factor...

Math 2019-02-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
  2. a two-dimensional pattern that you can fold to form a three dimensial figure.
  3. ______ is the number of cubic units needed to fill a solid figure.
  4. a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel.
  5. the surface of a thing, especially one that is presented to the view or has a particular function.
  6. a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides that are equal in length.
  7. a polygon with three sides.
  8. the ____ of a figure is the number of square units the figure encloses.
  1. a parallelogram whose sides are all the same length.
  2. a three-dimensional figure made of flat polygon-shaped surfaces called faces.
  3. a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols.
  4. the outside part or uppermost layer of something.
  5. properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensions.
  6. the repeated factor of a number written in exponential from.
  7. the outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a place or part farthest away from the center of something.

15 Clues: a polygon with three sides.the outside part or uppermost layer of something.a parallelogram whose sides are all the same length.a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols.a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel....

math 2021-02-10

math crossword puzzle
  1. having all sides the same length
  2. weight
  3. an angle between 90° and 180°
  4. a solid which tapers from a circular base to a point
  5. unit of measure of angles or of temperature
  6. an angle whish is bigger than 180°
  7. the flat side of a solid
  1. a quadrilateral with all sides equal
  2. one thousandth of a kilogram
  3. the length of the boundary of a flat shape
  4. 1000 kilograms
  5. the line where two faces of a solid meet
  6. a regular solid with six square faces
  7. angle of less than 90°
  8. the middle number of a set of numbers put in order

15 Clues: weight1000 kilogramsangle of less than 90°the flat side of a solidone thousandth of a kilograman angle between 90° and 180°having all sides the same lengthan angle whish is bigger than 180°a quadrilateral with all sides equala regular solid with six square facesthe line where two faces of a solid meetthe length of the boundary of a flat shape...

math 2021-06-11

math crossword puzzle
  1. 1100-100
  2. split in two
  3. quarters 5/4 + 2/4
  4. 100/5
  5. what is the difference of 100 and 33
  6. 24 has how many factors?
  7. has one right angle
  1. has one angle larger than a right angle
  2. 58-39
  3. has angles all smaller than right angle
  4. one day how many hours do you have
  5. 50 meters in kilometers
  6. 30x3
  7. how many symmetrical lines have a triangle
  8. how many one yard in feet

15 Clues: 30x358-39100/51100-100split in twoquarters 5/4 + 2/4has one right angle50 meters in kilometers24 has how many factors?how many one yard in feetone day how many hours do you havewhat is the difference of 100 and 33has one angle larger than a right anglehas angles all smaller than right anglehow many symmetrical lines have a triangle

Math 2022-01-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. can’t drive without one.
  2. When a car leaves the shop what happens immediately
  3. collision
  4. drivers are ____to pay for damage they cost
  5. covers repairs to vehicle
  6. something to keep you financially protected
  1. fixing the car overtime
  2. twice a year
  3. new cars have more…
  4. if you have full emergency fund in place choose…
  5. what makes the car go
  6. cons of a new car
  7. twice a month
  8. a written guarantee
  9. the true cost of car ownership

15 Clues: collisiontwice a yeartwice a monthcons of a new carnew cars have more…a written guaranteewhat makes the car gofixing the car overtimecan’t drive without one.covers repairs to vehiclethe true cost of car ownershipdrivers are ____to pay for damage they costsomething to keep you financially protectedif you have full emergency fund in place choose…...

Math 2022-01-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. type of budget that requires your budget to use all your income in specific categories
  2. Interest is based on
  3. Average of Values
  4. the budget you spend your money on how you want
  5. Middle term
  6. when does Daily comp occur
  7. Expenses Non essential expenses you don't need
  8. Going over what you should've spent and could afford
  1. spending Expenses that occur at various times during the year.
  2. The account you use for daily spending
  3. difference between highest of the lowest and highest value
  4. Monthly compounding occurs
  5. most frequent value
  6. The account you rarely touch and best fit for your emergency fund, for large purchases
  7. Annual Interest rate occurs

15 Clues: Middle termAverage of Valuesmost frequent valueInterest is based onMonthly compounding occurswhen does Daily comp occurAnnual Interest rate occursThe account you use for daily spendingthe budget you spend your money on how you wantExpenses Non essential expenses you don't needGoing over what you should've spent and could afford...

math 2021-09-10

math crossword puzzle
  1. figure after transformation.
  2. when an pre image reflects over a line or a point.
  3. A transformation that turns a figure around a fixed center.
  4. when a figure rotates to the left.
  5. the point marked (0,0) on a coordinate plane.
  6. a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie.
  7. a point about which a plane figure rotates on.
  1. when a figure rotates to the right.
  2. distance between two corresponding points.
  3. will always be the same.
  4. notation image is named with.
  5. A transformation that flips a figure across a line of reflection.
  6. A transformation that slides a figure.
  7. Image figure before transformation.
  8. operation that moves or changes a figure.

15 Clues: will always be the same.figure after transformation.notation image is named with.when a figure rotates to the left.when a figure rotates to the right.Image figure before transformation.A transformation that slides a figure.operation that moves or changes a figure.distance between two corresponding points....

Math 2023-05-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. position of L in SCHOOL
  2. comes before July
  3. 3x7
  4. between 87 and 89
  5. 67
  6. 85
  7. first month of year
  8. before 49
  1. first day of week
  2. last month of year
  3. total months in a year
  4. third day of week
  5. position of B in TABLE
  6. before 33
  7. 25

15 Clues: 6785253x7before 33before 49first day of weekcomes before Julythird day of weekbetween 87 and 89last month of yearfirst month of yeartotal months in a yearposition of B in TABLEposition of L in SCHOOL

math 2023-05-08

math crossword puzzle
  1. symmetrical open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side. The path of a projectile under the influence of gravity ideally follows a curve of this shape
  2. a number by which another number is to be divided.
  3. the terms that contain the same variable which is raised to the same power.
  4. he logarithm is the inverse function to exponentiation
  5. the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it
  6. between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet
  7. a relationship in which a constant change in the independent variable gives the same proportional change
  1. takes its origin in this correspondence between lines and equations
  2. an expression consisting of indeterminates
  3. is a sequence of numbers such that the difference from any succeeding term to its preceding term
  4. defined as the reciprocal of a given number. It is used to simplify mathematical expressions
  5. distribution with parameters n and p is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes
  6. The Square Root Calculator will find the square root of the number you ente
  7. A=hbb/2
  8. an equality relating one mathematical expression A to another mathematical expression B, such that A and B produce the same

15 Clues: A=hbb/2an expression consisting of indeterminatesa number by which another number is to be divided.he logarithm is the inverse function to exponentiationtakes its origin in this correspondence between lines and equationsthe terms that contain the same variable which is raised to the same power....

math 2022-12-01

math crossword puzzle
  1. The set of values able to be put in a function.
  2. A fixed value.
  3. On a graph, it represents that the function approaches the point but is not defined at that exact point.
  4. Method used to represent continuous sets of real numbers and the numbers that bound them.
  5. When a function has an inverse.
  6. To have a graph that is in a straight line.
  7. A value that is not a real solution to the equation.
  8. A set of points in a plane, where each x-coordinate is matched with a single y-coordinate.
  1. A number in the form of a+bi, when a and b are real numbers.
  2. The number of times a value appears in a given set.
  3. The interest calculated from the principal and the past interest.
  4. A function that can written as a polynomial divided by a polynomial.
  5. The difference between the largest and smallest data points in a set of data.
  6. Things that grow or decay propotional to itself.
  7. Used to give the bounds of the zeros from a polynomial function.

15 Clues: A fixed value.When a function has an inverse.To have a graph that is in a straight line.The set of values able to be put in a function.Things that grow or decay propotional to itself.The number of times a value appears in a given set.A value that is not a real solution to the equation.A number in the form of a+bi, when a and b are real numbers....

math 2022-05-08

math crossword puzzle
  1. If the graph of a polynomial does not interact
  2. Where p/q, q not equal to zero
  3. A line perpendicular to the third side
  4. n-1 is divisible by 8, if n is ______ number
  5. The decimal expansion of rational no. 17/8 is
  6. A polynomial of degree 1
  7. The distance of a point from y-axis
  1. u or v shaped curves on a graph is called as
  2. Number which have 1 and the number itself as
  3. A triangle having two sides equal
  4. The product of two numbers is always_____
  5. A polynomial of degree 2 is called as ______
  6. If HCF of 55m-99, then value of m is
  7. Point oof intersection of x axis and y axis
  8. is 5-3 ration or irrational

15 Clues: A polynomial of degree 1is 5-3 ration or irrationalWhere p/q, q not equal to zeroA triangle having two sides equalThe distance of a point from y-axisIf HCF of 55m-99, then value of m isA line perpendicular to the third sideThe product of two numbers is always_____Point oof intersection of x axis and y axis...

math 2022-05-08

math crossword puzzle
  1. The decimal expansion of rational no. 17/8 is
  2. The distance of a point from y-axis
  3. If the graph of a polynomial does not interact
  4. The product of two numbers is always_____
  5. is 5-3 ration or irrational
  6. A triangle having two sides equal
  7. A polynomial of degree 2 is called as ______
  8. Point oof intersection of x axis and y axis
  9. u or v shaped curves on a graph is called as
  1. A polynomial of degree 1
  2. If HCF of 55m-99, then value of m is
  3. A line perpendicular to the third side
  4. Number which have 1 and the number itself as
  5. n-1 is divisible by 8, if n is ______ number
  6. Where p/q, q not equal to zero

15 Clues: A polynomial of degree 1is 5-3 ration or irrationalWhere p/q, q not equal to zeroA triangle having two sides equalThe distance of a point from y-axisIf HCF of 55m-99, then value of m isA line perpendicular to the third sideThe product of two numbers is always_____Point oof intersection of x axis and y axis...

math 2023-05-23

math crossword puzzle
  1. maxi
  2. coe
  3. paren
  4. parab
  5. ine
  6. cons
  7. coordi
  1. poly
  2. qua
  3. inte
  4. slo
  5. inter
  6. doma
  7. rati
  8. subtrac

15 Clues: quaslocoeinepolymaxiintedomaraticonsinterparenparabcoordisubtrac

math 2023-12-20

math crossword puzzle
  1. the relationship in quantity or degree between two things
  2. move from one place or condition to another
  3. the way things are connected
  4. the distance around the edge of a shape
  5. statement how triangles are similar
  6. highest point
  7. side side side
  1. step-by-step progress
  2. a shape changing size
  3. the space between two intersecting lines
  4. same
  5. longest side of a right triangle
  6. factor the ratio of the original object and a new object
  7. side angle side
  8. angle angle

15 Clues: sameangle anglehighest pointside side sideside angle sidestep-by-step progressa shape changing sizethe way things are connectedlongest side of a right trianglestatement how triangles are similarthe distance around the edge of a shapethe space between two intersecting linesmove from one place or condition to another...

MATH 2024-01-02

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. Is a part of a population determined by sampling procedures.
  2. is a pattern of shapes that fit perfectly together; that is, apattern of shapes that have no overlaps or gaps.
  3. is a set of all input or first values of a function. Input values are generally ‘x’ values of a function.
  4. used by mathematicians to communicate mathematical ideasusing symbols instead of words.
  5. any set of ordered-pair numbers
  6. is a branch of mathematics that deals with the theory and method of collecting, organizing, presenting, analysing, and interpreting data in order to obtain useful and meaningful information.
  7. sometimes thought of as a mathematical “John Doe”
  1. similarities and differences on specific criteria such as shape, color, size, etc.
  2. Refers to the totality of all elements or persons for which one has an interest at a particular time.
  3. is how close a measured value is to the actual (true) value
  4. a curve which starts from a point,moving farther away as it revolves around the point
  5. one shape becomes exactly like another shape when you move it in some way
  6. Is any estimate of statistical attributes taken from a sample.
  7. can be defined as a rule that relates every element in one set, called the domain,to exactly one element in another set, called the range.
  8. is derived from “manthano”

15 Clues: is derived from “manthano”any set of ordered-pair numberssometimes thought of as a mathematical “John Doe”is how close a measured value is to the actual (true) valueIs a part of a population determined by sampling procedures.Is any estimate of statistical attributes taken from a sample....

Math 2024-05-07

Math crossword puzzle
  1. When you put dots on a graph and put a line through it
  2. the variable in an algebraic expression
  3. is made up of right triangles
  4. y-y1=m(x-x1)
  5. a method of subtracting polynomials by converting the signs to the opposite sign
  6. Two or more steps to solve the equation
  7. summing up the like terms of two or more algebraic expressions by retaining their sign to get the result
  8. y=mx+b
  1. Has a positive, negative, or no correlation
  2. an equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1
  3. to find a range, or ranges, of values that an unknown x can take and still satisfy the inequality
  4. a set of one of more equations involving a number of variable
  5. a relation between a set of inputs having one output each
  6. Raised to the power
  7. a relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable that is not predictable from a straight line

15 Clues: y=mx+by-y1=m(x-x1)Raised to the poweris made up of right trianglesthe variable in an algebraic expressionTwo or more steps to solve the equationHas a positive, negative, or no correlationWhen you put dots on a graph and put a line through ita relation between a set of inputs having one output each...

Math 2024-05-07

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A half of a sphere
  2. A seven sided polygon
  3. matching sides of two or more polygons
  4. to divide into two congruent parts
  5. An eight sided polygon
  6. an unbroken part of a circle
  7. A six sided polygon
  1. a graph that uses vertical on horizontal bars to display data
  2. having the same value
  3. a five sided polygon
  4. the distance around a polygon
  5. the description of the relationship between two data sets
  6. a three dimensional figure with on vertex and on circular base
  7. a number that is multiplied by another number to get a product
  8. the distance around a circle

15 Clues: A half of a sphereA six sided polygona five sided polygonhaving the same valueA seven sided polygonAn eight sided polygonthe distance around a circlean unbroken part of a circlethe distance around a polygonto divide into two congruent partsmatching sides of two or more polygonsthe description of the relationship between two data sets...

Math 2024-05-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A matching side of 2 or more polygons
  2. In a right triangle,a2+b2+c2
  3. Number of cubic units needed to fill a given space
  4. A transformation in which a figure is turned around a point
  5. Having the same size and shape
  1. Input-output relationship; 1 input per output
  2. Sum of the areas of faces/surfaces if a 3d figure
  3. A transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure
  4. rise over run
  5. A triangle containing a right angle
  6. A slide of a figure along a straight line
  7. Distance around a polygon
  8. A sentence that shows an unequal relationship
  9. A graph with points plotted to show a relationship between 2 sets of data
  10. Amount of money charged for borrowing or using money

15 Clues: rise over runDistance around a polygonIn a right triangle,a2+b2+c2Having the same size and shapeA triangle containing a right angleA matching side of 2 or more polygonsA slide of a figure along a straight lineInput-output relationship; 1 input per outputA sentence that shows an unequal relationshipSum of the areas of faces/surfaces if a 3d figure...

math 2024-05-03

math crossword puzzle
  1. The bottom number of a fraction that tells how many equal parts are in the whole
  2. The distance around a polygon
  3. A number that can't be expressed as a ratio of two integers or as a repeating or terminating deciaml
  4. An input-output relationship that has exactly one output for each input
  5. The amount of money charged for borrowing or using money
  6. A number made up of a whole number that is not zero and a fraction
  7. A three dimensional figure with one vertex and one circular base
  8. The number that indicates how many times the base is used as a factor
  1. A value that does not change
  2. A mathematical sentence that shows that two expressions are equivalent
  3. The set of numbers and their opposites
  4. One of the numbers of an ordered pair that locate a point on a coordinate plane
  5. The equation that states that two ratios are equivalent
  6. A ratio that compares two quantities measured in different units
  7. The result when one number is divided by another

15 Clues: A value that does not changeThe distance around a polygonThe set of numbers and their oppositesThe result when one number is divided by anotherThe equation that states that two ratios are equivalentThe amount of money charged for borrowing or using moneyA ratio that compares two quantities measured in different units...

math 2024-05-03

math crossword puzzle
  1. the result when one number is divided by another
  2. a line that intersects two or more lines
  3. the graph of a quadratic function
  4. a tool for measuring angles
  5. the description of THE relaTIoNSHip between two data sets.
  6. the number you are dividing by in a division problem
  1. the value substituted into an expression or function
  2. the unit of measure for angles or temperature
  3. the ratio between two sets of measurements
  4. a change in the sive or position of a figure
  5. the amount of money charged for borrowing or using money
  6. the sets of all possible input values of function
  7. a rectangular arrangement of data enclosed in brackets
  8. a value much greater or much less than the others in a data set
  9. a comparison of two quantities by division

15 Clues: a tool for measuring anglesthe graph of a quadratic functiona line that intersects two or more linesthe ratio between two sets of measurementsa comparison of two quantities by divisiona change in the sive or position of a figurethe unit of measure for angles or temperaturethe result when one number is divided by another...

Math 2024-05-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. can be divided by a number without leaving a remainder
  2. the distance around a circle
  3. an angle that measures greater than 0 & less than 90
  4. the sum of a set of data divided by the number of items; mean
  5. a point at the end of a line segment or ray
  6. a number that is multiplied by another number to get product
  7. having the same value
  1. an expression that contains at least one variable
  2. the point about which a figure is rotated
  3. a triangle with all angles measuring less than 90
  4. a flat surface of a polyhedron
  5. the opposite of a number
  6. a graph that uses vertical or horizontal bars to display data
  7. the number of square units needed to cover a space
  8. a transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure

15 Clues: having the same valuethe opposite of a numberthe distance around a circlea flat surface of a polyhedronthe point about which a figure is rotateda point at the end of a line segment or rayan expression that contains at least one variablea triangle with all angles measuring less than 90the number of square units needed to cover a space...

math 2024-05-13

math crossword puzzle
  1. a ______ is an expression that contains a square root expression.
  2. when you graph residuals, the graph should have ________ _______.
  3. the most commonly repeated value.
  4. a change in one variable will automatically affect and change the other variable
  5. the function is ____ odd when it is symmetric about the origin
  6. a way of modeling collected data
  7. the function is _____ when it is symmetric across the y-axis
  8. whenever you create a regression line for a group of data, you are also creating ______.
  9. the ______ value is calculated by plugging into the regression equation
  1. upper quartile- lower quartile.
  2. the average (add all data)
  3. the ______ value is the value that is given in the table
  4. the middle must be in numerical order.
  5. the ______ is calculated by subtracting:observed-predicted.
  6. highest-lowest

15 Clues: highest-lowestthe average (add all data)upper quartile- lower quartile.a way of modeling collected datathe most commonly repeated value.the middle must be in numerical order.the ______ value is the value that is given in the tablethe ______ is calculated by subtracting:observed-predicted.the function is _____ when it is symmetric across the y-axis...

math 2024-05-13

math crossword puzzle
  1. the numerical factor of a term
  2. the set of all the y-values that could possibly result from the evolution of the function
  3. lying on the same line
  4. lying in the same plane
  5. in a power, the number being multiplied by itself
  6. a solid figure with a circular base connected by a curved surface to a single vertex
  7. points that are the locations of relatively high or low function values
  1. a selection of objects in which order is not important
  2. the sum of 2 monomials
  3. one complete pattern of a periodic function
  4. the length of the line segments between 2 points
  5. having the same size and shape
  6. the intersection of 2 noncollinear rays at a common endpoint
  7. an error that results in a misrepresentation of a population
  8. a subset of the sample space

15 Clues: the sum of 2 monomialslying on the same linelying in the same planea subset of the sample spacethe numerical factor of a termhaving the same size and shapeone complete pattern of a periodic functionthe length of the line segments between 2 pointsin a power, the number being multiplied by itselfa selection of objects in which order is not important...

Math 2024-06-13

Math crossword puzzle
  1. - What is 123 x 45?
  2. - What is 345 x 21?
  3. - 4580-3930
  4. = 6219 + 4736
  5. = 8457 + 2365
  6. = 7265 + 3147
  7. - What is 678 x 12?
  8. - How many hours are in a day?
  1. - What is 456 x 78?
  2. - One million
  3. - 1000/4
  4. - How many minutes are in an hour?
  5. - How many months are in a year?
  6. - How many pennies are in a dollar?
  7. - What is 234 x 56?

15 Clues: - 1000/4- 4580-3930- One million= 6219 + 4736= 8457 + 2365= 7265 + 3147- What is 123 x 45?- What is 456 x 78?- What is 345 x 21?- What is 234 x 56?- What is 678 x 12?- How many hours are in a day?- How many months are in a year?- How many minutes are in an hour?- How many pennies are in a dollar?

Math 2024-05-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A line segment where the two points are on the circumference of a circle
  2. Often represented as X or Y
  3. A number next to a variable
  4. A line segment that goes from the center of the circle to the circumference
  5. A number multiplied by itself
  6. A grid used to lot points
  7. The amount of space a 2-d object takes up
  1. Where the graph crosses the X-Axis
  2. Occurs when the denominator equals 0
  3. A straight line passing side to side through the center of a figure
  4. Where the graph crosses the Y-Axis
  5. A number or expression inside a radical symbol
  6. Rise/Run
  7. Moving a vertex across a coordinate plane
  8. The highest or lowest point on a graph

15 Clues: Rise/RunA grid used to lot pointsOften represented as X or YA number next to a variableA number multiplied by itselfWhere the graph crosses the X-AxisWhere the graph crosses the Y-AxisOccurs when the denominator equals 0The highest or lowest point on a graphMoving a vertex across a coordinate planeThe amount of space a 2-d object takes up...

Math 2024-05-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel and equal
  2. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle
  3. a four-sided polygon
  4. a line enclosing a plane area
  5. a plane curve with every point equidistant from the center
  6. the length of a straight line through the center of a circle
  7. the length between two things
  1. a three-sided polygon
  2. lines that do not intercept
  3. a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
  4. a polygon with four equal sides and four right angles
  5. the measurement of a 2D surface or shape
  6. the length of the closed curve of a circle
  7. a parallelogram with four right angles
  8. a parallelogram with four equal sides

15 Clues: a four-sided polygona three-sided polygonlines that do not intercepta line enclosing a plane areathe length between two thingsa parallelogram with four equal sidesa parallelogram with four right anglesthe measurement of a 2D surface or shapethe length of the closed curve of a circlea quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides...

Think Tac Toe Crossword by Alex Schumacher 2013-05-19

Think Tac Toe Crossword by Alex Schumacher crossword puzzle
  1. Math term meaning to repeat addition
  2. A comparison using like or as
  3. It is made up of 8 planets
  4. Math term meaning splitting into equal groups
  5. A comparison not using like or as
  6. This subject has shapes in it
  1. Make these with pop bottles
  2. Giving an animal or object human feeling
  3. A fantasy story
  4. An exaggeration
  5. Made up of 50 states
  6. A subject that is taught by Mrs. Weinrich

12 Clues: A fantasy storyAn exaggerationMade up of 50 statesIt is made up of 8 planetsMake these with pop bottlesA comparison using like or asThis subject has shapes in itA comparison not using like or asMath term meaning to repeat additionGiving an animal or object human feelingA subject that is taught by Mrs. Weinrich...

Welcome to Jr. High! 2023-08-21

Welcome to Jr. High! crossword puzzle
  1. My science teacher's last name
  2. One of my ELA teacher's last name
  3. no food or _________
  4. Mrs. Wacker is the ___________ coach
  5. students should enter and exit the classroom _________
  6. ___________ pencils are preferred. No pens on homework.
  7. please keep your supplies ___________. It will make your life easier.
  8. You will need to bring your ________ everyday. It should be done to the best of your abilities!
  9. Mrs. Wacker did _________ in college. She has two collegiate records!
  1. loose leaf paper should be used to do __________ on
  2. You may have a ________ bottle in my class. It must contain _________.
  3. Mrs. Wacker's son's name
  4. one of my ELA teacher's last name
  5. As you enter the room, the first thing you should check is the _____________ board.
  7. the classroom rules are be respectful, be prepared, and be __________ and ready to learn
  8. Mrs. Wacker's daughter's name
  9. This is Mrs. Wacker's ________ year of teaching
  10. Pencils should be sharpened _________ class.
  11. my math teacher's last name
  12. the _______ subject spiral notebook is for MATH ONLY
  13. This is ________ class

22 Clues: no food or _________This is ________ classMrs. Wacker's son's namemy math teacher's last nameMrs. Wacker's daughter's nameMy science teacher's last nameNEVER PUT HOMEWORK ON MY _______One of my ELA teacher's last nameone of my ELA teacher's last nameMrs. Wacker is the ___________ coachPencils should be sharpened _________ class....

Eleyna's skibidi crossword 2024-05-22

Eleyna's skibidi crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a letter that stands for an unknown number
  2. when a line crosses that x axis, that points is called the...
  3. a set of inputs that each have one output
  4. when a line crosses the y axis, that point is called the...
  5. a number representing part of a whole
  6. to take away one number from another number
  7. how steep a line is (linear)
  8. the middle number in a set of numbers
  9. a type of graph that uses bars and rhymes with Instagram
  10. a graph that uses dots is called a ...
  1. an expression using three terms
  2. the subject we are doing this for
  3. this function is represented by f(x)=a * b^2
  4. 4,64,16,49 are examples of...
  5. a math device that gives you answers
  6. our math teacher is (last name)
  7. (x+3)(x-1) is in ... form
  8. this function is represented by ax^2+bx+c=0
  9. 1,21,10,24,38,1000,3456 etc are...
  10. we are assigned homework on this website

20 Clues: (x+3)(x-1) is in ... formhow steep a line is (linear)4,64,16,49 are examples expression using three termsour math teacher is (last name)the subject we are doing this for1,21,10,24,38,1000,3456 etc are...a math device that gives you answersa number representing part of a wholethe middle number in a set of numbers...

Leila's (Amazing) CrossWord 2024-05-22

Leila's (Amazing) CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. A really long formula divided by 2a (2 words)
  2. The bars are called "Bin"
  3. First four letters of "Mathmatics"
  4. √16=4 <- What is the 16 part called? (2 words)
  5. There are two of them, on the horizontal axis
  6. Formula y=mx+b (2 words)
  7. Is a way to plot information and doesn't show the mean (average)(2 words)
  8. ax^2+bx+c (2 words)
  9. Dunloggin GT Math 7th Grade Algebra 1 Teacher
  1. Not irrational
  2. Relationship between line of best fit and points on graph (2 words)
  3. Uses the "X" method
  4. Not rational
  5. A U-shape curve on a graph
  6. This is the height of where you launch your rocket
  7. Is the minimum or maximum of a parabola
  8. When a number gets multiplied by itself
  9. March 14
  10. Is a way to plot information and isn't good for very large data sets (2 words)
  11. Someone who teaches math (2 words)

20 Clues: March 14Not rationalNot irrationalUses the "X" methodax^2+bx+c (2 words)Formula y=mx+b (2 words)The bars are called "Bin"A U-shape curve on a graphFirst four letters of "Mathmatics"Someone who teaches math (2 words)Is the minimum or maximum of a parabolaWhen a number gets multiplied by itselfA really long formula divided by 2a (2 words)...

Valentin's crosswords 2021-06-23

Valentin's crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. N_ _B_ _S ( MATH )
  2. B_ _L_ ( RELIGION )
  3. _R_ _N_A_ _ _N ( SOCIAL SCIENCES )
  5. R_ _D ( LENGUAGE )
  7. _R_ _S ( RELIGION )
  2. M_ _E_ _A_S ( PROJECTS )
  3. M_ _T_ _L_ _A_ _ _N ( MATH )
  4. _R_T_ ( LENGUAGE )
  7. CR_ _T_ ( PROJECTS )


Graphing 2024-04-25

Graphing crossword puzzle
  1. Everything added up
  2. Turn, Flip, Slide, Resize
  3. Letters in math
  4. A collection of related numbers
  5. The point where 2 lines meet
  6. Thinner U (parabola)
  7. 4 quadrant model
  8. Used to solve unknown variables
  9. A set of values
  10. Straight pride
  1. 2 or more equations
  2. The space between 2 points
  3. An expression, rule, or law
  4. Wider U (parabola)
  5. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
  6. Optimistic and/or up
  7. Highest value minus lowest value
  8. Pessimistic and/or down
  9. The only thing getting me through math

19 Clues: Straight prideLetters in mathA set of values4 quadrant modelWider U (parabola)Everything added up2 or more equationsOptimistic and/or upThinner U (parabola)Pessimistic and/or downTurn, Flip, Slide, ResizeThe space between 2 pointsAn expression, rule, or lawThe point where 2 lines meetA collection of related numbersUsed to solve unknown variables...

Math 2021-05-24

Math crossword puzzle
  1. What does B1 and B2 stand for?
  2. what does L stand for in a rectangle?
  3. what does b and h always form in a parallelogram?
  4. if the shape is a square what would the area be if its 3?
  5. what does b stand for?
  6. What does A = in each variable?
  7. What is the PERIMETER?
  1. What is a composite shape
  2. if the shape is a triangle and the height is 7 and the base is 8 what is the area?
  3. What does h stand for?
  4. if the b is 7 and the h is 3 what is the Area?
  5. What is our math teachers name???
  6. What is a variable for a parallelogram?
  7. what is the area?
  8. What is the volume?

15 Clues: what is the area?What is the volume?What does h stand for?what does b stand for?What is the PERIMETER?What is a composite shapeWhat does B1 and B2 stand for?What does A = in each variable?What is our math teachers name???what does L stand for in a rectangle?What is a variable for a parallelogram?if the b is 7 and the h is 3 what is the Area?...

MATH 2021-05-18

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. are lines that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle
  2. shape with three sides
  3. a long, straight, thin mark with no bends
  4. in the shape of an egg
  5. The line where two faces meet
  6. a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no endpoint
  1. lines that cross one another
  2. a flat shape with four sides, none of which are parallel
  3. two straight lines that never cross
  4. a space between two lines or surfaces that meet at one point, measured in degrees
  5. the name of the shape comes from the amount of this it has
  6. a shape with four equal sides and four 90° angles
  7. a flat shape with three or more straight sides
  8. a shape with circular ends and long, straight sides
  9. the point where two lines meet to form an angle

15 Clues: shape with three sidesin the shape of an egglines that cross one anotherThe line where two faces meettwo straight lines that never crossa long, straight, thin mark with no bendsa flat shape with three or more straight sidesthe point where two lines meet to form an anglea shape with four equal sides and four 90° angles...

Math 2022-08-22

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A method of writing very large or very small numbers using powers of 10
  2. A type of real number which cannot be represented as a simple fraction
  3. A expression that shows how to solve a probblem
  4. An angle which is formed between one of the sides of any closed shape and it's extended adjacent side
  5. An alphabet that represents an unknown number or value
  6. A symbol written above and to the right of a number. This indicates how many times the number has to be multiplied by itself
  7. A smaller number that can be multiplied by itself to produce the original number
  1. The square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides(A²+B²=C²)
  2. A mathematical statement that is made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign
  3. The longest side of a right triangle
  4. The number which is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic equation
  5. Any number multiplied by itself three times to get a cube
  6. An algebraic equation in which each term has an exponent of 1 and when graphed, the result is always a straight line
  7. A line that intersects two or more lines at distinct points
  8. A type of real number, which is in the form of p/q where q is not equal to zero

15 Clues: The longest side of a right triangleA expression that shows how to solve a probblemAn alphabet that represents an unknown number or valueAny number multiplied by itself three times to get a cubeA line that intersects two or more lines at distinct pointsThe number which is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic equation...

Math 2022-06-21

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Its to show a part of a whole (not fractions)
  2. Another word for money at the start of the equation
  3. To find X you use a...
  4. A whole number
  5. To the power of
  6. To multiply a fraction you have to find a common...
  7. The area inside a 3D object
  8. The skew of a line
  9. 4 parts of a linear graph are called...
  1. The unknown in an equation
  2. To multiply a number by another number like 10^3
  3. An algebraic term without a equal sign
  4. The money added yearly to savings
  5. Half the length of a circle
  6. An algebraic expression with only 1 term

15 Clues: A whole numberTo the power ofThe skew of a lineTo find X you use a...The unknown in an equationHalf the length of a circleThe area inside a 3D objectThe money added yearly to savingsAn algebraic term without a equal sign4 parts of a linear graph are called...An algebraic expression with only 1 termIts to show a part of a whole (not fractions)...

Math 2022-06-13

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The Answer to an Addition Equation
  2. two related variables that are connected with an equal sign
  3. The inside area of the shape
  4. A number that cannot be represented as a decimal or a fraction
  5. Take Away
  6. The area of a 3d shape
  7. The Answer to a multiplication Equation
  8. Divide
  1. is about shapes, lines, angles, & properties
  2. Instructions on solving
  3. A number that can be represented as a fraction
  4. Adding numbers
  5. The outside area of a shape
  6. Multiply
  7. The Answer to a division Equation

15 Clues: DivideMultiplyTake AwayAdding numbersThe area of a 3d shapeInstructions on solvingThe outside area of a shapeThe inside area of the shapeThe Answer to a division EquationThe Answer to an Addition EquationThe Answer to a multiplication Equationis about shapes, lines, angles, & propertiesA number that can be represented as a fraction...

Math 2022-10-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A person who does math.
  2. A number that can be divided into two equal, whole numbers.
  3. When two amounts are the same.
  4. When you take one number away from the other.
  5. A part of a whole.
  6. What you do when you use a ruler.
  7. A dot that goes in between numbers.
  8. A type of math where you study shapes.
  1. The distance around a circle.
  2. The total amount after addition
  3. A tool used to help solve math problems.
  4. Any number that is below zero.
  5. The outer edge of a flat area.
  6. A number that cannot be divided into two equal, whole numbers.
  7. The space that an object takes up.

15 Clues: A part of a whole.A person who does math.The distance around a circle.Any number that is below zero.The outer edge of a flat area.When two amounts are the same.The total amount after additionWhat you do when you use a ruler.The space that an object takes up.A dot that goes in between numbers.A type of math where you study shapes....

Math 2020-06-25

Math crossword puzzle
  1. parallel lines are lines in a plane which do not meet
  2. a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides
  3. means following closely
  4. a four-sided figure
  5. it is the relationship between two lines which meet at a right angle
  6. it is a line segment joining two vertices of a polygon, when those vertices are not on the same edge
  7. being in a position or direction perpendicular to the plane of the horizon
  8. a midsegment of a triangle is a segment connecting the midpoints of two sides of a triangle
  9. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
  1. the result of a multiplication operation is called the product
  2. two angles are supplementary when their sum is 180 degrees
  3. a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles
  4. a number whose whole number part and the fractional part is separated by a decimal point
  5. it is a quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length
  6. a angle have two rays sharing a common endpoints

15 Clues: a four-sided figuremeans following closelya angle have two rays sharing a common endpointsa quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sidesparallel lines are lines in a plane which do not meettwo angles are supplementary when their sum is 180 degreesa plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles...

math 2019-03-12

math crossword puzzle
  1. distance from center to edge of circle
  2. angle an angle formed by two chords in a circle
  3. the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure.
  4. line is a line with a plane curve but it curves at the point.
  5. a straight line passing through side by side.
  6. is a half of a circle
  7. a line segment that connects with a circle with two points
  1. the numeric value of pi
  2. a ring shaped object
  3. circles are circles with a common center the difference
  4. a part of circumference and a circle
  5. line is a curved line.
  6. the circle.
  7. of a circle point
  8. angle is an angle with endpoints and is located in the middle

15 Clues: the circle.of a circle pointa ring shaped objectis a half of a circleline is a curved line.the numeric value of pia part of circumference and a circledistance from center to edge of circlea straight line passing through side by side.angle an angle formed by two chords in a circlethe enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure....

Math 2020-03-28

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the enclosing boundary of a circle
  2. The point where the three "altitudes" of a triangle meet.
  3. amount in each hundred.
  4. The total amount of money borrowed
  1. The difference between the lowest and highest values of data
  2. Two Angles are ___________________ when they add up to 90 degrees
  3. the point where the three medians of the triangle meet.
  4. two figures or objects are _________________ if they have the same shape and size, or if one has the same shape and size as the mirror image of the other.
  5. the value that appears most often in a set of data
  6. proportion, one value decreases at the same rate that the other increases.
  7. the extent to which an event is likely to occur, measured by the ratio of the favourable cases to the whole number of cases possible.
  8. money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent
  9. Speed, the speed of a moving body with respect to another.
  10. a line that passes through two lines in the same plane at two distinct points
  11. a simple measure of central tendency of data

15 Clues: amount in each hundred.the enclosing boundary of a circleThe total amount of money borroweda simple measure of central tendency of datathe value that appears most often in a set of datathe point where the three medians of the triangle meet.The point where the three "altitudes" of a triangle meet....

math 2021-05-17

math crossword puzzle
  1. equations-a quadratic equation is any equation that can be rearranged in standard form
  2. part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole.
  3. statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  4. term for factorize.
  5. variable- a variable whose variation does not depend on that of another.
  1. quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised
  2. numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression
  3. mathematical expression or function so related to another that their product is one
  4. point or line common to lines or surfaces that intersect.
  5. or parameter that does not change its value whatever the value of the variables
  6. polynomials- with integer coefficients that cannot be factored into polynomials of lower degree
  7. of operation- A common rule to follow is PEMDAS.
  8. the equation or number
  9. point at which a given line cuts a coordinate axis
  10. variable- depending on other variable

15 Clues: term for factorize.the equation or numbervariable- depending on other variableof operation- A common rule to follow is PEMDAS.point at which a given line cuts a coordinate axispoint or line common to lines or surfaces that intersect.statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal...

Math 2023-01-24

Math crossword puzzle
  1. doesnt eat grass
  2. come back
  3. plants are amazing
  4. even bees
  5. samahtha
  6. all set
  7. missed the grab
  8. piece of grass
  9. all are herbavors
  1. drat
  2. zebra elephant
  3. terms that is why you were in a hurry
  4. fast path
  5. elephant foot
  6. plant eaters

15 Clues: dratall setsamahthacome backfast patheven beesplant eaterselephant footzebra elephantpiece of grassmissed the grabdoesnt eat grassall are herbavorsplants are amazingterms that is why you were in a hurry

MATH 2023-02-15

MATH crossword puzzle


math 2023-05-23

math crossword puzzle
  1. maxi
  2. coe
  3. paren
  4. parab
  5. ine
  6. cons
  7. coordi
  1. poly
  2. qua
  3. inte
  4. slo
  5. inter
  6. doma
  7. rati
  8. subtrac

15 Clues: quaslocoeinepolymaxiintedomaraticonsinterparenparabcoordisubtrac

math 2013-02-20

math crossword puzzle
  1. cubic
  2. cave in Florida
  3. skill imagination
  4. size of a circle
  5. measurement of angles
  6. distance around something
  7. straight line passing through circle
  1. products vector product
  2. fraction
  3. graphs different sections
  4. amount, number
  5. unlike or dissimilar
  6. number below line
  7. functions function of form
  8. how much of something

15 Clues: cubicfractionamount, numbercave in Floridasize of a circleskill imaginationnumber below lineunlike or dissimilarmeasurement of angleshow much of somethingproducts vector productgraphs different sectionsdistance around somethingfunctions function of formstraight line passing through circle

math 2013-05-17

math crossword puzzle
  1. The line that goes directly through the middle of a circle
  2. Angle with 90 degrees
  3. A round shape
  4. What is %
  5. A graph that shows equal to 100%
  6. The middle of a organized set of numbers
  7. Is 3.14
  8. Halfway in a circle
  9. A shape with the word poly
  1. A table tat shows surveys in bars
  2. Lines equally far apart
  3. Things in math
  4. Is 1_1=2
  5. Title of crossword
  6. Measurement

15 Clues: Is 3.14Is 1_1=2What is %MeasurementA round shapeThings in mathTitle of crosswordHalfway in a circleAngle with 90 degreesLines equally far apartA shape with the word polyA graph that shows equal to 100%A table tat shows surveys in barsThe middle of a organized set of numbersThe line that goes directly through the middle of a circle

math 2014-01-14

math crossword puzzle
  1. the graph of a quadratic relation
  2. the x-intercepts of a quadratic relation
  3. used to calculate lengths of sides in triangles
  4. a possible result of an experiment
  5. one round of a probability experiment
  6. a group of individuals or items that are representative of the population from which they are taken
  7. the value or attribute that occurs most often in a set of data
  8. the sum of values in a set of data divided by the number of values in the set of data
  1. a point of which two sides of a polygon meet
  2. three values that divide a set of data into four intervals with equal numbers of data
  3. an extreme value in a set of data
  4. all individuals or items that belong to a group being studied
  5. the longest side of a right triangle
  6. the difference between the greatest and least values in a set of data
  7. the middle value when data is ordered from least to greatest

15 Clues: the graph of a quadratic relationan extreme value in a set of dataa possible result of an experimentthe longest side of a right triangleone round of a probability experimentthe x-intercepts of a quadratic relationa point of which two sides of a polygon meetused to calculate lengths of sides in triangles...

math 2014-05-14

math crossword puzzle
  1. a line with two endpoints
  2. a relationship wherein each point in a set of points is mapped to exactly one other point
  3. the original figure before undergoing transformation
  4. a transformation where a mirror a mirror image is created, also called a flip
  5. a transformation that turns a figure around a point
  6. an angle measuring 90
  1. the distance between the endpoints of an arc
  2. a change in a geometric figures position, shape, or size
  3. angle measuring less than 90 but greater than 0
  4. an exact position or location in a given plane
  5. the new resulting figure after a transformation
  6. a transformation in which the primage and image are congruent
  7. angle angle measuring greater than 90 but less than 180
  8. a line with only one endpoint
  9. two rays or line segments sharing a common endpoint

15 Clues: an angle measuring 90a line with two endpointsa line with only one endpointthe distance between the endpoints of an arcan exact position or location in a given planeangle measuring less than 90 but greater than 0the new resulting figure after a transformationa transformation that turns a figure around a point...

Math 2015-01-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The difference between the greatest and least values in a set of data.
  2. Means triangle measurement. Used to calculate lengths of sides and measure angles in triangles.
  3. The middle value when data is ordered from least to greatest.
  4. Three values that divide a set of data into four intervals with equal numbers of data.
  5. The graph of a quadratic relation. A symmetrical U-shaped curve.
  6. An extreme value in a set of data. A value "far away" from the other values in a set of data.
  7. A group of individuals or items that are representative of the population from which they are taken.
  8. The value or attribute that occurs most often in the set of data.
  9. The x-intercepts of a quadratic relation.
  1. The sum of values in a set of data divided by the number of values in the set of data.
  2. A set of outcomes with the same result.
  3. The value of the initial investment or loan.
  4. All individuals or items that belong to a group being studied.
  5. One round of a probability experiment.
  6. A possible result of an experiment.

15 Clues: A possible result of an experiment.One round of a probability experiment.A set of outcomes with the same result.The x-intercepts of a quadratic relation.The value of the initial investment or loan.The middle value when data is ordered from least to greatest.All individuals or items that belong to a group being studied....

math 2014-01-15

math crossword puzzle
  1. A line through a shape so that each side is a mirror image.
  2. The whole group from which a sample is taken.
  3. the number between -1 and 1
  4. The length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the hypotenuse
  5. A special curve, shaped like an arch
  6. The values that divide a list of numbers into quarters
  7. A point where two or more straight lines meet
  1. The set of all output values of a function.
  2. a factor question a squar minus a squar
  3. the long side of a right angle triangle
  4. The middle number in a sorted list of numbers
  5. Trigonometry is the study of triangles
  6. The number which appears most often in a set of numbers
  7. The mean is the average of the numbers
  8. a selection taken from a larger groupsuch as the population

15 Clues: the number between -1 and 1A special curve, shaped like an archTrigonometry is the study of trianglesThe mean is the average of the numbersa factor question a squar minus a squarthe long side of a right angle triangleThe set of all output values of a function.The middle number in a sorted list of numbersThe whole group from which a sample is taken....

Math 2014-02-04

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Paire d'angles
  2. Paire d'angles dont la somme des mesures vaut 180°
  3. Nombre au dessus du trait de fraction
  4. Nombre sous le trait de fraction
  5. Angle Angle dont ma mesure est inférieure à 90°
  6. Triangle dont les 3 cotés ont même mesure
  1. Triangle ayant un angle droit
  2. Angle dont ma mesure est supérieure à 90°
  3. Paire d'angles dont la somme des mesures vaut 90°
  4. Droite qui passe perpendiculairement par le milieu d'un segment.
  5. Fraction que l'on ne peut simplifier
  6. Angle de 180°
  7. Demi droite coupant un angle en 2 angles de même mesure
  8. Point d'intersection des hauteurs
  9. Paire d'angles ayant sommet et un coté commun et situés de part et d'autre

15 Clues: Angle de 180°Paire d'anglesTriangle ayant un angle droitNombre sous le trait de fractionPoint d'intersection des hauteursFraction que l'on ne peut simplifierNombre au dessus du trait de fractionAngle dont ma mesure est supérieure à 90°Triangle dont les 3 cotés ont même mesureAngle Angle dont ma mesure est inférieure à 90°...

Math 2018-11-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. used to measure angles
  2. a 7 sided polygon
  3. a triangle with equal sides
  4. 3.14
  5. the number being used as a factor
  6. the top part of a fraction
  7. a triangle with no congruent sides
  1. an angle greater than 90 degrees
  2. an angle that equals 90 degrees
  3. a number with the exponent of 2
  4. order of operations
  5. the rate of change
  6. lines that never intersect
  7. has one endpoint and goes indefinitely in one direction
  8. a number with the exponent of 3

15 Clues: 3.14a 7 sided polygonthe rate of changeorder of operationsused to measure angleslines that never intersectthe top part of a fractiona triangle with equal sidesan angle that equals 90 degreesa number with the exponent of 2a number with the exponent of 3an angle greater than 90 degreesthe number being used as a factor...

math 2022-05-08

math crossword puzzle
  1. A polynomial of degree 1
  2. Where p/q, q not equal to zero
  3. Point oof intersection of x axis and y axis
  4. u or v shaped curves on a graph is called as
  5. A polynomial of degree 2 is called as ______
  6. The product of two numbers is always_____
  7. The distance of a point from y-axis
  8. The decimal expansion of rational no. 17/8 is
  1. If the graph of a polynomial does not interact
  2. If HCF of 55m-99, then value of m is
  3. A triangle having two sides equal
  4. is 5-3 ration or irrational
  5. A line perpendicular to the third side
  6. Number which have 1 and the number itself as
  7. n-1 is divisible by 8, if n is ______ number

15 Clues: A polynomial of degree 1is 5-3 ration or irrationalWhere p/q, q not equal to zeroA triangle having two sides equalThe distance of a point from y-axisIf HCF of 55m-99, then value of m isA line perpendicular to the third sideThe product of two numbers is always_____Point oof intersection of x axis and y axis...

Math 2022-02-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a numerical quantity or value
  2. the degree of hotness or coldness in an environment
  3. become or make greater in size
  4. rate which someone or something is able to move
  5. space between two things or people
  6. a number that is not a fraction
  7. a number greater than zero
  1. related to another so that their product is one
  2. speed with which something moves
  3. sum of money placed or kept in a bank account
  4. statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  5. take (money) out of an account
  6. speed of something in a given direction
  7. a number less than zero
  8. becoming smaller or fewer

15 Clues: a number less than zerobecoming smaller or fewera number greater than zeroa numerical quantity or valuebecome or make greater in sizetake (money) out of an accounta number that is not a fractionspeed with which something movesspace between two things or peoplespeed of something in a given directionsum of money placed or kept in a bank account...

Math 2022-01-31

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 1916 yılında Albert Einstein tarafından yayımlanan kütleçekimin geometrik kuramı nedir?
  2. Aritmetik üzerine 13 ciltlik bir yorum yapan kişi kimdir?
  3. Günümüzdeki en eski matematiksel metinler nerededir?
  4. Claude E. Shannon tarafından güvenli şekilde veri sıkıştırma, depolama ve iletme gibi sinyal işleme işlemlerinin kısıtlarını bulmak için geliştirilen kuramın adı nedir?
  5. Genellikle matematiksel bir dizinin veya yapılan fen deneylerinin matematiksel ilişkilerinin standart bir şekilde yazılarak gösterimine ne ad verilir?
  6. Sistemi tanımlarken veya performansını, durumunu değerlendirirken yararlı veya kritik olan bir sistem unsur nedir?
  7. Değişken, rastlantısal anlamına gelen sıfat
  1. 1862-67 yılları arasında, bilim ve teknikteki gelişmeleri çevirilerle topluma tanıtan ilk dergi nedir?
  2. Sıfır rakamını ilk kez kim kullanmıştır?
  3. Doğru olduğu ispatsız kabul edilen matematiksel ifade nedir?
  4. İki ciltlik “Soyut Cebir Dersleri” adlı kitabını yayımlayan kişi kimdir?
  5. Dünyadaki ilk rakamları kim kullandı?
  6. Fiziksel gerçeklik parçalarının bir bütün olarak eğilimini açıklamaya yarayan bir yöntemin adı nedir?
  7. Matematikte iki değişken arasındaki ilişkiye ne ad verilir?
  8. Türkiye’nin ilk kadın matematik profesörü kimdir?

15 Clues: Dünyadaki ilk rakamları kim kullandı?Sıfır rakamını ilk kez kim kullanmıştır?Değişken, rastlantısal anlamına gelen sıfatTürkiye’nin ilk kadın matematik profesörü kimdir?Günümüzdeki en eski matematiksel metinler nerededir?Aritmetik üzerine 13 ciltlik bir yorum yapan kişi kimdir?Matematikte iki değişken arasındaki ilişkiye ne ad verilir?...

Math 2023-10-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A quadrilateral with four equal sides
  2. The quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  3. The line that is extended from only one terminal without limit
  4. A quadrilateral with four right angles
  5. The sum of their measures at a point is 360°
  6. Two angles their sum equals 180°
  1. An angle that equals to 90°
  2. An angle that is greater than 90° and less than 180°
  3. A quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles
  4. Two angles have a common side and common vertex and the other two sides on the opposite directions from the common side
  5. An angle that is greater than 180° and less than 360°
  6. Two angles their sum equals 90°
  7. The union of two rays with the same starting point
  8. An angle that equals to 180°
  9. An angle that is less than 90° and greater than 0°

15 Clues: An angle that equals to 90°An angle that equals to 180°Two angles their sum equals 90°Two angles their sum equals 180°A quadrilateral with four equal sidesA quadrilateral with four right anglesThe sum of their measures at a point is 360°The quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sidesThe union of two rays with the same starting point...

Math 2023-11-17

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A shape that has 6 sides
  2. A shape that has 4 sides
  3. A shape that has 3 sides
  4. A shape that look like cube
  5. A Shape that look like circle
  6. What we use to count
  7. A shape that has 8 sides
  1. A shape that has no side
  2. A shape that has 9 sides
  3. A shape that has 7 sides
  4. A shape that has 5 sides
  5. A shape that look like candle
  6. Outline of something
  7. The study of shapes
  8. A shape that has 10 sides

15 Clues: The study of shapesOutline of somethingWhat we use to countA shape that has no sideA shape that has 9 sidesA shape that has 6 sidesA shape that has 7 sidesA shape that has 5 sidesA shape that has 4 sidesA shape that has 3 sidesA shape that has 8 sidesA shape that has 10 sidesA shape that look like cubeA shape that look like candle...

Math 2023-12-08

Math crossword puzzle
  1. "a three-dimensional geometric shape with a polygon as its base and the lateral surfaces as triangles that meet at a common vertex"
  2. "the amount of space in a certain 3D object"
  3. "an angle that is exactly equal to 90 degrees (or π/2) in measure."
  4. "the total space taken up by a flat (2-D) surface or shape of an object"
  5. "a straight line that makes the right angle (90 degrees) with the other line"
  6. "a term used to describe what a 3D shape would look like if it was opened out and laid flat"
  7. "a polygon that is direct equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) and equilateral (all sides have the same length)"
  1. "a triangle that has two equal sides"
  2. "a triangle in which all three sides are in different lengths, and all three angles are of different measures"
  3. "a pair of numbers which are used to determine the position of a point or a shape in a 2-dimensional plane"
  4. "the amount of space covering the outside of a three-dimensional shape"
  5. "a three-dimensional object with parallel straight sides and a top and bottom base that are the same polygonal shape"
  6. "measures the total length around the outside of a shape"
  7. "a point where two or more edges meet"
  8. "a closed figure made up of line segments (not curves) in a two-dimensional plane"

15 Clues: "a triangle that has two equal sides""a point where two or more edges meet""the amount of space in a certain 3D object""measures the total length around the outside of a shape""an angle that is exactly equal to 90 degrees (or π/2) in measure.""the amount of space covering the outside of a three-dimensional shape"...

math 2023-12-11

math crossword puzzle
  1. numerator is bigger than the denomator
  2. the number outside the problem
  3. the same
  4. common denominator the smallest number the both numbers divided into
  5. the first fraction
  6. common factor the biggest number that go's into both numbers
  7. form a fraction that has reduced
  1. the number being divied
  2. the second fraction
  3. less than one
  4. the answer to the multiplication problem
  5. the inverse of a value
  6. a number whole and a fraction
  7. answer the the division problem
  8. common

15 Clues: commonthe sameless than onethe first fractionthe second fractionthe inverse of a valuethe number being divieda number whole and a fractionthe number outside the problemanswer the the division problemform a fraction that has reducednumerator is bigger than the denomatorthe answer to the multiplication problem...

Math 2023-09-01

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The abillity to borrow money or purchase goods.
  2. When you add numbers together and get a sum.
  3. when you move or go downward.
  4. Inverse- Its the number that when added to another number gives a sum.
  5. value - the distance of a number from zero on a number line.
  6. number- A number that is less than zero,
  7. a direction or postition that is parallel to the horizon or the ground.
  8. the height above the earths surface.
  1. numbers - numbers that can be expressed as fractions
  2. Like mirror images of each other on the number line, with one positive.
  3. - a direction or position that is perpendicular to the horizon or the ground.
  4. When you move upward.
  5. number- A number that is greater than zero.
  6. pairs - That when added together gives you a sum of zero.
  7. the height of above sea level.

15 Clues: When you move upward.when you move or go downward.the height of above sea level.the height above the earths surface.number- A number that is less than zero,number- A number that is greater than zero.When you add numbers together and get a sum.The abillity to borrow money or purchase goods.numbers - numbers that can be expressed as fractions...

math 2024-03-27

math crossword puzzle
  1. 2+6
  2. 5+5
  3. 18-5
  4. 11-2
  5. 2+2
  6. 15-3
  7. 8-3
  8. 7+7
  1. 12-4
  2. 3+4
  3. 9+2
  4. 2+1
  5. 8+7
  6. 1+0
  7. 3-1

15 Clues: 2+63+45+59+22+18+72+21+03-18-37+712-418-511-215-3

Math 2024-05-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle
  2. a three-sided polygon
  3. a plane curve with every point equidistant from the center
  4. lines that will never intersect
  5. space between two objects
  6. a parallelogram with four right angles
  7. the total length of a shapes boundary
  8. extending toward the middle
  1. a polygon with four equal sides and four right angles
  2. a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
  3. the length of the closed curve of a circle
  4. a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel and equal
  5. a point where two or more curves, lines, or edges meet or intersect.
  6. pace taken up by a flat (2-D) surface or shape of an object.
  7. the length of a straight line through the center of a circle

15 Clues: a three-sided polygonspace between two objectsextending toward the middlelines that will never intersectthe total length of a shapes boundarya parallelogram with four right anglesthe length of the closed curve of a circlea quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sidesa polygon with four equal sides and four right angles...

Math 2024-05-08

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the longest side of a right triangle
  2. SA=2B+Ph
  3. the power of
  4. A²+B²=C²
  5. y=mx+b
  6. an object is turned clockwise or counterclockwise around a given point
  1. To have the same shape and size
  2. an object mirror to create an image
  3. I=Prt
  4. the number of a quality placed by a variable
  5. numbers that are not rational
  6. an object moves left, right, up, or down
  7. rise over run
  8. a relation between a set of inputs having one output each
  9. lxwxh

15 Clues: I=Prtlxwxhy=mx+bSA=2B+PhA²+B²=C²the power ofrise over runnumbers that are not rationalTo have the same shape and sizean object mirror to create an imagethe longest side of a right trianglean object moves left, right, up, or downthe number of a quality placed by a variablea relation between a set of inputs having one output each...

math 2024-05-03

math crossword puzzle
  1. a letter
  2. to take away
  3. little number
  4. rate of change
  5. to multiply
  6. two lines that never touch
  1. a number multiplied by itself
  2. big number
  3. a straight line
  4. y values
  5. to add to
  6. terms that are similar
  7. where two lines meet
  8. has four quadrents
  9. all real numbers

15 Clues: a lettery valuesto add tobig numberto multiplyto take awaylittle numberrate of changea straight lineall real numbershas four quadrentswhere two lines meetterms that are similartwo lines that never toucha number multiplied by itself