mathematics Crossword Puzzles

STCH Crossword 2024-05-09

STCH Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. อยู่หน้าโรงเรียน มีของขายเยอะแยะ!
  2. ชายหนุ่มเดียวดาย กลายร่างในคืนจันทร์เต็มดวง
  3. วิชาเกลียดนิยมอันดับหนึ่ง
  4. Who is ภัทรดร สุคนธ์ทวิชาติ?
  5. อยู่ในตู้ ใช้จรวดเป็นพาหนะ
  1. ตัวเท่าดอกม้าย อาศัยในคลอง
  2. #โรงเรียนชื่อดังย่านปทุมธานี
  3. คุณครูสั่งให้เขียน___เรื่องแม่ฉัน
  4. ไม่ใช่ยุง แต่กินเลือดเป็นอาหาร
  5. อาจารย์ทะเบียนที่ถูกหวย…กินบ่อยๆ

10 Clues: วิชาเกลียดนิยมอันดับหนึ่งตัวเท่าดอกม้าย อาศัยในคลองอยู่ในตู้ ใช้จรวดเป็นพาหนะ#โรงเรียนชื่อดังย่านปทุมธานีWho is ภัทรดร สุคนธ์ทวิชาติ?ไม่ใช่ยุง แต่กินเลือดเป็นอาหารอาจารย์ทะเบียนที่ถูกหวย…กินบ่อยๆอยู่หน้าโรงเรียน มีของขายเยอะแยะ!คุณครูสั่งให้เขียน___เรื่องแม่ฉันชายหนุ่มเดียวดาย กลายร่างในคืนจันทร์เต็มดวง


  1. In mathematics, a indicates how many times one number contains another.
  2. a number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator.
  3. for putting information including letters, words and numbers into your computer
  4. is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element
  5. is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.
  6. of the broad areas of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry, and analysis. In its most general form.
  7. each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figures.
  8. is a presentation program, created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company named Forethought, Inc.
  1. a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images.
  2. is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy—including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light—are attracted to one another.
  3. also called plant science, plant biology, or phytology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology.
  4. is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables
  5. In classical physics and general chemistry, is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.
  6. is, with arithmetic, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It is concerned with properties of space that are related to distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures.
  7. an American multinational technology corporation which produces computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services

15 Clues: is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figures.a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical elementIn mathematics, a indicates how many times one number contains another....


  1. is, with arithmetic, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It is concerned with properties of space that are related to distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures.
  2. is a presentation program, created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company named Forethought, Inc.
  3. a number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator.
  4. is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.
  5. an American multinational technology corporation which produces computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services
  1. of the broad areas of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry, and analysis. In its most general form.
  2. a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images.
  3. In classical physics and general chemistry, is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.
  4. for putting information including letters, words and numbers into your computer
  5. also called plant science, plant biology, or phytology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology.
  6. is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy—including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light—are attracted to one another.
  7. each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figures.
  8. In mathematics, a indicates how many times one number contains another.
  9. is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element
  10. is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables

15 Clues: is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figures.a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical elementIn mathematics, a indicates how many times one number contains another....

Anna and Mar's crossword 2023-05-26

Anna and Mar's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the sum of currents flowing into that node is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that node. (two words)
  2. expressing a condition, as the first clause in the sentence (one word)
  3. the branch of mathematics that deals with the relations between the sides and angles of triangles (one word)
  4. uniform circular movement. (one word)
  5. the reporting of something said or written by conveying what was meant rather than repeating the exact words (two words)
  6. the most basic unit of structure of an organism. (one word)
  7. are three laws from which solves the most part of the problems of classical mechanics. (two words)
  1. an expression or a proposition in mathematics or logic, stating that two quantities are equal. (one word)
  2. writing in prose or poetry thought of as having permanent value or excellence. (one word)
  3. the act or process of planning or writing a program. (one word)
  4. the practice or science of collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample. (one word)
  5. rapidity in moving. (one word)
  6. the branch of mathematics that deals with general statements of relations, and uses letters and other symbols to represent numbers or values. (one word)
  7. a molecule that is a large portion of the mass of every life form, composed of amino acids linked in long chains.(one word)
  8. an often competitive athletic activity requiring skill or physical ability. (one word)

15 Clues: rapidity in moving. (one word)uniform circular movement. (one word)the most basic unit of structure of an organism. (one word)the act or process of planning or writing a program. (one word)expressing a condition, as the first clause in the sentence (one word)an often competitive athletic activity requiring skill or physical ability. (one word)...

Language of Math 2023-08-24

Language of Math crossword puzzle
  1. positive direction
  2. subtracted by
  3. the M in STEM
  4. less than zero
  5. infinite scatterplot
  6. x-value
  1. multiplied by
  2. greater than zero
  3. coordinate plane with points
  4. y-value
  5. neither negative nor positive
  6. added by

12 Clues: y-valuex-valueadded bymultiplied bysubtracted bythe M in STEMless than zerogreater than zeropositive directioninfinite scatterplotcoordinate plane with pointsneither negative nor positive

ElecEng Subjects 2021-01-28

ElecEng Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. 6.0314 // 3014 - & CONTROL
  2. 6.903 // 4903 -- TRAINING
  3. 1.982 // 2998 -- STATE PHYSICS
  4. 2.121 // 1806
  5. 26.XXX -- STUDIES
  6. 6.201A // 2010 -- THEORY
  7. 1.972 // 2015
  8. 10.2111 // 2110 -- ANALYSIS
  9. 10.001 // 2010
  1. 6.911 // 4910 -- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  2. 6.0317 // 3013 -- SYSTEMS I
  3. 10.361 // 2489 -- SE
  4. 6.021E // 2012 -- LOGIC SYSTEMS // CIRCUITS
  5. 6.0318 // 3020 -- SYSTEMS & APPLICATIONS // & INTERFACING
  6. ROBSMITH 210128
  7. 1.961 // 1969
  8. 6.021C // 2020 -- ANALOG
  9. 6.0315 // 3015 -- ELECTRICAL
  10. 10.111A // 2501 -- LINEAR

19 Clues: 1.961 // 19692.121 // 18061.972 // 201510.001 // 2010ROBSMITH 21012826.XXX -- STUDIES10.361 // 2489 -- SE6.021C // 2020 -- ANALOG6.201A // 2010 -- THEORY6.903 // 4903 -- TRAINING10.111A // 2501 -- LINEAR6.0314 // 3014 - & CONTROL6.0317 // 3013 -- SYSTEMS I10.2111 // 2110 -- ANALYSIS6.0315 // 3015 -- ELECTRICAL1.982 // 2998 -- STATE PHYSICS...

vocabulary practice - The math olympiad 2024-01-01

vocabulary practice - The math olympiad crossword puzzle
  1. חבר במועדון או קבוצה
  2. A single person, different from the others
  3. נשאר
  4. Pay money for something
  5. תחרות
  6. Young people, teenagers
  7. Very hard
  8. מתחרים (בתחרות)
  9. Every one or more people or things
  10. לשלוח
  11. Make something
  12. לנצח
  1. All over the world
  2. Being the best
  3. A land that is controlled by one government
  4. סדנה
  5. Not like all the others
  6. לכלול
  7. Shortcut for mathematics

19 Clues: נשארסדנהלנצחתחרותלכלוללשלוחVery hardBeing the bestMake somethingמתחרים (בתחרות)All over the worldחבר במועדון או קבוצהPay money for somethingNot like all the othersYoung people, teenagersShortcut for mathematicsEvery one or more people or thingsA single person, different from the othersA land that is controlled by one government

My Fifth Grade Life 2024-01-26

My Fifth Grade Life crossword puzzle
  1. your state
  2. reading,writing,and more
  3. the first month
  4. getting exercise
  5. learning about people
  6. learning about the Earth and the Solar System
  7. your principal
  8. your school
  1. grades 5 - 8
  2. Superintendent
  3. using your Ipad to learn
  4. the second month
  5. Mike Dewine
  6. making beautiful sounds
  7. using tools to create beautiful things
  8. all about numbers
  9. your county

17 Clues: your stateMike Dewineyour countyyour schoolgrades 5 - 8Superintendentyour principalthe first monthgetting exercisethe second monthall about numberslearning about peoplemaking beautiful soundsreading,writing,and moreusing your Ipad to learnusing tools to create beautiful thingslearning about the Earth and the Solar System

MEB words 2023-12-11

MEB words crossword puzzle
  1. 0 heat
  2. goes in and out of block flows
  3. Our savior
  4. units
  5. Type of Separator
  6. superior engineering abbr.
  1. we don't have
  2. No formula
  3. Economy
  4. type of analysis
  5. Location of class
  6. Combustion reactions
  7. What you are currently doing
  8. a measure of Heat
  9. cant be destroyed

15 Clues: units0 heatEconomyNo formulaOur saviorwe don't havetype of analysisLocation of classa measure of HeatType of Separatorcant be destroyedCombustion reactionssuperior engineering abbr.What you are currently doinggoes in and out of block flows


  1. In mathematics, a indicates how many times one number contains another.
  2. a number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator.
  3. for putting information including letters, words and numbers into your computer
  4. is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element
  5. is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.
  6. of the broad areas of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry, and analysis. In its most general form.
  7. each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figures.
  8. is a presentation program, created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company named Forethought, Inc.
  1. a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images.
  2. is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy—including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light—are attracted to one another.
  3. also called plant science, plant biology, or phytology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology.
  4. is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables
  5. In classical physics and general chemistry, is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.
  6. is, with arithmetic, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It is concerned with properties of space that are related to distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures.
  7. an American multinational technology corporation which produces computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services

15 Clues: is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figures.a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical elementIn mathematics, a indicates how many times one number contains another....

Ana D 2021-09-25

Ana D crossword puzzle
  1. the process or business of constructing something.
  2. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  3. education science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
  4. an enlightening experience.
  5. an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim.
  6. a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.
  1. combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole.
  2. skills are sets of abilities or knowledge.
  3. mathematics.
  4. an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

10 Clues: enlightening experience.skills are sets of abilities or knowledge.the process or business of constructing science, technology, engineering, and mathematicscombine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole.a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject....

3/30/13~CrossWordPuzzle! 2013-04-30

3/30/13~CrossWordPuzzle! crossword puzzle
  1. an expression or a proposition, equality of two quantities
  2. the branch of mathematics,such as numbers,values and symbols
  3. property the property that terms in an expression may be expanded in a particular way to form an equivalent expression
  4. the amount of space, measured in cubic units
  1. any particular extent of space or surface
  2. a relationship between real numbers involving inequality
  3. a symbol that represents this(n)
  4. possibility that an event will occur
  5. the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter(3.14)
  6. the study of this branch of mathematics.

10 Clues: a symbol that represents this(n)possibility that an event will occurthe study of this branch of mathematics.any particular extent of space or surfacethe amount of space, measured in cubic unitsa relationship between real numbers involving inequalityan expression or a proposition, equality of two quantities...


  1. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.
  2. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.
  3. RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  4. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  5. What the interest change always based on the original?
  6. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  7. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  8. The person to whom the payment is to be made
  9. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?
  10. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?
  1. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  2. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  3. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?
  4. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. if the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  5. price What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  6. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  7. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  8. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  9. Formula of simple interest.
  10. The person that signs the note.

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?The person to whom the payment is to be madeRM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.price What is usually the amount on the price tag?What the interest change always based on the original?...


  1. Formula of simple interest.
  2. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  3. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.
  4. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  5. The person to whom the payment is to be made
  6. The person that signs the note.
  7. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?
  8. What the interest change always based on the original?
  9. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  10. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?
  1. price What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  2. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  3. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. if the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  4. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  5. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  6. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  7. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.
  8. RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  9. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  10. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?The person to whom the payment is to be madeRM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.price What is usually the amount on the price tag?What the interest change always based on the original?...


  1. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  2. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  3. Formula of simple interest.
  4. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  5. The person to whom the payment is to be made
  6. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  7. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?
  8. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. if the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  9. price What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  10. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?
  1. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?
  2. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.
  3. RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  4. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  5. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  6. What the interest change always based on the original?
  7. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  8. The person that signs the note.
  9. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  10. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.The person to whom the payment is to be madeX= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.What the interest change always based on the original?price What is usually the amount on the price tag?...


  1. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?
  2. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  3. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  4. What the interest change always based on the original?
  5. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  6. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  7. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  8. RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  9. The person to whom the payment is to be made
  10. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.
  1. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?
  2. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  3. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  4. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. if the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  5. price What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  6. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  7. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?
  8. Formula of simple interest.
  9. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.
  10. The person that signs the note.

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?The person to whom the payment is to be madeRM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.price What is usually the amount on the price tag?What the interest change always based on the original?...


  1. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?
  2. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  3. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  4. What the interest change always based on the original?
  5. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  6. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  7. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  8. RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  9. The person to whom the payment is to be made
  10. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.
  1. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?
  2. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  3. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  4. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. if the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  5. price What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  6. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  7. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?
  8. Formula of simple interest.
  9. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.
  10. The person that signs the note.

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?The person to whom the payment is to be madeRM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.price What is usually the amount on the price tag?What the interest change always based on the original?...

8th Grade Mathematics vocabulary 2023-05-17

8th Grade Mathematics vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The longest side of a right triangle
  2. The space that’s inside a 3d figure
  3. The amount of space that is inside a 2d figure
  4. The perimeter or distance that’s around the circle
  5. Two lines that will never cross
  6. When the x and the y value can flip its value to change their orientation
  7. Distance across the circle through the center of a circle
  8. Used to find a missing side length on a right triangle
  9. Distance from the center to a point in the center of a circle
  10. The number that’s next to a variable that can be seen when combining like terms
  11. A type of transformation that does not provide congruence
  1. When the old and new image of a figure in graphed change its size, position, or orientation of the shape.
  2. When x is loyal to have just one y
  3. Two angles that when their measure is combined they are a total of 180*
  4. Two angles that when their measure is combined they are a total of 90*
  5. A graph with points that show a relationship between two sets of data
  6. A line that has 1 or more lines that go through it
  7. The rate of change for a line which variable is “m”
  8. After a transformation is used the new figure will have a new name too
  9. Terms or numbers without a variable (letter next to it)

20 Clues: Two lines that will never crossWhen x is loyal to have just one yThe space that’s inside a 3d figureThe longest side of a right triangleThe amount of space that is inside a 2d figureA line that has 1 or more lines that go through itThe perimeter or distance that’s around the circleThe rate of change for a line which variable is “m”...

French HW 13 2022-02-07

French HW 13 crossword puzzle
  1. radio
  2. to draw
  3. Mp3 player
  4. novel
  5. french fries
  6. english
  7. I like to eat
  8. to send a text
  9. headphones
  10. modern music
  11. francais french
  12. newspaper
  13. to read
  14. Magazine
  1. mathematics
  2. to send email
  3. to surf the internet
  4. to listen to music
  5. classical music
  6. colored pencil
  7. to sing
  8. to telephone friends
  9. comic strip/comic book
  10. chocolate
  11. ice cream
  12. to study

26 Clues: radionovelto drawto singenglishto readMagazineto studychocolateice creamnewspaperMp3 playerheadphonesmathematicsfrench friesmodern musicto send emailI like to eatcolored pencilto send a textclassical musicfrancais frenchto listen to musicto surf the internetto telephone friendscomic strip/comic book

Spelling 2022-03-03

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. you can put it under a micro thing
  2. soon
  3. its like a lilly pad
  4. very comfortable
  5. a volcano does this
  6. you can charish the moment
  7. you argue about something
  8. something happens when you are near or eat it
  9. very sensitive
  10. destroy
  1. questioning
  2. serious
  3. not knowing
  4. science
  5. very mad
  6. not forgetting
  7. forgets a lot
  8. math equations
  9. you can enjoy it
  10. improving

20 Clues: soonserioussciencedestroyvery madimprovingquestioningnot knowingforgets a lotnot forgettingmath equationsvery sensitiveyou can enjoy itvery comfortablea volcano does thisits like a lilly padyou argue about somethingyou can charish the momentyou can put it under a micro thingsomething happens when you are near or eat it

VOCABULARIO 2023-10-24

VOCABULARIO crossword puzzle
  1. Black in Spanish
  2. Cat in Spanish
  3. Beach in Spanish
  4. Place in Spanish
  5. Restaurant In Spanish
  6. Food in Spanish
  7. animal in Spanish
  8. Subject in Spanish
  9. English in Spanish
  10. Apple in Spanish
  1. Movie in Spanish
  2. Name in Spanish
  3. Mathematics in Spanish
  4. Frog in Spanish
  5. cow in Spanish
  6. Red in Spanish
  7. Age in Spanish
  8. Song in Spanish
  9. Color in Spanish
  10. Blue in Spanish

20 Clues: Cat in Spanishcow in SpanishRed in SpanishAge in SpanishName in SpanishFrog in SpanishSong in SpanishFood in SpanishBlue in SpanishMovie in SpanishBlack in SpanishBeach in SpanishPlace in SpanishColor in SpanishApple in Spanishanimal in SpanishSubject in SpanishEnglish in SpanishRestaurant In SpanishMathematics in Spanish

School Subjects 2024-02-22

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Creative Expression
  2. Heavenly Bodies
  3. Physical Fitness Activities
  4. Literary Works Analysis
  5. Language Arts
  6. Rules of Language Usage
  7. Historical Events and Facts
  8. Understanding Societies
  1. Principles of Government
  2. Earth and Its Processes
  3. Study of Living Organisms
  4. The Study of Matter and Energy
  5. Musical Theory
  6. The Art of Numbers
  7. Investigating Crime Scenes
  8. Mathematical Logic
  9. Math's Alphabetical Cousin
  10. Mind and Behavior
  11. Lab Experiments
  12. Economic Systems

20 Clues: Language ArtsMusical TheoryHeavenly BodiesLab ExperimentsEconomic SystemsMind and BehaviorThe Art of NumbersMathematical LogicCreative ExpressionEarth and Its ProcessesLiterary Works AnalysisRules of Language UsageUnderstanding SocietiesPrinciples of GovernmentStudy of Living OrganismsInvestigating Crime ScenesMath's Alphabetical Cousin...

Mia and Avery 2024-11-04

Mia and Avery crossword puzzle
  1. little Ivy
  2. not soggy
  3. Black ......
  4. social heavyweight
  5. royalty
  6. to like someone
  7. thinking activity
  8. hot frothy drink
  9. exercise
  10. HS Subj.
  11. vibrant dance form
  12. Avery's major
  13. king of the castle
  14. ode
  1. world's greatest game
  2. Mia's birthplace
  3. small space
  4. Avery and Nathaniel both went here
  5. voice in choir
  6. tobacco
  7. spoken by 8% of the world
  8. Captain George.......
  9. Starbucks
  10. Snoopy

24 Clues: odeSnoopytobaccoroyaltyexerciseHS Subj.not soggyStarbuckslittle Ivysmall spaceBlack ......Avery's majorvoice in choirto like someoneMia's birthplacehot frothy drinkthinking activitysocial heavyweightvibrant dance formking of the castleworld's greatest gameCaptain George.......spoken by 8% of the worldAvery and Nathaniel both went here

Papa's Feb. 2025 Puzzle 2025-02-10

Papa's Feb. 2025 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematics/Algebra
  2. Wellington's Horse
  3. Trigonometry term
  4. Embroidery
  5. Small bottle
  6. Squeeze or Press
  7. Study of Clouds
  8. - Which Baltic country
  9. Small amount
  10. Herb
  1. Rhythm or Seed
  2. Period of Monarchy
  3. Small part of a kitchen
  4. Flavour or Colour
  5. Region of North Spain near France
  6. Not legal (unwell)
  7. Feather (hat)
  8. German Chemist (found in a laboratory)
  9. Trespass (Eggs)
  10. Occurs simultaneously
  11. Capital of Nth. Macedonia

21 Clues: HerbEmbroiderySmall bottleSmall amountFeather (hat)Rhythm or SeedTrespass (Eggs)Study of CloudsSqueeze or PressFlavour or ColourTrigonometry termPeriod of MonarchyWellington's HorseNot legal (unwell)Mathematics/AlgebraOccurs simultaneously- Which Baltic countrySmall part of a kitchenCapital of Nth. MacedoniaRegion of North Spain near France...

General 2022-12-03

General crossword puzzle
  1. a science subject
  2. a house
  3. a maths term
  4. a train line to France and Belgium
  5. a station in scr
  6. run quickly
  1. a subject
  2. ————— United
  3. odour
  4. London North Eastern Railway
  5. the capital city of England
  6. really fast
  7. a science subject
  8. attractive
  9. a city in Wales

15 Clues: odoura housea subjectattractivereally fastrun quickly————— Uniteda maths terma city in Walesa station in scra science subjecta science subjectthe capital city of EnglandLondon North Eastern Railwaya train line to France and Belgium

Maestros of Mathematics 2022-09-04

Maestros of Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. which indian mathematician famous for theory of estimation
  2. mathematician who discovered formula e^(i(pi)) + 1 = 0
  3. Mathematician who first derived the quadratic formula
  4. philospher who wrote Principia Mathematica and introduction to mathematical philosophy
  5. whose statue pedestal in trinity college chapple claims "Who surpassed the human race in genius".
  6. mathematician who wrote "a mathematician's apology"
  1. invented polynomial algorithms for linear programming
  2. french mathematician who used the term ‘group’ as a technical word in mathematics
  3. 2006 fields medal recipient who has been reffered to as the "Mozart of mathematics."
  4. which mathematician's books are famously called as baby/papa/grandpa
  5. who received 1930 nobel prize in physics
  6. who famously wrote in the margin of a book "I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain."
  7. who is known for drig system and circumradius formula

13 Clues: who received 1930 nobel prize in physicsmathematician who wrote "a mathematician's apology"invented polynomial algorithms for linear programmingwho is known for drig system and circumradius formulaMathematician who first derived the quadratic formulamathematician who discovered formula e^(i(pi)) + 1 = 0...

Mathematics PUZZLE-1 2020-08-26

Mathematics PUZZLE-1 crossword puzzle
  1. Area x height
  2. Unit to measure area
  3. distance/time
  4. number of zeros of quadratic polynomial
  5. Volume/Area
  6. Unit to measure angle
  1. number of zeros of linear polynomial
  2. Unit to measure volume
  3. number of zeros of cubic polynomial
  4. Unit to measure time
  5. Unit to measure distance or length
  6. length x breadth
  7. Unit to measure Indian currency

13 Clues: Volume/AreaArea x heightdistance/timelength x breadthUnit to measure areaUnit to measure timeUnit to measure angleUnit to measure volumeUnit to measure Indian currencyUnit to measure distance or lengthnumber of zeros of cubic polynomialnumber of zeros of linear polynomialnumber of zeros of quadratic polynomial

mathematics crossword puzzle 2023-03-27

mathematics crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the diagonals of a rectangle ______ each other
  2. a rhombus can be defined as a _______ parallelogram as it fulfills the requirements of a parallelogram
  3. A _____________ is a closed shape that is formed by joining four points among which any three points are non-collinear
  4. a ______ has four internal angles
  5. If both pairs of the opposite sides are parallel, its opposite sides are of equal length and at right angles to each other, then a trapezoid can be considered as a _______
  6. a ____ has four interior angles
  7. a _________ has four right angles
  8. the lenght of the diagonals in a square is _______ than its sides
  9. A trapezoid is also known as a _________ is a four-sided polygon or a quadrilateral
  1. a _________ of a kite is equal to the sum of the length of all of its sides
  2. a trapezoid has ___ angles
  3. If both pairs of the opposite sides are parallel in a trapezoid, it is considered a________
  4. a parallelogram has a _________ and supplementary angles
  5. If both pairs of the opposite sides are parallel, all sides are of equal length, and at right angles to each other, then a trapezoid can be considered as a ________
  6. a _______ has four interior angles

15 Clues: a trapezoid has ___ anglesa ____ has four interior anglesa ______ has four internal anglesa _________ has four right anglesa _______ has four interior anglesthe diagonals of a rectangle ______ each othera parallelogram has a _________ and supplementary anglesthe lenght of the diagonals in a square is _______ than its sides...

Mathematics (1-13) 2024-02-22

Mathematics (1-13) crossword puzzle
  1. Is the top part of a fraction that represents the number of parts being considered.
  2. A four sided polygon with opposite sides that are equal in length and all angles are right angles (90 degrees).
  3. Is the bottom part of a fraction that represents the total number of parts in a whole.
  4. Refers to the act of voiding or nullifying something.
  5. A mathematical rule or equation, often using symbols, that show how one quantity is related to another.
  1. The numerical digits 0, occurring at the beginning, middle, or end of a number, serving to fill a place or indicate the absence of magnitude.
  2. Having the shape of a circle or being related to a circle.
  3. The parts into which one whole is divided when it is divided into a hundred equal parts.
  4. A numerical quantity that is not a whole number.
  5. A symbol used to represent numbers, typically raging from 0 to 9.
  6. A straight line passing from one side of the circle to the other, passing through the center.
  7. Capable of being divided without any remainder.
  8. A way of writing numbers that shows the value of each digits place.

13 Clues: Capable of being divided without any remainder.A numerical quantity that is not a whole number.Refers to the act of voiding or nullifying something.Having the shape of a circle or being related to a circle.A symbol used to represent numbers, typically raging from 0 to 9.A way of writing numbers that shows the value of each digits place....

Aliesha's Crossword puzzle 2013-05-13

Aliesha's Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a slanted incline in an upward or down wared way
  2. a branch of mathematics than deals with letters or symbols to repersant numbers
  3. the space between two intersecting lines or surfaces
  4. a number attached to a variable
  5. the space inside an enclosed two dementional figuer
  1. the measure of the amount of space inside a solid figure
  2. a slanted incline in an upwared or down ward
  3. an act of adding subtracting,multiplying,or dividing with out an anwser
  4. an angler projection/a corner
  5. study of this branch in mathematics

10 Clues: an angler projection/a cornera number attached to a variablestudy of this branch in mathematicsa slanted incline in an upwared or down warda slanted incline in an upward or down wared waythe space inside an enclosed two dementional figuerthe space between two intersecting lines or surfacesthe measure of the amount of space inside a solid figure...

MATH Holiday Homework 2021-08-24

MATH Holiday Homework crossword puzzle
  1. Father of Indian Mathematics
  2. The line intersects 2 or more parallel line is called
  3. The distance around a figure
  4. 4x-2y+3 has three terms,also known as
  5. Branch of mathematics that deal with points,lines,planes
  6. An angle that measures greater than 90 degrees
  1. opposite side of a right angle
  2. is a part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on infinitely in only one direction
  3. Lines in the same plane that do not intersect
  4. A closed plane figure formed by three or more straight line segments

10 Clues: Father of Indian MathematicsThe distance around a figureopposite side of a right angle4x-2y+3 has three terms,also known asLines in the same plane that do not intersectAn angle that measures greater than 90 degreesThe line intersects 2 or more parallel line is calledBranch of mathematics that deal with points,lines,planes...

The Kyla Times 2022-10-13

The Kyla Times crossword puzzle
  1. sunset
  2. campy
  3. summer
  4. bad
  5. colour
  6. morning
  7. accuracy
  8. fruits
  9. honest
  10. dedicated
  11. walking
  12. loyal
  13. gelato
  14. growing
  15. friend
  16. mathematics
  17. movies
  18. detailed
  19. collaborate
  1. artistic
  2. songs
  3. assume
  4. problems
  5. passionate
  6. animal
  7. heat
  8. determined
  9. lead
  10. raisin
  11. achieve
  12. carismatic
  13. gym
  14. accurate
  15. organized
  16. scientific
  17. family
  18. respectful
  19. messy
  20. equal

39 Clues: badgymheatleadsongscampyloyalmessyequalsunsetassumeanimalsummerraisincolourfruitshonestgelatofriendfamilymoviesmorningachievewalkinggrowingartisticproblemsaccuracyaccuratedetaileddedicatedorganizedpassionatedeterminedcarismaticscientificrespectfulmathematicscollaborate

My amazing brain 2017-10-03

My amazing brain crossword puzzle
  1. probleemi lahendama
  2. ühendus
  3. esile kerkima, tärkama
  4. võimendama, tagant tõukama
  5. poolkera
  6. esinemine, sooritus
  7. võime
  8. galaktika
  9. keskendumisvõime
  10. liikumine; liigutus
  11. ajuimpulss; mõttesähvatus
  12. nõuanne, näpunäide
  13. edukas
  14. miljard
  15. midagi valla päästma
  16. rakk
  17. maht
  1. keskenduma
  2. matemaatika
  3. üldised teadmised
  4. loovalt
  5. hapnik
  6. meeldejätmisoskus
  7. tihedalt, tihedasti
  8. keemia
  9. aktiivseks tegema, aktiveerima
  10. eelis, kasu; kasu saama
  11. seos
  12. viktoriin
  13. keemiline
  14. vabastama

31 Clues: seosrakkmahtvõimehapnikkeemiaedukasloovaltühendusmiljardpoolkeragalaktikaviktoriinkeemilinevabastamakeskendumamatemaatikakeskendumisvõimeüldised teadmisedmeeldejätmisoskusnõuanne, näpunäideprobleemi lahendamatihedalt, tihedastiesinemine, sooritusliikumine; liigutusmidagi valla päästmaesile kerkima, tärkamaeelis, kasu; kasu saama...

Vocbllaro 2023-10-24

Vocbllaro crossword puzzle
  1. special in Spanish
  2. biology in Spanish
  3. music in Spanish
  4. black in Spanish
  5. soup in Spanish
  6. red in Spanish
  7. yellow in Spanish
  8. is blue in Spanish
  9. zero in Spanish
  10. playground in Spanish
  11. art in Spanish
  1. green in Spanish
  2. lamp in Spanish
  3. guitar in Spanish
  4. mathematics in Spanish
  5. form in Spanish
  6. beach in Spanish
  7. yogurt in Spanish
  8. boots in Spanish
  9. dessert in Spanish

20 Clues: red in Spanishart in Spanishlamp in Spanishform in Spanishsoup in Spanishzero in Spanishgreen in Spanishmusic in Spanishblack in Spanishbeach in Spanishboots in Spanishguitar in Spanishyellow in Spanishyogurt in Spanishspecial in Spanishbiology in Spanishis blue in Spanishdessert in Spanishplayground in Spanishmathematics in Spanish

Imagine Prep 2021-09-27

Imagine Prep crossword puzzle
  1. a website the school uses
  2. educators
  3. mathematics
  4. a sport with two teams of six with a net
  5. scientific method
  6. black feline
  7. 6th-7th grade
  1. checking grades
  2. physical activities
  3. NFL
  4. 9th-12th grade
  5. the dean of students
  6. the principle
  7. our school name
  8. book published annually with pictures and events

15 Clues: NFLeducatorsmathematicsblack felinethe principle6th-7th grade9th-12th gradechecking gradesour school namescientific methodphysical activitiesthe dean of studentsa website the school usesa sport with two teams of six with a netbook published annually with pictures and events

Imagine Prep 2021-09-27

Imagine Prep crossword puzzle
  1. a website the school uses
  2. educators
  3. mathematics
  4. a sport with two teams of six with a net
  5. scientific method
  6. black feline
  7. 6th-7th grade
  1. checking grades
  2. physical activities
  3. NFL
  4. 9th-12th grade
  5. the dean of students
  6. the principle
  7. our school name
  8. book published annually with pictures and events

15 Clues: NFLeducatorsmathematicsblack felinethe principle6th-7th grade9th-12th gradechecking gradesour school namescientific methodphysical activitiesthe dean of studentsa website the school usesa sport with two teams of six with a netbook published annually with pictures and events

Princess diary 2023-04-05

Princess diary crossword puzzle
  1. not telling the truth
  2. Has a trunk
  3. yellowish hair
  4. mad angry or sad
  5. to open your mouth when feeling sleepy
  6. with no hair
  7. Large marsupial
  1. synonym of handsome
  2. strange
  3. a branch of mathematics
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. enormous
  6. Flying mammal
  7. being sad
  8. Man's best friend

15 Clues: strangeenormousbeing sadHas a trunkwith no hairFlying mammalyellowish hairLarge marsupialmad angry or sadMan's best friendsynonym of handsomeLikes to chase micenot telling the trutha branch of mathematicsto open your mouth when feeling sleepy

Maths 2014-03-02

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. /.... starting position of any theory
  2. /.... is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output.
  3. /.... is the exponent to which another fixed value, the base, must be raised to produce that number
  4. /.... is a premise or starting point of reasoning
  5. / ..... is an important concept in mathematics and, together with its inverse, differentiation, is one of the two main operations in calculus.
  6. / in mathematics, a **** is an expression consisting of variables, called indeterminates, and coefficients that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponents
  7. / ......... is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction.
  1. /In mathematics .... of an integer n, also called a factor of n, is an integer that can be multiplied by some other integer to produce n.
  2. /.... is a simple (non self-intersecting) quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.
  3. /.... is an abstract concept describing something without any limit and is relevant in a number of fields, predominantly mathematics and physics.
  4. /.... is a relationship between two numbers of the same kind[1] (e.g., objects, persons, students, spoonfuls, units of whatever identical dimension), expressed as "a to b" or a:b.
  5. /.... is a line such that the distance between the curve and the line approaches zero as they tend to infinity.
  6. / .... is a representation of a set of objects where some pairs of objects are connected by links.
  7. /.... is the value that a function or sequence "approaches" as the input or index approaches some value
  8. /.... is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle. angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle., sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the .....

15 Clues: /.... starting position of any theory/.... is a premise or starting point of reasoning/.... is a simple (non self-intersecting) quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides./.... is the exponent to which another fixed value, the base, must be raised to produce that number...

A Truly Beautiful Mind 2020-06-30

A Truly Beautiful Mind crossword puzzle
  1. kinds of toys
  2. Private life
  3. Interested in
  4. high school
  1. mother's opinion
  2. gifted in
  3. Patent Office
  4. moustache
  5. 1919
  6. bureau of theoretical physics

10 Clues: 1919gifted inmoustachehigh schoolPrivate lifePatent Officekinds of toysInterested inmother's opinionbureau of theoretical physics

A Truly Beautiful Mind 2020-06-30

A Truly Beautiful Mind crossword puzzle
  1. kinds of toys
  2. Private life
  3. Interested in
  4. high school
  1. mother's opinion
  2. gifted in
  3. Patent Office
  4. moustache
  5. 1919
  6. bureau of theoretical physics

10 Clues: 1919gifted inmoustachehigh schoolPrivate lifePatent Officekinds of toysInterested inmother's opinionbureau of theoretical physics

Mathematics PUZZLE-1 2020-08-26

Mathematics PUZZLE-1 crossword puzzle
  1. Area x height
  2. Unit to measure area
  3. distance/time
  4. number of zeros of quadratic polynomial
  5. Volume/Area
  6. Unit to measure angle
  1. number of zeros of linear polynomial
  2. Unit to measure volume
  3. number of zeros of cubic polynomial
  4. Unit to measure time
  5. Unit to measure distance or length
  6. length x breadth
  7. Unit to measure Indian currency

13 Clues: Volume/AreaArea x heightdistance/timelength x breadthUnit to measure areaUnit to measure timeUnit to measure angleUnit to measure volumeUnit to measure Indian currencyUnit to measure distance or lengthnumber of zeros of cubic polynomialnumber of zeros of linear polynomialnumber of zeros of quadratic polynomial

Mathematics in Beauty 2014-10-26

Mathematics in Beauty crossword puzzle
  1. forming the most important or most necessary part of something
  2. someone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings
  3. belonging to the present time or most recent time
  4. tell or show what you are feeling or thinking by using words, looks, or actions
  5. the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at, or someone or something that gives great pleasure
  6. a building where people go to worship
  1. the form that something has, for example round, square, triangular
  2. a relationship between two amounts, represented by a pair of numbers showing
  3. what you think or believe about something
  4. belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago
  5. how long something is from one end to the other
  6. everything in the physical world that is not controlled by humans
  7. a single fact, idea, or opinion that is part of an argument or discussion

13 Clues: a building where people go to worshipwhat you think or believe about somethinghow long something is from one end to the otherbelonging to the present time or most recent timesomeone who produces art, especially paintings or drawingsforming the most important or most necessary part of something...

High School 2024-05-21

High School crossword puzzle
  1. Bag used to carry books and supplies
  2. Creative course involving various mediums
  3. A storage compartment for students' belongings
  4. A facility for physical education classes and sports
  5. A formal dance typically held for high school students
  6. Student with the highest academic achievement in a graduating class
  7. Lack of motivation among seniors nearing graduation
  8. A publication featuring photos and memories from the school year
  9. Event where students present scientific projects
  10. A popular sport played in many high schools
  11. Branch of mathematics dealing with shapes and their properties
  12. Standardized test used for college admissions
  13. Activity outside of regular curriculum
  14. Vocal ensemble performing choral music
  15. The study of living organisms
  16. The head administrator of a school
  17. Ceremony marking the completion of high school
  18. Musical ensemble often found in high schools
  19. A punishment for breaking school rules
  20. Vehicle used to transport students to and from school
  21. Document showing a student's grades for a term
  22. A place for students to borrow books and study
  1. Substance with a distinct molecular composition
  2. Branch of mathematics dealing with triangles and angles
  3. Educational outing outside of the classroom
  4. The study of matter and its properties
  5. Someone who provides academic assistance outside of class
  6. Where students eat lunch at school
  7. Theatrical productions performed by students
  8. Classroom where students start their day and take attendance
  9. Event to boost school spirit before a sports game
  10. Courses for college credit
  11. A branch of mathematics often dreaded by students
  12. Study sessions to prepare for the college entrance exam
  13. Tradition of welcoming back alumni to the school
  14. Measuring tool used in math and drafting
  15. Group of students who argue opposing viewpoints
  16. Study of past events and their significance
  17. Assignments given to students to complete outside of class

39 Clues: Courses for college creditThe study of living organismsWhere students eat lunch at schoolThe head administrator of a schoolBag used to carry books and suppliesThe study of matter and its propertiesActivity outside of regular curriculumVocal ensemble performing choral musicA punishment for breaking school rules...

Imagine Prep 2021-09-27

Imagine Prep crossword puzzle
  1. the dean of students
  2. the principle
  3. mathematics
  4. checking grades
  5. scientific method
  6. book published annually with pictures and events
  7. 9th-12th grade
  1. black feline
  2. our school name
  3. a sport with two teams of six with a net
  4. 6th-7th grade
  5. physical activities
  6. educators
  7. NFL
  8. a website the school uses

15 Clues: NFLeducatorsmathematicsblack feline6th-7th gradethe principle9th-12th gradeour school namechecking gradesscientific methodphysical activitiesthe dean of studentsa website the school usesa sport with two teams of six with a netbook published annually with pictures and events


FRENCH WORDS BY JEREMY crossword puzzle
  1. Non sociable
  2. Salut
  3. L'agebra
  4. Non grand
  5. Mansion
  1. oppisite of his
  2. day of the week were we are tired.
  3. avons
  4. Bounjer
  5. cours

10 Clues: SalutavonscoursBounjerMansionL'agebraNon grandNon sociableoppisite of hisday of the week were we are tired.

Mathematicians 2023-03-02

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. mathematician who built America’s first clock—a wooden device that struck hourly.
  2. was an American mathematician and human computer who worked for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and NASA, at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.
  3. was a mathematics educator. She was one of the first African-American women to receive a PhD in mathematics.
  4. was an American computer scientist, mathematician, and rocket scientist. She worked for the Lewis Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
  5. was an American mathematician and aerospace engineer at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, which in 1958 was succeeded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
  6. was an American mathematician whose calculations of orbital mechanics as a NASA employee were critical to the success of the first and subsequent U.S. crewed spaceflights
  1. the first African-American in any field to be elected to membership of the National Academy of Sciences.
  2. described in national newspapers as "the Negro genius." He was also a world-class American mathematician, mechanical engineer, and nuclear scientist.
  3. was an African-American mathematician. He served as the chairman of the Clark College mathematics department from 1930 to 1974.
  4. was an African American Professor of Mathematics. He received the National Association of Mathematicians Distinguished Service Award for his years of mentoring and teaching excellence.

10 Clues: mathematician who built America’s first clock—a wooden device that struck hourly.the first African-American in any field to be elected to membership of the National Academy of Sciences.was a mathematics educator. She was one of the first African-American women to receive a PhD in mathematics....

School Subjects - Matérias Escolares 2020-11-28

School Subjects - Matérias Escolares crossword puzzle
  1. matemática
  2. geografia
  3. ciência
  4. história
  1. inglês
  2. artes
  3. filosofia
  4. música

8 Clues: artesinglêsmúsicaciênciahistóriageografiafilosofiamatemática

School subjects 2024-03-02

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. cry
  2. basquiat
  3. acid
  4. body
  5. fly
  1. places
  2. numbers
  3. books

8 Clues: cryflyacidbodybooksplacesnumbersbasquiat

Vocabulary #6 2021-05-20

Vocabulary #6 crossword puzzle
  1. earth
  2. not using speech or words
  3. having or representing the earth as the center of the universe
  4. the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere
  5. animals and plants of the land
  6. not alive; inorganic
  7. the highest point in the development of something
  8. to continue going without stopping; constant
  1. relating to international relations as influenced by geographic features
  2. relating to the form of the landscape and other natural features of the earth's surface
  3. the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, etc.
  4. not
  5. the science that deals with the earth's physical structure, its rocks, its history, and the processes that act on it
  6. the branch of mathematics dealing with the shape and area of the earth or large portions of it
  7. not attaching; having a finish that prevents food from attaching to the surface
  8. not designed or run to make cash for oneself
  9. not poisonous or harmful
  10. the mechanism by which the earth's magnetic field is generated

18 Clues: notearthnot alive; inorganicnot poisonous or harmfulnot using speech or wordsanimals and plants of the landnot designed or run to make cash for oneselfto continue going without stopping; constantthe highest point in the development of somethinghaving or representing the earth as the center of the universe...

mathamatical week 2024-03-15

mathamatical week crossword puzzle
  1. Sequence of numbers where each term is the sum of the two preceding terms
  2. Shape with seven sides
  3. Shape with five sides
  4. Number obtained by multiplying a quantity by itself
  5. Famous mathematician credited with the discovery of calculus
  6. Branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
  7. Famous theorem stating that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  8. Study of the relationship between the sides and angles of triangles
  9. Famous Greek mathematician known as the "Father of Geometry"
  1. Number that can only be divided by itself and 1
  2. Branch of mathematics dealing with the study of numbers
  3. Shape with six sides
  4. Rule stating that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers
  5. Famous mathematician born on March 14th
  6. Term for the study of shapes and space
  7. Number obtained by multiplying a quantity by itself
  8. Mathematical constant associated with circles
  9. Celebration month of Mathematical Week
  10. Famous Greek mathematician known as the "Father of Geometry"
  11. The process of dividing one number by another

20 Clues: Shape with six sidesShape with five sidesShape with seven sidesTerm for the study of shapes and spaceCelebration month of Mathematical WeekFamous mathematician born on March 14thMathematical constant associated with circlesThe process of dividing one number by anotherNumber that can only be divided by itself and 1...

Matthew list 29 2022-04-26

Matthew list 29 crossword puzzle
  1. a branch of mathematics that deals with adding subtracting multiplication and dividing
  2. the product of the number multiplied by a whole number
  3. the distance around a polygon
  4. the branch of mathematics that deals with the measuring of lines angles surfaces and solids
  5. a figure with eight sides
  1. the distance around a circle
  2. an approximate answer
  3. more or less correct or exact

8 Clues: an approximate answera figure with eight sidesthe distance around a circlemore or less correct or exactthe distance around a polygonthe product of the number multiplied by a whole numbera branch of mathematics that deals with adding subtracting multiplication and dividing...

movement physic 2018-01-05

movement physic crossword puzzle
  1. ancient Greek philosopher, 384-322 BC
  2. increase in speed
  3. resistance to the motion of an object
  4. type of mathematics developed by Newton and others
  5. universal force of the attraction of all objects
  1. state of rest, or motion in a straight line
  2. major tool of physics
  3. My teacher calls himself
  4. total quantity of an object's matter
  5. the rate of motion in a particular direction. The formula that expresses it is: v=gt (velocity equals acceleration multiplied by time)
  6. to a physicist the only forces in nature are gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear force. Einstein and others believed these were different aspects of the same force
  7. movement of an object
  8. Einstein German-American physicist, 1879-1955; his theory showed that gravity affects light

13 Clues: increase in speedmajor tool of physicsmovement of an objectMy teacher calls himselftotal quantity of an object's matterancient Greek philosopher, 384-322 BCresistance to the motion of an objectstate of rest, or motion in a straight lineuniversal force of the attraction of all objectstype of mathematics developed by Newton and others...

MBF3C 2018-05-09

MBF3C crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics that studies relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles
  2. the management of money and financial decisions for a person or family including budgeting, investments, retirement planning and investments.
  3. The interest paid on principal and its accumulated interest
  4. An equation that pertains to squares, to the operation of squaring, to terms of the second degree, or equations or formulas that involve such terms.
  5. studies the construction and manipulation of curves and surfaces
  1. f ( x ) = a x. where x is a variable, and a is a constant
  2. mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data
  3. mathematics that deals with calculating the likelihood of a given event's occurrence

8 Clues: f ( x ) = a x. where x is a variable, and a is a constantThe interest paid on principal and its accumulated intereststudies the construction and manipulation of curves and surfacesmathematics that studies relationships involving lengths and angles of trianglesmathematics that deals with calculating the likelihood of a given event's occurrence...

Math Project 2023-06-16

Math Project crossword puzzle
  1. an algebraic expression that has three non-zero terms and has more than one variable in the expression.
  2. The answer when two or more values are multiplied together
  3. relating to or involving algebra
  4. equal to one another
  5. the number without a variable in an equation
  6. greatest common factor
  7. A mathematical process
  8. an expression of more than two algebraic terms
  9. an algebraic expression consisting of one term.
  10. a mathematical expression consisting of two terms connected by a plus sign or minus sign
  11. Finding what to multiply to get an expression
  1. A symbol for a value we don't know yet.
  2. a number that is not a fraction; a whole number.
  3. same as grid method
  4. number in front of the variable
  5. same as tictactoe method
  6. obtain from (a number) another that contains the first number a specified number of times.
  7. arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line.
  8. the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations
  9. a fact or a rule written with mathematical symbols
  10. first outer inner last
  11. Without an end. Not finite
  12. mathematics

23 Clues: mathematicssame as grid methodequal to one anothergreatest common factorfirst outer inner lastA mathematical processsame as tictactoe methodWithout an end. Not finitenumber in front of the variablerelating to or involving algebraA symbol for a value we don't know yet.the number without a variable in an equation...

Our project,our school 2025-01-19

Our project,our school crossword puzzle
  1. always sings beautiful roc songs and he plays his guitar
  2. helps us to mathematics
  3. plays the piano
  4. is a fun of our project too
  5. is our student and he is from Maroko
  6. Linda plays that
  7. she is the teacher who helps us to do our project
  8. helps us also to learn the greek language
  9. likes our project
  10. she is our teacher of english
  11. this is an instrument that we keep it in the teacher's office
  12. I feel that way,if i forgot anyone of our school
  13. is from Somalia
  14. sings beautiful songs from his country
  15. is our bookeeper
  1. she teaches us computers
  2. she is a teacher of the environment
  3. he sings traditional songs of his country
  4. she is a teacher of social subjects
  5. he sings beautiful songs and plays the drum
  6. she is the headmaster of our school
  7. is a teacher of mathematics
  8. this is the subject of our project
  9. likes music and he is from Poland
  10. sings with his special voice
  11. Mary always plays this instrument
  12. is a techer of greek
  13. helps to have a tidy school

28 Clues: plays the pianois from SomaliaLinda plays thatis our bookeeperlikes our projectis a techer of greekhelps us to mathematicsshe teaches us computersis a fun of our project toois a teacher of mathematicshelps to have a tidy schoolsings with his special voiceshe is our teacher of englishlikes music and he is from PolandMary always plays this instrument...

School Courses 2024-04-24

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. Español
  2. Expresiones Artísticas
  3. Studies Ciencias Sociales
  4. Religión
  5. Inglés
  1. Matemáticas
  2. Agricultura
  3. Education Educación Física
  4. Ciencias Naturales

9 Clues: InglésEspañolReligiónMatemáticasAgriculturaCiencias NaturalesExpresiones ArtísticasStudies Ciencias SocialesEducation Educación Física

Treasure hunt 2025-01-16

Treasure hunt crossword puzzle
  1. Yoga Specialist
  2. Mathematics
  3. Panchatatra
  4. Strategy Specialist
  1. Alchemy
  2. Medicine
  3. Monk who introduce Jain buddhism.
  4. Astrology
  5. Surgery

9 Clues: AlchemySurgeryMedicineAstrologyMathematicsPanchatatraYoga SpecialistStrategy SpecialistMonk who introduce Jain buddhism.

Subject 2022-02-22

Subject crossword puzzle
  1. พลศึกษา
  2. ภาษาอังกฤษ
  3. ศิลปะ
  4. วิทยาศาสตร์
  1. ภาษาไทย
  2. คณิตศาสตร์
  3. สังคม
  4. วิชา

8 Clues: วิชาสังคมศิลปะภาษาไทยพลศึกษาคณิตศาสตร์ภาษาอังกฤษวิทยาศาสตร์

yes 2023-12-05

yes crossword puzzle
  1. a soft item of clothing to wear
  2. speak it out
  3. what is in an electronic device
  4. school subject
  5. big brain
  6. similar to a property in math, but STEM
  7. a hard item of clothing to wear
  8. think of
  1. build
  2. what you see
  3. work together
  4. mathematics
  5. plan
  6. electronic devices
  7. create

15 Clues: planbuildcreatethink ofbig brainmathematicswhat you seespeak it outwork togetherschool subjectelectronic devicesa soft item of clothing to wearwhat is in an electronic devicea hard item of clothing to wearsimilar to a property in math, but STEM

Intermediate Algebra Final 2021-05-21

Intermediate Algebra Final crossword puzzle
  1. In mathematics, a parabola is a plane curve which is mirror-symmetrical and is approximately U-shaped. It fits several superficially different mathematical descriptions, which can all be proved to define exactly the same curves. One description of a parabola involves a point and a line
  2. Consisting of three terms of which the first is the name of the genus, the second that of the species, and the third that of the subspecies or variety.
  3. (or shrinking) is the squeezing of the graph toward the x-axis. • if k > 1, the graph of y = k•f (x) is the graph of f (x) vertically stretched by multiplying each of its y-coordinates by k.
  4. In mathematics, a transformation is a function f that maps a set X to itself, i.e. f: X → X. In other areas of mathematics, a transformation may simply refer to any function, regardless of domain and codomain.
  5. Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the UK
  6. A vertical stretching is the stretching of the graph away from the x-axis. A
  7. A vertical compression (or shrinking) is the squeezing of the graph toward the x-axis. • if k > 1, the graph of y = k•f (x) is the graph of f (x) vertically stretched by multiplying each of its y-coordinates by k.
  8. In mathematics, a reflection is a mapping from a Euclidean space to itself that is an isometry with a hyperplane as a set of fixed points; this set is called the axis or plane of reflection. The image of a figure by a reflection is its mirror image in the axis or plane of reflection
  9. In mathematics, a parent function is the simplest function of a family of functions that preserves the definition of the entire family. For example, for the family of quadratic functions having the general form {\displaystyle y=ax^{2}+bx+c\, } the simplest function is {\displaystyle y=x^{2}}
  1. In algebra, a quadratic function, a quadratic polynomial, a polynomial of degree 2, or simply a quadratic, is a polynomial function with one or more variables in which the highest-degree term is of the second degree
  2. Linear equations in three variables. If a, b, c and r are real numbers (and if a, b, and c are not all equal to 0) then ax + by + cz = r is called a linear equation in three variables. (The “three variables” are the x, the y, and the z.) The numbers a, b, and c are called the coefficients of the equation.
  3. In mathematics, a polynomial is an expression consisting of variables and coefficients, that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables. An example of a polynomial of a single indeterminate x is x² − 4x + 7.
  4. of a matrix The dimensions of a matrix are the number of rows by the number of columns. If a matrix has rows and b columns, it is an a×b matrix.
  5. The minimum value of a function is the place where the graph has a vertex at its lowest point. In the real world, you can use the minimum value of a quadratic function to determine minimum cost or area. It has practical uses in science, architecture and business.
  6. In general, a solution of a system in three variables is an ordered triple (x, y, z) that makes ALL THREE equations true. In other words, it is what they all three have in common. So if an ordered triple is a solution to one equation, but not another, then it is NOT a solution to the system.
  7. In geometry, focuses or foci, singular focus, are special points with reference to which any of a variety of curves is constructed. For example, one or two foci can be used in defining conic sections, the four types of which are the circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola.
  8. In mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array or table of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. For example, the dimension of the matrix below is 2 × 3, because there are two rows and three columns
  9. In algebra, the zero-product property states that the product of two nonzero elements is nonzero. In other words, it is the following assertion: If ab=0, then a=0 or b=0

18 Clues: A vertical stretching is the stretching of the graph away from the x-axis. Aof a matrix The dimensions of a matrix are the number of rows by the number of columns. If a matrix has rows and b columns, it is an a×b matrix....

samuel list 29 2022-04-25

samuel list 29 crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of mathematics that deals with adding ,subtracting, multiplying, and divided
  2. the product of the number multiplied by a whole number
  3. the distance around a polygon
  4. a figure with eight sides
  5. the branch of mathematics the deals with the measuring of lines , angles,surfaces, and solids
  1. the distance around a circle
  2. an approximate answer
  3. more or less correct or exact

8 Clues: an approximate answera figure with eight sidesthe distance around a circlemore or less correct or exactthe distance around a polygonthe product of the number multiplied by a whole numberthe branch of mathematics that deals with adding ,subtracting, multiplying, and divided...

Matthew list 29 2022-04-26

Matthew list 29 crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of mathematics that deals with adding subtracting multiplication and dividing
  2. the product of number multiply by a whole number
  3. the distance around a polygon
  4. the branch of mathematics that deals with the measuring of lines angles surface is and solids
  5. a figure with eight sides
  1. the distance around a circle
  2. a approximate answer
  3. more or less correct or exact

8 Clues: a approximate answera figure with eight sidesthe distance around a circlemore or less correct or exactthe distance around a polygonthe product of number multiply by a whole numberthe branch of mathematics that deals with adding subtracting multiplication and dividing...

test 2022-12-08

test crossword puzzle
  1. study of zoos
  2. positive atom
  3. red fruit
  4. another major, with data
  5. study of chemicals
  1. study of animals
  2. a major
  3. how plants be
  4. a person
  5. closest celestial object
  6. brown fruit
  7. field using numbers

12 Clues: a majora personred fruitbrown fruitstudy of zooshow plants bepositive atomstudy of animalsstudy of chemicalsfield using numbersclosest celestial objectanother major, with data

Vocabulary #6 2021-05-20

Vocabulary #6 crossword puzzle
  1. earth
  2. not using speech or words
  3. having or representing the earth as the center of the universe
  4. the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere
  5. animals and plants of the land
  6. not alive; inorganic
  7. the highest point in the development of something
  8. to continue going without stopping; constant
  1. relating to international relations as influenced by geographic features
  2. relating to the form of the landscape and other natural features of the earth's surface
  3. the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, etc.
  4. not
  5. the science that deals with the earth's physical structure, its rocks, its history, and the processes that act on it
  6. the branch of mathematics dealing with the shape and area of the earth or large portions of it
  7. not attaching; having a finish that prevents food from attaching to the surface
  8. not designed or run to make cash for oneself
  9. not poisonous or harmful
  10. the mechanism by which the earth's magnetic field is generated

18 Clues: notearthnot alive; inorganicnot poisonous or harmfulnot using speech or wordsanimals and plants of the landnot designed or run to make cash for oneselfto continue going without stopping; constantthe highest point in the development of somethinghaving or representing the earth as the center of the universe...


MATH CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things.
  2. the principle for expanding the algebraic expression (x + y)n.
  3. an expression involving two functions whose limit cannot be determined solely from the limits of the individual functions.
  4. The National Mathematics day is celebrated remembering the birthday of
  5. an equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1.
  1. the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.
  2. a sequence where the differences between every two consecutive terms are the same.
  3. a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.
  4. an infinite sequence in which every number in the sequence is the sum of two numbers preceding it in the sequence, starting from 0 and 1.
  5. an expression consisting of indeterminate and coefficients, which involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables.

10 Clues: the principle for expanding the algebraic expression (x + y) equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1.The National Mathematics day is celebrated remembering the birthday ofa sequence where the differences between every two consecutive terms are the same....

BINTI 2022-11-14

BINTI crossword puzzle
  1. The leader of the Meduse
  2. In Oomza Uni’s mathematics department; helps Binti study her Edan
  3. The majority of people on the ship going to Oomza Uni; are all killed on ship
  4. What Binti’s Aunt called her thick hair
  5. Binti’s parents big house
  6. The tribe Binti is apart of
  7. Means daughter of/girl
  8. Jellyfish-like creatures that commit moojh-ha ki-bira
  9. A bag carried on the shoulder by a long strap
  10. Mental math exercise that includes complex equations
  11. Young Meduse who teaches Binti about the Meduse's way of life
  12. A device too old for anyone to know it functions
  13. One of Binti’s brothers who had a strong hatred towards the Khoush
  1. People gifted with deep knowledge of mathematics (Binti and her father)
  2. Refers to the tentacles of the Meduse
  3. A long passageway that leads onboard a ship
  4. Red pigment used by the Himba people applied to their skin and hair
  5. The braided hairstyle the Himba people wear
  6. Boy on the ship who Binti develops a crush on
  7. An electronic device used to communicate; also contains the owner’s entire past, possible futures, and family history

20 Clues: Means daughter of/girlThe leader of the MeduseBinti’s parents big houseThe tribe Binti is apart ofRefers to the tentacles of the MeduseWhat Binti’s Aunt called her thick hairA long passageway that leads onboard a shipThe braided hairstyle the Himba people wearBoy on the ship who Binti develops a crush onA bag carried on the shoulder by a long strap...

Binti Crossword 2022-11-09

Binti Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The trait of the Meduse which Okwu says Binti has, also the name for a Meduse tentacle
  2. Name of the boy Binti liked
  3. The race of which the majority of the people on the ship are.
  4. The first person to pick up Binti's signal at the end of the book.
  5. The name of the ship Binti is on.
  6. The name of the math teacher Binti is studying the Edan with.
  7. The people who killed everyone on the ship.
  8. the planet which Binti is from
  9. The mathematics technique that Binti does for fun
  10. The name of Binti's best friend
  11. Bintis tribe's name
  1. The clay and oil mizture which is used in Binti's tribe.
  2. The color of Meduse's scars
  3. The name of the main Meduse that Binti hurt
  4. ____ University. The college Binti is attending.
  5. Binti's fathers job or the people who know "true and deep mathematics"
  6. The name of the spider-like professor on the counsel
  7. The part of the Meduse that Oomza Uni kept.
  8. One sense that Meduse didn't have
  9. A tool that has access to one's entire life.
  10. A device so old and unknown that it has become an art.

21 Clues: Bintis tribe's nameThe color of Meduse's scarsName of the boy Binti likedthe planet which Binti is fromThe name of Binti's best friendThe name of the ship Binti is on.One sense that Meduse didn't haveThe name of the main Meduse that Binti hurtThe part of the Meduse that Oomza Uni kept.The people who killed everyone on the ship....

Highschool Subjects Crossword! 2024-06-04

Highschool Subjects Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Creativity
  2. Chemistry
  3. The class where you learn another language
  4. Instruments
  5. Acting
  6. The class where you stay active
  7. The class where you learn about countries
  8. Cooking
  1. Robotics
  2. Civics and
  3. The class where you learn about the class
  4. Algebra
  5. Marketing

13 Clues: ActingAlgebraCookingRoboticsChemistryMarketingCreativityCivics andInstrumentsThe class where you stay activeThe class where you learn about the classThe class where you learn about countriesThe class where you learn another language

Crossword Final Round 2019-03-13

Crossword Final Round crossword puzzle
  1. The Middle digit of the sum of Angles of a Pentagon is ?
  2. Randall Munroe is an American cartoonist, author, engineer, scientific theorist, and the creator of the webcomic _______
  3. Ramanujan Died at the age of ___
  4. 31^(1/3), 10^(1/2), 355/113 are all _______________ to π
  5. Number of countries in BRICS
  6. Find the value of ((2.3)^3-0.027)/ ((2.3)^2 + 0.69 + 0.09) ?
  7. The mathematical name for the shape of Donut ?
  8. Euclid elements contains _____________ chapters .
  9. _________________ gave the symbol for "π”
  10. 4th Dimensional analogue of cube is ___________ (Hint: Marvel series)
  11. Complete the name: Ravi Dutt ________? (Identify)
  1. Y coordinate is also known as _____________
  2. If P implies Q , then not Q implies not P is called ___________ statement
  3. How many Hilbert's problems are there?
  4. Mathematics name for the symbol “÷”
  5. Number of gold medals won by indian men’s hockey team in Olympic till now.
  6. Number of women fields medalist as of now
  7. Sum of the digits of Ramanujan Hardy number.
  8. How many peoples were awarded bharat ratna in 2019?
  9. Inverse of a square matrix exist , if and only if it is non __________ Matrix .
  10. _________ is known as the prince of mathematics

21 Clues: Number of countries in BRICSRamanujan Died at the age of ___Mathematics name for the symbol “÷”How many Hilbert's problems are there?Number of women fields medalist as of now_________________ gave the symbol for "π”Y coordinate is also known as _____________Sum of the digits of Ramanujan Hardy number.The mathematical name for the shape of Donut ?...

Mathematics PUZZLE-2 2020-08-27

Mathematics PUZZLE-2 crossword puzzle
  1. if the discriminant =0, then the roots of quadratic equation are-
  2. the progression which has equal common ratio
  3. Lines which have no solution
  4. graph of linear equation in two variables
  5. Lines which have only one solution
  6. number of faces of cubiod
  1. graphical diagram of quadratic polynomial
  2. Lines which have infinitely many solutions
  3. a well defined collection of objects
  4. the progression which has equal common difference
  5. degree of cubic polynomial
  6. degree of quadratic polynomial
  7. degree of linear polynomial

13 Clues: number of faces of cubioddegree of cubic polynomialLines which have no solutiondegree of linear polynomialdegree of quadratic polynomialLines which have only one solutiona well defined collection of objectsgraphical diagram of quadratic polynomialLines which have infinitely many solutionsgraph of linear equation in two variables...

Mathematics Crossword Puzzle 2017-09-08

Mathematics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A polynomial with two terms is called a ____
  2. ____ is a special type of sequence in which the reciprocal of each term forms an arithmetic sequence.
  3. An abbreviated process called ____ can be performed in dividing a polynomial in x by a divisor of the form x-c, where c is a nonzero rational number.
  4. The term ____ is sometimes used to mean polynomial with more than two terms.
  5. Fibonacci / ____ (1170-1250) of Pisa, the most talented mathematician of the middle Ages, published his famous work Liber Abaci.
  6. A polynomial with three terms is called a ____
  1. To add two or more polynomials means to combine their ____
  2. ____ defined by the recursive formula.
  3. ____ are terms between two terms of a harmonic sequence.
  4. ____ in a polynomial in x refers to the exponent of x.
  5. ____ refers to the highest degree among the degrees of the terms in the polynomial.
  6. The sequence 1,3,4,7,11,18, 29,47, is called the ____
  7. A polynomial with one term is called a ____

13 Clues: ____ defined by the recursive formula.A polynomial with one term is called a ____A polynomial with two terms is called a ____A polynomial with three terms is called a ____The sequence 1,3,4,7,11,18, 29,47, is called the ________ in a polynomial in x refers to the exponent of x.____ are terms between two terms of a harmonic sequence....

Word Study Week 10 2021-10-07

Word Study Week 10 crossword puzzle
  1. information
  2. more importantly
  3. figure it out
  4. used in sweets
  1. from someone
  2. a plan
  3. stop for a second
  4. sickness
  5. lots of room
  6. mathematics

10 Clues: a plansicknessinformationmathematicsfrom someonelots of roomfigure it outused in sweetsmore importantlystop for a second

math 2024-05-20

math crossword puzzle
  1. undo a derivative
  2. the most delicious number
  3. the exponent or power to which a base must be raised to yield a given number
  4. label for data that only shows information from a particular event
  5. Probability is the branch of mathematics concerning events and numerical descriptions of how likely they are to occur
  6. (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
  1. branch of mathematics concerned with relationships between angles and side lengths of triangles
  2. a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments
  3. type of graph made by f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
  4. organization that causes stress
  5. used to find the equation of a tangent line to a graph at a particular point
  6. radians;π/3;degrees;_______
  7. A=4πr2

13 Clues: A=4πr2(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)undo a derivativethe most delicious numberradians;π/3;degrees;_______organization that causes stresstype of graph made by f(x) = ax2 + bx + clabel for data that only shows information from a particular eventused to find the equation of a tangent line to a graph at a particular point...


MATH CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. A branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things.
  2. The National Mathematics day is celebrated remembering the birthday of Srinivasa -----------.
  3. An infinite sequence in which every number in the sequence is the sum of two numbers preceding it in the sequence, starting from 0 and 1.
  4. ------form whose limit cannot be determined solely from the limits of the individual functions.
  5. A branch of mathematics that studies about triangles.
  1. An expression consisting of coefficients, which involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables.
  2. A theorem states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.
  3. An equation is an equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1.
  4. ------------progression is a sequence where the differences between every two consecutive terms are the same.
  5. ----- expansion is used to expand the algebraic expression (x + y)^n.

10 Clues: A branch of mathematics that studies about triangles.----- expansion is used to expand the algebraic expression (x + y)^n.An equation is an equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1.The National Mathematics day is celebrated remembering the birthday of Srinivasa -----------....


MATH CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. the principle for expanding the algebraic expression (x + y)n.
  2. a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things.
  3. a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.
  4. an equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1.
  5. an expression consisting of indeterminate and coefficients, which involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables.
  1. an expression involving two functions whose limit cannot be determined solely from the limits of the individual functions.
  2. the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.
  3. a sequence where the differences between every two consecutive terms are the same.
  4. The National Mathematics day is celebrated remembering the birthday of
  5. an infinite sequence in which every number in the sequence is the sum of two numbers preceding it in the sequence, starting from 0 and 1.

10 Clues: the principle for expanding the algebraic expression (x + y) equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1.The National Mathematics day is celebrated remembering the birthday ofa sequence where the differences between every two consecutive terms are the same....

Module 1: Engineering and Technology 2020-10-06

Module 1: Engineering and Technology crossword puzzle
  1. This early external combustion engine drove the industrial revolution (2 words)
  2. This type of combustion engine is used to power most modern automobiles
  3. The study of numbers, the language of science and engineering
  4. X-Ray crystallography was important to understanding this biological structure
  5. This makes wireless communication such as cell phones and satellites possible
  6. Knowledge obtained from observing the real world
  7. The Haber process revolutionized agriculture by finding a more efficient way to create this chemical
  8. Branch of science dealing with forces and motion
  1. These convert mechanical energy into electric energy
  2. These tiny devices were critical to the development of computers
  3. Branch of science dealing with composition and properties of matter
  4. These change voltage in objects like amplifiers and modems
  5. Branch of science dealing with living things
  6. The last name of the brothers who invented X-ray crystallography
  7. Using science, mathematics, and technology to solve real-world problems
  8. Things created by engineers

16 Clues: Things created by engineersBranch of science dealing with living thingsKnowledge obtained from observing the real worldBranch of science dealing with forces and motionThese convert mechanical energy into electric energyThese change voltage in objects like amplifiers and modemsThe study of numbers, the language of science and engineering...


SCHOOL SUBJECTS & DAYS crossword puzzle
  1. Jeudi
  2. Musique
  3. Géographie
  4. Cantine
  1. Mathématiques
  2. Français
  3. Dimanche
  4. Mardi

8 Clues: JeudiMardiMusiqueCantineFrançaisDimancheGéographieMathématiques

School subjects 2022-08-07

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. a
  2. G
  3. M
  4. S
  1. H
  2. F
  3. G
  4. P
  5. I

9 Clues: HaFGGPMIS

maths 2025-01-18

maths crossword puzzle
  1. A type of proof used in mathematics.
  2. a four sided figure where all sides are equal
  3. a angle of 90 degree
  4. a straight line extending in both sides
  1. the longest side of the triangle
  2. A branch of mathematics that deals with shapes and figures.
  3. a type of triangle where all angles are equal
  4. the ratio of circumference to the diameter of the cirlce

8 Clues: a angle of 90 degreethe longest side of the triangleA type of proof used in mathematics.a straight line extending in both sidesa type of triangle where all angles are equala four sided figure where all sides are equalthe ratio of circumference to the diameter of the cirlceA branch of mathematics that deals with shapes and figures.

Alan Turing - Early life 2023-12-04

Alan Turing - Early life crossword puzzle
  1. The University in America where Turing had a fellowship at
  2. The war his father was stationed in India for (3 words)
  3. Alan's mother's name also went by Sara
  4. The location of King's College
  5. The degree Alan received in 1934
  6. Alan's father's name
  7. German for "decision problem"; prosed by David Hilbert and Wilhelm Ackermann and addressed by Alan
  8. American mathematician who teamed up with Alan to write a thesis about computable functions (2 words)
  1. Alan's middle name
  2. The first college Alan attended (2 words)
  3. The elementary school Alan went to
  4. The ______ thesis is a thesis about the nature of computable functions (hyphened)
  5. The city where Alan was born
  6. The title of Alan's Ph.D. thesis that was submitted in 1935 (3 words)
  7. Turing's mentor during his time at Cambridge (2 words)
  8. Alan's childhood friend (first and last name)
  9. A professor at Cambridge who had a large impact on Alan and his intellectual development (2 words)
  10. A German mathematician whose work in mathematics influenced Alan's thinking
  11. Alan's interest in this subject started during his teenage years and would foreshadow his contributions to this field during WW2
  12. One of Alan's Fellow Students who collaborated on various projects (2 words)

20 Clues: Alan's middle nameAlan's father's nameThe city where Alan was bornThe location of King's CollegeThe degree Alan received in 1934The elementary school Alan went toAlan's mother's name also went by SaraThe first college Alan attended (2 words)Alan's childhood friend (first and last name)Turing's mentor during his time at Cambridge (2 words)...

The Architect's Apprentice 2022-08-24

The Architect's Apprentice crossword puzzle
  1. A place where Muslims go an pray
  2. A seat for riding in the back of an elephant
  3. A large social group of people
  4. A person who is learning an art under a skilled worker
  5. A chain of beads used for counting prayers
  6. To go from one place to another
  7. The practice of designing and building something
  8. A huge animal with a trunk
  9. A Muslim sovereign
  10. A separate chamber for wives, concubines and female servants in former Muslim households
  11. An area of knowledge that deals with numbers, shapes, problems, formulas, etc.
  12. a member of elite corps in the standing army of the Ottoman empire
  13. The study of the universe
  1. Large pointed teeth of an elephant
  2. A branch of mathematics that deals with shapes, patterns, angles, etc.
  3. The chief minister or officer in the Ottoman Empire
  4. A person who practices architecture
  5. a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for presenting
  6. An armed conflict
  7. A person who tames animals
  8. A slave rowing in galley
  9. An Indo-Aryan ethnic group of itinerant nomads
  10. A person who tames an elephant
  11. Another name for genie in Islam

24 Clues: An armed conflictA Muslim sovereignA slave rowing in galleyThe study of the universeA person who tames animalsA huge animal with a trunkA large social group of peopleA person who tames an elephantTo go from one place to anotherAnother name for genie in IslamA place where Muslims go an prayLarge pointed teeth of an elephant...


  1. What is the only even prime number?
  2. What is the equation that States two ratios are equal?
  3. What is the Name of the symbol (Δ)?
  4. What is the branch of mathematics dealing with limits and derivates?
  5. The triangle has sides of length 3,4,5.What type of triangle is it?
  6. What is the famous theorem of triangle in geometry?
  7. What is the process of breaking down a number into a product of primes?
  8. What is the Angle Greater than 180 degree but less than 360degree?
  9. Who is called Father of Mathematics?
  10. All negative number are less than?
  1. What is the name of the polygon with eight sides?
  2. Who discovered zero?
  3. How many years are there in a decade?
  4. What is the number that can be written as a fraction?
  5. What is half of the circle?
  6. All natural numbers are whole numbers not all whole numbers are natural numbers. True or False?
  7. What is the one half of a single foot?
  8. What is the mean of the numbers 4,8,6,2?
  9. What is longest chord of the circle?
  10. What is the highest power of a variable in a polynomial?

20 Clues: Who discovered zero?What is half of the circle?All negative number are less than?What is the only even prime number?What is the Name of the symbol (Δ)?What is longest chord of the circle?Who is called Father of Mathematics?How many years are there in a decade?What is the one half of a single foot?What is the mean of the numbers 4,8,6,2?...

School Subjects 2022-05-16

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. How the Universe Functions
  2. Computers, Computers, Computers
  3. Paintings and Colours
  4. Discovering the Past
  5. Eating Healthy!
  6. The Land of the Rising Sun
  1. Blowing Things Up for Science
  2. Living Organisms
  3. Learning About The World
  4. Volleyball, Basketball, Etc
  5. Working with Numbers
  6. Our Native Language
  7. AaBbCc
  8. Making Beautiful Sounds

14 Clues: AaBbCcEating Healthy!Living OrganismsOur Native LanguageWorking with NumbersDiscovering the PastPaintings and ColoursMaking Beautiful SoundsLearning About The WorldHow the Universe FunctionsThe Land of the Rising SunVolleyball, Basketball, EtcBlowing Things Up for ScienceComputers, Computers, Computers

Zoe's Geometry Puzzle 2023-12-14

Zoe's Geometry Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of mathematics that has to do with shapes and spacial relationships
  2. an angle less than 90 degrees
  3. Adjacent angles that together form a straight angle are a _________ pair.
  4. the branch of mathematics that deals with calculations that include symbols for unknown values
  5. equal angles
  6. a polygon with six sides
  7. The sides of a polygon that share a vertex are said to be _________.
  8. Angles that together add up to 180 degrees are called _________ angles.
  9. the point where two lines, line segments, or rays meet to form an angle
  10. Equivalent angles formed by the crossing of two lines, line segments, or rays are called _________ angles.
  11. A triangle with one obtuse angle is an __________ triangle.
  12. equal sides
  1. the units used to measure angles
  2. Angles that together add up to 90 degrees are called _________ angles.
  3. a polygon with five sides
  4. literally meaning "four sides"
  5. a closed shape with straight sides that don't cross
  6. A 90-degree angle is called a _________ angle.
  7. an angle that is greater than 180 degrees but less than 360
  8. a triangle that has two or more equal sides

20 Clues: equal sidesequal anglesa polygon with six sidesa polygon with five sidesan angle less than 90 degreesliterally meaning "four sides"the units used to measure anglesa triangle that has two or more equal sidesA 90-degree angle is called a _________ angle.a closed shape with straight sides that don't cross...

Teacher Crossword 2013-10-07

Teacher Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Business
  2. Vice Principal
  3. Spoke Latin
  4. Superman Look-A-Like
  5. English - Crazy Hair
  1. Social Studies
  2. Miami Vice Star
  3. Principal
  4. Foreign Language - Coach
  5. Mathematics

10 Clues: BusinessPrincipalSpoke LatinMathematicsSocial StudiesVice PrincipalMiami Vice StarSuperman Look-A-LikeEnglish - Crazy HairForeign Language - Coach


EXCITING MATHS PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  5. 3+4*4
  7. >180 BUT<360
  8. 0,1,2,3,4
  5. 2008, 2012,2016


BENNETT 2023-03-11

BENNETT crossword puzzle
  1. Your sports team
  2. Personal tunes
  3. Gotta catch 'em all!
  4. Crushed legumes
  5. Favorite piece of furniture
  6. EX: E=mc2
  7. School friend
  8. ___ Like a fish
  9. Favorite building block
  10. Blocky world
  11. Fists 'n' fingers
  12. Chemistry
  1. "Down, set-HUT"
  2. You love 'em even though you can never seem to remember their names...
  3. Portable console
  4. Platforms and rails
  5. Other ginger
  6. I,II,III,IV,V.
  7. Opposite of letters

19 Clues: EX: E=mc2ChemistryOther gingerBlocky worldSchool friendPersonal tunesI,II,III,IV,V."Down, set-HUT"Crushed legumes___ Like a fishYour sports teamPortable consoleFists 'n' fingersPlatforms and railsOpposite of lettersGotta catch 'em all!Favorite building blockFavorite piece of furniture...

Crossword 2012-04-28

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of am
  2. a conjunction
  3. not plastic
  4. superlative of beautiful
  5. past tense of fly
  6. a preposition
  7. a wizard
  8. a Chinese city
  9. an article of clothing
  1. a country close to china
  2. a magician
  3. school subject
  4. not the ugliest
  5. a british city
  6. yesterday I was (drive) to work
  7. a basketball player
  8. an article of clothing
  9. a school subject
  10. something you need to run

19 Clues: a wizarda magiciannot plastica conjunctiona prepositionschool subjecta british citya Chinese citynot the ugliestpast tense of ama school subjectpast tense of flya basketball playeran article of clothingan article of clothinga country close to chinasuperlative of beautifulsomething you need to runyesterday I was (drive) to work

ElecEng Subjects - Pre and Post 1991 Enrollments 2021-01-28

ElecEng Subjects - Pre and Post 1991 Enrollments crossword puzzle
  1. 10.361 / 2489 -- SE
  2. 10.001 / 2010
  3. 10.2111 / 2110 -- ANALYSIS
  4. 6.0315 // 3015 -- ELECTRICAL
  5. 6.0317 // 3013 -- SYSTEMS I
  6. 6.903 // 4903 -- TRAINING
  7. 10.111A // 2501 -- LINEAR
  8. 1.961 // 1969
  9. 1.982 // 2998 -- STATE PHYSICS
  1. 6.201A / 2010 -- THEORY
  2. 1.972 // 2015
  3. 6.0318 // 3020 -- SYSTEMS & APPLICATIONS // & INTERFACING
  4. 6.0314 // 3014 - & CONTROL
  5. 26.XXX -- STUDIES
  6. 6.021C // 2020 -- ANALOG
  7. 2.121 // 1806
  8. 6.021E // 2012 -- LOGIC SYSTEMS // CIRCUITS
  9. 6.911 // 4910 -- FINAL YEAR PROJECT

18 Clues: 1.972 // 201510.001 / 20102.121 // 18061.961 // 196926.XXX -- STUDIES10.361 / 2489 -- SE6.201A / 2010 -- THEORY6.021C // 2020 -- ANALOG6.903 // 4903 -- TRAINING10.111A // 2501 -- LINEAR6.0314 // 3014 - & CONTROL10.2111 / 2110 -- ANALYSIS6.0317 // 3013 -- SYSTEMS I6.0315 // 3015 -- ELECTRICAL1.982 // 2998 -- STATE PHYSICS...

ElecEng Subjects 2021-01-28

ElecEng Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. 1.972 // 2015
  2. 6.911 // 4910 -- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  3. 6.201A // 2010 -- THEORY
  4. 10.111A // 2501 -- LINEAR
  5. 10.2111 // 2110 -- ANALYSIS
  6. 6.0318 // 3020 -- SYSTEMS & APPLICATIONS // & INTERFACING
  7. 6.021E // 2012 -- LOGIC SYSTEMS // CIRCUITS
  8. 1.961 // 1969
  9. 6.903 // 4903 -- TRAINING
  10. 10.361 // 2489 -- SE
  11. 2.121 // 1806
  12. 1.982 // 2998 -- STATE PHYSICS
  1. 10.001 // 2010
  2. 6.0317 // 3013 -- SYSTEMS I
  3. 6.021C // 2020 -- ANALOG
  4. 26.XXX -- STUDIES
  5. 6.0315 // 3015 -- ELECTRICAL
  6. 6.0314 // 3014 - & CONTROL

18 Clues: 1.972 // 20151.961 // 19692.121 // 180610.001 // 201026.XXX -- STUDIES10.361 // 2489 -- SE6.021C // 2020 -- ANALOG6.201A // 2010 -- THEORY10.111A // 2501 -- LINEAR6.903 // 4903 -- TRAINING6.0314 // 3014 - & CONTROL6.0317 // 3013 -- SYSTEMS I10.2111 // 2110 -- ANALYSIS6.0315 // 3015 -- ELECTRICAL1.982 // 2998 -- STATE PHYSICS...

Discrete Mathematics Crossword Challenge 2023-06-17

Discrete Mathematics Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. A number that is only divisible by 1 and itself. (Hint: Examples include 2, 3, 5, and 7.)
  2. The division of a set into non-overlapping subsets. (Hint: It involves creating distinct groups.)
  3. A relation between two objects that indicates they have the same properties or characteristics. (Hint: It denotes equality or sameness.)
  4. An expression consisting of variables and coefficients, combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication. (Hint: It can have different degrees.)
  5. An arrangement of objects in a particular order. (Hint: It involves changing the order of elements.)
  6. Describes a mathematical object or operation that produces a unique output for every input. (Hint: It emphasizes the idea of functionality.)
  7. A number system based on powers of 10 and represented using digits 0-9. (Hint: It includes a decimal point to indicate fractions.)
  8. A relation between two objects that indicates they have the same properties or characteristics. (Hint: It denotes equality or sameness.)
  9. A set that contains only elements from another set. (Hint: It is smaller or equal in size to the original set.)
  10. A mathematical structure consisting of a set and an operation that satisfies certain properties like closure and associativity. (Hint: It has an identity element and inverses.)
  1. A function that has both an injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto) mapping. (Hint: It establishes a one-to-one correspondence between two sets.)
  2. A graph in which the edges have a specific direction or orientation. (Hint: It includes arrows to indicate the direction of connections.)
  3. A mathematical equation or relationship that defines a sequence or function in terms of its previous terms. (Hint: It involves iterative calculations.)
  4. A mapping or correspondence between two mathematical structures that preserves their structure and properties. (Hint: It implies a similarity or resemblance.)
  5. A rectangular array of numbers or symbols. (Hint: It has rows and columns.)
  6. A term used to describe mathematical concepts or objects that are not tied to specific numerical values or physical representations. (Hint: It emphasizes the conceptual nature.)
  7. A number that is not prime and can be divided evenly by factors other than 1 and itself. (Hint: Examples include 4, 6, 8, and 9.)
  8. A system or representation that uses two symbols or digits, typically 0 and 1. (Hint: It is commonly used in computing and logic.)
  9. A type of graph without any cycles or loops. (Hint: It has a hierarchical structure.)
  10. A concept representing a quantity or value that is unbounded or limitless. (Hint: It is often symbolized by ∞.)

20 Clues: A rectangular array of numbers or symbols. (Hint: It has rows and columns.)A type of graph without any cycles or loops. (Hint: It has a hierarchical structure.)A number that is only divisible by 1 and itself. (Hint: Examples include 2, 3, 5, and 7.)The division of a set into non-overlapping subsets. (Hint: It involves creating distinct groups.)...

Tú Día en la Escuela 2013-03-18

Tú Día en la Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. que
  2. easy
  3. algebra
  4. sociales social studies
  5. biology
  6. pay attention
  7. que
  8. chemistry
  9. art
  10. careers
  11. Home economics
  12. geology
  13. recess
  14. french
  15. english
  16. health
  17. technology
  18. difficult
  19. talk
  20. homework
  1. choir
  2. music
  3. physical education
  4. favorite
  5. computer science
  6. practical
  7. geometry
  8. teach
  9. need
  10. mathematics
  11. boring
  12. interesting
  13. spanish
  14. fun
  15. lunch
  16. history
  17. use
  18. calculus
  19. physics
  20. lenguas languages
  21. band

41 Clues: quequeartfunuseeasyneedbandtalkchoirmusicteachlunchboringrecessfrenchhealthalgebrabiologycareersgeologyspanishhistoryenglishphysicsfavoritegeometrycalculushomeworkpracticalchemistrydifficulttechnologymathematicsinterestingpay attentionHome economicscomputer sciencelenguas languagesphysical educationsociales social studies

India Crossword 2012-07-18

India Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 45
  3. 12
  4. 40
  5. 43
  6. 30
  7. 37
  8. 1
  9. 32
  10. 16
  11. 9
  12. 36
  13. 7
  14. 24
  15. 26
  16. 44
  17. 14
  18. 21
  19. 19
  20. 35
  21. 11
  22. 18
  1. 13
  2. 20
  3. 28
  4. 41
  5. 15
  6. 34
  7. 42
  8. 10
  9. 6
  10. 23
  11. 17
  12. 3
  13. 8
  14. 25
  15. 27
  16. 22
  17. 2
  18. 4
  19. 29
  20. 38
  21. 33

43 Clues: 56139872413202845124140431534304210372332171625362722242644142119351129381833

School 2013-05-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. grammatica
  2. klaslokaal
  3. wetenschappen
  4. meetkunde
  5. frans
  6. directeur
  7. schooljaar
  8. engels
  9. wiskunde
  10. muziek
  11. talen
  12. scheikunde
  13. pauze
  14. bureau
  15. woordenboek
  16. biology
  17. tekenen
  18. universiteit
  19. diploma
  20. leraar
  21. potlood
  1. examen
  2. klas
  3. aardrijkskunde
  4. algebra
  5. liniaal
  6. straf
  7. papier
  8. inkt
  9. woordenschat
  10. student
  11. rekenmachine
  12. duits
  13. kunst
  14. geschiedenis
  15. rooster
  16. vakantie
  17. kantine
  18. voorbeeld
  19. vak
  20. leerling
  21. nederlands

42 Clues: vakklasinktstraffransduitstalenkunstpauzeexamenpapierengelsmuziekbureauleraaralgebraliniaalstudentroosterkantinebiologytekenendiplomapotloodwiskundevakantieleerlingmeetkundedirecteurvoorbeeldgrammaticaklaslokaalschooljaarscheikundenederlandswoordenboekwoordenschatrekenmachinegeschiedenisuniversiteitwetenschappenaardrijkskunde

Tu dia en la escuela 2021-10-28

Tu dia en la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. english
  2. the class of
  3. third
  4. the dictionary
  5. second
  6. spanish class
  7. i need
  8. mathematics
  9. to talk/speak
  10. to teach
  11. in the hour
  12. physical education
  13. the schedule
  14. the three ring binder
  15. sixth
  1. ninth
  2. the calculator
  3. social studies
  4. lunch
  5. seventh
  6. technology/computers
  7. science class
  8. art class
  9. first
  10. the homework
  11. fifth
  12. to study
  13. tenth
  14. eighth
  15. fourth
  16. class

31 Clues: ninthlunchthirdfirstfifthtenthclasssixthsecondi needeighthfourthenglishseventhto teachto studyart classmathematicsin the hourthe class ofthe homeworkthe schedulescience classspanish classto talk/speakthe calculatorsocial studiesthe dictionaryphysical educationtechnology/computersthe three ring binder

spanish 2022-11-28

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. /listen!
  2. portugués/Portuguese(language)
  3. Rican
  4. pelo oscuro, morena
  5. bien bastante/rather, quite
  6. grande/big, large
  7. (language)
  8. comical
  9. demasiado/also, too
  10. math
  11. American
  12. duro/difficult, hard
  1. no agradable/unpleasant, not nice
  2. (plural)
  3. Física/physical education
  4. cómico
  5. (language)
  6. pequeño/small, little
  7. brunette
  8. de conocerte!/Nice to meet you!
  9. ugly
  10. Sociales/social studies
  11. donde?/from where?
  12. nacionalidad?/what nationality?
  13. atractivo, feo

25 Clues: uglymathRicancómicocomical(plural)/listen!brunetteAmerican(language)(language)atractivo, feogrande/big, largedonde?/from where?pelo oscuro, morenademasiado/also, tooduro/difficult, hardpequeño/small, littleSociales/social studiesFísica/physical educationbien bastante/rather, quiteportugués/Portuguese(language)de conocerte!/Nice to meet you!...

Auténtico 2A 2023-04-11

Auténtico 2A crossword puzzle
  1. I need
  2. mathematics
  3. the homework
  4. you need
  5. sixth
  6. you (familiar)
  7. we
  8. technology/computers
  9. fifth
  10. English
  11. third
  12. you (formal)
  13. y'all (plural, informal)
  14. more...than
  1. practical
  2. second
  3. interesting
  4. ninth
  5. for
  6. seventh
  7. I
  8. I have
  9. eighth
  10. a lot
  11. first
  12. Who?
  13. you all (formal)
  14. You have

28 Clues: IweforWho?ninthsixtha lotfirstfifththirdI needsecondI haveeighthseventhEnglishyou needYou havepracticalinterestingmathematicsmore...thanthe homeworkyou (formal)you (familiar)you all (formal)technology/computersy'all (plural, informal)

7th Ch. 2B #2 2023-09-05

7th Ch. 2B #2 crossword puzzle
  1. your
  2. shoe
  3. clothing
  4. English
  5. red
  6. jeans, blue jeans
  7. you have
  8. green
  9. Tuesday
  10. Wednesday
  11. mouse
  12. phone number
  13. Monday
  14. keyboard
  15. laser printer
  16. on, on top of
  17. to finish
  18. pants
  1. schedule
  2. screen
  3. dot
  4. to wear
  5. Thursday
  6. Saturday
  7. wrong
  8. mathematics
  9. telephone
  10. neither, not either
  11. Friday
  12. to need
  13. the color black
  14. music
  15. I have
  16. Look!

34 Clues: dotredyourshoegreenwrongmousemusicLook!pantsscreenFridayMondayI haveto wearEnglishTuesdayto needscheduleclothingThursdayyou haveSaturdaykeyboardtelephoneWednesdayto finishmathematicsphone numberlaser printeron, on top ofthe color blackjeans, blue jeansneither, not either

List 2A 2025-01-27

List 2A crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. technology/computer
  3. you all (formal)
  4. fourth
  5. third
  6. art class
  7. to speak/talk
  8. the class of
  9. second
  10. mathematics
  11. the schedule
  12. physical education
  13. I
  14. sixth
  15. to study
  16. y'all
  17. he
  1. social studies
  2. we
  3. to teach
  4. the homework
  5. she
  6. science class
  7. class
  8. they (mas.)
  9. lunch
  10. first
  11. they (fem.)
  12. you (informal)
  13. fifth
  14. Spanish class
  15. you (formal)

32 Clues: Iweheshethirdclasslunchfirstfifthsixthy'allfourthsecondEnglishto teachto studyart classthey (mas.)they (fem.)mathematicsthe homeworkthe class ofthe scheduleyou (formal)science classto speak/talkSpanish classsocial studiesyou (informal)you all (formal)physical educationtechnology/computer


MATH CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. An expression consisting of coefficients, which involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables.
  2. ----- expansion is used to expand the algebraic expression (x + y)^n.
  3. A branch of mathematics that studies about triangles.
  4. An equation is an equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1.
  5. The National Mathematics day is celebrated remembering the birthday of Srinivasa -----------.
  1. An infinite sequence in which every number in the sequence is the sum of two numbers preceding it in the sequence, starting from 0 and 1.
  2. ------------progression is a sequence where the differences between every two consecutive terms are the same.
  3. ------form whose limit cannot be determined solely from the limits of the individual functions.
  4. A branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things.
  5. A theorem states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.

10 Clues: A branch of mathematics that studies about triangles.----- expansion is used to expand the algebraic expression (x + y)^n.An equation is an equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1.The National Mathematics day is celebrated remembering the birthday of Srinivasa -----------....