naruto Crossword Puzzles

Persuasive Argument Projects 2023-06-05

Persuasive Argument Projects crossword puzzle
  1. active
  2. depression
  3. baseball
  4. motorcycle
  5. music
  6. relationships
  7. bullets
  8. homework
  9. cartoons
  1. electric
  2. caffeine
  3. videogames
  4. pollution
  5. drivers
  6. fountains
  7. meat
  8. naruto

17 Clues: meatmusicactivenarutodriversbulletselectriccaffeinebaseballhomeworkcartoonspollutionfountainsdepressionvideogamesmotorcyclerelationships

Anime & Manga 2013-02-14

Anime & Manga crossword puzzle
  1. Main character of Eyeshield 21
  2. Main character of Deathnote
  3. An anime that has zombies in highschool
  4. An anime that has a dream making a band and wants to be popular
  5. Ash's Best friend
  6. Main Character of ToraDora
  1. Anime that has story of a samurai
  2. Cloud's Enemy in Final Fantasy
  3. Person who created Naruto
  4. The main Character of Final Fantasy
  5. Main Character of CodeGeass
  6. A japanase style comics
  7. Creator of Pokemon
  8. Main Character of Bleach
  9. The most famous manga novel
  10. A japanse cartoon or tv show

16 Clues: Ash's Best friendCreator of PokemonA japanase style comicsMain Character of BleachPerson who created NarutoMain Character of ToraDoraMain character of DeathnoteMain Character of CodeGeassThe most famous manga novelA japanse cartoon or tv showCloud's Enemy in Final FantasyMain character of Eyeshield 21Anime that has story of a samurai...

Palavras cruzadas NARUTO 2021-08-27

Palavras cruzadas NARUTO crossword puzzle
  1. personagem
  2. manga
  3. ilha
  4. inferno
  5. puxado
  6. desenho
  7. temake
  8. peixe
  9. do
  1. olhinho
  2. orincipal
  3. cru
  4. terremoto
  5. anime
  6. japao
  7. de
  8. sushi

17 Clues: dedocruilhamangaanimejapaopeixesushipuxadotemakeolhinhoinfernodesenhoorincipalterremotopersonagem

anime crossward 2021-09-29

anime crossward crossword puzzle
  1. phsycopath
  2. harusame
  3. lightning
  4. bowlcut
  5. three swords
  6. weapon
  7. fire
  8. numbers
  1. ramen
  2. sleepdeprived
  3. duragonist_of_naruto
  4. bunny
  5. alchemist
  6. demon
  7. gomu_gomu_no_mi
  8. useless
  9. volleyball

17 Clues: fireramenbunnydemonweaponbowlcutuselessnumbersharusamealchemistlightningphsycopathvolleyballthree swordssleepdeprivedgomu_gomu_no_miduragonist_of_naruto

Naruto 2022-12-19

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. sasukes dad
  2. Naruto’s insides is a beast called
  3. he is the most powerfull uchiha
  4. he is the most powerful uzumacki
  1. god that Naruto fought
  2. hashiramas enemy
  3. Naruto’s dad
  4. naruto is the seventh…

8 Clues: sasukes dadNaruto’s dadhashiramas enemygod that Naruto foughtnaruto is the seventh…he is the most powerfull uchihahe is the most powerful uzumackiNaruto’s insides is a beast called

F4Fun Crossword 2022-12-09

F4Fun Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. puzzle
  2. mamba
  3. bat
  4. naruto
  5. hoarder
  6. after three
  7. match
  8. initiate
  9. marine
  10. aims
  1. demise
  2. figurine
  3. rage
  4. prize
  5. firm
  6. exhibit
  7. notice
  8. participant
  9. idol
  10. not second
  11. bond

21 Clues: batragefirmidolbondaimsmambaprizematchpuzzledemisenarutonoticemarineexhibithoarderfigurineinitiatenot secondafter threeparticipant

letsgosky 2024-08-13

letsgosky crossword puzzle
  1. palleggia sui pensieri nonostante le dimensioni del suo naso
  2. bruciato
  3. abita a frocinone
  4. underground man con aura misteriosa
  5. gioco morto che aspetta solo un update per resuscitare
  6. rumore di pernacchia
  7. seas non si sa se dropperà mai
  8. gioco di naruto con più ripoff
  9. gioco di merda a cui gioca solo gian
  10. intrappolato da una famiglia di terroni
  1. persona dan un peso notevole
  2. miglior gioco di naruto
  3. costantemente ghostato
  4. famoso gioco a cui giocava obesobello2
  5. negro di merda che tryharda su valorant e pacca all'ultimo
  6. Nerd emoji
  7. top glazer

17 Clues: bruciatoNerd emojitop glazerabita a frocinonerumore di pernacchiacostantemente ghostatomiglior gioco di narutopersona dan un peso notevolegioco di naruto con più ripoffseas non si sa se dropperà maiunderground man con aura misteriosagioco di merda a cui gioca solo gianfamoso gioco a cui giocava obesobello2intrappolato da una famiglia di terroni...

Naruto Shippuden 2022-09-23

Naruto Shippuden crossword puzzle
  1. created shadow clone jutsu
  2. naruto is my one and only friend
  3. pink medical ninja
  4. a red haired kage
  5. naruto's favorite food
  6. a vessel for tailed beasts
  7. naruto's sibling deciple
  8. sasuke's purple demon
  9. yellow flash of the leaf
  1. sharkboy
  2. naruto's summon
  3. best rapper in narutoverse
  4. a tragic genius
  5. white snake
  6. the strongest of them all
  7. s-rank justsu
  8. creator of chidori
  9. ten tails jinchuriki

18 Clues: sharkboywhite snakes-rank justsunaruto's summona tragic geniusa red haired kagepink medical ninjacreator of chidoriten tails jinchurikisasuke's purple demonnaruto's favorite foodnaruto's sibling decipleyellow flash of the leafthe strongest of them allcreated shadow clone jutsubest rapper in narutoversea vessel for tailed beasts...

mISSION 2021-12-06

mISSION crossword puzzle
  1. naruto is based off of
  2. taijutsu technique, uses hand to hand
  3. hand-gand
  4. some ninja use this as a weapon
  5. what you get sent on by the kage
  6. famous hokage of the leaf, extremely strong
  7. ninja who use swords are using this
  8. kage of the leaf
  1. basic usage of chakra
  2. 3rd rank
  3. illusions
  4. energy source
  5. some ninja have affinity for different --

13 Clues: 3rd rankhand-gandillusionsenergy sourcekage of the leafbasic usage of chakranaruto is based off ofsome ninja use this as a weaponwhat you get sent on by the kageninja who use swords are using thistaijutsu technique, uses hand to handsome ninja have affinity for different --famous hokage of the leaf, extremely strong

naruto 2020-09-15

naruto crossword puzzle
  1. what is Naruto´s last name
  2. who wants to take over sasukes body
  3. what is narutos dads first name
  4. who possesses the rinnegan
  5. what is narutos tailed beast name
  6. who is the leader of team seven
  7. what is narutos favorite food
  1. who has a brother that is in the akatsuki
  2. who is the strongest akatuski member
  3. who is the fifth hokages name

10 Clues: what is Naruto´s last namewho possesses the rinneganwho is the fifth hokages namewhat is narutos favorite foodwhat is narutos dads first namewho is the leader of team sevenwhat is narutos tailed beast namewho wants to take over sasukes bodywho is the strongest akatuski memberwho has a brother that is in the akatsuki

NARUTO 2022-04-05

NARUTO crossword puzzle
  1. Apparaît pour la première fois juste avant le début de l'examen Chūnin. C'est un Shinobi de Suna (la première lettre c'est un G)
  2. Fils du 3ᵉ Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un M)
  3. Premier mentor des principaux protagonistes de l'histoire. Mondialement connu pour son utilisation du Sharingan (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un H)
  4. Personnage principale de l'animé, devenu le Septième Hokage (la deuxième lettre c'est un A)
  1. Le leader officiel d'Akatsuki (la dernière lettre c'est un O)
  2. Alliance avec l'Akatsuki, devenant l'un des personnages les plus dynamiques de la série (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un K)
  3. Frère aîné de Sasuke, tout le monde l'aime (apparemment) (la deuxième lettre c'est un T)
  4. La principale héroïne de la série, bien qu'elle n'y était pas destinée au départ. Ne sert à rien (la quatrième lettre c'est un U)
  5. Il n'apparaît que dans la seconde partie du manga. C'est un membre de l'ANBU
  6. Timide, sereine et très polie, utilisant tout le temps les suffixes nominaux appropriés. A toujours eu une admiration de longue date pour Naruto (la troisième lettre c'est un N)

10 Clues: Le leader officiel d'Akatsuki (la dernière lettre c'est un O)Fils du 3ᵉ Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un M)Il n'apparaît que dans la seconde partie du manga. C'est un membre de l'ANBUFrère aîné de Sasuke, tout le monde l'aime (apparemment) (la deuxième lettre c'est un T)...

Naruto 2023-03-09

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. yellow flash of the bof
  2. the nine tailed beast
  3. wife of sasuke
  4. son of kushina and minata
  1. the copy of ninja
  2. the last mchiha
  3. the lost mchiha
  4. naruto's favourite food
  5. leaf's handsome devil
  6. beast of the leaf

10 Clues: wife of sasukethe last mchihathe lost mchihathe copy of ninjabeast of the leafthe nine tailed beastleaf's handsome devilyellow flash of the bofnaruto's favourite foodson of kushina and minata

Naruto 2021-02-15

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Expansion
  2. Pink Hair
  3. dogs
  4. Last of his clan
  5. Use bugs
  6. Sand
  7. Nine Tailed Fox
  1. bakugan
  2. Copy Ninja
  3. Shadow Clone Jutsu

10 Clues: dogsSandbakuganUse bugsExpansionPink HairCopy NinjaNine Tailed FoxLast of his clanShadow Clone Jutsu

NARUTO 2022-11-19

NARUTO crossword puzzle
  1. byakugan user in team guy
  2. fifth hokagas grand daughter
  3. used by naruto jirariya minato
  4. summoned by jirariya
  1. first used by uchiha itachi
  2. food loved by naruto
  3. has nine tailed fox inside it
  4. narutos best friend

8 Clues: narutos best friendfood loved by narutosummoned by jirariyabyakugan user in team guyfirst used by uchiha itachififth hokagas grand daughterhas nine tailed fox inside itused by naruto jirariya minato

Naruto 2022-12-19

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. sasukes dad
  2. Naruto’s insides is a beast called
  3. he is the most powerfull uchiha
  4. he is the most powerful uzumacki
  1. god that Naruto fought
  2. hashiramas enemy
  3. Naruto’s dad
  4. naruto is the seventh…

8 Clues: sasukes dadNaruto’s dadhashiramas enemygod that Naruto foughtnaruto is the seventh…he is the most powerfull uchihahe is the most powerful uzumackiNaruto’s insides is a beast called

日本語のクロワードパズル (RD_SMA PANCA BUDI MEDAN KELAS XI 7) 2023-09-21

日本語のクロワードパズル (RD_SMA PANCA BUDI MEDAN KELAS XI 7) crossword puzzle
  1. Sahabat Naruto
  2. Partikel Bahasa Jepang sebagai alat atau sarana adalah
  3. 'Lahir' dalam Bahasa Jepang
  4. 'Pesawat' dalam Bahasa Jepang
  5. Gunung iconic di Jepang
  6. 'Lahir' dalam Bahasa Jepang
  7. Belajar dalam Bahasa Jepang
  8. 'Datang' dalam Bahasa Jepang
  9. Nama makanan yang sering dimakan Naruto
  10. Kyou wa kokonoka desu. Ashita wa nan nichi desu ka.
  11. Kata lain dari 'kirei' atau cantik
  12. Bahasa Jepangnya 'kenapa'
  1. 'Komik' di Jepang ialah
  2. Ashita wa nan youbi desu ka
  3. Partikel Bahasa Jepang yang diikuti oleh subjek
  4. Antonim dari kata 'pergi' dalam Bahasa Jepang
  5. Kinou wa nan youbi deshita ka
  6. Kongetsu wa sangatsu desu. Rangetsu wa nan gatsu desu ka
  7. 'Tempat pensil' dalam Bahasa Jepang
  8. 'Kacamata' wa Nihongo de nan desu ka
  9. Nasi kepal di Jepang disebut

21 Clues: Sahabat Naruto'Komik' di Jepang ialahGunung iconic di JepangBahasa Jepangnya 'kenapa'Ashita wa nan youbi desu ka'Lahir' dalam Bahasa Jepang'Lahir' dalam Bahasa JepangBelajar dalam Bahasa Jepang'Datang' dalam Bahasa JepangNasi kepal di Jepang disebutKinou wa nan youbi deshita ka'Pesawat' dalam Bahasa JepangKata lain dari 'kirei' atau cantik...

HAHA U WILL NOT BEAT THIS costume guess 2021-10-28

HAHA U WILL NOT BEAT THIS costume guess crossword puzzle
  1. naruto uzumaki
  2. superhero
  3. shk
  4. spider
  1. flash
  2. catnoir
  3. skeleton
  4. superman

8 Clues: shkflashspidercatnoirskeletonsupermansuperheronaruto uzumaki

Anime 2022-06-07

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. wants to become a pirate king
  2. he is one punch man
  3. he became jonin at 13 age
  4. killed by Akaza
  5. she is useless in naruto series
  6. Naruto's rival
  7. son of goku
  1. is afraid of Yoriichi
  2. he like ramen
  3. he is a pervy sage
  4. sister of Tanjiro
  5. he is a upper rank three

12 Clues: son of gokuhe like ramenNaruto's rivalkilled by Akazasister of Tanjirohe is a pervy sagehe is one punch manis afraid of Yoriichihe is a upper rank threehe became jonin at 13 agewants to become a pirate kingshe is useless in naruto series

Otaku Test 2013-10-02

Otaku Test crossword puzzle
  4. MAID
  5. TITAN
  7. NEKO
  8. SPICE!


Naruto 2021-06-03

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. sasuke
  2. naruto
  3. jiraya
  4. orochimaru
  1. sakura
  2. tsunade
  3. kakashi
  4. hiruzen

8 Clues: sakurasasukenarutojirayatsunadekakashihiruzenorochimaru

anime main character 2022-12-12

anime main character crossword puzzle
  1. main charater of demon slayer
  2. main charater of black clover
  3. main charackter of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
  4. main charater of blech
  5. main charater of demon king acadmy
  6. main charater of the seven deadly sins
  7. main charater of baki
  8. main charater of one piece
  1. main charater of boruto next genaration
  2. main charater of attack on titan
  3. main charater of dragon ball z
  4. main charater of jojos bizzard advendure
  5. main charater of demon king daiamo
  6. main charater of jujutsu kaisen
  7. main charater of my hero academy
  8. main charater of naruto shippuden

16 Clues: main charater of bakimain charater of blechmain charater of one piecemain charater of demon slayermain charater of black clovermain charater of dragon ball zmain charater of jujutsu kaisenmain charater of attack on titanmain charater of my hero academymain charater of naruto shippudenmain charater of demon king daiamo...

Naruto Crossoword 2021-09-20

Naruto Crossoword crossword puzzle
  1. A man who killed his entire family in Konoha except for his little brother Sasuke.
  2. The grandson of the third Hokage, and someone that looked up to Naruto.
  3. She is the daughter of Hiashi Hyuga and the younger sister of Hinata Hyuga, as well as the aunt of Boruto and Himawari Uzumaki.
  4. Itachi's little brother that defected from Konoha after receiving the curse mark from Orochimaru.
  5. The number one Kucklehead of Konoha, and holds the Kyuubi within him.
  6. Naruto's mom who was the previous jinchuriki of the nine tails.
  7. Serves as Sasuke's replacement in Team 7. He is an ANBU-level shinobi of Konohagakure and is from the disbanded faction: Root.
  8. Gave Kakashi his sharingan. He is part of the Akatsuki and goes by the name Tobi, and Madara.
  1. She is from the "Main Branch" and bears the Byakugan. Cousin to Neji she strives to prove she is strong too. She died fighting Pain to save Naruto but was revived by Nagato's Jutsu. She wants to prove herself to Naruto.
  2. The strongest of the tailed beast!
  3. Has a crush on Sasuke trained under Tsunade to become a medical ninja.
  4. A young Kunoichi whose clan abilities are to take over anothers body, is on team 10
  5. A jounin that led team 7, and received the sharingan from his friend Obito.
  6. Member of the "Side Branch" he strives to prove that he can be just as strong as the "Main Branch". He is kind but serious. He bears the Byakugan and is cousin to Hinata. He trained under Might Guy.
  7. Fifth Hokage, has great physical strength and excells in medical ninjutsu
  8. Pupil to Guy Sensei, he possesses all of the characteristics of his mentor. He has a crush a Sakura, who refuses because of his bushy eyebrows and lower eyelashes.

16 Clues: The strongest of the tailed beast!Naruto's mom who was the previous jinchuriki of the nine tails.The number one Kucklehead of Konoha, and holds the Kyuubi within him.Has a crush on Sasuke trained under Tsunade to become a medical ninja.The grandson of the third Hokage, and someone that looked up to Naruto....

Anime Title- CSHS 2022-05-24

Anime Title- CSHS crossword puzzle
  1. Seven_____Sins
  2. Attack on____
  3. Food___
  4. Killua
  5. ______Ball Z
  6. Dr____
  7. ______Moon
  8. Tanjiro
  9. The____Neverland
  10. JoJo's_____Adventure
  11. _____Hakusho
  1. ______Alchemist
  2. Use on white clothes
  3. ____Note
  4. _______Shippuden
  5. ______Academia
  6. Last Airbender
  7. _____Hero
  8. Luffy
  9. _____Eater
  10. _____Tail

21 Clues: LuffyKilluaDr____Food___Tanjiro____Note_____Hero_____Tail______Moon_____Eater______Ball Z_____HakushoAttack on____Seven_____Sins______AcademiaLast Airbender______Alchemist_______ShippudenThe____NeverlandUse on white clothesJoJo's_____Adventure

Random OC’s 2021-05-29

Random OC’s crossword puzzle
  1. Stone, Fruits Basket
  2. Mori, Naruto female
  3. Carver, Sims
  4. Heart no Kuni no Alice
  5. Percy Jackson
  1. Brightstar, Ford
  2. Mori, Naruto male
  3. Stormz, Zoom
  4. Brightstar, Fenyx

9 Clues: Stormz, ZoomCarver, SimsPercy JacksonBrightstar, FordMori, Naruto maleBrightstar, FenyxMori, Naruto femaleStone, Fruits BasketHeart no Kuni no Alice

anime gmp 2021-11-11

anime gmp crossword puzzle
  1. ci sono i poteri
  2. ha la spada piu lunga del mondo
  3. ci sono i giganti
  4. ce il figlio di naruto
  1. piace ci sono i frutti del diavolo
  2. ci sono i cata
  3. ce un video gioco di armi
  4. ci sono i chakra
  5. ce il gioco dazardo
  6. ce meliodas
  7. ce il libro che ti amazza
  8. ci sono i gul

12 Clues: ce meliodasci sono i gulci sono i cataci sono i poterici sono i chakraci sono i gigantice il gioco dazardoce il figlio di narutoce un video gioco di armice il libro che ti amazzaha la spada piu lunga del mondopiace ci sono i frutti del diavolo

Pertanyaan M Fadlan Alhanif 2022-05-17

Pertanyaan  M Fadlan Alhanif crossword puzzle
  1. central procesing unit
  2. unversal serial bus
  3. nama bapak naruto usumaki
  4. tempat di adakan sea games 2021
  5. negara terkecil di asean
  6. player pubg terbaik pada masanya
  7. tempat wisata terbaik di indonesia
  1. julukan dari luffy
  2. yang membunuh orang tua naruto
  3. perangkat yang digunakan untuk menampilkan di layar besar
  4. game orang toxic

11 Clues: game orang toxicjulukan dari luffyunversal serial buscentral procesing unitnegara terkecil di aseannama bapak naruto usumakiyang membunuh orang tua narutotempat di adakan sea games 2021player pubg terbaik pada masanyatempat wisata terbaik di indonesiaperangkat yang digunakan untuk menampilkan di layar besar

Infools 2024-02-10

Infools crossword puzzle
  1. Q13
  2. Q17
  3. Q16
  4. Q1
  5. Q10
  6. Q14
  7. Q7
  8. Q9
  9. Q6
  10. Q2
  11. Q20
  12. Q19
  13. Q5
  14. Q18
  1. Q22
  2. Q8
  3. Q15
  4. Q4
  5. Q3
  6. Q21
  7. Q12
  8. Q25
  9. Q24
  10. Q23
  11. Q11

25 Clues: Q8Q4Q3Q1Q7Q9Q6Q2Q5Q22Q13Q15Q17Q16Q21Q12Q25Q24Q10Q14Q23Q20Q19Q11Q18

Anime but funnier 2023-01-06

Anime but funnier crossword puzzle
  1. HoMoSexUal SuPpOrting CasT
  2. crazy egoists play soccer in body suits
  3. book of death, and apples
  4. Volleyball and a smol boy
  5. some 14-year-old wants to go to the moon but *bam* stone
  6. fatherless boy travels the world with his (gay) best friend
  7. hot springs and gay boys
  8. Skateboarding but gayer
  9. mafia but gay and funny tiger boy
  10. big three, pirates, (IDK I haven't watched it)
  11. walls, canons, titans, and potatos
  12. Kids break bones
  1. the kids are food
  2. "finger food"
  3. Swimming but gay, and they can't read (apparently)
  4. time travel, and gangs
  5. basketball but shorter
  7. laundry detergent, but demons (or something)
  8. gods and a tower... and bam
  9. food so good it will knock your clothes off (literally)

21 Clues: "finger food"Kids break bonesthe kids are travel, and gangsbasketball but shorterSkateboarding but gayerhot springs and gay boysbook of death, and applesVolleyball and a smol boyHoMoSexUal SuPpOrting CasTgods and a tower... and bammafia but gay and funny tiger boywalls, canons, titans, and potatos...

naruto 2019-05-10

naruto crossword puzzle
  1. the copy ninja
  2. has kuruma inside him
  3. likes rin
  4. has sharigan in left eye right eye rinnegan
  5. son of hizashi
  1. granddaughter of hashirama
  2. created reaper death seal
  3. possessesses the jougen
  4. kill the uchiha

9 Clues: likes rinthe copy ninjason of hizashikill the uchihahas kuruma inside himpossessesses the jougencreated reaper death sealgranddaughter of hashiramahas sharigan in left eye right eye rinnegan

NARUTO 2022-04-05

NARUTO crossword puzzle
  1. Alliance avec l'Akatsuki, devenant l'un des personnages les plus dynamiques de la série (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un K)
  2. Timide, sereine et très polie, utilisant tout le temps les suffixes nominaux appropriés. A toujours eu une admiration de longue date pour Naruto (la troisième lettre c'est un N)
  3. Apparaît pour la première fois juste avant le début de l'examen Chūnin. C'est un Shinobi de Suna (la première lettre c'est un G)
  4. Premier mentor des principaux protagonistes de l'histoire. Mondialement connu pour son utilisation du Sharingan (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un H)
  5. Le leader officiel d'Akatsuki (la dernière lettre c'est un O)
  1. Fils du 3ᵉ Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un M)
  2. Frère aîné de Sasuke, tout le monde l'aime (apparemment) (la deuxième lettre c'est un T)
  3. La principale héroïne de la série, bien qu'elle n'y était pas destinée au départ. Ne sert à rien (la quatrième lettre c'est un U)
  4. Personnage principale de l'animé, devenu le Septième Hokage (la deuxième lettre c'est un A)

9 Clues: Le leader officiel d'Akatsuki (la dernière lettre c'est un O)Fils du 3ᵉ Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi (l'avant dernière lettre c'est un M)Frère aîné de Sasuke, tout le monde l'aime (apparemment) (la deuxième lettre c'est un T)Personnage principale de l'animé, devenu le Septième Hokage (la deuxième lettre c'est un A)...

Test 1 2021-11-15

Test 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Dino
  2. Lettonie
  3. son
  4. jeux
  5. sergent
  6. coloriage
  1. saison
  2. moin de l'année
  3. enseigne
  4. Bio
  5. tricot
  6. Ninja
  7. épuise
  8. Grappling
  9. Mois

15 Clues: BiosonDinojeuxMoisNinjasaisontricotépuisesergentenseigneLettonieGrapplingcoloriagemoin de l'année

Anime Characters 2 2024-07-05

Anime Characters 2 crossword puzzle
  1. (Haikyuu)
  2. Denji (Chainsaw Man)
  3. Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen)
  4. Tanjiro (Demon Slayer)
  1. Yuji Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen)
  2. Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
  3. Naruto (Naruto)

7 Clues: (Haikyuu)Naruto (Naruto)Denji (Chainsaw Man)Son Goku (Dragon Ball)Tanjiro (Demon Slayer)Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen)Yuji Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen)

boruto 2022-04-25

boruto crossword puzzle
  1. lee hard worker
  2. useless
  3. menace to society
  4. lost
  5. hero
  6. fat
  7. loving
  8. boney
  9. hokaga
  10. next big thing
  11. immortal
  1. leader
  2. leader
  3. puppets
  4. demon
  5. heartless
  6. sand man
  7. menace that died
  8. thick
  9. guy strong

20 Clues: fatlostherodemonboneythickleaderleaderlovinghokagauselesspuppetssand manimmortalheartlessguy strongnext big thinglee hard workermenace that diedmenace to society

naruto 2019-05-10

naruto crossword puzzle
  1. has kuruma inside him
  2. son of hizashi
  3. granddaughter of hashirama
  4. created reaper death seal
  1. has sharigan in left eye right eye rinnegan
  2. likes rin
  3. the copy ninja
  4. kill the uchiha
  5. possessesses the jougen

9 Clues: likes rinthe copy ninjason of hizashikill the uchihahas kuruma inside himpossessesses the jougencreated reaper death sealgranddaughter of hashiramahas sharigan in left eye right eye rinnegan

Naruto 2024-07-09

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. - Toad sage
  2. - what a drag
  3. - user of Rasenshuriken
  4. namikaze - yellow flash
  5. - Former nine tails jinchiruki
  1. - Jiraya's Student
  2. - crow
  3. - Huyga princess
  4. - Broken hero

9 Clues: - crow- Toad sage- what a drag- Broken hero- Huyga princess- Jiraya's Student- user of Rasenshurikennamikaze - yellow flash- Former nine tails jinchiruki

Unit 3 SSV 2022-02-01

Unit 3 SSV crossword puzzle
  1. Lee always causes so much _ because he made everything a training exercise.
  2. Naruto's relationship with Octapops was _ since they both had tailed beasts.
  3. Kiba's abilities as a shinobi were _ since it was the same move over and over again.
  4. The anbu black ops's training facility was _ throughout the Hidden Leaf Village.
  5. Sasuke _ in the beginning of Naruto that he was the last living Uchila.
  6. Kakashi tried to _ Sasuke's anger towards getting revenge for his clan.
  7. Tenten always had so many cool weapons and other _.
  8. Nagato would spout _ information on the meaning of pain.
  9. The Akatsuki had a _ of chakra from the tailed beasts, but they needed more in order to create the ten tails.
  10. Orochimaru was _ when he killed Hiruzen.
  11. Gaara was _ because he was portrayed to be a mean person when in reality, he is kind.
  1. Shikamaru is considered an _ since he's the Hokage's right hand.
  2. Tayuya played her flute in _ so that she could hypnotize her enemies.
  3. Madara couldn't _ his desire to fulfill his infinite tsukuyomi without the 10 tails.
  4. Naruto was _ as to why the village always looked down on him when he was younger.
  5. The four villages' _ was able to prevent the ten tails from becoming to powerful.
  6. Guy and Kakashi sensei would _ each other about their streak of who was a better shinobi.
  7. Jugo's powers were _ since he could change to his demon side and wanted to kill people.
  8. Sasuke became _ when Sarada called him annoying.
  9. Naruto was known to _ his decisions between his friends and ramen.
  10. Orochimaru was always _ experiments on people both in and out of the Hidden Leaf Village.
  11. Hinata's _ and friendly face allowed her to be approachable.
  12. Guy sensei was always _ and couldn't make a decision on a training exercise.
  13. There was an infinite amount of _ oil in Mount Myoboku that Naruto used to gain sage power.

24 Clues: Orochimaru was _ when he killed Hiruzen.Sasuke became _ when Sarada called him annoying.Tenten always had so many cool weapons and other _.Nagato would spout _ information on the meaning of pain.Hinata's _ and friendly face allowed her to be approachable.Shikamaru is considered an _ since he's the Hokage's right hand....

Naruto 2022-04-27

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. The crybaby Uchiha
  2. Friends with Obito
  3. She/he is terrified of toads
  4. Name of the three tailed beast
  5. Naruto's age in the original cartoon ( words )
  1. His/Her hobby is pressing flowers
  2. A human sacifice, the vessel of a tailed beast
  3. The name of Kakashi's smallest ninken
  4. Naruto's soulmate

9 Clues: Naruto's soulmateThe crybaby UchihaFriends with ObitoShe/he is terrified of toadsName of the three tailed beastHis/Her hobby is pressing flowersThe name of Kakashi's smallest ninkenA human sacifice, the vessel of a tailed beastNaruto's age in the original cartoon ( words )

Naruto 2024-08-09

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Clã Uzumaki
  2. Velocidade
  3. Organização criminosa
  4. Arma
  1. Defesa
  2. comida
  3. bijuu
  4. Espadachin
  5. Sensei

9 Clues: ArmabijuuDefesacomidaSenseiEspadachinVelocidadeClã UzumakiOrganização criminosa

boruto 2022-04-25

boruto crossword puzzle
  1. lee hard worker
  2. useless
  3. menace to society
  4. lost
  5. hero
  6. fat
  7. loving
  8. boney
  9. hokaga
  10. next big thing
  11. immortal
  1. leader
  2. leader
  3. puppets
  4. demon
  5. heartless
  6. sand man
  7. menace that died
  8. thick
  9. guy strong

20 Clues: fatlostherodemonboneythickleaderleaderlovinghokagauselesspuppetssand manimmortalheartlessguy strongnext big thinglee hard workermenace that diedmenace to society

Naruto Crossword 2019-08-27

Naruto Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. hypnotic medicine
  2. a group
  3. the five legendary dragons
  4. different word for ninja
  5. the rebirth of a soul in another body.
  6. a member of a powerful military caste in feudal Japan.
  7. a ninja way
  1. a upside-down comma looking symbol
  2. Human sacrifice
  3. someone who has attained wisdom
  4. an evil god
  5. currency used in Naruto
  6. a type of martial arts
  7. a rank in the military
  8. one of the great lords who were vassals of the shogun

15 Clues: a groupan evil goda ninja wayHuman sacrificehypnotic medicinea type of martial artsa rank in the militarycurrency used in Narutodifferent word for ninjathe five legendary dragonssomeone who has attained wisdoma upside-down comma looking symbolthe rebirth of a soul in another of the great lords who were vassals of the shogun...

Naruto Weapons 2023-07-28

Naruto Weapons crossword puzzle
  1. - Carries and stores various ninja tools.
  2. - Chain sickle weapon.
  3. - Controlled figures armed with various weapons.
  4. - Sickles used for close combat.
  5. - Giant shuriken used for long-range attacks.
  6. - Throwing stars used by ninja.
  7. - Short blade used for stabbing.
  8. - Martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected by a chain.
  1. - Sharkskin sword with the ability to absorb chakra.
  2. - Legendary sword wielded by Orochimaru.
  3. - Paper tags that explode on command.
  4. - Versatile ninja throwing weapon.
  5. - Executioner's Blade, a massive sword.
  6. - Thin, needle-like projectiles.
  7. - Traditional Japanese sword.

15 Clues: - Chain sickle weapon.- Traditional Japanese sword.- Throwing stars used by ninja.- Sickles used for close combat.- Thin, needle-like projectiles.- Short blade used for stabbing.- Versatile ninja throwing weapon.- Paper tags that explode on command.- Executioner's Blade, a massive sword.- Legendary sword wielded by Orochimaru....

naruto crossword 2023-01-26

naruto crossword crossword puzzle
  1. be exuberantly filled with an irrepressible positive feeling
  2. narutos best friend
  3. when you think you know something you...
  4. showing no friendliness toward a person
  5. something away as in putting it somewhere where only some people can undo
  6. gonna be hokage
  7. when you cover you face up with something it can be called a...
  1. shes strong
  2. make someone annoyed or irritated
  3. when your done something its a blank job
  4. when you Finish something your
  5. when you make it through a war you ...
  6. when you make yourself a name after your dead
  7. it means he/her has reached the maximum energy used or reach the best potencial they can be
  8. he is a copy

15 Clues: shes stronghe is a copygonna be hokagenarutos best friendwhen you Finish something yourmake someone annoyed or irritatedwhen you make it through a war you ...showing no friendliness toward a personwhen your done something its a blank jobwhen you think you know something you...when you make yourself a name after your dead...

movies and tv shows 2022-10-25

movies and tv shows crossword puzzle
  1. intothefuture
  2. thebeemovie howtotrainadragon
  3. thebadguys
  4. thewilloughbys
  5. ironman
  6. topgun
  7. shehulk
  8. polarbear
  9. meg
  10. samandcat
  11. it
  12. myheroacademia boruto
  1. thorloveandthunder
  2. harrypotter
  3. lordsoftherings
  4. ghostbusters
  5. avengers endgame
  6. blackpanther
  7. spiderman
  8. sing 2
  9. turningred buzzlightyear
  10. lionking
  11. attackontitan
  12. minions

24 Clues: itmegtopgunsing 2ironmanshehulkminionslionkingspidermanpolarbearsamandcatthebadguysharrypotterghostbustersblackpantherintothefutureattackontitanthewilloughbyslordsoftheringsavengers endgamethorloveandthundermyheroacademia borutoturningred buzzlightyearthebeemovie howtotrainadragon

YWC 2024-09-07

YWC crossword puzzle
  1. Patriots
  2. Museum
  3. Godfather
  4. Iraq
  5. Gestalt
  6. Author
  7. Improv
  8. Sonora
  9. Flowers
  10. German
  11. Finn
  12. Corgi
  13. Serbia
  14. Fifa
  1. Wrigleyville
  2. equine
  3. Bulls
  4. French
  5. Argentina
  6. Hogwarts
  7. Devito
  8. Capcom
  9. Simba
  10. Systemic
  11. Naruto
  12. Matcha

26 Clues: IraqFinnFifaBullsSimbaCorgiequineMuseumFrenchAuthorDevitoCapcomImprovSonoraGermanNarutoSerbiaMatchaGestaltFlowersPatriotsHogwartsSystemicGodfatherArgentinaWrigleyville

Naruto Characters 2022-03-10

Naruto Characters crossword puzzle
  1. ghost of the uchiha
  2. flower of the trio
  3. lord 4th
  4. queen of the all seeing eyes
  5. fat man of the trio
  6. creator of the chidori
  7. last of a clan
  1. god of shinobi
  2. clan slayer
  3. masked man, "madara"
  4. racist hokage
  5. flower girl
  6. son of the 4th
  7. successor of the gates
  8. shadow of the trio

15 Clues: lord 4thclan slayerflower girlracist hokagegod of shinobison of the 4thlast of a clanflower of the trioshadow of the trioghost of the uchihafat man of the triomasked man, "madara"successor of the gatescreator of the chidoriqueen of the all seeing eyes

Naruto Crossword 2023-03-30

Naruto Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. move rapidly downwards through the air
  2. a person skilled in the Japanese art of ninjutsu
  3. a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something
  4. a leader or ruler of a people or clan.
  5. copy wheel eye
  6. imitate(someone or their actions or words)
  7. a set or group of three people or things
  8. naruto's friend
  9. a tailless amphibian with a short squiat body
  1. an apparition or double of a living person
  2. the leader and the strongest ninja of the village where the main character resides
  3. a child, typically a badly behaved one
  4. a stupid person
  5. a roll of parchment or paper for writing or painting on
  6. fox

15 Clues: foxcopy wheel eyea stupid personnaruto's friendmove rapidly downwards through the aira child, typically a badly behaved onea leader or ruler of a people or clan.a set or group of three people or thingsan apparition or double of a living personimitate(someone or their actions or words)a tailless amphibian with a short squiat body...

pop8 2024-06-16

pop8 crossword puzzle
  1. Mob Psycho
  2. Violet Evergarden
  3. Psycho-Pass
  4. Promised Neverland
  5. Durarara
  6. Monogatari
  7. Detective Conan
  8. Naruto
  9. Hellsing
  10. Railgun
  1. Attack Titan
  2. Gundam
  3. Slime Isekai
  4. JoJo
  5. Assassination Classroom
  6. Re
  7. Kokoro Connect
  8. Vinland Saga
  9. Sword Art
  10. Hunter x Hunter

20 Clues: ReJoJoGundamNarutoRailgunDurararaHellsingSword ArtMob PsychoMonogatariPsycho-PassAttack TitanSlime IsekaiVinland SagaKokoro ConnectDetective ConanHunter x HunterViolet EvergardenPromised NeverlandAssassination Classroom

Naruto 2021-03-02

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe heet de oog dat Sasuke Heeft?
  2. van welke clan komt Shikamaru?
  3. Wat is de achternaam van Naruto?
  4. wie is de jongen dat heel veel eet?
  1. Hoe heet de blauwe jutsu van Naruto?
  2. wat is de achternaam van Sasuke?
  3. Welke jongen heeft de byakugan?
  4. Wie is de hoofdpersonage?

8 Clues: Wie is de hoofdpersonage?van welke clan komt Shikamaru?Welke jongen heeft de byakugan?wat is de achternaam van Sasuke?Wat is de achternaam van Naruto?Hoe heet de oog dat Sasuke Heeft?wie is de jongen dat heel veel eet?Hoe heet de blauwe jutsu van Naruto?

Anime/Naruto 2020-12-01

Anime/Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. shes married with sasuke and has a daughter.
  2. he is a bounty hunter, he is hunting down the bridge builder.
  3. he was a sensie to Kakshi,obito and rin.
  4. he has a wife called sakura.
  5. he is a uchiha and he was one of kakshis best friend.
  1. he helped Naruto to survive and was a nice person.
  2. hes a sensie to Naruto,Sasuke and Sakura.
  3. bulider is a person thta bulits bridges.
  4. he is a nine tailed fox with powers.
  5. he killed one of Narutos masters/best friend.

10 Clues: he has a wife called sakura.he is a nine tailed fox with powers.bulider is a person thta bulits bridges.he was a sensie to Kakshi,obito and rin.hes a sensie to Naruto,Sasuke and Sakura.shes married with sasuke and has a daughter.he killed one of Narutos masters/best friend.he helped Naruto to survive and was a nice person....

Naruto and friends 2023-10-15

Naruto and friends crossword puzzle
  1. Leader of Team 7, known as the Copy Cat Ninja
  2. Dog like ninja, owner of Akamaru
  3. Uses Chakra blades, known smoker
  4. Loves Naruto, daughter of the head of the Hyuga Clan
  5. Replaced Sasuke, uses Super Beast Scroll Jutsu
  6. Mother of Asuma's child, Hinata's teacher
  7. Quiet ninja, uses bug style jutsus
  8. Bushy Brow Sensei, Kakashi's rival
  9. Bushy Brow, unable to use ninjutsu
  1. Lazy Ninja, smartest in his class
  2. Loves Sasuke, was taught by Tsunade
  3. Loves Sasuke, Sakura's rival
  4. Ninja tool master of Team Guy
  5. The last of the Uchiha, Naruto's rival
  6. Hates being called fatso
  7. Known as the genius of the Hyuga Clan
  8. Nine tails Jinchuriki

17 Clues: Nine tails JinchurikiHates being called fatsoLoves Sasuke, Sakura's rivalNinja tool master of Team GuyDog like ninja, owner of AkamaruUses Chakra blades, known smokerLazy Ninja, smartest in his classQuiet ninja, uses bug style jutsusBushy Brow Sensei, Kakashi's rivalBushy Brow, unable to use ninjutsuLoves Sasuke, was taught by Tsunade...

anime 2021-09-09

anime crossword puzzle
  1. naruto.
  2. postać.
  3. naruto sakure i sasuke.
  1. z demonuw i wrug naruto.
  2. Naruto.
  3. jeden z najśilniejszych demonuw.
  4. szkoły ninja i pszyjaciel naruto.

7 Clues: Naruto.naruto.postać.naruto sakure i sasuke.z demonuw i wrug naruto.jeden z najśilniejszych demonuw.szkoły ninja i pszyjaciel naruto.

Naruto 2023-03-27

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 1
  4. 3
  1. 6
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 2
  5. 7

9 Clues: 694852713

naruto 2019-05-10

naruto crossword puzzle
  1. kill the uchiha
  2. has kuruma inside him
  3. the copy ninja
  4. possessesses the jougen
  1. likes rin
  2. granddaughter of hashirama
  3. son of hizashi
  4. created reaper death seal
  5. has sharigan in left eye right eye rinnegan

9 Clues: likes rinson of hizashithe copy ninjakill the uchihahas kuruma inside himpossessesses the jougencreated reaper death sealgranddaughter of hashiramahas sharigan in left eye right eye rinnegan

Transmisiones 2021-09-27

Transmisiones crossword puzzle
  1. Mes de finalización de emisión de la primera parte de Naruto
  2. Mes en el que se transimitió originalmente naruto
  3. Casa productora de Naruto
  4. En este país las transmisiondes de Naruto empezarón 19 de mayo de 2008
  1. País donde un 25 de Agosto de 2010 se retomaron transmiciones con el capitulo 127
  2. País donde la serie dejó de ser transmitida el día 28 de septiembre 2007
  3. Cadena televisiva que emitió primero la serie en España
  4. Mes donde se estreno la adaptacion inglesa del anime

8 Clues: Casa productora de NarutoMes en el que se transimitió originalmente narutoMes donde se estreno la adaptacion inglesa del animeCadena televisiva que emitió primero la serie en EspañaMes de finalización de emisión de la primera parte de NarutoEn este país las transmisiondes de Naruto empezarón 19 de mayo de 2008...

Rosemary and Luz 2024-02-26

Rosemary and Luz crossword puzzle
  1. What do Luz and Rose collect?
  2. How many siblings do Rose and Luz each have?
  3. Most recent outing?
  4. Month Rose proposed
  5. Do the girls prefer sunset or sunrise?
  6. Luz's favorite Disney princess
  7. Luz's favorite color
  8. The other Naruto character Rose has a tattoo of
  9. Rose's favorite football team
  10. The girl's dream vacation
  11. What boardgame do the girls both enjoy?
  1. State where they had their first vacacion together
  2. How many tattoos does Rose have?
  3. Rose's middle name
  4. How many tattoos does Luz have?
  5. Luz's middle name
  6. What Naruto clan does Luz have on her ankle
  7. Does Luz prefer scary or funny movies?
  8. What was Rose and Luz's prom color?
  9. What midnight movie premier did the girls see? (Avengers)
  10. Rose's favorite Disney character
  11. Rose and Luz have the same gaming console

22 Clues: Luz's middle nameRose's middle nameMost recent outing?Month Rose proposedLuz's favorite colorThe girl's dream vacationWhat do Luz and Rose collect?Rose's favorite football teamLuz's favorite Disney princessHow many tattoos does Luz have?How many tattoos does Rose have?Rose's favorite Disney characterWhat was Rose and Luz's prom color?...

Anime 2023-01-28

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Rivel of Sasuke
  2. Pervert
  3. Grandson
  4. wannapirateking
  5. Hashirama's rival
  6. Sasuke's brother
  7. Samehada's owner
  8. Third Hokage
  9. Trash
  1. Brainy
  2. Sixth Hokage
  3. lost
  4. Titties
  5. dies
  6. power of youth
  7. DOG

16 Clues: DOGlostdiesTrashBrainyPervertTittiesGrandsonSixth HokageThird Hokagepower of youthRivel of SasukewannapiratekingSasuke's brotherSamehada's ownerHashirama's rival

Anime 2023-01-28

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Rivel of Sasuke
  2. Pervert
  3. Grandson
  4. wannapirateking
  5. Hashirama's rival
  6. Sasuke's brother
  7. Samehada's owner
  8. Third Hokage
  9. Trash
  1. Brainy
  2. Sixth Hokage
  3. lost
  4. Titties
  5. dies
  6. power of youth
  7. DOG

16 Clues: DOGlostdiesTrashBrainyPervertTittiesGrandsonSixth HokageThird Hokagepower of youthRivel of SasukewannapiratekingSasuke's brotherSamehada's ownerHashirama's rival

Anime 2023-01-28

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Rivel of Sasuke
  2. Pervert
  3. Grandson
  4. wannapirateking
  5. Hashirama's rival
  6. Sasuke's brother
  7. Samehada's owner
  8. Third Hokage
  9. Trash
  1. Brainy
  2. Sixth Hokage
  3. lost
  4. Titties
  5. dies
  6. power of youth
  7. DOG

16 Clues: DOGlostdiesTrashBrainyPervertTittiesGrandsonSixth HokageThird Hokagepower of youthRivel of SasukewannapiratekingSasuke's brotherSamehada's ownerHashirama's rival

Naruto Ninjutsu 2023-07-28

Naruto Ninjutsu crossword puzzle
  1. - Control over puppets in combat.
  2. - Fire-based projectile attack.
  3. - Enhanced version of Rasengan.
  4. - Eye technique with enhanced perception.
  5. - Space-time ninjutsu for instant teleportation.
  6. - Black flames that burn everything.
  7. - Lightning-based technique.
  8. - Brings creatures or objects to the battlefield.
  1. - Healing and regenerative techniques.
  2. - Forms a dragon made of water.
  3. - Quick body replacement technique.
  4. - Changes the user's appearance.
  5. - Powerful spinning attack.
  6. Clone - Creates multiple copies of the user.
  7. - Dimensional teleportation ability.

15 Clues: - Powerful spinning attack.- Lightning-based technique.- Forms a dragon made of water.- Fire-based projectile attack.- Enhanced version of Rasengan.- Changes the user's appearance.- Control over puppets in combat.- Quick body replacement technique.- Dimensional teleportation ability.- Black flames that burn everything....

Naruto Novel Study (Btw You Need To Have Read The Books) 2020-11-24

Naruto Novel Study (Btw You Need To Have Read The Books) crossword puzzle
  1. person naruto is hired to protect
  2. Teenage Mutant _____ Turtles.
  3. Japanese comic
  4. opposite of bad
  1. japanese character
  2. Name of a giant wave.
  3. Island country off the coast of china.
  4. small places where people live usually on the outskirts of a town
  5. name of the book
  6. opposite of good

10 Clues: Japanese comicopposite of badname of the bookopposite of goodjapanese characterName of a giant wave.Teenage Mutant _____ Turtles.person naruto is hired to protectIsland country off the coast of china.small places where people live usually on the outskirts of a town

anime time 2021-11-11

anime time crossword puzzle
  1. lo é cementoss
  2. il protagonista di my hero academia (MHA)
  3. personaggio con il secondo nome: code o16
  4. il personaggio che in passato era ciccione in the seven deadly sins
  5. personaggio femminile sorda in la forma della voce
  6. personaggio di demon slayer con un serpente
  7. il prsonaggio che era stato pietrificato da un altro personaggio in the seven deadly sins
  8. personaggio iniziale di genshin impact femina (il contrario di aether)
  9. è la protagonista di little witch acaemia
  10. personaggio che ama il personaggio con il serpente in demon slayer
  11. il settimo hokage
  12. il maestro di naruto
  13. il sensei di assasination classrom
  14. il personaggio cinque stelle di tip cryo
  1. è un perdonaggio di tipo cryo ed assomiglia ad una suora
  2. il congnome della protagonista di Kakeguri
  3. il suo cognome e Fumikage ed è in my hero academia
  4. supporter di tipo Hydro di genshin impact 5 stelle
  5. la moglie di naruto
  6. i poteri in my hero academia
  7. protagonista di re:zero
  8. un personaggio di my hero academia che ha il quirk che si chiama "rana"
  9. il nome della sorellla di tanjiro
  10. il personaggio più amato di atacck on titan
  11. il protagonista di saiki k
  12. un cinque stelle di genshin impact di tipo mr.Albedo personaggio di tipo geo di genshin impact 5 stelle

26 Clues: lo é cementossil settimo hokagela moglie di narutoil maestro di narutoprotagonista di re:zeroil protagonista di saiki ki poteri in my hero academiail nome della sorellla di tanjiroil sensei di assasination classromil personaggio cinque stelle di tip cryoil protagonista di my hero academia (MHA)personaggio con il secondo nome: code o16...

Gueess the anime by kaleb mcmillian 2021-01-14

Gueess the anime by kaleb mcmillian crossword puzzle
  1. rem and ram
  2. giant robots
  3. sins
  4. superheros
  5. punishment
  6. needs more episodes or seasons
  7. my favorite anime theme song
  8. 002
  9. volleyball
  10. ghouls
  11. ice skating
  1. orphans
  2. punch
  3. souls
  4. apples
  5. pyscic
  6. ninja
  7. omni derctional gear
  8. aqua
  9. teru

20 Clues: 002sinsaquaterupunchsoulsninjaapplespyscicghoulsorphanssuperherospunishmentvolleyballrem and ramice skatinggiant robotsomni derctional gearmy favorite anime theme songneeds more episodes or seasons

crossword. by oscar 2022-01-18

crossword. by oscar crossword puzzle
  1. some thing gen z goes on a lot
  2. a ball is thrown to a person on the team
  3. a type of waterbottle that the name of the company is some thing thats in the mountain
  4. somthing you swim in
  5. it says MOO
  6. laugh out loud
  7. the person who creaded it
  8. the kinda hard fruit
  9. a anime that the main caracters hair is green and it starts with H and a big clue is HXH
  10. the state that stillwater is in
  11. a swords man that is on luffys crew in one peice
  12. a moutain that people go up and ski/snowboard
  13. a place that is hot a lot but is not florida and starts with a T
  14. a gameing consle that is green kinda and starts with a x
  1. the type of music B.T.S does
  2. a chip that mr.ardito likes
  3. a pet that a lot of people have
  4. a main caracter thants in one peice
  5. a video game that has a lot of blocks/cubes
  6. a childhood show not cartoon
  7. kid run to houses and ask for candy
  8. a block game thats not minecraft
  9. the best game in the world
  10. the worse anime thats like a copy of naruto
  11. the main character in naruto
  12. some thing thats up in the sky at night not moon

26 Clues: it says MOOlaugh out loudsomthing you swim inthe kinda hard fruitthe person who creaded itthe best game in the worlda chip that mr.ardito likesthe type of music B.T.S doesa childhood show not cartoonthe main character in narutosome thing gen z goes on a lota pet that a lot of people havethe state that stillwater is in...

manga 2023-01-27

manga crossword puzzle
  1. someone who is obsessed with manga
  2. the cloud from the dragon ball series
  3. the best of the best animators wise
  4. a spin off or side story
  1. manga originated from?
  2. people who like female characters call them ___
  3. someone who flip flops between being lovey dovy and cold in manga are called ____
  4. the strongest element in demon slayer
  5. demon boy
  6. the show
  7. the book
  8. bleach,naruto,onepeice together are called

12 Clues: the showthe bookdemon boymanga originated from?a spin off or side storysomeone who is obsessed with mangathe best of the best animators wisethe cloud from the dragon ball seriesthe strongest element in demon slayerbleach,naruto,onepeice together are calledpeople who like female characters call them ___...

Anime/Naruto 2020-12-07

Anime/Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. he has a team called team 7 he is a sensei.
  2. he is a nice friend to naruto
  3. he has sage mode he has an friend called sasuke.
  1. she likes sasuke and hates naruto.
  2. he is Narutos friend and he has fighted naruto and tried to kill sakura.
  3. she is narutos wife.
  4. he is narutos son.

7 Clues: he is narutos son.she is narutos wife.he is a nice friend to narutoshe likes sasuke and hates naruto.he has a team called team 7 he is a sensei.he has sage mode he has an friend called sasuke.he is Narutos friend and he has fighted naruto and tried to kill sakura.


NARUTO UZUMAKI crossword puzzle


Books 2020-04-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. creatures
  2. do
  3. band
  4. mystery
  5. mouse
  6. doll
  7. romeo and juliet
  1. matilda
  2. belt
  3. magic
  4. dragons
  5. doodling
  6. jetpack

13 Clues: dobeltbanddollmagicmousematildamysterydragonsjetpackdoodlingcreaturesromeo and juliet

Books 2020-04-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. creatures
  2. do
  3. band
  4. mystery
  5. mouse
  6. doll
  7. romeo and juliet
  1. matilda
  2. belt
  3. nose
  4. dragons
  5. doodling
  6. jetpack

13 Clues: dobeltnosebanddollmousematildamysterydragonsjetpackdoodlingcreaturesromeo and juliet

Number 2021-05-02

Number crossword puzzle
  1. abacate
  2. oito
  3. doze
  4. Quatro
  5. nove
  6. amora
  7. dez
  8. onze
  9. Seis
  10. Melhor ninja da Anbu e irmão do Hokage das sombras
  1. laranja
  2. Cinco
  3. sete
  4. Dois
  5. Três
  6. Setimo Hokage
  7. Hokage das Sombras
  8. banana
  9. aquele que copia mil jutsus
  10. Um

20 Clues: UmdezseteoitoDoisdozeTrêsnoveonzeSeisCincoamoraQuatrobananalaranjaabacateSetimo HokageHokage das Sombrasaquele que copia mil jutsusMelhor ninja da Anbu e irmão do Hokage das sombras

September Adult Anime Club 2023-09-11

September Adult Anime Club crossword puzzle
  1. [Psycho-Pass]Surname of Nobuchika Ginoza’s father
  2. [Psycho Pass]Surname of Shinya Kogami’s nemesis in Season 1
  3. [Pokemon]First Pokemon Ash Ketchum caught
  4. [Naruto]Naruto Uzumaki’s favorite catch phrase (Japanese)
  5. [Heaven Official's Blessing]Heaven's Lord Wind Master
  1. [One Piece]Village in which Luffy was born
  2. [Demon Slayer]First Hashira Tanjiro Kamado meets
  3. [Bleach]The name of Ichigo Kurosaki’s sword
  4. [Heaven Official's Blessing]Xie Lian’s home country
  5. [Pokemon]First region that Ash Ketchum visited
  6. [Berserk]Pendent that Griffith wears
  7. [Berserk]Band of the [BLANK]
  8. [Demon Slayer]Number of Hashira
  9. [Bleach]Yoruichi’s surname
  10. [One Piece]English name of the Devil Fruit Luffy ate

15 Clues: [Bleach]Yoruichi’s surname[Berserk]Band of the [BLANK][Demon Slayer]Number of Hashira[Berserk]Pendent that Griffith wears[Pokemon]First Pokemon Ash Ketchum caught[One Piece]Village in which Luffy was born[Bleach]The name of Ichigo Kurosaki’s sword[Pokemon]First region that Ash Ketchum visited[Demon Slayer]First Hashira Tanjiro Kamado meets...

Naruto 2013-08-14

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Has One Sharingan
  2. Is The Holder Of The Nine Tales
  3. Betrayed The Leaf Village
  4. Medical Ninja
  1. Sand User
  2. Clay User
  3. Eight Tale Jinchuuriki
  4. Mind Transformation
  5. Nagato Controls Him

9 Clues: Sand UserClay UserMedical NinjaHas One SharinganMind TransformationNagato Controls HimEight Tale JinchuurikiBetrayed The Leaf VillageIs The Holder Of The Nine Tales

Naruto 2021-05-14

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. one of the legendary sanin
  2. the student/pupil of Lady tsunade
  3. part of the hyuga clan, shy, and is in love with naruto
  4. the mother of all chakra
  5. the yellow flash of the leaf
  1. son of the sage of six paths
  2. the god of shinobi
  3. the knuckle head ninja
  4. wants to avenge his clan

9 Clues: the god of shinobithe knuckle head ninjawants to avenge his clanthe mother of all chakraone of the legendary saninson of the sage of six pathsthe yellow flash of the leafthe student/pupil of Lady tsunadepart of the hyuga clan, shy, and is in love with naruto

Naruto 2021-03-29

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Tsuchikage
  2. senseï
  3. kunai
  4. Shinobi
  5. mizukage
  1. raikage
  2. jutsu
  3. nindô
  4. Hokage

9 Clues: jutsunindôkunaiHokagesenseïraikageShinobimizukageTsuchikage

naruto 2019-05-10

naruto crossword puzzle
  1. kill the uchiha
  2. possessesses the jougen
  3. granddaughter of hashirama
  4. created reaper death seal
  1. son of hizashi
  2. likes rin
  3. has sharigan in left eye right eye rinnegan
  4. the copy ninja
  5. has kuruma inside him

9 Clues: likes rinson of hizashithe copy ninjakill the uchihahas kuruma inside himpossessesses the jougencreated reaper death sealgranddaughter of hashiramahas sharigan in left eye right eye rinnegan

Books 2020-04-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. ash
  2. do
  3. ninja
  4. mystery
  5. mouse
  6. doll
  7. romeo and juliet
  1. matilda
  2. belt
  3. magic
  4. dragons
  5. doodling
  6. kenny

13 Clues: doashbeltdollmagicninjamousekennymatildamysterydragonsdoodlingromeo and juliet

Anatomy 2024-09-30

Anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. eyeliner baddie
  2. Who is the baddest in all of naruto
  3. team ___ has the hottest sensi
  4. adorable
  5. Fill in the blank " ___ ninja is the hottest ninja of all"
  6. which hokage was the best looking
  1. in another universe I would be mrs.___
  2. Another name for an absolute baddie is: kakashi of the ___
  3. Has a cool dog
  4. An absolute king
  5. the other baddie that is dead

11 Clues: adorableHas a cool dogeyeliner baddieAn absolute kingthe other baddie that is deadteam ___ has the hottest sensiwhich hokage was the best lookingWho is the baddest in all of narutoin another universe I would be mrs.___Another name for an absolute baddie is: kakashi of the ___Fill in the blank " ___ ninja is the hottest ninja of all"

Anime 2021-12-13

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Historical figures are transported to another world
  2. Jujutsu Kaisen's MC
  3. Black Butler's MC
  4. Who says 'I want to be King of the Pirates'
  5. Mc says "Your wish has been heard loud and clear"
  1. MC's brother is sealed in armor
  2. MC says "believe it"
  3. Well known Volleyball anime
  4. The genre in which a character is placed in another world
  5. siblings transported to a world that is ruled by games
  6. MC's family is killed and sister is turned into a demon
  7. "Gotta catch'em all"
  8. Okumara Rin's father
  9. Blue cat MC's have blond and pink hair
  10. Ninjas do this to do jutsu's from Naruto

15 Clues: Black Butler's MCJujutsu Kaisen's MCMC says "believe it""Gotta catch'em all"Okumara Rin's fatherWell known Volleyball animeMC's brother is sealed in armorBlue cat MC's have blond and pink hairNinjas do this to do jutsu's from NarutoWho says 'I want to be King of the Pirates'Mc says "Your wish has been heard loud and clear"...

Personajes de Naruto 2012-03-09

Personajes de Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. Personaje principal de la serie
  2. Mejor amigo de naruto
  3. Hermana de Neji
  1. Profesor Principal de Naruto
  2. La mejor amiga de Naruto
  3. Hermano de Hinata

6 Clues: Hermana de NejiHermano de HinataMejor amigo de narutoLa mejor amiga de NarutoProfesor Principal de NarutoPersonaje principal de la serie

Serien-Klassiker 2021-04-21

Serien-Klassiker crossword puzzle
  1. Wie heißt die Verbrecherbande aus Entenhausen?
  2. Wie heißt der beste Freund von Sponge Bob?
  3. Der Geburtsname von Son-Goku?
  4. Der Nachname von Naruto?
  5. in was verwandeln sich Saiyajin bei Vollmond?
  6. Der Schwarm von Naruto?
  7. Wie viele DragonBalls braucht es um Shenlong zu beschwören?
  8. Die besondere Fähigkeit der Ushia Familie?
  9. Wie viele inneren Tore hat die spezialfähigkeit von Sensei Gai?
  1. In welchem Ort steht die Crosse Krabbe?
  2. Wie heißt die reichste Ente in Entenhausen mi Vornamen?
  3. Spongebob lebt in einem Haus, das an welche Frucht erinnert?
  4. Der Rivale von Mr. Krabbs?
  5. Wer ist der Rivale von Son-Goku?
  6. Wie heißt die Tochter von Mr. Krabbs?
  7. Die Freundin von MickeyMaus ist?
  8. Die berühmteste Attacke von SOn-Goku heißt wie?
  9. Daniel, der begnadete Erfinder aus Entenhausen, heißt wie mit Nachnamen?
  10. Das höchste Amt in Konohagakure?
  11. Wer ist die beste Freundin von Son-Goku?
  12. Der Nachbar von SpongeBob?

21 Clues: Der Schwarm von Naruto?Der Nachname von Naruto?Der Rivale von Mr. Krabbs?Der Nachbar von SpongeBob?Der Geburtsname von Son-Goku?Wer ist der Rivale von Son-Goku?Die Freundin von MickeyMaus ist?Das höchste Amt in Konohagakure?Wie heißt die Tochter von Mr. Krabbs?In welchem Ort steht die Crosse Krabbe?Wer ist die beste Freundin von Son-Goku?...

Anime 2023-07-25

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Shonen ______
  2. Popular type of AU episode
  3. Localized to Ask Ketchum
  4. Voice of an interspace bounty hunter
  5. It's not a donut...
  6. Like a cruel angel, boy become a myth
  7. Kawaii alien sidekick
  8. Neptune and Uranus, to some
  9. Another role for number 10
  10. Girl's media
  11. A girl's name, a flower's name
  12. ninjutsu user
  13. nsfw
  14. delicious present for a sick person
  15. The only human part of Motoko Kusanagi
  16. ____ Ending
  1. Psychological horror film by Satoski Kon
  2. nice boat
  3. fanservice soup
  4. Takes place in Kalos
  5. Chan, San, Sama, etc.
  6. fanservice diner
  7. Mostly subbed anime
  8. I woke up in another world!
  9. Dragon Ball Z overseas intro
  10. It was me, ____!
  11. One Piece, Naruto and Bleach
  12. someone must be talking about you
  13. Cute on the outside, not so much the inside
  14. "Awesome!"
  15. Like anime, but it doesn't move...
  16. idiot!

32 Clues: nsfwidiot!nice boat"Awesome!"____ EndingGirl's mediaShonen ______ninjutsu userfanservice soupfanservice dinerIt was me, ____!It's not a donut...Mostly subbed animeTakes place in KalosChan, San, Sama, etc.Kawaii alien sidekickLocalized to Ask KetchumPopular type of AU episodeAnother role for number 10I woke up in another world!...

October Adult Anime Club 2023-10-24

October Adult Anime Club crossword puzzle
  1. [Naruto]Uchiha clan kekkei genkai
  2. [Kiki's Delivery Service]Name of Kiki’s feline companion
  3. [Totoro]Number of legs on the catbus
  4. [Inuyasha]Archer who once sealed Inuyasha
  5. [Ruruoni Kenshin]Name of Kenshin's reverse-blade sword
  6. [Sailor Moon]Item Luna gives to Sailor Moon
  7. [Ruruoni Kenshin]Kenshin Himura’s nickname (Japanese)
  1. [Shield Hero]Naofumi fights the Waves of...
  2. [Sailor Moon]Sailor Moon’s given name (Japanese)
  3. [Inuyasha]Magical jewel Inuyasha is pursuing (English)
  4. [Shield Hero]Kingdom to which Naofumi is summoned
  5. [Cowboy Bebop]Which of Spike Spiegel’s eyes is cybernetic?
  6. [Naruto]Team 7's Leader
  7. [Cowboy Bebop]Jet Black’s ship’s name

14 Clues: [Naruto]Team 7's Leader[Naruto]Uchiha clan kekkei genkai[Totoro]Number of legs on the catbus[Cowboy Bebop]Jet Black’s ship’s name[Inuyasha]Archer who once sealed Inuyasha[Shield Hero]Naofumi fights the Waves of...[Sailor Moon]Item Luna gives to Sailor Moon[Sailor Moon]Sailor Moon’s given name (Japanese)...

historia 2023-12-18

historia crossword puzzle
  1. ase
  2. suoja
  3. katkes
  4. laiva
  5. keltainen
  6. punainen
  7. geeli
  1. joo
  2. kiitos
  3. afrikka
  4. pyörä
  5. ase
  6. anime

13 Clues: asejooasesuojapyörälaivaanimegeelikiitoskatkesafrikkapunainenkeltainen

pop5 2024-06-16

pop5 crossword puzzle
  1. Ninja world
  2. Alchemy brothers
  3. Magic knights
  4. Death Weapon
  5. Gon Freecss
  6. Catch 'em all
  7. Tanjiro
  8. Super Saiyan
  9. Card duels
  10. Virtual reality
  11. Pirate adventure
  1. Magic guild
  2. Wall defenses
  3. Ken Kaneki
  4. Soul Reapers
  5. Killer notebook
  6. Superpowers
  7. Saitama
  8. Hokage
  9. Guts

20 Clues: GutsHokageSaitamaTanjiroKen KanekiCard duelsMagic guildNinja worldSuperpowersGon FreecssSoul ReapersDeath WeaponSuper SaiyanWall defensesMagic knightsCatch 'em allKiller notebookVirtual realityAlchemy brothersPirate adventure

Naruto 2024-11-07

Naruto crossword puzzle
  1. father of naruto
  2. fifth hokage
  3. Uchiha clan
  4. sand kazukage
  1. Kakashi copy ninja
  2. intelligent boy in naruto
  3. sarutobi son of third hokage
  4. one of legendary sanin

8 Clues: Uchiha clanfifth hokagesand kazukagefather of narutoKakashi copy ninjaone of legendary saninintelligent boy in narutosarutobi son of third hokage

<3 2022-12-09

<3 crossword puzzle
  1. My angel number
  2. My 1 body part youre not allowed to touch
  3. I love when you call me _____
  4. What is my Zodiac Sign
  5. Your body part that is softest to me
  6. The strongest character in Naruto
  7. Your angel number
  8. Clothing I hate wearing
  9. Two ____ is Brad's definition of a quickie
  10. what is my middle name
  11. What color do I wear often
  12. Something in the sky that makes me think of you
  1. A drink we both hate
  2. Never forget to wear your _____
  3. Scrambled eggs are gross with
  4. Liquor we drank the most
  5. The weakest character in Naruto
  6. Your favorite position
  7. Your finest feature is your ______
  8. I am 5 feet and __ inches tall
  9. I hear you say this expression the most
  10. Long distance sucks but I ____
  11. What is the mascot of your new favorite NFL team?

23 Clues: My angel numberYour angel numberA drink we both hateYour favorite positionWhat is my Zodiac Signwhat is my middle nameClothing I hate wearingLiquor we drank the mostWhat color do I wear oftenScrambled eggs are gross withI love when you call me _____I am 5 feet and __ inches tallLong distance sucks but I ____Never forget to wear your _____...

Boruto, Naruto Next Generation Characters 2024-10-08

Boruto, Naruto Next Generation Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Best friend to Namida
  2. Partner To Ino And Father To Inojin.
  3. Married to Naruto.
  4. Able to use Mind Transfer Jutsu.
  5. Loves Eating Potato Chips.
  6. Team 15's Leader/Sensei.
  7. Has a Scar on his eye, Also possess a sharingan.
  8. Son Of Shikamaru and TeMari.
  9. Rides around In a wheelchair.
  10. Jutsu Is crying.
  11. 5th Hokage.
  12. Main character In Boruto.
  13. Able to summon Nue.
  1. Boruto's Sister.
  2. uses Expansion Jutsu.
  3. Wears Red Glasses
  4. Mother to Shikamaru.
  5. was Made by Orochimaru.
  6. Grandson of hiruzen Sarutobi.
  7. Wears a Green suit.
  8. Naruto's right hand man.
  9. last living Memeber of the Uchiha Clan.
  10. Akamaru's Partner.
  11. Uses Super beast scroll.
  12. The hidden leaf village Hokage.
  13. Teacher at the Ninja academy.
  14. Has Pink Hair.
  15. Heir to the Kaminarimon Company.
  16. Had To Repeat As A Genin Twice.
  17. Dad is Rock Lee.

30 Clues: 5th Hokage.Has Pink Hair.Boruto's Sister.Dad is Rock Lee.Jutsu Is crying.Wears Red GlassesMarried to Naruto.Akamaru's Partner.Wears a Green suit.Able to summon Nue.Mother to Shikamaru.uses Expansion Jutsu.Best friend to Namidawas Made by Orochimaru.Naruto's right hand man.Team 15's Leader/Sensei.Uses Super beast scroll.Main character In Boruto....

Naruto characters 2022-12-03

Naruto characters crossword puzzle
  1. uses bugs wears glasses brown hair
  2. black hair uses shadows super smart
  3. grey hair mask sharingan green vest
  4. Yellow hair orange jacket marries Hinata
  5. brown hair loves chips
  1. pink hair red dress green eyes healer marries sasuke
  2. black hair blue shirt with uchiha sign Marries Sakura
  3. purple hair shy hyuga clan marries Naruto
  4. black hair smokes green vest Chakra blades
  5. has dog brown hair light blue jacket
  6. blond hair purple outfit can mind control marries sai
  7. fast black hair green suit
  8. hyuga clan brown hair boy

13 Clues: brown hair loves chipshyuga clan brown hair boyfast black hair green suituses bugs wears glasses brown hairblack hair uses shadows super smartgrey hair mask sharingan green vesthas dog brown hair light blue jacketYellow hair orange jacket marries Hinatapurple hair shy hyuga clan marries Narutoblack hair smokes green vest Chakra blades...

Ilovethegentlemensomuch 2024-02-19

Ilovethegentlemensomuch crossword puzzle
  1. End
  2. Defeat
  3. Famous Anime
  4. Stop! Hammer Time!
  5. Austyn's Home
  6. ZachLink99
  7. Dogshit fucking class
  8. Famous
  1. Based
  2. Jester
  3. modeler
  4. Bad Location
  5. 3-2
  6. Procrastinator
  7. Frame Perfect Inputs are fun
  8. Anime named after something scary
  9. yeah forever yea
  10. BlackyBoi
  11. Austyn

19 Clues: End3-2BasedJesterDefeatAustynFamousmodelerBlackyBoiZachLink99Bad LocationFamous AnimeAustyn's HomeProcrastinatoryeah forever yeaStop! Hammer Time!Dogshit fucking classFrame Perfect Inputs are funAnime named after something scary

le quiz 2023-06-18

le quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Bol de soup de Naruto
  2. Le Symbole représent d'un Tourbillon
  3. Le village de naruto
  4. Nomme de démon-renard 9 queues
  1. le personnage principale du manga
  2. Le prénommé l'auteur de Naruto

6 Clues: Le village de narutoBol de soup de NarutoLe prénommé l'auteur de NarutoNomme de démon-renard 9 queuesle personnage principale du mangaLe Symbole représent d'un Tourbillon

What's on T.V.? 2013-08-26

What's on T.V.? crossword puzzle
  1. I Carly
  2. Phineas and Ferb
  1. Violetta
  2. Motorcity
  3. Grachi
  4. X-MEN
  5. Naruto

7 Clues: X-MENGrachiNarutoI CarlyViolettaMotorcityPhineas and Ferb

naruto 2023-03-13

naruto crossword puzzle
  1. nama sekte sesat hidan
  2. nama pedang sasuke
  3. klan pemilik byakugan
  1. nama klan dari danzo
  2. "kera sakti" kuciyose sarutobi
  3. murid orochimaru
  4. jenis hewan kuchiyose tsunade
  5. nama blakang ninja malas tapi jenius

8 Clues: murid orochimarunama pedang sasukenama klan dari danzoklan pemilik byakugannama sekte sesat hidanjenis hewan kuchiyose tsunade"kera sakti" kuciyose sarutobinama blakang ninja malas tapi jenius

Character Names (Male) Title: "Find the Heroes!" Instructions: "Find the names of 12 male anime characters in the grid below." Clues: 2024-09-23

Character Names (Male)                                Title: "Find the Heroes!" Instructions: "Find the names of 12 male anime characters in the grid below." Clues: crossword puzzle
  1. Genius protagonist of Death Note.
  2. Captain of the Survey Corps in Attack on Titan
  3. Leader of the rebellion in Code Geass
  4. Saiyan warrior who defends Earth in Dragon Ball Z.
  5. Main protagonist of Naruto.
  6. Hero who wields One For All in My Hero Academia.
  1. Half-demon mage in Blue Exorcist.
  2. Leader of the Phantom Troupe in Hunter x Hunter.
  3. Main protagonist in Bleach.
  4. Mage from Fairy Tail guild.
  5. A ninja from Naruto’s team
  6. Pirate captain who seeks the One Piece in One Piece.

12 Clues: A ninja from Naruto’s teamMain protagonist in Bleach.Mage from Fairy Tail guild.Main protagonist of Naruto.Half-demon mage in Blue Exorcist.Genius protagonist of Death Note.Leader of the rebellion in Code GeassCaptain of the Survey Corps in Attack on TitanLeader of the Phantom Troupe in Hunter x Hunter....

haze crossword 2024-02-29

haze crossword crossword puzzle
  1. African large cat?
  2. Blue marble in the solar system?
  3. who made the necklace that Katara wears throughout the series?
  4. man, super hero who was bit by radioactive spider?
  5. Whom did Kakashi get his eye from?
  6. a person who wanders from place to place without a fixed home?
  7. What does Mad-Eye Moody turn Draco Malfoy into?
  8. Joey doesn't share what?
  9. Where do the Weasleys go on holiday with their winnings?
  10. Who mistakingly threw a woman's wooden leg into a fire?
  11. Who was Joey's imaginary childhood friend?
  12. the fat host of top gear?
  13. hut Ross and Rachel's wedding dinner was held where in Vegas?
  14. How many times did Naruto fail the graduation test from the Academy?
  15. Who is the one person Naruto respects and admires the most?
  16. What is the name of Joey's stuffed penguin?
  1. Monica dated an ophthalmologist named?
  2. to cry softly?
  3. How many classes did Hermione Granger take in prisoner of Azkaban?
  4. Who discovered the 12 uses for dragon blood?
  5. die hard Taylor fan?
  6. How many siblings does Killua Zoldyck have?
  7. Graphics processor in computer?
  8. Japanese pocket monsters?
  9. small rodent that likes cheese?
  10. What is Richard's daughter's name?
  11. How old is Hisoka?
  12. What does Naruto wear before he became a Genin?
  13. What is Chandler Bing's middle name?
  14. Phoebe's scientist boyfriend David worked in what city?
  15. Who was the maid of honour at Monica's wedding?

31 Clues: to cry softly?African large cat?How old is Hisoka?die hard Taylor fan?Joey doesn't share what?Japanese pocket monsters?the fat host of top gear?Graphics processor in computer?small rodent that likes cheese?Blue marble in the solar system?Whom did Kakashi get his eye from?What is Richard's daughter's name?What is Chandler Bing's middle name?...

Naruto #3 2022-01-28

Naruto #3 crossword puzzle
  1. ________ is the lightining jutsu kakashi uses
  2. Sasuke uses the ___________
  3. ______ and haku are the villains
  4. Haku has an ice _____________
  1. Naruto's the number 1 __________ ninja
  2. the ____________ lives inside naruto
  3. _______ is the bridge builder
  4. Naruto wants to be the ________
  5. _______ is Naruto's, Sasuke's, and Sakura's sensei

9 Clues: Sasuke uses the __________________ is the bridge builderHaku has an ice _____________Naruto wants to be the ______________ and haku are the villainsthe ____________ lives inside narutoNaruto's the number 1 __________ ninja________ is the lightining jutsu kakashi uses_______ is Naruto's, Sasuke's, and Sakura's sensei

BAB 23 (おかあさんはジーンズをはいています) 2022-04-25

BAB 23 (おかあさんはジーンズをはいています) crossword puzzle
  1. Pesta
  2. Akusesarii o...
  3. Shatsu o...
  4. Sandal
  5. Dasi
  6. Boushi o...
  7. Jiinzu o...
  8. Kakak perempuan
  9. Libur
  10. Ima, mie ayam o...
  11. Topi
  12. Sepatu
  1. Megane o...
  2. Ima, heya de naruto o...
  3. Nekutai o...
  4. Watashiwa Bali ni...
  5. Liburan
  6. Kacamata
  7. Paatii no toki,doresu o...
  8. Adik perempuan

20 Clues: DasiTopiPestaLiburSandalSepatuLiburanKacamataMegane o...Shatsu o...Boushi o...Jiinzu o...Nekutai o...Adik perempuanAkusesarii o...Kakak perempuanIma, mie ayam o...Watashiwa Bali ni...Ima, heya de naruto o...Paatii no toki,doresu o...

Endel Christmas 2023-12-24

Endel Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. liquido, solido y
  2. Anime con nombre de ombligo
  3. Plomero famoso
  4. si, ok, hai, ja, da
  5. Ninja Enmascarado de Naruto
  6. Maestro de Rock Lee
  1. Asociacion criminal ninja
  2. ataque de Itachi

8 Clues: Plomero famosoataque de Itachiliquido, solido ysi, ok, hai, ja, daMaestro de Rock LeeAsociacion criminal ninjaAnime con nombre de ombligoNinja Enmascarado de Naruto

Anime Characters 2024-03-25

Anime Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Bleach
  2. Hellsing
  3. Naruto
  4. One Piece
  5. Mob Psycho 100
  6. Chainsaw Man
  7. Demon Slayer
  8. Attack On Titan
  9. Berserk
  10. HunterxHunter
  1. Tokyo Ghoul
  2. Jujutsu Kaisen
  3. Dragon Ball
  4. One Punch Man
  5. Full Metal
  6. My Hero Academia
  7. Vinland Saga
  8. Death Note
  9. My Dress-Up Darling

19 Clues: BleachNarutoBerserkHellsingOne PieceFull MetalDeath NoteTokyo GhoulDragon BallVinland SagaChainsaw ManDemon SlayerOne Punch ManHunterxHunterJujutsu KaisenMob Psycho 100Attack On TitanMy Hero AcademiaMy Dress-Up Darling

BAB 23 (おかあさんはジーンズをはいています) 2022-04-25

BAB 23 (おかあさんはジーンズをはいています) crossword puzzle
  1. Dasi
  2. Boushi o...
  3. Kakak perempuan
  4. Libur
  5. Sandal
  6. Shatsu o...
  7. Watashiwa Bali ni...
  8. Ima, mie ayam o...
  1. Akusesarii o...
  2. Ima, heya de naruto o...
  3. Jiinzu o...
  4. Pesta
  5. Nekutai o...
  6. Megane o...
  7. Sepatu
  8. Liburan
  9. Kacamata
  10. Patti no toki,doresu o...
  11. Topi
  12. Adik perempuan

20 Clues: DasiTopiPestaLiburSepatuSandalLiburanKacamataJiinzu o...Megane o...Boushi o...Shatsu o...Nekutai o...Adik perempuanAkusesarii o...Kakak perempuanIma, mie ayam o...Watashiwa Bali ni...Ima, heya de naruto o...Patti no toki,doresu o...

angicruci 2022-12-01

angicruci crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 2
  3. 13
  4. 25
  5. 21
  6. 19
  7. 15
  8. 23
  9. 7
  10. 24
  11. 3
  12. 6
  13. 14
  14. 28
  15. 22
  1. 12
  2. 17
  3. 1
  4. 4
  5. 29
  6. 5
  7. 10
  8. 20
  9. 11
  10. 26
  11. 16
  12. 30
  13. 9
  14. 18
  15. 27

30 Clues: 814257936121729132510212011192615162330241827142822

Random Stuff Crossword 2020-12-10

Random Stuff Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A sport you play with a ball that you shoot in a net
  2. Player base is toxic
  3. A show that you really like to watch
  4. Entitled idiots but boys
  5. Entitled idiots
  1. You earn a belt from it
  2. Sequel to Naruto
  3. Tiktok you know who im talking about
  4. Very Blocky
  5. Fat stupid worthless idiot in a show

10 Clues: Very BlockyEntitled idiotsSequel to NarutoPlayer base is toxicYou earn a belt from itEntitled idiots but boysTiktok you know who im talking aboutFat stupid worthless idiot in a showA show that you really like to watchA sport you play with a ball that you shoot in a net