nature Crossword Puzzles
Mots croisés – révisions et 1ers mots croisés (chapitre N1 – G1 - première partie) 2022-09-26
- Nature de l’objet (2)
- Nature de l’objet (1)
- Sept est le chiffre des …. dans le nombre 7,346
- Symboles utilisés pour noter des segments
- Adjectif qui décrit notre système de numération, provenant du nombre dix
- A et B sont les …… du segment [AB]
- Ce qu'on obtient en partageant une unité en dix parties égales
- Neuf est le ……. des centaines dans le nombre 3 926
- Neuf est le chiffre des ……….dans le nombre 3,948
- Symboles utilisés pour noter des droites
- huit est le chiffre des …. dans le nombre 34,758
- Nature de l’objet (3)
- 63 est le nombre de …. dans le nombre 6 347
13 Clues: Nature de l’objet (2) • Nature de l’objet (3) • Nature de l’objet (1) • A et B sont les …… du segment [AB] • Symboles utilisés pour noter des droites • Symboles utilisés pour noter des segments • 63 est le nombre de …. dans le nombre 6 347 • Sept est le chiffre des …. dans le nombre 7,346 • Neuf est le chiffre des ……….dans le nombre 3,948 • ...
Japan Crossword 2015-03-10
- are much more active when telling stories
- capital of Japan
- military generals
- Japanese writing system
- nature spirits
- uses music and dance to tell stories
- religion with no God and believes in nirvana
- second-largest city in Japan
- a fee used to pay for imports and exports
- elected legislature
- traditional robe
- destructive wave
- religion that believes that everything in nature has kami
- Japanese warriors
- Japan's former emperor
15 Clues: nature spirits • traditional robe • capital of Japan • destructive wave • military generals • Japanese warriors • elected legislature • Japan's former emperor • Japanese writing system • second-largest city in Japan • uses music and dance to tell stories • are much more active when telling stories • a fee used to pay for imports and exports • religion with no God and believes in nirvana • ...
Japan Crossword 2015-03-10
- religion with no God and believes in nirvana
- capital of Japan
- destructive wave
- a fee used to pay for imports and exports
- religion that believes that everything in nature has kami
- nature spirits
- traditional robe
- Japanese writing system
- Japan's former emperor
- elected legislature
- Japanese warriors
- military generals
- second-largest city in Japan
- uses music and dance to tell stories
- are much more active when telling stories
15 Clues: nature spirits • capital of Japan • destructive wave • traditional robe • Japanese warriors • military generals • elected legislature • Japan's former emperor • Japanese writing system • second-largest city in Japan • uses music and dance to tell stories • a fee used to pay for imports and exports • are much more active when telling stories • religion with no God and believes in nirvana • ...
Our Changing World 2021-06-24
- the action of chopping down trees
- the thing we live on
- the opposite of cold
- its on top of the world
- the colour of nature
- where lots of wildlife grows
- opposite of east
- smoke in the air
- frozen water
- the average weather
- a man-made flying object
- the things you throw away
- where penguins live
- a thick black liquid
- there is lots of water in it
15 Clues: frozen water • smoke in the air • opposite of east • the average weather • where penguins live • the thing we live on • the opposite of cold • a thick black liquid • the colour of nature • its on top of the world • a man-made flying object • the things you throw away • there is lots of water in it • where lots of wildlife grows • the action of chopping down trees
Camping Crossword 2024-02-02
- a portable source of light
- a classic campfire treat
- opposite of indoor
- used for cooking and keeping warm
- a place where you camp
- a suspended swinging bed
- an exciting experience
- walking long distances in nature
- small 6-legged animals
- to travel unknown places
- used for hiking and biking
- A portable fabric shelter
- a tool that shows direction
- a place to store your gear
- feathered animal with wings
15 Clues: opposite of indoor • small 6-legged animals • a place where you camp • an exciting experience • to travel unknown places • a classic campfire treat • a suspended swinging bed • A portable fabric shelter • a portable source of light • used for hiking and biking • a place to store your gear • a tool that shows direction • feathered animal with wings • walking long distances in nature • ...
Jayden Diaz- Assignment 14 2021-11-19
- Contemptible; wretched.
- That makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to grasp.
- poet, essayist, and lecturer was a towering figure in the 19th-century literary world.
- A philosophical and literary movement that emphasized living a simple life and celebrating the truth found in nature and in personal emotion and imagination.
- Poem written by Henry David Thoreau.
- A feeling of doubt, mistrust, or uncertainty.
- To violate a command or law.
- Advocated simple, mindful living and rejected a lifestyle dedicated to the pursuit of wealth.
- A poem written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- Acting with sudden or rash energy; hasty.
- A poem about the day and the traveler.
- To spread through every part of.
- One who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.
- That creates vivid impressions for the reader.
- The underlying message or the central idea of a work, which can be stated in one sentence.
- Summarize each idea, note your reaction to it.
- Suited to one’s needs or nature, agreeable.
- Became a published poet, and at 15 he entered Bowdoin College in Maine where, he decided to devote his life to writing, become a professor.
- An intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life.
- Short accounts of personal incidents.
- Thoreau wrote this essay to add his voice to the ongoing debate about a citizen’s responsibility to pay for a war he did not support.
- In an unhurried and thoughtful manner.
- Disturbance of the emotions; agitation; uneasiness.
- Emphasized moral themes in work, were viewed as equals of British poets of the day, stressed individualism and an appreciation of nature, were committed to social reform.
- A writer’s ideas, you must examine them carefully and then make judgments about their value.
- A poem written by William Cullen Bryant.
- In this poem, Emerson says the power to appreciate nature exists.
- Attitude toward his or her subject.
- Born in 1746 in Cummington, Massachusetts, Bryant began his writing career at an early age.
- A poem written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
30 Clues: Contemptible; wretched. • To violate a command or law. • To spread through every part of. • Attitude toward his or her subject. • Poem written by Henry David Thoreau. • Short accounts of personal incidents. • In an unhurried and thoughtful manner. • A poem written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. • A poem about the day and the traveler. • A poem written by William Cullen Bryant. • ...
Nature Poetry 2023-07-15
- A group of lines in a poem.
- A movement that started in the late 18th century
- The action or process of resisting authority, control or convention.
- Period of change in Britain when factories replaced the countryside industry.
- Physical world around us such as plants and animals.
- A repetition of sounds.
- When two things are compared using like or as.
- Types of literature that aim to evoke an emotional response in the reader through sound and rhythm.
8 Clues: A repetition of sounds. • A group of lines in a poem. • When two things are compared using like or as. • A movement that started in the late 18th century • Physical world around us such as plants and animals. • The action or process of resisting authority, control or convention. • Period of change in Britain when factories replaced the countryside industry. • ...
Wild Nature 2023-04-10
- When something is way too much and exaggerated
- Synonym to alarming, deadly, risky, unsafe
- When you have an idea and build your own survival kit, you ...
- When a storm or tornado ruins everything on its way it is a ...
- The opposite of die
- storm, sunny, rain, cold
- When you use your power, you are ...
- A place with flowers, trees, animals etc.
8 Clues: The opposite of die • storm, sunny, rain, cold • When you use your power, you are ... • A place with flowers, trees, animals etc. • Synonym to alarming, deadly, risky, unsafe • When something is way too much and exaggerated • When you have an idea and build your own survival kit, you ... • When a storm or tornado ruins everything on its way it is a ...
LET'S NATURE 2023-03-31
- doğaya zarar veren tükenebilen yakıtlar
- kendiliğinden var olan ve insan etkinliğinin dışında kendini sürekli olarak yeniden yaratan ve değiştiren, canlı ve cansız nesnelerden oluşan varlığın tümü
- ozon tabaksının incelmesine yol açan olay
- zehirli gazları ve tozları içine hapseden madde
- yaşam kaynağı olan sıvı
- kullanım dışı kalmış, atılan her türlü madde.
- havayuvarı olaylarının, yeryüzünün herhangi bir yerinde ortaklaşa olarak gerçekleştirdikleri etkilerin uzun yılların ortalamasına dayanan durumu.
- panelleri güneşten enerji elde etmek için kullanılan aygıtlar
8 Clues: yaşam kaynağı olan sıvı • doğaya zarar veren tükenebilen yakıtlar • ozon tabaksının incelmesine yol açan olay • kullanım dışı kalmış, atılan her türlü madde. • zehirli gazları ve tozları içine hapseden madde • panelleri güneşten enerji elde etmek için kullanılan aygıtlar • ...
Nature/animals 2024-06-18
- This animals has no legs.
- A large mountain ape, how beats his chest when they get angry.
- A snake like animal.
- This amphibious lizard-like creature can often be found near streams and ponds.
- An amphibian which can jump high.
- This animal lives in the desert in America and rolls around to protect itself.
- This animal climbs through the forest very slowly.
- This animal has given it's name to a place where people cross the road.
8 Clues: A snake like animal. • This animals has no legs. • An amphibian which can jump high. • This animal climbs through the forest very slowly. • A large mountain ape, how beats his chest when they get angry. • This animal has given it's name to a place where people cross the road. • This animal lives in the desert in America and rolls around to protect itself. • ...
Tintern Abbey 2023-01-23
- When did Wordsworth spend the most time outdoors?
- What imagery is described throughout the poem?
- Who was he closest with?
- What is painted as bad in the poem?
- As the poet ______, he takes on a perspective of nature that is different from when he was a child.
- What romantic ideal does the Hermit show? focus on ____
- This poem is written in ______ pentameter.
- The poet went on a _______ tour of Europe.
- Sleep is a symbol for ______.
- What figurative device is being used when Wordsworth talks to his sister?
- What location is this poem based on?
- What college did Wordsworth go to?
- What does nature provide from reality?
13 Clues: Who was he closest with? • Sleep is a symbol for ______. • What college did Wordsworth go to? • What is painted as bad in the poem? • What location is this poem based on? • What does nature provide from reality? • This poem is written in ______ pentameter. • The poet went on a _______ tour of Europe. • What imagery is described throughout the poem? • ...
Wildlife 2022-10-26
- tall steep structure with snow
- not being cold
- animal in the wilderness
- a backpack used for carrying water
- rope used to hold things
- trees, plants, trails, outdoors
- an activity involving a bike
- large area with trees and trails
- seasons changing
- rapid flow of snow going down a slope
- in need of water
- nature and animals
- walking along trails in the wild
- the 4 weather changes in a year
- protecting somthing or someone from danger
- portable shelter used while camping
16 Clues: not being cold • seasons changing • in need of water • nature and animals • animal in the wilderness • rope used to hold things • an activity involving a bike • tall steep structure with snow • the 4 weather changes in a year • trees, plants, trails, outdoors • walking along trails in the wild • large area with trees and trails • a backpack used for carrying water • ...
Spelling 2023-05-11
- a journey for some definite purpose
- courteous regard or respect
- territory; the land controlled by someone or by a group
- uncertain; not sure of the truth of a matter
- possible; practical; workable
- military guard posted to give warning
- the nature of something
- friendly; courteous; sincere; warm
- in a fearful manner
- disturbed:; excited; flustered
- to become aware of
- fell straight downward
- ancient; primitive
- thick; closely packed
- to put off until another date or time
- nature impulse
16 Clues: nature impulse • to become aware of • ancient; primitive • in a fearful manner • thick; closely packed • fell straight downward • the nature of something • courteous regard or respect • possible; practical; workable • disturbed:; excited; flustered • friendly; courteous; sincere; warm • a journey for some definite purpose • military guard posted to give warning • ...
PUZZLE 2 2022-10-26
12 Clues: makes us grow • big in nature • unending line • green vegetable • good for cooking • for easy movement • very long mechanism • suitable for eating • loves to live on trees • where we hide for emergency • looks like a beast in nature • sweet when it becomes chicken
Weather, Seasons and Nature 2021-04-22
Biology-Nature of Life 2021-08-09
- a scientific explanation for a set of observations
- the factors of an experiment that can change
- living matter enclosed in a self-contained unit
- gathering information in orderly way
- groups of atoms
- study of the living world
- the information gathered from observations
- populations that live together in a defined area
- can make their own food
- what a hypothesis becomes when it is well supported
- using evidence to learn about the natural world
- used to test a hypothesis
- rely on other organisms for energy
- process of water changing from liquid to gas form
- main source of energy for life on Earth
- invented to study images too small to see with unaided eye
- group of similar organisms
- a community and its nonliving surroundings
18 Clues: groups of atoms • can make their own food • used to test a hypothesis • study of the living world • group of similar organisms • rely on other organisms for energy • gathering information in orderly way • main source of energy for life on Earth • the information gathered from observations • a community and its nonliving surroundings • ...
Jocelyns Nature Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-12
Jocelyns Nature Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-12
la nature et l'environnement 2023-03-03
18 Clues: Earth • river • stars • hiking • picnic • drought • to waste • trashcan • mountains • rock/stone • to improve • to increase • to decrease • solar energy • deforestation • overpopulation • tropical forest • endangered species
The Nature of Cancer 2024-07-31
- Hematological malignancy derived from circulating blood cells
- Malignancy derived from astrocytes in the brain
- Something which alters or damages DNA sequences
- The process of tumor cells traveling through the bloodstream to a distant organ
- Cell type of origin is no longer distinguishable
- Accelerated local proliferation of cells
- Arises from cells in the connective tissue
- Tumor cells arising from a single, normal ancestral cell
- Displacement of normal cells with another type
- Tumor that has broken through the basement membrane
- Able to give rise to any cell type in the body
- Transition from one cell type to another
- Germ layer that gives rise to skin and nervous tissue
- Local abnormal transformation of cells
- Tumor that has not broken through the basement membrane
- Tumor derived from germ cells
- Something that causes cancer
- The most common type of cancer
18 Clues: Something that causes cancer • Tumor derived from germ cells • The most common type of cancer • Local abnormal transformation of cells • Transition from one cell type to another • Accelerated local proliferation of cells • Arises from cells in the connective tissue • Able to give rise to any cell type in the body • Displacement of normal cells with another type • ...
Kansas Nature and Trees 2022-12-12
- a tall native Kansas tree that produces acorns
- Osage Cuestas are named for the Spanish word for cliffs
- the cottonwood tree is categorized as a ____ wood tree
- a short native Kansas tree that produces hedge applies
- no state east of Kansas (including Florida) is _____ than Kansas
- the climate of the eastern two-thirds of Kansas is described as
- this Kansas native tree easily seeds itself when birds eat its dark berries
- these Kansas natives grow along water and are the Black, Prairie, and Sandbar _____
- the climate of the western third of Kansas is described as
- hilly and densely forested region of Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma
- a native Kansas tree that grows tall and produces a large nut
- state tree
- hilly region full of chert
- prairie grasslands that cover a large expanse of Kansas
- the soil in Kansas in general is categorized as harney silt _____
- a graceful native tree of Kansas that can succumb to Dutch ____ disease
- Birger Sandzen famously made many prints of this native tree along Kansas rivers
- shale region rick in iron oxide in Kansas
18 Clues: state tree • hilly region full of chert • shale region rick in iron oxide in Kansas • a tall native Kansas tree that produces acorns • the cottonwood tree is categorized as a ____ wood tree • a short native Kansas tree that produces hedge applies • Osage Cuestas are named for the Spanish word for cliffs • prairie grasslands that cover a large expanse of Kansas • ...
Nature and local knowledge! 2023-09-06
- flowing from the Beacons to Baglan Bay
- the other half of the lowest populated village in the county
- a village that's a stones throw from us!
- twinned with Pont-Évêque in France
- one of the local waterfalls
- perfect for cooking a tasty recipe!
- to be seen everywhere as Autumn approaches...
- my favourite are red roses...
- half of the lowest populated village in the county
- one of Glynneath's villages
- famous for its castle and September fair
- if you listen carefully you may hear them singing
- after Neath but before Glynnaeth
- locally, my favourite is Aberdulais...
- famous locally for it's market
- the clue is in the title!
- there are over 300,000 different species of...
- famous singer born in Glynnaeth, known for their Hymns and Arias
18 Clues: the clue is in the title! • one of Glynneath's villages • one of the local waterfalls • my favourite are red roses... • famous locally for it's market • after Neath but before Glynnaeth • twinned with Pont-Évêque in France • perfect for cooking a tasty recipe! • flowing from the Beacons to Baglan Bay • locally, my favourite is Aberdulais... • ...
Puzzle-Nature! 2017-03-28
- Non renewable natural resources can be_______ in the future if used in excess rate.
- Cutting down trees always used for__________ purpose where plantation take places.
- The__________ resources can be re-planted and re-grow.
- ______________world population caused more trees and other to be used in larger amount.
- Renewable When__________ resources are finished, they cannot be found again.
- The form of energy to replace the use of non renewable and renewable resources.
- The term used to define the action of cutting down trees excessively.
- It is difficult to see greenery in this area.
8 Clues: It is difficult to see greenery in this area. • The__________ resources can be re-planted and re-grow. • The term used to define the action of cutting down trees excessively. • Renewable When__________ resources are finished, they cannot be found again. • The form of energy to replace the use of non renewable and renewable resources. • ...
SOS nature 2022-03-12
8 Clues: un animal féminin • le roi des animaux • le cheval de la mer • une histoire qui circule • autre mot pour protection • le bruit que fait un chat heureux • animal sauvage qui tue les moutons • un animal qui vous fait penser à un vampire
Nature words 2023-01-10
- The Höllental near to Freiburg is the "_____of death"
- The ____ from Schauninsland is amazing
- I live near the Black forest
- the _____ is good for growing wine
- Freiburg has the most _____ per year in Germany
- There are some beautiful ____ in the Black Forest
- I am very steep
- It is important to get lots of _____ air
8 Clues: I am very steep • I live near the Black forest • the _____ is good for growing wine • The ____ from Schauninsland is amazing • It is important to get lots of _____ air • Freiburg has the most _____ per year in Germany • There are some beautiful ____ in the Black Forest • The Höllental near to Freiburg is the "_____of death"
nature 2 2023-06-28
- It's a sandy or pebbly shore by the sea. Beaches are perfect for building sandcastles and enjoying the waves.
- It's a vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface. The ocean is home to countless marine creatures.
- It's a powerful storm with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain. Thunderstorms can be loud and exciting to watch from indoors.
- It's the expanse above us where clouds, the sun, moon, and stars can be seen. The sky can be blue, gray, or filled with colors during sunrise and sunset.
- It's the movement of air. You can feel the wind gently blowing or strongly gusting. Wind can make trees sway and kites fly.
- It's a fluffy mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky. Clouds come in different shapes and can bring rain.
- It's water falling from the sky in droplets. Rain is essential for plants to grow and replenishes our freshwater sources.
- It's a fluffy mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky. Clouds come in different shapes and can bring rain.
- It's the expanse above us where clouds, the sun, moon, and stars can be seen. The sky can be blue, gray, or filled with colors during sunrise and sunset.
- It's a beautiful arc of colors in the sky after rain. Rainbows appear when sunlight passes through raindrops and reflects.
10 Clues: It's a sandy or pebbly shore by the sea. Beaches are perfect for building sandcastles and enjoying the waves. • It's a fluffy mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky. Clouds come in different shapes and can bring rain. • It's a fluffy mass of condensed water vapor floating in the sky. Clouds come in different shapes and can bring rain. • ...
Nature places 2023-06-30
Nature words 2022-12-12
Kara's crossword legends 2022-11-30
- statistic data from the population
- to be down or sad
- the weather condition in an area
- to guard something
- a very bad misfortune
- to save something
- the surroundings a person is in
- a substance that can harm or kill a living thing
- to belong to a person or thing by nature
- animals that cause problems
- to wreck or break
- sustained or upheld
- a collision or change
- escaped and living wild
- produced/done by nature
- not many left
16 Clues: not many left • to wreck or break • to be down or sad • to save something • to guard something • sustained or upheld • a collision or change • a very bad misfortune • escaped and living wild • produced/done by nature • animals that cause problems • the surroundings a person is in • the weather condition in an area • statistic data from the population • ...
Aliyah’s Crossword Puzzle (lesson 19) 2022-01-19
20 Clues: avyn • vaorf • riapl • ornap • erows • fasye • diesla • ayretb • atinon • eurnat • soumfa • rardep • gignach • otianst • isgnsav • namdahse • masheebnt • fuirrpeagt • ttlaannpio • mionorfnatin
Jared Uzzle 2015-04-29
20 Clues: clear • batch • stomp • spoil • nature • starve • corrupt • central • napping • accurate • convince • greatness • attentive • splitting • irritated • dependency • respectful • contemplate • frightening • differentiate
MT 10 Level 3 2016-05-27
20 Clues: Hill • Deer • Lion • Land • Frog • Wolf • Stone • Snake • Valley • Jungle • Island • Monkey • Toucan • Turtle • Parrot • Nature • Jaguar • Butterfly • Development • Path, trail
recycling 2023-03-27
20 Clues: :agua • :ozono • :papel • :abono • :cartón • :basura • :suelos • :vidrio • :planeta • :arboles • :ambiente • :residuos • :botellas • :contener • :chatarra • :plástico • :reciclaje • :reutilizar • :naturaleza • :contaminación
Unit 4 - 2basis 2020-02-14
20 Clues: pan • berg • zoet • laag • ster • bord • steen • meter • lezen • vogel • natuur • liefde • manier • verhaal • vechten • schieten • langzaam • evenement • verwachten • vriendschap
pg 004 - 007 2022-05-19
20 Clues: gogo • tori • fuku • yama • yoru • tenki • kioku • honya • kyuka • byoin • mirai • hikoki • shizen • matsuri • toshokan • shukudai • kyoshitsu • o tanjobi • bijutsukan • chikatetsu
Spanish 2024-01-12
Nature Crossword 2022-03-29
8 Clues: a large body of water • a thing that's on a tree • a slow moving river of ice • something necessary for life • this causes major environmental problems • a living thing that is not bacteria or plant • a beautiful plant that usually blooms in spring • this causes a lot of smoke and it burns down forests
Nature matters 2022-09-18
- It is a very small part of something.
- To use something again.
- It is a person who is interested in or studies the environment and who tries to protect ii from being damaged by human activities.
- To process something so it can be used again.
- It’s the air, water and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live.
- It is a material that can turn back into elements found in nature.
- It is a look or an examination or a report.
- To use less of something.
8 Clues: To use something again. • To use less of something. • It is a very small part of something. • It is a look or an examination or a report. • To process something so it can be used again. • It is a material that can turn back into elements found in nature. • It’s the air, water and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live. • ...
Nature Park 2022-10-04
8 Clues: it can fly • it has claws • likes to swim • can change skin • has 8 little legs • has a long fluffy tail • a dog that is not a dog • can fly, it has big wings
La Nature 2021-01-28
8 Clues: Je fait du miel. • Je donne l'oxygène. • Je chauffe le monde. • Je suis un autre forme de l'eau • Je suis utilisé pou la construction. • Ou l'eau et le terre se rencontrent. • Je suis chaude et je rime avec deux. • Je suis fait de l'oxygène et hydrogène.
Primary Nature 2019-10-16
The Nature 2023-09-22
- Sun or moon rays when refracted from atmospheric ice crystals, form ice halos that resemble a fire rainbow.
- When the cloud in itself a silver lining.
- Earth plays razor shoot up with the sky when ice crystals are suspended into air from the ground in extreme cold conditions.
- Occurs when the shimmers of the full moon aggravates the tidal currents to wash the chemical energy
- a paradise for the wild scuba divers
- also called as Lunar Rainbows
- The most spectacular piece of work, for the chilling experience of living under an ice roof with sparkling ice walls around y
- also commonly known as the northern light
8 Clues: also called as Lunar Rainbows • a paradise for the wild scuba divers • also commonly known as the northern light • When the cloud in itself a silver lining. • Occurs when the shimmers of the full moon aggravates the tidal currents to wash the chemical energy • ...
Nature Wonders 2024-01-26
- Very warm and wet with a lot of wild life (10 letters)
- Colorful outdoor area with flowers (7 letters):
- Natural flowing water body (6 letters):
- Season of falling leaves (5 letters):
- Small,winged insect (3 letters):
- Tall,leafy plant with a trunk (4 letters):
- Gentle blowing of the wind (5 letters):
- Bright,shining and warm (3 letters):
8 Clues: Small,winged insect (3 letters): • Bright,shining and warm (3 letters): • Season of falling leaves (5 letters): • Gentle blowing of the wind (5 letters): • Natural flowing water body (6 letters): • Tall,leafy plant with a trunk (4 letters): • Colorful outdoor area with flowers (7 letters): • Very warm and wet with a lot of wild life (10 letters)
Science vocabulary 2023-10-18
- science about IT
- science about
- science about past
- the study about different laws of nature
- sicence about money
- science about ways of teaching students
- science about controlling people
- science about people's behaviour
- science about creating things
- science about care of nature, recycling and reusing things
- the study about living organisms
- science about stars and planets
- science about present and governments
- science the study about our planet
- science about natural objects, economics and nationalities
- science about your body, illnesses
- the study about different elements in the world
17 Clues: science about • science about IT • science about past • sicence about money • science about creating things • science about stars and planets • the study about living organisms • science about controlling people • science about people's behaviour • science the study about our planet • science about your body, illnesses • science about present and governments • ...
Suffixes 4 2023-05-25
Term 2 topic words 2019-04-30
10 Clues: nature • flowers • in nature • nearly extinct • study’s things • a animal’s habitat • observing the world • feeling comfortable • north west east south • diffrent weather environment
Oligopoly 2020-02-27
20 Clues: EOS • cost • brand • price • supply • cartel • choice • output • purchase • superior • industry • business • collusion • oligopoly • technology • advertising • oligopolist • competition • substitutes • nature monopoly
Quevaun 2015-04-29
20 Clues: squad • lying • nature • center • spoiled • convice • discern • saunter • fearful • ractify • napping • enraged • disgrace • famished • cautions • partition • greatness • egregious • peacemaker • plantation
Elisabeth Delk 2015-04-29
20 Clues: think • clear • class • spoil • nature • stroll • starved • divider • halfway • furious • separate • accurate • cautious • alarming • snoozing • influence • territory • respectful • untruthful • superiority
Enjoy English 6 Vocabulary Revision 2017-09-05
20 Clues: лес • утро • лето • сотня • осень • вечер • здание • газета • важный • страна • опасный • природа • деревня • любимый • древний • животное • современный • соревнование • путешествовать • популярный, известный
Enjoy English 6 Vocabulary Revision 2017-09-05
20 Clues: лес • утро • лето • сотня • вечер • осень • страна • здание • важный • газета • любимый • древний • природа • опасный • деревня • животное • современный • соревнование • путешествовать • популярный, известный
A very good crossword 2023-12-08
20 Clues: Gång • Hyra • Byta • Girig • Hylla • Bölja • Gardin • Äkthet • Fåfäng • Tagning • Jämnårig • Beroende • Hyresvärd • Oresonlig • Föreläsning • Påstå,hävda • Destination • Ackompanjera • Personlighet • Vattenkokare
STS CROSSWORD 2023-12-15
STS CROSSWORD 2023-12-15
Lessons 5-6 2024-11-07
20 Clues: puit • tulp • välk • mõis • kraad • sulama • piknik • loodus • algama • jooksul • tibutama • järgmine • nimisõna • nartsiss • ilmateade • vihmahoog • omadussõna • müristamine • ekskursioon • külmad, pakane
Savannah Nature Quiz 2020-04-02
- Type of grass that grows is salt water marshes
- Hatching season for these sea creatures happens in the summer
- Cannonball! Sometimes washed up on the beach
- Another name for when salt and fresh waters mix
- "Sea cows" sometimes spotted in shallow waters
- "If it's brown, leave it on the ground!" Sand____.
- Prehistoric bottom-feeder crab
- Island wildlife center is home to over 50 species of animals
- Small "jumping" crustaceans, enjoy them fried or steamed
- Live in Savannah harbor year-round, friends with Flipper!
- Large reptiles, not to be confused with crocodiles!
- Popular summer catch turns red when cooked
12 Clues: Prehistoric bottom-feeder crab • Popular summer catch turns red when cooked • Cannonball! Sometimes washed up on the beach • Type of grass that grows is salt water marshes • "Sea cows" sometimes spotted in shallow waters • Another name for when salt and fresh waters mix • "If it's brown, leave it on the ground!" Sand____. • ...
Unit 19 - Nature 2021-05-06
- Being the only one of its kind
- Affecting the entire world
- To cover on all sides
- To show or display, particularly for public viewing
- To break into many tiny pieces
- Roughly made
- Causing a certain amount of fear, dread, or concern
- To drop things, frequently a large quantity, in a pile
- To give up one thing of high value for the gain or benefit of something or someone more highly valued
- A poison used to kill insects
- Beyond what is ordinary or usual
- To come in or between in order to affect a situation
12 Clues: Roughly made • To cover on all sides • Affecting the entire world • A poison used to kill insects • Being the only one of its kind • To break into many tiny pieces • Beyond what is ordinary or usual • Causing a certain amount of fear, dread, or concern • To show or display, particularly for public viewing • To come in or between in order to affect a situation • ...
- / Both public services and enterprises.
- / Relating to the law
- / Owned by private groups.
- Exclusive rights and control over property.
- / Economics commodities, such as banking.
- / Manufacture from components or raw materials.
- / An amount of money lost by a business
- / Concerned with or engaged in commerce.
- / Democratically owned by their members.
- / Make a purchase of a satisfying product.
- / An association of two or more Parties.
- / A financial gain or benefit
12 Clues: / Relating to the law • / Owned by private groups. • / A financial gain or benefit • / Both public services and enterprises. • / An amount of money lost by a business • / Concerned with or engaged in commerce. • / Democratically owned by their members. • / An association of two or more Parties. • / Economics commodities, such as banking. • ...
Nature and plants :) 2021-05-20
- The force that the Earth exerts on the objects near its centre.
- The unit of force in the International System of Units.
- The force of attraction or repulsion between magnets.
- The force exerted on a object by a surface that supports it.
- change of velocity or speed.
- The force that opposes the movement at the interface between two objects in contact.
- The force of attraction or repulsion between electrical charges.
- Scientist who studied the relationship between the force exerted on a spring and its elongation.
- The force of attraction between the masses of objects.
- Pushing, pulling or deformation of an object resulting from its interaction with another object.
- Instrument that measures forces based on the resilient deformation of a calibrated spring.
- The rate at which an object moves.
12 Clues: change of velocity or speed. • The rate at which an object moves. • The force of attraction or repulsion between magnets. • The force of attraction between the masses of objects. • The unit of force in the International System of Units. • The force exerted on a object by a surface that supports it. • The force that the Earth exerts on the objects near its centre. • ...
Richmond Nature Park 2021-09-18
Smart By Nature 2011-10-27
- it's important for children to understand___in nature
- ___networks of relationships in an ecosystem are also called 'the web of life'
- ___living is rooted deep in a knowledge of place
- schools provide___to explore and demonstrate sustainable practices in action
- ___is our teacher
- Students become___when their actions matter
- locally based___help to move communities toward sustainability
- in systems thinking, the___between the parts is more important than the individual parts
- the real world is the___learning enironment
- an___includes living things interacting with eachother and their non-living environment
- sustainability is a___practice
- students who participate in their communities are more___in school
12 Clues: ___is our teacher • sustainability is a___practice • the real world is the___learning enironment • Students become___when their actions matter • ___living is rooted deep in a knowledge of place • it's important for children to understand___in nature • locally based___help to move communities toward sustainability • ...
Beauty in Nature 2023-11-16
- A deep hole in a rock
- A deep narrow valley with steep sides
- A little yellow bug that works busily to make a delicious sweet nectar
- What sustains life throughout our entire planet and a necessity for every living thing?
- plants with a sweet smell, that everyone likes.
- A rapid elevation of Earth's surface, or a large hill
- A large area covered in trees and other plants
- A colorful insect with large delicate wings
- A cascade of water
- A man's best friend
- The color most seen in nature
- color fills the sky at the end of the day from this
12 Clues: A cascade of water • A man's best friend • A deep hole in a rock • The color most seen in nature • A deep narrow valley with steep sides • A colorful insect with large delicate wings • A large area covered in trees and other plants • plants with a sweet smell, that everyone likes. • color fills the sky at the end of the day from this • ...
Nature-O Charms 2024-01-22
- The teachers of the camp
- How Rick felt at the end of camp
- How the main character felt before leaving for camp
- Transportation to camp
- Activities they did at camp
- The girl that helped Rick feel better about being at camp
- A body of water
- They sailed this on the water
- Those who went to camp
- The setting of the story
- The kids got bit by this
- The name of the boy who was nervous for camp
12 Clues: A body of water • Those who went to camp • Transportation to camp • The teachers of the camp • The setting of the story • The kids got bit by this • Activities they did at camp • They sailed this on the water • How Rick felt at the end of camp • The name of the boy who was nervous for camp • How the main character felt before leaving for camp • ...
People and nature 2024-02-13
- this weather is typical for summer
- many animals face it
- one of the ecological problems of today is the.... of ecosystems
- eating less meat, buying less clothes
- plants products
- high sea wave cause by an earthquake under the sea
- slow increase in the average temperature
- travelling less by car and by plane
- national parks are under state
- trees blossom
- sorting waste
- rotating wind in a funnel shape cloud
12 Clues: trees blossom • sorting waste • plants products • many animals face it • national parks are under state • this weather is typical for summer • travelling less by car and by plane • eating less meat, buying less clothes • rotating wind in a funnel shape cloud • slow increase in the average temperature • high sea wave cause by an earthquake under the sea • ...
Vocabulary words: Nature 2023-02-14
- The way someone feels
- To walk around with no purpose in mind; to move around with no goal
- Being well, not sick
- A state of worry caused by problems in one´s life
- To make something smaller in size, amount or number
- A quiet, calm state
- To focus one´s attention on something
- A feeling of being satisfied or happy about something
- Living in nature with no humans in control.
- Relating to the mind (thinking)
- Feeling sad because you are alone or not with other people.
- A feeling of being very sad or without hope
12 Clues: A quiet, calm state • Being well, not sick • The way someone feels • Relating to the mind (thinking) • To focus one´s attention on something • Living in nature with no humans in control. • A feeling of being very sad or without hope • A state of worry caused by problems in one´s life • To make something smaller in size, amount or number • ...
Back to nature 2024-02-20
- a mountain of lava
- the power that makes something happen
- vegetations such as trees
- a strong, spinning wind
- something that lasts
- a high sea wave caused by an earthquake
- a long period without rain
- coming from nature
- an overflow of water
- movement of the earth surface
- a living being such as cats and dogs
- the planet on which we live
12 Clues: a mountain of lava • coming from nature • an overflow of water • something that lasts • a strong, spinning wind • vegetations such as trees • a long period without rain • the planet on which we live • movement of the earth surface • a living being such as cats and dogs • the power that makes something happen • a high sea wave caused by an earthquake
Natural disasters + Nature 2024-02-27
12 Clues: мусор • поток • засуха • ураган • вредить • запретить • загрязнять • лесной пожар • землетрясение • экологичная идея • окружающая среда • глобальное потепление
Nature of Science 2024-08-07
- a fact or situation that can be observed
- a procedure carried out to carefully observe, study or test something in order to learn more about it
- a conclusion or opinion that is formed based upon facts that are not directly observed
- procedures scientists and engineers follow to answer a question and make a claim
- observing something for the first time
- a characteristic of a model that is useful or helpful
- the boundary of a model
- a condition that must be met
- organized steps that a scientist takes to perform an investigation (ask a question, gather information, form a hypothesis, investigate/experiment, analyze data, form a conclusion). P. EM8
- a new product, process, or idea
- a strong effect on something
- using your senses or scientific equipment to gather information about your environment.
12 Clues: the boundary of a model • a condition that must be met • a strong effect on something • a new product, process, or idea • observing something for the first time • a fact or situation that can be observed • a characteristic of a model that is useful or helpful • procedures scientists and engineers follow to answer a question and make a claim • ...
Cycles In Nature 2024-08-18
- The type of gas plants release into the atmosphere during photosynthesis.
- A type of bacteria that changes nitrogen in the soil to a form plants can use.
- The cycle that involves the movement of nitrogen through the atmosphere, soil and living things.
- Process by which animals and plants release carbon dioxide by breaking down sugar for energy.
- Process where plants make their own.
- Gas that plants take in for photosynthesis.
- The form on Nitrogen found in the atmosphere.
- The process where nitrogen in the soil is converted back into nitrogen gas.
- The cycle that involves the movement of carbon between the atmosphere, living organisms, and the Earth.
- Organisms that can produce their own food using light, water, carbon dioxide or other chemicals.
- The gas that makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere.
- Type of organism that relies on plants or other animals for energy.
12 Clues: Process where plants make their own. • Gas that plants take in for photosynthesis. • The form on Nitrogen found in the atmosphere. • The gas that makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere. • Type of organism that relies on plants or other animals for energy. • The type of gas plants release into the atmosphere during photosynthesis. • ...
Energy from nature 2024-07-05
- something you use to make energy
- you use natural energy to turn this
- the movements of the sea
- this turns to reflect sunlight onto the top of the tower
- the energy from a generator is made into this
- it is a simple turbine that uses water
- hot liquid is used to make it and this is used to turn the turbine
- the wind turns this to turn the turbine
- solar cells put power into this
- something that is built across the river
- makes sunlight into electricity
- it is a simple turbine that uses air
12 Clues: the movements of the sea • solar cells put power into this • makes sunlight into electricity • something you use to make energy • you use natural energy to turn this • it is a simple turbine that uses air • it is a simple turbine that uses water • the wind turns this to turn the turbine • something that is built across the river • ...
Nature and Nurture 2023-05-12
- Many children ___________________ what they will be when they grow up.
- Some diseases are ___________________,and you can take a genetic test to see if you have one.
- During the presidential ___________________, the two candidates present their arguments and opinions.
- Parents pass down their ___________________ to their children.
- Getting a good education can increase your ___________________ to get a good job.
- Students take IQ tests to measure their ___________________.
- The recipe for cake is a ___________________ of sugar, flour, butter, eggs and baking powder.
- The outside ___________________ of the house didn't look good, but it was very nice on the inside.
- Good ___________________ is very important for living a healthy life.
- The two cats were ___________________, and no one could tell them apart!
- Last night we watched the baseball game of St. Paul Saints ___________________ Nashville Sound.
- People have debated for hundreds of years if ___________________ or nature are more influential.
12 Clues: Students take IQ tests to measure their ___________________. • Parents pass down their ___________________ to their children. • Good ___________________ is very important for living a healthy life. • Many children ___________________ what they will be when they grow up. • The two cats were ___________________, and no one could tell them apart! • ...
In the Nature 2023-01-08
Nature of Science 2023-09-12
- body of knowledge based on the study of the natural world
- data that includes observations with the senses and descriptions
- describes what happens in nature under certain conditions
- variable that is being measured or observed by the experimenter in an experiment
- a statement that is undeniably true and accepted by the science community
- a logical, systematic approach to the solution of a scientific problem
- a testable explanation for a problem or question
- data that includes numbers and measurements
- a direct method of gathering and recording information
- describes why a natural phenomenon occurs in natural and is supported by many observations and experiments
- conclusions or informed guesses based on observations and evidence
- variable that is changed and manipulated by the experimenter in an experiment
12 Clues: data that includes numbers and measurements • a testable explanation for a problem or question • a direct method of gathering and recording information • body of knowledge based on the study of the natural world • describes what happens in nature under certain conditions • data that includes observations with the senses and descriptions • ...
Nature of Science 2023-09-14
- data that is in numbers
- the variable that is observed and recorded in the data table
- a small organ inside the cell that makes proteins
- data that explains the quality of the variable in the investigation
- smallest part of an organism, makes up all matter
- a small organ inside a cell
- made up of organelles and macromolecules
- the variable that is changed by the investigator
- a small orgain inside the plant cell that makes sugar
- made up of cells
- made up of tissues
- the study of life
12 Clues: made up of cells • the study of life • made up of tissues • data that is in numbers • a small organ inside a cell • made up of organelles and macromolecules • the variable that is changed by the investigator • a small organ inside the cell that makes proteins • smallest part of an organism, makes up all matter • a small orgain inside the plant cell that makes sugar • ...
Science 2021-09-08
- study of matter and forces
- something that a scientist does
- something conducted by a scientist
- scientists ask this
- scientists listens to and shares this
- study of the physical universe
- place where experiments are done
- study of nature and the environment
- science that studies nature
- study of substances and changes they undergo
- scientists use this
- study of the atmosphere and weather
- science is based on this
- study of animals
- the study of living organisms
- scientist explore this
- science that studies people
17 Clues: study of animals • scientists use this • scientists ask this • scientist explore this • science is based on this • study of matter and forces • science that studies people • science that studies nature • the study of living organisms • study of the physical universe • something that a scientist does • place where experiments are done • something conducted by a scientist • ...
Enjoy English 6 Vocabulary Revision 2017-09-05
20 Clues: лес • утро • лето • сотня • вечер • осень • важный • газета • здание • страна • деревня • древний • опасный • любимый • природа • животное • современный • соревнование • путешествовать • популярный, известный
nikki4 2013-04-26
Stems List thirteen 2014-04-18
Miari 2015-04-29
20 Clues: baby • boss • strut • clear • valid • alert • modest • midway • nature • resting • enraged • starved • fearful • assembly • mediator • convince • partition • territory • untruthful • discriminate
Nyah Wright 2015-04-29
20 Clues: Muse • Gang • Nurse • Tread • Sneaky • Nature • Creepy • Average • Crashed • Factual • Starved • Annoyed • Apparent • Convince • Cautious • Greatness • Plantation • Department • Discriminate • Apprehensive
James Easley III 2015-04-29
20 Clues: meek • spin • lure • gang • cater • lying • fence • clear • vexed • nature • dozing • reflect • central • cautious • accurate • famiahed • territory • brilliance • frightening • discriminate
40 years jubilee crossword nr.1 2022-03-29
Keskksks 2022-05-02
20 Clues: hoch • note • echt • toll • kopf • natur • geruch • weinen • anders • lerche • silbern • erfahren • erfinden • industrie • erfindung • erschaffen • dunkelheit • Unterstützung • wissenschaftler • zerstört werden
Native american Thea 2022-01-20
Sts 2023-12-14
Module 4 - Vocab Choice Activity 2024-03-14
20 Clues: muro • odio • claro • tinta • pincel • sombra • lienzo • mármol • oscuro • piedra • guerra • arcilla • pérdida • pintura • retrato • macabro • caballete • naturaleza • herramienta • autorretrato
bla 2025-02-06
Lessons 5-6 2024-11-07
20 Clues: puit • tulp • välk • mõis • kraad • sulama • piknik • loodus • algama • jooksul • tibutama • järgmine • nimisõna • nartsiss • ilmateade • vihmahoog • omadussõna • müristamine • ekskursioon • külmad, pakane
Term 2 topic words 2019-04-30
10 Clues: nature • flowers • in nature • study’s things • nearly extinct • a animal’s habitat • feeling comfortable • observing the world • north west east south • diffrent weather environment
The Nature of Matter 2014-12-18
- bond A chemical bond formed when electrons are transferred
- A solution with a pH of less than 7
- A pure substance consisting of only one type of atom
- A compound that prevents sharp, sudden drops in pH
- A mixture of water and a nondissolved substance
- The force of attraction between different kinds of molecules
- bond A chemical bond formed when electrons are shared
- A substance formed by the chemical combination of tow or more elements in definite proportions
- The attraction between moelcules of the same substance
- A mixture in which all the components are evenly distributed
- A particle that carries no charge
- One of several forms of an element
- The center of an atom
- The basic unit of matter
- A solution with a pH of more than 7
- A positively charged particle
- A negatively charged particle
- The smallest unit of most compounds
18 Clues: The center of an atom • The basic unit of matter • A positively charged particle • A negatively charged particle • A particle that carries no charge • One of several forms of an element • A solution with a pH of less than 7 • A solution with a pH of more than 7 • The smallest unit of most compounds • A mixture of water and a nondissolved substance • ...
Nature of Science Vocabulary 2022-08-26
- The internationally accepted system of measurement.
- An explanation of observations or events that is based on knowledge gained from may observations and investigations.
- Comparing what you already know with information you are given in order to decide whether you agree with it.
- The factor a scientist observes or measures during an experiment.
- An interpretation of observations.
- The act of using one or more of your senses to gather information and take note of what occurs.
- The investigation and exploration of natural events and of the new information that result from those investigations.
- A logical explanation of an observation that is drawn from prior knowledge or experience.
- A statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events.
- The practical use of scientific knowledge, especially for industrial or commercial use.
- A possible explanation for an observation that can be tested by scientific investigations.
- The factors in an experiment that remain the same.
- A rule that describes a pattern in nature.
- The part of the controlled experiment used to study relationships among variables.
- Any factor that can have more than one value.
- The factor that is changed by the investigator to observe how it affects a dependent variable.
- The part of a controlled experiment that contains the same factors as the experimental group, but the independent variable is not changed.
- A spoken or written summary of an observation.
18 Clues: An interpretation of observations. • A rule that describes a pattern in nature. • Any factor that can have more than one value. • A spoken or written summary of an observation. • The factors in an experiment that remain the same. • The internationally accepted system of measurement. • A statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events. • ...
Nature of Science Vocabulary 2024-06-11
- the act of noticing and describing events and processes by using your senses
- it is the part of the experiment that is measured or observed
- a statement based on repeated experimental observations that describes some aspects of the universe.
- a procedures that tests a hypothesis
- a well-tested explanation of the natural world
- an instrument in which a beam of electrons is used to produce an enlarged image of a very small object.
- a conclusion based on observations, evidence and reasoning
- an experiment where only one variable is changed.
- an educated guess
- an organized way to answer questions and develop solutions
- the part of your experiment that is purposely changed to test the hypothesis
- information gathered through observation or experimentation
- when a scientific experiment is reproduced exactly by a different person
- a belief or claim that is not supported by any evidence or facts
- study of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained
- when a scientific experiment is repeated over and over again by the same person
- process that allows other scientists to examine and review the claims made by a scientists before it is published
- a tool that can identify, observe and magnify objects by transmitting light through a string of lenses.
18 Clues: an educated guess • a procedures that tests a hypothesis • a well-tested explanation of the natural world • an experiment where only one variable is changed. • an organized way to answer questions and develop solutions • a conclusion based on observations, evidence and reasoning • information gathered through observation or experimentation • ...
Nature Words vol. 2 2024-04-05
18 Clues: laatu • päästö • ongelma • valtava • ratkaisu • suojella • hyödyttää • aiheuttaa • uusiutuva • ihmiskunta • vaihtoehto • merkittävä • olemassaolo • myrkyllinen • autioitunut • velvollisuus • elinympäristö • asuinkelvoton
Environment 2024-03-07
- avoiding vehicles to lower carbon dioxide level
- illegal hunting of animals
- fog caused by atmospheric pollutants
- fuels gas coal petrol
- the place where animals are kept for protection
- a place full of litter
- easily dissolved in the nature without doing harm
- huge amount of toxic substances in the nature
- act of protecting nature
- functioning without harming the environment
10 Clues: fuels gas coal petrol • a place full of litter • act of protecting nature • illegal hunting of animals • fog caused by atmospheric pollutants • functioning without harming the environment • huge amount of toxic substances in the nature • avoiding vehicles to lower carbon dioxide level • the place where animals are kept for protection • ...
Pauliina 2018-03-11
20 Clues: ehkä • neule • tuote • kulua • nynny • peili • pitää • jakaa • huivi • nörtti • poimia • luonto • farkut • sisarus • valittaa • vaatetus • loistava • ympäristö • tarpeeksi • rannekoru
Naturaleza (P1) 2018-03-09
21 Clues: río • sol • mar • flor • luna • aire • campo • fuego • mundo • clima • cielo • árbol • césped • volcán • lluvia • tierra • madera • tierra • montaña • estrello • naturaleza