nature Crossword Puzzles

Sublime Nature 2022-01-28

Sublime Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Became an important concept not only in the philosophical aesthetics but also in literary theory and art history
  2. Meeting of emotion and the natural world
  3. He formed the first modern approach to the sublime
  1. mix of emotions such as arousal, pleasure, and vitality
  2. idea that nature is comprised of a mixture of terror and beauty.
  3. Sublime nature has the ability to evoke terror in subjects and became a recognizable theme for this
  4. Standing at the edge at this location lets you experience sublime nature
  5. used the epic of nature to help express sublime nature in the 1800s

8 Clues: Meeting of emotion and the natural worldHe formed the first modern approach to the sublimemix of emotions such as arousal, pleasure, and vitalityidea that nature is comprised of a mixture of terror and beauty.used the epic of nature to help express sublime nature in the 1800sStanding at the edge at this location lets you experience sublime nature...

Mother Nature 2022-05-16

Mother Nature crossword puzzle
  1. chloe's best friend
  2. "opossum darling"
  3. rae's dad
  4. the person that is mean
  1. something that happened at the airport
  2. "zoo girl"
  3. trees, clouds
  4. grandma's name

8 Clues: rae's dad"zoo girl"trees, cloudsgrandma's name"opossum darling"chloe's best friendthe person that is meansomething that happened at the airport

Wild Nature 2023-10-18

Wild Nature crossword puzzle
  1. People can dive in here
  2. People can sail in this place
  3. People can cross this place
  4. People can visit this place
  5. People can explore this place
  1. People can hike here
  2. People can swim under this place
  3. People can climb this places

8 Clues: People can hike herePeople can dive in herePeople can cross this placePeople can visit this placePeople can climb this placesPeople can sail in this placePeople can explore this placePeople can swim under this place

The Nature of Matter 2014-12-18

The Nature of Matter crossword puzzle
  1. bond A chemical bond formed when electrons are transferred
  2. A solution with a pH of less than 7
  3. A pure substance consisting of only one type of atom
  4. A compound that prevents sharp, sudden drops in pH
  5. A mixture of water and a nondissolved substance
  6. The force of attraction between different kinds of molecules
  7. bond A chemical bond formed when electrons are shared
  8. A substance formed by the chemical combination of tow or more elements in definite proportions
  9. The attraction between moelcules of the same substance
  10. A mixture in which all the components are evenly distributed
  11. A particle that carries no charge
  1. One of several forms of an element
  2. The center of an atom
  3. The basic unit of matter
  4. A solution with a pH of more than 7
  5. A positively charged particle
  6. A negatively charged particle
  7. The smallest unit of most compounds

18 Clues: The center of an atomThe basic unit of matterA positively charged particleA negatively charged particleA particle that carries no chargeOne of several forms of an elementA solution with a pH of less than 7A solution with a pH of more than 7The smallest unit of most compoundsA mixture of water and a nondissolved substance...

Nature of Science Vocabulary 2022-08-26

Nature of Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The internationally accepted system of measurement.
  2. An explanation of observations or events that is based on knowledge gained from may observations and investigations.
  3. Comparing what you already know with information you are given in order to decide whether you agree with it.
  4. The factor a scientist observes or measures during an experiment.
  5. An interpretation of observations.
  6. The act of using one or more of your senses to gather information and take note of what occurs.
  7. The investigation and exploration of natural events and of the new information that result from those investigations.
  8. A logical explanation of an observation that is drawn from prior knowledge or experience.
  9. A statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events.
  1. The practical use of scientific knowledge, especially for industrial or commercial use.
  2. A possible explanation for an observation that can be tested by scientific investigations.
  3. The factors in an experiment that remain the same.
  4. A rule that describes a pattern in nature.
  5. The part of the controlled experiment used to study relationships among variables.
  6. Any factor that can have more than one value.
  7. The factor that is changed by the investigator to observe how it affects a dependent variable.
  8. The part of a controlled experiment that contains the same factors as the experimental group, but the independent variable is not changed.
  9. A spoken or written summary of an observation.

18 Clues: An interpretation of observations.A rule that describes a pattern in nature.Any factor that can have more than one value.A spoken or written summary of an observation.The factors in an experiment that remain the same.The internationally accepted system of measurement.A statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events....

Nature of Science Vocabulary 2024-06-11

Nature of Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the act of noticing and describing events and processes by using your senses
  2. it is the part of the experiment that is measured or observed
  3. a statement based on repeated experimental observations that describes some aspects of the universe.
  4. a procedures that tests a hypothesis
  5. a well-tested explanation of the natural world
  6. an instrument in which a beam of electrons is used to produce an enlarged image of a very small object.
  7. a conclusion based on observations, evidence and reasoning
  8. an experiment where only one variable is changed.
  1. an educated guess
  2. an organized way to answer questions and develop solutions
  3. the part of your experiment that is purposely changed to test the hypothesis
  4. information gathered through observation or experimentation
  5. when a scientific experiment is reproduced exactly by a different person
  6. a belief or claim that is not supported by any evidence or facts
  7. study of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained
  8. when a scientific experiment is repeated over and over again by the same person
  9. process that allows other scientists to examine and review the claims made by a scientists before it is published
  10. a tool that can identify, observe and magnify objects by transmitting light through a string of lenses.

18 Clues: an educated guessa procedures that tests a hypothesisa well-tested explanation of the natural worldan experiment where only one variable is organized way to answer questions and develop solutionsa conclusion based on observations, evidence and reasoninginformation gathered through observation or experimentation...

Nature Words vol. 2 2024-04-05

Nature Words vol. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. ihmiskunta
  2. suojella
  3. velvollisuus
  4. aiheuttaa
  5. olemassaolo
  6. valtava
  7. myrkyllinen
  8. asuinkelvoton
  9. autioitunut
  1. vaihtoehto
  2. päästö
  3. laatu
  4. hyödyttää
  5. ratkaisu
  6. merkittävä
  7. ongelma
  8. elinympäristö
  9. uusiutuva

18 Clues: laatupäästöongelmavaltavaratkaisusuojellahyödyttääaiheuttaauusiutuvaihmiskuntavaihtoehtomerkittäväolemassaolomyrkyllinenautioitunutvelvollisuuselinympäristöasuinkelvoton

Pauliina 2018-03-11

Pauliina crossword puzzle
  1. tuote
  2. ehkä
  3. peili
  4. pitää
  5. ympäristö
  6. rannekoru
  7. jakaa
  8. loistava
  1. neule
  2. nörtti
  3. poimia
  4. kulua
  5. sisarus
  6. nynny
  7. valittaa
  8. tarpeeksi
  9. luonto
  10. vaatetus
  11. farkut
  12. huivi

20 Clues: ehkäneuletuotekuluanynnypeilipitääjakaahuivinörttipoimialuontofarkutsisarusvalittaavaatetusloistavaympäristötarpeeksirannekoru

Naturaleza (P1) 2018-03-09

Naturaleza (P1) crossword puzzle
  1. campo
  2. volcán
  3. río
  4. tierra
  5. aire
  6. madera
  7. clima
  8. sol
  9. naturaleza
  10. árbol
  1. césped
  2. fuego
  3. montaña
  4. mundo
  5. flor
  6. lluvia
  7. luna
  8. estrello
  9. tierra
  10. cielo
  11. mar

21 Clues: ríosolmarflorlunaairecampofuegomundoclimacieloárbolcéspedvolcánlluviatierramaderatierramontañaestrellonaturaleza

Synonyms- Logen Gatewood 2015-04-29

Synonyms- Logen Gatewood crossword puzzle
  1. Plantation
  2. Cautious
  3. Convince
  4. Right
  5. Nature
  6. Separate
  7. Furious
  8. Partition
  9. Resting
  1. Clique
  2. Middle
  3. Noticeable
  4. Baby
  5. Greatness
  6. Meek
  7. Lie
  8. Fearful
  9. Rapacious
  10. Median
  11. Stroll

20 Clues: LieBabyMeekRightCliqueMiddleNatureMedianStrollFearfulFuriousRestingCautiousConvinceSeparateGreatnessRapaciousPartitionPlantationNoticeable

Miari 2015-04-29

Miari crossword puzzle
  1. resting
  2. mediator
  3. untruthful
  4. clear
  5. boss
  6. midway
  7. enraged
  8. starved
  9. nature
  10. alert
  1. assembly
  2. strut
  3. baby
  4. partition
  5. discriminate
  6. territory
  7. convince
  8. modest
  9. valid
  10. fearful

20 Clues: babybossstrutclearvalidalertmodestmidwaynaturerestingenragedstarvedfearfulassemblymediatorconvincepartitionterritoryuntruthfuldiscriminate

STS CROSSWORD 2023-12-15

STS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. 20
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 11
  5. 4
  6. 14
  7. 6
  8. 7
  9. 2
  10. 18
  11. 10
  12. 1
  1. 19
  2. 13
  3. 17
  4. 8
  5. 12
  6. 16
  7. 9
  8. 15

20 Clues: 3854967211920131712111614151810

recycling 2023-03-26

recycling crossword puzzle
  1. :ambiente
  2. :agua
  3. :abono
  4. :botellas
  5. :vidrio
  6. :reutilizar
  7. :reciclaje
  8. :contaminación
  9. :naturaleza
  1. :planeta
  2. :cartón
  3. :basura
  4. :ozono
  5. :papel
  6. :suelos
  7. :residuos
  8. :contenedor
  9. :chatarra
  10. :plásticos
  11. :arboles

20 Clues: :agua:ozono:papel:abono:cartón:basura:suelos:vidrio:planeta:arboles:ambiente:residuos:botellas:chatarra:reciclaje:plásticos:contenedor:reutilizar:naturaleza:contaminación

german vocab 2023-02-22

german vocab crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. sense
  3. hour
  4. mischief
  5. language
  6. animal
  7. plate
  8. lease
  9. News
  10. scissors
  1. singing
  2. nature
  3. eternal / endless
  4. grief
  5. church
  6. perfect
  7. sentence
  8. speech
  9. city
  10. development

20 Clues: hourcityNewssensegriefplateleasenaturechurchanimalspeechsinginghistoryperfectmischieflanguagesentencescissorsdevelopmenteternal / endless

Adjective formation 2022-07-15

Adjective formation crossword puzzle
  1. nature
  2. miracle
  3. read
  4. function
  5. create
  6. history
  7. tragedy
  8. intuition
  9. girl
  10. play
  1. accident
  2. hope
  3. danger
  4. luck
  5. magic
  6. annoy
  7. obey
  8. rest
  9. mystery
  10. judge

20 Clues: hopeluckreadobeyrestgirlplaymagicannoyjudgedangernaturecreatemiraclemysteryhistorytragedyaccidentfunctionintuition

The History of Hawaii (text 2) (Come with me!6) 2024-10-23

The History of Hawaii (text 2) (Come with me!6) crossword puzzle
  1. maanviljely
  2. kuninkaallinen
  3. tavallisesti
  4. kalastajat
  5. seurata
  6. kiehtova
  7. edes
  8. yhteisö
  9. historiallinen
  10. ulkomaalainen
  1. havaijilainen
  2. kuningaskunta
  3. luonto
  4. moderni
  5. aikana
  6. kanootti
  7. tiesi
  8. sähkö
  9. uudisasukas
  10. kutsua

20 Clues: edestiesisähköluontoaikanakutsuamoderniseuratayhteisökanoottikiehtovakalastajatmaanviljelyuudisasukastavallisestihavaijilainenkuningaskuntaulkomaalainenkuninkaallinenhistoriallinen

ECOTOURISM 2024-11-07

ECOTOURISM crossword puzzle
  1. Traveling to natural places while protecting them.
  2. Knowing something exists or is important.
  3. Being careful with actions and their effects on others.
  4. areas Places where nature is not changed by people.
  5. Learning new things.
  1. Keeping something safe.
  2. Good for nature.
  3. The air, water, plants, and animals around us.
  4. Belonging to a nearby area.
  5. Using resources without harming nature.

10 Clues: Good for nature.Learning new things.Keeping something safe.Belonging to a nearby area.Using resources without harming nature.Knowing something exists or is important.The air, water, plants, and animals around us.Traveling to natural places while protecting them.areas Places where nature is not changed by people....

Earth Science crossword puzzle 2021-08-25

Earth Science crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. process scientist plans of attack
  2. a explanation of something
  3. earth observations
  4. nature measured by scientist
  5. what you think is most important in life
  6. how we see the world
  7. a sientific guess
  8. Gods' reason for creating humans
  9. models scientist use to explain a observations
  10. decriptions of data
  1. any observable result must have a adequate cause
  2. investigated sientific events
  3. something know our presumed to be true
  4. thoughts on how the operates
  5. unobservable past investigations
  6. study of nature
  7. a scientific reason for something to happen

17 Clues: study of naturea sientific guessearth observationsdecriptions of datahow we see the worlda explanation of somethingthoughts on how the operatesnature measured by scientistinvestigated sientific eventsunobservable past investigationsGods' reason for creating humansprocess scientist plans of attacksomething know our presumed to be true...

Into the great wide open 2023-11-16

Into the great wide open crossword puzzle
  1. Something that is smooth and not bumpy (dt. Flach)
  2. Not far away, near.
  3. The way the land looks, like mountains, forests, and rivers.
  4. Something that is fair and just.
  5. A type of deer with large antlers, often associated with Santa Claus.
  6. Beliefs and practices about a higher power or spiritual ideas.
  7. Someone who takes care of and helps protect nature areas.
  8. The larger part or greater number of something.
  1. Land used for growing crops and raising animals.
  2. The smallest number of something.
  3. The coldest season when it often snows.
  4. Areas in the countryside, with farms and open spaces.
  5. When parents teach their children at home instead of sending them to a school.
  6. Everything outside, like trees, animals, and the sky.
  7. A smaller group of people with some things in common.
  8. Animals and plants that live freely in nature.

16 Clues: Not far away, near.Something that is fair and just.The smallest number of something.The coldest season when it often snows.Animals and plants that live freely in nature.The larger part or greater number of something.Land used for growing crops and raising animals.Something that is smooth and not bumpy (dt. Flach)...

witty week enc 2021-04-15

witty week enc crossword puzzle
  1. economics , Economic-nature conflicts can occur between disciplines evolutionary psychology and ____ in relation to people's affiliation for nature and industrial growth.
  2. ,Aerobic method of decomposing organic solid wastes also known as _____ system.
  3. , Spirit of ____ also called Mother Earth.
  4. . Aside from saving the environment, eco-friendly products can also save your _____ money.
  5. , ____ is an ideology that focuses on fundamental environmental concerns.
  6. ,In the last four decades, evolutionary biology has focused on _____ interaction
  7. technology uses a flooring system that transfers the kinetic energy that transfers the kinetic energy of pedestrians into electrical energy & data.
  8. , Since the birth of ____, humans had been manipulating the world around them, harnessing, dividing and selling its natural resources
  9. FUEL ,Using public transportation or carpooling with others can help to reduce ____ usage.
  10. , _____ is the reason to go eco-friendly as the world has become corrupted with all kinds of pollution.
  1. ,Air pollution prevents us from breathing in fresh air because of the _____
  2. , Under ____, the earth become a place to be conquered, dominated, farmed, fished, plundered and mined, on a vast scale
  3. , Human-nature relationship has been explored through various human-related activities including ___ engineering that concerns with design and constructing of farming equipment and machinery
  4. ,Human activity has become one of the factors contributing to a natural disaster which is ___ weather conditions.
  5. , In ____, cosmic energy or life force is everywhere and is constantly seeking harmony and balance between all things.
  6. TREE ,Invention technology system can composed of 3 steel trunks that stem into tinier branches on which the 36 leaf-shaped wind turbines are attached,
  7. , ____ is the belief that spirit infuses object, nature and the whole of existence.
  8. , _____ psychology field has presented many concepts describing human connectedness to nature including Deep Ecology and Extinction of Experience.
  9. ,Economic decline can be caused by ____ crisis as it affects the production water-intensive like cars, clothes and food.
  10. ,Using _____water bottle instead of disposable water bottle because it can help to reduce plastic burden to the earth.

20 Clues: , Spirit of ____ also called Mother Earth., ____ is an ideology that focuses on fundamental environmental concerns.,Air pollution prevents us from breathing in fresh air because of the _____,Aerobic method of decomposing organic solid wastes also known as _____ system.,In the last four decades, evolutionary biology has focused on _____ interaction...

Sort 17 Vowel Alternation: Long to Short 2022-04-21

Sort 17 Vowel Alternation: Long to Short crossword puzzle
  1. existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial)
  2. the material world, especially as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities
  3. the act or work of revising
  4. a hollow in the earth, especially one opening more or less horizontally into a hill, mountain, etc
  5. a form of the possessive case of I used as a predicate adjective
  6. accuracy; exactness
  7. characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for people and animals, especially for the suffering or distressed
  8. any of a class of substances occurring in nature, usually comprising inorganic substances, as quartz or feldspar, of definite chemical composition and usually of definite crystal structure, but sometimes also including rocks formed by these substances as well as certain natural products of organic origin, as asphalt or coal
  9. to amend or alter
  10. a number of things or persons sharing a particular characteristic, or set of characteristics, that causes them to be regarded as a group, more or less precisely defined or designated; class; category
  11. any hollow place; hollow
  12. physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports
  13. all human beings collectively; the human race; humankind
  1. to set on fire; kindle
  2. a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength; a participant in a sport, exercise, or game requiring physical skill
  3. of the nature of or involving crime
  4. definitely or strictly stated, defined, or fixed
  5. to take air, oxygen, etc., into the lungs and expel it; inhale and exhale; respire
  6. (of persons, manners, disposition, etc.) socially acceptable or adept; polite; amiable; agreeable
  7. the act or fact of igniting; state of being ignited
  8. (used as a polite addition to requests, commands, etc.) if you would be so obliging; kindly
  9. of the nature of or serving as a type or representative specimen
  10. the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration
  11. an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited

24 Clues: to amend or alteraccuracy; exactnessto set on fire; kindleany hollow place; hollowthe act or work of revisingof the nature of or involving crimethe air inhaled and exhaled in respirationdefinitely or strictly stated, defined, or fixedthe act or fact of igniting; state of being ignitedexisting in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial)...

Voyager Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-28

Voyager Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. country where at the beginning of class, everyone stands up and greets the teacher
  2. when do students choose their field of study in France
  3. Teacher who moved here from Marseille
  4. what school in Spain don't always provide
  5. International program in Taiwan
  6. what ALL schools in China wear
  7. country where lunches from home are not allowed
  8. French dish with melted cheese and charcuterie, which is great for the winter
  1. a class in France that is about exploring nature and understanding nature
  2. A French fish dish made with seven different kinds of rockfish
  3. country where the school day starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m
  4. country where grading ranges from 1 to 6
  5. the nature class in Marseille
  6. The name of the student who went to France for a summer
  7. The name of the student who transferred from Hong Kong
  8. The name of the school in Nice

16 Clues: the nature class in Marseillewhat ALL schools in China wearThe name of the school in NiceInternational program in TaiwanTeacher who moved here from Marseillecountry where grading ranges from 1 to 6what school in Spain don't always providecountry where lunches from home are not allowedwhen do students choose their field of study in France...

3 2018-02-25

3 crossword puzzle


The Nature of Science 2022-08-31

The Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. The scientific _______ begins with an observation
  2. Covert theory that explains an event
  3. A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discover
  4. Describes "what" happens in science
  5. Doubt as to the truth of something
  6. Incorrect opinion based on faulty thinking
  7. Science that is not true or real
  8. An "if...then" statement in science
  1. Study of the world through experiment
  2. Fake Science
  3. prejudice in favor or against something
  4. When your hypothesis is proven, you _______ it
  5. A decision reached by reasoning after analysis
  6. When your hypothesis is unproven, you ______ it
  7. Detailed examination of the elements of something
  8. When you notice something you are making an
  9. Type of review that scientists use to critique work
  10. Explains "why" something happens in science

18 Clues: Fake ScienceScience that is not true or realDoubt as to the truth of somethingDescribes "what" happens in scienceAn "if...then" statement in scienceCovert theory that explains an eventStudy of the world through experimentprejudice in favor or against somethingIncorrect opinion based on faulty thinkingWhen you notice something you are making an...

Forces in Nature Vocabulary 2023-02-09

Forces in Nature Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the attraction or repulsion between magnetic poles
  2. a device that changes mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  3. The direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that it is touching.
  4. A force that pulls objects toward each other
  5. A type of magnet whose magnetic field is produced by the flow of electric current.
  6. A force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact
  7. the space around a magnet where the force of a magnet can act
  8. materials that transfer energy easily
  1. the weight is how much gravity pulls you down, and the mass is the amount of matter taking up space
  2. the production of an electric or magnetic state by the proximity (without contact) of an electrified or magnetized body.
  3. the area surrounding an object in which another object could experience a force of gravitational attraction
  4. the area around an electric charge that experiences the force exerted by the electric charge
  5. Carries magnetic field, not current; Earth's core
  6. A device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy
  7. A characteristic of those metals that are attracted to magnets and can be made into magnets; the ability to attract
  8. two types exist-positive and negative
  9. Do not allow electricity to flow through them easily
  10. A form of energy caused by the movement of electrons.

18 Clues: two types exist-positive and negativematerials that transfer energy easilyA force that pulls objects toward each otherCarries magnetic field, not current; Earth's corethe attraction or repulsion between magnetic polesDo not allow electricity to flow through them easilyA form of energy caused by the movement of electrons....

Nature of Science Review 2023-09-08

Nature of Science Review crossword puzzle
  1. Science is not...
  2. The source of the information
  3. This happens during community analysis and feedback
  4. We develop ______ during as a benefit or outcome of science
  5. The timeliness of the information
  6. a list of questions to help you evaluate the information you find
  7. The importance of the information for your needs
  8. Scientific theories are subject to revision, upon finding new evidence to dispute the theory
  9. There is a natural cause that explains how or why an event is happening
  1. Exploration and discovery is where we find...
  2. 6 characteristics that help us distinguish between what IS and what IS NOT science
  3. Must be able to conduct an experiment to evaluate a hypothesis
  4. Interpreting data to support/oppose/revise a hypothesis
  5. The reason the information exists
  6. Repeated observations or experiments are reasonably the same when performed
  7. Using prior knowledge to make educated guesses about future events
  8. The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of content
  9. Can be explained using the 5 senses or extensions of the 5 senses

18 Clues: Science is not...The source of the informationThe reason the information existsThe timeliness of the informationExploration and discovery is where we find...The importance of the information for your needsThis happens during community analysis and feedbackInterpreting data to support/oppose/revise a hypothesis...


  1. to break up or move soil, typically with a tool
  2. a limb of a tree
  3. part of a plant that anchors it to the ground
  4. type of energy source that is non-renewable
  5. the highest point of a mountain or hill
  6. time of day when it begins to get dark
  7. long-term shifts in temperature, weather patterns, and environmental conditions
  8. a potential danger or risk
  1. to make something larger in size, amount, or number
  2. to prohibit or forbid something
  3. to collect funds for a cause or project
  4. animals and plants that live and grow in their natural environment
  5. the main stem of a tree that supports its branches and leaves
  6. an opening in the ground
  7. to bring something back to its original condition
  8. accidental release of oil into the environment
  9. first appearance of light
  10. area where sunlight is blocked

18 Clues: a limb of a treean opening in the groundfirst appearance of lighta potential danger or riskarea where sunlight is blockedto prohibit or forbid somethingtime of day when it begins to get darkto collect funds for a cause or projectthe highest point of a mountain or hilltype of energy source that is non-renewable...

Pollution 2014-12-16

Pollution crossword puzzle
  1. man's best friend?
  2. contaminated by microorganisms, parasitic worm eggs?
  3. essential source of life?
  4. What are the most polluting nature?
  5. radon, a naturally produced by the decomposition of?
  6. who protects nature?
  7. who pollutes nature?
  8. –pollution noise,vibration,electromagnetic fields?
  9. those who breathe the toxic particles can fall ill?
  1. how to land store?
  2. concentration and duration of exposure , has or can have adverse effects on humans and other living organisms?
  3. chemical compounds and their mixtures, which are above a
  4. as soil were being polluted?
  5. The debris is not only disgusting to watch, but they?
  6. researching materials and power, their properties and interactions?This is a large, multi-Deciduous or evergreen woody plant with a growing array called forests.
  7. This is a large, multi-Deciduous or evergreen woody plant with a growing array called forests.

16 Clues: how to land store?man's best friend?who protects nature?who pollutes nature?essential source of life?as soil were being polluted?What are the most polluting nature?–pollution noise,vibration,electromagnetic fields?those who breathe the toxic particles can fall ill?contaminated by microorganisms, parasitic worm eggs?...

Into the great wide open 2023-11-16

Into the great wide open crossword puzzle
  1. Something that is smooth and not bumpy (dt. Flach)
  2. Not far away, near.
  3. The way the land looks, like mountains, forests, and rivers.
  4. Something that is fair and just.
  5. A type of deer with large antlers, often associated with Santa Claus.
  6. Beliefs and practices about a higher power or spiritual ideas.
  7. Someone who takes care of and helps protect nature areas.
  8. The larger part or greater number of something.
  1. Land used for growing crops and raising animals.
  2. The smallest number of something.
  3. The coldest season when it often snows.
  4. Areas in the countryside, with farms and open spaces.
  5. When parents teach their children at home instead of sending them to a school.
  6. Everything outside, like trees, animals, and the sky.
  7. A smaller group of people with some things in common.
  8. Animals and plants that live freely in nature.

16 Clues: Not far away, near.Something that is fair and just.The smallest number of something.The coldest season when it often snows.Animals and plants that live freely in nature.The larger part or greater number of something.Land used for growing crops and raising animals.Something that is smooth and not bumpy (dt. Flach)...

Nature of cancer 2013-02-06

Nature of cancer crossword puzzle
  1. ,human immunodeficiency virus.
  2. ,breast or dental x-ray.
  3. ,a thing included in chemical carcinogens,
  4. ,includes exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation as in x-rays.
  5. ,includes viruses that have been shown to attack the DNA of normal cells.
  6. ,high exsposures of ionizing radiation.
  7. ,acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
  1. ,includes complex hydrocarbons, certain nitosamines, metals, drugs,and horomones,
  2. ,non ionizing radiation from the sun.
  3. ,solid plastic or crystal being absorbed by the body.
  4. ,the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles.
  5. ,another thing included in chemical carcinogens starts with an N.

12 Clues: ,breast or dental x-ray.,human immunodeficiency virus.,non ionizing radiation from the sun.,acquired immune deficiency syndrome.,high exsposures of ionizing radiation.,a thing included in chemical carcinogens,,solid plastic or crystal being absorbed by the body.,another thing included in chemical carcinogens starts with an N....

Nature of Liquids 2014-05-09

Nature of Liquids crossword puzzle
  1. conversion of a liquid to a gas or a vapor
  2. device that determines the vapor pressure of a liquid
  3. substance used in a manometer
  4. _____attractions reduce the amount of space between particles in a liquid
  5. temperature where the vapor pressure is just equal to the external pressure on a liquid
  6. substances that can flow
  1. measure of the force exerted by a gas above a liquid
  2. causes a liquid to evaporate faster
  3. boiling point of a liquid at a pressure of 101.3 kPa
  4. occurrence at the surface of a liquid that's not boiling
  5. causes the boiling point to vary
  6. cooling process similar to evaporation

12 Clues: substances that can flowsubstance used in a manometercauses the boiling point to varycauses a liquid to evaporate fastercooling process similar to evaporationconversion of a liquid to a gas or a vapormeasure of the force exerted by a gas above a liquidboiling point of a liquid at a pressure of 101.3 kPa...

Nature and environment 2015-04-28

Nature and environment crossword puzzle
  1. Band of sand beside the sea
  2. State bird of Delhi
  3. A type of tree in hilly areas
  4. Small rocks
  5. when water flows through the mountains
  1. Our national animal
  2. Protection of resources
  3. It falls like flakes
  4. Direction from which the sun rises
  5. Our national bird
  6. Night birds with big eyes
  7. Large expanses of water

12 Clues: Small rocksOur national birdOur national animalState bird of DelhiIt falls like flakesProtection of resourcesLarge expanses of waterNight birds with big eyesBand of sand beside the seaA type of tree in hilly areasDirection from which the sun riseswhen water flows through the mountains

Nature (PSY 360) 2020-07-30

Nature (PSY 360) crossword puzzle
  1. a flat area between mountains
  2. vast expanse of trees
  3. they are snow capped...
  4. a long stream of water that is inland
  5. a flash of light that follows thunder
  6. lawns are made of...
  1. on a hot day its nice to feel a cool
  2. given in bouquets
  3. rainfall that includes thunder and lightning
  4. winter, summer, fall, spring are
  5. this has currents and tides
  6. water that falls from the sky

12 Clues: given in bouquetslawns are made of...vast expanse of treesthey are snow capped...this has currents and tidesa flat area between mountainswater that falls from the skywinter, summer, fall, spring areon a hot day its nice to feel a coola long stream of water that is inlanda flash of light that follows thunder...

Dominion over nature 2019-03-28

Dominion over nature crossword puzzle
  1. Bud
  2. Ærefrygt
  3. Uudtømmelighed
  4. Ambivalent
  5. Fortrænge
  1. Herredømme
  2. Ældgammel
  3. Værdsættelse
  4. Modstridende
  5. Ærbødighed
  6. Begrænsethed
  7. Forgudelse

12 Clues: BudÆrefrygtÆldgammelFortrængeHerredømmeÆrbødighedAmbivalentForgudelseVærdsættelseModstridendeBegrænsethedUudtømmelighed

Nature of Science 2020-09-09

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. a procedure carried out to observe, study or test something
  2. tool used to measure forces
  3. a procedure carried out under controlled conditions to test a hypothesis
  4. information collected during a scientific experiment
  5. different ways scientists perform investigations and collect data
  1. too small to be seen without a microscope
  2. a tool used to measure the amount of matter
  3. very close to the actual value
  4. any condition that can be changed in an experiment
  5. a personal belief or judgement
  6. study of the natural world observation & investigation
  7. the experimental setup to which you compare all other setups

12 Clues: tool used to measure forcesvery close to the actual valuea personal belief or judgementtoo small to be seen without a microscopea tool used to measure the amount of matterany condition that can be changed in an experimentinformation collected during a scientific experimentstudy of the natural world observation & investigation...

Nature of Science 2021-08-16

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. is a representation of an idea, an object or even a process or a system that is used to describe and explain phenomena that cannot be experienced directly
  2. Observations and data gathered during scientific investigations
  3. problem-solving procedure used by scientists that follows steps to draw a conclusion
  4. educated guess, prediction or statement that can be tested
  5. reach an opinion from available information or facts
  6. factor that is changed by the experimenter in order to test the results of the change
  7. is a description of what happens
  1. factor that the experimenter is measuring and collecting data on
  2. organized procedure to study something under controlled conditions
  3. a well-supported explanation of nature
  4. a process of observing, studying, and thinking about things to gain knowledge to better understand the world
  5. the process of obtaining information by using the five senses

12 Clues: is a description of what happensa well-supported explanation of naturereach an opinion from available information or factseducated guess, prediction or statement that can be testedthe process of obtaining information by using the five sensesObservations and data gathered during scientific investigations...

Nature of matter 2021-09-27

Nature of matter crossword puzzle
  1. When a molecule attract the same molecule
  2. Group of atoms bonded together
  3. bond Bond when an electron is shared
  4. Chemical substance of atom of more than one element
  5. bond Bond when an electron is transferred
  6. Pure substance of only type of atom
  1. Atoms with different neutrons
  2. Bond A weak bond such bond between water molecules
  3. Negative subatomic particle of an atom
  4. When a molecule stick to other things
  5. Center of an atom
  6. Atoms with different number of charges

12 Clues: Center of an atomAtoms with different neutronsGroup of atoms bonded togetherPure substance of only type of atombond Bond when an electron is sharedWhen a molecule stick to other thingsNegative subatomic particle of an atomAtoms with different number of chargesWhen a molecule attract the same moleculebond Bond when an electron is transferred...

Animals and Nature 2021-10-20

Animals and Nature crossword puzzle
  1. It lives in the sea. It eats jellyfish.
  2. It lives in the jungle. It eats meat.
  3. It lives in the forest. It eats a mouse.
  4. It lives in the forest. It eats sugar.
  5. It lives on a web. It eats bugs.
  6. It lives in Australia. It is very cute.
  1. Camels live here.
  2. Eagles and monkeys live here.
  3. It lives in the savanna. It is big.
  4. It lives on a farm. It can eat well.
  5. It lives in the sea. It is scary.
  6. Whales and dolphins live here.

12 Clues: Camels live here.Eagles and monkeys live here.Whales and dolphins live here.It lives on a web. It eats bugs.It lives in the sea. It is scary.It lives in the savanna. It is big.It lives on a farm. It can eat well.It lives in the jungle. It eats meat.It lives in the forest. It eats sugar.It lives in the sea. It eats jellyfish....

TIME FOR NATURE 2022-05-24

TIME FOR NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. an animal that loves to jump and eat carrots. (lost the race with the tortoise)
  2. an animal that looks like a large dog and howling
  3. a woody plant, have a single stem
  4. a person who cuts down trees
  5. a place that gives protection from danger or bad weather
  1. a large area covered with trees and undergrowth.
  2. the surroundings that include plants, animals and landscape.
  3. an animal that loves hanging from tree to tree
  4. an animal that has a large body, shaggy hair, paws with claws and a short tail
  5. an animal that is always known as the king in the jungle.
  6. the name of one of the trees in the story
  7. an animal that can fly

12 Clues: an animal that can flya person who cuts down treesa woody plant, have a single stemthe name of one of the trees in the storyan animal that loves hanging from tree to treea large area covered with trees and animal that looks like a large dog and howlinga place that gives protection from danger or bad weather...

Nature Vocabulary crossword 2023-03-07

Nature Vocabulary crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Is used for crops.
  2. The problem that's melting icebergs.
  3. Created living thing.
  4. Something very old.
  5. Pebble, __________, Stone.
  6. What most water bottles are made of.
  7. What we step on at all times.
  1. The concept of animal classification.
  2. What the sun radiates.
  3. Rainy, sunny, cloudy are all forms of ________:
  4. Amount of greenhouse gases generated by our actions.
  5. Weather with rain, thunder and a danger probability

12 Clues: Is used for crops.Something very old.Created living thing.What the sun radiates.Pebble, __________, Stone.What we step on at all times.The problem that's melting icebergs.What most water bottles are made of.The concept of animal classification.Rainy, sunny, cloudy are all forms of ________:Weather with rain, thunder and a danger probability...

Nature or Nurture 2023-06-07

Nature or Nurture crossword puzzle
  1. Color often associated with boys
  2. Natural aptitude or skill
  3. A fluffy toy for children
  4. Barbie creator
  5. Color often associated with girls
  6. Most popular doll for girls
  7. Basic or inherent features of something or someone
  1. To educate or foster sense
  2. Favoritism towards one gender or another
  3. An object for a child to play with
  4. Posession of the skill to do something
  5. A logic color puzzle in the form of a cube

12 Clues: Barbie creatorNatural aptitude or skillA fluffy toy for childrenTo educate or foster senseMost popular doll for girlsColor often associated with boysColor often associated with girlsAn object for a child to play withPosession of the skill to do somethingFavoritism towards one gender or anotherA logic color puzzle in the form of a cube...

Nature around us 2023-05-24

Nature around us crossword puzzle
  1. Voda
  2. Květina
  3. Příroda
  4. Kámen
  5. Les
  1. Včela
  2. vzduch
  3. oheň
  4. Vlk
  5. Tráva
  6. Strom
  7. Liška

12 Clues: VlkLesVodaoheňVčelaTrávaKámenStromLiškavzduchKvětinaPříroda

Nature of Science 2023-08-17

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. a statement about the future
  2. information gathered directly or indirectly through observation or
  3. a statement that can be tested; it drives your investigation
  4. the study of the mind and emotion in relation to the sense of beauty
  5. group left under normal conditions; used as a baseline to compare test groups
  6. placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, and opinions, as opposed to facts
  1. the variable influenced by something else; data; results
  2. the variable the scientist is choosing to test; stands alone
  3. an exact copy of a sample; to check for errors
  4. able to resist wear, decay; long lasting
  5. not influenced by personal feelings, or prejudice; unbiased
  6. quality, condition or factor that stays the same among test groups

12 Clues: a statement about the futureable to resist wear, decay; long lastingan exact copy of a sample; to check for errorsthe variable influenced by something else; data; resultsnot influenced by personal feelings, or prejudice; unbiasedthe variable the scientist is choosing to test; stands alonea statement that can be tested; it drives your investigation...

Nature Crossword Puzzle 2023-09-05

Nature Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 砂漠
  1. 草原
  2. 湿原

12 Clues: 草原湿原砂漠

Nature of Science 2023-09-16

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. use your senses to notice details
  2. a test done to gather evidence
  3. a planned to find answers to questions
  4. explain what you have observed
  5. instruments or equipment used in science
  1. a factor that can be changed in an experiment
  2. information that supports a claim
  3. a testable answer to a question
  4. correct in all details, exact
  5. use what you know to say what is going to happen in the future
  6. each science observation is information collected
  7. a representation of reality

12 Clues: a representation of realitycorrect in all details, exacta test done to gather evidenceexplain what you have observeda testable answer to a questionuse your senses to notice detailsinformation that supports a claima planned to find answers to questionsinstruments or equipment used in sciencea factor that can be changed in an experiment...

Patterns in Nature 2024-01-03

Patterns in Nature crossword puzzle
  1. In subtraction, we sometimes say ______ instead of subtract.
  2. When I eat a _______, I like it with chicken, bacon and ranch dressing.
  3. In basketball, I like to _______ the person with the ball.
  4. The ________ amount of the gift card is $50.
  5. Kyle has the most ________ in his family.
  6. Michael Jordan is the most ______ athlete in the USA.
  7. I am 8 years old, which is _____ way to getting my driving permit at 16 years old.
  1. We are all part of the _______ race.
  2. After I _______ my macaroni and cheese, mom said I can play outside.
  3. In Math class, we are learning to add/subtract two _____ numbers.
  4. I am ________ that we have at least a 2-hour delay on Monday.
  5. I know that 2 + 2 is ______ to 4.

12 Clues: I know that 2 + 2 is ______ to 4.We are all part of the _______ race.Kyle has the most ________ in his family.The ________ amount of the gift card is $50.Michael Jordan is the most ______ athlete in the USA.In basketball, I like to _______ the person with the ball.In subtraction, we sometimes say ______ instead of subtract....

Nature of Science 2023-10-31

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. Where the DNA is stored in the cell
  2. messenger RNA, this is sent to the cytoplasm to make protein
  3. To make RNA from DNA
  4. the three letter nucleotide sequence on the mRNA
  5. The building blocks of proteins
  6. the outward appearance of what the genes in the DNA are
  7. Ribonucleic acid
  1. The structures found along the backbone or outside of the DNA
  2. the three letter nucleotide sequence on the tRNA
  3. To make protein from RNA
  4. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  5. transfer RNA

12 Clues: transfer RNARibonucleic acidTo make RNA from DNADeoxyribonucleic acidTo make protein from RNAThe building blocks of proteinsWhere the DNA is stored in the cellthe three letter nucleotide sequence on the tRNAthe three letter nucleotide sequence on the mRNAthe outward appearance of what the genes in the DNA are...

En pleine nature 2024-03-31

En pleine nature crossword puzzle
  1. La France en a 18, par exemple, la Normandie et la Provence
  2. Ce sont les différents types d'animaux et de plantes
  3. On en parle quand une espèce est menacée
  4. C'est un précipice près de la mer ou de l'océan
  5. C'est un synonyme du mot «environnement»
  1. C'est quand on tue (kills) les animaux pour le sport ou pour les manger
  2. C'est l'action de protéger la nature et les ressources naturelles
  3. C'est un synonyme du mot «chemin»
  4. C'est l'action de couper les arbres de la forêt
  5. C'est l'endroit où Tarzan habite
  6. C'est un endroit où il n'y a pas beaucoup de plantes et où il pleut très peu
  7. C'est un petit animal qui vit (lives) dans les arbres

12 Clues: C'est l'endroit où Tarzan habiteC'est un synonyme du mot «chemin»On en parle quand une espèce est menacéeC'est un synonyme du mot «environnement»C'est l'action de couper les arbres de la forêtC'est un précipice près de la mer ou de l'océanCe sont les différents types d'animaux et de plantesC'est un petit animal qui vit (lives) dans les arbres...

Nature and society 2024-10-06

Nature and society crossword puzzle
  1. Showing care or consideration for other people's feelings and opinions.
  2. Willing to consider new ideas or opinions.
  3. A wild, natural area where few people live.
  4. The status of being a recognized member of a country with certain rights and responsibilities.
  5. Something that has turned into ice due to extreme cold.
  6. Involving or including many different cultures or ethnic groups.
  1. Friendly and open to receiving people, especially guests or newcomers.
  2. allegiance to promise loyalty to a country or cause, often in a formal way.
  3. A sport played on ice where players use sticks to hit a puck into the opponent’s goal.
  4. A large, slow-moving mass of ice, usually found in mountains or polar regions.
  5. Located in or related to the north, or the direction towards the North Pole.
  6. Calm and without any conflict or violence.

12 Clues: Willing to consider new ideas or opinions.Calm and without any conflict or violence.A wild, natural area where few people live.Something that has turned into ice due to extreme cold.Involving or including many different cultures or ethnic groups.Friendly and open to receiving people, especially guests or newcomers....


NATURE AND WILDLIFE crossword puzzle
  1. A strong tree known for its wood and acorns
  2. Intelligent marine animal known for its playful behavior
  3. A place where water flows over a cliff
  4. An insect with colorful wings, often seen in gardens
  5. A large bird of prey with sharp vision
  1. A grassy field often filled with flowers
  2. REEF Underwater ecosystem made of colorful corals
  3. Known as the "king of the jungle"
  4. A large area covered with trees
  5. A large body of ice moving slowly over land
  6. A plant that grows in deserts, known for storing water
  7. Large mammal found in forests and mountains

12 Clues: A large area covered with treesKnown as the "king of the jungle"A place where water flows over a cliffA large bird of prey with sharp visionA grassy field often filled with flowersA strong tree known for its wood and acornsA large body of ice moving slowly over landLarge mammal found in forests and mountains...


NATURE AND WILDLIFE crossword puzzle
  1. Intelligent marine animal known for its playful behavior
  2. A grassy field often filled with flowers
  3. Large mammal found in forests and mountains
  4. REEF Underwater ecosystem made of colorful corals
  5. A large area covered with trees
  1. Known as the "king of the jungle"
  2. A large body of ice moving slowly over land
  3. A place where water flows over a cliff
  4. An insect with colorful wings, often seen in gardens
  5. A plant that grows in deserts, known for storing water
  6. A strong tree known for its wood and acorns
  7. A large bird of prey with sharp vision

12 Clues: A large area covered with treesKnown as the "king of the jungle"A place where water flows over a cliffA large bird of prey with sharp visionA grassy field often filled with flowersA large body of ice moving slowly over landA strong tree known for its wood and acornsLarge mammal found in forests and mountains...


  1. - A great deal of pollution comes from the fumes (gases) they give off. We should walk or use bikes instead, whenever we can.
  2. - Problems with air, sea, and land pollution, holes in the ozone layer and so on.
  3. – Disappearing living things other than a human beings which need our protection.
  4. - It is the process of making our environment dirty and unhealthy for living.
  5. - It is a name of a very important international organization.
  6. - It is located near a coast.
  7. - It is a synonym to “use again”.
  8. - It is oxygen and other gases forming the atmosphere of our planet.
  9. - It is a thick forest in tropical parts of the world, like in Amazon area.
  1. - It is rubbish, waste or other things we throw away.
  2. – The plants and animals which have a very high risk of extinction.
  3. - It is another name of the white bear.
  4. - It is the science that studies the relations of plants, animals and people to each other and to their environment.
  5. - The kind of testing with nuclear weapons (like bombs).
  6. - It is our planet.
  7. – It is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the Earth.
  8. - It can come from nuclear, electrical, solar or wind power.
  9. - It is the physical world surrounding people and existing independently of human activity.

18 Clues: - It is our planet.- It is located near a coast.- It is a synonym to “use again”.- It is another name of the white bear.- It is rubbish, waste or other things we throw away.- The kind of testing with nuclear weapons (like bombs).- It can come from nuclear, electrical, solar or wind power....

Jésus et la nature 2021-08-10

Jésus et la nature crossword puzzle
  1. Au risque d'arracher le blé , cette mauvaise herbe pousse avec le blé et n'en sera séparée qu'au moment de la récolte où elle sera brulée .
  2. : Dans celui de Gethsémani Jésus prie son Père juste avant son arrestation.
  3. : Ils sont assimilés aux êtres humains, la mer au monde et les apôtres sont appelés à devenir des pêcheurs d’hommes.
  4. Celle de Jésus est source pour la vie éternelle.
  5. Jésus y manifeste son pouvoir divin en dominant les éléments. Au bord de celle ci il appelle ses disciples.
  6. : Entre Ciel et terre, Jésus y prie souvent.C'est là qu'il est transfiguré.
  7. : Ils ne sèment ni ne moissonnent ni ne recueillent en des greniers, mais ils sont nourris par le Père.
  1. Il lui est plus facile de passer par un trou d’aiguille qu’à un riche d’entrer dans le Royaume des Cieux.
  2. La parabole du serviteur qui en revient illustre la joie de faire son devoir sans en tirer d’orgueil personnel.
  3. : Le bon pasteur en laissera 99 pour aller chercher celle qui s'est égarée.
  4. : Ne portant pas de fruit, maudit par Jésus, il dessèche sur pied
  5. : Jésus, est comme celle ci, les baptisés en sont les sarments qui unis à Lui portent du fruit.
  6. : Si Dieu habille cette fleur des champs d'une telle splendeur, Il en fera beaucoup plus pour ses enfants.
  7. : Lieu où Jean-Baptiste prêche et lieu de la tentation de Jésus.
  8. La Parole de Dieu qui porte des fruits est comme celle tombée dans la bonne terre.
  9. Avoir la foi gros comme cette graine peut déplacer les montagnes.
  10. Celui de Senevé  est le plus petit mais il devient un arbre dans lequel les oiseaux s’abritent.
  11. Elle est abondante mais les ouvriers sont peu nombreux.

18 Clues: Celle de Jésus est source pour la vie éternelle.Elle est abondante mais les ouvriers sont peu nombreux.: Lieu où Jean-Baptiste prêche et lieu de la tentation de Jésus.: Ne portant pas de fruit, maudit par Jésus, il dessèche sur piedAvoir la foi gros comme cette graine peut déplacer les montagnes....

Particle Nature of Matter 2024-07-04

Particle Nature of Matter crossword puzzle
  1. The state in which matter adapts to the shape of its container but varies only slightly in volume
  2. How well a substance conducts electricity or heat
  3. Group of atoms bonded together
  4. A substance that takes up space and has mass.
  5. Liquid that does the dissolving
  6. The ability of a substance to dissolve
  7. The state in which matter maintains a fixed volume and shape
  8. How much space is taken up by an object
  9. Results in the production of a new substance
  10. A change that is (usually) reversible, often a change of state
  1. Consists of two or more different elements and/or compounds physically intermingled
  2. Either an element or a compound
  3. How much matter there is in an amount of space (volume)
  4. Solid that dissolves
  5. The result of the solute dissolving into the solvent
  6. Particles that form the building blocks of matter
  7. Amount of stuff in an object
  8. The state in which the substance that has no fixed shape and fills containers

18 Clues: Solid that dissolvesAmount of stuff in an objectGroup of atoms bonded togetherEither an element or a compoundLiquid that does the dissolvingThe ability of a substance to dissolveHow much space is taken up by an objectResults in the production of a new substanceA substance that takes up space and has mass....

Nature Crossword, by 7B 2024-11-05

Nature Crossword, by 7B crossword puzzle
  1. A large plant that has many branches.
  2. A stick that you can write with.
  3. Something you can throw garbage in.
  4. Consists of small stones.
  5. A way where you can walk
  6. Something that you can use to make glass.
  7. Green all year long.
  8. Where many trees grow.
  9. With leaves in the summer and autumn and without in the winter and spring.
  10. Something you sit on.
  1. Something made of mostly wood that you can sit on.
  2. It’s a big and gray clump.
  3. It’s green and grows on the ground.
  4. Where you can drive with different vehicles.
  5. Round thing that you can kick.
  6. It’s hard and mostly gray.
  7. It’s green and animals like to eat that.
  8. They are green in the spring and colorful in the autumn.
  9. You can see how old it is by its circles.
  10. Something you look at through a screen.
  11. Vehicle with four wheels.

21 Clues: Green all year long.Something you sit on.Where many trees grow.A way where you can walkConsists of small stones.Vehicle with four wheels.It’s a big and gray clump.It’s hard and mostly gray.Round thing that you can kick.A stick that you can write with.It’s green and grows on the ground.Something you can throw garbage in....

ECOTOURISM 2024-11-07

ECOTOURISM crossword puzzle
  1. Traveling to natural places while protecting them.
  2. Knowing something exists or is important.
  3. eing careful with actions and their effects on others.
  4. areas Places where nature is not changed by people.
  5. Learning new things.
  1. Keeping something safe.
  2. Good for nature.
  3. The air, water, plants, and animals around us.
  4. Belonging to a nearby area.
  5. Using resources without harming nature.

10 Clues: Good for nature.Learning new things.Keeping something safe.Belonging to a nearby area.Using resources without harming nature.Knowing something exists or is important.The air, water, plants, and animals around us.Traveling to natural places while protecting them.areas Places where nature is not changed by people....

Shape Level B 2024-09-23

Shape Level B crossword puzzle
  1. has length and width
  2. repeating shapes like an onion
  3. the same on both sides
  4. a shape that is created in perspective
  5. a very large shape
  6. shapes that are an outline of a shadow
  7. shapes that exist in space with harmony
  8. ovular shape, squished oval
  9. shapes that fit a ratio
  10. a melted or warped shape
  11. has a name, mathematical
  1. abnormal in nature
  2. not the same on both sides
  3. a three-sided shape
  4. distorted by twisting, winding, bending
  5. shrinking as the shape changes
  6. coming from nature
  7. an ovular shape with more length than width

18 Clues: abnormal in naturea very large shapecoming from naturea three-sided shapehas length and widththe same on both sidesshapes that fit a ratioa melted or warped shapehas a name, mathematicalnot the same on both sidesovular shape, squished ovalrepeating shapes like an onionshrinking as the shape changesa shape that is created in perspective...

CM3 theme 3 town and country 2020-01-09

CM3  theme 3   town and country crossword puzzle
  1. Kuh
  2. Motorrad
  3. Natur
  4. Fabrik
  5. Dorf
  6. Baum
  7. Bücherei
  8. Fahrrad
  9. Schloss
  10. Fluss
  11. Geschäft
  1. Wald
  2. Krankenhaus
  3. Zug
  4. Bahnhof
  5. Flughafen
  6. Kino
  7. Brücke
  8. Kirche

19 Clues: KuhZugWaldDorfBaumKinoNaturFlussFabrikBrückeKircheBahnhofFahrradSchlossMotorradBüchereiGeschäftFlughafenKrankenhaus

... 2020-04-22

... crossword puzzle
  1. meri
  2. pelto
  3. ympäristö
  4. kostea
  5. saari
  6. matala
  7. vuoristo
  8. maisema
  9. järvi
  1. niemimaa
  2. suo
  3. joki
  4. tunturi
  5. luonto
  6. maapallo
  7. valtameri
  8. metsä
  9. syvä
  10. korkea
  11. kuiva

20 Clues: suomerijokisyväpeltosaarimetsäkuivajärviluontokosteamatalakorkeatunturimaisemaniemimaamaapallovuoristoympäristövaltameri

Team Williams 2021-08-13

Team Williams crossword puzzle
  1. työ
  2. oppitunti
  3. tuntua
  4. molemmat
  5. sukulainen
  6. odottaa
  7. puhua
  8. ajatella
  9. lapset
  10. rauhallinen
  1. luvata
  2. joukkue
  3. kulttuuri
  4. aine
  5. luonto
  6. turvallinen
  7. muistuttaa
  8. tiukka
  9. ulkomailla

19 Clues: työainepuhualuvataluontotuntuatiukkalapsetjoukkueodottaamolemmatajatellakulttuurioppituntisukulainenmuistuttaaulkomaillaturvallinenrauhallinen

What it takes to be an athlete 2021-12-21

What it takes to be an athlete crossword puzzle
  1. vaatimus
  2. ottelu
  3. nopeus
  4. harjoitus
  5. vaativa
  6. vaikka
  7. henkisesti
  8. tasapaino
  9. luonne
  10. hurmaava
  11. liikkuvuus
  1. tukea
  2. vaativa
  3. taito
  4. sopia
  5. urheilija
  6. harjoitteleminen
  7. kestävyys
  8. mitalisti
  9. tietty

20 Clues: tukeataitosopiaottelunopeusvaikkaluonnetiettyvaativavaativavaatimushurmaavaharjoitusurheilijakestävyysmitalistitasapainohenkisestiliikkuvuusharjoitteleminen

Grayson 2023-09-26

Grayson crossword puzzle
  1. agile
  2. raking
  3. aroma
  4. throngs
  5. anchovy
  6. dimples
  7. silvery
  8. fascination
  9. tingling
  10. sparklers
  1. churned
  2. torrential
  3. beech
  4. rogue
  5. berm
  6. lured
  7. expectant
  8. grunion
  9. yawed

19 Clues: bermagilebeecharomarogueluredyawedrakingchurnedthrongsanchovydimplesgrunionsilverytinglingexpectantsparklerstorrentialfascination

Romanticism 2024-02-19

Romanticism crossword puzzle
  1. Revolution Many romantics were convinced that the __ ___ signaled the arrival of a kind of paradise on earth.
  2. Romantics were interested in exploring their private thoughts and ____.
  3. In contrast to nature, the ___ often shows up in Romantic literature as a place of corruption, misery, and sin due to the Industrial Revolution.
  4. The literacy and artistic movement from 1790 to 1830.
  5. One-way nature appears in Romantic poetry is as an inspiration for ___.
  6. The Romantics adopted a set of literary values that were almost the opposite of those of the ____.
  7. The influence of Romanticism was felt strongly amongst____, artists, and musicians.
  8. In the 1700's the French Revolution created a sense of ____ in Europe, and this spread to America.
  9. Neoclassical writers thought the needs of society were more important than the needs of individuals.
  1. Romantic writers portray the city as a place where ___ is lost.
  2. Instead of nature, this type of Romanticism explores the mind.
  3. The act of ascribing human feelings and motivations to nonhuman objects.
  4. The most common inspiration for Romanticism is ___.
  5. The five Is in Romanticism are Individuality, Intuition, Idealism, Imagination, and ____.
  6. For the romantics, the external world was a jumping-off point for explorations of personal ___ and impressions.
  7. Neoclassical writers, the Romantics created a wide variety of poetic forms and ___.
  8. The state of dealing with facts without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.

17 Clues: The most common inspiration for Romanticism is ___.The literacy and artistic movement from 1790 to 1830.Instead of nature, this type of Romanticism explores the mind.Romantic writers portray the city as a place where ___ is lost.Romantics were interested in exploring their private thoughts and ____....

Makenzie Sustainability 2019-05-07

Makenzie Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. soft cuddly cute
  2. stripes dotts
  3. people plants
  4. sun dark
  5. not herring anyone
  1. air clouds sky
  2. nature plants
  3. animals school
  4. imprisonments
  5. see something bad happened

10 Clues: sun darknature plantsstripes dottsimprisonmentspeople plantsair clouds skyanimals schoolsoft cuddly cutenot herring anyonesee something bad happened

nature of God 2013-05-19

nature of God crossword puzzle
  1. can do anything and so is _____
  2. describing God as existing outside time
  3. was God ______
  4. can perform these
  5. died on the cross to _____ us of our sins
  6. describing creation of world in the Bible
  7. always knows the best thing to do so He is ___
  1. that God is "3 in1"
  2. in one God
  3. event in the Bible about the Holy Spirit meeting the disciples
  4. is near to us and so must be _____
  5. came to Earth to ____ God to humans

12 Clues: in one Godwas God ______can perform thesethat God is "3 in1"can do anything and so is _____is near to us and so must be _____came to Earth to ____ God to humansdescribing God as existing outside timedied on the cross to _____ us of our sinsdescribing creation of world in the Biblealways knows the best thing to do so He is ___...

Nature and plants :) 2021-05-20

Nature and plants :) crossword puzzle
  1. kettu
  2. etana
  3. marja
  4. ruoho
  5. palmu
  1. kookospähkinä
  2. lisko
  3. puu
  4. tiikeri
  5. lehti
  6. puska
  7. kissa

12 Clues: puukettuetanaliskolehtimarjapuskakissaruohopalmutiikerikookospähkinä

Nature Part 1 2021-03-26

Nature Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. to keep even, to make the same
  2. make a person or thing do what you want
  3. how much is available
  4. to tell the difference
  5. hard to find or get
  1. to get bigger
  2. restate ideas in your own words
  3. how someone or something acts
  4. how much or how many of something
  5. to get smaller
  6. act together
  7. to act in response to something

12 Clues: act togetherto get biggerto get smallerhard to find or gethow much is availableto tell the differencehow someone or something actsto keep even, to make the samerestate ideas in your own wordsto act in response to somethinghow much or how many of somethingmake a person or thing do what you want

Forces of nature 2021-12-07

Forces of nature crossword puzzle
  1. the force that the Earth exerts on the objects near its centre
  2. the unit of force in the International System of Units
  3. the force of attraction or repulsion between magnets
  4. the force exerted on a object by a surface that supports it
  5. change of velocity or speed
  6. the force that opposes the movement at the interface between two objects in contact
  1. the force of attraction or repulsion between electrical charges
  2. scientist who studied the relationship between the force exerted on a spring and its elongation
  3. the force of attraction between the masses of objects
  4. pushing, pulling or deformation of an object resulting from its interaction with another object
  5. instrument that measures forces based on the resilient deformation of a calibrated spring
  6. the rate at which an object moves

12 Clues: change of velocity or speedthe rate at which an object movesthe force of attraction or repulsion between magnetsthe force of attraction between the masses of objectsthe unit of force in the International System of Unitsthe force exerted on a object by a surface that supports itthe force that the Earth exerts on the objects near its centre...

Adjectives for nature 2022-02-14

Adjectives for nature crossword puzzle
  1. difficult to find/see
  2. not close to many things
  3. opposite of safe
  4. not ruined by tourists
  5. very old
  6. very natural
  1. very small
  2. something amazing
  3. with lots of colours
  4. opposite of wide
  5. very big
  6. opposite of light

12 Clues: very bigvery oldvery smallvery naturalopposite of wideopposite of safesomething amazingopposite of lightwith lots of coloursdifficult to find/seenot ruined by touristsnot close to many things

Math & Science & Nature 2022-10-05

Math & Science & Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The planet to which we live on.
  2. the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
  3. An area of knowledge that includes such topics as numbers, formulas and related structures.
  4. a community of people formed on the basis of a combination of shared features such as language, history, ethnicity, culture and/or society.
  5. all the inhabitants of a particular place.
  6. The process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects.
  7. Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
  1. a barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs and, consequently, living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life.
  2. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  3. a piece of land surrounded by water.
  4. an area of land dominated by trees.
  5. the body of salt water that covers approximately 70.8% of the surface of Earth and contains 97% of Earth's water.

12 Clues: The planet to which we live area of land dominated by trees.a piece of land surrounded by water.all the inhabitants of a particular place.the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.The process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects....

Nature of management 2021-05-05

Nature of management crossword puzzle
  1. this level consists of department heads
  2. applicable in all types and sizes of organization
  3. this level is represented by supervisors
  4. ever changing
  5. intangible force
  6. the highest level in the management hierarchy
  1. doing the right thing
  2. survival is this kind of objective of management
  3. doing things right
  4. integration of group efforts
  5. providing free education to the children of employees is a kind of objective of management
  6. personalised application of knowledge

12 Clues: ever changingintangible forcedoing things rightdoing the right thingintegration of group effortspersonalised application of knowledgethis level consists of department headsthis level is represented by supervisorsthe highest level in the management hierarchysurvival is this kind of objective of management...

MOTHER NATURE 10 2020-02-15

MOTHER NATURE 10 crossword puzzle
  1. the biggest reef on the planet
  2. animals do everything in order to...
  3. where the tropical rainforests are
  4. animals that can soon die out
  5. process of converting waste materials into new ones
  6. process of converting sunlight and carbon dioxide into oxygen
  1. no longer existing
  2. fathers of this species encubate eggs
  3. synonym for "big"
  4. a dinosaur with a long neck
  5. conditions in which a person, an animal or a plant lives
  6. a lazy animal eating bamboo

12 Clues: synonym for "big"no longer existinga dinosaur with a long necka lazy animal eating bambooanimals that can soon die outthe biggest reef on the planetwhere the tropical rainforests areanimals do everything in order to...fathers of this species encubate eggsprocess of converting waste materials into new ones...

Nature and plants8 2023-06-15

Nature and plants8 crossword puzzle
  1. These trees showcase elegant and sweeping branches that gracefully sway in the wind.
  2. Sturdy and majestic, it stands like a towering tree adorned with a canopy of blossoms, offering shelter and beauty.
  3. A towering mountain that erupts with molten lava and ash, a reminder of the Earth's fiery and dynamic nature.
  4. A cascading flow of water, tumbling down with great force and creating a mesmerizing display of power and beauty.
  5. A vast, treeless plain with a harsh and frozen climate, where hardy plants and animals adapt to survive.
  1. A meticulously cultivated area where grapevines grow, offering a picturesque landscape and the promise of fine wines.
  2. These flowers are small and delicate with petals in shades of purple or blue and heart-shaped leaves.
  3. A waterlogged area with diverse plant and animal species, providing essential habitat and serving as a natural filtration system.
  4. These flowers showcase elegant and cup-shaped blooms in a variety of hues.
  5. Warm and captivating, it paints the horizon like a breathtaking sunset
  6. Serene and picturesque, it unfolds like a valley adorned with a tapestry of wildflowers in full bloom.
  7. Gentle and whispering, it rustles like a soft zephyr, carrying the fragrance of blooming flowers on its breath.

12 Clues: Warm and captivating, it paints the horizon like a breathtaking sunsetThese flowers showcase elegant and cup-shaped blooms in a variety of hues.These trees showcase elegant and sweeping branches that gracefully sway in the wind.These flowers are small and delicate with petals in shades of purple or blue and heart-shaped leaves....

Animals and nature 2023-12-17

Animals and nature crossword puzzle
  1. кенгуру
  2. ящерица
  3. черепаха
  4. тигр
  5. река
  1. гепард
  2. попугай
  3. улитка
  4. панда
  5. озеро
  6. гора
  7. медведь

12 Clues: горатигррекапандаозерогепардулиткапопугайкенгуруящерицамедведьчерепаха

ECNA Nature Walk 2024-01-18

ECNA Nature Walk crossword puzzle
  1. climbing vine with spiny fruit
  2. name of mountain range above Eaton Canyon
  3. mammal of the raccoon family (miner's cat)
  4. the study of the relationships among living organisms
  5. fruit of oak tree
  6. scale insect used to make red dye
  7. temporarily dry watercourse
  1. cactus fruit
  2. parasitic orange plant
  3. stinging ______, prickly but nutritious
  4. plant with oils that irritate the skin
  5. California _______ (cowboy cologne)

12 Clues: cactus fruitfruit of oak treeparasitic orange planttemporarily dry watercourseclimbing vine with spiny fruitscale insect used to make red dyeCalifornia _______ (cowboy cologne)plant with oils that irritate the skinstinging ______, prickly but nutritiousname of mountain range above Eaton Canyonmammal of the raccoon family (miner's cat)...


NATURE OF RELIGION crossword puzzle
  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.
  2. the attribution of a living soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
  3. worldview that are expressed not only in beliefs but also in narratives and symbols.
  4. the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.
  5. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
  6. particular philosophy of life or conception of the world.
  7. the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.
  1. attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
  2. existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level.
  3. that only involves naturalistic beliefs.
  4. a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.
  5. the state of being present as a natural and permanent part of something

12 Clues: that only involves naturalistic beliefs.the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.particular philosophy of life or conception of the world.existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level.the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions....

Elements and Nature 2023-12-21

Elements and Nature crossword puzzle
  1. oo rainbow and shiny
  2. This naturally occurring scenery is basically a fountain.
  3. Pennies.
  4. A plant that is often colorful and can give off a scent.
  5. oo bright
  6. This used to be a part of glow in the dark paint.
  1. Kind of smells like eggs
  2. man I wish I had something to cover my food with, maybe a foil of some kind..
  3. This has a mass of about 80
  4. AH HOT!
  5. Wet.
  6. In some sunscreens.

12 Clues: Wet.AH HOT!Pennies.oo brightIn some sunscreens.oo rainbow and shinyKind of smells like eggsThis has a mass of about 80This used to be a part of glow in the dark paint.A plant that is often colorful and can give off a scent.This naturally occurring scenery is basically a fountain....

Relationships in Nature 2024-09-16

Relationships in Nature crossword puzzle
  1. forced, required to do something
  2. serious in an unsmiling or gloomy way
  3. imagine, picture in one's mind
  4. afterward, at a later time
  5. twisted into knots
  1. stressed out, overcome or overpowered by forced, feelings or thoughts
  2. help
  3. keep safe
  4. extra; excessive
  5. extremely important
  6. a large amount, plentiful
  7. something to pass on to future generations

12 Clues: helpkeep safeextra; excessivetwisted into knotsextremely importanta large amount, plentifulafterward, at a later timeimagine, picture in one's mindforced, required to do somethingserious in an unsmiling or gloomy waysomething to pass on to future generationsstressed out, overcome or overpowered by forced, feelings or thoughts

Nature and season 2024-06-05

Nature and season crossword puzzle
  1. A small, brightly colored bird known for its singing.
  2. The time when leaves change color and fall off the trees.
  3. The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight.
  4. The season when flowers bloom and birds build nests.
  5. These fall from trees in autumn.
  6. The bright, shining object that rises in the east and sets in the west.
  1. A colorful insect that flies and pollinates flowers.
  2. A large body of water that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  3. The white, fluffy stuff that falls from the sky in winter.
  4. A furry animal that hibernates in the winter.
  5. The hottest season of the year.
  6. A tall plant with a trunk and branches that bears leaves.

12 Clues: The hottest season of the year.These fall from trees in autumn.A furry animal that hibernates in the winter.A colorful insect that flies and pollinates flowers.The season when flowers bloom and birds build nests.A small, brightly colored bird known for its singing.The time when leaves change color and fall off the trees....

Nature and society 2024-10-06

Nature and society crossword puzzle
  1. Showing care or consideration for other people's feelings and opinions.
  2. Willing to consider new ideas or opinions.
  3. A wild, natural area where few people live.
  4. The status of being a recognized member of a country with certain rights and responsibilities.
  5. Something that has turned into ice due to extreme cold.
  6. Involving or including many different cultures or ethnic groups.
  1. Friendly and open to receiving people, especially guests or newcomers.
  2. allegiance to promise loyalty to a country or cause, often in a formal way.
  3. A sport played on ice where players use sticks to hit a puck into the opponent’s goal.
  4. A large, slow-moving mass of ice, usually found in mountains or polar regions.
  5. Located in or related to the north, or the direction towards the North Pole.
  6. Calm and without any conflict or violence.

12 Clues: Willing to consider new ideas or opinions.Calm and without any conflict or violence.A wild, natural area where few people live.Something that has turned into ice due to extreme cold.Involving or including many different cultures or ethnic groups.Friendly and open to receiving people, especially guests or newcomers....

nature and environment 2024-10-08

nature and environment crossword puzzle
  1. un animal qui vit dans l'eau et qui nage
  2. Le gaz invisible que nous respirons
  3. roi de la jungle
  4. une formation cotonneuse dans le ciel
  5. animal à rayures noires et blanches
  6. une plante haute avec un tronc et des branches
  7. l'eau qui vient du ciel
  1. Une plante colorée qui fleurit dans le jardin
  2. Ce que l'on trouve dans le sol et qui aide les plantes à pousser
  3. un animal qui peut voler et qui a souvent des plumes
  4. il aime chasser les souris
  5. La grande eau qui recouvre une grande partie de la Terre

12 Clues: roi de la junglel'eau qui vient du cielil aime chasser les sourisLe gaz invisible que nous respironsanimal à rayures noires et blanchesune formation cotonneuse dans le cielun animal qui vit dans l'eau et qui nageUne plante colorée qui fleurit dans le jardinune plante haute avec un tronc et des branches...

Hippies Communes 2023-08-03

Hippies Communes crossword puzzle
  1. Creating ___ with nature and each other was a key principle of communes.
  2. Hippie ___ rejected societal norms and embraced ___ lifestyles.
  3. Hippie ___ sought personal and social ___.
  4. A core value of Hippie ___ was ___ resources and belongings.
  5. Many Hippie ___ were located in rural areas close to ___.
  6. Hippie ___ emphasized the value of togetherness and community.
  7. Some Hippie ___ had a ___ focus and sought higher consciousness.
  8. Hippie living arrangements were often based on ___ principles.
  9. "___ out" (Hippie term for leaving mainstream society and joining communes)
  1. Hippie ___ promoted a ___ lifestyle and ecological awareness.
  2. Hippie communes embraced ___ decision-making and shared responsibilities.
  3. Hippie ___ were seen as ___ living experiments.
  4. Hippie ___ were a part of the broader ___ movement of the 60s.
  5. Hippie ___ were driven by idealism and utopian aspirations.

14 Clues: Hippie ___ sought personal and social ___.Hippie ___ were seen as ___ living experiments.Many Hippie ___ were located in rural areas close to ___.Hippie ___ were driven by idealism and utopian aspirations.A core value of Hippie ___ was ___ resources and belongings.Hippie ___ promoted a ___ lifestyle and ecological awareness....

Nature of Matter 2019-02-18

Nature of Matter crossword puzzle
  1. There are 3 ___________ of matter
  2. If you put your hand in a fire then you will __________ your hand
  3. Our sense of sight allows us to see _______________
  4. You can feel the ___________ of something by touching it
  5. If you leave a metal bike outside in the rain then it will _________
  6. If water is frozen it will become ice. Ice is a ___________
  7. If water is at room temperature then it is a ___________
  1. We have five ______________ that allow us to understand and describe the world around us
  2. Burning wood is an example of a ____________ change
  3. Our sense of smell allows us to smell _______________
  4. If water is heated up it will boil and become a _________
  5. savory is one of the 5 basic _____________

12 Clues: There are 3 ___________ of mattersavory is one of the 5 basic _____________Our sense of sight allows us to see _______________Burning wood is an example of a ____________ changeOur sense of smell allows us to smell _______________You can feel the ___________ of something by touching itIf water is at room temperature then it is a ___________...

Nature in Narnia 2021-12-14

Nature in Narnia crossword puzzle
  1. fast growing tree with thin bark
  2. important tree source of wood
  3. common plant that grows yellow flowers
  4. evergreen coniferous tree
  5. shrub tree with blossoms
  6. commonly cultivated plant
  7. tree with bright green needles
  1. clusters of blue flowers
  2. tree with hanging clusters of yellow flowers
  3. source of tree fruit for animals
  4. spring flowering plant white, yellow, or purple
  5. large tree from 60 to 80 feet tall

12 Clues: clusters of blue flowersshrub tree with blossomsevergreen coniferous treecommonly cultivated plantimportant tree source of woodtree with bright green needlesfast growing tree with thin barksource of tree fruit for animalslarge tree from 60 to 80 feet tallcommon plant that grows yellow flowerstree with hanging clusters of yellow flowers...

Nature of Science 2020-08-23

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. a possible answer to a question.
  2. observations and facts gained from experiments.
  3. the process of asking questions and searching for answers.
  4. a conclusion drawn from data and observations.
  5. describes something that has length and width, but not height.
  1. the use of scientific investigation and reasoning to test possible answers to questions.
  2. describes objects that have length, width, and height.
  3. something that can change.
  4. a set of step by step instructions.
  5. something you find out about objects, events, or living things using your senses and tools.
  6. a careful way of looking for something.
  7. an object or device used to perform a task.

12 Clues: something that can change.a possible answer to a question.a set of step by step instructions.a careful way of looking for object or device used to perform a task.a conclusion drawn from data and observations.observations and facts gained from experiments.describes objects that have length, width, and height....


FORCES OF NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. The force of attraction between the masses of objects.
  2. The force exerted on a object by a surface that supports it.
  3. The force of attraction or repulsion between magnets.
  4. The force that opposes the movement at the interface between two objects in contact.
  5. The rate at which an object moves.
  6. The force of attraction or repulsion between electrical charges.
  7. The force that the Earth exerts on the objects near its centre.
  8. The unit of force in the International System of Units.
  1. Instrument that measures forces based on the resilient deformation of a calibrated spring.
  2. The famous scientist who studied the relationship between the force exerted on a spring and its elongation.
  3. Change of velocity or speed.
  4. Pushing, pulling or deformation of an object resulting from its interaction with another object.

12 Clues: Change of velocity or speed.The rate at which an object moves.The force of attraction or repulsion between magnets.The force of attraction between the masses of objects.The unit of force in the International System of Units.The force exerted on a object by a surface that supports it.The force that the Earth exerts on the objects near its centre....

Nature (自然) 2023-04-11

Nature (自然) crossword puzzle
  1. さばく
  1. サバンナ
  2. 湿地

12 Clues: 湿地さばくサバンナ

Stuff in nature 2020-05-17

Stuff in nature crossword puzzle
  1. The dark red stuff inside you
  2. The 1 thing u need to live
  3. Snows brother
  4. What wind is made of
  5. Source of all nature
  6. Makes grass move
  1. A beautiful thing
  2. Hang on the trees
  3. Not as hot as lava
  4. Hotter then fire
  5. Falls when it’s cold
  6. A place were things come true

12 Clues: Snows brotherHotter then fireMakes grass moveA beautiful thingHang on the treesNot as hot as lavaFalls when it’s coldWhat wind is made ofSource of all natureThe 1 thing u need to liveThe dark red stuff inside youA place were things come true


NATURE OF BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. / Democratically owned by their members.
  2. / An amount of money lost by a business
  3. / A financial gain or benefit
  4. / Concerned with or engaged in commerce.
  5. A / Consumer making a purchase of a satisfying product.
  6. SECTOR / Composed of both public services and public enterprises.
  1. / An association of two or more people as partners.
  2. / Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.
  3. Exclusive rights and control over property.
  4. SECTOR / Owned by private groups.
  5. / Economics commodities, such as banking, mainly intangible
  6. / Relating to the law

12 Clues: / Relating to the law/ A financial gain or benefitSECTOR / Owned by private groups./ An amount of money lost by a business/ Democratically owned by their members./ Concerned with or engaged in commerce.Exclusive rights and control over property./ An association of two or more people as partners....


NATURE OF BUSINESS crossword puzzle
  1. / Democratically owned by their members.
  2. / An amount of money lost by a business
  3. / A financial gain or benefit
  4. / Concerned with or engaged in commerce.
  5. A / Consumer making a purchase of a satisfying product.
  6. SECTOR / Composed of both public services and public enterprises.
  1. / An association of two or more people as partners.
  2. / Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.
  3. Exclusive rights and control over property.
  4. SECTOR / Owned by private groups.
  5. / Economics commodities, such as banking, mainly intangible
  6. / Relating to the law

12 Clues: / Relating to the law/ A financial gain or benefitSECTOR / Owned by private groups./ An amount of money lost by a business/ Democratically owned by their members./ Concerned with or engaged in commerce.Exclusive rights and control over property./ An association of two or more people as partners....

Nature of management 2021-05-05

Nature of management crossword puzzle
  1. this level consists of department heads
  2. applicable in all types and sizes of organization
  3. this level is represented by supervisors
  4. ever changing
  5. intangible force
  6. the highest level in the management hierarchy
  1. doing the right thing
  2. survival is this kind of objective of management
  3. doing things right
  4. integration of group efforts
  5. providing free education to the children of employees is a kind of objective of management
  6. personalised application of knowledge

12 Clues: ever changingintangible forcedoing things rightdoing the right thingintegration of group effortspersonalised application of knowledgethis level consists of department headsthis level is represented by supervisorsthe highest level in the management hierarchysurvival is this kind of objective of management...

Richmond Nature Park 2021-09-18

Richmond Nature Park crossword puzzle
  1. Hummingbird
  2. Birch
  3. Snake
  4. Pine
  5. Butterfly
  6. Bee
  7. Mushroom
  1. Chickadee
  2. Insect
  3. Blueberry
  4. Slug
  5. Frog

12 Clues: BeePineSlugFrogBirchSnakeInsectMushroomChickadeeBlueberryButterflyHummingbird

Nature of Science 2021-08-27

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. Data consisting of numbers gathered by measuring and counting
  2. The results of an experiment.
  3. A statement/logical interpretation based upon prior knowledge and experience
  4. A way of doing something, the steps written and to be followed in an exact order.
  5. To study and interpret data and the results
  6. Data consisting of descriptions.
  7. An “educated guess”. An explanation for a set of events that can be tested. It is written as: IF/THEN/BECAUSE.
  8. Information gained from researching and observing
  1. a series of steps scientists take while conducting an experiment to test a hypothesis
  2. when scientists discuss investigations
  3. Information scientists gather about the world around them by using their five senses
  4. A formal discussion on a particular topic.

12 Clues: The results of an experiment.Data consisting of descriptions.when scientists discuss investigationsA formal discussion on a particular topic.To study and interpret data and the resultsInformation gained from researching and observingData consisting of numbers gathered by measuring and counting...

Nature-O Charms 2024-01-22

Nature-O Charms crossword puzzle
  1. They sailed this on the water
  2. Transportation to camp
  3. How Rick felt at the end of camp
  4. The teachers of the camp
  5. The girl that helped Rick feel better about being at camp
  1. The kids got bit by this
  2. How the main character felt before leaving for camp
  3. Activities they did at camp
  4. Those who went to camp
  5. The name of the boy who was nervous for camp
  6. The setting of the story
  7. A body of water

12 Clues: A body of waterTransportation to campThose who went to campThe kids got bit by thisThe teachers of the campThe setting of the storyActivities they did at campThey sailed this on the waterHow Rick felt at the end of campThe name of the boy who was nervous for campHow the main character felt before leaving for camp...

traffic and nature 2024-05-27

traffic and nature crossword puzzle
  1. sendad
  2. hojas
  3. manzanaf
  4. hongs
  5. semaforo
  6. madera
  1. bici
  2. señorad
  3. casco
  4. morask
  5. nuez
  6. ruta

12 Clues: bicinuezrutacascohojashongssendadmoraskmaderaseñoradmanzanafsemaforo

Changes in Nature 2024-02-20

Changes in Nature crossword puzzle
  1. To____means to come into sight suddenly.
  2. To____means to watch something carefully and see why it is important or special.
  3. To____means to say again something you have already said.
  4. An act or process through which something becomes different.
  5. The time in the evening when the sun disappears or daylight fades.
  6. The natural satellite of planet Earth.
  1. The planet on which we live; the world.
  2. A____is a repeated decorative design.
  3. The time in the morning when the sun appears or full daylight arrives.
  4. ____means the action or process of moving, continual movement.
  5. A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.
  6. The star round which the Earth orbits.

12 Clues: A____is a repeated decorative design.The star round which the Earth orbits.The natural satellite of planet Earth.The planet on which we live; the world.To____means to come into sight suddenly.To____means to say again something you have already said.An act or process through which something becomes different....


GEOGRAPHY AND NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. Land without vegetation
  2. stream of water
  3. Sea water lifted by the wind
  4. Mountain that spews rocks, fire and smoke
  5. Earth movement
  6. Electrical Discharge from Clouds
  1. Island completely surrounded by the sea
  2. Strong wind that spirals
  3. Ice that floats and drifts
  4. Water fall from great heights
  5. Group of trees
  6. Sand area facing the sea

12 Clues: Group of treesEarth movementstream of waterLand without vegetationStrong wind that spiralsSand area facing the seaIce that floats and driftsSea water lifted by the windWater fall from great heightsElectrical Discharge from CloudsIsland completely surrounded by the seaMountain that spews rocks, fire and smoke

Nature of Science 2024-08-19

Nature of Science crossword puzzle
  1. A factor that can change in an experiment
  2. The variable that is observed for changes in an experiment
  3. A set of procedures used to test a hypothesis
  4. Observations that are measured numerically
  5. A statement based on repeated experimental observations
  6. A well-documented explanation of the natural world
  7. A conclusion based on evidence and reasoning
  1. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
  2. The variable that is changed by the scientist
  3. Information that is gathered using the senses
  4. An educated guess that can be tested through experiments
  5. The process of carefully examining and evaluating evidence

12 Clues: A factor that can change in an experimentObservations that are measured numericallyA conclusion based on evidence and reasoningThe variable that is changed by the scientistInformation that is gathered using the sensesA set of procedures used to test a hypothesisA well-documented explanation of the natural world...

American Romanticism Vocab review Reyli Period:3 2021-11-18

American Romanticism Vocab review Reyli Period:3 crossword puzzle
  1. A feeling of doubt mistrust or uncertainty
  2. Disturbance of the emotions agitation uneasiness
  3. and intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life.
  4. Is the underlying message or the central idea of a work that can be stated in one sentence.
  5. Attitude towards his or her subject
  6. Restating the authors main idea
  7. Short accounts of personal incidents
  8. Creates vivid expressions for the reader
  9. Suited to ones needs or nature agreeable
  1. A philosophical and literary movement that emphasized living a simple life and celebrating the truth found in nature and in personal emotion and imagination.
  2. Makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to grasp
  3. Emphasized moral themes in work, were viewed as equals of British poets of the day, stressed individualism and an appreciation of nature.
  4. Contemptible
  5. A writers idea you must examine them carefully and then make judgement about their value
  6. Acting with sudden or rash energy
  7. An unhurried and thoughtful manner
  8. One who does not follow generally accepted beliefs customs or practices
  9. To spread through every part of
  10. violate a command or law

19 Clues: Contemptibleviolate a command or lawRestating the authors main ideaTo spread through every part ofActing with sudden or rash energyAn unhurried and thoughtful mannerAttitude towards his or her subjectShort accounts of personal incidentsCreates vivid expressions for the readerSuited to ones needs or nature agreeable...

blair renfro ch 6 2021-11-15

blair renfro ch 6 crossword puzzle
  1. poisoning death of first emperor
  2. leaders gained power how kinds lost loyalty
  3. green gemstone
  4. desert China's northern physical boundry
  5. next dynasty rising to power
  6. army clay soilders in tomb
  7. longest lasting dynasty
  8. ideas of confucious
  9. ocean east of chinas npprthern boundry
  10. the idea that ppl r bad by nature + needed to be controlled
  1. classes nobles,peasants,kings
  2. all confucious books first emperor
  3. one major river in china
  4. first dynasty Zhou
  5. dynasty of china Shang
  6. haungdi first emperor
  7. supported the idea of living in harmony with nature
  8. China's most infuential ancientthinker

18 Clues: green gemstoneideas of confuciousfirst dynasty Zhouhaungdi first emperordynasty of china Shanglongest lasting dynastyone major river in chinanext dynasty rising to powerarmy clay soilders in tombclasses nobles,peasants,kingspoisoning death of first emperorall confucious books first emperorChina's most infuential ancientthinker...