percy jackson Crossword Puzzles
Rick Riordan 2021-05-19
10 Clues: Son of Mars • Son of Hades • Son of Jupiter • Daughter of Zeus • Daughter of Hades • Daughter of Pluto • Daughter of Athena • Satyr friend of Percy • Created Percy Jackson • made from a bed-time story
Percy Jackson 2016-10-05
10 Clues: Percy is this • How old is he • Percy's father • Percy's cohort • Percy's mother • What he Controls • Percy's last name • What he is known to be • How much stamina Percy has • What he puts before himself
crossy road 2024-02-29
- vous occidentaliser
- tu nuer
- kian parachuter
- m.clean voyager
- 3 personne de pluriel nimber
- tessa casser
- je jouer
- vous ajouter
- peter griffin brisser
- tu parler
- nous fouler
- vedant regaler
- les cosmaunots nager
- percy jackson faner
- micheal jackson telephoner
- evan fossiler
- iels parcheminer
- 1er personne de singulier nettoyer
- ils paginer
- mme.kruger nucleasier
- nous manger
- david beckam rouler
- austin et alex frapper
- je oublier
- kynley opaliser
- danish roser
- harry potter extenuer
- tu natter
- m.verma pete
- tabish ouvrer
30 Clues: tu nuer • je jouer • tu parler • tu natter • je oublier • ils paginer • nous manger • nous fouler • tessa casser • vous ajouter • danish roser • m.verma pete • evan fossiler • tabish ouvrer • vedant regaler • kian parachuter • m.clean voyager • kynley opaliser • iels parcheminer • vous occidentaliser • david beckam rouler • percy jackson faner • les cosmaunots nager • mme.kruger nucleasier • peter griffin brisser • ...
Confuison 2024-03-05
- Mme.Kruger nucleasier
- Evan fossiler
- Tabish ouvrer
- Tessa casser
- Danish roser
- Peter griffin brisser
- Kian parachuter
- M.Verma peter
- 1er personne de singulier nettoyer
- 3 personne de pluriel nimber
- tu parler
- Micheal jackson telephoner
- vous ajouter
- nous fouler
- Vedant regaler
- Percy jackson faner
- nous manger
- je oublier
- vous occidentaliser
- je jouer
- M.Clean voyager
- les cosmaunots nager
- Austin et Alex frapper
- David beckam rouler
- ils paginer
- Harry potter extenuer
- tu nuer
- iels parcheminer
- tu natter
- Kynley opaliser
30 Clues: tu nuer • je jouer • tu parler • tu natter • je oublier • nous fouler • nous manger • ils paginer • Tessa casser • Danish roser • vous ajouter • Evan fossiler • Tabish ouvrer • M.Verma peter • Vedant regaler • M.Clean voyager • Kian parachuter • Kynley opaliser • iels parcheminer • Percy jackson faner • vous occidentaliser • David beckam rouler • les cosmaunots nager • Mme.Kruger nucleasier • Peter griffin brisser • ...
Author Crossword 2021-08-26
19 Clues: Fing • Smile • The BFG • Warriors • Nancy Drew • Artemis Fowl • Harry Potter • Dork Diaries • Agatha Oddly • Timmy Failure • Friday Barnes • Kensy and Max • Percy Jackson • The Famous Five • The Wizards of Once • Paddington's Adventures • Real Pigeons Fight Crime • Keeper of the Lost Cities • A Series of Unfortunate Events
Percy Jackson 2021-12-22
- Percy's saytr friend
- Home to the Lotus Casino
- The three headed dog that guards the Underworld
- God of the sea,Percy's father
- Camp director,God of wine
- bully at Camp Half Blood
- God of the skies
- god of war
- main character
- Percy fought this monster on the arc
- Annabeth's mother
- They fought this monster at "Auntie Em's"
- God of the Underworld
- Where the gods live
- Percy's mom
15 Clues: god of war • Percy's mom • main character • God of the skies • Annabeth's mother • Where the gods live • Percy's saytr friend • God of the Underworld • Home to the Lotus Casino • bully at Camp Half Blood • Camp director,God of wine • God of the sea,Percy's father • Percy fought this monster on the arc • They fought this monster at "Auntie Em's" • ...
Percy Jackson 2022-04-06
- Roman demigod training camp
- trainer of young greek demigods
- Percy's mom
- Percy's dad
- Percy's friend son of Hades helps the 7
- Percy's stepdad
- Percy's best friend
- Percy's half brother
- Percy's friend one of the 7 son of Mars
- Percy's friend one of the 7 daughter of Aphridiote
- Percy's friend one of the 7 daughter of Pluto
- Percy's friend one of the 7 son of Jupiter
- Percy's friend one of the 7 son of Hephaustus
- Greek demigod training camp
- Percy's friend one of the 7 daughter of Athena
15 Clues: Percy's mom • Percy's dad • Percy's stepdad • Percy's best friend • Percy's half brother • Roman demigod training camp • Greek demigod training camp • trainer of young greek demigods • Percy's friend son of Hades helps the 7 • Percy's friend one of the 7 son of Mars • Percy's friend one of the 7 son of Jupiter • Percy's friend one of the 7 daughter of Pluto • ...
Percy Jackson 2023-02-08
- Grovers' creature type
- The three old ladies at the fruit stand type
- The school Percy just got kicked out of
- The color Percy's mom had used to show rebellion to her husband
- Mr.Brunners real name.
- What did Grover keep saying the night of the Minotaur attack
- The god of Wine
- Color of Camp T-shirts
- Percy's stepdad
- The beach in long island they had been going to to sincehe was a baby
- The annoying girl at his past school
- The type of car Percy's step dad owned
- Flavor of the drink Percy had when he woke up
- The camper that has been there longer than anyone
- The amount of months Percy had been gone from his mom for
15 Clues: Percy's stepdad • The god of Wine • Color of Camp T-shirts • Grovers' creature type • Mr.Brunners real name. • The annoying girl at his past school • The type of car Percy's step dad owned • The school Percy just got kicked out of • The three old ladies at the fruit stand type • Flavor of the drink Percy had when he woke up • The camper that has been there longer than anyone • ...
Percy Jackson 2023-02-08
- Grovers' creature type
- The three old ladies at the fruit stand type
- The school Percy just got kicked out of
- The color Percy's mom had used to show rebellion to her husband
- Mr.Brunners real name.
- What did Grover keep saying the night of the Minotaur attack
- The god of Wine
- Color of Camp T-shirts
- Percy's stepdad
- The beach in long island they had been going to to sincehe was a baby
- The annoying girl at his past school
- The type of car Percy's step dad owned
- Flavor of the drink Percy had when he woke up
- The camper that has been there longer than anyone
- The amount of months Percy had been gone from his mom for
15 Clues: Percy's stepdad • The god of Wine • Color of Camp T-shirts • Grovers' creature type • Mr.Brunners real name. • The annoying girl at his past school • The type of car Percy's step dad owned • The school Percy just got kicked out of • The three old ladies at the fruit stand type • Flavor of the drink Percy had when he woke up • The camper that has been there longer than anyone • ...
Percy Jackson 2020-03-14
- the god of the sun and archery
- the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy
- a hideous beast
- some thing to ade
- to quickly look at something
- the god of the Underworld
- to shin with a sparkle of light
- the goddess of the harvest
- the goddess of love and beauty courageousness
- the goddess of the hunt
- to show affection to something
- to be small
- an afol sound
- the god of war
- to be shortly parlisd
15 Clues: to be small • an afol sound • the god of war • a hideous beast • some thing to ade • to be shortly parlisd • the goddess of the hunt • the god of the Underworld • the goddess of the harvest • to quickly look at something • the god of the sun and archery • to show affection to something • to shin with a sparkle of light • the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy • ...
Percy Jackson 2018-02-17
- force into a narrow space.
- - The food of the gods.
- - The relationship between people having one parent in common
- in an unwilling and hesitant way.
- a person who held a job or office before the current holder
- showing a skilful use of underhand tactics to achieve goals
- a small, slender antelope that typically has curved horns and a fawn-coloured coat with white underparts, found in open country in Africa and Asia.
- - Make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger.
- reach (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to
- - (especially in Greek and Roman architecture) an open, circular or oval building with a central space for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators.
- - The land along a coast.
- reduce to fine particles.
- exaggerated or idealized.
- - Relating to or affected by dyslexia.
- of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
15 Clues: - The food of the gods. • reduce to fine particles. • exaggerated or idealized. • force into a narrow space. • - The land along a coast. • in an unwilling and hesitant way. • - Relating to or affected by dyslexia. • reach (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to • of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning. • ...
Percy Jackson 2023-12-13
- The son of Poseidon
- "Killed" Percys mom
- Annabeths mom
- Ares makes this thing come out the sand to try to kill percy
- Zeus lost it
- Annabeth is scared of what what they went of the ride.
- He still dose not trust percy
- God of war
- What is Zeus, Hades, Poseidon called
- Anunty Em is who?
- Percy's sword/pen
- Percys "teacher"
- Help percy get back to heath
- Percys friend that he thought he was a human
- Percys fake friend
15 Clues: God of war • Zeus lost it • Annabeths mom • Percys "teacher" • Anunty Em is who? • Percy's sword/pen • Percys fake friend • The son of Poseidon • "Killed" Percys mom • Help percy get back to heath • He still dose not trust percy • What is Zeus, Hades, Poseidon called • Percys friend that he thought he was a human • Annabeth is scared of what what they went of the ride. • ...
Percy Jackson and the Olympians 2021-04-09
- Percy has an empathy link with:
- Rachel's middle name
- Athena's Roman form
- Riptide's Greek name
- The _____ Hotel and Casino (Lilac, Lotus, or Lupin?)
- Grover's uncle
- The supposed 'only safe place' for half-bloods
- Percy's dad
- Gets shoved into the River Lethe and is renamed 'Bob'
- Annabeth is called _________ when her casino card shows infinity as the amount of money on it
- Hephaestus (think Star Trek)
- Daedalus's son.
- Percy and his father both mistake Paul's last name (Blofis) for what animal?
- The S in SPQR [ignore Latin diacritics( ā, ē, ī, ō, ū, ECT.)]
- Daedalus's nephew
- The very first word in the very first Percy Jackson book
16 Clues: Percy's dad • Grover's uncle • Daedalus's son. • Daedalus's nephew • Athena's Roman form • Rachel's middle name • Riptide's Greek name • Hephaestus (think Star Trek) • Percy has an empathy link with: • The supposed 'only safe place' for half-bloods • The _____ Hotel and Casino (Lilac, Lotus, or Lupin?) • Gets shoved into the River Lethe and is renamed 'Bob' • ...
The Lighting Thief- Crossword puzzles 2021-03-02
- the daughter of Athea and friends with Percy
- Casino a casino where you get to do whatever you want
- Jackson- the main character
- daughter of Zeus who sacrificed herself and now is a tree
- the three-headed dog the guards the underworld
- bolt- the tool that Zeus lost
- Friends with Percy and wants to become a seacher
- Percy’s sword, it can only kill monster
- the god of the underworld
- the god of war
- the goddess of wisdom and war
- the place where the God of the Olympians are
- half-goat and half-man
- the god that satyrs have been looking for
- the women who was cursed by Athea and was Poseidon’s girlfriend
- the one who stole the lightning bolt
- the god of earthquakes and the ocean
- where the demigods hang out and train
- a evil titan who wants to take over the world
- money in Greece
20 Clues: the god of war • money in Greece • half-goat and half-man • the god of the underworld • Jackson- the main character • the goddess of wisdom and war • bolt- the tool that Zeus lost • the one who stole the lightning bolt • the god of earthquakes and the ocean • where the demigods hang out and train • Percy’s sword, it can only kill monster • the god that satyrs have been looking for • ...
Author Crossword 2021-08-26
19 Clues: Fing • Smile • The BFG • Warriors • Nancy Drew • Artemis Fowl • Agatha Oddly • Harry Potter • Dork Diaries • Kensy and Max • Percy Jackson • Friday Barnes • Timmy Failure • The Famous Five • The Wizards of Once • Paddington's Adventures • Real Pigeons Fight Crime • Keeper of the Lost Cities • A Series of Unfortunate Events
Lightning thief percy jackson 2024-04-30
Percy Jackson the Titans Curse/ Author Rick Riordan 2014-01-21
- General of Titans, Zoe Nightshade father Page 246
- created by hammering Pg 167
- Mild like or aversion Page 20
- a long narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting especially in rock or earth Pg 301
- Son of Poseidon Page 1
- A gift from Pan, aids Percy Annabeth etc in attacking the skeletons and a mode of transportation Pg 213
- Percy's sword Page 23
- Cyclops, Percy's half brother Page 157
- Percy's friendly, pure black Pegasus Page 143
- a large metal container in which charcoal is burned Page 27
- Daughter of Zeus Page 1
- Protects the golden apple of immortality in the garden of the Hesperides Page 256
- former camper at Camp-Half blood wants to Overthrow the Gods Pg 97
- half scorpion,lion, and human monster Page 31
- a pragmatic Japanese verse form in three short lines Pg 84
- half bull half servant, think that Percy is his protector Pg 134
- The lion was sent by Luke Castellan and the General at the National Air and Space museum. When killed the fur is used as a impenetrable suit.Pg 275
- Sara Jackson boyfriend Page 287
- Alert Percy of the Ophiotaurus Pg 232
- Percy's Jackson mom Page 235
- Daughter of Athena, Percy's best friend
- Percy's best friend Page 56
- Leader of the Titans and Percy's Grandfather Page 152
- Artemis twin brother, Sun God Pg 67
- Nico sister, first Olympian that joined the hunters Pg 14
- Son of Hades Page 14
26 Clues: Son of Hades Page 14 • Percy's sword Page 23 • Son of Poseidon Page 1 • Daughter of Zeus Page 1 • created by hammering Pg 167 • Percy's best friend Page 56 • Percy's Jackson mom Page 235 • Mild like or aversion Page 20 • Sara Jackson boyfriend Page 287 • Artemis twin brother, Sun God Pg 67 • Alert Percy of the Ophiotaurus Pg 232 • Cyclops, Percy's half brother Page 157 • ...
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters 2024-04-30
- The Half-Blood who was originally picked for the quest
- The main character of the book
- Percy’s sword disguised as a pen
- The thing that covered the only entrance to Polyphemus’ cave
- A present from Annabeth’s mom that lets her turn invisible
- Percy’s step-dad which he always called Smelly Gabe
- The god that created the metal bulls that attacked Half-Blood Hill
- Daughter of Zues
- The titan lord
- Percy Jackson’s mom
- The main follower of Cronos
- ____ Half-Blood
- Percy’s half-brother who is a cyclops
- Percy’s best friend that was set to marry Polyphemus
- A type of monster that has nine heads that regrow if cut off
- Child of Poseidon who owns the fleece and feasts on Satyrs
- The school Percy Jackson went to in this book
- Where Cronos was banished
- The ____ of Eternal Torment
- The english word for “Laisrygonians”
20 Clues: The titan lord • ____ Half-Blood • Daughter of Zues • Percy Jackson’s mom • Where Cronos was banished • The main follower of Cronos • The ____ of Eternal Torment • The main character of the book • Percy’s sword disguised as a pen • The english word for “Laisrygonians” • Percy’s half-brother who is a cyclops • The school Percy Jackson went to in this book • ...
- what did rachel throw in kronuss eye
- who makes percy say hello to the pink poodle??
- who is jason dating(hint not piper)
- apllos human first name
- who is thaila and jasons daddy~
- what did jason eat
- who is apollo inslaved by??
- who had an eyepatch?
- Percy last name??(if you dont know this go die jk)]
- whos Percys GF??
- percys sister
- leos nickname
- deaf elf who reads lips and is basically dating blitz
- worst person??
- whats the first word EVER in the pjo books
- sadies brother??
- percys brother??
- Nicos dad
- whats annabeths cousins name
19 Clues: Nicos dad • leos nickname • percys sister • worst person?? • sadies brother?? • percys brother?? • whos Percys GF?? • what did jason eat • who had an eyepatch? • apllos human first name • who is apollo inslaved by?? • whats annabeths cousins name • who is thaila and jasons daddy~ • who is jason dating(hint not piper) • what did rachel throw in kronuss eye • ...
Percy Jackson the Lighting thief 2024-02-14
- Person who sees into the future
- God of the sea
- Son of Poseidon and troubled yet brave young boy with dyslexia and ADHD
- The Underworld security guard who feels underpaid and undervalued.
- A furry that attacks Percy.
- Goddess of wisdom
- The son of Hermes.
- Daughter of Athena
- Who stole the lighting bolt
- The god of the sky
- (Smelly)Percy's stepdad
- Daughter of Ares
- A terrifying monster who is half bull and half man
- A centaur in charge of activities at Camp Half-Blood.
- Aunty EM
- god of the underworld
- Percy's best friend
- Jackson Percy's mother
- The three headed dog
- god of War
20 Clues: Aunty EM • god of War • God of the sea • Daughter of Ares • Goddess of wisdom • The son of Hermes. • Daughter of Athena • The god of the sky • Percy's best friend • The three headed dog • god of the underworld • Jackson Percy's mother • (Smelly)Percy's stepdad • A furry that attacks Percy. • Who stole the lighting bolt • Person who sees into the future • ...
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief 2023-12-13
10 Clues: what was he • who joins Percy • Who is Percy’s father • where is mount Olympus • Who/what do they fight • who directed the movies • who was Percy’s protector • who wrote the Percy Jackson series • who does the author share a first name with • Where do Percy and all off the demigods stay
fantasy crossword 2023-05-09
fantasy crossword 2023-05-09
Newspaper Crossword 2021-06-16
- The first comic displayed in the newspaper
- The second comic included
- An acronym for our newspaper
- The world's biggest fish
- The last word in Scrap Mechanic review
- The crazy place Ms. Ebert wanted to work at
- The last name of the author of the Percy Jackson series
- The first Nations woman you meet in Adventure together
- The 18th syllable in Animals and Nature facts
- The first book in the Percy Jackson series
10 Clues: The world's biggest fish • The second comic included • An acronym for our newspaper • The last word in Scrap Mechanic review • The first comic displayed in the newspaper • The first book in the Percy Jackson series • The crazy place Ms. Ebert wanted to work at • The 18th syllable in Animals and Nature facts • The first Nations woman you meet in Adventure together • ...
Percy Jackson 2023-03-13
- During a field trip to a ______, Percy is attached by a fury.
- A _____ rages at the beach house in Montauk.
- What word gets Grover's shoes flying?
- Annabeth's mother's name
- Percy's father's name
- What Percy’s magical pen transforms into.
- Percy and friends are on a _____ to retrieve Zeus's bolt
- What color food does Gabe think doesn't exist?
- She tries to turn the trio into statues
- Percy, his mom and Grover are attacked by the _____ on the way to Half Blood Hill.
- Each of the campers at Half Blood Hill is a ____ ?
- The Lightning Thief refers many times to Greek ____
- Percy Jackson is a 12 year-old who has ____ and ADHD.
13 Clues: Percy's father's name • Annabeth's mother's name • What word gets Grover's shoes flying? • She tries to turn the trio into statues • What Percy’s magical pen transforms into. • A _____ rages at the beach house in Montauk. • What color food does Gabe think doesn't exist? • Each of the campers at Half Blood Hill is a ____ ? • ...
Percy Jackson and The Olympians 2021-12-16
- Daughter of Zeus
- Where is the camp for demigods
- Our favorite goat boy
- The sorceress who turned Percy into a guinea pig
- Drama Queen
- The immortal trainer of heroes
- The camp for demigods
- Percy's Latin teacher
- The Daughter of Ares
- Percy's Dad
- Daughter of Aphrodite kronos's spy
- The spin-off of Percy Jackson and the Olympians by RR
- undousable green fire
- Lord of the Underworld
- The other half of Percabeth
- The titan of light
- Kronos's mortal host and anti-hero
- The Titan of Time/Kings of the Titans
- The fabric on ares's motorcycle
- The name of Percy's sword
20 Clues: Percy's Dad • Drama Queen • Daughter of Zeus • The titan of light • The Daughter of Ares • Percy's Latin teacher • undousable green fire • Our favorite goat boy • The camp for demigods • Lord of the Underworld • The name of Percy's sword • The other half of Percabeth • Where is the camp for demigods • The immortal trainer of heroes • The fabric on ares's motorcycle • ...
11th Birthday Crossword Challenge 2014-11-05
- Amachi's nickname for you
- One of your friends
- A One Direction song
- Harry Potter's position on the Quidditch team
- A similar game to rugby played with broomsticks
- Author of one of your favourite books
- Amachi's pet
- Your mother's job
- Title of one of the Percy Jackson books
- Name of Percy Jackson's father
- A pop single by a South Korean musician
- Bella's breed
- Your year-end holiday destination
- Sacrament received before Holy Communion
- Number of members in One Direction
- One of your cousins
- Hermione Granger's cat
- A big fan of One Direction
- Your favourite subject
- Number of Books in Harry Potter series
- Performers of Payphone
21 Clues: Amachi's pet • Bella's breed • Your mother's job • One of your cousins • One of your friends • A One Direction song • Hermione Granger's cat • Your favourite subject • Performers of Payphone • Amachi's nickname for you • A big fan of One Direction • Name of Percy Jackson's father • Your year-end holiday destination • Number of members in One Direction • ...
11th Birthday Crossword Challenge 2014-11-05
- Title of one of the Percy Jackson books
- A pop single by a South Korean musician
- Your mother's job
- A One Direction song
- Name of Percy Jackson's father
- A big fan of One Direction
- Your favourite subject
- Amachi's nickname for you
- Amachi's pet
- One of your cousins
- Bella's breed
- Performers of Payphone
- Sacrament received before Holy Communion
- Hermione Granger's cat
- Author of one of your favourite books
- Your year-end holiday destination
- A similar game to rugby played with broomsticks
- Harry Potter's position on the Quidditch team
- Number of members in One Direction
- One of your friends
- Number of Books in Harry Potter series
21 Clues: Amachi's pet • Bella's breed • Your mother's job • One of your cousins • One of your friends • A One Direction song • Performers of Payphone • Hermione Granger's cat • Your favourite subject • Amachi's nickname for you • A big fan of One Direction • Name of Percy Jackson's father • Your year-end holiday destination • Number of members in One Direction • ...
Percy Jackson 2022-12-22
- What is medusa's hair made out of
- Percy's age
- Who is Annabeths Mom
- What color food does percy mom make
- Is Grover fully human No or Yes
- What is Percy
- Who is the camp directer
- Who is percy dad
- Who is clarries dad
- Where is mount olmpus
- What is the name of the camp Percy went to
- Luke father
- Who betrayed Percy
- Who is the god of lighting
14 Clues: Luke father • What is Percy • Who is percy dad • Percy's age • Who betrayed Percy • Who is clarries dad • Who is Annabeths Mom • Where is mount olmpus • Who is the camp directer • Who is the god of lighting • Is Grover fully human No or Yes • What is medusa's hair made out of • What color food does percy mom make • What is the name of the camp Percy went to
Percy Jackson All Books (Has last names too) 2023-05-26
- He never appears in the novel in person, but Percy has to deal with him regardless
- One of the first few, along with Aphrodite, to vouch for Percy Jackson's safety and to prevent his death.
- In The Battle of the Labyrinth, her power guided Percy's arrow to Geryon's hearts.
- A twin and son of Hermes
- Father of the Olympians
- Her father turned her into a pine tree
- Goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity
- The god of war and enemy of Percy
- mortal girl who befriends Percy Jackson later becomes the host of the Oracle of Delphi.
- A twin and son of Hermes
- He is one of the Big Three
- Percy's mom
- He is one of the Big Three
- Mother of the titans
- The camp director of Camp Half-Blood.
- Is the head counselor of the Hephaestus Cabin
- He is the twin brother of the goddess Artemis
- He is one of the Big Three
- the messenger of the gods
- Former head counselor of Cabin 5 or Ares's cabin
- Percy's late Stepfather
- Greek demigod daughter of Hades
- Mother of the Olympians
- A cyclops
- Greek demigod son of Hades
- She showed Percy visions of Luke's past
- Daughter of Athena.
- Was Head Counselor at Hermes' Cabin
- Son of Poseidon.
- Girlfriend of Beckendorf, the former head counselor of the Aphrodite Cabin at Camp Half-Blood, and a spy for Kronos
- Satyr who found Percy.
- Father of the titans
- she granted Pandora irresistible beauty.
- Activities director at Camp Half-Blood.
34 Clues: A cyclops • Percy's mom • Son of Poseidon. • Daughter of Athena. • Father of the titans • Mother of the titans • Satyr who found Percy. • Percy's late Stepfather • Mother of the Olympians • Father of the Olympians • A twin and son of Hermes • A twin and son of Hermes • the messenger of the gods • He is one of the Big Three • Greek demigod son of Hades • He is one of the Big Three • ...
Percy Jackson 2019-11-25
- object that turns into a sword
- Percy's protector
- What is the name of the camp?
- the owner of the missing object
- The female character
- who attacks Percy and his mother?
- the missing object
- What can Percy control?
- he befriended then betrayed Percy
- Percy's mother
- god of water
- Percy chops her head off
- Percy's Stepdad
- Who takes Percy's mother?
14 Clues: god of water • Percy's mother • Percy's Stepdad • Percy's protector • the missing object • The female character • What can Percy control? • Percy chops her head off • Who takes Percy's mother? • What is the name of the camp? • object that turns into a sword • the owner of the missing object • he befriended then betrayed Percy • who attacks Percy and his mother?
Percy Jackson 2022-06-08
14 Clues: God of war • God of speed • Son of Hermes • God of the sea • Son of Poseidon • God of lightning • Goddess of wisdom • Perseus' protector • Daughter of Athena • Zeus' symbol of power • Mr. Brunner's real name • Ruler of the Underworld • The Underworld's ferryman • Son of Zeus and God of wine
Percy Jackson 2024-06-05
- Who is the substitute English teacher?
- What type of god is Poseidon?
- What god did the kids run into after arriving on the beach?
- What type of creature is Grover?
- Percy's best friend
- Who is the friend that betrayed Percy?
- Who is the daughter of Athena?
- How long had Percy been unconscious from the fight with the Minotaur?
- What was stolen from Zeus?
- Who is in Percy’s dreams?
- What type of creature is Mr. Brunner?
- Percy's Latin teacher
- Who is Percy’s father?
- Who is Percy's mean stepfather?
14 Clues: Percy's best friend • Percy's Latin teacher • Who is Percy’s father? • Who is in Percy’s dreams? • What was stolen from Zeus? • What type of god is Poseidon? • Who is the daughter of Athena? • Who is Percy's mean stepfather? • What type of creature is Grover? • What type of creature is Mr. Brunner? • Who is the substitute English teacher? • Who is the friend that betrayed Percy? • ...
(my likes)movies, songs,places 2019-05-22
15 Clues: vampire • pyramids • mythology • Awolnatoin • fall out boys • fall out boys • ladybug Paris • Imagine dragons • sleeping beauty • Greek mythology • Greatest Sia • years Cristina • about us Pink • ladybug and cat noir • showman crazy life
Lightning Thief 2013-04-19
- Where is camp ½ blood?
- york Where was percy born?
- What is Percys “fathers” name?
- What is Percy’s last name?
- What is Mrs.Dodds?
- What is Grover?
- How old is percy?
- Who is Aunty Em?
- Half Blood Where is the safe place for demigods?
- What does ambrosia taste like?
- Who is the god of war?
- How many furies are there?
12 Clues: What is Grover? • Who is Aunty Em? • How old is percy? • What is Mrs.Dodds? • Where is camp ½ blood? • Who is the god of war? • york Where was percy born? • What is Percy’s last name? • How many furies are there? • What does ambrosia taste like? • What is Percys “fathers” name? • Half Blood Where is the safe place for demigods?
Percy Jackson 2022-06-08
14 Clues: God of war • God of speed • Son of Hermes • God of the sea • Son of Poseidon • God of lightning • Goddess of wisdom • Perseus' protector • Daughter of Athena • Zeus' symbol of power • Mr. Brunner's real name • Ruler of the Underworld • The Underworld's ferryman • Son of Zeus and God of wine
Percy Jackson 2022-06-17
- Percy's satyr friend
- A monster who can turn you to stone
- The name of the kids' camp
- Percy's magic sword
- The god of War
- The evil Titan, father of Zeus
- God of the Underworld
- Mrs. Dodds and her sisters
- King of the Gods
- Daughter of Athena
- A monster with the head of a bull
- A teaching centaur
- God of the Sea
- Swordsman son of Hermes
14 Clues: God of the Sea • The god of War • King of the Gods • Daughter of Athena • A teaching centaur • Percy's magic sword • Percy's satyr friend • God of the Underworld • Swordsman son of Hermes • Mrs. Dodds and her sisters • The name of the kids' camp • The evil Titan, father of Zeus • A monster with the head of a bull • A monster who can turn you to stone
Percy Jackson 2021-04-30
14 Clues: Satyr • Centaur • Titan Lord • Giant Maze • Greek Gods • Bronze Sword • God of Death • son of Hermes • God of the Sea • Son of Poseidon • God of Lightning • Daughter of Ares • Daughter of Athena • Half God Half Human
Percy jackson 2023-12-08
14 Clues: traitor • percy dad • god of war • god of wisdom • mentor leader • percy teacher • A troubled kid • god of harvest • god of the sun • god of all gods • very fast steals • percy friend helper • Failed to save thalia • the god of underworld
11th Birthday Crossword Challenge 2014-11-05
- A similar game to rugby played with broomsticks
- Bella's breed
- Name of Percy Jackson's father
- A pop single by a South Korean musician
- Number of Books in Harry Potter series
- Title of one of the Percy Jackson books
- Amachi's pet
- Your mother's job
- Author of one of your favourite books
- Number of members in One Direction
- Performers of Payphone
- One of your friends
- Hermione Granger's cat
- A big fan of One Direction
- A One Direction song
- Sacrament received before Holy Communion
- Amachi's nickname for you
- Your favourite subject
- Harry Potter's position on the Quidditch team
- One of your cousins
- Your year-end holiday destination
21 Clues: Amachi's pet • Bella's breed • Your mother's job • One of your friends • One of your cousins • A One Direction song • Performers of Payphone • Hermione Granger's cat • Your favourite subject • Amachi's nickname for you • A big fan of One Direction • Name of Percy Jackson's father • Your year-end holiday destination • Number of members in One Direction • ...
Percy Jackson Crossword 2021-09-13
- Percy's Dad. The Greek God of the Ocean and Horses.
- Camp Half-Blood's main director.
- What's Percy's favourite colour?
- What Mythology is the main focus of the Percy Jackson series?
- God and leader of the Underworld. Nico and Bianca's Dad.
- The place where most of the Gods live.
- The Authors first name.
- King of the Gods.
- The pegasus who helps Percy.
- Percy's sword.
- Daughter of Athena. One of Percy's best friends.
- Camp Half-Blood's other Camp director. The Greek God of wine.
- What does Annabeth tell Percy he does in his sleep?
- Another name for Half-Blood. Half God, half mortal.
- The species of his best friend. Half human half goat.
- A woman who gives out prophecies.
- Percy's Mum's name.
17 Clues: Percy's sword. • King of the Gods. • Percy's Mum's name. • The Authors first name. • The pegasus who helps Percy. • Camp Half-Blood's main director. • What's Percy's favourite colour? • A woman who gives out prophecies. • The place where most of the Gods live. • Daughter of Athena. One of Percy's best friends. • What does Annabeth tell Percy he does in his sleep? • ...
percy jackson 2024-09-03
- titaness, mother of typhon
- monster with multiple heads
- greek hero who defeated medusa
- god of medicine and music
- god of the sea
- a.k.a mr.brunner
- goddess of wisdom
- our favorite satyr friend
- leader of the gods
- percy's sword
- camp half-blood's boundary line
- a titan, labyrinth's leader
- percy's last name
- half-cyclops brother
14 Clues: percy's sword • god of the sea • a.k.a mr.brunner • goddess of wisdom • percy's last name • leader of the gods • half-cyclops brother • our favorite satyr friend • god of medicine and music • titaness, mother of typhon • monster with multiple heads • a titan, labyrinth's leader • greek hero who defeated medusa • camp half-blood's boundary line
percy jackson 2022-11-07
- Kronos slave;son of hermes
- son of Poseidon;main protag
- Percy's sword
- Camp director
- Percys satyr friend
- God of music and poetry ;twin of artemis
- queen of Olympus; goddess of marriage
- Lord of the dead;god of riches
- Hades wife;goddess of spring
- Daughter of athena;son of Poseidon's girlfriend
- son of haeds;boyfriends with Apollo kid
- Main villan
- God of travel and thief's
- god of the sky;king of olympus
14 Clues: Main villan • Percy's sword • Camp director • Percys satyr friend • God of travel and thief's • Kronos slave;son of hermes • son of Poseidon;main protag • Hades wife;goddess of spring • god of the sky;king of olympus • Lord of the dead;god of riches • queen of Olympus; goddess of marriage • son of haeds;boyfriends with Apollo kid • God of music and poetry ;twin of artemis • ...
The Lightning Thief 2023-12-07
12 Clues: Has 3 Heads • Percy's Father • A troubled Kid • The supreme god • Also Mr. Brunner • God of the underworld • Failed to save Thalia • Married to Smelly Gabe • Married to Sally Jackson • A girl looking for the one • God who works at camp half blood • The one thing percy is good at in the beginning of the book
the lightning thief 2014-04-17
- What did Percy Jackson do at the summer camp
- Who is the main character
- Who was helping Percy Jackson escape from the monsters. Mom and ________
- What are the three lady's holding in there hand at the fruit stand
- What was Percy Jackson trying to get
- In the beginning of the story who was trying to kill Percy Jackson at the field trip
6 Clues: Who is the main character • What was Percy Jackson trying to get • What did Percy Jackson do at the summer camp • What are the three lady's holding in there hand at the fruit stand • Who was helping Percy Jackson escape from the monsters. Mom and ________ • In the beginning of the story who was trying to kill Percy Jackson at the field trip
st. louis Newspaper 2023-03-28
12 Clues: the broken • a small male • the Arch got • someone who is sus • the husband of Sally • a girl who has a child • A boy that was missing • is where the arch got broken • a mother who has gone missing • A boy who is the mothers child • the last name of percy and sally • someone who done something really bad
Guess Who #2 2024-12-01
30 Clues: F1 • Kim • Anna • Banks • Tyson • Espen • Tegan • Lewis • Vicki • Smart • Malia • Neveah • Xavier • Scouts • Dung Ma • Malakai • Mukbang • Talking • Precious • Mr Price • Pappa Phil • Gymnastics • Attendance • Kowhai-Pip • Loves dogs • Eats rubbish • Sleepy Dwarf • Percy Jackson • Dated Mikhalis • Thinks he's him at rugby
YIDDISHY 2020-07-12
- Bob Ellis
- Matthew’s excessive photography
- Donny Goldberg
- Chap in the fashion trade who talked too much
- Percy Lythe
- Matthew when young
- Granddad
- Annoying loudmouths in the gym
- Gerry and Lydia
- Alex Jackson
- Michael Flacks clothes
- Rabbi Brown
- Barry
- Bill Rowe
- Malcolm’s wife
- Ronnie O’Sullivan’s lucky break
- Ivor Shaw
- Maxwell
- Gerald Goran
- Louise
- Lloyd Rakusen
21 Clues: Barry • Louise • Maxwell • Granddad • Bob Ellis • Bill Rowe • Ivor Shaw • Rabbi Brown • Percy Lythe • Gerald Goran • Alex Jackson • Lloyd Rakusen • Malcolm’s wife • Donny Goldberg • Gerry and Lydia • Matthew when young • Michael Flacks clothes • Annoying loudmouths in the gym • Matthew’s excessive photography • Ronnie O’Sullivan’s lucky break • Chap in the fashion trade who talked too much
(my likes)movies, songs,places 2019-05-22
14 Clues: vampire • pyramids • mythology • Awolnatoin • fall out boys • fall out boys • sleeping beauty • Imagine dragons • Greek mythology • years Cristina • ladybug and cat noir • ladybug Paris • about us Pink • showman crazy life
The Lighning Theif 2024-05-09
- What is Percy's last name?
- What is the lady that gave Percy the pearls named?
- Who is the soul that takes Annabeth, Percy, and Grover to the underworld?
- What was the voice in tartarus?
- What god took Percy’s Mother?
- What does Percy call his stepfather?
- What is the pine tree’s name at camp half blood?
- What is Percy’s real name?
- Who actually stole the master bolt?
- What is the bully at yancy academy named? (hint hint she’s a ginger)
- Who is Annabeth’s mother?
- Who is the wine dude?
- Who is the queen of the gods?
- What is Grover?
14 Clues: What is Grover? • Who is the wine dude? • Who is Annabeth’s mother? • What is Percy's last name? • What is Percy’s real name? • What god took Percy’s Mother? • Who is the queen of the gods? • What was the voice in tartarus? • Who actually stole the master bolt? • What does Percy call his stepfather? • What is the pine tree’s name at camp half blood? • ...
Newspaper Crossword 2021-06-16
- Lightning thief The first book in the Percy Jackson series
- An acronym for our newspaper
- The last name of the author of the Percy Jackson series
- The crazy place Ms. Ebert wanted to work at
- The last word in Scrap Mechanic review
- The second comic included
- typus The world's biggest fish
- The first Nations woman you meet in Adventure together
- The 18th syllable in Animals and Nature facts
- Pals Adventure The first comic displayed in the newspaper
10 Clues: The second comic included • An acronym for our newspaper • typus The world's biggest fish • The last word in Scrap Mechanic review • The crazy place Ms. Ebert wanted to work at • The 18th syllable in Animals and Nature facts • The first Nations woman you meet in Adventure together • The last name of the author of the Percy Jackson series • ...
percy jackson 2023-02-03
- the main character of the percy jackson books
- the god of war
- percy's stepdad
- the father of percy
- monsters disguised as people who went after percy for the lightning bolt.
- The god of lighting and thunder
- The ruler/god of the underworld
- worked at camp halfblood and the thief who stole the lightning bolt
- Percy's best friend and protector
9 Clues: the god of war • percy's stepdad • the father of percy • The god of lighting and thunder • The ruler/god of the underworld • Percy's best friend and protector • the main character of the percy jackson books • worked at camp halfblood and the thief who stole the lightning bolt • monsters disguised as people who went after percy for the lightning bolt.
percy jackson 2022-11-07
- Kronos slave;son of hermes
- son of Poseidon;main protag
- Percy's sword
- Camp director
- Percys satyr friend
- God of music and poetry ;twin of artemis
- queen of Olympus; goddess of marriage
- Lord of the dead;god of riches
- Hades wife;goddess of spring
- Daughter of athena;son of Poseidon's girlfriend
- son of haeds;boyfriends with Apollo kid
- Main villan
- God of travel and thief's
- god of the sky;king of olympus
14 Clues: Main villan • Percy's sword • Camp director • Percys satyr friend • God of travel and thief's • Kronos slave;son of hermes • son of Poseidon;main protag • Hades wife;goddess of spring • god of the sky;king of olympus • Lord of the dead;god of riches • queen of Olympus; goddess of marriage • son of haeds;boyfriends with Apollo kid • God of music and poetry ;twin of artemis • ...
percy jackson 2023-02-03
- the main character of the percy jackson books
- the god of war
- percy's stepdad
- the father of percy
- monsters disguised as people who went after percy for the lightning bolt.
- The god of lighting and thunder
- The ruler/god of the underworld
- worked at camp halfblood and the thief who stole the lightning bolt
- Percy's best friend and protector
9 Clues: the god of war • percy's stepdad • the father of percy • The god of lighting and thunder • The ruler/god of the underworld • Percy's best friend and protector • the main character of the percy jackson books • worked at camp halfblood and the thief who stole the lightning bolt • monsters disguised as people who went after percy for the lightning bolt.
Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-27
7 Clues: Percy is a • Dad of Percy Jackson • Best friend of Percy • Name of the Maincharakter • Who gave the quest to Percy • Name of Girlfriend of Grover • What did he needed to chatch
Percy Jackson par SANZ Loïck 6°4 2023-11-05
- H : dieu grec de la Guerre et de la Violence. Fils de Zeus et Héra
- Q : mission lancée par l'Oracle afin de retrouver la foudre
- J : Zeus roi des dieux romains et dieu grec du Ciel, de la Foudre, du Tonnerre et de la Pluie
- U : dit Gaby-Pue-Grave, beau père de Percy
- E : Royaume de Hadès situé dans les studios d'enregistrement DOA à Los Angeles
- R : auteur des livres Percy Jackson
- D : dieu du vin appelé Monsieur D
- A : amie de Percy, fille d'Athéna
- P : Personnage principal du livre, demi-dieux et son père est Poséidon
- G : Meilleur ami et protecteur de Percy, Satyre mi humain- mi chèvre
- N : nymphes la mer, esprits de la nature possédant une longue vie
- O : femme qui donne la quête à Percy
- C : camps de vacances pour des enfants mi humains- mi dieux
- S : type de monstre utilisé par Luke pour essayer de tuer Percy
- T : niveau le plus profond des Enfers et prison des êtres immortels qui ont fait du mal
- L : Fils d'Hermès, sang-mêlé, chef du camps et le voleur de foudre
- I : le sang des divinités immortelles, telles que les Dieux. Il est doré.
- F : Érinyes, sont les trois filles de Gaïa et du sang d'Ouranos mutilé. Elles sont au service d'Hadès
- M : monstre avec une tête de taureau et un corps d'humain
- K : chien de Echnida, chimère avec une tête de lion à la crinière pleine de caillots de sang
- B : Professeur de Latin, Centaure son nom est Chiron
- V : Aphrodite, déesse grecque de l'Amour et de la Beauté, femme d'Héphaistos et petite amie d'Arès
22 Clues: D : dieu du vin appelé Monsieur D • A : amie de Percy, fille d'Athéna • R : auteur des livres Percy Jackson • O : femme qui donne la quête à Percy • U : dit Gaby-Pue-Grave, beau père de Percy • B : Professeur de Latin, Centaure son nom est Chiron • M : monstre avec une tête de taureau et un corps d'humain • C : camps de vacances pour des enfants mi humains- mi dieux • ...
De zoon van Neptunus 2013-11-04
- Wie is de vader van Frank?
- Wat is het land voorbij de goden?
- Hoe heet het kamp waar Percy in terecht komt
- Hoe hete een officier in het Romeinse leger?
- Wat is de Romeinse benaming van Hades?
- Noem een andere benaming voor een Romeins cavaleriezwaard.
- Wat voor wezen is Ella?
- wie is de vriendin van Percy Jackson?
- Welke Griekse godin zorgde ervoor dat Percy zijn geheugen verloor?
- Hoe heet de Griekse god en vader Van Percy?
10 Clues: Wat voor wezen is Ella? • Wie is de vader van Frank? • Wat is het land voorbij de goden? • wie is de vriendin van Percy Jackson? • Wat is de Romeinse benaming van Hades? • Hoe heet de Griekse god en vader Van Percy? • Hoe heet het kamp waar Percy in terecht komt • Hoe hete een officier in het Romeinse leger? • Noem een andere benaming voor een Romeins cavaleriezwaard. • ...
Some Fun For You, Greek Gods Of Mount Olympus! 2019-10-28
- the school Percy used to attend
- the main person in the feature article
- the women with the hair as snakes and can turn you into a statue only be you looking at her!
- Percy's old teacher, that turned into a fury
- the other god who Percy had beef with
- the girl Percy Jackson was traveling with whilst on his mission
- the camp Percy attended
- the satyr Percy, and Annabeth we're traveling with whilst on their mission
- the god of all gods that Percy had beef with
9 Clues: the camp Percy attended • the school Percy used to attend • the other god who Percy had beef with • the main person in the feature article • the god of all gods that Percy had beef with • Percy's old teacher, that turned into a fury • the girl Percy Jackson was traveling with whilst on his mission • ...
Percy Jackson Crossword 2022-05-11
- How old Annabeth was when she first came to Camp Half-Blood
- The hotel that stops you from aging
- Grover is a...
- The mythical object that revived Thalia
- Large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creatures
- A series of five books
- Percy's father
- The leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans
- The colour food Percy’s mother always make him
- An utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict punishment on someone
- The name Daedalus used while he was in disguise
- A complicated irregular network of passages or paths; a maze
- Director of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
- Burglar, robber
- Any of the pantheon of twelve Greek gods regarded as living on a mountain in north-eastern Greece
- The surname of the actress who will be playing Annabeth Chase in the upcoming Disney+ adaptation
- A part-human and part-divine offspring of a deity and a human
- Who Grover leaves Camp Half-Blood in search of, at the end of book one
- The name of Percy’s sword
- The illustrator of most of the Percy Jackson book covers
20 Clues: Grover is a... • Percy's father • Burglar, robber • A series of five books • The name of Percy’s sword • The hotel that stops you from aging • The mythical object that revived Thalia • The colour food Percy’s mother always make him • The name Daedalus used while he was in disguise • Large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creatures • ...
Rohan's Crossword 2020-04-24
- Percy's pen turns into a ___________.
- ___________ rules the Underworld
- Poseiden carries a _____________ ?
- Percy defeats Medusa, who is a ___________.
- Percy and his friends defeat the one-eyed __________.
- _________ is Percy's father.
- Percy Jackson is a _________?
- Percy's friend Grover is a _________?
8 Clues: _________ is Percy's father. • Percy Jackson is a _________? • ___________ rules the Underworld • Poseiden carries a _____________ ? • Percy's pen turns into a ___________. • Percy's friend Grover is a _________? • Percy defeats Medusa, who is a ___________. • Percy and his friends defeat the one-eyed __________.
Crossword Puzzle Idea 2024-02-29
- Roman god of choices
- what this literally is
- Applies to both baseball and elevators; what this is
- French school of magic
- with mythology, featuring Vesta
- mother of Perseus
- collections of myths, see Greek, Roman, etc
- with mythology, featuring Aphrodite
- Game show with questions instead of answers (What is ___?)
- time of day and heavily debated book/movie series
- what you need if you got this far
- The original Blooket
- Last name of Gen Z Harry Potter
- Egyptian god with both a younger and older version
- Last name of Millennial Percy Jackson
- Halloween goodies
- most recent addition to the Jackson(-Blofis) family
- considered one of the greatest playwrights ever, antagonist in "Something Rotten"
- Like how often we have BookEndz
- with mythology, featuring Isis
- first wife of Adam
21 Clues: Halloween goodies • mother of Perseus • first wife of Adam • The original Blooket • Roman god of choices • what this literally is • French school of magic • with mythology, featuring Isis • Last name of Gen Z Harry Potter • Like how often we have BookEndz • with mythology, featuring Vesta • what you need if you got this far • with mythology, featuring Aphrodite • ...
The Lightning Thief 2022-02-03
- the author give clues on upcoming events
- the color of food Sally Jackson always made
- Grover's title
- to listen to one's conversation
- Percy defeats him in ch. 4
- King Titan
- state the story takes place in
- School Percy was kicked out of in ch.3
- Percy's nickname for his stepfather
- Percy's best friend
- compares two unlike things
- the main character of a story
- Mr. Brunner's real name
- point of view of "The Lightning Thief"
14 Clues: King Titan • Grover's title • Percy's best friend • Mr. Brunner's real name • compares two unlike things • Percy defeats him in ch. 4 • the main character of a story • state the story takes place in • to listen to one's conversation • Percy's nickname for his stepfather • School Percy was kicked out of in ch.3 • point of view of "The Lightning Thief" • ...
Percy Jackson: Book Report 2016-10-08
- Main character/son of Poseidon
- Percy's companion/ Athena's daughter
- Head Titan/ enemy of the demigods
- Centaur/Head counselor at Camp Half-Blood
- God of wine/ Camp director at Camp Half-Blood
- Son of Hermes/ Actual thief of the Master Bolt
- Percy Jackson's mother
- Hades' kingdom
- Satyr/ Percy's best friend
- The city of gods
- A camp for demigods
- A hotel where people stay forever
- Percy Jackson's step-father/married to Sally Jackson
- King of the gods
14 Clues: Hades' kingdom • The city of gods • King of the gods • A camp for demigods • Percy Jackson's mother • Satyr/ Percy's best friend • Main character/son of Poseidon • A hotel where people stay forever • Head Titan/ enemy of the demigods • Percy's companion/ Athena's daughter • Centaur/Head counselor at Camp Half-Blood • God of wine/ Camp director at Camp Half-Blood • ...
The Lightning Thief 2021-05-21
- the other gods ______ hades to the uderworld.
- Luke ______ himself by telling Percy what he did.
- All the half bloods were ______ at camp half blood.
- Percy,Annabeth and Grover _____ Away from the minotaur.
- There was a ______, so Percy's mom could not get into camp half blood.
- All of the kids at camp half blood were __________.
- Grover __________ Percy to come with him.
- Percy Jackson is _____ to water.
- The view of the lake at camp half blood was ______.
- what happened to percy's mom was____.
10 Clues: Percy Jackson is _____ to water. • what happened to percy's mom was____. • Grover __________ Percy to come with him. • the other gods ______ hades to the uderworld. • Luke ______ himself by telling Percy what he did. • The view of the lake at camp half blood was ______. • All the half bloods were ______ at camp half blood. • ...
PJRounds G Doucette 2018-06-12
- Zeus's daughter
- the name of the dip that smelly Gabe won't stop asking Sall Jackson to make.
- the magical object that Hades owns
- the name of the animal Annabeth saved from the animal smugglers
- the god who stole the lightning bolt from Zeus
- where Hades lives
- what Grover, Percy, and Annabeth need to make in order to see Luke at Camp Half-Blood
- the author of this book
- where Zeus lives
- the god at camp half-blood
- Annabeth's mom
- the name of the half man, a half bull that Percy defeats
- Medusa's workplace
- the name of Ares daughter
- the magical object at cam half-blood that Percy talks to and gets his prophecy from.
15 Clues: Annabeth's mom • Zeus's daughter • where Zeus lives • where Hades lives • Medusa's workplace • the author of this book • the name of Ares daughter • the god at camp half-blood • the magical object that Hades owns • the god who stole the lightning bolt from Zeus • the name of the half man, a half bull that Percy defeats • ...
Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth *Crossword* 2024-05-30
- Di-Angelo Son of Hades and helps save Percy many times throughout the novel.
- King of Crete, who is after Daedalus and is one of the judges in the underworld.
- the Emmpusa who tried to kill Percy at the beginning and toward the end of the novel.
- god of machinery and fire, he helped the heroes find Daedalus.
- Son of Ares and takes after the demon dude ranch with Gyron.
- Elizabeth Dare The mortal that helped Percy in the beginning of the novel and helped the hero’s navigate the Labyrinth.
- god of Satyrs and the nature who died and gave his spirit to the heroes’.
- the half blood that turned out to be Daedalus and was the part of the prophecy, that was a child of Athena‘s final stand.
- the Hellhound and pet of Quintus. She saved Percy a lot of times while he traveled in the labyrinth.
- daughter of Atlas, who is banished to an island called Ogigyia.
- Chase daughter of Athena, who was given the quest.
- Son of Hermes who serves Kronos.
- Nakamura Son of Nemisis who betrayed Percy and followed Kronos.
- The Goddess who gave Percy and travelers sandwiches, paid for his visit to the demon dude ranch, and helped him defeat Gyron.
- Jackson The protagonist and the son of Poseidon.
15 Clues: Son of Hermes who serves Kronos. • Jackson The protagonist and the son of Poseidon. • Chase daughter of Athena, who was given the quest. • Son of Ares and takes after the demon dude ranch with Gyron. • god of machinery and fire, he helped the heroes find Daedalus. • daughter of Atlas, who is banished to an island called Ogigyia. • ...
puzzle 3 2024-09-19
PJRounds G Doucette 2018-06-12
- Medusa's workplace
- the god at camp half-blood
- Zeus's daughter
- the name of the animal Annabeth saved from the animal smugglers
- Annabeth's mom
- what Grover, Percy, and Annabeth need to make in order to see Luke at Camp Half-Blood
- the magical object that Hades owns
- the author of this book
- the magical object at cam half-blood that Percy talks to and gets his prophecy from.
- the name of the half man, a half bull that Percy defeats
- the name of Ares daughter
- where Hades lives
- the name of the dip that smelly Gabe won't stop asking Sally Jackson to make.
- the god who stole the lightning bolt from Zeus
- where Zeus lives
15 Clues: Annabeth's mom • Zeus's daughter • where Zeus lives • where Hades lives • Medusa's workplace • the author of this book • the name of Ares daughter • the god at camp half-blood • the magical object that Hades owns • the god who stole the lightning bolt from Zeus • the name of the half man, a half bull that Percy defeats • ...
Trials of Apollo Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-03
- It has 6 letters.
- Appears later in the book as the villain.
- Apollo rides this when he is in greek god form
- Starts with O
- The Ruler of the Ants
- A maze in greek mythology
- A long time ago in 1 word
- A friend of the main character
- Father of Apollo
- It has 5 letters.
- Another genre this book has
- The stepfather of Meg
- Another Villian in the Book
- The director at camp half blood
- Genre of book.
- A character did this word
- The thing the campers get lost in
- It has 4 letters.
- The word is 3 letters
- Meg's real Mom who is a greek god
- A friend of Apollo and Percy Jackson
21 Clues: Starts with O • Genre of book. • Father of Apollo • It has 4 letters. • It has 6 letters. • It has 5 letters. • The stepfather of Meg • The Ruler of the Ants • The word is 3 letters • A character did this word • A maze in greek mythology • A long time ago in 1 word • Another genre this book has • Another Villian in the Book • A friend of the main character • The director at camp half blood • ...
percy jackson 2019-08-19
The Trials Of Apollo, The Hidden Oracle 2022-09-29
- Another genre this book has
- The director at camp half blood
- Starts with O
- The stepfather of Meg
- A long time ago in 1 word
- A character did this word
- Father of Apollo
- Appears later in the book as the villain.
- It has 4 letters.
- A friend of Apollo and Percy Jackson
- Apollo rides this when he is in greek god form
- Genre of book.
- A friend of the main character
- The thing the campers get lost in
- The Ruler of the Ants
- A maze in greek mythology
- It has 6 letters.
- Meg's real Mom who is a greek god
- The word is 3 letters
- Another Villian in the Book
- It has 5 letters.
21 Clues: Starts with O • Genre of book. • Father of Apollo • It has 6 letters. • It has 5 letters. • It has 4 letters. • The Ruler of the Ants • The stepfather of Meg • The word is 3 letters • A maze in greek mythology • A long time ago in 1 word • A character did this word • Another genre this book has • Another Villian in the Book • A friend of the main character • The director at camp half blood • ...
Jonas' Schnitzeljagd 2024 2024-11-21
- Ein Riese aus der "Harry Potter"-Welt, der immer ein Herz für Tiere hat.
- Der böse Zauberer in "Harry Potter".
- Greg Heffleys bester Freund, der oft als kindisch und naiv dargestellt wird.
- Eine der bekanntesten Comic-Enten.
- Beste Freund von Percy Jackson, der Satyr ist.
- Ein Held aus Percy Jackson, dessen Vater ein Gott des Meeres ist.
- Eine berühmte Zauberschule in Schottland.
- Der Name von Greg Heffleys jüngerer Bruder, der ihm oft das Leben schwer macht.
8 Clues: Eine der bekanntesten Comic-Enten. • Der böse Zauberer in "Harry Potter". • Eine berühmte Zauberschule in Schottland. • Beste Freund von Percy Jackson, der Satyr ist. • Ein Held aus Percy Jackson, dessen Vater ein Gott des Meeres ist. • Ein Riese aus der "Harry Potter"-Welt, der immer ein Herz für Tiere hat. • ...
Son of Neptune Comprehension Crossword: Chapters 1-3 2023-08-17
- Who was Percy trying hard to recall throughout the story?
- The patron of the two gorgons
- Carrying the old hippie lady to camp was an act of...?
- All roads lead there
- At the start of the novel, which American state was it set in?
- The name Percy thought was Stheno
- "He looked like a toddler who'd taken steroids and joined the Marines."
- June 24th
- "...,but this river seemed... powerful, and not necessarily friendly."
- "She had startling eyes, like fourteen-karat gold."
- The book opens with a homeless Percy Jackson on the run. Who is it that he appears to be running from?
- "Percy didn't recognise her, but the girl stared at him as if she'd seen him in her nightmares."
- Who was the old hippie lady?
- "So, what will it be? Safety or ___ and ___?"
14 Clues: June 24th • All roads lead there • Who was the old hippie lady? • The patron of the two gorgons • The name Percy thought was Stheno • "So, what will it be? Safety or ___ and ___?" • "She had startling eyes, like fourteen-karat gold." • Carrying the old hippie lady to camp was an act of...? • Who was Percy trying hard to recall throughout the story? • ...
The Lighting Thief- Crossword puzzles 2021-03-02
- Jackson- the main character
- Casino a casino where you get to do whatever you want
- the women who was cursed by Athea and was Poseidon’s girlfriend
- half-goat and half-man
- the daughter of Athea and friends with Percy
- the one who stole the lightning bolt
- Friends with Percy and wants to become a seacher
- the goddess of wisdom and war
- a evil titan who wants to take over the world
- the god of the underworld
- money in Greece
- bolt- the tool that Zeus lost
- Percy’s sword, it can only kill monster
- State Building the place where the God of the Olympians are
- the three-headed dog the guards the underworld
- the god that satyrs have been looking for
- daughter of Zeus who sacrificed herself and now is a tree
- the god of earthquakes and the ocean
- the god of war
- Camp- where the demigods hang out and train
20 Clues: the god of war • money in Greece • half-goat and half-man • the god of the underworld • Jackson- the main character • bolt- the tool that Zeus lost • the goddess of wisdom and war • the god of earthquakes and the ocean • the one who stole the lightning bolt • Percy’s sword, it can only kill monster • the god that satyrs have been looking for • ...
Percy Jackson 2018-02-21
- an unwilling and hesitant way.
- to or affected by dyslexia.
- to fine particles.
- an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger.
- uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
- or idealized.
- a skilful use of underhand tactics to achieve goals
- in Greek and Roman architecture) an open, circular or oval building with a central space for
- small, slender antelope that typically has curved horns and a fawn-coloured coat with white underparts, found in open
- food of the gods.
- in Africa and Asia
- person who held a job or office before the current holder
- into a narrow space.
- (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to
14 Clues: or idealized. • food of the gods. • to fine particles. • in Africa and Asia • into a narrow space. • to or affected by dyslexia. • an unwilling and hesitant way. • (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to • a skilful use of underhand tactics to achieve goals • uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning. • ...
Percy Jackson 2022-01-26
- Blackjack's nickname for Percy
- The Norse name for 'mist'
- The dragon that gave Luke his scar
- The God/Goddess to which cabin 8 belongs
- Annabeth's fatal flaw
- Annabeth's cousin
- Goddess of the Hearth
- The name of Luke's ship
- The card game Nico Di'Angelo likes to play
- The month of Percy's birthday
- Hera's Roman name
- Reyna's godly parent
- The Latin meaning of Festus
13 Clues: Hera's Roman name • Annabeth's cousin • Reyna's godly parent • Goddess of the Hearth • Annabeth's fatal flaw • The name of Luke's ship • The Norse name for 'mist' • The Latin meaning of Festus • The month of Percy's birthday • Blackjack's nickname for Percy • The dragon that gave Luke his scar • The God/Goddess to which cabin 8 belongs • The card game Nico Di'Angelo likes to play
Percy Jackson 2019-10-14
- three-headed dog
- carries souls of the newly deceased
- Supernatural dog that kills
- Percy's mum's boyfriend
- God of the dead
- name of Percy's sword
- God of the sea and horses
- Giant with one eye
- Mother of Annabeth
- name of the main character's friend
- God of lightning
- Half goat half human
- name of the main character
13 Clues: God of the dead • three-headed dog • God of lightning • Giant with one eye • Mother of Annabeth • Half goat half human • name of Percy's sword • Percy's mum's boyfriend • God of the sea and horses • name of the main character • Supernatural dog that kills • carries souls of the newly deceased • name of the main character's friend
(my likes)shows /songs 2019-05-20
14 Clues: cops • speed • Paris • Emoji • by pink • Cristina • Cristina • krpinite • awolnation • fall out boy • fall out boy • vampire movie • bow and arrow • Greek mythology
Percy Jackson 2020-11-29
10 Clues: something cross • last name of Percy • a type of disorder • the god of lightning • a sharp metal weapon • a monster with one eye • boys name starting with P • an adult that teaches you • a type of dog known as posh • a strong thing people believe in
Authors All 2015-08-23
14 Clues: Hamlet • Tinkle • Famous Five • Jungle Book • Harry Potter • Percy Jackson • Sherlock Holmes • The Blue Umbrella • David Copperfield • Swami and friends • Alice in wonderland • The Canterville Ghost • Charlie and the Chocolate factory • Journey to the Center of the earth
Boekenbeurs 2024-03-08
14 Clues: waait • Jackson • één oog • heiligen • heldinnen • zoon van Zeus • god van de zee • Groot sterk wezen • met wapens vechten • Grieken komen ervan • Meneer Debraekeleer • wezen dat kan vliegen • half god, half sterflijk • de 5 ringen in het latijn
Whose the author? 2021-08-16
14 Clues: Bone • Holes • Wonder • Narnia • Dog man • Hunger Games • Harry Potter • Judy B. Jones • The Outsiders • The Book Thief • Goosebumps series • Diary of a Whimpy Kid • Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief • Middle School, the Worst Years of my Life
Percy Jackson 2024-02-13
13 Clues: Zeus’s wife • God if the sky • Percy’s stepdad • God of the dead • God of the wild • Athena’s daughter • The god who turned • Half bull, half man • The son of Poseidon • Grover’s favorite food • The one who betrayed him • They told Percy his prophecy • Three old ladies who decide when somebody dies
Percy Jackson 2024-02-25
- This book is dedicated to Rick Riordan’s __
- Annabeth’s mom
- Percy’s best friend
- Mrs.Dodd’s true species
- They have to return the bolt by this solstice
- God of the Sea
- One common thing all Half-Bloods have
- Mr.Brunner’s real name
- Hades the god of the ______
- Grover’s true species
- God of War
- Percy’s stepdad
- Percy’s sword
13 Clues: God of War • Percy’s sword • Annabeth’s mom • God of the Sea • Percy’s stepdad • Percy’s best friend • Grover’s true species • Mr.Brunner’s real name • Mrs.Dodd’s true species • Hades the god of the ______ • One common thing all Half-Bloods have • This book is dedicated to Rick Riordan’s __ • They have to return the bolt by this solstice
Percy Jackson 2024-03-26
13 Clues: Satyr • Traitor • Titan Lord • Son of Posiden • Daughter of Ares • Poseidon's symbol • Daughter of Athena • Percy's sword's name • Zeus, Posiden, Hades • Percy broke his horn off • Got turned into a pine tree • Centaur (Activities Directer) • If you make eye contact you get turned to stone
6A Books (also books read in Year 5) 2023-03-07
- Name of country ruled by the white witch
- Animal in Krindlekrax
- Name of the team Jamie Johnson supported
- Main character in Granny
- Warhorse was set in the ______ World War
- City in which Rooftoppers is set
- Lucy's hiding place
- Surname of Percy
- Type of thief that Percy encounters
- Michael Morpurgo book title
- What Jamie Johnson wants to be when he grows up
- Main character in Rooftoppers
12 Clues: Surname of Percy • Lucy's hiding place • Animal in Krindlekrax • Main character in Granny • Michael Morpurgo book title • Main character in Rooftoppers • City in which Rooftoppers is set • Type of thief that Percy encounters • Name of country ruled by the white witch • Name of the team Jamie Johnson supported • Warhorse was set in the ______ World War • ...
Authors All 2015-08-23
14 Clues: Hamlet • Tinkle • Famous Five • Jungle Book • Harry Potter • Percy Jackson • Sherlock Holmes • David Copperfield • The Blue Umbrella • Swami and friends • Alice in wonderland • The Canterville Ghost • Charlie and the Chocolate factory • Journey to the Center of the earth
Authors All 2015-08-23
14 Clues: Hamlet • Tinkle • Jungle Book • Famous Five • Harry Potter • Percy Jackson • Sherlock Holmes • Swami and friends • The Blue Umbrella • David Copperfield • Alice in wonderland • The Canterville Ghost • Charlie and the Chocolate factory • Journey to the Center of the earth
Percy Jackson 2022-12-19
Percy Jackson 2024-04-10
- mode of transportation Percy takes at the start of his quest
- main protagonist of PJ?
- Annabeth's mom, goddess of wisdom
- mythical ladies who like to knit and determine futures
- Person Percy believes has his mom?
- The Greek gods' parents (hint: we read about them 2 weeks ago!)
- Percy's mythical parent
- goods sold at the store Percy stops in after bus crash
- Gift Grover receives from Luke
- Percy's sword (in English)
- Annabeth's favorite baseball team (logo on her hat?)
- The force that prevents mortals from seeing gods and monsters
- Grover's favorite snacks
13 Clues: main protagonist of PJ? • Percy's mythical parent • Grover's favorite snacks • Percy's sword (in English) • Gift Grover receives from Luke • Annabeth's mom, goddess of wisdom • Person Percy believes has his mom? • Annabeth's favorite baseball team (logo on her hat?) • goods sold at the store Percy stops in after bus crash • ...
Percy Jackson The Lost Hero Mostly Leo 2023-04-27
- Son of Hephaestus
- Camp that Jason went to
- wind spirits
- What did Leo call himself when he revealed why he didn't tell them about his power
- What bunker did Leo find
- Jackson the missing camper
- Jason father
- Who is my favorite character?
- Leo's dad
- What secret power does Leo have
- is Percy my favorite character
11 Clues: Leo's dad • Jason father • wind spirits • Son of Hephaestus • Camp that Jason went to • What bunker did Leo find • Jackson the missing camper • Who is my favorite character? • is Percy my favorite character • What secret power does Leo have • What did Leo call himself when he revealed why he didn't tell them about his power
Percy Jackson The Lost Hero Mostly Leo 2023-04-27
- Son of Hephaestus
- Camp that Jason went to
- wind spirits
- What did Leo call himself when he revealed why he didn't tell them about his power
- What bunker did Leo find
- Jackson the missing camper
- Jason father
- Who is my favorite character?
- Leo's dad
- What secret power does Leo have
- is Percy my favorite character
11 Clues: Leo's dad • Jason father • wind spirits • Son of Hephaestus • Camp that Jason went to • What bunker did Leo find • Jackson the missing camper • Who is my favorite character? • is Percy my favorite character • What secret power does Leo have • What did Leo call himself when he revealed why he didn't tell them about his power
TLT 2023-12-08
- Zues'most valued item
- Percy's mother
- Sally Jackson is married to this man
- A man that trains kids at camp half-blood
- A three headed creature
- Son of poseiden
- Medusa's head was sent to this place
- This boy betrayed Percy.
- The underworld is located beneath this location
- The god of the sky and thunder
- The god of these creatures is Pan
11 Clues: Percy's mother • Son of poseiden • Zues'most valued item • A three headed creature • This boy betrayed Percy. • The god of the sky and thunder • The god of these creatures is Pan • Medusa's head was sent to this place • Sally Jackson is married to this man • A man that trains kids at camp half-blood • The underworld is located beneath this location
Percy Jackson The Lost Hero Mostly Leo 2023-04-27
- Son of Hephaestus
- Camp that Jason went to
- wind spirits
- What did Leo call himself when he revealed why he didn't tell them about his power
- What bunker did Leo find
- Jackson the missing camper
- Jason father
- Who is my favorite character?
- Leo's dad
- What secret power does Leo have
- is Percy my favorite character
11 Clues: Leo's dad • Jason father • wind spirits • Son of Hephaestus • Camp that Jason went to • What bunker did Leo find • Jackson the missing camper • Who is my favorite character? • is Percy my favorite character • What secret power does Leo have • What did Leo call himself when he revealed why he didn't tell them about his power
Percy Jackson The Lost Hero Mostly Leo 2023-04-27
- Son of Hephaestus
- Camp that Jason went to
- wind spirits
- What did Leo call himself when he revealed why he didn't tell them about his power
- What bunker did Leo find
- Jackson the missing camper
- Jason father
- Who is my favorite character?
- Leo's dad
- What secret power does Leo have
- is Percy my favorite character
11 Clues: Leo's dad • Jason father • wind spirits • Son of Hephaestus • Camp that Jason went to • What bunker did Leo find • Jackson the missing camper • Who is my favorite character? • is Percy my favorite character • What secret power does Leo have • What did Leo call himself when he revealed why he didn't tell them about his power
Greek Mythology Crossword Puzzle 2017-11-27
- The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus.
- A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail.
- _______ is the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, and father of horses.
- A girl that helps Percy complete his quest, daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and battle.
- Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book.
- The weapon that Zeus uses in the Myths to summon lightning.
- A person whose parents are a God and a Human.
- A pen that can transform into a sword when uncapped, Percy uses this.
- The home of the Greek Gods.
- A woman with snakes for hair and when you look at her, you turn to stone.
- An illusion on the attic of the camp farmhouse that tells you your destiny.
- A medicine used for Half-Bloods only, it would kill a mortal.
- The mother of all monsters.
- the place where bad people go when they die in the myths.
- A person with goat legs and hooves, but the upper half is human.
- Half man, Half Bull.
- A satyr that helps Percy compete his quest, Percy’s friend in school.
17 Clues: Half man, Half Bull. • The mother of all monsters. • The home of the Greek Gods. • The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus. • A person whose parents are a God and a Human. • A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail. • Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book. • the place where bad people go when they die in the myths. • ...
Greek Mythology Crossword Puzzle 2017-11-27
- An illusion on the attic of the camp farmhouse that tells you your destiny.
- A pen that can transform into a sword when uncapped, Percy uses this.
- A woman with snakes for hair and when you look at her, you turn to stone.
- _______ is the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, and father of horses.
- A medicine used for Half-Bloods only, it would kill a mortal.
- The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus.
- the place where bad people go when they die in the myths.
- A person whose parents are a God and a Human.
- A satyr that helps Percy compete his quest, Percy’s friend in school.
- Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book.
- The mother of all monsters.
- A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail.
- The weapon that Zeus uses in the Myths to summon lightning.
- Half man, Half Bull.
- A girl that helps Percy complete his quest, daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and battle.
- The home of the Greek Gods.
- A person with goat legs and hooves, but the upper half is human.
17 Clues: Half man, Half Bull. • The mother of all monsters. • The home of the Greek Gods. • The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus. • A person whose parents are a God and a Human. • A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail. • Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book. • the place where bad people go when they die in the myths. • ...
Greek Mythology Crossword Puzzle 2017-11-26
- A woman with snakes for hair and when you look at her, you turn to stone.
- Blood, A person whose parents are a God and a Human.
- An illusion on the attic of the camp farmhouse that tells you your destiny.
- A pen that can transform into a sword when uncapped, Percy uses this.
- The mother of all monsters.
- A person with goat legs and hooves, but the upper half is human.
- A girl that helps Percy complete his quest, daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and battle.
- Underworld, the place where bad people go when they die in the myths.
- A satyr that helps Percy compete his quest, Percy’s friend in school.
- The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus.
- A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail.
- The home of the Greek Gods.
- A medicine used for Half-Bloods only, it would kill a mortal.
- _______ is the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, and father of horses.
- Half man, Half Bull.
- Bolt, The weapon that Zeus uses in the Myths to summon lightning.
- Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book.
17 Clues: Half man, Half Bull. • The home of the Greek Gods. • The mother of all monsters. • The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus. • A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail. • Blood, A person whose parents are a God and a Human. • Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book. • A medicine used for Half-Bloods only, it would kill a mortal. • ...
Greek Mythology Crossword Puzzle 2017-11-26
- A person with goat legs and hooves, but the upper half is human.
- A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail.
- A girl that helps Percy complete his quest, daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and battle.
- Blood, A person whose parents are a God and a Human.
- A medicine used for Half-Bloods only, it would kill a mortal.
- Bolt, The weapon that Zeus uses in the Myths to summon lightning.
- Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book.
- A woman with snakes for hair and when you look at her, you turn to stone.
- The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus.
- An illusion on the attic of the camp farmhouse that tells you your destiny.
- _______ is the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, and father of horses.
- Underworld, the place where bad people go when they die in the myths.
- Half man, Half Bull.
- The home of the Greek Gods.
- The mother of all monsters.
- A satyr that helps Percy compete his quest, Percy’s friend in school.
- A pen that can transform into a sword when uncapped, Percy uses this.
17 Clues: Half man, Half Bull. • The home of the Greek Gods. • The mother of all monsters. • The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus. • A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail. • Blood, A person whose parents are a God and a Human. • Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book. • A medicine used for Half-Bloods only, it would kill a mortal. • ...
Greek Mythology Crossword Puzzle 2017-11-26
- _______ is the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, and father of horses.
- A medicine used for Half-Bloods only, it would kill a mortal.
- An illusion on the attic of the camp farmhouse that tells you your destiny.
- Blood, A person whose parents are a God and a Human.
- A pen that can transform into a sword when uncapped, Percy uses this.
- A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail.
- A woman with snakes for hair and when you look at her, you turn to stone.
- Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book.
- The home of the Greek Gods.
- The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus.
- Half man, Half Bull.
- A girl that helps Percy complete his quest, daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and battle.
- The mother of all monsters.
- Bolt, The weapon that Zeus uses in the Myths to summon lightning.
- A person with goat legs and hooves, but the upper half is human.
- A satyr that helps Percy compete his quest, Percy’s friend in school.
- Underworld, the place where bad people go when they die in the myths.
17 Clues: Half man, Half Bull. • The mother of all monsters. • The home of the Greek Gods. • The "God" of the sky, ruler of Olympus. • A fire breathing lion with a snake for a tail. • Blood, A person whose parents are a God and a Human. • Percy Jackson fights _______near the end of the book. • A medicine used for Half-Bloods only, it would kill a mortal. • ...