riddles Crossword Puzzles

Random Riddles 2022-10-23

Random Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Forward, I'm heavy, but backward I am not

    1 Clue: Forward, I'm heavy, but backward I am not

    Riddles by Svanik (Please don't search them up if they are too hard tell me and I will give clues)) 2020-09-30

    Riddles by Svanik (Please don't search them up if they are too hard tell me and I will give clues)) crossword puzzle
    1. What invention lets you look right through a wall?
    2. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
    3. I'm as small as an ant, as big as a whale. I'll approach like a breeze, but can come like a gale. By some I get hit, but all have shown fear. I'll dance to the music, though I can't hear. Of names I have many, of names I have one. I'm as slow as a snail, but from me you can't run. What am I?
    4. First you eat me, then you get eaten. What am I?
    5. You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy.
    6. What are the next three letters in this combination? OTTFFSS
    7. I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
    1. It can't be seen, can't be felt, can't be heard, and can't be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, Ends life, and kills laughter. What is it?
    2. What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
    3. What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?
    4. I have three pairs if consecutive letters
    5. I drink, but not from a glass. I use thousands of fingers to eat I die once a year, yet time makes me stronger. What am I?

    12 Clues: I have three pairs if consecutive lettersWhat has many keys but can’t open a single lock?First you eat me, then you get eaten. What am I?What invention lets you look right through a wall?What are the next three letters in this combination? OTTFFSSI have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?...

    Steven Sherr's Riddle Crossword Puzzle! I love telling my family riddles on Shabbat, and here are some for you! 2021-03-17

    Steven Sherr's Riddle Crossword Puzzle! I love telling my family riddles on Shabbat, and here are some for you! crossword puzzle
    1. Where does today come before yesterday?
    2. I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?
    3. What gets bigger when more is taken away
    4. David’s parents have three sons: Thing1 and Thing2, what’s the name of the third son?
    5. If you’ve got me, you want to share me; if you share me, you haven’t kept me. What am I?
    1. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
    2. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
    3. What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
    4. What gets wet while drying?
    5. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

    10 Clues: What gets wet while drying?What goes up and down but doesn’t move?Where does today come before yesterday?What gets bigger when more is taken awayWhat has many keys but can’t open a single lock?What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?...

    Steven Sherr's Riddle Crossword Puzzle! I love telling my family riddles on Shabbat, and here are some for you! 2021-03-17

    Steven Sherr's Riddle Crossword Puzzle! I love telling my family riddles on Shabbat, and here are some for you! crossword puzzle
    1. David’s parents have three sons: Thing1 and Thing2, what’s the name of the third son?
    2. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
    3. What gets bigger when more is taken away
    4. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
    5. What gets wet while drying?
    1. What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
    2. Where does today come before yesterday?
    3. I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?
    4. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
    5. If you’ve got me, you want to share me; if you share me, you haven’t kept me. What am I?

    10 Clues: What gets wet while drying?Where does today come before yesterday?What goes up and down but doesn’t move?What gets bigger when more is taken awayWhat has many keys but can’t open a single lock?What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?...

    2 Riddles crosswords 2021-05-25

    2  Riddles crosswords crossword puzzle
    1. Pronounced as one letter,And written with three,Two letters there are, And two only in me.I'm double, I'm single,I'm black, blue, and gray,I'm read from both ends,And the same either way.What am I?

      1 Clue: Pronounced as one letter,And written with three,Two letters there are, And two only in me.I'm double, I'm single,I'm black, blue, and gray,I'm read from both ends,And the same either way.What am I?

      The Hobbit Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-24

      The Hobbit Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. the old watch tower on the Lonely Mountain
      2. the race of elves that capture Thorin and the dwarves and keep as prisoners until one tells their true purpose for being in their realm
      3. leader of Lake-town who flees when Smaug comes; redirects the crowds' anger from him to the dwarves
      4. birds that gather and bring the threat of war
      5. Thorin ___ sustains fatal injuries in the final battle but makes ammends with Bilbo and departs as friends.
      6. clever and evil race who takes Bilbo and the dwarves deep into the Misty Mountains to present them to their leader
      7. roasted by trolls when Thorin and Co. approach
      8. the first day of the last moon of autumn when the secret door can be opened; considered the dwarves' new year
      9. Word spreads of Smaug's death and many plot to claim a share (or all) of the now unguarded ___.
      10. Though the magic ring turns its wearer invisible, their ___ can still be seen.
      11. the month Bilbo finally returns home, more than a year after he first set out
      12. race of birds who pass their knowledge down to their children; trusted by dwarves
      13. once a wealthy city in the north but left in ruins after Smaug's destruction
      14. the empty vessels Bilbo uses in the dwarves' escape from the Wood-elves
      15. falls into the enchanted river, falls asleep, and dreams of a feast
      16. Bilbo's mother's side of the family that has an interest in adventure
      17. the river Bilbo & the dwarves float down to reach Lake-town
      18. the holiday Gandalf and Bilbo celebrate with Beorn on the return journey home
      19. the condition of greed, which the Master succumbed to, ending in his starvation and death
      20. the strong wine the butler and guard drink during the autumn feast, allowing Bilbo the chance to set the dwarves free
      21. a birthday present that Bilbo finds and puts in his pocket
      22. Elrond lives in the Last ___ ___.
      23. calls himself "my precious," enjoys riddles, and eats fish & goblins
      24. Bilbo offers to take Bombur's ___ ___ and uses the opportunity to sneak out and meet with Bard.
      25. the name Bilbo gives his hobbit-sized sword
      26. the grim descendent of Girion, Lord of Dale, who understands the Thrush
      27. Men, Elves, and Dwarves join forces against Goblins and Wild Wolves in the Battle of the ___ ___.
      28. the job Gandalf volunteers Bilbo for on the dangerous journey
      29. killed by Gandalf's sword, known as Beater by his race
      30. brass items that fall from Bilbo as he slips through the back-door of the Misty Mountains
      31. Beorn is a ___, so he can be a bear or a man.
      32. the sword Thorin takes, known as Goblin-cleaver, which is taken by the Elvenking and returned to be buried in Thorin's tomb
      33. The map claims the secret door is ___ feet high and fits three abroad.
      34. The Elvenking gets a necklace from Bilbo and the ___ of Girion from Bard.
      35. the Heart of the Mountain, which Bilbo takes and secretly gives to Bard as a bargaining tool
      36. Bard's weapon, forged by dwarves, passed down from father to son for generations, with which he slays Smaug
      1. Bert, Tom, and Bill (William)
      2. the wizard who marks Bilbo's door
      3. the share of the treasure Bilbo is promised, according to his contract
      4. hosts the travelers and is happy to provide supplies for their journey because he confirmed they killed the goblins' leader
      5. runes on the map visible with the moon shining behind
      6. race who throws rocks in a great thunder-battle, from which the travelers must seek shelter
      7. evil wolves who gather at the glade to plot with goblins to attack people in a village
      8. The trolls are turned to ___ when the dawn's sun shines on them.
      9. the sword Gandalf takes, known as Foe-hammer, which once belonged to the Gondolin king
      10. the special material of the coat of mail Thorin gifts to Bilbo, made for an elf-prince
      11. Kili and ___ die defending Thorin.
      12. the only entrance into the mountain fortified when Thorin reclaims it
      13. the eldest race of dwarves
      14. the river that exits the Lonely Mountain at its Front Gate
      15. the month Bilbo embarks on his journey, rushed out the door by Gandalf
      16. Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin
      17. leader of the goblin forces that plot to take the Lonely Mountain; killed by Beorn
      18. Dain becomes ___ under the Mountain when Thorin dies, and proves to be an honorable one as well.
      19. the Eagles avoid this race, who defend their sheep from Eagles preying on them
      20. home of the elves in the Misty Mountains, found by Gandalf following stones; they leave it on midsummer's morning to continue east
      21. dwarf leader in the Iron Hills; answers Thorin's call to protect the mountain from men and elves
      22. the dragon who destroyed Dale long ago and took over the Lonely Mountain & the treasures within
      23. the long-lasting but tasteless food that sustains Bilbo and the dwarves on the Lonely Mountain
      24. large river rock where the Eagles deliver the travelers
      25. an ancient and unfriendly race in the north who rescue the travelers when they're surrounded in burning trees
      26. the dark and dangerous forest in which Bilbo & the dwarves are warned not to leave the path
      27. son of Carc and chief of the great ravens; advises Thorin
      28. the bird that signals when the key-hole is revealed and tells Bard of Smaug's weak spot
      29. the event Bilbo interrupts when he finally returns home, in which many of his possessions are sold
      30. worn on a chain by Thorin; opens the secret entrance
      31. the two-handled treasure that Bilbo steals from the hoard and which Smaug becomes aware of its absence
      32. giant creatures from which Bilbo saves the dwarves, finding his courage for the first time
      33. son of Thrain and grandson of Thror; wants to reclaim the mountain from Smaug
      34. the number of chests of gold & silver Bard gives to Bilbo from his own share, though Bilbo tries to refuse
      35. joins Gandalf many years later to visit Bilbo; updates him on the prophecy of the river running with gold and that the north enjoys peace & prosperity once again
      36. Lake-town, also known as ___, is accessible by bridge and led by a master; its people celebrate the arrival of Thorin.
      37. leader who sets spies on the Lonely Mountain and provides aid to the Lake-town survivors; is impressed with Bilbo's sacrifice to avoid conflict
      38. the high feature in the eyrie, where the Lord of the Eagles agrees to feed the travelers and fly them some distance, though not to the Lonely Mountain
      39. the color Bilbo's elvish blade glows when evil is near
      40. goblins fear the Eagles and stay out of the ___.
      41. the threat in the south, driven away by a council of white wizards
      42. the comfortable hobbit-hole home of Bilbo Baggins
      43. feared by Wargs, demonstrated by pinecones Gandalf throws at them

      79 Clues: the eldest race of dwarvesBert, Tom, and Bill (William)the wizard who marks Bilbo's doorElrond lives in the Last ___ ___.Kili and ___ die defending Thorin.the old watch tower on the Lonely Mountainthe name Bilbo gives his hobbit-sized swordbirds that gather and bring the threat of warBeorn is a ___, so he can be a bear or a man....

      Things you find indoors, but the clues are riddles. 2024-07-09

      Things you find indoors, but the clues are riddles. crossword puzzle
      1. I open and close but I’m not a book. What am I?
      1. Four legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, hard all around. What am I?

      2 Clues: I open and close but I’m not a book. What am I?Four legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, hard all around. What am I?

      A Puzzle On Things That Puzzle Me 2018-01-26

      A Puzzle On Things That Puzzle Me crossword puzzle
      1. When my grandmother passed away when I was in sixth grade, I grew very afraid of this. Until then it never really occurred to me how easy it was to lose something so close to you. Without any warning, I was suddenly told I could never talk to my grandmother again. What I really learned from this was that I really wanted to do something with my life. If life is so fleeting, why waste it?
      2. I’ve spent the last six years with these people, but I’m not even sure if we’ll still be close in a year. I know one of them has already told me he wants to break off all connections after he leaves. It’s hard to imagine we won’t be seeing each other next year.
      3. I hate it when things come to an end because I’m not really good at these. Although I’m really excited to graduate and move on in my life, I feel that leaving a place that I’ve spent the past six years of my life is going to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’m going to lose the sense of safety and security that it provided me as I’m suddenly launched into the real world.
      4. This word has so many meanings. Force times distance; that’s the academic side of me talking. A job; that’s the part of me that’s focused on what I’m going to be doing when I get older. I guess the two of those are sort of connected. It’s also a Rihanna song.
      5. I had one of my teachers ask me what my greatest one was for a recommendation letter, and it took me an entire week to think of an answer.
      6. These three letters strike fear into me whenever I hear my English teacher say them, and to this day I still struggle writing one. I’m just glad I won’t have to really do these in the future.
      7. I used to hate playing this when I was younger; it was boring and took up valuable time that I could have used to play video games or watch TV. But as my workload began piling up in the last few years, I found myself returning to this to take a break. Why does something that I once loathed provide me an escape from reality now?
      8. I quit this team; it’s been four years but I finally left. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I don’t have to try and keep up with my teammates anymore, and I plan to work out on my own pace, but there’s still a part of me that feels kind of empty after leaving.
      9. For every college I’ve applied to, this has been my first choice major. But honestly, I’m not even sure if I really want to pursue this in the future. I have no experience with it, but I’ve always liked science and math. Maybe I’m just worried that this isn’t the right path for me. There are people who firmly understand what they want to pursue in the future; they’ve had plenty of experience outside of school, role models, or just a burning passion for these fields. Do I really feel the same?l
      10. I used to read this in the AM New York on the way to school and use them to predict my day. The numbers next to my sign were supposed to tell me how my day was going, but they never dropped below a 7. I guess everyday was supposed to go well.
      11. This use to be my favorite thing to do when I was growing up. It gave me a way to give my crazy dreams and aspirations a physical form through acrylics, oil pastels, or color pencils. As I grew older I lost the creativity I needed to fully explore art and I never really stray from the norm anymore. Maybe I’m just insecure about how others view my attempts at creativity.
      12. Recently my teeth have shifted a little, which is kind of odd because I wear these every night.
      1. Force times radius? Rotational momentum? What’s this supposed to mean? All of these concepts are just words to me and I can’t even grasp any of them. Somebody please help me.
      2. I applied to one of these programs for this summer, but honestly, I don’t even like biology. That’s an understatement. I hate biology. So why did I sign up? Did I feel that I needed to prove something to myself? Or was I sick of sitting at home and always wishing I had more to do?
      3. I used to have a huge book full of these when I was younger. I would bring it in to school and my friends and I would think about some questions for the entire day. I loved brain teasers because they encouraged me to think outside of the box and explore beyond the seemingly normal solutions. My time spent solving these puzzles was good practice for the present, because my entire life is a puzzle at the moment.
      4. I really suck at this, but I’m on the varsity team. They needed more people to reach the minimum number of team members and I was promised a free spot on the team if I join. My average is so low, and I’m not sure what my purpose on this team is. The fact that I’m still on this team must say something about me.
      5. Sometimes I feel really tired but I’m not sure if I should do this. I just have so much work to do and I procrastinate way too much…Even when I finish my work early I can’t manage to have a normal sleep schedule. A consistent full eight hours has eluded me for years. I guess nothing in my life is really certain, not even the amount I get every night.
      6. What is even happening in this class? It’s like I’m learning a foreign language and I’m expected to grasp it immediately. Objects? Variables? Methods? None of these words mean anything to me. My next test is going to be rough. That’s an understatement.
      7. Our club is barely acknowledged by the GO, despite having existed since before I came to Hunter. I’m confused how they expect us to fulfill our obligations as a normal club, like Carnival commitments, but refuse to provide us a room, a schedule or anything that we are entitled to. The administration has lost all our equipment, so as of now we’re not doing much of anything. It’s just kind of an excuse for all my friends to hang out in a room on Wednesdays.
      8. I really hate it when people ask me what mine are. It really forces me to think about what’s wrong with me, and to come up with a way to word it nicely so it looks good. Instead of “stubborn,” I’d say “passionate about what I believe in.” Instead of “uncertain,” I say that I “like taking into account all the possibilities before deciding on something.”
      9. This word scares me the most. It’s not certain at all. In fact, it’s the farthest thing from certainty that I can even think of. The only people who really claim to understand this are psychics (but I think they’re all liars anyways). It’s the only thing I can think about right now, and I hate it.
      10. Sometimes I want to talk to them. I can’t help it. Blame my hormones. But there aren’t many that I talk to on a regular basis. I stopped talking to one of my closest friends last year for some reason and I’ve only recently started talking to her again. I’m not sure what I did wrong. And I’m not sure she knows either.

      22 Clues: Recently my teeth have shifted a little, which is kind of odd because I wear these every night.I had one of my teachers ask me what my greatest one was for a recommendation letter, and it took me an entire week to think of an answer....


      IRSHITA MISHRA SOLVE  THE  RIDDLES crossword puzzle
      1. geipjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

        1 Clue: geipjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj