soccer Crossword Puzzles

soccer 2023-06-09

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. cleat
  2. ball
  3. knee pads
  4. dribble
  5. referee
  6. soccer
  1. goalkeeper
  2. soccer player
  3. goal
  4. team

10 Clues: goalballteamcleatsoccerdribblerefereeknee padsgoalkeepersoccer player

Soccer 2023-04-28

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. What is the person called the plays wide and is behind the striker?
  2. What are the side bars of a soccer goal called?
  3. What is it called when the ball hits the defender and goes out of bounds next to the goal?
  4. How many players on the same team can be on the field at one time?
  5. Mark Where is the ball at the start of a game?
  6. How many goals are in a hat trick?
  1. Where do you go to get subbed into the game?
  2. Who is the only person allowed to use their hands to pick up the ball?
  3. What is the person called that marks the opposing team's last defender?
  4. What is the top bar of the soccer goal called?

10 Clues: How many goals are in a hat trick?Where do you go to get subbed into the game?What is the top bar of the soccer goal called?Mark Where is the ball at the start of a game?What are the side bars of a soccer goal called?What is the person called the plays wide and is behind the striker?...

Soccer 2022-11-03

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. to move the ball along with several short kicks, hits or bounces
  2. a kick using the heel
  3. the bar across the top that joins the two vertical posts of a goal
  4. the state of having control of the ball
  5. the offence of touching the ball with your hands
  1. a player whose main job is to attack and try to score goals
  2. a goal that makes the score of both teams equal
  3. a large sloping structure at a stadium with rows where people sit or stand to watch the game
  4. a player is ________if they are in a position, usually ahead of the ball, that is not allowed
  5. an action that is against the rules of the game

10 Clues: a kick using the heelthe state of having control of the balla goal that makes the score of both teams equalan action that is against the rules of the gamethe offence of touching the ball with your handsa player whose main job is to attack and try to score goalsto move the ball along with several short kicks, hits or bounces...

Soccer 2022-12-12

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. what club does Mo Salah play for?
  2. what is it called when you get three goals in one game?
  3. how many players are on a soccer team?
  4. what is it called when you kick the ball through someone's legs?
  1. what was the 1st African team to make it to the final 4?
  2. who won the 2018 world cup?
  3. what is the penalty called when you go by the last defender before the ball is passed?
  4. what is the position that normally scores goals?
  5. Chelsea plays in the_____league.
  6. how many teams are in the la Liga?

10 Clues: who won the 2018 world cup?Chelsea plays in the_____league.what club does Mo Salah play for?how many teams are in the la Liga?how many players are on a soccer team?what is the position that normally scores goals?what is it called when you get three goals in one game?what was the 1st African team to make it to the final 4?...

Soccer 2022-09-15

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for undergo.
  2. A sport that you kick a ball into a goal.
  3. What age did I start soccer?
  4. An activity that involves skill to compete against teams for entertainment.
  5. Another word for job.
  6. The people that you have a bond with.
  1. To go from one place to another.
  2. Costing too much money.
  3. A member of a team.
  4. Another word for popular.

10 Clues: A member of a team.Another word for job.Costing too much money.Another word for popular.Another word for undergo.What age did I start soccer?To go from one place to another.The people that you have a bond with.A sport that you kick a ball into a goal.An activity that involves skill to compete against teams for entertainment.

soccer 2023-09-18

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. I don't need one
  2. pig
  3. meow
  4. cats are fun
  1. warner
  2. woof
  3. blah
  4. yes
  5. dog
  6. not needed

10 Clues: yespigdogwoofblahmeowwarnernot neededcats are funI don't need one

Soccer 2023-09-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. A player who controls the game from the middle of the field.
  2. A direct shot awarded for a foul committed in the penalty area.
  3. A player positioned near the opponent's goal, often a top scorer.
  4. Using the head to strike or pass the soccer ball.
  5. The act of maneuvering the ball skillfully while running.
  6. The player who guards the goal and tries to block shots.
  1. A player tasked with preventing the opposing team from scoring.
  2. The act of kicking the ball to a teammate to maintain possession or set up an attack.
  3. A free kick awarded from the corner of the field.
  4. The rectangular structure where teams score points.

10 Clues: A free kick awarded from the corner of the field.Using the head to strike or pass the soccer ball.The rectangular structure where teams score points.The player who guards the goal and tries to block shots.The act of maneuvering the ball skillfully while running.A player who controls the game from the middle of the field....

Soccer 2023-09-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. A player positioned near the opponent's goal, often a top scorer.
  2. The act of kicking the ball to a teammate to maintain possession or set up an attack.
  3. The rectangular structure where teams score points.
  4. Using the head to strike or pass the soccer ball.
  5. A player who controls the game from the middle of the field.
  6. A free kick awarded from the corner of the field.
  1. The player who guards the goal and tries to block shots.
  2. A direct shot awarded for a foul committed in the penalty area.
  3. A player tasked with preventing the opposing team from scoring.
  4. The act of maneuvering the ball skillfully while running.

10 Clues: Using the head to strike or pass the soccer ball.A free kick awarded from the corner of the field.The rectangular structure where teams score points.The player who guards the goal and tries to block shots.The act of maneuvering the ball skillfully while running.A player who controls the game from the middle of the field....

Soccer 2022-05-04

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. players who try to block the team from getting to the other net.
  2. break time!
  3. what the players kick
  1. 5 year old small boy whose soccer practice was cancelled.
  2. the person who stands in the net
  3. people in who defend and try to help scor
  4. the person in charge of making sure everyone follows the rules.
  5. the number of people on the field
  6. how you are allowed to pass the ball
  7. getting the ball to another player

10 Clues: break time!what the players kickthe person who stands in the netthe number of people on the fieldgetting the ball to another playerhow you are allowed to pass the ballpeople in who defend and try to help scor5 year old small boy whose soccer practice was cancelled.the person in charge of making sure everyone follows the rules....

Tangerine crossword Aiyanan 2024-04-26

Tangerine crossword Aiyanan crossword puzzle
  1. The goalie on the soccer team
  2. Wheres Erik's Football dream
  3. Paul eye problem
  4. Star quarterback for Tangerine High
  5. Erik is really good at this sport
  6. The setting of the book
  7. Paul's dad's occupation
  8. What does the fires represent in tangerine
  9. Paul plays this sport
  10. eagles What was the name of Paul's soccer team
  11. The captain of the soccer team
  12. Paul's nickname on the soccer team
  1. City Paul's family moves from
  2. What did Paul used to believe his blindness was caused from
  3. A symbol of people doubting Paul
  4. Mike Costello gets killed by this
  5. State Paul's family moves from
  6. Who's the author of tangerine
  7. Who embarrassed Erik at his football game
  8. who was mike's brother

20 Clues: Paul eye problemPaul plays this sportwho was mike's brotherThe setting of the bookPaul's dad's occupationWheres Erik's Football dreamCity Paul's family moves fromThe goalie on the soccer teamWho's the author of tangerineState Paul's family moves fromThe captain of the soccer teamA symbol of people doubting PaulMike Costello gets killed by this...

Soccer 2013-09-15

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. In a position illegally ahead of the ball or puck when it is played, usually when within one's opponents' half or the attacking zone
  2. the player that tries to stop the shoot
  3. A person who trains athletes in a sport
  4. The people eho plays with you in your team
  1. Second Libertadores Cup champion in Colombia
  2. The Person who takes care of the match
  3. The person who is viewing the match
  4. The total number of points made by a side or individual in a game or match
  5. A sports arena with tiered seats for spectators
  6. When the final score is equal

10 Clues: When the final score is equalThe person who is viewing the matchThe Person who takes care of the matchthe player that tries to stop the shootA person who trains athletes in a sportThe people eho plays with you in your teamSecond Libertadores Cup champion in ColombiaA sports arena with tiered seats for spectators...

Soccer 2020-03-31

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. get injured inside the box
  2. moved to Juventus last year
  3. won premier league last year
  4. has won 6 Ballon d'or
  1. won the world cup in 2018
  2. center back for Liverpool FC
  3. a position that you play as a forward
  4. a 20 yr old who plays in PSG
  5. get injured outside the box
  6. plays in FC Barcelona and the Uruguay team

10 Clues: has won 6 Ballon d'orwon the world cup in 2018get injured inside the boxmoved to Juventus last yearget injured outside the boxcenter back for Liverpool FCa 20 yr old who plays in PSGwon premier league last yeara position that you play as a forwardplays in FC Barcelona and the Uruguay team

Soccer 2021-01-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. making a pass that results in a goal
  2. player whose main role is to score
  3. the player who tries to keep the other team from scoring
  4. Score by putting the ball into the net
  5. Tapping the ball along under control
  6. term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent.
  1. The only player on the field who can use his or her hands in the penalty box.
  2. Using the head to pass the ball or score
  3. a kick taken 12 yards in front of the goal as a result of a foul or hand ball.
  4. when the referee judges a violation against an opposing player.

10 Clues: player whose main role is to scoreTapping the ball along under controlScore by putting the ball into the netmaking a pass that results in a goalUsing the head to pass the ball or scorethe player who tries to keep the other team from scoringterm used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent....

Soccer 2021-01-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. a term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent.
  2. Score by putting the ball into the net
  3. the player who tries to keep the other team from scoring
  4. Tapping the ball along under control
  5. player whose main role is to score
  1. when the referee judges a violation against an opposing player.
  2. The only player on the field who can use his or her hands in the penalty box.
  3. Using the head to pass the ball or score
  4. making a pass that results in a goal
  5. a kick taken 12 yards in front of the goal as a result of a foul or hand ball.

10 Clues: player whose main role is to scoreTapping the ball along under controlScore by putting the ball into the netUsing the head to pass the ball or scoremaking a pass that results in a goalthe player who tries to keep the other team from scoringa term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent....

soccer 2020-07-21

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. shoes you wear when you play soccer.
  2. a game alot of people like to play.
  3. a place that people use to play soccer.
  4. a person who protects the soccergoal.
  5. what you get when you win a tournament.
  6. a glove a goal keeper wear's
  1. a thing people use to protect their shin's
  2. a person who try's to score a goal.
  3. what you use to play soccer
  4. what you use to kick a ball in.

10 Clues: what you use to play soccera glove a goal keeper wear'swhat you use to kick a ball in.a person who try's to score a goal.a game alot of people like to you wear when you play soccer.a person who protects the soccergoal.a place that people use to play soccer.what you get when you win a tournament.a thing people use to protect their shin's

Soccer 2020-12-29

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. score by putting the ball into the net
  2. A kick taken 12 yards in front of the goal as a result of a foul or hand ball.
  3. to kick the ball along under control by yourself
  4. primary role is to score
  5. using the head to pass the ball
  1. The only player on the field who can use his or her hands in the penalty box.
  2. When the referee judges a violation against an opposing player.
  3. A term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent.
  4. tries to keep the other team from scoring
  5. make a pass that results in a goal

10 Clues: primary role is to scoreusing the head to pass the ballmake a pass that results in a goalscore by putting the ball into the nettries to keep the other team from scoringto kick the ball along under control by yourselfA term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent.When the referee judges a violation against an opposing player....

Soccer 2017-09-07

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. injured
  2. Legend
  3. Hand of God
  4. Loyal
  1. Bite
  2. Italian GK
  3. Money
  4. King
  5. Dribbling king
  6. hair

10 Clues: BiteKinghairMoneyLoyalLegendinjuredItalian GKHand of GodDribbling king

Soccer 2016-10-22

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. All the players have it behind their shirt. They decide which one they want to have.
  2. It is the objective of all the players in the soccer. Some players score a lot of this in one season.
  3. It is a country who plays in Europe. They are the European champions, they won the Euro 2016. The flag of this country is red and green.
  4. This player is very important on the field. He has to defend against the opponent.
  5. He is one of the best players in the history of soccer. He is small and he plays for FC Barcelona. The first letter of his last name is M.
  1. It is the biggest competition of the soccer in the world. All the countries can play and try to win this competition.
  2. He is a player on the pinch. This player has to stop to ball and protect the goal.
  3. This player plays forward on the field. He must foil the defenders and score goals.
  4. It is the principal object in soccer. The players use it during the game. We have to put this object in the goal.
  5. It is a very important person in the team. He makes the decisions and decides who plays.

10 Clues: He is a player on the pinch. This player has to stop to ball and protect the goal.This player is very important on the field. He has to defend against the opponent.This player plays forward on the field. He must foil the defenders and score goals.All the players have it behind their shirt. They decide which one they want to have....

Soccer 2016-10-23

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. It is the objective of all the players in soccer. Some players score a lot of this in one season.
  2. It is the principal object in soccer. The players use it during the game. We have to put this object in the goal.
  3. It is a very important person in the team. He makes the decisions and decides who plays.
  4. He is a player on the field. This player has to stop the ball and protect the goal
  5. This player is very important on the field. He has to defend against the opponent.
  6. All the players have it behind their shirt. They decide which one they want to have.
  7. It is the biggest soccer competition in the world. All the countries can play and try to win this competition.
  1. This player plays forward on the field. He must beat the defenders and score goals.
  2. He is one of the best players in the history of soccer. He is small and he plays for FC Barcelona. The first letter of his last name is M.
  3. It is a country who plays in Europe. They are the European champions, they won the Euro 2016. The flag of this country is red and green.

10 Clues: This player is very important on the field. He has to defend against the opponent.He is a player on the field. This player has to stop the ball and protect the goalThis player plays forward on the field. He must beat the defenders and score goals.All the players have it behind their shirt. They decide which one they want to have....

Soccer 2020-09-21

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. backup players sitting and waiting to go in
  2. when a player comites a very bad foul or comites 2 pretty bad fouls
  3. when a team scores or when a half starts, the first pass
  4. when the player is past the last defender
  5. when the attacking team kicks the ball out on the goal keeper’s line
  6. the amount of points you get for winning a game
  1. when a players comites a pretty bad foul
  2. when the attacking team gets fouled in the box
  3. when the ball goes out of bounds on the sides of the field
  4. When a team scores

10 Clues: When a team scoreswhen a players comites a pretty bad foulwhen the player is past the last defenderbackup players sitting and waiting to go inwhen the attacking team gets fouled in the boxthe amount of points you get for winning a gamewhen a team scores or when a half starts, the first passwhen the ball goes out of bounds on the sides of the field...

Soccer 2020-09-20

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. it is not known exactly when soccer was created but they suspect as early as _____ years ago
  2. A soccer game is split into _____.
  3. soccer is the most _______ game in the world.
  4. when the ball is in the net it is considered a _____.
  5. the person that makes sure all the rules are being followed
  1. the number of players allowed on the field
  2. a soccer game is ________ long
  3. majority of the world calls it by this name
  4. the only players on the field that can touch the ball with their hands
  5. the amount of points a goal is worth

10 Clues: a soccer game is ________ longA soccer game is split into _____.the amount of points a goal is worththe number of players allowed on the fieldmajority of the world calls it by this namesoccer is the most _______ game in the world.when the ball is in the net it is considered a _____.the person that makes sure all the rules are being followed...

Soccer 2021-12-09

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Best of all time is
  2. The cheating argentinian
  3. The fastest and most talented young player
  4. Is never at the Ballond'Or
  5. Poland striker that plaays in germany
  1. The best belgium player
  2. The talest goalkeeper
  3. an iconic midfilder
  4. An award every year is
  5. The brazilian icon

10 Clues: The brazilian iconBest of all time isan iconic midfilderThe talest goalkeeperAn award every year isThe best belgium playerThe cheating argentinianIs never at the Ballond'OrPoland striker that plaays in germanyThe fastest and most talented young player

Soccer 2021-12-09

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Best of all time is
  2. The cheating argentinian
  3. The fastest and most talented young player
  4. Is never at the Ballond'Or
  5. Poland striker that plaays in germany
  1. The best belgium player
  2. The talest goalkeeper
  3. an iconic midfilder
  4. An award every year is
  5. The brazilian icon

10 Clues: The brazilian iconBest of all time isan iconic midfilderThe talest goalkeeperAn award every year isThe best belgium playerThe cheating argentinianIs never at the Ballond'OrPoland striker that plaays in germanyThe fastest and most talented young player

soccer 2022-11-07

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. when they are unsure about a goal, penalty, offside etc
  2. when the offence is in front of the defence when the ball is passed
  3. won the champions league in 2019
  4. played as Barcelona's most skilled player
  5. 1st or 2nd in the world
  1. united Antony plays there
  2. can hit the cross bar 10 times in a row
  3. popular soccer game
  4. cup biggest soccer game in the WORLD
  5. ball goes through the net

10 Clues: popular soccer game1st or 2nd in the worldunited Antony plays thereball goes through the netwon the champions league in 2019cup biggest soccer game in the WORLDcan hit the cross bar 10 times in a rowplayed as Barcelona's most skilled playerwhen they are unsure about a goal, penalty, offside etc...

Soccer 2022-01-18

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. when it is very good
  2. When you get hurt
  3. When you bother someone
  4. Another word of closet
  5. Another word of competition
  1. A place to game in
  2. Another word of manner
  3. When you are out of your mind
  4. The group
  5. Somthing you won

10 Clues: The groupSomthing you wonWhen you get hurtA place to game inwhen it is very goodAnother word of mannerAnother word of closetWhen you bother someoneAnother word of competitionWhen you are out of your mind

soccer 2022-01-21

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. In the game two play, the one who scores the most goals wins
  2. he is the coach of manchester city who has been barca's coach since 2012
  3. It is a Barcelona team,which the shield is red and blue.
  4. object that is used to play which it is round
  5. maschester united player who wears number 7
  6. Barça player who wins a golden ball
  1. It is the number 30 of the Paris who played in the barca
  2. he is a former player of barca who and saves is currently a steamer
  3. if the ball enters which it counts as a goal
  4. It is the team from the capital of Spain where they are known as merenges

10 Clues: Barça player who wins a golden ballmaschester united player who wears number 7if the ball enters which it counts as a goalobject that is used to play which it is roundIt is the number 30 of the Paris who played in the barcaIt is a Barcelona team,which the shield is red and blue.In the game two play, the one who scores the most goals wins...

Soccer 2022-05-03

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. A _____ on the other team's goal
  2. A person who runs up and down the field
  3. A person who attacks the other team's goal
  4. Two teams go against each other in a ______
  5. The person who decides goals and free kicks
  1. Sending the ball to someone else
  2. The person who can use their hands
  3. The net you shoot into
  4. The part of your body you kick the ball with
  5. A person who protects the goal

10 Clues: The net you shoot intoA person who protects the goalSending the ball to someone elseA _____ on the other team's goalThe person who can use their handsA person who runs up and down the fieldA person who attacks the other team's goalTwo teams go against each other in a ______The person who decides goals and free kicks...

Soccer 2022-05-04

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. players who try to block the team from getting to the other net.
  2. break time!
  3. what the players kick
  1. 5 year old small boy whose soccer practice was cancelled.
  2. the person who stands in the net
  3. people in who defend and try to help scor
  4. the person in charge of making sure everyone follows the rules.
  5. the number of people on the field
  6. how you are allowed to pass the ball
  7. getting the ball to another player

10 Clues: break time!what the players kickthe person who stands in the netthe number of people on the fieldgetting the ball to another playerhow you are allowed to pass the ballpeople in who defend and try to help scor5 year old small boy whose soccer practice was cancelled.the person in charge of making sure everyone follows the rules....

Soccer 2023-01-03

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. when the ball is kicked into the opponent's net
  2. what players must wear to protect their shins
  3. the player that can use their hands to block goals
  4. what teams wear to match with each other
  5. a foul that is marked inside of the goalie's box
  1. a position that involves trying to block opponents from reaching their net
  2. what a player does when they are running with the soccer ball at their feet
  3. the type of shoes players must wear to play soccer
  4. a position where the players main role is to score a goal
  5. a referee calls this when a player hits another player

10 Clues: what teams wear to match with each otherwhat players must wear to protect their shinswhen the ball is kicked into the opponent's neta foul that is marked inside of the goalie's boxthe type of shoes players must wear to play soccerthe player that can use their hands to block goalsa referee calls this when a player hits another player...

Soccer 2022-06-13

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. a person who helps the other team to not score
  2. a sport that includes skill and good ball movement
  3. a person who has a lot of experience with something
  4. you practiced something and got better and better
  5. a person that is good at something
  6. the ability to do something good/well
  1. a person who makes it harder for the other team
  2. a first year player
  3. a skilled person in a competitive sport
  4. you mastered something that you have practiced and made progress

10 Clues: a first year playera person that is good at somethingthe ability to do something good/wella skilled person in a competitive sporta person who helps the other team to not scorea person who makes it harder for the other teamyou practiced something and got better and bettera sport that includes skill and good ball movement...

Soccer 2022-12-12

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. what club does Mo Salah play for?
  2. what is it called when you get three goals in one game?
  3. how many players are on a soccer team?
  4. what is it called when you kick the ball through someone's legs?
  1. what was the 1st African team to make it to the final 4?
  2. who won the 2018 world cup?
  3. what is the penalty called when you go by the last defender before the ball is passed?
  4. what is the position that normally scores goals?
  5. Chelsea plays in the_____league.
  6. how many teams are in the la Liga?

10 Clues: who won the 2018 world cup?Chelsea plays in the_____league.what club does Mo Salah play for?how many teams are in the la Liga?how many players are on a soccer team?what is the position that normally scores goals?what is it called when you get three goals in one game?what was the 1st African team to make it to the final 4?...

soccer 2023-05-18

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. player that stops the ball from getting into the net
  2. things soccer players use to protect their shins
  3. shoes soccer players use
  4. the line around the goal in which if it goes out it goes to the other team
  5. when you kick the ball in between another players legs
  1. a special type of gloves goalies use to stop the ball
  2. to signify that a player has a warning/foul
  3. a very important event for soccer players where u can win a trophy made of gold
  4. when a soccer player throws the ball in when it goes out of bounce
  5. when you pass the ball to a team member and they score a goal

10 Clues: shoes soccer players useto signify that a player has a warning/foulthings soccer players use to protect their shinsplayer that stops the ball from getting into the neta special type of gloves goalies use to stop the ballwhen you kick the ball in between another players legswhen you pass the ball to a team member and they score a goal...

Soccer 2024-11-11

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. - Stopping or controlling a moving ball with the foot or body.
  2. - Transferring the ball to a teammate with accuracy.
  3. - Kicking the ball toward the goal with power and accuracy.
  4. - The specialized position of blocking shots and protecting the goal.
  5. - Keeping the ball in the air using feet, thighs, or head to improve control.
  1. - Striking the ball with the forehead to control or redirect it.
  2. - Sending the ball from the side into the penalty area for a teammate to finish.
  3. - Movements with the feet to stay agile and in position.
  4. - Controlling and moving the ball while keeping it close to your feet.
  5. - Protecting the goal by blocking opponents’ movements.

10 Clues: - Transferring the ball to a teammate with accuracy.- Protecting the goal by blocking opponents’ movements.- Movements with the feet to stay agile and in position.- Kicking the ball toward the goal with power and accuracy.- Stopping or controlling a moving ball with the foot or body.- Striking the ball with the forehead to control or redirect it....

soccer 2018-11-22

soccer crossword puzzle


soccer 2018-06-11

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. / a cannon
  2. city/ a boat
  3. a eagle
  4. has a big j
  5. milan/ red and stripes for jersey
  1. madrid/ a crown
  2. the most popular team
  3. a rhino
  4. eiffel tower
  5. a blue dragon

10 Clues: a rhinoa eagle/ a cannonhas a big jeiffel towercity/ a boata blue dragonmadrid/ a crownthe most popular teammilan/ red and stripes for jersey

Soccer 2020-12-29

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The only player on the field who can use his or her hands in the penalty box.
  2. using the head to pass the ball
  3. to kick the ball along under control by yourself
  4. score by putting the ball into the net
  5. primary role is to score
  1. A term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent.
  2. A kick taken 12 yards in front of the goal as a result of a foul or hand ball.
  3. When the referee judges a violation against an opposing player.
  4. tries to keep the other team from scoring
  5. make a pass that results in a goal

10 Clues: primary role is to scoreusing the head to pass the ballmake a pass that results in a goalscore by putting the ball into the nettries to keep the other team from scoringto kick the ball along under control by yourselfA term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent.When the referee judges a violation against an opposing player....

Soccer 2021-01-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent.
  2. Score by putting the ball into the net
  3. the player who tries to keep the other team from scoring
  4. Tapping the ball along under control
  5. player whose main role is to score
  1. when the referee judges a violation against an opposing player.
  2. The only player on the field who can use his or her hands in the penalty box.
  3. Using the head to pass the ball or score
  4. making a pass that results in a goal
  5. a kick taken 12 yards in front of the goal as a result of a foul or hand ball.

10 Clues: player whose main role is to scoreTapping the ball along under controlScore by putting the ball into the netUsing the head to pass the ball or scoremaking a pass that results in a goalthe player who tries to keep the other team from scoringterm used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent....

Soccer 2021-01-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Making a pass that results in a goal
  2. A player whose main role is to score
  3. The player who tries to keep the other team from scoring
  4. Score by putting the ball into the net
  5. Tapping the ball along under control
  6. A term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent.
  1. The only player on the field who can use his or her hands in the penalty box.
  2. Using the head to pass the ball or score
  3. A kick taken 12 yards in front of the goal as a result of a foul or hand ball.
  4. When the referee judges a violation against an opposing player.

10 Clues: Making a pass that results in a goalA player whose main role is to scoreTapping the ball along under controlScore by putting the ball into the netUsing the head to pass the ball or scoreThe player who tries to keep the other team from scoringA term used for stealing the soccer ball from the opponent....

Soccer 2021-10-13

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The bar on the top of the goal
  2. The position that can use hands and trys to make the other team not score.
  3. A move where you go around the ball when you are dribbling the ball.
  1. when you jump up in the air and hit the ball with your head.
  2. When the ball is high in the air behind you and you jump up to kick it.
  3. When you keep kicking the ball up in the air to see how many you get.
  4. a position that trys to score goals
  5. When the ball is on your side and in the air and you kick it.
  6. A professional soccer player that plays for Argentina
  7. A move that you grab with both feet and flick over you head.

10 Clues: The bar on the top of the goala position that trys to score goalsA professional soccer player that plays for Argentinawhen you jump up in the air and hit the ball with your head.A move that you grab with both feet and flick over you head.When the ball is on your side and in the air and you kick it....

Soccer 2021-11-02

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. pass that results in a goal
  2. the team that does not have the ball
  3. how the ball is put back in play
  4. uses head to pass the ball
  5. the field that hosts a soccer match
  6. how people score in soccer
  1. the team that does have the ball
  2. When a player scores 3 goals in a single match
  3. to kick the ball along by yourself
  4. when a player disobeys the rules of the match

10 Clues: uses head to pass the ballhow people score in soccerpass that results in a goalthe team that does have the ballhow the ball is put back in playto kick the ball along by yourselfthe field that hosts a soccer matchthe team that does not have the ballwhen a player disobeys the rules of the matchWhen a player scores 3 goals in a single match

Soccer 2022-04-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Defensively, the goalie protect this
  2. the people who you play soccer with
  3. the person who helps you practice and get better
  4. the type of play where you are protecting your goal
  5. what you wear to represent your team during the game
  1. your play is in front of your net to protect it
  2. when your team has the ball you are this
  3. what you need to do to become better at soccer
  4. ball equipment that goes from one end of the field to the other
  5. the type of shoe worn by a player

10 Clues: the type of shoe worn by a playerthe people who you play soccer withDefensively, the goalie protect thiswhen your team has the ball you are thiswhat you need to do to become better at socceryour play is in front of your net to protect itthe person who helps you practice and get betterthe type of play where you are protecting your goal...

Soccer 2022-05-12

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. stops the ball from the goal
  2. you hang out with them
  3. when you make a goal it is _______
  4. soccer builds this
  5. a word for jersey
  1. you play it
  2. a huge part of who you are
  3. sport played during fall with 2 goals and a soccer ball
  4. you live with them
  5. you wear these on your feet during soccer

10 Clues: you play ita word for jerseyyou live with themsoccer builds thisyou hang out with thema huge part of who you arestops the ball from the goalwhen you make a goal it is _______you wear these on your feet during soccersport played during fall with 2 goals and a soccer ball

Soccer 2022-06-14

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition, especially in sports
  2. Animate someone with ( such a feeling)
  3. Engaged in a specified activity as one’s main paid occupation rather than as a pastime
  4. An act of defeating an opponent or enemy in a battle ,game,or other competition
  1. An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertain
  2. A feeling of self assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities
  3. Formally request or demand;say that one owns or has earned (something)
  4. A person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise
  5. The Greatest Of All Time
  6. A disadvantage forced on the team that breaks a rule

10 Clues: The Greatest Of All TimeAnimate someone with ( such a feeling)A disadvantage forced on the team that breaks a ruleFormally request or demand;say that one owns or has earned (something)A person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exerciseAn act of defeating an opponent or enemy in a battle ,game,or other competition...

soccer 2022-09-21

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. stands for center attack middle
  2. this man is famous for his celebration
  3. best Rb in the league
  4. best soccer player
  1. a rival to Chelsea
  2. this team lost a lot of its players
  3. most poupular in the league
  4. this sport was created in England but is mostly played in South Africa
  5. has the most hours of practice
  6. this man is the most famous in soccer

10 Clues: a rival to Chelseabest soccer playerbest Rb in the leaguemost poupular in the leaguehas the most hours of practicestands for center attack middlethis team lost a lot of its playersthis man is the most famous in soccerthis man is famous for his celebrationthis sport was created in England but is mostly played in South Africa

soccer 2022-01-21

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. the first spanish player to win a gold ballon
  2. the coach of fc barcelona
  3. the name of the goalkeeper of real madrid
  4. the team win the last global
  5. the team whit more globals
  1. the best team for Barcelona
  2. futball player wiht more gold balons
  3. the name of the last gold balon feminine
  4. the name of the spanish selection coach
  5. the team whit more champions

10 Clues: the coach of fc barcelonathe team whit more globalsthe best team for Barcelonathe team win the last globalthe team whit more championsfutball player wiht more gold balonsthe name of the spanish selection coachthe name of the last gold balon femininethe name of the goalkeeper of real madridthe first spanish player to win a gold ballon

Soccer 2021-12-09

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Best of all time is
  2. The cheating argentinian
  3. The fastest and most talented young player
  4. Is never at the Ballond'Or
  5. Poland striker that plaays in germany
  1. The best belgium player
  2. The talest goalkeeper
  3. an iconic midfilder
  4. An award every year is
  5. The brazilian icon

10 Clues: The brazilian iconBest of all time isan iconic midfilderThe talest goalkeeperAn award every year isThe best belgium playerThe cheating argentinianIs never at the Ballond'OrPoland striker that plaays in germanyThe fastest and most talented young player

Soccer 2021-12-09

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Best of all time is
  2. The cheating argentinian
  3. The fastest and most talented young player
  4. Is never at the Ballond'Or
  5. Poland striker that plaays in germany
  1. The best belgium player
  2. The talest goalkeeper
  3. an iconic midfilder
  4. An award every year is
  5. The brazilian icon

10 Clues: The brazilian iconBest of all time isan iconic midfilderThe talest goalkeeperAn award every year isThe best belgium playerThe cheating argentinianIs never at the Ballond'OrPoland striker that plaays in germanyThe fastest and most talented young player

Soccer 2022-11-28

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. winners of the 2020/21 UCL.
  2. Chelsea FC captain.
  3. Literally everyone knows him and his United contract has just been terminated.
  4. world champions in the 2020/21 season (won club world cup)
  1. plays for PSG. Everyone remembers him from his time at Barcelona.
  2. most successful team in the UCL.
  3. newest UEFA competition - don't forget to say 'Uefa' at the start.
  4. city rivals of the most successful team in the UCL.
  5. country hosting the 2022 World Cup (hint: 🇧🇭)
  6. winners of 2018 World Cup final in Russia in a 4-2 win over Croatia.
  7. PSG's trio

11 Clues: PSG's trioChelsea FC of the 2020/21 UCL.most successful team in the hosting the 2022 World Cup (hint: 🇧🇭)city rivals of the most successful team in the champions in the 2020/21 season (won club world cup)plays for PSG. Everyone remembers him from his time at Barcelona....

Soccer 2021-04-16

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. helps you aim
  2. you aim for here
  3. the pass before the shot
  1. a certain type of shoe used in soccer
  2. you aim for here
  3. rolls around the field
  4. sport involves your feet
  5. Most used in soccer
  6. The instep is referred to as this on you
  7. aim away from here
  8. A very powerful part of your foot

11 Clues: helps you aimyou aim for hereyou aim for hereaim away from hereMost used in soccerrolls around the fieldsport involves your feetthe pass before the shotA very powerful part of your foota certain type of shoe used in soccerThe instep is referred to as this on you

soccer 2023-05-15

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. the person that helps everyone
  2. the thing you have to score
  3. people who encourage the teams
  4. what do the players do
  5. you play on this
  1. he person who guards the net
  2. things you have to wear to play
  3. the thing you have to score in
  4. person who plays
  5. what does the goaly do

10 Clues: person who playsyou play on thiswhat does the goaly dowhat do the players dothe thing you have to scorehe person who guards the netthe person that helps everyonethe thing you have to score inpeople who encourage the teamsthings you have to wear to play

Soccer 2023-05-16

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. length of the field
  2. Does the sport have refs
  3. start of the game
  4. kick in the corner of the field
  5. kick the ball again and again to yourself
  6. a soccer play
  1. way to get the ball from one person to the next
  2. line name of the goalie box
  3. The name of the ball
  4. Famous soccer player from Manchester United

10 Clues: a soccer playstart of the gamelength of the fieldThe name of the ballDoes the sport have refsline name of the goalie boxkick in the corner of the fieldkick the ball again and again to yourselfFamous soccer player from Manchester Unitedway to get the ball from one person to the next

Soccer 2023-01-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. best defender
  2. Argentina legend
  3. RW Liverpool
  4. passer
  5. World Cup winner
  6. always injured
  1. Mancity robot
  2. Poland
  3. ninja turtal
  4. best first touch

10 Clues: Polandpasserninja turtalRW LiverpoolMancity robotbest defenderalways injuredArgentina legendbest first touchWorld Cup winner

Soccer 2023-06-19

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Act of transferring the ball to a teammate (4)
  2. Infraction that results in a direct free kick (7)
  3. Win in a competition (7)
  4. Position in which an attacking player is nearer to the opponent's goal than both the ball and the second-to-last defender (7)
  1. Achievement of a point in the game (5)
  2. Round object used in the game (4)
  3. Defensive move to take possession of the ball (6)
  4. The objective of the game (4)
  5. Action of striking the ball with your foot (4)
  6. Group of players working together (4)

10 Clues: Win in a competition (7)The objective of the game (4)Round object used in the game (4)Group of players working together (4)Achievement of a point in the game (5)Act of transferring the ball to a teammate (4)Action of striking the ball with your foot (4)Infraction that results in a direct free kick (7)...

Soccer 2023-03-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. plays for fc barcelona
  2. plays for hotspur
  3. plays for psg
  4. plays for united and from england
  5. plays for ac milan and france plays as left back
  1. plays for realmadirid
  2. plays from liverpool fc
  3. plays for city and from belgian
  4. plays for manchester united and england internatinoal team
  5. plays for arsenal as right wing

10 Clues: plays for psgplays for hotspurplays for realmadiridplays for fc barcelonaplays from liverpool fcplays for city and from belgianplays for arsenal as right wingplays for united and from englandplays for ac milan and france plays as left backplays for manchester united and england internatinoal team

Soccer 2023-03-26

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Has the most goals in La Liga
  2. Known as "The Fastest Man on Earth" and is also one of the most prolific goal scorers
  3. Plays for PSG & France
  4. Plays for Manchester City F.C. and Belgium national football team
  5. Plays for Barcelona and Poland
  6. Holds the record for most goals and assists in the UEFA Champions League
  1. Top scorer of the Champions League for 2020-2021 season
  2. Plays for France national football team and Real Madrid CF
  3. Plays for Fluminense FC and is the defender
  4. Regarded as one of the best strikers in the world and plays for Tottenham Hotspur F.C. and England National Football Team

10 Clues: Plays for PSG & FranceHas the most goals in La LigaPlays for Barcelona and PolandPlays for Fluminense FC and is the defenderTop scorer of the Champions League for 2020-2021 seasonPlays for France national football team and Real Madrid CFPlays for Manchester City F.C. and Belgium national football team...

Soccer 2023-04-28

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. What is the person called the plays wide and is behind the striker?
  2. What are the side bars of a soccer goal called?
  3. What is it called when the ball hits the defender and goes out of bounds next to the goal?
  4. How many players on the same team can be on the field at one time?
  5. Mark Where is the ball at the start of a game?
  6. How many goals are in a hat trick?
  1. Where do you go to get subbed into the game?
  2. Who is the only person allowed to use their hands to pick up the ball?
  3. What is the person called that marks the opposing team's last defender?
  4. What is the top bar of the soccer goal called?

10 Clues: How many goals are in a hat trick?Where do you go to get subbed into the game?What is the top bar of the soccer goal called?Mark Where is the ball at the start of a game?What are the side bars of a soccer goal called?What is the person called the plays wide and is behind the striker?...

soccer 2023-05-02

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Argentinean legend
  2. the manager of manchester city
  3. Portuguese legend
  4. the name of the first world cup trophy. (2 words)
  5. where the last world cup was hold
  1. first world cup held
  2. the day when messi scored his first goal.
  3. the top scorer in premier league right now
  4. known as the best player alive
  5. Uruguayan legend

10 Clues: Uruguayan legendPortuguese legendArgentinean legendfirst world cup heldthe manager of manchester cityknown as the best player alivewhere the last world cup was holdthe day when messi scored his first goal.the top scorer in premier league right nowthe name of the first world cup trophy. (2 words)

Soccer 2023-04-28

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Shoes worn in soccer
  2. Attacking midfielder in a wide position
  3. What captains wear during games
  4. Something you can't wear during games
  5. Outfit you have to wear during the game
  6. Type of shirt referees wear
  1. Worn to protect your shins
  2. You take with you to drink out of
  3. Person that controls the game
  4. Shirt worn during scrimmage

10 Clues: Shoes worn in soccerWorn to protect your shinsType of shirt referees wearShirt worn during scrimmagePerson that controls the gameWhat captains wear during gamesYou take with you to drink out ofSomething you can't wear during gamesAttacking midfielder in a wide positionOutfit you have to wear during the game

soccer 2023-12-14

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. i take these great
  2. one of the best soccer players in the world
  3. the team that my goat plays at
  4. one of the decent soccer players
  5. the best player in the class
  1. where half of the class is from
  2. worst club in the world
  3. the sport that they play
  4. goat team
  5. soccer player uses this celebration

10 Clues: goat teami take these greatworst club in the worldthe sport that they playthe best player in the classthe team that my goat plays atwhere half of the class is fromone of the decent soccer playerssoccer player uses this celebrationone of the best soccer players in the world

Soccer 2023-09-25

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. - A player who controls the game from the middle of the field.
  2. - A direct shot awarded for a foul committed in the penalty area.
  3. - A player positioned near the opponent's goal, often a top scorer.
  4. - Using the head to strike or pass the soccer ball.
  5. - The act of maneuvering the ball skillfully while running.
  6. - The player who guards the goal and tries to block shots.
  1. - A player tasked with preventing the opposing team from scoring.
  2. - The act of kicking the ball to a teammate to maintain possession or set up an attack.
  3. - A free kick awarded from the corner of the field.
  4. - The rectangular structure where teams score points.

10 Clues: - A free kick awarded from the corner of the field.- Using the head to strike or pass the soccer ball.- The rectangular structure where teams score points.- The player who guards the goal and tries to block shots.- The act of maneuvering the ball skillfully while running.- A player who controls the game from the middle of the field....

Soccer 2024-02-16

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Won the World Cup the most time's
  2. premier leagues leading goal scorer
  3. stadium of Real Madrid
  4. Laliga’s leading goal scorer of all time
  1. Dutch league
  2. last years Laliga winners
  3. O Rei
  4. famous club with the end of city
  5. TOTY
  6. premier ______

10 Clues: TOTYO ReiDutch leaguepremier ______stadium of Real Madridlast years Laliga winnersfamous club with the end of cityWon the World Cup the most time'spremier leagues leading goal scorerLaliga’s leading goal scorer of all time

Soccer 2024-02-24

Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. Use your foot to _____
  2. Getting this scores a point
  3. Send ball to another player
  4. Stop when you hear this
  5. Prevent goal against your team
  1. Soccer shoes
  2. Goalie wears for grip
  3. Player that can use hands
  4. Numbers to track team points
  5. For a high ball, use a _______

10 Clues: Soccer shoesGoalie wears for gripUse your foot to _____Stop when you hear thisPlayer that can use handsGetting this scores a pointSend ball to another playerNumbers to track team pointsFor a high ball, use a _______Prevent goal against your team

soccer 2024-04-09

soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The most prestigious soccer tournamen
  2. The lines that mark the boundaries of the field
  3. Top-level professional soccer league in Spain
  4. Area where the goalkeeper can handle the ball
  5. The world's most popular sport
  6. Awarded when the ball goes out of play
  1. Time added to compensate for stoppages
  2. Penalty for breaking the rules inside the box
  3. Scored by using your head
  4. Awarded for a serious foul

10 Clues: Scored by using your headAwarded for a serious foulThe world's most popular sportThe most prestigious soccer tournamenTime added to compensate for stoppagesAwarded when the ball goes out of playPenalty for breaking the rules inside the boxTop-level professional soccer league in SpainArea where the goalkeeper can handle the ball...

SOCCER TERMS 2020-05-13

SOCCER TERMS crossword puzzle
  1. former term for assistant referee
  2. player is stopped ball not moving
  3. 4 soccer goals
  4. guarding an opponent
  5. called only by the referee
  6. 5 soccer goals
  7. kicking ball while in midair
  8. side volley
  1. 6 goals
  2. long distance kick by goalie
  3. an offense in soccer
  4. 7 goals
  5. pass kicked high with backspin
  6. using the head to pass or shoot
  7. a pass between an opponent’s legs
  8. 2 handed overhead pass
  9. penalty area

17 Clues: 6 goals7 goalsside volleypenalty area4 soccer goals5 soccer goalsan offense in soccerguarding an opponent2 handed overhead passcalled only by the refereelong distance kick by goaliekicking ball while in midairpass kicked high with backspinusing the head to pass or shootformer term for assistant refereeplayer is stopped ball not moving...

football and soccer crossword 2018-10-22

football and soccer crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How many points are touchdowns worth in football?
  2. Soccer world cup is held every ………. year/s.
  3. There are ……… players in football
  4. What the offensive team does to prevent a defensive player from tackling the player with the football.
  5. Where was the last soccer world cup?
  6. Who is the best soccer player for year 2017?(second name/ most common)
  7. When a player grabs a football player without the ball with the hands or hooks him or tackles him.
  8. Who is allowed to catch the ball with his hand in soccer?
  9. Your hand must be in the shape of ……….. Diamond when catching a ball above your shoulder in football.
  10. Where was the soccer world cup for year 2014?
  1. What sport that you are not allowed to use your hands in playing and you have to use your foot. You have to score in a tent to get a point.
  2. Where should you put the ball after catching it with your hands in football.
  3. ………… played on a large grass field with a goal at each end.
  4. What country invented soccer?
  5. When a defender covers an offensive player without the soccer ball.
  6. Who invented the football?(first name only)
  7. How many teams are in football match?
  8. How many seconds does the goalkeeper have to pass the ball to other player Once in possession of the ball.
  9. The offensive and defensive football players who start each play at the line of scrimmage.
  10. A defensive move that steals the ball, but does not contact the offensive player. Often resulting in the offensive player falling down.
  11. What game that you drop a ball and kick it with your foot?
  12. What country won the first soccer world cup?

22 Clues: What country invented soccer?There are ……… players in footballWhere was the last soccer world cup?How many teams are in football match?Soccer world cup is held every ………. year/s.Who invented the football?(first name only)What country won the first soccer world cup?Where was the soccer world cup for year 2014?...

My favorite things in life 2023-04-23

My favorite things in life crossword puzzle
  1. Gaming
  2. Favorite sport
  3. need this to survive
  4. Home country
  5. scored this in soccer
  6. lift and get big
  7. Everyone needs to be this
  8. Everyone can do this with hard work
  9. Mat and two wrestlers
  1. need them to look cool
  2. a lot of us addiced to this
  3. not my favorite
  4. most important
  5. Doesn´t buy happiness
  6. Need to have faith
  7. play soccer with these
  8. Play soccer on this
  9. need this every morning
  10. entertain you and have fun

19 Clues: GamingHome countryFavorite sportmost importantnot my favoritelift and get bigNeed to have faithPlay soccer on thisneed this to surviveDoesn´t buy happinessscored this in soccerMat and two wrestlersneed them to look coolplay soccer with theseneed this every morningEveryone needs to be thisentertain you and have funa lot of us addiced to this...

6 2024-09-07

6 crossword puzzle
  1. Lakers legend Magic
  2. Seven-time Super Bowl champ
  3. Tennis champion Martina
  4. Hand of God scorer
  5. NBA all-time great
  6. Yankees legend
  7. Yankees captain
  8. Dominant tennis champion
  9. Swiss tennis maestro
  10. Patriots quarterback icon
  11. Argentine soccer superstar
  12. Famous baseball slugger
  1. Celtics basketball legend
  2. Portuguese soccer icon
  3. Chicago Bulls legend
  4. Fastest sprinter ever
  5. Spanish tennis great
  6. Golfing legend with 15 majors
  7. Boxing legend Ali
  8. Swimming gold medalist
  9. Brazilian soccer icon
  10. Won six NBA titles
  11. Dutch soccer innovator
  12. Five-time NBA champion
  13. "The Greatest" boxer

25 Clues: Yankees legendYankees captainBoxing legend AliHand of God scorerNBA all-time greatWon six NBA titlesLakers legend MagicChicago Bulls legendSpanish tennis greatSwiss tennis maestro"The Greatest" boxerFastest sprinter everBrazilian soccer iconPortuguese soccer iconSwimming gold medalistDutch soccer innovatorFive-time NBA champion...

Inquiry 2023-04-03

Inquiry crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite animal
  2. My favorite soccer club
  3. A sport car
  4. the logo that look like camera
  5. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
  6. Madrid Soccer club that have Ronaldo
  7. device
  8. Everyday I go ______ to learn
  9. soccer player
  10. A gun
  1. I like to play with my _______
  2. Messi is from this country
  3. my country
  4. My favorite snack
  5. Ronaldo is from this country
  6. I play it in Interschool Sport
  7. I like to play this sport
  8. My favorite soft drink
  9. I'm in grade
  10. Soccer player

20 Clues: A gundevicemy countryA sport carI'm in gradeSoccer playersoccer playerFavorite animalMy favorite snackMy favorite soft drinkMy favorite soccer clubI like to play this sportMessi is from this countryRonaldo is from this countryWinner Winner Chicken DinnerEveryday I go ______ to learnI like to play with my _______the logo that look like camera...

Alex's crossword 2023-10-02

Alex's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Alex's favorite stuffy
  2. Brand of Nathan's soccer cleats
  3. Nathan's current age
  4. Alex's middle name
  5. Mommy's favorite morning drink
  6. Nathan stayed at Auntie ________'s house
  7. Next door boy's name
  8. Joyner's street name
  9. Nathan's favorite soccer team
  10. Best younger brother
  1. Your snail's name
  2. Alex's teacher's name
  3. _______ field where Nathan plays soccer
  4. Nathan's middle name
  5. Your fish's name
  6. Alex's soccer team name, "the ______"
  7. Next door girl's name
  8. Your cat's name
  9. Alex's favorite food

19 Clues: Your cat's nameYour fish's nameYour snail's nameAlex's middle nameNathan's middle nameNathan's current ageNext door boy's nameJoyner's street nameAlex's favorite foodBest younger brotherAlex's teacher's nameNext door girl's nameAlex's favorite stuffyNathan's favorite soccer teamMommy's favorite morning drinkBrand of Nathan's soccer cleats...

Sports Teams 2024-11-19

Sports Teams crossword puzzle
  1. – London-based soccer club
  2. – Milan soccer team
  3. – Legendary MLB team
  4. – New England NFL dynasty
  5. – New Zealand rugby legends
  6. – Dallas NFL team
  7. – Sydney rugby league team
  8. – Los Angeles basketball team
  1. – Madrid soccer giant
  2. – Pittsburgh hockey team
  3. – Spanish soccer powerhouse
  4. – Italian soccer club
  5. – San Francisco baseball team
  6. – Boston NBA team
  7. – L.A. baseball team

15 Clues: – Boston NBA team– Dallas NFL team– Milan soccer team– Legendary MLB team– L.A. baseball team– Madrid soccer giant– Italian soccer club– Pittsburgh hockey team– New England NFL dynasty– London-based soccer club– Sydney rugby league team– Spanish soccer powerhouse– New Zealand rugby legends– San Francisco baseball team– Los Angeles basketball team

Deportes y Fútbol 2023-03-01

Deportes y Fútbol crossword puzzle
  1. Soccer field
  2. Keeper,Goalie
  3. Half
  4. Sports Shoes,Sneakers
  5. Spectator
  6. Score,Point
  7. Fan
  8. Goal (score)
  9. Game,Match
  1. Team,Equipment
  2. Player
  3. Soccer
  4. Soccer Net
  5. Game,Match
  6. Shorts
  7. Sports Jersey,T-Shirt
  8. Ball (big equip.)
  9. Long Socks
  10. Sports

19 Clues: FanHalfPlayerSoccerShortsSportsSpectatorSoccer NetGame,MatchLong SocksGame,MatchScore,PointSoccer fieldGoal (score)Keeper,GoalieTeam,EquipmentBall (big equip.)Sports Jersey,T-ShirtSports Shoes,Sneakers

1st Period 2024-08-16

1st Period crossword puzzle
  1. is kind, generous, and disorganized
  2. Is double jointed
  3. Likes to play soccer and went to Miller
  4. Has a twin
  5. Favorite subject is history
  6. Likes to sleep and went to Battles
  7. Is left handed
  8. Likes to play soccer and has 6 siblings
  9. Likes to play volleyball and went to Miller
  10. Likes to play football
  11. Likes playing sports and to Alvin
  12. Likes to play and soccer and enjoys pizza
  1. Likes to play soccer and favorite subject is PE
  2. Favorite Sport is volleyball and went to Adam
  3. Went to Miller and Adam. Enjoys English class
  4. Likes to draw and went to Battles
  5. Enjoys playing volleyball and went to Battles
  6. Plays soccer and went to Adam
  7. Has an older sister and went to Battles
  8. Likes to sleep and enjoys Art
  9. Has 3 brothers and is a quick learner
  10. Plays soccer and went to Adam. Enjoys PE
  11. Likes sports and went to Battles
  12. Speaks 3 languages
  13. Likes to play football and enjoys PE
  14. Has Mr. Gomez for math
  15. Has 3 brothers and went to Miller
  16. Likes skating
  17. Enjoys sleeping and went to Miller
  18. Good at soccer and is fast

30 Clues: Has a twinLikes skatingIs left handedIs double jointedSpeaks 3 languagesHas Mr. Gomez for mathLikes to play footballGood at soccer and is fastFavorite subject is historyPlays soccer and went to AdamLikes to sleep and enjoys ArtLikes sports and went to BattlesLikes to draw and went to BattlesHas 3 brothers and went to Miller...

Mega Sports 2024-03-06

Mega Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Talk to teammates in a group circle
  2. Houston soccer team
  3. Goat of basketball
  4. Team Ronaldo Plays for
  5. Stadium in Houston for football
  6. Manchester City soccer stadium
  7. The goat of soccer
  8. Stick used in hockey
  9. Hitting equipment in baseball
  10. The puma logo
  11. Swoosh logo
  12. Thing only goalkeepers use
  13. Penalty in football
  14. The goat of football QB
  15. Soda brand that used to have cocaine
  1. Houston Astros field
  2. Houston football team
  3. 3 lines logo
  4. Manchester City Striker
  5. Soda that used to be medicine
  6. Where you score a goal
  7. Stadium for Inter Miami
  8. Kick from the corner in soccer
  9. The football team that gets carried by refs
  10. Best marathon runner of all time
  11. Team Messi plays for
  12. Used to lift and get stronger
  13. Kick the ball to teammate
  14. Best Mexican soccer stadium
  15. Kick from inside the box due to a foul in soccer

30 Clues: Swoosh logo3 lines logoThe puma logoGoat of basketballThe goat of soccerHouston soccer teamPenalty in footballHouston Astros fieldTeam Messi plays forStick used in hockeyHouston football teamWhere you score a goalTeam Ronaldo Plays forManchester City StrikerStadium for Inter MiamiThe goat of football QBKick the ball to teammate...

Mega Sports 2024-03-06

Mega Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Stadium for Inter Miami
  2. The goat of football QB
  3. Penalty in football
  4. Goat of basketball
  5. Best Mexican soccer stadium
  6. Manchester City soccer stadium
  7. Thing only goalkeepers use
  8. Soda that used to be medicine
  9. Houston football team
  10. Talk to teammates in a group circle
  11. Kick from the corner in soccer
  12. Used to lift and get stronger
  13. Houston Astros field
  14. Hitting equipment in baseball
  15. Stadium in Houston for football
  16. Where you score a goal
  17. Swoosh logo
  1. Stick used in hockey
  2. Houston soccer team
  3. Kick the ball to teammate
  4. Manchester City Striker
  5. Team Ronaldo Plays for
  6. 3 lines logo
  7. The football team that gets carried by refs
  8. Soda brand that used to have cocaine
  9. The goat of soccer
  10. Best marathon runner of all time
  11. The puma logo
  12. Kick from inside the box due to a foul in soccer
  13. Team Messi plays for

30 Clues: Swoosh logo3 lines logoThe puma logoGoat of basketballThe goat of soccerHouston soccer teamPenalty in footballStick used in hockeyHouston Astros fieldTeam Messi plays forHouston football teamTeam Ronaldo Plays forWhere you score a goalStadium for Inter MiamiThe goat of football QBManchester City StrikerKick the ball to teammate...

Novel Project 2023-05-03

Novel Project crossword puzzle
  1. the type of car Kyle's dad bought him for getting first team all state
  2. team Bobby Charlton played for the jersey Kyle wore
  3. the sport played in the book
  4. the high school they attend in the book
  5. the type of shoes you wear when playing soccer
  6. Kyle's little sister's friend she is always with
  7. the team Millburn plays in the state semifinals
  8. nicknamed el Matador, the Argentinian jersey Jonny wore
  9. the high school soccer coach
  1. the state the story is based in
  2. Jonny's friend and star of the soccer team
  3. Kyle Saint-Claire's little sister
  4. their high school team's rival
  5. famous English soccer player used to compare Kyle to
  6. the local high school soccer page writing
  7. where the new foreign exchange girl is from
  8. the new foreign exchange girl at school
  9. the county the story is based in
  10. the narrator and main character
  11. the name of the girl Jonny met last summer and liked to remember before she passed

20 Clues: the sport played in the bookthe high school soccer coachtheir high school team's rivalthe state the story is based inthe narrator and main characterthe county the story is based inKyle Saint-Claire's little sisterthe high school they attend in the bookthe new foreign exchange girl at schoolthe local high school soccer page writing...

Swamp Soccer 2021-02-18

Swamp Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. matkustaa
  2. aalto
  3. potkaista
  4. paikka
  5. mitali
  6. jalkapallo
  7. varastohuone
  8. koskettaa
  1. maalivahti
  2. taklata
  3. likainen
  4. vitsailla
  5. lika, rapa
  6. varoivainen
  7. suo
  8. melko

16 Clues: suoaaltomelkopaikkamitalitaklatalikainenmatkustaapotkaistavitsaillakoskettaamaalivahtilika, rapajalkapallovaroivainenvarastohuone


SOCCER CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. A position on the field closer to the goal.
  2. What you play.
  3. Soccer gear.
  4. You have to follow these.
  5. You play this in the game.
  6. You go really fast.
  7. The amount of Goals in a game.
  8. Something you wear on your feet.
  9. Something on your feet.
  1. A Kick on the Goalkeeper.
  2. Something to help with sweat.
  3. A position what is closer to score.
  4. When you tackle someone.
  5. A Keeper.
  6. A movement.
  7. A sport.

16 Clues: A sport.A Keeper.A movement.Soccer gear.What you play.You go really fast.Something on your feet.When you tackle someone.A Kick on the Goalkeeper.You have to follow these.You play this in the game.Something to help with sweat.The amount of Goals in a game.Something you wear on your feet.A position what is closer to score....

Soccer Jargon 2014-03-19

Soccer Jargon crossword puzzle
  1. to pass the ball to one’s own goalkeeper
  2. soccer is also known as...
  3. you kick the ball into the...
  4. contact with the ball using your hands
  5. A special type of kick in soccer where a player strikes the ball with his foot while inverted in mid-air
  6. the official leader of a team
  7. the ref holds up something to indicate that the layer must leave the field
  8. a soccer shoe
  9. if a player receives the ball from a team-mate and there are not at least two opponents between that player and the goal.
  1. The method of starting a football match or re-starting it after a goal is scored.
  2. To get in the way of an attacker without trying to win the ball
  3. person who trains the team
  4. The method of restarting play after the ball goes out of bounds over the goal line and an attacking player was the last to touch it
  5. players play with a...
  6. a kick on the goal defended only by the goal keeper
  7. the official who controls the game

16 Clues: a soccer shoeplayers play with a...person who trains the teamsoccer is also known kick the ball into the...the official leader of a teamthe official who controls the gamecontact with the ball using your handsto pass the ball to one’s own goalkeepera kick on the goal defended only by the goal keeper...

Do you know your classmates 2021-01-25

Do you know your classmates crossword puzzle
  1. loves to crochet and always pays close attention
  2. loves Megadolons and Tyrannosaurus Rex
  3. drawing is his passion and is no longer shy
  4. plays chess and is a big reader
  5. has a new haircut and is a great writer
  6. rodent owner and loves nature
  7. mom teaches yoga to class and loves soccer
  8. top girl soccer player and loves math
  9. loves soccer and leave blowers
  10. speaks another language and very good writer
  1. dog lover and sings with headphones on
  2. has a missing tooth and loves soccer
  3. dances and plays piano
  4. speaks German and loves soccer
  5. always says good morning to Ms. Bahareh and Mr. Jess
  6. grunts when she is upset and loves breaks
  7. from another planet and hard to get his attention
  8. loves cats and even wears cat ears for headphones
  9. loves soccer and to write
  10. loves to show us his forehead and is fast in math
  11. mom gave us cotton and loves riddles

21 Clues: dances and plays pianoloves soccer and to writerodent owner and loves naturespeaks German and loves soccerloves soccer and leave blowersplays chess and is a big readerhas a missing tooth and loves soccermom gave us cotton and loves riddlestop girl soccer player and loves mathdog lover and sings with headphones on...

Soccer Jargon 2014-03-19

Soccer Jargon crossword puzzle
  1. if a player receives the ball from a team-mate and there are not at least two opponents between that player and the goal.
  2. a soccer shoe
  3. kick The method of restarting play after the ball goes out of bounds over the goal line and an attacking player was the last to touch it
  4. the official leader of a team
  5. contact with the ball using your hands
  6. the official who controls the game
  7. The method of starting a football match or re-starting it after a goal is scored.
  8. a kick on the goal defended only by the goal keeper
  1. card the ref holds up something to indicate that the layer must leave the field
  2. soccer is also known as...
  3. players play with a...
  4. person who trains the team
  5. kick A special type of kick in soccer where a player strikes the ball with his foot while inverted in midair
  6. you kick the ball into the...
  7. To get in the way of an attacker without trying to win the ball
  8. pass to pass the ball to ones own goalkeeper

16 Clues: a soccer shoeplayers play with is also known as...person who trains the teamyou kick the ball into the...the official leader of a teamthe official who controls the gamecontact with the ball using your handspass to pass the ball to ones own goalkeepera kick on the goal defended only by the goal keeper...

Soccer Trivia 2024-11-04

Soccer Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Player with the greatest throw ins ever
  2. Nickname of Pogba
  3. Team that won the 2010 Treble
  4. Former American and Everton Goalkeeper
  5. Continent hosting the 2026 World Cup
  6. 2016 Copa America Winner
  7. Ball used at the 2010 World Cup
  8. Country with the biggest stadium in the world.
  1. Club where Heung Min-Son and Raúl played together
  2. Top Scorer at the 2024 Euros
  3. Country that Samuel Eto'o is from
  4. Most assists in history
  5. German Leverkusen player who recovered from an ACL
  6. Swedish player in the Portuguese league
  7. What is kicked in soccer
  8. Winner of the 2000 Balon D'or

16 Clues: Nickname of PogbaMost assists in historyWhat is kicked in soccer2016 Copa America WinnerTop Scorer at the 2024 EurosTeam that won the 2010 TrebleWinner of the 2000 Balon D'orBall used at the 2010 World CupCountry that Samuel Eto'o is fromContinent hosting the 2026 World CupFormer American and Everton Goalkeeper...

9 2024-09-07

9 crossword puzzle
  1. Dallas Mavericks star Nowitzki
  2. Baseball home run king
  3. French soccer legend
  4. French soccer legend
  5. Super Bowl MVP QB
  6. NFL running back Derrick
  7. First Black NASCAR driver
  8. Women's golf great
  9. NBA's all-time scorer
  10. NBA MVP Allen
  1. NBA Dunk Contest winner
  2. NHL goalie with mask
  3. Legendary Dodgers pitcher
  4. Yankees captain Munson
  5. Argentina's soccer genius
  6. Australian tennis champion
  7. English soccer legend
  8. U.S. tennis champion
  9. Golf legend Bobby
  10. Steelers running back
  11. NBA MVP and scorer
  12. Italian soccer icon
  13. NFL linebacker Von
  14. Olympic track legend Carl
  15. Pro wrestling icon

25 Clues: NBA MVP AllenSuper Bowl MVP QBGolf legend BobbyNBA MVP and scorerWomen's golf greatNFL linebacker VonPro wrestling iconItalian soccer iconNHL goalie with maskFrench soccer legendFrench soccer legendU.S. tennis championEnglish soccer legendSteelers running backNBA's all-time scorerBaseball home run kingYankees captain MunsonNBA Dunk Contest winner...

out of sync 2020-10-29

out of sync crossword puzzle
  1. Heels UNC mascot
  2. most intense position
  3. focusing on scoring
  4. a position that is utilized
  5. UNC soccer player
  6. fullback or stopper
  7. colleges looking at you
  8. were the extra players go
  9. Berg the soccer coach
  1. security at a club
  2. national collegiate athletic association
  3. getting the most recruiters
  4. to score goals
  5. Mill Clubs name
  6. moving the ball
  7. Madison select soccer team
  8. type of soccer field
  9. placed in front of defenders for protection
  10. main character
  11. player at the net to stop the ball
  12. madison´s best friend

21 Clues: to score goalsmain characterMill Clubs namemoving the ballUNC soccer playersecurity at a clubHeels UNC mascotfocusing on scoringfullback or stoppertype of soccer fieldmost intense positionmadison´s best friendBerg the soccer coachcolleges looking at youwere the extra players goMadison select soccer teamgetting the most recruiters...

out of sync 2020-10-29

out of sync crossword puzzle
  1. Heels UNC mascot
  2. most intense position
  3. focusing on scoring
  4. a position that is utilized
  5. UNC soccer player
  6. fullback or stopper
  7. colleges looking at you
  8. were the extra players go
  9. Berg the soccer coach
  1. security at a club
  2. national collegiate athletic association
  3. getting the most recruiters
  4. to score goals
  5. Mill Clubs name
  6. moving the ball
  7. Madison select soccer team
  8. type of soccer field
  9. placed in front of defenders for protection
  10. main character
  11. player at the net to stop the ball
  12. madison´s best friend

21 Clues: to score goalsmain characterMill Clubs namemoving the ballHeels UNC mascotUNC soccer playersecurity at a clubfocusing on scoringfullback or stoppertype of soccer fieldmost intense positionmadison´s best friendBerg the soccer coachcolleges looking at youwere the extra players goMadison select soccer teamgetting the most recruiters...

Sport Stars 2022-10-25

Sport Stars crossword puzzle
  1. British Formula One Driver
  2. Plays American Football for the Buccaneers
  3. One of the greatest boxers of all time
  4. Jamaican sprinter
  5. Brazilian soccer player
  6. Portuguese soccer player
  7. Japanese baseball player
  8. Plays basketball for the Lakers
  9. Welsh soccer player
  1. Spanish tennis player
  2. Golden State Warriors player
  3. Current heavyweight boxing champion
  4. American lightweight boxer
  5. One of the Williams sisters
  6. Swiss tennis player
  7. Serbian tennis player
  8. Argentinian soccer player
  9. American golfer

18 Clues: American golferJamaican sprinterSwiss tennis playerWelsh soccer playerSpanish tennis playerSerbian tennis playerBrazilian soccer playerPortuguese soccer playerJapanese baseball playerArgentinian soccer playerBritish Formula One DriverAmerican lightweight boxerOne of the Williams sistersGolden State Warriors playerPlays basketball for the Lakers...

US Soccer 2024-10-21

US Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. The decade that was the golden age of American soccer
  2. A competitive sport or match between teams
  3. The position after second place
  4. To achieve victory in a match or competition
  5. A conflict or battle, often metaphorical, like the soccer conflict in the US
  6. The organization that governed soccer in the US and represented it to FIFA
  7. What players try to score in soccer
  8. goal A mistake that causes a team to score against itself
  9. Groups of sports teams that compete against each other
  1. Replacements of players in a game
  2. A person who trains and leads a sports team
  3. A severe economic downturn that affected soccer teams in the 1930s
  4. A group of players working together in a sport
  5. The result of not winning in a competition
  6. What players do in sports or games
  7. A university that played a key role in shaping American football

16 Clues: The position after second placeReplacements of players in a gameWhat players do in sports or gamesWhat players try to score in soccerA competitive sport or match between teamsThe result of not winning in a competitionA person who trains and leads a sports teamTo achieve victory in a match or competitionA group of players working together in a sport...

Soccer problem 2023-01-31

Soccer problem crossword puzzle
  1. the person who is defending the goal
  2. people who support a team
  3. tournament with all the nations around the world
  4. The players who stop the attackers
  5. the player who scores a lot of goals
  6. the round object you kick against
  7. The best player in the world
  1. When you play the ball between someone’s legs
  2. The person who checks if you are offside
  3. The person who leads the team
  4. Two teams who play against each other
  5. The place where a match is played
  6. Two teams who hate each other
  7. The person who leads the match in a fair way
  8. When you score three times in a single match
  9. the place where the ball has to go to get a point

16 Clues: people who support a teamThe best player in the worldThe person who leads the teamTwo teams who hate each otherThe place where a match is playedthe round object you kick againstThe players who stop the attackersthe person who is defending the goalthe player who scores a lot of goalsTwo teams who play against each other...

world cup 2023-01-05

world cup crossword puzzle
  1. the best soccer player in the world
  2. from people in charge
  3. this country went unbeaten in 2010
  4. people who move countries and work
  5. a competition between teams
  6. a position in soccer
  7. this country won the most world cups
  8. the world cup is being held here
  1. someone gives money to do something
  2. a sport
  3. a soccer player
  4. that's believed to every person.
  5. when something ends up a fight
  6. world cups are this many minuets
  7. a position
  8. the owners of soccer

16 Clues: a sporta positiona soccer playera position in soccerthe owners of soccerfrom people in chargea competition between teamswhen something ends up a fightthat's believed to every cups are this many minuetsthe world cup is being held herethis country went unbeaten in 2010people who move countries and worksomeone gives money to do something...

3/4 Red 2022-12-09

3/4 Red crossword puzzle
  1. likes art and basketball
  2. likes kittens
  3. clean, neat and organised
  4. likes sushi and geography
  5. video games and books
  6. in cricket and boys soccer
  7. likes soccer and athletics
  8. is the tron likes images of cats
  9. likes soccer and made it into PSSA
  10. likes movies and games and reading
  11. likes OZTAG and is SRC
  1. likes colouring and science
  2. nickname is the goat
  3. limited edition laptop and is the principal
  4. handball and geography
  5. likes pizza and golf
  6. dancing, maths and litracy
  7. likes maths and soccer
  8. likes rugby leage and basketball
  9. likes PSSA and handball
  10. in 6 activities
  11. likes netball, writing and harry potter
  12. new to the school,likes soccer and harry potter
  13. in hip hop, choir and cricket
  14. likes reading and netball

25 Clues: likes kittensin 6 activitiesnickname is the goatlikes pizza and golfvideo games and bookshandball and geographylikes maths and soccerlikes OZTAG and is SRClikes PSSA and handballlikes art and basketballclean, neat and organisedlikes sushi and geographylikes reading and netballdancing, maths and litracyin cricket and boys soccer...

HAKWORD 2015-12-19

HAKWORD crossword puzzle
  1. What does Hakeem put in his milk?
  2. What does Hakeem like to ride
  3. Type of car
  4. Hakeems least favorite chores
  5. What don't I let Grandma cut?
  6. Where did I go in 2013?
  7. Favorite kind of car
  8. What does Hakeem really want?
  9. An animal hybrid
  10. Favourite footy team
  11. What position do I want to play in soccer?
  12. Favourite grandma in the world
  13. Hakeems favourite colour
  14. Favourite BBQ
  15. What do I like to drink
  16. What did we come in soccer
  17. Hakeems favourite animal
  1. Favourite sport
  2. What is a male chicken called
  3. Favorite PS4 game
  4. What does Hakeem want to be when he grows up?
  5. What animal don't I like?
  6. Favorite breakfast
  7. Favorite soccer team
  8. Hakeems grade 6 teacher
  9. Last birthday gift
  10. What is the soccer league called in Australia
  11. What song did we sing at the concert?
  12. What is the name of my film?
  13. Best cook in the world
  14. Favorite soccer player
  15. What kind of phone does hakeem have?
  16. What soccer league do I play in?
  17. A bad footy team
  18. What plant do I have?
  19. What is the name of my sock monkey
  20. Favourite subject at school

37 Clues: Type of carFavourite BBQFavourite sportAn animal hybridA bad footy teamFavorite PS4 gameFavorite breakfastLast birthday giftFavorite soccer teamFavorite kind of carFavourite footy teamWhat plant do I have?Best cook in the worldFavorite soccer playerWhere did I go in 2013?Hakeems grade 6 teacherWhat do I like to drinkHakeems favourite colour...

sksksksksksksksksksk 2019-10-02

sksksksksksksksksksk crossword puzzle
  1. rabbit rabbit
  2. lullaby lullaby
  3. supper supper
  4. lettuce lettuce
  5. hollow hollow
  6. scattered scattered
  7. accent accent
  8. happiness happiness
  9. occur occur
  10. ladder ladder
  11. officer officer
  12. ribbon ribbon
  13. letter letter
  14. summer summer
  1. appear appear
  2. college college
  3. issue issue
  4. hurriedly hurriedly
  5. soccer soccer
  6. bottom bottom
  7. classic classic
  8. lesson lesson
  9. slipper slipper
  10. pizza pizza
  11. better better

25 Clues: issue issueoccur occurpizza pizzarabbit rabbitappear appearsupper suppersoccer soccerbottom bottomhollow hollowlesson lessonaccent accentladder ladderribbon ribbonbetter betterletter lettersummer summercollege collegelullaby lullabylettuce lettuceclassic classicslipper slipperofficer officerhurriedly hurriedlyscattered scatteredhappiness happiness

PE Soccer 2024-09-16

PE Soccer crossword puzzle
  1. A kick awarded to a team after a foul by the opposing team.
  2. A kick awarded to the attacking team when the ball crosses the goal line after being touched by a defender.
  3. A rule violation when an attacker is nearer to the opponent's goal than both the ball and the second-last defender.
  4. A player who operates primarily in the middle area of the field.
  5. To control and move the ball with successive small touches.
  6. A card indicating a player is being sent off the field.
  7. A caution issued by the referee for misconduct.
  1. An attempt to dispossess an opponent of the ball.
  2. The international governing body of soccer founded in 1904.
  3. The method of starting or restarting play from the center circle.
  4. A player whose main role is to prevent the opposing team from scoring.
  5. A player whose main role is to score goals.
  6. The player who guards the goal and can use hands within the penalty area.
  7. A direct free kick awarded for a foul inside the penalty area.
  8. The country where modern soccer originated in the 19th century.
  9. A method of restarting play when the ball has gone out over the sideline.

16 Clues: A player whose main role is to score goals.A caution issued by the referee for misconduct.An attempt to dispossess an opponent of the ball.A card indicating a player is being sent off the field.A kick awarded to a team after a foul by the opposing team.The international governing body of soccer founded in 1904....

Soccer Crossword 2024-11-21

Soccer Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A technique using the head to play the ball.
  2. A violation of the position during a pass.
  3. A Portuguese forward widely regarded for his goal-scoring ability.
  4. A training exercise to improve skills.
  5. A caution issued for unsporting behavior.
  6. A direct shot at goal awarded after a foul.
  7. The Argentine forward famous for his dribbling skills and Ballon d'Or titles.
  8. The player who scores goals.
  9. A Brazilian forward often regarded as one of the greatest female footballers of all time.
  1. A punishment for a serious foul, resulting in expulsion.
  2. The player who attacks near the opponent's goal.
  3. The act of controlling and maneuvering the ball.
  4. Scoring three goals in a single game.
  5. The player who defends the goal.
  6. The Brazilian football legend, known for winning three World Cups.
  7. A player who replaces another during the game.

16 Clues: The player who scores goals.The player who defends the goal.Scoring three goals in a single game.A training exercise to improve skills.A caution issued for unsporting behavior.A violation of the position during a pass.A direct shot at goal awarded after a foul.A technique using the head to play the ball....

Soccer Vocabulary 2018-08-28

Soccer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Opponent
  2. Kapitän
  3. Pass
  4. Halbzeit
  5. Fußball
  6. Verlieren
  7. world champion
  8. Stürmer
  1. Verteidigung
  2. Meisterschaft
  3. Schießen= to_______ the ball
  4. penalty kick
  5. Schiedsrichter
  6. Kickoff
  7. corner ball
  8. Gewinnen

16 Clues: PassKapitänFußballKickoffStürmerOpponentHalbzeitGewinnenVerlierencorner ballVerteidigungpenalty kickMeisterschaftSchiedsrichterworld championSchießen= to_______ the ball

Soccer Players 2020-12-22

Soccer Players crossword puzzle
  1. PSG 7
  2. PSG 10
  3. Liverpool 12
  4. Arsenal 9
  5. Manchester-Utd 10
  6. Dortmund 7
  7. Liverpool 11
  1. Manchester-Utd 1
  2. Barca 10
  3. Bayern 17
  4. Bayern 1
  5. Arsenal 12
  6. Real Madrid 1
  7. Inter-Milan 7
  8. Arsenal 14
  9. Chelsea 15

16 Clues: PSG 7PSG 10Barca 10Bayern 1Bayern 17Arsenal 9Arsenal 12Arsenal 14Chelsea 15Dortmund 7Liverpool 12Liverpool 11Real Madrid 1Inter-Milan 7Manchester-Utd 1Manchester-Utd 10

Soccer terms 2022-05-05

Soccer terms crossword puzzle
  1. Cuando una jugadora patea la pelota mientras está en el aire
  2. Los jugadores las llevan en los pies
  3. cuando el portero bloquea un tiro
  4. donde intentas anotar
  5. Una jugadora patea la pelota a una compañera de equipo
  6. cuando metes la pelota
  7. jugador que guarda la portería
  8. Cuando la portero patea la pelota
  1. Un intento de marcar
  2. cuando golpeas la pelota con la cabeza
  3. cuando pateas la pelota por el campo
  4. Un jugador pasa la pelota a una jugadora que marca
  5. Vale un punto
  6. Jugadora que intenta marcar
  7. Jugadora que defiende
  8. cuando intentas robar la pelota

16 Clues: Vale un puntoUn intento de marcardonde intentas anotarJugadora que defiendecuando metes la pelotaJugadora que intenta marcarjugador que guarda la porteríacuando intentas robar la pelotacuando el portero bloquea un tiroCuando la portero patea la pelotacuando pateas la pelota por el campoLos jugadores las llevan en los pies...

Seeing the Pros in Action 2024-06-12

Seeing the Pros in Action crossword puzzle
  1. Sport played primarily with feet
  2. Awarded for superior efforts in a sport
  3. Venue for sport
  4. Acrobatic move to score a goal
  5. Ten in Spanish
  6. You're kicked out if you get this
  7. Found on the bottom of some athletic shoes
  8. Where the sun sets
  9. An official on the field
  10. Meat from a pig
  11. Shin _____
  12. Given to winners of a championship
  13. Soccer, in other words
  14. Fends off goals
  15. Leader of a team
  16. Two of the same
  17. Material around a goal
  18. They change throughout the year
  19. When a player scores three goals in a game
  20. Send the ball flying
  1. Brazilian training move
  2. Official warning in soccer
  3. Evan's soccer nemesis
  4. Soccer world championship
  5. Together
  6. Shirt worn by a player
  7. To move the ball with your feet
  8. Make a goal
  9. Player that scores goals
  10. Group of players
  11. Spanish for ball
  12. Known to run in packs
  13. Best player in the world
  14. Celebratory remark by soccer fans
  15. Strike the ball with your cranium
  16. Free shot on goal
  17. You need them to get into a concert
  18. A referee might call one
  19. Evan's favorite country for soccer

39 Clues: TogetherShin _____Make a goalTen in SpanishVenue for sportMeat from a pigFends off goalsTwo of the sameGroup of playersSpanish for ballLeader of a teamFree shot on goalWhere the sun setsSend the ball flyingEvan's soccer nemesisKnown to run in packsShirt worn by a playerSoccer, in other wordsMaterial around a goalBrazilian training move...

PE crossword 2023-10-23

PE crossword crossword puzzle
  1. something only the goalie can use
  2. competes with ronaldo
  3. competes with messi
  4. they have a jersey with the number 1
  5. the shoes for soccer
  6. the person who starts with the ball in soccer
  1. soccer players the score and defend
  2. they have a jersey with the number 0
  3. the soccer world cup
  4. a soccer group that starts with L
  5. what you use to kick around in soccer
  6. tie breaker in soccer
  7. the material for the soccer goal

13 Clues: competes with messithe soccer world cupthe shoes for soccercompetes with ronaldotie breaker in soccerthe material for the soccer goalsomething only the goalie can usea soccer group that starts with Lsoccer players the score and defendthey have a jersey with the number 0they have a jersey with the number 1what you use to kick around in soccer...

Deportes 2024-03-04

Deportes crossword puzzle
  1. anotar en la portería del oponente
  2. Deporte que se parece al futbol americano
  3. jugador que juega en la defensa.
  4. números de jugadores en el titular en un equipo de soccer
  5. un tiro anotado fuera del área en el básquet
  6. donde se originó el soccer
  7. deporte más visto en el mundo
  8. La persona más importante de un equipo que lo dirige
  9. jugador que hace los goles de campo
  10. Premio otorgado al jugador más valioso de la temporada regular de la NBA.
  1. lo que dura un juego de soccer normal.
  2. persona que pita las faltas en el soccer
  3. equipó que ha ganado más campeonatos en la NBA
  4. deporte que se juega con palos y una bola para meterla en un hoyo
  5. El mejor jugador de Portugal en soccer
  6. Jugador con más balones de oro
  7. lo que se juega cada 4 años.
  8. Nombre del estadio del Real Madrid
  9. cuando la defensiva del equipo agarra el balón en el aire se llama hacer una…
  10. Cuando la ofensiva de un equipo corre más de 50 yrds y anota un… en la NFL

20 Clues: donde se originó el soccerlo que se juega cada 4 años.deporte más visto en el mundoJugador con más balones de orojugador que juega en la defensa.anotar en la portería del oponentejugador que hace los goles de campoNombre del estadio del Real Madridlo que dura un juego de soccer normal.El mejor jugador de Portugal en soccer...

PE Crossword Puzzle Assignment 2017-10-26

PE Crossword Puzzle Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Christiano (blank) opened a museum dedicated to himself
  2. Soccer first developed in (blank),England
  3. There have been more (blank) sold than footballs, basketballs, and baseballs combined
  4. This is what a soccer field is called
  5. Soccer was illegal in this American state until 1991
  6. In 1998, a (blank) bolt killed an entire soccer team
  7. The rules of ultimate frisbee were made in a highschool in New (blank)
  1. (Blank) soccer teams have been able to play in the Olympics since 1996
  2. One of every 20 soccer injuries are caused by (blank) a victory
  3. Soccer balls are slightly (blank) shaped
  4. A real ultimate frisbee match has no (blank)
  5. Most watched and most played sport
  6. Ultimate frisbee is not yet an (blank) event
  7. This city hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup Final Game
  8. The end zones in ultimate frisbee are (blank) as big as in football
  9. In some countries, a soccer player's cleats are called (blank)

16 Clues: Most watched and most played sportThis is what a soccer field is calledSoccer balls are slightly (blank) shapedSoccer first developed in (blank),EnglandA real ultimate frisbee match has no (blank)Ultimate frisbee is not yet an (blank) eventThis city hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup Final GameSoccer was illegal in this American state until 1991...