spiderman Crossword Puzzles

First one 2018-03-23

First one crossword puzzle
  1. invincible
  3. ALEXA
  1. pollution
  2. hyderabad
  4. Earth's most customer centric company
  5. PM

9 Clues: PMALEXApollutionhyderabadSUPERHEROSUPERHEROinvincibleOPS MANAGEREarth's most customer centric company

WICKED STITCH 2020-01-21

WICKED STITCH crossword puzzle
  1. Panggilan sayang
  2. Dompet tebal ketika
  3. Pulau dewata
  4. Halus tapi mematikan
  5. Laba laba penjerat hati wanita
  1. brand baju lokal
  2. Panggilan kalau marah
  3. Burung terbang dengan
  4. Ibukota Indonesia
  5. Kenangan terindah

10 Clues: Pulau dewatabrand baju lokalPanggilan sayangIbukota IndonesiaKenangan terindahDompet tebal ketikaHalus tapi mematikanPanggilan kalau marahBurung terbang denganLaba laba penjerat hati wanita

Easter 2023-03-17

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. Alli's co-worker
  2. stage role
  3. sweeping sport on ice
  4. mascot at Foster HS
  5. do-gooder & crime fighter
  6. Alli's school
  7. Alli's tallest pal
  8. stage role
  9. favorite place to paint pottery
  10. someone from the Upper Peninsula
  11. bright way to describe Alli
  12. sometimes hot way to describe Alli
  1. old nickname for Bryce
  2. best webslinger portrayal
  3. How Bryce was recognized
  4. stage role
  5. Bryce's future school
  6. MTU team
  7. stage role
  8. Bryce's bestie
  9. Bryce's girlfriend
  10. black boxer movie franchise

22 Clues: stage rolestage rolestage rolestage roleAlli's schoolAlli's co-workerMTU teamAlli's tallest palBryce's bestieBryce's future schoolold nickname for Brycesweeping sport on icemascot at Foster HSbest webslinger portrayaldo-gooder & crime fighterBryce's girlfriendblack boxer movie franchisebright way to describe Alli...

How well do you know the bride and groom? 2023-04-15

How well do you know the bride and groom? crossword puzzle
  1. The instrument Delaney plays
  2. Delaney's occupation
  3. Tim's favorite tv show
  4. the play that started it all
  5. Tim's favorite color
  6. Tim's YouTube channel
  7. What were we doing when he proposed?
  8. Delaney's kitty
  9. Tim's birthday month
  1. Delaney's favorite tv show
  2. Delaney's favorite candy
  3. Our anniversary month
  4. Delaney's favorite color
  5. Delaney's Alma Mater
  6. Tim's occupation
  7. Tim's Alma Mater
  8. Our first date location
  9. Tim's favorite superhero
  10. Where is the honeymoon?
  11. Our favorite food

20 Clues: Delaney's kittyTim's occupationTim's Alma MaterOur favorite foodDelaney's Alma MaterDelaney's occupationTim's favorite colorTim's birthday monthOur anniversary monthTim's YouTube channelTim's favorite tv showOur first date locationWhere is the honeymoon?Delaney's favorite candyDelaney's favorite colorTim's favorite superhero...

MARVEL HEROES 2022-07-04

MARVEL HEROES crossword puzzle
  1. Guardian of the New York Sanctum
  2. lost her twin in Sokovia
  3. arrogant surgeon
  4. King of Wakanda
  5. talking tree
  6. wears an eye patch
  7. son of Odin
  8. talking raccoon
  1. God of Mischief
  2. mad green scientist
  3. member of the Guardians of the Galaxy
  4. Steve Roger's childhood friend
  5. shoots webs
  6. very small yet big
  7. Carol Danvers
  8. has a flying suit
  9. purple, wears a gauntlet
  10. Russian spy
  11. bow and arrow

19 Clues: shoots websRussian spyson of Odintalking treeCarol Danversbow and arrowGod of MischiefKing of Wakandatalking raccoonarrogant surgeonhas a flying suitvery small yet bigwears an eye patchmad green scientistlost her twin in Sokoviapurple, wears a gauntletSteve Roger's childhood friendGuardian of the New York Sanctum...

Societas secrets 2013-09-28

Societas secrets crossword puzzle
  1. eerste liefde
  2. it's all about..
  3. rood met een deukje in de zijkant
  4. mijn steun en toeverlaat
  5. jong en sappig
  6. bestuursfunctie
  7. gezellige mensen dump je in de..
  1. mijn drankje
  2. hobby
  3. bestuursnaam
  4. beste vriend tijdens de vakantie
  5. mijn virtuele prins
  6. beste vriend tijdens studietijd
  7. ik wil een..
  8. lekkers uit Maastricht
  9. Hier achter word je niet gezien
  10. lustrum schuld x 1000
  11. in de bar na een avondje doorhalen

18 Clues: hobbymijn drankjebestuursnaamik wil een..eerste liefdejong en sappigbestuursfunctieit's all about..mijn virtuele prinslustrum schuld x 1000lekkers uit Maastrichtmijn steun en toeverlaatbeste vriend tijdens studietijdHier achter word je niet gezienbeste vriend tijdens de vakantiegezellige mensen dump je in de..rood met een deukje in de zijkant...

The Avengers 2016-03-01

The Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #1
  2. Journey into Mystery #83
  3. Tales to Astonish #35
  4. Amazing Fantasy #15
  5. Tales of Suspense #57
  6. X-Men #4
  7. Incredible Hulk #180
  8. Captain America Comics #1
  9. Avengers #57
  1. Marvel Team-Up #95
  2. Marvel Premiere #47
  3. Marvel Spotlight #32
  4. Captain Marvel Vol 7 #14
  5. Avengers #162
  6. Tales of Suspense #39
  7. Amazing Fanasy Vol 2 #15

16 Clues: X-Men #4Avengers #57Avengers #162Marvel Team-Up #95Marvel Premiere #47Amazing Fantasy #15Marvel Spotlight #32Incredible Hulk #180Tales to Astonish #35Tales of Suspense #39Tales of Suspense #57Journey into Mystery #83Captain Marvel Vol 7 #14Amazing Fanasy Vol 2 #15Captain America Comics #1Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #1

Anagram crossword 2020-09-18

Anagram crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Films, End of Mining
  2. Films, Oh One Male
  3. Dishes, Heist Warbler
  4. Sports teams, Admiral Red
  5. Sports teams, Enchained Mutters
  6. Countries, Moan
  7. Countries, Rain
  8. Music bands, Boa In Truck
  1. Sports teams, Abducted in grime
  2. Countries, Lizard Newts
  3. Films, Pa Reminds
  4. Dishes, Crackpot Inlaw
  5. Music bands, Splendid First Guy
  6. Music bands, Terrain Nut
  7. Countries, Moon Race
  8. Films, In Attic
  9. Sports teams, Stocky Tie
  10. Countries, Dark Men
  11. Films, Thank Third Keg
  12. Dishes, Spinach Story

20 Clues: Films, In AtticCountries, MoanCountries, RainFilms, Pa RemindsFilms, Oh One MaleCountries, Dark MenFilms, End of MiningCountries, Moon RaceDishes, Heist WarblerDishes, Spinach StoryDishes, Crackpot InlawFilms, Thank Third KegCountries, Lizard NewtsMusic bands, Terrain NutSports teams, Stocky TieSports teams, Admiral RedMusic bands, Boa In Truck...

MARVEL MOVIES 2021-11-13

MARVEL MOVIES crossword puzzle
  1. Actor in Iron man 3
  2. Half-robot daughter
  3. Superspy
  5. Falcon's little buddy
  6. Gaurdians of Galaxy 2 planet
  7. Webs
  8. thor's hammer
  10. SNAP!!!
  11. I use guns, swords and what not
  12. Frozen in ice
  1. Metal claws
  2. Black panther identity
  3. Black Panther Enemy
  4. Best archer in marvel
  5. Bucky Barnes
  6. Metal from Wakanda
  7. Brother of thor
  8. "Harbinger of Chaos"
  10. Ultron's creation turned avenger

22 Clues: WebsSTRONGSNAP!!!SuperspyMetal clawsBucky Barnesthor's hammerFrozen in iceGREEN GUY GONEBrother of thorMetal from WakandaActor in Iron man 3Black Panther EnemyHalf-robot daughter"Harbinger of Chaos"Best archer in marvelFalcon's little buddyBlack panther identityGaurdians of Galaxy 2 planetI use guns, swords and what not...

Happy Birthday, Beb 2023-01-15

Happy Birthday, Beb crossword puzzle
  1. What I call you most often
  2. Great song with a *ding*
  3. Musical we have in common
  4. Necklace
  5. Best restaurant
  6. You as an animal
  7. Source of terrible squeak
  8. Best body type
  9. Bubby
  10. Inferior type of milk
  11. Our least favorite city
  12. Me as an animal
  1. Make a wish
  2. We match
  3. When we get this nasty
  4. Your original "flowers" (1st word abbreviated)
  5. Favorite greeting
  6. Your hometown
  7. Favorite superhero
  8. Occasional location of cheese
  9. Sponsor of NYC-Baltimore trips

21 Clues: BubbyWe matchNecklaceMake a wishYour hometownBest body typeBest restaurantMe as an animalYou as an animalFavorite greetingFavorite superheroInferior type of milkWhen we get this nastyOur least favorite cityGreat song with a *ding*Musical we have in commonSource of terrible squeakWhat I call you most oftenOccasional location of cheese...

student of 5e1 2023-01-09

student of 5e1 crossword puzzle
  1. has a wierd voice
  2. won a game in school
  3. next to rashed hamad
  4. friends with mohammed salem
  5. sits behind khalifa saif
  6. gets bullied for his name
  7. short bald guy
  8. ashgar
  1. is the bully of the class
  2. has spiderman on his bag
  3. sits next to the window
  4. friends with abdulrazaq
  5. from turkey not really
  6. kebdah
  7. doesnt show his face
  8. alhebri
  9. shortest
  10. the doob
  11. the creator of this crossword
  12. gets in trouble with mr munther

20 Clues: kebdahashgaralhebrishortestthe doobshort bald guyhas a wierd voicewon a game in schoolnext to rashed hamaddoesnt show his facefrom turkey not reallysits next to the windowfriends with abdulrazaqhas spiderman on his bagsits behind khalifa saifis the bully of the classgets bullied for his namefriends with mohammed salemthe creator of this crossword...

vocab unit 7 2023-01-11

vocab unit 7 crossword puzzle
  1. make some appear small
  2. something rly cool
  3. rolling around lazy clumsy
  4. charmingly unfamiliar or strikingly unusual
  5. preying on
  6. lively
  7. to remove by cutting
  8. thin pale careworn
  9. pose
  10. the coolest person in the world
  11. become unsteady
  1. a quality or characteristic
  2. to destroy
  3. a belief or principle
  4. showy flashy
  5. a person who joins the dark side
  6. place where to thing r joint
  7. unpretentious
  8. transport or transmit
  9. evade avoid fend off
  10. not acne
  11. humble

22 Clues: poselivelyhumblenot acneto destroypreying onshowy flashyunpretentiousbecome unsteadysomething rly coolthin pale carewornto remove by cuttingevade avoid fend offa belief or principletransport or transmitmake some appear smallrolling around lazy clumsya quality or characteristicplace where to thing r jointthe coolest person in the world...

The Avengers 2021-01-28

The Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. gamoras sister
  2. does mystic arts
  3. iron man
  4. steve's friend
  5. where does blackpanther live
  6. what school did peter parker go to
  7. scarlet witch
  8. oldest avenger
  9. how many infinity stones are there
  10. wheres the soul stone at
  11. thor's father
  1. steve rogers
  2. the cat in captain marvel
  3. bruce banner
  4. thor's brother
  5. blackwidow
  6. peter's aunt
  7. green daughter of thanos
  8. peter's quill adoptive father
  9. youngest avenger
  10. doctor strange's friend
  11. purple mad guy

22 Clues: iron manblackwidowsteve rogersbruce bannerpeter's auntscarlet witchthor's fathergamoras sisterthor's brothersteve's friendoldest avengerpurple mad guydoes mystic artsyoungest avengerdoctor strange's friendgreen daughter of thanoswheres the soul stone atthe cat in captain marvelwhere does blackpanther livepeter's quill adoptive father...

fuunnn 2021-08-26

fuunnn crossword puzzle
  1. what is shining in the sky
  2. what we watch
  3. laughter
  4. man covered in metal
  5. what we ride in
  6. rhymes with shoe
  7. man who got bit by a spider
  8. used to stop invisible man
  9. used to unlock something
  10. a soda
  11. shoe brand
  1. king of all oceans
  2. what we drink
  3. the pets we have
  4. what you are
  5. man who is invisible
  6. the strongest substance on earth(not diamonds)
  7. hide and ____.
  8. god of thunder
  9. what we write with

20 Clues: a sodalaughtershoe brandwhat you arewhat we drinkwhat we watchhide and ____.god of thunderwhat we ride inthe pets we haverhymes with shoeking of all oceanswhat we write withman covered in metalman who is invisibleused to unlock somethingwhat is shining in the skyused to stop invisible manman who got bit by a spider...

Falkarna 2022-10-21

Falkarna crossword puzzle
  1. Vapen med pilar
  2. Något som kommer på natten
  3. Annat ord för buntband
  4. Vad är en jordgubbe för något?
  5. En gammal Scania
  6. Hej på spanska
  7. Lördagen den 22 oktober
  8. Luke och Leia
  9. Slimeklump som kan bli andra pokémons
  10. Hundras
  11. Finlands huvudstad
  1. En matte-serie
  2. Heter Tors bror
  3. Blockspel
  4. Peter Parker
  5. Snövits frukt
  6. En rovfågel
  7. Den första Disneykaraktären
  8. Wake me up
  9. Håller koll på dagarna
  10. Säger grisen på engelska
  11. Händer vart fjärde år

22 Clues: HundrasBlockspelWake me upEn rovfågelPeter ParkerSnövits fruktLuke och LeiaEn matte-serieHej på spanskaVapen med pilarHeter Tors brorEn gammal ScaniaFinlands huvudstadHänder vart fjärde årAnnat ord för buntbandHåller koll på dagarnaLördagen den 22 oktoberSäger grisen på engelskaNågot som kommer på nattenDen första Disneykaraktären...

HAVE FUN 2017-01-20

HAVE FUN crossword puzzle
  1. Lift
  2. Color
  3. Function of razor
  4. Astronomy education theater
  5. Lightning
  6. Faculty/Department
  7. Social media platform
  8. Mathematical operation
  9. Animation
  10. 3D shape
  11. Layer of gas surrounding a planet
  12. Superheroes
  13. Part of speech
  14. part of body
  1. Part of car
  2. Weather
  3. native of England
  4. School subject
  5. USA capital
  6. 2D Shape
  7. Convert sounds into electrical signal
  8. No cable
  9. For cleaning teeth
  10. Indonesian philosophical basis
  11. Greek God of War
  12. Family

26 Clues: LiftColorFamilyWeather2D ShapeNo cable3D shapeLightningAnimationPart of carUSA capitalSuperheroespart of bodySchool subjectPart of speechGreek God of Warnative of EnglandFunction of razorFor cleaning teethFaculty/DepartmentSocial media platformMathematical operationAstronomy education theaterIndonesian philosophical basis...

The Moreau's 2023-06-21

The Moreau's crossword puzzle
  1. City they met in
  2. Place where they met
  3. City they live in
  4. Brittney's maiden name
  5. Couples first trip together
  6. Maid of honor
  7. Best man
  8. Month couple met
  1. Couples favorite TV show
  2. Tylers biggest fear
  3. Tylers favorite Marvel character
  4. Where he proposed
  5. Tylers favorite activity
  6. Favorite Concert
  7. Couples favorite sporting event
  8. Tylers nickname for Brittney
  9. Years together
  10. Brittney's favorite art material
  11. Couples most common vacation
  12. Name of their baby

20 Clues: Best manMaid of honorYears togetherCity they met inFavorite ConcertMonth couple metWhere he proposedCity they live inName of their babyTylers biggest fearPlace where they metBrittney's maiden nameCouples favorite TV showTylers favorite activityCouples first trip togetherTylers nickname for BrittneyCouples most common vacation...

Fest 2023-12-26

Fest crossword puzzle
  1. Fågel på bilden
  2. Despacito på svenska
  3. - Vad huter denn här växten?
  4. Bild
  5. Kygos födelsedagsland
  6. En av de 5 största religionerna
  7. Kajsas djur
  8. Katter Vlad & Kajsa
  9. Vad heter den här formen?
  10. Vilken råvara funkar ist för Jam och håller
  1. Eminems alterego
  2. Kajsas åk
  3. - Aviciis efternamnn?
  4. Vad kan man annnars kalla sill?
  5. Vlads hemstad
  6. Vem är hjälten som ska besegra Sandman?
  7. Instrumentala versionen av faded
  8. Justin timberlakes band
  9. - Banndet som gjort albatraoz?
  10. - Spelserie

20 Clues: BildKajsas åk- SpelserieKajsas djurVlads hemstadFågel på bildenEminems alteregoKatter Vlad & KajsaDespacito på svenska- Aviciis efternamnn?Kygos födelsedagslandJustin timberlakes bandVad heter den här formen?- Vad huter denn här växten?- Banndet som gjort albatraoz?Vad kan man annnars kalla sill?En av de 5 största religionerna...

Pop Culture Crossword 2024-04-04

Pop Culture Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. SUM OF 5 AND 7
  6. MOM & _ STORE


video games 2024-04-24

video games crossword puzzle
  1. car game on xbox
  2. battle royal
  3. game about skateboarding
  4. football game
  5. fighting game
  6. block game 3d
  7. green turtles
  8. game that has many other games
  1. italian plumber
  2. game about war
  3. game about a noisy head
  4. dash game about a jumping cube
  5. anime game about naruto
  6. game about a marvel character
  7. game about real life
  8. basketball game
  9. us game about suspicion
  10. game about raising a family
  11. battle royal with special powers
  12. game that school uses

20 Clues: battle royalfootball gamefighting gameblock game 3dgreen turtlesgame about waritalian plumberbasketball gamecar game on xboxgame about real lifegame that school usesgame about a noisy headanime game about narutous game about suspiciongame about skateboardinggame about raising a familygame about a marvel characterdash game about a jumping cube...

hey you 2023-07-25

hey you crossword puzzle
  1. a song that makes me think of you
  2. first holiday
  3. giant your favourite film
  4. first beach holiday abroad
  5. nick pegg
  6. little fart
  7. my zodiac sign
  8. your birth stone
  9. your zodiac sign
  10. our first picnic
  1. first cinema experience
  2. anniversary month
  3. first date
  4. one of my favourite places to go with you
  5. my birth stone
  6. our favourite tv show
  7. our eye colour

17 Clues: nick peggfirst datelittle fartfirst holidaymy birth stonemy zodiac signour eye colouryour birth stoneyour zodiac signour first picnicanniversary monthour favourite tv showfirst cinema experiencegiant your favourite filmfirst beach holiday abroada song that makes me think of youone of my favourite places to go with you

Spiderman new generation 2022-04-02

Spiderman new generation crossword puzzle
  1. Parker de naam van de spiderman die uit de toekomst komt
  2. de job van peter parker
  3. Jane de naam van de vrouw van Parker
  4. de stad waar woont Miles
  1. porker the naam van de spider-ham
  2. de naam van de tante van Peter Parker
  3. Molars naam van Miles moeder
  4. York de stad waar komt Peter Parker

8 Clues: de job van peter parkerde stad waar woont MilesMolars naam van Miles moederporker the naam van de spider-hamYork de stad waar komt Peter ParkerJane de naam van de vrouw van Parkerde naam van de tante van Peter ParkerParker de naam van de spiderman die uit de toekomst komt

Famous Enemies 2015-02-17

Famous Enemies crossword puzzle
  1. Enemy of Green Lantern
  2. Enemy of Thor
  3. Our Enemy
  4. Enemy of Spiderman
  5. Enemy of Guardians
  6. Enemy of Captain America
  1. Enemy of Professor X
  2. Enemy of Iron Man
  3. Enemy of Fantastic Four
  4. Enemy of Batman
  5. Enemy of Wolverine
  6. Enemy of Superman
  7. Enemy of God

13 Clues: Our EnemyEnemy of GodEnemy of ThorEnemy of BatmanEnemy of Iron ManEnemy of SupermanEnemy of WolverineEnemy of SpidermanEnemy of GuardiansEnemy of Professor XEnemy of Green LanternEnemy of Fantastic FourEnemy of Captain America

Niels 2014-12-02

Niels crossword puzzle
  1. gamen minecraft
  2. kado voor poekie
  3. huizen wegen gemaakt van blokjes
  4. wat eet je met sinterklaasfeest
  5. surprise maken
  6. huiskat
  1. spelen op het ijs
  2. 5 december
  3. spelen buiten in een veld met een elftal
  4. grens duitsland rusland
  5. serie op televisie
  6. vrijdagavond in de brake
  7. lekker eten

13 Clues: huiskat5 decemberlekker etensurprise makengamen minecraftkado voor poekiespelen op het ijsserie op televisiegrens duitsland ruslandvrijdagavond in de brakewat eet je met sinterklaasfeesthuizen wegen gemaakt van blokjesspelen buiten in een veld met een elftal

Estelle 2024-08-07

Estelle crossword puzzle
  1. un dimanche de foot
  2. film vu en décembre
  3. ariana grande
  4. tié la famille
  5. mojito ol del paso
  6. ville d'allemagne
  7. ville jumelée avec Bagdad
  1. il faut grimper
  2. t'as la flemme d'avoir
  3. oh non mon chandail
  4. plus important que l'eau
  5. lopotiza
  6. pour tout les fumeurs

13 Clues: lopotizaariana grandetié la familleil faut grimperville d'allemagnemojito ol del pasoun dimanche de footfilm vu en décembreoh non mon chandailpour tout les fumeurst'as la flemme d'avoirplus important que l'eauville jumelée avec Bagdad

Spelling Words Week of 11/2 2020-10-31

Spelling Words Week of 11/2 crossword puzzle
  1. _______ a mountain
  2. Characteristics
  3. Amigos
  4. Completes
  5. September, October, November, etc.
  6. To see better, you should put on your _______
  7. Twigs
  8. Spiderman and Batman are super______
  1. Meals between breakfast and dinner
  2. Least valuable coins
  3. Paths that electric currents travel on
  4. 3 and 6 are _______ of 12
  5. Pencils, erasers, and rulers are school _______
  6. Sweet treats
  7. Newborns or very young children

15 Clues: TwigsAmigosCompletesSweet treatsCharacteristics_______ a mountainLeast valuable coins3 and 6 are _______ of 12Newborns or very young childrenMeals between breakfast and dinnerSeptember, October, November, etc.Spiderman and Batman are super______Paths that electric currents travel onTo see better, you should put on your _______...

Heroes & Villains 2024-09-09

Heroes & Villains crossword puzzle
  1. First Rated R movie in the MCU
  2. Talks to fish
  3. Dr. Strange's amulet
  4. TMNT catchphrase
  5. Thor's hammer
  6. Big, purple guy
  7. RIP King T'Challa
  8. Fictional metal that exists in the MCU
  1. Diana A.'s favorite superhero
  2. Superman's dog
  3. Superman's place of work
  4. Wonder Woman's name
  5. Last name of the best Spiderman
  6. Asylum in Gotham
  7. Batman's arch nemesis

15 Clues: Talks to fishThor's hammerSuperman's dogBig, purple guyTMNT catchphraseAsylum in GothamRIP King T'ChallaWonder Woman's nameDr. Strange's amuletBatman's arch nemesisSuperman's place of workDiana A.'s favorite superheroFirst Rated R movie in the MCULast name of the best SpidermanFictional metal that exists in the MCU

info_9B_LTIB_s_26 2022-01-04

info_9B_LTIB_s_26 crossword puzzle
  1. structura alternativa
  2. obiect de scris
  3. personal computer
  4. structura repetitiva
  5. vhicul pe 2 roti
  6. vehicul pe 4 roti
  1. Baiatu paianjen
  2. Joc de gay
  3. obict pe care se scrie
  4. MILOG

10 Clues: MILOGJoc de gayBaiatu paianjenobiect de scrisvhicul pe 2 rotipersonal computervehicul pe 4 rotistructura repetitivastructura alternativaobict pe care se scrie

Marvel Infinity Saga 2023-06-09

Marvel Infinity Saga crossword puzzle
  1. AKA the Ronin
  2. I’m just your friendly neighborhood____
  3. God of Mischief
  4. ___Vision
  5. ______America, The oldest in the group
  6. ____ stone, Avenger’s forehead
  1. Ultimate finale
  2. I am______
  3. New Asgaurd
  4. Favorite child of a crazy titan
  5. _____Solider, Cap’s best friend
  6. The tree says

12 Clues: ___VisionI am______New AsgaurdAKA the RoninThe tree saysUltimate finaleGod of Mischief____ stone, Avenger’s foreheadFavorite child of a crazy titan_____Solider, Cap’s best friend______America, The oldest in the groupI’m just your friendly neighborhood____

About Aiden 2023-12-05

About Aiden crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite food
  2. Least favorite soda
  3. Where she is from
  4. Favorite planet
  5. Favorite superhero
  1. Her number 1 spotify artist for this year
  2. Another state she lived in
  3. Type of second pet
  4. Name of dog
  5. Favorite disney movie
  6. Hobby
  7. Video game she plays

12 Clues: HobbyName of dogFavorite foodFavorite planetWhere she is fromType of second petFavorite superheroLeast favorite sodaVideo game she playsFavorite disney movieAnother state she lived inHer number 1 spotify artist for this year

Conors crossword 1-15 2024-01-15

Conors crossword 1-15 crossword puzzle
  1. something to figure out, or put together
  2. dice rolling game
  3. laugh a little
  4. a whole bunch of animals
  5. night ———
  6. Dad’s favorite food
  1. your birth month
  2. teachers and learning and friends
  3. Peter Parker’s alter ego
  4. tall animal
  5. a spinning windstorm
  6. Christmas hater

12 Clues: night ———tall animallaugh a littleChristmas hateryour birth monthdice rolling gameDad’s favorite fooda spinning windstormPeter Parker’s alter egoa whole bunch of animalsteachers and learning and friendssomething to figure out, or put together

Earth Hour 2014-03-06

Earth Hour crossword puzzle
  1. Pisces meet Aries
  2. healthy ecosystem
  1. Green Goblin nemesis
  2. our planet
  3. meeting
  4. apply to whole
  5. under the sun
  6. Mr Banks
  7. The sun______

9 Clues: meetingMr Banksour planetunder the sunThe sun______apply to wholePisces meet Arieshealthy ecosystemGreen Goblin nemesis

Avengers 2022-02-04

Avengers crossword puzzle
  1. quantam physics
  2. dead at the end
  3. God of thunder
  4. natasha Romanoff
  5. Electro
  1. Vibranium weapon
  2. Sorcerer supreme
  3. God of mischief
  4. gamma rays

9 Clues: Electrogamma raysGod of thunderquantam physicsdead at the endGod of mischiefVibranium weaponSorcerer supremenatasha Romanoff

Jacob A 2024-02-26

Jacob A crossword puzzle
  1. Favourite Colour
  2. real name
  3. favourite fruit
  4. Favourite marvel character
  5. my birth month
  1. favourite colour
  2. Cultural Background
  3. my brother
  4. favourite subject
  5. my zodiac sign

10 Clues: real namemy brothermy zodiac signmy birth monthfavourite fruitfavourite colourFavourite Colourfavourite subjectCultural BackgroundFavourite marvel character

Red Marvel Characters 2021-12-21

Red Marvel Characters crossword puzzle
  1. blood
  2. tiger
  3. red devil
  4. persian plum
  1. scarlet
  2. burnt sienna
  3. lazer red
  4. crushed bug blood

8 Clues: bloodtigerscarletlazer redred devilburnt siennapersian plumcrushed bug blood

Miguel Rangel 2024-01-17

Miguel Rangel crossword puzzle
  1. favprite aimal
  2. favorite soccer player
  3. favorite climate
  4. hero that I watch yong
  5. Want to learn
  6. Favortie soccer team
  1. favorite food
  2. hobby
  3. night
  4. name I use for games

10 Clues: hobbynightfavorite foodWant to learnfavprite aimalfavorite climatename I use for gamesFavortie soccer teamfavorite soccer playerhero that I watch yong

animali 2020-04-13

animali crossword puzzle
  1. animale a 4 zampe
  2. animale coi baffi
  3. animale con la criniera
  4. ghiotto di formaggio
  5. ha paura del topo
  6. alterego di spiderman
  1. adora le ghiande
  2. gobba piena d'acqua
  3. al galoppo
  4. piccola e fortissima
  5. volatile rosa

11 Clues: al galoppovolatile rosaadora le ghiandeanimale a 4 zampeanimale coi baffiha paura del topogobba piena d'acquapiccola e fortissimaghiotto di formaggioalterego di spidermananimale con la criniera

How Well Do You Know _______? 2019-06-12

How Well Do You Know _______? crossword puzzle
  1. favorite subject
  2. favorite animal
  3. favorite color combination (include “and” between the colors)
  4. favorite superhero
  5. favorite book
  1. favorite movie
  2. favorite shape
  3. favorite number
  4. favorite word
  5. favorite thing to do
  6. favorite day of the week

11 Clues: favorite wordfavorite bookfavorite moviefavorite shapefavorite animalfavorite numberfavorite subjectfavorite superherofavorite thing to dofavorite day of the weekfavorite color combination (include “and” between the colors)

ALL about me 2022-01-20

ALL about me crossword puzzle
  1. my second favorite thing to do
  2. my favorite superhero
  3. my favorite game
  4. my second favorite sport
  5. my favorite snack
  1. my favorite subject
  2. my dream job
  3. my other dream job
  4. my favorite color
  5. my hobbies
  6. my favorite day of the week
  7. my second favorite season
  8. my favorite season
  9. my favorite food
  10. my favorite sport

15 Clues: my hobbiesmy dream jobmy favorite foodmy favorite gamemy favorite colormy favorite snackmy favorite sportmy other dream jobmy favorite seasonmy favorite subjectmy favorite superheromy second favorite sportmy second favorite seasonmy favorite day of the weekmy second favorite thing to do

movies 2022-04-28

movies crossword puzzle
  1. board game
  2. man dressed as spider
  3. fast snail
  4. man dressed as bat
  5. just like fortnite
  6. playing with my money is like playing with my emotions
  7. try and escape maze
  8. adopted brother
  1. dinosours escape park
  2. luke skywalker
  3. rich guy in metal suit
  4. knifes come out of hands
  5. robot boxing
  6. life is a highway
  7. big green guy

15 Clues: board gamefast snailrobot boxingbig green guyluke skywalkeradopted brotherlife is a highwayman dressed as batjust like fortnitetry and escape mazedinosours escape parkman dressed as spiderrich guy in metal suitknifes come out of handsplaying with my money is like playing with my emotions

WORD WALL 2013-02-11

WORD WALL crossword puzzle
  1. Inordinate Fear
  2. Extinguished Antonym
  3. "I Hate You"
  4. Mesmerizing's Equivalent
  5. Snuff
  6. Superman, Spiderman, The Hulk
  1. It's Gone!!!
  2. It will extinguish your boredom.
  3. Can describe an extravaganza
  4. Extinguish your feelings
  5. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can"
  6. Say What?
  7. Antonym - "Don't look now"
  8. Squidward's feelings toward Spongebob
  9. Turn that frown upside down
  10. Beautiful

16 Clues: SnuffSay What?BeautifulIt's Gone!!!"I Hate You"Inordinate FearExtinguished AntonymExtinguish your feelingsMesmerizing's EquivalentAntonym - "Don't look now"Turn that frown upside downCan describe an extravaganzaSuperman, Spiderman, The HulkIt will extinguish your boredom.Squidward's feelings toward Spongebob...

Marvel 2023-09-26

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. sister of the black widow
  2. the reason that the avengers didn't get the infinity gaunlet
  3. jumped off of vormir
  4. red, white, and blue
  5. almost died in a car crash
  6. angry boy
  7. eye patch
  8. no way home
  1. a cat
  2. arrested their own mother
  3. robot
  4. tiny man
  5. who lost their brother in Age of Ultron
  6. pizza dog
  7. billionare
  8. lost their hearing :)

16 Clues: a catrobottiny manpizza dogangry boyeye patchbillionareno way homejumped off of vormirred, white, and bluelost their hearing :)arrested their own mothersister of the black widowalmost died in a car crashwho lost their brother in Age of Ultronthe reason that the avengers didn't get the infinity gaunlet

Luke's Identity Puzzle 2022-03-18

Luke's Identity Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. My Favourite Soccer Team
  2. My Middle Name
  3. My Favourite sport is
  4. My Favourite Instrument
  5. My Favourite TV Show
  6. My favourite colour
  7. My Brothers Name
  1. My Favourite board game
  2. My Favourite Food
  3. My Favourite Movie Character
  4. My Pet is a
  5. My Favourite Fruit
  6. My Star sign is
  7. My Favourite NRL Team
  8. My Pets Name

15 Clues: My Pet is aMy Pets NameMy Middle NameMy Star sign isMy Brothers NameMy Favourite FoodMy Favourite FruitMy favourite colourMy Favourite TV ShowMy Favourite sport isMy Favourite NRL TeamMy Favourite board gameMy Favourite InstrumentMy Favourite Soccer TeamMy Favourite Movie Character

books/movies/TV sires 2022-02-18

books/movies/TV sires crossword puzzle
  1. dolls that aren't perfect
  2. running in a maze
  3. cats that are fighters
  4. 4 colourful creatures
  5. child left home without family
  6. Dark superhero
  1. Lucy goes into a wardrobe
  2. dragons that have special abilities
  3. hogwarts
  4. A movie about love
  5. spanish childs show
  6. dance magic (song)
  7. Radioactive spider
  8. childs show that starts with C
  9. purple dinosaur

15 Clues: hogwartsDark superheropurple dinosaurrunning in a mazeA movie about lovedance magic (song)Radioactive spiderspanish childs show4 colourful creaturescats that are fightersLucy goes into a wardrobedolls that aren't perfectchilds show that starts with Cchild left home without familydragons that have special abilities

For Babus 2015-11-09

For Babus crossword puzzle
  1. My second love
  2. Your favourite food
  3. Most hated thing in our home
  4. Mulled or white
  5. Our first trip abroad
  6. How many years are we together?
  7. My star sign
  1. Our pet name
  2. I love you
  3. With great power comes great responsibility
  4. I am totally scared of
  5. Our dream dog
  6. One of my favourite alcoholic beverages
  7. United
  8. Lasagne

15 Clues: UnitedLasagneI love youOur pet nameMy star signOur dream dogMy second loveMulled or whiteYour favourite foodOur first trip abroadI am totally scared ofMost hated thing in our homeHow many years are we together?One of my favourite alcoholic beveragesWith great power comes great responsibility

Starter 2024-02-12

Starter crossword puzzle
  1. A European country
  2. A county in England
  3. February 14th
  4. A small seat
  5. Peter Parker
  6. CE Academy's Head Teacher
  7. The top of a room
  1. February 13th 2024
  2. Makes the PlayStation
  3. Vowels
  4. Floor covering
  5. One of the countries at war in the Middle East
  6. Leader of the Labour Party
  7. Biden The US President
  8. The King's son

15 Clues: VowelsA small seatPeter ParkerFebruary 14thFloor coveringThe King's sonThe top of a roomFebruary 13th 2024A European countryA county in EnglandMakes the PlayStationBiden The US PresidentCE Academy's Head TeacherLeader of the Labour PartyOne of the countries at war in the Middle East

Marshall is 2 2024-06-16

Marshall is 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Treat drink
  2. "How is Gerry the Geranium?"
  3. Football club 'Little _______'
  4. Favourite food
  5. Favourite fruit
  6. Least favourite part of playgroup
  7. Favourite Superhero
  8. Marshall's favourite way to do things
  1. Favourite toy(s)
  2. Marshall gives treats to
  3. Favourite colour
  4. Typical breakfast
  5. "How old are you?"
  6. Favourite thing to do on holiday
  7. "Who are you voting for?" (Party colour)

15 Clues: Treat drinkFavourite foodFavourite fruitFavourite toy(s)Favourite colourTypical breakfast"How old are you?"Favourite SuperheroMarshall gives treats to"How is Gerry the Geranium?"Football club 'Little _______'Favourite thing to do on holidayLeast favourite part of playgroupMarshall's favourite way to do things"Who are you voting for?" (Party colour)

Superheros 2023-04-18

Superheros crossword puzzle
  1. hide your identity
  2. protection from guns
  3. know what you're thinking
  4. superheros have them
  5. needed to fly
  6. a superhero's student
  7. can lift a car
  1. superman has one, spiderman doesn't
  2. not afraid
  3. protect your hands
  4. a superhero's enemy
  5. made for walking
  6. can go faster than a car
  7. keep your pants on
  8. eyes cook dinner with a look

15 Clues: not afraidneeded to flycan lift a carmade for walkingprotect your handshide your identitykeep your pants ona superhero's enemyprotection from gunssuperheros have thema superhero's studentcan go faster than a carknow what you're thinkingeyes cook dinner with a looksuperman has one, spiderman doesn't

Aiden S 2024-01-19

Aiden S crossword puzzle
  1. rapper
  2. fast food restaurant
  3. colorful superhero squad
  4. hero with spider abilities
  5. italian plumber
  1. Southern refreshment
  2. creature catching game
  3. best mlb team
  4. dog breed
  5. battle royale game

10 Clues: rapperdog breedbest mlb teamitalian plumberbattle royale gameSouthern refreshmentfast food restaurantcreature catching gamecolorful superhero squadhero with spider abilities

Marvel Cinamatic Universe (MCU) 2020-04-23

Marvel Cinamatic Universe (MCU) crossword puzzle
  1. duaghter of Hank Pym
  2. first Marvel Studios release
  3. U.S. Air Force pilot Carol Danvers
  4. I am ...
  5. director of shield
  6. God of Thunder
  1. android Avenger
  2. succeeded Hank Pym as the second one
  3. genetically enhanced creature turned criminal
  4. mentored by Tony Stark
  5. skilled Marksman, briefly known as Ronin
  6. the First Avenge
  7. deadly assassin
  8. Smash!

14 Clues: Smash!I am ...God of Thunderandroid Avengerdeadly assassinthe First Avengedirector of shieldduaghter of Hank Pymmentored by Tony Starkfirst Marvel Studios releaseU.S. Air Force pilot Carol Danverssucceeded Hank Pym as the second oneskilled Marksman, briefly known as Roningenetically enhanced creature turned criminal

four fours - TU ME MANQUERAS 2024-05-09

four fours - TU ME MANQUERAS crossword puzzle
  1. master of disguise
  2. peter parker
  3. poser un ___
  4. the usher of france
  5. little guys from bien dit
  6. that's life and mika
  1. salut, bonjour, à bientôt et ___
  2. caroline's sweetheart
  3. gims' favorite accessory
  4. instead of a javelin
  5. french convention artist
  6. flick of the ___

12 Clues: peter parkerposer un ___flick of the ___master of disguisethe usher of franceinstead of a javelinthat's life and mikacaroline's sweetheartgims' favorite accessoryfrench convention artistlittle guys from bien ditsalut, bonjour, à bientôt et ___

Superheros 2023-12-21

Superheros crossword puzzle
  1. Magic Bangle
  2. Lasso of Truth
  3. Silk
  4. Boomerangs
  5. Adamantium Claws
  1. Eye of Agamotto
  2. Vibranium
  3. Hammer

8 Clues: SilkHammerVibraniumBoomerangsMagic BangleLasso of TruthEye of AgamottoAdamantium Claws

actors og charaters Björk 2023-03-07

actors og charaters Björk crossword puzzle
  1. gay
  2. bow
  3. sleepingbag
  4. red axe
  1. making my way down town
  2. glameroki
  3. Spiderman
  4. need cream

8 Clues: gaybowred axeglamerokiSpidermanneed creamsleepingbagmaking my way down town

Superheroes TCE 2020-07-24

Superheroes TCE crossword puzzle
  1. I am the wife of Mr. Incredible
  2. I am named after a comic book company and have male and female versions
  3. I use a bow and arrow
  4. Spiderman is my enemy
  5. I have a shield and an A on my forehead
  6. I upgraded from the Teen Titans to the Justice League
  7. I am a villain who can control plants
  8. Batman is my nemesis
  9. I am Superman's love interest
  10. I am Spiderman's love interest
  11. My green ring gives me powers
  12. A former member of the X-Men who turned bad
  13. I am green and strong
  14. I have a lasso of truth
  15. I have long claws
  1. My home country is Wakanda
  2. I am the king of Atlantis
  3. My spidey senses are tingling
  4. I am fast as lightning
  5. I am one of Batman's sidekicks
  6. I am a tech billionaire
  7. Before becoming a part of the suicide squad, I was Joker's sidekick
  8. I am Superman's enemy
  9. A Marvel group named the Fantastic ________
  10. As a young girl I was trained to become a lethal undercover agent
  11. Robin and I are the dynamic duo
  12. Azarath Metrion Zinthos
  13. I can shrink to the size of an insect
  14. Kryptonite is my weakness
  15. Loki is my brother

30 Clues: I have long clawsLoki is my brotherBatman is my nemesisI use a bow and arrowSpiderman is my enemyI am Superman's enemyI am green and strongI am fast as lightningI am a tech billionaireAzarath Metrion ZinthosI have a lasso of truthI am the king of AtlantisKryptonite is my weaknessMy home country is WakandaMy spidey senses are tingling...

Halloween! The Movie, The Crossword 2020-10-14

Halloween! The Movie, The Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. his mother's really the villain here
  2. a 30 year tradition
  3. say my name say my name
  4. and before I'll be a slave, I'll be buried in my grave
  5. maybe facebook was a bad idea
  6. an obscure box office flop turned certified celebrated classic
  7. scary terry
  8. the ghost of Richie Rich
  9. poetic justice with barbed wire tentacles
  10. It's all for you, Damien!
  11. can you believe THIS is the movie that lead to Spiderman 1?
  12. a horror movie about found footage
  13. a modern retelling with a dose of gaslighting
  14. a five year old with blonde hair and a knife
  15. I got give on it
  1. the longest music video ever filmed
  2. the monsters are real this time!
  3. the author was NOT happy about the lead cast in this adaptation
  4. fun fact: this Disney Channel movie was controversial because of an interracial kiss
  5. a horror movie after Spiderman?
  6. social commentary in the wake of an assassination
  7. a scary version of toy story
  8. yuppies have a baby
  9. pig blood and prom night
  10. wanna see a scary movie?
  11. systematic racism at its finest
  12. don't call him a rugrat
  13. it rubs the lotion on it's skin
  14. red balloons
  15. shall we play a game

30 Clues: scary terryred balloonsI got give on ita 30 year traditionyuppies have a babyshall we play a gamesay my name say my namedon't call him a rugratpig blood and prom nightwanna see a scary movie?the ghost of Richie RichIt's all for you, Damien!a scary version of toy storymaybe facebook was a bad ideaa horror movie after Spiderman?...

Superheroes crossword - Sushant Karthik 2021-07-09

Superheroes crossword - Sushant Karthik crossword puzzle
  1. Josh Brolin
  2. Harvey ____
  3. Real superheroes during covid times
  4. Broke batman's back
  5. Batman
  1. Man of Steel
  2. Peter Parker
  3. God of Thunder
  4. Batman's car

9 Clues: BatmanJosh BrolinHarvey ____Man of SteelPeter ParkerBatman's carGod of ThunderBroke batman's backReal superheroes during covid times

FAMOUS 2019-01-12

FAMOUS crossword puzzle
  1. damous youtuber that is the person with the most subscribers in spain
  2. Zugasti famous cyclist that have a youtube channel and you sponsor is Orbea
  3. youtuber that become famous with videos of minecraft
  4. Johnson famous actor that is know as "La Roca"
  5. famous game that was created in 2009 and become famous in 2011
  6. president of U.S.A
  7. famous streamer that plays Fornite
  8. famous caster of the LVP and sometimes comments funny videos on twitch
  9. the better player of NBA and starts with the letter J
  10. SanJuan famous cyclist that have a youtube channel and starts with the letter V
  1. caster of LVP that is friend of Ibai
  2. character of the movie "Transformers" that is a yellow car
  3. famous game that all the kids play now in Ps4, Xbos360 and PC
  4. famous european ADC in the team Fanatic that the opinion of the people is that is the better tristana in the world
  5. famous youtuber that is the person with the most subscribers in the world
  6. boy that have spider power's
  7. the most famous team in the world its origin is Korean
  8. expresident of U.S.A that their name is Barack
  9. Bieber singer that become famous with the song "baby"
  10. character of Infinity War that had a gauntlet
  11. enemy of spiderman

21 Clues: president of U.S.Aenemy of spidermanboy that have spider power'sfamous streamer that plays Fornitecaster of LVP that is friend of Ibaicharacter of Infinity War that had a gauntletexpresident of U.S.A that their name is BarackJohnson famous actor that is know as "La Roca"youtuber that become famous with videos of minecraft...

ADVENGERS 2022-03-30

ADVENGERS crossword puzzle
  5. the strongest


Superhero and Supervillains 2022-06-26

Superhero and Supervillains crossword puzzle
  3. Brother of thor
  4. A strage hero
  5. Half man, Half robot
  6. Acquaintance of Batman
  7. king of the ocean
  8. Fear of Kryptonite
  1. A teen titan from space
  2. Swing web to web
  3. Lightning God. From mortal kombat
  4. He has a ___mobile
  5. An acquaintance of Joker
  6. She has a sword&shield

14 Clues: HEHEHEHEHEHA strage heroBrother of thorSwing web to webking of the oceanHe has a ___mobileFear of KryptoniteHalf man, Half robotAcquaintance of BatmanShe has a sword&shieldA teen titan from spaceAn acquaintance of JokerWHO LET THE HAMMER DOWN!?Lightning God. From mortal kombat

Birthday 2023-10-17

Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. Charlie Brown's dog
  2. Your host's dog
  3. "_____ Jackson and the Olympians"
  4. Your host's favorite color
  5. Dorothy's dog
  6. First openly gay person elected to public office in California
  7. baby dog
  8. Greek god of the Underworld
  1. Dogs are domesticated ______
  2. Most common dog breed for racing
  3. Batman
  4. Spiderman
  5. "Gotta go fast!"
  6. Famous Ancient Greek lesbian poet

14 Clues: Batmanbaby dogSpidermanDorothy's dogYour host's dog"Gotta go fast!"Charlie Brown's dogYour host's favorite colorGreek god of the UnderworldDogs are domesticated ______Most common dog breed for racing"_____ Jackson and the Olympians"Famous Ancient Greek lesbian poetFirst openly gay person elected to public office in California

Miggy's Crossword 2024-09-18

Miggy's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. My favourite band
  2. Our Ship name
  3. My Favourite fruit
  4. Your favourite superhero
  5. Your favourite anime
  1. Your favourite sport
  2. My favourite singer
  3. Your main Nickname
  4. Latin Dance Style
  5. My Name

10 Clues: My NameOur Ship nameMy favourite bandLatin Dance StyleYour main NicknameMy Favourite fruitMy favourite singerYour favourite sportYour favourite animeYour favourite superhero

Marvel 2022-08-15

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. Superhero named after spider
  2. Total American
  3. WAS dating Aunt May
  4. big green guy
  5. "Call me SIR."
  6. Spider superhero
  7. "With great gifts comes great responsibility"
  8. Librarian at Kamar-Taj
  1. "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."
  2. SHIELD agent
  3. friend of Tony Stark's
  4. Total American
  5. Steve Lang

13 Clues: Steve LangSHIELD agentbig green guyTotal AmericanTotal American"Call me SIR."Spider superheroWAS dating Aunt Mayfriend of Tony Stark'sLibrarian at Kamar-TajSuperhero named after spider"With great gifts comes great responsibility""Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

Aiden's 2023-12-06

Aiden's crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite soda
  2. Favorite movie... this one is weird
  3. Biggest fear
  4. How old am I
  5. Favorite superhero
  6. Favorite color
  1. Hobby
  2. Video game I play
  3. My second kind of pet
  4. Dog's name
  5. Favorite disney movie
  6. Who's team was I on as a evaluator?

12 Clues: HobbyDog's nameBiggest fearHow old am IFavorite sodaFavorite colorVideo game I playFavorite superheroMy second kind of petFavorite disney movieFavorite movie... this one is weirdWho's team was I on as a evaluator?

Marvel 2022-11-08

Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. nick furyś creation
  2. can shrink and grow
  3. billionaire playboy
  4. created the avengers
  5. has a shield
  1. good at fighting and has guns
  2. can shoot webs
  3. robot with lasers
  4. uses a bows
  5. big and strong
  6. has a glove with stones
  7. has a hammer

12 Clues: uses a bowshas a shieldhas a hammercan shoot websbig and strongrobot with lasersnick furyś creationcan shrink and growbillionaire playboycreated the avengershas a glove with stonesgood at fighting and has guns

Who is Alissa? :0 2022-11-17

Who is Alissa? :0 crossword puzzle
  1. how long i had braces
  2. zodiac sign
  3. fav singer
  4. my favorite guy superhero
  5. one of my hobbies
  6. my favorite color
  7. the grade i started wearing glasses
  8. my favorite app
  9. something i drink everyday
  10. one place i really want to go
  1. my favorite number
  2. my favorite youtubers
  3. my favorite video game
  4. comfort show
  5. my middle name
  6. my favorite cake
  7. my favorite clothing item
  8. my favorite triplets
  9. the age i started playing softball

19 Clues: fav singerzodiac signcomfort showmy middle namemy favorite appmy favorite cakeone of my hobbiesmy favorite colormy favorite numbermy favorite tripletsmy favorite youtubershow long i had bracesmy favorite video gamemy favorite guy superheromy favorite clothing itemsomething i drink everydayone place i really want to go...

super sexy Tyler facts 2022-11-13

super sexy Tyler facts crossword puzzle
  1. best marvel tv show
  2. how many alive grandparents does Tyler have
  3. sadest twenty one pilots song
  4. twenty one pilots dragon
  5. how old is Tyler’s crocodile tooth
  6. fave month
  7. fave artist
  8. how many spiderman figures (not including funkos) does he have
  9. fave flower
  10. Tyler’s fave movie
  11. fave song
  1. the second fave marvel character
  2. Tyler’s birthday
  3. best ghibli movie
  4. long lost bestie
  5. the best actor (not marvel)
  6. Tyler’s fave dinosaur
  7. when did Tyler meet linda
  8. geckos name
  9. fave colour

20 Clues: fave songfave monthfave artistfave flowergeckos namefave colourTyler’s birthdaylong lost bestiebest ghibli movieTyler’s fave moviebest marvel tv showTyler’s fave dinosaurtwenty one pilots dragonwhen did Tyler meet lindathe best actor (not marvel)sadest twenty one pilots songthe second fave marvel characterhow old is Tyler’s crocodile tooth...

books/movies/TV sires 2022-02-18

books/movies/TV sires crossword puzzle
  1. dolls that aren't perfect
  2. running in a maze
  3. cats that are fighters
  4. 4 colourful creatures
  5. child left home without family
  6. Dark superhero
  1. Lucy goes into a wardrobe
  2. dragons that have special abilities
  3. hogwarts
  4. A movie about love
  5. spanish childs show
  6. dance magic (song)
  7. Radioactive spider
  8. childs show that starts with C
  9. purple dinosaur

15 Clues: hogwartsDark superheropurple dinosaurrunning in a mazeA movie about lovedance magic (song)Radioactive spiderspanish childs show4 colourful creaturescats that are fightersLucy goes into a wardrobedolls that aren't perfectchilds show that starts with Cchild left home without familydragons that have special abilities

AT THE CINEMA 2022-02-18

AT THE CINEMA crossword puzzle
  1. a superhero with a red cape
  2. film dramatique
  3. film romantique
  4. film policier
  5. name of a ginger cat
  6. film d'action: ..... film
  1. food (=nourriture)you eat at the cinema
  2. comédie musicale
  3. blue little humans
  4. film d'animation
  5. film d'horreur : .... film
  6. le roi lion: the lion ...
  7. abreviation of science-fiction
  8. film (synonym)
  9. : a superhero half (moitié)human half spider

15 Clues: film policierfilm (synonym)film dramatiquefilm romantiquecomédie musicalefilm d'animationblue little humansname of a ginger catle roi lion: the lion ...film d'action: ..... filmfilm d'horreur : .... filma superhero with a red capeabreviation of science-fictionfood (=nourriture)you eat at the cinema: a superhero half (moitié)human half spider

facciamo passare la noia! 2022-03-31

facciamo passare la noia! crossword puzzle
  1. il nuovo numero
  2. dov'è il tuo orsetto?
  3. la torta di 4 anni
  4. Rizzo chi?
  5. telefono o...?
  6. occhi alla nascita
  7. bello il 1, ma il 2?
  8. il vero 2 nome di P
  9. campione di basket
  1. il 31/03/22
  2. palla di pelo
  3. l'acqua non è..
  4. il tramonto e l'..?
  5. Morena o..?
  6. quando sei nata?

15 Clues: Rizzo chi?il 31/03/22Morena o..?palla di pelotelefono o...?il nuovo numerol'acqua non è..quando sei nata?la torta di 4 anniocchi alla nascitacampione di basketil tramonto e l'..?il vero 2 nome di Pbello il 1, ma il 2?dov'è il tuo orsetto?

Avengers Unite 2022-09-09

Avengers Unite crossword puzzle
  1. galatic smarty pants
  2. has an infinity stone in his forehead
  3. a very angry scientist
  4. All american hero
  5. girl with very strong mystic powers
  6. galatic villian
  7. kid who was bitten by spider
  8. living tree
  1. a wizard
  2. king of wakanda
  3. genius, playboy, millionaire
  4. highly trained female assassin
  5. captain americas friend
  6. god of thunder
  7. exmilitary flying pilot

15 Clues: a wizardliving treegod of thunderking of wakandagalatic villianAll american herogalatic smarty pantsa very angry scientistcaptain americas friendexmilitary flying pilotgenius, playboy, millionairekid who was bitten by spiderhighly trained female assassingirl with very strong mystic powershas an infinity stone in his forehead

Timeless Superheroes 2023-08-22

Timeless Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. - Espionage-trained hero.
  2. - Gamma-powered green giant.
  3. - Scarlet speedster with lightning.
  4. - Genius in powered armor.
  5. - Cosmic guardian with ring.
  6. - Dark vigilante of Gotham.
  7. - Adamantium-clawed mutant.
  8. - Ruler of underwater realms.
  9. - Iconic Kryptonian hero.
  10. - Wall-crawling web-slinger.
  1. - Sorcerer of the mystic arts.
  2. - Wakandan feline superhero.
  3. - Patriotic Avenger with shield.
  4. - Amazonian defender of truth.
  5. - Hammer wielding Asgardian.

15 Clues: - Espionage-trained hero.- Iconic Kryptonian hero.- Genius in powered armor.- Dark vigilante of Gotham.- Adamantium-clawed mutant.- Wakandan feline superhero.- Gamma-powered green giant.- Hammer wielding Asgardian.- Cosmic guardian with ring.- Wall-crawling web-slinger.- Ruler of underwater realms.- Sorcerer of the mystic arts....

Superhéros 1 2019-06-26

Superhéros 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Scott Summers
  2. Alan Scott
  3. Selina Kyle
  4. Arrow Oliver Queen
  5. Ray Palmer
  1. Peter Parker
  2. Princesse Diana
  3. Arthur Curry
  4. Barry Allen

9 Clues: Alan ScottRay PalmerBarry AllenSelina KylePeter ParkerArthur CurryScott SummersPrincesse DianaArrow Oliver Queen

jolie 2023-12-23

jolie crossword puzzle
  1. favorite animal
  2. nama boneka
  3. all time favorite character
  4. marvel character
  5. favorite color
  1. best car
  2. our first game
  3. favorite anime
  4. tanggal awal ketemu

9 Clues: best carnama bonekaour first gamefavorite animefavorite colorfavorite animalmarvel charactertanggal awal ketemuall time favorite character

destiny trivia 2024-10-07

destiny trivia crossword puzzle
  1. favorite superhero
  2. favorite sport
  3. dream vacation
  4. religion
  1. my age
  2. cat name
  3. favorite flower
  4. eye color

8 Clues: my agecat namereligioneye colorfavorite sportdream vacationfavorite flowerfavorite superhero

Spelling List 13 2022-03-22

Spelling List 13 crossword puzzle
  1. a large group of singers
  2. ask
  3. pause between acts of a play
  4. Batman, Spiderman, Wonderwoman, Captain America
  5. as soon as possible
  6. a place to keep things until you need them
  7. in spite of
  1. scare
  2. was moved by air
  3. body tissue that contracts to produce motion
  4. large shipment
  5. look upon
  6. position of authority
  7. to go more
  8. impressive
  9. a pain in the head
  10. having to do with the law
  11. choice

18 Clues: askscarechoicelook uponto go moreimpressivein spite oflarge shipmentwas moved by aira pain in the headas soon as possibleposition of authoritya large group of singershaving to do with the lawpause between acts of a playa place to keep things until you need thembody tissue that contracts to produce motion...

easy 2024-12-15

easy crossword puzzle
  1. Lovelots
  2. Favorite chocolate ko
  3. My course
  4. profile photo of our IG account
  5. Fav dish na may sabaw
  6. fav milktea flavor
  7. Where do I live(Baranggay)
  1. Motor ko
  2. pang ilang floor ako sa dorm
  3. Favorite Flavor
  4. fav superhero
  5. fav ml hero
  6. at least how many eggs do I eat in a day
  7. ilan puyo ko
  8. Favorite Drink
  9. Size ng paa ko
  10. first movie that we watched
  11. brand ng laptop

18 Clues: Motor koLovelotsMy coursefav ml heroilan puyo kofav superheroFavorite DrinkSize ng paa koFavorite Flavorbrand ng laptopfav milktea flavorFavorite chocolate koFav dish na may sabawWhere do I live(Baranggay)first movie that we watchedpang ilang floor ako sa dormprofile photo of our IG accountat least how many eggs do I eat in a day

Unit 17 - Group A 2024-04-26

Unit 17 - Group A crossword puzzle
  1. _______________also means to work, or more like to work on something or with something.
  2. To help others who are in need is very ___________________.
  3. Spiderman is very fast, smart and strong, making him quite ___________________.
  4. Don't ice skate on thin ice. It is very ____________________.
  5. It is an ________________ to be the teacher to such wonderful students.
  1. With great __________________ comes great responsibility. ( Spiderman )
  2. 'Stranger _______________' is taught to young kids when they do not know a person.
  3. Kody and Miss Fowler are both ________________ of the English language.
  4. Where is your _________________ from? Some of mine are from this valley.
  5. Sometimes people who like wine, keep it stored in a wine _________________.
  6. A _________________ has the job of helping people who are sick or injured.
  7. _____________ means to work, and in Canada it is spelled with a 'u'.
  8. We don't put syrup on our waffles at school because it has a lot of _______________.

13 Clues: To help others who are in need is very ___________________.Don't ice skate on thin ice. It is very ____________________._____________ means to work, and in Canada it is spelled with a 'u'.With great __________________ comes great responsibility. ( Spiderman )Kody and Miss Fowler are both ________________ of the English language....

The Noah Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-10

The Noah Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Noah's Favorite Rap Album
  2. Noah's Favorite Animal
  3. Noah's Favorite Juice
  4. Noah's Favorite Movie
  5. Noah's Favorite Sport
  6. Noah's Favorite Batman
  1. Noah's Favorite Rapper Of All Time
  2. Noah's Favorite MCU Movie
  3. Noah's Favorite Star Wars Film
  4. Noah's Favorite Animated TV Show
  5. Noah's Favorite Video Game
  6. Noah's Favorite Fictional Character
  7. Noah's Favorite Drama
  8. Noah's Favorite Color

14 Clues: Noah's Favorite JuiceNoah's Favorite DramaNoah's Favorite MovieNoah's Favorite SportNoah's Favorite ColorNoah's Favorite AnimalNoah's Favorite BatmanNoah's Favorite MCU MovieNoah's Favorite Rap AlbumNoah's Favorite Video GameNoah's Favorite Star Wars FilmNoah's Favorite Animated TV ShowNoah's Favorite Rapper Of All Time...

aşkım20 2024-06-15

aşkım20 crossword puzzle
  1. sana aldığım ilk hediye
  2. uyurken ne dinleriz
  3. en sevdiğim film karakteri
  4. ilk seximizde hangi içeceği içtik
  5. favori baharatımız
  6. hangi hayvana benziyorsun
  7. en sevdiğim müzik grubu
  8. meliha paralel evrende hangi canlı
  9. trenle gittiğimiz ilk yer
  1. yaptığım mesleklerden bir tanesi
  2. sevdiğim yemeklerden biri
  3. gizli cümle
  4. beraber çalıştığımız bar
  5. birlikte izlediğimiz ilk film (sinemada)

14 Clues: gizli cümlefavori baharatımızuyurken ne dinlerizsana aldığım ilk hediyeen sevdiğim müzik grububeraber çalıştığımız barsevdiğim yemeklerden birihangi hayvana benziyorsuntrenle gittiğimiz ilk yeren sevdiğim film karakteriyaptığım mesleklerden bir tanesiilk seximizde hangi içeceği içtikmeliha paralel evrende hangi canlı...

Superheros 2021-12-08

Superheros crossword puzzle
  1. Sebastian Stan
  2. Scarlett Johansson
  3. Simu Liu
  4. Grant Gustin, Ezra Miller
  5. Brie Larson
  1. Chris Evan, Anthony Mackie
  2. Gal Gadot
  3. Robert Downey Jr.
  4. Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton
  5. Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Tom Holland
  6. Henry Cavill

11 Clues: Simu LiuGal GadotBrie LarsonHenry CavillSebastian StanRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonGrant Gustin, Ezra MillerChris Evan, Anthony MackieBen Affleck, Christian Bale, Michael KeatonAndrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Tom Holland

Superheros 2021-12-08

Superheros crossword puzzle
  1. Simu Liu
  2. Gal Gadot
  3. Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton
  4. Sebastian Stan
  5. Grant Gustin, Ezra Miller
  1. Chris Evan, Anthony Mackie
  2. Robert Downey Jr.
  3. Brie Larson
  4. Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Tom Holland
  5. Scarlett Johansson
  6. Henry Cavill

11 Clues: Simu LiuGal GadotBrie LarsonHenry CavillSebastian StanRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonGrant Gustin, Ezra MillerChris Evan, Anthony MackieAndrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Tom HollandBen Affleck, Christian Bale, Michael Keaton

The Marvel-lous crossword 2023-01-31

The Marvel-lous crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The merc with a mouth
  2. A type of venomous spider
  3. WWII legend
  4. World’s fastest mutant
  1. Catches thieves just like flies
  2. “No more mutants”
  3. Billionaire playboy “philanthropist”
  4. The naughty god
  5. Originally white
  6. Smaaaashhhh!!!!
  7. Lord of Thunder

11 Clues: WWII legendThe naughty godSmaaaashhhh!!!!Lord of ThunderOriginally white“No more mutants”The merc with a mouthWorld’s fastest mutantA type of venomous spiderCatches thieves just like fliesBillionaire playboy “philanthropist”

mcu 2021-01-29

mcu crossword puzzle
  1. has a metal arm
  2. can run miles
  3. black widow
  4. died in endgame
  5. ceo of stark industries
  1. green daughter of thanos
  2. i love you 30000
  3. green rage monster
  4. thor's brother
  5. i dont wanna go
  6. collects magic stones

11 Clues: black widowcan run milesthor's brotherhas a metal armi dont wanna godied in endgamei love you 30000green rage monstercollects magic stonesceo of stark industriesgreen daughter of thanos

Marvel Crossword 2022-03-06

Marvel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Don't touch my walkman
  2. The King
  3. Hey Queens!
  4. The family man
  5. And I am...
  6. The Scarlet Witch
  7. I am so still, I'm invisible
  8. I'm always angry
  1. How much for the arm?
  2. Watch out for those cats!
  3. Russian spy
  4. Don't you lose that shield again!
  5. Cheese wizz in his veins?
  6. There's no unspoken thing

14 Clues: The KingRussian spyHey Queens!And I am...The family manI'm always angryThe Scarlet WitchHow much for the arm?Don't touch my walkmanWatch out for those cats!Cheese wizz in his veins?There's no unspoken thingI am so still, I'm invisibleDon't you lose that shield again!

FALL/HOCO 2023-10-16

FALL/HOCO crossword puzzle
  7. they perform field shows at sporting events


Superheroes 2024-09-10

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. Billionaire with armor
  2. King of Wakanda
  3. Dark knight
  4. Deadpool’s best friend
  5. Bit by a radioactive bug
  1. God of thunder
  2. Has a shield
  3. Fastest man alive
  4. Wolverine’s best friend
  5. Angry

10 Clues: AngryDark knightHas a shieldGod of thunderKing of WakandaFastest man aliveBillionaire with armorDeadpool’s best friendWolverine’s best friendBit by a radioactive bug

Shovon 2021-08-30

Shovon crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite color?
  2. I am form?
  3. My favorite food?
  4. My favorite movie?
  5. really important?
  1. I like to read?
  2. I like this instrument?
  3. My best friend?
  4. My favorite country?
  5. My favorite game?

10 Clues: I am form?I like to read?My best friend?My favorite food?really important?My favorite game?My favorite color?My favorite movie?My favorite country?I like this instrument?

movies 2022-05-06

movies crossword puzzle
  1. (the man of steel)
  2. (tony stark)
  3. (jokers enemy)
  4. (woman fits in shoe)
  5. (toys move)
  6. (we dont talk about bruno)
  1. (peter parker)
  2. (woman of wonder)
  3. (a boat hits ice)
  4. (loki's brother)

10 Clues: (toys move)(tony stark)(peter parker)(jokers enemy)(loki's brother)(woman of wonder)(a boat hits ice)(the man of steel)(woman fits in shoe)(we dont talk about bruno)

Mängud 2023-05-24

Mängud crossword puzzle
  1. tapmis mäng
  2. relva mäng
  3. mõõga mäng
  4. blocki mäng
  5. lõbus mäng
  6. relvade mäng
  1. survival mäng
  2. lahe RBG mäng
  3. smashing mäng
  4. super hero mäng
  5. relva mäng

11 Clues: relva mängmõõga mängrelva mänglõbus mängtapmis mängblocki mängrelvade mängsurvival mänglahe RBG mängsmashing mängsuper hero mäng

J's crossword 2024-10-27

J's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Julia's fictional toxic trait boyfriend
  2. All about Jatie
  3. Julia's lullaby
  4. so-called home
  5. Our superhero
  1. Julia's go-to song
  2. Book that connects us
  3. Cheesecake
  4. Anak mama
  5. Youre my ____ to my Sheldon

10 Clues: Anak mamaCheesecakeOur superheroso-called homeAll about JatieJulia's lullabyJulia's go-to songBook that connects usYoure my ____ to my SheldonJulia's fictional toxic trait boyfriend

Ella 2022-05-30

Ella crossword puzzle
  1. Ultron killed him first
  2. Ultron killed her brother
  3. Starlords daddy
  4. Russian spy
  5. Hid time stone
  6. Killed ironman
  7. one of the most powerful characters in the mcu
  8. Falls in love with starlord
  9. Taught doctor strange
  1. We are groot
  2. Made multiverse collapse
  3. Broke mjolnir
  4. Technically was an infinity stone
  5. Starlords biological father
  6. That's my secret, I'm always angry
  7. I am groot
  8. Became nice
  9. He fought in ww2
  10. Created ultron
  11. lost his eye to a cat

20 Clues: I am grootBecame niceRussian spyWe are grootBroke mjolnirCreated ultronHid time stoneKilled ironmanStarlords daddyHe fought in ww2Taught doctor strangelost his eye to a catUltron killed him firstMade multiverse collapseUltron killed her brotherStarlords biological fatherFalls in love with starlordTechnically was an infinity stone...

For Shashwat 1234 2020-05-21

For Shashwat 1234 crossword puzzle
  1. (Capital of Idaho)
  2. (City in France)
  3. (first son of Queen Victoria)
  4. (Surname of actor who played Barfi
  5. (Modern family of grandfather)
  6. (Surname of Notting Hill actor)
  7. Capital of Algeria
  8. (The alter ego of Mr Hyde)
  9. (Surname of starwars character and Spanish for 'only'
  10. (regal animal)
  1. (Planet and chocolate bar)
  2. (Surname of Spiderman actor)
  3. (Oslo is the capital)
  4. (Dog of Mickey Mouse)
  5. (batman villan)
  6. (a king nicknamed Strider)
  7. (Creator of Middle Earth)
  8. (New horse shoes)
  9. (Lovegood daughter)

19 Clues: (regal animal)(batman villan)(City in France)(New horse shoes)(Capital of Idaho)Capital of Algeria(Lovegood daughter)(Oslo is the capital)(Dog of Mickey Mouse)(Creator of Middle Earth)(Planet and chocolate bar)(a king nicknamed Strider)(The alter ego of Mr Hyde)(Surname of Spiderman actor)(first son of Queen Victoria)(Modern family of grandfather)...

Easter Crossword 2019-04-20

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Easter ______
  2. Jon's dog
  3. The Alamo is here
  4. Leader of the goblins that bug the fairies
  5. Restaurant on the corner of Main St. and Ann Arbor Trail
  6. Storm ________
  7. Elementary school #2
  8. Big Nate's last name
  9. Restaurant up north
  1. Elementary school #1
  2. Someone's middle name in our immediate family
  3. Luke's father
  4. Jon's cat
  5. Spiderman nemesis, Doctor ______
  6. City we live in
  7. Preschool: Learning _____
  8. Adam is a player in the Magellan Voyage ________
  9. American ____ Doll
  10. Wolf Lake Range

19 Clues: Jon's catJon's dogEaster ______Luke's fatherStorm ________City we live inWolf Lake RangeThe Alamo is hereAmerican ____ DollRestaurant up northElementary school #1Elementary school #2Big Nate's last namePreschool: Learning _____Spiderman nemesis, Doctor ______Leader of the goblins that bug the fairiesSomeone's middle name in our immediate family...

Film 2015-03-04

Film crossword puzzle
  1. čovjek pauk
  2. film s neuništivim robotom
  3. božični film
  4. film o čarobnjaku
  5. pustolovna trilogija jednog hobita
  6. talijanski film s radnjom u vrijeme rata
  7. film s zelenim supermenom
  8. najpoznatiji akcijski film
  9. film o tome kada čovjek postigne 100% mozga
  10. film o labirintu
  1. film s zombijima
  2. glavni lik filma Rambo
  3. jedan od poznatijih hororaca
  4. film o tajnom agentu 007
  5. film o policajcu robotu
  6. SF film o svemiru
  7. film o smrtnosnoj igri
  8. film o uličnom plesu
  9. film s mutantima

19 Clues: čovjek paukbožični filmfilm s zombijimafilm s mutantimafilm o labirintufilm o čarobnjakuSF film o svemirufilm o uličnom plesuglavni lik filma Rambofilm o smrtnosnoj igrifilm o policajcu robotufilm o tajnom agentu 007film s zelenim supermenomfilm s neuništivim robotomnajpoznatiji akcijski filmjedan od poznatijih hororaca...

4th and 6th hour 2022-05-10

4th and 6th hour crossword puzzle
  1. wears a hoodie in the SUMMER
  2. she likes anime
  3. strait up annoying
  4. don't listen
  5. has a nice sister
  6. he plays games
  7. for all i know is that she is quiet
  8. smart
  9. needs to mind his business
  1. also annoying
  2. annoying and ugly
  3. uglyyy
  4. has a kind heart
  5. also likes anime
  6. nice just nice
  7. has a lot of stickers on her Chromebook
  8. she has cute outfits
  9. spiderman 5.0
  10. hes ok i guess

19 Clues: smartuglyyydon't listenalso annoyingspiderman 5.0nice just nicehe plays gameshes ok i guessshe likes animehas a kind heartalso likes animeannoying and uglyhas a nice sisterstrait up annoyingshe has cute outfitsneeds to mind his businesswears a hoodie in the SUMMERfor all i know is that she is quiethas a lot of stickers on her Chromebook

superheross 2024-11-22

superheross crossword puzzle
  1. is fast
  2. Pather panther
  3. strechy woman
  4. Yoda  short green germline look alike
  5. strange controls time
  6. green buff strong guy
  7. man swinswith fish
  8. Lanter green energy
  9. only one that can pick up a hammer
  10. America always has a shield
  11. woman strong muscular woman
  12. guy of the night
  1. pole could turn the size of ant
  2. web guy
  3. widow red hair
  4. wonder woman but in guy version
  5. girl batman in a different gender
  6. I am ____
  7. wolf like

20 Clues: is fastweb guyI am ____wolf likestrechy womanPather pantherwidow red hairguy of the nightman swinswith fishLanter green energygreen buff strong guystrange controls timeman HEART OF STEELAmerica always has a shieldwonder woman but in guy versionpole could turn the size of antgirl batman in a different gender...

Super Heros 2024-04-29

Super Heros crossword puzzle
  1. God of Thunder
  2. Wakanda forever
  3. America's favorite superhero
  4. Smash
  5. Transforms into a little insect
  6. Red web slinger
  1. Clark Kent
  2. Russian super spy lady
  3. Bat signal
  4. This hero uses a red iron suit
  5. This hero runs really fast
  6. Stinging insect themed lady

12 Clues: SmashClark KentBat signalGod of ThunderWakanda foreverRed web slingerRussian super spy ladyThis hero runs really fastStinging insect themed ladyAmerica's favorite superheroThis hero uses a red iron suitTransforms into a little insect

my favorites isaaq.karhani 2019-04-29

my favorites  isaaq.karhani crossword puzzle
  1. my favorite subject
  2. how many family members do i have
  3. my nickname
  4. my leauge team
  5. my favorite team
  6. my favorite game
  7. my eye colour
  8. what position i play in leuge
  9. my favorite toy
  1. what are my pets
  2. my favorite mixed ice cream flavours
  3. my favorite movie series
  4. my teacher
  5. my best friend
  6. my class
  7. my favourite movie
  8. the bravest house elf in harry potter
  9. my most prized possesion

18 Clues: my classmy teachermy nicknamemy eye colourmy leauge teammy best friendmy favorite toywhat are my petsmy favorite teammy favorite gamemy favourite moviemy favorite subjectmy favorite movie seriesmy most prized possesionwhat position i play in leugehow many family members do i havemy favorite mixed ice cream flavours...

Games 2017-04-07

Games crossword puzzle
  1. superman
  2. motorgp
  3. spiderman
  1. ironman
  2. callofduty
  3. farcry
  4. thewitcher

7 Clues: farcryironmanmotorgpsupermanspidermancallofdutythewitcher

marvel 2022-01-28

marvel crossword puzzle
  1. fists
  2. marvel
  3. gooey
  1. rings
  2. sheild
  3. webs
  4. burned

7 Clues: websringsfistsgooeysheildburnedmarvel