star wars Crossword Puzzles

Matariki Cross Word By Michael Snell 2024-06-23

Matariki Cross Word By Michael Snell crossword puzzle
  1. The Star of Music
  2. The Star of Freshwater
  3. The Star of the Winds.
  4. i te rangi The final star is hiwa-i-te-rangi which is connected to the promise of a prosperous season.
  5. An important native plant with long, stiff, upright leaves and dull red flowers.
  6. The Star of Food
  1. The Star of Remembrance
  2. The Mother star
  3. The Star of the Ocean
  4. ā rangi The seventh star is Waipuna-ā-rangi which is connected to the rain.

10 Clues: The Mother starThe Star of FoodThe Star of MusicThe Star of the OceanThe Star of FreshwaterThe Star of the Winds.The Star of RemembranceAn important native plant with long, stiff, upright leaves and dull red flowers.ā rangi The seventh star is Waipuna-ā-rangi which is connected to the rain....

space 2024-03-14

space crossword puzzle
  1. the oldest star ever
  2. starts with m and is a dwarf planet
  3. the sun
  4. holds the stars,planets and everything
  5. Scuti the biggest star
  6. has a big red spot
  7. a hole in space where light is destroyed
  8. the biggest moon
  1. measures distance in space
  2. group of stars
  3. holds planets and stars, we are in it
  4. keeps oxygen, nitrogen and trace elements in a planet.
  5. cross shown on the australian flag
  6. centauri the closest star other than the sun

14 Clues: the sungroup of starsthe biggest moonhas a big red spotthe oldest star everScuti the biggest starmeasures distance in spacestarts with m and is a dwarf planetcross shown on the australian flagholds planets and stars, we are in itholds the stars,planets and everythinga hole in space where light is destroyed...

TEK 8.8A (universe) 2022-05-11

TEK 8.8A (universe) crossword puzzle
  1. a very small type of star
  2. the galaxy we live in
  3. a bright point in space (our sun is one)
  4. the largest type of star
  5. the main type of star
  6. a very large type of star
  1. a tool used to classify stars
  2. the brightness of a star
  3. when two or more things collide form onething
  4. all of space and time
  5. cloud of dust and gas in space

11 Clues: the galaxy we live inthe main type of starall of space and timethe brightness of a starthe largest type of stara very small type of stara very large type of stara tool used to classify starscloud of dust and gas in spacea bright point in space (our sun is one)when two or more things collide form onething

space 2024-03-14

space crossword puzzle
  1. the oldest star ever
  2. starts with m and is a dwarf planet
  3. the sun
  4. holds the stars,planets and everything
  5. Scuti the biggest star
  6. has a big red spot
  7. a hole in space where light is destroyed
  8. the biggest moon
  1. measures distance in space
  2. group of stars
  3. holds planets and stars, we are in it
  4. keeps oxygen, nitrogen and trace elements in a planet.
  5. cross shown on the australian flag
  6. centauri the closest star other than the sun

14 Clues: the sungroup of starsthe biggest moonhas a big red spotthe oldest star everScuti the biggest starmeasures distance in spacestarts with m and is a dwarf planetcross shown on the australian flagholds planets and stars, we are in itholds the stars,planets and everythinga hole in space where light is destroyed...

classic movie star 2023-10-29

classic movie star crossword puzzle
  1. - Elizabeth or the original "Cleopatra"
  2. - Master of suspense
  3. - Bette or Geena
  4. - Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
  5. - Iconic blonde bombshell
  6. - Audrey or Katharine
  7. - Dashing leading man
  1. - "Mildred Pierce" actress
  2. - Lauren or Humphrey's co-star
  3. - Spencer or Spencer's partner
  4. - Silent film comedian
  5. - "Casablanca" star
  6. - "I want to be alone" actress
  7. - George or Jimmy
  8. - "The Godfather" star

15 Clues: - Bette or Geena- George or Jimmy- "Casablanca" star- Master of suspense- Audrey or Katharine- Dashing leading man- Silent film comedian- "The Godfather" star- Iconic blonde bombshell- "Mildred Pierce" actress- Lauren or Humphrey's co-star- Spencer or Spencer's partner- "I want to be alone" actress- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"...

Unit 4 2021-03-01

Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. musique classique
  2. la nuit dernière
  3. hier
  4. radio
  5. célèbre
  6. la semaine dernière
  7. petite amie
  8. vie
  9. nom de famille
  10. l’année dernière
  11. groupe
  12. près de
  1. petit ami
  2. tube
  3. hier matin
  4. le mois dernier
  5. actrice
  6. acteur
  7. concert
  8. appartement
  9. musicien
  10. chanson
  11. batteur
  12. chanteur
  13. star
  14. date

26 Clues: vietubehierstardateradioacteurgroupeactriceconcertcélèbrechansonbatteurprès demusicienchanteurpetit amihier matinappartementpetite amienom de famillele mois dernierla nuit dernièrel’année dernièremusique classiquela semaine dernière

Christmas Words 2020-12-23

Christmas Words crossword puzzle
  1. pudding
  2. gingerbread
  3. tradition
  4. frankincense
  5. tree
  6. bauble
  7. reindeer
  8. stocking
  9. lights
  10. fatherchristmas
  11. decoration
  12. mistletoe
  13. garland
  14. festive
  15. scrooge
  1. tinsel
  2. pinecone
  3. gold
  4. star
  5. red
  6. candycane
  7. elf
  8. winter
  9. wreath
  10. yulelog
  11. turkey
  12. bells
  13. nutcracker
  14. chestnuts
  15. snowman
  16. carols
  17. december
  18. sleigh

33 Clues: redelfgoldstartreebellstinselwinterwreathturkeybaublelightscarolssleighpuddingyulelogsnowmangarlandfestivescroogepineconereindeerstockingdecembertraditioncandycanechestnutsmistletoenutcrackerdecorationgingerbreadfrankincensefatherchristmas

Components of the Universe 2023-02-28

Components of the Universe crossword puzzle
  1. Comet
  2. Nebulae
  3. Diagram Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
  4. Shift Blue Shift
  5. Way Galaxy Milky Way Galaxy
  6. Magnitude Apparent Magnitude
  7. Asteroid
  8. Spectrum Electromagnetic Spectrum
  9. Sun
  10. Galaxy Spiral Galaxy
  1. Magnitude Absolute Magnitude
  2. Shift Red Shift
  3. Class Spectral Class
  4. Luminosity
  5. Frequency
  6. Universe
  7. Galaxy Elliptical Galaxy
  8. Planet
  9. Galaxy Irregular Galaxy
  10. Star

20 Clues: SunStarCometPlanetNebulaeUniverseAsteroidFrequencyLuminosityShift Red ShiftClass Spectral ClassShift Blue ShiftGalaxy Elliptical GalaxyGalaxy Irregular GalaxyGalaxy Spiral GalaxyDiagram Hertzsprung-Russell DiagramSpectrum Electromagnetic Spectrum...

Components of the Universe 2023-02-28

Components of the Universe crossword puzzle
  1. Comet
  2. Nebulae
  3. Diagram Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
  4. Shift Blue Shift
  5. Way Galaxy Milky Way Galaxy
  6. Magnitude Apparent Magnitude
  7. Asteroid
  8. Spectrum Electromagnetic Spectrum
  9. Sun
  10. Galaxy Spiral Galaxy
  1. Magnitude Absolute Magnitude
  2. Shift Red Shift
  3. Class Spectral Class
  4. Luminosity
  5. Frequency
  6. Universe
  7. Galaxy Elliptical Galaxy
  8. Planet
  9. Galaxy Irregular Galaxy
  10. Star

20 Clues: SunStarCometPlanetNebulaeUniverseAsteroidFrequencyLuminosityShift Red ShiftClass Spectral ClassShift Blue ShiftGalaxy Elliptical GalaxyGalaxy Irregular GalaxyGalaxy Spiral GalaxyDiagram Hertzsprung-Russell DiagramSpectrum Electromagnetic Spectrum...

19.06.2024 2024-06-18

19.06.2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Aquatic mammal
  2. Bird of prey
  3. Coastal structure
  4. To peruse text
  5. Sea creature
  6. Flightless bird
  7. Large striped cat
  8. Sour fruit
  9. Legless reptile
  1. Wild cat
  2. Star-gazing instrument
  3. Large mammal
  4. Place to live
  5. Australian marsupial
  6. Celestial body
  7. Insect with wings
  8. Frozen water
  9. Reading material
  10. Sweetener
  11. Invisible gas

20 Clues: Wild catSweetenerSour fruitBird of preyLarge mammalSea creatureFrozen waterPlace to liveInvisible gasAquatic mammalTo peruse textCelestial bodyFlightless birdLegless reptileReading materialCoastal structureInsect with wingsLarge striped catAustralian marsupialStar-gazing instrument

Istek 2023-12-13

Istek crossword puzzle
  1. It is used in wars in the sea
  2. This can explode
  3. It is used in war to blow up things or places
  4. After Tuesday
  1. It is used in wars in the sky
  2. Works in a school
  3. this person looks after cattle (cows)
  4. A fight between countries

8 Clues: After TuesdayThis can explodeWorks in a schoolA fight between countriesIt is used in wars in the seaIt is used in wars in the skythis person looks after cattle (cows)It is used in war to blow up things or places

Punic war 2024-10-22

Punic war crossword puzzle
  1. How many wars were there.
  2. Who was the winner in the 3rd Punic War
  3. A Roman general who defeated Hannibal
  4. 3rd Punic War
  5. The mountains that Hannibal crossed
  1. Who was Rome fighting in these wars?
  2. Who is the winner in the 2nd Punic War
  3. Animal used by Hannibal
  4. Who was the winner in the 1st Punic war?
  5. Where did they fight in their 1st Punic War
  6. Roman senator

11 Clues: Roman senator3rd Punic WarAnimal used by HannibalHow many wars were there.The mountains that Hannibal crossedWho was Rome fighting in these wars?A Roman general who defeated HannibalWho is the winner in the 2nd Punic WarWho was the winner in the 3rd Punic WarWho was the winner in the 1st Punic war?Where did they fight in their 1st Punic War

Astronomy Vocabulary 2024-05-30

Astronomy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The process where new atoms are created.
  2. Tilt is the reason Earth has these.
  3. The series of steps a star goes through during its life: Stellar ___.
  4. Good for measuring distances between stars/galaxies (2 words).
  5. Good for measuring distances between planets (2 words).
  6. When a planet is closest to the Sun.
  7. Measurement of how bright a star is; lower numbers are brighter.
  8. He figured out the Sun was in the center of the solar system.
  9. Squeezing two atoms together; the reaction pushes a star outward.
  10. Measurement of how much energy is given off by a star.
  11. The model where the Sun is in the center of the solar system.
  12. Fancy name for a cloud of dust and gas; our star will be this after its red giant stage.
  13. The force that pulls a star inward, compressing it.
  14. King of the planets with a huge red spot.
  15. Season in Iowa when we are tilted away from the Sun.
  1. While all the gas giants have rings, this one has the best set.
  2. One lap around the Sun.
  3. The "pattern" of colors given off by stars and elements.
  4. One ___ is equal to one day on a planet.
  5. This element is fused inside of a star to make helium.
  6. Model that explains how the universe might have came to be (2 words).
  7. Position when a planet is farthest away from the Sun.
  8. A huge "explosion" in space; happens only with super-sized stars.
  9. Name for planets with rocky, solid surfaces.
  10. A model where Earth is in the center of the solar system.
  11. Was "disqualified" when the definition of "planet" changed.
  12. Since galaxies are moving away from us, their spectra is ___.
  13. The ONLY place we know of that has life on it.
  14. Season in Iowa when we are tilted towards the Sun.
  15. Generic term used to describe when an object blocks the Sun.

30 Clues: One lap around the Sun.Tilt is the reason Earth has these.When a planet is closest to the Sun.The process where new atoms are created.One ___ is equal to one day on a planet.King of the planets with a huge red spot.Name for planets with rocky, solid surfaces.The ONLY place we know of that has life on it....

Stellar Evolution 2024-02-16

Stellar Evolution crossword puzzle
  1. all that is left after a white dwarf star burns off all of its heat, but retains its mass; a white dwarf that has cooled so much that it no longer emits light or heat
  2. a tremendous explosion that occurs when the core of a star is mostly iron
  3. fusion, reaction that occurs when the nuclei of two atoms combine to create a new atom. In the core of a star, two hydrogen atoms fuse to become a helium atom, generating energy.
  4. a rapidly spinning neutron star
  5. a region of gas and dust formed from the cast-off outer layers of a dying star (Despite their name, planetary nebulae have nothing to do with planets.)
  6. stage in a star's development when the inner helium core contracts while the outer layers of hydrogen expand, producing a very large red star
  1. interstellar clouds of gas and dust
  2. a star that is fusing hydrogen atoms to helium; a star in the main portion of its “life”
  3. collapsed core of a formerly massive star that was crushed to an extreme density by supernova explosions. The very central region of the star – the core – collapses, crushing together every proton and electron into a neutron.
  4. a very young star that is still gathering mass from its parent nebula. It looks like a star but its core is not yet hot enough for fusion to take place
  5. a small to mid-sized star that has collapsed
  6. a region of space from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping

12 Clues: a rapidly spinning neutron starinterstellar clouds of gas and dusta small to mid-sized star that has collapseda tremendous explosion that occurs when the core of a star is mostly irona region of space from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping...

Black Holes and Neutron Stars 2022-12-07

Black Holes and Neutron Stars crossword puzzle
  1. this force causes everything to fall to the ground
  2. the concept of four dimensional space with time
  3. the minimum speed needed to escape gravity
  4. neutron star that has strong magnetic field
  5. give such a steady pulse that they seem artificial
  6. the theory of gravity made by Einstein
  7. the theory that black holes radiate thermal energy
  8. an area with infinite density and mass
  9. a huge explosion that occurs when a star dies
  10. blue stars the size of cities
  11. the brightness of an object
  1. not even light can escape
  2. he came up with hawking radiation
  3. at this point there is no turning back
  4. the explosion caused when a star dies and becomes a neutron star or black hole
  5. the field of magnetism around objects
  6. two stars revolving around each other
  7. a type of electromagnetic radiation thathas the highest energy
  8. very densely packed matter in a neutron star, named after food
  9. the process of objects stretching out

20 Clues: not even light can escapethe brightness of an objectblue stars the size of citieshe came up with hawking radiationthe field of magnetism around objectstwo stars revolving around each otherthe process of objects stretching outat this point there is no turning backthe theory of gravity made by Einsteinan area with infinite density and mass...

astronomy crossword 2013-01-30

astronomy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. any object in space that is naturally there and is bigger than dust
  2. space rock in an atmosphere
  3. star with something orbiting it
  4. movement on an orbital path
  5. equals the average distance for the sun to Earth
  6. path in space around another object
  7. system of stars, stellar remnants, and interstellar gas and dust
  8. natural satellite of a planet
  9. stellar remnant of a supernova made almost entirely of neutrons and is very hot
  10. 5,880,000,000 miles
  11. any object that orbits another object
  12. energy transfer that is not affected by any object between its source and its destination
  13. space rock that smashes into a celestial body
  1. gaseous globe that uses fusion to make light
  2. current meteorological conditions of an atmosphere
  3. graph of star magnitude
  4. rock drifting in space but not in any orbit
  5. 186,000 miles per second
  6. spin on an axis
  7. neutron star that emits a beam of radiation that can only be observed when it points toward us
  8. any object that has a gravity field that forces it to be globular(round) and that orbits a sun
  9. nonplanetary rock that orbits a star
  10. made of gas, ice, and dust; has three tails near a sun
  11. everything there is

24 Clues: spin on an axiseverything there is5,880,000,000 milesgraph of star magnitude186,000 miles per secondspace rock in an atmospheremovement on an orbital pathnatural satellite of a planetstar with something orbiting itpath in space around another objectnonplanetary rock that orbits a starany object that orbits another object...

Space Review Crossword 2013-06-12

Space Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An object that travels around a planet or a dwarf planet
  2. The name of the first gas planet after the asteroid belt
  3. The process through which the Sun generates heat and light
  4. Gases and charged particles expelled above an active sunspot
  5. A star begins as a __________
  6. Another name for a shooting star
  7. The planet between Venus and Mars
  8. Piece of rock or metal in the solar system smaller than an asteroid
  9. What a small to medium size star will become when it runs out of fuel
  10. The Northen Hemisphere is point _______ from the Sun during the winter
  1. Large chunks of ice, dust and rock that orbit the sun
  2. What a star becomes after it is a Red Giant
  3. The unit used to measure distances beyond our Solar System
  4. ___________ can cause astronauts to experience bone loss, stroke symptoms and changes in blood cell shape
  5. that the Universe began in an incredibly hot, dense expansion about 13.7 billion years ago
  6. What separates the inner and outer solar system
  7. A big star that explodes might form a ______________
  8. The term used to describe the longest or shortest days of the year
  9. The name of our Galaxy
  10. Astronauts in space lose about ____ percent of their bone mass each month they are in space

20 Clues: The name of our GalaxyA star begins as a __________Another name for a shooting starThe planet between Venus and MarsWhat a star becomes after it is a Red GiantWhat separates the inner and outer solar systemA big star that explodes might form a ______________Large chunks of ice, dust and rock that orbit the sun...

space science 2023-04-21

space science crossword puzzle
  1. man made famous telescope
  2. newtons first law of motion
  3. something that orbits a planet
  4. man made station in space
  5. dwarf planet
  6. what makes up constellations
  7. doughnut shaped ring in space made up of stars
  8. first planet closest to our
  9. a force dependent of the mass and distance objects are
  10. matter
  11. an objects resistance to a change in motion
  12. shiny dust that we can see in space
  13. a measurement of time based on the speed of light
  14. milky way is an example of this
  15. first element of the periodic table
  1. a triple star system in the southern constellation of Centaurus
  2. the amount of time it takes for the moon to orbit the earth
  3. the first of 2 space projects
  4. body of mass that obits a central point or star
  5. gravitational pull results in this
  6. a collection of stars that make a picture
  7. a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor
  8. the galaxy that we live in
  9. when a star collapses in on itself
  10. what started our universe
  11. tool we use to observe space
  12. the planet the we live on as a species
  13. a galaxy that we dont live in

28 Clues: matterdwarf planetman made famous telescopeman made station in spacewhat started our universethe galaxy that we live innewtons first law of motionfirst planet closest to ourwhat makes up constellationstool we use to observe spacethe first of 2 space projectsa galaxy that we dont live insomething that orbits a planetmilky way is an example of this...

6.2 Stars - A life story 2015-11-09

6.2 Stars - A life story crossword puzzle
  1. A young star in the early stages of formation when clouds of gas and dust collapse and become dense.
  2. Extremely dense remnants of a supernova in which protons and electrons in atoms are fused to form neutrons.
  3. The remains of a star, which forms when the force of gravity of a large neutron star is so great that not even light can escape.
  4. Actual brightness of a star.
  5. Star in the late stage of its life. They are cooler than main sequence stars.
  6. Galaxy that includes our sun.
  1. Very large star that expands while running out of fuel and eventually explodes.
  2. How bright a star appears to us on Earth.
  3. Joining together of the nuclei of lighter elements to form another element, with the release of energy.
  4. Ring of expanding gas caused by the outer layers of a star being thrown off into space.
  5. The core remaining after a red giant has shed layers of gases.
  6. Huge explosion that happens at the end of the life cycle of supergiant stars.
  7. Area on the Hertzsprung–Russell where the majority of stars are plotted.

13 Clues: Actual brightness of a star.Galaxy that includes our sun.How bright a star appears to us on Earth.The core remaining after a red giant has shed layers of gases.Area on the Hertzsprung–Russell where the majority of stars are plotted.Huge explosion that happens at the end of the life cycle of supergiant stars....

Space Vocabulary Menu -- Carly Harrison 2020-09-17

Space Vocabulary Menu -- Carly Harrison crossword puzzle
  1. A ball of hot gas, primarily hydrogen and helium, that undergoes nuclear fusion.
  2. A huge group of single stars, star systems, star clusters, dust, and gas bound together by gravity
  3. how bright a star actually is
  4. move or swing back and forth at a regular speed
  5. the brightness of a star when viewed from Earth
  6. Galaxy that contains our Solar System. The name derives from its appearance as a dim "milky" glowing band arching across the night sky, in which the naked eye cannot distinguish individual stars.
  7. a graph in which the absolute magnitudes of stars are plotted against their spectral types. Stars are found to occupy only certain regions of such a diagram
  8. a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter
  9. a natural object in space, such as the sun, moon, a planet, or a star.
  10. huge galaxy that is round or oval in shape, only old stars
  11. Space and all the matter and energy in it
  1. The theory that the universe originated in a huge explosion that released all matter and energy.
  2. the distance from the peak of one light or sound wave to the peak of the next. Electromagnetic wavelengths vary from the short blips of cosmic rays to the long pulses of radio transmission
  3. A galaxy that has an undefined shape; irregular galaxies have large numbers of young stars and greats amounts of gas and dust are usually found near larger galaxies.
  4. SI unit for temperature
  5. A reaction that involves a change in the nucleus of an atom
  6. a galaxy with a bulge in the middle and arms that spiral outward in a pinwheel pattern
  7. An instrument that separates light into a spectrum
  8. The actual brightness of a star
  9. A measure of how hot or cold something is.

20 Clues: SI unit for temperaturehow bright a star actually isThe actual brightness of a starSpace and all the matter and energy in itA measure of how hot or cold something is.move or swing back and forth at a regular speedthe brightness of a star when viewed from EarthAn instrument that separates light into a spectrum...

ANTRIXARI 2021-09-02

ANTRIXARI crossword puzzle
  1. An object whose gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light can escape.
  2. All of space and everything in it.
  3. Rocky objects revoloving around the sun that are too small and numerous to be considered a planet.
  4. The spinning motion of a planet on its axis.
  5. A large cloud of gas and dust, spread out in an immense volume.
  6. One of the small asteroid-like bodies that formed the building blocks of the planets.
  7. An artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication.
  8. dark area of gas on the sun's surface tht is cooler that surrounding gases.
  9. A huge group of a single stars, star systems, star clusters, dusts, and gas bound together by gravity.
  10. THE fuzzy outer layer of a comet
  1. THE apparent change in position of an object when seen from different places
  2. The blue-white hot core of a star that is left behind after its outer layers have expanded and drifted out into space.
  3. The brilliant explosion of a dying supergiant star.
  4. THE study of moons, stars, and other objects in space.
  5. A small, old, relatively cool star.
  6. A huge, reddish loop of gas that protrudes from the sun's surface, linking parts of sunspot regions.
  7. The movement of an object around another object.
  8. THE small, dense remains of a high-mass star after a supernova
  9. THE solid inner core of a comet
  10. An imaginary pattern of stars in the sky.
  11. A contracting cloud of gas and dust with enough mass to form a star.
  12. The tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion.
  13. A stream of electronically charged particles that emanate from the sun's corona.
  14. The force that pulls objects towards each other.
  15. A loose collection of ice, dust, and small rocky particles, typically with a long, narrow orbit.

25 Clues: THE solid inner core of a cometTHE fuzzy outer layer of a cometAll of space and everything in it.A small, old, relatively cool star.An imaginary pattern of stars in the sky.The spinning motion of a planet on its axis.The movement of an object around another object.The force that pulls objects towards each other....

Milky Way Galaxy 2023-05-17

Milky Way Galaxy crossword puzzle
  1. Telescope: a telescope that orbits the Earth.
  2. Planets: the planets that go around the sun and are the closest.
  3. big or small rock An Asteroid is a big or small rock that orbits the sun.
  4. Belt: a doughnut-shaped ring of icy objects around the Sun.
  5. A huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems.
  6. Eclipse: happens when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth.
  7. Year: the distance light travels in one year.
  8. The planet in space that we live on.
  9. Dwarf: a core that is left behind after a dying star has died.
  10. Hole: A Black Hole is a big circle that can stop things from coming out.
  11. the strength or energy applied or brought to.
  12. a big black hole that is in the middle of the galaxy.
  13. Parts of space where many galaxies, sometimes thousands are close together.
  1. a belt of space that goes around the moon.
  2. Violet: most often released energy of young stars.
  3. a planet that has an iron core, and a rocky look to it.
  4. huge planet that is all a gas giant, the god of light, and a Roman God.
  5. Giant: dying star that is in the last stages of its lifespan.
  6. Planet: planet that doesn’t have the things that a normal planet does.
  7. a circle shape that goes around the sun, repeatedly.
  8. Dwarf: a star that is on its way to disappearing in space.
  9. a object that is used to see objects closer.
  10. repeating path that keeps on going and that space takes around in a circle.
  11. Star: anything that has circulation at X-Ray Wavelengths.
  12. a planet that is small and reddish.
  13. Star: a star that forms when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses.

26 Clues: a planet that is small and reddish.The planet in space that we live on.a belt of space that goes around the moon.a object that is used to see objects closer.Telescope: a telescope that orbits the Earth.Year: the distance light travels in one year.the strength or energy applied or brought to.Violet: most often released energy of young stars....

Milky Way Galaxy 2023-05-17

Milky Way Galaxy crossword puzzle
  1. Telescope: a telescope that orbits the Earth.
  2. Planets: the planets that go around the sun and are the closest.
  3. big or small rock An Asteroid is a big or small rock that orbits the sun.
  4. Belt: a doughnut-shaped ring of icy objects around the Sun.
  5. A huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems.
  6. Eclipse: happens when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth.
  7. Year: the distance light travels in one year.
  8. The planet in space that we live on.
  9. Dwarf: a core that is left behind after a dying star has died.
  10. Hole: A Black Hole is a big circle that can stop things from coming out.
  11. the strength or energy applied or brought to.
  12. a big black hole that is in the middle of the galaxy.
  13. Parts of space where many galaxies, sometimes thousands are close together.
  1. a belt of space that goes around the moon.
  2. Violet: most often released energy of young stars.
  3. a planet that has an iron core, and a rocky look to it.
  4. huge planet that is all a gas giant, the god of light, and a Roman God.
  5. Giant: dying star that is in the last stages of its lifespan.
  6. Planet: planet that doesn’t have the things that a normal planet does.
  7. a circle shape that goes around the sun, repeatedly.
  8. Dwarf: a star that is on its way to disappearing in space.
  9. a object that is used to see objects closer.
  10. repeating path that keeps on going and that space takes around in a circle.
  11. Star: anything that has circulation at X-Ray Wavelengths.
  12. a planet that is small and reddish.
  13. Star: a star that forms when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses.

26 Clues: a planet that is small and reddish.The planet in space that we live on.a belt of space that goes around the moon.a object that is used to see objects closer.Telescope: a telescope that orbits the Earth.Year: the distance light travels in one year.the strength or energy applied or brought to.Violet: most often released energy of young stars....

Milky Way Galaxy 2023-05-17

Milky Way Galaxy crossword puzzle
  1. Telescope: a telescope that orbits the Earth.
  2. Planets: the planets that go around the sun and are the closest.
  3. big or small rock An Asteroid is a big or small rock that orbits the sun.
  4. Belt: a doughnut-shaped ring of icy objects around the Sun.
  5. A huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems.
  6. Eclipse: happens when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth.
  7. Year: the distance light travels in one year.
  8. The planet in space that we live on.
  9. Dwarf: a core that is left behind after a dying star has died.
  10. Hole: A Black Hole is a big circle that can stop things from coming out.
  11. the strength or energy applied or brought to.
  12. a big black hole that is in the middle of the galaxy.
  13. Parts of space where many galaxies, sometimes thousands are close together.
  1. a belt of space that goes around the moon.
  2. Violet: most often released energy of young stars.
  3. a planet that has an iron core, and a rocky look to it.
  4. huge planet that is all a gas giant, the god of light, and a Roman God.
  5. Giant: dying star that is in the last stages of its lifespan.
  6. Planet: planet that doesn’t have the things that a normal planet does.
  7. a circle shape that goes around the sun, repeatedly.
  8. Dwarf: a star that is on its way to disappearing in space.
  9. a object that is used to see objects closer.
  10. repeating path that keeps on going and that space takes around in a circle.
  11. Star: anything that has circulation at X-Ray Wavelengths.
  12. a planet that is small and reddish.
  13. Star: a star that forms when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses.

26 Clues: a planet that is small and reddish.The planet in space that we live on.a belt of space that goes around the moon.a object that is used to see objects closer.Telescope: a telescope that orbits the Earth.Year: the distance light travels in one year.the strength or energy applied or brought to.Violet: most often released energy of young stars....

Astronomy Crossword Puzzle 2013-05-15

Astronomy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Stage after the White Dwarf
  2. An apparatus for photographing or otherwise recording spectra
  3. A region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape
  4. A small body moving in the solar system that would become a meteor if it entered the earth's atmosphere
  5. A group of stars forming an imaginary image
  6. The angular view of a star from different points in the earth's orbit
  7. a disk-shaped region of minor planets outside the orbit of Neptune
  8. A system of two stars in which one star revolves around the other or both revolve around a common center
  9. A celestial object, thought to be a rapidly rotating neutron star
  10. a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun)
  11. All of space and everything in it
  1. A diffuse cloud of gas and dust surrounding the nucleus of a comet
  2. The main sequence is a continuous and distinctive band of stars that appear on plots of stellar color versus brightness
  3. The remnant of a star that has collapsed, having an extremely dense state with no empty space between its atoms
  4. A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust
  5. An explosion occuring in the lifecycle of a high-mass star
  6. Belt of Asteroids
  7. A spherical cloud of small rocky and icy bodies postulated to orbit the sun beyond the orbit of Pluto
  8. A system of millions or billions of stars
  9. A system of two stars in which one star revolves around the other or both revolve around a common center
  10. A small rocky body orbiting the sun
  11. Year Distance light travels

22 Clues: Belt of AsteroidsStage after the White DwarfYear Distance light travelsAll of space and everything in itA small rocky body orbiting the sunA system of millions or billions of starsA group of stars forming an imaginary imageA celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dustAn explosion occuring in the lifecycle of a high-mass star...

Flags 2022-08-23

Flags crossword puzzle
  1. three horizontal stripes of blue, red, and blue, with a white circle in the centre
  2. two horizontal stripes of red and white
  3. 14 alternating red and white stripes and a blue rectangle on the top-left with a moon and a 14-point star
  4. red flag with yellow star in the center
  5. five horizontal stripes of red, white, blue, white and red
  6. three horizontal stripes of orange, white, and green, and navy blue wheel in the center
  7. red flag with a blue border around two connected triangles
  8. horizontal stripes of blue, thin white, red, thin white, and blue; on the left is a white circle with a red star in the center
  9. two horizontal stripes with red and white, and a white crescent moon beside 5 white stars on the top-left
  10. horizontal stripes of yellow, green, and red with a white star in the center
  11. one black and one white diagonal stripes, and a central red and yellow coat of arms
  1. white flag with a red circle at the center
  2. yellow and green rectangle on the left and a maroon rectangle on the right with a golden lion with sword
  3. red with a large star in the top-left and four smaller stars on the right of the big star
  4. horizontal stripes of blue and red, and a white triangle on the left with a sun and three stars
  5. white flag, a red and blue circle in the center, and four black trigrams in each corner of the flag
  6. dark green flag with a red circle at the center
  7. white flag with two horizontal blue stripes and a 6-point star
  8. red flag and white flower with 5 petals in the center
  9. three horizontal stripes of blue, red, and blue, and white temple in the center

20 Clues: two horizontal stripes of red and whitered flag with yellow star in the centerwhite flag with a red circle at the centerdark green flag with a red circle at the centerred flag and white flower with 5 petals in the centerfive horizontal stripes of red, white, blue, white and redred flag with a blue border around two connected triangles...

Unit 7 Review: Investigating Components of the Universe 2023-03-21

Unit 7 Review: Investigating Components of the Universe crossword puzzle
  1. Shape of the Milky Way Galaxy
  2. Color of highest temperature stars
  3. Measure of magnitude; how bright a star truly is
  4. Number of times a wave passes a certain point in a given time
  5. Natural or human-made object that orbits something else
  6. Telescopes that scientists use to study visible light
  7. Light, energy, and information
  8. Galaxies that have a circular or oval shape
  9. Human-made objects that are sent out into space but don’t orbit something else
  10. Side of the electromagnetic spectrum with shorter wavelengths
  11. Last stages of a massive star; leaving either a Neuron star or a black hole
  12. When a light source is moving towards the observer
  13. HR Diagrams show the relationship between luminosity and ______________
  14. White dwarfs are considered this because they have burned off the last of their fuel
  15. Medium-sized star that Earth revolves around; part of Main Sequence stars
  16. When a light source is moving away from the observer
  1. Distance from any point on a wave to a corresponding point on the next wave
  2. System of stars and other matter; held together by gravity
  3. Large cloud of cosmic dust and gas; where new stars are formed
  4. ______________ and Russell give HR Diagrams their name
  5. Direction that objects are moving as a result of the Big Bang Theory
  6. Side of the electromagnetic spectrum with longer wavelengths
  7. All forms of radiation together; spectrum
  8. Total amount of light emitted by a star or other celestial body
  9. How star spectral classes are classified
  10. Galaxies that have no defined shape
  11. Measure of magnitude; how bright a star appears
  12. Coolest temperature stars; located in the bottom right hand corner of an HR Diagram
  13. Light radiation that the human eye can detect; ROYGBIV
  14. Color of lowest temperature stars

30 Clues: Shape of the Milky Way GalaxyLight, energy, and informationColor of lowest temperature starsColor of highest temperature starsGalaxies that have no defined shapeHow star spectral classes are classifiedAll forms of radiation together; spectrumGalaxies that have a circular or oval shapeMeasure of magnitude; how bright a star appears...

Milky Way Galaxy 2023-05-17

Milky Way Galaxy crossword puzzle
  1. Telescope: a telescope that orbits the Earth.
  2. Planets: the planets that go around the sun and are the closest.
  3. big or small rock An Asteroid is a big or small rock that orbits the sun.
  4. Belt: a doughnut-shaped ring of icy objects around the Sun.
  5. A huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems.
  6. Eclipse: happens when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth.
  7. Year: the distance light travels in one year.
  8. The planet in space that we live on.
  9. Dwarf: a core that is left behind after a dying star has died.
  10. Hole: A Black Hole is a big circle that can stop things from coming out.
  11. the strength or energy applied or brought to.
  12. a big black hole that is in the middle of the galaxy.
  13. Parts of space where many galaxies, sometimes thousands are close together.
  1. a belt of space that goes around the moon.
  2. Violet: most often released energy of young stars.
  3. a planet that has an iron core, and a rocky look to it.
  4. huge planet that is all a gas giant, the god of light, and a Roman God.
  5. Giant: dying star that is in the last stages of its lifespan.
  6. Planet: planet that doesn’t have the things that a normal planet does.
  7. a circle shape that goes around the sun, repeatedly.
  8. Dwarf: a star that is on its way to disappearing in space.
  9. a object that is used to see objects closer.
  10. repeating path that keeps on going and that space takes around in a circle.
  11. Star: anything that has circulation at X-Ray Wavelengths.
  12. a planet that is small and reddish.
  13. Star: a star that forms when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses.

26 Clues: a planet that is small and reddish.The planet in space that we live on.a belt of space that goes around the moon.a object that is used to see objects closer.Telescope: a telescope that orbits the Earth.Year: the distance light travels in one year.the strength or energy applied or brought to.Violet: most often released energy of young stars....

8th Grade Unit 3 Honors Vocabulary 2023-10-12

8th Grade Unit 3 Honors Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A rotating circumstellar disk of gas around a newly formed star.
  2. A rocket like device that escapes the earth's atmosphere, which then it takes images of our solar system and makes observations.
  3. The force exerted by anything with mass.
  4. A spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a self-luminous source.
  5. The galaxy that mankind resides in.
  6. The up and down movement of the ocean's surface due to the relationship between the Earth's gravitational force, and the moon's gravitational force.
  7. Everything that exists everywhere.
  8. The vertical force exerted by mass because of gravity.
  9. The theory that the universe began at one point and has been expanding and cooling ever since.
  10. A graph that show luminosity vs. temperature of stars.
  11. A celestial body orbiting a planet, or star, taking images to send information back to the senders.
  1. A device used to spread light into different wave lengths.
  2. The distance light travels in a vacuum in a year.
  3. A star the explodes and becomes luminous in the process.
  4. The spring movement of the tide during a new moon or full moon.
  5. A region of space which a star has collapsed.
  6. The shift in wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
  7. A burning ball of gas that produced radiant energy and heat energy.
  8. A group of star systems combined into one.
  9. A device that enhances the human vision on far away objects; used to look at stars light years away.
  10. A period of moderate tides when the sun and the moon are at right angles from each other.
  11. A faint star of enormous density.
  12. A nuclear reaction which nuclei come together to form a larger nucleus, which is a new property.
  13. The path of a celestial body in its revolution.
  14. An immense cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space.

25 Clues: A faint star of enormous density.Everything that exists everywhere.The galaxy that mankind resides in.The force exerted by anything with mass.A group of star systems combined into one.A region of space which a star has collapsed.The path of a celestial body in its revolution.The distance light travels in a vacuum in a year....

8th Grade Unit 3 Honors Vocabulary 2023-10-11

8th Grade Unit 3 Honors Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A rotating circumstellar disk of gas around a newly formed star.
  2. A rocket like device that escapes the earth's atmosphere, which then it takes images of our solar system and makes observations.
  3. The force exerted by anything with mass.
  4. A spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a self-luminous source.
  5. The galaxy that mankind resides in.
  6. The up and down movement of the ocean's surface due to the relationship between the Earth's gravitational force, and the moon's gravitational force.
  7. Everything that exists everywhere.
  8. The vertical force exerted by mass because of gravity.
  9. The theory that the universe began at one point and has been expanding and cooling ever since.
  10. A graph that show luminosity vs. temperature of stars.
  11. A celestial body orbiting a planet, or star, taking images to send information back to the senders.
  1. A device used to spread light into different wave lengths.
  2. The distance light travels in a vacuum in a year.
  3. A star the explodes and becomes luminous in the process.
  4. The spring movement of the tide during a new moon or full moon.
  5. A region of space which a star has collapsed.
  6. The shift in wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
  7. A burning ball of gas that produced radiant energy and heat energy.
  8. A group of star systems combined into one.
  9. A device that enhances the human vision on far away objects; used to look at stars light years away.
  10. A period of moderate tides when the sun and the moon are at right angles from each other.
  11. A faint star of enormous density.
  12. A nuclear reaction which nuclei come together to form a larger nucleus, which is a new property.
  13. The path of a celestial body in its revolution.
  14. An immense cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space.

25 Clues: A faint star of enormous density.Everything that exists everywhere.The galaxy that mankind resides in.The force exerted by anything with mass.A group of star systems combined into one.A region of space which a star has collapsed.The path of a celestial body in its revolution.The distance light travels in a vacuum in a year....

crossword puzzle 2023-11-11

crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Ursa Major, also known as the big bear.
  2. are created when materials in the disk around a preexisting star begins to condense around a rock.
  3. patterns of stars seen in the sky.
  4. Equatorial constellations, lie on the other side of the celestial equator.
  5. is the measuremnt of stars
  6. the difference in two solar calendars is caused by an astronomical precession.
  7. Betelgeuse, a red star that doesnt shine wity a steady light as it expands.
  8. Cassiopeia, was a vain and boastful wife of king cepheus of ethiopia.
  9. Polaris, displays very little movement in the sky.
  10. Draco, is always visible in the northern hemisphere but not in the southern Hemisphere.
  11. formed when a gas cloud out in the nebula or other region of interstellar space.
  12. Rigel, a young blue white star and one of the most luminous of all stars.
  13. is the power of a star
  1. body, an opaque object that emits thermal radiation.
  2. constellations, constellations that move counterclockwise directions.
  3. Star sign, one of the 12 zodiac signs that the sun is in on the birth date.
  4. magnitude, astronomers describe the actual brightness of a star.
  5. Parsec, the standard unit of distance
  6. Axis, apparent motion occurs due ro the rotation of the earth.
  7. Shift, stars seem to shift their positions against the farther stars.
  8. stars patterns that have been discovered but not been officially identified as a constellation.
  9. one of the prominent star patterns in the sky. Known as the 'Hunter'.
  10. plane, is the imaginary line traced by the sun in the sky.
  11. Giant Stars, those with a mass of more than 10 times higher than that of our sun.
  12. Hercules, a constellation named after the greek hero Herakles.

25 Clues: is the power of a staris the measuremnt of starspatterns of stars seen in the sky.Parsec, the standard unit of distanceUrsa Major, also known as the big bear.Polaris, displays very little movement in the sky.body, an opaque object that emits thermal radiation.plane, is the imaginary line traced by the sun in the sky....

crossword puzzle 2023-11-11

crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Cassiopeia, was a vain and boastful wife of king cepheus of ethiopia.
  2. magnitude, astronomers describe the actual brightness of a star.
  3. Parsec, the standard unit of distance
  4. Draco, is always visible in the northern hemisphere but not in the southern Hemisphere.
  5. Star sign, one of the 12 zodiac signs that the sun is in on the birth date.
  6. patterns of stars seen in the sky.
  7. Ursa Major, also known as the big bear.
  8. constellations, constellations that move counterclockwise directions.
  9. the difference in two solar calendars is caused by an astronomical precession.
  10. Rigel, a young blue white star and one of the most luminous of all stars.
  1. is the measuremnt of stars
  2. Giant Stars, those with a mass of more than 10 times higher than that of our sun.
  3. is the power of a star
  4. are created when materials in the disk around a preexisting star begins to condense around a rock.
  5. Shift, stars seem to shift their positions against the farther stars.
  6. one of the prominent star patterns in the sky. Known as the 'Hunter'.
  7. plane, is the imaginary line traced by the sun in the sky.
  8. Axis, apparent motion occurs due ro the rotation of the earth.
  9. stars patterns that have been discovered but not been officially identified as a constellation.
  10. Hercules, a constellation named after the greek hero Herakles.
  11. body, an opaque object that emits thermal radiation.
  12. Polaris, displays very little movement in the sky.
  13. Betelgeuse, a red star that doesnt shine wity a steady light as it expands.
  14. formed when a gas cloud out in the nebula or other region of interstellar space.
  15. Equatorial constellations, lie on the other side of the celestial equator.

25 Clues: is the power of a staris the measuremnt of starspatterns of stars seen in the sky.Parsec, the standard unit of distanceUrsa Major, also known as the big bear.Polaris, displays very little movement in the sky.body, an opaque object that emits thermal radiation.plane, is the imaginary line traced by the sun in the sky....

Unit 7 Review: Investigating Components of the Universe 2024-03-05

Unit 7 Review: Investigating Components of the Universe crossword puzzle
  1. Shape of the Milky Way Galaxy
  2. Color of highest temperature stars
  3. Measure of magnitude; how bright a star truly is
  4. Number of times a wave passes a certain point in a given time
  5. Natural or human-made object that orbits something else
  6. Telescopes that scientists use to study visible light
  7. Light, energy, and information
  8. Galaxies that have a circular or oval shape
  9. Human-made objects that are sent out into space but don’t orbit something else
  10. Side of the electromagnetic spectrum with shorter wavelengths
  11. Last stages of a massive star; leaving either a Neuron star or a black hole
  12. When a light source is moving towards the observer
  13. HR Diagrams show the relationship between luminosity and ______________
  14. White dwarfs are considered this because they have burned off the last of their fuel
  15. Medium-sized star that Earth revolves around; part of Main Sequence stars
  16. When a light source is moving away from the observer
  1. Distance from any point on a wave to a corresponding point on the next wave
  2. System of stars and other matter; held together by gravity
  3. Large cloud of cosmic dust and gas; where new stars are formed
  4. ______________ and Russell give HR Diagrams their name
  5. Direction that objects are moving as a result of the Big Bang Theory
  6. Side of the electromagnetic spectrum with longer wavelengths
  7. All forms of radiation together; spectrum
  8. Total amount of light emitted by a star or other celestial body
  9. How star spectral classes are classified
  10. Galaxies that have no defined shape
  11. Measure of magnitude; how bright a star appears
  12. Coolest temperature stars; located in the bottom right hand corner of an HR Diagram
  13. Light radiation that the human eye can detect; ROYGBIV
  14. Color of lowest temperature stars

30 Clues: Shape of the Milky Way GalaxyLight, energy, and informationColor of lowest temperature starsColor of highest temperature starsGalaxies that have no defined shapeHow star spectral classes are classifiedAll forms of radiation together; spectrumGalaxies that have a circular or oval shapeMeasure of magnitude; how bright a star appears...

World Wars Vocab 2021-12-02

World Wars Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Information that is usually biased or misleading in order to promote a certain point of view.
  2. Economy that is planned by the government rather than run by the people.
  3. An agreement made by both sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain amount of time.
  4. Unrestricted war with no rules.
  5. support for one's nation.
  6. Where forces fight each other in dug out tunnels and trenches.
  7. Heir to the throne of Austria -Hungary who was assassinated
  1. A war and conflict involving Jordan, Egypt , PLO and their allies.
  2. Another name for the draft into war.
  3. Secret agreement formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  4. Name for WWI.
  5. Use of toxic properties of chemical substances as weapons
  6. A belief or desire to maintain a strong military and be prepared to use it.
  7. A UK ocean liner that was sunk by the German Navy.
  8. A union between Russia, Britain, and France.

15 Clues: Name for for one's nation.Unrestricted war with no rules.Another name for the draft into war.A union between Russia, Britain, and France.A UK ocean liner that was sunk by the German Navy.Use of toxic properties of chemical substances as weaponsHeir to the throne of Austria -Hungary who was assassinated...

Israel's defining wars 2022-01-12

Israel's defining wars crossword puzzle
  1. city in Germany where massacre took place
  2. aimed to prevent hostilities between Egypt and Israel
  3. Conquered by Israel in six day war
  4. king of Jordan
  5. backed the PLO in the conflict between PLO and Jordan
  6. leader of PLO
  7. conflict between PLO and JAF
  8. fighting branch of the PLO
  1. attacked by Syria in 1973
  2. Failure of military intelligence to anticipate an attack
  3. resigns after Yom Kippur War
  4. attacked by Egypt in 1973
  5. accuses IDF of amassing on Syrian border
  6. Person that nationalized Suez Canal
  7. Takes over egypt when Nasser dies

15 Clues: leader of PLOking of Jordanattacked by Syria in 1973attacked by Egypt in 1973fighting branch of the PLOresigns after Yom Kippur Warconflict between PLO and JAFTakes over egypt when Nasser diesConquered by Israel in six day warPerson that nationalized Suez Canalaccuses IDF of amassing on Syrian bordercity in Germany where massacre took place...

Major Israel Wars 2022-01-10

Major Israel Wars crossword puzzle
  1. President of Egypt
  2. Israel accepted this in 1967 from the UN, but did not need to
  3. Israel and Egypt began ____________ in 1974
  4. This person resigned as an outcome to the war in 1977
  5. What Nassar does to the Canal that shuts out British and French in 1956
  6. UN acknowledges Israel's __________ as an outcome to the Six Day War
  7. Israel risked their entire airforce in 1967, but obliterated this countries airforce
  1. Israel takes this place in 1967
  2. Israel obtains this place in 1967, that they later use to create peace with Egypt
  3. These two countries launched an attack on Yom Kippur in Israel
  4. force that withdrew in 1967 that helped cause the war
  5. launched an attack on Israel in attempt to show they needed peace
  6. Israel ____________ fell apart before Yom Kippur War
  7. The type of war the Six Day War was
  8. What IDF shows as a result of Sinai war

15 Clues: President of EgyptIsrael takes this place in 1967The type of war the Six Day War wasWhat IDF shows as a result of Sinai warIsrael and Egypt began ____________ in 1974Israel ____________ fell apart before Yom Kippur Warforce that withdrew in 1967 that helped cause the warThis person resigned as an outcome to the war in 1977...

Israel's Defining Wars 2022-01-10

Israel's Defining Wars crossword puzzle
  1. A ploy to gain a strategic advantage in an impending war shortly before that attack materializes
  2. Group that had been stationed to keep the peace in Sinai
  3. UN resolution that forced Israel to return all territories captured in Six Day War
  4. Fighting arm of the PLO
  5. A war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved
  6. Song Israeli soldiers sang as they entered the Old City
  7. Countries that aided Israel in freeing the Suez Canal
  1. term used to describe a temporary suspension of fighting
  2. Large foreign power that backed the Egyptians
  3. Notable Arab country that sat out of Yom Kippur War
  4. Canal nationalized by Nassar in 1956
  5. Last name of Egyptian president in 1956 and 1967
  6. Belief that Israel was militarily unbeatable
  7. Last name of Israeli Prime Minister in 1967
  8. Last name of PLO leader during Black September

15 Clues: Fighting arm of the PLOCanal nationalized by Nassar in 1956Last name of Israeli Prime Minister in 1967Belief that Israel was militarily unbeatableLarge foreign power that backed the EgyptiansLast name of PLO leader during Black SeptemberLast name of Egyptian president in 1956 and 1967Notable Arab country that sat out of Yom Kippur War...

Between the Wars 2023-03-07

Between the Wars crossword puzzle
  1. A severe and prolonged downturn in economic activity
  2. A place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities
  3. An organized massacre against Jews carried out by the Nazis.
  4. Form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without constitutional limitations.
  5. The organization of all of a country's production and industry into government ownership and management
  6. The principle that the momentum and position of a particle cannot both be precisely determined at the same time.
  7. Remove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way.
  8. The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.
  1. Prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual and group opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high control and regulation over public and private life.
  2. Consisting of official pieces of written, printed, or other matter
  3. A montage constructed from photographic images.
  4. A strike of workers in all or most industries.
  5. Negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by an organized body of employees
  6. Government spending in excess of revenue of funds raised by borrowing rather than from taxation
  7. A peasant in Russia wealthy enough to own a farm and hire labor.

15 Clues: A strike of workers in all or most industries.A montage constructed from photographic images.A severe and prolonged downturn in economic activityAn organized massacre against Jews carried out by the Nazis.A peasant in Russia wealthy enough to own a farm and hire labor.Consisting of official pieces of written, printed, or other matter...

Between The Wars 2024-03-01

Between The Wars crossword puzzle
  1. government by a dictator
  2. a film or video based on facts
  3. place where people are detained or confined under harsh conditions
  4. strike turns profesional actions into crimes
  5. a strike of workers in all or most industries
  6. when a government spends funds raised by borrowing
  7. the sever downturn economic down turn in 2008
  8. a payment made for damages or wrongful acts
  9. A government controlled by a temporary
  10. Russian pesants
  1. a montage created from pictues
  2. exalts nation and often race above the individual
  3. working people that negotiate contracts through unions
  4. to rid of whatever is unclean
  5. art movement that aims to revolutionise human experince

15 Clues: Russian pesantsgovernment by a dictatorto rid of whatever is uncleana montage created from pictuesa film or video based on factsA government controlled by a temporarya payment made for damages or wrongful actsstrike turns profesional actions into crimesa strike of workers in all or most industriesthe sever downturn economic down turn in 2008...

Arican Wars Crossword 2024-05-19

Arican Wars Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A extremest group which exploited the lack of governance to gain control over parts/regions of the country while imposing their harsh laws.
  2. A military dictator who is one of the most brutal in modern history
  3. A liberation seeking independence for the people of Eretria
  4. International non-governmental organizations that funded countries effected by war
  5. The people of southeastern Nigeria who wanted to breakaway and form Biafra
  6. A agreement which saw the establishment of a translational government however didn't change the ongoing violence and insecurity within the eastern Congo.
  7. A regime which was overthrown due to its authoritarian and oppressive nature and near totalitarian levels of control.
  1. The Unified Task Force which was a operation to provide humanitarian relief and order.
  2. Military wing of UNLF
  3. A Genocide which took place during the Rwanda Civil War with 500k-800k people being slaughtered by the Hutu majority.
  4. The term for minerals such as coltan, gold, along with diamonds, which are smuggled to fund military/trade through war zones in Africa.
  5. The fear of a repeat battle where American soldiers dead were dragged through the streets while broadcast on American television.
  6. A Marxist-Leninist military dictatorship
  7. A streak of disastrous Ethiopian terror methods
  8. A liberation front fighting for independence for the Tigray region

15 Clues: Military wing of UNLFA Marxist-Leninist military dictatorshipA streak of disastrous Ethiopian terror methodsA liberation seeking independence for the people of EretriaA liberation front fighting for independence for the Tigray regionA military dictator who is one of the most brutal in modern history...

MAD Tribe Wars 2024-10-03

MAD Tribe Wars crossword puzzle
  1. A trip or progression from one stage to another
  2. A formal attempt to promote an idea
  3. The knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
  4. Complete and all-encompassing approach
  5. The process of assessing or determining the value or impact of something
  6. Leaders driven by faith and purpose
  7. Group that supports a cause
  8. Process of guiding and inspiring others
  1. Act of stepping in to change a situation
  2. State of being shielded from danger
  3. How results are measured
  4. Young people in need of care
  5. Systematic investigation to establish facts
  6. Someone who freely offers to help
  7. The ability to understand and share feelings

15 Clues: How results are measuredGroup that supports a causeYoung people in need of careSomeone who freely offers to helpState of being shielded from dangerA formal attempt to promote an ideaLeaders driven by faith and purposeComplete and all-encompassing approachProcess of guiding and inspiring othersAct of stepping in to change a situation...

hollsssz 2023-10-19

hollsssz crossword puzzle
  1. Known for his tough-guy roles.
  2. "The King of Cool."
  3. Leading man in "A Place in the Sun."
  4. Actress known for "Rebel Without a Cause."
  5. Star of "Mogambo" and "The Barefoot Contessa."
  6. Fiery redhead in "The Quiet Man."
  7. Star of "Singin' in the Rain."
  8. Iconic actress alongside Bogart.
  9. Known for his suave and debonair roles.
  10. Star of "Vertigo" with Alfred Hitchcock.
  1. Child star of the 1930s and 1940s.
  2. Leading lady in "Singin' in the Rain."
  3. The "King of Hollywood."
  4. Leading man in "White Christmas."
  5. Where Grace Kelly became a princess.

15 Clues: "The King of Cool."The "King of Hollywood."Known for his tough-guy roles.Star of "Singin' in the Rain."Iconic actress alongside Bogart.Leading man in "White Christmas."Fiery redhead in "The Quiet Man."Child star of the 1930s and 1940s.Leading man in "A Place in the Sun."Where Grace Kelly became a princess.Leading lady in "Singin' in the Rain."...

Punic wars 2022-10-25

Punic wars crossword puzzle
  1. a mountain range in Switzerland and Italy
  2. a place where Hannibal defeated the romans
  3. the people of Carthage
  4. an island near the roman peninsula
  1. an animal used by Carthage in war
  2. a plank that Romans used to invade on sea
  3. Carthage's greatest general
  4. something Carthage used to pay Rome
  5. a form of military where Carthage is strong
  6. an important Roman general

10 Clues: the people of Carthagean important Roman generalCarthage's greatest generalan animal used by Carthage in waran island near the roman peninsulasomething Carthage used to pay Romea mountain range in Switzerland and Italya plank that Romans used to invade on seaa place where Hannibal defeated the romansa form of military where Carthage is strong

Punic Wars 2022-10-25

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. - romes enemy
  2. - cpital city of Italy
  3. - roman council known for his loyalty
  4. - the island punic wars started over
  5. - hannibal crossed these mountains to get to Rome
  1. - the 2nd punic war ended
  2. -The animal that they use in war
  3. - aboarding device used in sea battles
  4. - leader of carthages army
  5. - battlein Southern Italy

10 Clues: - romes enemy- cpital city of Italy- the 2nd punic war ended- battlein Southern Italy- leader of carthages army-The animal that they use in war- the island punic wars started over- roman council known for his loyalty- aboarding device used in sea battles- hannibal crossed these mountains to get to Rome

Punic Wars 2022-10-25

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. - romes enemy
  2. - cpital city of Italy
  3. - roman council known for his loyalty
  4. - the island punic wars started over
  5. - hannibal crossed these mountains to get to Rome
  1. - the 2nd punic war ended
  2. -The animal that they use in war
  3. - aboarding device used in sea battles
  4. - leader of carthages army
  5. - battlein Southern Italy

10 Clues: - romes enemy- cpital city of Italy- the 2nd punic war ended- battlein Southern Italy- leader of carthages army-The animal that they use in war- the island punic wars started over- roman council known for his loyalty- aboarding device used in sea battles- hannibal crossed these mountains to get to Rome

PUNIC WARS 2022-10-25

PUNIC WARS crossword puzzle
  1. A tall bridge that the Romans added to their ships
  2. Who crossed the Alps?
  3. Why did Hannibal not attack the city of Rome?
  4. Who led the Romans to victory in the second Punic War?
  5. Who was the Romans enemy?
  6. Who wanted to destory Carthage?
  1. How many troops wanted to destory Rome in the second Punic War?
  2. What the wars fought between Rome and Carnage called?
  3. What island was Rome and Carthage fighting for?
  4. What kind of war was the frist Punic War?

10 Clues: Who crossed the Alps?Who was the Romans enemy?Who wanted to destory Carthage?What kind of war was the frist Punic War?Why did Hannibal not attack the city of Rome?What island was Rome and Carthage fighting for?A tall bridge that the Romans added to their shipsWhat the wars fought between Rome and Carnage called?...

Wednesday Wars 2020-08-19

Wednesday Wars crossword puzzle
  1. from Vietnam
  2. not a frog
  3. Holling's crush
  4. ELA teacher
  5. old band
  6. main charterer
  1. Hollings sister
  2. Hollings best friend
  3. adopted Mai Thi
  4. flying mammal

10 Clues: old bandnot a frogELA teacherfrom Vietnamflying mammalmain chartererHollings sisterHolling's crushadopted Mai ThiHollings best friend

Storage Wars 2019-12-28

Storage Wars crossword puzzle
  1. In the freezer what type of product should go at the bottom?
  2. What is the purpose of the date label when returning open bags of breakfast ingredients to the freezer?
  3. In the freezer what should always be below cheese and onion and vegetable pasties?
  4. In the freezer what should be applied if the manufacturers label is missing from savoury trays?
  5. In a retarder what should be stored below creams and above sandwich ingredients?
  6. What should be stored separated from anything else/alone in refrigeration?
  1. On the racking what should never be stored above products or packaging?
  2. What should be closed after you have opened a box?
  3. what should be stored at the top of the freezer or resting rack and baked at the top of the oven?
  4. Where should packaging and ingredients never be stored?

10 Clues: What should be closed after you have opened a box?Where should packaging and ingredients never be stored?In the freezer what type of product should go at the bottom?On the racking what should never be stored above products or packaging?What should be stored separated from anything else/alone in refrigeration?...

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. He really hated Carthage and got it destroyed (Across)
  2. Carthage had lots of this, more than Rome (Across)
  3. The mountains that Hannibals army goes through (Across
  4. He led his army to destroy so many Rome armies (Across)
  1. The battle that Scipio won outside of Carthage (Down)
  2. They lived in a sort of boot (Down)
  3. Where Rome was located (Down)
  4. They lost the Punic wars (Down)
  5. The island that Carthage owned (Down)
  6. He made Hannibal retreat because of his attack (Down)

10 Clues: Where Rome was located (Down)They lost the Punic wars (Down)They lived in a sort of boot (Down)The island that Carthage owned (Down)Carthage had lots of this, more than Rome (Across)The battle that Scipio won outside of Carthage (Down)He made Hannibal retreat because of his attack (Down)He really hated Carthage and got it destroyed (Across)...

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. Hannibal crossed what to get to Italy?
  2. Hannibal gathered what animal?
  3. Hannibal planned to fight the Romans where?
  1. Where did a lot of cold attacks happen?
  2. The Romans looked to the what for advice?
  3. On what coast did the Romans defeat the Carthaginians on?
  4. How many years did the Romans and Carthaginians fight each other?
  5. Carthage tried to expand its empire to where?
  6. The Romans finally destroyed Carthage in which Punic War?
  7. Carthage's greatest general.

10 Clues: Carthage's greatest general.Hannibal gathered what animal?Hannibal crossed what to get to Italy?Where did a lot of cold attacks happen?The Romans looked to the what for advice?Hannibal planned to fight the Romans where?Carthage tried to expand its empire to where?On what coast did the Romans defeat the Carthaginians on?...

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. A powerful city-state in North Africa that will later be rivals with Rome.
  2. a Roman naval boarding device used in sea battles against Carthage during the First Punic War.
  3. Establishing control over foreign lands and peoples.
  4. The amount of wars between Rome and Carthage.
  5. a country where the Romans lived
  1. the trade route that the Romans had access to.
  2. a Carthaginian general
  3. a piece of personal armour held in the hand, which may or may not be strapped to the wrist or forearm.
  4. A military unit of 5,000 infantry (foot soldiers) supported by cavalry.
  5. led the third Punic War

10 Clues: a Carthaginian generalled the third Punic Wara country where the Romans livedThe amount of wars between Rome and Carthage.the trade route that the Romans had access to.Establishing control over foreign lands and peoples.A military unit of 5,000 infantry (foot soldiers) supported by cavalry....

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. Another area rome was in charge of
  2. First battle fought
  3. The country where the romans lived
  4. Sailed across when couldnt defeat hannibal
  1. Boarding device
  2. Who Rome fought against
  3. Rome was in charge of it after winning
  4. Second battle fought
  5. Who carthage fought against
  6. First war was primarily a __ war

10 Clues: Boarding deviceFirst battle foughtSecond battle foughtWho Rome fought againstWho carthage fought againstFirst war was primarily a __ warAnother area rome was in charge ofThe country where the romans livedRome was in charge of it after winningSailed across when couldnt defeat hannibal

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. a place where the second war was fought
  2. came up for a plan to beat Hannibal
  3. what was happening in the wars
  4. soldiers hid in this water
  5. were the Carthaginians crossed
  1. were used and killed in the 3rd Punic war
  2. Carthaginian general
  3. village in Italy
  4. the form of government that Rome used
  5. where Rome won is the first Punic war

10 Clues: village in ItalyCarthaginian generalsoldiers hid in this waterwhat was happening in the warswere the Carthaginians crossedcame up for a plan to beat Hannibalthe form of government that Rome usedwhere Rome won is the first Punic wara place where the second war was foughtwere used and killed in the 3rd Punic war

Punic Wars 2021-10-26

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. The Roman leader who defeated Carthage after a very bad losing streak
  2. The leader of Carthage who finally defeated the Romans with the sneak attack
  3. Romes first _________ was Asia
  4. The island that started the first Punic war
  5. Cartage used these animals in war
  6. The battle that Scipio lead that Rome finally defeated Carthage
  1. The Punic wars were fought between Rome and _______
  2. A small movable bridge that the Romans invented so they could get onto Carthaginian ships and actually fight them
  3. The mountain that Carthage crossed for a sneak attack on the Romans
  4. The battle that Carthage won due to their sneak attack; battle took place in Southern Italy

10 Clues: Romes first _________ was AsiaCartage used these animals in warThe island that started the first Punic warThe Punic wars were fought between Rome and _______The battle that Scipio lead that Rome finally defeated CarthageThe mountain that Carthage crossed for a sneak attack on the Romans...

Punic Wars 2021-10-26

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. what the wars are called
  2. Where Rome is located
  3. present-day France
  4. Carthage's enemy
  5. The leader of the Carthage's
  6. The animal that Hannibal used in the 2nd War
  1. The Island of the first Punic War
  2. Where Carthage is from
  3. The battle in southern Italy
  4. Roman's enemy

10 Clues: Roman's enemyCarthage's enemypresent-day FranceWhere Rome is locatedWhere Carthage is fromwhat the wars are calledThe battle in southern ItalyThe leader of the Carthage'sThe Island of the first Punic WarThe animal that Hannibal used in the 2nd War

Oliver's Wars 2012-11-25

Oliver's Wars crossword puzzle
  1. The last grammar unit test had many of these
  2. It is important to have one of these - someone on your side
  3. Things you do to provide protection
  4. Ground Beef
  1. Round fluffy balls
  2. When cowboys wrangle their cattle, they often use one of these
  3. To see something quickly
  4. a tornado
  5. Opposite of courageous
  6. You feel this way when you get 100%

10 Clues: a tornadoGround BeefRound fluffy ballsOpposite of courageousTo see something quicklyThings you do to provide protectionYou feel this way when you get 100%The last grammar unit test had many of theseIt is important to have one of these - someone on your sideWhen cowboys wrangle their cattle, they often use one of these

post wars 2013-03-13

post wars crossword puzzle
  1. made car for the average man
  2. a city council member in massachusetts
  3. a series of government attacks
  4. a form to get your product out there
  5. stop work and ask for better stuff
  6. the race for guns and airplanes
  1. air power person
  2. guy
  3. helping the poor
  4. over rule and equal rights

10 Clues: guyair power personhelping the poorover rule and equal rightsmade car for the average mana series of government attacksthe race for guns and airplanesstop work and ask for better stuffa form to get your product out therea city council member in massachusetts

Console Wars 2024-03-07

Console Wars crossword puzzle
  1. Sega's console from the book.
  2. Nintendo's first big hitter.
  3. When did the console wars officially start?
  4. Sega's tagline.
  5. First Nintendo villain.
  1. _______ Miyamoto.
  2. Friend of Miles Prower.
  3. Tom _________.
  4. The company that owns Miles Prower.
  5. Nintendo's first big console.

10 Clues: Tom _________.Sega's tagline._______ Miyamoto.Friend of Miles Prower.First Nintendo villain.Nintendo's first big hitter.Sega's console from the book.Nintendo's first big console.The company that owns Miles Prower.When did the console wars officially start?

Punic wars 2023-10-24

Punic wars crossword puzzle
  1. the island that first punic war was fought over
  2. people that lives in rome and born
  3. where the 2 punic war was
  4. a big and fancy boat
  5. he wanted to destroy the roman empire
  6. a city in Italy started the punic war
  1. tons of gold and sliver
  2. he wanted carthage to be destroyed
  3. won the fist punic war
  4. the romeans climbed on to the enemys ship

10 Clues: a big and fancy boatwon the fist punic wartons of gold and sliverwhere the 2 punic war washe wanted carthage to be destroyedpeople that lives in rome and bornhe wanted to destroy the roman empirea city in Italy started the punic warthe romeans climbed on to the enemys shipthe island that first punic war was fought over

Punic wars 2023-10-24

Punic wars crossword puzzle
  1. the island that first punic war was fought over
  2. people that lives in rome and born
  3. where the 2 punic war was
  4. a big and fancy boat
  5. he wanted to destroy the roman empire
  6. a city in Italy started the punic war
  1. tons of gold and sliver
  2. he wanted carthage to be destroyed
  3. won the fist punic war
  4. the romeans climbed on to the enemys ship

10 Clues: a big and fancy boatwon the fist punic wartons of gold and sliverwhere the 2 punic war washe wanted carthage to be destroyedpeople that lives in rome and bornhe wanted to destroy the roman empirea city in Italy started the punic warthe romeans climbed on to the enemys shipthe island that first punic war was fought over

Opium Wars 2024-04-11

Opium Wars crossword puzzle
  1. the country that shipped opium to the Chinese
  2. the country where the opium grew
  3. drug made from kind of opium
  4. the area that China gave England after the Opium Wars
  1. the queen who sent opium to China
  2. the policy extending a country's power and influence through force and other means
  3. the country with millions of people addicted to opium
  4. the import England wanted from China
  5. penalty an opium dealer should receive in China
  6. the plant that is the source of opium

10 Clues: drug made from kind of opiumthe country where the opium grewthe queen who sent opium to Chinathe import England wanted from Chinathe plant that is the source of opiumthe country that shipped opium to the Chinesepenalty an opium dealer should receive in Chinathe country with millions of people addicted to opium...

Unit one review 2013-03-24

Unit one review crossword puzzle
  1. white
  2. purple
  3. rectangle
  4. pink
  5. hi
  6. orange
  7. brown
  8. square
  9. what
  10. my
  11. who
  12. triangle
  13. green
  14. color
  15. red
  16. you
  1. heart
  2. blue
  3. yellow
  4. family
  5. personality
  6. star
  7. hello
  8. circle
  9. how
  10. black
  11. name
  12. shape
  13. diamond
  14. from
  15. your
  16. gray

32 Clues: himyhowwhoredyoubluestarpinknamewhatfromyourgrayheartwhitehellobrownblackshapegreencoloryellowfamilypurpleorangecirclesquarediamondtrianglerectanglepersonality

47 2024-08-12

47 crossword puzzle
  1. Wimbledon
  2. Scoring king
  3. Perfect game
  4. Soccer's best
  5. Skateboarding
  6. Boxing king
  7. Swimming golds
  8. Slam Dunk
  9. Yankees hero
  10. Baseball icon
  11. Soccer star
  12. Golf master
  13. Larry legend
  1. Wayne hockey
  2. Home run hero
  3. Grand Slam
  4. Rope-a-dope
  5. Willie legend
  6. Tennis ace
  7. Decathlon great
  8. Tennis star
  9. Olympic hurdler
  10. Knockout king
  11. Three-point ace
  12. World Cup

25 Clues: WimbledonSlam DunkWorld CupGrand SlamTennis aceRope-a-dopeBoxing kingTennis starSoccer starGolf masterWayne hockeyScoring kingPerfect gameYankees heroLarry legendHome run heroSoccer's bestWillie legendSkateboardingBaseball iconKnockout kingSwimming goldsDecathlon greatOlympic hurdlerThree-point ace

CHRISTMAS 2023-12-09

CHRISTMAS crossword puzzle
  1. SOCKS
  2. HOLLY
  4. FROST
  5. GIFTS
  9. CAROL
  10. MERRY
  12. STAR
  1. NORTH
  2. SNOWY
  4. ELVES
  7. SANTA
  8. BELLS
  9. JOY
  11. RAP
  12. CAROLS
  13. TOY
  14. WREATH
  15. NOEL
  16. ANGEL
  17. TINSEL
  18. ELF


Busy work Puzzle 2025-02-17

Busy work Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. mangde
  2. lunch
  3. yundong
  4. read
  5. star
  6. bye bye
  7. thing you wear
  8. daughter
  9. past tense of eat
  10. ?
  11. moon
  12. past tense of know
  1. thing you ride
  2. meow
  3. ride something
  4. meiguoren
  5. fix something
  6. past tense of fly
  7. past tense of sit
  8. hear
  9. yinwei
  10. we live
  11. rock

23 Clues: ?meowreadstarhearrockmoonlunchmangdeyinweiyundongbye byewe livedaughtermeiguorenfix somethingthing you rideride somethingthing you wearpast tense of flypast tense of sitpast tense of eatpast tense of know

star wars: the last jedi 2022-02-08

star wars: the last jedi crossword puzzle
  1. wat is de familienaam van de familie
  2. wanneer gebeurt het verhaal zich af
  3. wat is het wapen
  1. waar zijn de Knights of Ren?
  2. Hoe kwam Maz Kanata aan het zwaard van Luke en Anakin Skywalker?

5 Clues: wat is het wapenwaar zijn de Knights of Ren?wanneer gebeurt het verhaal zich afwat is de familienaam van de familieHoe kwam Maz Kanata aan het zwaard van Luke en Anakin Skywalker?

Star Wars Final Conquer V 2021-06-05

Star Wars Final Conquer V crossword puzzle
  1. Whre is Rey from?
  2. who brings Rey back to life?
  3. Cantonica
  1. "I am no Jedi, but I know The Force”.
  2. TIE Silencer Pilot

5 Clues: CantonicaWhre is Rey from?TIE Silencer Pilotwho brings Rey back to life?"I am no Jedi, but I know The Force”.

Star Cycle Crossword 2024-03-14

Star Cycle Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a small bright star that is one of the ends of life for a low mass star
  2. another word for this "baby star".
  3. the stage of the cycle after a Massive star.
  4. the kinds of stars that die quickly due to burning their fuel more quickly
  5. a part of the cycle that appears twice, the birthplace of a star
  6. What the next stage of life for the sun will be
  1. a collapsed high mass star core that is like a vacuum, strong enough to suck up light
  2. happens when a high mass star grows so big that the core collapses
  3. the kinds of stars that make it longer due to how slowly they can take up their fuel
  4. the 3rd stage of life for a High mass star
  5. the star our solar system revolves around

11 Clues: another word for this "baby star".the star our solar system revolves aroundthe 3rd stage of life for a High mass starthe stage of the cycle after a Massive star.What the next stage of life for the sun will bea part of the cycle that appears twice, the birthplace of a starhappens when a high mass star grows so big that the core collapses...

The Star-Child 2021-01-10

The Star-Child crossword puzzle
  1. These men found the Star-Child
  2. This is what the Star-Child became at the end
  3. The colour of the Star-Child's cloak
  4. The animal the Star-Child saved
  5. This is the genre of the story
  1. The reason for the Star-Child's meanness
  2. The Star-Child gives the gold to the ________
  3. The ________ enslaved the Star-Child
  4. The forest was described this way at the start
  5. The Star-Child fell from the ______

10 Clues: These men found the Star-ChildThis is the genre of the storyThe animal the Star-Child savedThe Star-Child fell from the ______The ________ enslaved the Star-ChildThe colour of the Star-Child's cloakThe reason for the Star-Child's meannessThe Star-Child gives the gold to the ________This is what the Star-Child became at the end...

Unit 3 Vocab. 2016-10-13

Unit 3 Vocab. crossword puzzle
  1. The actual brightness of an object such as a star
  2. a graph that shows teh relationships between star's surface temperature and absolute magnitude
  3. Space and all matter and energy in it
  4. All of the frequencies and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation
  5. A collection of stars,dust,and gas bound together by gravity
  6. A star that has collapsed under gravity to the point that the electrons and protons have smashed together to from neutrons
  1. A measure of how bright a star a star would be if it were seen from a standard distance
  2. The brightness of a star seen from Earth
  3. A small hot dim star that is left over center of an old sun like star
  4. A gigantic explosion in which a massive star collapses and throws its outer layer into space
  5. A large cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space
  6. The distance of light travels in a year

12 Clues: Space and all matter and energy in itThe distance of light travels in a yearThe brightness of a star seen from EarthThe actual brightness of an object such as a starA large cloud of gas and dust in interstellar spaceA collection of stars,dust,and gas bound together by gravityAll of the frequencies and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation...

ot test 2022-06-14

ot test crossword puzzle
  1. customer
  2. wii
  3. wow
  4. advocacy
  5. owners
  6. frontline
  7. partner
  8. harmony
  9. unexpected
  10. total
  11. excellence
  12. obsession
  13. inclusive
  14. kind
  15. protect
  16. sustainable
  1. information
  2. mindset
  3. power
  4. sweat
  5. eye
  6. high
  7. star
  8. north
  9. details
  10. fierce
  11. deserving
  12. opentext
  13. knot
  14. growth
  15. trust
  16. aim

32 Clues: wiiwoweyeaimhighstarknotkindpowersweatnorthtotaltrustownersfiercegrowthmindsetdetailspartnerharmonyprotectcustomeradvocacyopentextfrontlinedeservingobsessioninclusiveunexpectedexcellenceinformationsustainable

Space 2023-06-25

Space crossword puzzle
  1. A celestial object consisting of a nucleus and a tail
  2. The path followed by an object around a celestial body
  3. The natural satellite of the Earth, visible in the night sky
  4. A luminous celestial body composed of hot gases
  5. The force that attracts objects towards each other
  6. A celestial body that orbits a star and shines by reflected light
  7. The star at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat
  8. An object orbiting a planet or star for various purposes
  9. A vehicle that launches into space
  10. A person trained to travel and work in outer space
  11. The partial or total blocking of light from one celestial body by another
  1. A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern in the sky
  2. A small celestial body that enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up
  3. A system of millions or billions of stars, dust, and gas
  4. The whole of space, including all matter and energy
  5. A vehicle designed for space travel
  6. An optical instrument for viewing distant objects in space
  7. An optical instrument for viewing distant objects in space
  8. A scientist who studies celestial bodies and the universe
  9. system A collection of planets and other celestial objects orbiting a star

20 Clues: A vehicle that launches into spaceA vehicle designed for space travelA luminous celestial body composed of hot gasesThe force that attracts objects towards each otherA person trained to travel and work in outer spaceThe whole of space, including all matter and energyA celestial object consisting of a nucleus and a tail...

Star in the jar 2024-12-31

Star in the jar crossword puzzle
  1. The special object the brother found
  2. When the kids noticed the stars’ message
  3. What the sister called the star her brother found
  4. How the star might have felt in the jar
  5. What the little star became as the day turned into night
  6. What the little brother was searching for
  1. What the stars sent to the kids
  2. What the kids and the stars became in the end
  3. What the little star did at night
  4. The place where stars belong
  5. What the kids used to send a message to the stars
  6. Where the little star was kept

12 Clues: The place where stars belongWhere the little star was keptWhat the stars sent to the kidsWhat the little star did at nightThe special object the brother foundHow the star might have felt in the jarWhen the kids noticed the stars’ messageWhat the little brother was searching forWhat the kids and the stars became in the end...

Space crossword 2022-03-24

Space crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A natural satellite of a planet
  2. All existing matter and space
  3. Relating to a star or stars
  4. A contracting mass of gas in the formation of a star
  5. A celestial body moving in orbit around a star
  6. found on the periodic table
  1. Relating to the cosmos
  2. A proton or neutron
  3. A large, remote incandescent body
  4. A system of millions or billions of stars
  5. A cloud of gas and dust in outer space
  6. The positively charged central core of an atom
  7. The curved path of a celestial object around a star, planet, or moon

13 Clues: A proton or neutronRelating to the cosmosRelating to a star or starsfound on the periodic tableAll existing matter and spaceA natural satellite of a planetA large, remote incandescent bodyA cloud of gas and dust in outer spaceA system of millions or billions of starsThe positively charged central core of an atom...

Demon Football 2021-09-23

Demon Football crossword puzzle
  1. Big Tex
  2. Breaks ribs
  3. Dad
  4. "Dang it!"
  5. Coach never wears jeans
  6. Little chief
  7. Monkey
  8. Over penetration
  9. Star basketball player
  1. Fast running back
  2. "Assistant Middle School Coach
  3. Slow runningback
  4. Likes to fumble
  5. "Pay attention"
  6. FAST
  7. Star player
  8. Smallest freshman
  9. Future center
  10. 7 feet tall
  11. Honey bottle
  12. Mendoza

21 Clues: DadFASTMonkeyBig TexMendoza"Dang it!"Breaks ribsStar player7 feet tallLittle chiefHoney bottleFuture centerLikes to fumble"Pay attention"Slow runningbackOver penetrationFast running backSmallest freshmanStar basketball playerCoach never wears jeans"Assistant Middle School Coach

Unit 4-7 Vocab review 2013-12-10

Unit 4-7 Vocab review crossword puzzle
  1. lose
  2. hold
  3. between
  4. safety
  5. send
  6. pleasure
  7. bookstore
  8. front
  9. when
  10. fix
  11. p.m.
  12. find
  13. restaurant
  14. give
  15. library
  16. taste
  17. star
  1. poor
  2. behind
  3. plan
  4. because
  5. post office
  6. belt
  7. bread
  8. kind
  9. hospital
  10. museum
  11. map
  12. hang
  13. special
  14. fast
  15. break
  16. ask

33 Clues: fixmapaskpoorloseplanholdsendbeltkindwhenp.m.findhangfastgivestarbreadfrontbreaktastebehindsafetymuseumbecausebetweenspeciallibrarypleasurehospitalbookstorerestaurantpost office

Pathology 2017-02-28

Pathology crossword puzzle
  1. verschwommen
  2. entfernen
  3. Bindehautentzündung (umgangssprachlicher Ausdruck)
  4. Behandlung
  5. Ursache
  6. auftreten
  7. Abfluss
  8. gereizt
  9. to ... a doctor
  10. Makuladegeneration
  11. trübe
  12. schlechte Sehkraft
  13. grauer Star
  14. Blickfeld
  15. ansteckend
  16. fliessen
  17. nahe
  1. Operation
  2. Druck
  3. Übelkeit
  4. Testtafel
  5. unbemerkt
  6. reiben
  7. Krankheit
  8. Augenärztin
  9. entzündet
  10. grüner Star
  11. Anzeichen
  12. leiden

29 Clues: naheDrucktrübereibenleidenUrsacheAbflussgereiztÜbelkeitfliessenOperationentfernenTesttafelunbemerktKrankheitentzündetauftretenAnzeichenBlickfeldBehandlungansteckendAugenärztingrüner Stargrauer Starverschwommento ... a doctorMakuladegenerationschlechte SehkraftBindehautentzündung (umgangssprachlicher Ausdruck)

Practice 61-67 & Review 2022-04-14

Practice 61-67 & Review crossword puzzle
  1. foot (l)
  2. earth (g)
  3. rock, stone (g)
  4. water (g)
  5. tree (l)
  6. across (l)
  7. good (l)
  8. ten (l)
  9. moon (l)
  10. time (g)
  1. sun (g)
  2. star (l)
  3. stone (g)
  4. turn (g)
  5. see, look, examine, consider (g)
  6. fire (g)
  7. sun (l)
  8. star (g)
  9. throw (l)
  10. tree (g)

20 Clues: sun (g)sun (l)ten (l)foot (l)star (l)turn (g)fire (g)tree (l)star (g)good (l)tree (g)moon (l)time (g)stone (g)earth (g)water (g)throw (l)across (l)rock, stone (g)see, look, examine, consider (g)

It's Christmas!!!! 2016-12-15

It's Christmas!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. snow
  2. gingerbread man
  3. reindeer
  4. Stocking
  5. cake
  6. Santa Claus
  7. decorations
  8. candle
  1. snowman
  2. Christmas Tree
  3. presents
  4. turkey
  5. north pole
  6. elf
  7. star

15 Clues: elfsnowcakestarturkeycandlesnowmanpresentsreindeerStockingnorth poleSanta ClausdecorationsChristmas Treegingerbread man

Space Systems 2022-07-13

Space Systems crossword puzzle
  1. a ring-shaped nebula formed from expanding gas around an aging star
  2. a way to describe the expansion of the universe.
  3. A planet covers the same amount of space in the same amount of time no matter the point in its orbit
  4. a chemical process in which two or more substances work together and are changed into different substances
  5. the curved path of a celestial object around a star, planet, or moon
  6. the different wavelengths of energy produced by a light source
  7. the physical universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere
  8. a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of the star’s mass
  9. the largest star in terms of volume; spectral class K or M
  10. a giant cloud of dust and gas in space
  11. an object of small radius but large density, made up of mostly neutrons; forms after a supernova
  12. a nuclear reaction in which nuclei fuse together to form heavier nuclei and release energy
  1. A planet’s orbital period is proportional to the size of its orbit
  2. a core of a star that is composed of mostly electron-degenerate matter
  3. a system of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction
  4. Planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun as the focus
  5. a region in space with a gravitational pull so large that nothing can escape; forms after a supernova if the star has enough energy
  6. the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves
  7. a star with low or intermediate mass; surface temperature 5000K or less
  8. more than 100 substances that cannot be chemically broken down or reduced

20 Clues: a giant cloud of dust and gas in spacethe emission of energy as electromagnetic wavesa way to describe the expansion of the universe.the physical universe beyond the earth’s atmospherethe largest star in terms of volume; spectral class K or MPlanets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun as the focus...

Astronomy Belt Loop #3 2015-02-15

Astronomy Belt Loop #3 crossword puzzle
  1. A frozen mass of dust and gas which revolves around the sun
  2. a rock, smaller than a planet, which orbits the sun
  3. This is made up of all types of matter and energy which are thought to exist physically
  4. a group of planets orbiting around the star Sol, which is another name for our sun
  5. a map of the night sky
  1. a natural satellite which orbits a planet
  2. a large, cool star
  3. a small, dense star
  4. the space around a small, massive object which has so much gravity that light can't even escape
  5. a streak of light, also known as a shooting star, which occurs when a meteorite enters earth's atmosphere
  6. an object moving around a star
  7. An object that shines because of energy being released by nuclear reactions in its core
  8. Our galaxy!
  9. a group of stars, gas and dust which is held together by gravity

14 Clues: Our galaxy!a large, cool stara small, dense stara map of the night skyan object moving around a stara natural satellite which orbits a planeta rock, smaller than a planet, which orbits the sunA frozen mass of dust and gas which revolves around the suna group of stars, gas and dust which is held together by gravity...

The Universe 2016-04-07

The Universe crossword puzzle
  1. Everything that exist, including all planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies.
  2. (2 WORDS-NO SPACES)A dense body of gas formed from a white dwarf after it no longer emits light.
  3. (2 WORDS-NO SPACES)A large, cool star that glows red.
  4. (2 WORDS-NO SPACES)A super dense sphere formed after a supernova.
  5. (2 WORDS-NO SPACES)An infinite warp in space with gravity strong enough to trap light.
  6. (2 WORDS-NO SPACES)The force driving the accelerated expansion of the universe.
  7. (2 WORDS-NO SPACES)A very small, dense star formed from a star of low to average mass as it ages.
  8. A pattern of stars in the night sky.
  9. (3 WORDS-NO SPACES)The widely accepted model of how the universe began and developed.
  1. A sphere of extremely hot, glowing gases that emits it own light due to nuclear reactions in its core.
  2. The powerful explosion of a large, massive star.
  3. (3 WORDS-NO SPACES)A star that remains relatively stable for millions or billions of years.
  4. A hot, dense, fast-spinning cloud in space in the process of becoming a star.
  5. A giant cloud of gas and dust in space.
  6. A massive system of gases and many stars held together by gravity.
  7. (TWO WORDS-NO SPACES)The sun closest to the Earth.

16 Clues: A pattern of stars in the night sky.A giant cloud of gas and dust in space.The powerful explosion of a large, massive star.(TWO WORDS-NO SPACES)The sun closest to the Earth.(2 WORDS-NO SPACES)A large, cool star that glows red.(2 WORDS-NO SPACES)A super dense sphere formed after a supernova....

Space Links 2014-06-30

Space Links crossword puzzle
  1. Gravity
  2. Rocket
  3. Constellation
  4. Matter
  5. Feul
  6. Axis
  1. Milky-Way
  2. Asteroid
  3. Planet
  4. Star
  5. Lift-off
  6. Nebula
  7. Galaxy
  8. Orbit
  9. Mass

15 Clues: StarMassFeulAxisOrbitPlanetRocketNebulaGalaxyMatterGravityAsteroidLift-offMilky-WayConstellation

Opium Wars 2014-05-21

Opium Wars crossword puzzle
  1. Many countries, such as the U.S and Britain, gained control over __________ trade.
  2. The Opium War began what the Chinese call the 'Century of _______
  3. Opium often lead to physical ________
  1. Who attacked China, starting the Opium War?
  2. Where did the war take place?
  3. Opium often lead to lung and kidney ______
  4. Who enforced the destruction of over 70,000 pounds of opium?
  5. What type of plant is Opium?
  6. Where did Opium grow?
  7. What replaced household items such as tea and tobacco?

10 Clues: Where did Opium grow?What type of plant is Opium?Where did the war take place?Opium often lead to physical ________Opium often lead to lung and kidney ______Who attacked China, starting the Opium War?What replaced household items such as tea and tobacco?Who enforced the destruction of over 70,000 pounds of opium?...

Punic Wars 2021-03-17

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. This is the number of Punic Wars there were.
  2. This is the General of Carthage in Punic War 1 and sadly died in the battle.
  3. This place is located in Sicily and is the name of a city in Upstate New York
  4. This word means Punic and is where the princess Dido is from.
  5. This is what happened to any Carthaginian who survived the outcome of their territory being burnt and destroyed.
  1. This man was the Carthage General in Punic War 2 and sadly ends up taking his own life.
  2. This is what the Romans got a lot of in the outcome of Punic War 2.
  3. This was the Roman Senator who despised Carthage and wanted to destroy them once and for all.
  4. This is the land that Carthage and Rome were fighting over and that caused the Punic Wars to begin.
  5. This is what Hannibal and his men built to get across the river with all of his men and animals.

10 Clues: This is the number of Punic Wars there were.This word means Punic and is where the princess Dido is from.This is what the Romans got a lot of in the outcome of Punic War 2.This is the General of Carthage in Punic War 1 and sadly died in the battle.This place is located in Sicily and is the name of a city in Upstate New York...

PUNIC WARS 2021-10-26

PUNIC WARS crossword puzzle
  1. fought Carthage in the punic war
  2. led an army through the Alps to attack Italy
  3. the punic war that happened for control of sicily
  4. the punic war in which Hannibal led Carthage
  1. animals Hannibal used to attack Romans in Italy
  2. battle name; 216 B.C; Hannibal defeated Romans
  3. 146 B.C;the punic war which Rome destroyed carthage
  4. powerful trading nation
  5. led roman forces; captured Spain;attacked carthage
  6. island that caused the first punic war

10 Clues: powerful trading nationfought Carthage in the punic warisland that caused the first punic warled an army through the Alps to attack Italythe punic war in which Hannibal led Carthagebattle name; 216 B.C; Hannibal defeated Romansanimals Hannibal used to attack Romans in Italythe punic war that happened for control of sicily...

punic wars 2021-10-26

punic wars crossword puzzle
  1. to take for granite to be true
  2. to become stronger
  3. laws apply to everyone equally
  4. a wooden bridge/plank used during combat to connect to an enemy ship
  1. original conflict between Rome and Carthage
  2. mountain range on the northern border of Italy
  3. animals used by Carthage
  4. Carthage's greatest general
  5. the introduction of something new
  6. Carthage's main rival

10 Clues: to become strongerCarthage's main rivalanimals used by CarthageCarthage's greatest generalto take for granite to be truelaws apply to everyone equallythe introduction of something neworiginal conflict between Rome and Carthagemountain range on the northern border of Italya wooden bridge/plank used during combat to connect to an enemy ship

Punic Wars 2021-10-26

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. A large mountain range in Rome
  2. A battle fought in 202 BC
  3. Carthage's greatest general at the time
  4. People who are a part of an army that fight in war
  5. Where most of the Second Punic War took place
  1. A large mammal sometimes used to fight in war
  2. Roman general who led the roman forces to capture Spain and attack the city of Carthage
  3. The civilization in the Mediterranean region that Rome fought against
  4. A ship used in war
  5. A civilization in the Mediterranean region that fought against Carthage in the Punic Wars

10 Clues: A ship used in warA battle fought in 202 BCA large mountain range in RomeCarthage's greatest general at the timeA large mammal sometimes used to fight in warWhere most of the Second Punic War took placePeople who are a part of an army that fight in warThe civilization in the Mediterranean region that Rome fought against...

Punic Wars 2021-10-26

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.
  2. An ancient Phoenician city located on the northern coast of Africa
  3. A member of a Semitic people inhabiting ancient Phoenicia and its colonies
  4. The country where Rome is located
  1. the armed forces of a city/state/country
  2. Of or relating to Carthage or the Carthaginians
  3. A Carthaginian general during the Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome
  4. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives
  5. capital and largest city of Italy
  6. a war that left 20 percent of Roman fighting men between the ages of 18 and 50 dead at Cannae

10 Clues: capital and largest city of ItalyThe country where Rome is locatedthe armed forces of a city/state/countryOf or relating to Carthage or the CarthaginiansAn ancient Phoenician city located on the northern coast of AfricaA member of a Semitic people inhabiting ancient Phoenicia and its colonies...

Punic wars 2021-10-26

Punic wars crossword puzzle
  1. the mountains that run through Spain
  2. "___ the Elder"
  3. The name for the wars that were between Rome and Carthage
  4. the capital of the roman empire
  5. The general that invaded Rome
  6. the peninsula that Rome is located on
  7. Used in war: ride on across the alps
  1. The battle where Hannibal's army k
  2. Hannibals brother
  3. the place that Hannibal was king of

10 Clues: "___ the Elder"Hannibals brotherThe general that invaded Romethe capital of the roman empireThe battle where Hannibal's army kthe place that Hannibal was king ofthe mountains that run through SpainUsed in war: ride on across the alpsthe peninsula that Rome is located onThe name for the wars that were between Rome and Carthage

Punic Wars 2021-03-18

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. started the war between Carthage and Rome
  2. the Navigator - admiral of catheg
  3. How did Hannibal get across the rhone River
  4. - naval boat with 5 banks of wrowers
  5. - general of carthage - punic war #1
  1. prince’s of phenicia
  2. - carthage general - punic war #2
  3. -carthage general - punic war#3
  4. - roman general - punic war# 2, battle of cannae
  5. a santer of roma. Wanted to end carthage

10 Clues: prince’s of phenicia-carthage general - punic war#3- carthage general - punic war #2the Navigator - admiral of catheg- naval boat with 5 banks of wrowers- general of carthage - punic war #1a santer of roma. Wanted to end carthagestarted the war between Carthage and RomeHow did Hannibal get across the rhone River...

Punic Wars 2022-10-25

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. Roman general sent to stop Hannibal
  2. What mountain range did Hannibal cross
  3. Powerful trading empire in north Africa
  4. Carthage's greatest general
  1. What government did Rome have
  2. Where was Rome
  3. Island at the toe of Italy
  4. Small movable bridge on the front of roman ships
  5. How many wars were there
  6. Battle where Rome defeated the Carthaginians

10 Clues: Where was RomeHow many wars were thereIsland at the toe of ItalyCarthage's greatest generalWhat government did Rome haveRoman general sent to stop HannibalWhat mountain range did Hannibal crossPowerful trading empire in north AfricaBattle where Rome defeated the CarthaginiansSmall movable bridge on the front of roman ships

Punic Wars 2022-10-25

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. - romes enemy
  2. - cpital city of Italy
  3. - roman council known for his loyalty
  4. - the island punic wars started over
  5. - hannibal crossed these mountains to get to Rome
  1. - the 2nd punic war ended
  2. -The animal that they use in war
  3. - aboarding device used in sea battles
  4. - leader of carthages army
  5. - battlein Southern Italy

10 Clues: - romes enemy- cpital city of Italy- the 2nd punic war ended- battlein Southern Italy- leader of carthages army-The animal that they use in war- the island punic wars started over- roman council known for his loyalty- aboarding device used in sea battles- hannibal crossed these mountains to get to Rome

WORD WARS 2019-09-28

WORD WARS crossword puzzle
  1. I wish I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.
  2. Hey Baby!
  3. Gotta Catch’Em All
  4. It’s hero time.
  1. To make the club house appear, we all gotta say the secret words,”Meeska, Mooska,_________”
  2. Let it go!
  3. There’s a snake in my boot.
  4. Swiper, no swiping,swiper, no swiping,swiper, no swiping.
  5. You two/guys are so busted?
  6. To infinity and beyond.

10 Clues: Hey Baby!Let it go!It’s hero time.Gotta Catch’Em AllTo infinity and beyond.There’s a snake in my boot.You two/guys are so busted?Swiper, no swiping,swiper, no swiping,swiper, no swiping.I wish I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.To make the club house appear, we all gotta say the secret words,”Meeska, Mooska,_________”

Wensday Wars 2020-08-20

Wensday Wars crossword puzzle
  1. - The main character
  2. Quatrini - Hollings P.E teacher.
  3. Lee - Hollings girlfriend
  4. Swieteck - made a list of 410 ways to get a teacher to hate you
  5. Vendleri - Janitor who is always called for escaped rats.
  6. - Holling's teacher/cross country supporter
  1. Hupfer - Punches an 8th grader who is making fun of Mai Thi
  2. - Holling's older sister
  3. - Ms Bakers class pet
  4. goldman - gave him cream puffs so he could be in a play
  5. hoodhood - runs hoodhood and associates
  6. Mantle - the jerk who didnt sign Hollings ball

12 Clues: - The main character- Ms Bakers class pet- Holling's older sisterLee - Hollings girlfriendQuatrini - Hollings P.E teacher.hoodhood - runs hoodhood and associates- Holling's teacher/cross country supporterMantle - the jerk who didnt sign Hollings ballgoldman - gave him cream puffs so he could be in a play...

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. the type of base they hoped to destroy Romans
  2. general of the Carthaginian army
  3. a type of war they used involving maneuvering your ship in such a way so that you could ram and sink enemy
  1. Led by patrician general
  2. the place cartridge was in many wars with
  3. an elder that was a Roman statesman
  4. the sea they sailed to get to north africa
  5. founded as Phoenician colony 500 years earlier
  6. the thing that was sight sown so that nothing would ever grow there again
  7. a battle that was fought outside the walls of Carthage

10 Clues: Led by patrician generalgeneral of the Carthaginian armyan elder that was a Roman statesmanthe place cartridge was in many wars withthe sea they sailed to get to north africathe type of base they hoped to destroy Romansfounded as Phoenician colony 500 years earliera battle that was fought outside the walls of Carthage...

PUNIC WARS 2020-11-03

PUNIC WARS crossword puzzle
  1. a group with a certain equality between its members.
  2. The enemy against Rome
  3. the sea that seperates carthage sicily and rome.
  4. The Mountain Range That Hannibal Crossed To Get To Rome
  5. a boat used in the first punic war
  1. a part of land where your country owns
  2. the wars aginanst Rome and Carthage
  3. The country of carthage
  4. The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea
  5. A rebuplic that fought Carthage

10 Clues: The enemy against RomeThe country of carthageA rebuplic that fought Carthagea boat used in the first punic warthe wars aginanst Rome and Carthagea part of land where your country ownsThe largest island in the Mediterranean Seathe sea that seperates carthage sicily and rome.a group with a certain equality between its members....

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. Carthage and Rome fought over this island
  2. wars the wars fought between Carthage and Rome
  3. he leads animals through mountains, and never lost a battle when he was in Italy
  4. the device that the Romans used to board ships
  5. Hannible lead this species of animals through the mountains
  6. Scipio defeated Hannibal here
  1. the only general to beat Hannibal, and he used Hannibals strategies
  2. the ships the Carthaginians used that the Romans copied
  3. The city that fought with Rome over land
  4. a mountain range in northern Italy

10 Clues: Scipio defeated Hannibal herea mountain range in northern ItalyThe city that fought with Rome over landCarthage and Rome fought over this islandwars the wars fought between Carthage and Romethe device that the Romans used to board shipsthe ships the Carthaginians used that the Romans copiedHannible lead this species of animals through the mountains...

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. His plan was to take an army to attack Carthage, not Italy so they can create a diversion
  2. they became poor after the weater destroyed all of their ships.
  3. Dictator for the Romans and he wanted to slowly reduce the Carthage forces.
  4. The Romans got control of this piece of land because they won the first punic war.
  5. the general of Carthage for the punic wars.
  1. Carthage expanded to them because they lost their land of Sicily.
  2. who attacks Carthage when they are under the control of the Romans who didn't allow Carthage to figth back
  3. They won all 3 punic wars.
  4. Carthage had to give the Romans 3000 of these
  5. The Romans fought the punic war with who.

10 Clues: They won all 3 punic wars.The Romans fought the punic war with who.the general of Carthage for the punic wars.Carthage had to give the Romans 3000 of thesethey became poor after the weater destroyed all of their ships.Carthage expanded to them because they lost their land of Sicily....

Punic Wars 2020-11-03

Punic Wars crossword puzzle
  1. a high mountain in rome
  2. lead a roman army to carthage
  3. a battle between hannibal and the romans
  4. a poerful empire based on the african coast
  5. scipios troops defeated the carthaginians
  1. wars between rome and carthage
  2. a board that let the romans go boat to boat
  3. powerful weapons used in war
  4. the capital of italy
  5. What Hannibal used to get across the alps

10 Clues: the capital of italya high mountain in romepowerful weapons used in warlead a roman army to carthagewars between rome and carthagea battle between hannibal and the romansWhat Hannibal used to get across the alpsscipios troops defeated the carthaginiansa board that let the romans go boat to boata poerful empire based on the african coast