tik tok Crossword Puzzles

crossplay 2020-08-10

crossplay crossword puzzle
  1. is digital now footprint
  1. tok oversharing reputation
  2. ssssdd facebook

3 Clues: ssssdd facebooktok oversharing reputationis digital now footprint

Dieren 2017-06-16

Dieren crossword puzzle
  1. dit is een nakomeling van een koe
  2. dit beertje leeft in australië
  3. deze dieren kunnen vliegen
  4. dit is een dier dat melk produceert
  5. deze vogel heeft mooie vleugels
  6. dit is een groen dier een leeft in de boom
  7. dit dier heeft een mooi gewei
  8. zoogdier met vier poten
  9. dit is een vogel die tok tok tok zegt
  10. van dit dier komt wol af
  11. deze vogel zegt kukeleku
  12. zoogdier is lenig, lang en smal en heeft een glibberige huid
  13. leeft in het water en knaagt veel
  14. dier dat miauw zegt
  15. dit is een beer die erg agressief is en honing eet
  1. dit is een beer die bamboe eet
  2. dit is een dier dat een groot gebit heeft
  3. dit dier heeft een witte en zwarte huid
  4. dit dier kan goed springen
  5. is oranje en zegt club
  6. dit dier heeft een gewei is is kleiner dan een eland
  7. vierbenig edeldier
  8. dit is een agressief dier met een oranje/bruine vacht
  9. is een dier dat gekkerd
  10. dit is een klein diertje dat veel klimt

25 Clues: vierbenig edeldierdier dat miauw zegtis oranje en zegt clubzoogdier met vier potenis een dier dat gekkerdvan dit dier komt wol afdeze vogel zegt kukelekudeze dieren kunnen vliegendit dier kan goed springendit dier heeft een mooi geweidit is een beer die bamboe eetdit beertje leeft in australiëdeze vogel heeft mooie vleugels...

2 spel wk 2 2022-01-20

2 spel wk 2 crossword puzzle
  1. rustig
  2. by tel
  3. nie kort nie
  4. nie ver nie
  5. tok-tok
  6. verslag van gebeure
  1. knaagdiertjie
  2. met gom
  3. met ’n skêr
  4. styf vashou

10 Clues: rustigby telmet gomtok-tokmet ’n skêrnie ver niestyf vashounie kort nieknaagdiertjieverslag van gebeure

Tik 2023-12-04

Tik crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu storage Device
  2. Menggaris bawahi teks
  3. bahasa latin dari alat hitung
  4. shortkey CTRL+X
  5. seorang yang membuat sebuah aplikasi
  6. menyimpan dokumen
  7. ... system atau sistem operasi
  8. membuat tulisan miring
  9. program pengolah kata
  1. membatalkan perubahan pada dokumen yang dikerjakan
  2. salah satu perangkat output
  3. suhu komputer yang melebihi batas normal
  4. untuk memotong dokumen yang dipilih
  5. output yang menghasilkan gambar/tulisan
  6. huruf besar pada keyboard
  7. keluar dari jendela aplikasi
  8. papan ketik untuk untuk memasukkan data berupa tulisan/angka
  9. meratakan kanan kiri pada dokumen
  10. menebalkan hiruf

19 Clues: shortkey CTRL+Xmenebalkan hirufmenyimpan dokumenMenggaris bawahi teksprogram pengolah katamembuat tulisan miringsalah satu storage Devicehuruf besar pada keyboardsalah satu perangkat outputkeluar dari jendela aplikasibahasa latin dari alat hitung... system atau sistem operasimeratakan kanan kiri pada dokumenuntuk memotong dokumen yang dipilih...

tik 2024-11-19

tik crossword puzzle
  1. kolom
  2. Menganalisis permasalahan
  3. blabla
  4. Menalar
  5. memasukkan data
  6. Jenis tipe data berupa kata
  7. untuk menghasilkan
  8. command untuk melihat apakah data di masukkan atau tidak
  9. untuk memasukkan data
  10. Ilmu yang mempelajari komputer
  1. blabla
  2. untuk membuka baris baru dalam hasil
  3. pengembangan lebih lanjut
  4. bla
  5. blabla
  6. Bahasa Pemograman yang dipelajari
  7. Menguji program
  8. jenis tipe data berupa angka
  9. tipe data angka untuk koma
  10. mengimplementasikan solusi dalam pemograman

20 Clues: blakolomblablablablablablaMenalarmemasukkan dataMenguji programuntuk menghasilkanuntuk memasukkan dataMenganalisis permasalahanpengembangan lebih lanjuttipe data angka untuk komaJenis tipe data berupa katajenis tipe data berupa angkaIlmu yang mempelajari komputerBahasa Pemograman yang dipelajariuntuk membuka baris baru dalam hasil...

Naminiai gyvūnai 2021-04-12

Naminiai gyvūnai crossword puzzle
  1. Nedidelio ūgio ramūs ir ištvermimngi arkliai
  2. Naminis gyvūnas kilęs iš šerno
  3. Žmogaus sukurta organizmų grupė, skirta pateinkinti žmogaus poreikius
  4. Kokius nagus turi katės
  5. Gyvūnai, kurie minta kitais gyvūnais
  6. Pienas, kuris būna tik atsivedus veršiuką
  7. Gyvūnų grupė, kurių kanopos susideda iš dviejų nagų
  8. Baltos spalvos arklys
  9. Kaip vienu žodžiu galima pavadinti karves, jaučius
  1. Greičiausia katė pasaulyje
  2. KAip vadinamas gyvūnas, kuris minta tiek augaliniu, tiek gyvūniniu maistu
  3. Kaip vadinami gyvūnai, kurių koja turi tik vieną kanopą
  4. Šunys, kurių paskirtis yra tiesiog džiuginti žmones
  5. Kiek pirštų turi arklys
  6. - Švieus, smėlio spalvos, baltais karčiais arklys
  7. Šuns protėvis
  8. Pirmasis prijaukintas gyvūnas
  9. Maistą virškina atryjant
  10. Naudojami sunkiam darbui
  11. Ko nemoka daryti vilkai, o tai daro tik šunys

20 Clues: Šuns protėvisBaltos spalvos arklysKokius nagus turi katėsKiek pirštų turi arklysMaistą virškina atryjantNaudojami sunkiam darbuiGreičiausia katė pasaulyjePirmasis prijaukintas gyvūnasNaminis gyvūnas kilęs iš šernoGyvūnai, kurie minta kitais gyvūnaisPienas, kuris būna tik atsivedus veršiukąNedidelio ūgio ramūs ir ištvermimngi arkliai...

CROSSWORD 2021 IN REVIEW 2022-05-11

CROSSWORD 2021 IN REVIEW crossword puzzle
  1. A movement created to end of the conservatorship of a famous pop singer
  2. __ is the name of a covid variant, as well as an airline
  3. HBO hosted the reunion of this famous late 90’s show
  4. This korean show was Netflix’s top show ever within a month of its September 17 debut
  5. This famous talk show host interviewed two members of the royal family
  6. This major tech figure was named “Time” person of the year
  7. This famous female pop singer re recorded this album
  1. Mordera, Pfizer, Johnson + Johnson
  2. This celebrity it couple filed for divorce after 7 years
  3. A confusing new way to collect art and other media digitally
  4. The top song of 2021
  5. Everyone was talking about buying this stock at the beginning of 2021
  6. __ and cream, __ and cream…
  7. This cheese was used in a viral Tik Tok baked pasta dish
  8. This famous british singer released her first album in five years
  9. This politician was featured in a viral meme that even your mom liked
  10. A major taste sensation as well as a hit album
  11. This 20 season long show ended

18 Clues: The top song of 2021__ and cream, __ and cream…This 20 season long show endedMordera, Pfizer, Johnson + JohnsonA major taste sensation as well as a hit albumHBO hosted the reunion of this famous late 90’s showThis famous female pop singer re recorded this albumThis celebrity it couple filed for divorce after 7 years...

TIK 2022-10-23

TIK crossword puzzle
  1. media sosial
  2. hak cipta
  3. dalam jaringan
  4. media komunikasi kuno
  5. Virtual Private Network
  6. TIK dibidang hiburan
  7. log masuk
  8. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
  9. nama pengguna
  10. surat digital
  1. alat komunikasi
  2. komputer jinjing
  3. media elektronik
  4. aplikasi edit gambar
  5. aplikasi video conference
  6. media komunikasi modern
  7. media cetak

17 Clues: hak ciptalog masukmedia cetakmedia sosialnama penggunasurat digitaldalam jaringanalat komunikasikomputer jinjingmedia elektronikaplikasi edit gambarTIK dibidang hiburanmedia komunikasi kunoVirtual Private Networkmedia komunikasi modernaplikasi video conferenceTeknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

dieren kruis woordraatsel 2013-05-17

dieren kruis woordraatsel crossword puzzle
  1. dier dat traag is
  2. dier dat tok tok zegt
  3. dier dat gaten in de bomen maakt
  4. dier dat prikt
  5. dier dat een winterslaap hout
  6. dier dat graag in de modder rolt
  7. dier dat fluit
  1. dier dat springt
  2. dier met 8 poten
  3. dier dat zwemt
  4. dier dat groot en sterk is
  5. dier met strepen
  6. dier met vlekken
  7. dier met 2 bulten
  8. dier met een lange nek

15 Clues: dier dat zwemtdier dat priktdier dat fluitdier dat springtdier met 8 potendier met strependier met vlekkendier dat traag isdier met 2 bultendier dat tok tok zegtdier met een lange nekdier dat groot en sterk isdier dat een winterslaap houtdier dat gaten in de bomen maaktdier dat graag in de modder rolt

dieren kruis woordraatssel 2013-05-17

dieren kruis woordraatssel crossword puzzle
  1. dier dat gaten in de bomen maakt
  2. dier met 2 bulten
  3. dier dat springt
  4. dier dat groot en sterk is
  5. dier dat tok tok zegt
  6. dier met vlekken
  7. dier met 8 poten
  1. dier dat graag in de modder rolt
  2. dier dat traag is
  3. dier dat prikt
  4. dier met een lange net
  5. dier met strepen
  6. dier dat fluit
  7. dier dat een winterslaap hout
  8. dier dat zwemt

15 Clues: dier dat priktdier dat fluitdier dat zwemtdier met strependier dat springtdier met vlekkendier met 8 potendier dat traag isdier met 2 bultendier dat tok tok zegtdier met een lange netdier dat groot en sterk isdier dat een winterslaap houtdier dat graag in de modder roltdier dat gaten in de bomen maakt

Zıt anlam 2024-10-16

Zıt anlam crossword puzzle
  1. uslu
  2. çekingen
  3. ön
  4. eksi
  5. doğu
  6. aptal
  7. karanlık
  8. çok
  9. farklı
  10. çok
  11. usta
  1. normal
  2. tok
  3. çoğalmak
  4. koyu
  5. tatlı
  6. gürbüz
  7. hafif
  8. karanlık
  9. gönüllü kibirli
  10. yukarı
  11. satıcı

22 Clues: öntokçokçokuslukoyueksidoğuustatatlıhafifaptalnormalgürbüzyukarısatıcıfarklıçoğalmakçekingenkaranlıkkaranlıkgönüllü kibirli

Novel Darah Titik di Semantan 2024-11-13

Novel Darah Titik di Semantan crossword puzzle
  1. Perjuangan Mat Kilau banyak mendapat sokongan daripada penduduk kampung yang juga mempunyai semangat ____.
  2. Novel Darah Titik Di Semantan mengajar kita untuk menghargai ____ pahlawan tanah air dan tidak mudah tunduk kepada penjajah.
  3. Dalam novel ini, Tok Gajah dikenali sebagai seorang pemimpin yang sangat ____.
  4. Mat Kilau ialah anak kepada Tok ____, yang juga seorang pahlawan yang berani.
  1. Di dalam novel, Mat Kilau menggunakan ____ sebagai senjata dalam perjuangannya.
  2. Mat Kilau dan Tok Gajah berjuang di Semantan untuk mempertahankan tanah air daripada ____ British.
  3. British cuba mengambil alih Semantan dengan alasan untuk menjaga ____ di negeri tersebut.
  4. Selain Tok Gajah, Mat ____ turut berperanan penting dalam perjuangan menentang British.
  5. Tok Gajah ialah seorang pemimpin yang berani menentang penjajah ____.
  6. British cuba memenangi hati penduduk dengan menawarkan beberapa bentuk bantuan, tetapi penduduk tetap menyokong Mat Kilau kerana mereka cinta akan ____ air.

10 Clues: Tok Gajah ialah seorang pemimpin yang berani menentang penjajah ____.Mat Kilau ialah anak kepada Tok ____, yang juga seorang pahlawan yang berani.Dalam novel ini, Tok Gajah dikenali sebagai seorang pemimpin yang sangat ____.Di dalam novel, Mat Kilau menggunakan ____ sebagai senjata dalam perjuangannya....

Zıt Anlamlar 2023-01-05

Zıt Anlamlar crossword puzzle
  1. alt
  2. ön
  3. batı
  4. eksi
  5. küçük
  6. tatlı
  7. dost
  8. fakir
  9. açık
  10. yakın
  11. beyaz
  1. yavaş
  2. içeri
  3. uslu
  4. ince
  5. boş
  6. eski
  7. dar
  8. güney

20 Clues: önaltboşdarbatıeksiusluincedosteskiaçıkyavaşiçeriküçüktatlıfakirgüneyyakınbeyaz

10. Változtass egy betűt! (Találj ki egy új szót!) 2024-07-29

10. Változtass egy betűt! (Találj ki egy új szót!) crossword puzzle
  1. harag
  2. jég
  3. térít
  4. telek
  5. kérek
  6. talán
  7. máz
  8. csáp
  9. kör
  1. báb
  2. peres
  3. mér
  4. tapasz
  5. tök
  6. tér
  7. lázad
  8. mérek
  9. kép
  10. vér
  11. háj

20 Clues: bábjégmértöktérképvérmázhájkörcsápharagperestérítteleklázadkérekmérektalántapasz

los bioelementos 2023-10-01

los bioelementos crossword puzzle
  1. Se encuentra principalmente en los huesos y dientes.
  2. se encuentra en los huesos, diente y en los genes.
  3. Este elemento se hiso famoso en tik tok por que lo contienen los aguacates y se encuentra en el interior de las celulas.
  4. Es el encargado de mantener las articulaciones lubricadas o la digestion de los alimentos.
  5. Se encuentra en le glandula tiroides encargada de fabricar hormonas necesarias para el crecimiento.
  1. Si falta de este elemento puedes tener perdidas de memoria severas.
  2. Se encuentra en los musculos, higado, brazo y medula osea.
  3. Se encuentra en el esqueletoy en los tejidos blandos.
  4. Forma parte de muchas biomoleculas pero principalmente el los acidos nucleicos y aminoacidos.
  5. Es un gas que si no lo respiramos por mas de 3 min nos morimos.

10 Clues: se encuentra en los huesos, diente y en los genes.Se encuentra principalmente en los huesos y dientes.Se encuentra en el esqueletoy en los tejidos blandos.Se encuentra en los musculos, higado, brazo y medula osea.Es un gas que si no lo respiramos por mas de 3 min nos morimos.Si falta de este elemento puedes tener perdidas de memoria severas....

lekker eten 2016-01-09

lekker eten crossword puzzle
  1. wie is er niet groot mee geworden?
  2. met het bolletje nog heel
  3. kan je pitjes mee schieten
  4. het is lang,dun,lekker met tomatensaus en gehakt
  5. lekker met hagelslag
  1. smelt in de zon
  2. lekker met stroop
  3. klein groen vies kooltje
  4. rond en op een stokje
  5. goed voor elk
  6. tok tok ik loop erop
  7. Frans krom broodje
  8. snoep verstandig eet een.....
  9. hele dunne plakjes aardappel met kruiden
  10. groeit krom

15 Clues: groeit kromgoed voor elksmelt in de zonlekker met stroopFrans krom broodjetok tok ik loop eroplekker met hagelslagrond en op een stokjeklein groen vies kooltjemet het bolletje nog heelkan je pitjes mee schietensnoep verstandig eet een.....wie is er niet groot mee geworden?hele dunne plakjes aardappel met kruiden...


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. Batı
  2. Şişman
  3. Fakir
  4. Negatif
  5. Tüketim
  6. Dolu
  7. Yüksek
  8. Kapalı
  9. Barış
  10. Geniş
  1. Yavaş
  2. Kısa
  3. Kirli
  4. Cömert
  5. Çalışkan
  6. Karanlık
  7. Sıvı
  8. Tok
  9. Zor
  10. Beyaz

20 Clues: TokZorBatıKısaDoluSıvıYavaşKirliFakirBarışBeyazGenişŞişmanCömertYüksekKapalıNegatifTüketimÇalışkanKaranlık

TIK 2023-11-24

TIK crossword puzzle
  1. Perangkat komputer yang bisa dibawa kemana saja adalah ...
  2. Delete digunakan untuk menghapus sisi kanan adalah ...
  3. Jari yang digunakan untuk menekan tombol scroll pada mouse ...
  4. Spacebar digunakan untuk memberi jarak ... huruf
  5. Mata dan layar monitor harus ...
  6. Keyboard digunakan untuk ...
  7. Tombol pada mouse yang digunakan untuk menaikkan dan menurunkan halaman adalah ...
  8. Perangkat komputer yang berfungsi untuk mengarahkan kursor.
  1. Untuk mengetik harga barang menggunakan tombol ...
  2. Apabila kita sudah merasa lelah menggunakan komputer maka kita perlu ...
  3. Menghapus sisi kiri menggunakan tombol ...
  4. Tombol yang digunakan untuk memberi jarak dua kata adalah ...
  5. TIK singkatan dari Teknologi Informasi dan ...
  6. Tombol yang digunakan untuk mengarahkan ke atas, bawah, kanan, dan kiri pada keyboard adalah ...
  7. Tombol yang digunakan untuk mengetik huruf kapital adalah ...
  8. Untuk mengetik huruf kapital secara manual perlu menekan tombol ...
  9. Aplikasi pengolah kata adalah microsoft ...

17 Clues: Keyboard digunakan untuk ...Mata dan layar monitor harus ...Menghapus sisi kiri menggunakan tombol ...Aplikasi pengolah kata adalah microsoft ...TIK singkatan dari Teknologi Informasi dan ...Spacebar digunakan untuk memberi jarak ... hurufUntuk mengetik harga barang menggunakan tombol ...Delete digunakan untuk menghapus sisi kanan adalah ......

TIK 2024-07-29

TIK crossword puzzle
  1. Titik yang digunakan sebagai garis waktu 00.00 adalah
  2. Posisi suatu tempat berdasarkan garis lintang dan bujur di sebut merupakan
  3. Sebuah garis khayal yang melingkari permukaan bumi secara horizontal merupakan
  4. selatan adalah
  5. dari ujung utara sumatera memanjang melalui pantai barat sumatera,
  6. Garis yang membagi Bumi menjadi dua bagian belahan bumi utara dan belahan
  1. posisi suatu wilayah berdasarkan kenyataan yang ada dipermukaan
  2. kondisi rata-rata udara pada saat tertentu disuatu wilayah yang relatif
  3. garis
  4. aktif di Indonesia sebanyak 127 gunung api. Dampak tersebut merupakan
  5. Sumatra, Jawa, dan Kalimantan Barat termasuk zona waktu Indonesia bagian
  6. dan dalam waktu yang singkat
  7. dari adanya letak
  8. Indonesia memiliki banyak gunung api aktif. Jalur pegunungan di Indonesia
  9. Garis khayal yang menghubungkan kutub utara dan kutub selatan disebut garis
  10. pulau Jawa, Nusa Tenggara, Banda, Sulawesi Dan Halmahera. Jumlah
  11. Lautan yang terbentuk dari massa air asin yang membentang luas disebut

17 Clues: garisselatan adalahdari adanya letakdan dalam waktu yang singkatTitik yang digunakan sebagai garis waktu 00.00 adalahposisi suatu wilayah berdasarkan kenyataan yang ada dipermukaanpulau Jawa, Nusa Tenggara, Banda, Sulawesi Dan Halmahera. Jumlahdari ujung utara sumatera memanjang melalui pantai barat sumatera,...

Tik Tok 5(2) 2024-06-09

Tik Tok 5(2) crossword puzzle
  1. указыать
  2. this _ time - все это время
  3. угадывать/пологать
  4. носки по щиколотку
  1. совершенно новый
  2. длинные носки
  3. and down look ___ - посмотреть с ног до головы

7 Clues: указыатьдлинные носкисовершенно новыйугадывать/пологатьноски по щиколоткуthis _ time - все это времяand down look ___ - посмотреть с ног до головы

Preteritum 2024-08-19

Preteritum crossword puzzle
  1. - gi
  2. - komme
  3. - få
  4. - se
  5. - kunne
  6. - treffe
  7. - sette
  8. - ha
  9. - bli
  10. - vite
  11. - si
  1. - gjøre
  2. - gå
  3. - ville
  4. - måtte
  5. - stå
  6. - finnes
  7. - skulle
  8. - være
  9. - ta

20 Clues: - gi- gå- få- se- ha- ta- si- stå- bli- vite- være- gjøre- komme- ville- måtte- kunne- sette- treffe- finnes- skulle

Zıt anlam 2024-10-16

Zıt anlam crossword puzzle
  1. uslu
  2. çekingen
  3. ön
  4. eksi
  5. doğu
  6. aptal
  7. karanlık
  8. çok
  9. farklı
  10. çok
  11. usta
  1. normal
  2. tok
  3. çoğalmak
  4. koyu
  5. tatlı
  6. gürbüz
  7. hafif
  8. karanlık
  9. gönüllü kibirli
  10. yukarı
  11. satıcı

22 Clues: öntokçokçokuslukoyueksidoğuustatatlıhafifaptalnormalgürbüzyukarısatıcıfarklıçoğalmakçekingenkaranlıkkaranlıkgönüllü kibirli

TIK 2019-05-01

TIK crossword puzzle
  1. Layar penampil data pada computer
  2. fasilitas di word untuk membuat rumus
  3. untuk menggabungkan beberapa cel jadi satu
  4. papan ketik computer
  5. bentuk-bentuk seperti segitiga, lingkaran
  6. Jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung, biasanya digunakan untuk mencari berbagai informasi
  7. Sistem operasi yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft. Digunakan oleh sebagian besar computer di Indonesia
  8. Panjang seperti tali dan digunakan sebagai penghubung arus listrik
  1. Alat penampil data gambar dan tulisan dalam bentuk cetakan di atas kertas
  2. aplikasi untuk mengetik
  3. fasilitas untuk membuat surat massal
  4. Sebuah kotak yang mewadahi komponen-komponen computer
  5. Berukuran kecil, ringan, digunakan sebagai penyimpan data. Nama lain USB Flash Drive
  6. Alat yang digunakan untuk memasukkan data ke dalam komputer selain papan ketik . Berbentuk seperti tikus
  7. Universal Serial Bus. Penghubung berbagai perangkat computer seperti Flashdisk, Printer atau scanner
  8. Nama lain dari Pemindai. Biasanya digunakan untuk memindai dokumen, foto dan lain-lain
  9. terdiri dari kolom, baris dan cell

17 Clues: papan ketik computeraplikasi untuk mengetikLayar penampil data pada computerterdiri dari kolom, baris dan cellfasilitas untuk membuat surat massalfasilitas di word untuk membuat rumusbentuk-bentuk seperti segitiga, lingkaranuntuk menggabungkan beberapa cel jadi satuSebuah kotak yang mewadahi komponen-komponen computer...

TOK Crossword 2012-03-13

TOK Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This knowledge helps individuals construct their unique schemas, or outlooks, on the world.
  2. The belief that, for example, 'to win the FIFA World Cup a team must have as strong team dynamic' is true simply because it works.
  3. This paradigm, first thought up by Ptolemy, has been argued to support the idea that humans are the center of the universe.
  4. Has "fostered European imperialist attitudes for centuries and created an ethnic bias against the third world" as mentioned on The West Wing.
  5. Michael Jordan's heightened _________ ______ as an athlete meant that he could famously score 35 points by halftime in the 1992 NBA finals.
  6. Hans Rosling suggests that we upgrade our mindset and _______ of the world in order to understand the concept of modern population growth.
  1. In mythology, the ________ was sent by Hera to torment the heifer maiden, Io when Hera found out about Zeus' interest in Io.
  2. As stated by Malcolm Gladwell, this rule challenges the idea of a "self-made man or woman".
  3. Argues for the existence of a "human filter" in a non-objective world.
  4. Those who have epistemophobia would find this course of study difficult or even impossible to complete
  5. In Don DeLillo's piece White Noise, Heinrich asserts "I'm only telling you what they said", which shows evidence of his ________.
  6. The lamp-part falling from the sky in The Truman Show, was the first ___________ that eventually led Truman to a 'crisis'.
  7. The nature vs. nurture debate is an example of this.
  8. A recent paradigm shift in the field of genetics has led to the idea that genes may contain heritable factors, leading to research in the new field of ______.
  9. Suggested that doubting the existence of something automatically proves that it does exist.

15 Clues: The nature vs. nurture debate is an example of this.Argues for the existence of a "human filter" in a non-objective world.As stated by Malcolm Gladwell, this rule challenges the idea of a "self-made man or woman".This knowledge helps individuals construct their unique schemas, or outlooks, on the world....

TOK Crossword 2023-03-15

TOK Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Assumption that a single negative trait applies to all aspects of a person.
  2. An action is only good if a virtuous person would do the same, or if it embodies moral virtuous characteristics.
  3. A decision should be based on what will make the majority happy. (ex. The Trolly Problem)
  4. An action is right if it shows concern for the interests of others.
  5. The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes.
  6. Knowledge is socially constructed; human beings put knowledge together.
  7. "Knowledge is impossible"
  1. An action is right/wrong according to individual opinion, time, place, & culture.
  2. Positive assumptions made via first impressions; positive judgement in one area extends to other areas of understanding.
  3. An action is right is it pursues your self interest.
  4. An action is right/wrong independent of your personal opinion.
  5. We can know things immediately, without even reasoning through it.
  6. "Right" and "Wrong" are not universal and instead dependent on the morals in question of the problem before us.
  7. Knowledge comes from reason (not only the senses).
  8. Knowledge comes form sense experience and observation.

15 Clues: "Knowledge is impossible"Knowledge comes from reason (not only the senses).An action is right is it pursues your self interest.Knowledge comes form sense experience and observation.An action is right/wrong independent of your personal opinion.The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes....

TOK Crossword 2023-10-13

TOK Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The sense of touch
  2. A theory that the universe came into existence five minutes ago
  3. The sense of sight
  4. The person that makes the claim has to prove it
  5. Imformation gained using one or more of our senses
  6. There are no facts, only interpretations
  7. working with others to gain knowledge
  8. When our perception is incorrect
  9. We look at the whole of an object rather than its parts
  1. What it means to exist as a human being
  2. The theory that we are just our minds
  3. Justification, truth, and belief all together is knowledge
  4. All powerful
  5. Philosopher that created many theories including Brain In A Vat and The Evil Genius
  6. Math, History, The Arts, Natural sciences, and Human sciences

15 Clues: All powerfulThe sense of touchThe sense of sightWhen our perception is incorrectThe theory that we are just our mindsworking with others to gain knowledgeWhat it means to exist as a human beingThere are no facts, only interpretationsThe person that makes the claim has to prove itImformation gained using one or more of our senses...

ZIT ANLAM 2021-05-06

ZIT ANLAM crossword puzzle
  1. gündüz
  2. çirkin
  3. genç
  4. yanlış
  5. özgürlük
  6. küçük
  7. ödül
  8. kapalı
  9. tok
  1. fakir
  2. gider
  3. gerçek
  4. kalın
  5. boş
  6. mat
  7. aşağı
  8. derman
  9. taze
  10. kuru

19 Clues: boşmattokgençtazekuruödülfakirgiderkalınaşağıküçükgündüzgerçekçirkinyanlışdermankapalıözgürlük

Modern Black Influential Figures 2023-01-23

Modern Black Influential Figures crossword puzzle
  1. a feminist, activist, and grammy award winning singer
  2. tik tok activist known for providing assistance to the homeless
  3. actor and voice actor, who is probably best known as the voice of Darth Vader in the Star Wars saga
  4. a writer and producer best known for her emmy award winning series, Abbott Elementary
  5. transgender liberation activist and self-identified drag queen who fought for LGBTQ+ rights
  1. Kenyan actress and producer best known for her roles in Black Panther, Us and 12 Years a Slave
  2. comedian and filmaker best known for his film and television work in the comedy and horror genres
  3. author and poet from from Chicago, Illinois
  4. award winning film director, best known for directing Black Panther and Creed
  5. rapper who opened several libraries to service Black and brown people

10 Clues: author and poet from from Chicago, Illinoisa feminist, activist, and grammy award winning singertik tok activist known for providing assistance to the homelessrapper who opened several libraries to service Black and brown peopleaward winning film director, best known for directing Black Panther and Creed...


  1. Apodo de una de las alumnas de 2°A considerada como una de las más simpáticas y amigables
  2. Nombre del profesor de filosofía
  3. Frase muy común en la escuela dicha principalmente por la directiva o el orientador
  4. Titulo de la canción hecha por Matias Morales en Spotify (Escribir sin espacios)
  5. Diminutivo del nombre que se le decia a un auxiliar del colegio
  6. Palabra que se usa antes de decir una proposición. Usado principalmente en química
  7. Autor del segundo libro que tuvieron que leer en primero B
  8. Personaje favorito del videojuego Genshin Impact de Mayra Sandoval
  9. Personaje favorito de Sanrio de Melanye Iturra
  10. Hermano de German Yevenes
  1. Arroba de Tik Tok de una de las alumnas más famosas
  2. Juego de Roblox bastante desconocido muy amado por uno de los alumnos de 2°A
  3. Ex de Vicente Zambrano que se fue del colegio
  4. Perro más viejo de Barbara Vega
  5. Apellido de la profesora Javiera
  6. Mamá de Benjamín Sáez
  7. Lema del colegio que viene escrito en el protocolo "Esfuerzo, creatividad y ........"
  8. Persona que más goles metió en la Einstein League
  9. Apodo de Florencia Gajardo en Aliwe College
  10. Seudónimo online del creador de este crucigrama
  11. Apellido de solo 3 letras de uno de los ex alumnos de segundo B

21 Clues: Mamá de Benjamín SáezHermano de German YevenesPerro más viejo de Barbara VegaNombre del profesor de filosofíaApellido de la profesora JavieraApodo de Florencia Gajardo en Aliwe CollegeEx de Vicente Zambrano que se fue del colegioPersonaje favorito de Sanrio de Melanye IturraSeudónimo online del creador de este crucigrama...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. Tanaman yang biasa di tanam di daerah dataran tinggi
  2. Penulis naskah teks proklamasi
  3. Bangunan untuk menyimpan benda bersejarah
  4. gas ke cair
  5. padat ke cair
  6. presiden kedua indonesia
  7. warna kesukaan rasulullah
  8. bahasa inggrisnya bintang
  9. makanan khas betawi
  10. Jumlah pemain dalam olahraga sepak bola
  11. ragunan terletak di jakarta bagian
  12. salah satu suku di kalimantan
  13. Nama bandara di Internasional di Tanggerang
  14. Gambar lautan pada peta berwarna
  15. gunung tertinggi di Lombok
  16. Makanan khas yang berasal dari Padang
  17. Negara yang menjadi juara Piala Dunia 2022
  18. monumen nasional terletak di jakarta bagian
  19. Kota yang dijuluki Paris Van Java
  20. Daratan yang berbatasan langsung dengan laut
  1. Proses pembuatan makanan oleh tumbuhan disebut
  2. Organisasi bola voli di Indonesia
  3. ibu kota jerman
  4. lambang negara indonesia
  5. zat hijau daun
  6. lambang sila keempat
  7. Bahasa Inggrisnya Meja
  8. Salah satu terminal yang ada di Jakarta Timur
  9. pencipta lagu indonesia raya
  10. Bahasa Inggrisnya Hijau
  11. kiblat umat islam
  12. Tahu, tempe,Kecap merupakan makanan yang terbuat dari
  13. pulau paling barat di indonesia
  14. Bahasa Inggrisnya Bandara
  15. pakaian khas indonesia
  16. Indra yang digunakan untuk mengecap rasa makanan
  17. Peristiwa g30SPKI terjadi di daerah
  18. pusat tata surya
  19. Mata pencaharian masyarakat yang tinggal di pesisir pantai
  20. asal negara tik tok

40 Clues: gas ke cairpadat ke cairzat hijau daunibu kota jermanpusat tata suryakiblat umat islammakanan khas betawiasal negara tik toklambang sila keempatBahasa Inggrisnya Mejapakaian khas indonesiaBahasa Inggrisnya Hijaulambang negara indonesiapresiden kedua indonesiawarna kesukaan rasulullahbahasa inggrisnya bintangBahasa Inggrisnya Bandara...

TOK Crossword 2012-03-13

TOK Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. In mythology, the ________ was sent by Hera to torment the heifer maiden, Io when Hera found out about Zeus' interest in Io.
  2. The lamp-part falling from the sky in The Truman Show, was the first ___________ that eventually led Truman to a 'crisis'.
  3. The belief that, for example, 'to win the FIFA World Cup a team must have as strong team dynamic' is true simply because it works.
  4. Those who have epistemophobia would find this course of study difficult or even impossible to complete
  5. As stated by Malcolm Gladwell, this rule challenges the idea of a "self-made man or woman".
  6. This knowledge helps individuals construct their unique schemas, or outlooks, on the world.
  7. In Don DeLillo's piece White Noise, Heinrich asserts "I'm only telling you what they said", which shows evidence of his ________.
  8. Suggested that doubting the existence of something automatically proves that it does exist.
  1. A recent paradigm shift in the field of genetics has led to the idea that genes may contain heritable factors, leading to research in the new field of ______.
  2. This paradigm, first thought up by Ptolemy, has been argued to support the idea that humans are the center of the universe.
  3. Argues for the existence of a "human filter" in a non-objective world.
  4. Has "fostered European imperialist attitudes for centuries and created an ethnic bias against the third world" as mentioned on The West Wing.
  5. The nature vs. nurture debate is an example of this.
  6. Michael Jordan's heightened _________ ______ as an athlete meant that he could famously score 35 points by halftime in the 1992 NBA finals.
  7. Hans Rosling suggests that we upgrade our mindset and _______ of the world in order to understand the concept of modern population growth.

15 Clues: The nature vs. nurture debate is an example of this.Argues for the existence of a "human filter" in a non-objective world.As stated by Malcolm Gladwell, this rule challenges the idea of a "self-made man or woman".This knowledge helps individuals construct their unique schemas, or outlooks, on the world....

TOK Crossword 2012-03-13

TOK Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. In Don DeLillo's piece White Noise, Heinrich asserts "I'm only telling you what they said", which shows evidence of his ________.
  2. The belief that, for example, 'to win the FIFA World Cup a team must have as strong team dynamic' is true simply because it works.
  3. A recent paradigm shift in the field of genetics has led to the idea that genes may contain heritable factors, leading to research in the new field of ______.
  4. As stated by Malcolm Gladwell, this rule challenges the idea of a "self-made man or woman".
  5. Argues for the existence of a "human filter" in a non-objective world.
  6. In mythology, the ________ was sent by Hera to torment the heifer maiden, Io when Hera found out about Zeus' interest in Io.
  7. This knowledge helps individuals construct their unique schemas, or outlooks, on the world.
  1. The nature vs. nurture debate is an example of this.
  2. Michael Jordan's heightened _________ ______ as an athlete meant that he could famously score 35 points by halftime in the 1992 NBA finals.
  3. Has "fostered European imperialist attitudes for centuries and created an ethnic bias against the third world" as mentioned on The West Wing.
  4. Hans Rosling suggests that we upgrade our mindset and _______ of the world in order to understand the concept of modern population growth.
  5. Suggested that doubting the existence of something automatically proves that it does exist.
  6. This paradigm, first thought up by Ptolemy, has been argued to support the idea that humans are the center of the universe.
  7. Those who have epistemophobia would find this course of study difficult or even impossible to complete
  8. The lamp-part falling from the sky in The Truman Show, was the first ___________ that eventually led Truman to a 'crisis'.

15 Clues: The nature vs. nurture debate is an example of this.Argues for the existence of a "human filter" in a non-objective world.Suggested that doubting the existence of something automatically proves that it does exist.As stated by Malcolm Gladwell, this rule challenges the idea of a "self-made man or woman"....

paarden 2013-05-06

paarden crossword puzzle
  1. hoe noemd de doek die onder het zadel licht bij het paardrijden ?
  2. wat houd het zadel goed vast aan het paard ?
  3. hoe noemt het stokje waar je me op he paard zijn poep tik bij het paard rijden ?
  4. hoe noem je de ringe waar je u voet doorsteek bij heyt paardrijden ?
  5. hoe nom je de helm dat je op zet tijdens het paardrijden ?
  1. hoe noemen de touwen waar me je het paard bestuur bij het paard rijden ?
  2. zadel hoe noemt het zadel dat je gebuik bi het rijden vn dressuur ?
  3. hoe noemd de bescherming dat je aan je aard zijn beenen doet bij het paardrijden ?

8 Clues: wat houd het zadel goed vast aan het paard ?hoe nom je de helm dat je op zet tijdens het paardrijden ?hoe noemd de doek die onder het zadel licht bij het paardrijden ?zadel hoe noemt het zadel dat je gebuik bi het rijden vn dressuur ?hoe noem je de ringe waar je u voet doorsteek bij heyt paardrijden ?...

Zıt anlam 2024-10-16

Zıt anlam crossword puzzle
  1. uslu
  2. çekingen
  3. ön
  4. eksi
  5. doğu
  6. aptal
  7. karanlık
  8. çok
  9. farklı
  10. çok
  11. usta
  1. normal
  2. tok
  3. çoğalmak
  4. koyu
  5. tatlı
  6. gürbüz
  7. hafif
  8. karanlık
  9. gönüllü kibirli
  10. yukarı
  11. satıcı

22 Clues: öntokçokçokuslukoyueksidoğuustatatlıhafifaptalnormalgürbüzyukarısatıcıfarklıçoğalmakçekingenkaranlıkkaranlıkgönüllü kibirli

saint mark class of 2026 2021-01-14

saint mark class of 2026 crossword puzzle
  1. the one who tripped over a wall in 6th grade
  2. the one who abuses taylor
  3. the one who likes eraser toys a lot and uses jordyns, and who knows that mrs gregson is done
  4. the one who has an insanely rich father
  5. the one who says BRUH a lot
  6. the one who owns tea home
  7. the one who is the best baker and has the best macaroons
  8. the one who always use to have guacamole that everyone would steal from him in 6th grade
  9. the one who has the best dream merch duh
  10. the one who needs to wear sunscreen all the time
  1. the one who could end taylors life he spoke at all about any xbox parties shes had with him
  2. the one who peed in the drain
  3. the one who is nice at school but then loud and funny at home
  4. the one turned 13 and is suddenly very funny
  5. the one who is the class clown
  6. the one who has a dope sister in 6th grade
  7. the one who always does those tik tok dances cause she too cool
  8. the one who is insanely quiet but super chill
  9. the one who is in love with skr skr boy
  10. the one who has so many dogs

20 Clues: the one who abuses taylorthe one who owns tea homethe one who says BRUH a lotthe one who has so many dogsthe one who peed in the drainthe one who is the class clownthe one who has an insanely rich fatherthe one who is in love with skr skr boythe one who has the best dream merch duhthe one who has a dope sister in 6th grade...

2023 Fourth Period 2023-02-18

2023 Fourth Period crossword puzzle
  1. has been single for 14 years, wants to study business at Harvard or be a DH in MLB
  2. enjoys the color pink, pasta, reading and soccer
  3. likes dance, volleyball, Tik Tok and superman ice cream
  4. hurdler who wants to be a child psychologist
  5. likes shoes, playing and watching sports, wants to be a teacher or engineer
  6. bilingual artist who bakes and makes bracelets
  7. Ukelele player who watches hockey and football and wants to be a photographer
  8. likes hockey and playing PS5
  9. wants to be an actress or news reporter, likes theater and Starbucks
  1. likes sccer and baseball and would like to leave Ohio for California
  2. likes cooking, Walking Dead and leaving school
  3. is married to a monkey, likes music and wants to be a veterinarian
  4. likes Greek mythology and drawing
  5. likes skateboarding, playing hockey, coding and playing drums
  6. a great reader, and skater, who crochets
  7. speaks three languages, is double jointed and wants to be a fashion designer
  8. likes pickles, bats and cats
  9. independent person who enjoys Pinterest and wants to be a fashion or interior designer
  10. wants to be a content creator or game developer
  11. has a bearded dragon named Rex, likes baseball and wants to be an engineer at NASA

20 Clues: likes pickles, bats and catslikes hockey and playing PS5likes Greek mythology and drawinga great reader, and skater, who crochetshurdler who wants to be a child psychologistlikes cooking, Walking Dead and leaving schoolbilingual artist who bakes and makes braceletswants to be a content creator or game developer...

Aiden Hamzeinejad P.1 2022-02-11

Aiden Hamzeinejad P.1 crossword puzzle
  1. The givers __________ is Jonas.
  2. It was a very ________ day until Thanos came.
  3. He was _______ from going to the barbershop because he had to many felonies.
  4. It was an _________ experience when I got to 10 followers on Tik-Tok.
  5. We tried to __________ the injury, but his leg was beyond repair.
  6. He had an _________ look on his face after the attempted robbery.
  7. Since he was in ASB he was ________ from coming to class.
  8. Fortnite became very ________ after the boys hopped off.
  9. I had to _______ to convince my parents to let me go to my friends house.
  10. I was in so much _______ after I dropped my McDonald Ice Cream cone.
  11. My friends were _________ when I brought them all cookies.
  12. I was very scared when I saw as bunch of criminals __________ the prison.
  1. My brother was in ___________ pain after I dropped a hammer on his foot.
  2. I was already arrested __________ for jaywalking.
  3. Thanos started to _________ after Iron Man snapped his fingers.
  4. Venom let there be _______.
  5. There were many _________ signs outside of the weird kids house.
  6. I started to ________ the little boy after he stole my Pokemon cards.
  7. I was very _______ after I got rejected from a child's birthday party.
  8. I felt ________ for my mom when no one was listening to her.

20 Clues: Venom let there be _______.The givers __________ is Jonas.It was a very ________ day until Thanos came.I was already arrested __________ for jaywalking.Fortnite became very ________ after the boys hopped off.Since he was in ASB he was ________ from coming to class.My friends were _________ when I brought them all cookies....

Stormtober 2023-10-05

Stormtober crossword puzzle
  1. Niki Minaj, "Well you know I got that ___ ___.
  2. At the conclusion of the pep rally, the winner of the coveted ___ ___ will be announced.
  3. Each class had this type of shirt for sale.
  4. Teacher whose favorite color is "Carolina-Blue."
  5. Junior class color.
  6. According to the graph, teachers like this and student's do not.
  7. SHS's favorite Little Debbie snack.
  8. Culminating HOCO event.
  9. Loudest event at SHS.
  10. If bringing an outside date to the dance, this form must be signed.
  11. One way to participate in a democracy.
  1. Name of representatives from each class on HOCO court.
  2. Senior class color.
  3. believes every student has the ability to succeed.
  4. On Monday, for $1, students can cheer on the ___Basketball Team during school.
  5. A celebration that occurs on Friday evening before the game.
  6. Freshie class color.
  7. Day of the week for "Anything but a backpack day"!
  8. Name of the Marching Band's show.
  9. The club that sponsors Trunk or Treat at SHS.
  10. Number of tickets available at the HOCO dance doors.
  11. Sophomore class color.
  12. Required to ride a SCS bus.
  13. To tackle an opponent at this game, pull their ___.
  14. On Wednesday's we wear ______.
  15. An acronym/abbreviation popular on Tik Tok, but also in the HOCO timelines of Zyleke vs. Sa'Ny

26 Clues: Senior class color.Junior class color.Freshie class color.Loudest event at SHS.Sophomore class color.Culminating HOCO event.Required to ride a SCS bus.On Wednesday's we wear ______.Name of the Marching Band's show.SHS's favorite Little Debbie snack.One way to participate in a democracy.Each class had this type of shirt for sale....

Bērni no Trokšņu ciema. 2020-04-21

Bērni no Trokšņu ciema. crossword puzzle
  1. mēnesis, kad bērni izjokoja Skolotāju
  2. Ulles suns
  3. sinonīms vārdam klepot
  4. priekšmets, ar ko meitenes mainījās starpbrīžos
  5. kalps Ziemeļsētā
  6. sinonīms aizņemties
  7. koki, kas auga Trokšņu ciemā
  8. ko Lase darīja ar ķiršogām
  9. Buses vista
  10. par cik stundām pagrieza pulksteni
  11. kas ir Anna un Brita
  12. ciema nosaukums
  1. tik skolēnu bija skolā
  2. svētki, pēc kuriem bērni atgriežas skolā
  3. ko dārzā lasīja Ulle
  4. pilsēta Zviedrijā
  5. ar ko Skolotāja cienāja bērnus
  6. ko ēda bērni, lai būtu spēks tirgoties
  7. tik stundas bērni lasīja ķiršus
  8. vieta, kur dzīvo Lase, Buse
  9. stāsta autore
  10. naudas vienība
  11. kādā telpā mācījās bērni
  12. Ulles mazā māsiņ
  13. tik kronu ietirgoja bērni
  14. kur bērni lika sapelnīto nauda

26 Clues: Ulles sunsBuses vistastāsta autorenaudas vienībaciema nosaukumskalps ZiemeļsētāUlles mazā māsiņpilsēta Zviedrijāsinonīms aizņemtiesko dārzā lasīja Ullekas ir Anna un Britatik skolēnu bija skolāsinonīms vārdam klepotkādā telpā mācījās bērnitik kronu ietirgoja bērniko Lase darīja ar ķiršogāmvieta, kur dzīvo Lase, Busekoki, kas auga Trokšņu ciemā...

TIK KELAS 8 2023-03-30

TIK KELAS 8 crossword puzzle
  1. komputer versi kecil
  2. pengaruh TIK di bidang pendidikan
  3. alat pemancar sinyal wifi
  4. pengaruh TIK di bidang perdagangan
  5. peyedia layanan jaringan
  6. alat komunikasi modern
  7. program pengolah angka
  1. perangkat elektonik layar lebar fungsi mirip HP
  2. aplikasi membuat dokumen
  3. pemimpin teratas di sekolah
  4. aplikasi presentasi
  5. pengaruh TIK di bidang kesehatan
  6. Perangkat Komputer untuk menampilkan

13 Clues: aplikasi presentasikomputer versi kecilalat komunikasi modernprogram pengolah angkaaplikasi membuat dokumenpeyedia layanan jaringanalat pemancar sinyal wifipemimpin teratas di sekolahpengaruh TIK di bidang kesehatanpengaruh TIK di bidang pendidikanpengaruh TIK di bidang perdaganganPerangkat Komputer untuk menampilkan...

Irregular Past Tense Verbs 2020-10-29

Irregular Past Tense Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. gi
  2. se
  3. gjøre
  4. si
  5. komme
  6. ta
  7. være
  8. skrive
  9. forstå
  1. synge
  2. stå
  3. bli
  4. drikke
  5. drive
  6. treffe
  7. dra
  8. sove

19 Clues: gisesitaståblidraværesovesyngegjøredrivekommedrikketreffeskriveforstå

Išsprendę rasite užuominą 2024-10-07

Išsprendę rasite užuominą crossword puzzle
  1. metuose tik dvylika
  2. daiktas, kurį turi tik vadovai
  3. oranžinė daržovė
  4. penktadienio vakarienė
  5. apvalus, bet nevalgomas
  6. sugautas nusikaltėlis
  7. didžiausias gyvūnas pasaulyje
  8. Emo pavardė
  9. praplaukiantys balti, minkšti
  1. jūros auksas
  2. plėšri žuvis
  3. didžiausias gyvūnas stovykloje
  4. sportas su raketėm
  5. lauke burzgia, žemę aria
  6. vanduo, kabantis ore
  7. guminė automobilio dalis
  8. šviečia danguje
  9. namuko medyje aukštis (metrais)
  10. plėšrus paukštis

19 Clues: Emo pavardėjūros auksasplėšri žuvisšviečia dangujeoranžinė daržovėplėšrus paukštissportas su raketėmmetuose tik dvylikavanduo, kabantis oresugautas nusikaltėlispenktadienio vakarienėapvalus, bet nevalgomaslauke burzgia, žemę ariaguminė automobilio dalisdidžiausias gyvūnas pasaulyjepraplaukiantys balti, minkštididžiausias gyvūnas stovykloje...


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. - hafif
  2. - yakın
  3. - dolu
  4. - çalışkan
  5. - kirli
  6. - yavaş
  7. - soğuk
  8. - sol
  9. - kısa
  10. - genç
  11. - büyük
  1. - yanlış
  2. - sabah
  3. - bayat
  4. - acı
  5. - çirkin
  6. - savaş
  7. - yavaş
  8. - fakir
  9. - kuru
  10. - tok
  11. - çok

22 Clues: - acı- sol- tok- çok- dolu- kuru- kısa- genç- hafif- sabah- bayat- yakın- savaş- kirli- yavaş- yavaş- fakir- soğuk- büyük- yanlış- çirkin- çalışkan


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. - sol
  2. - dolu
  3. - çok
  4. - büyük
  5. - yakın
  6. - bayat
  7. - yavaş
  8. - hafif
  9. - kuru
  10. - kirli
  11. - fakir
  12. - acı
  1. - soğuk
  2. - yanlış
  3. -çirkin
  4. -savaş
  5. - genç
  6. - yavaş
  7. - sabah
  8. - kısa
  9. - çalışkan
  10. - tok

22 Clues: - sol- çok- acı- tok- dolu-savaş- genç- kuru- kısa- soğuk-çirkin- büyük- yakın- bayat- yavaş- yavaş- hafif- sabah- kirli- fakir- yanlış- çalışkan


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. - sol
  2. - genç
  3. - dolu
  4. - çok
  5. -çirkin
  6. - hafif
  7. - büyük
  8. - kısa
  9. - kirli
  10. - yavaş
  11. - kuru
  12. - sabah
  1. - bayat
  2. - soğuk
  3. - yanlış
  4. - yakın
  5. - tok
  6. - fakir
  7. - acı
  8. - yavaş
  9. -savaş
  10. - çalışkan

22 Clues: - sol- çok- tok- acı- genç- dolu- kısa-savaş- kuru- bayat- soğuk- yakın-çirkin- hafif- büyük- fakir- yavaş- kirli- yavaş- sabah- yanlış- çalışkan


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. - yakın
  2. - tok
  3. - kuru
  4. - bayat
  5. - hafif
  6. - soğuk
  7. - yanlış
  8. - genç
  9. - fakir
  10. -savaş
  11. - çalışkan
  1. - çok
  2. - büyük
  3. - yavaş
  4. - sol
  5. - sabah
  6. - dolu
  7. - kısa
  8. - yavaş
  9. -çirkin
  10. - acı
  11. - kirli

22 Clues: - çok- tok- sol- acı- kuru- dolu- kısa- genç-savaş- yakın- büyük- yavaş- bayat- hafif- sabah- soğuk- yavaş- fakir-çirkin- kirli- yanlış- çalışkan

Ellen's 22nd Crossword 2022-01-27

Ellen's 22nd Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. #3 & #4
  2. hueningkai stan #1
  3. the real Star of the Show, yellow boots
  4. boy wonder (it's his time)
  5. planet, also green hair, beauty queen
  6. volleyball
  7. milkbread & godzilla
  8. HEBE (lol)
  9. small, gang? probably has no diggity
  10. patrick's funny tik tok video has this
  11. his mom is dead?
  12. <pepsi
  13. besties! chaotic evil & good evil
  14. ellen's first fave k pop girl
  15. housewife opposite??
  16. martha's vineyard! fic babes
  17. god tier character
  18. not us but
  19. soulmates
  20. made a nail polish line!
  21. "rule the court"
  22. orphan ?? not russian
  23. sexy vlive star
  24. bike guy
  1. chaos ? new boys
  2. catboy! levi ackerman
  3. he's our hope
  4. disney princess
  5. ISFP, nice
  6. infuriating, tall & freckles, short
  7. pretty ravn, craves opposite of life
  8. it boy
  9. can they hug? what's wrong w a hug? besties can't hug?
  10. blonde irish 1D guy u like xoxo
  11. cat
  12. small and stupid, tall and stupid
  13. 5'11" drives fast cars (not hannah)(or yeonjun)
  14. vince's fave food, pretty good looking
  15. murder bird guy
  16. winter bear writer
  17. feral
  18. has that annoying cat
  19. bby girl! teal collar
  20. loml old boy
  21. perfect boy
  22. what armin wants to sea

46 Clues: catferalit boy<pepsi#3 & #4bike guysoulmatesISFP, nicevolleyballHEBE (lol)not us butperfect boyloml old boyhe's our hopedisney princessmurder bird guysexy vlive starchaos ? new boyshis mom is dead?"rule the court"hueningkai stan #1winter bear writergod tier charactermilkbread & godzillahousewife opposite??catboy! levi ackermanhas that annoying cat...

Greg Block's Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-07

Greg Block's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Go-to food spot for last day of a OW trip
  2. One of your favorite types of food (I think)
  3. They bring you joy and pain on Sundays
  4. "The Boss" first name
  5. Times Square's finest happy hour establishment
  6. Acronym for dancing game played in Upstate
  7. One of our favorite consulting applications
  8. 'Choose your character' activity on last day of Poconos trip
  9. Rizzed up Livvy Dunne
  10. Singer of our favorite karaoke banger "Summer of '69"
  11. The hand that feeds us (so to speak)
  12. Tik Tok talent that is courting Baby Gronk (first name)
  1. Signature homemade meal on OW trips
  2. Location of our longest lasting ping-pong game
  3. Something you may sling, snag, or scoop
  4. A favorite hobby of yours, for capturing memories
  5. OW squad's favorite bar in NYC
  6. Name of first OW trip to Upstate (shortened)
  7. Silicon Valley's prestigious learning ground
  8. OW extracurricular role where we receive strongly worded emails from Partners
  9. The most disturbing condiment name (created by us)
  10. One reluctant bite in the Poconos
  11. Ideal 4 person, outdoor, Saturday drinking game
  12. TM that I always see in the bathroom (first name)
  13. Take you 7-15 seconds every morning on average

25 Clues: "The Boss" first nameRizzed up Livvy DunneOW squad's favorite bar in NYCOne reluctant bite in the PoconosSignature homemade meal on OW tripsThe hand that feeds us (so to speak)They bring you joy and pain on SundaysSomething you may sling, snag, or scoopGo-to food spot for last day of a OW tripAcronym for dancing game played in Upstate...

Dylan's sick crossword 2023-12-21

Dylan's sick crossword crossword puzzle
  1. canes top goal scorer this season
  2. Largest U.S. city without an NFL, NBA, or NHL team
  3. country with most international tourists
  4. U2 song from the 80's
  5. smallest U.S. city with a professional sports team
  6. 1985 film about high schoolers
  7. first golf course in the world
  8. UNC's most famous alumnus
  9. sings "stick season"
  10. most followed tik tok account
  11. ticker symbol for company Matt Taylor works for
  12. company that matthew c taylor works for with an a
  13. U.S. president at time of atomic bomb
  14. NC airport
  15. home state of costco
  16. state where liftime fitness started
  1. taylor swift most popular song on spotify
  2. name of App St's mascot
  3. home to western carolina univeristy
  4. player with largest sports contract
  5. company riley works for
  6. went to NC State and in movie hangover
  7. what Tom's corworker "stuidies"
  8. 2nd largest city in france
  9. city rose bowl is played in
  10. Largest U.S. employer
  11. American city with #1 water
  12. American male at concerts
  13. hurricanes play in this sports leauge
  14. First U.S. state Alphabetically
  15. bear that likes marmalade
  16. a pet and name of sweet food
  17. NFL team with best record as of today
  18. owned by Disney

34 Clues: NC airportowned by Disneysings "stick season"home state of costcoU2 song from the 80'sLargest U.S. employername of App St's mascotcompany riley works forAmerican male at concertsUNC's most famous alumnusbear that likes marmalade2nd largest city in francecity rose bowl is played inAmerican city with #1 watera pet and name of sweet food...

La prensa y la tecnología 2024-01-24

La prensa y la tecnología crossword puzzle
  1. - Es lo opuesto de discutir o pelear.
  2. - Es una persona famosa.
  3. - Es el simbolo @ en español.
  4. - Es una persona que escribe las noticias.
  5. - Es lo que hacen los seguidores.
  6. - Mandar o lo que haces con tu correo.
  7. - Es lo que necesitas, si quieres usar Google, Microsoft, Apple y muchos más.
  8. - Es lo que haces durante la noche.
  9. - Es lo que haces cuando tienes opciones.
  10. - Es el sinónimo de descargar.
  11. - Es lo opuesto de recibir.
  12. - En Instagram, lo pones para comunicar un mensaje a tus seguidores.
  1. - Es similar a la actividad de escuchar.
  2. - Si tienes un nombre de usuario, típicamente tienes también esto.
  3. - Es un algo que lees en línea o en papel para saber las noticias.
  4. - Es lo opuesto de estar libre.
  5. - Es algo que lees en formato digital o en papel para leer sobre las celebridades, la moda o los deportes.
  6. - Es donde haces clic cuando estás en una página web.
  7. - Es el sinónimo de amar. :)
  8. - Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook Whatsapp, Pinterest...
  9. - Es lo opuesto de ir.
  10. -The New York Times, Vogue, Popular Mechanics son algunos ejemplos.
  11. - Es lo que piensas pero no estás segura o seguro. Puede ser una opinión.
  12. - La tienes en tu móvil--un ejemplo es Wordference. LOL

24 Clues: - Es lo opuesto de ir.- Es una persona famosa.- Es lo opuesto de recibir.- Es el sinónimo de amar. :)- Es el simbolo @ en español.- Es el sinónimo de descargar.- Es lo opuesto de estar libre.- Es lo que hacen los seguidores.- Es lo que haces durante la noche.- Es lo opuesto de discutir o pelear.- Mandar o lo que haces con tu correo....

TOK Philosophers 2023-03-20

TOK Philosophers crossword puzzle
  1. American showman famous for saying "there's a sucker born every minute"
  2. aruged the innate language theory
  3. "Describing good is like describing to a blind person what yellow looks like
  4. Believed actions were right if it conforms to positive sentiments or emotions
  5. Believed in a need for evidence to come to a conclusion
  6. explored the theory of natural selection
  7. "the meaning of a word is it's use"
  8. Made the phrase "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
  9. Action is right if it's aligned with good character
  1. Known for experiments in social conformity
  2. Studied fundamental elements of relationships and dependencies on human life
  3. Father of modern taxonomy
  4. known for the idea "would I want to universalize that action"
  5. Argued that it is impossible to know someone else's POV in his book "What is it like to be a bat"
  6. Known for controversial experiments on obedience, was a professor at Yale

15 Clues: Father of modern taxonomyaruged the innate language theory"the meaning of a word is it's use"explored the theory of natural selectionKnown for experiments in social conformityAction is right if it's aligned with good characterBelieved in a need for evidence to come to a conclusionknown for the idea "would I want to universalize that action"...

TOK Crossword 2023-03-15

TOK Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Assumption that a single negative trait applies to all aspects of a person.
  2. An action is only good if a virtuous person would do the same, or if it embodies moral virtuous characteristics.
  3. A decision should be based on what will make the majority happy. (ex. The Trolly Problem)
  4. An action is right if it shows concern for the interests of others.
  5. The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes.
  6. Knowledge is socially constructed; human beings put knowledge together.
  7. "Knowledge is impossible"
  1. An action is right/wrong according to individual opinion, time, place, & culture.
  2. Positive assumptions made via first impressions; positive judgement in one area extends to other areas of understanding.
  3. An action is right is it pursues your self interest.
  4. An action is right/wrong independent of your personal opinion.
  5. We can know things immediately, without even reasoning through it.
  6. "Right" and "Wrong" are not universal and instead dependent on the morals in question of the problem before us.
  7. Knowledge comes from reason (not only the senses).
  8. Knowledge comes form sense experience and observation.

15 Clues: "Knowledge is impossible"Knowledge comes from reason (not only the senses).An action is right is it pursues your self interest.Knowledge comes form sense experience and observation.An action is right/wrong independent of your personal opinion.The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes....


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. - kirli
  2. - kuru
  3. - kısa
  4. - savaş
  5. - acı
  6. - çalışkan
  7. - sabah
  8. - çok
  9. - soğuk
  1. - yavaş
  2. - çirkin
  3. - fakir
  4. - yanlış
  5. - yakın
  6. - yavaş
  7. - bayat
  8. - dolu
  9. - genç
  10. - büyük
  11. - tok
  12. - sol
  13. - hafif

22 Clues: - acı- tok- çok- sol- kuru- kısa- dolu- genç- yavaş- fakir- kirli- yakın- yavaş- savaş- bayat- sabah- büyük- soğuk- hafif- çirkin- yanlış- çalışkan

Zıt Anlam 2021-05-06

Zıt Anlam crossword puzzle
  1. barış
  2. aşağı
  3. sıvı
  4. gündüz
  5. düşman
  6. zayıf
  7. kolay
  8. çalışkan
  9. iniş
  1. açık
  2. cevap
  3. tatlı
  4. düz
  5. geri
  6. yanlış
  7. arka
  8. yavaş
  9. parlak
  10. yeni
  11. dolu
  12. tok

21 Clues: düztokaçıksıvıgeriarkayenidoluinişbarışcevapaşağıtatlıyavaşzayıfkolaygündüzdüşmanyanlışparlakçalışkan


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. - yavaş
  2. - genç
  3. - fakir
  4. - hafif
  5. - çalışkan
  6. - kirli
  7. - kuru
  8. - sabah
  9. - yakın
  1. - dolu
  2. - kısa
  3. - yavaş
  4. - çok
  5. - çirkin
  6. - bayat
  7. - savaş
  8. - acı
  9. - yanlış
  10. - soğuk
  11. - sol
  12. - büyük
  13. - tok

22 Clues: - çok- acı- sol- tok- dolu- kısa- genç- kuru- yavaş- yavaş- fakir- bayat- hafif- savaş- kirli- soğuk- büyük- sabah- yakın- çirkin- yanlış- çalışkan

Aiden Hamzeinejad P.1 2022-02-11

Aiden Hamzeinejad P.1 crossword puzzle
  1. The givers __________ is Jonas.
  2. It was a very ________ day until Thanos came.
  3. He was _______ from going to the barbershop because he had to many felonies.
  4. It was an _________ experience when I got to 10 followers on Tik-Tok.
  5. We tried to __________ the injury, but his leg was beyond repair.
  6. He had an _________ look on his face after the attempted robbery.
  7. Since he was in ASB he was ________ from coming to class.
  8. Fortnite became very ________ after the boys hopped off.
  9. I had to _______ to convince my parents to let me go to my friends house.
  10. I was in so much _______ after I dropped my McDonald Ice Cream cone.
  11. My friends were _________ when I brought them all cookies.
  12. I was very scared when I saw as bunch of criminals __________ the prison.
  1. My brother was in ___________ pain after I dropped a hammer on his foot.
  2. I was already arrested __________ for jaywalking.
  3. Thanos started to _________ after Iron Man snapped his fingers.
  4. Venom let there be _______.
  5. There were many _________ signs outside of the weird kids house.
  6. I started to ________ the little boy after he stole my Pokemon cards.
  7. I was very _______ after I got rejected from a child's birthday party.
  8. I felt ________ for my mom when no one was listening to her.

20 Clues: Venom let there be _______.The givers __________ is Jonas.It was a very ________ day until Thanos came.I was already arrested __________ for jaywalking.Fortnite became very ________ after the boys hopped off.Since he was in ASB he was ________ from coming to class.My friends were _________ when I brought them all cookies....

PUZZLE 342 2023-11-06

PUZZLE 342 crossword puzzle
  1. School groups
  2. More fridgid
  3. Thiamine and riboflavin, e.g.
  4. Pub Pint Option
  5. Tik Tok Upload
  6. barbershop request
  7. give for free
  8. Pink Floyd co-founder Barret
  9. Picnic Pest
  10. Best rookie in the history of rookies
  11. Treasures of a person
  12. card in a blackjack pair
  13. "Forget about that!"
  14. Uses GChat, e.g.
  15. Worn-down pencils
  16. Skier's jacket
  17. Man who partakes in mushrooms of the psychedelic variety
  18. Senior man of 4 platoon
  19. Grammy winner for " Royals"
  20. Subways, buses and such
  21. strange magic music group
  22. Fire up, as an engine
  23. Type of stick used for incense
  24. Expert in the use of a didgeridoo
  25. Sketched
  1. Ventilate, as a musty room
  2. Garlic-crushing tool
  3. Assemblage
  4. Mike and ___
  5. Animal pulled from a magician's hat
  6. Where grizzles roam in the wild
  7. Improvise a speech
  8. 1/3 of a yard
  9. Witches' gathering
  10. Makes Illegal
  11. "ill return very soon"
  12. Zoo Primates
  13. Fitting Occupation
  14. Hotel employee
  15. "Life on mars" singer
  16. 14-Line Poem
  17. Inventor Nikola
  18. Unkempt
  19. Stand in good ____
  20. Peppa or Porky
  21. Knee injury site, for short
  22. Travel agent's figures
  23. Fire up, as an engine
  24. Bay Area airport near OAK
  25. Land Purchase
  26. Welcome center offering

51 Clues: UnkemptSketchedAssemblagePicnic PestMore fridgidMike and ___Zoo Primates14-Line PoemSchool groups1/3 of a yardMakes Illegalgive for freeLand PurchaseTik Tok UploadHotel employeeSkier's jacketPeppa or PorkyPub Pint OptionInventor NikolaUses GChat, e.g.Worn-down pencilsImprovise a speechWitches' gatheringbarbershop requestFitting Occupation...

Daphne's Virtual Birthday 2024-11-10

Daphne's Virtual Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. Amy will pick you up in...?
  2. Favorite book suggestion by Daphne (so far)
  3. Post-COMLEX Level 1 activity
  4. A zoomer phrase that Amy has impressed upon Daphne
  5. Wharton Center show where we were seated in the last balcony row
  6. A common Hawk Island substitute
  7. Movie watched at Daphne's Volaris b-day
  8. Movie watched at Daphne's Airbnb b-day
  9. The best base hospital liaison there ever was
  10. A potential show that Daphne will split-screen Anki with
  11. Class in which Daphne and Amy met (abbr.)
  12. A classic activity at Amy's apartment
  13. Daphne's superhero of choice
  14. I need to study. Wanna go to...?
  1. One thing you are guaranteed to be offered at Daphne's place
  2. The superior grocery store
  3. The uppermost brainstem portion
  4. eGift Card Daphne will receive upon proof of this puzzle's completion
  5. There are 63 of these sites in total that Daphne needs to visit
  6. Daphne's tik tok
  7. Daphne definitely ordered this at Charlie Kang's
  8. Amy's worst movie suggestion of all time
  9. Hankering for raw fish anyone?
  10. A prime place to secure dessert
  11. This puzzle's creator
  12. Omg you just palpated an olive-like mass in a baby stomach
  13. The 3rd installment was definitely no diamond of the season

27 Clues: Daphne's tik tokThis puzzle's creatorThe superior grocery storeAmy will pick you up in...?Post-COMLEX Level 1 activityDaphne's superhero of choiceHankering for raw fish anyone?The uppermost brainstem portionA common Hawk Island substituteA prime place to secure dessertI need to study. Wanna go to...?A classic activity at Amy's apartment...

de beuk 4b-18 taal 2018-05-14

de beuk 4b-18 taal crossword puzzle
  1. mijn kleren zitten in een...
  2. ik ben ... dus ik moet me wassen
  3. je woont in een...
  4. waar bel je mee...
  5. de kleur van het gras is groen...
  6. ik lees in een...
  7. ik zit op een...
  8. het is niet koud maar het is...
  9. wie draagt er nog een pamper...
  1. ik schrijf op een krijtbord met...
  2. wat zegt er tok tok...
  3. een... blaft
  4. het... pijpestelen
  5. de zee is...
  6. ik kijk door het... naar buiten

15 Clues: een... blaftde zee is...ik zit op een...ik lees in een...je woont in een...het... pijpestelenwaar bel je mee...wat zegt er tok tok...mijn kleren zitten in een...het is niet koud maar het is...ik kijk door het... naar buitenwie draagt er nog een pamper...ik ben ... dus ik moet me wassende kleur van het gras is groen......

La Casa Luke 2022-04-29

La Casa Luke crossword puzzle
  1. wall
  2. where you spend most your time
  3. ̀put stuff on _______
  4. tú trabajas en
  5. You place books in _________
  6. bathroom
  7. floor, level
  8. tic tok tic tok
  9. you hangout with your family in ______
  10. mower
  11. tú vives en
  12. where women work
  13. lights up your room
  14. you cook on
  1. you eat in _________
  2. room, bedroom
  3. some people live in a ____________
  4. you put food in __________
  5. you cook in
  6. ver tu
  7. carpet
  8. your dogs run around your _____________
  9. atic
  10. your car stays in ________
  11. floor, ground
  12. you take _______ on vaction
  13. you relax in _________
  14. you sit in _________
  15. tú duermes en tu _________
  16. you put clothes in a _______________

30 Clues: wallaticmowerver tucarpetbathroomyou cook intú vives enyou cook onfloor, levelroom, bedroomfloor, groundtú trabajas entic tok tic tokwhere women worklights up your roomyou eat in _________you sit in _________̀put stuff on _______you relax in _________you put food in __________your car stays in ________tú duermes en tu _________...

Zıt anlam 2021-05-06

Zıt anlam crossword puzzle
  1. küçük
  2. tok
  3. genç
  4. gülmek
  5. korkaklık
  6. dolu
  7. çirkin
  8. kalın
  9. farklı
  1. taze
  2. eksi
  3. aşşağı
  4. hafif
  5. üst
  6. tatlı
  7. çok
  8. sonuncu
  9. gündüz

18 Clues: toküstçoktazeeksigençdoluküçükhafiftatlıkalınaşşağıgülmekçirkingündüzfarklısonuncukorkaklık

Zıt Anlamlısını Bul 2022-12-16

Zıt Anlamlısını Bul crossword puzzle
  1. sakin
  2. kısa
  3. kapalı
  4. büyük
  5. yumuşak
  6. sağ
  7. dolu
  8. aşağı
  9. toplama
  10. kalın
  11. çarpma
  1. kırılgan
  2. yakın
  3. çirkin
  4. zayıf
  5. ingilizce
  6. cevap
  7. beyaz
  8. tatlı
  9. genç
  10. tok

21 Clues: sağtokkısadolugençsakinyakınbüyükzayıfcevapbeyaztatlıaşağıkalınçirkinkapalıçarpmayumuşaktoplamakırılganingilizce

iEren 2020-12-18

iEren crossword puzzle
  1. = yok
  2. = diri
  3. = evcil
  4. = eski
  5. = fakir
  6. = tüketim
  7. = orjinal
  8. = sıvı
  9. = doğru
  1. = taze
  2. = sevinç
  3. = gerçek
  4. = kötü
  5. = Düşman
  6. = evli
  7. = boy
  8. = aç
  9. = yüksek
  10. = genç

19 Clues: = aç= yok= boy= taze= diri= kötü= eski= evli= sıvı= genç= evcil= fakir= doğru= sevinç= gerçek= Düşman= yüksek= tüketim= orjinal

Zıt Anlamlı Kelimeler 2021-05-29

Zıt Anlamlı Kelimeler crossword puzzle
  1. Dar
  2. Gündüz
  3. Yüksek
  4. Zor
  5. Kötü
  6. Kapalı
  7. Tok
  8. kuru
  9. Geniş
  1. Gülmek
  2. Dolu
  3. Üzgün
  4. Çirkin
  5. Yaşlı
  6. yeni
  7. Gerçek
  8. Büyük
  9. Hafif
  10. Çok

19 Clues: DarZorTokÇokDoluyeniKötükuruÜzgünYaşlıBüyükHafifGenişGülmekÇirkinGündüzGerçekYüksekKapalı

zıt anlamlı kelimeler 2023-05-14

zıt anlamlı kelimeler crossword puzzle
  1. hafif
  2. çirkin
  3. sabah
  4. yumuşak
  5. temiz
  6. aydınlık
  7. fakir
  8. soğuk
  9. küçük
  1. tatlı
  2. tembel
  3. kısa
  4. çukur
  5. zor
  6. kalın
  7. alçak
  8. kapatmak
  9. üst
  10. tok

19 Clues: zorüsttokkısatatlıhafifçukursabahkalınalçaktemizfakirsoğukküçüktembelçirkinyumuşakkapatmakaydınlık

TIK 2023-03-10

TIK crossword puzzle
  1. Membuat lembar kerja MS word baru.
  2. Ikon ini memiliki fungsi untuk menempelkan suatu teks ataupun objek yang sebelumnya telah di copy atau cut
  3. Berfungsi menambahkan penomoran urut secara otomatis.
  4. Kita bisa memilih jenis dan gaya huruf pada bagian ini.
  5. Untuk menambahkan bullet dan berbagai tanda lainnya pada format listing.
  6. Untuk mengeprint dokumen yang telah kita buat.
  7. Memberikan efek miring pada teks.
  8. Memberikan efek garis bawah pada teks.
  1. Menampilkan daftar dokumen yang baru-baru ini dibuka/diedit.
  2. Berfungsi untuk menyalin dan mengcopy teks ataupun objek
  3. Untuk membuat format pangkat diatas.
  4. Memberikan efek coretan di tengah teks.
  5. Kita bisa memilih jenis dan gaya huruf pada bagian ini
  6. Membuka file dokumen yang sebelumnya telah kita simpan.
  7. Untuk membuat format pangkat dibawah.
  8. Berfungsi untuk memindah dan memotong teks ataupun objek
  9. Memberikan efek tebal ada huruf.
  10. Menutup dokumen yang sedang kita buka.

18 Clues: Memberikan efek tebal ada huruf.Memberikan efek miring pada teks.Membuat lembar kerja MS word baru.Untuk membuat format pangkat diatas.Untuk membuat format pangkat dibawah.Menutup dokumen yang sedang kita buka.Memberikan efek garis bawah pada teks.Memberikan efek coretan di tengah teks.Untuk mengeprint dokumen yang telah kita buat....

Happy Birthday, Helen! 2021-04-02

Happy Birthday, Helen! crossword puzzle
  1. neighborhood in both london and nyc
  2. huge, in mom's backyard
  3. owl professor app
  4. overpriced in the US
  5. college abode
  6. spread at tedx conferences
  7. helen has two
  8. Southern or Korean
  9. in a good way
  10. helen is a snack and so is this
  11. not a clique
  12. folkloric hero for investors
  13. matching set
  14. on Helen's walls
  15. cooking ____"nothings"
  16. has black and white keys
  17. daily, in red
  18. lucrative clothes resale
  19. offering at stephen talkhouse
  20. i love ______ kappa alpha ______
  21. hydrating in france
  22. can be boiled or fried
  1. pas house mais truck for manger
  2. thank you, ____
  3. hamptons weekend theme (hint: always said thrice)
  4. for helen, often masculine
  5. won't judge if claire's body makes "noises"
  6. using all four limbs
  7. grocer between G and I
  8. hairstyle
  9. helen's chinese name
  10. mode of transportation in NYC and Amsterdam
  11. helen's better half
  12. what claire's tik tok twin says
  13. a distinct period of history e.g. penn
  14. spotify playlist
  15. olivia rodrigo got one at 16, but not helen
  16. helen is ______ in a bajillion
  17. having consumed shakshuka
  18. helen's chinese name
  19. a region or part of the world e.g. the hague
  20. sans instruments

42 Clues: hairstylenot a cliquematching setcollege abodehelen has twoin a good waydaily, in redthank you, ____spotify playliston Helen's wallssans instrumentsowl professor appSouthern or Koreanhelen's better halfhydrating in franceusing all four limbsoverpriced in the UShelen's chinese namehelen's chinese namegrocer between G and Icooking ____"nothings"...

Mein Kaun Hun 2021-06-01

Mein Kaun Hun crossword puzzle
  1. Mein subse choti hun lekin sabse pyaari hun
  2. Har note pe aap muze dekhate ho
  3. Shravan Mahina Aa Gaya
  4. Mere do Karan Arjun
  5. Mera gussa and wajan kabhi kam nahi hota
  6. Flying to the west coast
  7. Sab bolo Jai Chamunda
  8. Mein hamesha seat belt pehentaa hun
  9. Mein Falguni ki diwaani hun
  10. subse bade damaad
  11. Mere do shouk hain. Bhaagna aur Khaana
  12. Mein Jule par baith ke cricket dekhta hun
  13. Nazar hati, durghatna ghati
  14. Choti Bahu
  15. Mein Misal achaa banati hun
  16. Flying to East Coast
  17. Fire fighter
  1. Amit Shah aur Modi bekaar hai
  2. Mere do shouk hain. Cricket aur Sona
  3. Mein Tik Tok par reheti hun
  4. Albert Pinto ko gussa kyun aata hai
  5. Govinda Govinda Govinda Govinda
  6. Jai Shree Krashna
  7. Mein Tikhi Mirchi Laayi Hun, Mein Kolhapur se Aayi Hun
  8. mein table ke neeche bhi so sakti hun
  9. Kabhi K kabhi Gam
  10. Ahaana mere se bhi moti hain
  11. Mujhe poora bed mil jayega
  12. Dance Diwaani
  13. Abhi Abhi Shaadi hui hain
  14. Be Kula
  15. I am slim but can ride a heavy motorbike
  16. Mera aashirwaad sabke saath hai
  17. Mere do anmol ratan, ek ram, ek lakhan

34 Clues: Be KulaChoti BahuFire fighterDance DiwaaniJai Shree KrashnaKabhi K kabhi Gamsubse bade damaadMere do Karan ArjunFlying to East CoastSab bolo Jai ChamundaShravan Mahina Aa GayaFlying to the west coastAbhi Abhi Shaadi hui hainMujhe poora bed mil jayegaMein Tik Tok par reheti hunMein Falguni ki diwaani hunNazar hati, durghatna ghati...

Online Products and Stores 2023-12-07

Online Products and Stores crossword puzzle
  1. new businesses make these products and print a logo on tshirts, mugs, hats, and other things to customize and share their brand
  2. an example of this product is Ring from shark tank
  3. this online store is all about quality fashion affordable and high end
  4. these products support quality hair
  5. these products promote health and wellness through fitness and workouts
  6. this shop has just launched on tik tok
  7. this product is worn everyday of our lives
  8. this website is widely popular for custom kicks and exclusive shoes
  9. these products promote quality skin
  1. business owners may purchase this product to promote their business online or in the community
  2. You can purchase songs or subscriptions of this product from Itunes, spotify, and streaming services
  3. don't judge these by their cover
  4. This product requires a sin card or wifi service to connect
  5. you can start your own online store with this website
  6. bling bling
  7. the world's largest online sales platform
  8. these products needs electricity or batteries to power on
  9. these popular products for kids consists of action figures, remote control cars, and dolls
  10. this product comes in pairs and goes on our feet
  11. this product comes in video or boards

20 Clues: bling blingdon't judge these by their coverthese products support quality hairthese products promote quality skinthis product comes in video or boardsthis shop has just launched on tik tokthe world's largest online sales platformthis product is worn everyday of our livesthis product comes in pairs and goes on our feet...

skibidi what? 2024-05-02

skibidi what? crossword puzzle
  1. __ what the sigma
  1. tik tok, school, sleep
  2. the awnser to 1673 - 5678 + 5678 =

3 Clues: __ what the sigmatik tok, school, sleepthe awnser to 1673 - 5678 + 5678 =

skibidi what? 2024-05-02

skibidi what? crossword puzzle
  1. __ what the sigma
  1. tik tok, school, sleep
  2. the awnser to 1673 - 5678 + 5678 =

3 Clues: __ what the sigmatik tok, school, sleepthe awnser to 1673 - 5678 + 5678 =


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. - bayat
  2. - hafif
  3. - yavaş
  4. - soğuk
  5. - fakir
  6. - yanlış
  7. -savaş
  8. - sabah
  9. - kuru
  10. - büyük
  11. -çirkin
  1. - genç
  2. - acı
  3. - kısa
  4. - çalışkan
  5. - sol
  6. - çok
  7. - yakın
  8. - dolu
  9. - kirli
  10. - yavaş
  11. - tok

22 Clues: - acı- sol- çok- tok- genç- kısa- dolu-savaş- kuru- bayat- hafif- yavaş- soğuk- fakir- yakın- kirli- yavaş- sabah- büyük-çirkin- yanlış- çalışkan

Zit anlam 2024-10-16

Zit anlam crossword puzzle
  1. asgari
  2. uslu
  3. doğu
  4. normal
  5. alçak
  6. derin
  7. hafif
  8. tok
  9. gönüllü kibirli
  1. pahalı
  2. yukarı
  3. uslu
  4. çok
  5. ön
  6. eksi
  7. iniş
  8. usta
  9. yabancı
  10. koyu

19 Clues: önçoktokusluusludoğueksiinişustakoyualçakderinhafifpahalıasgariyukarınormalyabancıgönüllü kibirli

Kinderliedjes 2020-10-11

Kinderliedjes crossword puzzle
  1. Slaap ... slaap
  2. .... heb je witte wol?
  3. ... tikt tegen 't raam tik tik tik
  4. Altijd is ..... ziek
  5. Onder moeders ....
  6. Witte .... zwarte .....
  7. .... wat zeg je van mijn kippen?
  8. ..... botje ging uit varen
  9. 1-2-3-4 hoedje van ....
  10. Alle .... zwemmen in het water
  11. Ik heb mijn .... volgeladen
  1. Daar was laatst een .... loos
  2. Groen is .... onder mijne voeten
  3. Hop hop hop .... in galop
  4. .... mag ik overvaren?
  5. Ik ga slapen, ik ben ....
  6. in .... staat een huis
  7. Twee emmertjes .... halen
  8. Klein klein . wat doe je in m'n hof
  9. Vader .... slaapt gij nog?
  10. ...., schouders, knie en teen
  11. Hop Marjanneke, ..... in het kanneke
  12. 'k Zag twee .... broodjes smeren
  13. Drie maal drie is ....
  14. In Den Haag daar woont een ....

25 Clues: Slaap ... slaapOnder moeders ....Altijd is ..... ziek.... heb je witte wol?.... mag ik overvaren?in .... staat een huisDrie maal drie is ....Witte .... zwarte .....1-2-3-4 hoedje van ....Hop hop hop .... in galopIk ga slapen, ik ben ....Twee emmertjes .... halenVader .... slaapt gij nog?..... botje ging uit varenIk heb mijn .... volgeladen...

DaMaiZ FD@RRSR 2016-09-14

DaMaiZ FD@RRSR crossword puzzle
  1. Adik kepada Fatihah
  2. Dia belajar di luar negara
  3. Cucu sulung kepada anak sulung lelaki DaMaiz
  4. Nama dia sama dgn nama tok saudaranya
  5. Adik Opah/Onyang Maimunah
  6. Dah tak sejuk macam dulu
  7. Ahli DaMaiZ paling muda (setakat ini)
  8. Jangan tersilap dengan Toronto!
  9. Tempat kerja warga DaMaiZ di utara
  1. Tempat kerja salah seorang warga DamaiZ
  2. Dia pun cucu sulung juga
  3. Abang Tok/Onyang Daud
  4. Ada di batu & kampung
  5. Anak sulung kepada anak sulung
  6. Bunyinya seakan-akan sawah kata orang Perak :)
  7. Lokasi DamaiZ FD ke 3

16 Clues: Adik kepada FatihahAbang Tok/Onyang DaudAda di batu & kampungLokasi DamaiZ FD ke 3Dia pun cucu sulung jugaDah tak sejuk macam duluAdik Opah/Onyang MaimunahDia belajar di luar negaraAnak sulung kepada anak sulungJangan tersilap dengan Toronto!Tempat kerja warga DaMaiZ di utaraNama dia sama dgn nama tok saudaranyaAhli DaMaiZ paling muda (setakat ini)...

Zıt anlamlı 2024-10-16

Zıt anlamlı crossword puzzle
  1. dolu
  2. üst
  3. çok
  4. gec
  5. kapalı
  6. eğik
  7. aşahı
  8. usta
  1. doğu
  2. usta
  3. korkak
  4. artı
  5. tok
  6. geniş
  7. git
  8. yüksek
  9. siyah
  10. tek

18 Clues: üstçokgectokgittekdoludoğuustaartıeğikustagenişaşahısiyahkorkakkapalıyüksek

Zıt anlam 2021-05-06

Zıt anlam crossword puzzle
  1. küçük
  2. tok
  3. genç
  4. gülmek
  5. korkaklık
  6. dolu
  7. çirkin
  8. kalın
  9. farklı
  1. taze
  2. eksi
  3. aşşağı
  4. hafif
  5. üst
  6. tatlı
  7. çok
  8. sonuncu
  9. gündüz

18 Clues: toküstçoktazeeksigençdoluküçükhafiftatlıkalınaşşağıgülmekçirkingündüzfarklısonuncukorkaklık

Zıt anlam 2024-10-16

Zıt anlam crossword puzzle
  1. az
  2. aydınlık
  3. afacan
  4. anormal
  5. ağır
  6. aşağı
  7. aktif
  8. alçak
  9. alıcı
  1. alıngan
  2. aynı
  3. arka
  4. acemi
  5. acı
  6. açık
  7. alt
  8. artı
  9. alt

19 Clues: azacıaltaltaynıarkaağıraçıkartıacemiaşağıaktifalçakalıcıafacanalıngananormalaydınlık

HISTOLOGIJA 2020-02-01

HISTOLOGIJA crossword puzzle
  1. papile na laticama macuhice
  2. uzlazni tok
  3. tkivo za izlucivanje
  4. nauka koja proucava tkiva
  5. izrastaj na donjoj strani lista
  6. skup stanica koje imaju isto pdrijeklo,gradu,oblik i obavljaju istu funkciju
  7. ksilem i floem cine...
  8. u mehanickom tkivu nalaze se...
  9. tvorna tkiva cine vrsna i...
  1. silazni tok
  2. diobe stanice su mejoza i...
  3. dlacice koje se nalaze u plodovima agruma
  4. tkivo za fotosintezu nalazi se u...
  5. drugi naziv za kozno tkivo
  6. kozno tkivo na koprivi

15 Clues: silazni tokuzlazni toktkivo za izlucivanjeksilem i floem cine...kozno tkivo na koprivinauka koja proucava tkivadrugi naziv za kozno tkivopapile na laticama macuhicediobe stanice su mejoza i...tvorna tkiva cine vrsna i...izrastaj na donjoj strani listau mehanickom tkivu nalaze se...tkivo za fotosintezu nalazi se u......

Šalys pagal dydį 2022-04-27

Šalys pagal dydį crossword puzzle
  1. Didžiausia šalis Afrikoje.
  2. Didžiausia šalis saloje Europoje ir vakarų pusrutulyje.
  3. Didžiausia šalis Šiaurės Amerikoje.
  4. 13 720 000 km² padengta ledu.
  5. Didžiausia šalis Europos sąjungoje.
  6. Didžiausia šalis Pietų Europoje ir antra didžiausia Europos Sąjungoje.
  7. Didžiausia šalis Pietų Amerikoje.
  8. Didžiausia Šiaurės Amerikos šalis tik pagal sausumos plotą.
  9. Didžiausia šalis saloje Rytų Azijoje.
  1. Didžiausia šalis Šiaurės Europoje ir trečia didžiausia Europos Sąjungoje.
  2. Didžiausia priėjimo prie jūros neturinti šalis.
  3. Didžiausia šalis, esanti vien tik Europos žemyne.
  4. Didžiausia šalis Karibų jūroje.
  5. Didžiausia šalis pasaulyje.
  6. Didžiausia šalis Okeanijoje bei didžiausia, neturinti sausumos sienų.
  7. Tarpžemyninė šalis esanti Azijoje ir Europoje.
  8. Didžiausia šalis, esanti vien tik Azijos žemyne.

17 Clues: Didžiausia šalis Afrikoje.Didžiausia šalis pasaulyje.13 720 000 km² padengta ledu.Didžiausia šalis Karibų jūroje.Didžiausia šalis Pietų Amerikoje.Didžiausia šalis Šiaurės Amerikoje.Didžiausia šalis Europos sąjungoje.Didžiausia šalis saloje Rytų Azijoje.Tarpžemyninė šalis esanti Azijoje ir Europoje.Didžiausia priėjimo prie jūros neturinti šalis....

DaMaiZ FD@RRSR 2016-09-14

DaMaiZ FD@RRSR crossword puzzle
  1. Cucu sulung kepada anak sulung lelaki DaMaiz
  2. Jangan tersilap dengan Toronto!
  3. Anak sulung kepada anak sulung
  4. Adik Opah/Onyang Maimunah
  5. Tempat kerja salah seorang warga DamaiZ
  6. Dah tak sejuk macam dulu
  7. Dia pun cucu sulung juga
  8. Tempat kerja warga DaMaiZ di utara
  1. Nama dia sama dgn nama tok saudaranya
  2. Ada di batu & kampung
  3. Dia belajar di luar negara
  4. Bunyinya seakan-akan sawah kata orang Perak :)
  5. Adik kepada Fatihah
  6. Abang Tok/Onyang Daud
  7. Ahli DaMaiZ paling muda (setakat ini)
  8. Lokasi DamaiZ FD ke 3

16 Clues: Adik kepada FatihahAda di batu & kampungAbang Tok/Onyang DaudLokasi DamaiZ FD ke 3Dah tak sejuk macam duluDia pun cucu sulung jugaAdik Opah/Onyang MaimunahDia belajar di luar negaraAnak sulung kepada anak sulungJangan tersilap dengan Toronto!Tempat kerja warga DaMaiZ di utaraNama dia sama dgn nama tok saudaranyaAhli DaMaiZ paling muda (setakat ini)...

Zıt Anlam 2021-05-06

Zıt Anlam crossword puzzle
  1. kalın
  2. barış
  3. iniş
  4. derman
  5. yeni
  6. aşağı
  7. küçük
  8. sıcak
  9. bayat
  10. tatlı
  11. yaş
  1. ödül
  2. genç
  3. sol
  4. cevap
  5. düşman
  6. çekmek
  7. gider
  8. alçak
  9. sıvı
  10. tümsek
  11. tok

22 Clues: soltokyaşödülgençinişyenisıvıkalınbarışcevapgideraşağıalçakküçüksıcakbayattatlıdermandüşmançekmektümsek


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. uzak
  2. dar
  3. soğuk
  4. kış
  5. fakir
  6. bayat
  7. tembel
  1. ucuz
  2. eski
  3. hafif
  4. çirkin
  5. yaşlı
  6. kısa
  7. üst
  8. alçak
  9. geri

17 Clues: darüstkışucuzuzakeskikısagerihafifyaşlısoğukalçakfakirbayatçirkintembel

Pasaulio gyvūnai 2023-04-17

Pasaulio gyvūnai crossword puzzle
  1. Galvakojis moliuskas, turintis rašalinę liauką bei čiuptuvus.
  2. Nykstantis žinduolis, sutinkamas tik Kinijoje, maitinasi bambukais.
  3. Raguotas žinduolis, paplitęs Azijos stepėse. Snukis kuprotas, užsibaigia trumpu straubliu.
  4. Katinių šeimos, plėšrusis žinduolis, paplitęs Šiaurės ir Pietų Amerikoje. Kailis rausvai geltonas.
  5. Sterblinis gyvūnas, gyvenantis Australijoje.
  6. Katinių šeimos, plėšrusis žinduolis, panašus į leopardą, tačiau natūraliai gyvena tik Pietų Amerikos žemyne.
  7. Didžiausias sausumos gyvūnas Žemėje.
  8. Plėšrusis žinduolis, paplitęs Arktyje.
  1. Greičiausias keturkojis žinduolis.
  2. Tai paukščiai, kurių uodegos dengiamosios plunksnos labai ilgos ir spalvingos. Per tuoktuves jos plačiai išsiskleidžia lyg vėduoklė.
  3. Plėšrusis, katinių šeimos žinduolis, kuris laikomas visų gyvūnų karaliumi. Sutinkamas tik Afrikoje.
  4. Nuodingiausia pasaulio gyvatė, kuri aptinkama tik Australijos žemyne.
  5. Krokodilų būriui priklausantis roplys, kuris labiausiai paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje.
  6. Žmoginė beždžionė gyvenanti Indonezijos salose. Tai didžiausi medžiuose gyvenantys žinduoliai.
  7. Sterblinis žinduolis, sutinkamas Australijoje, mintantis eukaliptų lapais.

15 Clues: Greičiausias keturkojis žinduolis.Didžiausias sausumos gyvūnas Žemėje.Plėšrusis žinduolis, paplitęs Arktyje.Sterblinis gyvūnas, gyvenantis Australijoje.Galvakojis moliuskas, turintis rašalinę liauką bei čiuptuvus.Nykstantis žinduolis, sutinkamas tik Kinijoje, maitinasi bambukais.Nuodingiausia pasaulio gyvatė, kuri aptinkama tik Australijos žemyne....

TIK 2023-08-23

TIK crossword puzzle
  1. jaringan yang terdiri dari komputer client dan server
  2. untuk mengakses berita di seluruh dunia
  3. jaringan yang mencakup dunia
  4. jaringan yang meliputi satu kota
  5. jaringan yang hanya mencakup wilayah kecil
  1. Internet untuk militer
  2. Komputer yang menerima data dari server
  3. Penyakit yang ada di internet
  4. Pencurian Nomor kartu kredit
  5. dilarang oleh agama
  6. Nama awal internet
  7. terputusnya jaringan internet
  8. tempat awal pengembangan jaringan
  9. bentuk dokumen di Internet
  10. format file gambar
  11. kejahatan cyber

16 Clues: kejahatan cyberNama awal internetformat file gambardilarang oleh agamaInternet untuk militerbentuk dokumen di InternetPencurian Nomor kartu kreditjaringan yang mencakup duniaPenyakit yang ada di internetterputusnya jaringan internetjaringan yang meliputi satu kotatempat awal pengembangan jaringanKomputer yang menerima data dari server...

dierenpuzzel - welk dier is het? 2013-12-09

dierenpuzzel - welk dier is het? crossword puzzle
  1. legt een ei, tok-tok
  2. het sist en eet muizen
  3. is roze en heeft een krulstaartje
  4. heeft een slurf
  5. het geluid dat hij maakt heet balken
  6. heeft een superlange nek
  7. geel zwart beestje met vleugeltjes
  8. draagt z'n eigen huisje met zicht mee
  1. huisdier dat kan spinnen
  2. zoemt en prikt graag mensen
  3. deed vroeger veel werk op het land van de boer
  4. komt uit een cocon
  5. maakt een web
  6. tjilpt en kan vliegen
  7. geeft melk en loeit
  8. heeft stekels en doet graag een winterslaap
  9. vind je ook op de weg, zwart-wit

17 Clues: maakt een webheeft een slurfkomt uit een cocongeeft melk en loeitlegt een ei, tok-toktjilpt en kan vliegenhet sist en eet muizenhuisdier dat kan spinnenheeft een superlange nekzoemt en prikt graag mensenvind je ook op de weg, zwart-witis roze en heeft een krulstaartjegeel zwart beestje met vleugeltjeshet geluid dat hij maakt heet balken...

TIK 2023-08-22

TIK crossword puzzle
  2. LEMOT
  3. pc
  4. KABAR
  2. TIKUS


DaMaiZ FD@RRSR 2016-09-14

DaMaiZ FD@RRSR crossword puzzle
  1. Nama dia sama dgn nama tok saudaranya
  2. Abang Tok/Onyang Daud
  3. Dia belajar di luar negara
  4. Tempat kerja salah seorang warga DamaiZ
  5. Ahli DaMaiZ paling muda (setakat ini)
  6. Jangan tersilap dengan Toronto!
  7. Tempat kerja warga DaMaiZ di utara
  8. Adik kepada Fatihah
  1. Bunyinya seakan-akan sawah kata orang Perak :)
  2. Dah tak sejuk macam dulu
  3. Adik Opah/Onyang Maimunah
  4. Anak sulung kepada anak sulung
  5. Cucu sulung kepada anak sulung lelaki DaMaiz
  6. Dia pun cucu sulung juga
  7. Lokasi DamaiZ FD ke 3
  8. Ada di batu & kampung

16 Clues: Adik kepada FatihahAbang Tok/Onyang DaudLokasi DamaiZ FD ke 3Ada di batu & kampungDah tak sejuk macam duluDia pun cucu sulung jugaAdik Opah/Onyang MaimunahDia belajar di luar negaraAnak sulung kepada anak sulungJangan tersilap dengan Toronto!Tempat kerja warga DaMaiZ di utaraNama dia sama dgn nama tok saudaranyaAhli DaMaiZ paling muda (setakat ini)...

Tik 2021-09-19

Tik crossword puzzle
  1. alat untuk menyampaikan informasi dengan kita bisa mendegar dan melihat namunb tidak bisa berbicara
  2. telepon genggam disebut juga
  3. berbagi informasi
  4. berita yang kita dengar
  5. jarjngan informasi pada komputer
  6. komunikasi langsung
  7. tidak langsung
  1. alat komunikasi yang terhubung dengan kabel
  2. alat yang dibutuhkan untuk menyalakan tv
  3. komputer yang ada cpu dan tidak bisa dibawa kemana mana, atau komputer meja
  4. ketika mengangkatb telepon ucapkan
  5. dari T dalam TIK
  6. alat yang berguna untuk bekerja belajar bermain dan mendengarkan musik
  7. alat yang berbentuk langsung dan hanya mengeluarkan suara saja
  8. lebih ringkas dan ringan dari dekstop bisa dibawa
  9. alat yang menandakan ada tamu

16 Clues: tidak langsungdari T dalam TIKberbagi informasikomunikasi langsungberita yang kita dengartelepon genggam disebut jugaalat yang menandakan ada tamujarjngan informasi pada komputerketika mengangkatb telepon ucapkanalat yang dibutuhkan untuk menyalakan tvalat komunikasi yang terhubung dengan kabellebih ringkas dan ringan dari dekstop bisa dibawa...

TIK 2023-09-10

TIK crossword puzzle
  1. perkembangan TIK (teknologi informasi dan komunikasi) ditandai dengan sebuah transmisi suara tanpa kabel melalui
  2. aplikasi membantu untuk mencari kesenangan, dan ada permainannya.
  3. aalat komunikasi hanya dengan pesan suara
  4. transportasi yang dikendalikan oleh masinis
  5. Kemajuan TIK ada yang disalahgunakan oleh orang tidak bertanggung jawab biasanya terkait apa
  6. Dalam bidang kesehatan, salah satu penerapan TIK pada manajemen rekam medis menggunakan
  7. alat komunikasi dengan melihat suara dan gambar
  1. aplikasi untuk menangkap gambar
  2. aplikasi untuk komunikasi berupa chat, video call, pesan suara,dll.
  3. transportasi yang memiliki 2 roda
  4. transportasi yang dikendalikan oleh pilot
  5. seorang penemu telepon adalah
  6. transportasi yang memiliki 4 roda
  7. teknologi yang membantu dalam pembuatan dokumen
  8. teknologi yang membantu dalam komunikasi,foto,video, musik dan sebagainya
  9. teknologi yang mengeluarkan suara dan gambar

16 Clues: seorang penemu telepon adalahaplikasi untuk menangkap gambartransportasi yang memiliki 2 rodatransportasi yang memiliki 4 rodatransportasi yang dikendalikan oleh pilotaalat komunikasi hanya dengan pesan suaratransportasi yang dikendalikan oleh masinisteknologi yang mengeluarkan suara dan gambarteknologi yang membantu dalam pembuatan dokumen...

tik 2024-07-25

tik crossword puzzle
  1. contoh dari software as a service
  2. sebutkan contoh implementasi aplikasi internet of things (IOT) di Indonesia
  3. istilah dari budaya menggunakan media digital
  4. istilah dari Artificial Intelligence
  5. komputasi awan dapat bersifat
  6. istilah dari komputasi awan
  7. istilah dari etis bermedia digital
  1. konsep dimana perangkat saling terhubung dan berbagi data tanpa campur tangan manusia
  2. istilah dari aman bermedia digital
  3. contoh infrastucture as a service
  4. contoh dari platform as a service
  5. sebutkan salah satu contoh sumber daya yang dapat digunakan pada could computing
  6. istilah yang menggambarkan volume data yang sangat besar
  7. istilah dari cakap bermedia digital
  8. penerapan analisis sentimen menggunakan teknik apakah untuk memahami dinamika emosi dan umpan balik dari para pelanggan
  9. singkatan amazon web service

16 Clues: istilah dari komputasi awansingkatan amazon web servicekomputasi awan dapat bersifatcontoh dari software as a servicecontoh infrastucture as a servicecontoh dari platform as a serviceistilah dari aman bermedia digitalistilah dari etis bermedia digitalistilah dari cakap bermedia digitalistilah dari Artificial Intelligence...


ZIT ANLAMLI KELİMELER crossword puzzle
  1. uzak
  2. dar
  3. soğuk
  4. kış
  5. fakir
  6. bayat
  7. tembel
  1. ucuz
  2. eski
  3. hafif
  4. çirkin
  5. yaşlı
  6. kısa
  7. üst
  8. alçak
  9. geri

17 Clues: darüstkışucuzuzakeskikısagerihafifyaşlısoğukalçakfakirbayatçirkintembel

de dieren 2016-01-11

de dieren crossword puzzle
  1. dier dat miauwt?
  2. gevaarlijk dier dat zwemt in de zee?
  3. dier met 2 hoorns?
  4. dier met veel stekels?
  1. dier dat knort?
  2. dier dat zegt tok tok tok?
  3. dier dat blaft?
  4. dier dat ssssssssst?

8 Clues: dier dat knort?dier dat blaft?dier dat miauwt?dier met 2 hoorns?dier dat ssssssssst?dier met veel stekels?dier dat zegt tok tok tok?gevaarlijk dier dat zwemt in de zee?

TOK BUZZ 2021-04-02

TOK BUZZ crossword puzzle
  1. another broad theme
  2. personal record of past experiences
  3. 3 are chosen by each student
  4. April 23rd
  5. societies
  6. Aristotle, Karl Marx, Plato
  7. ...and the knower
  1. are connected to the prompts
  2. Prompt number 21
  3. smart version of 'how'
  4. logical justification
  5. Modi, Trump, Biden, Putin etc
  6. is written to connect the objects and the prompt connected with the object
  7. Prompt number 30
  8. ...of Knowledge

15 Clues: societiesApril 23rd...of KnowledgePrompt number 21Prompt number 30...and the knoweranother broad themelogical justificationsmart version of 'how'Aristotle, Karl Marx, Platoare connected to the prompts3 are chosen by each studentModi, Trump, Biden, Putin etcpersonal record of past experiences...

Pre-TOK 2019-12-08

Pre-TOK crossword puzzle
  1. of ways of knowing with care, keeping an open mind and thinking critically, in order to gain the most reliable knowledge possible
  2. of biological aspect and cultural aspect in the variability of our senses
  3. of the fact that what we believe is true
  4. that the sun will rise in the future as it always rose in the past
  5. of the knowledge claim correspond to the way things actually work in the world
  6. when our personal knowledge interact with shared knowledge
  7. from peoples' experiences
  1. behaviour of people in the environment
  2. between knowledge that we gain through experience and the knowledge gained by being told
  3. of perspectives on the interpretation in history
  4. of your world that is in the centre of your map
  5. to inquire effectively to create and evaluate knowledge
  6. for 2 people checking for truth by coherence to reach different conclusions
  7. of “multiculturalism” in societies of the world characterized by diversity
  8. view of the world

15 Clues: view of the worldfrom peoples' experiencesbehaviour of people in the environmentof the fact that what we believe is trueof your world that is in the centre of your mapof perspectives on the interpretation in historyto inquire effectively to create and evaluate knowledgewhen our personal knowledge interact with shared knowledge...

TOK Crossword 2023-03-20

TOK Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An attempt to mislead or redirect
  2. Assuming one event caused another to happen
  3. An argument that takes a minor event and turns into major catastrophe
  4. A claim is only true because a person with great authority said so
  5. Mistaken belief that purposely limits the amount of options available in a situation
  6. When a person rejects a argument by stating there are more important problems
  7. Instead of addressing the argument you insult the person who made the argument
  8. Just because a person intentions are good they’re telling the truth and doing right
  1. Rules are changed while doing an action that benefits one party
  2. An accused person shifts the blame back to the accuser by saying “you too”
  3. Mistaken belief that previous outcomes will tell us about the next outcome
  4. Whoever makes the claim is responsible for proving the claim
  5. Attacking another persons argument or point and exaggerate it to an extreme
  6. Since 2 things are alike in 1 way they have to be in other ways
  7. When the evidence of the claim isn’t any different from the claim

15 Clues: An attempt to mislead or redirectAssuming one event caused another to happenWhoever makes the claim is responsible for proving the claimRules are changed while doing an action that benefits one partySince 2 things are alike in 1 way they have to be in other waysWhen the evidence of the claim isn’t any different from the claim...

Zıt anlamli kelimeler 2022-01-10

Zıt anlamli kelimeler crossword puzzle
  1. tok
  2. beyaz
  3. şişman
  4. hafif
  5. kapalı
  6. pahalı
  7. Kalın
  8. gundüz
  1. akşam
  2. kötü
  3. yukarı
  4. yavaş
  5. yanlış
  6. çok
  7. kısa
  8. hayır

16 Clues: tokçokkötükısaakşambeyazyavaşhafifKalınhayıryukarıyanlışşişmankapalıpahalıgundüz

Kelimelerin zıt(karşıt) anlamlarını bulmacaya yazınız. 2022-09-15

Kelimelerin zıt(karşıt) anlamlarını bulmacaya yazınız. crossword puzzle
  1. büyük
  2. eksi
  3. genç
  4. gündüz
  5. ağır
  6. beyaz
  7. zayıf
  1. canlı
  2. aydınlık
  3. çift
  4. bayat
  5. eski
  6. zengin
  7. bozuk
  8. kısa

16 Clues: çifteksigençeskiağırkısacanlıbüyükbayatbozukbeyazzayıfgündüzzenginaydınlık

Zıt anlam 2021-05-06

Zıt anlam crossword puzzle
  1. geniş
  2. nazik
  3. zor
  4. tok
  5. hayır
  6. zam
  7. satıcı
  8. sıvı
  9. eksi
  10. ölü
  11. sonuncu
  1. çirkin
  2. yukarı
  3. yavaş
  4. pasif
  5. kapamak
  6. geç
  7. boş
  8. hafif
  9. korkak
  10. üst
  11. yokuş
  12. son

23 Clues: zortokgeçzamboşüstölüsonsıvıeksigenişyavaşnazikpasifhayırhafifyokuşçirkinyukarısatıcıkorkakkapamaksonuncu

Fluvijalni procesi i reljefni oblici 2018-04-12

Fluvijalni procesi i reljefni oblici crossword puzzle
  1. sedimentna stijena koja prekriva najveći dio Hrvatske
  2. poseban oblik ušća u obliku grčkog slova
  3. erozija karakteristična za gornji tok rijeke
  4. erozija karakteristična za srednji tok rijeke
  5. truljenje biogene mase
  6. riječni zavoj
  7. riječni žlijeb kroz koji voda otječe
  8. naslage kalcijeva karbonata na krškim tekućicama
  1. riječni otok
  2. vrsta stijene nastala taloženjem materijala
  3. prirodni proces pomicanja krutih tvari na Z. površini
  4. kemijska formula vapnenca
  5. stari dio korita u obliku srpastog udubljenja
  6. riječna dolina vertikalnih strana

14 Clues: riječni otokriječni zavojtruljenje biogene masekemijska formula vapnencariječna dolina vertikalnih stranariječni žlijeb kroz koji voda otječeposeban oblik ušća u obliku grčkog slovavrsta stijene nastala taloženjem materijalaerozija karakteristična za gornji tok rijekeerozija karakteristična za srednji tok rijeke...