vampire diaries Crossword Puzzles

Down by the Spooky Bay 2024-10-20

Down by the Spooky Bay crossword puzzle
  1. ghost
  2. spider
  3. pumpkin
  4. campfire
  5. vampire
  6. glider
  7. volar
  8. comer
  9. bat
  10. witch
  1. excavar
  2. rat
  3. hole
  4. bailar
  5. mummy
  6. troll
  7. hacer
  8. itch
  9. toast

19 Clues: ratbatholeitchghostmummytrollhacervolarcomertoastwitchspiderbailargliderexcavarpumpkinvampirecampfire

Halloween 2024-10-28

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. hat
  2. dusk
  3. mummy
  4. pumpkin
  5. broom
  6. ghost
  7. cauldron
  8. witch
  9. frankenstein
  10. spider
  11. spiderweb
  12. grave
  1. candycorn
  2. vampire
  3. monster
  4. moon
  5. owl
  6. cat
  7. hauntedhouse
  8. skeleton
  9. star

21 Clues: hatowlcatduskmoonstarmummybroomghostwitchgravespidervampiremonsterpumpkincauldronskeletoncandycornspiderwebhauntedhousefrankenstein

VAMPIRE 2020-10-22

VAMPIRE crossword puzzle
  1. they rest here during the day
  2. makes it easy without killing
  3. ceremonial rite
  4. only weapon to kill a bloodsucker
  5. a powerful desire
  1. psychological fixation on drinking blood
  2. something unearthly
  3. vampires cannot survive without doing this
  4. substitute for needles/syringe for vampires
  5. transition

10 Clues: transitionceremonial ritea powerful desiresomething unearthlythey rest here during the daymakes it easy without killingonly weapon to kill a bloodsuckerpsychological fixation on drinking bloodvampires cannot survive without doing thissubstitute for needles/syringe for vampires

HALLOWEEN 2021-10-14

HALLOWEEN crossword puzzle
  1. CROW
  5. CAT
  7. MOON
  8. BROOM
  11. SPIDER
  3. GHOST
  6. OWL
  7. BAT
  10. MUMMY
  11. WITCH


C'est l'halloween 2022-10-31

C'est l'halloween crossword puzzle
  1. bats
  2. sky
  3. cimtiere
  4. owl
  5. moon
  6. spider
  7. vampire
  8. witch
  9. werewolf
  10. orange
  11. hountedhouse
  12. costume
  1. candy
  2. snake
  3. pumpkin
  4. skeleton
  5. evilspirits
  6. tigre
  7. ghost
  8. blackcat
  9. fear
  10. grave

22 Clues: skyowlbatsmoonfearcandysnaketigreghostwitchgravespiderorangepumpkinvampirecostumeskeletoncimtiereblackcatwerewolfevilspiritshountedhouse

C'est l'halloween 2022-10-31

C'est l'halloween crossword puzzle
  1. spider
  2. werewolf
  3. grave
  4. blackcat
  5. candy
  6. fear
  7. bats
  8. cemetery
  9. sky
  10. orange
  11. tigre
  12. vampire
  13. moon
  14. snake
  1. evilspirits
  2. ghost
  3. costume
  4. witch
  5. skeleton
  6. hountedhouse
  7. pumpkin
  8. owl

22 Clues: skyowlfearbatsmoonghostgravecandywitchtigresnakespiderorangecostumepumpkinvampirewerewolfblackcatskeletoncemeteryevilspiritshountedhouse

New Moon 2024-01-24

New Moon crossword puzzle
  1. The protagonist of the series.
  2. Push Jacob's tribal reservation.
  3. A vampire coven that includes Edward, Alice, and others.
  4. Bella's father.
  5. The town where the story is set.
  6. tribe The Native American tribe in La Push with werewolf legends.
  7. A werewolf and another love interest of Bella.
  8. A supernatural being that drinks blood to survive.
  9. A person who transforms into a wolf, typically during a full moon.
  1. A vampire and Bella's love interest.
  2. Edward's adoptive vampire sister.
  3. A powerful vampire coven in Italy.
  4. A werewolf's intense, involuntary connection with a person.
  5. A vampire seeking revenge against Bella.
  6. The daughter of Edward and Bella.

15 Clues: Bella's father.The protagonist of the series.Push Jacob's tribal reservation.The town where the story is set.Edward's adoptive vampire sister.The daughter of Edward and Bella.A powerful vampire coven in Italy.A vampire and Bella's love interest.A vampire seeking revenge against Bella.A werewolf and another love interest of Bella....

New Moon 2024-01-24

New Moon crossword puzzle
  1. The protagonist of the series.
  2. Push Jacob's tribal reservation.
  3. A vampire coven that includes Edward, Alice, and others.
  4. Bella's father.
  5. The town where the story is set.
  6. tribe The Native American tribe in La Push with werewolf legends.
  7. A werewolf and another love interest of Bella.
  8. A supernatural being that drinks blood to survive.
  9. A person who transforms into a wolf, typically during a full moon.
  1. A vampire and Bella's love interest.
  2. Edward's adoptive vampire sister.
  3. A powerful vampire coven in Italy.
  4. A werewolf's intense, involuntary connection with a person.
  5. A vampire seeking revenge against Bella.
  6. The daughter of Edward and Bella.

15 Clues: Bella's father.The protagonist of the series.Push Jacob's tribal reservation.The town where the story is set.Edward's adoptive vampire sister.The daughter of Edward and Bella.A powerful vampire coven in Italy.A vampire and Bella's love interest.A vampire seeking revenge against Bella.A werewolf and another love interest of Bella....

Halloween 2020-10-12

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. chouette
  2. chaudron
  3. vampire
  4. momie
  5. épouvantail
  6. sorcière
  7. balai
  8. toile d'araignée
  9. chat
  10. squelette
  1. noir
  2. goblin
  3. lune
  4. citrouille
  5. cimetière
  6. araignée
  7. loup-garou
  8. nuit
  9. fantôme
  10. chauve-souris
  11. bonbon

21 Clues: noirlunenuitchatmomiebalaigoblinbonbonvampirefantômechouettechaudronaraignéesorcièrecimetièresquelettecitrouilleloup-garouépouvantailchauve-souristoile d'araignée

Tree wise monkey 2019-11-16

Tree wise monkey crossword puzzle
  1. vampire most heated snack,
  2. howls at the moon
  3. witch automobile,
  4. bad luck if crosses your path,
  5. a very skinny one,
  6. a walking dead,
  7. spider web....xx,
  8. ronda,
  9. skull shape
  1. code, luck
  2. _bullet kills vampires,
  3. hides under the bed
  4. 31st, Halloween
  5. vampire favourite cocktail,
  6. zombie a walking ..,
  7. dress in a blanket,
  8. a famous vampire,
  9. at the down lights,
  10. hang man,

19 Clues: ronda,hang man,code, luckskull shape31st, Halloweena walking dead,howls at the moonwitch automobile,a famous vampire,spider web....xx,a very skinny one,hides under the beddress in a blanket,at the down lights,zombie a walking ..,_bullet kills vampires,vampire most heated snack,vampire favourite cocktail,bad luck if crosses your path,

Vampire Diaries Season 4 2012-10-29

Vampire Diaries Season 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Who is physically attacked by Damon (who blames him for Elena's involvement in the accident?
  2. Who, near the start of Season 4 confesses his love to Elena when he fears she may die?
  3. Who gets kidnapped and then rescued by Klaus/Tyler in the first episode of season 4?
  4. Who stops their own heart to try and help Elena?
  1. Who harshly tells someone she needs to "feed" or die?
  2. Who begins Season 4 awakening from an accident to face a choice between death and a painful transition?

6 Clues: Who stops their own heart to try and help Elena?Who harshly tells someone she needs to "feed" or die?Who gets kidnapped and then rescued by Klaus/Tyler in the first episode of season 4?Who, near the start of Season 4 confesses his love to Elena when he fears she may die?...

Vampire Diaries (Season 1) 2012-04-23

Vampire Diaries (Season 1) crossword puzzle
  1. Elena's friend AND the daughter of the town Sheriff?
  2. Evil vampire who is also Elena's doppelganger?
  1. Elena's ex-boyfriend and best friend of Tyler Lockwood?
  2. The youngest of a pair of vampires, he saves Elena from a car crash, begins a relationship with her and reveals he is a vampire to her?
  3. The oldest of a pair of vampire brothers who becomes a better person as the show goes on?
  4. Elena's Best Friend AND born from a long line of Witches?

6 Clues: Evil vampire who is also Elena's doppelganger?Elena's friend AND the daughter of the town Sheriff?Elena's ex-boyfriend and best friend of Tyler Lockwood?Elena's Best Friend AND born from a long line of Witches?The oldest of a pair of vampire brothers who becomes a better person as the show goes on?...

Amelia Crossword 10 26 2012 2012-10-26

Amelia Crossword 10 26 2012 crossword puzzle
  1. black
  2. amelia
  3. peter
  4. nightmare
  5. tut king tut
  6. skittles
  7. halloween
  8. thunder
  9. pumpkin
  1. logan
  2. vampire
  3. liz
  4. franknstien
  5. witch
  6. lighting
  7. rain
  8. loveing
  9. eight
  10. mummy
  11. kaylie

20 Clues: lizrainblackloganpeterwitcheightmummyameliakaylievampireloveingthunderpumpkinskittleslightingnightmarehalloweenfranknstientut king tut

French Halloween Vocab 2022-10-10

French Halloween Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. candy
  2. potion
  3. scarecrow
  4. cauldron
  5. doll
  6. skeleton
  7. cemetary
  8. monster
  9. zombie
  10. mask
  1. snake
  2. mummy
  3. pumpkin
  4. ghost
  5. spider
  6. werewolf
  7. lantern
  8. goblin
  9. warlock
  10. moon
  11. vampire

21 Clues: dollmoonmaskcandysnakemummyghostpotionspidergoblinzombiepumpkinlanternwarlockvampiremonsterwerewolfcauldronskeletoncemetaryscarecrow

Secret Vampire 2013-05-30

Secret Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. How many rules are there in the Night World?
  2. Who took Poppy to the Hospital?
  3. How many books are there in the series?
  4. How many chapters are in the book?
  5. What side of the family did the witch come from?
  6. What did Poppy have after she died?
  7. What was James?
  8. Who is James cousin?
  9. Who stopped them in the process of turning Poppy into a vampire?
  1. Who tried to turn Poppy into a vampire?
  2. What percentage lives through pancreatic cancer?
  3. Where did Poppy die?
  4. Can James age?
  5. What cancer did Poppy get?
  6. Did the process of turning Poppy into a vampire actually work?
  7. What was Poppy actually?
  8. Who was James' Best friend?

17 Clues: Can James age?What was James?Where did Poppy die?Who is James cousin?What was Poppy actually?What cancer did Poppy get?Who was James' Best friend?Who took Poppy to the Hospital?How many chapters are in the book?What did Poppy have after she died?Who tried to turn Poppy into a vampire?How many books are there in the series?...

L'Halloween 2024-10-21

L'Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. haunted house
  2. cauldron
  3. werewolf
  4. pumpkin
  5. dress-up
  6. broom
  7. spider
  1. bat
  2. skeleton
  3. monster
  4. costume
  5. Halloween
  6. moon
  7. ghost
  8. candies
  9. black cat
  10. owl
  11. scary
  12. vampire
  13. witch

20 Clues: batowlmoonghostscarybroomwitchspidermonstercostumecandiespumpkinvampireskeletoncauldronwerewolfdress-upHalloweenblack cathaunted house

The Gothic Genre 2024-10-15

The Gothic Genre crossword puzzle
  1. étrange
  2. crâne
  3. château
  4. manoir
  5. loups-garous
  6. fantômes
  7. effrayant
  8. mystérieux
  9. morbide
  1. cadavre
  2. macabre
  3. vampire
  4. effroyable
  5. squelette
  6. hanté.e
  7. chauve-souris
  8. cimetière
  9. lugubre
  10. esprit

19 Clues: crânemanoirespritcadavreétrangemacabrechâteauvampirehanté.elugubremorbidefantômessquelettecimetièreeffrayanteffroyablemystérieuxloups-garouschauve-souris

C'est l'halloween 2022-10-31

C'est l'halloween crossword puzzle
  1. spider
  2. werewolf
  3. grave
  4. blackcat
  5. candy
  6. fear
  7. bats
  8. cemetery
  9. sky
  10. orange
  11. tigre
  12. vampire
  13. moon
  14. snake
  1. evilspirits
  2. ghost
  3. costume
  4. witch
  5. skeleton
  6. hountedhouse
  7. pumpkin
  8. owl

22 Clues: skyowlfearbatsmoonghostgravecandywitchtigresnakespiderorangecostumepumpkinvampirewerewolfblackcatskeletoncemeteryevilspiritshountedhouse

French Halloween Vocab 2022-10-13

French Halloween Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. caldron
  2. warlock
  3. scarecrow
  4. doll
  5. werewolf
  6. skeleton
  7. candy
  8. cemetary
  9. candle
  10. goblin
  11. spider
  1. ghost
  2. mummy
  3. monster
  4. pumpkin
  5. snake
  6. vampire
  7. mask
  8. potion
  9. lantern
  10. witch
  11. lune

22 Clues: maskdollluneghostmummysnakewitchcandypotioncandlegoblinspidermonstercaldronpumpkinvampirewarlocklanternwerewolfskeletoncemetaryscarecrow

Fantasy vocabulary 2024-02-04

Fantasy vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. légende
  2. créature
  3. monstre
  4. étrange
  5. merveilleux
  6. fée
  7. conte de fées
  8. rêve
  9. pouvoir/puissance
  10. imaginaire
  11. sorcellerie
  1. dangereux
  2. incroyable
  3. monde
  4. licorne
  5. mystérieux
  6. fantaisie
  7. magique
  8. vampire
  9. fantôme
  10. unique

21 Clues: féerêvemondeuniquelégendemonstreétrangelicornemagiquevampirefantômecréaturedangereuxfantaisieincroyablemystérieuximaginairemerveilleuxsorcellerieconte de féespouvoir/puissance

Halloween 2024-10-17

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. monster
  2. spider
  3. mummy
  4. devil
  5. skeleton
  6. october
  7. black cat
  8. bat
  9. frankenstein
  10. halloween
  11. candy
  12. zombie
  1. moon
  2. 31
  3. pumpkin
  4. vampire
  5. ghost
  7. chocolate
  8. witch
  9. werewolf

21 Clues: 31batmoonmummydevilghostwitchcandyspiderzombiemonsterpumpkinvampireoctoberskeletonwerewolfchocolateblack cathalloweenfrankensteinJACK-O-LANTERN

Vocabulaire - Evaluation 2018-03-14

Vocabulaire - Evaluation crossword puzzle
  1. lumière
  2. fantôme
  3. nous
  4. vampire
  5. est
  6. à propos de, au sujet de
  7. sont
  8. mais
  9. fée
  10. pouvoirs
  11. tu
  1. pont
  2. serpent
  3. arc-en-ciel
  4. créature
  5. or
  6. dire
  7. elles
  8. suis
  9. chance

20 Clues: ortuestféepontnousdiresontmaissuiselleschancelumièrefantômeserpentvampirecréaturepouvoirsarc-en-cielà propos de, au sujet de

Bonne fête d'Halloween 2024-10-31

Bonne fête d'Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. spider
  2. pumpkin
  3. princess
  4. makeup
  5. ghoul
  6. scarecrow
  7. witch
  8. monster
  9. cemetery
  10. ghost
  11. haunted house
  12. vampire
  1. alien
  2. candy
  3. bat
  4. candle
  5. skeleton
  6. werewolf
  7. costume
  8. black cat
  9. mask
  10. mummy

22 Clues: batmaskaliencandyghoulwitchghostmummyspidercandlemakeuppumpkincostumemonstervampireprincessskeletonwerewolfcemeteryscarecrowblack cathaunted house

halloween 2023-10-26

halloween crossword puzzle
  1. blackcat
  2. mummy
  3. witch
  4. hauntedhouse
  5. werewolf
  6. spider
  1. bat
  2. cauldron
  3. costume
  4. vampire
  5. frankenstein
  6. ghost
  7. grave
  8. sweets
  9. zombie
  10. skeleton
  11. fullmoon
  12. pumpkin

18 Clues: batmummyghostgravewitchsweetszombiespidercostumevampirepumpkincauldronblackcatskeletonfullmoonwerewolffrankensteinhauntedhouse

p2 2021-08-26

p2 crossword puzzle
  1. First Wives Club
  2. Princess Diaries
  3. Friends
  4. Beaches
  5. Ruby Sparks
  6. Who's The Boss
  7. Cheech & Chong Still Smokin
  8. Home Alone
  9. Kinky Boots
  1. The Air Up There
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. Rough Night
  4. Girls Trip
  5. American Pie
  6. Sideways
  7. The Terminal

16 Clues: FriendsBeachesSidewaysGirls TripHome AloneSixth SenseRough NightRuby SparksKinky BootsAmerican PieThe TerminalWho's The BossFirst Wives ClubThe Air Up TherePrincess DiariesCheech & Chong Still Smokin

Tree wise monkey 2019-11-15

Tree wise monkey crossword puzzle
  1. a very skinny one,
  2. vampire most heated snack,
  3. spider web....xx,
  4. a walking dead,
  5. a famous vampire,
  6. at the down lights,
  7. 31st, Halloween
  8. _bullet kills vampires,
  9. dress in a blanket,
  10. hang man,
  1. vampire favourite cocktail,
  2. bad luck if crosses your path,
  3. howls at the moon
  4. ronda,
  5. zombie a walking ..,
  6. code, luck
  7. witch automobile,
  8. hides under the bed

18 Clues: ronda,hang man,code, lucka walking dead,31st, Halloweenhowls at the moonspider web....xx,witch automobile,a famous vampire,a very skinny one,at the down lights,hides under the beddress in a blanket,zombie a walking ..,_bullet kills vampires,vampire most heated snack,vampire favourite cocktail,bad luck if crosses your path,

Tree wise monkey 2019-11-15

Tree wise monkey crossword puzzle
  1. witch automobile,
  2. a walking dead,
  3. spider web....xx,
  4. bad luck if crosses your path,
  5. vampire favourite cocktail,
  6. _bullet kills vampires,
  7. dress in a blanket,
  8. vampire most heated snack,
  1. 31st, Halloween
  2. code, luck
  3. howls at the moon
  4. a very skinny one,
  5. a famous vampire,
  6. ronda,
  7. hang man,
  8. at the down lights,
  9. hides under the bed
  10. zombie a walking ..,

18 Clues: ronda,hang man,code, luck31st, Halloweena walking dead,witch automobile,howls at the moonspider web....xx,a famous vampire,a very skinny one,at the down lights,hides under the beddress in a blanket,zombie a walking ..,_bullet kills vampires,vampire most heated snack,vampire favourite cocktail,bad luck if crosses your path,

Vampires of Ottawa 2024-01-18

Vampires of Ottawa crossword puzzle
  1. The middle name of the Baron
  2. Liz's ''million-dollar'' word that was used to try and impress Simon
  3. A monster who sucks blood
  4. Where the Baron lives
  5. Its edible and Vampires hate it
  6. Liz saves this person from drowning
  7. Liz crushed on this person when they met for the first time
  8. Lobos convinced Liz that Simon wrote this on a wall
  1. Name for an african vampire
  2. The disease that Orli's Uncle had
  3. What the vampire used to make Liz not able to move
  4. Where was Liz at the Beginning of the book
  5. Author's last name
  6. The baron uses it for a good omen incase he THINKS there are vampires
  7. The name of the ''vampire''
  8. A desert in Romania mentioned in the book
  9. Used to see if a vampire is real or not
  10. Name of the Ballet that Liz, Jayne, and Simon went to
  11. What Simon calls people from Winnipeg
  12. Liz came to Ottawa to present a ______

20 Clues: Author's last nameWhere the Baron livesA monster who sucks bloodName for an african vampireThe name of the ''vampire''The middle name of the BaronIts edible and Vampires hate itThe disease that Orli's Uncle hadLiz saves this person from drowningWhat Simon calls people from WinnipegLiz came to Ottawa to present a ______...

Plurals 2024-09-19

Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. - woman
  2. - a file
  3. - an umbrella
  4. - a watch
  5. - a nanny
  6. - an artist
  7. - a charger
  8. cards - a credit card
  1. - a newspaper
  2. - headphones
  3. men- bussiness man
  4. - scissors
  5. - a bag
  6. - a key
  7. - a diary

15 Clues: - woman- a bag- a key- a file- a watch- a nanny- a diary- scissors- an artist- a charger- headphones- a newspaper- an umbrellamen- bussiness mancards - a credit card

puzz2 2021-09-01

puzz2 crossword puzzle
  1. Home Alone
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. Princess Diaries
  4. American Pie
  5. Cheech & Chong Still Smokin'
  6. Rough Night
  7. Runaway Vacation
  8. Sideways
  9. Total Recall
  1. Who's The Boss
  2. I Love Lucy
  3. The Terminal
  4. Girls Trip
  5. Friends
  6. The Air Up There
  7. Beaches
  8. Ruby Sparks
  9. Kinky Boots
  10. First Wives Club

19 Clues: FriendsBeachesSidewaysGirls TripHome AloneI Love LucySixth SenseRuby SparksRough NightKinky BootsThe TerminalAmerican PieTotal RecallWho's The BossThe Air Up TherePrincess DiariesRunaway VacationFirst Wives ClubCheech & Chong Still Smokin'

vocabulary 2024-01-24

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  4. PERE
  6. CAFE
  7. CHIEN
  10. DIX
  11. CINQ
  1. ONCLE
  4. EAU
  5. ROUGE
  7. MERE
  12. POMME


Vocabulaire - Evaluation 2018-03-14

Vocabulaire - Evaluation crossword puzzle
  1. est
  2. fée
  3. pouvoirs
  4. créature
  5. à propos de, au sujet de
  6. sont
  7. tu
  8. pont
  9. chance
  1. dire
  2. vampire
  3. mais
  4. serpent
  5. fantôme
  6. arc-en-ciel
  7. suis
  8. elles
  9. lumière
  10. nous
  11. or

20 Clues: tuorestféediremaissuissontnouspontelleschancevampireserpentfantômelumièrepouvoirscréaturearc-en-cielà propos de, au sujet de

Vocabulaire - Evaluation 2018-03-14

Vocabulaire - Evaluation crossword puzzle
  1. arc-en-ciel
  2. vampire
  3. chance
  4. serpent
  5. pont
  6. dire
  7. suis
  8. à propos de, au sujet de
  9. elles
  10. mais
  1. créature
  2. pouvoirs
  3. fée
  4. nous
  5. lumière
  6. fantôme
  7. est
  8. or
  9. sont
  10. tu

20 Clues: ortuféeestnouspontdiresuissontmaiselleschancevampireserpentlumièrefantômecréaturepouvoirsarc-en-cielà propos de, au sujet de

Flocke 2022-05-03

Flocke crossword puzzle
  1. присматривать
  2. ласковый
  3. огромный
  4. снежинка
  5. виды
  1. около
  2. дневники
  3. вальер
  4. смотритель
  5. забрать

10 Clues: видыоколовальерзабратьдневникиласковыйогромныйснежинкасмотрительприсматривать

Diaries 2024-02-19

Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. μούσι
  2. χιτώνας
  3. ψηλοτάκουνα παπούτσια
  4. εξηγώ
  5. πλεξούδα
  1. παντελόνι καμπάνα
  2. αλογοουρά
  3. θαυμάζω
  4. χαριτωμένος
  5. άρωμα

10 Clues: μούσιεξηγώάρωμαθαυμάζωχιτώναςπλεξούδααλογοουράχαριτωμένοςπαντελόνι καμπάναψηλοτάκουνα παπούτσια

Vampire Diaries: Season 3 2012-01-23

Vampire Diaries: Season 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Who is secretly tracking his brother by listening for reports of animal attacks at the start of season 3?
  2. Whose daughter gets cured by Klaus at the end of Season 3?
  1. Who was Stefan's best friend but was staked by Damon?
  2. Who has just turned 18 and is desperately seeking Stefan at the start of season 3?
  3. Who has gone on the run with Klaus at the start of season 3?
  4. Who is tracking a werewolf at the start of Season 3 (With Stefan's help)?

6 Clues: Who was Stefan's best friend but was staked by Damon?Whose daughter gets cured by Klaus at the end of Season 3?Who has gone on the run with Klaus at the start of season 3?Who is tracking a werewolf at the start of Season 3 (With Stefan's help)?Who has just turned 18 and is desperately seeking Stefan at the start of season 3?...

Spooky Szn Crossword! 2024-10-07

Spooky Szn Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. song by Michael Jackson, there's a dance involved
  2. A vampire who is really into chocolate cereal
  3. famous vampire silent film from the 1920s
  4. The modern day country where Dracula is from?
  5. Famous vampire hunter, he was a dutch last name Van _______
  6. a Vampire's assistant; sometimes half-Vampire
  7. if you liked the Vampire guy from Twilight, you are team ________
  1. the world's most famous Vampire
  2. what vampires rely on for food/sustenance
  3. Spanish for "Witch"
  4. a mythical animal from Latin America that sucks blood
  5. where vampires hangout during the day to get their beauty rest
  6. Vampires don't like this kind of food
  7. the star sign during late October-Early November
  8. last name of the musician/actor who starred in Hocus Pocus

15 Clues: Spanish for "Witch"the world's most famous VampireVampires don't like this kind of foodwhat vampires rely on for food/sustenancefamous vampire silent film from the 1920sA vampire who is really into chocolate cerealThe modern day country where Dracula is from?a Vampire's assistant; sometimes half-Vampire...

Irregular Plurals 2023-10-05

Irregular Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. KISS
  2. FOOT
  3. BOX
  4. LIFE
  5. MAN
  1. BOY
  2. DIARY
  3. FISH
  4. COUCH
  5. MOUSE


Twilight crossword 2022-04-07

Twilight crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Edward´s adopted dad
  2. vampire, very strong
  3. Vampire can see the future
  4. Jacob's father, pararlyzied
  5. human and Bella's dad
  6. The main character, has brown hair and used to live in Arizona
  7. the city where it takes place
  8. Vampire, dating Bella
  1. newly formed vampire and was in the civil war
  2. The author
  3. vampire had blonde hair, and dislikes bella
  4. The name of the series
  5. the name of the book I read
  6. likes Bella, a werewolf

14 Clues: The authorEdward´s adopted dadvampire, very stronghuman and Bella's dadVampire, dating BellaThe name of the serieslikes Bella, a werewolfVampire can see the futureJacob's father, pararlyziedthe name of the book I readthe city where it takes placevampire had blonde hair, and dislikes bellanewly formed vampire and was in the civil war...

Halloween (L'halloween) 2024-09-29

Halloween (L'halloween) crossword puzzle
  1. bat
  2. spider web
  3. scarecrow
  4. princess
  5. black cat
  6. candies
  7. costume
  8. vampire
  9. mummy
  1. halloween
  2. pumpkin
  3. devil
  4. witch
  5. spider
  6. skeleton
  7. monster
  8. candle
  9. ghost

18 Clues: batdevilwitchghostmummyspidercandlepumpkinmonstercandiescostumevampireprincessskeletonhalloweenscarecrowblack catspider web

Cross Word Puzzle 2022-03-06

Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. living with a half blood
  2. The royal vampire’s academy
  3. Vampire’s pet
  4. Married To The Vampire King
  5. Vampire’s Runaway Wife
  6. Bloody Lips
  7. Beauty and the Demon
  8. Fall for you
  9. Married To Unknown
  1. Linked Souls
  2. Vampire Academy
  3. My Vampire Prince Boyfriend
  4. Royal Vampire and an ex mafia reaper
  5. Canard His Howling Voice

14 Clues: Bloody LipsLinked SoulsFall for youVampire’s petVampire AcademyMarried To UnknownBeauty and the DemonVampire’s Runaway Wifeliving with a half bloodCanard His Howling VoiceThe royal vampire’s academyMy Vampire Prince BoyfriendMarried To The Vampire KingRoyal Vampire and an ex mafia reaper


HALLOWEEN  CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. nuit
  2. chat noir
  3. déguisement
  4. sorcière
  5. toile d'araignée
  6. araignée
  7. citrouille
  8. vampire
  9. loup-garou
  10. cimetière
  11. mort-vivant
  1. maison hantée
  2. fantome
  3. chauve-souris
  4. épouvantaille
  5. pierre tombale
  6. se déguiser
  7. bonbon
  8. momie
  9. squelette
  10. diable

21 Clues: nuitmomiebonbondiablefantomevampiresorcièrearaignéechat noirsquelettecimetièrecitrouilleloup-garouse déguiserdéguisementmort-vivantmaison hantéechauve-sourisépouvantaillepierre tombaletoile d'araignée

Twilight Crossword 2014-04-29

Twilight Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Girl vampire that hunts Bella
  2. Vampire that almost kills Bella in the meadows
  3. The Second Book
  4. Main characters FULL name
  5. The youngest werewolf
  6. Tracker that tries to kill Bella
  1. Fourth Book
  2. Vampire Doctor
  3. Vampire Royalty in Italy
  4. First Book
  5. Main characters dad
  6. The biggest and strongest Cullen
  7. Third Book
  8. Bella's werewolf best friends

14 Clues: First BookThird BookFourth BookVampire DoctorThe Second BookMain characters dadThe youngest werewolfVampire Royalty in ItalyMain characters FULL nameGirl vampire that hunts BellaBella's werewolf best friendsThe biggest and strongest CullenTracker that tries to kill BellaVampire that almost kills Bella in the meadows

p2 2021-08-26

p2 crossword puzzle
  1. The Terminal
  2. Kinky Boots
  3. Home Alone
  4. Princess Diaries
  5. The Air Up There
  6. Girl's Trip
  7. Friends
  8. Sideways
  9. Ruby Sparks
  1. Cheech & Chong Still Smokin
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. Beaches
  4. American Pie
  5. Who's The Boss
  6. First Wives Club
  7. Rough Night

16 Clues: BeachesFriendsSidewaysHome AloneSixth SenseKinky BootsGirl's TripRough NightRuby SparksAmerican PieThe TerminalWho's The BossFirst Wives ClubPrincess DiariesThe Air Up ThereCheech & Chong Still Smokin

Vocabulaire 2018-03-26

Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. est
  2. suis
  3. fée
  4. or (métal
  5. pont
  6. créature
  7. sont
  8. ils, elles
  9. mais
  10. pouvoir
  1. vampire
  2. serpent
  3. lumière (ou "allégé")
  4. tu
  5. à propos de, au sujet de
  6. chance
  7. fantôme
  8. arc-en-ciel
  9. dire
  10. nous

20 Clues: tuestféesuispontdirenoussontmaischancevampireserpentfantômepouvoircréatureor (métalils, ellesarc-en-ciellumière (ou "allégé")à propos de, au sujet de

C'est l'halloween 2013-10-21

C'est l'halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Tree
  2. Rake
  3. Black Cat
  4. Autumn
  5. Ghost
  6. Wind
  7. Toad
  8. Witch
  9. Vampire
  10. Spider
  11. Leaves
  12. Mouse
  13. Moon
  14. Skeleton
  15. Fox
  1. Moth
  2. Owl
  3. Stars
  4. Bat
  5. Skunk
  6. Pumpkin
  7. Jack-o-Lantern
  8. Cricket
  9. Costume

24 Clues: OwlBatFoxMothTreeRakeWindToadMoonStarsGhostSkunkWitchMouseAutumnSpiderLeavesPumpkinVampireCricketCostumeSkeletonBlack CatJack-o-Lantern

Halloween 2020-10-28

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Ghost
  2. Werewolf
  3. Mummy
  4. Witch
  5. Cloak
  6. Pumpkin
  7. Treat
  8. Scarecrow
  9. Spider
  10. Zombie
  1. Bat
  2. Skeleton
  3. Broomstick
  4. Vampire
  5. Haunted
  6. Cauldron
  7. Cobweb

17 Clues: BatGhostMummyWitchCloakTreatCobwebSpiderZombieVampireHauntedPumpkinSkeletonWerewolfCauldronScarecrowBroomstick

Websites 2014-02-25

Websites crossword puzzle
  1. hgsjdgjhdf
  2. ghjghjghjgfjh
  3. ksjkfhkjsdjf
  4. jhsfkjakjsf
  5. hsgdjgajsghjgs
  6. Diaries nhsdkjashf
  7. uugsa<fdajgf
  1. hgsajdgasgf
  2. hgsjdghjsagd
  3. jshkjdahskj

10 Clues: hgsjdgjhdfhgsajdgasgfjhsfkjakjsfjshkjdahskjksjkfhkjsdjfhgsjdghjsagduugsa<fdajgfghjghjghjgfjhhsgdjgajsghjgsDiaries nhsdkjashf

Halloween 2012-10-24

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Candy
  2. Ghost
  3. Bat
  4. Vampire
  5. Cemetery
  6. Halloween
  7. Monster
  8. October
  1. Scarecrow
  2. Mask
  3. Costume
  4. Skeleton
  5. Jack o'lantern
  6. Pumpkin
  7. Witch
  8. Broom
  9. Black cat
  10. Spider

18 Clues: BatMaskCandyGhostWitchBroomSpiderCostumePumpkinVampireMonsterOctoberSkeletonCemeteryScarecrowBlack catHalloweenJack o'lantern

Halloween 2012-10-24

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Candy
  2. Ghost
  3. Bat
  4. Vampire
  5. Cemetery
  6. Halloween
  7. Monster
  8. October
  1. Scarecrow
  2. Mask
  3. Costume
  4. Skeleton
  5. Jack o'lantern
  6. Pumpkin
  7. Witch
  8. Broom
  9. Black cat
  10. Spider

18 Clues: BatMaskCandyGhostWitchBroomSpiderCostumePumpkinVampireMonsterOctoberSkeletonCemeteryScarecrowBlack catHalloweenJack o'lantern

Halloween Vocabulary 2020-10-18

Halloween Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. bat
  2. spider web
  3. mummy
  4. candy
  5. october
  6. monster
  7. skeleton
  8. halloween
  9. night
  1. vampire
  2. pumpkin
  3. scary
  4. werewolf
  5. costume
  6. zombie
  7. ghost
  8. witch

17 Clues: batmummyscarycandyghostwitchnightzombievampirepumpkincostumeoctobermonsterwerewolfskeletonhalloweenspider web

Author Crossword 2021-08-26

Author Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The BFG
  2. Harry Potter
  3. Real Pigeons Fight Crime
  4. Kensy and Max
  5. Nancy Drew
  6. Dork Diaries
  7. A Series of Unfortunate Events
  8. Smile
  9. Keeper of the Lost Cities
  1. Paddington's Adventures
  2. Artemis Fowl
  3. Warriors
  4. Timmy Failure
  5. The Wizards of Once
  6. Fing
  7. Friday Barnes
  8. Percy Jackson
  9. The Famous Five
  10. Agatha Oddly

19 Clues: FingSmileThe BFGWarriorsNancy DrewArtemis FowlHarry PotterDork DiariesAgatha OddlyTimmy FailureFriday BarnesKensy and MaxPercy JacksonThe Famous FiveThe Wizards of OncePaddington's AdventuresReal Pigeons Fight CrimeKeeper of the Lost CitiesA Series of Unfortunate Events

Halloween 2021-10-26

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. zombie
  2. bat
  3. werewolf
  4. monster
  5. ghost
  6. cloak
  7. spider
  8. vampire
  9. witch
  1. mummy
  2. treat
  3. broomstick
  4. web
  5. potion
  6. scarecrow
  7. pumpkin
  8. skeleton

17 Clues: batwebmummytreatghostcloakwitchzombiepotionspidermonsterpumpkinvampirewerewolfskeletonscarecrowbroomstick

Grace's Quiz 2021-03-10

Grace's Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. whale
  2. unicorn
  3. vampire
  4. giraffe
  5. koala
  6. monkey
  7. disrespect
  8. question
  9. acrobat
  10. robot
  11. cake
  12. zip
  13. nit
  1. house
  2. toast
  3. icicle
  4. lalla
  5. yoga
  6. bunny
  7. sorry
  8. foot
  9. elephant
  10. protea
  11. joey
  12. xmas
  13. observation

26 Clues: zipnityogafootjoeyxmascakewhalehousetoastlallabunnysorrykoalaroboticiclemonkeyproteaunicornvampiregiraffeacrobatelephantquestiondisrespectobservation

clue 1 2020-01-09

clue 1 crossword puzzle
  1. whats my bodycount?
  2. what did I call my grandpa?
  3. whats my favorite color?
  4. whats my favorite movie of all time?
  5. how many hugs a day do you need to survive?
  6. what instrument did I play for 6 years
  7. how many national geographic pictures are on my wall?
  8. what vampire diaries character was the evil brother?
  9. whats my all-time favorite book?
  10. how many bones have I broken?
  11. whats my favorite song by watsky?
  12. what class do I struggle the most in?
  13. whats the scent of the candle on my desk?
  14. whats my favorite tree?
  15. what do I want to be?
  1. whats my favorite flower?
  2. what was the name of the band I used to be in?
  3. whats my favorite bosses name?
  4. what color box version of cards against humanity do I own?
  5. whats my top right drawer used for?
  6. where do I work?
  7. what was my crackhead first stepmothers name?
  8. what book am I currently reading on my own time?
  9. whats the name of my therapist?
  10. what was the first concert I ever went to?
  11. whats my lucky number
  12. what did I name your Christmas gift to me?
  13. what is the name of my car?
  14. whats my first cats name?
  15. if I could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
  16. what month is my birthday in?
  17. do I have a list of baby names in my phone?

32 Clues: where do I work?whats my bodycount?whats my lucky numberwhat do I want to be?whats my favorite tree?whats my favorite color?whats my favorite flower?whats my first cats name?what did I call my grandpa?what is the name of my car?how many bones have I broken?what month is my birthday in?whats my favorite bosses name?whats the name of my therapist?...

Halloween 2021-09-28

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Whoo???
  2. ________ house
  3. What spiders spin
  4. A disguise
  5. Fire burn and ________ bubble
  6. Witches and _______
  7. A sweet treat
  8. ________ and ghouls
  9. Shocked to life
  10. ________ patch
  11. A boney fella
  1. Playground for ghosts
  2. Witch transportation
  3. Found in Egypt
  4. OG vampire
  5. Where a vampire sleeps
  6. Comes out on a full moon night
  7. October 31st
  8. ______ or treat
  9. pocus Movie with 3 witches
  10. Candy ______
  11. He swallowed the canary
  12. They hate garlic
  13. Mr._____ O'lantern
  14. Can be full, half, or new

25 Clues: Whoo???OG vampireA disguiseOctober 31stCandy ______A sweet treatA boney fellaFound in Egypt________ house________ patch______ or treatShocked to lifeThey hate garlicWhat spiders spinMr._____ O'lanternWitches and _______________ and ghoulsWitch transportationPlayground for ghostsWhere a vampire sleepsHe swallowed the canaryCan be full, half, or new...

Vocabulaire d'Halloween 2019-10-31

Vocabulaire d'Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. mummy
  2. vampire
  3. skull
  4. black-cat
  5. candy-hunt
  6. web
  7. ghost
  8. spider
  1. cauldron
  2. witch
  3. monster
  4. happy Halloween
  5. devil
  6. haunted house
  7. candy
  8. bat
  9. JackOLantern
  10. pumpkin
  11. skeleton
  12. broom

20 Clues: batwebwitchmummydevilcandyskullbroomghostspidermonstervampirepumpkincauldronskeletonblack-catcandy-huntJackOLanternhaunted househappy Halloween

Interview With The Vampire Crossword Puzzle 2022-04-01

Interview With The Vampire Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Lestat's Home Country
  2. Louis' hometown (Two Words)
  3. Louis and Lestat put their coffins with them in it in a shipping box to france
  4. They current year, when Louis gives the interview (Year)
  5. The reason Louis is telling the story (Two Words)
  6. The 2nd year of Louis and Lestat being in France, Also the year Claudia became a vampire. (Year)
  7. Louis’ family inherited the plantation and named it Pointe Du Lac
  8. The man who made Louis a vampire
  9. Armones underground vampire business, where he would put on shows, simply called the...
  10. The state of not being human but not a complete vampire (Two Words)
  11. The main character, the man who was interviewed
  1. This is what the event was called when Armonde killed Claudia from sunlight
  2. A vampire sleeps in the night in one of these
  3. The Year Louis was born (Year)
  4. When the main events of the book begin Louis is 18 (Year)
  5. the event when Louis became a Vampire
  6. Louis home and surname
  7. One of Lestat's Old Pupils, is now an underground actor
  8. The year Louis and Lestat move to france (Year)
  9. The Town where Louis was born(Two Words)
  10. All vampires have more of this when upset
  11. Louis’ First Turned Victim
  12. A Blood Sucking creature, Louie and Lestat are one of these
  13. A vampires Special Ability, Shown when Lestat was burned by claudia
  14. Never given a name, he interviewed Louis (Two Words)

25 Clues: Lestat's Home CountryLouis home and surnameLouis’ First Turned VictimLouis' hometown (Two Words)The Year Louis was born (Year)The man who made Louis a vampirethe event when Louis became a VampireThe Town where Louis was born(Two Words)All vampires have more of this when upsetA vampire sleeps in the night in one of these...

Vocabulaire 2018-03-26

Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. suis
  2. fée
  3. mais
  4. fantôme
  5. créature
  6. tu
  7. est
  8. serpent
  9. pouvoir
  10. nous
  1. dire
  2. lumière (ou "allégé")
  3. pont
  4. à propos de, au sujet de
  5. or (métal
  6. vampire
  7. ils, elles
  8. arc-en-ciel
  9. chance
  10. sont

20 Clues: tuféeestdiresuismaispontsontnouschancevampirefantômeserpentpouvoircréatureor (métalils, ellesarc-en-ciellumière (ou "allégé")à propos de, au sujet de

New Moon Puzzle- Daisy p5 2022-05-16

New Moon Puzzle- Daisy p5 crossword puzzle
  1. third book, Bella must choose Edward or Jacob
  2. a person who transforms into a wolf for short periods of time, usually around full moon.
  3. A tribe Jacob is in, its a real tribe
  4. a reanimated body said to emerge from the tomb at night and feed on the blood of sleeping people
  5. oldest werewolf in twilight
  6. the car Edward drives
  7. A word Bells often uses to describe Edward
  8. "The Mouth" of the Quillayute River (no spaces)
  9. strongest vampire in twilight
  10. First book to be released to the fantastic series
  11. A word Bella often uses to describe herself.
  1. Second book, mostly about Jacob (no space between the two words)
  2. A Vampire group that is important in the story line
  3. The thing vampires desire most.
  4. youngest werewolf in twilight
  5. Fourth book, Bella and Edward get married and someone may be transformed (no spaces)
  6. A very powerful vampire family that's very old.
  7. oldest vampire in twilight
  8. a real place where twilight takes place in

19 Clues: the car Edward drivesoldest vampire in twilightoldest werewolf in twilightyoungest werewolf in twilightstrongest vampire in twilightThe thing vampires desire most.A tribe Jacob is in, its a real tribeA word Bells often uses to describe Edwarda real place where twilight takes place inA word Bella often uses to describe herself....

FANDOM WARS 2022-01-14

FANDOM WARS crossword puzzle
  1. herb that burns vampires in the vampire diaries
  2. superman's weakness
  3. the black hood from riverdale
  4. bryce walker's killer (13 reasons why)
  5. loki's older sister
  6. wanda maxinmoff's brother
  7. eren yeager's home district
  8. tommy and grace shelby's son
  9. thor's axe
  10. superman's birth planet
  11. A from pretty little liars
  12. harry potter's role in quidditch
  13. the material used to create frodo's chain armour in LOTR
  14. oldest first year player of karasuno (Haikyuu)
  15. the colour that is the weakness of green lanterns
  16. sue sylvester's nickname for kurt hummel
  17. person responsible for king t'chaka's death
  1. the fictional universe that comprises of six of crows and shadow and bone
  2. the full name of the "Torture Curse" in Harry Potter
  3. name of the person who chopped off jaime's right hand (GOT)
  4. lex luthor's sister
  5. character who translated the Russian transmission in stranger things season 3
  6. name of the wild hunt's navigator (The Witcher)
  7. the name of the winter soldier
  8. amy's husband in little women
  9. the country where katniss everdeen lives
  10. you season 1 female lead character
  11. miss marvel's first name
  12. the professor's real first name
  13. jake peralta's favourite movie
  14. klaus mikaelson's daughter
  15. name of the armoured titan (AOT)
  16. female character who said "Let the matriarchy begin" in money heist
  17. the planet where the soul stone was obtained from

34 Clues: thor's axelex luthor's sistersuperman's weaknessloki's older sistersuperman's birth planetmiss marvel's first namewanda maxinmoff's brotherA from pretty little liarsklaus mikaelson's daughtereren yeager's home districttommy and grace shelby's sonthe black hood from riverdaleamy's husband in little womenthe name of the winter soldier...

Dracula 2021-11-15

Dracula crossword puzzle
  1. Dracula's estate in London
  2. Dracula impersonates him
  3. Discovers Dracula is a vampire first
  4. What does Harker cut
  5. Dracula is from where
  6. How do you kill a vampire
  7. Dracula does not drink/partake
  8. needs to be cut off to kill vampire
  9. Lucy receives one in hopes to regain strength
  10. Dracula is considered to be one
  11. monster that kills innocent children/people
  1. What is wrapped around Lucy's neck to protect her
  2. Antagonist of the play
  3. name for vampire
  4. Renfield begs for this creature to eat
  5. Seward is in charge of this
  6. engaged to Jonathan
  7. Dracula's first victim
  8. Vixens devour this instead of Harker
  9. Dracula's henchman/victim
  10. In love with Lucy
  11. How many vixens are there
  12. vampires can't handle this

23 Clues: name for vampireIn love with Lucyengaged to JonathanWhat does Harker cutDracula is from whereAntagonist of the playDracula's first victimDracula impersonates himDracula's henchman/victimHow do you kill a vampireHow many vixens are thereDracula's estate in Londonvampires can't handle thisSeward is in charge of thisDracula does not drink/partake...

The spooky crossword 2024-10-22

The spooky crossword crossword puzzle
  1. candy
  2. o'lantern jack o'lantern
  3. bobbingapples
  4. coffin
  5. zombie
  6. skeleton
  7. Halloween
  1. mummy
  2. pumpkin
  3. Frankenstein
  4. decorating
  5. goblin
  6. costumes
  7. vampire
  8. graveyard
  9. October
  10. ghost

17 Clues: mummycandyghostgoblincoffinzombiepumpkinvampireOctobercostumesskeletongraveyardHalloweendecoratingFrankensteinbobbingappleso'lantern jack o'lantern

The Gothic Genre 2024-10-15

The Gothic Genre crossword puzzle
  1. manoir
  2. chauve-souris
  3. cimetière
  4. morbide
  5. hanté
  6. mystérieux
  7. château
  8. lugubre
  9. décennie où le gothique apparaît
  1. vampire
  2. fantôme
  3. macabre
  4. effroyable
  5. loups-garous
  6. effrayant
  7. squelette
  8. crâne
  9. cadavre

18 Clues: hantécrânemanoirvampirefantômemacabremorbidechâteaucadavrelugubrecimetièreeffrayantsqueletteeffroyablemystérieuxloups-garouschauve-sourisdécennie où le gothique apparaît

Thirsty 2020-12-03

Thirsty crossword puzzle
  1. the arm of moriator
  2. chris got stalked in the woods
  3. the creature chris is turning into
  4. chris's full first name
  5. schwartz a girl who chris thinks he's in love with
  6. a young vampire who chet kills
  7. one of chris's only friends
  8. drink blood
  1. teenage vampire who writes a letter to chris
  2. vampire lord
  3. the celestial being
  4. the place where chris drops the arm
  5. vampire food

13 Clues: drink bloodvampire lordvampire foodthe arm of moriatorthe celestial beingchris's full first nameone of chris's only friendschris got stalked in the woodsa young vampire who chet killsthe creature chris is turning intothe place where chris drops the armteenage vampire who writes a letter to chrisschwartz a girl who chris thinks he's in love with

Halloween 2020-10-26

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. cat
  2. coffin
  3. poison
  4. bat
  5. gravestone
  6. hat
  7. witch
  8. pumpkins
  9. vampire
  10. candle
  1. spider
  2. hauntedhouse
  3. lantern
  4. ghost
  5. web
  6. skull
  7. cauldron

17 Clues: catbathatwebghostwitchskullspidercoffinpoisoncandlelanternvampirepumpkinscauldrongravestonehauntedhouse

Bloodlines 2012-11-11

Bloodlines crossword puzzle
  1. Immortal vampire
  2. Adrian's nickname for Sydney
  3. Sydney's partner
  4. Alchemist tattoo
  5. Half vampire, half human
  6. Moroi who is in hiding
  7. What Jill is(Royaly)
  8. Sydney's dhampir friend
  1. Sydney investigates
  2. Rose's father
  3. Main character
  4. Has a spirit bond with Jill
  5. Organization Sydney belongs to
  6. Mortal vampire
  7. Works at a coffee shop
  8. Jill's guardian
  9. What Jill and Adrian have

17 Clues: Rose's fatherMain characterMortal vampireJill's guardianImmortal vampireSydney's partnerAlchemist tattooSydney investigatesWhat Jill is(Royaly)Moroi who is in hidingWorks at a coffee shopSydney's dhampir friendHalf vampire, half humanWhat Jill and Adrian haveHas a spirit bond with JillAdrian's nickname for SydneyOrganization Sydney belongs to

Dork Diaries 2023-05-10

Dork Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the author of Dork Diaries?
  2. How does Nikki feel when she is around people at school?
  3. What did Brianna do on Nikki's rug?
  4. What does CCP stand for?
  1. What is Nikki's favorite hobby?
  2. Who is Nikki's little sister?
  3. Who is the main character in Dork Diaries?
  4. What did Nikki have in her locker?
  5. What did Nikki's mom give her as a gift?
  6. What is the group of bullies called?

10 Clues: What does CCP stand for?Who is Nikki's little sister?What is Nikki's favorite hobby?Who is the author of Dork Diaries?What did Nikki have in her locker?What did Brianna do on Nikki's rug?What is the group of bullies called?What did Nikki's mom give her as a gift?Who is the main character in Dork Diaries?...

Author Crossword 2021-08-26

Author Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Artemis Fowl
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Percy Jackson
  5. Fing
  6. Friday Barnes
  7. Timmy Failure
  8. The BFG
  9. Dork Diaries
  10. The Famous Five
  1. Smile
  2. Keeper of the Lost Cities
  3. Agatha Oddly
  4. Real Pigeons Fight Crime
  5. Paddington's Adventures
  6. Warriors
  7. The Wizards of Once
  8. Kensy and Max
  9. A Series of Unfortunate Events

19 Clues: FingSmileThe BFGWarriorsNancy DrewArtemis FowlAgatha OddlyHarry PotterDork DiariesKensy and MaxPercy JacksonFriday BarnesTimmy FailureThe Famous FiveThe Wizards of OncePaddington's AdventuresReal Pigeons Fight CrimeKeeper of the Lost CitiesA Series of Unfortunate Events

This is Halloween! 2020-10-13

This is Halloween! crossword puzzle
  1. mummy
  2. ... or treat!
  3. witch
  4. scream
  5. pumpkin
  6. spider
  7. ghost
  8. Halloween
  1. broomsticks
  2. skeleton
  3. vampire
  4. cauldron
  5. Monster
  6. wizard
  7. grave
  8. bat
  9. web

17 Clues: batwebmummywitchghostgravescreamwizardspidervampireMonsterpumpkinskeletoncauldronHalloweenbroomsticks... or treat!

Pomoću imena njihovog filma pogodi glumca 2022-06-09

Pomoću imena njihovog filma pogodi glumca crossword puzzle
  1. Thor
  2. Spiderman no way home
  3. Spiderman 3
  4. Mamma mia
  5. Maleficent
  6. Black widow
  7. Twililight
  8. Pirates of caribbean
  9. Mary Poppins
  1. Hunger games
  2. The princess diaries
  3. Ladybird
  4. Dune
  5. The devil wears prada
  6. Titanic
  7. Joker
  8. La la land
  9. Little women
  10. Highschool musical
  11. Harry Potter
  12. Amazing Spiderman
  13. Pretty woman
  14. Euphoria

23 Clues: ThorDuneJokerTitanicLadybirdEuphoriaMamma miaLa la landMaleficentTwililightSpiderman 3Black widowHunger gamesLittle womenHarry PotterPretty womanMary PoppinsAmazing SpidermanHighschool musicalThe princess diariesPirates of caribbeanSpiderman no way homeThe devil wears prada

Mots Croisés - HALLOWEEN! 2022-10-27

Mots Croisés - HALLOWEEN! crossword puzzle
  1. werewolf
  2. lantern
  3. candle
  4. mummy
  5. skull
  6. vampire
  7. potion
  8. flashlight
  9. ghost
  10. monster
  11. cauldron
  12. costume
  13. bat
  14. zombie
  15. spider
  1. spider's web
  2. jack o lantern
  3. haunted house
  4. candy
  5. candy corn
  6. fangs
  7. coffin
  8. Grim Reaper
  9. gravestone

24 Clues: batmummyskullcandyghostfangscandlepotioncoffinzombiespiderlanternvampiremonstercostumewerewolfcauldroncandy cornflashlightgravestoneGrim Reaperspider's webhaunted housejack o lantern

L'Halloween! 2023-10-31

L'Halloween! crossword puzzle
  1. ghost
  2. broom
  3. cemetery
  4. hauntedhouse
  5. monster
  6. skull
  7. skeleton
  8. goblin
  9. cauldron
  10. costume
  11. fullmoon
  12. candle
  13. bat
  1. blackcat
  2. zombie
  3. crow
  4. spider
  5. vampire
  6. spidersweb
  7. fall
  8. pumpkin
  9. candyapple
  10. scarecrow
  11. devil
  12. candy
  13. owl
  14. mummy

27 Clues: owlbatcrowfallghostbroomskulldevilcandymummyzombiespidergoblincandlevampirepumpkinmonstercostumeblackcatcemeteryskeletoncauldronfullmoonscarecrowspiderswebcandyapplehauntedhouse

Happy Halloween 2024-10-14

Happy Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. araignée
  2. chauve-souris
  3. costume
  4. monstre
  5. maison hantée
  6. citrouille
  7. masque
  8. cimetière
  9. citrouille sculptée
  10. bonbon
  1. vampire
  2. squelette
  3. potion
  4. balai de sorcière
  5. sorcière
  6. zombie
  7. des bonbons ou un sort
  8. momie
  9. fantôme
  10. épouvantail

20 Clues: momiepotionzombiemasquebonbonvampirecostumemonstrefantômearaignéesorcièresquelettecimetièrecitrouilleépouvantailchauve-sourismaison hantéebalai de sorcièrecitrouille sculptéedes bonbons ou un sort

Halloween 2024-10-30

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. to decorate
  2. chat ______ (color)
  3. ice cream
  4. owl
  5. un chauve-____=bat
  6. elf, goblin
  7. mask
  8. apple
  9. mummy
  10. bag
  11. scarecrow
  12. broom
  13. skeleton
  1. witch
  2. cider
  3. costume
  4. devil
  5. candy
  6. candle
  7. pumpkin
  8. ghost
  9. vampire
  10. party

23 Clues: owlbagmaskwitchciderdevilcandyappleghostmummybroompartycandlecostumepumpkinvampireskeletonice creamscarecrowto decorateelf, goblinun chauve-____=batchat ______ (color)

Spooky vocabulary 3 2024-11-11

Spooky vocabulary 3 crossword puzzle
  1. hanter
  2. frapper à la porte
  3. sorcière
  4. apparaître
  5. sinistre
  6. zombi
  7. étrange
  8. terrifiant
  9. effrayant
  1. hanté
  2. sombre
  3. lancer un sort
  4. perturbant
  5. vampire
  6. murmurer
  7. inquiétant
  8. disparaître
  9. mystérieux
  10. lugubre
  11. horrible
  12. fantôme

21 Clues: hantézombisombrehantervampirelugubreétrangefantômemurmurersorcièresinistrehorribleeffrayantperturbantinquiétantmystérieuxapparaîtreterrifiantdisparaîtrelancer un sortfrapper à la porte

Dracula Crossword Puzzle 2020-12-08

Dracula Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Spouse of Lucy
  2. Sign of transformation
  3. resting place of the dead
  4. wooden stick used to mark property lines
  5. Small flying mammal
  6. Woman cursed by Dracula
  7. Dog like pack animal
  8. Undead Creature
  9. Woman changed into a vampire
  10. Insane patient
  1. Continent where all events take place
  2. Doctor
  3. Author of Dracula
  4. Dracula's home
  5. Holy symbol; Deters vampires
  6. Real estate broker
  7. vampire hunter
  8. Plant that deters vampires
  9. Food for vampires
  10. A title of high status

20 Clues: DoctorDracula's homeSpouse of Lucyvampire hunterInsane patientUndead CreatureAuthor of DraculaFood for vampiresReal estate brokerSmall flying mammalDog like pack animalSign of transformationA title of high statusWoman cursed by Dracularesting place of the deadPlant that deters vampiresHoly symbol; Deters vampiresWoman changed into a vampire...

Psych Crossword 2023-01-07

Psych Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The video format that Mary’s creepy video diaries where he talked about Chad
  2. Lassiter
  3. Murray on One Tree Hill and said he has “dead eyes.”
  4. signature "patient" catchphrase of Shawn and Gus
  5. Classic Gus Nickname “MC _____ Yo Handz”
  6. "That's a company ___ Shawn!!"
  7. common Police nickname that Goochberg held when she had to work under
  8. In episode “Dead Bear Walking” Gus is missing this body part.
  9. Shawn and Gus feared these creatures in the Vampire episode when Lassie met his future wife.
  10. When Shawn, Gus, Jules, and Lassiter are in a car chase, ashes are spilled on Lassie and Jules and Shawn and Gus claim its _____ mix.
  11. In “Right Turn or Left For Dead” what the murderous Elin and her victims would presumably use as currency.
  1. Detective Lassiter’s moniker printed in the newspaper; Detective ______
  2. "jamaican inspector ____"
  3. Gus' Model name
  4. Gus' company car
  5. What Gus says in the episode “Juliet Wears the Pantsuit” when Shawn says his name is Blue Ivy Carter (daughter of beyoncé and Jay-Z).
  6. Classic Gus nickname “Reginald ____ AKA Crowd Pleaser”
  7. What Shawn eats after breaking up with Abigail
  8. In season 3 episode 1, Shawn puts dry ____ in his mouth.
  9. The murderous judge in the competitive singing episode. He has a “sweet shoe"
  10. Gus’ sneaky alter ego
  11. The pineapple is an example of an easter ____

22 Clues: LassiterGus' Model nameGus' company carGus’ sneaky alter ego"jamaican inspector ____""That's a company ___ Shawn!!"Classic Gus Nickname “MC _____ Yo Handz”The pineapple is an example of an easter ____What Shawn eats after breaking up with Abigailsignature "patient" catchphrase of Shawn and GusMurray on One Tree Hill and said he has “dead eyes.”...

All About Rafia 2020-05-01

All About Rafia crossword puzzle
  1. What is my Starbuck's bear's name?
  2. What does the Harry Potter sticker on my laptop say?
  3. What is my favourite food place?
  4. What is my favourite food?
  5. Who is my favourite character from Reign?
  6. What part of my body do I randomly write on when I'm studying?
  7. What a I craving right now?
  8. What's my favourite chip flavour?
  9. Who is my favourite male Charmed character?
  10. What do I buy too much of?
  11. What do I get from starbucks all the time?
  12. What's my favourite ice cream flavour?
  13. What is my favourite candle scent?
  14. What is my polar bear's name?
  15. Who is my favourite Vampire Diaries character?
  16. How old was I turning when I had a pyjama party bday?
  1. Who is the best character from Winx?
  2. What was my first favourite song from Louis' album?
  3. What's What's my favourite song from Harry's album?
  4. What One Direction Song can I kinda play on the keyboard?
  5. What is my favourite Disney movie?
  6. What holiday am I born on?
  7. Who is my favourite female Charmed character?
  8. What is my favourite word?
  9. What is my favourite flavoured gum?
  10. According to Buzzfeed, which character from YOU am I?
  11. What is my favourite food from Lucky?
  12. What design thing is on my phone case?
  13. What is my favourite season?

29 Clues: What is my favourite food?What holiday am I born on?What is my favourite word?What do I buy too much of?What a I craving right now?What is my favourite season?What is my polar bear's name?What is my favourite food place?What's my favourite chip flavour?What is my Starbuck's bear's name?What is my favourite Disney movie?...

Halloween French Vocabulary 2024-10-31

Halloween French Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. mummy
  2. goblin
  3. witch's hat
  4. monster
  5. hat
  6. werewolf
  7. vampire
  8. zombie
  1. costume
  2. scarecrow
  3. skeleton
  4. mask
  5. black cat
  6. ghost
  7. devil
  8. spider
  9. witch

17 Clues: hatmaskmummyghostdevilwitchgoblinspiderzombiecostumemonstervampireskeletonwerewolfscarecrowblack catwitch's hat

Halloween Crossword 2019-10-24

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. blackcat
  2. coffin
  3. mummy
  4. vampire
  5. owl
  6. witch
  7. skeleton
  1. pumpkin
  2. jackolantern
  3. broom
  4. moon
  5. crow
  6. bat
  7. spider
  8. ghost
  9. web

16 Clues: batowlwebmooncrowbroommummyghostwitchcoffinspiderpumpkinvampireblackcatskeletonjackolantern

Hallowween Crossword 2019-10-24

Hallowween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. mummy
  2. bat
  3. web
  4. jackolantern
  5. spider
  6. coffin
  7. ghost
  8. crow
  1. pumpkin
  2. broom
  3. blackcat
  4. skeleton
  5. vampire
  6. moon
  7. witch
  8. owl

16 Clues: batwebowlmooncrowmummybroomwitchghostspidercoffinpumpkinvampireblackcatskeletonjackolantern

Crosswords 2020-11-23

Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. "Nobody puts baby in the corner"
  2. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton play the incredible characters in this film, filmed by David Fincher
  3. A fictional team of superheroes appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics
  4. Fictional serie focused on the lives of surgical interns, residents, and attendings at Seattle Grace Hospital
  5. In the Pride Lands of Africa, a pride of lions rule over the animal kingdom from Pride Rock
  6. Epic romantic comedy-drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Eric Roth
  7. The show follows former "psychic" Patrick Jane, consultant to the California Bureau of investigation
  8. And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell, you know, xoxo..."
  1. A fictional character in the Star Wars franchise
  2. East High's most popular students and captain of the school's varsity basketball team
  3. She pretends to be a soldier named Hua Jun
  4. A fictional character portrayed by Eva Longoria on the ABC television series Desperate Housewives
  5. The character played by Nina Dobrev in the Vampire Diaries series
  6. An American legal drama television series created and written by Aaron Korsh
  7. The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up

15 Clues: The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up"Nobody puts baby in the corner"She pretends to be a soldier named Hua JunA fictional character in the Star Wars franchiseThe character played by Nina Dobrev in the Vampire Diaries seriesAnd who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell, you know, xoxo..."...

Halloween Crossword 2016-11-02

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. cat
  2. witch
  3. spooky
  4. spider
  5. sweets
  6. vampire
  7. blood
  8. zombie
  1. trick
  2. Ghost
  3. monster
  4. scared
  5. skull
  6. pumpkin
  7. bat
  8. mummy

16 Clues: catbattrickGhostwitchskullbloodmummyspookyspidersweetsscaredzombiemonstervampirepumpkin

Halloween Crossword 2016-11-02

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. witch
  2. skull
  3. bat
  4. spooky
  5. spider
  6. cat
  7. monster
  8. vampire
  1. Ghost
  2. mummy
  3. blood
  4. sweets
  5. scared
  6. pumpkin
  7. trick
  8. zombie

16 Clues: batcatGhostwitchmummybloodskulltrickspookysweetsscaredspiderzombiepumpkinmonstervampire

Halloween 2023-10-25

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. owl
  2. horrors
  3. skeleton
  4. werewolf
  5. vampire
  6. candy
  7. fear
  1. costume
  2. broom
  3. party
  4. ghost
  5. monster
  6. jackolantern
  7. spider
  8. cauldron
  9. witch

16 Clues: owlfearbroompartyghostwitchcandyspidercostumemonsterhorrorsvampireskeletonwerewolfcauldronjackolantern

Ayla Vocabulaire 2024-12-04

Ayla Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. whiteboard
  3. to eat
  4. to love
  5. computer
  6. boy
  7. chess
  8. student desk
  9. girl
  1. newspaper
  2. to listen
  3. vampire
  4. pencil
  5. ice cream
  6. teacher desk
  7. swim
  8. a chair
  9. a book
  10. to study
  11. To watch/ to look
  12. teacher

21 Clues: penboyswimgirlchesspencilto eata bookvampirea chairto loveteacherto studycomputernewspaperto listenice creamwhiteboardteacher deskstudent deskTo watch/ to look

Teacher of the Day: Ms. Lucie Inman 2021-02-02

Teacher of the Day: Ms. Lucie Inman crossword puzzle
  1. Diaries, favorite book
  2. dream job
  3. favorite type of pizza
  4. middle name
  5. favorite subject
  6. favorite candy
  7. favorite drink
  8. favorite animal
  9. favorite vacation spot
  1. favorite state
  2. favorite number
  3. birthday month
  4. favorite food
  5. number of siblings
  6. favorite color
  7. Ledecky, famous person Matthew would like to meet
  8. favorite sport

17 Clues: dream jobmiddle namefavorite foodfavorite statebirthday monthfavorite colorfavorite sportfavorite candyfavorite drinkfavorite numberfavorite animalfavorite subjectnumber of siblingsDiaries, favorite bookfavorite type of pizzafavorite vacation spotLedecky, famous person Matthew would like to meet

BNB DIARIES 2023-11-15

BNB DIARIES crossword puzzle
  1. SVU detective who’s always surprised.
  2. Aaamaaayyyyyy…Zinnnng…
  3. what does Jay…
  4. Amazing…
  5. a podcast of one’s
  6. PVR bartender
  7. first vacation together
  8. who Jay loves more than anyone
  1. favorite game show
  2. Ella ______ Turandot
  3. selling ______
  4. best kisser in AUS
  5. _____ entry
  6. street name of Aussie apartment
  7. daaaamn, ____ you’re really hitting’ it!
  8. Where jays friend thought Michael was taking us

16 Clues: Amazing…_____ entryPVR bartenderselling ______what does Jay…favorite game showbest kisser in AUSa podcast of one’sElla ______ TurandotAaamaaayyyyyy…Zinnnng…first vacation togetherwho Jay loves more than anyonestreet name of Aussie apartmentSVU detective who’s always surprised.daaaamn, ____ you’re really hitting’ it!...

L'Halloween 2021-10-28

L'Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. costume
  2. pumpkin
  3. web
  4. haunted
  5. bat
  6. the Grim Reaper
  7. house
  8. to haunt
  9. spider
  10. skull
  11. monster
  1. goblin
  2. vampire
  3. a devil
  4. werewolf
  5. Jack-o’-lantern
  6. to carve
  7. ghost
  8. cauldron
  9. witch
  10. zombie
  11. skeleton
  12. mask

23 Clues: webbatmaskghostwitchhouseskullgoblinzombiespidervampirecostumea devilpumpkinhauntedmonsterwerewolfto carvecauldronskeletonto hauntJack-o’-lanternthe Grim Reaper

I love Halloween! 2021-10-19

I love Halloween! crossword puzzle
  1. grave
  2. witch
  3. cauldron
  4. eyeball
  5. Spiderweb
  6. Jackolantern
  7. Frankenstein
  8. skull
  9. blackcat
  10. poison
  11. graveyard
  12. vampire
  13. broomstick
  1. spellbook
  2. gargoyle
  3. Hauntedhouse
  4. Trickortreat
  5. vulture
  6. ghost
  7. grimreaper
  8. skeleton
  9. Candy
  10. coffin
  11. Scarecrow
  12. crow
  13. bat
  14. scary
  15. mummy
  16. pumpkin

29 Clues: batcrowgravewitchghostCandyskullscarymummycoffinpoisonvultureeyeballvampirepumpkingargoylecauldronskeletonblackcatspellbookSpiderwebScarecrowgraveyardgrimreaperbroomstickHauntedhouseTrickortreatJackolanternFrankenstein

Test 2020-10-29

Test crossword puzzle
  1. haunted house
  2. cat
  3. mummy
  4. witch
  5. monster
  6. devil
  7. werewolf
  1. reaper
  2. spider
  3. ghost
  4. jackolantern
  5. bat
  6. coffin
  7. vampire
  8. zombie
  9. skeleton

16 Clues: catbatghostmummywitchdevilreaperspidercoffinzombievampiremonsterskeletonwerewolfjackolanternhaunted house

random 1 2021-02-23

random 1 crossword puzzle
  1. crow
  2. ghost
  3. coffin
  4. candy
  5. candle
  6. broom
  7. owl
  8. mummy
  1. vampire
  2. bat
  3. potion
  4. spider
  5. hat
  6. cat
  7. moon
  8. skull

16 Clues: bathatcatowlcrowmoonghostcandybroomskullmummypotionspidercoffincandlevampire

Halloween 2023-06-14

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. candy
  2. scarecrow
  3. witch
  4. pumpkin
  5. october
  6. spider
  7. bat
  8. blood
  1. mummy
  2. vampire
  3. skeleton
  4. cat
  5. tombstone
  6. zombie
  7. werewolf
  8. ghost

16 Clues: catbatmummycandywitchghostbloodzombiespidervampirepumpkinoctoberskeletonwerewolfscarecrowtombstone

Halloween Crossword Puzzle 2023-09-26

Halloween Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. werewolf
  2. graveyard
  3. pumpkin
  4. bat
  5. skeleton
  6. mummy
  7. costumes
  8. witch
  1. coffin
  2. vampire
  3. hauntedhouse
  4. ghost
  5. spider
  6. broom
  7. cauldron
  8. monster

16 Clues: batghostbroommummywitchcoffinspidervampirepumpkinmonsterwerewolfskeletoncauldroncostumesgraveyardhauntedhouse

HALLOWEEN 2023-10-23

HALLOWEEN crossword puzzle
  2. MUMMY
  3. MOUSE
  5. MASK
  8. CANDY
  9. FROG
  13. WITCH
  15. OWL
  1. BROOM
  3. CLOWN
  6. BAT
  10. MOON
  11. GHOST
  12. CROW


Halloween fun 2024-10-08

Halloween fun crossword puzzle
  1. Skeleton
  2. Potion
  3. Spider
  4. Vampire
  5. Mummy
  6. Witch
  7. Scarecrow
  8. Costume
  9. Black Cat
  10. Candle
  11. Wolf
  12. Wand
  13. Hat
  1. Haunted house
  2. Moon
  3. Mask
  4. Ghost
  5. Pumpkin
  6. Bat
  7. Trick or Treat
  8. Zombie
  9. Candy
  10. Owl
  11. Magic
  12. Broom
  13. Monster
  14. Clown

27 Clues: BatOwlHatMoonMaskWolfWandGhostMummyWitchCandyMagicBroomClownPotionSpiderZombieCandlePumpkinVampireCostumeMonsterSkeletonScarecrowBlack CatHaunted houseTrick or Treat

Halloween (en français ) 2020-10-27

Halloween (en français ) crossword puzzle
  1. Bone(s)
  2. Broom
  3. Vampire
  4. Mask
  5. Blood
  6. Spider
  7. Skeleton
  8. Monster
  9. Scarecrow
  10. Moon
  11. Witch
  12. Mummy
  13. Toad
  1. Candle
  2. Bat
  3. Werewolf
  4. Graveyard
  5. Skul
  6. Night
  7. Pumpkin
  8. Fog
  9. Black cat
  10. Candies
  11. Owl
  12. Ghost
  13. Coffin

26 Clues: BatFogOwlSkulMaskMoonToadBroomBloodNightWitchMummyGhostCandleSpiderCoffinBone(s)VampirePumpkinMonsterCandiesWerewolfSkeletonGraveyardBlack catScarecrow

naema 2024-05-17

naema crossword puzzle
  1. to draw
  2. to play
  3. park
  4. french
  5. vampire
  6. school
  7. to eat
  8. to hate
  9. english
  10. to watch
  11. to sleep
  12. to like
  1. vocabulary
  2. to listen
  3. to sing
  4. to dance
  5. to read
  6. to write
  7. to study
  8. to love

20 Clues: parkfrenchschoolto eatto drawto playto singvampireto readto hateenglishto loveto liketo danceto writeto watchto studyto sleepto listenvocabulary

Never Trust a Guy With Fangs 2022-05-02

Never Trust a Guy With Fangs crossword puzzle
  1. the original color of Augustus’s eyes
  2. Cupid’s name in Greece
  3. Presley’s gift
  4. Whilhelm’s profession
  5. the youngest vampire from Augustus's coven.
  6. the demons want it from the witches
  7. profession of the man who turned Augustus
  8. refers to a vampire mate regardless of gender
  9. A kind of supernatural being Leo told Augustus he slept with
  10. shape drew in casting the protection spell
  1. well known historic female Augustus mentions that he met.
  2. Augustus’s lover
  3. the demon from whom Leo escaped
  4. A supreme vampire
  5. the chief goddess who presides over spell
  6. the potion in the form of a tea Presley helped Leo to make
  7. the name of Leo's aunt.
  8. where Augustus’s friend Terrence was turned
  9. the kind of spell the witches cast around the vampire club
  10. the color of a demon’s eyes
  11. Leo’s familiar

21 Clues: Presley’s giftLeo’s familiarAugustus’s loverA supreme vampireWhilhelm’s professionCupid’s name in Greecethe name of Leo's aunt.the color of a demon’s eyesthe demon from whom Leo escapedthe demons want it from the witchesthe original color of Augustus’s eyesthe chief goddess who presides over spellprofession of the man who turned Augustus...