winter Crossword Puzzles

Le Calendrier 2021-09-14

Le Calendrier crossword puzzle
  1. summer
  2. March
  3. fall
  4. June
  5. April
  6. Friday
  7. Wednesday
  8. October
  9. December
  10. July
  11. November
  1. February
  2. August
  3. January
  4. Tuesday
  5. winter
  6. May
  7. Sunday
  8. September
  9. Saturday
  10. Thursday
  11. spring
  12. Monday

23 Clues: MayfallJuneJulyMarchAprilsummerAugustwinterFridaySundayspringMondayJanuaryTuesdayOctoberFebruarySaturdayThursdayDecemberNovemberSeptemberWednesday


DAYS, MONTHS AND SEASONS. crossword puzzle
  3. JUNHO
  7. ABRIL
  8. MARÇO
  11. VERÃO
  12. OUTONO
  14. TERÇA
  3. SEXTA
  4. JULHO
  7. MAIO
  10. AGOSTO



  1. - train
  2. - to travel
  3. - rain/raining
  4. - plane
  5. - mountains
  6. - reservation
  7. - fall
  8. - snow/snowing
  9. - hot
  10. - hotel guest
  11. - cold
  1. - spring
  2. - bed
  3. - cool/fresh
  4. - suitcase/bag/luggage
  5. - summer
  6. - raft
  7. - ticket
  8. - landscape
  9. - winter

20 Clues: - bed- hot- raft- fall- cold- train- plane- spring- summer- ticket- winter- to travel- landscape- mountains- cool/fresh- reservation- hotel guest- rain/raining- snow/snowing- suitcase/bag/luggage

Tom 2023-04-10

Tom crossword puzzle
  1. מסמרים
  2. אתמול
  3. גדר
  4. סרגל
  5. מחבר
  6. עם
  7. חלון
  8. לחפש
  9. תנור
  10. בובה
  11. עוגיות
  12. קר
  13. ארוך
  1. קיר
  2. בלילה
  3. בוטנים
  4. בגדים
  5. למצוא
  6. עונה
  7. מי
  8. חורף
  9. חדר
  10. מחר

23 Clues: עםמיקרקירגדרחדרמחרעונהסרגלמחברחלוןחורףלחפשתנורבובהארוךבלילהאתמולבגדיםלמצואמסמריםבוטניםעוגיות

Unit 14 Seasons 2023-05-08

Unit 14 Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. jaanuar
  2. mai
  3. august
  4. märts
  5. veebruar
  6. sügis
  7. oktoober
  8. laupäev
  9. november
  10. teisipäev
  11. talv
  1. pühapäev
  2. reede
  3. suvi
  4. neljapäev
  5. aprill
  6. kolmapäev
  7. juuni
  8. september
  9. juuli
  10. kevad
  11. esmaspäev
  12. detsember

23 Clues: maisuvitalvreedemärtsjuunijuulikevadsügisaugustaprilljaanuarlaupäevpühapäevveebruaroktoobernovemberneljapäevkolmapäevseptemberesmaspäevdetsemberteisipäev

Days of the week, months and seasons 2014-04-03

Days of the week, months and seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Июнь
  2. Понедельник
  3. Зима
  4. Декабрь
  5. Сентябрь
  6. Четверг
  7. Суббота
  8. Май
  9. Пятница
  10. Осень
  1. Июль
  2. Лето
  3. Октябрь
  4. Январь
  5. Ноябрь
  6. Среда
  7. Февраль
  8. Воскресенье
  9. Вторник
  10. Весна
  11. Август
  12. Март
  13. Апрель

23 Clues: МайИюльИюньЛетоЗимаМартСредаВеснаОсеньЯнварьНоябрьАвгустАпрельОктябрьДекабрьФевральЧетвергВторникСубботаПятницаСентябрьПонедельникВоскресенье

Months, Days, Seasons 2014-04-17

Months, Days, Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Sunday
  2. Saturday
  3. November
  4. February
  5. September
  6. summer
  7. Monday
  8. January
  1. March
  2. June
  3. December
  4. July
  5. Friday
  6. May
  7. spring
  8. October
  9. Wednesday
  10. Tuesday
  11. winter
  12. April
  13. Thursday
  14. fall
  15. August

23 Clues: MayJuneJulyfallMarchAprilFridaySundayspringwintersummerAugustMondayOctoberTuesdayJanuaryDecemberSaturdayNovemberFebruaryThursdayWednesdaySeptember


Les MOIS/LES SAISONS/LES JOURS crossword puzzle
  1. APRIL
  2. MARCH
  12. JULY
  13. JUNE
  8. MAY


L'ANNO 2015-08-11

L'ANNO crossword puzzle
  1. Juni
  2. Jänner
  3. April
  4. Sommer
  5. Frühling
  6. Winter
  7. August
  8. Dezember
  9. Dienstag
  10. Donnerstag
  11. Montag
  1. Sonntag
  2. Samstag
  3. Oktober
  4. Mai
  5. November
  6. September
  7. Juli
  8. Mittwoch
  9. März
  10. Februar
  11. Freitag
  12. Herbst

23 Clues: MaiJuniJuliMärzAprilJännerSommerWinterAugustHerbstMontagSonntagSamstagOktoberFebruarFreitagNovemberFrühlingMittwochDezemberDienstagSeptemberDonnerstag

L'ANNO 2015-08-11

L'ANNO crossword puzzle
  1. Sommer
  2. Frühling
  3. März
  4. Sonntag
  5. Juni
  6. September
  7. Donnerstag
  8. Dezember
  9. Samstag
  10. Herbst
  11. November
  12. Montag
  1. April
  2. Mittwoch
  3. August
  4. Mai
  5. Juli
  6. Februar
  7. Jänner
  8. Dienstag
  9. Oktober
  10. Winter
  11. Freitag

23 Clues: MaiMärzJuliJuniAprilSommerAugustJännerWinterHerbstMontagSonntagFebruarSamstagOktoberFreitagMittwochFrühlingDezemberDienstagNovemberSeptemberDonnerstag

Latvija 2016-11-29

Latvija crossword puzzle
  1. lidmašīna
  2. Tv skatīties televīzoru
  3. album foto albūms
  4. panda
  5. vasara
  6. brīvdienas
  7. pase
  8. māksla
  9. rīts
  10. gads
  1. karte
  2. cream saldējums
  3. lapa
  4. siers
  5. darbs
  6. dinozaurs
  7. peldkostīms
  8. ziema
  9. taksis
  10. debesis
  11. gaļa

21 Clues: lapapaserītsgaļagadskartesiersdarbspandaziemavasarataksismāksladebesislidmašīnadinozaursbrīvdienaspeldkostīmscream saldējumsalbum foto albūmsTv skatīties televīzoru

5klasė 6,6a,6b rokas 2018-01-21

5klasė  6,6a,6b rokas crossword puzzle
  1. Pavasaris
  2. lengvas
  3. Debesuota
  4. laipsniai
  5. games Stalo Žaidimai
  6. Momentas
  7. Viešbutis
  8. Lietpaltis
  9. Sijonas
  10. Ruduo
  11. Smagumas
  12. Striukė
  1. Žiema
  2. Graikija
  3. Golfas
  4. palaidinukė
  5. Temperatūra
  6. Sniego senis
  7. Radijas
  8. Vasara
  9. Saulėta
  10. Šilta

22 Clues: ŽiemaRuduoŠiltaGolfasVasaralengvasRadijasSijonasSaulėtaStriukėGraikijaMomentasSmagumasPavasarisDebesuotalaipsniaiViešbutisLietpaltispalaidinukėTemperatūraSniego senisgames Stalo Žaidimai

5 klasė 6,6a,6b Tito 2018-01-21

5 klasė 6,6a,6b Tito crossword puzzle
  1. liepa
  2. birželis
  3. žiema
  4. grėbti
  5. šiltas
  6. gegužė
  7. kopenhaga
  8. kairas
  9. vasaris
  10. gruodis
  11. vasara
  12. balandis
  13. lengvas
  1. rugpjūtis
  2. lapkritis
  3. sausis
  4. kovas
  5. rugsėjis
  6. spalis
  7. drabužiai
  8. ruduo
  9. graikija
  10. pavasaris

23 Clues: liepažiemakovasruduosausisgrėbtišiltasgegužėspaliskairasvasaravasarisgruodislengvasbirželisrugsėjisgraikijabalandisrugpjūtislapkritiskopenhagadrabužiaipavasaris

I giorni della settimana, mesi, stagioni 2018-12-05

I giorni della settimana, mesi, stagioni crossword puzzle
  1. Friday
  2. June
  3. Spring
  4. November
  5. April
  6. September
  7. Thursday
  8. August
  9. Saturday
  10. Fall
  11. Winter
  1. Tuesday
  2. Monday
  3. Sunday
  4. December
  5. February
  6. Wednesday
  7. March
  8. July
  9. May
  10. Summer
  11. January
  12. October

23 Clues: MayJuneJulyFallMarchAprilMondaySundayFridaySpringSummerAugustWinterTuesdayJanuaryOctoberDecemberFebruaryNovemberThursdaySaturdayWednesdaySeptember

I giorni della settimana, mesi, stagioni 2018-12-05

I giorni della settimana, mesi, stagioni crossword puzzle
  1. Friday
  2. September
  3. Winter
  4. Sunday
  5. August
  6. Spring
  7. December
  8. January
  9. Tuesday
  10. Summer
  11. July
  1. Monday
  2. Thursday
  3. Saturday
  4. February
  5. Wednesday
  6. November
  7. June
  8. October
  9. Fall
  10. May
  11. April
  12. March

23 Clues: MayJuneFallJulyAprilMarchMondayFridayWinterSundayAugustSpringSummerOctoberJanuaryTuesdayThursdaySaturdayFebruaryNovemberDecemberWednesdaySeptember

LA ROPA 2022-04-12

LA ROPA crossword puzzle
  1. Shorts
  2. Shoes
  3. Suit
  4. Sweater
  5. Raincoat
  6. Pants
  7. Flip-Flops
  8. T-Shirt
  9. Skirt
  10. Dress
  1. Boots
  2. Jacket
  3. Sweatshirt (Without Hood)
  4. Jeans
  5. Pajamas
  6. Blouse
  7. Winter Coat
  8. Bathing Suit
  9. Vest
  10. Shirt

20 Clues: SuitVestBootsShoesJeansPantsShirtSkirtDressShortsJacketBlousePajamasSweaterT-ShirtRaincoatFlip-FlopsWinter CoatBathing SuitSweatshirt (Without Hood)

UNIT 2 2023-09-27

UNIT 2 crossword puzzle
  1. July
  2. September
  3. Wednesday
  4. Saturday
  5. November
  6. May
  7. Tuesday
  8. Friday
  9. October
  10. Thursday
  1. February
  2. April
  3. fall
  4. December
  5. Sunday
  6. June
  7. January
  8. March
  9. winter
  10. spring
  11. August
  12. Monday
  13. summer

23 Clues: MayfallJulyJuneAprilMarchSundaywinterspringAugustMondayFridaysummerJanuaryTuesdayOctoberFebruaryDecemberSaturdayNovemberThursdaySeptemberWednesday

Crucigrama dias de la semana, meses del año y estaciones 2024-03-12

Crucigrama dias de la semana, meses del año y estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. Monday
  2. December
  3. July
  4. April
  5. May
  6. Wednesday
  7. Spring
  8. March
  9. Sunday
  10. January
  11. August
  12. Thursday
  1. October
  2. Winter
  3. September
  4. November
  5. June
  6. February
  7. Saturday
  8. Autumn / Fall
  9. Friday
  10. Summer
  11. Tuesday

23 Clues: MayJulyJuneAprilMarchWinterMondayFridaySummerSpringSundayAugustOctoberTuesdayJanuaryDecemberNovemberFebruarySaturdayThursdaySeptemberWednesdayAutumn / Fall

Los Dias 2023-10-03

Los Dias crossword puzzle
  1. noviembre
  2. diciembre
  3. julio
  4. agosto
  5. septiembre
  6. Jueves
  7. mayo
  8. abril
  9. Lunes
  10. Miercoles
  11. Domingo
  12. Sabado
  1. Febrero
  2. Marzo
  3. octubre
  4. Enero
  5. invierno
  6. junio
  7. otono
  8. Martes
  9. primavera
  10. Viernes
  11. vernano

23 Clues: mayoMarzoEnerojuniojuliootonoabrilLunesagostoJuevesMartesSabadoFebrerooctubreViernesvernanoDomingoinviernonoviembrediciembreprimaveraMiercolesseptiembre

Weather and Clothes 2024-05-09

Weather and Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. Шляпа
  2. Обувь
  3. Осень
  4. Футболка
  5. Цветы
  6. Юбка
  7. Холодно
  8. Остров
  9. Платье
  1. Куртка
  2. Джинсы
  3. Солнечно
  4. Весна
  5. Музыка
  6. Лето
  7. Жарко
  8. Носки
  9. Облачно
  10. Ветренно
  11. Зима
  12. Шорты
  13. Дождь
  14. Пальто

23 Clues: ЛетоЗимаЮбкаШляпаОбувьВеснаЖаркоОсеньНоскиЦветыШортыДождьКурткаДжинсыМузыкаПальтоОстровПлатьеОблачноХолодноСолнечноФутболкаВетренно

Days. Months. Seasons 2024-05-14

Days. Months. Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. neljapäev
  2. november
  3. esmaspäev
  4. teisipäev
  5. veebruar
  6. talv
  7. pühapäev
  8. detsember
  9. suvi
  10. jaanuar
  1. laupäev
  2. juuni
  3. september
  4. kevad
  5. mai
  6. august
  7. oktoober
  8. sügis
  9. kolmapäev
  10. reede
  11. juuli
  12. märts
  13. aprill

23 Clues: maitalvsuvijuunikevadsügisreedejuulimärtsaugustaprilllaupäevjaanuarnovemberoktooberveebruarpühapäevneljapäevseptemberesmaspäevteisipäevkolmapäevdetsember

For the Exit Exam Vocabulary 2024-05-14

For the Exit Exam Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. knife
  2. book
  3. fork
  4. yellow
  5. blue
  6. tall(male)
  7. red
  8. short(male)
  9. strong
  10. dog
  11. pet
  1. food
  2. spoon
  3. spring
  4. summer
  5. bold
  6. fall
  7. winter
  8. cat
  9. notebook
  10. pencil
  11. plate

22 Clues: catreddogpetfoodbookboldfallforkbluespoonknifeplatespringsummerwinteryellowpencilstrongnotebooktall(male)short(male)

La Mode 2024-05-09

La Mode crossword puzzle
  1. Watch
  2. Belt
  3. Skirt
  4. Tie
  5. Jeans
  6. Winter-Scarf
  7. Bracelet
  8. Blouse
  9. Sneakers
  10. T-Shirt
  11. Pants
  1. Jacket/Blazer
  2. Hat
  3. Sweater
  4. Women's-Suit
  5. Ball-Cap
  6. Gloves
  7. Boots
  8. Men's-Suit
  9. Necklace

20 Clues: HatTieBeltWatchSkirtJeansBootsPantsGlovesBlouseSweaterT-ShirtBall-CapBraceletSneakersNecklaceMen's-SuitWomen's-SuitWinter-ScarfJacket/Blazer

spanish 2024-05-10

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. jeans
  2. hot
  3. to begin
  4. to close
  5. a blouse
  6. socks
  7. price
  8. ugly
  9. fall
  10. summer
  11. during
  1. to think
  2. shirt
  3. spring
  4. to wear
  5. cold
  6. to want
  7. lucky
  8. t shirt
  9. winter
  10. new

21 Clues: hotnewcolduglyfalljeansshirtluckysockspricespringwintersummerduringto wearto wantt shirtto thinkto beginto closea blouse

Meses, Colores, dias de semana, temporada 2024-08-15

Meses, Colores, dias de semana, temporada crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. Friday
  3. May
  4. autumn
  5. April
  6. December
  7. spring
  8. February
  9. June
  10. Monday
  11. August
  12. Tuesday
  13. Thursday
  1. November
  2. summer
  3. January
  4. July
  5. Wednesday
  6. October
  7. March
  8. September
  9. Saturday
  10. Sunday

23 Clues: MayJulyJuneMarchAprilwintersummerFridayautumnspringSundayMondayAugustJanuaryOctoberTuesdayNovemberDecemberSaturdayFebruaryThursdayWednesdaySeptember

lake snow effect 2023-11-27

lake snow effect crossword puzzle
  1. in the winter
  2. comes from clouds
  3. below zero
  4. type of temperature
  5. somthing that changes
  1. in the winter
  2. funny
  3. body of water
  4. season
  5. all most freezing

10 Clues: funnyseasonbelow zeroin the winterin the winterbody of watercomes from cloudsall most freezingtype of temperaturesomthing that changes

winter op je bord 2020-01-13

winter op je bord crossword puzzle
  1. sport die we kunnen uitoefenen in de winter
  2. koudste seizoen
  3. laat dat men nodig heeft om te skieën
  4. dier met een witte wacht dat leeft op de Noord Pool
  5. huis dat de eskimo’s maken
  1. versieren de meeste mensen met kerst
  2. valt in de winter
  3. bevroren water
  4. daar zitten de kleine kinderen graag op als je gaat wandelen

9 Clues: bevroren waterkoudste seizoenvalt in de winterhuis dat de eskimo’s makenversieren de meeste mensen met kerstlaat dat men nodig heeft om te skieënsport die we kunnen uitoefenen in de winterdier met een witte wacht dat leeft op de Noord Pooldaar zitten de kleine kinderen graag op als je gaat wandelen

Nika and Nikon 2019-02-01

Nika and Nikon crossword puzzle
  1. теннис
  2. лёд
  3. кататься на санках
  4. снег
  5. футбол
  6. пловец
  7. баскетбол
  8. кататься на коньках
  1. лыжник
  2. болельщик
  3. конькобежец
  4. хоккей
  5. снежок
  6. волейбол
  7. снеговик
  8. зима
  9. лето
  10. стадион

18 Clues: лёдснегзималетолыжниктеннисхоккейснежокфутболпловецстадионволейболснеговикболельщикбаскетболконькобежецкататься на санкахкататься на коньках

Vocabulario 2023-09-14

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. Spanish
  3. book
  4. I have
  5. winter
  6. Science
  7. january
  8. wednesday
  9. blue
  1. aunt
  2. birthday
  3. It's sunny
  4. friday
  5. I like
  6. I need
  7. december
  8. brother
  9. pencil

18 Clues: auntbookbluefridayI likeI haveI needwinterpencillibrarySpanishSciencejanuarybrotherbirthdaydecemberwednesdayIt's sunny

countries 2024-02-02

countries crossword puzzle
  1. Бразилия
  2. Египет
  3. Россия
  4. зима
  5. Австралия
  6. напиток(пить)
  7. цветной мелок
  8. ложка
  9. змея
  10. весна
  1. лето
  2. осень
  3. играть
  4. рисовать(рисунок)
  5. Испания
  6. сад
  7. Тайланд
  8. времена года

18 Clues: садлетозимазмеяосеньложкавеснаЕгипетигратьРоссияИспанияТайландБразилияАвстралиявремена годанапиток(пить)цветной мелокрисовать(рисунок)

La Ropa 2023-01-03

La Ropa crossword puzzle
  1. dress
  2. swimsuit
  3. sweater
  4. winter coat
  5. socks
  6. cap
  7. skirt
  8. sandals
  9. blouse
  10. button-up shirt
  1. shorts
  2. jeans
  3. shoes
  4. pants
  5. t-shirt
  6. hoodie
  7. hat
  8. boots

18 Clues: caphatdressjeansshoespantssocksskirtbootsshortshoodieblouset-shirtsweatersandalsswimsuitwinter coatbutton-up shirt

Los lugares y el tiempo 2024-01-03

Los lugares y el tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. store
  2. park
  3. mall
  4. restaurant
  5. it's windy
  6. beach
  7. it's sunny
  1. it's hot
  2. winter
  3. spring
  4. it's cold
  5. gym
  6. party
  7. pool
  8. summer
  9. movie theater
  10. fall
  11. seasons

18 Clues: gympoolparkmallfallstorepartybeachwinterspringsummerseasonsit's hotit's coldrestaurantit's windyit's sunnymovie theater

Feliz Navidad 2014-12-03

Feliz Navidad crossword puzzle
  1. Shepherds
  2. Santa Claus
  3. December
  4. Christmas vacation
  5. Snow
  6. Gold
  7. Gift
  8. Mistletoe
  9. Candy
  1. Angel
  2. Christmas Tree
  3. Carols
  4. Donkey
  5. Merry Christmas
  6. Winter
  7. Holly
  8. Christmas
  9. Silver

18 Clues: SnowGoldGiftAngelHollyCandyCarolsDonkeyWinterSilverDecemberShepherdsChristmasMistletoeSanta ClausChristmas TreeMerry ChristmasChristmas vacation

Repaso 1a 2021-09-17

Repaso 1a crossword puzzle
  1. cuban
  2. artist
  3. to run
  4. pencil
  5. bicycle
  6. tv
  7. to dance
  8. winter
  9. computer
  10. videogames
  1. to sing
  2. student desk
  3. head
  4. spring
  5. guitar
  6. turism
  7. finger
  8. eye

18 Clues: tveyeheadcubanartistspringto runguitarpencilturismfingerwinterto singbicycleto dancecomputervideogamesstudent desk

07.06 2023-06-07

07.06 crossword puzzle
  1. jechać
  2. padać (deszcz)
  3. mieć
  4. tutaj
  5. in the_________-po południu
  6. pyszny
  7. myśleć
  8. razem
  9. pachnieć
  1. Niemcy
  2. ponieważ
  3. lato
  4. wiosna
  5. bardzo
  6. zima
  7. pracować
  8. jesień
  9. uczyć się

18 Clues: latomiećzimatutajrazemjechaćNiemcywiosnabardzojesieńpysznymyślećponieważpracowaćpachniećuczyć siępadać (deszcz)in the_________-po południu

Thanksgiving 2022-12-03

Thanksgiving crossword puzzle
  1. église
  2. maïs
  3. rude, dur
  4. hiver
  5. printemps
  6. prendre la mer
  7. automne (US)
  8. surchargé, bondé
  1. refuge
  2. tribu
  3. chasser
  4. voyage
  5. navire
  6. faible
  7. pèlerin
  8. récolte
  9. épreuve
  10. embarquer

18 Clues: maïstribuhiverrefugeéglisevoyagenavirefaiblechasserpèlerinrécolteépreuverude, durprintempsembarquerautomne (US)prendre la mersurchargé, bondé

tiempo libre 2024-07-24

tiempo libre crossword puzzle
  1. sledding
  2. hiking
  3. autumn
  4. flower
  5. baking
  6. walk
  7. fishing
  8. swimming
  1. bike
  2. winter
  3. spring
  4. summer
  5. caliente hot chocolate
  6. museum
  7. kite
  8. skiing
  9. ice cream
  10. climb tree

18 Clues: bikekitewalkwinterspringsummerhikingmuseumautumnflowerskiingbakingfishingsleddingswimmingice creamclimb treecaliente hot chocolate

Unit 4 School 2021-09-19

Unit 4 School crossword puzzle
  1. 무거운
  2. 짧은
  3. 가을
  4. 과학
  5. 지리
  6. 여름
  7. 보호하다
  8. 겨울
  9. 그룹, 무리, 모이다
  1. 체육
  2. 영어
  3. 문학
  4. 가벼운
  5. 역사
  6. 경고하다

17 Clues: 체육영어짧은가을문학과학지리역사여름겨울무거운가벼운경고하다보호하다그룹, 무리, 모이다

Elaine 2022-12-19

Elaine crossword puzzle
  1. a time where there is no precipitation for a long time
  2. high flat areas surrounded by mountains and cliffs
  3. famous for its turquoise colour
  4. a mountain that is low and rounded
  5. this road stretches 43 kilometers and rise 1600 meters to the plateau above
  6. one of Canada’s best-known artist
  7. long and cool
  8. is the tallest and highest mountain in Canada
  9. mountains in this region are so steep that these giant masses of snow can come crashing down mountain slopes, destroying everything in their path
  10. gold, copper, sliver, lead, and zinc
  1. a popular Yukon artist whose paintings show his love of the land and the people of his province
  2. soil is enriched by plowing clover and oats into the ground
  3. receives a lot precipitation mainly in the winter
  4. result in milder temperatures because they are warmer than land in winter and cooler than land in the summer
  5. oldest neighborhood in Coquitlam, British Columbia
  6. long growing season so they have good fruit
  7. produces more hydroelectric power than any other river in North America
  8. located between the mountains and the oceans in the lower mainland
  9. The community was never large but more than 60 000 people

19 Clues: long and coolfamous for its turquoise colourone of Canada’s best-known artista mountain that is low and roundedgold, copper, sliver, lead, and zinclong growing season so they have good fruitis the tallest and highest mountain in Canadareceives a lot precipitation mainly in the winteroldest neighborhood in Coquitlam, British Columbia...

Latin II Lesson 15 2022-11-26

Latin II Lesson 15 crossword puzzle
  1. one love, chicken
  2. peace
  3. hat
  4. approach
  5. capital city of the empire
  6. be able
  7. ara
  8. weather
  9. spring
  10. summer
  11. hiems
  12. I like car grease and I cannot lie
  13. kind
  14. line of march
  15. ante
  16. aestas
  17. interrupt
  18. before
  19. love
  20. name
  21. level
  22. winter
  23. amor
  1. donut shop
  2. parade
  3. pain, grief
  4. Buccee's biggest fan
  5. I like to wave flags, rifles, swords
  6. fons
  7. altar
  8. ____ outpost
  9. age
  10. acer
  11. shepherd
  12. time
  13. where shopping is a pleasure
  14. hesitate
  15. appello
  16. break
  17. freedom
  18. accedo
  19. aetas
  20. I like to paint signs, the bigger the better
  21. aequor
  22. fierce

45 Clues: hatagearafonsacertimekindantelovenameamorpeacealtarhiemsbreakaetaslevelparadespringsummeraestasbeforeaccedoaequorfiercewinterbe ableweatherappellofreedomapproachshepherdhesitateinterruptdonut shoppain, grief____ outpostline of marchone love, chickenBuccee's biggest fancapital city of the empirewhere shopping is a pleasure...

clothing vocabulary 2020-06-03

clothing vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ring
  2. underwear
  3. long-sleeved shirt
  4. sweater
  5. a small store
  6. shirt (button down)
  7. sandals
  8. to look for
  9. earrings
  10. winter scarf
  11. bag
  12. bracelet
  13. hat
  14. suit
  15. jewelry
  16. glasses
  17. sunglasses
  18. shorts
  19. clothes
  20. a store
  21. pants
  22. t-shirt
  23. overcoat/winter coat
  24. baseball cap
  25. to go shopping
  1. skirt
  2. short-sleeved shirt
  3. belt
  4. tie
  5. sweatshirt
  6. dress
  7. watch
  8. socks
  9. blouse
  10. to buy
  11. to wear/carry
  12. shoes
  13. light jacket
  14. gloves
  15. sneakers
  16. jeans
  17. raincoat
  18. boots
  19. purse
  20. necklace
  21. where do you go?
  22. ski jacket
  23. to find
  24. a department store
  25. to go shopping
  26. bathing suit
  27. umbrella

52 Clues: tiebaghatringbeltsuitskirtdresswatchsocksshoesjeansbootspursepantsblouseto buyglovesshortssweatersandalsjewelryglassesclothesto finda storet-shirtearringssneakersbraceletraincoatnecklaceumbrellaunderwearsweatshirtsunglassesski jacketto look forlight jacketwinter scarfbathing suitbaseball capa small storeto wear/carryto go shoppingto go shopping...

March Potluck Fun 2021-03-28

March Potluck Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who studies human cultures
  2. I know what you did last ____
  3. April showers bring May ____
  4. Excursion made on foot
  5. The world’s second most traded commodity
  6. Midmorning meal
  7. An induction into office
  8. Deep contemplation
  9. Customary routine
  10. Get out of the way!
  11. ____ is coming, according to the Starks
  1. Winter preceder
  2. Persevere through difficulties
  3. Broaden, elongate
  4. There’s one right in front of you
  5. Baking or roasting, eg
  6. Perusing a book
  7. Nestle into
  8. Daily ledger
  9. Jump to it! It’s that time of year!
  10. Halloween or Christmas for example
  11. Vineyard beverage
  12. Dirty people may draw one
  13. Revive or reinvigorate
  14. ____ to one’s ears; anything one is glad to hear

25 Clues: Nestle intoDaily ledgerWinter precederPerusing a bookMidmorning mealBroaden, elongateVineyard beverageCustomary routineDeep contemplationGet out of the way!Baking or roasting, egExcursion made on footRevive or reinvigorateAn induction into officeDirty people may draw oneApril showers bring May ____I know what you did last ____...

Trouwpuzzel Selma en Rik 2012-06-20

Trouwpuzzel Selma en Rik crossword puzzle
  1. Wat voor een boot hebben Rik en Selma?
  2. Hoe heet de broer van Selma?
  3. Waar gaan ze heen op huwelijksreis?
  4. Waar hebben ze elkaar leren kennen?
  5. Welke plaatjes verzamelde Selma vroeger?
  6. Een van Riks vroegere sporten?
  7. Favoriete vakantieland van Rik?
  8. Wat doen Selma en Rik het liefst op zondag?
  9. Hoe heet de poes?
  10. Waar zijn Selma en Rik vaak te vinden in de winter?
  1. Favoriete sport in de winter?
  2. Wat bakt Selma het liefst?
  3. Aan welk water wonen Rik en Selma?
  4. Favoriet automerk van Selma?
  5. Wat voor een merk auto rijden Rik en Selma?
  6. Lievelingsdier van Selma?
  7. Wat is de tweede naam van Selma?
  8. Lievelingseten van Rik?
  9. Lievelingskleur?
  10. Hoe heet de tweelingbroer van Rik?

20 Clues: Lievelingskleur?Hoe heet de poes?Lievelingseten van Rik?Lievelingsdier van Selma?Wat bakt Selma het liefst?Hoe heet de broer van Selma?Favoriet automerk van Selma?Favoriete sport in de winter?Een van Riks vroegere sporten?Favoriete vakantieland van Rik?Wat is de tweede naam van Selma?Aan welk water wonen Rik en Selma?...

Secret santa voor Denise thema kerst 2012-11-24

Secret santa voor Denise thema kerst crossword puzzle
  1. staat in de kerststal
  2. beschermers van de mens
  3. er is een oude en nieuwe versie van
  4. malak is engel in het?
  5. op een lekkere manier aftellen tot kerst
  6. komt voor in de winter
  7. cake die met kerst gegeten word
  8. hier woont de kerstman
  9. dit kun je doen als het vriest
  10. een luchtig kerstsnoepje
  11. lichtje aan de hemel
  12. gebruik die van generatie naar generatie word doorgegeven
  13. kerst geboorte van
  1. hulpjes van de kerstman
  2. wordt veel gegeten tijdens de feestdagen
  3. word vaak in de winter gegeten
  4. geloofsovertuiging
  5. kerstversiering
  6. rendier met rode neus
  7. heilige .....
  8. uitmaken van een kaarsje
  9. onderdeel van het vervoer van de kerstman
  10. wit en zacht

23 Clues: wit en zachtheilige .....kerstversieringgeloofsovertuigingkerst geboorte vanlichtje aan de hemelstaat in de kerststalrendier met rode neusmalak is engel in het?komt voor in de winterhier woont de kerstmanhulpjes van de kerstmanbeschermers van de menseen luchtig kerstsnoepjeuitmaken van een kaarsjeword vaak in de winter gegeten...

Christmas Carol Crossword 2012-12-12

Christmas Carol Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Not first but..?
  2. It’s a winter...?
  3. They can hardly stand the wait.
  4. Deck the halls with what?
  5. The noise that bells make?
  6. It’s the best time of the year.
  7. Color of Rudolph’s nose?
  8. Not white but...?
  9. Another word for snowy Christmas?
  10. I don’t want me but I want...?
  11. What falls from the sky in the winter?
  1. Night that is quiet?
  2. This person got ran over by a reindeer?
  3. What you do around the Christmas tree.
  4. This guy is green and hates people
  5. Nights like this make me really scared?
  6. Instead of jingle bells it’s...?
  7. Instead of sad Christmas?
  8. Where is Santa Claus coming to?
  9. Guide us thy perfect...?

20 Clues: Not first but..?It’s a winter...?Not white but...?Night that is quiet?Color of Rudolph’s nose?Guide us thy perfect...?Deck the halls with what?Instead of sad Christmas?The noise that bells make?I don’t want me but I want...?They can hardly stand the wait.It’s the best time of the year.Where is Santa Claus coming to?Instead of jingle bells it’s...?...

Chris' Christmas Crossword 2013-12-09

Chris' Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite concert together
  2. First dance song
  3. Great city to live in
  4. Best dog award
  5. Best day of our lives
  6. Favorite animated movie
  7. Making whoopie
  8. Favorite park in Baltimore
  9. Biggest waste of time and money, yet still tolerated by wife
  10. Okay city to live in
  11. Best baseball team
  1. Location of first kiss
  2. Who is the worst?
  3. Coco's dog BFF
  4. Favorite romantic movie
  5. Term lovingly used to describe husband
  6. Favorite activity to do in bed (not sleep)
  7. Dream place to live
  8. Number of kiddos Lizzy wants
  9. Favorite Halloween costume
  10. Best thing about winter for Chris
  11. Best thing about winter for Lizzy
  12. Number of kiddos Chris wants

23 Clues: Coco's dog BFFBest dog awardMaking whoopieFirst dance songWho is the worst?Best baseball teamDream place to liveOkay city to live inGreat city to live inBest day of our livesLocation of first kissFavorite romantic movieFavorite animated movieFavorite concert togetherFavorite Halloween costumeFavorite park in BaltimoreNumber of kiddos Lizzy wants...

Chapter 5 2017-07-06

Chapter 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Anruf
  2. dunkel
  3. windig
  4. enden,beenden
  5. benutzen
  6. schlafend
  7. viele
  8. zeigen
  9. trainieren, ueben
  10. warten
  11. Schiff
  12. klingen, sich anhoeren
  13. Eintrittskarte
  14. malen
  15. Programm
  16. aengstlich
  17. Zentrum
  18. Fruehling
  19. zusaetzlich
  20. kalt
  21. schoen
  22. Tagebuch
  23. bringen
  24. Fehler
  25. dass
  26. Koenig
  27. Elefant
  28. Fussboden
  29. Gruppe
  30. Notiz
  31. Resultat
  1. toeten
  2. klar, deutlich
  3. Kind
  4. als
  5. besonders
  6. schrecklich
  7. bald
  8. Meer
  9. telefonieren
  10. gestern
  11. Museum
  12. Kino
  13. Pirat
  14. jung
  15. Probe (am Theater)
  16. Junior, Jugend
  17. Herbst
  18. Tafel, Brett
  19. Pool
  20. muede
  21. Bericht
  22. aufregend, spannend
  23. Chor
  24. bleiben
  25. Silbe
  26. beste,r
  27. heute Nacht/Abend
  28. vor
  29. Stadt
  30. Winter

61 Clues: alsvorKindbaldMeerKinojungPoolChorkaltdassAnrufvielePiratmalenmuedeSilbeStadtNotiztoetendunkelwindigMuseumzeigenHerbstwartenSchiffschoenFehlerKoenigWinterGruppegesternBerichtZentrumbleibenbeste,rbringenElefantbenutzenProgrammTagebuchResultatbesondersschlafendFruehlingFussbodenaengstlichschrecklichzusaetzlichtelefonierenTafel, Brettenden,beenden...

Fall Trib 2021-12-03

Fall Trib crossword puzzle
  1. Goes on top of a present.
  2. Holiday flavor.
  3. Large snow storm.
  4. Day before.
  5. Frozen snowman.
  6. Shortest day of this season.
  7. These usually have a carrot for a nose.
  8. Bad.
  9. Write a message in this.
  10. Snow-day activity.
  11. Used to dig snow.
  12. The coldest season.
  13. These keep your hands warm.
  14. Home of the penguins.
  15. Holiday treat.
  1. Walking in a...
  2. Make a house out of it.
  3. Each one of these is unique.
  4. Sleeping through winter.
  5. December 31.
  6. Synonym for cold.
  7. Marshmellows and...
  8. Used to glide on ice.
  9. Keeps you warm on cold days.
  10. Ride these down a mountain.
  11. Sport played on ice.
  12. Rounded handful of snow.
  13. Hanging ice spike.

28 Clues: Bad.Day before.December 31.Holiday treat.Walking in a...Holiday flavor.Frozen snowman.Synonym for cold.Large snow storm.Used to dig snow.Snow-day activity.Hanging ice spike.Marshmellows and...The coldest season.Sport played on ice.Used to glide on ice.Home of the penguins.Make a house out of it.Sleeping through winter.Write a message in this....

Spanish II Vocab. - La ropa 2023-11-14

Spanish II Vocab. - La ropa crossword puzzle
  1. type of pants made from denim
  2. the color opposite of white
  3. worn over your shirt when you are cold
  4. worn on the upper body
  5. CVS and Walgreen's are this
  6. to interest
  7. to save(money)
  8. to matter to
  9. worn on the lower body when it is hot
  1. anything worn on the lower body that covers your entire legs
  2. type of shoes worn in winter, and with your uniform
  3. a popular pattern for lumberjacks
  4. to buy
  5. jewelry worn around the wrist
  6. Barnes and Noble and Books-a-Million are this
  7. worn on the lower body, usually by girls and women
  8. a type of winter hat
  9. worn on upper body, usually knit
  10. worn on your feet
  11. well;good

20 Clues: to buywell;goodto interestto matter toto save(money)worn on your feeta type of winter hatworn on the upper bodythe color opposite of whiteCVS and Walgreen's are thistype of pants made from denimjewelry worn around the wristworn on upper body, usually knita popular pattern for lumberjacksworn on the lower body when it is hot...

clothes 2022-10-02

clothes crossword puzzle
  1. it's warm, woolen, winter
  2. on head
  3. in winter, on other clothes
  4. on feet, in winter
  5. on your feet; comfortable
  1. for girls, can be short
  2. they are short' on legs
  3. they are long; wear them on legs

8 Clues: on headon feet, in winterfor girls, can be shortthey are short' on legsit's warm, woolen, winteron your feet; comfortablein winter, on other clothesthey are long; wear them on legs

GES Recess 2021-04-27

GES Recess crossword puzzle
  1. Ball A game played in a pit
  2. Touchdown!
  3. A structure made of branches.
  4. A fun thing to do in winter
  5. you´re it!
  6. Feathered cash
  1. Swish
  2. ribbit!
  3. A hobby in winter
  4. A kicking game

10 Clues: Swishribbit!Touchdown!you´re it!A kicking gameFeathered cashA hobby in winterBall A game played in a pitA fun thing to do in winterA structure made of branches.

Christmas Crossword #5 2023-11-27

Christmas Crossword #5 crossword puzzle
  1. - Singing with holiday cheer
  2. - Festive rhymes
  3. - Snow-encased winter scene
  4. - Long-standing custom
  1. - Story with a festive moral
  2. - Glittering holiday shine
  3. - Expressing joy and happiness
  4. - Tree-topper figurine
  5. - Hanging by the chimney
  6. - Festive winter garment

10 Clues: - Festive rhymes- Tree-topper figurine- Long-standing custom- Hanging by the chimney- Festive winter garment- Glittering holiday shine- Snow-encased winter scene- Story with a festive moral- Singing with holiday cheer- Expressing joy and happiness

TRAVELLING 2015-12-07

TRAVELLING crossword puzzle
  1. sērfošana
  2. rudens
  3. slēpošana
  4. burāšana
  5. pavasaris
  6. binoklis
  7. niršana
  8. ziema
  9. karte
  1. vasara
  2. slidošana
  3. rokas grāmata
  4. makšķere
  5. kāpšana
  6. nazis
  7. aizsargcepure

16 Clues: nazisziemakartevasararudenskāpšananiršanamakšķereburāšanabinoklisslidošanasērfošanaslēpošanapavasarisrokas grāmataaizsargcepure

La Ropa 2021-04-22

La Ropa crossword puzzle
  1. clothing
  2. dress
  3. watch
  4. tshirt
  5. shirt
  6. hat
  7. blouse
  8. socks
  1. belt
  2. pants
  3. jacket
  4. boots
  5. shoes
  6. winter coat
  7. sweatshirt
  8. sweater

16 Clues: hatbeltpantsbootsdresswatchshoesshirtsocksjackettshirtblousesweaterclothingsweatshirtwinter coat

Les aliments et les vêtements 2022-05-10

Les aliments et les vêtements crossword puzzle
  1. sweater
  2. shirt
  3. juice
  4. umbrella
  5. shoes
  6. jam
  7. winter cap
  8. bread
  1. Icecream
  2. cheese
  3. cap
  4. boots
  5. Trousers
  6. skirt
  7. scarf
  8. Hat

16 Clues: capjamHatshirtbootsjuiceskirtscarfshoesbreadcheesesweaterIcecreamTrousersumbrellawinter cap

El tiempo 2023-03-30

El tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. May
  2. December
  3. June
  4. February
  5. July
  6. October
  7. April
  8. November
  9. August
  1. September
  2. Spring
  3. Summer
  4. March
  5. Winter
  6. Fall/Autumn
  7. January

16 Clues: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilSpringSummerWinterAugustOctoberJanuaryDecemberFebruaryNovemberSeptemberFall/Autumn

page 18 2023-12-03

page 18 crossword puzzle
  1. dry
  2. winter
  3. different
  4. strange
  5. part
  6. middle
  7. spring
  8. summer
  9. enjoy
  1. at least
  2. mountain
  3. divide
  4. famous
  5. between
  6. far
  7. beautiful

16 Clues: dryfarpartenjoydividefamouswintermiddlespringsummerbetweenstrangeat leastmountaindifferentbeautiful

Wortschatz 4 - Alles Gute 2024-01-25

Wortschatz 4 - Alles Gute crossword puzzle
  1. novembre
  2. août
  3. l'été
  4. mai
  5. février
  6. septembre
  7. le printemps
  1. l'hiver
  2. décembre
  3. octobre
  4. janvier
  5. juillet
  6. l'automne
  7. avril
  8. - mars
  9. juin

16 Clues: maiaoûtjuinl'étéavril- marsl'hiveroctobrejanvierjuilletfévrierdécembrenovembrel'automneseptembrele printemps

finland 2024-02-27

finland crossword puzzle
  1. hauki
  2. marjoja
  3. joki
  4. juhannus
  5. susi
  6. kevät
  7. kesä
  1. järvi
  2. kuusi
  3. talvi
  4. cottage kesämökki
  5. mänty
  6. syksy
  7. ruis
  8. pöllö
  9. metsä
  10. koivu

17 Clues: jokiruissusikesäjärvikuusitalvihaukimäntysyksypöllömetsäkevätkoivumarjojajuhannuscottage kesämökki

diary of a wimpy kid: the meltdown 2022-10-06

diary of a wimpy kid: the meltdown crossword puzzle
  1. getting lost
  2. stairs to escape
  3. girls taking over
  4. enemies
  1. an older brother
  2. hot in the summer and cold in the winter
  3. sneaking into house
  4. winter creativity
  5. a friend of greg
  6. place to stay warm

10 Clues: enemiesgetting lostan older brotherstairs to escapea friend of gregwinter creativitygirls taking overplace to stay warmsneaking into househot in the summer and cold in the winter

~~~😁WINTER YAY😁~~~ 2021-01-22

~~~😁WINTER YAY😁~~~ crossword puzzle
  1. falls from the sky
  2. slippery
  3. a drink to warm you up
  4. ________ down the hill
  1. villain of winter
  2. a friend in the snow
  3. everyone is _______ in the snow
  4. the season
  5. ball of snow
  6. Everywhere you look

10 Clues: slipperythe seasonball of snowvillain of winterfalls from the skyEverywhere you looka friend in the snowa drink to warm you up________ down the hilleveryone is _______ in the snow

Deutsch 2021-03-08

Deutsch crossword puzzle
  1. ______ bin slecht
  2. der fünfte Wochentag
  3. der erste Monat im Herbst
  4. der erste Monat im Frühling
  5. ____ bin gut
  1. der erste Monat im Sommer
  2. der erste Wochentag
  3. ______ bin shlecht
  4. _______ bin sehr gut
  5. ______ bin sehr gut
  6. _____ bin gut
  7. der erste Monat im Winter

12 Clues: ____ bin gut_____ bin gut______ bin slecht______ bin shlechtder erste Wochentag______ bin sehr gutder fünfte Wochentag_______ bin sehr gutder erste Monat im Sommerder erste Monat im Herbstder erste Monat im Winterder erste Monat im Frühling

TIS THE SEASON 2024-05-07

TIS THE SEASON crossword puzzle
  1. Month when winter starts
  2. Charity of a sort
  3. Closely related group/ parents + children
  4. Sleigh ringers
  5. Freshly baked desert
  1. Eat well; buffet
  2. Santa’s is loaded with presents
  3. Christmas song
  4. Winter sculpture
  5. Santa’s helper/ North Pole assistant

10 Clues: Christmas songSleigh ringersEat well; buffetWinter sculptureCharity of a sortFreshly baked desertMonth when winter startsSanta’s is loaded with presentsSanta’s helper/ North Pole assistantClosely related group/ parents + children

Liz's Hollyday crossword 2020-11-09

Liz's Hollyday crossword crossword puzzle
  1. winter holiday
  2. buddhas birthday
  3. autumn holiday with pumpkins
  4. day for thanking God for the harvest and eating lots of food
  5. day honoring soldiers
  6. korean thanksgiving day
  7. the day children receive gifts
  8. students rest in the summer
  1. the day korea was founded
  2. the day celebrating korea being free from Japan
  3. u.k.'s big sale day
  4. students rest in the winter
  5. commemorative day of the first day

13 Clues: winter holidaybuddhas birthdayu.k.'s big sale dayday honoring soldierskorean thanksgiving daythe day korea was foundedstudents rest in the winterstudents rest in the summerautumn holiday with pumpkinsthe day children receive giftscommemorative day of the first daythe day celebrating korea being free from Japan...

English Word Puzzles 2024-05-31

English Word Puzzles crossword puzzle
  1. The meal we have in the morning
  2. It is good for your health
  3. The fifth month
  4. It's same as cute.
  5. It looks like man and it's in winter
  6. 12th
  1. The second month
  2. In this season, it's very hot
  3. We have food and drink outdoor
  4. 30th
  5. It's country.It is famous because of bull fighting(斗牛)
  6. The last month
  7. In this season, it's very cold

13 Clues: 30th12thThe last monthThe fifth monthThe second monthIt's same as cute.It is good for your healthIn this season, it's very hotWe have food and drink outdoorIn this season, it's very coldThe meal we have in the morningIt looks like man and it's in winterIt's country.It is famous because of bull fighting(斗牛)

Seasons 2013-01-25

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Happens during the very cold winter
  2. Happens during winter, kids get presents from Jolly old Saint Nick
  3. There is plenty of this during the summer
  4. Happens during the fall, kids dress up and get candy
  5. There is no school in this season
  1. Flowers begin blooming during this season
  2. Happens during fall, people give thanks for what they have
  3. Christmas happens during this season
  4. Another name for the season autumn
  5. Leaves begin falling during this season

10 Clues: There is no school in this seasonAnother name for the season autumnHappens during the very cold winterChristmas happens during this seasonLeaves begin falling during this seasonFlowers begin blooming during this seasonThere is plenty of this during the summerHappens during the fall, kids dress up and get candy...

Becoming Experts 2013-02-19

Becoming Experts crossword puzzle
  1. It is white and soft and it only appears in winter.
  2. Most of the leaves fall off in this season.
  3. We wear thicker clothes in this season
  4. How many seasons are there?
  5. The hottest month in Malta
  6. This shines bright especially in the summer.
  1. Winter days are full of this kind of weather.
  2. We need this when it is raining.
  3. This is the season before summer.
  4. There are twelve of them in a year.

10 Clues: The hottest month in MaltaHow many seasons are there?We need this when it is raining.This is the season before summer.There are twelve of them in a year.We wear thicker clothes in this seasonMost of the leaves fall off in this season.This shines bright especially in the summer.Winter days are full of this kind of weather....

christmas crossword 2021-11-20

christmas crossword crossword puzzle
  1. flies santa's sleigh
  2. carol a type of song you might hear on the radio
  3. cane, a christmas treat
  4. something you hang on a tree
  5. the snowman a snowman movie
  6. santa's helper
  1. under the Christmas tree
  2. chocolate a warm winter drink
  3. claus santa's wife
  4. a winter activity you do on a hill
  5. its not rain but
  6. santa might put this in your stocking
  7. ho ho ho
  8. something we wear on Christmas

14 Clues: ho ho hosanta's helperits not rain butflies santa's sleighclaus santa's wifecane, a christmas treatunder the Christmas treesomething you hang on a treethe snowman a snowman moviechocolate a warm winter drinksomething we wear on Christmasa winter activity you do on a hillsanta might put this in your stocking...

units 14-15 2016-04-09

units 14-15 crossword puzzle
  1. музыка
  2. остров
  3. волшебный
  4. туфли
  5. погода
  6. носить
  7. футболка
  8. цветок
  9. осень
  1. солнце
  2. лето
  3. море
  4. юбка
  5. английский
  6. зима
  7. весна

16 Clues: летомореюбказиматуфливеснаосеньмузыкасолнцеостровпогоданоситьцветокфутболкаволшебныйанглийский

Weather and Seasons Crossword 2023-04-04

Weather and Seasons Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. lightning
  2. snow
  3. spring
  4. storm
  5. wind storm
  6. fog
  7. thunder
  8. tornado
  9. autumn
  1. winter
  2. cold
  3. darkness
  4. temperature
  5. ice
  6. frost
  7. summer

16 Clues: icefogcoldsnowstormfrostwinterspringsummerautumnthundertornadodarknesslightningwind stormtemperature

Peppa pig - Snow 2023-12-14

Peppa pig -  Snow crossword puzzle
  1. kopec
  2. rukavice
  3. Peppa
  4. stopy
  5. šála
  6. modrá
  7. zima
  8. čepice
  1. vločka
  2. mrkev
  3. Peppi bratr
  4. sníh
  5. růžová
  6. kabát
  7. sněhulák
  8. chladno

16 Clues: sníhšálazimakopecmrkevPeppakabátstopymodrávločkarůžováčepicechladnorukavicesněhulákPeppi bratr

Spanish --> Seasons And Weathers 2023-11-26

Spanish --> Seasons And Weathers crossword puzzle
  1. Rain
  2. Spring
  3. Tornado/Twister
  4. Sunny
  5. FallcAutumn
  6. Cloud
  7. Lightning
  8. Winter
  9. Hurricane
  10. Thunder
  1. Rain
  2. Summer
  3. Cloudy
  4. Storm
  5. Hail
  6. Sun
  7. Windy

17 Clues: SunRainRainHailSunnyCloudStormWindySummerSpringCloudyWinterThunderLightningHurricaneFallcAutumnTornado/Twister

Los meses y las estaciones 2023-09-22

Los meses y las estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. December
  2. August
  3. summer
  4. October
  5. spring
  6. January
  7. March
  1. June
  2. February
  3. November
  4. July
  5. winter
  6. fall, autumn
  7. May
  8. April
  9. September

16 Clues: MayJuneJulyAprilMarchAugustwintersummerspringOctoberJanuaryFebruaryDecemberNovemberSeptemberfall, autumn

speaking club 2024-01-11

speaking club crossword puzzle
  1. 요정
  2. 우체국
  3. 추수감사절
  4. 거대한
  5. 11월
  6. 수백의
  7. 답하다
  8. 겨울
  9. 행진하다
  1. 풍선
  2. 군중,무리
  3. 프랑스
  4. 편지를쓰다
  5. 공연자
  6. ~에서열리다
  7. 책상

16 Clues: 풍선요정책상겨울프랑스공연자우체국거대한11월수백의답하다행진하다군중,무리편지를쓰다추수감사절~에서열리다

I Colori e I Stagiono 2024-05-01

I Colori e I Stagiono crossword puzzle
  1. l'estate
  2. l'arcobaleno
  3. Argento
  4. l'autunno
  5. Verde
  6. Grigio
  7. Giallo
  8. Rosso
  9. Nero
  1. la primavera
  2. Bianca
  3. Bronzo
  4. Arancia
  5. l'inverno
  6. Azzurro
  7. Oro

16 Clues: OroNeroVerdeRossoBiancaBronzoGrigioGialloAranciaArgentoAzzurrol'estatel'invernol'autunnola primaveral'arcobaleno

spanish crossword assignment 2021-03-06

spanish crossword assignment crossword puzzle
  1. primavera
  2. estactiónes
  3. Anaranjado
  4. Amarillo
  5. Rosado
  6. Azul
  7. otoño
  8. Rojo
  1. café
  2. Morado
  3. Gris
  4. el verano
  5. Blanco
  6. Verde
  7. invierno
  8. Negro

16 Clues: caféGrisAzulRojoVerdeNegrootoñoMoradoBlancoRosadoAmarilloinviernoprimaverael veranoAnaranjadoestactiónes

Hello Spring! 2023-03-02

Hello Spring! crossword puzzle
  1. The fourth month of the year
  2. The day kids hunt for eggs
  3. The season after winter
  4. Not cold or hot
  5. A day for playing tricks
  6. Where birds lay eggs
  7. A small accumulation of water
  1. Protection from the rain
  2. Water that falls from the clouds
  3. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
  4. A spring flower
  5. The first month of spring
  6. Flying a ______ is the perfect windy day activity

13 Clues: A spring flowerNot cold or hotWhere birds lay eggsThe season after winterProtection from the rainA day for playing tricksThe first month of springThe day kids hunt for eggsThe fourth month of the yearSpring, Summer, Fall, WinterA small accumulation of waterWater that falls from the cloudsFlying a ______ is the perfect windy day activity

Becoming experts 2013-02-19

Becoming experts crossword puzzle
  1. we need this when it is raining.
  2. this is the season before summer.
  3. most of the leaves fall off in this season.
  4. we wear thicker clothes in this season
  5. this shines bright especially in the summer.
  1. how many seasons are there?
  2. there are twelve of them in a year.
  3. the hottest month in Malta
  4. it is white and soft and it only appears in winter.
  5. winter days are full of this kind of weather.

10 Clues: the hottest month in Maltahow many seasons are there?we need this when it is raining.this is the season before summer.there are twelve of them in a year.we wear thicker clothes in this seasonmost of the leaves fall off in this season.this shines bright especially in the summer.winter days are full of this kind of weather....

Cloting 2020-03-26

Cloting crossword puzzle
  1. Something you wear in winter
  2. A kind of shirt for women
  3. You wear them on your feet
  4. You wear it to keep the top half of your body warm in winter
  5. It can have long sleeves, or short sleeves
  1. You wear it around your neck
  2. Man wear them on their legs
  3. You wear them in summer to keep your legs cool
  4. You wear it around your neck in winter
  5. Jewellery, You usually wear two of them

10 Clues: A kind of shirt for womenYou wear them on your feetMan wear them on their legsSomething you wear in winterYou wear it around your neckYou wear it around your neck in winterJewellery, You usually wear two of themIt can have long sleeves, or short sleevesYou wear them in summer to keep your legs cool...

My Side Of The Mountain 2023-03-09

My Side Of The Mountain crossword puzzle
  1. The one who created Sam
  2. Sam's Dad loves the _______.
  3. Sam makes ______ pancakes.
  4. One of the main things that keeps Sam alive
  5. The Baron is a ___________.
  6. Where Sam goes for knowledge
  7. The main character is Sam _______.
  1. Land form
  2. Sam's pet is ___________.
  3. The mountains where Sam hides out
  4. What Sam goes through in the winter
  5. A season where Sam meets Bando
  6. Sam throws a Halloween ________.

13 Clues: Land formThe one who created SamSam's pet is ___________.Sam makes ______ pancakes.The Baron is a ___________.Sam's Dad loves the _______.Where Sam goes for knowledgeA season where Sam meets BandoSam throws a Halloween ________.The mountains where Sam hides outThe main character is Sam _______.What Sam goes through in the winter...

My Side Of The Mountain 2023-03-09

My Side Of The Mountain crossword puzzle
  1. The one who created Sam
  2. Sam's Dad loves the _______.
  3. Sam makes ______ pancakes.
  4. One of the main things that keeps Sam alive
  5. The Baron is a ___________.
  6. Where Sam goes for knowledge
  7. The main character is Sam _______.
  1. Land form
  2. Sam's pet is ___________.
  3. The mountains where Sam hides out
  4. What Sam goes through in the winter
  5. A season where Sam meets Bando
  6. Sam throws a Halloween ________.

13 Clues: Land formThe one who created SamSam's pet is ___________.Sam makes ______ pancakes.The Baron is a ___________.Sam's Dad loves the _______.Where Sam goes for knowledgeA season where Sam meets BandoSam throws a Halloween ________.The mountains where Sam hides outThe main character is Sam _______.What Sam goes through in the winter...

Los meses y las estaciones 2013-04-10

Los meses y las estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. Winter
  2. September
  3. August
  4. December
  5. February
  6. July
  7. Summer
  8. January
  1. March
  2. June
  3. November
  4. Spring
  5. Fall/Autumn
  6. May
  7. April
  8. October

16 Clues: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilWinterSpringAugustSummerOctoberJanuaryNovemberDecemberFebruarySeptemberFall/Autumn

TRAVELLING 2015-12-07

TRAVELLING crossword puzzle
  1. rudens
  2. burāšana
  3. karte
  4. nazis
  5. makšķere
  6. rokas grāmata
  7. aizsargcepure
  8. slidošana
  1. vasara
  2. sērfošana
  3. kāpšana
  4. pavasaris
  5. binoklis
  6. niršana
  7. ziema
  8. slēpošana

16 Clues: kartenazisziemavasararudenskāpšananiršanaburāšanabinoklismakšķeresērfošanapavasarisslēpošanaslidošanarokas grāmataaizsargcepure

clothes 2021-02-18

clothes crossword puzzle
  1. zima
  2. sako
  3. vysoký
  4. vrch
  5. nohavice
  6. ponožky
  7. šaty
  8. sukňa
  1. opasok
  2. bunda
  3. košeľa
  4. okuliare
  5. dlhý
  6. tričko
  7. krátky
  8. mikina

16 Clues: zimasakodlhývrchšatybundasukňaopasokkošeľavysokýtričkokrátkymikinaponožkyokuliarenohavice

Otoño 2021-09-16

Otoño crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. brown
  3. turkey
  4. summer
  5. apple
  6. yellow
  7. fall/autumn
  8. leaves
  1. seasons
  2. pie
  3. spring
  4. pumpkin
  5. cold
  6. wind
  7. thanks
  8. cat

16 Clues: piecatcoldwindbrownapplespringwinterturkeysummerthanksyellowleavesseasonspumpkinfall/autumn

Jamie2 2022-04-12

Jamie2 crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. summer
  3. to eat
  4. hot
  5. rent
  6. raining
  7. pass
  8. breakfast
  1. food
  2. snow
  3. snorkeling
  4. butter
  5. lunch
  6. cloudy
  7. cloud
  8. practice

16 Clues: hotfoodsnowrentpasslunchcloudwintersummerto eatbuttercloudyrainingpracticebreakfastsnorkeling

Les aliments et les vêtements 2022-05-09

Les aliments et les vêtements crossword puzzle
  1. skirt
  2. umbrella
  3. winter cap
  4. scarf
  5. cheese
  6. cap
  7. shoes
  8. shirt
  9. bread
  10. juice
  1. Trousers
  2. boots
  3. Icecream
  4. Hat
  5. sweater
  6. jam

16 Clues: HatcapjamskirtbootsscarfshoesshirtbreadjuicecheesesweaterTrousersumbrellaIcecreamwinter cap

Olympics 2023-03-02

Olympics crossword puzzle
  1. It is a combat sport that features sword fighting.
  2. It is an unarmed modern Japanese martial art.
  3. The first winter Olympics was held in which country?
  4. The 2008 Olympics was held in which city?
  5. The Olympic Torch is lit in which city of Greece each year.
  6. Li Na is a famous ? athele in China.
  7. Cizeron and Papadakis from France won the first place in ? in 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
  8. Su Yiming won the first prize in Men's ? Big Air.
  1. In which country did the Olympics originate?
  2. Hanyu Yuzuru is good at ?
  3. It is considered as the national sport of China.
  4. Chen Ruolin from China is good at?
  5. Bing Dwen Dwen is the ? of 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
  6. It is a sport in which athletes compete in lifting a barbell loadedwith weight plates from the ground to overhead.

14 Clues: Hanyu Yuzuru is good at ?Chen Ruolin from China is good at?Li Na is a famous ? athele in China.The 2008 Olympics was held in which city?In which country did the Olympics originate?It is an unarmed modern Japanese martial art.It is considered as the national sport of China.Su Yiming won the first prize in Men's ? Big Air....

Winter Olympics Crossword 1 By The Scholar's Class 2022-03-06

Winter Olympics Crossword 1 By The Scholar's Class crossword puzzle
  1. Footholds on the ice from which curlers push off of and throw their stones
  2. All events at the ____ Olympics take place in snow or ice
  3. these athletes gracefully dance on ice
  4. The first name of the Norwegian olympian who won 13 medals in the 2002 biathlon. (hint: Last name Bøjrndalen)
  5. The year the first ____ olympics were held in 1924.
  6. His nickname is "the flying tomato"
  7. This event is similar to street hockey
  1. This is often called "chess on ice"
  2. another term for a slope style jump
  3. the number of rings on the olympic flag
  4. Is ski jumping a nordic or alpine event?
  5. all the events in the Winter Olympics need ____ or ice
  6. The shape of the ice rink where figure skating takes place
  7. The goddess of victory
  8. Which animal was featured in a sledding event in the 1932 Winter Olympics?

15 Clues: The goddess of victoryThis is often called "chess on ice"another term for a slope style jumpHis nickname is "the flying tomato"these athletes gracefully dance on iceThis event is similar to street hockeythe number of rings on the olympic flagIs ski jumping a nordic or alpine event?The year the first ____ olympics were held in 1924....

Clothings 2022-04-05

Clothings crossword puzzle
  1. keeps your hands warm from the cold
  2. very practical to do sport
  3. boys wear it all the time
  1. better to wear it in winter
  2. Another piece of clothe useful during winter
  3. it covers your underwear!
  4. Another way for the girls to dress
  5. Women like to wear it during summer
  6. very useful during winter to protect your head

9 Clues: it covers your underwear!boys wear it all the timevery practical to do sportbetter to wear it in winterAnother way for the girls to dresskeeps your hands warm from the coldWomen like to wear it during summerAnother piece of clothe useful during wintervery useful during winter to protect your head

Clothings 2022-04-05

Clothings crossword puzzle
  1. keeps your hands warm from the cold
  2. very practical to do sport
  3. boys wear it all the time
  1. better to wear it in winter
  2. Another piece of clothe useful during winter
  3. it covers your underwear!
  4. Another way for the girls to dress
  5. Women like to wear it during summer
  6. very useful during winter to protect your head

9 Clues: it covers your underwear!boys wear it all the timevery practical to do sportbetter to wear it in winterAnother way for the girls to dresskeeps your hands warm from the coldWomen like to wear it during summerAnother piece of clothe useful during wintervery useful during winter to protect your head

Christmas 2022-12-20

Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. Santa puts presents into it
  2. bring presents
  3. Santa's vehicle
  4. pulls Santa's sleigh
  5. you wear them on your palms in winter
  1. ring before the mass
  2. cane made of sugar
  3. round glass object on a Christmas tree
  4. falls from the sky in winter
  5. appears in the sky
  6. colorful box unter the Christmas tree
  7. it's made of tree snowballs, it's got carrot instead of a nose
  8. helps Santa

13 Clues: helps Santabring presentsSanta's vehiclecane made of sugarappears in the skyring before the masspulls Santa's sleighSanta puts presents into itfalls from the sky in wintercolorful box unter the Christmas treeyou wear them on your palms in winterround glass object on a Christmas treeit's made of tree snowballs, it's got carrot instead of a nose 2023-02-02 crossword puzzle
  1. this slows during hibernation
  2. front teeth that must be sharpened
  3. the season from March through June
  4. the groundhog's first name
  5. the season from December through March
  6. groundhogs are members of this family
  7. another name for groundhog
  1. to make a guess based on information
  2. the month of Groundhog Day
  3. what groundhogs do in the winter
  4. town in Pennsylvania
  5. the groundhog's home
  6. eats both plants and meat

13 Clues: town in Pennsylvaniathe groundhog's homeeats both plants and meatthe month of Groundhog Daythe groundhog's first nameanother name for groundhogthis slows during hibernationwhat groundhogs do in the winterfront teeth that must be sharpenedthe season from March through Juneto make a guess based on informationgroundhogs are members of this family...

holiday homework 2 2024-05-18

holiday homework 2 crossword puzzle
  1. to keep your hands warm
  2. a festival in winter
  3. fruit grown in winter
  1. a season
  2. vegetable grown in winter
  3. worn around your neck to keep u warm when travelling
  4. to keep your body warm

7 Clues: a seasona festival in winterfruit grown in winterto keep your body warmto keep your hands warmvegetable grown in winterworn around your neck to keep u warm when travelling

4BU5 2021-04-25

4BU5 crossword puzzle
  1. at a fairly high temperature in a way that is pleasant, rather than being hot or cold
  2. an occasion when people pack a meal and take it to eat outdoors, especially in the countryside
  3. the warmest season of the year, coming between spring and autumn/fall
  4. a toy made of a light frame covered with paper, cloth, etc., that you fly in the air at the end of one or more long strings
  5. of high quality; good
  6. having a high temperature; producing heat
  1. the season of the year between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes colder
  2. the coldest season of the year, between autumn/fall and spring
  3. the season between winter and summer when plants begin to grow
  4. having a lower than usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body
  5. any of the four main periods of the year: spring, summer, autumn/fall and winter
  6. to move through the air, using wings

12 Clues: of high quality; goodto move through the air, using wingshaving a high temperature; producing heatthe coldest season of the year, between autumn/fall and springthe season between winter and summer when plants begin to growthe warmest season of the year, coming between spring and autumn/fall...

Becoming experts 2013-02-19

Becoming experts crossword puzzle
  1. winter days are full of this kind of weather.
  2. this shines bright especially in the summer.
  3. how many seasons are there?
  4. we need this when it is raining.
  5. there are twelve of them in a year.
  6. it is white and soft and it only appears in winter.
  1. we wear thicker clothes in this season
  2. the hottest month in Malta
  3. most of the leaves fall off in this season.
  4. this is the season before summer.

10 Clues: the hottest month in Maltahow many seasons are there?we need this when it is raining.this is the season before summer.there are twelve of them in a year.we wear thicker clothes in this seasonmost of the leaves fall off in this season.this shines bright especially in the summer.winter days are full of this kind of weather....

Becoming Experts 2013-02-19

Becoming Experts crossword puzzle
  1. It is white and soft and it only appears in winter.
  2. Most of the leaves fall off in this season.
  3. We wear thicker clothes in this season
  4. How many seasons are there?
  5. The hottest month in Malta
  6. This shines bright especially in the summer.
  1. Winter days are full of this kind of weather.
  2. We need this when it is raining.
  3. This is the season before summer.
  4. There are twelve of them in a year.

10 Clues: The hottest month in MaltaHow many seasons are there?We need this when it is raining.This is the season before summer.There are twelve of them in a year.We wear thicker clothes in this seasonMost of the leaves fall off in this season.This shines bright especially in the summer.Winter days are full of this kind of weather....

Class Of Noodles 2021-10-27

Class Of Noodles crossword puzzle
  1. Not hamsters
  2. Wheels
  3. Lebron
  4. Waves
  5. Spill
  6. Alligator
  7. Siblings
  8. Hoppylife
  9. Winter
  10. Greek
  11. Gaming
  1. Not a skateboard
  2. Boat
  3. Bat
  4. Car races
  5. Travel
  6. Teachers Use
  7. Related to pencils
  8. Design

19 Clues: BatBoatWavesSpillGreekWheelsLebronTravelDesignWinterGamingSiblingsCar racesAlligatorHoppylifeNot hamstersTeachers UseNot a skateboardRelated to pencils

Teen Words 2020-08-06

Teen Words crossword puzzle
  1. Summer
  2. Me
  3. School
  4. Good Morning
  5. Birthday
  6. Love
  7. Colour
  8. Today
  1. Australian
  2. Red
  3. Spring
  4. Winter
  5. Dogs
  6. Thank you
  7. Hat
  8. I read
  9. Autumn
  10. I am

18 Clues: MeRedHatDogsI amLoveTodaySummerSpringWinterSchoolI readAutumnColourBirthdayThank youAustralianGood Morning

Christmas puzzle 2023-12-21

Christmas puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. jídlo
  2. sníh
  3. punčocha
  4. Prosinec
  5. Vánoce
  6. rodina
  7. Santa Klaus
  8. slavit
  9. hvězda
  10. sladkosti
  11. dárek
  1. zima
  2. sladkosti
  3. svátek
  4. vánoce
  5. svíčka
  6. světla
  7. veselé vánoce
  8. sob
  9. dárky

20 Clues: sobzimasníhjídlodárkydáreksvátekvánoceVánocerodinasvíčkasvětlaslavithvězdapunčochaProsinecsladkostisladkostiSanta Klausveselé vánoce