winter Crossword Puzzles

weather and things 2016-04-16

weather and things crossword puzzle
  1. туфли
  2. волшебный
  3. шорты
  4. жаркий
  5. лето
  6. холодный
  7. остров
  8. музыка
  9. ветренный
  10. куртка
  11. пальто
  12. погода
  13. солнечный
  14. снежный
  15. зима
  1. лодка
  2. носки
  3. юбка
  4. осень
  5. футболка
  6. весна
  7. праздник
  8. цветок
  9. джинсы
  10. дождливый
  11. нас, нам

26 Clues: юбкалетозималодкатуфлиноскиосеньшортывеснажаркийцветокостровмузыкаджинсыкурткапальтопогодаснежныйфутболкапраздникхолодныйнас, намволшебныйветренныйдождливыйсолнечный

VOCABULARY 2023-03-26

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  2. I
  4. BLUE
  5. FALL
  7. BLACK
  10. WINTER
  11. YOU
  12. YELLOW
  13. WE
  5. WHITE
  10. HE
  11. FATHER
  12. THEY
  13. SHE
  14. SUMMER
  15. YOU


Module 7.2 Slava 2023-03-12

Module 7.2 Slava crossword puzzle
  1. солнечно
  2. погода
  3. холодно
  4. сентябрь
  5. июнь
  6. осень
  7. февраль
  8. апрель
  9. октябрь
  10. весна
  11. облачно
  12. зима
  13. сезон
  14. июль
  1. ноябрь
  2. март
  3. декабрь
  4. январь
  5. лето
  6. август
  7. год
  8. двенадцать
  9. человек
  10. ученик
  11. май
  12. снаружи
  13. люди

27 Clues: годмаймартлетоиюньзималюдииюльосеньвеснасезонноябрьпогодаянварьавгустапрельученикхолоднодекабрьфевральчеловекоктябрьоблачноснаружисолнечносентябрьдвенадцать

小学校-n19 2023-04-24

小学校-n19 crossword puzzle
  1. 時計
  2. 磁石
  3. 0
  4. 英雄・ヒーロー
  5. 美術館・博物館
  6. 魚釣り
  7. タクシー
  8. 2月
  9. ゴリラ
  10. ホッチキス
  1. 音楽
  2. ネコ
  3. レスリング
  4. 50
  5. ウサギ
  6. 農場主

20 Clues: 0音楽時計ネコ磁石502月魚釣りウサギ農場主ゴリラタクシーレスリングホッチキス英雄・ヒーロー美術館・博物館

Italian Crossword 2020-10-04

Italian Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Italian
  2. I am well
  3. Silence
  4. Man
  5. Library
  6. Latin
  7. Winter
  8. Math
  9. Good night
  10. Pen
  1. English
  2. Clock
  3. Now
  4. Book
  5. Spring
  6. French
  7. Autumn
  8. Art
  9. Woman
  10. Classroom

20 Clues: NowManArtPenBookMathClockLatinWomanSpringFrenchAutumnWinterEnglishItalianSilenceLibraryI am wellClassroomGood night

Dina vocap 2021-02-24

Dina vocap crossword puzzle
  1. heaven
  2. no(noun)
  3. gift
  4. far away
  5. to worship
  6. to sail
  7. town
  8. altar
  9. word
  10. palace
  11. temple
  1. to stay
  2. to help
  3. wisdom
  4. dark
  5. flame
  6. to hear
  7. near to,
  8. to hurry
  9. in the winter
  10. war
  11. beast

22 Clues: wardarkgifttownwordflamealtarbeastheavenwisdompalacetempleto stayto helpto hearto sailno(noun)far awaynear to,to hurryto worshipin the winter

Les Vêtements Crossword Puzzle 2021-05-25

Les Vêtements Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. skirt
  2. suit
  3. socks
  4. necklace
  5. watch
  6. jeans
  7. swimsuit
  8. scarf
  9. tennis shoe
  10. belt
  11. pants
  12. glasses
  13. dress
  14. sweater
  1. sunglasses
  2. raincoat
  3. tie
  4. sweatshirt
  5. bracelet
  6. boot
  7. earrings
  8. gloves
  9. winter coat
  10. sandal
  11. ring
  12. shorts

26 Clues: tiesuitbootbeltringskirtsockswatchjeansscarfpantsdressglovessandalshortsglassessweaterraincoatbraceletnecklaceearringsswimsuitsunglassessweatshirtwinter coattennis shoe

Aventuras U1 2024-02-01

Aventuras U1 crossword puzzle
  1. Mucho gusto
  2. Buenos dias
  3. Cuando es tu cumpleanos
  4. Hace sol
  5. domingo
  6. mal
  7. por favor
  8. junio
  9. la primavera
  10. Como te llamas
  11. febrero
  1. Nieva
  2. Tu
  3. la estacion
  4. noviembre
  5. el invierno
  6. Igualmente
  7. Que tiempo hace
  8. miercoles
  9. Hasta manana

20 Clues: TumalNievajuniodomingofebreroHace solnoviembremiercolespor favorIgualmentela estacionMucho gustoel inviernoBuenos diasla primaveraHasta mananaComo te llamasQue tiempo haceCuando es tu cumpleanos

winter clothes and accessories 2020-05-25

winter clothes and accessories crossword puzzle
  1. scarf
  2. pull over
  3. raincoat
  4. belt
  5. winter hat
  6. tight
  1. hat
  2. umbrella
  3. tie
  4. cap
  5. gloves
  6. hand bag
  7. glasses
  8. watch

14 Clues: hattiecapbeltscarfwatchtightglovesglassesumbrellaraincoathand bagpull overwinter hat

Noël 2020-12-07

Noël crossword puzzle
  1. Gift
  2. Elf
  3. December
  4. Snowman
  5. Father Christmas
  6. Winter
  7. Christmas
  1. Wreath
  2. Christmas log
  3. Christmas tree
  4. Reindeer
  5. Turkey
  6. Candle
  7. Mistletoe

14 Clues: ElfGiftWreathTurkeyCandleWinterSnowmanReindeerDecemberMistletoeChristmasChristmas logChristmas treeFather Christmas

Ora ch.6 Nouns # 11 and 12 2023-03-14

Ora ch.6 Nouns #  11 and 12 crossword puzzle
  1. primavera
  2. abrigo
  3. temperatura
  4. lluvia
  5. suit traje de bano
  6. clima
  7. tormenta
  8. invierno
  1. sueter
  2. paraguas
  3. chaqueta
  4. sombrero
  5. inundacion
  6. nieve

14 Clues: climanievesueterabrigolluviaparaguaschaquetasombrerotormentainviernoprimaverainundaciontemperaturasuit traje de bano

spanish 2024-08-23

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. dias greeting
  2. calor summer
  3. NFL
  4. female
  5. farewells
  6. december
  1. frio winter
  2. yourself
  3. icecream
  4. kylermurray
  5. dora
  6. mal
  7. D-hop
  8. criminal
  9. hsfootball

15 Clues: malNFLdoraD-hopfemaleyourselficecreamcriminaldecemberfarewellshsfootballfrio winterkylermurraycalor summerdias greeting

Seasons 2024-04-21

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. blooming
  2. very dry
  3. used in winter for w
  1. falling
  2. used for coolness
  3. very hot
  4. very cold
  5. full of flowers

8 Clues: fallingbloomingvery hotvery dryvery coldfull of flowersused for coolnessused in winter for w

unit 11 2012-03-29

unit 11 crossword puzzle
  1. room elutuba
  2. sügis
  3. suvi
  4. detsember
  5. november
  6. september
  7. lihavõtted
  8. juuni
  9. jaanuar
  10. plakat,poster
  11. holiday koolivaheaeg
  12. märts
  1. talv
  2. kõigi pühakute eel õhtu
  3. jõulud
  4. oktoober
  5. kevad
  6. mai
  7. veebruar
  8. august
  9. juuli
  10. car politseiauto
  11. kuu
  12. aprill

24 Clues: maikuutalvsuvisügiskevadjuunijuulimärtsjõuludaugustaprilljaanuaroktoobernovemberveebruardetsemberseptemberlihavõttedroom elutubaplakat,postercar politseiautoholiday koolivaheaegkõigi pühakute eel õhtu

Le français - Unité 1 Review 2015-10-14

Le français - Unité 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. yellow
  2. winter
  3. It is windy.
  4. twenty
  5. spring
  6. white
  7. It is raining.
  8. April
  9. eight
  10. It is snowing.
  11. red
  1. July
  2. hello
  3. How are you?
  4. Thursday
  5. It is hot.
  6. Friday
  7. seven
  8. purple
  9. Wednesday
  10. August
  11. sixteen

22 Clues: redJulyhellosevenwhiteAprileightyellowwinterFridaytwentypurplespringAugustsixteenThursdayWednesdayIt is hot.How are you?It is windy.It is raining.It is snowing.

BB1 review vocabulary 1-7 2015-09-06

BB1 review vocabulary 1-7 crossword puzzle
  1. osm
  2. zima
  3. sešit
  4. uši
  5. stůl
  6. podzim
  7. boty
  8. džus
  9. hrát
  10. na (na stole)
  11. velký
  1. plavat
  2. židle
  3. v (v krabici)
  4. léto
  5. zmrzlina
  6. fotbal
  7. džíny
  8. čtyři
  9. tři
  10. tělo
  11. jaro
  12. běžet
  13. chladno
  14. pero

25 Clues: osmušitřilétozimastůltělobotyjarodžushrátperožidlesešitdžínyčtyřiběžetvelkýplavatfotbalpodzimchladnozmrzlinav (v krabici)na (na stole)

Days, Months and Seasons 2014-12-08

Days, Months and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. JULY
  2. MONTH
  6. DAY
  8. MARCH
  13. SUNDAY
  14. FALL
  2. MAY
  4. WEEK
  5. APRIL
  11. AUGUST
  13. JUNE


Days, Months and Seasons 2014-12-08

Days, Months and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. APRIL
  3. JULY
  4. DAY
  10. MARCH
  12. FALL
  13. JUNE
  1. MAY
  8. WEEK
  10. MONTH
  11. SUNDAY
  13. AUGUST


Lesson Fifteen B 2014-07-31

Lesson Fifteen B crossword puzzle
  1. (afternoon) nap
  2. meet
  3. beauty salon
  4. school
  5. sleep
  6. tea leaves
  7. sick
  8. France
  9. worry
  10. need
  1. so; therefore
  2. autumn
  3. daytime
  4. religious call
  5. imagine
  6. concern
  7. boss; owner
  8. blessed
  9. feel
  10. winter
  11. fliers
  12. Italy
  13. cell phone
  14. coat

24 Clues: meetfeelsickcoatneedsleepItalyworryautumnschoolwinterfliersFrancedaytimeimagineconcernblessedtea leavescell phoneboss; ownerbeauty salonso; thereforereligious call(afternoon) nap

weather and things 2016-04-16

weather and things crossword puzzle
  1. туфли
  2. юбка
  3. шорты
  4. волшебный
  5. куртка
  6. дождливый
  7. праздник
  8. весна
  9. зима
  10. цветок
  11. осень
  12. пальто
  1. нас, нам
  2. джинсы
  3. музыка
  4. носки
  5. лето
  6. солнечный
  7. погода
  8. снежный
  9. холодный
  10. футболка
  11. остров
  12. лодка
  13. ветренный
  14. жаркий

26 Clues: юбкалетозиматуфлиноскишортывесналодкаосеньджинсымузыкапогодакурткаостровцветокжаркийпальтоснежныйнас, намхолодныйфутболкапраздниксолнечныйволшебныйдождливыйветренный

Il Calendario 2017-10-02

Il Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. today
  2. Monday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Sunday
  5. it's hot (weather)
  6. Tuesday
  7. February
  8. Friday
  9. Saturday
  10. winter
  11. March
  1. months
  2. January
  3. Thursday
  4. May
  5. autumn
  6. spring
  7. December
  8. tomorrow
  9. yesterday
  10. October
  11. summer
  12. it's sunny
  13. false
  14. June
  15. true

26 Clues: MayJunetruetodayfalseMarchmonthsMondayautumnspringSundayFridaysummerwinterJanuaryTuesdayOctoberThursdayDecembertomorrowFebruarySaturdayWednesdayyesterdayit's sunnyit's hot (weather)

Spanish review 2021-02-12

Spanish review crossword puzzle
  1. different
  2. classroom
  3. time, weather
  4. there is, there are
  5. spring
  6. keyboard
  7. soup
  8. winter
  9. trip
  10. calendar
  1. welcome
  2. dialect
  3. I don’t understand
  4. sea
  5. Are you ready
  6. variation
  7. fall, autumn
  8. office
  9. write (to one person)
  10. to look at

20 Clues: seasouptripspringofficewinterwelcomedialectkeyboardcalendardifferentclassroomvariationto look atfall, autumntime, weatherAre you readyI don’t understandthere is, there arewrite (to one person)


THE OPPOSITES WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. fast
  2. winter
  3. empty
  4. left
  5. hardworking
  6. start
  7. early
  8. enjoy
  9. below
  10. birth
  11. out
  12. close
  1. short
  2. cool
  3. wet
  4. hard
  5. clean
  6. beautiful
  7. much
  8. wake up
  9. down
  10. dangerous
  11. come
  12. good
  13. black
  14. young
  15. old

27 Clues: wetoutoldfastcoolhardmuchleftdowncomegoodshortcleanemptystartearlyenjoybelowblackbirthcloseyoungwinterwake upbeautifuldangeroushardworking

Weather 2022-03-28

Weather crossword puzzle
  1. its snowing
  2. april
  3. hows the weather
  4. bad weather
  5. march
  6. its really hot
  7. summer
  8. weather
  9. rain
  10. snow
  11. june
  1. nice weather
  2. fall
  3. may
  4. feburary
  5. winter
  6. august
  7. its raining
  8. its really cold
  9. spring
  10. july
  11. january

22 Clues: mayfalljulyrainsnowjuneaprilmarchwinteraugustspringsummerweatherjanuaryfeburaryits snowingits rainingbad weathernice weatherits really hotits really coldhows the weather

Puzzle 6 2023-07-21

Puzzle 6 crossword puzzle
  1. - Cook
  2. - Tribute
  3. - Jump
  4. - Batman' partner
  5. - Protection
  6. - Popular Disney dog
  7. - Government, abbrev.
  8. - Happy
  9. - Animal
  10. - Enemy
  1. - NBA team
  2. - Pull, ant.
  3. - Wavering
  4. - Star Wars forces
  5. - Winter
  6. - Han ______, Star Wars
  7. - Popular South American canal
  8. - Glistening
  9. - Show
  10. - Zodiac sign

20 Clues: - Cook- Jump- Show- Happy- Enemy- Winter- Animal- Tribute- NBA team- Wavering- Pull, ant.- Protection- Glistening- Zodiac sign- Batman' partner- Star Wars forces- Popular Disney dog- Government, abbrev.- Han ______, Star Wars- Popular South American canal

Seasons, months, days of the week, times of day 2023-05-30

Seasons, months, days of the week, times of day crossword puzzle
  1. декабрь
  2. весна
  3. июль
  4. день
  5. осень
  6. вторник
  7. январь
  8. суббота
  9. октябрь
  10. понедельник
  11. февраль
  12. ночь
  13. вечер
  14. сентябрь
  15. зима
  16. пятница
  1. лето
  2. воскресенье
  3. май
  4. четверг
  5. июнь
  6. среда
  7. апрель
  8. ноябрь
  9. март
  10. август
  11. утро

27 Clues: майлетоиюльиюньденьмартночьутрозимавеснасредаосеньвечерапрельянварьноябрьавгустдекабрьчетвергвторниксубботаоктябрьфевральпятницасентябрьвоскресеньепонедельник

EL CALENDARIO 2022-11-20

EL CALENDARIO crossword puzzle
  1. DAYS
  10. SUMMER
  11. JULY
  12. JUNE
  5. MARCH
  9. APRIL
  11. MONTHS
  12. MAY
  13. FALL
  14. AUGUST


UNIDAD 2 2022-10-04

UNIDAD 2 crossword puzzle
  1. spring
  2. Sunday
  3. winter
  4. Thursday
  5. December
  6. May
  7. year
  8. Tuesday
  9. fall
  10. week
  11. Monday
  12. September
  1. month
  2. Wednesday
  3. August
  4. April
  5. November
  6. Friday
  7. February
  8. June
  9. summer
  10. day
  11. March
  12. October
  13. July
  14. Saturday
  15. January

27 Clues: dayMayJuneyearfallweekJulymonthAprilMarchspringAugustSundaywinterFridaysummerMondayTuesdayOctoberJanuaryNovemberFebruaryThursdayDecemberSaturdayWednesdaySeptember

My favorite things 2022-05-20

My favorite things crossword puzzle
  1. movie genre
  2. color
  3. card game
  4. icecream
  5. fruit
  6. book genre
  7. video game
  8. anime
  9. teacher
  1. dessert
  2. console
  3. social app
  4. entertainment app
  5. vacation destination
  6. holiday
  7. subject
  8. season
  9. streaming app
  10. summer activity
  11. shoes
  12. water activity
  13. chocolate

22 Clues: colorfruitshoesanimeseasondessertconsoleholidaysubjectteachericecreamcard gamechocolatesocial appbook genrevideo gamemovie genrestreaming appwater activitysummer activityentertainment appvacation destination

Quel temps fait-il? 2022-05-25

Quel temps fait-il? crossword puzzle
  1. Sky
  2. It’s snowing.
  3. Thunderstorm
  4. It’s cold.
  5. It’s chilly
  6. spring
  7. It’s windy.
  8. autumn
  9. It’s sunny.
  10. It’s hailing
  1. winter
  2. The weather is nice.
  3. It’s cloudy.
  4. It’s hot.
  5. weather
  6. It’s raining.
  7. summer
  8. The weather is bad.
  9. Rainbow
  10. Fog

20 Clues: SkyFogwintersummerspringautumnweatherRainbowIt’s hot.It’s cold.It’s chillyIt’s windy.It’s sunny.It’s cloudy.ThunderstormIt’s hailingIt’s snowing.It’s raining.The weather is bad.The weather is nice.

Match the Origin 2022-07-07

Match the Origin crossword puzzle
  1. Shardonnay
  2. Sahara
  3. Winter
  4. Danielle
  5. Kimberly
  6. Bianca
  7. Carrie
  8. Michael
  9. Geneva
  10. Maddison
  11. Camille
  12. Kiera
  13. Felecia
  14. Maureen
  15. Demetrick
  1. Monty
  2. Sierra
  3. Diana
  4. Cherice
  5. Shena
  6. Addison
  7. Cristina
  8. Tequila
  9. Juliet
  10. Schuler
  11. Deluxe
  12. Sherry

27 Clues: MontyDianaShenaKieraSierraSaharaWinterBiancaCarrieGenevaJulietDeluxeSherryChericeAddisonMichaelTequilaCamilleSchulerFeleciaMaureenDanielleKimberlyCristinaMaddisonDemetrickShardonnay

UNIT 2 2022-10-04

UNIT 2 crossword puzzle
  1. August
  2. day
  3. summer
  4. Monday
  5. year
  6. Wednesday
  7. March
  8. month
  9. April
  10. November
  11. December
  12. week
  13. Friday
  1. July
  2. spring
  3. October
  4. Thursday
  5. June
  6. May
  7. fall
  8. September
  9. February
  10. January
  11. Sunday
  12. Saturday
  13. winter
  14. Tuesday

27 Clues: dayMayJulyJuneyearfallweekMarchmonthAprilspringAugustsummerMondaySundaywinterFridayOctoberJanuaryTuesdayThursdayFebruarySaturdayNovemberDecemberWednesdaySeptember

Months 2023-03-22

Months crossword puzzle
  1. март
  2. воскресенье
  3. лето
  4. суббота
  5. ночь
  6. июнь
  7. день
  8. весна
  9. май
  10. декабрь
  11. апрель
  12. понедельник
  13. вторник
  14. октябрь
  15. ноябрь
  1. январь
  2. птяница
  3. четверг
  4. утро
  5. сентябрь
  6. среда
  7. зима
  8. вечер
  9. июль
  10. август
  11. осень
  12. февраль

27 Clues: маймартутролетозиманочьиюньденьиюльсредавечервеснаосеньянварьапрельавгустноябрьптяницачетвергсубботадекабрьвторникфевральоктябрьсентябрьвоскресеньепонедельник

Days, Months, Seasons 2024-01-11

Days, Months, Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. December
  2. Sunday
  3. July
  4. August
  5. May
  6. Tuesday
  7. September
  8. Saturday
  9. April
  10. Friday
  11. February
  12. Fall/Autumn
  13. Day
  1. Summer
  2. March
  3. November
  4. June
  5. Week
  6. Month
  7. Thursday
  8. Season
  9. Winter
  10. Wednesday
  11. Spring
  12. October
  13. January
  14. Monday

27 Clues: MayDayJuneJulyWeekMarchMonthAprilSummerSundayAugustSeasonWinterSpringFridayMondayTuesdayOctoberJanuaryDecemberNovemberThursdaySaturdayFebruarySeptemberWednesdayFall/Autumn

el invierno 2022-12-04

el invierno crossword puzzle
  1. coat
  2. snowballs
  3. sled
  4. candy cane
  5. ice skates
  6. gloves
  1. scarf
  2. not chocolate
  3. winter
  4. snowflake
  5. cold
  6. boots
  7. skis
  8. snow

14 Clues: coatcoldsledskissnowscarfbootswinterglovessnowballssnowflakecandy caneice skatesnot chocolate

Weather 2023-05-18

Weather crossword puzzle
  1. may
  2. september
  3. fall
  4. march
  5. rain
  6. summer
  7. november
  1. winter
  2. april
  3. spring
  4. lloviendo it's raining
  5. tiempo temperature
  6. January
  7. snow
  8. nevando it's snowing

15 Clues: mayfallrainsnowaprilmarchwinterspringsummerJanuarynovemberseptembertiempo temperaturenevando it's snowinglloviendo it's raining

Unidad 8 Crossword 2023-05-17

Unidad 8 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Blue
  2. June
  3. frío It's cold
  4. Summer
  5. Dress
  6. Red
  7. May
  8. Green
  1. sol It's sunny
  2. It's raining
  3. Winter
  4. March
  5. Hat
  6. April
  7. Skirt

15 Clues: HatRedMayBlueJuneMarchAprilDressSkirtGreenWinterSummerIt's rainingsol It's sunnyfrío It's cold

Rowntree Number 2 2020-04-06

Rowntree Number 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Private Show was one of these.
  2. Roy Orbison is known as
  3. Name of a pop group and a special lady
  4. The street number where GD & GM live
  5. What happens at Western Springs
  6. The name of a hill in Auckland that had one
  7. Most used club in the golf bag.
  8. Place to stop on the way to Ruapheu.
  9. Fynn and Ollie play this game
  10. Rego on Tasmans car is eats without the T
  1. When Jesus was born
  2. Colour of The island that erupted off Whakatane
  3. Best film ever.
  4. Bethany plays this sport in the winter.
  5. Island in the Auckland Harbour
  6. What comes after winter.
  7. Name of the cafe at The Royal Akarana Yacht Club
  8. What races at Ellerslie
  9. Suburb between Parnell and Mission Bay
  10. Brooke loves to do this

20 Clues: Best film ever.When Jesus was bornRoy Orbison is known asWhat races at EllerslieBrooke loves to do thisWhat comes after winter.Fynn and Ollie play this gamePrivate Show was one of these.Island in the Auckland HarbourWhat happens at Western SpringsMost used club in the golf bag.The street number where GD & GM livePlace to stop on the way to Ruapheu....

English Club May 2020 Crossword 2020-05-28

English Club May 2020 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A school subject that includes biology and chemistry
  2. The season between summer and winter
  3. The color of sunsets
  4. Chads Favorite animal
  5. The capital of France
  6. A red fruit
  7. A material that breaks easily
  8. A type of jewelry you wear on your fingers
  9. The planet after Mars
  10. A type of race where you swim, bike and run
  1. A small cake
  2. A type entertainment used in summer festivals
  3. The country where Chad is from
  4. The sport that Naomi Osaka plays
  5. A drink you have in the morning to help you wake up
  6. A tool used to hit things really hard
  7. The seventh month of the year
  8. A popular winter sport
  9. The biggest country in the world
  10. An string instrument commonly used in rock music
  11. A piece of furniture that you sit on

21 Clues: A red fruitA small cakeThe color of sunsetsChads Favorite animalThe capital of FranceThe planet after MarsA popular winter sportThe seventh month of the yearA material that breaks easilyThe country where Chad is fromThe sport that Naomi Osaka playsThe biggest country in the worldThe season between summer and winter...

Mid-Term Review Vocab 2021-03-05

Mid-Term Review Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. to be hot
  2. to wear
  3. tip
  4. late
  5. drinks
  6. tickets
  7. downtown
  8. white
  9. before
  10. 50
  11. 40
  12. T-shirt
  13. bill/check
  14. I want
  15. price
  16. older
  17. waiter
  18. to go to bed
  19. to be right
  20. dress
  21. to watch a movie
  22. to be cold
  23. to be lucky
  24. early
  1. younger
  2. chicken
  3. to ask for
  4. winter
  5. skirt
  6. soap
  7. routine
  8. summer
  9. jacket
  10. to brush
  11. theater
  12. for dessert
  13. by foot
  14. black
  15. store
  16. to buy
  17. maybe
  18. food
  19. meat
  20. to serve
  21. beanie/winter cap
  22. to eat
  23. after
  24. season
  25. red
  26. table
  27. money
  28. steak
  29. rice
  30. movie theater
  31. fish
  32. green
  33. breakfast
  34. I prefer
  35. clothing

59 Clues: 5040tipredsoaplatefoodmeatricefishskirtwhiteblackstoremaybepriceolderafterdresstablemoneysteakgreenearlywinterdrinkssummerjacketbeforeto buyI wantwaiterto eatseasonyoungerchickento wearticketsroutinetheaterby footT-shirtdowntownto brushto serveI preferclothingto be hotbreakfastto ask forbill/checkto be coldfor dessertto be rightto be lucky...

MARIANNE 2017-03-27

MARIANNE crossword puzzle
  1. Tennis organization
  2. Dog's name
  3. Winter holiday display
  4. Just left there for good
  5. Screams when she sees these critters
  6. One of her favorite outdoor sports
  7. She is a very caring person
  8. Her church
  9. Favorite football team
  10. Take your best shot but not in the sun
  11. Cat's name
  12. The other tennis organization
  13. Perfect shot for seniors
  14. Walks on the wild side
  15. She is well known for this dessert
  1. Always giving back
  2. Took very good care of her parents
  3. Pastime with cards
  4. Healthy exercise
  5. Quiet pastime
  6. Road trip
  7. Tennis Center
  8. Always picks the biggest one on the lot
  9. Best quality
  10. Stocking location for emergencies
  11. Takes inventory every winter
  12. Brother & Sister-in-law
  13. Covers her ears during discussions of this

28 Clues: Road tripDog's nameHer churchCat's nameBest qualityQuiet pastimeTennis CenterHealthy exerciseAlways giving backPastime with cardsTennis organizationWinter holiday displayFavorite football teamWalks on the wild sideBrother & Sister-in-lawJust left there for goodPerfect shot for seniorsShe is a very caring personTakes inventory every winter...


MONTHS AND DAYS OF THE YEAR crossword puzzle
  1. There are 12 ___________ in a year.
  2. The day after Monday.
  3. The third month of the year.
  4. The first letter of this day is W and it has three vowels.
  5. The month between May and July.
  6. The day before Tuesday.
  7. There are seven __________ in one week.
  8. There are 4 _________ of the year.
  9. March, April, and May are in this season.
  10. There are 7 days in one ________.
  1. The month between July and September.
  2. Halloween is in ________.
  3. The first month of Winter.
  4. The day before Sunday.
  5. The first month of the year.
  6. In this season, the trees change color.
  7. Sometimes it snows in the __________.
  8. The first letter of this month is A and it has two syllables.
  9. February is the __________ month of the year.
  10. In this season, the weather is hot and sunny.

20 Clues: The day after Monday.The day before Sunday.The day before Tuesday.Halloween is in ________.The first month of Winter.The first month of the year.The third month of the year.The month between May and July.There are 7 days in one ________.There are 4 _________ of the year.There are 12 ___________ in a year.The month between July and September....

Canada, eh! 2020-11-04

Canada, eh! crossword puzzle
  1. second-nature apology
  2. favourite Canadian flavour
  3. an informal game of hockey
  4. second official language
  5. donut hole
  6. a wooden sled
  7. stereotypical interjection
  8. beautiful western mountain range
  9. a member of the RCMP
  10. chocolatey custard dessert bar with its namesake town in BC
  11. French slang for a gooey mix of fries, cheese, and gravy
  12. Ontario's famous and beautiful waterfalls
  13. kilometer
  14. national animal
  1. northern lights
  2. the great one
  3. national summer sport
  4. popular coffee shop
  5. Canadian
  6. iconic snow and ice structure that some people think Canadians live in
  7. winter hat
  8. famous Canadian who inspired an annual cancer research run
  9. national, federal police service
  10. Canada's first national park
  11. French province
  12. one dollar coin
  13. two dollar coin
  14. capital city of Canada
  15. an enthusiastic person
  16. national winter sport

30 Clues: Canadiankilometerdonut holewinter hatthe great onea wooden slednorthern lightsFrench provinceone dollar cointwo dollar coinnational animalpopular coffee shopa member of the RCMPsecond-nature apologynational summer sportnational winter sportcapital city of Canadaan enthusiastic personsecond official languagefavourite Canadian flavour...

Thanksgiving! 2020-11-23

Thanksgiving! crossword puzzle
  1. a very big meal
  2. a day with no school
  3. result of smashing vegetables used to make chips
  4. pleased for what you have
  5. the people who colonized America
  6. season of the year before winter (US)
  7. first people in America
  8. the traditional meat of Thanksgiving
  9. the food that is in the turkey
  10. a sort of basket with fruits and vegetables
  1. the traditional dessert of Thanksgiving
  2. the name of the pilgrims' boat
  3. composed of your parents, brothers and sisters
  4. they pop it at the cinema
  5. thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th ______ of November
  6. season of the year before winter (UK)
  7. something you do every year at the same period
  8. like a fruit jelly for turkey
  9. the continent Christopher Columbus went to
  10. day after Thanksgiving when everything in the shops is on sale

20 Clues: a very big meala day with no schoolfirst people in Americathey pop it at the cinemapleased for what you havelike a fruit jelly for turkeythe name of the pilgrims' boatthe food that is in the turkeythe people who colonized Americathe traditional meat of Thanksgivingseason of the year before winter (UK)season of the year before winter (US)...

Christmas Season 2023-12-12

Christmas Season crossword puzzle
  1. Our favorite red nose reindeers
  2. On christmas day you and your family have a christmas ******
  3. Santa drinks this on christmas eve
  4. The man who delivers presents
  5. there a saying when theres a ********* you kiss
  6. The most important thing is f*******
  7. This fluffy white stuff that you see in winter
  8. The houses are decorated with c****************
  9. What santa wears on top of his head
  10. Santa rides a ********
  11. The thing thats shaped as a sock but
  12. The drinks that is warm and made of cocoa
  1. The iconic cookie that you eat on christmas
  2. Santa gives away ******** on christmas eve
  3. You decorate your house with ******************
  4. In your house you have a christmas ****
  5. The name of this beautiful holiday
  6. Santa goes down the *******
  7. The reindeers eat this on christmas eve
  8. The season in christmas time

20 Clues: Santa rides a ********Santa goes down the *******The season in christmas timeThe man who delivers presentsOur favorite red nose reindeersThe name of this beautiful holidaySanta drinks this on christmas eveWhat santa wears on top of his headThe most important thing is f*******The thing thats shaped as a sock but...

Pepito Crossword 2024-03-25

Pepito Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. you get this after the doctor sees the symptoms
  2. you go here every year
  3. you feel this when a loved one passes away
  4. estornuda en __
  5. a person who knows health well
  6. when a bug hurts and gives you a _____
  7. what Ludens helps
  8. you feel this when you are in Spanish class
  9. you get these when you smell pollen in the spring
  1. a person who gives prescriptons
  2. common during the winter season
  3. achoo
  4. signs of a diasese
  5. Rx
  6. most people get shots for this every winter
  7. at the end of the day you are ______
  8. Tomas esto para dolor de cabeza
  9. chilly-burr-cold
  10. you feel this after you turn a big test in
  11. the doctor may open this for a sore throat
  12. you get antibioticos here

21 Clues: Rxachooestornuda en __chilly-burr-coldwhat Ludens helpssigns of a diaseseyou go here every yearyou get antibioticos herea person who knows health wella person who gives prescriptonscommon during the winter seasonTomas esto para dolor de cabezaat the end of the day you are ______when a bug hurts and gives you a _____...

WORDS 2019-06-23

WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. NAME
  4. I WORK
  7. JOB, WORK
  1. LEMON
  7. I KNOW


Español Vocab Crossword 2023-10-27

Español Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. cold
  2. it rains
  3. spring
  4. T-shirt
  5. it snows
  6. sunny
  1. cool
  2. Winter
  3. it is cloudy
  4. hot
  5. Fall
  6. weather
  7. sandals
  8. wind
  9. summer

15 Clues: hotcoolcoldFallwindsunnyWinterspringsummerweathersandalsT-shirtit rainsit snowsit is cloudy

Seasons of the year. 2022-09-25

Seasons of the year. crossword puzzle
  1. summer time.
  2. leaves fall.
  3. days springtime.
  4. drinks winter time.
  5. flowers and butterflies.
  1. days autumn time.
  2. hot days
  3. rains a lot.

8 Clues: hot dayssummer time.leaves fall.rains a lot.days springtime.days autumn time.drinks winter and butterflies.

All you know 2016-10-20

All you know crossword puzzle
  1. Mutter
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. Second 2. day of the week
  4. Sommer
  5. Winter
  1. First day of the week
  2. Herbst
  3. Frühling

8 Clues: MutterHerbstSommerWinterFrühlingLikes to chase miceFirst day of the weekSecond 2. day of the week

Around Great Valley 2023-11-30

Around Great Valley crossword puzzle
  1. Great Valley Alumni and Director of “Step Brothers” and “Talladega Nights”
  2. the sole German teacher at the highschool
  3. Name of the bacon burger in the cafeteria
  4. Great Valley Alumni and NBA player on the Brooklyn Nets
  5. Teacher advisor for the Students Demand Action club
  6. Fall sport with varsity games on Friday nights
  7. Head coach of the winter and spring track teams
  8. The highschool’s Mascot
  9. The number of Spanish teachers at the high school (Spelled out)
  1. Principal of the Highschool
  2. the smallest elementary school in GVSD
  3. Student Body President
  4. Theme for Mondays on the Morning Show
  5. Freshmen year academic history course
  6. Junior year academic science course
  7. Teacher for AP Macro and Micro Economics
  8. Athletic Director
  9. Head of janitorial services
  10. Highest score on an AP exam (Spelled out)
  11. Winter Sport that practices at Immaculata

20 Clues: Athletic DirectorStudent Body PresidentThe highschool’s MascotPrincipal of the HighschoolHead of janitorial servicesJunior year academic science courseTheme for Mondays on the Morning ShowFreshmen year academic history coursethe smallest elementary school in GVSDTeacher for AP Macro and Micro Economicsthe sole German teacher at the highschool...

Robbo Christmas! 2020-12-25

Robbo Christmas! crossword puzzle
  1. A quota of these needs to be reached each morning
  2. Your favourite lockdown late-night snack
  3. Where is the film Happiest Season set?
  4. My warped faves: a Tim Tam/Pat's Ninny
  5. You have London's/UK/the world's finest
  6. Objective of Robbo's physical regime
  7. One-time present from N, useless in Winter
  8. Word of the year
  1. In cleaning dishes correctly,make Nikki's grin seen
  2. What is?
  3. Transfer home, mask at rest in order to relax
  4. One of Nikki's pandemic professions
  5. Johnsons' favourite fried chicken bit
  6. Brew some magic up pal (at around 4:30/5pm)
  7. Newest dog in York
  8. Frequent purchase as a result of 6a
  9. There's one in Woolwich,another in Kensington(Melb)
  10. What Nikki wants for Christmas (/winter)
  11. Nincent?! No, it's ...
  12. False/Fact drink set for 1st Xmas gift fromN

20 Clues: What is?Word of the yearNewest dog in YorkNincent?! No, it's ...One of Nikki's pandemic professionsFrequent purchase as a result of 6aObjective of Robbo's physical regimeJohnsons' favourite fried chicken bitWhere is the film Happiest Season set?My warped faves: a Tim Tam/Pat's NinnyYou have London's/UK/the world's finest...

Mid-Term Vocab Puzzle 2021-03-05

Mid-Term Vocab Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. tip
  2. to wear
  3. bill/check
  4. to be hot
  5. money
  6. winter
  7. to serve
  8. price
  9. steak
  10. by foot
  11. to be cold
  12. routine
  13. downtown
  14. tickets
  15. to be lucky
  16. before
  17. older
  18. 50
  19. maybe
  20. fish
  21. drinks
  22. younger
  23. to buy
  24. summer
  25. table
  26. dress
  27. to go to bed
  1. season
  2. for dessert
  3. white
  4. I want
  5. breakfast
  6. rice
  7. to watch a movie
  8. clothing
  9. black
  10. theater
  11. late
  12. to eat
  13. beanie/winter cap
  14. waiter
  15. movie theater
  16. I prefer
  17. soap
  18. 40
  19. red
  20. skirt
  21. T-shirt
  22. store
  23. to brush
  24. early
  25. jacket
  26. green
  27. after
  28. to be right
  29. to ask for
  30. food
  31. chicken
  32. meat

59 Clues: 4050tipredricelatesoapfishfoodmeatwhitemoneyblackpricesteakskirtstoreearlygreenolderaftermaybetabledressseasonI wantwinterto eatwaiterjacketbeforedrinksto buysummerto weartheaterby footroutineT-shirtticketsyoungerchickenclothingto serveI preferdowntownto brushbreakfastto be hotbill/checkto be coldto ask forfor dessertto be luckyto be right...

Mid-Term Review Vocab 2021-03-05

Mid-Term Review Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. tip
  2. to wear
  3. bill/check
  4. to be hot
  5. money
  6. winter
  7. to serve
  8. price
  9. steak
  10. by foot
  11. to be cold
  12. routine
  13. downtown
  14. tickets
  15. to be lucky
  16. before
  17. older
  18. 50
  19. maybe
  20. fish
  21. drinks
  22. younger
  23. to buy
  24. summer
  25. table
  26. dress
  27. to go to bed
  1. season
  2. for dessert
  3. white
  4. I want
  5. breakfast
  6. rice
  7. to watch a movie
  8. clothing
  9. black
  10. theater
  11. late
  12. to eat
  13. beanie/winter cap
  14. waiter
  15. movie theater
  16. I prefer
  17. soap
  18. 40
  19. red
  20. skirt
  21. T-shirt
  22. store
  23. to brush
  24. early
  25. jacket
  26. green
  27. after
  28. to be right
  29. to ask for
  30. food
  31. chicken
  32. meat

59 Clues: 4050tipredricelatesoapfishfoodmeatwhitemoneyblackpricesteakskirtstoreearlygreenolderaftermaybetabledressseasonI wantwinterto eatwaiterjacketbeforedrinksto buysummerto weartheaterby footroutineT-shirtticketsyoungerchickenclothingto serveI preferdowntownto brushbreakfastto be hotbill/checkto be coldto ask forfor dessertto be luckyto be right...

Science Vocab 2021-10-21

Science Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The equinox after winter solstice
  2. more than half
  3. A chunk of rock that orbits the Sun and it's too tiny to be a planet
  4. A chunk if rock in space
  5. when the Moon is between the Earth and Sun
  6. revolving the sun
  7. A chunk of rock that has entered the atmosphere
  8. getting bigger
  9. less than half
  10. when the Earth is between the Sun and Moon
  1. A meteor that has crashed on Earth's surface.
  2. getting smaller
  3. When a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun
  4. When a hemisphere is tilted toward the sun
  5. a chunk of dust and ice
  6. A celestial body that orbits the sun
  7. The equinox after summer solstice
  8. any object that revolves around another one
  9. giant rock that orbits Earth
  10. spinning around on an axis

20 Clues: more than halfgetting biggerless than halfgetting smallerrevolving the suna chunk of dust and iceA chunk if rock in spacespinning around on an axisgiant rock that orbits EarthThe equinox after winter solsticeThe equinox after summer solsticeA celestial body that orbits the sunWhen a hemisphere is tilted toward the sun...

Abby's mots croisés. 2022-05-24

Abby's mots croisés. crossword puzzle
  1. fourty four
  2. but
  3. tuesday
  4. 10 times 10
  5. summer
  6. one plus one
  7. 10 plus 10
  8. yellow
  9. afternoon
  10. midday
  11. saturday
  12. first day of the school week
  13. month
  14. yes
  15. blue
  16. hello
  17. goodbye
  18. the loneliest number
  19. thankyou
  20. the colour of grass
  21. i
  22. 3 times 5
  23. du matin morning time
  24. the month of easter
  25. winter
  1. weekday
  2. goodevening
  3. friday
  4. august
  5. the first month of the year
  6. thursday
  7. the last month of the year
  8. with
  9. number in french
  10. night time
  11. may
  12. please
  13. in
  14. half of 60
  15. october
  16. 4 plus 4
  17. february
  18. and
  19. the colour of a fire truck
  20. million 1,000,000 in words
  21. the second month of winter

46 Clues: iinbutmayyesandwithbluemonthhellofridayaugustsummeryellowpleasemiddaywinterweekdaytuesdayoctobergoodbyethursdaysaturday4 plus 4februarythankyouafternoon3 times 510 plus 10night timehalf of 60fourty fourgoodevening10 times 10one plus onenumber in frenchthe colour of grassthe month of easterthe loneliest numberdu matin morning time...

Crossword Puzzle 2020-07-12

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the mother of pocahontas
  2. she was the daughter of Powhatan
  3. to fear the Lord
  4. members of a police force
  5. to shun evil
  6. famous poet in Japan known for his Haikus
  7. coldest season of the year
  8. season of the year between winter and summer
  9. the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved
  10. practical understanding of a subject
  1. Mr. and Mrs. who lead “The Story of an Hour”
  2. was an English soldier, explorer and colonial governor
  3. wrote some of the Bible verses
  4. a type of short form poetry originally from Japan
  5. symbolizes evil in "The Tell-Tale Heart"
  6. sister of Mrs. Mallard
  7. means a small or little song or lyric
  8. symbolizes the narrator's guilt in "The Tell-Tale Heart"
  9. also known as fall
  10. the hottest season of the year

20 Clues: to shun evilsister of Mrs. Mallardto fear the Lordalso known as fallmembers of a police forcethe mother of pocahontascoldest season of the yearpractical understanding of a subjectshe was the daughter of Powhatanthe hottest season of the yearwrote some of the Bible verses...

Weather vocabulary - unit 1 Sky High/Sky High Plus 2020-11-02

Weather vocabulary - unit 1 Sky High/Sky High Plus crossword puzzle
  1. the opposite of open
  2. we wear it around our neck when it is cold
  3. the hot season
  4. the cold season
  5. we see these in the sky before it rains
  6. it comes after thunder
  7. a measurement that tells us how hot or cold it is
  8. very dry weather, no rain
  9. the opposite of right
  10. the opposite of weak
  1. another name for the season autumn
  2. a man who goes out on a boat or ship
  3. holiday
  4. someone who works on a farm
  5. sometimes in winter we can see this in Jerusalem
  6. we take it with us when we go out in the rain
  7. break or ruin something
  8. frozen water
  9. say what will happen before it happens
  10. it comes out in the sky at night
  11. not wet

21 Clues: holidaynot wetfrozen waterthe hot seasonthe cold seasonthe opposite of openthe opposite of weakthe opposite of rightit comes after thunderbreak or ruin somethingvery dry weather, no rainsomeone who works on a farmit comes out in the sky at nightanother name for the season autumna man who goes out on a boat or ship...

1年 - Unit 1 Vocabulary 2023-05-17

1年 - Unit 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. In the _____, you can see sakura.
  2. _____ at the sakura!
  3. Can you sing _____?
  4. The sakura are _______.
  5. He can run ______.
  6. Do you play the taiko _____?
  7. You live in _____.
  8. Otani plays ______
  9. Amakusa is a nice ______.
  10. You can speak English! _____!
  11. I love jaga jaga ______.
  12. The ______ is 2024.
  13. Did you _____ at undokai?
  14. _____ me Hiro.
  15. How _____ you?
  1. You are a ______ at Amakusa Junior High School.
  2. A _______ is usually orange.
  3. _____, winter, spring, summer
  4. In the ______, it is cold.
  5. In the summer, you can _____.
  6. I don't like natto so _____.
  7. The shrine is ______.
  8. Can you play the _____?
  9. Let's ______ at the beach.
  10. In the ______, it is hot.
  11. This is the music ______.
  12. ___. Hamasaki
  13. Are you _____ Japan?
  14. What do you like to ______?
  15. Kazuhiro is _____ from New York.

30 Clues: ___. Hamasaki_____ me Hiro.How _____ you?He can run ______.You live in _____.Otani plays ______Can you sing _____?The ______ is 2024._____ at the sakura!Are you _____ Japan?The shrine is ______.Can you play the _____?The sakura are _______.I love jaga jaga ______.In the ______, it is hot.Amakusa is a nice ______.This is the music ______....

Christmas Season 2023-12-12

Christmas Season crossword puzzle
  1. Our favorite red nose reindeers
  2. On christmas day you and your family have a christmas ******
  3. Santa drinks this on christmas eve
  4. The man who delivers presents
  5. there a saying when theres a ********* you kiss
  6. The most important thing is f*******
  7. This fluffy white stuff that you see in winter
  8. The houses are decorated with c****************
  9. What santa wears on top of his head
  10. Santa rides a ********
  11. The thing thats shaped as a sock but
  12. The drinks that is warm and made of cocoa
  1. The iconic cookie that you eat on christmas
  2. Santa gives away ******** on christmas eve
  3. You decorate your house with ******************
  4. In your house you have a christmas ****
  5. The name of this beautiful holiday
  6. Santa goes down the *******
  7. The reindeers eat this on christmas eve
  8. The season in christmas time

20 Clues: Santa rides a ********Santa goes down the *******The season in christmas timeThe man who delivers presentsOur favorite red nose reindeersThe name of this beautiful holidaySanta drinks this on christmas eveWhat santa wears on top of his headThe most important thing is f*******The thing thats shaped as a sock but...

Christmas Season 2023-12-12

Christmas Season crossword puzzle
  1. Our favorite red nose reindeers
  2. On christmas day you and your family have a christmas ******
  3. Santa drinks this on christmas eve
  4. The man who delivers presents
  5. there a saying when theres a ********* you kiss
  6. The most important thing is f*******
  7. This fluffy white stuff that you see in winter
  8. The houses are decorated with c****************
  9. What santa wears on top of his head
  10. Santa rides a ********
  11. The thing thats shaped as a sock but
  12. The drinks that is warm and made of cocoa
  1. The iconic cookie that you eat on christmas
  2. Santa gives away ******** on christmas eve
  3. You decorate your house with ******************
  4. In your house you have a christmas ****
  5. The name of this beautiful holiday
  6. Santa goes down the *******
  7. The reindeers eat this on christmas eve
  8. The season in christmas time

20 Clues: Santa rides a ********Santa goes down the *******The season in christmas timeThe man who delivers presentsOur favorite red nose reindeersThe name of this beautiful holidaySanta drinks this on christmas eveWhat santa wears on top of his headThe most important thing is f*******The thing thats shaped as a sock but...

Christmas Season 2023-12-12

Christmas Season crossword puzzle
  1. Our favorite red nose reindeers
  2. On christmas day you and your family have a christmas ******
  3. Santa drinks this on christmas eve
  4. The man who delivers presents
  5. there a saying when theres a ********* you kiss
  6. The most important thing is f*******
  7. This fluffy white stuff that you see in winter
  8. The houses are decorated with c****************
  9. What santa wears on top of his head
  10. Santa rides a ********
  11. The thing thats shaped as a sock but
  12. The drinks that is warm and made of cocoa
  1. The iconic cookie that you eat on christmas
  2. Santa gives away ******** on christmas eve
  3. You decorate your house with ******************
  4. In your house you have a christmas ****
  5. The name of this beautiful holiday
  6. Santa goes down the *******
  7. The reindeers eat this on christmas eve
  8. The season in christmas time

20 Clues: Santa rides a ********Santa goes down the *******The season in christmas timeThe man who delivers presentsOur favorite red nose reindeersThe name of this beautiful holidaySanta drinks this on christmas eveWhat santa wears on top of his headThe most important thing is f*******The thing thats shaped as a sock but...

Words after winter holidays 2023-01-05

Words after winter holidays crossword puzzle
  1. heaven
  2. любимый
  3. gold-plated
  4. feeling
  5. tight
  6. people
  7. inside a house
  8. tradition
  9. distribute
  10. outside of a house
  1. hungry
  2. tip
  3. from dark ages
  4. find, dicover
  5. common
  6. unbeliever (язычник)
  7. angry
  8. tool

18 Clues: tiptooltightangryhungryheavencommonpeopleлюбимыйfeelingtraditiondistributegold-platedfind, dicoverfrom dark agesinside a houseoutside of a houseunbeliever (язычник)

A Crossword for Winter 2022-12-10

A Crossword for Winter crossword puzzle
  1. A jolly man in a red suit with a beard
  2. A sock that hangs by the chimney
  3. A piece of snow
  4. Santa's helpers
  5. Where Santa's workshop is located
  6. Another word for present
  7. Something people give each other
  8. Animals that pull Santa's sleigh
  9. The presents are usually ______ the tree
  10. Something on Santa's face
  1. The month of Christmas
  2. I am made of snow, I wear a top hat and my nose is a carrot.
  3. What people put on their Christmas tree
  4. Something people decorate
  5. A common decoration for the top of the tree
  6. Santa's "car"
  7. The day before Christmas
  8. The color of Santa's suit

18 Clues: Santa's "car"A piece of snowSanta's helpersThe month of ChristmasThe day before ChristmasAnother word for presentSomething people decorateThe color of Santa's suitSomething on Santa's faceA sock that hangs by the chimneySomething people give each otherAnimals that pull Santa's sleighWhere Santa's workshop is located...

Winter Carnival (Bonhomme Carnavale 2024-01-30

Winter Carnival (Bonhomme Carnavale crossword puzzle
  1. a decorated platform built around a vehicle used in parades
  2. something with a flat bottom for snow sliding
  3. a castle sculpted of ice and snow
  4. a province in Canada where you find a winter carnival
  5. an animated symbol of an event, usually someone in costume
  6. devices to wear for walking in the snow
  7. a device which controls the flow of a liquid
  8. narrow boards placed under boots to slide on
  9. something for sliding on snow
  1. a way of hardening maple syrup to eat as a treat
  2. a season that has snow
  3. below freezing
  4. a type of boat which you paddle
  5. a walk or march celebrating a special event
  6. a large sled
  7. someone who entertains
  8. a large and important waterway in Canada
  9. a band worn around the waist or shoulder

18 Clues: a large sledbelow freezinga season that has snowsomeone who entertainssomething for sliding on snowa type of boat which you paddlea castle sculpted of ice and snowdevices to wear for walking in the snowa large and important waterway in Canadaa band worn around the waist or shouldera walk or march celebrating a special event...

Music and winter 2023 2023-12-21

Music and winter 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. the sound of 2 or more notes
  2. down hat pause
  3. loud
  4. gradual increase in speed
  5. device that changes tone quality of an instrument
  6. short and detached note
  7. without
  8. moderately loud
  9. very softly
  10. Long brass instrument with 3 main valves
  1. use of notes from the diatomic scale
  2. repeat from the beginning
  3. as soft as possible
  4. connected
  5. gradual reduction in volume
  6. the speed of a piece/song
  7. cheerful and lively
  8. strip of wood used to play clarinets/saxophones

18 Clues: loudwithoutconnectedvery softlymoderately louddown hat pauseas soft as possiblecheerful and livelyshort and detached noterepeat from the beginninggradual increase in speedthe speed of a piece/songgradual reduction in volumethe sound of 2 or more notesuse of notes from the diatomic scaleLong brass instrument with 3 main valves...

五下U1 2019-01-08

五下U1 crossword puzzle
  1. We can go c_____ in summer
  2. We can go s_____ in winter.
  3. I don't like summer.I p_____ w_____.
  4. The leaves turn yellow in a_____.
  1. I don't like summer and I don't like winter, e_____.
  2. It's very cold in w_____. You can make a snowman
  3. Look at the c_____ flowers.
  4. We can p_____ flowers in spring.

8 Clues: We can go c_____ in summerLook at the c_____ flowers.We can go s_____ in winter.We can p_____ flowers in spring.The leaves turn yellow in a_____.I don't like summer.I p_____ w_____.It's very cold in w_____. You can make a snowmanI don't like summer and I don't like winter, e_____.

Winter Holidays 2020-12-07

Winter Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. wise mean brought gifts for this baby.
  2. around December 21, shortest day of the year.
  3. of African harvest festivals and lasts from December 26 to January 1.
  4. of lights lasting eight nights.
  5. wear costumes in new Orleans and attend huge parades.
  1. and a new change.
  2. with a tree and lights.
  3. on the man whose life inspired the tradition of Santa Claus.
  4. girls dress up in white gowns with red sashes.

9 Clues: and a new change.with a tree and lights.of lights lasting eight nights.wise mean brought gifts for this baby.around December 21, shortest day of the year.girls dress up in white gowns with red sashes.wear costumes in new Orleans and attend huge parades.on the man whose life inspired the tradition of Santa Claus....

Winter Things 2021-06-16

Winter Things crossword puzzle
  1. What better to warm you up than a good bowl of ___ on a cold day.
  2. In the winter, I love to snuggle up on the couch with a ___ to keep me warm.
  3. I love to build ____ in the snow with my kids.
  4. Nothing is better than a hot ___ in the cold.
  1. It's cold outside, I need to remember to wear my big puffy ___.
  2. Lots of people love to hit the slopes and go ___ in the winter.
  3. To keep my toes warm, I like to wear wool ___.
  4. Make sure to put my hot cocoa in my favorite ___.

8 Clues: Nothing is better than a hot ___ in the cold.I love to build ____ in the snow with my kids.To keep my toes warm, I like to wear wool ___.Make sure to put my hot cocoa in my favorite ___.It's cold outside, I need to remember to wear my big puffy ___.Lots of people love to hit the slopes and go ___ in the winter....

Winter crossword 2022-11-30

Winter crossword crossword puzzle
  1. frozen rain
  2. what forms from water when it's cold
  3. a tiny home made from of sweets
  4. where you eat/warm up when you are skiing
  5. "let it ____"
  1. were you roast marshmellows
  2. and activity where you slide downhill
  3. keeps your hands warm

8 Clues: frozen rain"let it ____"keeps your hands warmwere you roast marshmellowsa tiny home made from of sweetswhat forms from water when it's coldand activity where you slide downhillwhere you eat/warm up when you are skiing

Winter Animals 2019-12-18

Winter Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Bird that cannot fly.
  2. Dog, except scarier.
  3. A specific breed of owl.
  4. Big, floppy eared Bunny, except lives in the snow.
  1. white, spotted tiger.
  2. floppy chunk of adorable fat.
  3. Horned, brown snow cow.
  4. Big, fuzzy, cruel animal.

8 Clues: Dog, except scarier.white, spotted tiger.Bird that cannot fly.Horned, brown snow cow.A specific breed of owl.Big, fuzzy, cruel animal.floppy chunk of adorable fat.Big, floppy eared Bunny, except lives in the snow.

Winter Words 2021-01-14

Winter Words crossword puzzle
  1. very cold
  2. travel to warmer weather
  3. a deep sleep
  4. winter coat
  5. cave
  1. scarf
  2. leaning slope
  3. half of the Earth

8 Clues: cavescarfvery coldwinter coata deep sleepleaning slopehalf of the Earthtravel to warmer weather

Winter Season 2023-04-05

Winter Season crossword puzzle
  1. cold snow mixed with rain
  2. lowest temperature ever recorded in Minnesota
  3. opposite of warm
  1. amount of snow during the Halloween blizzard in inches
  2. last day of WWI
  3. amount of deaths in the armistice blizzard
  4. cold rain
  5. water in solid form

8 Clues: cold rainlast day of WWIopposite of warmwater in solid formcold snow mixed with rainamount of deaths in the armistice blizzardlowest temperature ever recorded in Minnesotaamount of snow during the Halloween blizzard in inches

Winter Vocab 2022-03-09

Winter Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. to go down
  2. snowboard
  3. boots
  4. this afternoon
  1. skate
  2. last night
  3. to go up
  4. yesterday

8 Clues: skatebootsto go upsnowboardyesterdayto go downlast nightthis afternoon

winter sports 2022-04-06

winter sports crossword puzzle
  1. spee
  2. ccs
  3. cur
  4. skijum
  1. bob
  2. iceho
  3. snow
  4. ske

8 Clues: bobskeccscursnowspeeicehoskijum

Christmas/Winter 2021-12-15

Christmas/Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Hang me up and sneak a kiss when underneath me
  2. Area in Sweden/Finland where you may visit Santa's workshop
  3. Pull me and I'll bang and you'll get a toy
  4. I'm sparkly and can be found wrapped around the tree
  5. Usually the main meat on a Christmas dinner
  1. Olaf, Elsa and Ana film
  2. You may find these under the tree after Santa has been
  3. I'm a play that you may perform at school in the run up to Christmas

8 Clues: Olaf, Elsa and Ana filmPull me and I'll bang and you'll get a toyUsually the main meat on a Christmas dinnerHang me up and sneak a kiss when underneath meI'm sparkly and can be found wrapped around the treeYou may find these under the tree after Santa has beenArea in Sweden/Finland where you may visit Santa's workshop...

Winter 2 2022-01-05

Winter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a light toboggan for one or two people
  2. the area in front of a fireplace
  3. a very strong wind
  4. an outer garment extending to the waist that fastens in front
  1. a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice sheet and carried out to sea
  2. a small swirling mass of something, especially snow, moved by sudden gusts of wind
  3. a prediction of future events, especially coming weather
  4. refers to an animal spending the winter in a dormant state

8 Clues: a very strong windthe area in front of a fireplacea light toboggan for one or two peoplea prediction of future events, especially coming weatherrefers to an animal spending the winter in a dormant statean outer garment extending to the waist that fastens in fronta small swirling mass of something, especially snow, moved by sudden gusts of wind...

Winter 6 2022-01-05

Winter 6 crossword puzzle
  1. a hooded sweatshirt, jacket or other top
  2. relating to the North and South Pole
  3. material used to keep a building warm
  4. an appliance in which air is heated to be circulated throughout a building
  1. a spicy stew
  2. cold and uncomfortable because of currents of cool air
  3. the soft curly hair forming the coat of a sheep
  4. a hot drink made from roasted coffee beans

8 Clues: a spicy stewrelating to the North and South Polematerial used to keep a building warma hooded sweatshirt, jacket or other topa hot drink made from roasted coffee beansthe soft curly hair forming the coat of a sheepcold and uncomfortable because of currents of cool airan appliance in which air is heated to be circulated throughout a building

Winter 10 2022-01-05

Winter 10 crossword puzzle
  1. a shape made in snow by lying on your back and moving your arms and legs out and in, that looks like an angel
  2. a personification of frost, ice, snow, sleet, winter and freezing cold
  3. a covering for the hand worn for the protection against cold
  1. moisture that falls visibly in separate drops
  2. a motor vehicle with runners in the front and caterpillar tracks in the rear for traveling over snow
  3. a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility
  4. weather marked by strong winds
  5. a baked dish of fruit, or meat and vegetables, typically with a top and base of pastry

8 Clues: weather marked by strong windsmoisture that falls visibly in separate dropsa severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibilitya covering for the hand worn for the protection against colda personification of frost, ice, snow, sleet, winter and freezing colda baked dish of fruit, or meat and vegetables, typically with a top and base of pastry...

crossword winter 2023-10-16

crossword winter crossword puzzle
  1. a type of tree that never changes
  2. water, solidified
  3. childish ammunition to throw at one another
  4. frozen water flakes, falling from the sky
  1. when animals move to keep up with seasons
  2. a small gust of wind, completely unrelated to Minecraft
  3. water, evaporated and floating through the sky
  4. a home made of snow and ice

8 Clues: water, solidifieda home made of snow and icea type of tree that never changeswhen animals move to keep up with seasonsfrozen water flakes, falling from the skychildish ammunition to throw at one anotherwater, evaporated and floating through the skya small gust of wind, completely unrelated to Minecraft

Winter Crossword 2023-12-13

Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Bare hands in the snow can lead to _________.
  2. Christmas was invented by the ______.
  3. What brand invented Santa to sell their product?
  4. Over the winter people feel the need to sleep _____ hours longer.
  1. Who punished naughty kids in Germany?
  2. The protagonist of the story of Hanukkah is ________(last name).
  3. "All I want for Christmas is You" was written by ______(first name).
  4. The welsh figure "Mari Lwydd" is usually played by a man in a _____ skull.

8 Clues: Who punished naughty kids in Germany?Christmas was invented by the ______.Bare hands in the snow can lead to _________.What brand invented Santa to sell their product?The protagonist of the story of Hanukkah is ________(last name).Over the winter people feel the need to sleep _____ hours longer....

Winter Crossword 2024-01-25

Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the season we are currently in
  2. you wear them on your hands to keep them warm
  3. its not warm, but it is:
  4. the first month of the year
  1. what falls from the sky when it is cold enough
  2. a drink that people like to have with marshmallows
  3. accessory to wear around your neck
  4. what you wear on your head

8 Clues: its not warm, but it is:what you wear on your headthe first month of the yearthe season we are currently inaccessory to wear around your neckyou wear them on your hands to keep them warmwhat falls from the sky when it is cold enougha drink that people like to have with marshmallows

WINTER TRAIL 2024-07-26

WINTER TRAIL crossword puzzle
  3. BOX
  4. TRAIL


Mayrah 2022-08-23

Mayrah crossword puzzle
  1. 웃다
  2. 겨울
  3. 추운
  4. 잠자다
  5. 유령
  6. 춤추다
  7. 잡다
  1. 어두운
  2. 토네이도
  3. 노래하다
  4. 바람
  5. 도마뱀

13 Clues: 웃다겨울추운바람유령잡다어두운잠자다도마뱀춤추다토네이도노래하다

Olivias krydsord 2022-12-08

Olivias krydsord crossword puzzle
  1. jul
  2. klokke
  3. engel
  4. sne
  5. stjerne
  1. snemand
  2. julekugle
  3. slæde
  4. mistelten
  5. vinter
  6. adventskrans
  7. honningkage
  8. hjerte

13 Clues: julsneslædeengelvinterklokkehjertesnemandstjernejulekuglemisteltenhonningkageadventskrans

Adam’s Favorite Things 2022-12-06

Adam’s Favorite Things crossword puzzle
  1. music
  2. animal
  3. car
  4. coffee
  5. dessert
  6. game
  7. pasta
  1. cartoon
  2. smell
  3. pokémon
  4. season
  5. drink
  6. role

13 Clues: cargamerolemusicsmelldrinkpastaanimalseasoncoffeecartoonpokémondessert

hiiii 2022-10-04

hiiii crossword puzzle
  1. frio
  2. otoño
  3. soleado
  4. invierno
  5. ventoso
  6. congelado
  1. nubes
  2. verano
  3. lluvioso
  4. nieve
  5. caliente
  6. primavera
  7. tibio

13 Clues: frionubesnieveotoñotibioveranosoleadoventosolluviosocalienteinviernoprimaveracongelado

Song School Latin 2 2022-10-02

Song School Latin 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Winter
  2. Spring
  3. Boy
  4. Father
  5. Chair
  6. Autumn
  7. Table
  1. Book
  2. Mother
  3. Summer
  4. Girl
  5. Pencil
  6. Woman

13 Clues: BoyBookGirlChairWomanTableWinterMotherSummerSpringPencilFatherAutumn

UNIT 3 - REVISION 2020-05-10

UNIT  3 - REVISION crossword puzzle
  1. φθινόπωρο
  2. πεινασμένος
  3. παιδιά
  4. κάλτσες
  5. άνοιξη
  6. αχλάδια
  1. καλοκαίρι
  2. παπούτσια
  3. σακάκι
  4. χειμώνας
  5. τεμπέλης
  6. ήλιος
  7. πατάτα

13 Clues: ήλιοςσακάκιπαιδιάάνοιξηπατάτακάλτσεςαχλάδιαχειμώναςτεμπέληςκαλοκαίριφθινόπωροπαπούτσιαπεινασμένος

FatFatFat Cipher 2020-12-24

FatFatFat Cipher crossword puzzle
  1. fnagn
  2. rys
  3. ehqbycu
  4. zreznvqf
  5. punenqrf
  6. jvagre
  7. wnthne
  1. pnffnaqen
  2. gursngbar
  3. ervaqrre
  4. pbbxvrf
  5. enchamry
  6. fxvvat

13 Clues: rysfnagnfxvvatjvagrewnthneehqbycupbbxvrfzreznvqfervaqrrepunenqrfenchamrypnffnaqengursngbar

Weather 2021-02-27

Weather crossword puzzle
  1. ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง
  2. หนาวมาก
  3. ฤดูหนาว
  4. เป็นน้ำแข็ง
  5. แดดออก
  6. แห้งแล้ง
  1. ฤดูร้อน
  2. หิมะตก
  3. ร้อน
  4. เปียก
  5. มีหมอก
  6. ฝนตก
  7. หนาว

13 Clues: ร้อนฝนตกหนาวเปียกหิมะตกมีหมอกแดดออกฤดูร้อนหนาวมากฤดูหนาวแห้งแล้งเป็นน้ำแข็งฤดูใบไม้ร่วง

Spanish Seasons and Weather 2023-12-04

Spanish Seasons and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. windy
  2. raining
  3. snowing
  4. summer
  5. it's
  6. sunny
  7. autumn
  8. weather
  1. winter
  2. spring
  3. seasons
  4. cold
  5. hot

13 Clues: hotcoldit'swindysunnywinterspringsummerautumnrainingsnowingseasonsweather

tianqi 2024-04-17

tianqi crossword puzzle
  1. oo
  2. rain
  3. snow
  4. cold
  5. winter
  6. warm
  1. taiyang
  2. octorm
  3. summer
  4. winndy
  5. cloudy
  6. spring
  7. hot

13 Clues: oohotrainsnowcoldwarmoctormsummerwinndycloudyspringwintertaiyang

tianqi 2024-04-17

tianqi crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. oo
  3. spring
  4. summer
  5. hot
  6. warm
  7. octorm
  1. cloudy
  2. taiyang
  3. rain
  4. snow
  5. cold
  6. winndy

13 Clues: oohotrainsnowcoldwarmcloudywinterspringsummerwinndyoctormtaiyang

CJ 2024-09-22

CJ crossword puzzle
  1. bird
  2. joshjobtitle
  3. wheretheymeet
  4. joshmiddlename
  5. petstheyhave
  6. faveseason
  7. joshfave
  8. propose
  1. firstap
  2. firstmeet
  3. firstconcert
  4. carynfear
  5. carynsfave
  6. yearstogether

14 Clues: birdfirstapproposejoshfavefirstmeetcarynfearcarynsfavefaveseasonfirstconcertjoshjobtitlepetstheyhavewheretheymeetyearstogetherjoshmiddlename

Awesome Holiday Words 2020-12-17

Awesome Holiday Words crossword puzzle
  1. The eight-day "festival of lights" celebrated by lighting candles, eating fried foods, playing games, and giving gifts.
  2. A hollow structure allowing smoke from an indoor fireplace to vent outside.
  3. A religious and cultural festival celebrated on December 25th
  4. A grouchy spoilsport who doesn't enjoy Christmas
  5. Magical, pointy-eared creatures who built toys for well-behaved children at the behest of Santa.
  6. A british holiday celebrated the day after Christmas.
  7. A steamed Christmas cake resembling a cannonball, filled with dried fruit.
  8. A small, decorative sphere hung from a Christmas tree.
  9. A pagan festival celebrating rebirth and renewal, held on the Winter Solstice.
  10. A four-sided top used by children to play a gambling game during Hanukkah
  11. The first day of winter and the ____ day of the year.
  12. Cheerful and good-humored.
  1. A candle holder for the seven candles lit during kwanzaa.
  2. A circular arrangement of greenery or flowers.
  3. A festive song or hymn sung at Christmas
  4. A cookie made with molasses and ginger.
  5. Gloves with one opening for the thumb and another for the four fingers.
  6. Pancakes made of grated potato, fried in oil and served during Hanukkah.
  7. A region in Finland rumored to be where Santa Claus ____.
  8. Navidad A spanish phrase meaning "Happy Christmas"
  9. AN evergreen bush with red berries and prickly leaves used as a winter holiday decoration in pagan and Christian traditions.

21 Clues: Cheerful and good-humored.A cookie made with molasses and ginger.A festive song or hymn sung at ChristmasA circular arrangement of greenery or flowers.A grouchy spoilsport who doesn't enjoy ChristmasNavidad A spanish phrase meaning "Happy Christmas"A british holiday celebrated the day after Christmas....

Midwinter Christmas Trivia Crossword 2023-06-25

Midwinter Christmas Trivia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. July birthstone
  2. Winners of 2023 Super Rugby
  3. "Composer of The Four Seasons"
  4. Freshly fallen snow
  5. The name of the snowman in Frozen
  6. "It's raining _____" by The Weather Girls
  7. Star associated with food harvested from the ground
  8. Not even a _______ was stirring on the night before Christmas
  9. Zoi Sadowski-Synnott won NZ's first ever Winter Olympics gold medal in this snowboarding discipline
  10. Dangerously low body temperature
  11. The coldest, but thankfully not the wettest month in Whanganui-Manawatu
  12. July 14th
  13. NZ's coldest town
  14. Liquidated ski field
  15. What type of animal is Sid in the movie Ice Age?
  16. Frozen water
  17. Sport where stones are slid along ice
  18. Where Santa lives
  19. Current zodiac sign
  20. An older name for July
  21. Atua of the weather
  22. Writer of the play "A Winter's Tale"
  1. Hine _________, the Winter Maid - one of the two wives of Tamanuiterā
  2. Samuel __________ led the first Christmas service in NZ, in 1814
  3. One of the reindeer
  4. An intense fear of snow
  5. The birthplace of St Nicholas, and a traditional Christmas/Thanksgiving meat
  6. Festive alcoholic drink
  7. Sunniest region in New Zealand over past two years
  8. The Stark's ancestral family home
  9. Aomori, a city in ________, has the highest annual snowfall
  10. June 22nd
  11. Birthday of Sylvester Stallone, the Dalai Lama, George W. Bush and Frida Kahlo
  12. To sleep all winter

34 Clues: July 14thJune 22ndFrozen waterJuly birthstoneNZ's coldest townWhere Santa livesOne of the reindeerFreshly fallen snowTo sleep all winterCurrent zodiac signAtua of the weatherLiquidated ski fieldAn older name for JulyAn intense fear of snowFestive alcoholic drinkWinners of 2023 Super Rugby"Composer of The Four Seasons"...

holiday celebration 2024-08-19

holiday celebration crossword puzzle
  1. - A figure often placed at the top of a Christmas tree (5 letters)
  2. - A plant under which people traditionally kiss at Christmas (9 letters)
  3. - A long sled used for sliding down snow-covered hills (8 letters)
  4. - A hot mulled cider traditionally drunk during Christmas (7 letters)
  5. - Santa's mode of transportation on Christmas Eve (6 letters)
  6. - Items used to make spaces festive during the holidays (5 letters)
  7. - A decorative item with a miniature winter scene inside (9 letters)
  8. - A classic Christmas carol about peace and calm (11 letters)
  9. - Where stockings are traditionally hung for Santa (9 letters)
  1. - A gift given during holidays like Christmas or birthdays (7 letters)
  2. - The extra elements added to a Christmas feast (9 letters)
  3. - A sweet treat often given as a gift during the holidays (9 letters)
  4. - Items lit during Hanukkah and other winter holidays (7 letters)
  5. - A tart red berry often used in Thanksgiving sauce (9 letters)
  6. - A personification of winter, known for nipping at your nose (9 letters)
  7. - A season celebrated during Thanksgiving, related to gathering crops (7 letters)
  8. - Decorative balls hung on a Christmas tree (7 letters)
  9. - A word often associated with Christmas, meaning "Christmas" in French (4 letters)
  10. - A figure made of snow, typically with a carrot nose (7 letters)
  11. - A decorative string often made of flowers or leaves (7 letters)

20 Clues: - Decorative balls hung on a Christmas tree (7 letters)- The extra elements added to a Christmas feast (9 letters)- Santa's mode of transportation on Christmas Eve (6 letters)- A classic Christmas carol about peace and calm (11 letters)- Where stockings are traditionally hung for Santa (9 letters)...

Winter Wonderland Crossword 2022-12-05

Winter Wonderland Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The tree isn’t dead. It’s _________
  2. Animals that hibernate but can be woken up are this kind of hibernator
  3. Praying mantis overwinter as ____
  1. Wooly bears overwinter as a _____
  2. Animals store up ___ for winter
  3. When an insect stops developing in winter
  4. Groundhogs are ____ hibernators
  5. Amphibians and this type of animal brumate during the winter

8 Clues: Animals store up ___ for winterGroundhogs are ____ hibernatorsWooly bears overwinter as a _____Praying mantis overwinter as ____The tree isn’t dead. It’s _________When an insect stops developing in winterAmphibians and this type of animal brumate during the winterAnimals that hibernate but can be woken up are this kind of hibernator

A Crossword Puzzle (: *winter* 2021-01-22

A Crossword Puzzle (: *winter* crossword puzzle
  1. Flowers Blooming, Birds Chirping
  2. thank God 2020 is over
  3. the most impossible thing to create this Winter
  4. leaves off of trees and animals go into a sleepy
  1. the "cure" for a disease/virus
  2. Helps Prevent Viruses from spreading
  3. This Winter has almost none of this
  4. The practical name for a virus going around the world

8 Clues: thank God 2020 is overthe "cure" for a disease/virusFlowers Blooming, Birds ChirpingThis Winter has almost none of thisHelps Prevent Viruses from spreadingthe most impossible thing to create this Winterleaves off of trees and animals go into a sleepyThe practical name for a virus going around the world