winter Crossword Puzzles

adjectives 2013-09-04

adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. das Wort
  2. das Ei
  3. Angelina
  4. Herz
  5. der Eiffelturm
  6. Nacht
  7. die Schüler
  8. der Schnee
  9. das Wasser
  10. der Kreis
  1. der Frosch
  2. das Kind
  3. der Tisch
  4. der Winter
  5. Jugendliche
  6. die Ferien
  7. die Maus
  8. eine Kuh
  9. der Sommer
  10. das Wetter
  11. der Weg

21 Clues: HerzNachtdas Eider Wegdas Kinddas WortAngelinadie Mauseine Kuhder Tischder Kreisder Froschder Winterdie Feriender Schneeder Sommerdas Wasserdas WetterJugendlichedie Schülerder Eiffelturm

El Medio Ambiente 2014-06-01

El Medio Ambiente crossword puzzle
  1. lake
  2. fierce
  3. glass
  4. cold
  5. land
  6. town
  7. aerosols
  8. beach
  9. hill
  10. beings
  11. tree
  12. fin
  13. site
  14. frog
  1. river
  2. hunting
  3. heat
  4. fish
  5. bring
  6. Winter
  7. plants
  8. woods
  9. January
  10. north
  11. fierce
  12. atmosphere
  13. clean
  14. country
  15. island
  16. sea

30 Clues: finseaheatfishlakecoldlandtownhilltreesitefrogriverbringwoodsnorthglasscleanbeachWinterplantsfiercefiercebeingsislandhuntingJanuarycountryaerosolsatmosphere

Weather and Clothes 2014-07-17

Weather and Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. dia
  2. sombrero
  3. zapatos
  4. chor
  5. cumpleanos
  6. viento
  7. estacion
  8. calcetines
  9. otono
  10. verano
  11. lluvia
  12. camisa
  13. ano
  14. mes
  1. pantalones
  2. nieve
  3. camiseta
  4. frio
  5. feriado
  6. clima
  7. sudadera
  8. invierno
  9. semana
  10. jean
  11. primavera
  12. sol
  13. tormenta
  14. calor

28 Clues: diasolanomesfriochorjeannieveclimaotonocalorvientosemanaveranolluviacamisazapatosferiadosombrerocamisetasudaderainviernoestaciontormentaprimaverapantalonescumpleanoscalcetines

test 2015-01-16

test crossword puzzle
  1. / autumn
  2. / august
  3. / five
  4. / spring
  5. / november
  6. thirteen
  7. / december
  8. / two
  9. / Sunday
  10. / eighty
  11. /Saturday
  12. / seventeen
  13. / Winter
  14. / june
  15. / july
  16. / one-hundred
  1. / september
  2. / summer
  3. / Tuesday
  4. / october
  5. / Monday
  6. / ten
  7. / fifteen
  8. / nine
  9. / seven
  10. / Wednesday
  11. / april
  12. / Friday
  13. / zero

29 Clues: / ten/ two/ five/ nine/ june/ july/ zero/ seven/ april/ summer/ autumn/ august/ spring/ Mondaythirteen/ Sunday/ eighty/ Winter/ Friday/ Tuesday/ october/ fifteen/Saturday/ november/ december/ september/ seventeen/ Wednesday/ one-hundred

test 2015-01-16

test crossword puzzle
  1. / nine
  2. / december
  3. / Sunday
  4. / september
  5. / five
  6. / Tuesday
  7. / summer
  8. /Saturday
  9. / Monday
  10. / Wednesday
  11. / spring
  12. / november
  13. / ten
  14. / autumn
  1. / october
  2. / august
  3. / Winter
  4. / june
  5. / Friday
  6. / seventeen
  7. thirteen
  8. / april
  9. / fifteen
  10. / eighty
  11. / seven
  12. / zero
  13. / two
  14. / july
  15. / one-hundred

29 Clues: / ten/ two/ nine/ june/ five/ zero/ july/ april/ seven/ august/ Winter/ Friday/ Sundaythirteen/ summer/ Monday/ eighty/ spring/ autumn/ october/ fifteen/ Tuesday/Saturday/ december/ november/ seventeen/ september/ Wednesday/ one-hundred

Le filles du Roi 2015-03-06

Le filles du Roi crossword puzzle
  1. food
  2. sheep
  3. de fourrures: fur traders
  4. brave
  5. always
  6. orphan (f)
  7. winter
  8. sail
  9. barbarian
  10. farmer
  11. butcher
  12. health
  13. leave
  14. shoulder
  1. bread
  2. increase
  3. maybe
  4. soldier
  5. money
  6. survive
  7. hard
  8. marry
  9. forest
  10. money
  11. buy
  12. animal/beast

26 Clues: buyfoodhardsailbreadmaybesheepmoneybravemarrymoneyleavealwaysforestwinterfarmerhealthsoldiersurvivebutcherincreaseshoulderbarbarianorphan (f)animal/beastde fourrures: fur traders

Birch Tree - L'klaylhp 2023-02-07

Birch Tree - L'klaylhp crossword puzzle
  1. valley
  2. summer
  3. the inland area
  4. birch bark
  5. when
  6. autumn
  7. picture
  8. bark
  9. tree
  10. river canoe
  1. house
  2. springtime
  3. birch tree
  4. lots or many
  5. sugar
  6. a saw
  7. yellow
  8. leaf or fresh-growth
  9. green
  10. winter
  11. mountain
  12. the outer coast

22 Clues: whenbarktreehousesugara sawgreenvalleysummeryellowautumnwinterpicturemountainspringtimebirch treebirch barkriver canoelots or manythe inland areathe outer coastleaf or fresh-growth

Die Jahreszeiten 2023-02-26

Die Jahreszeiten crossword puzzle
  1. semester
  2. svamp
  3. jultomte
  4. träd (flera)
  5. mössor
  6. sommar
  7. hav
  8. skridskor
  9. simmar
  10. flyger
  11. höst
  12. snögubbe
  13. vandrar
  14. fåglar
  15. blommor
  1. ute
  2. vår
  3. tältar
  4. fjäril
  5. cykel
  6. frukt
  7. årstid
  8. gräs
  9. snöar
  10. blommar
  11. solglasögon
  12. kyligt
  13. vinter
  14. snö

29 Clues: utevårhavsnögräshöstsvampcykelfruktsnöartältarfjärilmössorårstidsommarkyligtvintersimmarflygerfåglarblommarvandrarblommorsemesterjultomtesnögubbeskridskorsolglasögonträd (flera)

Espanol 2023-05-02

Espanol crossword puzzle
  1. spring
  2. leg
  3. arm
  4. it is hot
  5. summer
  6. mouth
  7. it is cool
  8. it is cloudy
  9. fall/autumn
  10. nose
  11. eye
  1. winter
  2. foot
  3. it is raining
  4. hair
  5. hand
  6. it is windy
  7. finger
  8. it is cold
  9. it is sunny
  10. head

21 Clues: legarmeyefoothairhandheadnosemouthwinterspringfingersummerit is hotit is coldit is coolit is windyit is sunnyfall/autumnit is cloudyit is raining

El Calendario 2017-09-28

El Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. June
  2. Friday
  3. March
  4. month
  5. winter
  6. Spring
  7. May
  8. December
  9. day
  10. February
  11. August
  12. Autumn
  13. season
  14. Thursday
  15. July
  1. Monday
  2. Saturday
  3. week
  4. Tuesday
  5. November
  6. summer
  7. April
  8. September
  9. Wednesday
  10. January
  11. year
  12. Sunday
  13. October

28 Clues: MaydayJuneweekyearJulyMarchAprilmonthMondayFridaysummerwinterSpringSundayAugustAutumnseasonTuesdayJanuaryOctoberSaturdayNovemberDecemberFebruaryThursdaySeptemberWednesday

El Calendario 2017-09-28

El Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. January
  2. May
  3. August
  4. July
  5. March
  6. October
  7. week
  8. February
  9. September
  10. Sunday
  11. winter
  12. season
  13. Monday
  1. month
  2. summer
  3. Autumn
  4. year
  5. June
  6. April
  7. Saturday
  8. day
  9. November
  10. Tuesday
  11. Wednesday
  12. Friday
  13. December
  14. Spring
  15. Thursday

28 Clues: MaydayyearJuneJulyweekmonthAprilMarchsummerAutumnAugustFridaySpringSundaywinterseasonMondayJanuaryTuesdayOctoberSaturdayNovemberDecemberFebruaryThursdayWednesdaySeptember

El Calendario 2017-09-28

El Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. day
  2. Tuesday
  3. week
  4. June
  5. December
  6. summer
  7. February
  8. May
  9. Wednesday
  10. March
  11. October
  12. July
  13. January
  1. April
  2. November
  3. Spring
  4. season
  5. Saturday
  6. September
  7. Friday
  8. Thursday
  9. winter
  10. Sunday
  11. Autumn
  12. August
  13. month
  14. year
  15. Monday

28 Clues: dayMayweekJuneyearJulyAprilmonthMarchSpringseasonFridaywinterSundaysummerAutumnAugustMondayTuesdayOctoberJanuaryNovemberSaturdayThursdayDecemberFebruarySeptemberWednesday

Good Stuff 4 - What's the weather like? page 52 2017-05-08

Good Stuff 4 - What's the weather like? page 52 crossword puzzle
  1. årstid
  2. snö
  3. moln
  4. tisdag
  5. february
  6. december
  7. januari
  8. torsdag
  9. april
  10. måndag
  11. augusti
  12. juli
  13. mars
  14. sol
  15. regn
  1. sommar
  2. oktober
  3. vinter
  4. vind
  5. onsdag
  6. väder
  7. november
  8. lördag
  9. fredag
  10. vår
  11. söndag
  12. höst
  13. höst
  14. maj
  15. juni

30 Clues: snövårmajsolvindmolnhösthöstjulijunimarsregnväderaprilsommarvinteronsdagårstidlördagtisdagfredagsöndagmåndagoktoberjanuaritorsdagaugustinovemberfebruarydecember

Good Stuff 4 - What's the weather like? page 52 2017-05-08

Good Stuff 4 - What's the weather like? page 52 crossword puzzle
  1. vår
  2. vinter
  3. regn
  4. väder
  5. tisdag
  6. snö
  7. oktober
  8. årstid
  9. december
  10. lördag
  11. juli
  12. höst
  13. onsdag
  14. mars
  15. höst
  16. moln
  1. sommar
  2. fredag
  3. januari
  4. torsdag
  5. måndag
  6. november
  7. sol
  8. augusti
  9. february
  10. maj
  11. vind
  12. juni
  13. söndag
  14. april

30 Clues: vårsolsnömajregnvindjunijulihöstmarshöstmolnväderaprilsommarfredagvintermåndagtisdagårstidlördagsöndagonsdagjanuaritorsdagaugustioktobernovemberfebruarydecember

Maáad-aat Wu T'aqas 2017-05-06

Maáad-aat Wu T'aqas crossword puzzle
  1. Tempest
  2. Hail
  3. Summer
  4. Hot
  5. Drought
  6. Fall
  7. Snow
  8. Chill
  9. Atmosphere
  10. Winter
  11. Pouring
  12. Wind
  13. Horizontal
  14. Sleet
  15. Climate
  16. Vertical
  1. Heat
  2. Clear
  3. Calm
  4. Cold
  5. Breeze
  6. Air
  7. Spring
  8. Sunny
  9. Cloud
  10. Temperature
  11. Damp, Moist
  12. Storm
  13. Freeze

29 Clues: HotAirHeatCalmColdHailFallSnowWindClearSunnyCloudChillStormSleetBreezeSummerSpringWinterFreezeTempestDroughtPouringClimateVerticalAtmosphereHorizontalTemperatureDamp, Moist

Időjárás és évszakok 2021-05-22

Időjárás és évszakok crossword puzzle
  1. ősz
  2. pocsolya
  3. árvíz
  4. jégcsap
  5. bőrig ázva(4szó)
  6. fagy
  7. tavasz
  8. köd
  9. vihar
  10. mennydörgés
  11. gumicsizma(2szó)
  12. szél
  13. esernyő
  14. időjárás
  15. éghajlat
  1. nyár
  2. esőcsepp
  3. felhő
  4. villám
  5. szivárvány
  6. időjárás-jelentés(2szó)
  7. hóember
  8. évszak
  9. eső
  10. tél

26 Clues: őszködesőtélnyárfagyszélfelhőárvízviharvillámévszaktavaszjégcsaphóemberesernyőesőcsepppocsolyaidőjáráséghajlatszivárványmennydörgésbőrig ázva(4szó)gumicsizma(2szó)időjárás-jelentés(2szó)

Happy ZhanZhan Birthday 2021-10-01

Happy ZhanZhan Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. Pan ชื่อแฟนคลับ (ภาษาอังกฤษ)
  2. รายการที่ไปร้องเพลง ที่นักร้องรุ่นใหม่จับคู่กับนักร้องรุ่นเก่า
  3. ชื่อตัวละครในภาพยนตร์เรื่องแรกที่เซียวจ้านร่วมแสดง
  4. บ้านเกิดของเซียวจ้าน
  5. ละครเวทีเรื่องแรก
  6. ชื่อภาษาอังกฤษของเซียวจ้าน
  7. ซิงเกิลแรก
  8. ฤดูที่เซียวจ้านชอบ
  9. ชื่อแมวของเซียวจ้าน
  10. ราศีเกิด
  11. ซีรี่ส์เรื่องแรกที่แสดง
  12. ชื่อแฟนคลับ (พินอิน)
  1. ภาพยนตร์ที่โด่งดังไปทั่วโลก
  2. ซีรี่ส์ที่มีความนิยมสูงสุด
  3. สีประจำแฟนด้อม
  4. การ์ตูนที่เซียวจ้านชอบ
  5. ตำแหน่งของเซียวจ้านในวง XNine
  6. มหาวิทยาลัยของเซียวจ้าน
  7. เพลงที่มียอดขายเร็วที่สุดแม้ไม่ได้ขึ้นแสดง
  8. ชื่อเล่นของเซียวจ้าน
  9. อาหารที่ชอบกิน
  10. สัญลักษณ์แฟนคลับ
  11. ชื่อวงที่เดบิวต์
  12. คำภาษาอังกฤษในชื่อแอค weibo
  13. เดือนที่เซียวจ้านเดบิวต์

25 Clues: ราศีเกิดซิงเกิลแรกสีประจำแฟนด้อมอาหารที่ชอบกินสัญลักษณ์แฟนคลับชื่อวงที่เดบิวต์ละครเวทีเรื่องแรกฤดูที่เซียวจ้านชอบชื่อแมวของเซียวจ้านบ้านเกิดของเซียวจ้านชื่อเล่นของเซียวจ้านชื่อแฟนคลับ (พินอิน)การ์ตูนที่เซียวจ้านชอบมหาวิทยาลัยของเซียวจ้านซีรี่ส์เรื่องแรกที่แสดงเดือนที่เซียวจ้านเดบิวต์ซีรี่ส์ที่มีความนิยมสูงสุดชื่อภาษาอังกฤษของเซียวจ้าน...

26-45 Braxton 2022-04-26

26-45 Braxton crossword puzzle
  1. it snows
  2. summer
  3. itś cold
  4. winter
  5. clock
  6. it’s sunny
  7. what is the weather like?
  8. itś hot
  9. it drizzles
  10. noon
  1. spring
  2. fall
  3. ice
  4. to go for a walk
  5. cloud
  6. lightning
  7. it’s cloudy
  8. midnight
  9. it’s cool
  10. it’s windy

20 Clues: icefallnooncloudclockspringsummerwinteritś hotit snowsitś coldmidnightlightningit’s coolit’s sunnyit’s windyit’s cloudyit drizzlesto go for a walkwhat is the weather like?

Preston 2022-05-23

Preston crossword puzzle
  1. salir
  2. barato
  3. porque
  4. cena
  5. morena
  6. compras
  7. tainos
  8. leer
  9. almuerzo
  10. barco
  11. reloj
  12. relog
  13. escribir
  1. caminar
  2. pelirroja
  3. feo
  4. usted
  5. usted
  6. asistir
  7. avion
  8. sed
  9. invierno
  10. que
  11. tomar
  12. perezoso
  13. desayuno
  14. relado
  15. como
  16. primos
  17. fria

30 Clues: feosedquecenaleercomofriasalirustedustedaviontomarbarcorelojrelogbaratoporquemorenatainosreladoprimoscaminarasistircomprasinviernoalmuerzoperezosodesayunoescribirpelirroja

Ch. 1- Ça va 2022-08-21

Ch. 1- Ça va crossword puzzle
  1. please
  2. july
  3. saturday
  4. have a great day
  5. spring
  6. excuse me
  7. goodbye
  8. what is your name?
  9. vendredi
  10. december
  11. june
  1. my name is
  2. sunday
  3. thanks
  4. here
  5. there
  6. winter
  7. monday
  8. march
  9. hello
  10. today
  11. yesterday
  12. tomorrow
  13. summer

24 Clues: julyherejunetheremarchhellotodaysundaypleasethankswintermondayspringsummergoodbyesaturdaytomorrowvendredidecemberexcuse meyesterdaymy name ishave a great daywhat is your name?

Vocab de Noël 2019-12-03

Vocab de Noël crossword puzzle
  1. ornament
  2. snow
  3. lights
  4. friends
  5. snowman
  6. celebration
  7. winter
  8. angel
  9. fire
  10. stars
  11. scarf
  12. toque
  1. present
  2. family
  3. Santa Claus
  4. gingerbread
  5. boots
  6. hot chocolate
  7. candle
  8. coat
  9. reindeer
  10. sleigh
  11. mistletoe
  12. cold
  13. elf
  14. Christmas tree/pine tree
  15. skate

27 Clues: elfsnowcoatcoldfirebootsangelstarsscarfskatetoquefamilylightscandlesleighwinterpresentfriendssnowmanornamentreindeermistletoeSanta Clausgingerbreadcelebrationhot chocolateChristmas tree/pine tree

TEST no.1 2023-06-11

TEST no.1 crossword puzzle
  2. LUTY
  8. ROK
  9. LATO
  10. DZIEŃ
  11. WIOSNA
  12. ŚRODA
  13. ZIMA
  7. MAJ
  13. MARZEC
  14. PIĄTEK


espanol de france 2023-11-27

espanol de france crossword puzzle
  1. we played
  2. cloudy
  3. winter
  4. patin ice skate
  5. swimming
  6. to skate
  7. yesterday
  8. snowing
  9. past tense
  1. scuba diving
  2. the mountain, ex. Everest
  3. I swam
  4. last night
  5. boots
  6. to be
  7. summer
  8. ski jacket, parka
  9. to go
  10. the ice
  11. I looked

20 Clues: bootsto beto goI swamcloudywintersummersnowingthe iceswimmingto skateI lookedwe playedyesterdaylast nightpast tensescuba divingpatin ice skateski jacket, parkathe mountain, ex. Everest

Vine, Vi, Venci 2023-08-25

Vine, Vi, Venci crossword puzzle
  1. I have seen
  2. to choose
  3. day before yesterday
  4. I went
  5. forest
  6. city
  7. he/she conquered/beat
  8. you came
  9. today
  1. country
  2. He/she said
  3. world
  4. I said
  5. savanna
  6. winter
  7. countryside, scenery
  8. there was, there were
  9. town, village
  10. yesterday
  11. I saw

20 Clues: cityworldI sawtodayI saidwinterI wentforestcountrysavannayou cameto chooseyesterdayHe/she saidI have seentown, villageday before yesterdaycountryside, scenerythere was, there werehe/she conquered/beat

Days, Dates and Weather 2023-08-24

Days, Dates and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. tomorrow
  2. it rains
  3. day
  4. December
  5. saturday
  6. January
  7. Summer
  8. it's hot
  9. it's sunny
  10. it's cold
  11. Winter
  12. today
  1. Spring
  2. May
  3. Fall
  4. birthday
  5. it's cloudy
  6. first
  7. sunday
  8. April
  9. month
  10. monday
  11. it snow
  12. March
  13. it's windy
  14. February

26 Clues: MaydayFallfirstAprilmonthMarchtodaySpringsundaymondaySummerWinterit snowJanuarytomorrowbirthdayit rainsDecembersaturdayFebruaryit's hotit's coldit's windyit's sunnyit's cloudy

Teka-Teki Silang Nih 2023-10-19

Teka-Teki Silang Nih crossword puzzle
  1. Berawan
  2. Mekar
  3. Maret
  4. Cerah
  5. Gerimis
  6. Cerah
  7. Musim Panas
  8. Berangin
  9. Badai Salju
  10. Bersalju
  11. Panas
  12. Musim Kemarau
  13. Musim Dingin
  14. Musim Semi
  1. Musim Gugur
  2. Mendung
  3. Hujan Deras
  4. Dingin
  5. Petir
  6. Berkabut
  7. Musim Hujan
  8. Badai
  9. Hangat
  10. Sejuk
  11. Musim Gugur
  12. Hujan

26 Clues: MekarPetirMaretCerahBadaiCerahSejukPanasHujanDinginHangatBerawanMendungGerimisBerkabutBeranginBersaljuMusim SemiMusim GugurHujan DerasMusim HujanMusim PanasBadai SaljuMusim GugurMusim DinginMusim Kemarau

Gloseprøve 2024-02-09

Gloseprøve crossword puzzle
  1. havnen
  2. tårnet
  3. mye
  4. slottet
  5. farge
  6. hus
  7. byen
  8. bil
  9. vinter
  10. politiet
  11. butikk
  12. å snakke på telefon
  13. å lete etter
  14. muren
  1. flyplassen
  2. kirken
  3. politimannen
  4. fjell
  5. mistet
  6. sykkel
  7. gata
  8. sort
  9. veldig
  10. hovedstad
  11. kult
  12. jernbane
  13. med

27 Clues: myehusbilmedgatasortbyenkultfjellfargemurenhavnenkirkentårnetmistetsykkelveldigvinterbutikkslottetjernbanepolitiethovedstadflyplassenpolitimannenå lete etterå snakke på telefon

Mots croises 10 2024-03-06

Mots croises 10 crossword puzzle
  1. handbag
  2. garbage can
  3. sheet (of paper)
  4. cola
  5. cap
  6. dress scarf
  7. ring
  8. grandmother
  9. saturday
  10. nephew
  11. museum
  12. march
  13. fries
  14. winter scarf
  1. classroom
  2. mathematics
  3. bread, thin loaf
  4. change purse
  5. orange juice
  6. bed
  7. leather goods shop
  8. glass
  9. tablecloth
  10. salt

24 Clues: bedcapcolaringsaltglassmarchfriesnephewmuseumhandbagsaturdayclassroomtableclothmathematicsgarbage candress scarfgrandmotherchange purseorange juicewinter scarfbread, thin loafsheet (of paper)leather goods shop

Y6 Kapitel 10 Das Jahr 2024-03-23

Y6 Kapitel 10 Das Jahr crossword puzzle
  1. höst
  2. april
  3. oktober
  4. dag
  5. läsa
  6. maj
  7. augusti
  8. simma
  9. månader
  10. november
  11. cykel
  12. juli
  13. juni
  14. födelsedag
  15. svampar
  1. vinter
  2. plockar
  3. februari,
  4. mars
  5. samlar
  6. sommar
  7. skridskor
  8. december
  9. idag
  10. skidor
  11. år
  12. vår,
  13. januari
  14. september

29 Clues: årdagmajhöstmarsläsaidagvår,julijuniaprilsimmacykelvintersamlarsommarskidorplockaroktoberaugustimånaderjanuarisvampardecembernovemberfebruari,skridskorseptemberfödelsedag

De Vacaciones 2024-04-26

De Vacaciones crossword puzzle
  1. guest
  2. key
  3. departure
  4. cloudy
  5. bed
  6. floor
  7. fall
  8. january
  9. arrival
  10. seventh
  11. countryside
  12. cold
  13. airplane
  14. landscape
  1. summer
  2. beach
  3. airport
  4. bellhop
  5. to camp
  6. boat
  7. ninth
  8. winter
  9. elevator
  10. hot
  11. traveler
  12. to fish
  13. october

27 Clues: keybedhotboatfallcoldbeachguestninthfloorsummercloudywinterairportbellhopto campjanuaryarrivalseventhto fishoctoberelevatortravelerairplanedeparturelandscapecountryside

Symbolism Vocabulary 2024-09-17

Symbolism Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. balloon
  2. director
  3. ghost
  4. clover
  5. statue
  6. popcorn
  7. mouse
  8. notes
  9. trophy
  10. bubble
  11. division
  12. paint
  13. watch
  14. moon
  1. ring
  2. crown
  3. rose
  4. snowflake
  5. money
  6. siren
  7. eyeballs
  8. bottle
  9. travel
  10. drums
  11. magnifying glass
  12. books
  13. zzz
  14. monkey
  15. skull

29 Clues: zzzringrosemooncrownmoneysirenghostdrumsmousenotesbookspaintskullwatchbottleclovertravelstatuetrophymonkeybubbleballoonpopcorndirectoreyeballsdivisionsnowflakemagnifying glass

weather and things 2016-04-16

weather and things crossword puzzle
  1. шорты
  2. нас, нам
  3. рубашка
  4. холодный
  5. остров
  6. джинсы
  7. лодка
  8. цветок
  9. лето
  10. пальто
  11. юбка
  12. дождливый
  13. осень
  14. солнечный
  15. ветренный
  1. туфли
  2. весна
  3. носки
  4. зима
  5. куртка
  6. погода
  7. снежный
  8. жаркий
  9. футболка
  10. праздник
  11. музыка
  12. волшебный

27 Clues: зималетоюбкатуфлишортывеснаноскилодкаосеньостровкурткаджинсыцветокпогодажаркийпальтомузыкарубашкаснежныйнас, намхолодныйфутболкапраздникдождливыйволшебныйсолнечныйветренный

Chapter 5: Months and Seasons 2016-11-09

Chapter 5: Months and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. the month
  2. the first
  3. the date
  4. the last
  5. the Fall
  6. November
  7. June
  8. the Spring
  9. the seasons
  10. July
  11. December
  12. February
  1. April
  2. the Summer
  3. the calendar
  4. the year
  5. October
  6. the Winter
  7. August
  8. March
  9. May
  10. September
  11. January

23 Clues: MayJuneJulyAprilMarchAugustOctoberJanuarythe yearthe datethe lastthe FallNovemberDecemberFebruarythe monththe firstSeptemberthe Summerthe Springthe Winterthe seasonsthe calendar

El Tiempo 2017-09-28

El Tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. Friday
  2. Thursday
  3. April
  4. season
  5. October
  6. December
  7. Saturday
  8. March
  9. year
  10. day
  11. Spring
  12. January
  13. February
  14. Sunday
  1. August
  2. Wednesday
  3. month
  4. September
  5. Monday
  6. Tuesday
  7. summer
  8. week
  9. November
  10. winter
  11. Autumn
  12. May
  13. June
  14. July

28 Clues: MaydayweekyearJuneJulymonthAprilMarchAugustMondayFridaysummerseasonwinterAutumnSpringSundayTuesdayOctoberJanuaryThursdayNovemberDecemberSaturdayFebruaryWednesdaySeptember

El Calendario 2017-09-28

El Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. Thursday
  2. Wednesday
  3. summer
  4. week
  5. July
  6. September
  7. April
  8. November
  9. February
  10. day
  11. Sunday
  12. Autumn
  13. May
  14. Monday
  1. Friday
  2. January
  3. December
  4. Spring
  5. season
  6. August
  7. Tuesday
  8. June
  9. winter
  10. Saturday
  11. month
  12. March
  13. October
  14. year

28 Clues: dayMayweekJulyJuneyearAprilmonthMarchFridaySpringseasonsummerAugustwinterSundayAutumnMondayJanuaryTuesdayOctoberThursdayDecemberNovemberSaturdayFebruaryWednesdaySeptember

Good Stuff 4 - What's the weather like? page 52 2017-05-08

Good Stuff 4 - What's the weather like? page 52 crossword puzzle
  1. mars
  2. måndag
  3. juni
  4. vår
  5. väder
  6. söndag
  7. januari
  8. oktober
  9. höst
  10. vinter
  11. november
  12. tisdag
  13. february
  14. lördag
  15. regn
  1. vind
  2. moln
  3. maj
  4. april
  5. snö
  6. augusti
  7. årstid
  8. december
  9. höst
  10. juli
  11. fredag
  12. onsdag
  13. torsdag
  14. sol
  15. sommar

30 Clues: majsnövårsolvindmolnmarsjunihöstjulihöstregnaprilvädermåndagårstidsöndagfredagvinteronsdagtisdagsommarlördagaugustijanuarioktobertorsdagdecembernovemberfebruary

Ripassi per Jess 2018-08-09

Ripassi per Jess crossword puzzle
  1. Place
  2. scarf
  3. Shoe
  4. Shop
  5. Spring
  6. Castle
  7. Seasons
  8. Winter
  9. "These" before "pantaloni"
  10. To hide
  11. Tower
  12. Farm
  13. Age
  1. "That" before "gonna"
  2. Exhibition
  3. To grow
  4. Sweater
  5. "These" before "stivali"
  6. To guess
  7. Stamp
  8. Vest
  9. Daughter
  10. T-shirt
  11. Plant

24 Clues: AgeShoeVestShopFarmPlacescarfStampPlantTowerSpringCastleWinterTo growSweaterT-shirtSeasonsTo hideTo guessDaughterExhibition"That" before "gonna""These" before "stivali""These" before "pantaloni"

karen's kruiswoordraadsel 2013-03-23

karen's kruiswoordraadsel crossword puzzle
  1. instrument
  2. lievelingskleur
  3. lelijkste 'woord'
  4. geit
  5. lievelingsgetal
  6. merk horloge
  7. lievelingseten
  8. tea lekkerste drank
  9. laatste getal gsm-nummer
  1. wintersport
  2. artiest
  3. kleur kamer
  4. seizoen waarin ik verjaar
  5. speciaal
  6. kleur fiets
  7. heel belangrijk!
  8. schoenmaat
  9. lievelingsdier
  10. verloren in 2008
  11. tweede naam

20 Clues: geitartiestspeciaalinstrumentschoenmaatwintersportkleur kamerkleur fietstweede naammerk horlogelievelingsdierlievelingsetenlievelingskleurlievelingsgetalheel belangrijk!verloren in 2008lelijkste 'woord'tea lekkerste dranklaatste getal gsm-nummerseizoen waarin ik verjaar

CROSSWORD!!!! 2013-05-16

CROSSWORD!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. about it memikirkan
  2. degree
  3. sorry excuse me
  4. rain hujan rintik rintik
  5. humid
  6. heavy rain
  7. hungry
  8. forecast
  9. kecepatan
  10. windy
  11. lem
  12. air
  13. weather
  1. musim dingin
  2. warm
  3. ledakan
  4. sunshine
  5. laba-laba
  6. lubang
  7. to wake up late
  8. thunder
  9. hot

22 Clues: hotlemairwarmhumidwindydegreelubanghungryledakanthunderweathersunshineforecastlaba-labakecepatanheavy rainmusim dinginsorry excuse meto wake up lateabout it memikirkanrain hujan rintik rintik

Les Filles du Roi 2015-03-06

Les Filles du Roi crossword puzzle
  1. Shoulder
  2. Farmer
  3. Husband
  4. Mad Woman
  5. Discuss
  6. Always
  7. Winter
  8. Increase
  9. Hard
  10. Buy
  11. Money
  1. Animal
  2. To Marry
  3. To Survive
  4. Dirty/Filthy
  5. Mutton
  6. Robust
  7. Brave
  8. Meat
  9. Present
  10. Pass
  11. Together
  12. Barbarian
  13. Maybe
  14. Be Left/Remaining
  15. Wrong

26 Clues: BuyMeatPassHardBraveMaybeWrongMoneyAnimalFarmerMuttonRobustAlwaysWinterHusbandDiscussPresentShoulderTo MarryTogetherIncreaseMad WomanBarbarianTo SurviveDirty/FilthyBe Left/Remaining

Happy ZhanZhan Birthday 2021-10-01

Happy ZhanZhan Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. สีประจำแฟนด้อม
  2. ชื่อแมวของเซียวจ้าน
  3. มหาวิทยาลัยของเซียวจ้าน
  4. เพลงที่มียอดขายเร็วที่สุดแม้ไม่ได้ขึ้นแสดง
  5. ซิงเกิลแรก
  6. ฤดูที่เซียวจ้านชอบ
  7. คำภาษาอังกฤษในชื่อแอค weibo
  8. ชื่อภาษาอังกฤษของเซียวจ้าน
  9. ชื่อวงที่เดบิวต์
  10. Pan ชื่อแฟนคลับ (ภาษาอังกฤษ)
  11. ชื่อแฟนคลับ (พินอิน)
  12. ซีรี่ส์ที่มีความนิยมสูงสุด
  13. ซีรี่ส์เรื่องแรกที่แสดง
  14. ราศีเกิด
  1. ละครเวทีเรื่องแรก
  2. บ้านเกิดของเซียวจ้าน
  3. ตำแหน่งของเซียวจ้านในวง XNine
  4. อาหารที่ชอบกิน
  5. รายการที่ไปร้องเพลง ที่นักร้องรุ่นใหม่จับคู่กับนักร้องรุ่นเก่า
  6. ชื่อตัวละครในภาพยนตร์เรื่องแรกที่เซียวจ้านร่วมแสดง
  7. การ์ตูนที่เซียวจ้านชอบ
  8. ภาพยนตร์ที่โด่งดังไปทั่วโลก
  9. สัญลักษณ์แฟนคลับ
  10. เดือนที่เซียวจ้านเดบิวต์
  11. ชื่อเล่นของเซียวจ้าน

25 Clues: ราศีเกิดซิงเกิลแรกสีประจำแฟนด้อมอาหารที่ชอบกินสัญลักษณ์แฟนคลับชื่อวงที่เดบิวต์ละครเวทีเรื่องแรกฤดูที่เซียวจ้านชอบชื่อแมวของเซียวจ้านบ้านเกิดของเซียวจ้านชื่อเล่นของเซียวจ้านชื่อแฟนคลับ (พินอิน)การ์ตูนที่เซียวจ้านชอบมหาวิทยาลัยของเซียวจ้านซีรี่ส์เรื่องแรกที่แสดงเดือนที่เซียวจ้านเดบิวต์ชื่อภาษาอังกฤษของเซียวจ้านซีรี่ส์ที่มีความนิยมสูงสุด...

preterite 2021-02-09

preterite crossword puzzle
  1. to have
  2. to put/place
  3. fuiste
  4. last spring
  5. to do
  6. hice
  7. tuvimos
  8. last winter
  9. last year
  10. last night
  1. last monday
  2. to be
  3. last month
  4. yesterday
  5. last weekend
  6. to give
  7. to be able to
  8. last fall
  9. last summer
  10. last week

20 Clues: hiceto beto dofuisteto haveto givetuvimosyesterdaylast falllast weeklast yearlast monthlast nightlast mondaylast springlast summerlast winterto put/placelast weekendto be able to

El Calendario 2021-03-02

El Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. Sunday
  2. March
  3. will be
  4. Winter
  5. Monday
  6. Wednesday
  7. Summer
  8. November
  9. December
  10. of
  11. August
  12. June
  13. is
  1. Saturday
  2. Spring
  3. Thursday
  4. today
  5. Tuesday
  6. July
  7. February
  8. the
  9. October
  10. Fall
  11. September
  12. Friday
  13. was
  14. January
  15. May
  16. April

29 Clues: ofisthewasMayJulyFallJunetodayMarchAprilSpringSundayWinterMondayFridaySummerAugustTuesdaywill beOctoberJanuarySaturdayThursdayFebruaryNovemberDecemberWednesdaySeptember

The opposite of... 2021-11-11

The opposite of... crossword puzzle
  1. walk
  2. sour
  3. war
  4. write
  5. slow
  6. east
  7. enemy
  8. out
  9. closed
  10. white
  11. sad
  12. cool
  13. summer
  14. right
  15. short
  16. night
  1. here
  2. stupid
  3. morning
  4. lost
  5. big
  6. buy
  7. slim
  8. yes
  9. rich
  10. ugly
  11. old
  12. boy
  13. curvy

29 Clues: warbigbuyyesoutoldsadboywalkheresourslowlosteastslimrichuglycoolwriteenemywhiterightcurvyshortnightstupidclosedsummermorning

Meses del Anio y Otras 2021-11-15

Meses del Anio y Otras crossword puzzle
  1. JUNE
  10. TODAY
  11. MAY
  12. SPRING
  3. APRIL
  4. JULY
  9. MARCH
  12. WEEK


Weather, counties and continents 2021-11-05

Weather, counties and continents crossword puzzle
  1. brazylia
  2. afryka
  3. północ
  4. wiosna
  5. egipt
  6. kanada
  7. mokro
  8. ameryka
  9. azja
  10. wietrznie
  11. lato
  12. jesień
  13. gorąco
  14. zimno
  1. polska
  2. zima
  3. południe
  4. mgliście
  5. chiny
  6. pochmurno
  7. australia
  8. europa
  9. lodowato
  10. sucho
  11. antarktyda
  12. norwegia
  13. ciepło
  14. stany zjednoczone

28 Clues: zimaazjalatochinysuchoegiptmokrozimnopolskaafrykaeuropapółnocwiosnakanadaciepłojesieńgorącoamerykabrazyliapołudniemgliścielodowatonorwegiapochmurnoaustraliawietrznieantarktydastany zjednoczone

Λεξιλόγιο Αγγλικών 2022-03-01

Λεξιλόγιο Αγγλικών crossword puzzle
  1. σκαρφαλώνω
  2. βλέπω
  3. πρέπει
  4. φούρνος
  5. μαγειρεύω
  6. βροχή
  7. εχθές
  8. χειμώνας
  9. σήμερα
  10. καλώς όρισες
  11. άνοιξη
  12. πετάω
  1. φυσώ
  2. φθινόπωρο
  3. βάζω
  4. πεινασμένος-η-ο
  5. αντίο
  6. μερικός-η-ο
  7. μπορώ
  8. καλοκαίρι
  9. παίρνω
  10. σκέφτομαι,νομίζω
  11. νόστιμος-η-ο
  12. φαγητό
  13. περπατάω

25 Clues: φυσώβάζωβλέπωαντίομπορώβροχήεχθέςπετάωπρέπειπαίρνωσήμεραφαγητόάνοιξηφούρνοςχειμώναςπερπατάωφθινόπωρομαγειρεύωκαλοκαίρισκαρφαλώνωμερικός-η-ονόστιμος-η-οκαλώς όρισεςπεινασμένος-η-οσκέφτομαι,νομίζω

Spanish 2022-03-25

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. it's raining
  2. it's __ degrees
  3. it's windy
  4. the weather is good
  5. it's cloudy
  6. how's the weather
  7. it's misty
  8. partly
  9. winter
  10. it's sunny
  11. it's foggy
  12. it's cool
  1. spring
  2. it's cold
  3. it's sunny
  4. raining
  5. the weather is good
  6. fall
  7. summer
  8. it's snowing
  9. snowing
  10. it's hot

22 Clues: fallspringsummerpartlywinterrainingsnowingit's hotit's coldit's coolit's sunnyit's windyit's mistyit's sunnyit's foggyit's cloudyit's rainingit's snowingit's __ degreeshow's the weatherthe weather is goodthe weather is good

Módelo Uno- El Tiempo 2022-04-19

Módelo Uno- El Tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. its sunny
  2. Fall
  3. January
  4. its cloudy
  5. its snowing
  6. its cool
  7. its hot
  8. its rainy
  9. September
  10. Winter
  11. weather
  1. July
  2. February
  3. its windy
  4. May
  5. October
  6. Its Cold
  7. August
  8. June
  9. December
  10. April
  11. Summer
  12. Spring
  13. November
  14. March

25 Clues: MayJulyFallJuneAprilMarchAugustSummerWinterSpringOctoberJanuaryits hotweatherFebruaryIts ColdDecemberits coolNovemberits windyits sunnyits rainySeptemberits cloudyits snowing

4th grade vocabulary - revision 2022-06-21

4th grade vocabulary - revision crossword puzzle
  1. puszysty
  2. huśtawka
  3. spodnie
  4. fotel
  5. babcia
  6. ananas
  7. kurtka
  8. sukienka
  9. włosy
  10. szafa
  11. popołudnie
  12. siodło
  1. pod
  2. butelka
  3. kuchnia
  4. chudy, szczupły
  5. gogle
  6. ciocia
  7. kręcony
  8. makaron
  9. jazda na rowerze, kolarstwo
  10. motyl
  11. biurko
  12. papuga
  13. zima
  14. głowa
  15. koń

27 Clues: podkońzimagoglefotelmotylwłosygłowaszafaciociababciaananaskurtkabiurkopapugasiodłobutelkakuchniaspodniekręconymakaronpuszystyhuśtawkasukienkapopołudniechudy, szczupłyjazda na rowerze, kolarstwo

mark 2022-05-23

mark crossword puzzle
  1. cousins
  2. cold
  3. theclock
  4. trip
  5. lunch
  6. how
  7. cheap
  8. towrite
  9. lazy
  10. winter
  11. shopping
  12. cars
  13. togoout
  14. towalk
  15. thristy
  1. todrink
  2. redhair
  3. prepare
  4. ugly
  5. byship
  6. why
  7. tobuy
  8. tobreak
  9. plane
  10. dinner
  11. asist
  12. toeat
  13. city
  14. toread

29 Clues: whyhowuglycoldtriplazycitycarstobuylunchplanecheapasisttoeatbyshipdinnerwintertoreadtowalktodrinkcousinsredhairpreparetobreaktowritetogooutthristytheclockshopping

Repaso 2022-02-08

Repaso crossword puzzle
  1. Miss
  2. Mister
  3. The week
  4. Congratulations
  5. How many?
  6. Sunday
  7. Snow
  8. How are you?
  9. See you soon!
  1. Thank you
  2. What is the season?
  3. And a half
  4. Hello
  5. Please
  6. It´s good weather
  7. Feburary
  8. The year
  9. Winter
  10. Goodbye!
  11. It´s 1´oclock

20 Clues: MissSnowHelloPleaseMisterWinterSundayFeburaryThe yearThe weekGoodbye!Thank youHow many?And a halfHow are you?It´s 1´oclockSee you soon!CongratulationsIt´s good weatherWhat is the season?

Audi 7th grade review 2021-05-12

Audi 7th grade review crossword puzzle
  1. Since, From
  2. Right now
  3. Border
  4. Something
  5. Always
  6. We throw
  7. While
  8. She arrives
  9. Strange, weird
  10. The country
  11. Never
  12. She spends time
  13. Population
  1. About
  2. He washes
  3. He has success
  4. Autumn
  5. Spring
  6. You clean
  7. Winter
  8. Again
  9. Summer

22 Clues: AboutWhileAgainNeverAutumnBorderSpringAlwaysWinterSummerWe throwHe washesRight nowSomethingYou cleanPopulationSince, FromShe arrivesThe countryHe has successStrange, weirdShe spends time

Blanc Rappel 2-Objets/Pronoms de lieu 2020-05-27

Blanc Rappel 2-Objets/Pronoms de lieu crossword puzzle
  1. far/from
  2. sweater
  3. in/front/of
  4. watch
  5. notebook
  6. shirt
  7. in/between
  8. under
  9. cellphone
  10. baseball/cap
  11. car
  12. July
  13. computer
  1. quarter/til'
  2. desk
  3. halfpast
  4. sixty
  5. shoes
  6. how/much
  7. computers
  8. book
  9. bed
  10. thing
  11. spring
  12. winter

25 Clues: bedcardeskbookJulysixtywatchshoesshirtunderthingspringwintersweaterfar/fromhalfpastnotebookhow/muchcomputercomputerscellphonein/betweenin/front/ofquarter/til'baseball/cap

Fashion Vocab 2016-05-12

Fashion Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. winter coat
  2. clothes
  3. shoes
  4. coat
  5. hat
  6. dress
  7. mens suit
  8. shirt
  9. tie
  10. sunglasses
  11. cap
  12. pants
  13. scarf (silky)
  1. sandals
  2. blouse
  3. boots
  4. scarf (long and woolen)
  5. jeans
  6. accessories
  7. jacket
  8. skirt
  9. socks
  10. womans suit
  11. rain coat
  12. pullover sweater

25 Clues: hattiecapcoatbootsjeansshoesskirtdresssocksshirtpantsblousejacketsandalsclothesmens suitrain coatsunglasseswinter coataccessorieswomans suitscarf (silky)pullover sweaterscarf (long and woolen)

MCU MANIA 2020-04-01

MCU MANIA crossword puzzle
  1. Wakanda
  2. mad titan
  3. winter soldier
  4. adamantium
  5. sentient tree
  6. thunder
  7. empath
  8. hot headed
  9. angry
  10. archer
  1. p913
  2. assasin
  3. mind stone
  4. thanos's daughter
  5. time stone
  6. webs
  7. billionaire
  8. thief
  9. spy
  10. accuser

20 Clues: spyp913websthiefangryempatharcherassasinWakandathunderaccusermad titanmind stonetime stoneadamantiumhot headedbillionairesentient treewinter soldierthanos's daughter

Spanish vocabulary Viernes 2 de junio (Friday 2nd June) 2023-06-02

Spanish vocabulary Viernes 2 de junio (Friday 2nd June) crossword puzzle
  1. ocho
  2. ciencia
  3. uno
  4. verano
  5. jueves
  6. Corea
  7. martes
  8. viernes
  9. inglés
  10. primavera
  11. domingo
  12. sister
  13. español
  14. médico
  15. brother
  1. otoño
  2. invierno
  3. nueve
  4. lunes
  5. Sábado
  6. matemáticas
  7. profesor
  8. seis
  9. siete
  10. miércoles
  11. father
  12. mother
  13. historia
  14. estudiante

29 Clues: unoochoseisotoñonuevelunesCoreasieteveranoSábadojuevesmartesinglésfathermothersistermédicocienciaviernesdomingoespañolbrotherinviernoprofesorhistoriamiércolesprimaveraestudiantematemáticas

天气 2023-04-26

天气 crossword puzzle
  1. sometimes
  3. forecast
  4. undergo change the weather
  5. summer
  6. maybe
  7. lowest
  8. warm
  9. fall
  10. more and more
  11. the day after tomorrow
  1. spring
  2. sunny day
  3. sight-seeing
  4. season
  5. winter
  6. cool and pleasant
  7. week
  8. temperature
  9. the day before yesterday

20 Clues: weekwarmfallmaybespringseasonwintersummerlowestforecastsunny and morecool and pleasantthe day after tomorrowthe day before yesterdayundergo change the weather

Vine, Vi, Venci 2023-08-25

Vine, Vi, Venci crossword puzzle
  1. I have seen
  2. to choose
  3. day before yesterday
  4. I went
  5. forest
  6. city
  7. he/she conquered/beat
  8. you came
  9. today
  1. country
  2. He/she said
  3. world
  4. I said
  5. savanna
  6. winter
  7. countryside, scenery
  8. there was, there were
  9. town, village
  10. yesterday
  11. I saw

20 Clues: cityworldI sawtodayI saidwinterI wentforestcountrysavannayou cameto chooseyesterdayHe/she saidI have seentown, villageday before yesterdaycountryside, scenerythere was, there werehe/she conquered/beat

English 2023-10-27

English crossword puzzle
  1. poletje
  2. ladja
  3. shranjevati
  4. jesti
  5. ocean
  6. kobilica
  7. zlato
  8. puščica
  9. koruza
  10. gnezdo
  11. ljubezen
  12. jesen (prva možnost)
  1. nabirati
  2. pomlad
  3. pomorščak
  4. indijanski šotor
  5. hrana
  6. morje
  7. peti
  8. indijanska princesa
  9. lok
  10. plesati
  11. jesen (druga možnost)
  12. poglavar
  13. mravlja
  14. zima

26 Clues: lokpetizimaladjahranajestimorjeoceanzlatopomladkoruzagnezdopoletjeplesatipuščicamravljanabiratikobilicapoglavarljubezenpomorščakshranjevatiindijanski šotorindijanska princesajesen (prva možnost)jesen (druga možnost)

Ropa y Cuanto cuesta 2024-04-11

Ropa y Cuanto cuesta crossword puzzle
  1. one hundred
  2. cap
  3. shirt
  4. price
  5. bracelet
  6. para el invierno
  7. expensive
  8. earrings
  9. summer
  10. cheap
  11. para la playa
  12. fifty
  13. dress
  1. necktie
  2. ring
  3. skirt
  4. necklaces
  5. purse
  6. pajamas
  7. cents
  8. watch
  9. t-shirt
  10. winter
  11. shoes
  12. suit
  13. scarf

26 Clues: capringsuitskirtshirtpursepricecentswatchshoescheapscarffiftydresswintersummernecktiepajamast-shirtbraceletearringsnecklacesexpensiveone hundredpara la playapara el invierno

crucigrama Eeryn Henry 2024-04-03

crucigrama Eeryn Henry crossword puzzle
  1. manana
  2. el jueves
  3. hola
  4. el sabado
  5. otono
  6. Bien
  7. el lunes
  8. primavera
  9. el mierocles
  10. en
  11. igualmente
  12. cuaderno
  1. el viernes
  2. Buenos dias
  3. boligrafo
  4. el martes
  5. regular
  6. por favor
  7. carpeta
  8. el Domingo
  9. estacion
  10. nada
  11. invireno
  12. verano
  13. cero

25 Clues: enholaBiennadacerootonomananaveranoregularcarpetaestacionel lunesinvirenocuadernoboligrafoel juevesel martespor favorel sabadoprimaverael viernesel DomingoigualmenteBuenos diasel mierocles

La Ropa 2024-05-21

La Ropa crossword puzzle
  1. míercoles
  2. to speak
  3. to see
  4. coat
  5. rojo
  6. Thursday
  7. Friday
  8. blanco/blanca
  9. boots
  10. otoño
  11. winter
  12. shoes
  13. summer
  1. to have
  2. skirt
  3. Tuesday
  4. spring
  5. green
  6. dress
  7. blouse
  8. scarf
  9. to wear
  10. pantalones cortos
  11. pink
  12. blue

25 Clues: coatrojopinkblueskirtgreendressbootsscarfotoñoshoesspringto seeblouseFridaywintersummerto haveTuesdayto wearto speakThursdaymíercolesblanco/blancapantalones cortos

Unit 2 Review Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-26

Unit 2 Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. summer
  2. funny
  3. park
  4. it's cold
  5. friendly
  6. rainy
  7. grandpa
  8. Monday
  9. big
  10. short
  11. Thursday
  12. it's hot
  13. doctor
  14. father
  15. cousin
  1. tall
  2. sunny
  3. mother
  4. home
  5. firefighter
  6. winter
  7. autumn
  8. school
  9. Saturday
  10. teacher
  11. sister
  12. spring

27 Clues: bigtallparkhomefunnysunnyrainyshortsummermotherwinterautumnMondayschoolsisterspringdoctorfathercousingrandpateacherfriendlySaturdayThursdayit's hotit's coldfirefighter

Weather Vocabulary 2024-05-05

Weather Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. la nieve
  2. calido
  3. la tormenta
  4. la lluvia
  5. la niebla
  6. fresco
  7. la inundacion
  8. la huracan
  9. el sol
  10. soleado
  11. nevado
  12. caliente
  13. lluvioso
  1. pronóstico del tiempo
  2. el verano
  3. la primavera
  4. el otono
  5. frio
  6. los nubes
  7. nublado
  8. el invierno
  9. neblinoso

22 Clues: friocalidofrescoel solnevadonubladosoleadola nieveel otonocalientelluviosoel veranola lluviala nieblalos nubesneblinosola huracanla tormentael inviernola primaverala inundacionpronóstico del tiempo

La ropa 2024-05-09

La ropa crossword puzzle
  1. skirt
  2. belt
  3. shoes
  4. wide brimmed Mexican hat
  5. boots
  6. shorts
  7. suit
  8. socks (M)
  9. jacket
  10. mittens
  11. coat
  12. gloves
  1. socks (C)
  2. underwear
  3. t-shirt
  4. winter hat
  5. scarf
  6. buttoned shirt
  7. tracksuit
  8. sweater
  9. baseball hat
  10. dress
  11. pants
  12. tie

24 Clues: tiebeltsuitcoatskirtshoesscarfbootsdresspantsshortsjacketglovest-shirtsweatermittenssocks (C)underweartracksuitsocks (M)winter hatbaseball hatbuttoned shirtwide brimmed Mexican hat

Clothes, Colors, and Seasons 2024-04-26

Clothes, Colors, and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. jeans
  2. summer
  3. socks
  4. shirt
  5. orange
  6. new
  7. ugly
  8. green
  9. shoes
  10. pants
  11. brown
  12. white
  13. hat
  14. cap
  15. autumn
  1. blue
  2. dress
  3. spring
  4. jacket
  5. blouse
  6. shorts
  7. red
  8. clothes
  9. season
  10. to wear
  11. winter
  12. yellow
  13. black

28 Clues: rednewhatcapblueuglyjeansdresssocksshirtgreenshoespantsbrownblackwhitesummerspringjacketblouseshortsorangeseasonwinteryellowautumnclothesto wear


CROSSWORD OPPOSITES crossword puzzle
  1. LOST
  2. WHITE
  3. BOY
  4. WAR
  5. EAST
  6. SAD
  7. SLIM
  9. OUT
  10. WALK
  11. RIGHT
  12. SLOW
  13. UGLY
  14. NIGHT
  15. SHORT
  16. COOL
  17. SOUR
  1. OLD
  4. HERE
  5. RICH
  6. ENEMY
  7. YES
  8. WRITE
  9. BUY
  10. CURVY
  11. CLOSED
  12. BIG



CROSSWORD OPPOSITES crossword puzzle
  1. LOST
  2. WHITE
  3. BOY
  4. WAR
  5. EAST
  6. SAD
  7. SLIM
  9. OUT
  10. WALK
  11. RIGHT
  12. SLOW
  13. UGLY
  14. NIGHT
  15. SHORT
  16. COOL
  17. SOUR
  1. OLD
  4. HERE
  5. RICH
  6. ENEMY
  7. YES
  8. WRITE
  9. BUY
  10. CURVY
  11. CLOSED
  12. BIG


La ropa 2021-03-11

La ropa crossword puzzle
  1. blouse
  2. shoes
  3. bathing suit
  4. spring
  5. T-shirt
  1. dress
  2. pants
  3. socks
  4. winter
  5. sandals
  6. fall
  7. skirt
  8. summer

13 Clues: falldresspantsshoessocksskirtblousewintersummerspringsandalsT-shirtbathing suit

Telling a story 2016-06-02

Telling a story crossword puzzle
  1. accident What did people say happened to Rebecca?
  2. Who often stayed in the cottage?
  3. Why didn´t the second Mrs. de Winter feel confident?
  4. Where did Maxim de Winter live?
  5. What was Mrs. Danvers like?
  1. Why didn't Maxim want his wife to go to the cottage?
  2. Who was Rebecca?
  3. Where did Maxim de Winter meet his second wife?

8 Clues: Who was Rebecca?What was Mrs. Danvers like?Who often stayed in the cottage?Where did Maxim de Winter live?Where did Maxim de Winter meet his second wife?accident What did people say happened to Rebecca?Why didn't Maxim want his wife to go to the cottage?Why didn´t the second Mrs. de Winter feel confident?

Lazy Suzy 2017-03-10

Lazy Suzy crossword puzzle
  1. Electronic machine that stores large amounts of information
  2. The season between summer and winter
  3. a physical or mental activity people do for pleasure
  4. The coldest season of the year
  1. A figure made of snow that is shaped as a person
  2. The season between winter and summer
  3. The warmest season of the year
  4. Not having much activity

8 Clues: Not having much activityThe warmest season of the yearThe coldest season of the yearThe season between winter and summerThe season between summer and winterA figure made of snow that is shaped as a persona physical or mental activity people do for pleasureElectronic machine that stores large amounts of information

Seasons 2021-11-06

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. The weather is warm and the flowers bloom in...
  2. We wear ... on our hands in winter
  3. We ... leaves in autumn
  4. We build a... in winter
  1. It's Christmas time and it's snowing in...
  2. It's hot and sunny, and we can go to the beach in...
  3. We go swimming there in summer
  4. Orange leaves fall from the trees in...

8 Clues: We ... leaves in autumnWe build a... in winterWe go swimming there in summerWe wear ... on our hands in winterOrange leaves fall from the trees in...It's Christmas time and it's snowing in...The weather is warm and the flowers bloom in...It's hot and sunny, and we can go to the beach in...

Seasons 2023-07-10

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. The dense cloudy weather usually seen during autumn and winter
  2. The season of blooming flowers
  3. The season of warm weather
  4. The season of reaping crops
  1. The day when the Sun is at its greatest northern or southernmost point
  2. The coldest season of the year
  3. The season of colorful leaves
  4. The white icy layer on surfaces in the winter

8 Clues: The season of warm weatherThe season of reaping cropsThe season of colorful leavesThe coldest season of the yearThe season of blooming flowersThe white icy layer on surfaces in the winterThe dense cloudy weather usually seen during autumn and winterThe day when the Sun is at its greatest northern or southernmost point

Past tense words 2023-04-10

Past tense words crossword puzzle
  1. был
  2. тому назад
  3. были
  4. осень
  5. лето
  6. вчера
  1. тогда
  2. прошедший, последний
  3. зима
  4. год
  5. месяц
  6. весна
  7. неделя

13 Clues: былгодзимабылилетотогдаосеньмесяцвеснавчеранеделятому назадпрошедший, последний

weather 2023-05-17

weather crossword puzzle
  1. it’s raining
  2. febuary
  3. april
  4. summer
  5. it’s snowing
  6. march
  7. winter
  8. may
  1. spring
  2. january
  3. july
  4. fall
  5. it’s snowing
  6. it’s raining
  7. june

15 Clues: mayjulyfalljuneaprilmarchspringsummerwinterjanuaryfebuaryit’s rainingit’s snowingit’s snowingit’s raining

Les saisons et les jours 2024-01-29

Les saisons et les jours crossword puzzle
  1. Monday
  2. Saturday
  3. the seasons
  4. Thursday
  5. Wednesday
  6. winter
  1. spring
  2. the days
  3. Tuesday
  4. fall
  5. Friday
  6. Sunday
  7. summer

13 Clues: fallMondayspringFridaySundaysummerwinterTuesdaythe daysSaturdayThursdayWednesdaythe seasons

Для Криса 2024-03-12

Для Криса crossword puzzle
  1. озеро
  2. осень
  3. зима
  4. весна
  5. огурец
  6. мясо
  7. замерзший
  1. поле
  2. кататься на лыжах
  3. урожай
  4. пляж
  5. ужин
  6. лето

13 Clues: полепляжзимаужинлетомясоозероосеньвеснаурожайогурецзамерзшийкататься на лыжах

seasons 2012-11-09

seasons crossword puzzle
  1. холодно
  2. май
  3. замерзать
  4. июль
  5. февраль
  6. кататься на лыжах
  7. безоблачный
  8. осень
  9. зима
  10. январь
  11. декабрь
  12. месяц
  13. апрель
  14. весна
  15. кататься на коньках
  1. октябрь
  2. март
  3. сентябрь
  4. ярко
  5. июнь
  6. год
  7. лето
  8. ноябрь
  9. тепло
  10. погода
  11. август

26 Clues: майгодмартяркоиюльиюньлетозимаосеньтепломесяцвеснаноябрьянварьпогодаапрельавгустхолоднооктябрьфевральдекабрьсентябрьзамерзатьбезоблачныйкататься на лыжахкататься на коньках

Croesair - geirfa Uned 6 2013-02-07

Croesair - geirfa Uned 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Spring
  2. fruit
  3. kitchen
  4. to use
  5. to sleep
  6. magazine
  7. autumn
  8. something
  9. to get washed
  10. to catch
  11. Winter
  12. to get up
  1. to arrive, to reach
  2. beach
  3. to sell
  4. address, direction
  5. hotel
  6. to walk
  7. to garden
  8. to run
  9. clothes
  10. Summer

22 Clues: beachfruithotelSpringto useautumnto runSummerWinterto sellkitchento walkclothesto sleepmagazineto catchto gardensomethingto get upto get washedaddress, directionto arrive, to reach

Kruiswoordpuzzel Tamar & Peter 2013-04-20

Kruiswoordpuzzel Tamar & Peter crossword puzzle
  1. Automerk
  2. Automerk
  3. Soort reisorganisatie
  4. Dorp in Utrecht
  5. Supermarktketen
  6. Drogisterij
  7. Feestlocatie
  8. Rivier
  9. Hondennaam
  10. Jongensnaam
  11. Universiteit in Gelderland
  1. Plaats in de Betuwe
  2. Winter activiteit
  3. Kattennaam
  4. Deel van gewricht
  5. Voetbalclub Zetten
  6. Stad in Baden Wurthenberg
  7. Herkauwer
  8. Bachelorsstad
  9. Fruitcorso
  10. Sociaal medium

21 Clues: RivierAutomerkAutomerkHerkauwerKattennaamFruitcorsoHondennaamDrogisterijJongensnaamFeestlocatieBachelorsstadSociaal mediumDorp in UtrechtSupermarktketenWinter activiteitDeel van gewrichtVoetbalclub ZettenPlaats in de BetuweSoort reisorganisatieStad in Baden WurthenbergUniversiteit in Gelderland

La ropa 2013-11-24

La ropa crossword puzzle
  1. green
  2. white
  3. store
  4. ugly
  5. blouse
  6. dollar
  7. orange
  8. brown
  9. new
  10. shoes
  11. yellow
  12. red
  13. socks
  14. to pay
  15. winter hat
  1. black
  2. jacket
  3. dress
  4. it costs
  5. to wear
  6. pants
  7. money
  8. shirt
  9. price
  10. blue
  11. gray

26 Clues: newreduglybluegrayblackgreendresswhitestorepantsmoneybrownshoesshirtpricesocksjacketblousedollarorangeyellowto payto wearit costswinter hat

Les Filles du Roi - Hayden Steinberg 7C 2015-03-06

Les Filles du Roi - Hayden Steinberg 7C crossword puzzle
  1. Discuss
  2. Present
  3. Increase
  4. Money
  5. Mutton
  6. To Survive
  7. Wrong
  8. Buy
  9. To Marry
  10. Farmer
  11. Dirty/Filthy
  12. Barbarian
  1. Meat
  2. Robust
  3. Animal
  4. Brave
  5. Hard
  6. Maybe
  7. Shoulder
  8. Winter
  9. Always
  10. Together
  11. Husband
  12. Pass
  13. Mad Woman
  14. Be Left/Remaining

26 Clues: BuyMeatHardPassBraveMaybeMoneyWrongRobustAnimalWinterAlwaysMuttonFarmerDiscussPresentHusbandIncreaseShoulderTogetherTo MarryMad WomanBarbarianTo SurviveDirty/FilthyBe Left/Remaining

Les Filles du Roi 2015-03-06

Les Filles du Roi crossword puzzle
  1. death
  2. soldier
  3. husband
  4. money
  5. bread
  6. shoulder
  7. beard
  8. beast
  9. together
  10. married
  11. orphan
  12. disgusting
  13. food
  14. discuss
  15. present
  1. forest
  2. sheep
  3. lake
  4. meat
  5. winter
  6. leave
  7. life
  8. farmer
  9. increase
  10. industrious
  11. always
  12. butcher
  13. health

28 Clues: lakemeatlifefooddeathsheepmoneybreadleavebeardbeastforestwinterfarmerorphanalwayshealthsoldierhusbandmarriedbutcherdiscusspresentshoulderincreasetogetherdisgustingindustrious

Bryce's Crossword 2014-06-01

Bryce's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 十月
  2. 二月
  3. 六月
  4. 体育
  5. 社会
  6. 三月
  7. 一月
  8. 五月
  1. 美術
  2. 十一月
  3. 九月
  4. 八月
  5. 科目
  6. 十二月
  7. 七月
  8. 四月

20 Clues: 美術十月九月二月八月六月体育社会科目三月一月七月四月五月十一月十二月

Bryce's Crossword 2014-06-01

Bryce's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 美術
  2. 社会
  3. 体育
  4. 一月
  5. 十二月
  6. 二月
  7. 五月
  8. 十月
  1. 四月
  2. 六月
  3. 科目
  4. 九月
  5. 七月
  6. 十一月
  7. 八月
  8. 三月

20 Clues: 四月美術六月社会科目九月七月体育一月二月八月五月三月十月十二月十一月

Good Stuff 4 - What's the weather like? page 52 2017-05-08

Good Stuff 4 - What's the weather like? page 52 crossword puzzle
  1. snö
  2. mars
  3. januari
  4. vår
  5. sol
  6. regn
  7. årstid
  8. april
  9. december
  10. februari
  11. maj
  12. tisdag
  13. vinter
  14. juli
  1. väder
  2. onsdag
  3. torsdag
  4. augusti
  5. fredag
  6. måndag
  7. sommar
  8. söndag
  9. lördag
  10. moln
  11. november
  12. oktober
  13. höst
  14. höst
  15. vind
  16. juni

30 Clues: snövårsolmajmarsmolnregnhösthöstvindjulijuniväderaprilonsdagfredagmåndagsommarsöndaglördagårstidtisdagvintertorsdagaugustijanuarioktobernovemberdecemberfebruari

Die Zeit 2018-01-10

Die Zeit crossword puzzle
  1. idag
  2. halv
  3. onsdag
  4. i övermorgon
  5. vinter
  6. förmiddag
  7. sommar
  8. eftermiddag
  9. igår
  10. fredag
  11. söndag
  12. månad
  13. kväll
  14. natt
  15. i
  1. höst
  2. över
  3. i förrgår
  4. torsdag
  5. tisdag
  6. vår
  7. kvart
  8. lördag
  9. i morgon
  10. måndag
  11. vecka
  12. år

27 Clues: iårvårhöstidagöverhalvigårnattkvartveckamånadkvällonsdagtisdagvinterlördagsommarfredagmåndagsöndagtorsdagi morgoni förrgårförmiddageftermiddagi övermorgon

el calendario 2017-09-28

el calendario crossword puzzle
  1. October
  2. July
  3. Wednesday
  4. September
  5. May
  6. week
  7. Monday
  8. February
  9. season
  10. year
  11. Friday
  12. March
  13. April
  14. Sunday
  15. Autumn
  1. Thursday
  2. November
  3. December
  4. June
  5. Spring
  6. summer
  7. Saturday
  8. month
  9. Tuesday
  10. winter
  11. August
  12. January
  13. day

28 Clues: MaydayJulyJuneweekyearmonthMarchAprilSpringsummerMondayseasonwinterFridayAugustSundayAutumnOctoberTuesdayJanuaryThursdayNovemberDecemberSaturdayFebruaryWednesdaySeptember

el calendario 2017-09-28

el calendario crossword puzzle
  1. Wednesday
  2. day
  3. winter
  4. December
  5. May
  6. month
  7. week
  8. November
  9. year
  10. October
  11. April
  12. Saturday
  13. summer
  14. Thursday
  1. March
  2. June
  3. January
  4. September
  5. Spring
  6. February
  7. Sunday
  8. Friday
  9. Tuesday
  10. season
  11. Autumn
  12. Monday
  13. August
  14. July

28 Clues: dayMayJuneweekyearJulyMarchmonthAprilSpringSundayFridaywinterseasonAutumnMondayAugustsummerJanuaryTuesdayOctoberFebruaryDecemberNovemberSaturdayThursdaySeptemberWednesday

Chapter 5 - Vocabulary Words 2021-01-05

Chapter 5 - Vocabulary Words crossword puzzle
  1. fall of the rain
  2. hot or cold
  3. atmosphere
  4. summer, fall, spring, winter
  5. they are 12
  6. prisoner
  7. church
  8. jail
  9. numbers
  1. water
  2. sweater weather
  3. prediction
  4. Tuesday
  5. caused by water
  6. lots of rain
  7. steal
  8. hot
  9. 2021
  10. Wednesday
  11. North America

20 Clues: hot2021jailwaterstealchurchTuesdaynumbersprisonerWednesdaypredictionatmospherehot or coldthey are 12lots of rainNorth Americasweater weathercaused by waterfall of the rainsummer, fall, spring, winter

Antonyms 2020-12-13

Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. easy
  2. girl
  3. slow
  4. young
  5. short
  6. good
  7. false
  8. take
  9. beginning
  10. slow
  11. cold
  12. black
  13. early
  14. beautiful
  1. pull
  2. night
  3. on
  4. slim
  5. happy
  6. small
  7. stop
  8. right
  9. summer
  10. old
  11. sell
  12. up
  13. full
  14. light
  15. queen
  16. short
  17. down

31 Clues: onupoldpulleasygirlslimslowstopgoodselltakefullslowcolddownnighthappyyoungsmallshortrightfalselightqueenshortblackearlysummerbeginningbeautiful

Latin II Vocabulary List 21 2021-01-21

Latin II Vocabulary List 21 crossword puzzle
  1. service
  2. suppose
  3. just
  4. light
  5. unfavorable
  6. stop
  7. cultivate
  8. violence
  9. surprise
  10. time
  11. winter
  12. sit
  13. show
  1. fear
  2. overcome
  3. severe
  4. direction
  5. loosen
  6. harship
  7. once
  8. hasten
  9. prevent
  10. a popular game console manufacturer
  11. know
  12. summer
  13. defeat

26 Clues: sitfearjustoncestopknowtimeshowlightsevereloosenhastensummerdefeatwinterservicesupposeharshippreventovercomeviolencesurprisedirectioncultivateunfavorablea popular game console manufacturer

French Clothing A Vocabulary Crossword 2020-04-02

French Clothing A Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to wear, to carry
  2. socks
  3. store
  4. necklace
  5. hat
  6. plain, ugly
  7. suit coat
  8. jacket (spring)
  9. gloves
  10. short
  11. belt
  1. expensive
  2. sneakers
  3. boots
  4. skirt
  5. scarf
  6. pants
  7. shoes
  8. dress
  9. shirt
  10. winter coat
  11. baseball cap
  12. ring
  13. scarf
  14. long

25 Clues: hatringlongbeltbootsskirtscarfpantsshoesdresssocksstoreshirtscarfshortglovessneakersnecklaceexpensivesuit coatwinter coatplain, uglybaseball capjacket (spring)to wear, to carry

Gaston le hérisson 2020-07-22

Gaston le hérisson crossword puzzle
  1. der Hof
  2. wo
  3. finden
  4. die Lehrerin
  5. die Tafel
  6. der Winter
  7. essen
  8. der Igel
  9. süß
  10. suchen
  1. die Schule
  2. der Frühling
  3. der Schelm
  4. das Gebüsch
  5. der Salat
  6. das Obst
  7. anfassen
  8. das Leckermaul
  9. der Ball
  10. wer
  11. werfen
  12. das Fleisch

22 Clues: wowersüßessenfindenwerfensuchender Hofdas Obstanfassender Ballder Igelder Salatdie Tafeldie Schuleder Schelmder Winterdas Gebüschdas Fleischder Frühlingdie Lehrerindas Leckermaul

7 DAYS-12 MONTHS- 4 SEASONS 2020-09-15

7 DAYS-12 MONTHS- 4 SEASONS crossword puzzle
  1. JOUR
  2. LUNDI
  5. ETE
  6. MARDI
  8. MOIS
  14. AVRIL
  3. MAI
  4. JUIN
  5. AOÛT
  10. JEUDI
  11. MARS
  12. HIVER


Időjárás és évszakok 2021-05-22

Időjárás és évszakok crossword puzzle
  1. fagy
  2. árvíz
  3. pocsolya
  4. felhő
  5. időjárás-jelentés(2szó)
  6. tavasz
  7. hóember
  8. éghajlat
  9. eső
  10. esernyő
  11. szél
  12. vihar
  13. köd
  1. bőrig ázva(4szó)
  2. gumicsizma(2szó)
  3. jégcsap
  4. mennydörgés
  5. nyár
  6. időjárás
  7. szivárvány
  8. villám
  9. ősz
  10. esőcsepp
  11. tél
  12. évszak

26 Clues: esőősztélködfagynyárszélárvízfelhővihartavaszvillámévszakjégcsaphóemberesernyőpocsolyaidőjáráséghajlatesőcseppszivárványmennydörgésbőrig ázva(4szó)gumicsizma(2szó)időjárás-jelentés(2szó)

Repaso 2022-02-08

Repaso crossword puzzle
  1. Miss
  2. Mister
  3. The week
  4. Congratulations
  5. How many?
  6. Sunday
  7. Snow
  8. How are you?
  9. See you soon!
  1. Thank you
  2. What is the season?
  3. And a half
  4. Hello
  5. Please
  6. It´s good weather
  7. Feburary
  8. The year
  9. Winter
  10. Goodbye!
  11. It´s 1´oclock

20 Clues: MissSnowHelloPleaseMisterWinterSundayFeburaryThe yearThe weekGoodbye!Thank youHow many?And a halfHow are you?It´s 1´oclockSee you soon!CongratulationsIt´s good weatherWhat is the season?

Spanish Days of the week, Times of day, and Months 2022-02-02

Spanish Days of the week, Times of day, and Months crossword puzzle
  1. Fall
  2. Tuesday
  3. Noon
  4. Midnight
  5. Wednesday
  6. Winter
  7. December
  8. Summer
  9. Morning
  10. August
  11. February
  12. Friday
  13. Monday
  14. Night
  15. October
  1. November
  2. March
  3. June
  4. January
  5. September
  6. May
  7. Saturday
  8. Afternoon
  9. Spring
  10. Thursday
  11. Sunday
  12. April
  13. July

28 Clues: MayFallJuneNoonJulyMarchAprilNightSpringWinterSundaySummerAugustFridayMondayTuesdayJanuaryMorningOctoberNovemberMidnightSaturdayThursdayDecemberFebruarySeptemberWednesdayAfternoon

Days of the week, months of the year, seasons 2021-08-30

Days of the week, months of the year, seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Wednesday
  2. April
  3. November
  4. June
  5. Fall
  6. September
  7. Thursday
  8. What is the date?
  9. March
  10. Tuesday
  11. Friday
  12. February
  13. Sunday
  1. What day is it?
  2. Saturday
  3. January
  4. December
  5. Spring
  6. October
  7. Monday
  8. July
  9. May
  10. Winter
  11. August
  12. Summer

25 Clues: MayJuneFallJulyAprilMarchSpringMondayWinterAugustSummerFridaySundayJanuaryOctoberTuesdaySaturdayDecemberNovemberThursdayFebruaryWednesdaySeptemberWhat day is it?What is the date?