winter Crossword Puzzles

Seasons 2023-12-09

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Season A time when crops are ready for gathering, symbolizing abundance and productivity.
  2. Autumn The latter part of autumn, marked by falling leaves and cooler temperatures.
  3. The warmest season marked by longer days, high temperatures, and outdoor activities.
  4. Spring The initial phase of spring, with the first signs of blossoming flowers and warmer days.
  5. Summer A period of unseasonably warm and dry weather that occurs in late autumn.
  6. The middle of summer, characterized by peak temperatures and longer daylight hours.
  7. Season The timeframe when plants thrive and grow, usually associated with warmer temperatures.
  1. The transitional period before winter, with cooler temperatures and preparations for colder weather.
  2. A season of falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and vibrant colors in nature.
  3. Season A period when snowfall is common, covering landscapes in a blanket of white.
  4. Season A period with reduced rainfall, often associated with dry and arid conditions.
  5. A season characterized by blooming flowers, warmer weather, and the return of greenery.
  6. The coldest season with snowfall, shorter days, and a sense of coziness indoors.
  7. Season A period of increased rainfall, bringing nourishment to plants and a fresh atmosphere.
  8. A season marked by heavy rains, prevalent in certain regions with a specific climate.

15 Clues: A season of falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and vibrant colors in nature.The coldest season with snowfall, shorter days, and a sense of coziness indoors.Summer A period of unseasonably warm and dry weather that occurs in late autumn.Season A period when snowfall is common, covering landscapes in a blanket of white....

Christmas and Winter Fun 2021-12-17

Christmas and Winter Fun crossword puzzle
  1. a hint
  2. people related to you
  3. solid water projectiles
  4. calendar
  5. a plant you cut and bring inside
  6. chocolate chip discs
  7. trading gifts
  1. frozen people
  2. not in session
  3. swirled shepherd's crook
  4. wrapped surprises
  5. something you play
  6. riding down the snow
  7. spicy cocoa
  8. consumables
  9. brightly illuminated strings

16 Clues: a hintcalendarspicy cocoaconsumablesfrozen peopletrading giftsnot in sessionwrapped surprisessomething you playriding down the snowchocolate chip discspeople related to yousolid water projectilesswirled shepherd's crookbrightly illuminated stringsa plant you cut and bring inside

This Winter - Madison Glover 2024-02-01

This Winter - Madison Glover crossword puzzle
  1. Hospital that is gone to treat and help mental illnesses
  2. An exchange of views, is usually hurtful and angry
  3. Generically a group of people you are related to and feel at home with
  4. Intense discomfort, pain, or anxiety caused to a person
  5. To be the opposite of helpful, sometimes making the situation worse
  6. To feel guilt and regret for something one has done and wants to be forgiven
  1. To believe and behave in a way where one thinks they have higher standard, to be self righteous
  2. An eating disorder where the person fears to eat anything, usually from fear of gaining weight
  3. A state of extreme discomfort and or distress
  4. A holiday celebrated on December 25th
  5. To be mentally deranged, to be in a crazed state, can also be used to over exaggerate
  6. To feel uneasy and or nervous
  7. An usually unfair or untrue view on all people in a certain group or setting
  8. To heal back to normal/usual state of health, can be mentally or physically
  9. A person showing extreme behavior, sometime leading to violence, could also be someone suffering from mania
  10. Food served later into the day towards the end

16 Clues: To feel uneasy and or nervousA holiday celebrated on December 25thA state of extreme discomfort and or distressFood served later into the day towards the endAn exchange of views, is usually hurtful and angryIntense discomfort, pain, or anxiety caused to a personHospital that is gone to treat and help mental illnesses...

En 20| Unit 11 2022-04-27

En 20| Unit 11 crossword puzzle
  1. blue trousers
  2. you wear them on your feet
  3. 30 minutes
  4. piece of clothes for girls
  5. helps your neck to stay warm in winter
  1. help your hands to stay warm in winter
  2. 15 minutes
  3. 11:00, 12:00, 8:00
  4. a piece of clothes with buttons

9 Clues: 15 minutes30 minutesblue trousers11:00, 12:00, 8:00you wear them on your feetpiece of clothes for girlsa piece of clothes with buttonshelp your hands to stay warm in winterhelps your neck to stay warm in winter

Months and Seasons 2022-06-10

Months and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Spring starts in ...
  2. Tree leaves fall down.
  3. Days are short and nights are long.
  4. Colourful flowers grow.
  1. Summer starts in ...
  2. Winter starts in ...
  3. Autumn stars in ...
  4. Days are long and nights are short.

8 Clues: Autumn stars in ...Summer starts in ...Spring starts in ...Winter starts in ...Tree leaves fall down.Colourful flowers grow.Days are short and nights are long.Days are long and nights are short.

Seasons 2021-05-25

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. an imaginary line through the North Pole and SouthPole about which Earth rotates.
  2. The season experienced when the earth's axis is tilted TOWARD the sun
  3. When day and night are equal length; occurs after winter.
  4. One complete trip around the sun; causes a year on Earth
  5. This is the longest NIGHT of the year in the Northern Hemisphere; First day of winter
  6. The PATH an object takes when revolving around another object
  7. The angle of Earth's incline at 23.5 degrees
  8. the star that all other planets and celestial bodies revolve around
  9. the northern end of Earth's axis of rotation
  10. The spinning of an object on an axis; causes day and night
  1. an imaginary line dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres, with a latitude 0°.
  2. This occurs in March and marks the beginning of spring in North America.
  3. one half of a sphere; either the northern or southern half of Earth as divided by the equator
  4. Occurs every September and marks the beginning of fall in North America.
  5. the southern end of Earth's axis of rotation, a point in Antarctica
  6. This is the longest DAY of the year in the Northern Hemisphere; First day of summer.
  7. The result of Earth's tilted axis and the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun
  8. When day and night are equal length; occurs after summer.
  9. The season experienced when the earth's axis is tilted AWAY from the sun

19 Clues: The angle of Earth's incline at 23.5 degreesthe northern end of Earth's axis of rotationOne complete trip around the sun; causes a year on EarthWhen day and night are equal length; occurs after winter.When day and night are equal length; occurs after summer.The spinning of an object on an axis; causes day and night...

¿Qué tiempo hace? 2020-08-18

¿Qué tiempo hace? crossword puzzle
  1. it's cold
  2. it's foggy
  3. it's windy
  4. it's raining
  5. winter
  6. it's cloudy
  7. autumn
  8. summer
  1. it's stormy
  2. it's sunny
  3. it's hot
  4. it's clear
  5. it's snowing
  6. spring

14 Clues: springwinterautumnsummerit's hotit's coldit's sunnyit's foggyit's clearit's windyit's stormyit's cloudyit's snowingit's raining

Invierno palabras 2024-01-08

Invierno palabras crossword puzzle
  1. shovel
  2. ice
  3. sled
  4. de nieve snowman
  5. crystals
  6. scarf
  7. palear to shovel
  1. winter
  2. zero
  3. sleet
  4. mittens
  5. de nieve ice skating rink
  6. congelar to freeze
  7. snow
  8. de nieve blizzard
  9. deslizar to slide

16 Clues: icezerosledsnowsleetscarfwintershovelmittenscrystalsde nieve snowmanpalear to shovelde nieve blizzarddeslizar to slidecongelar to freezede nieve ice skating rink

Seasons of fun 2021-03-05

Seasons of fun crossword puzzle
  1. - have a ...
  2. - leaves turn red and brown, winter blows
  3. - plant ...
  4. - ... outside
  5. - snow falls, nights are dark
  1. - make a ...
  2. - it is hot, you play a lot
  3. - it is warm; birds start to sign

8 Clues: - plant ...- make a ...- have a ...- ... outside- it is hot, you play a lot- snow falls, nights are dark- it is warm; birds start to sign- leaves turn red and brown, winter blows

The ant and the cricket 2023-02-18

The ant and the cricket crossword puzzle
  1. I'm hungry, I must ...
  2. February's here, ... is near
  3. the cricket is very ...
  4. the ant is saving ...
  1. autumn's here,... is near
  2. in summer we ... all day
  3. it's ... in winter
  4. it's ... in the summer

8 Clues: it's ... in winterthe ant is saving ...I'm hungry, I must's ... in the summerthe cricket is very summer we ... all dayautumn's here,... is nearFebruary's here, ... is near

Christmas crossword puzzle 2022-12-06

Christmas crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. chocolate christmas drink
  2. A cookie often made during christmas
  3. winter holiday
  4. decoration put on christmas tree
  1. winter tree
  2. colorful candy in the shape of a cane
  3. romance christmas plant
  4. delivers presents on christmas

8 Clues: winter treewinter holidayromance christmas plantchocolate christmas drinkdelivers presents on christmasdecoration put on christmas treeA cookie often made during christmascolorful candy in the shape of a cane

Warum die Blätter gelb werden 2015-10-20

Warum die Blätter gelb werden crossword puzzle
  1. Was hinterlässt das Blatt nach seinem Fall?
  2. Wer braucht im Winter seine Blätter nicht?
  3. Welche Farbe war immer in den Blättern?
  4. Was brauchen Bäume um Nahrung herzustellen?
  5. Wann wächst der Ahorn nicht?
  1. Wie nennt man das Grüne in den Blättern?
  2. Was braucht der Baum nicht zum Überleben?
  3. Wann färben sich die Blätter gelb?
  4. Worauf wartet das Blatt hinter der Narbe?
  5. Wohin schwebt das erste Herbstblatt?
  6. Wovon lösen sich die Blattstiele?

11 Clues: Wann wächst der Ahorn nicht?Wovon lösen sich die Blattstiele?Wann färben sich die Blätter gelb?Wohin schwebt das erste Herbstblatt?Welche Farbe war immer in den Blättern?Wie nennt man das Grüne in den Blättern?Was braucht der Baum nicht zum Überleben?Worauf wartet das Blatt hinter der Narbe?Wer braucht im Winter seine Blätter nicht?...

Kreuzworträtsel 1. Klasse 2017-06-22

Kreuzworträtsel 1. Klasse crossword puzzle
  1. haben wir gerne
  2. brauchen wir im Schwimmbad
  3. da brauchen wir einen Schirm
  4. ist es im Winter
  1. gibt es im Winter
  2. kommt vor dem Donner
  3. da können wir auch schwimmen
  4. dann gehen wir schwimmen

8 Clues: haben wir gerneist es im Wintergibt es im Winterkommt vor dem Donnerdann gehen wir schwimmenbrauchen wir im Schwimmbadda können wir auch schwimmenda brauchen wir einen Schirm

Seasons 2023-09-18

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Something that describes winter.
  2. A cold season.
  3. A sunny season.
  4. A place where you go during summer.
  1. A color that describes the fall.
  2. A colorful bow.
  3. A greeny season.
  4. When the leaves fall.

8 Clues: A cold season.A colorful bow.A sunny season.A greeny season.When the leaves fall.Something that describes winter.A color that describes the fall.A place where you go during summer.

Months and Seasons 2022-06-10

Months and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Autumn stars in ...
  2. Spring starts in ...
  3. Tree leaves fall down.
  4. Days are short and nights are long.
  1. Summer starts in ...
  2. Days are long and nights are short.
  3. Colourful flowers grow.
  4. Winter starts in ...

8 Clues: Autumn stars in ...Summer starts in ...Spring starts in ...Winter starts in ...Tree leaves fall down.Colourful flowers grow.Days are long and nights are short.Days are short and nights are long.

Nika Winter Crossword 2020-10-13

Nika Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Winged baby with a bow and arrow
  2. Person purchasing a home
  3. Home with everything on one level
  4. Who can help you buy and sell your home
  5. Holiday of love
  6. February is the _____ month
  7. Involves boxes, packing, and cleaning
  1. Time when a house for sale can be seen by multiple potential buyers in a short period of time
  2. A day celebrating our leaders
  3. Part of basketball season that is celebrated with brackets, championships, & passion
  4. Famous boxer from Kentucky

11 Clues: Holiday of lovePerson purchasing a homeFamous boxer from KentuckyFebruary is the _____ monthA day celebrating our leadersWinged baby with a bow and arrowHome with everything on one levelInvolves boxes, packing, and cleaningWho can help you buy and sell your homePart of basketball season that is celebrated with brackets, championships, & passion...

Winter Crossword Puzzle 2021-06-04

Winter Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. another word for cold
  2. winter sport
  3. keeping you warm inside
  4. covers the ground in the morning
  5. when the ground is hard
  1. keeps your neck warm
  2. keeps your hands warm
  3. flakes that fall from the sky
  4. water that is solid
  5. you need to wear when you go outside
  6. a person made of snow

11 Clues: winter sportwater that is solidkeeps your neck warmkeeps your hands warmanother word for colda person made of snowkeeping you warm insidewhen the ground is hardflakes that fall from the skycovers the ground in the morningyou need to wear when you go outside

winter 123(Bob) 2022-12-21

winter 123(Bob) crossword puzzle
  1. most commen type of sled dog
  2. put them on the tree
  3. big socks full of presents
  4. warm brown liquid
  5. joly man in a red suit
  1. goes around neck
  2. (?) down the hill "whee"
  3. cold round white man
  4. where on hands
  5. a way to call a day with no school because of snow
  6. where on head

11 Clues: where on headwhere on handsgoes around neckwarm brown liquidput them on the treecold round white manjoly man in a red suit(?) down the hill "whee"big socks full of presentsmost commen type of sled doga way to call a day with no school because of snow

My Thirteenth Winter 2022-09-23

My Thirteenth Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Something that was controlling Sam and causing her constant fear of getting sick
  2. The name of the main character.
  3. Samantha brings an imaginary ___ for her school show and tell.
  4. Where did Samantha study abroad?
  5. What college did Samantha attend?
  1. The learning disability that Samantha had.
  2. The name of Samantha's friend from her day camp job.
  3. The main characters little brother
  4. A poet, author, and lecturer who invited Samantha to fly and see him in Palo Alto.
  5. what was the abbreviation for the program Sam was tested to see if she was eligible for?
  6. What age was Samantha when her poetry book was published?

11 Clues: The name of the main character.Where did Samantha study abroad?What college did Samantha attend?The main characters little brotherThe learning disability that Samantha had.The name of Samantha's friend from her day camp job.What age was Samantha when her poetry book was published?Samantha brings an imaginary ___ for her school show and tell....

brians winter crossword 2023-04-24

brians winter crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what brian calls a bird
  2. the drink you get at starbucks
  3. the season that snows
  4. the guy at the end of the story
  5. liquid with fresh meat
  1. the days brian has lived so far
  2. the gun brian go from the survival pack
  3. a building that is almost shaped like a house
  4. brians replacement for the gun
  5. where brian is now
  6. a wild animal capeable of killing you

11 Clues: where brian is nowthe season that snowsliquid with fresh meatwhat brian calls a birdbrians replacement for the gunthe drink you get at starbucksthe days brian has lived so farthe guy at the end of the storya wild animal capeable of killing youthe gun brian go from the survival packa building that is almost shaped like a house

cross winter fun 2023-11-27

cross winter fun crossword puzzle
  1. makes toys has long ears
  2. a sweet hot drink[2wds]
  3. an animal that pulls a sleigh
  4. cold white powder
  5. a jolly guy that wears red
  1. a large storm of snow
  2. a building made of ice blocks
  3. a cold season
  4. a holiday where gifts are given under a tree
  5. frozen water
  6. a creation made out of snow

11 Clues: frozen watera cold seasoncold white powdera large storm of snowa sweet hot drink[2wds]makes toys has long earsa jolly guy that wears reda creation made out of snowa building made of ice blocksan animal that pulls a sleigha holiday where gifts are given under a tree

Winter Homework Assessment 2024-02-20

Winter Homework Assessment crossword puzzle
  1. able to express ideas or feelings clearly or easily
  2. many different uses
  3. feeling of lively and cheerful joy
  4. strong that you must do sth about it
  5. entirely to a specific person or activity
  6. the time, repeatedly
  7. damaged or broken
  1. make something known to sb
  2. length of time that sth lasts or is able to continue
  3. act of trying to do sth
  4. using the hands or physical strength
  5. refuse
  6. in quality than sb/sth

13 Clues: refusedamaged or brokenmany different usesthe time, repeatedlyin quality than sb/sthact of trying to do sthmake something known to sbfeeling of lively and cheerful joyusing the hands or physical strengthstrong that you must do sth about itentirely to a specific person or activityable to express ideas or feelings clearly or easily...

Winter TC Training 2023-10-09

Winter TC Training crossword puzzle
  1. In charge of State Assessments (except K - 2 FAST)
  2. The # of videos found under LiveBinder > Professional Development > TIDE Tutorial Videos
  3. In charge of K - 2 FAST Testing and District Assessments
  4. Abbreviation for Test Administration Manual
  5. AAE Password
  1. One-stop shop for all testing resources
  2. The # of videos found under LiveBinder > Professional Development > Training Videos
  3. The name of the tab where you can find the answer to questions like “what if a student or TA becomes ill during testing?”
  4. Excel formula you need to know how to use well as a TC
  5. Best way to determine if Above Grade Level Testing or TTS is turned on in TIDE
  6. Method of communicating testing irregularities to AAE

11 Clues: AAE PasswordOne-stop shop for all testing resourcesAbbreviation for Test Administration ManualIn charge of State Assessments (except K - 2 FAST)Method of communicating testing irregularities to AAEExcel formula you need to know how to use well as a TCIn charge of K - 2 FAST Testing and District Assessments...

Xmas Crossword 2023-12-08

Xmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Rhymes sung during the winter holidays.
  2. In this part of the world, Christmas is in the summer.
  3. The first bird your true love gives to you.
  4. This company makes cheesy seasonal movies.
  5. The day that Buddha's enlightenment is celebrated.
  6. The saint that Santa is named after.
  1. December 22nd, the shortest day of the year.
  2. Fruit that grow in the winter, rich in Vitamin C.
  3. When a solid turns into to a gas.
  4. It always lands on top.
  5. Handfuls of these are tossed at children by Piets.
  6. Eartha Kitt's nickname for Santa.
  7. African holiday based on harvest festivals.
  8. The guy who stole Christmas.

14 Clues: It always lands on top.The guy who stole Christmas.When a solid turns into to a gas.Eartha Kitt's nickname for Santa.The saint that Santa is named after.Rhymes sung during the winter holidays.This company makes cheesy seasonal movies.The first bird your true love gives to you.African holiday based on harvest festivals....

Seasons, Moon Phases, and Eclipses 2024-05-13

Seasons, Moon Phases, and Eclipses crossword puzzle
  1. day when neither hemisphere is tilted away from sun
  2. Phase where Moon is more than half illuminated
  3. Winter and summer ________
  4. Banana shaped Moon phase
  5. Decreasing sunlight on the moon
  6. The dark inner part of the moon's shadow
  7. Eclipse where the earth passes between the sun and the moon
  1. Path of _____; Path along moon's shadow on earth.
  2. Partial or total blocking of light of one celestial object by another
  3. Rain, snow, and storms are all part of the ______
  4. season starting growth cycle after winter
  5. Eclipse where the moon passes between the sun and earth
  6. The outer part of the moons shadow
  7. Increasing sunlight on the moon

14 Clues: Banana shaped Moon phaseWinter and summer ________Decreasing sunlight on the moonIncreasing sunlight on the moonThe outer part of the moons shadowThe dark inner part of the moon's shadowseason starting growth cycle after winterPhase where Moon is more than half illuminatedPath of _____; Path along moon's shadow on earth....

The Weather 2013-01-21

The Weather crossword puzzle
  1. In summer it is _________ , NOT cold.
  2. rnsgip
  3. We can fly a kite if it is _____________ .
  4. __________ comes after Spring.
  5. You can get wet if it is ____________ .
  6. In Winter it is _________ , NOT hot.
  7. Leaves change color in __________ .
  1. You can see thunder and lightning when there is a _________ .
  2. In Winter we can make a ____________ .
  3. If it is raining, you need an _____________ to stay dry!

10 Clues: rnsgip__________ comes after Spring.Leaves change color in __________ .In Winter it is _________ , NOT hot.In summer it is _________ , NOT cold.In Winter we can make a ____________ .You can get wet if it is ____________ .We can fly a kite if it is _____________ .If it is raining, you need an _____________ to stay dry!...

Christmas Crossword Hallie Calhoun 2016-12-13

Christmas Crossword Hallie Calhoun crossword puzzle
  1. This is a type of season
  2. This is the name of a drink
  3. You play in this in the winter
  4. you open these on Christmas
  1. This is a name of one of Santa's Raindeer
  2. You decorate this on Christmas
  3. make this out of snow
  4. You celebrate this with your family
  5. You build this in the snow
  6. The name of Santa's wife

10 Clues: make this out of snowThis is a type of seasonThe name of Santa's wifeYou build this in the snowThis is the name of a drinkyou open these on ChristmasYou decorate this on ChristmasYou play in this in the winterYou celebrate this with your familyThis is a name of one of Santa's Raindeer

Seasons in the Sun 2018-01-13

Seasons in the Sun crossword puzzle
  1. Winter time dandiya playing Hindu festival
  2. An umbrella is needed in this season
  3. It croaks in the rain
  4. Hindus immerse this god after Shravan
  5. Popular Goan monsoon festival in June
  1. We wear woolen clothes in this season
  2. It dances in the rain
  3. Popular festival at the end of the year
  4. Harvest festival of Taleigao
  5. We wear cotton clothes in this season

10 Clues: It dances in the rainIt croaks in the rainHarvest festival of TaleigaoAn umbrella is needed in this seasonWe wear woolen clothes in this seasonHindus immerse this god after ShravanWe wear cotton clothes in this seasonPopular Goan monsoon festival in JunePopular festival at the end of the yearWinter time dandiya playing Hindu festival

Autumn 2023-10-15

Autumn crossword puzzle
  1. the sound dried leaves make when stepped on
  2. the movement of birds to other places for winter
  3. these grow on trees and squirrels hide them for winter
  4. cool
  5. very large Canadian birds
  1. a thin layer of ice on plants or car windows
  2. foggy
  3. a popular tree fruit in Canada
  4. bringing in crops and gardens
  5. a light wind that comes and goes

10 Clues: coolfoggyvery large Canadian birdsbringing in crops and gardensa popular tree fruit in Canadaa light wind that comes and goesthe sound dried leaves make when stepped ona thin layer of ice on plants or car windowsthe movement of birds to other places for winterthese grow on trees and squirrels hide them for winter

Paulo’s Birthday Pizzle 2022-06-05

Paulo’s Birthday Pizzle crossword puzzle
  1. 🧢 🛹
  2. 🤚
  3. 🦶
  4. 🧥
  1. 🛌
  2. 🏕
  3. 📦
  4. 🐑
  5. 🎒
  6. 🏂
  7. ❄️

11 Clues: 🛌🏕📦🐑🎒🤚🏂🦶🧥❄️🧢 🛹

อากาศ 2022-08-31

อากาศ crossword puzzle
  1. ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง
  2. ฤดูใบไม้ผลิ
  3. season ฤดูฝน
  4. ลมแรง
  5. มรสุม
  1. ฤดูร้อน
  2. ร้อน
  3. ฝนตก
  4. สายรุ้ง
  5. ฤดูหนาว
  6. หนาว

11 Clues: ร้อนฝนตกหนาวลมแรงมรสุมฤดูร้อนสายรุ้งฤดูหนาวฤดูใบไม้ผลิฤดูใบไม้ร่วงseason ฤดูฝน

Las Estaciones 2023-01-02

Las Estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. Rain
  2. Snow
  3. Spring
  4. Cloud
  5. Fall
  6. Cold
  7. Leaves
  1. Hot
  2. Winter
  3. Summer
  4. Flower

11 Clues: HotRainSnowFallColdCloudWinterSummerSpringFlowerLeaves

seasons 2016-11-13

seasons crossword puzzle
  1. осень
  2. ямка
  3. зима
  4. весна
  5. накрывать, засыпать
  6. поливать
  1. лето
  2. цветок
  3. сажать
  4. выращивать
  5. семечко

11 Clues: летоямказимаосеньвеснацветоксажатьсемечкополиватьвыращиватьнакрывать, засыпать

bok 3 2023-11-14

bok 3 crossword puzzle
  1. vinter
  2. vit
  3. regndroppar
  4. vår
  5. varm choklad
  1. snö
  2. köttbullar
  3. löv
  4. glad
  5. solsken
  6. guld

11 Clues: snölövvitvårgladguldvintersolskenköttbullarregndropparvarm choklad

Jet 2 p.126 2024-03-27

Jet 2 p.126 crossword puzzle
  1. לטפס
  2. מעיל
  3. יפה מאוד
  4. קיץ
  5. שלג
  1. בריכה
  2. להכין
  3. קר
  4. חורב
  5. סתיו
  6. קיר

11 Clues: קרקיץשלגקירלטפסמעילחורבסתיובריכהלהכיןיפה מאוד

Prego Capitolo 4 Vocabolario 2022-09-14

Prego Capitolo 4 Vocabolario crossword puzzle
  1. player(m)=
  2. andare in ___
  3. I like_____
  4. Lebron James gioca il ____.
  5. fare una___
  6. winter=
  7. spring=
  1. fare____
  2. hobby=
  3. summer=
  4. to cook=
  5. fall=
  6. andare in ___
  7. pastime=

14 Clues: fall=hobby=summer=winter=spring=fare____to cook=pastime=player(m)=I like_____fare una___andare in ___andare in ___Lebron James gioca il ____.

Language Challenge 2019-01-08

Language Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Younger Siblings
  2. It is good to see you
  3. How are you?
  4. I am Fine
  5. Summer
  6. Ancestor
  7. Winter
  1. Spring
  2. Thank Yoou
  3. We are all fine
  4. No
  5. First People
  6. House
  7. Your Welcome
  8. Autumn
  9. My Grandmother
  10. Good Day

17 Clues: NoHouseSpringAutumnSummerWinterGood DayAncestorI am FineThank YoouFirst PeopleYour WelcomeHow are you?My GrandmotherWe are all fineYounger SiblingsIt is good to see you

Spanish crossword 2022-03-25

Spanish crossword crossword puzzle
  1. its cloudy
  2. hows the weather
  3. its windy
  4. its cold
  5. its misting
  6. the weather is good
  7. its raining
  8. the weather is bad
  9. its hot
  1. summer
  2. its foggy
  3. fall
  4. its cool
  5. its snowing
  6. spring
  7. winter
  8. its sunny
  9. its sunny

18 Clues: fallsummerspringwinterits hotits coolits coldits foggyits windyits sunnyits sunnyits cloudyits snowingits mistingits raininghows the weatherthe weather is badthe weather is good

Weather・Season 2023-03-01

Weather・Season crossword puzzle
  1. 湿気の多い
  2. 稲妻
  3. 乾いた
  1. にわか雨
  2. きり

14 Clues: 稲妻きり乾いたにわか雨湿気の多い

Winter Crossword 2021-12-07

Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wool
  2. Summer
  3. State map (hand drawn)
  1. Winter precipitation
  2. Warm beverage
  3. What does Mickey & friends wear?
  4. Fluffy

7 Clues: WoolFluffySummerWarm beverageWinter precipitationState map (hand drawn)What does Mickey & friends wear?

what's your favorite 2022-05-13

what's your favorite crossword puzzle
  1. 가을
  2. 과목
  3. 가장 좋아하는
  4. 여름
  1. 과학
  2. 수학
  3. 겨울
  4. 계절
  5. 미술
  6. 음악

11 Clues: 과학수학가을겨울과목계절미술음악여름가장 좋아하는

matrunita 2 2024-09-23

matrunita 2 crossword puzzle
  1. padrão
  2. nublado
  3. nordeste
  4. quente
  5. chuvoso
  1. ensolarado
  2. frio
  3. verão
  4. inverno
  5. brasileiro(a)
  6. primavera

11 Clues: frioverãopadrãoquentenubladoinvernochuvosonordesteprimaveraensolaradobrasileiro(a)

La Ropa y Los Verbos 2021-12-06

La Ropa y Los Verbos crossword puzzle
  1. winter coat
  2. shoes
  3. suit
  4. to run
  5. t-shirt
  6. to dance
  7. to play (a sport)
  1. skirt
  2. blouse
  3. dress
  4. to wear
  5. hoodie
  6. shirt

13 Clues: suitskirtdressshoesshirtblousehoodieto runto weart-shirtto dancewinter coatto play (a sport)

Nature Outside 2023-09-20

Nature Outside crossword puzzle
  1. i come when the sky is out of control and you stay inside when it the weather looks bad
  2. i am a weather thats blow hard you don't like me when im cold
  3. you see me at night but not at day
  4. i come when the cold goes away i bring new life when i come this month
  5. i bloom in spring but not in winter
  6. you love when i come and but you hate the heat when your often outside
  7. i have pretty color when i come and nature changes when i come
  8. i come in the fall i fall off trees but i don't stay long
  1. when there rain and clouds i come but not every time
  2. i come in 4 but i change every month and then
  3. you drink ,swim ,and bathe with me
  4. first an egg then i become a bug
  5. i bring cold and snow and you keep warm when i come
  6. i come in the winter but and i come from the sky and you catch me on your tongue
  7. im bright as light i only come at day but not at night

15 Clues: first an egg then i become a bugyou drink ,swim ,and bathe with meyou see me at night but not at dayi bloom in spring but not in winteri come in 4 but i change every month and thenwhen there rain and clouds i come but not every timei bring cold and snow and you keep warm when i comeim bright as light i only come at day but not at night...

weather 2021-02-04

weather crossword puzzle
  1. caliente
  2. nublado
  3. con viento
  4. primavera
  5. lloviendo
  1. invierno
  2. nevando
  3. frío
  4. otoño
  5. verano
  6. soleado

11 Clues: fríootoñoveranonevandonubladosoleadoinviernocalienteprimaveralloviendocon viento

Spanish Quiz #3 2021-02-05

Spanish Quiz #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Snow
  2. ski
  3. winter
  4. snowball
  5. skate
  6. ice
  1. snowman
  2. sled
  3. cold
  4. snowboard
  5. snow plow

11 Clues: skiiceSnowsledcoldskatewintersnowmansnowballsnowboardsnow plow

Ferrero 2021-12-20

Ferrero crossword puzzle
  1. dance
  2. snow
  3. woman
  4. ferrero
  5. gold
  6. nutella
  7. hazelnut
  1. christmas tree
  2. winter
  3. christmas
  4. chocolate

11 Clues: snowgolddancewomanwinterferreronutellahazelnutchristmaschocolatechristmas tree

อากาศ 2022-08-31

อากาศ crossword puzzle
  1. ฤดูหนาว
  2. หนาว
  3. season ฤดูฝน
  4. มรสุม
  5. ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง
  6. ฤดูใบไม้ผลิ
  1. ลมแรง
  2. สายรุ้ง
  3. ร้อน
  4. ฝนตก
  5. ฤดูร้อน

11 Clues: ร้อนหนาวฝนตกลมแรงมรสุมฤดูหนาวสายรุ้งฤดูร้อนฤดูใบไม้ผลิseason ฤดูฝนฤดูใบไม้ร่วง

what's your favorite 2022-05-13

what's your favorite crossword puzzle
  1. 계절
  2. 수학
  3. 미술
  4. 겨울
  5. 음악
  1. 가장 좋아하는
  2. 여름
  3. 과학
  4. 가을
  5. 과목

11 Clues: 계절여름수학과학미술가을겨울음악과목가장 좋아하는

Snow and ice 2024-02-01

Snow and ice crossword puzzle
  1. қолғап
  2. шорты
  3. мұз
  4. пингвин
  5. қар
  6. шарф
  7. жаз
  1. көзілдірік
  2. жағажай
  3. қыс
  4. қар ұлпасы

11 Clues: қысмұзқаржазшарфшортықолғапжағажайпингвинкөзілдірікқар ұлпасы

Winter Verbs 2022-05-18

Winter Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to play sports inside
  2. to drink hot cocoa
  3. to ski
  4. to snow
  5. to rain
  1. last winter
  2. winter

7 Clues: to skiwinterto snowto rainlast winterto drink hot cocoato play sports inside

L11 D2 2020-09-28

L11 D2 crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. to go back: to return
  3. hot
  4. fun, amazing, interesting
  5. summer
  6. autumn;fall
  7. again
  8. comfortable
  1. in a terrible mess
  2. so,such
  3. spring
  4. California
  5. to interview
  6. to rain
  7. to go out
  8. very, extremely, exceedingly

16 Clues: hotagainwinterspringsummerso,suchto rainto go outCaliforniaautumn;fallcomfortableto interviewin a terrible messto go back: to returnfun, amazing, interestingvery, extremely, exceedingly

El Tiempo 2022-03-04

El Tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. it is cool
  2. rain
  3. it is nice weather
  4. winter
  5. fog
  6. summer
  1. showers
  2. it is bad weather
  3. it is sunny
  4. it is cold
  5. lightning
  6. it is windy
  7. it is hot
  8. snow
  9. storm
  10. weather

16 Clues: fograinsnowstormwintersummershowersweatherlightningit is hotit is coolit is coldit is sunnyit is windyit is bad weatherit is nice weather

Months and Seasons of the year 2023-05-07

Months and Seasons of the year crossword puzzle
  1. 3rd Season
  2. 8th Month
  3. 7th Moth
  4. 4th Month
  5. 9th Month
  6. 11th Month
  7. 2nd Month
  1. 10th Month
  2. 4th season
  3. 6th Month
  4. 2nd Season
  5. 5th Month
  6. 3rd Month
  7. 1st month
  8. 12th Month
  9. 1st season (English)

16 Clues: 7th Moth6th Month5th Month8th Month3rd Month1st month4th Month9th Month2nd Month10th Month4th season3rd Season2nd Season12th Month11th Month1st season (English)

Opposites 2023-03-27

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. not hot
  2. not ice
  3. not fall
  4. not sour
  5. not below
  6. not awake
  7. not near
  8. not right
  9. not down
  1. not stop
  2. not small
  3. not summer
  4. not short
  5. not closed
  6. not loud
  7. not walk

16 Clues: not hotnot icenot stopnot fallnot sournot loudnot nearnot walknot downnot smallnot shortnot belownot awakenot rightnot summernot closed

Katie and Ben 2023 2023-12-25

Katie and Ben 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. symbol of commitment
  2. season
  3. talk
  4. vacation
  5. seals the deal
  6. wears white
  7. spoken at wedding
  8. adore
  1. boogie
  2. walk to groom
  3. presents
  4. dessert
  5. BEN
  6. 70's dance

14 Clues: BENtalkadoreboogieseasondessertpresentsvacation70's dancewears whitewalk to groomseals the dealspoken at weddingsymbol of commitment


ÜBERRASCHUNG crossword puzzle
  1. Angelobjekt
  2. Menschliches Greifwerkzeug
  3. Nervennahrung
  4. kleines fleißiges Insekt
  5. Deckel auf dem Haus
  6. klebriger Brotaufstrich
  7. Stacheliges Tier
  8. Schattenzeitmesser
  9. nich schwach
  1. Gangart
  2. Fußbekleidung
  3. "Watte" am Himmel
  4. Wer hat diese Karte geschickt?
  5. Drahtesel
  6. unser Wohnort
  7. grüne Wohlfühloase
  8. kalte Jahreszeit

17 Clues: GangartDrahteselAngelobjektnich schwachFußbekleidungNervennahrungunser WohnortStacheliges Tierkalte Jahreszeit"Watte" am Himmelgrüne WohlfühloaseSchattenzeitmesserDeckel auf dem Hausklebriger Brotaufstrichkleines fleißiges InsektMenschliches GreifwerkzeugWer hat diese Karte geschickt?

El tiempo y las estaciones 2020-09-22

El tiempo y las estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. there are tornadoes
  2. it's hot
  3. it's windy
  4. the weather is not nice
  5. spring
  6. the weather
  7. the seasons
  8. the weather is nice
  9. winter
  1. it's sunny
  2. it's cold
  3. it's cloudy
  4. it's cool
  5. summer
  6. it's snowy
  7. it's raining
  8. fall

17 Clues: fallsummerspringwinterit's hotit's coldit's coolit's sunnyit's windyit's snowyit's cloudythe weatherthe seasonsit's rainingthere are tornadoesthe weather is nicethe weather is not nice

El Día de Acción de Gracias 2023-11-09

El Día de Acción de Gracias crossword puzzle
  1. the corn
  2. to celebrate
  3. the Indian
  4. to give thanks
  5. the pumpkin
  6. the Pilgrim
  7. to construct
  8. to eat
  1. the winter
  2. the turkey
  3. the family
  4. the houses
  5. to share
  6. to help
  7. to cook
  8. the ship
  9. to plant

17 Clues: to eatto helpto cookthe cornto sharethe shipto plantthe winterthe turkeythe Indianthe familythe housesthe pumpkinthe Pilgrimto celebrateto constructto give thanks

Matariki 2018-05-28

Matariki crossword puzzle
  1. appear/rise
  2. small cluster of tiny stars (5,5,6)
  3. celebrate
  4. emerge
  5. unify
  6. eyes of god (4,5)
  7. to pass by
  1. Maori name for pleiades
  2. twinkle
  3. new moon
  4. palpitate
  5. geneology
  6. emerge
  7. compose songs (4,6)
  8. be together
  9. harvest
  10. winter
  11. remember

18 Clues: unifyemergeemergewintertwinkleharvestnew moonrememberpalpitategeneologycelebrateto pass byappear/risebe togethereyes of god (4,5)compose songs (4,6)Maori name for pleiadessmall cluster of tiny stars (5,5,6)

Spanish Weather Terms 2022-03-28

Spanish Weather Terms crossword puzzle
  1. It's snowing
  2. It's___degrees
  3. Autumn
  4. It is cool/chilly
  5. Spring
  6. It's sunny
  7. It's raining
  8. Bad weather
  9. It's snowing
  10. It's windy
  11. It's hot
  12. Summer
  1. Winter
  2. It is cloudy
  3. It's raining
  4. It's sunny
  5. What is the weather like?
  6. It's good weather
  7. Partly
  8. It's cold

20 Clues: WinterAutumnSpringPartlySummerIt's hotIt's coldIt's sunnyIt's sunnyIt's windyBad weatherIt's snowingIt is cloudyIt's rainingIt's rainingIt's snowingIt's___degreesIt is cool/chillyIt's good weatherWhat is the weather like?


ÜBERRASCHUNG crossword puzzle
  1. Angelobjekt
  2. Deckel auf dem Haus
  3. Menschliches Greifwerkzeug
  4. Wer hat diese Karte geschickt?
  5. kleines fleißiges Insekt
  6. kalte Jahreszeit
  7. Drahtesel
  8. klebriger Brotaufstrich
  9. "Watte" am Himmel
  1. Gangart
  2. Nervennahrung
  3. unser Wohnort
  4. Schattenzeitmesser
  5. grüne Wohlfühloase
  6. nich schwach
  7. Stacheliges Tier
  8. Fußbekleidung

17 Clues: GangartDrahteselAngelobjektnich schwachNervennahrungunser WohnortFußbekleidungStacheliges Tierkalte Jahreszeit"Watte" am HimmelSchattenzeitmessergrüne WohlfühloaseDeckel auf dem Hausklebriger Brotaufstrichkleines fleißiges InsektMenschliches GreifwerkzeugWer hat diese Karte geschickt?

Adventskalender - 10. Türchen 2020-12-09

Adventskalender - 10. Türchen crossword puzzle
  1. Tier im 7. Türchen
  2. Niederschlag
  3. Hausnummer der Behnkes
  4. Objekt zur Zeitmessung
  5. Zahlwort
  6. Namensbedeutung von Dandelion
  7. alk. Getränk
  8. Aachener Gebäck
  9. Heißgetränk
  1. Sandalenmarke
  2. Monat
  3. Sendungsname im ersten (Türchen)
  4. bekannter Flügel
  5. Christbaumschmuck
  6. Baumart
  7. Jahreszeit
  8. Wort Ende des 4. Türchens

17 Clues: MonatBaumartZahlwortJahreszeitHeißgetränkNiederschlagalk. GetränkSandalenmarkeAachener Gebäckbekannter FlügelChristbaumschmuckTier im 7. TürchenHausnummer der BehnkesObjekt zur ZeitmessungWort Ende des 4. TürchensNamensbedeutung von DandelionSendungsname im ersten (Türchen)

Key Words 2018-01-24

Key Words crossword puzzle
  1. 游泳
  2. 姐妹
  3. 旅行
  4. 游客
  5. 唱歌
  6. 刮风的
  1. 六十
  2. 冬天
  3. 孩子
  4. 春天

14 Clues: 游泳六十冬天姐妹孩子春天旅行游客唱歌刮风的

Bollot Thanksgiving 2012-11-19

Bollot Thanksgiving crossword puzzle
  1. maïs
  2. bateau des pèlerins
  3. repas
  4. Indien ami des pèlerins
  5. haricots verts
  6. les pèlerins l'ont remercié
  7. Citrouille
  8. pèlerins
  9. moi d'arrivé des pèlerins
  10. pays de départ des pèlerins
  11. saison froide
  1. Dinde
  2. pomme de terre
  3. nationalité
  4. poisson
  5. célèbre colonie
  6. meurtrier
  7. Indien

18 Clues: maïsDinderepasIndienpoissonpèlerinsmeurtrierCitrouillenationalitésaison froidepomme de terreharicots vertscélèbre coloniebateau des pèlerinsIndien ami des pèlerinsmoi d'arrivé des pèlerinsles pèlerins l'ont remerciépays de départ des pèlerins

Clothes crossword 2020-04-16

Clothes crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Only men and boys wear it (f.e. on Sunday)
  2. They keep your ears warm in winter
  3. They keep your feet warm
  4. Most young people wear them on their feet
  5. Translate: Kapuzenoberteil
  6. You wear them when you go to bed
  7. You wear them on your feet in summer
  1. This season is very hot
  2. It is the time of the year when the leaves are falling
  3. Translate: bequem
  4. Girls wear it in summer when they go swimming
  5. It is the season that we have NOW!
  6. You put them on your hands in winter

13 Clues: Translate: bequemThis season is very hotThey keep your feet warmTranslate: KapuzenoberteilYou wear them when you go to bedThey keep your ears warm in winterIt is the season that we have NOW!You put them on your hands in winterYou wear them on your feet in summerMost young people wear them on their feetOnly men and boys wear it (f.e. on Sunday)...

Arrival in Canada#2 2017-04-25

Arrival in Canada#2 crossword puzzle
  1. wall of upright, often pointed, logs
  2. one who travels to another region to communicate a religious message
  3. a state of financial ruin
  4. runners of the woods
  5. a document setting out terms of existence
  6. literary form
  1. the settling of issues or disputes without giving offense
  2. feudal-like states
  3. homes
  4. prime winter beaver pelt (literally, "greasy winter beaver pelt")
  5. people living near the Bay of Biscay
  6. the period in England in the sixteenth century when the Roman Catholic Church was reformed
  7. bead belts, used by Native peoples to record events, also used as currency or in exchanges

13 Clues: homesliterary formfeudal-like statesrunners of the woodsa state of financial ruinwall of upright, often pointed, logspeople living near the Bay of Biscaya document setting out terms of existencethe settling of issues or disputes without giving offenseprime winter beaver pelt (literally, "greasy winter beaver pelt")...

#David4life 2017-09-05

#David4life crossword puzzle
  1. storm loves to into her bed
  2. My sister thought the online I phone 7 was a
  3. My brother always gets into fights
  4. i wonder what Olive's in Winter is?
  5. we had a for Halloween decorations
  6. david a holiday
  7. there hasn't been much warming,Because it's winter
  1. My sister always runs out of on her phone
  2. i never keep my from the shops
  3. canberra is the of Australia
  4. had very bad for chocolate, on the TV
  5. My friend and i got heaps of money for the shops
  6. our groceries way to much money

13 Clues: david a holidaystorm loves to into her bedcanberra is the of Australiawe had a for Halloween decorationsi never keep my from the shopsour groceries way to much moneyMy brother always gets into fightsi wonder what Olive's in Winter is?My sister thought the online I phone 7 was a...

Seasons Crossword 2023-11-05

Seasons Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The north star is also known as
  2. What solstice begins on June 21 and 22
  3. The earths axis is tilted towards
  4. There are ___ solstices in a year
  5. What equinox is on March 21-23
  6. During an equinox daylight and nighttime hours are
  7. Earths ____ is tilted at 23.5 degrees
  1. What solstice begins on December 21 and 22
  2. What equinox is on September 21-23
  3. During the summer the sun reaches its _______ point in the sky
  4. There are ____ seasons
  5. During Winter the length of daylight hours are the
  6. The hemisphere tilted toward the sun receives ____ direct radiation
  7. Earth is not tilted toward or away from the
  8. The tilt of earths ____ causes seasons

15 Clues: There are ____ seasonsWhat equinox is on March 21-23The north star is also known asThe earths axis is tilted towardsThere are ___ solstices in a yearWhat equinox is on September 21-23Earths ____ is tilted at 23.5 degreesWhat solstice begins on June 21 and 22The tilt of earths ____ causes seasonsWhat solstice begins on December 21 and 22...

SFR Review 2024-04-15

SFR Review crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the youngest son?
  2. In the winter, the Robinsons live in a ____.
  3. Who is the author of Swiss Family Robinson?
  4. In the summer, the Robinsons live in a ____.
  5. What is Jenny's last name?
  6. What are the names of the dogs? (J and T)
  1. Who is the oldest son?
  2. Mr. Robinson is the _____.
  3. What is the name of their summer home?
  4. What was living in the trunk of the tree that caused a problem?
  5. Mrs. Robinson is the ____.
  6. What is the name of their winter home?
  7. The Robinson family was aboard a ____ when the story started.

13 Clues: Who is the oldest son?Who is the youngest son?Mr. Robinson is the _____.Mrs. Robinson is the ____.What is Jenny's last name?What is the name of their summer home?What is the name of their winter home?What are the names of the dogs? (J and T)Who is the author of Swiss Family Robinson?In the winter, the Robinsons live in a ____....

I Like Spamish 2018-09-27

I Like Spamish crossword puzzle
  1. Winter sport
  2. Dinner
  3. Uneven bars
  4. Big, yellow, baseball
  5. Yak-yak-yak
  6. Fortnite
  7. Michael Phelps
  8. Lionel Messi
  9. Spike and dig
  1. Bedtime
  2. Library
  3. Pat Mahomes
  4. Home Run
  5. Mia Pietros
  6. Usain Bolt
  7. LeBron James
  8. Me and Zach Schueren

17 Clues: DinnerBedtimeLibraryHome RunFortniteUsain BoltPat MahomesMia PietrosUneven barsYak-yak-yakWinter sportLeBron JamesLionel MessiSpike and digMichael PhelpsMe and Zach SchuerenBig, yellow, baseball

El tiempo 2021-01-20

El tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. it's cold
  2. calor, it's hot
  3. fall
  4. it's partly cloudy
  5. summer
  6. It's bad weather
  7. it's snowing
  8. there are storms
  1. it's humid
  2. it's windy
  3. it's foggy
  4. It's nice weather
  5. winter
  6. it's warm
  7. spring
  8. it's sunny
  9. it's raining

17 Clues: fallwinterspringsummerit's coldit's warmit's humidit's windyit's foggyit's sunnyit's rainingit's snowingcalor, it's hotIt's bad weatherthere are stormsIt's nice weatherit's partly cloudy

Weather Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-24

Weather Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. summer
  2. its hot
  3. its cloudy
  4. the weather is bad
  5. the weather is good
  6. spring
  7. winter
  8. Its degrees
  9. its sunny
  1. its foggy
  2. Its snowing
  3. its misting
  4. how´s the weather
  5. partly
  6. fall
  7. Its snowing
  8. Its raining
  9. its cold
  10. its raining

19 Clues: fallsummerpartlyspringwinterits hotits coldits foggyits sunnyits cloudyIts snowingits mistingIts snowingIts rainingits rainingIts degreeshow´s the weatherthe weather is badthe weather is good

Anya’s Amazing Race Crossword 2023-06-19

Anya’s Amazing Race Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite color
  2. Favorite dinner
  3. Favorite vegetable
  4. Favorite fruit
  5. Nickname
  6. Favorite Disney princess
  7. Favorite chip
  8. Favorite soda
  9. Favorite animal
  10. Favorite flower
  1. Favorite TV show
  2. Favorite season
  3. Favorite cereal
  4. Favorite sport
  5. Jersey number
  6. Favorite crackers
  7. Favorite candy bar

17 Clues: NicknameFavorite chipJersey numberFavorite sodaFavorite colorFavorite sportFavorite fruitFavorite seasonFavorite cerealFavorite dinnerFavorite animalFavorite flowerFavorite TV showFavorite crackersFavorite vegetableFavorite candy barFavorite Disney princess

Pratique avec le Vocabulaire (5.1) 2023-09-18

Pratique avec le Vocabulaire (5.1) crossword puzzle
  1. I do
  2. we do/make
  3. you do
  4. to go skiing
  5. you all do/make
  6. spring
  7. he makes
  1. june
  2. to play basketball
  3. to play hockey
  4. august
  5. to jog/run
  6. they do/make
  7. winter
  8. july
  9. fall
  10. summer

17 Clues: juneI dojulyfallaugustyou dowintersummerspringhe makesto jog/runwe do/makethey do/maketo go skiingto play hockeyyou all do/maketo play basketball

El tiempo 2018-07-10

El tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. it's hot
  2. the climate
  3. sometimes
  4. the weather is bad
  5. spring
  6. autumn
  7. it's cold
  1. it's raining
  2. it's stormy
  3. it's snowing
  4. it's foggy
  5. it's windy
  6. the weather is nice
  7. it's cool, chilly
  8. winter
  9. it's sunny

16 Clues: winterspringautumnit's hotsometimesit's coldit's foggyit's windyit's sunnyit's stormythe climateit's rainingit's snowingit's cool, chillythe weather is badthe weather is nice

El Mundo en que Vivo 2024-03-13

El Mundo en que Vivo crossword puzzle
  1. It's snowing
  2. Beautiful
  3. It's sunny
  4. Ugly
  5. The ocean
  6. The tropical rainforest
  7. The United States
  8. Always
  9. The spring
  1. The winter
  2. Never
  3. The beach
  4. The valley
  5. The north
  6. The snow
  7. To rise/go up

16 Clues: UglyNeverAlwaysThe snowBeautifulThe beachThe oceanThe northThe winterIt's sunnyThe valleyThe springIt's snowingTo rise/go upThe United StatesThe tropical rainforest

Spanish Weather 2013-04-23

Spanish Weather crossword puzzle
  1. Que tempo hace?
  2. el otono
  3. las estaciones
  4. el invierno
  5. la tormenta
  6. la nieve
  7. nevar
  8. llover
  1. el grado
  2. el tiempo
  3. Hace buen tiempo
  4. la temperatura
  5. el verano
  6. la lluvia
  7. el sol
  8. el viento

16 Clues: nevarel sollloverel gradoel otonola nieveel tiempoel veranola lluviael vientoel inviernola tormentala temperaturalas estacionesQue tempo hace?Hace buen tiempo

Golf-Quiz 2 2021-05-03

Golf-Quiz 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Macht den Platz schön
  2. Zielpunkt
  3. Veraltet: Handicap History Sheet
  4. Rasensoden
  5. Muskelzucken beim Putten
  6. Golfzubehör
  7. Sonderregelung im Winter
  8. Ballerhöhung
  9. Golflehrer
  1. Benimmregeln für Golfer
  2. Spiellinie beim Putten
  3. (Abk.)
  4. Einschlagloch
  5. Entfernungsmesser
  6. Regel: Zielstange
  7. 19. Loch

16 Clues: (Abk.)19. LochZielpunktRasensodenGolflehrerGolfzubehörBallerhöhungEinschlaglochEntfernungsmesserRegel: ZielstangeMacht den Platz schönSpiellinie beim PuttenBenimmregeln für GolferMuskelzucken beim PuttenSonderregelung im WinterVeraltet: Handicap History Sheet

Het bos 2016-01-26

Het bos crossword puzzle
  1. Die zie je in het bos
  2. Groot dier dat in het bos leeft
  3. Daar is je potlood van gemaakt
  4. Zorgt voor het bos
  5. Boom die in de winter kaal is
  1. Rood met witte stippen
  2. Verzameld nootjes
  3. Zit in een stekelig omhulsel
  4. Boom die in de winter groen blijft

9 Clues: Verzameld nootjesZorgt voor het bosDie zie je in het bosRood met witte stippenZit in een stekelig omhulselBoom die in de winter kaal isDaar is je potlood van gemaaktGroot dier dat in het bos leeftBoom die in de winter groen blijft

beautiful words/animals 2022-03-07

beautiful words/animals crossword puzzle
  1. A blank space; a missing part
  2. intense happiness
  3. the warmth of the sun in winter
  4. Lasting for a short time
  1. the brightest star in the constellation
  2. a lover of the moon
  3. playfulness strong swimmers and are smart
  4. large forested wilderness between rivers
  5. cold breeze with beautiful shiny snow

9 Clues: intense happinessa lover of the moonLasting for a short timeA blank space; a missing partthe warmth of the sun in wintercold breeze with beautiful shiny snowthe brightest star in the constellationlarge forested wilderness between riversplayfulness strong swimmers and are smart

beautiful words/animals 2022-03-07

beautiful words/animals crossword puzzle
  1. A blank space; a missing part
  2. intense happiness
  3. the warmth of the sun in winter
  4. Lasting for a short time
  1. the brightest star in the constellation
  2. a lover of the moon
  3. playfulness strong swimmers and are smart
  4. large forested wilderness between rivers
  5. cold breeze with beautiful shiny snow

9 Clues: intense happinessa lover of the moonLasting for a short timeA blank space; a missing partthe warmth of the sun in wintercold breeze with beautiful shiny snowthe brightest star in the constellationlarge forested wilderness between riversplayfulness strong swimmers and are smart

beautiful words/animals 2022-03-07

beautiful words/animals crossword puzzle
  1. A blank space; a missing part
  2. intense happiness
  3. the warmth of the sun in winter
  4. Lasting for a short time
  1. the brightest star in the constellation
  2. a lover of the moon
  3. playfulness strong swimmers and are smart
  4. large forested wilderness between rivers
  5. cold breeze with beautiful shiny snow

9 Clues: intense happinessa lover of the moonLasting for a short timeA blank space; a missing partthe warmth of the sun in wintercold breeze with beautiful shiny snowthe brightest star in the constellationlarge forested wilderness between riversplayfulness strong swimmers and are smart

beautiful words/animals 2022-03-07

beautiful words/animals crossword puzzle
  1. A blank space; a missing part
  2. intense happiness
  3. the warmth of the sun in winter
  4. Lasting for a short time
  1. the brightest star in the constellation
  2. a lover of the moon
  3. playfulness strong swimmers and are smart
  4. large forested wilderness between rivers
  5. cold breeze with beautiful shiny snow

9 Clues: intense happinessa lover of the moonLasting for a short timeA blank space; a missing partthe warmth of the sun in wintercold breeze with beautiful shiny snowthe brightest star in the constellationlarge forested wilderness between riversplayfulness strong swimmers and are smart

beautiful words/animals 2022-03-07

beautiful words/animals crossword puzzle
  1. A blank space; a missing part
  2. intense happiness
  3. the warmth of the sun in winter
  4. Lasting for a short time
  1. the brightest star in the constellation
  2. a lover of the moon
  3. playfulness strong swimmers and are smart
  4. large forested wilderness between rivers
  5. cold breeze with beautiful shiny snow

9 Clues: intense happinessa lover of the moonLasting for a short timeA blank space; a missing partthe warmth of the sun in wintercold breeze with beautiful shiny snowthe brightest star in the constellationlarge forested wilderness between riversplayfulness strong swimmers and are smart

the Inuits 2022-11-29

the Inuits crossword puzzle
  1. what they did to get food
  2. what they lived in over the winter
  3. preformed healing rituals
  4. their transportation in the winter
  5. their transportation in the summer
  1. rock statues
  2. represent encounters with the spirit world.
  3. goddess of the sea
  4. definition: belief that a non living thing has a spirit

9 Clues: rock statuesgoddess of the seawhat they did to get foodpreformed healing ritualswhat they lived in over the wintertheir transportation in the wintertheir transportation in the summerrepresent encounters with the spirit world.definition: belief that a non living thing has a spirit

Clothes 2022-04-05

Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. Put them on your hands in fall or winter
  2. Put them on your feet in summer
  3. This word has one letter in its name
  1. We put them on our legs in autumn or winter
  2. They are often blue
  3. Put it on in winter
  4. Women wears it

7 Clues: Women wears itThey are often bluePut it on in winterPut them on your feet in summerThis word has one letter in its namePut them on your hands in fall or winterWe put them on our legs in autumn or winter

Winter break in DC 2014-12-18

Winter break in DC crossword puzzle
  1. demander
  2. dire
  3. parler
  4. téléphoner
  5. vacances d'hiver
  6. avoir raison
  7. venir
  8. si
  1. blague
  2. appeler
  3. numéro de téléphone
  4. envoyer
  5. ce soir
  6. demain
  7. occupé
  8. encore

16 Clues: sidirevenirblagueparlerdemainoccupéencoreappelerenvoyerce soirdemandertéléphoneravoir raisonvacances d'hivernuméro de téléphone

MUHS Winter Carnival Crossword 2022-02-10

MUHS Winter Carnival Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the superintendent?
  2. What is the MUHS mascot?
  3. How many sports does MUHS offer(not including boys and girls)?
  4. Who is the MUHS activities director?
  5. What activity requires a 3.5 GPA or higher to be eligible for in Junior and Senior year?
  6. How many wings are there in the school?
  7. How many guidance counselors are there?
  1. What date did school start this year?
  2. What project do tenth graders have to do every Tuesday?
  3. So far in this school year, we’ve had how many snow days?
  4. How many schools are in acsdvt?
  5. How many different science teachers are there?
  6. What are our school colors?
  7. How long has Mr. Campbell been working at MUHS?
  8. What does IB stand for?
  9. What is the 2022 senior play?
  10. What sport does Mr. Livesay coach?
  11. Which sport won the state championship last school year?

18 Clues: What does IB stand for?What is the MUHS mascot?Who is the superintendent?What are our school colors?What is the 2022 senior play?How many schools are in acsdvt?What sport does Mr. Livesay coach?Who is the MUHS activities director?What date did school start this year?How many wings are there in the school?How many guidance counselors are there?...

Seasons 2021-03-19

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. an imaginary line through the North Pole and SouthPole about which Earth rotates.
  2. The season experienced when the earth's axis is tilted TOWARD the sun
  3. When day and night are equal length; occurs after winter.
  4. One complete trip around the sun; causes a year on Earth
  5. This is the longest NIGHT of the year in the Northern Hemisphere; First day of winter
  6. The PATH an object takes when revolving around another object
  7. The angle of Earth's incline at 23.5 degrees
  8. the star that all other planets and celestial bodies revolve around
  9. the northern end of Earth's axis of rotation
  10. The spinning of an object on an axis; causes day and night
  1. an imaginary line dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres, with a latitude 0°.
  2. This occurs in March and marks the beginning of spring in North America.
  3. one half of a sphere; either the northern or southern half of Earth as divided by the equator
  4. Occurs every September and marks the beginning of fall in North America.
  5. the southern end of Earth's axis of rotation, a point in Antarctica
  6. This is the longest DAY of the year in the Northern Hemisphere; First day of summer.
  7. The result of Earth's tilted axis and the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun
  8. When day and night are equal length; occurs after summer.
  9. The season experienced when the earth's axis is tilted AWAY from the sun

19 Clues: The angle of Earth's incline at 23.5 degreesthe northern end of Earth's axis of rotationOne complete trip around the sun; causes a year on EarthWhen day and night are equal length; occurs after winter.When day and night are equal length; occurs after summer.The spinning of an object on an axis; causes day and night...

Seasons 2020-07-14

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. SUMMER is the ... season.
  2. The WARM season is ...!
  3. SPRING is the ... season.
  4. FALL is the ... season.
  1. The COLD season is ...!
  2. The HOT season is ...!
  3. The COOL season is ...!
  4. WINTER is the ... season.

8 Clues: The HOT season is ...!The COLD season is ...!The WARM season is ...!The COOL season is ...!FALL is the ... season.SUMMER is the ... season.SPRING is the ... season.WINTER is the ... season.

Noël 2021-12-23

Noël crossword puzzle
  1. the new year
  2. Santa Claus
  3. a week
  4. some presents
  5. It is midnight
  6. thank you
  7. Merry Christmas
  8. the vacation
  9. the family
  10. that's life
  1. It's winter
  2. to travel
  3. Happy NewYear
  4. it's cold
  5. 2022
  6. Happy Holidays
  7. it's snowing
  8. a Christmas tree

18 Clues: 2022a weekto travelit's coldthank youthe familyIt's winterSanta Clausthat's lifethe new yearit's snowingthe vacationHappy NewYearsome presentsIt is midnightHappy HolidaysMerry Christmasa Christmas tree

Home Is Where the Heart Is 2022-11-28

Home Is Where the Heart Is crossword puzzle
  1. Custom
  2. Holiday purchases
  3. Merry _____
  4. “Show-Me” state
  5. Eight-day Jewish holiday
  6. Farm building
  7. Close group
  1. Welcome mat location
  2. Glazed goodies
  3. Tunes
  4. Pooches
  5. Pets that purr
  6. Kin
  7. Winter weather
  8. Hot drink
  9. Evening meal
  10. Room at the top
  11. Move to the music

18 Clues: KinTunesCustomPoochesHot drinkMerry _____Close groupEvening mealFarm buildingGlazed goodiesPets that purrWinter weather“Show-Me” stateRoom at the topHoliday purchasesMove to the musicWelcome mat locationEight-day Jewish holiday

il calendario 2023-10-17

il calendario crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. day
  3. ha 30 giorni
  4. summer
  5. mese in primavera
  6. season
  7. mese in estate
  8. month
  9. autumn
  10. tomorrow
  1. spring
  2. mese in inverno
  3. today
  4. primo giorno del weekend
  5. mese dopo ottobre
  6. yesterday
  7. giorno quando non c'e` scuola
  8. primo giorno della settimana

18 Clues: daytodaymonthspringwintersummerseasonautumntomorrowyesterdayha 30 giornimese in estatemese in invernomese dopo ottobremese in primaveraprimo giorno del weekendprimo giorno della settimanagiorno quando non c'e` scuola

beautiful words/animals 2022-03-07

beautiful words/animals crossword puzzle
  1. A blank space; a missing part
  2. intense happiness
  3. the warmth of the sun in winter
  4. Lasting for a short time
  1. the brightest star in the constellation
  2. a lover of the moon
  3. playfulness strong swimmers and are smart
  4. large forested wilderness between rivers
  5. cold breeze with beautiful shiny snow

9 Clues: intense happinessa lover of the moonLasting for a short timeA blank space; a missing partthe warmth of the sun in wintercold breeze with beautiful shiny snowthe brightest star in the constellationlarge forested wilderness between riversplayfulness strong swimmers and are smart

beautiful words/animals 2022-03-07

beautiful words/animals crossword puzzle
  1. A blank space; a missing part
  2. intense happiness
  3. the warmth of the sun in winter
  4. Lasting for a short time
  1. the brightest star in the constellation
  2. a lover of the moon
  3. playfulness strong swimmers and are smart
  4. large forested wilderness between rivers
  5. cold breeze with beautiful shiny snow

9 Clues: intense happinessa lover of the moonLasting for a short timeA blank space; a missing partthe warmth of the sun in wintercold breeze with beautiful shiny snowthe brightest star in the constellationlarge forested wilderness between riversplayfulness strong swimmers and are smart

beautiful words/animals 2022-03-07

beautiful words/animals crossword puzzle
  1. A blank space; a missing part
  2. intense happiness
  3. the warmth of the sun in winter
  4. Lasting for a short time
  1. the brightest star in the constellation
  2. a lover of the moon
  3. playfulness strong swimmers and are smart
  4. large forested wilderness between rivers
  5. cold breeze with beautiful shiny snow

9 Clues: intense happinessa lover of the moonLasting for a short timeA blank space; a missing partthe warmth of the sun in wintercold breeze with beautiful shiny snowthe brightest star in the constellationlarge forested wilderness between riversplayfulness strong swimmers and are smart


IDENS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. winter clothing we get from sheep
  2. daily wear we use to save our feet from cold.
  3. Likes to chase mice
  4. animal with a trunk
  5. hot season
  6. an animal which is man's best friend
  1. a cold season
  2. animal which Hops a lot
  3. a black and white bird that cannot fly

9 Clues: hot seasona cold seasonLikes to chase miceanimal with a trunkanimal which Hops a lotwinter clothing we get from sheepan animal which is man's best frienda black and white bird that cannot flydaily wear we use to save our feet from cold.

L’hiver 2014-12-16

L’hiver crossword puzzle
  1. A coat
  2. Boots
  3. Hockey
  4. To ski
  5. Gloves
  6. Snowman
  1. Sledding
  2. A snowflake
  3. Winter
  4. To snowmobile
  5. Snow
  6. To skate

12 Clues: SnowBootsA coatWinterHockeyTo skiGlovesSnowmanSleddingTo skateA snowflakeTo snowmobile

Max 2023-06-23

Max crossword puzzle
  1. mark
  2. football
  3. Ollie
  4. freddie
  5. collingham
  6. name
  1. jolly rancher
  2. surname
  3. gsal
  4. ralph
  5. libby
  6. friend ollie
  7. jane

13 Clues: markgsaljanenameralphlibbyOlliesurnamefreddiefootballcollinghamfriend olliejolly rancher