  1. 2. - Faithful companion in life
  2. 6. - Deep attraction
  3. 7. - Way to express love
  4. 8. - Feeling surpassing emotions
  5. 11. - Mysterious feeling
  6. 12. - Day when love is celebrated
  7. 15. - Spousal union unity
  8. 17. - The first stage of a love story
  9. 20. - Sweetheart, dear
  1. 1. Attach - To give away one's heart
  2. 3. - Often causes "butterflies in the stomach"
  3. 4. - The heart that often beats
  4. 5. - Official declaration of love
  5. 9. - Basis for a strong family
  6. 10. - Admission of tender feelings
  7. 13. - Relationship based on attachment
  8. 14. - Touching manifestation of care
  9. 16. - Passionate desire to be close
  10. 18. - Important condition for strong relationships
  11. 19. - Feeling of boundless attachment