1 Samuel 1-6

  1. 2. What afflicted all the towns of the Philistines as long as they kept the Ark of the Covenant?
  2. 5. What did Hannah do right after she dedicated Samuel to the Lord?
  3. 7. Even though Eli rebuked his sons, they did not listen, for it was the Lord's will to put them to ______.
  4. 10. After the Philistines captured the Ark, to what town did they take it?
  5. 11. When did the message of God say all of Eli's descendents would die?
  6. 12. Promised to give up her son to serve God all his days
  7. 13. What did the woman who was helping with the birth of the child of Phinehas name him?
  8. 16. In whose field did the cart bearing the Ark eventually stop?
  9. 18. Where Eli served as a priest and where the Ark was kept
  10. 19. After Eli's blessing, the Lord was gracious to Hannah and she gave birth to _______ sons and two daughters.
  11. 22. Brother of Hophni
  12. 25. When men from Kiriath Jearim came to get the Ark, to whose house did they take it?
  13. 26. Old priest who failed to restrain his sons' irreverent behavior
  14. 27. Eli said, "He is the Lord, let him do what is _____ in his eyes."
  15. 28. What was in the house of the Lord where Samuel would lie down to sleep?
  1. 1. One of the disobedient sons of Eli
  2. 2. And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with ______ _______ and with people.
  3. 3. How were Eli's sons described in 1 Samuel 2:12?
  4. 4. Son who was born to Hannah after the Lord heard her prayers
  5. 6. When the people of Gath no longer wanted the Ark, where did they send it?
  6. 8. When the Philistines sent the Ark away on a cart being guided only by two cows, where did the cows take it?
  7. 9. Who removed the Ark from the cart that the Philistines had used to send it back to the people of Israel?
  8. 14. How long Samuel was to serve the Lord
  9. 15. In 1 Samuel 2:17, how were the sons of Eli treating the Lord's offering?
  10. 17. Who were the people who were fighting with the Israelites?
  11. 20. As the Lord continued to appear in Shiloh, through what did he reveal himself to Samuel?
  12. 21. When the people of Ashdod no longer wanted the Ark, where did they send it?
  13. 22. Wife of Elkanah who antagonized Hannah
  14. 23. Father of Samuel
  15. 24. Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your _______ is listening."