10 Vocabulary - Q3 Week 2 (216-230)

  1. 4. fancy lettering on an invitation
  2. 6. a lazy dog sleeping all day
  3. 8. Toy Story II, Batman Returns, Terminator II
  4. 10. buying all the snacks out of the vending machine and then selling them at a high price
  5. 14. a collection of Bible commentaries
  6. 15. tanks rolling through the streets to enforce curfew
  1. 1. a person who enjoys tennis, golf, hiking, biking, basketball, and playing the guitar
  2. 2. a fight in the parking lot over a stolen spot
  3. 3. an expensive lifestyle of travel, hobbies, and big purchases
  4. 5. totaling your car
  5. 7. an office job or a walrus
  6. 9. setting fire to the courthouse
  7. 11. a college diploma or drivers license
  8. 12. extra details in a story, TMI
  9. 13. brilliant minds in the field of science, engineering, and technology